The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 04, 1868, Image 1

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to ea; Orleans Custom House Force
Rrduced—Experimenting at Ft.
Delaware-Conscience • Fund- 1
Currency Destroyed—Railroad
Charters Recommended.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
• WARRINGTON. December 2, 1868.
UPon recorapi dation of the Special
Treasury Agent, and concurred in by the.
Collector, Mr. M'Oulloch has issued an
order Making large reductions in the force
emPloved in the Custom House in New
Orleans.- *
Since Novimber, 1863, the sum of $96,600
has heen received by the Treastiry for what
is hnown as conscience rand,- _
Of the $201,476,000 of registered bonds
issued during the last fiscal year, nearly i
twenty-seven millions were in exchange
for coupon bonds. •
The amount of currency, United States
notes and coupon, destroyedduring the last
fiscal year.was, one hundred andlorty-seven
millions. An average of 5,500 pounds of
legal tender, and tractional currency are
destroyed by maceration once in ten days;
21 meeting of influential citizens of Wash.:
ington, ‘representifig a - dargkamottnt„ of
c . _capital, adopted a report recommending
-charters fob the National Railroad North,
the,National Railroad South, the National
Chesiveake Railroad to Point Lookout
and National Tranaportation Railroad, to
the'nearest eligible'point on Chesapeake
. . ,
At !Fort Delaware, which is attended by
Secretary Schofield and other prominent
officers of the army, Fill be continued to
-"Convention at Cincinnati—Second Day's
Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ciazette.)
Curcrxivarr, December 3.—The , Cenven
tion was called to order at nine o'clock this
morning. The Rev. J. R. Robertson open
ed the session with prayer.
- Al communication was received from the
Western Union Telegraph Company, tend-,
• •ering the free use of the telegraph to the
members for the pnrpose of transmitting
messages to their friends and families.
Mr. Randolphi Of Chicago. Chairinan of
the Committee on Credentials, presented 'a
.a verbal report, recommending the ad
mission of delegates from the Commercial
Flour Exchange of Baltimore, which re--
, port was adopted. - •
The same Committee reported the dale
' .gates from the Dubuque Board of Trade, -
andlon motion of Mr. Kirkland, of-Balti
more, the delegates were admitted.
The same Committee reported in favor of
.adinitting delegates from the Memphis
Chamber of Commerce. Adopted.
- Also, fixes - Mg the admission of delegates
from the Springfield Board of Trade, which
was 'te.committed to the Committee. •
, The report concerning the Civil Service
bill; was taken up, and on motion of Mr.
Wetherill, of Philadelphia, the Board was.
asked to favor the passage of the hill intro
duced by Hon. Mr. Jencks, of Rhode Island,
'at the last session of Congress. -The whole
subject was laid on the table.
_ The next section of the report was that
:the Executive Council renew the applica,
Son to Congress for a charter. Adopted.
Tne section in referents, to the cental sys
tern; was referred back. •
Aq adcoiapt from, the Detroit Board of
Trade. concerning the , copper interests of
the Country, was referred to the Ekecntive
Another from. the Louisville Board of
Trade, concerningthe channels of the Ohio
and Mississippi rivers,twas referrecip the
Executive Committee:
A'communication from the United States
Mail Company, tendering' the steamer
America for a pleasure °accustom, was re
ceived and the invitation declined. \
The following resolutiOns, offered by the
ChiCago Beard of Trade, were the Cause of a
great deal of tilscussion, the delegates from
the east generally opposing their Passage,
; while the western delegates as strongly ad-'
vocated the passage of the same. They
were finally adopted by a vote of 49 for ifud
2d against: •
The custom prevails in most
cities at the „seaboard of selling-produce,
provisions,;and other property nominally
forocaSh, but in reality upon a credit to
'the purchaser of from five to fifteen days;
And, whereas, The western or interior
consigner of such property has been in
many cases obliged to suffer loss by credit
:so grvetrby his consignee to irresponsible
parties, and at other times has been oblig
ed to pay largely for guarantee by his con
signee of such rates of credit; therelore;
.Reaaved, That it is the opinion of the Ns
• timid Board of Trade that all sales of grain,
flour, provisions and other similar proper
ty consigned for Sales on owners' account
-to commission merchants, should be sold
for cash on delivery.
Resolved, That this body recommefil to
local organizations associated with it the
adoption of such regulation's as to the sale
~ of or payment of property,. as will conform
*cto the spirit of the foregoing resolutions.:, .
Mr. Frezevant, of Memphis, submitted
the j following resolution, which was se
• ferored : ,
.Resolved,, It Is the manifest interest of
both Government and 'people that the*oon
' struction of railroads should be encouraged
by the fernier, and this.can be done by
. permitting `railroad iron to be imported
-",duty free. \
,Mr. Wetherill. of Philadelphia, offered
the following, which was laid on the table:
Resolved, That this Board memorialize
Congress to so modify the National Bank
act as to require the, National Banks to
; make of their condition, not
upon airy fixed or variable data, but at pe
.riods not less than four times a year, to be
determined from time to time by the Con
troller. and always antecedent to the date
of notification and of the required return.
Mr. Hincken, of New York, "submitted a
resolution in (aver of the admission cf
foreign built ships to American register,
whip was referred to a special committeeo
,of seven.
Ig On motion of. Mr- Carpenter. the follow
ing resolntfon,"from the Boston Board of
'Vrade, was referred to the same Committee:
• Re,Bolee. That the National kloard of
Trade respectfully and earnestly urge on the
"'Congress of* the United States the enact
ureic of such measures of relief to the for
,olgri and domestic commerce of the United
States as shall enable us to compete with
the 1 commerce of other nations on the
••can gr.dltitTeby permit the p:2moters
of our merchant marine to regain for our
country her proud posit l ion on the high
seas, from which she has 'been driven by
the late war of rebellion.
The next question in the order of busi
ness was announced, viz: The resolution of
the Baltimore Board of Trade, recommend
ing/to the National Board of Trade to adopt
energetic measures for securing such inter
national legislation as will secure the pri-
Irate . property of belligerents Ott the ocean
the freedom from seizure granted to that
of neu*rals.
The subject was ably discussed by kessrs.
Chalmers, Taylor, w Goef, Ropes, Nazro,
Winson and others.
Mr. Ropes, of Boston, read a series of res.
olutions on this subject, adopted by the
Board of Trade or that city, which the del
egates from Baltimore accepted, with a
slight amendment, as - expressive of the
sentiments desired, viz:
WHEREAS, War in all its forms is repug
nant to the spirit of ehristianity and the
genius of civilization, and opposed to the
development of industry as well as the
mental and moral progress of society;
And whereas, The success of every ef
fort tending to mitigate its horrors and to
diminish the motives and temptations to
its provocation is greatly desired,and
in every way • promoted and encouraged;
And whereas, The government of the
United States has already given repeated
evidence of its desire to mitigate to the ut
most these evils, particularly those of mar
itime warfare, by proposing to -abolish, not
only privateering, but all, warfare on or
seizure of property at sea, Whether of -bel
ligerents or neutrals,and whether by nation=
al armed ships or otherwise; therefore,
Resqlved, That this Board heartily 'ap
proves and endorses the principle of im
munity of all property, excepting only
contraband of war,'on the high seas,. and
pledges itself to co•operate heartily with
the efforts of enlightened statesmen -and
philanthropists in all parts of the world to
obtain - its practical and permanent recogni
tion by our own-and allother 'nations, and
would respectfully urge upon Congress,
legislation to this desired end.
Resolved, That all local organizations,
component parts of this body, urge action
in their respective boards to the further
ance of this object. -
The resolutions were referred. =
.The following from the St. Louis Board :
of Trade was taken up: We recommend a
declaration in favor of the adoption by the
General Government of measures to
cheapen and extend telegraphic conamuni
cation between the different points of the
country by making It part of its postal sys
tem. . '
Mr. j - enkins presented, the following:
Wilma:As, The experience of European
Governments, where the telegraphic sys
tem has been worked fbr years ' and where
its benefits have been enjoyed by a much,
larger number of the people hi the various
walks of life, at a cost of not over one
third the rates paid by the pebble of this
country; and whereas, the Board of Trade
of St. Louis -are satisfied that the work of
telegraphing could and should be per
formed in the United States as cheaply as
in any country in the world, and believ
ing that the blessings of telegraphic 'com
munication between the several sections
of our wide domain could be better and
and more fully brought within the reach
of all'classes at a very small cost; ttterefore,
.Resolved, That we recommend to Con.
grew all tbe 'present lines of tele
graph, or construct others in sufficient
number, as shall be foUndAfiCesPAßkin
the brufiness of the country, unite the sane
to the postalsystem, and be under the same
control, making it apart and parcel of the
same service, in order that the rates for tel
egraphic tnessages can lie so reduced as to
make the maximum rate for a message of
ten words twenty cents for five hundred
miles, and a like ratio for service performed
any greater distance.
Mr. Shryock, of St. Louis; presented the
subject and made a motion that lifr. Hub
bard, a gentleman familiar with the tele
graph system, bin net a delegate, be invited ;
to address the Board on the subject.
Objection was madzand the motion ruled
Mr. Jenkins movedthat the resolution be
referred tea special.committee of seven, to
report at once.
Mr. Drake hoped, the motion would not
prevail. There would be no time to get
back a report during the session. He
thought it important that the Government
should do something at once to cheapen
telegraphic communication. He lived in a
distant section, where the. rates for tele
graphic communication amounted almost
to prohibition. The subject is befoke Con
gress, in the shape of a bill proposing to
locate an office in each important postoffice
in the country; that in order not to inter
fere with thp postolfice revenue, each dis
patch shall be required to have a three cent
stamp; that not to interfere with private
capital the. present -telegraph companies
may become bidders for .furnishing dis
patches. , He hoped the subject would not
be referrkid, because the President was not
posted as to what members were owners of
telegraph stook, and:who—woUld therefore
not report favorably to the great interest;.
Mr. Frezevant i of -- Memphis, • referred to
the time: when - letters- cost twenty-five
cents each. Within - a
-quarter of a - century
postal rates have been reduced seven
eighths. Telegraphic disnatches may be
reduced in the same way, by •the Govern.
anent taking hold- - -of — the business. The
Government do - es not carry the maths. It
lets out the work by contract, and so it may
do with the. telegraph - systemovith the
same advantagetotife_people. • _ _ -
The-resolutions were referred to a'special
committee of 'seven, consisting of Messrs.
Jenkiris;Shribck,rDrake Brunot, Freze
vant,l ifti -- 1 - ,and add Carpenter. ,
_ The Presidstacalled the attention of the
Conventiori - to a letter he had just received
from thii Mayor of the city_ of Cincinnati.
It invited the delegation to partake of a so
cial supper on Friday 'evening at Pike's
Opera Hall. He proposed a committee of
two be named to draft a vote of thanks and
acceptance of-Mayor Wiletach's invitation;
The Convention adjourned to' meet at fen
o'clock- to-morrow morning.
• ' The Erie Railroad Muddle.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Nitro. Yoniri December 3.—The Erie
Railway matter came up again to-day
before - Judge Sutherland, onthe motion
made yesterday to have Judge" Cardozo's
order vacated. Judge Sutherland took oc
casion to state he thought .the counsel for
plaintiffs, In going betore Judge . Cardozo
and arguing the motion, had virtually ad
mitted his (Judge Cardozo's) jurisdiction,
and compromised any right . they might
have had before him (Judge Sutherland)
to vacate the order of Judge Cardezo. Rav
ing thus compromised themselves, he
would not further allow them to compro
mise his rights in the matter, and, there
fore, he should'allow - the case to remain on
the calendar, without making any order.
Heals° 'defended his previous action as be
ing the result of a conscientious and careful
study 'of the papers before hint, and tyn
-consent, the case, by went over till
It is - reported the Erie Company will pro.
cred at once to lay a third or narrow gauge make connection, via the Suspension
Bridge at Niagara, by a new road, with the
Michigan Central road to Chicago.
Commodore Vanderbilt is said to have
been an extensive purchaser of New York
Central ort,T=ittra at 112 to 123.,
SCOLI iti7loll.
Beverdy Johnson - Banqueted at
Birmingham John- Bright
Among the Vuests—Press -
ments on 11 5 IsraelPs Resigna
tion—Affairs in Spain—Espar
tero Asked to Become Dictator
--ipandin Excitement in Paris
—Prosecution of Editors Con
tinue—French Ambassador Re
ceived at Berlin. ' •
City Telegraph to the Pltisburgh Gazette.)
LONDON, December 3.—Hon. Reverdy
Johnson was entertained at a banquet last
night by the Chamber of Commerce of
Blrmingham. ,t Mr. Bright was one of the
guests. Mr. Johnson, in his response to
the usual-complimentary toast, referred to
the change in the Ministry, and said he
knew those who were likely to
the Government were anxious to continue
the present policy in the negotiations be
tween England and the United States. Mr.
Bright said the presence of the Ameridan
Minister is a proof that the United States
forgives its enemies in England as freely as
it has forgiven rebels in America. He re-
Viewed the policy of the British govern
ment during the rebellion in the United
States, and deplored-its action in recogniz
ing the rebels as belligerents. .Ete rejoiced
in the prospect of speedy and . , amicable
settlement of the difficulties betiveen Eng
land and America.
The London Times comments with sever
ity on Dllsraeli's rehignationi It dengunces
his retreat as cowardly; and says iris un
precedented, except in the case of the Earl
of Eipan, who had become Premier, how
ever, only during a recess. -
The Post, Telegraph, News and Standard
applaud the prompt actioh of the Premier
as calculated to save the QueerCfrom em
barrassment and his party from needless
LONDON, December 3,10 r. ar.—Dispatches
from Paris report that the police, fearing
that manifestations would be made in honor
of•Baudin, took every precaution to pre
vent the people from assembling at the
tomb. A large number of people, however,
gathered in the neigtborhood , of Mont
Martre Cemetery. The poliee dispersed the
crowd, but they ret;red sullenly and con
tinued for some Limo to occupy the neigh
boring streetg. A few more obstinate per
sons were arrested, but there was no actual
violence, and at last accounts all was quiet
in the vicinity.
One of the French journals, which ap.
peered yesterday with a black border, was
immediately seized by thbpolice. The
prtateCtitiorizt .ndito; p_dblishers for
promoting the- fitudln*WriOrZfitltilf:WAS
The strilre ‘ of the printers of Paris has
Idanntn, December 3.—The Provisional
Government has published a fixed tariff
schedule for the Antilles, to take - the place'
of the present shifting and arbitritry cus
toms duties.
Lieut. Gen. Sam has been appointed
Catitain General of Poito Rico.•
The Imperial newspaper predicts that if
the Republicans succeed an the forthcom
ing elections a new Ministry will be forte,
with Espdrtero as Prime Minister‘ and
Ozseng, Castellar, Figcteros s Sorina and
Pierrad at the head of DePartrnents.
MADRID Dec. 3.--Espartero has been
asked to become' temporary Dictator of
Spain. -
BUCHAIMT, December s.—The Premier
of the 'new Ministry, is a speech to the
Deputies td-day, declared that, it would be
the policy of the Governm 3nt to respect the
treaties, observe their obligations 'to the
Sublime Porte, and maintain an attitude of
strict neutrality toward foreign powers.
BERLIN, December 3.—Count Bismarck
has arrived in this city. , ,
BERLIN, Dec. 3.—The King of Priissia
received the French Ambassador to-day,
and assured him of his friendship for
PESTR, December 3.—The Austrian Dele
gation have passed the war budget. Czar
torowoski, the representative of the Poles,
urged the adoption of the budget on the
ground that Europe was in a dangerous
Loicnon, Dec. 3.--Evoung.—Consols.9244
money; Oz% account; 5-2 us 74g. Stocks
quiet; Vile 241/0 Illinois 001(,.
FRANKFORT', Dee. 3.—11. S. Bonds 7O
79g. '
LIVERPOOL, Dec. 3.—Cotton flat; sales
10,000 bates middling uplands on the spot
at 11%; to arrive 10%: Orleans 11)4. Bread
stuffs unchanged. Wheat firmer . hit not
quotably higher. Provisions=betat declin
ed to 87s. ltd. Other articles unchanged.
Naval stores and produce generally unal
LONDON, Dee 3.—Refir r ied petroleum is
s}sd. Calcutta linseed 58s. 6d. •
ANTWERP, Dee. 3. i-Petroleum - heavy at
534@65 ftancs.
LONDON, Dec. 3.—The Bank of, England
has raised the discount to 3 per cent: Bul
lion decreased _ 168,000 pounds during the
LIVERPOOL, December 3.—Breaditud's—!'
Flour closed dull.
'Platt% Deoember 3.—Bourse Wendy:
Rentes,lf. 720.
Haves, December 3.-Cotton closed
Gen. Gran Denton. •
By Tetegyaph to the Pittsburgh Gazette;)
BosToN, December I—Gen. Grant spent
a couple of hours at Har-vard College this
afternoon, in comnan c T with Judges Bige
low and Clifford all Professor Peybody.
He visited most of the places of interest
on the grounds. On returning to the hotel
he sat down to•dinner in a very quiet way
with the City Councile. .Mayor Shurteliffe
made a brief address of welcome, and Gen.
Grant responded in a few words, this being
all the formality. They made a•visit to the
Central Club, where he was introduced to
many Members. He goes to Lowell -to
morrow morning to visit the mills, and in
the afternoon leaves for Providence, where
he will be the guest of GM Burnable.
National Convention of Cattle Commis
sioners at Springfield. Ill.—Legislation
Proposed-:,Name Given to the Recent
Cattle Infection—Adjournment..
(By Telegraph to . the Pittsburgh Gaiette.)
CHICAGO, December r3:—At the evening
session of the :Cattle Commissioners' Con
vention, at Springfield, 111., Bon. J. Stan
ton Could, Chairman:of the Committee to
prepare a draft of a law, to be recommetuded
to the several Statels, reported that it would
be impracticable to prescribe a law in form,
and that general statements had been agreed
on as follows: The Committee to which
Dr. Townsend,.of lowa, and Mr. Haines, of
Penn'a, had been added, and the Commis
sioners of the American Cattle 'Commis
sioners' Convention respectfully recOm
room] to the Legislatures of the several
Stites represented therein, to give effect by
legal enactment to the followirig general
propositions, which are believed to embody
principles of the greatest importance, not
ohly for the welfare of the cattle interests,
but for MS security of the people them
selves :
SECTION 1, article 1. Three commissioners,
or such other number as the. Legislature
deein proper, shall he appointed by some
competent authority, to hold office for five
years, and shall report annually to the Leg
Second—Such Commissioners shall watch
over the general welfare of the animals
within the . States for, which they are
appointed, and particularly preventing the
spread of dangerous diseases among them,
and of protecting the •peopi, of the State
against the dangers arising from the con
sumption of - diseased meats. •
Third—They may from time to time ap
. point such assistant Commissioners, to aid
them in the discharge of their duties, as the
welfare of the public may require.
Fourth—They shall have power to adniin
ister oaths, and to prescribe from time to
time such rules and regulatiens as may be
necessary to accomplish the objects of their
appointment. . .- •
Fifth—They shall give public notice of
the outbreak ofanYdangerous disease r and
such practicable directiOns for its avoid
ance as they may deem necessary: •
Sixth—They may either place . _ such di.
sassed animals in. quarantine, or cause
them to be killed, as may seem - necessary
for the public protection, but in the latter
case they may cause an appraisal of such
cattle to be made, and the county or State
shall phy i-uch.proportion of the appraised
value as may be provided by law. e
SECTION 2,-articte.l. The Commissioners
or:any assistant Commissioners, located on
the frontier of the State, shall, at such
times as may be prescribed by the Coto
missioners, have power to inspect all • the
cattle brought, nto such State, whether by
railroad cars, vessels or common roads, and
shall have power to detain such railroad
cars, vessels and droves of animals on com
mon roads long enough to make propor in
spection of them for the purpose of ascertain
ing their sanitary. condition. No . animals
shall be permitted to enter the istate which
shall be deemed by such assistant Commis
sioner to be capable of diffusing disease.
'o train shall be allowed to proceed unless
the animals contained therein have been
supplied with good water within twenty
four hours next preceding the time of such
inspection. All animals shall rest and have food arid water 'for twenty-four
' • -141,0JVARLtrtypletkior a similar
The Committee Pieviotusly Bp - Pointed tai-
determine a nameter the cattle disease, re
ported in favor of calling it tho aTexiin
Cattle Disease," which was adopted.
A resolution explanatory of the report of
the Committee on Legislation was adopted,
viz: That Southweetern cattle ascertained .
to have been wintered in any of the North
western States shall be considered as na
tive cattle.,
A resolution of, thanks' Ur the presiding
officer to Governor Oglesby, the Illinois
Commissioners, and the people of Spring
field for their kindness and hospitality,
was unanimously adopted.
A Committee of els was appointed to
memorialize Congress on behalf of the Con
vention to appoint a Commission to make a
thorough investigation of the causes, na
ture, development, etc., of the "TexasCat
tie Disease, and report to the conntry,
viz: Dr. Clendennin, of Ohio; Dr.-Itauch,
'of Illinois; Dr. Miles, of Michigan: Mr.
Gould, of New York; Dr. Snow; of Rhode
Island, and Dr. Townsend, of lowa.
Dr. Rauch, 11. C. Emery and John P.
Rey ds, all of Illinois; were appointed a
Comili tee to spperintend the publication
of th ,proceedings of the Convention, the
expeles of which, it is understood, is to be
borne by the 9overnor of this State.
'Afteia verYpleasant speech from Louis
P. Allen,Esti:, Chairman, tire. Convention
adjournd sine dia.,
Freedmen's Bureau=-Letter from General
Howard. .
(Br Telegraph to the ritteburia Oarette.l
NR,W Yonic. December 3.—A letter pub-
lishad from General 0. 0. Howard, to Gen
eral Brown, Assistant Commissioner of
the Freedmen, etc., for Virginia,givlng the
reasons for closing, upon all but the claim
division and educational work, says: '"I
have no doubt that a continuance of the
Bureau in those States not yet reconstruct
ed would in ninny respects be benetical to
the freedmen, but I do not think its contin
uance absolutely nececsary, or adequate:
without other aid, to
. protect their lives
.or. to secute , to them their political
rights. It is very true that in many
pails of the late slave States, .it is'
diffloult for a colored man to get justice:
In inferior Courts in many counties of all
those Stat'es 'his rights are neglected or
positively disregarded. Among a certain
class a prejudice, often amounting to'
hatred, exists,-which only time can eradi-.
°ate. The conduct of this class may be re
strained by the rholesome enforcement of
the law,Aiut cannbt be rectified by the offi
cers of this bureau. This has been clearly
demonstrated in the States which have
'been reconstructed.. In the unreconstruct
ed States protection, can still be extend-,
ed in a more summary way by the military
commander, through his officers, under the
authority of ifie reconstruction acts."
General Howard adds that the civil au
thorities should supply the poor with food,
but if It is necessary to prevent suffering,.
the Government can continue a limited
issue of supplies through its militarypill
cars.. He will continue the schwa work in
Virginia with all the means , at his com
mand, a portion of the appropFlation there
for remaining unexpended.
The MlailaalppOoustituilonal Election. .
fly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ,•
'JACKSON, Mlss., December 3.—Brevet
Lt. Colonel Biddle, of the' Twenty-fourth
Infantry, with, other officers from the
Fourth Militafy District, have gone to.
:Washington for the purpose, it is under
'stood, to 'defeat the object of the . address
and resolutions adopted -by - the Re
publican Convention of Mississippi, on
the 27th of November, requesting
Congress`to recognize the adoption of the
defeated constitution of this State, contrary
to the officiaLreport of the District Com
mander. General Glllem's report was made
to and received by Congivss five months
NEW yorgc
The Times ou the Villainy In Biz City—
The World on the. New Mayor—Huge
lerauds, by Revenue . Officers—Tare on
Sugar—lnsanity of Commodore ffleade—
Police Superintendent Iteleased--Action
by Stock Board. '
[By Telegraph to the ilttstro rttli Gazette.
Nzw YORK, December 3, 1868.'
The Times, in an article .on the alleged
frauds in elections in this State, while urg
ing measures by Courts for the preven
tion of. future irregularities, says: "The
Electoral College having declared the vote
of the State. no power can recall into exist
one() the Board of Canvassers, or reverse
the result." The same paper, editorially
referring to the Renunciations, by what is
called "the agricultural press," of the un
utterable and bottomless villainy of New
York, says "the treasonable, foul dealing
we hear of in every , way effects the general
,fair dealing which dominates among busi
ness men and in all business and financial
circles." "Nowhere," it adds, "is com
mercial integrity more generally prevalent,
,and nowhere else area, such efforts made to
ferret out rascality and bring it to justice."
The World to-day, on the election of May
or Hall, says: "In his new position he can
help toggt rid of corrupt Commissions.
He can r,dof something towards giving us
clean streets; he can assist in devising a
new system of wharves and piers; he can
push forward bridge schemes to Brooklyn
and Hoboken; he can aid in forwarding
the under and over ground 'railways, and
in all needed improvements which will
keep our population on the Island to assist
in paying taxes."
The Tribune says it is understood that
frauds of magnitude have been discovered
by custorniofficers here, and some of the
operators have been arrested; - - also, that a
large quantity of imported cigars, silks
and cloaks have been seized, valued at not
less than one hundred thousand dollars.
It is hinted that a conspiracy existed among
persons charged with the protection of the
revenues to cheat the Government and en..
rich-themselves by running goods through
on which only not:Banal duties, or none,
were paid.
An . effort is making to have the public
libraries here opened on Sundays and holi
days for the benefit of workingmen.
Rev. Dr. Littlejohn has accepted the Epis
copal Bishopric of Long Island.
The Chamber of Commerce has adopted
the recommendation of the New Orleans
Chamber, . that the tare on hogsheads of
sugar be fixed at twelve per cent.
Dr. Neal, Physician of the City Prisons,
vouchds for the insanity of Commodore
Meld. It was on his. affidavit that Mead
was sent to the Lunatic Asylum.
Police Superintendent Kennedy has been
released from arrest by Judge Sutherland,
there being nothing criminal In his reten
tion of the property left by Mrs. Gatewood,
the kleptomaniaist.
The .re filar Stock Board to-dav, on re
commendation of its Board of 031311.111s
stoners, directed that North Carolina State
bonds dated January Ist, 1866, and subse
quently up to April let, 1868, inclusive,
also bonds issued under the Funding act.
ratified August 200, 1868, be a good deliv
ery for North'Carolina`'new tpnds, - and
that all other new bonds for thil present be
called separately. Thlti action orth,o Board
we* caused hz, thetclaira .that the acts, of
the State Assembly, authorizing the 'sate
Of the,Chatlzana aid other railroad bonds,
irerethietoiatitutlftkirtvlatibitUti : -. •
idr the interest - eon the togs- by- - booin g
.specific tax. ' •
Argument on Motion to Quash the Indict
ment Against JCL Davis.
CDT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 0 aret.e.: ' '
Ricinsown, Dec. 3.—ln the United Stateii
Circuit Court to-day, Chief Justice Chase
on the bench, argument was commenced
on the motion to quash the indictment
against Jeff. Davis. Robt. Ould, counsel for
Jeff., Davis, argued that the Fourteenth
Amendment punished him by disfranchise
ment, and this punishment was chosen
by the voice of the American people as
ilk merciful substitute for the penalties
of death and confiscation contained in the
Constitution; that the punishment of Davis
commenced on the date of the adoption of
the Fourteenth Article, and he cannot now
be punished in any other way; that the
will of the people, expressed in their Con
stitution, is the law, add repeals all former
provisions made for those who engaged in,
rebellion; that tho Fourteenth Article is
that latest expression, intended expressly
for and covering the cases of the rebellion:.
and that no *man can be punished twice for
the samq offence.
R. P.' Dana, counsel for the United
States, said Mr. Ould's proposition was in
the nature of thirgs entirely new, and was
unexpected to the Government counsel,
and he expected also to the Court. •
• The Clad Justice said the argument of
oousel was not unexpected to the4Court, it
having supposed that after the announce
ment that this motion to quash the indict
ment was based on the Fourteenth Article,
that this line of argument would be pur
sued. Time was given the Government
counsel to refer, and the Court took_ arecess,
'After reassembling Governor Wells and
District Attorney Seach, for the. Govern
ment, replied, contending that the Four
teenth Amendment merely created tylisa
bility, and not a penalty, which is the sub
ject of judicial sentence. and was not Incon
sistent with the act against treason. The
amendment was permanent and, prospec
tive, and could not reasonably be construed
as intended to, repeal the existing punish
ishment for past or future treason. ,
The Court then Adjourned.
Dana closes to-morrow for the Gove -
ment and O'Connor for Davis. .3
Extensive Fire,—Loss 6500,000—List of
_ the Sufferers.
EBY T•legtatth to the Pittsburgh Uszette.l
PHILA.DELPIIIA, December 3: —At sii
o'clock this evening a fire broke out. in
the lower story of a large buildit.gon Mar
ket street, above Sixth, occupied as' a
wholesale drugstore by F. Morris, Perrot lit
Co. Almost Instantly the flames enveloped
the whole building, and In less thatra quar
ter of an hottroot a nartield of it remained,
except the walls. The fire then extended
east and west, destroying on either aide
large buildings occupied by dealers in
hats, shoes, hardware, furniture, etc. It is
reported that a fireman fell from the 'roof
of an adjoining building Into the flames.
It was the most destructive fire that hasoc
curred here for some time.
The following are sufferers: F. Morris,
Perrot &Co., drtigs, total loss; Kilburn do
Gates,farniture, total loss; Sal's /Sr, Bros.,
wire cloth, total loss; W. Paul, boots and
shoes, total loss; Graff & Jordan; damaged
by water; E. A. Coyle lk Co., wholesale
groceries, damaged by water; Doyle, Sup
plee dt Walker, damaged by water. Perot
ez co.'s stook was valued at $250,000. The
total loss by the fire will probably reach
$500,000. It is impossible this evening to
state the loss of each party.
The report of the fireman being killed is
not confirmed. Several were injured by
failing thrOugh hatchways.
BER 9.
—The. Ottawalriver, in Canada, wals fr,ozen
Over ou the 2d.
:....Gen.Grant visited Cambridge, Malls•t_
yesterday, and arranged for the tuition of
his son.
—rib' tanneryof Neal 'pow & Son, at, Me., ris destroyed by fire.last
nigtrt. Loss very heavy.
Three Trilliums of pieces, worth nearly
a half million of dollars, were eoined,at the
Philadelphia run it last week, ..
—Seeretary McCulloch has rejected Judge
Cortily, of Dayton, for Supervisor of Ohio,
and<thismakes,dve vacancies..
—The receipts_of Internal Reveane on
Wednesday 'and Th.ursday of this week
foot up over a million of dollars.
—H. N. Rankin, colored, his been ap—
. pointed Ballits of the United States Disl
trict Courtoiow in session at Memplgis.
—The corner stone of the monument for
the Confederate dead, — at Hollywood Ceme—
tery, Richmond, Va., was laid yesterday. •
—The expenditures of the Patent Office&
during the past year exceeded the receipts.
by only one hundred Nand seventy-one
dollars. ,
—The tax rate* Philadelphia has been
increased from one dollar and forty cents to- ,
one dollar andeighty cents on. the one hun—
dred dollars. I .
—At Philadelphia, on Thunday, Rer. Dr.
B. Wistar Morrie was eoiisecrated Bishop
of Oregon by Stevens, Lee, Whittingham
and Odenhelmer.
—The Electoral College of Kentunk - y,,irt
session at. Frankfort, cast eleven votes. for
Seymour. and Blair. J. Stoddard vas eho—
sen messenger.:l - I-
:—Business will be transacted, with 'dis
patch at tbe coming session of Congress..
It is suggested that no adjournment should .
be had for the holidays. • :
—lt is said W. H. Seward and several or
his friends are making preparations to visit-
Europe immediately after General Grant's.
inauguration as President.
—The Episcopal Convention, at Albany,
New York, elected on the ninth ballot,
Rev. Wm. C. Doane, Bishop of the new
Episcopal DiocesSof Albany. •
—The receipts or oats at Cbicago fornine
months of this year, up to October Ist, foot
up to eleven million bushels. This is equal
to the entire receipts of last year. .
, •
—At Montreal, Canada,- the ferry boats
hive ceased running and the harbor is
quite,deserted. The canal below Welling—
ton bridge is completely frozen up.
—The Masonic Grand Lodge closed its.
session at Philadelphia yesterday, Grand
Master Vaux announcing his committees.
The order is increasing very rapidly.
—A letter is published from General Bar
nard, setting forth the utter inefficiency of
our forts at present to compete with the
service ordnance Of" our own and other
—ln his messagfi the Preiddent will urge
the consolidation of the Agricultural, Edu
cational and Statistical Bareaus, and the
three to form a bursan of the Interior De
I •
'—The annual settlement with the State
Treasurer of Michigan, for the fiscal year
ending Noiember 38th: made on Thursday,
at Lansing, shot s . the cash balance on
"hand to be considerably, over one million
dollars.' - .
,4 : ,,, •^40434211*,pt. ,Fort.j.difayette,'
feitir days
sintie) but a mass of brick arid mortar.'
The loss to the Gorernment is estimated at
$250,000: The cause of the fire is being in
vestigated. '
—A. fire yesterday at trvi s ngton, New
Jersey, descrojed Belden Brothers rule
.and skate factory.r The fire, it is'supposed,
originated in the spontaneous combustion
of cotton waste. insured for $15,00.0, about
half the loss. 1
—The lumber mills of Minnesota 'have
closed for the winter. Ice is -forming in
the river. The luMber men are departing
for the pineries, and camps are forming.
The mercury is thirty degrees above zero at
—The Minnesota State Convention of ,
Christians met in Minneapolis Wednesday
night. Ten thousand persons were pres
ent- Rev. •M. Haifreed, D. D., D. L.
Moody, and otheis addressed the assem
bly. This was the largest gathering ever
held in the State. 1
—A man named Wynn, hailing from
Tennessee, has been arrested at Jackson
Miss., for hriving: in his possession. three'
thousand dollars counterfeit' currency in
fifty' dollar, interest , bearing notes and
twenty dollai notes of the National Bank of
—The Heizer bonds recovered at Mem
phis,from Marsh, A few days ago, are held
by. Commissioner] Burdit, who refuSes tAt
give them up to young Heizer,who is here,
until $5,000 reward is paid to deteetives,
which Heizer declines, as New York .deteo
lives claim a portion of - the reward. A
writ of replevin was serped on Burdit, who'
says he will go to jail before giving them up.
New Orleans Market.
EBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Nnw ORLEAIC4 December 3.-f-Cotton:
operations we re restricted , to the market,.
audio V„a%o' lower; sales are reported at
233ic for. Middling; sales amounted to 2,-
500 bales; receipts, 9,453 bales; exports,
3,501 bales. There was nothing • done in the
. produce market on account of the heavy
rain all day. Sugar remains' unchanged.
Molasses is drooping, and common Sold at
43a45c; choice, 61a64c. Flour: 'superfine
sold at g.6,50a6,75; tieble extra, 17,50a8,50.
Corn: there was nothing doing and held
firm at 80c. , Oats, Bran and , Hay remain
unchanged. Mess Pork is firm; sales •are
reported at $25. Baeon is dull; shoulders,
12c; clear rib, 1534 c; clear ( sides, ,18 3 / 4 e.
Lard is dull and sales were wade of tierce
at 16c; keg, 16Mal9c. Whisky is steady
rectified, f1a1,0234. 1 Coffee is unchanged, .
and the stock in market is light. '.
Buftal4 Market. '
Ety Telegraph to the Plttiburgh Gazptte.l
BbvpAro, December 3.—Plour steady;
sales of 800 barrels of cite ground at 87,00a'
7,50.. Wheat in good ruling demand; sales
of 18,000 bushels of No. 2 Chicligo 'spring
afloat at $1,84, 8,000 bushels of No. 2 Mil
waukee at 81,37 in store. Corn quiet; sales
of 1,000 bushels of NO. 1 old western at $1,02
in Small . Tots and oar lots. Oats steady;
sales of small lots atl6sc. Rye; sales of one
oar at 151,45: ._Barley weak,- with. no sales.
.Mess Pork dell at about $25. liar 4 dull at
15a15Me. Itighwines nominal at $1, 04 .
The receipts for the past twenty-futir hours
hive amounted to 38,000 bushels of 'wheat,
30,000 bushels of corn, 18,000 bushels of
barley, 8,000 bushels of rye, and'oo barrels,
of flour.,
Chicago Narita.'
CB) , Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gazetie.l
CuteAn°, November S.—Nothing done
this evening in grains; No. 2 spring wheat
nomirial;lll,l3%al,lBg for No. 1. Old. Corn
held at 74c. Oats held at 47c.
e Market.
ket quiet; 16w mid .
nary 20%c.
bar 3.--Cotton Mar-
rig 21y,b; good to ordi—'
~::.~ .~