El THE BEST STOVES. .A. BRADLEY & CO., Manafacturers of the greatest Yarlet7 of Cook, Parlor and Healing St'aves, TO BE FOUND IN wiz t3TATIG Bole Agents ter the celebrated Ease Earning Oil. ental Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the World'for Parlor,Oglee. Snore or Church. re needs no rekindling—burns all elates. Do net 1191ay until you see orsend for Circuits. No.` 80. WOOD . ETHERS • Oar Agents 'fol, Bnos., Smithfield Bt.: OEO. HUBLEY. Rile: heat City. GRAFF, HUGH'S CO. aLunnrAcrusauts 0/ MILT VA.i ii;24 Or . 8 11 1 114 trilii63 BOSTON COWUNG RANGE , • i •TRE FIERY FURNACE;" FOB W.0pp4m4.31/11.DINGB. 71116 NSW ANTI-DUST' COOKING STOVE, "REGULATOR." COLUMB IA . COOK STOVE, VAN'S IClneinnatt Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE, CABT, IRON' MANTLES, WELLMAN'S .11LECTOEL GRATES, tree from dirt aid dart• GRATE ERONTS, RENDERS,. Re. 2.06 Gird 298 Liberty Street, meaty* PITTSBURGH, PA. STOVES. GET THE BEST. dt, CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR.. BITITILIENOUS C,041.11. _ Wananted to Cook, Bake or Boast as Well as any other - Store In the Union. • . BISSELL CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. Also on kind and fai ;lila, - PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOVES,__ • ORATE PRONTBPENDERA COWLING xerreiss, sc. STEEI WORKS. D UQUESNE ./ IRON AND•STEEL WORKS. COLEMAN, RAHN & CO., ILLNOTAOIREZZIS OP Brest, ,Nalls and . Steel; Carriage mind _. ;:liyagongpringsand Axles. Duque sne:XL. and Juniata Merchant Bar, Bound • and :Square Iron; Band, Hoop, sheet and Plate Iron; Wagonalf Oval and Half Bound Iron; Cylinder and BoMiron; Drag and Dropper Bars; T and Plat Ball for Coal Heade; Cut Nails and Spikes; Plow, Spring and A B Steel; Laminated Steel; Cut ter Bars, Crow Bars, Cie., &c. _Office and Warehouse-77 WA.TEB STREET. Pittsburgh. • SHEFFIELD STEEIL_WOMM grntRI.NIMIOI-&-bal PITTSBURGH. PL. Ilanufacturett of every descripti of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, 1 RAILWAY SPRINGS, SLrzeTic AND PLATFORM SPRING% - = A.SLES, &PRIM TIRE, Ate., 110 WarehonsefAS Water and 100, That Sts. M1114 1 fF41., & PABILIN. = • GIatZEJLI, PAETNEES: • • WM. 3fESCALF,. • r REUBEN MILLER, ONO. W. MAIM, , ~J.o l 9ELA.l3.reasiti. • , SPECIAL M. //UM 4 21 .E.SCEZfr.STEEL WORKS, 4r7zEzE4mll, B Itl & PALmuw, Offlce, *0.'"339 Liberty St, PITTSEthiGH, PA. feli:d4B BLACK DIAIKOND lEEE2 PARK BROTIEER, ,, f44 - CO. Manufacturers of all deserlotiunsiaf SEI•I3O.IMMILIN, - ()Mee and Warehouse, 120. 122 , 124 SECO ND and 119 and 1211.1E8T STREETS, _ . ..x3irrsnunGn STEEL WORKS. " • -- CBSTABIISIEED IN A 545.3 AND4RSON di WOODS, TICCESSORS TO AIiDEELSON, poctir 1 C 0..) Manufacturers of ever 3 description of STEEL. BEST REFINED TOOL STEEL. • } Alin, Malay, Circular Gag and Cross Oat SAW PLATES. Spring, Cast and German Plow and s litter Stem. --- „Shovel, Hoe,_Forki !take and Toe Ca l k Steel. Railroad:Siring Steel and Frog P_Ointa,__Caet§teel 7insier Bars, ,Slekle Steel, sp ring Vitae arra, Plow W jtn g tea e tWir 4 olisP—Co rill irigliTHST AND ROSS - "lttsburgb;:Pa. 118:d9 IRON WORKS. J. V tAnts, ?rest* W. r. PORTZ", Supt. .IITTSEETAIGH FORGE. As• . AND IRON CO,. _ NT.TrACTITREIIS 01 , Bale - B.odt ?railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Bat;roam:Mar 4zles Balled;_ `Ballroad_Car_Aales Hammered; /meow/01We Frames; • Loconsottvo Frame Stapes; ' Ei idle Bads; - - Tokes,litraps; Heads; - Sileambicat finalts;_ Staaniboat Cranks; Pianos& Rodi, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, 4kii. 0111.943, No 177 _ PENN r - • PITINB1.11tOR„ r•.. VE. R I ) ON, PRESTON & CO., E .Pennsylvania Iron Works. `Warehouse, N 05.168 and 187 FERBT STREET, OppoHite 3101103:110.1e/S HOUGel ap24:d6 . PITTSIURGIL! COPPER. SUPERIOR METHS MILL AND 13Na TING WOEXII , przwrslivisoli. PAAK, McCURDY & CO., lianclactarers of Sheet Sins, Brasiers , and "Boit Copper, Prested Copper Bottoms, Il4isedttlll,Bot som ,0 Spelter Solder. Also, Import - re and Dealers In Metal, Tin Plate,. Sheet Iron, Wlre,l de. Con.. Slimily on hand Tinnerss Machines ai.d Tools. __ Warehouse,lio. 140 FIRST ISTaItsrT and ISO 1111100 ND STREET •Plttelmrgh. • • ‘. Special ordeirirortoPPer. car to sozTartred net' era. • . EN ::WORKS. PITTSBUBGU OFFICE AND WAREIICUSE, ko. 82 Third Street Pittsbtrgh p a . cprinCiaS-AIIOUST HAUTJR, President. JNO. B. LIVINGSTON, Treasurer. SAIdUEL RIDDLE, Secretary. Diancroze—Aagast Hattie, JoXn Atwell, 8. Hartman, Jolts B.J.,:rington. Cash raid for Paner Stock. Jakoein Plitt - MILL NMI'S FLOM. preARL MILL Three Star Breen Brand, equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. , or T d b er l: d le . loar "ely be lent out 'when espeellll7 FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WOltKs, TSELFTH STREET,:; PITTSBURGH, PA, .fir Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Retorts, Old VasthiP'llellierallY; NATIONAL - FOII3IIMY AND: PIPE WORKS. Carlow Carroll and Ilasallaian Stmts. Ent= TAN) • prx-rsucriticm r , E"..16 • WILLIAM ' SMITH, Iffanufaoturer of I OAST. IRON BOWL P/PZ, 7OR GAB AND WATER WORE& . Hy Pines ars a east Invariably In, Ms, In dry sand, and 1.4 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attontlou of Superintendents of Gas Works to say make of RETORTS. MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, PITM373URGEL THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the.rgest and most complete establishments In the West, and are now prepared to furnish Znirizies, of very dosoriptles. Boilers, 011 Tan ga. Sheet iren Work. Railroad Caothwa, Rolling XIII Castings. Engine Castings. Machine Cas iGleneral CMtings. ownEs SOLICITED no9tne9 L. 0. LIVINGELTON.W. H. SUBT.W. A. ILOBLICSON. Mt; LIV INGSTON & CO., IRON I'OI73TIIERS, 2[ANUFACTIIItEItS Or FINE LIGHT 'cAsTares, All descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Fitt_ ,ers • Ag. rimiltninllmplements, Cotton and Woolen XLU Ma &Lamm do. - All .lob Work promptly attended to. Mice and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Otter Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. 110BDISON, SEA & CO., BUCeeson tOBO73.IiIiON, DIMS &MILLI:118, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, FITTSBURGH L MAnufactarers of Eost . and Matt(miry Stesm En. Ter. Must fn 1I h a tig . e a r s a nd Sheet 7l r Po T6ear 12a Office No. 1.511, corner First and Snathlleldßireets. fe J e lf i r s kf o oj e UFPAND'El PATENT INJECTOR MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Biala Street, NinthLWard, _ (Oppoclte trnio.R Iron Ils,) Bolling Mill and Bridge;Castings, _ TNINIBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND 0 STINGS iIiNERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. z EBBEEtT & MACKLESII. oe13:128 1 44,1EAS CAULIN & CO., T Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Worh SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Steam Engines!,, 011 Presses, Pul leys, Shafting, Grist and Saw Mil Work Rolling Mil and Maeblne Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &e. -- :Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. mv14:116 CENTRAL EOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS -- -- IRMO Penn Street. EaMAN, BOYD & BAGILEY. Chill HoLis, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, in, IRON BROKERS. &unmet, L wicsEnsHAM, . . IRON' BROKER, First street, Pittsbnrgh, Pa. _ trrgatlg gnigaiigTe se l ent for 1, gtgetnd and other brands or Anthracite, Youghiogheny Cok and C. B. Charcoal taGE ritOil i ff€4 • rma Owe • [meth:tile se lelteth PAPER: DITTSBURGH- PAINEEI. FACTIIRING COMPANY, him:intact urers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON MILL—STEUBENVILLE. ORIO. BRIGHTON 3ELL—NEW BRIGHTON, Pd. ' FLOUR. PEARL Bun. - BLvx BRAND, Lott. PEARL to bait St. Loath PEARL RILL RED BRAND, Equal to beat Obto Pious. WHITE ( 3 0 1 MPLOUN_AND CORN MEAL. - R; - TLlPianplit= Eno *make,' Wt. 9, lees, - nr Push Mims PITTSBURGH' GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1868 HUGH IL BOLE & CO., Cer. Point Alley and Dapesne St., _ (HILL Tim Poorr,) &Onelinilders,Foundets &Machinists Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all Mies. A livelal attention Invited to- ou new STATION. 011. - WELL ENGINE AND - PORTABLE EUILER of 15-horse power. CASTINGS, of every kind, made to order at our Foundry, on TRIED STREET, below Market. RIBS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS,. HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IKON TOBACCO PRIMES, on band aad made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Brasile g ea like Allegheny Hirst, near to !alai, PITTSBURGH. PA. Si` Alt orders FORT PITT BOILEII,3IILL AU TM Ttrouutz, DotratarArruzro TIIBTILAB, PINE BOX AND CYLINDER !MR BOILER& OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKE, CHINNETS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS% SALT ":PANS MID CON DEMNER; STEAM PIPBS, GARONSTRES AND IRON BRIDGES; riusom DOOR! AND COAL siarrEs (), , Mee and Warehouse eorner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets; ars- Orden sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. • • mb7:itt WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS' AND SHEET, IRON WORKERS. NOS. SO, 2511, $l4 AND 26 FEIN ST. Raving secured a large yard and furnished lewith the most approved machinery, we are prepare - d - to manufacture every description of BOILERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. " - Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron,_Bridges, Sugar Fans, and sole manu facturers of Barnhill , ' Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. 155:c21 JAMES az. BITER, Nee. 55 and 56 Water Street, prrrananas, PA., scasnorAortaisa or IRON OIL TANKS, arrnabre rem, corn= smut PLPEr — BOLLING KILL STAMM - And SHEET IKON WORE; , For. Steamboats. JAR= R. BRUSH.... .......... ....KDKUND D. BRUM JARED M.IIIII7SH & SON, NANUTACTURIGRS 07 Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Po.. OILS. WARDIV AND KING, Commission Merchants and Brokers la . , Petroleum and its Products, DALZELLIt-BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, - WARING, RING & 127:Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. rituthugh OfiIee—DALZELL , BUILDING, oor ner of Dequesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadeltiblaoftlee--127 WALNUT ST. aza:wao PITTSBURGH. He AIL LONG & CO., KANO - IMMIX/LEBO OF .PURE WHILE BURNING OIL, Brand-. 46 7,1701FEE.” Office, NO. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, Manufacturers •nd Importers A. XI ID W A. R, , CUTLERY, &C. 837 LIBERTY STREET, CORNER OE WAYNE, One Square Below Union Depot, PITTSBURGH. *wants for FAIRBANKS' SCALEM.-..-" NOVELTY WORKS. pirrsitunGu NOVELTY WORKS. ADAMS, M'KEE & CO. xissrmarunrat Oa Keystone llerzl i a c rd oLc iZ e t r out Platform SCALES. Janus Faced Patent Doer Locks and , I,.atches, - PAINT AND 0 SITE KILLS, IiALLEABLE IRON, ac. Corner of Grant: and First Streets, t 134 Prrrsatruali. GAS AND STEAn(` FITTING. JOSS M. GOOPZE JOS. NAYB war D! L. JOHN EL COOPER & CO., :i.EZRASS POUNDERS, • GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Ifoxilaokaoro of PUMPS AND EDAM ezz * u rl t i n a i tr i r ts. in DAD Iff=asso Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PirrSEKTRG/if. ' Ma= ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. roa tiled. TIT WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, XANUYACTVBE3 OF PITTSBURGH, Pa. HARDWARE. FINANCIAL. FORT PITT BANKLXO COMPANY No. 169 Wood Stmt. CAPITAL, . . . . . $200,000 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALZB Di GOVERNMENT- SEO, AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. ("Costlona made on all accesaltde points is the United States and Chmadas. DIRECTO/18: D. Hastettar; Jae. 0 Maher. James Gordan, PAW. 11.31.1ag, D. Wallace. Andrew Miller. Y. Yawcett, James M. Bailey. SearL. weeLinarual,lirert. D. LEST' WILSON. (gambler■ NATIONAL BANK OF COMBO, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. A. PATT51180A............... President. JOB. CAPIiAL; : -$500,000. DiRECTORS: George W. Ous, James McCaw!leu, Wm. Doug Win. Reed. A. Patterson, Wm. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Kirkpatrick, W. B. Hayek, DISOOI7NIM DAII. CAUGHEY & CO., BANKOS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, rrx-rsimueu, cBUCOBB3OBB T o HANNA, HART d C 0..) DRALEss Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Aid particular attention paid:* he purchase and Isla 0) GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Draf&\on London. rityugh N INES & SONS.- B° L 57 Market Street, =pri7orsigtrmaEr„ Collections made on all the principal points iOf. the United States and Canadas. Stocki, Bonds and other:7-nrittes BOUGHT AND. SOLD ON oomßasaioN. • Petitlooter steel:an* paid to the parr-hue and sale Of United States Securities. Ja.lo:sa WESTERN SAVTNGS No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid on Time Deposita ANY strit RECEIVED FROM ORE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO °nos., WITHOUT INTEREST. g Dbooanta Daily at lA o'clock. President-TIMM:PEON BELL. Vice President—A. K. NA TEVIILL. w:oils: THOMPSON BELL Dr , a A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. JOB. ALRREZ. J. J. GILT EsPIE. Stockholder& to whom we Wm.-Forsythe, Wm. Caldwell; Wlllls Diann, i - D. W. C. Bidwell E. M. Fulton, MEDICAL. MANHOOD: HOW LOST T. HOW RESTORED! Jugt pub/ished in sealed envel ope. Price, six cents. A. LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT. and Radical Cure et speristatorrhcca, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Mar riage generally; Nervousuest, Consumption, EDI• lepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, re salting from Self Abuse, &c., by Itobt. J. Cufver well. M. D., author of the "Green Book, &c. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS," sent under seal, in a plainnvelope, to any address, post, paid. on receipt of six cents, Co.,two postage stamp!, to CHAS. J. C. KLINE & Co 127 HOWEM NEW YORK, POSTOFFICE 803.4586. Also Dr: Calversrell's "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents, tnyl:n&ivT A NllO 0100—Another New MEDICAL PAIIIPFILET,f rom the pen of Deetittng. The Medical Times say sof this work: "This valuable treatise on the caus e and cure of premature decline, shows how health is impaired through secret abuses of youth and manhood, and how easily- regained. It gives a dlear synopsis of the impediments to marriage. the cause and effects of nervous debility, and the remedies therefor." A pocket edition of the above will be foi warded on receipt of 8 cents, by addressing 'Doctor CUR, T 18; No. 58 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Ald. jinni AMICE to YOUNG MEN ABOUT TO MARRY. Essays for Young Mon, On the Errors, Abuses and Diseases Incident to Youth and Early Manhood, with the humane view of treatment and cure, sent by mall In sealed letter envelopes free of charted Address; HOWARD As. t3OCIATION. Box Phlidelphia. Pa. seT2:xiao.dAT SBEETINGS AND BATTING. HOLMES, BELL & CO:, ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, errrsnuitcal. Manu tetrera of MCATIE sixonnet and LICIRR rINCHOS AND NAGIVOLLi SIiEETINGS AND "tIA.,i7I.NG DYER AND SCOURER, . COAL! COAJO: ,COAL!!! _DICKSON, STEWART &CO., Hui , mg removed their Mee roi 0, 567 ./....rEtER,TY SMECELE,I", (Lately CB7 Flour zwoig. _ Are now_Rfeitiml !pod _YOUGAIOGHIC NY LIImI Inb.b.LAUE, the ',weak morket price. • • , , . All Orden le ft at thole . °Zoe; .or addressed to them through them MI. will be attended to trotatitiv." MECHANICAL ENGINEER. ERCEVAL BECHETI', P ASEOZIANIOLL ENGINEER, • .A. 1141 Solicitor of Patents.. • :(Late of P. F. W. k C. Ealivray.) °floe, No. 19 FEDERAL STREET, Room No. X apetsira. P. O. x-Bo 50, AZLEGHENY CITY. MACHTN Y, of all. desetintiOns. destined. BLAST IpIACE arid IMO famished. Particular attention paid to,de signingßOLLlEßY LOCO M OTIVE S . Patents con de solicited. sat An EVENING DRAW ING. cr.42.1 for mectukutch oven VOWNESDAT =arr. • • WAIL • _ - AT-11 A.R. aD9:42 Ell OFFICE OF Ma PITTSBUBOs GezETTE, TUESDAY, December 8, 1868. The gold market is settled down to-day with a further declining tendency, open ing at 136, and closing weak at 135%. The, excitement on Friday was gotten up for speculative pnrposes, and the report that bonds had declined % per cent. in London was assigned as the cause for a rise, and to-day, when the bonds actually were quo ted lower, they likewise declined here, and gold also. Every Congre.ssesan who has any opinion on financial matters sees tht ne cessity, as well as any business man, that the true way-of specie payments is through the reduction of our. nxpenses, economy, full enforcement of the, 'tax laws, and a non-interference with the present currency, outstanding. This alone will bring down the price of gold, and with it the necessity.° of withdrawing part of our paper circula tion; good crops will accelerate the down . ward tendency of gold, and we may thus arrive at specie payment without any vio lent measures and avoid a financial crisis. Government bonds are rather weak, and will decline with the further deoline of gold; the investment demand is gradually reduced to small sums; speculators prefer to await the result of measure to be taken by Congress on financial measures. Stocks are dall i and barely fluctuates enough to allow brokers to make a coni mission; ousiders keep aloof, except in some specialities, like Fort Wayne, where a general rise is expected from the consoli dation of the Pennsylvania Road with the Fort Wavne. What the Connellsville Rail toad will do in this case remains to be seen. make reference• Joseph Dilworth, Rev. David Kerr, Henry Lambert, , 1 A. hi. Brown, Thomas Ewing. Money is less stringent; the demand hav ing fallen off to some extent. Businesi seems to improve. Closing quotations as received- bPy.Rh. Mertzl i ` Gold, 1351; Eighty-one's, 114%; Five Twenties, 1802,. 111; do, 1864, 107%; do, 1865, 107%; do, 1885, new. 110 do, .1867, 110%; do, 1868, 110%; Ten Forties, .105%; Railroads —Cleveland dr Pittsburg:l, 85%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne di Chicago. 110%; Chicago do Rock laland, 107%, 'Chicago It North Western 78%* 1 do Preferred, 81%; Michigan. Southern, 87;i; Reading, 98%; Erie; 3734; New York Central, 124%; Ohio dr. Mississippi-; Certificates, 30%; Western Union Telegniph C0.,36%; Merchants - Union Express - -Co.,- 16; - Pacific Mail, 115%; AdaTms, 48; :Mining shares—Gregory, 5,30; Quartz Hill, 68; Smith di Parmele, 4,15; Corydon, 5. —We clip the following from the Chicago Tribune { of Monday; With the close of the season of navigation, comes the annual upward movement in railroad freights.' _The subiect was talked over on 'Change to-day, awl was not without - its influence on, prices. It. was stated that- an - adVanee of 20e would be nade on all articles of pro duce, but -.the fact was soon known that the rate 'would be much leas than that in crease 'would give. The advance goes into--effect on Monday, the 17th inst., be ing an advance of boe on flour, 5c on fourth c:ass. Fresh Meats bulked in cars are charged the same - as dressed hdgs. The following is the altered tariff; Boaton Ne NV York naladelphia Riltimore_ Pittelnirgh Wheeling.. Cincinnati. __ —Closing quotations received- by_ James T. Brady -.14 Co.:- -- Gold, - 136%; United Statss - _Sixes, • 1831's 1 114%; 5-20's, 18 63 , 111; eff-20's, 1864, 107 x; 5.20'5, 1865, 107 i;;; - ; , 10-40's, 105 X; 5-20's, January and Jui ,E'''6s, 110!/;5-20's, January and July, '6IAV '6B, 110 N; June 730's, par less X; Jul 7-30's. do y t ; August 119; Sept., 1W Oot 1185; Union Pacific Railioad, 102; Cen tral, 103. ' - _,-----; CnrcAno, December 11=-Cattle quiet and firm at $4,60a5,62% for fair packing, and Is 6 for good smooth steers; choice shipping are mixes and nominal-at $7: Bogs active and 2045piligher; sales at 57,50a8,00 for fair to good 4 and 18,1004,30 for prime to choice. :..... - -,Netv York Dry Goods Market. , CII sr TVograph to tho Pittsburgh Orizetto.3 Naar Youg, December B.—Dry Goods inquiry edit:Woos limited, and the prices are without any particular clump. THE BANHLNG HOUSE OF I'm. rt. .2%."EIaIRTEZ, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. DRAWS BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON *; LONDON, BERLIN, :1 "UN lON DANKO+ POSh N. .- - DUBLIN, L F.IPZIG. LIV.e.R FOOL. BREMEN. oi, a t.GOW, B AM BURG-Er, B e LEAST,. FRAX FORT o f M., PARIS WEIRZBURGH , STRASSBOUEG : DARMSTADT; MAINZ. CASSE.L, • KAISERS r•ANTEZN, COLOGNE. LAN EILB D ROM. WAN, TIESEL. R, BA H STUTTGART, BEEN. STOLKHOLM. SAN FRANCISCO. and about 200 more smaller places. Money is also sent to any village from central points directto the residence of parties free of charge-, in from fifteen to seventeen days. Collections made by power of attorney ! all over Ear. po. Goads and parcels attended to. PH. R. MERTZ. J. 11E13. T. BRADY & Co., (fteoessons to B. JONES £00..). Corner Fourth =and Wood Sts., sB..teL 3Eir....M 3BIL 2E3 BUY AND BELL ALL MINDS OP GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, anus Am) COUPONS, ON MOST 7AVOEABTE TERMS. or Interest Allowed on Deposits. Air Money loaned on Government Bonds at low est. market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. . BRADY & CO. 110 - PARTIES DESIRING TO IN- V-ST in UNION AND CENTRAL PA CIFIC BONDS can save one per cent. by purchas ing before a - A.BruAny Ronde on hand for delioory. JAKE'S T. BRADT & CU., Agents Central and Union Pacific Railroad cam- Wee, corner Fourth and Wood streets. dell:bl3 Eitt but* Giyttt. FINANCE AND TRADE , Salt Bulk. 4th class. Flour. Meats. ti.Bo 60 _-4.05 .70 140 .85 . 70 1 40 .85 .373 75 . 4 234 85 .30 60 Chicago Cattle=Market. - __- elearravb to the Pittsburgh Uniatte.l. OFFICE OF THE 7 TUESDA. There is a stronger , i feeling in Floar and Grain, under the infbience of Ahe advices from the west, and wltliNan improved de mand, prices are tending \ upward. In. other articles, there are no important changes, though' the arrivals of i prodnoe generally being comparatively light and falling off, there is, as a general thing, an upward tendency. i APPLE BUTTER—The demand is rather -- better and prices are unchanged; sales at_ 70 t 075, in kegs, and 80 to 85, in crocks. APPLES—The demand continues brisk, and as the market is firm, prices are tending upward, ranging from 13 - to 14,50 per bbl, as to quality. • • BUTIER—fs steady, though tbAsupply is fully up demand. We CtiiAlllllo to quote at - 4510 40c, for fair to strictly prime Roll. BEANS—S3,SO to $3,75 per bushel. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Is in fair de mand,- and may be quoted at 4350 to Sc per pound. CHEESE—Ie quiet and dulL_but un changed, ranging from 15 to 20c, as to quality. CIDER—DuII; $6 to ;9 per bbl. CRANBERRIES -- Sales of prime Eastern Cultivated at $23 to $24 per bbl. CHESTNUTS = 3 6 to $8,50 whualtel, DRIED FRUIT—The demand , is rather better—prices unchanged. Peaches .12 for quarters, and 14 to 15 fur halves.. Applei 9 tollc, as to quality. __— EGGS—Steady, at 33c, for freah packed. POULTRY--Sales of dressed Turkeys at 15c, and Chickens at 120. HONLINYLSaIes at 56,50 to the trade, and 57 in a retail way. , ' • HAY—Baled is dull - but unchanged; sales at $lB to 524, as to quality. POTATOES—Firmer and - tending ,np ward; sales Peach. Blows on track at 75 to 78, and 80 to 85 in store. GRAlN—Wheat is ih better demand and • firmer, and Red Winter may be quoted at $1,85 to SI,9Q, the latter figure for choice. Oats firmer but unchanged at. 62 to 63 on trace and wharf, and 65 to 66 in store. Naw Corn is very scarce, and with consid: arable inquiry prices are higher; we now quote at 75 to 80. Old Corn quiet and un changed—but little m thismarket. Rye is firm and tending upward with considers ble inquiry; we now quote at 11,45. to $1,48. Barley is Irregular, and while it is held firmly, the demand is light; small sales of choice Spring at $2. ' SALT—Allegheny River brands' quoted at $1,130 to $1,85 on track, and 52 in store., LARD—Steady with regular sales of prime‘kettle ri3ndeted,at 16X. • LARD OIL—Is firmer and in limited supply but unchanged; we continue to quote No. 2at 81,23 to 51,25, and No. lat $1,45 to 51,47. ONlONS—Firmer; 51,50 to /1,75 per bush el, as to quality. 1 FLOUR—Is dOlifticierably firmer under the influence of the advenee itt Wheat, though as yet ptlces are not quotably high er. As is 'always the case; howev3r,-when there is . a - :prospect of any advance, the demand is better.- Western Flours are still quoted at 57,50 to '58,00 for Spring, and $9,00 to 59,50 for Winter. Rye Flour, 57,75 to 88,00. The Pearl Mill quote their best brands, made of the best Wheat, as _follows: Extra Family Flour; liartels, at $9,50, and, in sacks, 59,20 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, 510,20, and, in sacks, 59,80 Per barrel; Spring Wheat. Flour, in barrels, 58,00, and, in sacks, 57,70 per barrel. The City Mills quote prices as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrel', $9,50, and, in sacks, $9;20 per barrek Double Extra Family, in barrels, $lO,OO, and, in sacks, 59,70 per bar rel, and Spring, $B,OO, in barrels, and 57,70, in sacks, per barreL WIECSKY—SaIes of Hlglb.srianes reported at $1 to 61,02. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OrrictoviErilPlTTEMUßGH GAZETTE, Timm,Ay, December 8, 1868. In speaking of the - Petroleum market, the Boston Bulletin awls it is thought that the “ring" who control so large a portion of the supply are 'Purposely letting downlhe market a little in order to go in deeper, and, by-and-ty, force prime higher. The Philadelphia Commercial List, of Saturday, says that the operations in that Market last - Week Were 'entirely of a spec ulntive charaCter, exporters having retired from the market for the present. The Ti tusville Herald; of Monday, says: 'The late speculative'llse at New York showed that the marketaivere liable to another- one of similar charicter at almost any moment, and hence the feeling generally can be but unsettled and feverish, and both buyers and sellers deem it policy to await the ac tion of some one or other of the real or im aginary cliques which are now said to exist at New York and other places, before emu mt.ncing operations. __ The market was considerably 'stronger today, espedially forimmediate delivery, and notwithstanding there was nota single sale reported, prices May be quoted up a quarter to a half. "WeMow give 12 to 1230 as the standard figureS for spot oil, the inside quotation offered .and the outside figure asked. •fit is buf,!proper to remark, however, that the demand is very light at present prices, and it fi"equally true that there is but comparatiffely little offering. As we have repeatedly'moted of late, there is little or no margin to shippers, the prices above beingtoripuch inflated for this, market, and this accounts for . the very light receipts. ;;;. - 1 • The Refined marke.t was considerably excited to-day especWy for December de livery, and an advance of fully a cent and a half was established during the early part of the day, runiiing up from 2934 to 31. The sales were: 1 - ; - 500 bbls December at 29M; 2,000 do 30; 2,000 do 31; 1,000 to be delivered on Decembo 31st at 31; 4,590 in different lots, for December, at 31; I,ooo:each February and March at. 29; and 300,bbls at 25, delivered on board4cars here/ For fu ture delivery, as wi11.,, be seen, there was but ebruparatively little done, and with the exceptionof a little' stronger feeling, there is no change. Decembeeappeared to be the mainc.entra_o-attraction, and it is but proper to state that the market for this delivsry, was reported off in the afternoon. OIL SHIPPED EAST HT A. W.A. H. Standard Oil Co. , - 268 bbls refined =to _Warden ( Fre* it Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart. Frow . Co.. 412 do do to War den. Frew & Co., PhiladelPhia. • B. W. MOrgan t Co., 200 do do to. : =_Wir"-- den, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia.- • Buffum, Kehow Lt Co., 3000416 - do to War ing, Kind dt Co., Philadelphia. - - - McCreery .-& Co., 228 do do to W. P. Logan &Bro., Philadelphia. Total shipments Relined 1408 OIL SHIPPED EAST PROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. Hutchinson Oil Ref. Co., WS bbls - refined to Warden, Fr4Aw &. Co., Philadelphia. 'Fleming & Co., 117.d0 do - to Tack Bros., Philadelphia, G. W. Holdirhip &Co., 96 do do to War. ing, King & Ci-,Plailadelphia. • Kirkpatrick & Lyon,s6 do do to W. P. Logan ,t Bro.. Philadephia. P. Burns, 30 do lubricating to Herbert & W. E. Rider, PhiladelP 10 do do to W. B. Rider, Nevi-York. 1 59 .42 1 4 .47;6 .35 Total shipments Refined...... Lubricating' A ifurrino of the Peirolenni Associa tion will be held this (Wednesday) after noon, at three o'clock, at their roome. , A full attendame is requested. By order of the President. _ ' _ 17 rev k, 1 URGE' MARKETS. IDFSBURGE GAZETTE r k,DecembeT 8, 1868. f. - CRUDE. REFrIiED 50G A. F. 800 fikearetan,