The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 04, 1868, Image 8

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    8; j
The salaries of the various city officers
for the month of November amounted to
$1,566,63. ' ' • .
Improving.—Agnes Owens, the young wo
man Who attempted to commit suicide at
the Union Depot on Wednesday afternoon,
was Imuch better yesterday. She is still
at Mercy Hospital.
Plans Prepared.—The City Regulator,
Under instruction from the Committee of
Councils, has prepared plans of the 'railroad
changes and improvements proposed by
the. Pennsylvania Railroad: •
Thelieistone Riolit.—The floor of the
Reyst ne Skating Rink is being raised
twenty, inches, -in order to have a better
ventilation, which will make the ice for..
sooner; and ba more solid than heretoforo.
Break Down.—A wagon loaded with
'straw broke down on Penn street, opposite
the stables of the Citizens Passenger Rail
wry, yesterday afternoon. The running of
the cars was interrupted for about bait an
hour by the accident.
The Fair now in progress at City Hall,
for the benefitof the Home for Destitute
Wonien, Will close Saturday evening, the
sth inst., it nine o'clock. Let no one allow
the opportunity to pass without contribut
ing something to this noble charity;
Recovaing.—Mr. William Barnes. who
was injuredson the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne
and Chicago Railroad a few days since, the
particulars of which we published, is slowly
`lmpraving, and his physician, Dr. Hall, is
now of the opinion that he will recover.
Mr. Bonner, of the New York Ledger,
has succeeded in making eyen a Prospectus
that is readable. It is one of the most in,
teresting of the new advertiOments in our
present number, From it we learn that
Bev. Dr. Tyng is writing a long story for
the Ledger. •
Owner Wanted.-Officer Boyd Rook, at
the Union Depot, has in his possession a
safe key which he picked up in one of the
trains, which arrived at the depot on Wed
nesday morning. The owner can have the
article by calling on the officer any time
during the day and proving property.
The Police Overcoats.—The Police Com
mittee!, at a meeting held on Tuesday even
ing,--awarded contracts for the making of
one hundred new overcoats for the police;
SS follows: J. Burnell thirty-eight; Urling,
Follansbee & Co., twenty-five; Wil
thirty-seven. The price to be paid
for the making of each coat, including / the
trimmings, is ga.
• • .
Temperaticeville Nair and e vk:kr
rangetneuti are in progress for a Fair and
Festival, to be held at Odd Fellows' Hall,in
Temperanoeville, commencing on ,the
inst., for thei benefit of the First Presbyte
rian Church in that borough. It is de
signed to make the affair as attractive as
possible, and we trust the ,most sanguine
hopes of those concerned may be realized
in the Way of securing fulids.
Literary and illuMeal Entertainment.
' To-night the closing - of the Fall term of the
Pittsburgh Female College will be -appro.
prititely observed by a literary and mu
sical entertainment In the College Chapel,
to whiCh the the public generally, and the
friendi of the institution especially, are In
vited to be present. ' The programme
braces,l•rare musical offerings, gems Of
• song, ,select reading' land essays. 'The
Winter term Will commence under most
:favorable auspices on Moffday next.
A Strange. Case.—Yestorday afternoon
Mrs. Leonard, wife of Patrick Leonard,
who resides on the Greensburg pike, near
East Liberty, came to the Mayor's office
and requested an officer to be sent to her
residence, to see if her husband was dead.
She stated that she knew he had been mur
dered, j but she was afraid to go and see
him. She said she left him at home Tues
day night because she' knew he would be
killed - that night. The woman' is eVidently
insane,on that subject, although she ap
pears rational on all others. _
Cleared Oat.
One day -this week a new conductor was
placed In charge of a car on the Citizens'
Passenger Railway, having been previously
furnished with three dollars, the amount
alldWed to each conductor to-make change;
The new employ.% after making a couple
of trips, suddenly disappeared, takingwith
him the proceeds of the last, trip, together
with the amount given him at first: A
careful search for the delinquent - failed
- to develop* his whereabouts. and the (Aft
cars of the Company were at length coin
' pelled to give up the search, content Ehat
- he had not stolen a larger amount.
The report maliciously circulated by
Walter - Brown's enemies, that instead of
starting for Cincinnati in his shell he had
- departed for the East by railroad, is with
out foundation. He did start at twelve
o'clock Ir. Tuesday, as stated in the GA
ZETTE of Wednesday, and is making good
• time, as will, be seen from the following
dispatch received from Wheeling yester
""town, the champion' oarsman, in his
match against time, reached -this city yes
terday-( Wednesday) afternoon in his shell,
• making the trip from Pittsburgh In twenty
: four hours. He started for Cincinnati at
throe o'clock this (Thursday) morning."
A Sensation. - •
Considerable excitement was created
among "ye locals" last evening by the ap.
pearince at the Mayot's office of two well
dressed females of lady like appearance.
who were conducted to the Mayor's private
office, aad there held a consultation in
secret with the Mayor, his Clerk and Chief
of Police. The ladles being strangers, and
evidently, from their appearance, not' of
:that Ohms of women, who have occasion to
visit such places, and the apparent air of
mvstery in which the affair was shrouded,
' indicated that there was a first class sense
., tion afloat. An investigation of the facts,
however, proved the ''cllntrary. The ladies
were r Mrs. Eliza Bevlus and Mr& Ada
• I ynch, of . New. York, who alleged they'had
. hekir! swindled out -of some money and
jewelry by Members of a traveling dra
matte coMpany, and they came here to re
cover, it. That, and nothing more.
The Lecture.
One of the largest and most intelligent
audiences which his greeted any lecturer,
during the present season, assembled;last
~evening in Lafayette Hall' to hear, What
; proved to be, one of the best and Most in.
stnactive lecture thus far of the course.
The story ,of “Sherman's March to the
Sea," as told by the brave and gallant Oen
' , end 'Kilpatrick, abounds .in historical rem
iniscences, stirring eloquence, vivid de
. scription and flashing wit and humor, and
*As, with al, surrounded with a halo of, ro
mance and - reality which makes it one of
the most - fascinating interest. The speak
. er's style.. of delivery was rapid, but gen
- erally clear:and distinot, - and very' ford
: ble. Se was frequently interrupted by
• applause, which testified bettor than any
thing else the appreciation with Which his
remarks were. xeceived, jndging from
which, we feel confident that none in the
audience went - away unsatisfied '
with the
entertainment afford.ed.
Tbp next lecture' of the coarse will be
delivered in the Academy of. Musio on
.Tuesday evening nest, by R. 'Stookett
Matthews, who chosen for, his subject
`'The Romance of American Progress."
-tw, ' ,
'T 4 ; -I
;Widows , Home As' soelation. of Allegkenv
r City.
The annual meeting of this. Association
was held on Monday, November 30th, MS,
and a resolution ordering the publication
of the reports of the Secretary and the
Treasarer was passed. The following oill
cers and managers for the ensuing year
were elected :
Preitident—Mrs. F. R. Bronot.
Vice President—Mrs. Dr. Treye.
Secretary—Miss J. M. Smith. •
T. easurer—Mrs. Thompson.
Managers—Mrs; Sands, Mrs. Gorman,
Mrs. Miller, Mrs. James Hoag, Mrs. Daw
son, Mrs. M. Whitten. •
Time, the great revealer of intents and
purposes, has given to the Widows' Home
Association the experience That • the Home
has been a blessing to those who have been
taken - under its roof.
This Association Is composed of the Re
lief Society, of Allegheny City, they being
the incorporators and holders of the prop
We have sheltered twenty-five families
during the pot year, 'four' haying moved
out and two dismissed, leaving nineteen
families at present in the Home. These
comprise wisiows with small children; very
aged widows, and some who are younger,
but are very much afflicted. Many of them
have been in the Home since it was estab
lished, and others who have been admitted
durimfthe year'found it impossible to se
cure rooms elsewhere, the rents being be
yond their means. Here they ibund a ref
uge, for the object of the Aeseciation was to
provide a home at a mere nominal rent, it
being enough to pay contingent expenses,
to such persons of the Protestant faith
who are unable to pay an ordinary rent,
giving the preference to widows with knell
Some of the - very old people have lived
for three quarters of a century, a few be
yond that, and one has celebrated her con
, tennial.birth-day. The expressions of
gratitude, and the happy faces of these
aged Christian people, convince us the
Home has been a blessing. to them.
_One, who is sixty-eight years old, has
been afflicted for twenty years with an in
curable disease in her ankle, her foot be
ing almost severed from the limb. She is
fast hastening, with Christian resignation,
to her release from pain find trouble.
Another mourns the death of a much
loved husband. When the Home was first
established an aged couple made' applica
tion for admittance, (it not being the inten
tion of the association to admit men into
the Home) but this couple was very poor
and feeble, and living in a damp cellar, he
not being able to earn one cent, crippled in
his feet with rheumatism. They were re
ceived, and we found, as months passed,
this old man was a very great blessing in
deed, to the inmates. As long as he was
able he led the prayer meeting in the room
of an invalid, who has been confined to her
bed for many years. All loved the good
old man; his child-like faith and simplicity,
together with his many virtues, made us
think of him, as a true Israelite, indeed, in
whom there lane guile. In earlyspring he
was stricken down with paralysis; he had
several attacks; his mind was very much
impaired, but, all through his sickness, in
speaking to him of his Saviour, his counte
nance was radiant with that: settled peace.
Not having full control of his, tongue, he
would lisp, the swellings of a soul full of
bright hopes of a future inheritance. He
was always alive to this great subject, but
death claimed him and he was ready. His
wife is sad and lonely, but she, like him, is
a christiau t and is calmly waiting the sum
mons to join her companion.
Another one we shall speak of is quite a
young woman; her worthlesi husband left
her without provocation to` struggle with
overwhelming trouble, 'two children sick
ened and died with scarlet fever; not being
able to pay so much rent, she was obliged to
leave her miserable and unhealthy rooms,
and was admitted to the Home; she not
knowing low or where she could provide
the next meal for herself and two beautiful
children, kind friends came 'to her relief,
supplied her wants, and she was made com
fortable ; she had been in the Home but a
short time, when God in hie wise providence
carried her infant babe' in the arms of his
love to heaven; she had desertion, death
and sickness, but in the acknowledged
strength of her blessed master, she is try
ing to struggle through these troblea and
make a living by her needle for herself and
two children.
Other cases might be added, but may
these be sufficient to prove to the kind con
tributors the Home that their money, has
not beo'n spent in vain.
The daily school has been held at the Home
by a worthy widow-with four children as
during the preceding year.
The inmates go to their -respective
churches during Lord's day, and in the
evening they hold an hour of pray
er. May the Divine blessing rest on t i lie
ladies and gentlemen who contributed so
much to the meeting of ithis hour, and also
to the young gentlemen who visited the
rooms of the sick during last winter and
spring. If they have returned to the city,
may they renew their efforts with the same
zeal, and let the songs of Zion reverberate
the halls of the Home, and their prayers as
cend to the Giver of all good. -
May Dr. 0. Miller, to whom we feel in
debted, receive thb sincere thanks of the
Managers for his skilful and voluntaey ser
vices' to the inmates of the Home.
It is the intention of the Association that
this shall be 'a self sustaining enterprise,
but it cannot be done until we have suittp
ble buildings and the necessary improve•
meats complete. We are obliged to curtail
expenses, for our resources are very limit
ed, but we trust that we may yet be able,
through a generous public, to see every
foot of ground occupied 'with comfortable
tenements and the present amount of good
done increased.
We present. this plea, hoping the work
will commend 'itself to ?the consideration
and sympathies of its many friends in this
city. 1 J. M. BlifITH, Secretary.
__ 4 TREAdutentt'S REPORT.
MY& it. D. Thom eon. ace , .uot with the Wid
ow's Home Assoclalltku, of Alleaheny City:
roc. 30. To balance in Treastu7 Da. - 111,217 42
Nov. 30, 1888. To cash received for rents 53$ 75
9 • • Cash—Mrs. thrift hOO
" Doltation—Whistoli Aiken.. 650
1858., CR.
Nov. 50 . By cash paid forpitying Davis alley., 415 28
Bycasn pald Bradshaw &Anderson . 15 OD
" By cash paid Insurance 75 90
By cash paid cleaning Ont.hon e... 65 00
" By cash paid Win. Para bill .. 122 Z 1
.BY cash paid tieco. W. Malley 11 00
By cash paid 11, Htuarts.. .. . . . 2b6
" By cash paid A. Hine for paving.. 18
" By cash paid 1 ormenlteg 1005 80
" By donation Wt.iaton k Aiken . 8 frO
`` By balance in Treasury 1.035 60
Expenditures of Roaa and Street Commis
The following is . a statement, compiled
from the pay roll of the Road and Street
Commissioners of rittsburgh, of the ex
penditures for street and road improye='
ments during the mouth of November:
First Dlstrlct—Johu Y. Hunter. eom $1.954 45
Second 111 strict—J. D. Menden. Com 1,79 45
Third District—Lewis TAM, Cam 94
-nom" Stagg Di
First District—lL A. Anderson. Corn int 7 02
nenond DPI rletr-J. Vend egrift, Com .... . . 57
Third District — James Woodrow, *Cope szs,
Total -
Total streets and roads - 400 70
The street expenditures are chargeable to
appropriation No. 7, and that of roads to
No. 22. The Street - Committee approved
the Commissioners' pay bills, but as there
were only 50413.90 remaining of, the fund ap
propriated, and none from which:a transfer
could be made, no warrants wore drawn.
Appropriation No. 22 was drawn on for pav
ment of the road bills: Thelirst road die.
teat is composed of the; Thirteenth and .
Fourteenth . wards; second... Nineteenth.
Twentieth and ' Twenty4irst !,wards, and
third, • Twenty-second and -Twenty-third
z ap+ 4
e a t ~ f ,.zn.:~'r~? - ..G,-Cdr .. ~t .. c:, ~ i~ ti "~ ' _
it is ~-"-' ..i.
Another Arrival of "Confidence
Sharpers Sold.
Yesterday afternoon another party of
sharpers, or confidence men, arrived inour
city from the West, trio of the Panhandle
route. They are supposed to belong to the
same party whose operations in this locality
were so unkindly nipped in the bud by
the watchful vigilance of the Union Depot
officials, as we noted yesterday. The sharp
ers tried their game on an innocent looking
passenger; with whom one of them made
himself acquainted on board the train, but
unfortunately for their success, the passen- 1
ger was not as "green" as he looked-to be.
It seems Steubenville sharper No. 1
got on the train and took a seat beside the
intended victim. In a few minutes he
managed to strike up a conversation, which
was kept up until the Union Depot was
reached. The sharper, who appeared to be
about twenty-two years of age, and had lost
one arm, represented that he was in
partnership with his father in the wholesale
dry goods ' business at No. NS Market.'
stneet, Philadelphia. He had been out
West collecting bills, and was then on his
Way home. He had been hi the army ,and
had there lost his arm. While recalling
his army experiences he exhibited a box,
the making of which he said had occupied
his leisure hours in the service. The.
box was a small round- article, and aside
from being a souvenir, it had the additional
merit of being a puzzle—none but the initi
ated being able to open it, which mystery
wait explained by the owner to his friend.
, When the couple got off the train, sharper
suggested that they take a drink, and ap
parently with this design in view he pre
vailed upon his friend to accompany him
to a saloon about two squares below the
depot. While they were drinking in the
saloon sharper No. 2 stepped in and called
for something. By some means he made
the acquaintance of sharper No. 1 and hie
friend, and after Some talk asked for some
tobacco. Sharper No. .1 pulled out the
mysterious box and handed it over; sharp
er No. 2 couldn't open it, but finally be
coming angry swore that if a few minutes
were givest f him he would get at the inside.
He had never seen any puzzle that was too
much for him, and he was willing to stake
twenty dollars on his abilities. Sharper
No. 1 took him up, but on looking at his
pocketbook discovered that he was short of
the money. He however suggested to his
friend with a significant twinkle, that here
was a chance to make money without any
trouble. The game had progressed
thus .far very satisfactorily, and prem
ised favorable results. Just at this
juncture, however. the;supposed "greeny"
unexpectedly exhibited signs of intelli
gence and common settee. Taking up his
carpet bag, which he had sense. ,
with him
time, he quietly' remarked, "It
wont do, gentlemen; I understand von;
twenty-three years ago I paid three dollars
to, learn that game, and I am perfectly
satisfied with my present knowleiige cf it;
you'd better try some other customer;
goo& day gentlemen," and the disappointed
and chagrined 'sharpers saw the door close
after the retreating figure of their supposed
victim. •
The gentleman, who hails from Philadel
phia, and gave hie name as John A. Sheets,
immediately proceeded to the depot and
informed the officers there of the circum
stances, giving them a description of the
Sharper No. 1 is of 'small stature, fair
complexion,smooth face, has only one arm
and was dressed in a snit of black, with
overcoat and slouch hat.
Sharper No. 2 was similarly dresrd, but
is a much larger man, standing nearly six
feet in height, dark complexion, smooth
face and bright, piercing eye. Neither of
them made their appearance after the oc•
currence at the depot, doubtless fearing
detection; and the most diligent search on
the part of the officers failed to discover
them. They undoubtedly belong to the
same gang as that which we exposed yes
terday morning, and it is altogether proba
ble that all have left the city. It would be
well, however, for all persons who have no
desire to be victimized to avoid sociable, af
fable strangers, and we will thereby have
fewer confidence games to record.
Regular meeting, Wednesday, December
2d, 1868. Present—Messrs. Coates, Brown,
Dempsey. Johnston, McConnell, Seabrook.
Burgess Williams in the chair. Minutesof
last meeting read and approved.
The Committee on Streets, through Mr.
McElroy, Street Commissioner, made a de
tailed report of the progress of the pork on
Stanton avenue, announcing its complete
opening to the northwestern line of the
borough limits. The pay roll for work on
streets was presented, viz:
G. Hickler, 6 days (with team) at $5.: $30,00
T. MeElrby, 13% days, at $2 27,00
T. McElroy,-for lumber furnished 4.50
W. Hamilton; 4% days, at $1,50 ' 6,75
On motion of Mr. Johnston, warrants for
the above amountswere ordered to be
On motion of Mr. Brown, the Street Com
missioner was instructed so repair Bank
Lane, near Miller's Oil Refinely.
The crossing over W. P. R. R.. at Mil
lers, was again brought up, and after con
siderable discussion, the motion to instruct
the Street Commissioner to make the cross
ing passable. upen vote being taken, was
declared lost.
Mr. Coates moved that Mr. Brown and
Mr. Johnston be °committee to confeiwith
the W. P. R. R. in the matterof the crossing
at Miller's. Carried.
The following bills were nresentedt and
warrants for the respective amounts or
dered to be drawn: • .
Peter irniess,ff — ' - ' -- k of
•eter 'Kra, for mat
scraper.... .... 55,00
Tbos. Kleiber, constable, for election
services l 1 , 75
'A map of the borough, showing the lines
and names of streets, present owners of
property, &c., was laid before the Council
by the Burgess for consideration, after
which the map was referred back to the
Engineer for certain alterations ini the lines
and names of streets, under the supervision
of the Burgess.
Changes in names of streets wero ;made
as follows:
Bank Lane to Beaver Avenue.
Arch stre..t to Grant Street.
Mill street to I locoln street.
Race street to Booker street.
High street to Mary Str. et.
Vlue street to Sedswlck street.
Alms st.eet to Butler sheet.
Gou , d street to Sherman street.
Holed street to 1 4 uerldan street,
Quarry street to Fremont street
Glrty street to Farragut street.
.11, dge street toLogan Went.
Spring street to Howard street.
Klemm' Alloy to Lyon. Alley.,
Fornoff Alley to .tewart Alley.
[The two latter changes are made In honor
of Mr. Addison' Lyon and Mr. Wilson
Stewart, citizens of the borough, who gal
lantly served and died in the army of the
Potomac during the rebellion.]
On motion of Mr. Brown, warranta to the
amount of $9O were oudeced on account of
Messrs. Owens do Sons, for surveying and
drawing the map.
On motion adjourned. .
$1,764 74
81.781 7
John Hildebranitmade information, be
fore Mayor Drum, on Wednesday evening,
against 31. r. and Mrs. McCrue, for keeping
a disorderly house. The prosecutor and the
accused occupy Jointly a house, located on:
the corner of East Lane and Green street,
Third ward and it is alleged by Hilde
brand that the .ISfeCrue's, With their crew
of visitors, made considerable noise in
their part of the house; much to the an
noyance of the other occupants. After
a hearing the accused, MN and Mrs. Mc-
Crie, were each fined five dollars 'and
costs, which they paid and .were dis
charged. Subsequently the Mcerne's
made information against Hildebrand, be.
foreAlderinan Nellie, for trestiass, the of
fence consisting in nailing up the gate
through which defendants gained access to
the premises. Hildebrand was arrested and
gaye bail for =a hearing.
111,11! 76
11101rale Borough Council.
ng woo
Disorderly Conduct,
Pittsburgh Teachers' Institute.
The fourth session of the Pittsburgh
Teachers' Institute was held last evening,
in the tall of • the Third Ward School
House. A large number of teachers and
others inteeested in the public schools were
The meeting was called to order by Prof.
Geo. Luckv, City Superintendent, and
opened with prayer by H. H. Patterson.
The Allegheny Quartette Club was then
introduced, and sang in their usual excel
lent style "We Come with Songs to Greet
You." • ;
Prof. Lucky, In a few remarks, compli
mented the teachers on the success of the
Institute, which be attributed to the ener
gy and interest they had manifested in it.
A considerable sum of money, he•said,had
been paid in, and when one man was dele
gated to handle and disburse the money of
others. it was but right that the contribu
tors should know how that money had been
used. He would therefore ask that
auditing committee be appointed, fo exam
ine and report to the Instittite' how the
funds had been•disposed of.
A committee of three, consisting of
Messrs. Patterson, •Harrison and Bowlby,
was.appointed to audit the accounts.
Prof. Lucky, in a brief and appropriate
address, introduced Mr. A. H.. Chase, Sta
tistical Clerk of the,School Department of
the State, who delivered a lecture before
the Institute. The'subjeot selected' by the
lecturer was "Character s " and .by the way
it was a most excellent and appropriate se
lection, as there is no subject, a, thorough
knowledge of which is more essential to
the teacher, than the one selected. The
lecturer, in the preparation of his dis
course, evinced a thorough knowledge and
intimacy with every phase of character,
as well as a large fund of general informa
tion. The lecture was one of the most able
and interesting we have listened to during
the present season. The versatility of
style, and the elegance of. the com
position, rendered it highly interesting
to. all present. _The lecturer, as all
good lecturers should do, loses entirely
his identity in his subject, and treats each
phase of character inthestyle best adapted.
While in the descriptions of some charac
ters his lecture was full of pathos and sen
timent, in others wit and humor predomiz
natee. His portait of the Queer Man is a
most excellent one, is so finely painted
that the hearer almost imagines himself in
the presence of the queer individual so
faithfully portrayed. And the same might
be said of his descriptions of the Politician.
The gem of his lecture, however, is his pic
ture of the Good Man, which he very
judiciously left for the , last. Following, as
it does, immediately after the description
of the Politician, in which he indulges in
,both wit and sarcasm to a considerable ex
tent, the sublime eloquence with which he
portrays the character is in striking con
trast, and renders it the more interesting
and entertaining.
The Allegheny Quartette Club was then
introduced, and sang. a comicsong, entitled
"Call John," after which the Institute
took a recess of ten minutes, at the Condit;
sion of which the Quartette Club favored
the audience with a sacred quartette en
titled d•I am waiting by the River,"
Essie McCreary presiding. at, the in
Miss Ellen Seaver was next introdked
and proceeded to address the Institute on
the subject of Physical Geography, after
which she gave an illustration of map
Prof. Lucky announced that Mr. Wicker
shalt. would Address the Institute this even
ing. commencing at seven o'clock, and cor
dially invited School Directors and Teachers
to be present.
Prpf. Horner-then sang the "Year of Ju
bilee," after which Mr. Darling sang a
comic song entitled "My Father's Half
bushel." Prof. Slack fnllow - ed with a song
entitled "Help a Brother," after which the
Quartette sahg "Twenty Years Ago."
The Institute then adjourned. 1
The Vaving of Second Avenue.
EDITORS GAZETTE: In an article of Wed
nesday morning's edition of the GAZETTE,
headed "An Oversight,.' you have made
several errors, to 'which you will allow me
to call your attention. In the first place
you say an error has been committed, but
not in the paving of the street, as that was
well done. As a tax payer, I prOtest
against the assertion, fbr so badly wag the
paving done that the attention, of the Street
Commissioner was called to it frequhntly,
and ar. opposition will yet be made to the
payment of the contractors,. Hastings dc
'O'Neil. Not only were huge boulders from
the gutters of Fifth avenue placed all over
this street, but it .was very imperfectly
rammed, (which will apPear in the evi.
dence ageing the contractors) there being
not more than one stone out of five struck
with the rammer. Again, you say the
land is of a spouty' nature, and several
springs arise under the road bed. This is
not lnded, as any one acquainted with
the locality will tell you. There is but one
spring, and that is ten feet above the road
way. The foundation of that road -is as
solid as rock, and dry as a cellar. Now, sirs, -
let-the contrators and Street Cominissioners
kaow that the citizens will not allow them
to slight a job like that, and we will soon
have better paving done. And, in view of
the fact of there going to be opposition to.
payment for this job, - we, as interested tax
payers, ask yeti to inform yourself better,
or from a less interested' point, before you
give your decision in favor of any one who
intends to defraud the .city. We therefore
ask you to investigate the facts and make a
correction of the article headed as above.
With the approval of several other tax
payers; all subscribers of the GAZETTE,
An Amazon.
Max Cole made information before May
or Drum, yesterday morning, against Mrs.
Cole, his. brother's wife, for assault and
battery. The defendant states that some
time ago hb sold his brother goods to the
amount of KA which were to be paid for
the day after their dealings, but the prom
ise of the brother was .not ,fulflUed, he
leaving the city, and making no provision
for the payment of the bill. A day or two
ago Max heard that the j delinquent' had
come back to Ihe city and was keeping a sa
loon in the Third ward. Thither he repair
ed on ytednesday evening. and found his
brother, who invited htm into the house to
talk the matter over. During the inter
view Max alleges that his brother was
called out, and during his absence' Mrs.
Cole picked up a poker and threatened to
break his head if he did not immediately
leave. Being,the strongeti of the two, how
ever, he sucadeded in *eating the poker
from the grasp of the Amazon, and kapt it
as a trophyof hisconquest. Still feeling ag
grieved at the insult which be had received,
he called at the Mayor's office hnd made the
'inforination, as stated, upon which there
was a warrant issued.
.. A Dangerous Itlace. -.
Inattention to or neglect of sewerage by
private individuals often 1 Ives the public
much trouble. Whether this is the iron
ble or not in the place - to high we would
"call attention, we cannot 4etermine, but on
Smithfield street an alley rune under an
archway in the stone building formerly oc- - ‘ .
oupied by Kimr.'s confectionary, now oc
cupied, we believe, by alarge restaurant.
The water running through the 'gutter in
this alley freezes every winter, • and piles
up until a wide space on the Smithfield .
street sidewalk is coveredithickly with ice,
making it very daugorottel for pedestrians
on that - side of the street. We may be
wrong, but it seems to us that the property
drained by that gutter, should bo drained
by a sewer instead; alaany , rate the gutter as
it is, is not stiltable, and some cure for this
annually occurring and dangerous nuisance
should be found and applied.
The PopUlar Allegheny Dry Goods Mart.
If we wanted to encourage merchants to
advertise to the world the merits and ad.
vantages of their establishments in order
to secure for themselves 'a fair share of.
patronage,we could select no better example
than that daily presented by William
Semple'a dry goods store, Nos, 180 and 182
Federal street, Allegheny City. Here hun
dreds, and for aught we know to the con
trary, thousands, of purchasers daily gather
to embrace themselves of the advantages
offered in cheap bargains and wide select
tions. Mr. Semple has never advertised
cheap or closing out sales, but depending
on en universal system of great bargains,
has drawn a full share of patronage to his
doors. He has adopted a system of busi
ness which must prove .popular with all
patrons. He keeps both in his wholesale
and retail departments a very fine and ex
tensive assortment of dry goods, which are
offered at prices most inducing and liberal,
completely setting aside all competition.
Very few can • form any fair estimate of
the stock of desirable dry goods to be found
in this large establishment, and by a visit
is the only way the wealth of this house,
can be properly realized. The stock on
hand at the present time is immensely
large and full, and was purchased with a
view to the anticipated rise in the price of
of all kinds of goods of domestic said for
eign manufacture, and for the purpose of
thoroughly supplying the heavy ctemand
for choice dresses on and before the holi
days. From one end of the mammoth es
tablishment of Mr. Simple to •the other
the shelves 'and counters are filled corn
pletely.with material for the decoration of
man; woman and the household. One
of the greatest novelties in the way of dress
is Scotch plaids, which appear to be in the
ascendency with the ladies at the present
time. In the eye of a connoisseur they are
the very uftima thule of beauty and good
taste. A. choice assortment of this material
can be found at this houie, and as it is just
fresh from the mills, of course'it is of the
most fashionable pattern. A speclalty of
this house is the large, complete and well
selected assortment of blankets, whicticom
prises all the qualities and grades used, and
are sold at astonishly low prices, conse
quently at the terms they are offered none
can be deprived of this great luxury of the
winter moriths.
Flannels of every color, texture and price
can be found in abundance, and cassimeres
from standard manufacturers, and conse
quently of great excellence, can be seen in
their proper department. • Silks and vel
vets, whose:equal for fineness con be found
but in a few places in this city, have come
fresh from abroad,, and they are beautiful,
to say the least. Then the store is fairly'
oratnmed with sheetings; of all prices,
li ens, embroideries, woolens lacesrgen
tle en's furnishing goods and hosiery,. lin
ings, calicoes, gloves, and notions of all.
kinds., Mr. Semple desires to call especial
attentiOn to his supply of, dress goods for
the holidays, which will be found complete
as far as \ shades, qualities and prices are
concerned, and also to the extensive assort
ment of shawls, which include the finest
manufacture g. Persons who contemplate
-purchasing dry goods of ,any description,
whatever for- holiday presents, should call
at Semple's before they buy.
\ .
OPERA HOUSE.--T e audience at the Op
era House last night as larger than that,
I\ v,
of the evening previo9, and we presume
it will• be atill larger to-night. The tragedy
from the Gorman, entitled "Narcisse, the
Vagrant," will be presented, with Mr. Ad
ams in the title role. This being the occa
sion of Mr. A's. benefit, everY\arrangement
has been made for an excellent entertain
ment, and we hope the public \will show
their appropriation of genuine \dramatic
talent by Titling the hOuse to-night.
PITTSBURGH THEATRE i —Miss Ka ,, te Fish
er continues to draw good houses at the
Old Theatre. There is an attraction likthe
character of pieces she plays that will draw.
To-night she anpears in "The Child of the
Sun,' and also in the after piece.
VARIETIES ) —The company at the Varie
'ties Theatre is the largest and best th;it has
ever been engaged there, and the entertain
ments are of the most satisfactory charac
ter. They have fall houses every night.
Tan BELL Rstiozir.s.—The Bell Ringers
made their < second appearance before a
large and fashionable audience at the Acad
emy of Music last evening. The perform
ances were similar to that of the preceding
evening—of a iirst;class order. No , better
evidence of the character of these enter
tainments and of their popularity could be
given than is made maniftist by the large
and intelligent audiences from among the
best portion of our community, which al
ways greet them whenever they appear in
the city. Their engagement for the pres
ent season will 'terminate to-morrow even
ing, and we would advise those wishing to
attend one of the most agreeable and meri
torious of entertainments to call at the
Academy of Music this or to-morrow even
ings, or to-morrow afternoon at the matinee.
It would be better, however, not to wait
till the last minute, as then the crowd will
be so great that it might be impossible to
get a seat. Act wisely and attend at the
earliest convenient time.
THE MusEnx.—Major Burnell is adding
new attractions to his Museum almost
every day, and the establishment is .now
one of the most interesting places to visit
in the city. To children it is especially so,
apd Amany important and useful lessons
maybe installed into their minds by a few
lours spent in viewing the collection there.
From eight o'clock in the morning until
ten at night the Museum is open to visitors.
readers are like the "Cheeryble Brothers,”.
we know they will thank us for calling
their attention to the Fair, now being held
in St. Bridgets Church, on Green street,
Eleventh ward. The Wylie street cars run
past the street every few minutes, thus at
fording easy and cheap transportation to
the place: The object is very worthy. and
the Fair is just as good, as the, large num
bers who have attended heretofore will tes
tify. Then let the fair be patronized, and
the hearts of the Fair managers be thereby
made to rejoice at the success of their
elforte. • • •
dies of St. Johns church. Birmingham, are
holding a fair for its benefit in Market
Hall. The .booths are well laden with a
large variety of useful and ornamental aril
ales which may be purohased at faiiprices
by t he visiter. The object is a most wor
thy one, and we trust the grandest success
will crown the efforts of the lady managers.
Deafness. Hiltinness,Catarrh,
And all affections of the / Throat, Lungs,
Heart, Stomach, Liver and Nervous Sys
tem, treated successfully at Dr. Aborn's
Medical and Surgical Institute,. No. 134
Smithfield street. / • tf.
No House iscomplete without one of those
Patent Lounges. For sale at T. B. Young
& Co's, No. 3if Smithfield street.
it lII' a/ uxury and a comfort to bathe,
shave, or' have your hair cut or dressed at
the elegant establishment of H. B. William
son, No. 190 Federal street, Allegheny.
'Tte cheapness of the Patent Lounge, for
sale by T. B. Young & Co. makes it come
within the reach of all. dill and see it; 38
Smithfield street.
The place to "get - White Lime, Calcined
Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, is at. Baker &
Caskey's, 167 First. street. '
Best Patent Bed Lounge in the country,
at T. B. 'Young dc Co's, No. 38 Smithfield
Street. • -
Infant Esau, Infant Esau, Infant Esan,
Infant Esau, •at Burnell's Museum. 4t.
Call and see the Patent Lounge at T. B.
Young 45; Co% No. 38 Suaithtleld street.
The Fair.
readers aro respectfully informed that the
,Managers, at the City Hall Fair, wouldlike
some cooked turkeys, or al Most anything
else that is particularly good to eat,
for it does appear as if a whole army of
hungry folks come there daily, to •be fed.
The ladies expect to realize $lO,OOO, enough
to build a house at Wilkinsburg. a. G.&
The constant rush of customers at. Mem
ing's Fur Emporium has been very anconr
aging to the. proprietor, and in view of it
still continuing, he has gone East for a new "
supply of Furs, Hats, Caps, &c. These new
goods are arriving daily, and each new
package or box reveals something of a !stet
style or more 'comfortable design. Every.
thing in the Fur Iline,, designed to make
comfortable'or please the fancy, can be had
trom fifteen to twenty-five per cent. less at
Fleming's than at cotemporary houses in
this city. Furs are being sold at this house
now lower than the same quality of goods
can be bought in any Eastern bousest this
time. Do not forget the place,• No. 139
Wood street. ' •
Combination Lounge and Bed with spririg
mattress, an invaluable article for the nur
sery. For sale only at T. B. Yottnspis Co's,
No. SS Smithfield' street. ,
New Canned Cried..
• •
Green Corn, Tomatoes,. Lima Betuurvis.
paragns, Green .Peas, Fresh PeacheelLL'her
nes, Green Gage and Damsort Plums, rs,.
Quinces, Strawberriesi Rasiaberrms,• and
Pine Apples. Orange, Strawberry, Rasp
berry and Pine Apple Marthaluiejn gins&
Spiced Salmon two and lbw ponnd cans.
Picked, Spiced. and Fresh , Gave Oysters.
American and English -Pickles, Celery .
and Cranberry,
.Sauces. Raisins, Currants;
Prunes, Citron, Figs, Dates„Prunellas, Jel
lie's, Preserves, &c., &c., at 1= Federal!
street, Allegheny City. - George EV3E/veal-
The Long Required Want.—lndent Bed ,
Lounge, combining beauW, durability and
cheapness. For sale at-the manufacturers,
T. B. Young & CO., 38 Smithfiebti street.
REZPERT—FELL—At Marietta. 01d0,.0n Tues
day morning. December let, 1868, at tlinrculdence
of the fatter., by the hey. John Bbyd, Capt.
GEORGE L. REP.I"ERT of Pittsburgh. to•GBAC&
daughter of O. G. Fell; Esq.
No. 166 FOURTH STREET. Pittsburgh, Fa.
NS of all kinds.; CRATES,-.OLOVES. and eT
ery description of Funeral Furnishing Goods fur.
Ebbed. Rooms open , day and night. Rea= ,and r
Carriages furnished. -
REZZILENCIB—Ref. David Kerr, D 'IJ., Reir; 116,i
W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing,, Esq., Jacob il."
Miller. Esc. •
Allegheny City. where their OD PIN ROOMS ara
constantly supplied with real and imitation Rose
wood, Mahogany and Walnut Coffins, atrprioes
lying from 114 to 5100. Bodies prepared for Initr.
ment. Hearses and 'Carriages furnished; also, all
Linde of Mourning Dotal% if rennired. Office open
at all hours, dayand night. ' i "
EET, Allegheny,lgeeps constantly on hand •
large assortment of ready-made Coring of the fol
lowing kinds:: First, the celebrated American. B
urial Cases, Metallic Self-sealing Air-tight I Cases .
and Caskets, mid Rosewood, Walnut and Rosewood
Imitation Coffins. Walnut Coffins from 015
wards. Rotewood Imitation Coffins from $5 up
wards, and no pains will be spared to give eztirct
satisfaction. Crape and Gloves furritahed. free of
charge. Best Hearses and Carriages furnished on
short notice. Carriages furnished to funerals' 44.,
Corner of Penn \ and St. Clair Streebi,
Has now e lstr one of thelargett aad =At - varied
Fall and Win teF Go9ds
ever brought to this city. Hie stock embraces al
the latest French and English manufactures of
Also. Chill line of Gent's Furnishing Goods.
Elght Varieties Roasted Daily,
Orange awl Lemon,Peel Prune Hos, •
5310/3.ED HA 4111113!,
C. A. 330110}1E1 7 .
oivosrrz pcsroiriqz,
For all thclatest styles cut olotbeti, m y the ant
material, and by Ilrst•class workmen, aat d at prices
surprisingly low, go to the well known lidercbsat
NO. 30 13T: CLAM STREAT, now SLrtb.
D . ... B. SIMON, Y. D.
. emselvea together for the ,
DORTON AYB t4UB. A 1111024
it. surroN, Ito),
ome . e4 No. 19