The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 08, 1868, Image 1

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,Points of the PresidentlsMessage
will= be Delivered-in Wed-
nesday—Supreme - Court—Gen.
oral Greeting An Ccmgress•
men—Proposed Legislation.
(By Telegraph to_the Pittsbargh Garet;.e.;
• WAilli711014)11,-DOCeMber 7, 1868..
_ THE atessAqz--pontts /T. COVERS.
The President's"message:fitelitiri - pat in
Siinday evening, and
be,sent to Congress,on TnesdaY. ',The — only
reason for delay is the anticipated -irecep
tion of official news ebout the settlement
-of the Alabama claims. The meisage coy
ers the following pointsl and vonclusions
• . .First:—That the Southern States remain
prostrated in Industry, their resources cut
• off, a good proportion of their population
-0. disfranchised, their constitutional privilo
, ges denie a through Congressional enact
, merit and most of them remaining under
z - .miXtary rule.
Second—Commending the report of the
' Secretary of the. Treasury, and endorsing
its views for a return to specie payments
through a redaction of expenditures„: rats
ing taxatiot and gradual , contraction of
. the paper e reglation, with , sugge s tions for
legislation me one currency - only, and that
the National Banks should have their pow
:. ors restricted - •• 1 ' •
` Third—That our foreign affairs are in a
favorable condition. The negotiations With
Treat Britain regarding,' the Alabama
r elating, so called, have not reached an end.
Certain portions of the propoied protocolcif
arbitration were not approved by this gov
f - ernment, and-have been returned to. Minis,
• ".
'ter Johnson. The - resignation of the Bri-,
tish Ministry is repirded only-as a tern:l
, .
• ;wary. hindrance. Many details relative
t, to these claims are not •• dikimed proper to
• ; communicate in the message,
Offers of arbitration between Paraguay
; - and 'Brazil have been declined, and the
. course 'or ParaguitV - is commented on,
though there„is an absence Of. official detail
about the late outrage of Lopez. The go-v
-trument has Made neWtreaties for the pro
tection of naturalized, citizens abroad. It:
• has recognized the -nw
_pr_oylsional Junta
-4- in Spain as a diYacto government, but fits
received no formally 'accredited Minister
•t , 'from ,the same . The "affairs, with Mexico
4 -ose- N "satisfactory. Arrangements for, a
• mixed Commission settle thitslaitna' of
Americans in,thaVedinitit.`iiiii in progress:
ii.. The GovernmenChia so far, in its,
• • -"
negotiations _for the '•purchase of. a naval
station in•the West-Indies, and learns that
the French are-trying to getthe Hay of
tekt?liv,.„6,4lol en &haw
114---frands in ifilirieVeriiiii; Which must be cor;
:`l% meted little reventiewilt fail and the
t:on be involved. in ruin. . The message
calls fbr strong;legislation•,mi` this subject,
• - • and urges the repeal of therciVil, tenure act,
- -, :which is regarded as;',•.'-it hindrimce to the
, - removal of corrupt officials.
refais to the Indian
- VieWirof 'the Peace Commit
signers and fears.' that the military estah ; •
' lishmmit• expenditures will! be largely in
-creased on the,,Plains.''
.S'ixth--He favors the withdrawal of troops ,
friun the Southern States, and the reduction
•of the aricV. rind gives a resume of the land
and Pension syStem.
• .
4 The President has infointed the Joint
Committee appointed by the two Hon.sesto
4 'wait on the him, that he will send his mes ,
to Congnsa on Wednesday.
There was it general greeting among
members of both political. parties in - : the
. House and 'Senkte Chambers before the
' hour of meeting. 'Wry many of their
eguaintances were also present, mingling
thecongratulations. Good _humor was
-everywheTe prevalent. (f•The - galleries were
'crowded to witness - the opening proceed ,
The, communication of the Governor of
; - Georgia, read in thcf- Senate, states that the
'laws underwhich - Georgia`had been adniit
ted to representation to Congress had not
I been fully executed; that members of the
legislature were allowed to take seals with
out regard to eligibility and not required
to'take the legal oath; , that the failure to
-execute the laws tended to defeat the pur
i, pose of Congress in the reconstruction acts,
. and asks Congress to take such steps as may
. seem proper.
-.. Mr. 'Wilson read a long memorial-from a
ti • Convention of colored citizens of Georgia,
.at Macon, in ;October last, setting forth
-elaborately the facts in the Governor's corn
• ractimr..alrran PROPOSED.
The, bill introduced in the Senate by Mr.
NSumner provides for the enforcement of
the several provisions" of the Constitution
abolishing, slavery; declares. immunities to
citizens, and - guarantees a Republient foil
of - government by-securing the: elective
`franchise to °Mune deprived thereof by
local laws by reason of race, color or . pre
f.- vious condition. '
t Another bill, .introduced by Mr. Sum.
ner, to .provide for -. the resumptkin of
specie payments on the 4th of July, /869.
declares the faith of the nation is solemnly
• pledgeduto the payment in coin of ontatand
hag obligations not-specifically provided to
• be. paid it what is ; called laWful money;
; legalizes gold contracts; authorizes the Sec
b y nary of the Treasury to issue' coupon or
registered bonds sufficient to absorb Ont.
_standing obligations', payable after thirty
and forty years respectively, thOnte,r'est on
the thirty year bonds to be four and one
': ,half percent., pn the forty year bonds four
; per cont., and exempts such bonds from
all taxation - rational or locali except in
i -come tax on the interest theroof,.,to- be at not less than pail" repeals the
legal tender aet for everything but gold and
'silver after the 4th- of July, but provides
that greenbacks shall be received for all
taxes, including duties on imports; for one
year thereafter; Mao authorizes. the Secre
tary Of :Abe Treasury.totarrow money on
. the credit of the Government, upon such
-termini he 'May deem beat, to promote the
resumption of specie , payment:
Mr. 119mner also introduced resolu
' tiona of sympathy, with the .people of
Spain in their revolution, and earnestly ap,
pealing to them fotbolisb slavery through
out tk!.SpaniSh Dominions::
• -Mr. Yates introduced a bill providing
that any alien"destritig to become a citizen
of the United States may be admitted; and
prescribing conditions therefor. _ , '
Mr. Cragfn introduced' an amendment
to the. Constitution prohlbiting,States
denying the right • of suffrage .to anv - male
citizen oflegtd age,oncept forparticlpation
rebellionaar other crime.. • ,
:..Mr. Pomeroy 410trac:iced a joint' reso
lution ; pro - I)am% an amendment of the
- ~ s '• .'... S~r l .. ~ iWW ~+.3l~~[~S.Ya~+L..-~~w~'~u+. I:f3+T~e+, ~i*"v.;~. "3..r'n'C+x. ~ a rc.~e~.~...e.,,~
qonstitution, as article fifteen, providing
that the basis. of suffrage in the United
States shall be that of citizenship, and all
natural or 'naturalized citizens shall en
joy the same rights and priyileges in fran
Mr. Rice introduced a bill to provide for
thelssue of arms for the use of the militia
of certain States lately in rebellion.
•Mr.: Drake intrOduced a joint resolu
tion providing that no Vacancies in rank of
General or Lieutenant General in the army,
or Adiniral or Vice Admiral in the navy,
shall, he filled without authority from
Congress, _
Met at noon,_all Judges present except
Grier. The commission of Wm. M. Evarts
as Attorney General was read, When the
Court - adjourned in order to pay a visit of
courtesy to the President. To-morrow the
docket will be called.
Convention at Cincifiriati--pifth Day's Pro
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] •
CINOINNiTI, December 5,---The Presi
dent called the Board to order a few min
utes after ten o'clock this morning.
After Iprayer, the President announced,
that the order of business was to-make the
report of the Executive Council, Which the
Secretary read....: - - --_ _ •
• It stated that the payments for member
,ship - were due on the first of January each
year, and that the Council could name the
best plan for holding the annual meeting.
• Mr. Thomas, of Dubuque, offered resolu
tions to memorialize Congress that the di
xectiedef the Pacific Railroad, as first in
tended, 'should not be deviated froth. He
asked nti additional bighdation or money,
only that the present law be, enforced.
This was adsidtted to consideration. •
Mr. Briinet,: : •of- Pittsburgh, made some
suggestions ' '
as to the - enforcement of the
law touching" - the carrying of mai oil on
-steam vessels; alluding to the dreadful ca
tastropliv. of Saturday on the Ohio river.
',.. Mr. Cifrpenter,. of Boston, proposed the
grateful . and -formal- thanks to both tele
_graph companies for -their facilities in the
transmission of even ,private meseages to
and - front the ..of :the Board.- ',
• The report-of the Committee on Shipping
having been presented; Mr. Hiricken,.Chair
than of the Cemsiiittee, proposed that the
report be accepted. . . .
Mr..Holten, in proposing the second reso
lution, that no gold should be sold till the
Rational- Banks . - hail in reserve their full
per mintage -,,,said Itur Committee
had .purposely determined to - avoid details
as to the time of action,Jeaving much to
thewisdom of Congress. . - •
- Mr. : Taylor, of St. Paul,- congratulated Committee as much for ,What they had
left . imilone'as iri' Whit:they:had recom
mended., Be instanced the success of the
Cansdhul•Parliament and Ministry for the
iiblerfiniince they had shown in the resump
tioriof specie:paypents, :going.into.a clear
detail; and concluded .by saying that the ,
Vetted-States could do the vory. samewi
Ahe•siime4itece6a. ` ie.propqw*Cofigreal
shOUld Prohibi: all of ,Leivi Value than
ten dollars.
The previous question was them moved,
whereby the resolutions of the Committee
were curried. •.- -
... This other resolutions were that 'ko fur
ther sale of gold should be made, brit for
'the purchase of 5-20 s, and all bonds so pur
chased cancelled; that gold contracieshould
,' legalized, and' the national . bettor and
faith- requires the Government should not
avail itself of the right• to pay off 5-20 bonds
until- by_ - a general i'ananiption•of specie
pay n nierit, ' the public - deht-!as 'll . matures
tnin-likiniiff In specie or its equivale nt, wire ='-'. slim carried and: - a recess Was
Jtkon that the Board might 1 , witness the
fire engine department and their machines,
and also to partake of lunch preParea by
the Mayor and Common Council.
On re-assembling, Mr. Holton presented
a. reaplution, offered by Mr. Garth, which
Was nokagreed to bythe Committee,,resolv
ing that Congress be urged to so amend the
rational bank law that quarterlyreports at
specified times be dispensed with, and that
instead each national bank shall-be called'
uroa; by the - Controller once a quarter to
show what:ite condition 'may have been on
a desigqated day in the recent ..past. The
resolution was adopted.
The Chair announced the next baldnes s
s in
order the - consideration of the resolution
in regard' to the Government' adopting the
telegrap* system in connecticn with the'
postal service. , . - t--, ' • ,/".
Mr. Shryock ' submitted several resolu
tions declaring the present telegraph sys
tem did not meet the wants of the country;
that the experience of the past few years
have demonstrated the fact that
commuue:cation can be so extended and
cheapened as to Blade it within the reach
of all classes of the community; that the,
attention of Congress is called to the sub
Jed, and should it be deemed advisable .-to'
build, buy or, lease - telegraph linee now in
use, it is the sense of_ this board-that it will
facilitate Itsworkings, and : prove beneficial
to the whole country.-`" ' - -
Mr. Buell, of Alhariy, offered a resolution
that the government should unite with
the Postoffice DePartment irt,,lne...tretilimis
slon of ;messages by telegrii*C'Piiitluthe
effort; being: made for adoption by the gov
ernment of the telegraph ..-We4eeignize a
Aangerouri precedent. • is r: ,E'S--ti.... -,'
.:- A motion to lay aside `the--iAtOiiubject
was lost. - ----4-.--- , • -
The report of. the " Cominittew4 favoring
the' purchase of the telegraph was dia.,
agreed to—yeas 28,:nays 35.
qiCk...Shryock's and Mr. - Buell'esubstitutes
Were also rejected. " --
. , ,
—A bill passp.t.the Tennessee House of
Representatives'yeaterday, on first reading,
providing for a State - Convention to amend
the Constitution. -y" - .-,
—The New Demi - Mon Parliament has
been further prorogued until 10th of Jan
uary. The revenue , for November was
11,214,154 and expenditures $877,448 1 ,
—The steamer .D. M. Sechler took fire at
Carrolton. 1C.Y...-tin. Saturday, by the burst
ing of a coal ; oil latjap. She burneckto
water's.ed& arid then sunk. No Sires :were ,
lost. The boat was valited'atlo;ooo.•:: • :4 - ...., -
1 —Thompson Campbelloi prominent law.;
yer and . politician of California, died in
San Francisco, on Sanday. He• was for
merly Secretary - of State of - Illinois and
Congressinan from 'the Galena district of
the same State.. • - T
•- • ,-
Commodore V and erbiltb prints, a card
Bn,ying that the Erie Railway Company
d• - him.for stocks in bonds last spring the
8 in 0 [ 5 3,600,000 , with a bonus of $1,000,000,
I order to.atop the suits instituted, by Mr.
S hell and others. ...
• —Gen.vGiorge W. Cole has been acquitted,
a Albany, N. Y., of the charge of murder •
killing L. - 11. Risco* for the seduction
f his - wife. - -The jury stated that they
and the prbioner to be sane at the moment
efore and the ..moment after the killing,'
ut were in, doubt as to his sanity on the
i stant of the honlichie. The Judge said
t al
Y must . give the prlioner the hr
he doubt;atid ' thus instructed - they ren
• ered v. T,rerdict of acquittal.-
ouu BK.
Tice New English Cabinet—Via.
lent Republican Demonstra
tion in Spain—Ocean Steamer
Foundered—Loss of Life.
(By Telegraph to the Plttebargh Quetta.]
LoNnom, December 7.—The Pima: goner;
ally confirms the correctness of the Obser
ver's list of probable memberT of Glad.
stone's Cabinet, but asserts that Earl Rua
sell will not accept office. It also thinks
the appointment of Ear) Spencer as Lord
Lieutenant "of Ireland, and of I%fesrs.
Bruce, Villiers and Coleridge to seats in the
Cabinet, as doubtful. The Times adds to
the_ Observer's list the name of James Mon
crieffe as Lord Advocate of Scotland.
MADRID, December 7.—The Republicans
paraded the streets of Calitz.7yesterday
with arms in hands, and mallet Otlikitetn
onstrations threatening to to putillet*e;
Troops were called out an&dispersed
processionists and prevented further pro 4
ceedings. Similar demonstrations have
been made by the Republicans at several
_points. The Provisional Government Is
preparing a new tariff law.-
LIVERPO - 01;t December 7.—lntelligence
has just reached here that the steamer
Hibernia, from Glasgow bound for New
York, foundered off the Irish- coast: The
Captain and_ eighty-one ixissengere are re
ported saved: One of the steamer's boats
with thirty-three persons on board was lost..
SOUTHAMPTON, Dec. 7.—The steamship .
Minnesota,.from New York.arrived toLdaV.
-GREENOCK, Dec. 7.—The steam hip St.
George, from Quebec, has arrived.
Lotinon, Dec.• 7—Evening.--Console 92yi
for money, 92% for account; 5.20 s at 74%;
Stocks quiet, Erie 25, Illinois 96.
Fiterrxtrour„Dee. 7.—Bonds
LIVERPOOL, Dec 7.--Cotton lower closirg
heavy; sales 8,000 laales iuiddlingg Uplands
at 1030.; Orleans at 11Wd. Breadstuffs are
entirely unchanged. Provisions the same
Common Rosin, 6s. Spirits of Turpentind
275. 6d. iPetroleum unehanged. ,-
LONnos, Dec. 7.--Spirits. • Turventine;-
28s. 6d. Other articles unchanged.
ANTWERP' Dec. 7.—Pefroleum 5214a63f.
HAVRE, Dec. 7.—Cottott on spot 129, and
afloat 12134 f:
Lotmos, December 7—Evening.—Petro
letirn closed at Is. 6%d.per gallon.
ANTWERP, December " 7—Erenntie. 7 ,l l 6.
troleutta cicised quiet- at s'2f for arittMtil
FRANKFORT, December 7.—11. S. bonds
easier but no lower at the close.
HAVRE, December 7.=Cotton weaker;
tres ordinaire 178 f. ,
Battles Fought Between Government
Troefis and Insurrectionists—Official Ae
coup t.
eßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gkzette.) /
HAVANA, December 7.—A pitched battle
has been fought between the troops and
rebels. The following is the afraid ac
count: .-
Count Vahnaslda met the /rebels at the
foot of Mount Alta Gracie, ,between Puerto
Principe and lieuviag. A general engage
ment ensued, in which' the losses were
ect nai,i each side having about five hundred
killed: General -Betancourt was taken
prisoner.... The Marquis of Santa Lucia and
other - rebel officers are reported to be
wounded. , "
The Govertiment has also received re
ports of a fight at - Moran, in which one
hundred' and eighty soldiers defeated a
large band of rebels, killing eighty-three of
theni and capturing"fater hundred hrorses,
with a loss to themselveridf only one killed
and six wounded.
The latest news from is ikn'a
ble to the 'hopes of loyalists.:-The t irty-
seven soldiers, who fortified theintsilitiftin
the hospital held - out against Ilk+ in.kjiir
gents. The reinforcements sent tbeln'wlll
arrive to-day, when su
ticipated for possession of the place. -=•
The Dim-to -nave that at a place about
eight leagnes.distant from Saute Espirato r
some--rebels entttred a private house and
ravished four girls in the prenence of their
Latest accounts of the; battleat MckrAu
represent the Spaniards one hetneTred
killed,-andthe .rebels only Seventy. The
rebel also claim 'that Val-
Inashiti-was defeated at Mount:Alta Gracie. ,
letters from near the scene of the
battle contradict the latter report and par
tially sustain-the official dispatches. It is
very difficult to obtain correct and trust
worthy information, as the .city is flooded
with conflicting reports.
I Important Decision in the U. S. Court.
CHY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaartte• , -
RTC/MOND, December 7:—ln the United
States District Court - Judge Underwood
- presiding. -In the habeas cows , ease =of
Caesar Griffin, convicted in Judge Siteffry's
State Court of shooting a white man, and
sentenced to the penitentiam f the prisoner's
counsel pleaded the illegality of Griffin's
conviction on the ground that Judge Sher
fry was ineligible under the Fourteenth
Amendment", and was therefore no fudge at
all, Judge Underwood gave his opinion
sustaining the ground taken by the potion
er, and discharged the prisoner. The coun
sel for the respondent appealed from ,the
District in chambers to the Circuit Court.
_Chief JUstiCo Chase will be on the bench.
The prisoner will be balled to appear before
the Circuit Court. This decision, if con
firmed. mpsets.two-thirds of the- legal de.
visions, both criminal and civil, that - have
been made in Vir ginia since the war.
, .
(By. Telegrapk to the Plttibargli Gaiette•
NEW Yourt, D.ecember 7, IK6.
The railroads are generally in good-inn
wing order, 'notwithstanding the recent,
heavy snow storms, and the-mails to-day
were all on time.
General Grant dined with the St.-Nicho
las Society. tolifghti Quite a number of
visitorssalled at his hotel to-day but the
General web absent.
The ease of Commodore Meade was be-,
fore Judge _Sutherland to-day, and after
the reading of severakailidavits, including,
one froin his *lib; relative to. violence re--
Gently exhibited by him to members of Ida
family, was postponed till Tuesday. -
, , .
„ ,
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[Tilt R ' SESSION.]
Credentials of Senators Preaented
—Action of Georgia' Legislature
Considered—Hills " and ' II eaolU
lions: in - the , otise:-. ,
li. , s , Tetesiamt to the IttebanalGazette.l 4
WA§HINGTON, December 7,1868. "..
• ) ~.SENATE, ~._ ..„,
The third Session of the Fortieth-,..,C0l
grass began at twelve o'clock to-day: Airs
Were present:' Sonatina - Anthony, Caine- ,
ton, Cattell, Chandler, Conkllng, COpriess,
Cori:tett, Cragin, Davis, Dixon; Dkake, -- t*;
,rounds, Femenden, Fowler, Frellnghtlyaell,
Gli - inies, Harlan, Hiulls,lreitdriliks, Ifitire,
Kellogg, McCraw, Morgan, ,M.orrillr(of
Maine, )• Morrill, (of. Vermont,) 'MorMil;
-NortoripSye, Patterson, (of New Kamp
shire,) Patterson, (of Tennesseto PoMeroy,
Ramsey, Nice, Robertson, Jose, - ..:Vierthan,
Spencer, ate wart, ThaANTrombulirVan
Winkle, WaiZe, Willey . , - Wiltain, Williams,
Yates. ..
After preyar by thi , Cha ialn the Satiate
was formally ealled,tb - :_ o rd er by :the Presi
dent pro tem., S. o r
ei who then pre.
sented the creden_tialeof Sen ator Edmunds,
;Which were ,readii .- "The resident also lath
pounced a comninnicatie f rom .theffprii. ,--
.7) . 10r.., of.Georgiawie!.ch ' as- - -laid ;Ink ,s h e _ Pa4le,..-- ~.-,,.......,..„;.. f . -...--
. Mr. :SHERMAN prtiventeti - threiliti=
tialtEOC - Saiiiiiiii 11111, - s44tlOreit: - "'
Mr. DRWE moved to refer them to the
Judiciary. Committee. ' liik'understood that
,after the loyal members of •the Legislature
- of Georgia had been elected- tinder the Rae
construction laws; the white ‘ men of that
•Legislature had"combined and expelled all
the colored members, thereby putting the
Legislature under rebel control. If this'
were sd r he'thought the reconstruction of
Georgia should not be recognized as com-,
plete, as it would be by the admission of
the Senator elect. ,
The PRESIDENT said under the rules'of
the Senate there was no . Committee in eXis
tence yet to which to refer the credentials.
Mr. SHERMAN stated that such an unu
sual course as the reference of a Senators
credentials to a Committee would not be
taken, unless some good reason for -it
should be shown—some reason affecting
the status of the State or of the
elect. No such reason appeared in the case.
The extraordinary conduct of the white
members of the Georgia, Legislature was
strongly cOndemned by the,Senator elect
from that State as py the - Senator from Mis
souri, and he book' when admitted to do
something to correct that action; but in the
meantime he claimed his seat as a Senator
elected -- by a large majority of the
whole Legislature „before the expol
e'en of the minority, and :as a man
who had been loyal .all through
the war and who was now prepared to take
the - oath, he should not De held respon
sible for the conductof the majority of the.;
'LOglttlatUre r _which eeePrted- a lter his *loo=l
-tlonithxl which-1w att.ditgiv tentfeireandi - '7'
Mr. DRAKE said that of course he had
no objection to the gentleman whose cre- (
dentials had beeitpresented; but the ques
tion as to admitting him involved the great
question whether the power of Congress
over -a reconstructed State- ends the um
ment that State is recognized by either
House as restored to her position in the
Union. If that question were to be
answered in the affirmative then it would
,be in the power of any State immediately
on being recognized to undo everything it
had 'done under the reconstruction acts and
'to restore rebels to power. ' It was, in his
judgment, a qtlestion of continuing the
power of Congress over the lately rebellious
States to secure the great results at which
its legislation had hitherto aimed, and he
would give no vote which-could by impli •
nation deny or dispute that power ' (
On motion of Mr. SHERMAN , Mr. Hill's
credentials were laid on the table for the
present - a ---__
Mr. SUMNER introduced a bill to en
force the provisions of the Constitution
abolishing slavery. -
A,bill was introduced to torevide for the
resumptiell of specie payment by July 4th
next:_, - --
A- iesoinliog in f l avor' of cheap ocean
poetage wee introduced; •
Precleely'at noon the Speaker directed
the Clerk to call the roll of members and
delegatea:: One hundred' and sixty-font
members answered to their names. The
- States of.-Virginia, Mississippi and Texas
were unreprepented. None, of the Arkan
sasmembers answered to the call.
Illinois, offered
the usual f formal resobitions . directing
the clerk to notify the- Senate that a quorum
of the House was - PLP-Occd to,bue l .
ness, and providing fo, r a joitit - Comiiiittee=
to - wait on the Presiden t forf that pacPcss-*
The SPEAKER appol uteitas such Coin- mittee on the part oft house; Messrs.
Wastiburne,..of Illinois, ; ichetack, of Ohio,
and Brooks, of New Torlk •- • '
' . Mr. SCELENCK asked to bi, i3xcued, and
Mr. - Garfield was• appointed <in Mc place.
The. SPEAKER prestinti 4 sli the Orethin
tittle of Oliver J. Dickey 4 n(IE/Newton
Pettis, of Pennsylvania, elect.•
ed to till - the
vacaneles caused by the death ' 5 of liticrs•
Stevens and Finney - . , -•- -
Mr. LOAN' announced the %
John H. Stover, elected as the. e P u r e ee e seenec43 °r to
Mr. McClung', cit Missouri. ..___,s,
The three members elect - d\ Tamed to
the Speaker's chair and tookthe c. 'nth. " • •
The Sir also' presented - 6 , 0 , +dentials
from governor Bullock. of Georg .ha t de
clariniLhe wee satisfied ther_unci,
'l4th Artitile otthe sineadment-of Ur;' °, C .„, ° ,2"
fir the'
etitution the person elected as Repra ' A e r,r,:s
tire from the Sixth
,-District of Ge ' ''' 16 7
(Mr. Oltristys) . was not• - eligible,, and
therefore, lie gave the certificate to the
son receiving -the next highest numbei °f
Vo_t tap la. lif'himper.. - ...,., ...,., . .
-.. . that,'
said beheld in his hand .. -!k.
certificate,given- by General Meade to Mi,
Cioristy l -and remarked that, Mr. Whimpet
had been - a enberd in ate Offiebr - fri- the , Con.;
federate army, and had:received a - special
pardon bre , bill•patised'at the last session.
fie moved' broth papers: lieT,referted lo the
Committee on Elections.'
Mrt DAWES supported that motion, and
it was_agreed to. - - - = i - = ' '
Mr. DUYNARD said_ the State of Ten.;
nesase believed she was entitled,- from her ,
voluntary Abolition of elfiverylo an addi
tional Representative ,in. the. House, and
bad elected Chas. J. Hamilt on ., a emove a
the certificate be referred to the Comtnfttee
on Eleotions,"and that-meantime - Mr. Ham
ilton bg. entitled to the_courtesy of a Seat
in the House. , % ... .
Mr. SPALTANG 'objected :h . .; .'tiie latter
part of the Motion and argued it wouldbe
establishing a bad precedent, as there was
no real cialuttott=teat in thetasts.3
. The SEEAKERremarked that suckeour
tesy was UsifaL. - It_ was :granted : to persons
presenting.apparent titlesAdtteata.
Mr. POLAND said the number. ot mom
hers' of Congress. WAS fixed by law' and the
sentieman,-now presenting , credentials was
a tipernurneisiT.' --..-•- - ---
Mr.-NIBLA.CA instanced the case of the
Remus presently% Oredentlala from South
I. ern States to the last Congress, who we de
nied the courtesy of' seats..'
`_'. Tending the decision 'of the' question,
Mr. MAYNARD argued that in that case
the objection was not appliditble to the mem
bers themselves, but was based on the atti-,,
hide of the eileged State govennents. - z - t....'--
Ap3r further discnssitn-ztheAirecleritias
welt-referred totzthx. - Co - iiinittiee"t:M Elec
tionkti.nd theloi rt
r ivffegeelaelloor refused.
,'' 4ir. FPI* NcW introdneed_a hill to provide
egainatithe undue expansion 'end contraed
tion pf.the currency, allow a; draVr--
, back - on articles used , n the conatitietionofd
. voids. • Referred to the Ways and Mean
Cel,Mniltte6:'_-p - ' - ; - <1
' ,'' .10.'1OUTWELL introduced a bill prol'.,'
vidiflklbit All male citizens of the U nited.
States iabt' lets`than twentY-one years ofc
age, shall be entitled to Vett, •fbr Electors of:
President arid Vibe President and Represen
tatives taCorigrestl. -- - , Referred-to - the Judi-
ClarSeecimmittee. ••- - , --_ • I - . .
Dir.DAWESoffetted a resolution inatruct.
ing the Judiciark.",Committee to inquire
whether any legislation was necessary -to
secure to Government employes uniformi
ty 'of compensation under the eight hour
law: 'Adopted. • . , -,-i.' ...' -. ,
Mr. BOUTWELL titrew i : resolution di
recting the Committee: on Reconstruction
to examine into thitcondition of. public
affairs in Virginia, kruisissippi and- Texas,
and report what mos/dues - are necessary for
the better' protection; of life, liberty, i lind
pkbperty. Adopted. K- . '
Mn - PIKE offered ii: , resolution . instrnct-"'
lug the Ways and Means - committee' to ire-.
•Pot - rti bill for the pay.ent. in gold Or;the
United , States notes„- commonly :: called
"i . ireenbiiCka. - ' ti‘r • --- . - -c -- ,. ' -
- kir,FANSWORTInadd that theiesolu t
tion was mandatory; andjinggesteil its ref
Terence. '. -..v..
Mr.PIKE preferred to move the previous'
question which the House refused'to sec- -
ond, &mill° resolation Was referred te, the
Committee on .Ways . and. Means. , ,
I- '" - --
Mr. ELIOT introduced a bill continuing
the Freedmen's' Burette in Virginia, Miss
issippi and .Tematr, , and:presented a ,meinti
rial- from- the Governor.and other citizens
,of Virginia, . which ` were referred - ttth - gr-
Committee on Freedmen's!' Affairs.
Mr. ELIOT also -offered a resolution in
structing the. Judiciary \ Committee kr . .
quire into the expediericy k of repealing -Um
act of July,l3th, 1832, - and ',June Betb; I 831,"
concerning tonnage on Spanish vessels,
which was adopted.
Mr..WOOD, offered a resolution• request
ing the President to communicate gopies
of letters of instruction to Amerimin
Minister at London, relating to the settle
ment of
,Aian.ania elaims and of any sub
sem:rent correspondence with him or the
British Government on that subject, which.
Was 'adopted., -, • . -
Mr. WASHBURNE,,,, Illinois, reported
t h at the Joint Committee , ro wait on the ,
President had performed that 'duty and
that the President would iumounce in wri
ting On Wednesday at 1 te.'3a.
Mr. KELLY introduced a' joint resell).
Lion. pr,oposing 'an amendment , to the Con
stitution,. providing that no State shall ex
clude front the exercise of the rights and
Mit'lleges -or,"en elector any citiitiri,taf,tha
Ilefe kindle - My Cornmittee. • '
Mr. BROOMALL, of Peurusylvirida, In
.troduced a concurrent resolution to amend
the Constitution se that neither Congress
nor any State, ; by its Constitution or laws,
shall deny or restrict the right pf suffrage
to shy citizen of the United States on ac
count of raCe or.paremage, and declaring
void any such Ihnitatleal in the Constitution
or laws. Referred to Judielary Committee.
Mr. BROOMALL also introduced a bill
amending the lawn relating to the natural
ization of allens;providing that certificates
of citizenship shall be issued only by com
petent courts held in the county or parish
where the applicant resides, and shall not
be issued witniathree months immediately
preceding the time specitied for holding
elections for State or Carted. State officers.
Referred to Committee on Revision of
Mr. MORRILL introduced a joint resolu
tion declaring that the conduct of Reverdy
Johnson, the United States Minister to
England, is prejudicial to the interests and
dignity of the nation; and requesting the
Preaident to order immediately his re-call.
Mr. RANDALL moved to-lay the joint
resolution on the table, !remarking that
there were na facts to justify such a decla
ration. • -- I - ,
Mr.. BANKS moved to refer it to the
Committee" on Foreign Affairs.
The motion'to table was rejected.
Mr. SCOFIELD expreitied the hope that
the motion to refer would be voted down,
and that there would be a square vote:on
the resoliation. • ; _ , .
"The resolution was referred to the Comi•
mittee on Foreign Affairs---94.t0 41,
Mr. MILLER introduced a' bill to reduce
the number of Assessors of Internal Rave-'
rle.Referred to Committee on Ways and
Also, a bill to, amend Bankrupt law .by .
giving the appointment of Registers of
'Bankruptcy to the President. Referred to
Judiciary Committee.- .
' / Mr. RAN DALL offered a resolution for ari
amendment of the joint rules; by prohibi
lug Committees of Conference'lrom insert
ing or increasing appropriations. Referred
to Committee on Rules.
Mr. SC,OFIELD offered a - resolution in
structing the Committeeon Reconstruction
to examine into the condition of publlii af
fairs in Georgia, with power to sencl , t ror
poisons and papers. Allopted. V.,'..
Mr. MellEE introduced a j_oint resolution
to modify the naturalization - laws by.jdia.
ranging with the requirement of previous
residence. .Referred to Committee'on Re
vision pf Laws. .._..---;,..,
. Also, a - bill to establish a uniforni rule of
naturalliation. Referred to the same Co
; - Mr. STOKES introduced Ujoint , resolu
tion to amend the Constitutien by 'provid
ing that no State shall' make +or 'enforce
laws iii - deprive battens of the - elective fran
ohise on account of, race or color.' Referred
I to the Judiciary Committee. ~'. -...
Mr. MAYNARD introdneed a joint reso-,
iution to the same effect. Same reference.
Mr. MAYNARD also introduced a bill to
give uniformity-to the currency.
to the Committee on' Ways and Means. -
Mr. MULlllNS'lntrotinced a bill requir
ing applicants for relief from political dis
abilities to give, thirt,"s „ days , notice of appli
cation' to Congress.' ' eferged to the Com
mittee on Rettonatriiettih. , '
' " - -Alsoi tasuppress- by 'national- authority .
ti , le" ICA-Klux Klan and declare itti members
Z it , - AlawitS - Referred tOlJntliolary Committee. •
.. -- fr, ARCHEIV offered a resolution in
mi , -, -..-, icting the Judiciary Committee to re-,
I --- ,,,,C• .ti bill' aPpropriating,llBo,ooo to reins
li -
3i President ' Johnson , for hie expenses
r''' • di himselftin the impedchment
°Lai: \ - 4 : 3aItFIELD asked If he thought SO,-
g y m ' ,_"2, - Iffbii entmet. - -- • • -
"'`r u -"'" "EI23FY moved to.lav:the re.solu
, _ .
•"r''"A'. ~ ,`te table. Agreed to.-
tion on ta .' ytrFis • preaented a, memorial of
, t , M ., T r: „, r ' l ,_, attire of Georgia for the removal
„`",7„„''„.'"/PD'• disabilities from every citizen of
"' l' n "' el " ' 'eferred to Reconstruction Com-
Georgia. A, , ,
mittee'.l -- ... . NICK 'offered a resOlution in
/s.ll%l3°llE\ Judiciary Committee to In
structing the, +r amendments are: 9eeded
quire - whetbe , dization laws, partlenlarly,
to the nature. ' the power of receiving deo
whether,. first . ~ ' 'triton and issuing letters -of
larations of rote, honed not In restricted to
114; UraliZatlOA . a
irts of the Lin'tell States and higher'
irt.s - of record; .:econd, to' require uni
nity of prciceed ngs in such cases in the
ted States Circuit Courts; third, to re
re the signature, of the Judge to•such
laration and - certificate; fourth, to re
,OrWre recdrds to be ket of all sch ro-
Odedings; fifth, to author p ize lettersu p
of net
ttetlization to be issued after four years
r . idence, but not to take effect until after
Alt. SPALDING moved to amend by
Lactbstituting the Comitittee On Revision of
1i.1.4,ws for the Judiciary Committee.
-,-4-Mr. SCHENCK accepted the amendment.
.•-:-. r. WOOD moved to lay the 'resolution
On Mt table. _• ' --- '' "-- '
..,, emotion was lost—yeas 33, nays 125,
Xistrie_party.vota.,-,..-, .. • _ =.----, _ -
~ • - _ The-resobitiOn- W as adopted.
,- ,,Hr2BINGRA.M. Introduced a bill to pro 7
vie &for an election in Virgin's - jilt: January
next. Referred to Conunittee, on_ Recon
struction. •- • ,"' '' ' :---.,---:-• - `"
Mr. - LAWRENCE; of Ohio, offereda res
o! 'tion directAng the Committee i on Ways
an Means to inquire into the - ,.expediency
of eking it the duty of the,,Secretary of
th Treasury to sell from time &tithe sur
pl gold in the Treasury andapply its •
proceeds and other-,anrplthr money in the
Treasury to liquidate portions of the public
de t. Adopted. '• _ ' ~
r. SPALDING-offered a resolution in-
str cting the :Committee on Ways and..:
,Me to inquire' into the-expediency •6r -
pro ding' for the speedYiesumption of
s le payment - -by4the-Government and
re rt as soonas:preetleable.•- - Adopted.
• • r. CARKY•bitrodueedi - pream blot' and
joi t fesolution to. repeat:Atte civil tenure
of o ce act of March 2d,-,1867. - •
-_- r.-MATNARD.thoughtit a matter that
itilarednoiiiideration, and moved to lay
yit on'the table. Agreed to •-' -- -- -`-''" - --.---.'
- T trllotutes then , proceeded 'to elect tr-:-."
D keePer in place of Mr. Lippincott, re-
si ed. - '• • -- 3 - -'-rfr- --;',
r.J3uaton,present Assistant , DOniikee 4. ..
ei 7- was - chosen, having 141 votes to Xl4 for
W. p.. Collins, of Minnesbta, and , tWolor .-.l':
- ±Edward,/ardinerol•• • •New Jersey.
-,- The Speaker announced the regular-busi-.
ness'inbrder to be the bill of last Julyvig-LF-;-
nbit ng'the duty_ on imported,' - dopPer - iirtd.
copper orig. - - - _- • _
M-: SCHENCK said the Committee on.
Ways and Means would haVe a session' o
mor-ow „morning and would inform the
1 House what they desired done with that ..-- -
h anbject. • - - -
M. WASHEITRITE, of Ellnoltr, offered a,
resolution, directing the PostmasterGoneral -
PO communicate a copy of any enittradts or
agreements with Welliv, Fargo dr Co., for'
carrying mails between the termini of the.
Lltdon Pacific and Central PacificHtiiiroad r ,„ 4
Adopted..' ' ------'•-•-:•----,'-, - -
. ..
- Mr:
JUDD Irked to have an order made ,
making - the Niagara Ship Canal „bill - the - ----
treecal, order for the 15th-Of Deeember.
• Sir. RANDALL objected.
31 SHANKS introduced a joint resolu
tian ( the duty of the Govern
ment to- acknowledge the Provirdonal -
Government of, Crete as an independent
StateVand to treat with le as such. Re
.ferred .to'Cornmittee ori Foreign Affairs.
q tr ' 'lotions fo i' ;•ie - rtt t t i lt al.:l4 ‘ rs ' in Mich g - .
igan. Referred to Committee on Appro. '-
print i ns.
Mr INGFIRSOLL introduced a bill to
.prehi, it the- sale of coin on behalf of th t
United States, and to provide for the re-
deniption oe' ETnited. Stites legal tender
notes in coin at par. Referred , to Commit
tee arr Ways and Means,: ‘ .
Mr.l t08.12480N offered- a 'resolution.
calling on the President for' ciorrespond--
ence an the eabet of'Amerleen-citizens
imprisoned - in :for words spoken•
and k•trf, done• in United- States, and de
siredert•malte some remarks• hl reply ( to
the dispatch ofllord Stanley, in which that
fact was denied,
• Mr.
not 1
BANKS reeved Abe resolution be
d to Committee on - Bereigst Affairs.
ROBINSON: remarked if he could
e. heard en the subject• he would
taw his resolution fbr the pmient.
on th
e 'Cars-.Scnooner Lost on the. Lake
cepinon to Madame Janauschek—
talons Against Popular Ainuseinents
nbttean Union, Ball Projected.
raplrtathi Pittsburgh Gazette.)
MT Tele!
Cm I
lug m.,
aorDecember7.--It has been SIIOW: •
erately all day, httl. the mildness
atmosphere liar caused it to thaw
)fast,as it fell. a are tm streets
disagreeable poikilition;--
of the
a very
the F
ottensive Truss•lron Bridhe across
river. at Elgin • Illinois; broke
ri into the river to.itayat - noon. k
f.One- hugdred , cattle and: a heavy
;snow proved too. much. for its es—
It. loaves WO , in a bad predio
1. r thewinter, as.about an equal, pro.
of the- city is. lotzted on either
a4d le
nknown man ;died of consumption
cars all .Bildcl)etown, five Miles west
I 'son; WisconniNlhis morning, HIS
As taken 41 afilwaulted.
on the
of Ma'
nead -
lake a
noia C!
on dee,
fore t
'Atomise' at - ten:o'Clookaschconer.
dismacted, was seen drifting on the
more northeast of the
nit shojis. -One man was seen.
making signals of distress, bat
,o,lressel could be reached she had
ilawr,aa far:as Oakwood Station=
wheel - she stuck with _her broadside op
posed to• the waves,- which made a clean_
breach over ber. , .- Wht-n. approached the
man _disappeared, and there )ere
signalife Pattie vessel. Re waii doubt
less washed Pverboird ancilost,'an probe
bly4he remainder of the crew had shared
the same fate.
The Germans of this city gave a recep
tion last evening, at:Maemierchor Hall, to.
Madame Janansohek, the celebrated Ger
man tragedienne. Dr. Wage' made the re
ception speech,. and was feelingly replied.
to by the Madame. , - -During,Dr. F,fistiel's re
marka he presented Janauschek a beauti
ful laurel wreath. A ,ninsical entertain.:
meat and supper followed,_ which lasted,
until a late hour.
The Ministerial.-UniOn, composed of the
eyangelical clergy.of this city, had'r meet
ing this morptuclorlinsi action on the reit:
olutiong recently;lntiOduced into that body
in denunciation of popular amusements.f
The attendance was, not large; and the cler
gy manifested considerable lukewarmness
upon the question. The. resolutions were
finally adopted. - -
The Republicans of this ,city are making
"arrangemepte to erect a,Union. Hall, after
the ..manner of • thp Union League-HaU;
Chiceig Saha.
OrneAGo, Deo..' 7.—Tho market for No. 2
wheat to-nightie steady at 51,19.. •There is
nothing doing in other grains. New corn
held at 52e, Oats, 4834a4eXc., ,
New:Orleans Market,
NEW ORLEANS, December 7.-Cotton
lowef; - middlings 2234822%c; sales 6,100
bales' receipts 7,480 bales.'
Nashville' Market.
_ _
NASHVILLE, yeeemoor 4.—uotton mar
ket flat; low middlings, 21e; good oraina.
ry, 20)1e.