The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 09, 1868, Image 5
OM - - SZE J EIS ' RETAIL 11•11 , • ,; EXTENSIVE ASSiORTMENT OP Holiday Goods. EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE AND PRICES GREATLY REDUCED: 1300 PAIRS ar-tr. FRENCH ConS-IFITS, 91,30 woRTH-112,50. HOOP SKIRTS at one half the nenal pride. • large line GENT'S SILK HANDKERCHIEFS - In' *kite, fight and dark colors. THREE HUNDRED DOZEN XADIES LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, TWO HUNDRED DOZEN GENTS' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, BCD LINEN HA'NDItERCHLEFES cents and up, LAOS HA NDHERONIEFS, IN PoINTE. POINTE APPLIQUE, , REAL VALENCIA, IMITATION TALENCLA. SILK AND BROCCHMK ALIZMITTEIS• & CARPS. WIDE ,DERSGSAND CLOAK TRIMXINGF3, j • GULP TRIMMINGS, Cloak Loom Ornaments and Buttons. SILK PARTY PANS, SILK UMBRELLAS, Leather Satchels Portmonnaies - and Leather Bags. JET AND GOLD (MOUNTED JEWELRY. 'Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, ;:.11ractree and Setts. IN = • iad • air Gents, Furnishing Goods, Neck Ties. Bows Searts, MOrrison's Star Shirts, Merino .and ; ' Wool Underwear. HAND KNIT ZEPHYR GOODS. Hoods, Sacques, Legging, Scarfs, Gloves and Ho u Ble. 77 and 79 ' ; MARKET STREET. deg .!. 110 ,PIDAY••:PRESENTS I HOLIDAY PRESENTS • ROMAN SILK BOWS. .T..4E1,430 Collars. LAIiIiS LACE . HANDKERCHIEFS. Etoiewood Handkerchief and Glove Boxes. WATCH STANDS AND CIHAR CASES, WRITING DESKS AND AL1317113 The finest, and cheapest asssorttoent of WAX AND CHINA DOLLS, TRAVELING CASES, CARTE DE VISITE BASRETB. LADIES' & ) GENTS DIME/WEAR LADIES FINE KNIT OPERA HOODS, 27te New Striped Felt Skir WOOLEN GOODS at . Coat. Pine Embroidered Slipper Patterns. Beatalfti Embroidered Cushions. 2 1 1.9.CRU1R, GLYZIE & CO., TS and so. Market Street. _,cle9 ICLUIS' VISITII4Gr LIST FOB 1869. VARIOUS STYLES. _ t l , LIMB'S PHYSICIANS' RAND BOOK For 1869. For sale at ' • KAY & CO'S., den WOOD STREET, Lafayette Hallßuilding, :,:.•.!.--.f ..;,_ Lti .. ..4 7 . 1r..iti5.., . ; J,........., ~. y..,.. 1..--..... , . i 18439. • • .• A fine assortment of various styles for sale at KAY 8: CO.'S, 65 'WOOD STREET, Li }Late Ball Building OEM 'DANA'S MINEBALOGY.—A sys tern of Mineralogy. Descriptive MineraiogY comprising .the most 'recent discoveries by. James Dwight Dana, aldtd by George Jarvis Bruen. Itlith Edition. Rewritten, enlarged and Illustrated with ` , ,.upwards of 600 wood cum Frlce #7,50. For hate by KAY & CO., JO. 65 Wood street. THE HOUSEHOLD . EXPENSE BOOK FOE 1889. . _ PRICE 40 CENTS. 3c7,'-iSt, COMPAN Y, No. 05 Wood street IitOSATI.A3LIS 1, PURIFIES THE BLOOD. YOU SALE ,BY DRUGGISTS EVERY*BERE de7;blo• NW? , ODA AS : —lOO tons choice b bran& la Wore and far sale by iou - J. B. CART/ILD « 150.11 G ~N EW AD VERTISEMENTS. JOSEPH ... HORNS It CO. THB ATTENTION Or THE NV I IIO`. I LESA.I_AF, AlfEr El Titii DE is !Hyped to an Inspection of out DIARIES. N.EAr ADVERTISMIENTS. NOR SALE7:III7.SINESS—A, Plea _ ..., an ram neinals..,.. „..,.... situated No. AT FlirTil I'RE.F.7. EXTENTSiGri, doing a good business. will be sold at, a bargain. R.,:nt or store room eery low. Good reason 'or be given. For particulars apply at the store. - . W. ALiCHEOWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, j 111=2 Carilac•za C 3•11 MOPED TO NO. 195 LIBERTY EMELT I ---- White Lead, Window Glass ana Glassware w M anufacturers =fee.. deg 47. IMADQUIRTMIS 47. G tBOIT CLOTHING. ray & Logan, NO. 47 ST CLAIR STREET, ORDINANCE • To Authorise the Grading of :Blossom Alley between Third .and O'Hara 'Streets,Thlrd Ward,Allogheny. 1 Slle.l. Be it ordained and enacted by the b l eteci and Common Connate gf the env of, Allegheny, and it ie hereby orda fned and corseted by the authorltY of the eame, That the Committee on Streets be, and they are hereby authorized and dbectod vite and receive Proposals for the Grading ofßlos som allle from Third street to O'Gara street In the Thirt Ward Allegheny, and to contract therefor with the lowest and best bidder or bidders, at their discretion. antE expo se s for the purpose of defraying the cost of said improvements, there be, and is hereby levied, a special tax, to be equaby assessed opon the several lots bounding am/ abutting upon the said Blossom alley respectively In proportion to the feet front In them respectively comprised, and bounding and abutting as aforesaid. . REC. 3. That as soon as the cost and expenses of said improvements shall bo Italy ascertained it shall be the duty oftbe Street Commisaioner to assess and apportion the same among the several lots bounding and abutting upon the said Blossom . alley respective/ according to the rule above ' . !Calcified.ana th ereupon proceed to make demand and collec't the same, according to the provisions of , the act of the General Assembly of the Cowmen- Wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An hot defining ..' the manner of collecting the expenses of grading . • and paving of the streets and alleys of the - City of of AlleghMarch en . 1852. y, and for oche ; pup/tees. , " passed the 30th , Sac. 4, That so much of any ordinance us ma Mot with or be sirpplied by lire fore In y con - -; g,,berand the' same is hereby repealed. go Ordained ann enacted into a law this the 30th day of November, A. D. IS6S. —_ -.- D..K.ACTESEON. Clerk of Select Connell. DiLtvonnr. Clerk of Common Council. IRO A MERRY -CHRISTMAS! NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS 'DENNISON & DECREE - NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE, Hare Just received a large and judiciously assorted stock a E MBROIDERIES, TRLM3IINDS, Hid Gloves. Handkerchief., Silpper • Patterns. Zephyr goods. Scarfs and Gents Furnishing I and Notions Goods, • • generally. Britta6gleellfdoir!l Bele!tlon is afforded In special novelties HOLIDAY PRESENTS, to which the attention of lady readers is frpecial/7 cant d. DENNISON & HECKERT, ITTSBURGH LEAD PIPE SHEET LE AD WORKS BAILEY, FARREL B,z' MA! UFACTIIIZERS OF LEAD .RIPE, SHEET LEAD, TIN LINED LEAD PIPE, • BAB LEAD AND LEAD WIRE., Also, PIG LEAD, PIG TIN and PLUMBERS SOLDER.- No. 167 Smithfield St.; Piltbburgh, no2.s:ws YESTERDAY I O-DAY H e nryFOREVER. A poem In 12 books by Edward Hnry Blekelsterth, A. M., 12 mo, bevelled boards; gllt top, IVA. i "Th.s Is a remarkable poem, and one to at tract a great deal of atlenclon — lmperial Review. "The most simple, the richest, and most sacred poem which recent days have produced."—Loncion 2rorning _Advertiser. i,l CONSTANCE AYLMER, A Spah- of the Seventeenth Century. One vol, 121 ma gl .50. Tha plot of "Constance Aylmer" Is laid In the l time wn New York was a Dutch colony and Eng . lancewas ruled by Cromwell. The condition of Manhattan Island and the surrounding country is graphically sketched; the ways and manners of our ;Ptitch and English ancestors are reproduced with r-ivond6Tut fidelity, and at the same time with a live 4iness 'and humor which throw a charm around a story valuable for Its historical accuracy and of ex citing Interest. . . deb ROBERT S. DAVIS, 93 WOOD STREET, FURS! • FU S! CHOICE AND FRESH, M'CORD & COI BIJ 131 WOOD.STREET, n 024 PRICES MARKED DOWN. BARGAINS L\ ALMOST EVERYTHING ..- REAL HER S'PITCTI, all Linen. HAND.KER CHIAP.S. /7‘, 10e, 22c and upwarde. B TAPE OBLElthao I, iN I,N HANDKERCHIEFS 634 c, Se to 50c. All oar.HATS at oie-ball celular) rice's. • All the new BALMORAL Is titT and radley's latest styles or HOOP SKIRTS, tit the Lowest Prices in the My to .. HEISTS' MERINO VEST. and-DRAWERS 40c $5,00. • AT. EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Avenue. des KEYSTONE POTTERY. CI M. KIER & CO., - • lianufacturers of guzzles WARE. BRISTOL WARE &e. Mee and Warehouse, 363 LIBERTY 6TISE&T. 46rju 1 order, promptly alto/WWII). . p . E . Ts .yuitNisHING..AT9 RE , AND BIAIIMPACr.IMIIII or PITTSBURGH, PERNA FOR JAMES • oBRIER, President or th _ Coyne*. Dissident *-01 1 ., on Connell:" LACE GOODS kfuSIERY, • NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE Emir i]SD BLOoIiC TIN PIPE as Shall eclipse all our former • Z OUR titirTußE WINTER STOCK MUST BE CLOSED OUT IN BARKER & CO. NO. 69 AMULET Sniff. PITTSBITRO ,GAZETTE WE ONES DA. , r; DECEMBER 9 1856 • 1868. WINTER, 18681 TR-E GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL, Clearance Sale DRY GOODS, BARKER &CO., 59 MARKET STREET, co 3 x.nrENcms INA Vi MOW MUM 7. IMMENSE STOCK AND ALL THE DEPARTMENTS COMPLETE. EVERY ARTICLE WILL BE REDUCED IN PRICE, MANY OF THEM BELLING AT LESS THAN BEFORE THE WAR WE ABE MURMURED THAT IF LOW PRICES will aCeoMplisb it, tbLs shall be each a SIUCCJESS SSIKFANN#AL SALES. ac IXELYieI. OP ITV nal "LE PANIER PERFECTION." `THE FAVORITE." "THE4OPULAE." "THE RECEPTI. 'NO THoMPSON'S TWIN SPRING, "WINGED ZEPHYR," _ ' "GLOVE FITTING'," CORSETS AND PAT ENT "PANIERS. •• _ __. THE NEW OOHED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE FIELENE," richly embroidered; an elegant street or Skating Skirt. RICH RIBBONS FOR Bows, scears AND SASHES. ' ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. • SATINS, all shades 'IA widths. FLOWERS. PLUMES, HATS AND BONNETS. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S hIItRINO UNDER, WEAR, The richest and latest noreltles in GIMPS, FRINGE'S AND BUTTONS. We especially direct attention to the great excel !slice of the HARRIS SEAMLESS (lh)ullIoni KID GLOVES" over all others. and for which we are the Bole Agents. A complete line of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS. GLOVES, HALF HOSE, III": DERSH LETS ANO DRAWERS: SELLING AGENTS Fon LOCK.WOOD•S PAPER GOODS, and all other popular makes. nos EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB Practical Furniture Manufacturers, ns 7TOTJILTIFI A-VENUE. Where may be found atoll assortment of Parlor, Chamber an u Kitehria Furniture. nolO 00 -P A RTNERSHIP—I have this day associated with 1119 in buidness ALFRED if. JON yr., and wilt continue the sale of PE TROLEUM and Its products, and NEW PATENT ED tiou 'De as heretofore. under the name land style of WEAVER A. JuNES. JACOB REALER, JR WEAVER & JONES, IVIIOLESALP DEA LILICS, Ir PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, and PATENTED GOODS generally. Relined and Lubricating Oils of superior qualities always for sale. Barrels of a'l descriptinu bought anu sold. Office. No. 3 DUQUEshE o Al. Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Dec. 1. 18613. de3:&F4 EMOVAL--ON Olt DEFORE DECEIIBEEt lst W. P. mansitAirai WALL PAPERS. from the old stand No. 87 WOOD STREET, to the newly hoed and elegant store house, , NO. 191 LIBERTY STREET, feitdoors above ST. CLAIR in. HUGHES. W LATE 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Informs Lie 'friends and vatroun In t'llteburgh tha now connected with EDWARD .P.:KL:L.pirt. South -cast corner of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH STREETS. the PRINCIPAL MERCHANT TAILOR OP PHILADELpITIA,<And can now furnish them with elothen.lot PERIOII in cn.r. ronneet to those he line lerTofore ntren•there, aud at MODERATE PRICES. • CALL AND EXAMINE: TUE J large Rosanna t of FANCY COAL RODS AND ' VASES, FIRE IRONS ALN D STANDS, Also 1 EARNS' PATENT CHURN AVTACH HEM: at Hardware nine or CCM DIANOS • ato AND ORGANS—An ea- .& tire new •lt of RNABE,B UNRIVALLICD PIANOS.; RAINES BROS., PIANOs: PRINCE ,& CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS and TEAT, LINSLEY & CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS. _ _ WILLIAM S. 180 and:lB2 Federa AT CLS, 25-00 LD NIXED WATERPROOF OTti. AT 31 c. — DOCBLEI WIDTH WOOL PLAID dT 18,{c.—PLAID POPLINS, AT qulality.93fe. AR —DS DELAINBS, Food style and AT 12 ;ie" — E.XTRA GOQD BLEACHED itIISLLN IJl' /BSfc.—HEAVY SHEETING MUSLIN. AT SSc.--GOOD DARK CALICO AT 50c — MOP SHIRTS, WELT., MADE, 70e.—CIIILDREN'SPLAID SHAWIS, BLACK WATERPROOF CLOTH BROW WATERPROOF CLOTH GOLD AIIKKD WATERPROOF CLOTH CHINCHILLA. CLOAKING& VELVET CLOAKINGS PAISLET SINGLE AND DOUBLE SHAWL S BLACK THIBET WOOLEN SHAWLS. CHILDREN'S SHAWLS BLACK AND COLORED POPLIN ALPACAS BLACK ALPACAS AND LUSTERS. SILK 3ILXED POPLINS, &C AT THE LOW WHOLESALE W114L1A.31 Nos, 180 amt 182 Fedora/ des 1 ARUM & CIBLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE , THE NEW SKIRT, INICRUM & CIBLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AVENCE ROCK THE BABY SOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. ALFRED 11. JONES Will remove his stock of FENI3MILS, dito. WIIITESIDEB it DRUM, 79 FEDERAL ST. A T.LEGREN CILIRLOTTEI EILDEM, 43 Flfth ayonue, 13ole Agent. • PREIVCB PLI7BIES AND mowints Ladles and Gents Handkerchiefs, EST PRICES, SJENEPLOE'S . , St., Allegheny City, Pa. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. ASSETS Open daily, SATURDAY 0 V EVENINGS o on WED ' NEsDAY and , from May jig. to November Ist, hors 7 to 9 o'block. and from Dpvember Ist to May Ist, from 6 to B o'clock. aoll i t t s r a erdv a ed a j o y f i ll e l n e ti nts of e not leas than ONE . rth pronto declared twice a yoar, In June and December. _lnterest has been deelared semi-annually in*June and December since the Bank was organised, at the rate of six per c Interest. r. it* not drawn 0nt,"12 Placed to the credit of the depositor a. principal, and bears the same In terest Irons the Ist days of June and December,' compounding twice a year, without troubling the depot-Ger to call, or even to present his pass boek. At this rate money wilt double in less than twel,ve years. . Books containing the Charter, By - Laws.Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis on application at the once. Par.stnitYrr--OEORGE ALBREE. VICE pnaatnEcas: John G.,Backofen, A. M. Pollock, M. Benj. P Fahnestock, Robert Robb, James Hertnan, John H. Shoenberger, James McAuley. ' James ohldle, James Et, D. Meads, Alexander apeer Isaac M. 'lPennack, Chrlatlan Yeager. • TRUSTEES: Wm. J. Anderson Calvin Adams, John C. Bindley Gvorge.Elack, nrgsvin. Alonzo u A. Carrier Charles A. Colton, John Evans, John J. Gillespie, Pet ll er i D av er ne, H. . Hu H nk Richard Hai s, James D. lielly, TR ZASUIMR—CtiARI SECR WrAFLY--J AXES DECEMBEit, ISOS. FOR - THIRTY DAYS ONLY, CARPETS AT RETAIL LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. We offer FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY our goods at a large reduction from rep lar rates. Our stock is full and complete in all departments, and we shall sell the best qualities and styles of Carpets at pit ces' at which we cannot replace them, giving our customers an opportunity of obtaining bargains that may never Ile of fered again. This special sale will con tinue only until the time of taking our an nual inventory of stock at' the end of this month. MorAILAND "ck COLLIffS, Nos. 71. and 73 Fiftb, Avenue. lIUH, Practical Cook, • . espectfully announces to the public that be wlll On Saturday and Monday Next, Open to the public the DELMONICO RESTAURANT, FOE GENTLEMEN ONLY. It will be his earnest endeavor to furnish viandstrons at all tinies with the most palatable which the market or the-season affords. Tbe LIQUORS, !WINES of various dates, ALE, BEER, e Orders be their own recommedation. for line Cooking for Weddings, and other Festivals, Will, as heretofore, be promptly and cheaply attended to, reeuetting patronage. 0c9:1T4 .4_____ 0 RUH. T HE prrrsnunon • 1 STEAM LAUNDRY Is fitted up With the most approved machinery. and Is prepared ( do all kinds of Laundry Work at the short, st notice. Experienced Laundresses are em ployed. and families may be assured that their cloth ing will be card for and done up in a superior maw.' ner. BED QUILTS BLANKETS, SHAWLS, and other heavy articles carefully, cleansed without shrinking or wearing the fabrits. Special attention given to the doing up ol LACE ' CUR T AINST and Other fabrit” of tt delicate texture. Clothes collected and delivered daily without extra charge Orden le'll at No. S 9 PIFTII AVENUE, or at the office, No. 104. LitsEltrY STREET, will receive prompt attention. deftaid - aol7 002.3:235 J. R. ...... J. X. DIUTT.,.. SWINT, BRATT AlccifirEcTunA L AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, fio. 63 Sandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. 4. large assortment of NEWEL and BAL. LSTERS constantly . ,, on hand. TURNING, — of all descriptions, done. oc9:tlit BAULE - 1' - 2,500 DITSRELS CHOICE SPRING AND FALL, In store ang for sale 69 ' . 111. MANOR. BA> tPEIi, no3o 329 LIBERTY STRE.ET. OR SALE, FINE SEED IVREAT, AT 349 Lp3EIITT BT. &OS BITCHC9OI, Moeggg g & CO. BEM SEMPLE'S: St., Allegheny City, Pael STOCKINGS, GLOVES. UNDERWEAR, IFOE LADIES, GZItTLEMEN AND CHILDBEV { `WHITE COUNTRY BLANKETS, HEAVY COUNTRY FLANNELS. SHIRTING FLANNELS, FINE WHITE FLT , Gored Felt Skirts, Gored, Cloth Skirts, CORSETS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S RAZ RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS LADIES .NENY STYLE LINEN COLLARS Embroideries, 411-e, AND RETAIL, NO. 65 FOURTH STREET. ' CHARTERED U 1855. 52,101;720 19 Robert C. Loomis Henry d. Lynch , Peter A. Madcl; ' WalterarshOL a P. Marshall,. John B. McFadden Ormsby Wm Henry L. Rlngwalt, Alexander Tlndle, ' 'William Van Kirk, Isaac Whittler, • A . P RS A. CO Wm.LTON Wen:sm. . - B. D. BIBED/3. IL L. McNIM . E. A. MUTT MN .i '.."- EMI fgr-I. 0. 0. F.—The members of ZOCCO LODGE, Mo. 355, L 0, 0. F., Are requested to meet at their Lodt room. CUE- Tth RA LL,. Wood street, on THURs AY AFTER NOON, 10th inst., at half-past twelve o'clock, to attend the funeral of fin Ir late brother. Y. G. CHARLES IIITTCFIINSON, Sister Lodkes are re spectfully Invited to attend , lirorder of deer JAMES NUGENT, N. G. I. O. of p. F.—The memb - e - ts of ZOCCO 1.0114;. L ,O. of 0.F., Are requested toLeut a urt Ran,. Wood street fon FRLDAY EVIININtI43DeeI.s 1868. at 74 . l.g:LoFeu ,:eitiendane:edre. quested. Bust:teas or trarteZgrEt AR See:TAS NI7GENT . , N. G. deB:bls 10111E1111i NIA RAILROAD =NT, COMPANY. THXASURER'S IMPART. - Pritialars.ruta, Pa.. Dec. 5. /Se& NOTICE TO STOCIINOLDERS-The Second In stalnent on the New Stock, subscribed forunder Islution of the Board of Directors of May 1168 now due. Unless paid orr.or before,the 15th inst., the in- • stalment will not draw its proportion or dividend' due May, 1869, and those Paying up all the remain. log instalments will receive full dividends In l next. . THOMAS T. PIRPN, del-b6 Treasurer. -PENNSYLVANLA RAILROAD' COMPANY Ireop Skirts TEHAPIITtaIt'S Dr.PARTIKENT. • i •.• - PHILA.DELPIIIa.. Noy. 2, / 3 62. NOTICE! TO STOCKHOLDERS. The board dividendra have THIS DAY deClared a semi-annual of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes. _payable In caalt, on and alter NOvent ber 30, 1863. 'Blank powers of attorney for collectlny,dividends can be had at the office of the Company, 33? SOUTH THIRD TRET. , ‘ Toe office wlll be opened at SA. w . and closed at 4 F. hXe ~. from Novembere 30th to December Eth for t n dlvidends, af and after that date from 9a. st. to 3P. . n020:a46 • PIERALLS T. FIRTH. Treasurer. la"Ellr THE MATTER OF OPEN• D STREET.. IN THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH_AII owners of Lots, or other persons interested in the BURIAL GROUNDS on STEVENSON STREET, one belongine to the Asso ciate Reformed Chursh , known as HEIM:B GRAVE YARD, and the other to the Catholic Church, known as the CATHOLIC GRAVit YARD. are hereby notified that they are required to remove, the within fr the g monthsithin the street, hree from this dater and if the same are not removed within that time, they will be removed by the undersigned, who have been appointed Commissioners fur that purpose. Said street is forty•emht feet wide. ancf extenns along the line between the sald'Burialfarounda. about one off each. All necessaryinformation can be had by Th pp l C i ommi n s o o ner he wif t hmCotm ores c one ut ation • with Lot Owners, on MONDAY, December 22d, 1888, at 10 o'clock, A. If,. at the City Engineer's (Mee, Market Building, third story. vvki (MUFFIN,- .T. D. it ELIA' M. TINDLE. Commadasloners • . Pittsburglt, Dee, 4, 1 1 . 144 de4:a9s NOT1085—"To Let," • 'For Bate, 9 . **Lau:. " Want*. "ibunti, " "Boarding, die., not ea °seamy FOUR LINES web will be inverted in than. co/tnne ones for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each aciditionai lin, I'VE CENTS. WANTED ---HELP ifirANTED--11ELP —At EmPlciy ment °Mee, No. St. Clair Street, BOY s Itf,s and idEN, for dillerent kinds of emplay meat. Persons wanting help of all lands can ba supplied on short notice. IV 2" E D 1;) 0 41111 DIN- Good Hoarding at No. 16 ANN STREET, Allegheny' city, for 6 S 0 per week. ANTED-- BOARDERS--Pleas.‘ I g ant room, with board, enitabie for gentleman and wile. or two young gentleman at 68 FOURTH r•TitEET.AIso, a few day or dinner boarders can be accomModUted. Reference required. "WA.N'I'ED-A partner who can furnlsh from 520,000 to S2Sr,OOO cash caP hal In an old• and well established manufacturing business. One. who has had experience as a finan cier will be preferred. Address WILSON, Lock' Box 331, Pittsburgh Postoilice, Allegheny county, Penna. WA NTED -AGENTS A N TED -- AGENTS-$OO • toW pertainin s2oo,Prit MONTH—To sell a- New Book BD g to Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts,' y GEORtsE E. WARING. Esq. , the distinguished Author and di.grlvaltural Engineer of the New York Central Park, &to.- Nothing like it; 200 Engra vings. Sells at sight to Partners, Mechanics and workingmen otall classes. Send forSironlars. A. L. TA.L:CuTT a CO., OS Market street, Pittsburgh. Penna. " deli-alit? T O LET--A furnished Sleeping ROOM, suitable for one or two .ficentlemen. in the house of a private (amity, No. 220 -LACOCIV STREET, Allegheny city. T O LET—That beautiful new brick"dwelllng house, No. 204, Oo en near Bagley 's Lane,.contains &rooms, bathroom, finished attic, good' dry cellar, - fitted up with gaS, water and other conveniences. Apply at JAMES WRD'S GritOCßllr, 88 Palo Alto street, Alle gheny cty. FOR S - - VOR SALE--DRUG STORE-A. ; first class retell drug store in every desirable location. Terms easy. Address box 7.64, Pitts burgh. Fl Oll BAL E -FARIII.-200 acres or good Land, situated in Penn Tp., West moreland county, two miles from Irwin Station, on the Penna. It. R. Improvements, hewed log inonse In good repair, bank barn and -otder outbuildings. Terms moderate. Enquire of W. .WILSON, Larl mer's Stativa, or R. A. HOPE, Penn Station. EWALT STREET BRIDGE COMPANY: NOTICE—A meeting of the subsoribers to the stoOk' of this ccmpany will be held at the office of kesais. BILLS SIIIITTERLY.. Buller street, Sev enteenth ward, on FRIDAY, December 11th, 1868 at WI ; o'cloCk. p. Y. By order of Committee. - CHRT. S Pittsburgh, Deceit:icier lS 7th, E 1868. IBERT, Chairman. N. 8. - ,Plans and specifications until the meeting *above collie for, will be reeetted at the office of Messrs. SILL SIIIITTERtaY: OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER, ALLEGHENY CITT , Dec. 4th, IS6B. QEIFiEIt A SSESSMENT—Notice is hereby green to all' property hoiders in the WESTnRN SEWERAGE DISTRICT, - which em braces all that portion o ‘ t area: lying north west-of the following linss,_viz : North or Ohio hue and Walnut scree t and West of Indwell street, and a line running North-east to Observatory MR and new city line, as well as the portion lying be tween `Western avenue, Ghlo lane, .fultAn and Rid well streets (comprehending the larger cart of Man eh 2ster and All the Pleasant Valley section) that the assessment for the construction of the Sedgwiek street sewer is now completed. and pla...ed in the. hands of the City Treasurer 'for Colleotiou. All propert‘• her-tofore assessed for_.ewerage purposes %%guilt( the limits above designated Is exempt from present assessment. de,s:alr CHAS. DAVIS, City Engineer. UNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY; 31. JOIINgON. • Manufacturer of COOKING STOVES, Arehes, Grates, Fenders. Sash weights, and all kinds of Itollow Wftre, Car Wheels and all kinds of Ma. chillers' Castings, COIL WATSON S: SHINGISS STS.. PITTSBURGH. PA. atlN:ii27w.tu M'VEIC: MONEY!!—g: 000 to invest In a Mortgage on City or Croitay Property, for a term or three years: . /itt4.otiO to loan on Bond Accommodation 2 years. WAIN MD—Business or Paper to the amount of $20,000; tline.from 60 days to 4 months. WANTED—To exchange a Farm of 100 Acres of Laud In Missouri for a Family Horse and bpring Wagon. Apply to It. 3.IeLAIN & 0., • de4 Corner Fourth ay. and Snalth C ileld et. 0 BUSHELS • ° MU NE SOUTHERN RED WHEAT, To arrlre,And for tale by ,„ 4„ . . 4 A viit A VTi spIR PATE DE FOIL Gill. 4. OF fresh Imporaion,. nut up In fancy note, Just rccc toed and tor S a l e at the Faintly Grocery store of .01IN A. RENc. eIAW. c orner - Liberty and Rand streets. IV DIA RUDDER BELTING, HOSE, STEAM' PACKING AND HOPE, ( OUND AND SQUARE.)—A full supply On nattd. Sold to the trade on as good terms 'as can be had from the manutheturer. A H. PHILLIPS. • BEEN .13Es 'la store and tor sale lv • • uol7 . J. B. CANFIELD & 80N. Ply: LEAl i softowlense noll a "°r° and for °T. IL OANIY I>ZLD 8015. WANTS. TO LE I,