NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. liar GRAND I HINDOO EXHIBITION . I OP I noLB_CURIOSITIES, XANNERB. CUE- TIIMES, HI NDoo.coURTd III I. M. , By Bev. Andrew Gordon, San Years a Missionary in India, assisted by his Daughter, in the • ; FIRST V. P. 0111711CII, • Seventh A.venne. On THURSDAY BVENIN 6P . Dee. 3. 1868. Doors open at 7. Commence at For Benefit of Sabbath tichool. Admission 2 cis. Wherever this entertainment bag been given it has met with great success Ana crtiwded holism The performance if unexceptiona • ly interesting de3: andaBB In atna. NOTICE IS - HER EBY GIVEN that the vartnersbipely existing between rallr.B DICKSON and W. J dcatASTER, u Car penteia and Houebbui.ders, rthe lirmname of Dlejfammi & mcbialfria, his this day been die. Solved by mutual t consent W. J. IiCK.LISTER is authorised to settle all debts due to and by the com. &say. , JAMES DIOICSON, r - W. J. IdchtASTSE. . de eaS December 1; 1868 Co -P AIRTNERSIIIP—I have this day associated Irith,ine In business AISRED B, JON ° and .wili continue the Pale of PE TROLEUM and its products, and NEW PATENT-1 BD t3olPlle as heretofore, under .the , name land style of WEAVES JONES. --- JACOB waryisi, •73 WEAVER & TONES, wnovisAva DZALItIiS PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, mad PAVENTED GOODS generalli. Relined and Lubricatiag Oils of superior qualities' always for guile.' Barrels of WV description bought and sold. .Once. 'No. 3 1 1 10VUESN K w kY. Pittsburgh. , Pittsburgh, Dec. 1868. ~ • deVaT2 4n ..., • LLEGIIENT COUNTY, SS, , . . -i; the Court of Coimmon Pleas of No. 651, De '? : ember . Term 1.E67. In the matter of the volun eery assianmenof CA2dPBELL, PEAKS A Co. • .;: I. And now Decenibr Ist, 16611. the Court appoint ;., C. C. TAYLOR i Evi , Auditor to make distribution •i . of the funds paid into Court by the assignee. r !. (From the Reeord.l ' JACOB R. WALTER, Prothonotary. 'Notice to hereby given that the Auditor appointed 'will attend to the duties of said appointment on aslitTitSDAY, December3lst. 1868. at 10 o`olock. A. it.. at. '.ifs offiee, yo. 68 GBAICT STREET, Pitts burgh C. C. TAYLOR, Auditor, Pittsburgh, December 2d, 1i6.4. DECEMBER 4S6S. FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. = CARPETS AT RETAIL LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. We offer FOR I FEW WEEKS ONLY our -goods at a large reduction from regular rates. 'Oar stock is fall aad complete in all depart meats, and we shall sell the best qualities • and_styiss of Carpets at prices at which we • cannot replace them, giving our customers an opportnnity of obtaining Bargains that may never be offered again. This special -tale will continue only until the time of "taking oar annul inventory of stock, at the Tend of this month. MpriailaND & COLLINS ) Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Avenue. - de3 . (41.41811 SHADES FOR ' FLOWERS Arm WAX nrurr. Oval. Square er Round ISOMER SPECIAL sari JOE1 ) 11 110RIIE & CO.'S, Te be_ continued until , .JANUARY 'lst, 1869. THE PaICES HAVE BEEN SEDECED ON -THE ENTIRB STOCK, • Amdmany article■ below the ccoster The STOCK was neTec, so complete or E BETTER ASSORTED THIN NOW, 4 OUR SALE LAST YEAR BEM GBAND SUCCESS, AO we' Intend to make • this one surpass any for mer one In • IL.OW ]MaIoLdI.JbIS, DESIRABLE ME ARTICLES QR PRICES HERE, I • ' Every person hi the Cities and Sur rounding Country should .1 come and SEE ;FOR 'THEMSELV Ja An. extra force of Salesmen WILL BE ON HAND, AND NO EFFORT WILL BE SPARED TO RAVE EVERY ATTENTION SHOWN TO ALL WHO COME. • • IMM 'SIVE BEGIN TO-DAY NEW UST.- OF PRICES. JOSEPH 'HORNE & CO., fi• ::.. _7.. :ari4.....79.. CRIB 114CET sTWEET. 111/A- FURS I FURS 111 FANCY FURS ♦LrnsD 11. 303118 OM WAS A I , AND GOODS We cannot enumerate WITH THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WE HAVE NOW OPEN - ONE OF TEE- LARCEST STOCKS OF Ever offered in the two cities, comprising Very Dark Mink Sable, Matson Bay Sable, Alaska Sable, Choice German Fitch, Water Mink, Brown Sable, Extra Dark Siberian Squrrel. Very Dark Siberian Squirrel. CONSISTING OF CAPES, 'BERTHAS, VICTORINES • EIiGENES, BOAS,. MUFFS, Etc COhiPRI . SING EVERY PRICE AND QUALITY, FOR LADIES, MISSES AND 'CHILDREN ALSO, Extra Fine Beaver Gauntlets and Coliars, Fwr Tipped Gloves, Hoods, Etc. FORMING THE MOST'CONPLET4 STOCK rN THE vnosT, To whleb we invite examinattoa. and which we ITU be pleased to show at all times. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, FINE SQUIRREL MUFFS, $4,50, ALSO, CHINCHILLA CLOAKING, prices All Ehadeq and New Poplins, very cheap. FL,P/NNELS, EL /INSETS, CASSIMZEITS 1. • Gloves, Hosiery, Etc., 111 BULL .A.BSO(UTBIENT JANES X, CARL NO. 118 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY ie3 AN.ORDINARCE To Provide for the Assumption of the City of Pittsburgh of the Debts and Liabilities of she Several Corporations of which it is Composed. Whereas. David N. White, Alexander Gordon sad Jona Walker, Jr., CotnvassionerS, duly . ap pointed by the District Court of Allegheny county, at No. 103 of April Term, MS. In pursuance of the 33d section of the Aet of Assembly o fom e nte of Pennsylvania, entitled further suppto the acts incorporating the eity of Pittsburgh, ex tending its boundaries, de, , approved the 6th day of Aprl., A. D. 1867." have ascertained the liabil ities, appraised the property , determined the sep erste indebtedness, and fixed the rate of special tax to be levied In eaefl of said districts, as appeared by the report of said Commissioners filed in said Me trics Court, at toe number and term aforesaid. which said report and the special Um thereby flied were confamed by said Court. And. whereas, by Col3sth section of sald act, It is made the duty of' Co* mils to pass an ordinance for carrying said reS port and she decree of Court into effect therefore, SECTION 1. Be it . ordained -and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, an deed and Common Couneitg assembled, it is hereby or dained and enacted by the authority of the same,That the City of Pittsburgh shall, and does hereby assume and become Ilab e for all the munici pal debts and liabilities of each of w ithi n colato rations or townehip comprised its 11 ts; and hereby accept tha title to and assume control of all property and rights of property, of every kind and description, excepting School Rouses and lots which were vested In any ot said corporations. SEC. 2. 1 hat the Councils shall hereafter, at the time of makitig their annual appropriations. make a special assessment for the payment of the separate Indebteaness of each of said corporations, upon the districts contained Ass e mble . tively, in accord ance with the act of tbe report of Com missioners, and decree of Cat rt aforesaid. SKC. 3. That in order to comply with the provi sions of the 16th section of an act or Assembly of the State of Pennsylanla, entitled ”an act peen, , suppl tary *to an act incorporating the City of 0 burgh,"aporoved-thelst day of April, A. D. whenever the city of Pittsburgh shad be required to pay any .amount of toe debt of any of the corpora tions within her limits, greater than the amount of the est essed valuation of property. and the amount received from special tax from said district, It sha 1 loanduty of Councils to provide for temporary for that puroose.'sothat no part of the separate indebtedness of any district shall be payable out of revenue derived from other districts. SEC. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 30th any of November, A. V. 1808. JAMES hicAIJLEY, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. MORROW, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. T.OXLINSON. President of Commun Council. Attest: It. Viclihs run, Cleric of • de3 AN ORDINANCE Authorizing , (Messrs„ : William Me. Him dc Co., to Construct a siding on Thirty-Eighth Street. . SECTION' 1. Ise it ordained and enacted by the Cittl f Pittsburgh, in Select and -Common Councits cur ambled, and ofit 'is hereby ordained and enacted by authority the Chose, That Messrs. William Mc- Him it Co, be and they are hereby authorized to construct a Valleyoss Thirty-Righth street. from the Allegheny lt. It., in such place lib may be designated by the City Engineer, so as not to inter fere with the established grade of the street. Slte.'l. That Messrs. Wm. McKim & Co.. In using said Siding, shall not leave Cats standing FO as to obstruct travel. on any s.rei t or alley crossing the line of the Siding, or in any way with the drains or water courses of any street or any Individual drains now located, C. 3. That the Mayor in conjunction with the Street tiummittt• e, are hereby authorized to grant - unto the said Wm. McKim & CO.. a license for the same, upon the payment auto the Mayor the usual fee f.ii said license. - Szu. 4. Notting herein contained shall be con strued so as to prevent the city front revoking the privilege granted by this u dinance, at any ilme, upon Sixty days , notise being given. SEC. 5. That - any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the, passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same Is hereby repealed so, far as the same affects this Ordinal/Co. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils, this 30th day of liovember, A. O. 1968. JA &ES IicAULEY, , . President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. lionticm, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON., President of Common Counem. Attest: U. ISlellAarzu, , • Gina or Common Council, de; PrITEBURGIE GIAZETTRI ,TH1111,81) NEW ADVERTII3EId2INTB. IMPIIOVEMENT IN CABINET ORGANS. THE MASON & HAhLLIN • " IMPROVP VOX HIIMANA Is anew invention. now ready in several styles of the MASON & HaMLAN 011,0 ASS, to which the manufacturers invite attention, believing that it is likely to prove THE MOST POPULAR IMPROVEMENT EVER MADE in instrum-nts of this class. It is new several )ears since the ifivention and ap- V I A " , i r tra applied n Organkof Mason A Hamlin, who were urged to in lry tr.fnle O nTo to she trounce It to the public .- In its then imperfect eta' e, and especially considering its nablll4 to get out of order, they were unwilling to adopt it, }rem that time continuous expefor Its Improvement have been made in the factory of the Mason & Ham lin Organ Company and elsewhere, which have at last been • =pettily successful. the result be ing the MASON £ BAMLINIIIIIMOVED VOX EDINA VA, combining several patents. -- In comoination With the AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL. used only 1 these Organs, it wonderfully Increases the caps ity and-beausy of the lustre thent, imparting delicious qualities of tone and producing novel and exquisite effects; especlady ad ding to its var ety and delicacy of expression, and increasing. somewhat, its power. The . .peculiar excellencies of several Orchestral Instruments are successfully imitated: and altogether as frequently characterised by organists, "the effect is !as anat. ing." Isis - simple in cot struction, free - from lia bility skill Out of order, and requires the adi tional for its nse, being ronerated by ordi nary ac.ion of the bellows, requiting no separate pedal. STYLES .AND FIZIOES, Attention is invited to the new styles of Organs and new settle of prices announced this month : NEW - STYLE, • o. SI—FIVE STOP DoUBLE REED CABINET ORGAN, with Vox Humana. Case of solid Black Walnut, carved and panelled, new design. fOtops Di" aeon, Viola, Melodist. Flute, Vox Humana. The b ts. Organ of its rise that can be made. Price SOW. NEM; bTYLIt, No. 291—The satne' Organ, in Rose wOod Case. Price VAOO. NEW STYLE, No. 39—The same in Pipe Organ style of Case, Carved and Panelled, Walnut, with richly Silt Pines. Prise $3OO. NEW oTY LE, No. 27—it ,B.BASS AND OCTAVE COUPLER CABINET ORGAN, FIVE STOPS— Ulapaton, Principal, Octave Coupler, Su o-l 3 os, Vox Humana. bolid Walnut Case. Each key commands tour separate reeds or vibrators. An Organ of surprising power and brilliancy, and great variety. Price 4450. STYLE No. I—FOUR OCTAVE WIGAN—SoIid Walnut case. plain. Price $5O. STYLE No. 3—FOUR OCTAVE DOUBLE REED OBGAN. Solid Walnut Case. Vain. Price S7S. STYLE A—FIVE OCTAVES. ONE STOP—Tumor- RANT, with one set of Vibrators throughout, and Knee swell. Carved and Panelled Walnut Case. Price $lOO. STYLE C—FIVE OCTAVES. FIVIISTOPS, VIOLA, THArAsolf, MELODIA, FLUTE. TREIDUL ANT, with two sets Of Vibrators throughout and Knee Swell. Carved and Pannelled Walnut C.l3e. PTICe $125. MANY OTHER STYLES AT PROPORTIONATE BATES. The superiority of the MASON A Helm* ORGANS is well estab faked. They are the ACKNOWLEDGED STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE among instruments of the class; were awarded .thb PARIS EXPOSITION MEDAL, and have been honored with an amount and degree of -commendation from the musical profes sion of this and other countries never given to any other instrument. A ne* descriptive and illustrated catalogue, Just issued; and wtllbe sent free to every applicant. TilE MAROS& HAMLIN ORGAN COMPANY,, WAREROOKS, No. 596 BROADWAY, Naw TORE, AND N 0.154 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. del:llSin:F 7, 1111001RTERS 17. BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray & Logan, NO. 47 ST. CLAIR. STREET, Have now in store their - fourth supply of WINTER GOODS. which will be found to be the largest and best as sorted stock of Boys', Youths'. and Children's Clothing IN THE CITY. rtment of Gentlem so en will. f And the as CUSTOM MADE DOUBLE BREASTED ENGLISH JACKETS in the city of PLAIN AND FUR . BEAVLAS ERS. GRIMM- AarWe ask our patrons and the public to call and examine. CRAYA LOCAN. , HOLIDAY PRESENTS, • , AND WHERE TO GET TUN. . .... ._ - , _ J. it BURCHFIELD & CO., . 52 ST. CLAIR STREET, Blue just opened a a beautiful assortment of DRESS GADS, Suitable for useful proles U. which they are selling at lower prices than can be found in the city. POPLINS, PET:A INES, • SI.L.IIb. • ALPACAS, MERINOS, SILKS, CLOAKING CLOTHS, • • PAISLEY SHAWLS, YLA ID bilA W LS, _ Table Linens, Napkins. Towels, Linen and Cam bric Handkerchiefs for Ladles and Gents. Ever, description of DRY GOODS at lowest east. I ern prices. No, 62 St, Clair, near Liberty - St. NZ FURS!_ ,1111 RSI! :CSOICE IMMESH, AT 'CORD & C 0 Sl, 1,07. 131 WOOD STREET IPATENTED 1868.) FOB OUR CHILDREN'S . DEPARTMENT, contains full line' of the GAB e BALD'. URECIAN, Blt3bi ABCS. BEN FRANKLIN & BLOUSE SUITS. IN OUR BOYS' DEPART MENT will be found tne Metro politan. Broadway and Barney sults. Also the new 'DOUBLE BREASTED REEF I N .T. TOIITIIS , DEPARTMENT Splendid assortment of ENGLISH WALKING COATS, SIZTROPOLITAN Sacks and the • D. B. 'EMIL LSEI JACKET OUR OVERCOAT DEPARTMEiTT contains alt sizes of ftiedi ain and 19 ne 'goods, in great satiety. 41' ST. CI4IR STREET. J. I. OUST . . ...... J. X. MUTT Y. A. BBATT. glif INT, BRATT & CO.; ''''• , ARCHITECTURAL AND - ORNAMENTAL CARVERtb, Ito. 61 Sandaskt St., Allegheny, Pa. A large assortment of NEWEL POSTS and BAT, I.BTERS constantly on band. TURNINO , of sll descriptions, done.- oc9:1101 •IDEC.EXITEIt 3, •1888. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WHOLESALE WILL is lANE , Nos. 180 and 182 Federal AT 1.254 CENTS. DELAIXEB, good quality and sty/es. AT $1,25 GOLD MIX.ED, WATEEPBOOF CLOTH. $l.lO HEAVY SILK POP:LINO, double width. AT VIP CENTS, FRENCH MERINOS, fine goods., AT 70 CENTS; Smell Size WOOLEN SHAWLS; AT 3734 CENTS, LADIES VELVET HATS. VERY LOW PRICES IN ALPACA POPLINS, MOHAIR _LUSTRE& PLAID POPLINS, 4 MEBINOS, B,EPPI3, tee WHOLESALE WILLIAM Nos, 180 and 182 Federa PECIAL PATTERNS -P. Z. &IT JUST RECEIVED. New Styles LADIES LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. FANCY RIBBONS COCKADES AND BOWS. Ail widths of SATIN AND SATIN PLAID RIBBONS. LADIES SILE. SCARFS,Iii all widths. Also, full lines of Ladles' and Gents Underwear AT EATON'S, No. 17 , Fifth Avenue. GLASS SHADES-P. Z. & tjRCS, Practical Cook, aetitaly B.I2IIOLIIICtS to the public that he will On Saturday and Monday Next, .; Open to the public, l the DELMONICO RESTAURANT, YOB GIINTLENULN * ONLY. It will be his earnest endeavor to furnish his pa trons at all times with the most palatable viands which the market or the season affords. Tbe LIQUORS, WINES of various dates, I.IE, BEEE, etc , will be their own recommendation. Orders for line Cooking for Weddings, and other Festivals, will, as heretofore, be promptly and leapthe attended to, requesting putronage. 0c9:3116 . H 11.11E1E. GLASS SHADES-P. Z. &D. ROCK. THE BABY IN EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD ONLY BY . - LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, &c., 118 votrirril Where may be found a full assortment of Parlor, Chamber and Hltchen Furniture GLASS SHADES FOR FLOWERS AND WAX MIT, Imre or Ronnd Oval, 8 CitLraLe assortment of EXAMINE THE FANCY COAL HODS AND VASES , FIRE . A3D STANDS, FENDERS, dr.o. Also, KARNS , PATENT , CHURN ATTACH mr,NT at the Hardware store of WHIThyIDES - k - DRUM, nol7 79 IiIf,DERAL, ST.. ALLEGHEN 1. STAINED GLASS-P. Z. &D. JI.SoEMOVAL-ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER Ist W. P. 111EABSIIA.I.I. Will remove his stock of WALL PAPERS. from ths old stand No. 81 WOOD STREET. to the newly el, ted and Mt gent store home, NO. 191 LIBERTY STREET, nol7 a few doors above STAINED GLASS-P. Z. & D FOR SALE. - I A GOOD BRICK STOREJtOpM, with dwelling on same lot, for sale on good terms, Also, a small lot of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, he. The location is' gra rate for abusinets of $lO.OOO to 06,000 a year; good Wheat country surround ing the village; trikod flouring mill in the village. The above property is on the line of the Chichi nett, Sandusky andeleveland:rallroad. For further information addresl NEWMAN & CO., New Rich land. Logan counti, Ohio. n030:a76 ti&F CRYSTAL .CLEAR - Glass ShOes KEYSTONE POTTERY. M. HIER & CO., Sanufaeturers of' 4LETRSIISRB, BRISTOL WARE 4 / 1 4 PEARL ASUL-50 casks Was lin Office and Warehouse, 883 LIBERTY STREET. 1,1 store and for water s. catmint, a au. ,p-Au-Auorders promptly attended to. " NEW ADV s I . X NT AND RETAIL, SEMPLE'S. St., Mlegheny City, Pa., COUNTRY BLAI4IETS, HEAVY COUNTRY FLANNELS. SHIRTING FLANNELS, CHINCHILLAS; CLOAKING, IBM "Clercrets, PAISLEY SHAWLS, WOOLEN SHAWLS, HATS AND TRIMMINGS. STOCKINGS 'AND GLOVES, COLLARS AND HAIDKERCHIRFS, UNDERWEAR, &c. AND RETAIL, SEMPLE'S, St., Allegheny City, Pa. D IARIES FOR 1569 ONE DAT TO EACH PAGE. lARIES FOR 1869, _ TWO DAYS TO EACH PAGE. JURIES FOR 1869. THREE D&YS TO NAM PAGE TAMES FOR 1869. - • PLAIN BINDING. 1110 e. to $l.OO DIIIEB FOR 1869. . 1/ FINE SHY MGR. BINDING SI to DIARIES FOR 1869. 32 tno., 94 mo., 151tu0., STo. and , COUNTING HOUSE. D IARIES FOR 1869. TUCKS, GUM BANDS ANDSELT CLOSING. FOR SALE BY ROBERT S. DAVIS, WM. HUGHES. LATE 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Worms his triads and patrons in Pittsburgh that • he is now connected with EDWARD `P. KELLY, Booth-east corner of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH STREETS, the PRINCIPAL MERCHANT TAILOR OF PHILADELPHIA, and can now furedsh them with clothes SUPERIOR in every respect to those he has heretofore given them, and at MODERATE PRICES. • ocZkaM GLAss SHADES FOR FLOWERS AND WAX FRUIT, Oval. Square or Round GRAY'S :FERRY PRINTING INK WORKS, . Grey's Ferry Bead and Thirty-1111rd Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. G. E. ROOINISON, mantifsetnrex of BLUM. and COLORED Printing and Lithographic Inks, Var nishes, 0c23:44rg CLOVEBSEEII. CHOICE LOT JUsr ° 4ECEIvED J. KNOX, 137 Liberty Street. novivrrus ECONOMIZE YOUR FUEL, by using the SUIVE CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR, the only true and emily regulated Governor made; perfect in its operations and truly reliable.. A large size Governor can be seen at the office of iltiteit- VAL BECRETT,IdnicaI gogineer and Solici tor of Patents, No. 79 Federin street, Allegliteny City, the only agent for thLs Governor In the West. BARLEY. •--- 2,500 WS/MS CHOICE SPRING AND FALI, In store and for sale by 31.10A.N0R dr. JEKAMPER• now 32 9 LIBERTY STREET L•BESH FlSH.—Benianain - PRESS still continues to 11l all city and coun trr• orders for FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS. Send to No. 45 DIAMOND MARKET. Pitt' burgh, or hie old well known TWIN CITY nTAND Allegheny inarket oe3o onFLOOR OIL CLOTHS—We have in stock a large assortment of styles and vs- r widths of thoroughly seasoned Floor Oil Cloths. which we are offering to toe wholesale and retail trade at prices lower, taking quality into con sideration, than can be had ia this city. J. Jr. H. PHILLIPS," 38 and 2S Sixth street. non GOOD NEWS. DOHLAP BREAD. Ett PAR TIMER. Edafirire for INA:RIVE; Uread. Tt e largest and best. Thu initiala W.' ' t on/ evety loaf. Take noncelce. aivivrrs GREEN OIL CLO'EII. FOR WIN- R DOW SH.A.DES—We are now manufacturin Olio article of a quality superior in finish, and at pigeon lower than can Pe had of .ny Fastern manu facturers. Dealers will. nd it to Owl^ ert examine our goodahefot efi pur chasing elsew int herees. to J. .t.• eIIiLLIPS, nO3O 26 and 26 Sixth St..-formeriv St. Clair. GLASS BHADES FOR YLowzrs AIM WAS FRUIT, Oval, Square or Round.. PATE TiAE-TIFINA—dii - Siti, OF 1 a, just A. fresh Importation, nut up In fancy Dot remitted and fig sale at the Family Oro •ery Ctore of .OHN A. RUN:4III,W. de, corner Liberty and Hand Barents. -- _. _ _. __ ___ SODA Asil--100 , tons ' choice brawls In store and for tie by not? J. U. CANFIIf.LIt & SON._ C EM ENT -50 barreis - 111i'licaulie Oen:mut/a store and for saley I no w . J. B• CANFIYALD as SON ibr I.i.An- 41----)0 riffs - Soft Galena P In store and for sale by thug 4t. BOR. OItEEN, APPLES-4 store aad tor sale . by J. CATIBIZT.D k SON - - Of• lot lioNoNailiELA DISCUAN,b., Nov.. kl3;1! • PreslYienf and Directors of thS' CoMpany bait tble day declared a Dividend of I'VFO,DOLLARS ASO FIFTY of upon each Le of: the C.‘Pstat Stock. oni of the earnings of the last Six m0.....th5, •free of Government Tax.payalleitoStimlbol 111=113 on and after December 1 S C OS. LA noli:asl3 JOH H. NEY. secretan 10 - PITTSBURGH AND .:CONS!" WELLSVILLE RAILROAD: COMPANY . ANNUAL MEEYING.—Notice is herein' given the W the Annual hiesting of the Stockholders of the 1 1, Pittsburgh and Connelleville Rail road CottioanYi for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, will be held at their office, corner of Grant and Waterstreets. Pittsburgh, on the Ares MOND AY. serener 11th) der of. December next, at 1034' o'cloct A. M. JNO. 11. PAGE. Jr. Or Pica Pure. A Copy. B. R. C 0.,; Altret3[ l 7%::" Pittsburgh, Nor. 13,1186!). 1 nol4:ar.arrn • : , ' • . . . • • larP iiiNSYLtAAL4 ,ELtitCpA l / C BIFANY • • • „ TRZLI3I7ZZIVI3. • - PNIZADELITALM Noir 11,'1808. s N TICE. TO STOCKHOLDERS. • - The Wen* of Directors have THIS‘D AV declared a pernl-ann al dividend of FIVE PERCENT. °tithe capital tat of the , Company.: clear of Eational•and State tales. _payable la oath, on• and sites Novem ber 30, HMS. Blank powers of attorney fee collecting dividends can be had at the cage of.tine Company, 338'St.tIITLC THIRD STREET. Toe °dice will be opened at 3A. M. avd dosed at: 4 P. K.' from Novedber 30th. to December SUL for the payment of dividends, and after that data from 9,t. at. to a P. M. no20:a0 THODIAS T. FIRTH; !Treasetrtr, ' AN - NOTICEIS—"ri.' zoo. • 'Apr firafty''. rlosets'' . .'Wants." "Found, "Boarding," ac., exit e•- - 1 masa PODS LINES each be inserted fettle/We coisanne once for rWSNTY-PIVII CENTS; sqedic additional Use IVE CENTS. ' • - - WANTED--BOY—An acti*e; Aelllgent Boy. nom Vi to 15 yearpold, ism learn of a situation lry spinying atike tian.lllo. Composing- Rooms, third story. after Wo'elock r: one with some experience in a printing office preferred; , • - WLANTED -HELP -At Employ-. ment °Ace. No. 'St. Clair Street„ .BOY: tl. El S and ME,N, for dillercnt kinds of employ- meat. Persons wanting help of all kinds Call be' supplied on short notice. : -. , WANTED---SITUATIONS: . WANTED—Situation as Assist. - ant Book keener or Shipping Clerk. Ad— dress, stating where an interview may be had, earn So: 366, Plttstairgb. POstaace. W.EoM]ii:l/- 43 0.A,R.DMEk. OAIMING—Good Boarding at' No.• 16 . ANN IITBIET, Allegheny city, .for: 50 per week. BOARDING --Agentleman and, fe, without children, can be accommodated. with. an unfurnished room and boirdihg by makincr inquiry at No. 74 MARTIN 4VTREET, 47uegbenr7 - city. egO,ARDING.--FRONT R 002113;„- *lth boarding. in a 'house just opening eani ad by calling at No. 418 ROBINSON STREET, ' . WANTED—BOARDEIRS—PIeaem ant room, with board. suitable for gentlemanj and write, or two yonng treutleman at 138FOURTII eTREET. Also. a few day or dinner boarders can. .- be accommodated. Reference required. • OST—OnWeanesday afternoan-i_ LADY'S POCKET BOOK, containing about TWENTY DOLLARS. The tinder will be • liberal'' , rewarded • by , leaving it at No. 145 LIB.— ERTY STEELY. 10ST—A Mug, •in eof the Pleasant Valley Ratiwny Cara on SATURDAY. Taulbee% Mat. The Sudsy will be rewarded by leaving it at lin. 171.NORTII AVENUE, Allegheny city. • • §igl REWARILost - on Wednes. Re d l y .. i, A lire i r If , lth, b at the i - BAPTIST' aI bIatUIRI3.F.L FUR CAPE. The a rndei ? will recilv a e . tle above • eward and thanks of the owner by leav ing it at WESTER BROS., Jewelry store; corner or Caraon and Ormi by street, Birmingbans, ' • , 93 WOOD STREET. Tr LET—Houser in. Allegheny— Olsroome and halt, rent 015 Der monih. - qu re of JOH,.STON & JOHNSTON. No' SI. Dia mond street, Pittsburgh, or Si°. 90 Ifsnlisttan street. Allegheny. ` • r y 6 LET—Two . well., finished_ houses. with eget and eleven rooms on PENN ST itiliTli RSTEteEET ILT near Penn. Enquire at 1 177 . • . ryo LET—Part . off a gaad.House._ - Pleasant locatlon, within fiv. mLuntes walke t e Peg office. to a party who WI board we:moat i wife feo.the rest. Address N. W. GAZITTE office. O LET —TWo. unftwniih6 rooms. with board 58 , E gentteman..a T nd !vireo; , . • • : RE. I 0 LET—A furnished; Sleep,inv - WON, M for one or tiro centlemetkin house of a private Witty, liocArllo LLCMS STREET, Allegheny city. __.... _ ILET— D ROOM—WithiChrVidtb__ . oat board, In a .plesaant location, SO. 5169,- ; era street. Allegheny City, on second or third ; p lairs: • rfo LET—ROOMB3.With Board- , • ING.—Several Wm/sad ' .nararnished with that class boarding, at Np. 288 PENN- LET—rurn isbed: roomed within two squares otthe PostoMee on SMITH LD STREET. Address L. M., GAzrrrr. office. oat TO LET—That beautiful new • brick dwelling house, No. 2044 Ohio Averqm, near.Ragley's Lane, contains Grooms, bath. mean, Subbed attic, good dry cellar, iltted Up with gpl k water and other conveniences. Apply at JAW WARD'S GROCERY, 58 Palo Alto street; Alle— gheny city. 116 barrels NOTICES., WANTED---HELPe' LOST. _TO LET. O LET—Two ftimished: roomy with or without beam. Apply at Mk 114:1D— EET, next door to Marble Works. FOR SALE 'FOR SALE-11)RtiG 13110RE- - At_ tut class retail drag. store Ina very desirable. location. Terms easy. Address box.. 764, .Pitts-- burgh. I'OR SA LE -•--..ti PON'W-A thorn ough bred 111IISTANG INDIAN( PONT. well broken under the saddle, and perfectly safe fore either ladles or children• call' at IiEVEY ROWERS' Liberty; street, 45.IRWLIC STREET. Plttsbur6 FOR SALE—S4S. per acre Wilk purchase a farm of 100 acres in BEAVM: FOR Pruisa., }( of smile holm Enon Station. P. Ft. W. C. B. R.; T 5 acres cleared. d 5 sores in, timber, all. underlaid with coal, good house of ~.six_ rooms and all necessary outtreildrigs, orchard 'of -400 trees. all varieties of frn4t, well watered. b 1 • springs and ,a running stream, warm sandy:soils convenient to schools 71. churches wlthtn 3 miles.: and a good nelglibarbood. The owner hastopvd:„ west, otherwise it could not be purchased atthe. above prloe. Terms easy. For further timelenlara. : call on or address CROFT & FHILLIFS. Real geiale.. 1. ants 139 Fourta avenue g .______ . ALE OR S l-- : LaWreticev illoi FROPERTY—The_deatrable property on PROB.. 'LET, near EUTLER STREI.T Lawrencecillesi now occupied be toe subserlber; lot , Ala b.s.lllo.feet -- comfortable mrdern two story_ brick bonne or slat, rooms. good cellar, waah•bouse, An.P doe low soli termsasay if sold soon,. Apply Ma the premisearaid EDWARD READER. VDR SALE--FARBI.--200i acres - of good, Land, situated in Penn Tp., West moselarvi county, twe Miles from kerb:L . 24llllo72k on the rellllll. B. lraprovements, hewed lug lame ingood repair, bent: barn and older outbuildings. Terms moderate, 'Enquire of W. WILSON, Last tuer,s Station, or It. A. ROPE. Penn Station. FOR SALE—A new liouseveitl seven room:, water and gas, and rause ill lt,telen. at the corner of PRIDE and FORBEt STREET. Enquire of W. WILTON, at the Mouse WANTS. • eer.r,e,Vevernnennovovee.e.ovv*Ne.reewwW.e. WANTEW-MW oor more •-• . . GOOD hLACSINIBTB eanvanfOr the Pale of LStontn Governor. A pply rsonally, P. BECKETT,,Esigl leer, o. TO ET.DE.BAL IiTREET, Allegheny atm. notia.9l WANTED -ON CORIDISSIO' ONE HUNDRED TON 8 POULAIPkt Y, FOR THE HOLIDAYS , The highest market prices s'ad quiet sales guaranteed. nark packages dlatinctirand send voices by mall. - H. P. 66 co:- Coinmlasion lite . ro).sets, !434 W1.101130= stirs New Yarit. softadst H II II 11 i , T