3 gittAfingt Gaittts, PUBLIBBID'DAILY. BY INIKAN, REED & CO.,Proprietors.. 7. B. PENNIMAN. JOSIAH-KLING. T. P. HOUSTON, N. P. REED. Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE •ErrE'BUILDIN9 , NOS. 84 AND 86 FIFTH BT. OFFICIAL PAPER • - Of Pltteburgm, Allegheny and Allegheny .4 1 * County. • \ renar—Deow. tifeeti-Weenty. ireenir, one year.".ss,ool , ?he 7vsr• 'MO Shigte oo 3P9",.st. 97 One month. 76 i Six mot:. 1.63 Ileowlesoseetr. 1.r.5 BY the week Three mos, 76 to -.. .• 1.15 (ftm cutter.) • ' —wade= to Agent. \ FRIDAY, DECEIRBIR 4 4 1868. TEE WEEKLY GAZETTE, issued, an Wed= leg f iya and Saturdays, iss the test and.ehsap.. eat famiirnetospaper in Pennighar4s. Tres me sash week forty-eight colusitis of solid reading matter. it gives the fattest'as rash as tke mBstreliablesfaarketreports of any paper in the State. Its files are weed facia bythe Moil Courts of Allegheny county " for reignites in important issues ate determine the ruling prices in the markets (4 the 4ime of thebusinese teransatttion in disottee. Yams: kfingle copy, one year, 114.60 ; in clubs of, ive, in,25 ; in dubs. of fen, and one free todhe getter up of 'the deb. /*admen copies -sent Free do any cdtirass. WE TBIWr . on instYli pages of this -mernir.g's-Glaavnt-'-:Seeonii page: Ephem qtris, Miscellaneous. .Thirci•afid Sixth pages: &owner:ski, 'Financial, RitszaNews; Imports. .Bei)ektli page: ;interesting Miscellany of wing Ifetttcr, Asnusemer,t Directory. GOLD closed \in 'New York yesterday at 'lB5-Itigl3sl. Iows: has castn popular vote of about 196;006, whichjs considered, to .indicate - population of over 1;100,000, an'increase of .100,000' in eight `years.. AMONG ,Tllll - financial questions which will occupy Ccragfesstat its ensuing session, will be that di legsnzing contracts made payable in gad.{l; It will be warmly urged, and, we trust, 7iviraccess, A xt.nczyr judirill decision in West Ches ter comity, 'New Ycrk, held that a. woman, who'had lived with the decedent for years, without actual marriage, but as his wife and thelnotheref three , of his children, was le gaily' his widdw, and the offspring were legitimated. •'TAKE icAß.E.cif the rich, and the rich will take - 'are ot the poor," was a saying of Daniel Webater.—Post. This maxim '4;vas invented by a lying ',Democral, and cput, affoat as coming from While living, he frequent ly, :under his own signature, branded the attribution , of the sentiment to' him' as 'a gross libel. - With these repeated denials fresh in recollection, there are' not wanting ;plenty of Democrats to perpetuate the cal- UMIly against the memory of the deceased statesman. Tem - enonT session of Coiffeur -only • time • months—will be busily occupied in • diseussions•updh the finances, indudingthe • question or specie-resuMption, upon Indian, affairs, the. Pacific Railway and, probably, - the Alabamatifair with England. The suf frage issue is also likely to come up, pend ing Whielkatisposition will be exhibited to 'finish up •all matters connected with the .Xl.V . th Amendment, before . doing, much \ with the proposal for a XVth. It is evident that members will, have their hands full of businees, t Tnar,D'ltalutu 11..m7snly goes out of office, and the. Government of Great Britain i passes into Liberal hands. It remains to be seen.whethertthe new Premier shall be Kr. . lute was granted, and the process was or dered, when Lieutenant Governor Gleason appeared, by counsel, waived the pro gessind filed a demurrer. He then pre- Cnted a petition; under the United States ivil Rights bill, to remove the case to the United States Circuit Court. The Court adjourned after Col. Sanderson's argument against - the demurrer. A decision on this point will proliably be rendered to-morrow. • , —A Constantinople letter to the New York Herald gives an account of senti ments entertained by the Turkish govern ment and people for the United States and their anxiety about the policy this country , may pursue toward the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish government appreciates the• greatness and power of the. American Re.- public, and geeing no probable cause for -any serious+ difficulty between the two• countries, it is desirous of maintaining most friendly relations, and of disabusing• the public mind here of any erroneous im— pressions with-regard,to Turkey. —Senator Cameron, in a reeenteofiversa— tion, told a Washington correspondent that on the night before the vote was taken on impeachment, General Grant visited ,Ben Wade to urge the matoration of General Sheridan to his command id Louisiana ' as soon as he (Wade) became Prestdent Butler. he said, came near being the pres ent President. jMr. Lincoln wanted him to run on the ticket in 1864 for Vice President,' but General Butler then thought, the Vice Presidency an exceptional place. .The Christian Temperance Convention, at Boston, continued in session yesterday.` Opinions were ',expressed by, some of the leading sneakers that all Christiana should withdraw from fellowship with those min isters of churches that favored the.use of intoxicating drinks. Upon the question of a prohibitory law there was some division, and a very warn debate, but no action was taken. Resoltitions were adopted recom mending the general circulation of.piedgeei and the caliingl of other Conventions. —Within the last two weeks there has a marked advance in the market price of the various State seturities,of South Carolina. Bills receivable have risen from 70 to9o, old bonds from 57 to 65, and new bonds, from 52 to 57. Charleston City stock has also advanced about ten per Cent. The facts are regarded as an indica tion-Of increased . public confidence and the' ie ginningi of brighter days at the South. —ln the Primary Convention of the Epis- copal Church of, •new Dioceses, now in sess ion at St. Peters Church, Albany, the sum of $3,600 was pleflosd by the various churches for missionary purposes. The first ballot for Bishop resulted in no choice. D YSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORMS. I B. altered and Cnred. S ick Headache and Derangement or the Stomach, A ttacks of Jaundice and Biliionsness Removed and permanently cured. Genera] Debility, Hnb'lnal Cositiveness, E very tonic of Liver CoMplaint, N ansea, HeartbUrn or Water Brash, and T routres of the Diger ive crgans S peedilY t surely' and efficiently cured. • . L aver Complaint, Swimming of the Head, I ndigestiOr, Depression of Spirits, . . V triable lind uncertain Appetite, ' • • E very symptoin of Dyspepsia R elieved by Dr Sargent's Anti• Dyspeptic & Liver P illa. They have effected many curd. I n every cave they hare given relief. I. et no family be without this remedy. L ook to It that you get no other and much S icknese and pain will berevented. 'PREPARED AND SOLD' BY GEORGE A. KELLY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, EMI!EMMEtIMS _ ..,.. REVOLT IN THE INTERIOR. 1 . When the stomach Is reberions, the liver coots-, maclous, the lioWels disordertl, the brain confused an 1 the nerves In a tumult, II in the aid of HOS -4,8. 'UTTER'S STUMACEI BITT S, if you would re store quiet, regtilarity stud harmony to the action of these troportant!organs. A large proportion of the complaints to which the human family are sub. ea, originate la ladigestion. For this distressing mala dy, and parent of innumerable animas as distress--,, log as . itself" the BITTERS are the only a tide' proved by experience to be a, universal and unfail ing ruitedy. But although it was as a 'remedy for dysptpsis and bill:loneness that they. Brat obtained prestige twentyyoars ago, It is new pretty well un derstood; both by the public and the m talcs' profes sion, that their i l curatlve properties take sitar wider . rangi. In nervo us complaints, spasmodic erections, fever and ague,' and' every variety of general and lo cal debility. their sheet is most salutary ; and as a means of preparing the system to re rlst damp, cold, poisonous eleMents in the water or the air, priva-: tion, exposure: &c., no medicinal agent at present known can be ijuitly compars d with this powerful vet harmless tonic. The feeble and senshive, who 'can ill withstand the Inclemency of . the winter sea son, will find the BITTERB exactly the attic:tether needlo fortify and sustain them. - ' 1 A FAT OF GREAT VALUE. No one cart be too often impressed with the truth of all disottlet i s which mankind arc prone to, none are of more preialence at this season of tie yew than those which manifest themselves in the lungs and pulmiinarj Organs. Dr: SEWER'S pECTOII... AL SYRUP Is a speedy and infallible mire in re cent cues of coughs a n d lung disease': and DR. ILEIS[RTS LUNG CURE in cases of longlstanding: and great \ obstinacy, will be found of Matthaei:lle value. There ] , Is scarcely "booster family in Pitts burgh that, cannot, testify to its merlis, andlnstead of a person wasting time on other Inert and illin• proprlate remedies, let them walk themselves to .Dr. Keyser4, 140 Wood ,street. where t h ey will , find the right medicine 'adapted to their cure. i The Doctor bask long experience In Medicine, and its • I ' these lung cases, he bas given signal pr of, of hie • great ability and thorough knowledge of all those diseases in which the lungs take a prominent part. His residence, in Pittsburgh Is over twenty fears, • and the valueofhls remedies is extended wherever coughs are prevalent and Intig.diseasea to be cared. DR. KRYBER'S RESIDENT OFFICE for. LUNG ' UMNATIONS AND .THE TREATHENT QA t rr INATE CHRONIC DISEASES, ISIG. PENN' ST . PITTSBURGH, PA. Office hours Rosa -9 A. 3E. UNTIL 4s. 9. ' ' . November SO. MIL 1 I.