II NEW DVERTISEMENTS. === i====l JOSEP HORNE & CO.c IF DAILY F.IICEIPT OF - M3I DESIMBLE GOODS NEW A FOR I ;LDA.Y SALES, HOL during the present week, and St Purattrise I • / " l i MUCH 1,128 Tll/11 ionmEß FIGURE& /tigers will ad the stoat unequalled, and the PRICES LOWER TH AN' THE LOWEST. THREE HUNDRED DOZEN LADIES LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, TWO RUNDBED DOZEN MEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, LIKEN HANDKERCHIEFS at .5 cants and np. Real and Imitation LACE HA3STOKERdHLEFS. GENT'S S t ILK HANDKERCHIEFS, -AN IMMENSE LOT. All NEW AND FRESH GOODS.. The REST BAR- I GAINo we hive ever offered, 100 DOZEN HEAL ,rItENOII COILSIETS, at $1,50 WORTH ORM), HOOP .SKIRTS: Eldon the elost of prodection. BROCRA BCA_RF-8. SILK SCARFS coLLARS, BETTS. BARBES, • COIFFEURES, • HANH KNIT ZEPHYR GOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, CUII.DREN►S GAITERS. BOULEVARD SEAMLESS SHIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, GLOVES In Emit variety, • HOSIERY, all grades and styes, Leather Satchels, Portntonnaies and Leather Bags. HATS. • ,-MILLINERY GOODS. SATINS, • VXLVETS, WILLOW AND oSTRInIi .PLUMES, SASH AND NECK RIBBONS. SeAll goods marked to cost and less. Call and examine s • 77 ...iind 79 po :3 )d a:ia :1 sti 47. 11111111)112TF1S 47. FOR BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray & Logan, NO. "4.7 ST. CLUB STREET, Have now In store then. 'fourth supply of WINTER GOODS. which will be found ,to be the largest and beet assorted stock of Bo7le, Yontha'. and . ,l Cbildren'a Clotping 313 r Tint erne. OUR CHILDRENS - DEPARTMENT, contains fall lines of the OA Ft A BALDL BEEMAN. BIBM ARON. BEN FRANKLIN & BLOUSE SUITS. IN OUR BOYS , DEPART WENT will be , found tne Metro politan. nroadway and Harney state. . Also the new DOUBLE JACKETED BEEPING . Gentlemen will find the oest assortment of OUoTOM MADE DOUBLE BREASTED ENGLISH JACKETS In the city of • PLAIN AND FMB BEAVERS. CHICHI:L. LAS, *c. DEPARTMENT. Splendid assortment of ZNGLIBH WALKING COATS, METROPOLITAN Sacks And the • D: B. ENGLISH JACKET • OUR OVERCOAT DEPARTMENT contain, all slue Of mod!. um and flue goods, In great 'variety. iirWe isk our patrons and the public to call and examine. CRAY & LOCAN. 41 ST. CLAIR STREET. ABATES, SKATES. I have received ray stock of Skates for the season of '6g and "89, comprising every styleknown to the trade,. at prices ranging PROM 59 CENTS PER PAIR UP TO t 95. My stock embraces a fall line of Ladles' and 'Gentlemen's Skates: New, York Club. American Rink; Illoadn's Ancle Supporter, our La-I dies' and Gents' Clipper, Philadelphia and Boston! CNN Empire and Vulcan, together with a large as-i aortment ofmedium priced Skates for Boys, which I offer at exceedingly low nrices. I invite all in want of Skates to call and be convinced that 138 WOOD STREET, hi the place Wing Skates. " For sale wholesale and retail by • :4 • JAMES BOW,N, NO. 138 WOOD STREET.. PITTSBURGH: .no2errie . , ('`TORN AND HEMP-IS 2 Sacks Coffin, 6 Bales Kentucky Hemp to arrive math° steamerC. tl Ct. Charles, for sale, by lztel&et Dicau ej NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MONEY! MONEY!!'-$4,000 incest in a Mortgage on City or County Property. for a term of three years. $2.000 to loan on Bond and Mortgage for 2 years. wANTp.u—Bu4nrs or Accommodation Paper r" the amount of $20,000; time from 00 days to 4 montbs. WANTED—To exchange a Farm of 100 A melt of -Land In Wynn for a Family Horse and Spring Watton.Apply to . B. Me. AIN It CO., g de4 . . Corner Fourth ay. and Malthdeld st. IN THE DISTRICT - COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. FOR THE WES /- N VISTHICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. It. LINDSAY. aba'Skinui under the act of Congress of March 21d, 1887, having applied pr a discharge from all his debts. and other calms ovable under said Act, by order or the Court notice is heresy given to all credliors who have proved their debts. and other persons Interested, to appear on the sBth day of DECEMBER. 1888, at IU o'clock A. as. before JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Esq: Register, at his once, No. Ala Federal street, Allegheny city. Pa., to show cause, If 11119 they have, why a discharge should not Me granted to the said bankrupt. (let:an 8. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk. THE PITTSBURGH / STEAM LAUNDRY 1' . • •is fitted up with the most approved maxbinery. and 'is prepared to do all kinds of Laundry Work at the tlhertt at notice. Experienced Laundresses are em ployed, and families may be assured that thoireloth ing will be card for and done up in a superior man .ner. : BED QUILTS BLANKETS, SHAWLS, and idther - heavy articles carefully cleansed without shrinking or wearing the fabric. Special attention given to the doing up of LACE CURTAINS and other fabric, 01 a delicate texture. Clothes collected and delivered daily without extra charge Orders left at No. 89 FIFTH AVINUE„ or at the office. No. 104 LlttEßr 1' STREET, will receive prompt attention, de4:a94. - • 11. F. HARBFI AL , S OFFICE, W. D. of Pennsylvania. Pi au Dec. 3. 1868. S .- L'IHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 7th' day a November. A. D. 1368, a 'arrant in Bankruptcy was issued againet the • ESTATE OF sWILLIAII GIBSON, Of Allegheny city, in the county of Allegheny, and btate of rennspyanla, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him or for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signees of his estate, will be held. at a Court of Bankruptcy, to b e holden at No. 116 Federal St.. Allegheny City, Allegheny county. Penna., before JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Esq., Register, on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1866, at 21 o'clock MEM TeAINT OF Li uncalled fo, cember 4, 180 A \ Allen Jogeph • Bradley limo. R. lirawdy Margt A • • Beebe Albert Barcroft Wm Baldwin lir sr LACE GOODS,. Cearns Patrick Melt M J Dewier John Evans I r tioaD English F Michael F egan Martin Frederick Mary Fortune WM, Flinn W Hoods, • sacques, Griner SiarabE Hoffman Hannah lE/101131LICTICI.W ! OIL tpiraCYTIECI9, 13 1 ' We, offer our stock at reduced prices for a 8 .UT TUNE before commencing to take , stock. Now is the time to buy. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 }'ll Lit AVENUE. dt 4:d&wV _HOLIDAY PRESENTS, AND WHERE TO GET THEM J. BURCHFIELD & .CO., '52 ST. CLAIR STREET, Save mast opened a a beadtiftd assortment of • DRESS 'GOODS; Suitable los usefulpreses ts. which they are selling at lower prices than can be found in the city. ' POPLINS, DEL AMES, ' BILKS. ALPACAS, MERINOS, CLOAKING CLOVES, PAISLEY SA AW LS, PLAID hiSAWLS, Tatie Linens,. Napkins. Towels, Linen and Cam . brie Handkerchiefs for Ladles ann Gents. Every description of DRY GOODS at lowesteast 'ern prices. No. U St, flair, near Liberty St. del FURS! - FURS !! CHOICE AND FRESH, AT & 1024 ial WOOD sTizzrr. YOUTHS , GLASS SHADES FOR PLOWENS AND WAX IPKTIT. { Imre or Boort. Oval, S r -- (10-PARTNERSIIIP—I have this IL) day associated with m. In business ALFRED H- JoNs's. end' wilt continue the ral. of PE TROLEUM snd Reproducts, and NEW PA.TENT• EO tiODDd as heretofore, under the name ;And style of WEAVER a J S. JACOB WrATEII, JB • ALTHXD 11. JOINS& • _ WEAVER & JONES, WIIOLZEILLIC DJULZES IA - PETROLEUM AND ITS mowers, • . , and PATE VTED DODDS generally. Refined and Lubricating 011 e of superior qualities always for sale. Barrels of al det.criptinn bousht anti sold. Office..o.rUQUEn• AY. Plttsbnrgh. ifittsburith. Dec. 1. VAIL dell Ma SKATES ) GLASS SHADES FOR : FLOWERS AND. WAX FRUIT, Oral. Square or Round. BAULET. . 2,500 BUSHELS CHOICE SPRING 'AND FALL 9 ln store and for isle by i. 31. MANOR & HARPER, note 329 LIBERTY STRF.ET - - yAMOTICE _IS HEREBY I GIVEN that the oartnership lately existing betneen IN DICKSOY and W. J. Me dAtITER, as Car- L e t u C t l e i r ):oll l d .t 11 7):4 n in e r tli l l ' i l f i l i a n y n tftre solved by mutual unseat W. J. DOMAnTER is pl authorized to settle all debts duelttl to ddbanl the com. oy. JAM W. J. SdoITAST 021 ER , .. December 1, 1888. del:ass IL L. McNISIi THOMAS A. ROWLEY, 11. S. Marsha', as!Mersenger .ETTEi rat BUG` ANAL BS. HannaJobn - Hamlin Ellis E Hays Clemens Henry Raehael. Henderson N L Haines F J_ 'MeKahl Win p Powell Wm F Vow r liobt J Pryor J M Patton Win Rogers Patrick linbecum Sarah Ra— Robert Rutin' !Clan Et u el Jas B Seymour Lizzie Shepard FlCnry Steyenson John !Smyth D W T Taylor David Thomas Jamas WivenLlzzle W•ight Mary Wt son John Weaver John C ' SEAN.,P. M. Hoak John T J Jones Chas Jones John Kea. r Isaac king John L Little duo Lewis Margaret Morris Isaac Madden Cooper Metz Louisa Mrs Miller Frank Monday Mrs I) 131111er VirmJ Mo IfeCllmons 3F It: G. CARPETS, deo.; Teo. GAZETTE : FRIDAY, IYECEI!IBEit 4, 1368. NEW ADVERVISEk' MTS. THE NEW YORK LEDGER, FOB THE NEW TEIII, 1869. THE CREAT FAMILY PAPER. The Ledger le the most luterestlng parreiln the world. More people take the Zedg'r than any other parer in t he eonntry. lt has the largest number of great and distinguish% ed writers. It contains the purest, sweetest. and most de lightful love stories rising narratives, and to structive biographical and historical sketches. All questions growing out of the domestic rela tions. lovers' quarrels, law and business matters, art regularly answered In its columns. A vest amount of useful lnf rmation is given through this attractive department of ihe Ledger. The principal Bishaps, 13,.ctors of Diiinity, and Clorgymen write for it. s - WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT, the great Ameri can Poet has translateu, expressly f. r the Ledger. a thrilling Spanish Novel, which we shall publish during the new year, - Rev. DR. T YNG tanow engaged upon an original, Story, which will be Eontlnued through tweivenum bees of tne L.dger. We are now publishing & series of twelve short true storiee, by twelve of the most distinguished clergymen in the United States. Our standard po..tuar writer; Mr. SYLVANDS COBB. Jr„ is as interesting as ever, and-will con tinue, as neretolore, to write only for the Ledger The millions otadmirers of Mrs. SOUTHWORTH will find her original stories only in the Ledger. Min DU PUY avid continue her dramatic stories, and FANNY FERN her sparkling sketches. HENRY WARD BM BCH ER vel l continue to fur nish his weekly articles, and JAMES PARTON his biographical sketches. ALICE CARRY, HEL LYNN, Dr. CHAS. D. GARDKTTE, and all our other prestnt writers are re engaged for the Ledger: Professor WILLIAM. HENRY PEcs, JOHN G. SAXE and MARY KYLE DALT will hereafter write for no paper b -t, the Ledg r. two :of our contributors havebeen ministers to the court of St, James. Within the past year the son of another of ournoutributors has been elected President of the United States. The BEST that a long experiencelenables us to se lect, and that-money, without stint, can buy, will be constantly .spread before the \readers of the - Ledger. The , reader always gets more than his money's worth in the Ledger. 'OUR TERMS FOR 1869—NOW IS TIME TO tsITBSCRIBE. Single copies $3 per annum; four conies $lO, which is 8%60 a cupv ; eight conies *2O. The par ty who sends us $2O for a club of eight copies. tall bent at .one time). will be entitled to a couy free. Postmasters and others Who get up clubs, in their resective towns, can afterward add single cotes at $2.50. slier We employ no trayelling agente. Address all communications to ItgetEßT BON3.IIiS, Publisher. cor VC 1111 am and Spruce sta., New York de4:491-11&P DECEMBER 1868. •JAININ6 POSTOFFICE, FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. CARPETS AinLIIELMT./L3E.ILIs LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES We offer = FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY our &Cods at a large reduction from regular rates. Our stock is full' and complete in all departments, and we shall sell the best cud ides And styles of Carpets at prices at which we cannot re place them, giving our cus tomers an opportunity , of ob tiining Bargains that may never be offered again. This special sale will continue only until the time of taking our annual inventory of stock at the end of this month. IfFARLIIND & COLLINS, 71 AND 78 FIFTH AVENUE. TO WHEAT GROWER& . - • ' EMMA AMMONIATED son, SUI'Elt-PHOSPHATE OF LIME , MANUFACTURED BY The Allegheny Fert i lizer Co. • 8.4-WARD 4 , CAMPBELL, • rROPELIZETORS, • ' MO% 856 Penn Street, Pitteburgh, Pa The best Rertilizer in nee, and recognised y Partnere who have given it a trial, to be the stand and for miming large crops of Wheat, Rye, Bata Corn, Pota toes, Lc. We pave published for grain. lions circulation a paniphlft containing interegini and valuable statements of this Fertiliser, copies ol which will be sent free to' any aending WI their ad dress. 2,000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE . BY THE Union Pacific .lialtroairCompany, EASTERN DIVIESON, Lying along the Use of their road, id 1,4,00 TO $5,00 rER ACHE, And on a OREDI4 TUE YEARS. '-- For farther pertionlars, plops, ate., aggress JOHN P. DZVF.I3ZPX, Land Rommlasioner, Topeka, Kansas. Or omen. n. zwinona, seen £O4: Bt. Louts. IfirsourL, APES. PAPER. P Printing, Straw Rag, Glass, Carpet IDOFHIG, HARDWARE AND HAINILLAS, • . lionufactured and sold by FRAZIER, ..11.ETZGER, & CO., ..82 Mkt. AVENUE. P E A _r. CASH PAID FOD HOPE , BANS AND-OLD ArEip. oc2ll.sbeiii / NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WHOLESALE WILLIAM Nos. 180 and 182 Federal AT 12 CENTS, DELAINES, good quality I AT $1,25 GOLD MIXED WATERPBOOF CLOTIL AT .1,00 HEAVY SILK POPLINS, double width. • AT 75 CENTS, PRENCHMERINOS„fine\goods.- AT 70 CENTS; iffin o ll ' Size WOOLEAT SHAWLS. AT 373 i GENTS, LADIES VELVET BATS. VERY LOW PRICES LN ALPACA POPLINS, MOHAIR LUSTRE& PLAID !POPLINS, MERINOS, .REPPS, WHOLESALE WILLIAM Nos,, 180 and 182 Federal SPECIAL PATTERNS--P. Z. &D. JUST RECEIVED. New Styles LADIES LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. FANCY RIBBONS COCKADE.; AND BOWS .All whlthe of SATIN AND . SATIN PLAID RIBBONS. . .• LADIES SILK SCARFS, In all wklthe.', Also, inn Uses of Ladles' and Gents Underwear AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth 'Avenue. GLASS SHADES-P. Z. &D. PLRUH, Practical Cook , lesp etfully announces to the public that he will On Saturday and Monday Next, • Open to the public the , DE,LMONICO RESTAURANT, FOR GENTLEMEN ONLY. It will be Ms earnest endeavor to fUrnieh his pa trons at all times with the most palatable viands which the market or the season affords. Tie LIQUORS, WINES of various dates, ALit, BEEIL etc,will be their own recommends , ion. Orders for tine Cooking fonWeddlngs, and other Festivals, will, as heretofore, be promptly and cheaply attended to, requesting patronage. octi:yea H. RUII. GLASS SHADES-P. Z. &D. ROCK THE 'BABY zx EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Illanufacturersi_tc" 118 WOVIVIIK A.VENITE. Where may be found a full assortment of Parlor, Chamber auu Kitchen Furniture. nolS GLASS SHADES FORD FLOWERS AND WAX FRUIT, Oval; Square or Round (`TALL L imo A rt l in w R __EXALHEN E THE t FANCY COAL RODS AND VASES, FIRE IRONS 4.21 D STANDS, P.Eibrr&ai,S, &c. Also, EARNS , PATENT CHURN ATTACH. IdENT at the Hardware store of WHITESIDES k DRUM, • noff T 9 PEDER.AL BT.. ALLEGHENr. STAIIIED GLASS-P. Z. &D. R EMOVAL -ONOR BEFORE W. P. 7SIABSITALIA remove .111 s stock of :.WALL PAPERS, from the old stand No. S 7 WOOD STREET. to the newly fitted and elegsat mom Woos, NO. 191 LIBERTY STREET, a few doors above ST. CLAIR. nol7 STAINED GLASS-P. Z. &D. F OR SALE. A GOOD BRICK STORE-DOOM) with dwelling on same lot, for sale on good terms,; Also, a small lot of DRT GOODS, GROCERIES, &e. Tito location Is first rate for a business of •10,000 to 415,000 a year; good Wheat country surround.. lug the village; good Souring mUI in the village. The above property is on the line of the Cincin nati, Sandusky andeleveland!ralirciad. For further information address NICWMAN A CO., New Rich. land. Logan county. Ohio. nolahan d4lO CRYSTAL CLEAR 91ass Shades. KEYSTONE POTTERY. S 21. KIER & CO., miusufacturers of 4WEENSWARE, BRISTOL WARE &e. Mee and Warehouse, 303 LIBERTY isTAIIRT. Sir AU order PromPtlYstecia•a%46 _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AND RETAIL, SEMPLE'E. St., Allegheny City, Pa., COUNTRY .BLANKETS, HEAVY COUNTRY FLANNELS. SHIRTING FLANNELS, CHINCHILLAS; CLOAKING, ginum PAISLEY FIIIIVLS, - RATS ANIS STOCKINGS AND GLOVES, COLLARS - AND HANDKERCHIEFS, UNDERWEAR, &c. AND RETAIL, Er BEMPLES, St., Allegheny City, Pa. DIARIES FOR 1569. ONE DAY TO EACH PAGE D IARIES FOR 1569, TWO DAYS TO EACH PAGE DIARIES FOR 1869. THREE DAYS TO. EACH PAGE DIARIES FOR 1569. PLAIN BINDING. 10c. 1011.00 DIARIES FOR 1869. . FINF SKY_ M. tR.°BINDINCI 41 to $3,.P0. DIARIES FOR 1569. -32 mo., 24 mo., 12 mo., 8 vo. and- COUNTING HOUSE. . D IARIES' FOR 1569. • TUCKS, GUM DAN DS AND SELF CLOSINat. FOR• SALE BY ROBERT S. DAVIS, WM. HUGHES. LATE 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Inform• his Mends and patrons in Pittsburgh that he is now connected with EDD" ABD P. KELLY, South-east corner of CHESTNUT and SEVIINTH STREETS. the PRINCIPAL MERCHANT TAILOR OP PHILADELPHIA, and can now furnish them with clothes SUPERIOR in every respect to those he has heretofore given them, and at MODERATE PRICES. 0cZ3:2.15 GLASS SHADES FOR FLOWERS AND WAX 'FRUIT, „, Oval. Square or Round. J. E. SWINT J. M. N. A. BRATT. Qwurr, BRAM' & CO., A .1 ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS. No. Sandusky. St., Allegheny, Pa. A large assortment of NEWEL POCTB and BAL. LSTERS constantly on hand. TURNING, of all descriptions, done. I oe9mEti 1 . CONOMIZE YOUR FUEL, by using the • aUrbill CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR, the only true and easily regulated Governor made; perfect In Its operations and truly reliable. A large size Governor can be seen at the office of P.ERCE.- VAL. BECKETT,Mechanical gpglneer and Solici tor of Patents, No. 79 Federal street, onl Alleglieny the City,y agent for this Governor in the West. se=m96 QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. • QUEEN OF ENGLAND'SOAP. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. For doing a family washing In the best and cheap est manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world Has all the strength of old rosin soap, with the mil. and lathering qualities of genuine Castile Try t splendid Soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 Noreh Fourth street. Philadelphia. e2:1757-mtvr&lP lIESII FlSH.—Benjamin Pul. PItES4 still continues to 11 all city and coun try orders for FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH. SALMON AND BASS. Bend to No. 45 DIAMOND MARKET. PUP. Duro, or his old well known TWIN DI r Y bTAND, Allegheny market • co% OFFICE OF CITY. ENDINEEF; i Allegheny c elty, Dec. 1, 11313111. C XenOTICE.—The assessment for ' brad s g and i living TUREEN.. ALLAY. from 7 street to old city 'line, In the Third ward, ila nnw ready Kir examination, and can be seen ac tale Mike until WEDNESDAY Decembi r 9th, when It will be returned to tae Street Commissioner for col cotton._ CHARLES DAVIS, de1:483 . i - Civil Engineer. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINZEtt AND Sl'Dv/STUD, PlttsbUrtrb. November 86th, 1808. f OTlOE—The ' assessment for Grading FORDES STiIERT, from Madison to rs street, is now ready lbr examination, and ads can be seen at Oils office untd MONDAY, December 7th. FMK when it will be returned to the City Treasurer's office for collection. ' nollba'S H. J. MOORE, City Engineer. FOE. SALE, FINE SEED WHEAT, AT 349 LIBERTY BT. ; VIITCJRCOIIK. McORICERY i On an7P 'F &nut LOOR OIL CLOTHB—We have .in stock a large riment oratyles and va t qt.' widths or thoroughly seasoned Floor OH Cloths, which we are offering to totYwhoh Gale and retail trade at orlrea lower. utkin. quality litiocon alder:H.l°n, than can be bad la this dm ' J. Ea H. PHILLIPS, '96 and AS ttlxin 'tree. QM G-" LEN , OIL 'CLOTH FOR WIN• DOW SHADES—we arwnow manufacturing ibs article of a enality superior in finish, and at pr i ces lower than can be had of .ny Easter • mane racturera. Dealers wilt find U IClititV Interest 1° examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. J. a H. THILLIrd, id 28 Sixth St.. fon:eerie St. t7lur. . nola3.Aß an PATE DE FOIL GRAS. OF fresh importation, nut up In ibucy obis, just fee, ivbel and tor sale at the Family tiro cry store of Liberty A. RENA -I.A.W. tr Liberty and Baud streets. 12= QODA AISII-100 tons ' choice ka brands in store and for Bite by • nol7 4. B. CA NVIELD t BON. • _ EHENT-50 barrels Hydraulic ‘1,;,/ etallillt In atom and far sale by n 017.. J. B. CANIFIELn sow. DIG LEAD-500 Pigs Soft Galena In store and for sale! - nol7 J. Z. CANFIELD A sow: GAPPIAES-126 barrels ILA fa mime and fur sale -• 13017 J. E. CANFIELD sax. rit i t r U u la wi tS s l a i l l e 0 casks N?. 1 in Iton. J. B. CANFIELD BON. fgr . IN THE MATTER OF OPEN ING LOCUST STREET, IN THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH—AIi owners of Lots, or other persons interested in the BURIAL GROUNDS on STF.VENSON STREET, ene belonging to the Asso ciate Reformed Church. known as Knit retsG NAVE MARL, and the other to the Catholic Cnurch, known as the CATHO' IC kiRAV a. YARD, are hereby notified that they are required to remove the bodies from the ground within the line of Locust street, within three months from this date; and IC the same are not removed within that time, they Will be removea by the undersigned, who have been appointed Commissioners for that . Said street Is forty eight feet wine. and excesses along the line between the said Buriaiprounds. about one half off each. necessary Information can be had by appliestien to either of the Commissioners. The Commissioners] will meet for consultation With Lot Owners, on IMONIrAY, December 812 , 1, 1568, at 10 soelock, a. nr.. at the City Engineer's Vince, Market Buildieg, third story. Wht. GRTFIITN, Pittsbare", Dec. cle4:asb ItgrPENINSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY: • PIIILADEL Tnaistryntn's XPARTNENT. PIIIA. D Noy. 51, MS. I • NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Board of Directors have THIS DAY declared - a semi-Anneal dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes. payable in cash, on and alter Novem-' ber 30, 1.865. • f • Blank powers of attorney for collectinX a lvidenda can be had at the office of the Company, 338 Su UM • THIRD STREET. Toe office will be opened at BA. N. a"d closed at • 4 P. 11., from November 30th to December sth for the payment of dividends, and after that date from 9A. X. to 3P. X. n020:A46 THOMAS T. 'FIRTH, Treasbrer, gar 43 0 DIME R JAL DEPARTw MENT.OF PITTbIBURGH HIGH SCHOOL. ( Bank of Commerce .Building corner Sixth and Wood streets.. Ectual to anyßusinesii College haviar the same studies and lectdres. Sessions; Ahern 2% to '4% o'clock; evening, 7 to 9.. Free residents of Pittsburgh under • 5111. years of a ReNves students from-other places at the low *I, mission fee of $2O. Students enter at any time arid receivgAiplorna on completing the course. For further lulormation call at our 'rooms or send fdr circular. seS.x.7-nr, WOOLEN SHAWLS, NOTIOES7"To Let," ••I Ur Hats," "LestO " Wants," "Found," "Boarding," ite.: not age erecting FOUB -LINES sack will be *tarried in then columns once for TWENTY-FIVB CENTS; east additional tine ITB CENTS. ' • . ANTED—HELP -At Employ ment °dice, No. St. Clair Street, BOY: S G RLS and MEN, for different kinds of employ ment. Persons Wanting help of all kinds can tai supplied on short notice: • - WANTEDSITUATIONS. .:( WANTED--Sittiation as Assist ant Book-keener or Shipping Clerk. Ad— dress, stating where an interview may be,had, tare Box aos, Pittsburgh Postoffiee. WANTED---BOARDERS. °AUDI:NG—Good Boarding at No. 16 ANN STREET, Idlegheny city, for SO per week.. BOAR DING—A gentleman and wife, without children, can be accommodated with an unfurnished rooni - and ho.rdihg by malting inquiry at-No. 71 .11.t.STIN ISTREEu. Allegheny city. DOA RD ING.-FRONT •ROODIS, with boarding, in a bousajugt. opening, can in by calling at No. BIS ROBINSON STREET. Allewhenv. lA-NTED—BOAIRDERPIeaO.- sant room, With board, suitable for gen tlemin and wl , e, or two young rentleman at 68 FOUR La nTREET, Also. .a few day or dinner boarders ciut be accommodated. Reference required. XiOST-4)n Wednesday afternoon. a pocket book. containing about SIX DOL. ARS and one GOLD. SLEEVE - BUTTON. sup. posed to have been lost on one of the Citizens Pas senger Railway Cara. The !Inds r will be rewarded by leaving the same at,lw o. 89 MARKET STREET. Q~REWARD—Lost on Wednes- , day. November 11th. at the BAPTIST CHURCH FAIR. in Birmingham Town Hail. a SQUIRREL ELM CAPE. The tinder will receive the above reward and thanks of the owner by leav ing it at WED ER BROS.. Jewelry stcoe, corner of Carson and'Ormeby street, Blrmingliain. 93 WOOD STREET O LET-House in Allegheny— .dlx rooms and hall; rent 5.15 Der month. Ito. tin re'of JOH:sBTON t JOEINSTON, No Si Dlim mond street, Plask . ugh, or. Pio. 80 Manhattan street. Allegheny. . - T O LET — Two. well finished housps, with - elitOt and eleven. rooms on • IITH STR.. ET near Penn. El:ionize at NII7 PENN OTRF.ET. MO LET—Two unfurnistiek rooms. with board. to gentleman and y rlleat single gentlemen, at 58 PENN STREET. m ,l 0 LET—Afjurnished Sleeping ROOM, anita`ilt tor one or two gentlemen. in home of a private family, .210. 2120 LACOCS. STREET. Allegheny city. TOTO LET—ROOMS—With or with out board, in a pleasant location, No. %169 eral street, Allegheny City, on second or third floors.._. . b . O LET—ROOMS, with Board. INU.—Several it or unfurnished ooms, with Ant class boarding, at No. 256 PENN STREET. • . XO LET—Furnished rooms, within two squaws of the Pofitconee on nMITH. I LI) STREET. Address L. lil. - . GeztriTs. office. 0,21 TO LET—That beautiful new 1. brick dwelling house. No. 204, Ohio Avenue, near Bagley's Lane, contains 8 rooms, bath room, finished attic, good dry cellar, fitted up with gas, water and other conveniences. Apply at JAMES WARD'S GROCEItY, 59 Palo Alto street, Alla . ghexty city. FOR SALE--DRUG STORE-A first clime retail drug store in a yery desirable location. Terms easy. Addre.e box 704, flits buret*. "FOR tiALX—$45 per acre will ptirchase a farm of 10u acres in BEAVER efilThTs , P. one. 2 . or a mile from Eeoc Station. P. Ft. W. tC. it E.; 75 acres cleared. 25 acres in timber, all underrate with coal, good house of Ida rooms and all necessary ontbnildlngs, orchard of 400 trees. all varleVes of fruit, well watered by springs and a renning Fen- am, warm sandy soli._ convenient to schools churches within 3 miles. and a good neighborhood. The owner has moved west, otherwise It could not be .purchaa.d at the above price. Terms easy. For , orther particulars call on or address CROFT ds PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents, 139 Fourth avenue. O R S ALE—Lawrenceville ROPERTY—Thetesirablefroverfy on PROS CT, near BUTLER STEM T Lawrenceville, now °monied by th e subscriber; otby 100 feet* comfortable modern two story brick house of al* rooms. good cellar, wish house, Ac. Price low ace terms psay lf sold soon. Apply on the , prendseste EGWA RD SEAGER. FOR SALE—FARM.--200 acres of good Land situated In Penn Tp., Welt moreland county, tiro miles from Irwin Station, on the Penns. B. B. Improvements, hewed lug o.ouse In good repair, bank Darn and otder outbuildings. Terms moderate. Enquire of W. WILSON, Lard. mer s Station, or B. A. HOPE, Penn Station. - • . seven roome, water and g._as,. and raneett .teben. at the coreer of PRIDE and FORBEi et , tt WYT. Pronnlronf W. WILTOW. at the House. itiNon SALE—A Melodeon and "STOOL, that have been very little used. and lch cost a few mcntha ago CLUE ',They w il l he sold very cheap. Addres. C. E. G. GAZETT.E.OffiCee nosenowv.ov,..e.new.nAe" , eres , nowte WANTED -ON COMMISSION ONE HUNDRED, TONS OP FOR THE HOLIDAYS • The highest tr.arket prices and quir.k sales guaranteed. Mark packages distinctly and send voices by mail.. • H. P. BALILARD & Commission Merchantsi 3321 Washington site; New York. n.17:01r CLOYERSEID. ' A CAOICE JUST BECEITED. J. KNOX, 13'7 Liberty street: 1. noWl:prile ' • GOOD NEWS. " ' 01113L1' BREAD , ji DUB I=l3:_ Enga for I WAitIVIS Dread. Tie largest and but. The !lintels "H. W,"; Oel finely loaf. Tate Zan. NOTICES. J. D. KELLY,' M. TINDLE, Comsdisloners. MI! R. JOHNSTON. Prlnclpid. WANTED---HELP. LOST. TO LET. FOR ' SALE R SALE—A 'new House mitt WANTS. 1 31 400UIAMalr, RI