The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 04, 1868, Image 7
4ittsll7o Gtaistts. Coal. In 1850 the product of the mines—ao cording to Government 'records;—distribut ed through4-twelve States, 'was valued at 47,173,730 ; of which sum $5,298,351, or upward of 73 per cent., was the value of'the anthracite mined by the State of Pennsylva nia; or in ten years time, between 1850 and 1860, including returns from sixteen States and Territories, and from 622 establish- ments, of , which the aggregate capital amounted to 6,218,089 tons, or 145,452,000 bushels, of bituthinous coal, and 8,115,842 tons 'of anthracite, valued together . at $2O,- 242,657. This' shows an increased value of not less than $13,069,887, or 162 per cent.; over the returns of 1860. The internal rev enue tax on all mined coal is three and a half cents per ton. Ir 1864 the amount re alized by Government from this.source on Pennsylvania's quota of 1,249,211 tons, was ' $437,192. The whole amount from the en tire mining interest was but $512,436, which proves conclusively that Pennsylvania alone contributed over four-fifths of the to tal returns. •But although this State mo nopiolizes the lion's share of the anthracite bade, in limited quantities this same coal is found in the 13tates of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Texan, Missburi, lowa, inois. 111, , The anthracite coal region , of Penn sYlvania' is diiided into three prineipal „districts. First. The . Northern or WVont ing district, where anthracite coal was first applied to practical purpose. This re gion comprises the Shickshinny, Wilkes bare, Newport, Pittston, Lukewarmly and Carbondale, in all an area of 120 square Miles, or 76,80'7 acres. It is celebrated for the very hardest species of white ash coal. As early, as 1775 the first cargo , was shipped from this regiOn down the Susquehanna to Carlisle Barracks. Secondly. The South ern Schuylkill contain the principal basins, and.-extends on the east from the Lehigh idistiict nearly to the Susquehanna on the west. This division embraces the districts ,known as the Lehigh, Tamaqua, Tascarok, Schuylkill Valley, Pottsville; Minersville, Swatara, Lyken's Valley, Dauphin, togeth er with several other minor districts., • Its area of workable coal is estimated to be 164 Kuare miles, or 106,960 acres. Thirdlyivl What is known as the Middle Anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania extends from Shainokin to the Lehigh, and covers fully seventy-three thousand acres of coal land, or about.lls square miles, divided between the two large basins of Mahonoy and Sham okin, and a few smaller colleries, and an eastern cluster of from twenty to thirty smaller basins, such as Beaver Meadow, ' Hazleton, 'etc. The Cumberland mines were not worked until 1842. The . Scranton were not opened untillBs6. - - Of the relative value of the two-coals, red . and white ash, the latter is greatly'preferred for domestic use—for though this lattee(an thrricite) in its consumption deposits more ashes, the heat is thought to be more in tense. Indeed, the better qualities of an thracite have been sufficient to decompose and burn water when submitted. in small quantities to its fierce heat. Bituminous . coal leaves a red ash, and but little of it. It ' burns with a greater flame thrui the former. .1 The manufactories 'are the largest con sumers of coal: Next in order is the ordi nary cooking range. A Colpred Representative. There is, atter all, a chance that a colored Representative may have a seat in the For tieth Congress. By the rejection of the .-returns of certain parishes in Louisiana, Menard, a negro. is declared elected to fill the unexpired term of Mann, Democrat, and deckased. Menard will get the certificate, which will be prinickfacie evidence of his light to be Mann's successor, and he • must be admitted to the seat, and Hunt, Demo crat, who is defeated by the rejection of the returns, will have a chance to contest Men erd's seat. But the : original certificate of Colonel Mann having been'contested by one Fiimon Jones, Republican, both Menard and Hunt Will be, ousted if Jones. ie_suecessful. If not, then, provided thing:lase done in the '*ual way,, Menard is the sitting member by '..virtue of the certificate, and -hunt is the contestant. But things' may not ,be done In she usual way. To admit Menardinvolves llie recognition of the legality of the late election: Hence, there may or may not be a colored gentleman in. the Fortieth „Con gress. Altogether, it is a very curiously 4xlmplicdted case, and involves at least half a l dozen questions, including one of color. YOUTHFUL hiAnaimms.—An -; English Commission on liarriar , es -has ascertained i some curious facts regarding youthful mar 'sieges' especially in Lancashire, England, Which are interesting. In ficotlandAii; riages of this kind are unusually rare, al though in that happy kingdom minors:are not required to, obtain the consent of Iheir guardians before slipping 011 The matrimo bial noose. The, census returns of 1861 show that in Bolton- 45 husbands and ;17+5 wives were married at the age of 15 and under. Bromley bad 51 husbands andtl47 wives of the same precocious age. Stock port, as a local journal wrote, "asserted its` proud pre-eminence" by contributing to the census returns 59 husbands and 179 wives who were-united before their fifteenth birth day had, passed. BnAzm is making strenuous efforts to di vert the• current of emigration from; the United States, and the Diarie, of Rio, con tains an urgent appeal for settlers from other countries. This jouinal claims that . Brazil has a climate much superior to any in the northern hemisphere; a soil that :far surpasses in richness and depth any of the famous prairie sections, and. capable Of pro- Iducing all the serials and every kind of veg etables andlruit produced in every quarter of the globe. It has rich mines of gold, sil ver and precious stones an extent of arable land greater thin that of the United States, and many mighty rivers intersecting the country in all directions, and furnishing natural highways of communicatioi by which the lemotest region can be reached. •- a. ' IT Is said that carbolic.aciS has recently been used successfully m Australia, in cur ing the. bite of a serpent. A patient had been bitfen by one of the most venoniona species, sin hours previously, and had near ly succumbed• to the poisonous influence, when the application or the acid internally produced a reaction, followed by restoration to health. Werbelieve, however, that Prof. Mitchell, of_this city, found - erylittla effect from the internal use of the acid in the ex periments instituted by him. —Exchange. Tliß experimental firing at Fortress Mon roe has been completed, and the reported result:is that none of the targets had suffi cient strength to resist the ponderous balls that were discharged by the heavy ordinance Used. The targets were built of granite and of earth faced with iron. BEIIILYEIL—According to the Dictionaire des Contemporains, the family of: this dis tinguished French advocate came originally from Germany, and bore the rump of Mit tleberser, which, after' their removal to Lorraine, was abridged, and softened into Berryer. , • Tux New York Times says: "Mrst. Julia Ward Howe, of Boston, the poetess, dra matist, traveler philosopher, story-writer, and wife Of Dr . ' Howe, the philanthropist, has delivered a speech in favor of woman suffrage. It-it - were not an invidious ye mark, we would say that she is t by far the most intellectual and accomplished Ameri can woman who has come out as a public speaker on this question; rind there is no doubt that her alliance with the woman suf frage party will give strength - and brains to the movement She has, heretofore, been on the other side of the question, but has now become convinced that women should vote, notwithstanding,. as she said, she has written quite a number of ingenious essays to prove that they should not. One point .n her short address ve- must psuCeularly commend to all female speakers in behalf of woman suffrage. - la listening to them,. we have noticed that it 'as one of their mis takes to po'ar out the vials' of their wrath - upon the male sex and to denounce cruel man as the cruel cause of all their cruel woes. But Mrs. Howe is too well informed to make such a damaging blunder, and she took occasion thus to-- protest against it : 'One of the features that have offended me in the earlier advocacy of the extended po litical efficiency of woman, presented itself in the unkind suggestions made and enter tained concerning the opposite sex. Ido not want to hear abuse of my father, grand- . father, uncles, and male relatives in general. I do not even wish to hear my husband hinted at as a Satan behind the scenes. If we look around in this assembly, we shall be convinced that the friends of man are the friends of women." Divaucuvry is often experienced in-turn ing certain metallic alloys (as of zinc, cop per and,tin) in a lathe, owing to their ex treme hardness and the 'readiness with which the cuffing tools become blunted. It has; however, been ascertained that if the point of thelool, while in use, be kept constantly moistened with petrolenm, the workwill proceed as reddily as with red hot,Motal. Steel tempered to light yellow has been turned with the greatest facility by using a mixture of two parte of petroleum and one of oil of turpentine. A METHOD employed in Germany to keep rosebuds fresh into the winter, consists in first covering the end of the recently cut stem with wax, and then placing each one in a closed paper cap or cone, so that the leaves do l lot touch the paper. The cap is then coated with glue, to exclude air, dust and moisture, andwhen dry, is stood up in a drawer in a cool place. When wanted for rise, the rose is taken out of the cap and placed in water, after, cutting off the end, when the rose will bloom ina few hours. —Certain New Yark merchants are try ing their best to have Secretary M'Culloch nullify the new revenue regulations rela tive to the execution of bonds to secure the payment of duties. One threatens to be one of one hundred to use influence and money to secure Mr. M'Cullouch's removal, unless the"regulations are repealed within ten days. —One of the greatest feats' of modern times was accomplished at Philadelphia on Wednesday.- The New Ironsides, burned a year ago and sunk in sixty feet of water, off League Island, was successfully raised by the use of pontoon boats. Her boilers were taken out uninjured, and she will probably be rebuilt. SPECIAL NOTICES. frgrMANHOOD AND THE VIGOR OF YOUTH restored in four weeks. Soc. ESSENCE OF t e l s lff ir ier j ito ' ree e tanlr E. powers, i flo p m •B wlstever cause arising; the effects of early pernicious habits, self abuse, impotency and climate give way at once to this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly accord ing to the directions, (which are very simple, and require no restraint from husiness orilleasure.) Failure is impossible. Sold. in bottles at 1113 or four quantities In one for $9. Toth° had only of sole appointed agent in America,g H. GERITZEN, 205 Second Avenue. New York. -I le18:164.0m arPHILOSOPHY 'OF MAR RIAGE, a new Coarse of Lectures, as de livered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, em bracing the-subjects: How to live and what to live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood gener ally reviewed: the cause of indigestion, flatulence and-nervous diseases accounted for; Marriage phil osophically considered, &c. Pocket volumes con taining these lectures will be forwarded to parties unable to attend, on receipt of four stamps, by ad dressing SECHETARY, New York Museum cf Anat omy and Science, 018 Broadway, New York'. je13:185-TTS OrEATCHELOWS HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the beet In the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the 11l effects of bad dyes; Invlgo ratts and leaves the Hair- soft and beautiful. black or brown. Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly agrZdstßlor , s Wig Pat t on No. AUCTION , SALES. BY H. B. SMITHSON & 00. BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOE THE MILLION. :SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 55 AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE. Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON & CO.. proprietors of the well known Mammoth Auction House are crea ting an excitement consequent upon the arrival of new goods which are being so'd at remarkable low prices. Goods of every variety; the finest sewed b - ots, the most rashionable baimoral gaiters and anklet shoes. slippers, etc.. blankets, flannels. cloths. cassimeres. cut l ery and carpets. Call and examine. No trouble to show - -goods. -Ladies% misses',and children's rues at almost your own prices.. All goods warranted as represented note BY PALMER FOAMIER & PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS mind Gsnamiesion Merchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION BOOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods . and Notions, AT. PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. Consignments Bolletted. Prompt Be. turns. INSURANCE. BEN FRANIWN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF AMM3IIINKY, PA. Office in Franklin Sayings Bank Buildings, N 0.43 Ohio St., Allegheny. A SOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well known, the community, who treat by fair dealing tn meri..t, a share or your patronage. HENRY IRNITIN President CilEo. D. RIDDLE Secretary . , 1 _ DIRECTORS: 1 Henry Irwin„. !Di L. Patterson, Henry Gering, Oeo. H. Biddle, !Jacob Frans, Gottlelb Fess, SlenonDruin; J. B. Smith , . Jacob Rush, W. M. Stewart, h. P. Wellston, Joseph Craig, Jos Lintner, .J. ;Inkand, Jeremiah Holion anto:oBs • ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO., OF ,PITTORIIRGII, PA, Offtoo, No. 424 PENN ST., . ' 411 NATIONAL. MUST CO. BlMainfdl.) . DIRECTORS: Robs: Dldkeeti, bt. Liddell, W. J. Friday, 0. biedle , '. Van Buren . Kireeb E. R. Myers J. 0 aprwieeki; brie. Siebert, L. Shutebard, J. Weimer, .13eldldeelter 14. IL MYERS. Presl4ent. ROBT. DICKSON. Vie° President. BOUT. J. GRIEII. Treasurer. eillatßlP J. J. ALBIETZ, dearetary. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE FRIDAY. DE•.", E INSURANOE. LIFE INHERE CONINT, OF THE TATES ,OF AIIIEBIC4 1 W A SHINGTQN. D. C. Sew A p proved cial Act. of Congress, July AS, 18613. P tah Ca p ita - - $1,000,000. Branoli• Moe PHILADELPHIA, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BIIILDINIGI Where.heg=buslisess of the Companyis trani. acted. and o which all general correspondence sh uld be ad d. DIRECTO IS. Jei Cooke. Philada. 1 E. A. Rollins. Wash , n. C,. Clark, Philada. Henry D. Cooke, Wash. P. Ratchford Starr, Phila. Wm. E. Chandler,Wash. W. O. Moorhead. Phila. John D. Derrees. Wash. Geo. r. Tyler. Phila. . 6 . Edward Dodge, N. York. J. Hinckley Clark, Phlla. H. C. Pannestock, N. Y. OFFICERS. C. H. CLARK, Philadelphia. President. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington,' Vice President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance and Executive Committee. EMERSON W. PEET, Phila.', Seely mid Actuary. E. 8. TURNER,Washington. Ase't Secretary. FRANCIS G. 'SMITH, M.D., Medical Director, J.EWING. I.l.E.Alis, M.D., Aas'Lliiedical Director. • AD • 5.10 ' - : I J. X. BARNES. Surgeon General U. S. A., Wash'n P. J. HORWITZ, ch i ef Medical Department U. S N. Wwhlngton.- D. VI% BLISS, DI. p., Washington. soucTrous AND ATTORNEYS. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C. sIEORGE HARDING. _Philadelphia, Pa. This Company, "National In Its character, offers by reason of the Larg- Capital, Low Rates of Premium and New Tables, the most desirable -means .of in suring life yet presented to the public. _ The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as hivorable to the insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complica tions and uncertainties of Notes, Dividends aid the misunderstandings which the latter are eio apt to cause the Policy-Holders. - Several new and attractive fables aro now pre sented which need only to be understood to prove m endable to the public, such as INCoME-PRODUC ING POLICY and RETURN PREMIUM POLICY. In the former, the policy-holder not only secures a life insurance, paya - ble at death, but will receive, if living, after a period of a few years, an annual in corm equal in ten per cent. (10 per cent .) of the par qf his policy. assured the the Coany agrees Co re turn to - the assured the total amount op money he has paid in, in addition to the amount of his policy. The sttention of persons contemplating insuring their lives or increasing the amount of Insurance they already have, is called to the special advant ages offered by the National Life Insurance Com pan. Circulars, Pamphlets and fall particulars given on application to the Branch Office of the Company).n Philadelphia, or Its General Agents. itirLOCAL AGENTS ARE WANTED in every City and Town; and applications from competent parties fo addressed cies with suitable endorsement, should beTs/ THE COMPANY'S GE N HEAL AGENTS ONLY, In their reSpectlve dis tricts. • =SI= E. W. CLeRK & CO., Philadelphia, For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKE & CO.. Washington. D. C. For Maryland, Delaware; Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virginia. IRA B. MOAT & CO., Agents for Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Merchr and Washington counties. For further particulars address B. B. RUSSELL, Manager for General Agent, Harrisburg, Ps. au2s:mw&P prienu.t. - FIRE INSURANCE CO., COV I.CoNDO.N. ESTABLISHED 1803: CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED ING 88,000,00114 N GOLD. Instirance against Fire effected on Houses and Buildings, Goods, Wares and Merchandise, Steam. boats, ac. PoHetes issued payable in gold or cur. rency._ Sir United States Branch Office, 40 PINE STREET ? New York. All losses of the United States Branch will be ad justed in New York. - J. Y. DficiaA.IIGISIETAW, Agent, PITTSBURGH. PA. Office,,67 FOURTH STREET. MIL McLAUGHLIN .s also Agent for the Manhat• tan Life Insurance Company. seteril pENNSTINANLiI • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 16734 WOOD STREET, BARB 01 COMMERCE BUILDING. This is a Home Company, and insures against lost by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER., President. . C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. RuBERT PATRICE, Treasurer. HUGH MOELHENY. Secretary. 'DIRICTOB8: Leonard Walter, George Wilson, C. C. Boyle, Geo. - W. Evans, rt Robe Patrick, J. C. L ippe, Jacob Painter, J. C. Flatter, Josiah Ring, John Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, 4: REMOVAL. NATIONAL INSCIIANCE CO., • , OP TEE OITY Or ALLEGES T. Office, No. 90 PEDBRAL STREET, entrance on Stockton Avenue. 17:11111 INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN, President JAB. BASPEVNNSON. Secretary. DISIZOTORS: • + • 10 A. H. Nneßah .H.P.Wllliainsr.lno. Thompeon Jno. A. "drier, ' i_lar Locknart. roe. Myers, Ja. L. Graham, nobt, Lee, C. C. Boyle, Jac); Brown, Jr. Geo. Gent, Jacob Kopp. . or.l7:flal INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRS I FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFYICE, 435 & 437 CHESTNUT ST., Haut Sin Charles N. Rancher, HOrdecal H. Louis Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, • Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, Feorgo W. Richards, George Fides. CIHARLES G. BAN ERR, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secreto J. GARDNER CO F FINGENT. North West corner Third and Wood Streets. 17M.57:w15 A LLEGMENT INSURANCE COM. PANY OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 EDITH STREET, BANE BLOCS /Meares against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks JOHN IRWIN, Jn., kresident. JOHN D. MeCORD, Vice President. O. G. DONNELL, Secretary. ' CAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent. DIRIOTORS: Orpt. Wm. Dean, B. L.'Falinestoelt W. Everson,l; Robert H. Davis, Francis Sellers, fleet. J. T. Stockdale. John Irwin, Jr., John D. McCor d, C. (t. Hussey, EinrreyChilde, T. J. Husk!noon, Charles Ham "WESTERN INSURANCE COBI• PANY OF PITTSBURGH. EXANDRit NIMICK. President. WM. I'. HERBERT. Secretary. - CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, kieneral Agent. Mice. LOS, Water streep i, Spew & Co.'s Ware house, up stairs, rittsbur , - Will lazure against all Inds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by IHreetors who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and liberality, to main. into the character which they have assumed, as of. tering the best protection to those who desire to be Insured. DIRICTORS: Alexander Nimick, Jonn E. McCune, E. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Ackleti, - Phllll Romer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Ihmeen . • - noTi VOYIPLESP INNUILANCE CODI- P Y. • OFFICE, N. E. 0011SPX WOOD d FIFTH EM. Rome Company. trkinglie and Muiske RUM. DlngeTonat ' Wm. Phillips, .Capt. John L. Hho - ads, John Watt, • Samuel Y. iihrlver, John E. Parke Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller, &Red M. Brush, Wm. Van Klrk; Witt R. Lana', James D. Verner,_ Samuel MeOrlekart W. PHILLIP% President. JOHN WATT Vice Presliftnt. W. F. GARDNEA tled.r • OAP% JAS. GOADON, Gab eirit,s4censj DIEZOTORIS ORDINANCES. pirrsßuseu. AN ORDINANCE Iterative to. Wharfage e r a Barges Car• vying Fneigbt. Be ft enacted by_fhe Select and Common Councils of the City of Pittsburgh, and it is hereby enacted by the authority 'of thee l same, That after the passage of this Ordinance all Barges engaged regniarifin carrying Freight shall he charged the same wharrase per ton as steamboats. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils, this 30th any of November, A. D. liEdlnr. JAMhS McAULET, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Mortunw, • ' : Clerk of Select Council. • W. A. TOMLINSON, Attest: H. MoldaPresident of Common Council. sinn, Clerk of Common Council. A N ORDINANCE For Ake Construction of a Boardwalk on Fifth Avenue from the Soho Toll House to Murphy Street. ' f SEC. 1. Be t ordai ed and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. i Sate and Common Councils aeeem bled. and it 10 here ordatnes;and enacted by the authority of)the ea e. That th e e . City Engineer be and he is heret.y au her e to I advertise proposals for a Boardwalk on the south side of Fifth avenues. from the Soho Toil Mouse to Mdrphy street, and to let the same in accordance with Acts of Assembly and City Ordinances providing therefor. Sze. 3. That any brdlnance orpart of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present tUme, be And trig stunk is. berebrrepealed so far as the'same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 30th day orNeve ber, A. IS. 1805. 1 JAMES McAULEY, President of Select Council. At4ost: E. s. iltt BROW, , . - Cler of Select Council W. Al TOMLINSON. _ _.• President of Common Connell. Attest: IL MalissTEM, I •, Ctere of common Connell. de2 A N ORDINANCE ...,c3,.. . , For the Zreetdon of an "Iron.CJad" Building. Slierlow 1. - Be U ordained and enacted by the Ytty of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Mundt* aer sembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That John Stoney be and ze le hereby authorized and pm milted to erect an . "Iron Clad" Building on his property on Twentieth street, Twelfth ward. I Ste. 2, 'That any ordinance or part - of ordinance conflicting with the passage of; this ordinance at she present time, be and tbe same is hereb3 repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. . _ . Ordained and enacted into a law in Conn Ells, this 30th day of November, A. D. 1868. - JAMES MeAULEY. President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monnow, Clerk of Select Council. _ W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Comnon Coin:tell. Attest: H. MclilesvEn, Clerk of Common Council. • de2 AN ORDINANCE Changing the Grade on Twenty Ninth Street, from reito to Liberty. Sactilorr Be it ordained ,and enacted by the My of PttteburA e in Select and Common Councils aasevib miff ir ir hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same, That the grade of Twenty-Ninth street, be so champ. d as to have an elevation of thirteen 13-100 feet 113.13) !amend of fourteen 77-100 (14.77) at the intersection of Spring alley. Sac. 2. That so much of any, ordinance as may conflict with or be supplied by the foregoing. be and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils, this 30th day of lioveinber,'A. D.IISGS. • JAMES McAll - LEP, . President of Selects Connell. Afloat: E. S. MOsaow, I Elierk of Select Council. W. A. TObfLINSOI, President of Cowman Connell. Attest: B. MCMAIITER ' - ClerlL 01 Common Connall. de2 AN ORDINANCE - For the Erection of an "Iron Clad" Building. flsortesw 1. Be tt ordained and enacted by ale Cay of Pitt:bury/4 in detect and Common Coun, Ci assemble d , and it Le hereby or dained and enac'ed by the authority of the same, That Henry Rath be and h- is hereby author ized and permitted to elect an —lron Clad" Build leg on Liberty street, between the buildings of Messrs. Bees & - Jococoa and Lewis, Warwlek ec Co. Sac. I. That any ordinance or 'part of ordinance conflicting with .the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this 'ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils, this 30th day of November, A. 1,. 1868. • JAMES MchIMILY, President of Select Council. ,Attest: Z. S. IsiOnnow. • Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, • President of Common Connell. Attest: H. Alchfaffentn, Clerk of Common Council. de3 AN ORDINANCE; • To Provide for the Assumption of the City of Pittsburgh of the, Debts and - Lt abilities of the Several Corporations of which it is Composed. Whereas. David N. White, Alexander Gordon and Jonn Walker,Jr.,_Comr lash:teem, duly ap• pointed by the District Court of Allegheny county. at NO. 105 of April Term, 1868. in pursuance of the 33d section of the het of Assembly of tne btate of Pennsylvania, entitled "a further supplement to, the acts Incorporating ;the city of Pittsburgh, ex tending its boundaries tic, approved the 6th day of Apr ! , A. D. 1867 .4 have , ascertained the liabil ities. appraised the properly, determined the sep arate indebtedness, and axed the rate of special tax to be levied - I n each of said districts. as appeared by the report of said Commissiners tiled in said Dis trict Court, at the number and term aforesaid, which said report and the special tax thereby filed were confirmed by said CoUrt. And. whereas, by the 35th section of said act, it is made the duty of Councils to pass an ordinance for carrying said re port and he decree of Coe ll i nto effect -theretore, SzerioN 1. Be it ordain and enacted by the City • of- Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it or dained and enacted by the authority or the same, That the City el Pitttburgh shall, and does hereby assume and become flab e for all the munici pal debts and liabilities of each of the former cot po rations or townships comprised within its limits: and herebY , mccept the title to and assume control of all property and rights of property, of every kind and description. excepting &Moot Houses and lots which were vested In any of said corporations. Sao. 2. 2 hat - the Councils shall hereafter, at the time of making their annual appropriations. make a special assessment for the payment of the separate indebtedness of each of said corporations. upon the distilets contained therein respectively, in accord ance with the act of Asseniblt, the report of Com missioners and decree of Cot rt aforesaid. CrEC. 5. That In order to comply with the provi sions of the 16th section of an act oiAssembly Of the State of Pennsylania, entitled an act supplemen t:ay to an act- incorporating the city of. Pitts burgh," approved the Ist day of April, A. D. 1868, Whenever the City of Pitteburehshai be required to pay any amount of tee debt of any of the corpora tions-within her lonits. greater than the amount of the assessed valuatlou of-property, and the amount received from special tax irony - slid district, It she I be the duty of councils to provide fora tenxporary loan for that purpose. so that no nart or the separate indebtedness of any district shall be payable out of revenue derived arum other districts. /W. 1. That any. ordinance or part of ordinance et:inflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Council's, title 30th day of November, A. D. MIS.- JAMES WADLEY, —/ President of Select Council. Attest: H. S. Ifonnow, Clerk of Select Connell. • • W. A. TONILINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: H. MOW ram, Clera of Common - Council. ./ des AN ORDINANCE , , Authorising ' (Messrs. William Me lillo a; Eo.,' to Conatruct a hiding on Thirty-Eighth Street. / SECTION 1. Be a ordained and enacted by the Oily of Pittsburgh, in Select and ,Common Councite as sembled, and it is hereby ordained surd enacted by authority or the/same; That Messrs. William Mc- Kim & Co. be and they are hereby authorised to construer a -Ming across Thirty- /tight h street, from the Allegheny Valley R.,11., in such place se may be deelgnated by the City Engineer. eb as not to Inter fere with the established grade of the street. BBC. L That Nielsen. Wm. McKim & Co. In using said Siding, shall nut leave cars standi ng rose to obstruct travel on any erec tor alley crossing the line orthe Biding, or in any way with the drains or water courses of any street or any individual drains now located.' SEC. 3. That The - 31ayor In conjunction with the Street Cummltti , e, are hereby authorized to grant unto the said Wm. McKim & Co.. a license for the seine. upon the payment unto the Mayor the usual fee fur said license. . . 8xt..1. Nothing , herein contained shall be con.; strued so as to prevent the city from revoking the privilege grant, (.1 by this o, (finance, at any time, upon sixt)• days , nottee being gives. Sne.L;that any , ordinance or part of ordinance contlicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same Is hereby repealed so far no the came affects this ordinance,. . Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils, this 30th day of .November, A. D. 1805. JA dES McAULEY. President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Nonnow, • Clerk of Select Council. • W. A. TOMLINSON. President 'of Common 'Councils. Attest: IL MVMAtprgat, Clerk of Common Connell. de3 HAIR AND PERFUMERY. TORN PECIL_, Ornamental Halt HAIR WORKER AND PERFUMER. No. 133 rd street. near Sualthileld, Pittsburgh. Always on band ] ,a _general assortment of Ladies , WIGS, BANDS, CURLS' Gantlemen , s WIGS, TO PEES. SCALPS, (MARI/ ORAINS,BRA(JELEFs, ato. gs- A good Price in cash wui be given for RAW HAIR. Ladies , and Gentionten's Half Cutting donet the neatest manner. mtanta ER 4. 1833; FOR SALE--1 inAL ESTATE. F°R SALE. • _ A.YARM OF 30 ACMES, on th e wits o f o e onennellsville Railroad, 27 miles from the city. in Elisabeth townahlp, Allegheny granary, Pa. The imoroveareats are a fine two-story brick house, with ten large rooms and hail. A large frame bask barn, with ho. 1 stabling. and all other outbuildings fa pieta order. One of the best of orchards, of all kinds of fruit. The soli is rich new bottom.- This property adjoins the village of Suns Vista. and has the advantage of . churches, -schools, milts, stores, .Sc.. and will be sold at the low price of 415,000. The improvements alone are worth at least all that is asked for the property, to say meth ing about the land, which is worth for garden pur poses at least $lOOOO. For full particulars call at my omce, or WILLIAM A. ,)ELL, Esq., on the premises. ALso, A FARM OF 49 ACERB, inflated in Elis abeth township, Allegheny county. Pa.. on the line of the - Connelisvil:e Railroad, abaot IS miles from the city. The improvements are a new atone dwell ing, with eight rooms; a good barn and other out buildings. eigh t property is offered at a very low price. Call and secure yourself a good bargain. ALso, A FARM "OF .120 ACRES, situated In Elizabeth township, Allegheny county, Pa., 1731 miles from the city, on the Coauellsville Railroad, opposite Eirod's Station. within 20 minutes' walk of the Station. The improvements are a frame house containing four rooms and kitchen, with a good cellar underucath• very good barn and other. I outbuildings. A No. orchard. containing about 200 fruit bearing trees, all in good condition. 90 sores cleared lead, the residue in good timber, tui derlald with 23 acres of coal. ALSO, A TWO-STORY BRICE HOUSE adjoin ingthe. Borough of Elizabeth, Allegheny county, Pa., containing 4 roams and Kitchen. Lot 60 feet front byl26 back to an alley. A good Stable, with house, bake-oven and other outbuildings. lam au-. thorned to sell it at the low price of $l,BOO, on o 600 terms. ALSo_,_ln the Borough of Elizabeth, a good.two story BRICK ROUSE, containing 4 room!. Lot 129 feet square. Wlll.belsold at the exceedingly low price of 82.500, on easy terms. ALSO, My Farm, known by the name of "Willow Banks," situated on the Ccranellseille Railroad. 17 miles from the elty',_ containing 79 ACRES, alit n good condition. The -improvements are a 'No t brick house, two stories high, newly painted, con taining six zooms„ two halls runrung Inn length of the house. The house is situated on a beautiful knoll, is surrounded by fruit trees. shrubbery, vines and flowers, with a graded avenue running to the Tough. River. Also, a large frame bank barn, smoke house, wash house, coal holm, bake-oven and other ontimildings, and a never-fallng well o water. Two large orchards, containing from six to seven hundred fruit trees, nearly all in good bearing condition. This Mum abounds in small fruits, via: Currants raspberries, gooseberries, and a tine large strawberry patch, which, in connexion with the richness of the sell and nearness to the city e makes it very definable for gardening purposes. Very con venient to achoole, churches; stores and blacksmith ALB°. A FA-1131' OF las ACRES, situated la . Elizabeth township, Allegheny county, Pa., 31 miles from the city of Pittsburgh. on the Cannella ville Railroad, at Suter station,. The improvements area common tog house, a good frame barn, with stabling for ten horses; a corncrib and wagon shed; good orchard of fruit trees: fencing very good. 120 acres cleared, the residue in heavy timber land. This farm is valuable—first. for its excellent soil; secondly, its timber; and thirdly. It contains More limestone than any other farm in Pennsylvania, all accessible. The lower vein of limestone Is 40 feet thick; several other veins ranging from 33t to 6 ft. in thickness, lie ander the whole farm. For partic niers enquire of ELI BUTE!, Esq., at dater Sta tion, oa at my oMee. ALS°, 173 ACMES,. situated la in. Clan town -ship, Westmorehuid county, Pa. near the line , of the Pennsylvania. Railroad, at Houston Station: The improvements are a two-story frame.nonse with six rooms arid good cellar, a frame bank barn 40 by 60 feet, and other outbuildings. Then is on the place a young apple and peach orchard; one hun dred and twenty acres *leered land, divided Into adds of convenient else. a large portion of which are well set in clover anti .tintothki the residue of said tract covered with good timber. It is well wa tered, and underlaid with coal and , limestone, and to convenient to churches, schools, Stores, MIDI and olacksmith shops. A real good bargain is offered in this excellent Mrm • ' ALSO, A beautifully situated tract of 60 ACRES of valuable -laud. under good fencing, situated in McCendless township, Allegheny county, Pa, on a township road, 7 measured - miles from the Market House, Allegheny City. rrhis tract is well adapted for &garden or dairy farm, being convenient and of easy access to either city, and near enough to the line of the Mahoning Railroad to snake It very desi rable for country seats,for persons doing business In the cliv. ALSO, The best farm in Young township, Indiana county, Pa., 4 miles from Western Penna. R. It. at Livermore Station, containing 300 ACRES-225 acres cleared and under No. 1 fencing, as well as flue farming condition; the balance in good white oak timber. The improvements are 2 too-storyframe houses. 'nearly new of eight rooms each and finished basements and at tics: a large bank barn 50 by 80 feet, a two-story spring house and other ne cessary outbuildings, all in good order; 8 acres of orchard of choice varieties of traits; 4 feet vein of coal (now open.) underlying the wb ole tract, and limestone in abundance, with pleat of springs of never-failing water. Taken all to t h en-houses, fencing, soil, s nice lying surfate, public highway, churches, school" mills. ac. —1 hnow of no more inviting and desirable tract of land in Western Pennsylvania. ALSO, FARM AND MILLS. A small tract of 60 ACRES of verr - vajziable land in Derry.township Westmoreland county, Pe.; well fenced and in high state of cultivation. with new frame dwelling; and other outbuildings; a new grist and saw mill complete, with two run of burrs, two bolting cloths, and all the needed fixtures, in good order, and a young orchard of choice fruits; lane is all underlaid with a six foot vein of coal, now opened and work ed, at the back of the mill, and limestone in abund ance. Call soon and secure a good bargain. ALSO, FARM OF 160 ACRM, situated Immedi ately upon the line of the Pennsylvania Rallroad, at Blairsville Intersection, 54 miles east of the city. The improvements are atwo-storystone house of 19 rooms, a No. 1 barn, 45 by 65 feet, the best of stabling and otheroutbuildings. The land lies well. Is welifenced. Is In good farming order, and will be sold very cheap if applied for aeon. For fartler particulars enquire at • O. H. TOMER, Beal Estate Agent, No. 164 FOURTH AVENITE. cre.l7: - • rj OR SALE. 4- 1. Acre at Woods Bun. 4 Acres and House In East Liberty. 8 Acres, unimproved, on Troy HUI. Acres on Greensburg Pike. 5 Acres on Four Mlle Run Road, 13,( _miles from P. C. R. R. • 70 Acres near P. F. W. & C. R. R. • 118 Acres near Pa. R. R. Westmoreland county. 90 Acres at Hill Side Star:ion, Pa. R. 4 Farms in Preston county, - West 185 Acres in Armstrong county, underlaid with coal. , 108 Acres and good improvenunts, In Trumbull county. Ohio. 900 Acres of Timber land, with Saw Mill and dwellings. House and Lot on Center Avenue, near , Kirk patrick. Houseand Lot on Vicroy street:. House and Lot In Bast Liberty. House and Lot in Mansfield. / House and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lot on Beaver-Avenue. 2 Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap. on Vine street. Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. 2 Houses and Lot on Franklin street. 1 House of 9Rooms and Lots on Roberts St. Farms In Illinois. Missouri and West Virginia. Coal Lands in Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fayette and Beaver counties in Penna. 3 Houses of 9 Rooms In the 17th ward; rent $3 OO 3 de. of 3 do. do. 17th do. do. 144 9 do. of 3 do. do. 19th do. do. 136 9 do. of 6 do. do. Bth do. do. 300 1 do. of ,6 do. do. Bth do. do. 300 1 do. - of 9 do. do. 3d do. do. 600 1 do. of 3 do. , do. 6th do. do. 193 1 do. /of 5 do. do. 6th do. do. 940 1 do,/ of 4 do. do. 17th do. do. 168 1' do. of 7 do. do. 2d do. 1_ do. of 6 do. Grant street. The Houses that I have for rent will be rented very low to good tenants for the balance of the red ." • tar year. • . . APPLY AT D. P. BATCH'S HEAL ESTATE . :OFFICE No. 91 Grant St" Pittsburgh. no7spla FOUR !MICR. HOUSES ANDLOT. ORPHANS! COURT SALE. • Br virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Al legheny County I will expose at public sale on the premises, on WYDNESDAY, December 16th. 1868. at 10X o'clock, A.. at., that COURT Ole FOUR BRICK HOUSE*, simile off WYLIE STREET. a few doors above Elm street. (entrance. to Court from Wylie street.) Lot 22 by 12 feet ex tending back to an alley; the jproperty of the late Wllllam Montooth, deceased. Terms at day of sale. . THOMAS B. evrEWART, Guardian. For particulars enquire of H. C. MACICRIME; Req, Attorney at Law, 89 Grant street. or PAL MER & PHILLIPS, Auctioneers, 60 Fifth Avenue. nos • purNOR .SALE & TO LET.. .Rouses and Lots for sale in all parts of the city and en orbs. Also, _several FARMS In good locations. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORr o with AO acres of land, and good Improvements, which I will sell cheap and on reasonable tense. Business Rouses to let on good streets.' Private Dwelling Howes for rent In both cities. For further parttcWars inquire WILLIA.M WARD, _ UM 110 Grant Street. opposite CathedraL CHEAI I IIO - 11 - IESIIIUTHEIItEIIt.-- We are authorized to offer two thousand acres of good land In Missouri at the low price of seventy eightynts "per acre. Will s i x t y or one hundred and acre t r acts tosult the purchaser. Title good and all taxes paid up. This offer to remain open only one week. For full particulars apply to B, Ma LAIN Os CO., • multi - corner Fourth abd Smithfield streets. SHEETINGS AND BATTING. 01.0m8, BELL & . ANCHOR COTTON .MILLS. Mann Lilian of HEAVY MEDIUM and LiGEIT SHICBTINGS AND BATTING. P1T°113.131711 , 011, iiNCHOII AND MAGNOLLI i AP4l7Sgram, Iar.NEW OPERA HMS& Lessee... Manager. • Benefit of the plpnlir and farorite Tragedian EDWIN ADAMS. FRIDAY EVENING. December 4th MG& win be presented the renowned tragedy from the Ger man of Brachtrogel, eat tied . NARCISSE, THE VAGRANT. • Xenia° Rameau .... Edwin Adainsii To conclude with the popular farce of • CROuSINO THE LINE. Ediein Adams Matinee on Eaturday. ' In preparat ton THE DEAD nEART. rj - PITTSBORGH THEATER.,, Lessee H. W. Wrz.mAtos. "blanaser JOlitt G. NAGri. Treasurer U. G. liltaNINS. Benefit of the accoinalished actress EIRE KATE F1..".11E8 FRIDAY EVENING. Ilecerabe , 341, 1661 L CHILD OF THE bIIN. Tied Rope • ' Concblt llosaMa. To conclude with TIMOUR THE TARTAR., Saturday Afternoon, Grand Matinee. TR IN IIL EIS VAHIETIES THEATER. H. W. WILLIAMS Lessee sad Manager. ligo. R. EDEBON stage Manager. An aralanc , eof attraction. Flr.t onDearance In Plitsbargh of Mrs LOITIiA PAYNE WRAY, MN A.DA WRAY, LATETCELESTE. The great negro comedians BOWMAN, HARIHB, LARRY TOOLRY, Be. . The local drama of the . • THE NEWSBOYS' SUPPER. IaritIIIISELL'S MUSEUM AND PARLOR NIENAGEMB The Great Parally Reeertai, FIFTH AVENUE. betweea Smithfield sad Woos* streets. oarmite Old Thew& ST Op= Day sad Zeman& all the year nand. Admission, 28 petits; Cldhirea.l.s oasts. • arACADEINY OF MUSIC. FOUR 3114111 TS ONIN. COMMENCING WEDNESDAY MMHG, DECEMBER 26 Grand Matinee,. Saturday, Dec. sth, at 2f o'clock, THE ORIGINAL PEAK FAMILY, Toeslists, Harpists and Swiss Bell Ringers, assisted by the celebrated BERGER FAMILY. Tocallsta„ Harpists and Violinists. Also, Mr. Rol, Stalin Bas - eel, the talented facial delineator, The whole form ing the largest troupe of Bell Ringers in the world. All is new, brilliant .and attractive, since their last visit to Pittsburgh. CARDS OF ADMlSslGN—Parattette and Drees, Circle, 50 center. Secured Seats. 78 cents. Fami ly Circle, 35 cents: Gallery, 515 cents. AU sChool children to matinee. 15 cents. Secured seats obiained at Miner's Bookstore only. Doors open at 7, Concert commences at S. - , noMM72 L M. BABRL9, Business Agent. WIT. BBIDGET'S . . • ELEVENTH WARD, NOW OPEN. 't Take Wylie street Cars to Green street, Cars run every' Ifteen minutes. no2S fgrTHE , . , - " 3g l • for the beneAt of ST. JOHN'S OHIIRCH is now glen at the MARKET HOUSE HALL, EIRMING. no30:3.80 • IigrPROF.E CARPENTER'S : FASHIONABLE DOLING ACADEMY. No. 75 THIRD STREET, ,litioe open for the re ception of pupils'. Class days and hours—For I.a. dies, Masters and. Hisses. Wednesday and Saturday. at 23i o'clock P. it.. For Gentlemen—Tuesday anik Friday Evenings; at 8 o'clock. Private lessons given. Circulars can be had at the Made Store* • and at the Academy. Classes out of the. c.ity4 convenient, attended to. • , - air Hall to let to Select Parties 5e4:119 PROF. BUB. LEONIIIART. MATE OF WESTERN UNIVEESITT,j Offers his serstees to the public as teacher of • GERMAN. MUSIC AND DRAWING.* Also, ai 1 HANSI. &TOR and INTERPRETER. ORce 144 SMITHFIELD STREET, third•story, nol2 • • LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON - 11 - PLEAS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. Libel in divorce, a wincuto matrinuniti. No. 649,,' June Term,- 1868. GEORGE WEISENBERGEH or. ANNA. WEIBENI3ERGER. , And new to wit, October 15th, 1868, the jubilees a and oifat arubparns, in the above entitled case hay. ug been returned non est ino altos,. the stair* named respondent is hereby notified and required to appear in. Court on the FIRST MONDAY OF DE CEMBER, D. 1868, to answer the oomplalnt 1311 this case. - SAMUEL B. CLULEY, Sherilt. ocas:zis-7 ; . • ALLEGHENY COUNTY 89.—ta the Orphans Court. In the matter of the Es , . tate of JOSEPH CRAWFORD, decea'ed, No. 5511 tieptember 11868. Account tiled showing bal ance in hands of accountan , s of $62,906.15. And now to wit. October 17th. 1868, on motion of A. 31. Brown. Attorney for •hfrs. Lizzie Crawford. widow of decedent,' the Court appoint W. S. P UR VIANCE. Esq., Auditor to.malte distribution of the balance of fund in the hands of the sccoudtaists to and among the parties legally entitled to the same. BY THE-COURT.' prom . tbe Record Attest AU persons interested and all claimants to' the above fund will take notice that I will attend to the duties of the above appointment at the cttice of S. A. £ W. S PURVLANCA, 114 Fifth street. Pitts burgh, Pa., commencing on TUESDAY,, December Mt. 1213E4 at 2 o'clock P. w. W. 8. PIJRVIANCE, Auditor.. n0648-2041:alo - • OTICE--, Whereas letters of ad-. IZ 4- ministration on the estate of Dr. IRA R. PER, late of rattull township, county of Alle gheny. deceased; have been granted to the subscri ber. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent will make known the same without delay, to .. , BARBARA. PIPER. Adm's, no6;a6rlt Penn Township, Allegheny county, NOTICE LiS HEREBY • GIVEN that lettern have been granted to the under signed to administer upon of WILIAASIL ACITH. All persons having claims against said es. tete will present them for paymtnt, and those in debtt d vial make payment to tae undersigned." BART OLOMEW- AU'r li. - Moreland, rr, Attorneys for Admiuls. triton, ' ; nol3ns9s. BANKRUPT NOTICES. U. S. MAIISFIAL'S OFFiCE, D. of Pennsylvania. , Prrrantru6N,- Detitinber Ist. 1868. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the lsf day 'of June,' A.. 1). 1868, a War rattffn Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF ISAAC IL COURSE% . . Of Pittsburgh. in the county of Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvania, who has been atijudged a. bankrupton hisown petitiortt.thst the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belouglii,l to, such bankrupt to him or fOr his use, and the trlos ter of any. property by him are forbidden by la'. „- that a meeting of the e•editors of the said bank assigneesrove their debts and to choose one or more .of his estate. will be held at a Conn of' Bankruptcv to be holden at the office of the Regis ter, No. 92' Diamond street In the City of Pitts burgh. Penna.. before . SAIKUNI. Ese A ti Reatster.on the 21st day of December, A.. B. 7. 860, at" 10 o'clock A. Si.. 4 - ' THOMAS A. ROWLEY. de2:aBl. 13. S. Marshal, as Messenger. tr .IcN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western Lis ct of Pennsylvania. WILLIAM L. lIAZLETT a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of !iamb Ma, 1667. having aP" pHs.' for a discharge from Ali his debts. and other C 11111315 provable under said act, by order of the Court nollee Is ber.-by gay. n to all• persons who have proved their debts, and other persons Interest ed, to appear on the Ith day of D. CeMbtX. 1668 at VI o'clock P. U. before JOHN N. PURVIeNLE4 Esq.. Register, at his °Mee No; 116 Aden! street, Allegheny City, Pa., to show cause, if any they have. wt dischaige should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further notlee Is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings of creditor; of the said bankrupt. required the Seth and Math sections of said Act, will be held before use 810 Register, a; the same time and'place • noll;a8.1" • R. C. MeCANDLEBb, Eil .Wv. lir2anatso3: M. W..Caxalm6• A. 111L.VMS, Clerk