al CITY AND SUBURBAN. ; • Attention, Heath Zonaves.-- , There will, be a meeting,this evening at the Soldiers' League Itooms, 127 Lacock street, Alleghe ny, at balf-past seven o'clock, sharp. A fall attendance is expected. . Lead news will be found on our seventh A general stoppage of the collieries in the Elch'aylkill region is probable. The county jail, at the present time, con tains one hundred and thirty-two prisoners, The expenditures for repairs . and .clean ing of the streets of Allegheny, for the month of November, amounted to 51;153;34, A Veteran.—That veteran vagrant, Daddy Deihl, at his own request, 'was committed to jail for ten days, yesterday, by..Ntayor Drum. ^ , ,Bear - Caged.—Henry Bear, a Demoemt, has just been sent to jail three months for voting often for !Seymour sea Blair in Bed ford>ocninty. Fined.--James Robinson, a countryman, was•fined $2,50 by Mayor Drum, for driv ing over the sidewalk 10 the Diainond, on Thursday Morning., Undlspoml\ef.--Of six hundred *and fifty cases at the Sr - •the Quarter Sessions. nine mostly. liquor Sall Ace[del near _Mead ville, three ctn.- .1 \ . Weet were o playingn pond tee, \,. _ it -broke, and one wra drowned, the \second resuscitated !and the third eseaped. \ . I Committed.-Swltice R.-4.rr, of McClure township, *criterdaY, committed John Ro land 'alias Griffiths,lo the-Dinnt: - 11, for , trial, on a charge of false pr \ e' pre ferred against him by W. H. F' , P. R. 'Croy , sherif f connty,`:bis jtrsi, retired froi which he very creditably and lilted. He is Eracceeded .by eh Nary competent and worthy gr A proud American Eagle, was caught: \ stealing chickens at Pittsfield, a day or two ego, and captured by a lady.. He measured six feet six inches from-tip of one wing to tip of the other—big enough to be at better brisierasatban - rxrat-robbing. • The closing exercises of the Fall term of - the FittsburghTenrode College. held in the College Chapel last evening, attracted quite large Audience: The entertainment - was very creditable. The Winter term of the College will commence on Monday next. Mr.: Alexander Maxwell, a worthy citizen •of Allegheny, who had for the last eight Tears held the position of Salt inspector of the •oity,"died at his residence on Wednes• .day morning, and was buried inlJniondale; Cometcrry yesterday with' Masonic , honors: Slight FAre.—About five o'clock yester day morning fire was discovered in the old , 'Anshan House, Penn street, by officer liticuael Carr. 'The fire originated in the •chimney, which had been 'burning huts .fe-cr moments when the roof took fire. The •ofiiatir aroused the occupants of the house, 41111:1111 a short time the flames were extin guished. No - alarm was given by Lela graph• ' Finally Committed.—Fne Marshal Mgr phy yesterday committed Richard. Roberts tojail for trial on a charge of arson, prefer re him by Mrs.:Catharine Don nelly. A frame'. stable, in the - - Twelfth ward, owned by the preneontrix, was burn •ed slew, evenings 'Since, the particulars of nrhiehme pliblighed, and the accused was arrested at the time and teildfor a hearing, on a charge of arson. The hearing took 'Mace yesterday and the facts developeciled to thelinal cbmmittal of the accused bythe Fire Marshal.;. • A 4 . City Hail. 'The fair for the benefit of the Home fcr EDestitute WOmen, now abeing held in City Hall, will close this sftemoon and re-open, on Monday noon, to continue until farther notice. - •The Managers ate amtiona to-real ize .$lO,OOO, T aud - certainly no other -enter prise is more worthy. Dinner and tea will be setred each day. By patronizing this feature Of the fair, businessmen and otherd can aid the enterprise without taxin them selves to any great extent. - visi g t to the fair,.evenif fiothingla pr rcbage-4, will be a little help, beskies furnishing : entertain ment and instruction to theNvisiter. Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars; Among the. many extensive and well managed _cigar and .tobacoo establishments of this' clty, there are Mae more 'woithy the patronage of the public than the staunch and reliable house of. Mr. John Megraw, No. 45 _Ninth. street, •(kumerly Nand.) Transacting a . large share trade, and at all times . kee ping .:a very extensive and finely assorted stock of gimds at most rea sonable of 'prices, Mr. • .Megraw has sue ceededin establishing high •reputatiort for his house among,all dames •of the commu nity: fie makes a specialty of cigars, and has lust received-an enormous invoice, the third or' Tpitrth of the currant year, which numbers loverhalf a milfion of fine and' desirable brands. Wholesale and retail purchasers will find slimly& on - hand every large mai. Judiciously eelected assortment of everything in Wilma of pritne Nanking -and .ohewing . tobacco, dmpoited7and do mestic cigars,' Scotch, and other snuffs,' meerschaum pfpes, • cigar tubas, pouches, ate., which are offered akthe most reason able prices to be obtained in this market. ffiz Blegtaw will be found a gentleman in every way worthy-of patronage and one with wheat it is a business pleasure to deal. A Clad Outraged %o :Alfeged rerpetta- for Arrestet. A married man named James Rumble was brought before Mayor- rum on Thurs day evening, charged with one of the most fleh acts In the calenthir of crime. The far Lion upon which he waearreated was made by Ur. fiananel :Hough. a resident of She Fourth ward, Allegheny, who alleges that the accused brutally violated, the„. per /40.1) *ibis ohm, Jane Stebbins: a little girl aged sheet 'twelve; years, The girl Is an orpipn, her lather having been killed ki the army, and bet mother also : /1/ 1 4 a /short time after the death per father, Following the - death .of her parents, she was taken In charge by Per uncle, whe adopted her as one of his • family, {lire :Is said to ho a delicate and rather feeble child, and the brutality which she kettained may result seriously. Her story, upon wideltthe informakis Is based, is /i/OUlAtioneizowir follows: On Thursday af ter/3099, White,the iv* of the family, were- Absent, she woe going about her.usual du ties when she was approached by Rumble r who, it seems; oecoples with his wife's por- Lion of the Posse, her Allele, with his fami ly, 4cupYing• the' remainder. She alleges that ii•ninide followed'-hex up stairs, first.coating, then threateni n g, and finally accornplishing his designs by force. - The Mtge girl, it is siamO, Oat related the elr ntnstenee to;Mrs.Ramble, who Mimed i . atejy communicated it to Mr. Hough, which led to the intorattion, 'as elated. itumbi*Niaigoon alter arrested end placed' in the inek-up until yesterday, when a pre. liminary'Pearigg WO had in the case, The little :.girl peageietlitiavii• to the above statement, and told the story in a simple, : artlege manner; which somewhat strength ened it. 1,, the• estimation , or those who were nreacnt at Op Ip3aring. The accused will finally comunitied tortriai indefault era ve thousand delbirs bal l ,.- He 10 Well knowq fp the emumunityi. and bits tore,t?: fere borne a good character as if reepeOtitine jitp4 air - alghtfOr ward citizen, The Immense Stock of Dryrzaoods at J. W. Barker dr. Co.'s offered at Closing • Out Sale—Great P Bargainil far Thirty uays— Prices lLera than before the War. • The'semilannual clearance sales which have tantributed so much towards making Popular the, great dry goods emporium of; Messrs. Barker & Co., No. 59 Market street, ire very generally regarded in this ond,of the State as the hey-day for bargains end special occasion .. for the purohaso of 'desirable goods at extremely_low prices. In 1 I m order to acco mm odate the vast trade exclu sively monopOlized by this house—and of which it is eminently deserving—Messrs. Barker it Co. are compelled to purchase at the'opening of seasons immense stocks of goods in order ihattheir customers will find proper selectipri and variety. These largii quantities of goods, however, must be sold, for in the dry goods business no policy • is more suicidal than that of carrying from • one season to another any considerable portion of stook. After the-first and heavi est run of trade, which usually pets in even in advance of the , season, and when the or ders. have been generally supplied and business commences tosubside this ex perienced firm commence aienchegrand -turning of stock on hand into money, or in other words inaugurate the semi-annual Bales which open to purchasers such favor able fields. for bargains. The object of the clearance sale will be appreciated by merchants engaged in any line of business where the articles handled are subject to the rigid rules of change and fashion. So great is the desire of prudent merchants who are engaged as largely in the trade as Messrs. Barker & Co. to turn themselves I at the close of each season, that we once heard a deaArr., with boundless experience, say that "it pays to close out the stock be fore a new season comes on,• even if the goods have to be Oxon away." Barker &- Co. never go so far in their ideas on the subject as to actually distribute their goods gratuitously to all corners, big they ap proach that point very closely. They do not take into consideration what the goods cost them. Neither do they anticipate or calculate how much more Money they might realize by holding back the clear ance and awaiting :he slow order of things, dispose of nearly all in the usual routine of business. But looking at the magnitude H of the stock of dry goods of all descrip tions, cloaks, sacques, walking jackets, balmorals, blankets, flannehi and the thou sand and one articles which go to make up their \ assortaient -and which crowd their capacit salesrooms from basement to upperia t floor, they simply resolve for more ro):kin and less goods, and take the readiest method 0% accomplishing these ends., They with no hesitating pen mark down every yard of goods, every article lb the stock, to figures which none can call anything but cheaPhargaiiis, eery cheap bargains, and advertise that 'their special clearance sale has opened. Purchasers are invited to call through the coludins of the leading newspapers, and it requires on the part of the clerk and sales men no eloquence to convince any that a sacrifice of goods, whblesale and re tail, • is entered upen.\ The - figures won't He, but tell volumes of truth.- Everything is offered at \ a bargain, - and when the rash of custom fairly sets in the goods disappear as rapidly from shelves and - counters as snow before the san's.tnelting rays. In away the clearance sale is not profitable, but when it la con sidered that room is made for new`gooda the next season, that capital locked up in goods is set free and to the credit of the banking account of the firm, it_a pears more profitable than it looks ata first \ glance. On Monday next the great semi-annual 'clearance sale of winter goods .will com mence and continue during the next thirty days, as will be seen by advertiaement in another column. The departmenta of the house were never more complete. The ;goods - are all new, fresh and fashionable. and every article bas been reduced in. price, many of them bate; °faxed at prices less than prevailed anterior to the war. The clearance about to, be entered upon is promised to eclipse all that have been held by the house, and we trust none of our readers will fail to embrace themselies of its privileges and advantages during its continuance. undispolied mgo Mee )rily is, a A bidxderons fitre.t Mow—A' Man Terribly Butchered—Several , Pertiona Stabbed— • One Man net. Last night kbout twelve o'clock one of tne most bloody and 'horrible street fights which we have been ccdled upon for a long time .to record, took place _ln. the vicin ity of the Mmasion Hcinse, 'Liberty street, the result of which will, in all prehability, seal the doom of one of the participants, and consign one or more Of the Others to the scaffold or penitentia ry. 'The circumstances of the affair, as near as we could learn at the late hour of its occurrence, are as follows: It seems that a ball had been in prog 'nes during the evening in the "Con tinental" saloon, one of those sink holes of iniquity with whielu our city is cursed, located in the rear of the Mansion House on Liberty :street. Tile balr had been closed and the attendants were about separating when a difficulty, occurredt between a man named John AR:Donald and another man, whose. name •we failed_ to learn. McDonald it appears -*as yin company with one of the -female attdndents, whose company had been • previously solicited by the par ty with whom he bad the difficulty. The two men, after wrangling a; short time in *cords, by some, means got out into the alley in' the rear of the saloons where they,conmmenced.s fight. The flght,had not progressed far before .others wereattractod to thew:eine, and soon the row became general. Knives were drawn, pistols fired, bricks and stones sent , flyitig through the air with &reckless dis regard of anything and everything. The fighters ,gradually fought their way out from the alley and across Liberty street to the vicinity of Hand street, where it attrac ted the attention of Lieutenant ' Wilmot, who happened along that way and who im mediately summoned the police. At the time when the fighters werellrat noticed, one of them was • lying in the gutter sur rounded by about half a dozen others, who, With oaths and exclanaatfons to "kill him," him,'Pvere doing all in their power by means of , such weapons as _villains usually. Barry to excute their design. Upon the approach of the police, the party fled with the exception • of the map in the gutter, who was unable to do so, and another whom:the pollee Secur ed before he could *get off. The two .cap-. turgid men were taken to „ the Mayor's office, where they gave the names as John McDonald and John Bo,yle. McDonald, the man who had been lying in in the gutter, presented aspeptacle of blood and pounds shch as age , have seldom neon. •There was a long,,deep gash across' the right side of his face and temple, from which the blood "flowed uroftisely, covering his whole person. Drs. Murdock and King were quickly summoned,' and dressed the wounds of the Injured man. He had been hacked to pieces:about the face and throat, having no less than four deep gashes. one severe ode on the throat. His right hand was also broken.