Omuta Matters in New York. Gold Closed at 13454@135. Dr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] New York, December 2;1868. _ MONEY ADD. GOLD. Money active and firm at 6@7 per. cent on mill. Sterling quiet at 9%@9% per cent Gold quiet and a trifle lower, opened a 13S and closed at 134X®185. • GOVARNMANTS. In Governments the bear efforts continue, but withotit much effect on the market, 'which is generally dull but steady: Some round lots of 6 per cent. Currency Bonds issued to the Pacific Railroad are, however, being taken for permanent investment. Coupons of 1881 114%@114%; do.' 02, , 110% 110%; do. '64, 107@107%; do. '65, 107% 007%;, 110%©110%; do. '67, 110% ; 110%, do. 'MI, 11035 10.405,105. BONDS - t Dull ; New North Carolinas, 63@64* New' 'Virginias, 57®58%; New Tennessees, 68%. STOCKS. • "In the Stock market New York Central has been the feature and has risen largely,on - report that large scrip dividends are soon to t - &dared. The annual meeting occurs on ; the 9th, when this subject will probably be ".4Sonsidered. The rise was assisted by the demand to cover previous speculative sales, the amount of which outstanding is said to : be very large. The advance in .Central caused great strength in the Market, and Erie ••jcimped to 41%c, causing much surprise, but there being no apparent reason for the advance it relapsed to 38. , The mar - ket was 'generally strong at the close, but the change in others was not very mate rial. The transactions in Exchange stocks have been embarrassed by the closing of the transfer books of the American Com , panv at two days' notice, which cats off stockholders at a distance from having their stock transferred. It follows that a large class of holders_will be without title to the new stock, The open board has determined that under the circumstances the American stock is a good delivery. The regular board ,• has requested the American Com pany to reopen their books, and received • in reply "the Company is no longer in exist ence.' , • s:3oTarays:—Camberland, 37N; Canton, 49®4935; Wells Express , 283i/g29; Ameri can, 45©4514; Adams, 48y ®49X. United States; 46%@47; Merchants Union, 17®1735; Quicksilver,22%; Mariposa, 5®614; pre ferred, 20®21)‘; New York Central, 1/34(a133g; Erie 38y 4 ; do. preferred, 59;, Boston, -Hartford &Erie, 27Q; Hudson, 130 ;013034; Reading; 98y,®983,; Terre Haute, 89(4)3934 ; preferred, 61; Wa bash, 57%®58; do. preferred, 7034©72; St. ! Paul, '655p2;66; do. preferred, 853‘@8514; Fort Wayne, 110%®110%; Ohio it Miam i Eappi; i3034@30k; Michigan Central, 118y 4 ; !I/Halligan Southern, 88 6 5 ; Illinois Centra l, 1143®144; Pittsburgh, 873‘©8M; Bock Is! land, -1073a1[010735; Northwestern, 8431@ 85; do. referred; 87,1®873i; St. Joseph • preferre d, . 9214; Burlington and Quincy, 172; Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapo lis; 77; Lake Shore, .100. MINING SHARES. Atinin'g shares dull. .COPPE.P. STOCKS Copp der shares at Boston--Coppez Falls, 4 12;' Franklin, 11; Hancack, 334 ; . I~iinno- Bata, 2. 1317B•TREAERTRY MATTERS. The receipts at the Sub-Treleary to-day !were $1,702,418; Payments, $1,281,303. Bat lance, $87,980,773. Exports for the reek, except specie, $1,269,207. New York Produce Market. `lBy Telegraph Co the Pitt/harsh Gazette.) NEW YORE, December 2.—Cotton heavy :;:4and about y„ c lower; sales of 2,500 bales at 25a25 1 4c for middling uplands. Flour,— :receipts of 11,495 barrels. Flour steady. low grades dupl . , and declining for me 41inia•and good kinds; sales of 8,300 barrels at 45,50a5,85 for superfine State and we5t 56,60a6,75 for extra State, $8,85a9,45 dor extra western, 18475 for white wheat %extra, $6,70a690 for R.'S. 0., $7,50a9 for - :'extra St. Louis, $1.0a14,50 for good choice closing quiet. California flour quiet; sales of 200 sacks at •;0,76a9,80. Rye flour "firmer ; sales 'of 400 barrels at ' 56,25a8,10. ' -iCornmessil in.fair demand; sales of 700 bar ::.rels of Fairfax at $5,50, and 290 barrels of I :Brandywine at 15,90. Whisky heavy; sales ;•of 50 'barrels of State at 11,03 M free. ~Wheat—receipts of 69,558 bushels. Wheat -WWI and drooping; with sales of 38,000 ',bush at $1,49111,60 for No. 2 spring; $1,52 for ; • No. 1, and 200 bush mixed at $1,65a;1,60 for No. 1 do; $2,10a2,40 for white Michigan, ':'and about $2,2835 for white California. - Rye ;without change; sales of 9,000 bush at 81,50 :for western; f 1,52 for Canada, and 81,65 for :State. - Barley dull and declining; sales of • :4,000 bush State at $2,00. Belay Malt quiet. 4Corn—receipts, 32,091; the market is less and scarcely so firm; sales of 49,000 ;:bush at ...1nd:114,12;i for unsound; 81,14 s , ;4,173; forisOnnff mixed western; ;1.14 for . thew do; $104a1,08 for new white Southern. fOats—receipts, 11,250 bush; the market is slower; sales of 89,000 bush at 73%a7450 for western in store and afloat; olosing at 733i0 din store. Coffee; sales of 800 bags at private Iterms. Sugar in good demand; sales of 450 hhds Cuba at 103;al1.34o. Molasses 'dull. Petroleum.quiet, at 17%0 for crude and 33c fror refined bonded. Hops quiet, at 250 for Arnerictui. Linseed 011 dull at 90a95c. • ;Coal; foreign quiet; domestic nominal, at 48.50a9,00. Leather; Hemlock sole- quiet i - , , and firm, at 283 - 02914 e for Bueno's Ayres : ?And Rio Grande light and middle weights. MoolAmet; sales of 130,000 bbls, at 333i0 ' ;for unwashed fleece; 45a470 for Michigan - ;and Wisconsin; 50c for X Ohio; 45c for un ;washed domestic; 60c for washed do, and , 42a45c for pulled. 'Pork steady; sales of .• :525 bbLs, at $26326,26 for new mess; $24 for ~sld do; • $19,75a21,00 for prime,,and $21,50a 13,00 prime mess; sales also of 250 bbls new or sellers for . January on private terms. , [Beef quiet; sales of 128 bbls $13a16,50 for yew plain mess and $16a20 for new extra ~ ,a iess.• Tierce 'Beef dull, at $27a30 for prime and $30a34 for India mess. Beef • Hams steady; sales of 150 bbls at $29a80,50.' %,•Cut Meats steady;, sales of 160 pkgs, at 12a ,4214 c for shoulders and - 12a16.3 for hams. iddles steady and quiet; sales of 87 boxei ,:ihort ribbed at 14%c, and 260 boxes Cum- 1 iierland for Februory delivery on private terms. Lard quiet and heavy with sales of - 1,150 tierces at 14y,a15Mc for steam and ti.s%al6c; for kettle rendered; also 175 tierces ;.team''sonar January at 1431 c. Butter f,iteady at 27a40c for Ohio and 40a50for State. -,-, 3hesse firm at 14a19c. Spirits turpentine Y ttill and heavy at 46a46M0. Metals, sheet - , g copper with Out any decided change at pc. Ingot copper unsettled and firmer at ••• :;3a24c for all kinds. Pig iron quiet at s4la 4 for. Scotch and $34a43 for American. Bar • ominal at $90a95 for refined. English and • American sheet quiet at $11Xa12 1 4. -- Rlissia ; dull at 5 1 .4 c ; for cut 7c ; for clinch t.nd 27a30c for horse shoe fits, Liverpool and drooping. Larksr—Flour closed.dull for medium nd good, and steady for common grades. ! wheat dull and nominally in buyer's favor. ;'lye quiet at $1,48a1,50 for western. Oats jinn and heavy , at 73mc for western in ;tore.' Corn dull at $1,15 in store, and 51;16 • i - 71,17 afloat for mixed western, and $1,14 at ;-;;Silroad depot for new mixed western. Cut • jests i n moderate demand and unebang ed. 3acon steady and quiet. Lard quiet at 16a ` , s 3 'c for' fair to prime steam. Eggs 38a4 Oc Cincinnati biartet. t:j3i. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.} Cixpimun, Deceinber 2.—Flour and ;raia unchanged and quiet. Cotton quiet, •t fox-middling. Whisky dull at 98e. Riess Pork quiet at $22,75a23,00. Bulk dull;.shoulders)9l,o; sides 123013/c; .learxib;and clear new sugar cured hams and' small sales made at 17c. Lard at 'MO for butchers; 133.a14c , for t..irime steam, and 141014%c for kettle ran. .ered. Green Meats firm but quiet; shoal. fAira 7:,XaNc; 103010Xo for sides. and 1154 0.13ic for hams. Batter and Cheese an .-banged and quiet. Eggs 33c. Linseed ;111 9sc. Lard. Oil dull. Petroleum; 29a30c Or refined. Gold 135, buying. Exchange ~;`.;.sry dull, at X discount buying. ,Chleage Market [By Telerrsph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CHICAGO, December 2.—Eistern Ex change-firm at par buying, and 1-10 pre mium selling. Flour less active; sales spring extras at ;5,75476. Wheat firm and quiet; sales No 1 at ;1,22a1,213, outside figure, for lots in Northwestern and North side bermes,. and No 2 at sl,llNal,l2%,elos ing steady at f1,12a1,12L{ for No 2; sales No 2 since change at ;1,12: Corn; old No 1 neglected and nominal at 781030 c cash, and 78c, seller the month; No 2 • very quiet; small sales at 75e; new firm and quiet; sales at 54a55c, closing at 54a5434c; kiln dried No 2 declined Sa4c, and rejected le; sales at 880 for No 2,And 60a62e for rejected; noth ing doing this afternoon. Oats more active and X° higher; sales No 2at 463047 c. Rye quiet and easier at $1,1234a1,1334 for No 1, and $1,11a1,12 for No 2. -- Barley opened' quiet and firmer; No 2 sold up to $1,63, sub sequently weakened and closed dull at 11,81. Highwlnes opened- quiet at 95a96c, closing with buyers at 92.a93e. Provisions firmer and more active. ()leaf Pork ;25.. Meta Pork $22,25a22,50 cash, and $2l, seller, January. Bulk Meats fairly active at 7%c, seller, 'December. Green Hams in good demand at 1034x11 ;c. Sweet Pickled Rama 120. " Lard firm at 14e for prince and steam. Dressed Hogs firm at $8,25a9,00. Receipts —8,865 bbls flour, 11,180 bush wheat, 39,370. bush corn, 10,192 bush oats, 1,071 bush rye, 902 bush barley. Shipments-6,3'4 bbls flour, 17,288 bush wheat, 7130 burin corn, 6,082 bush , oats, 6,052 bash rye, 2,957 bush barley. LA.TasT—Ervening--The market for Wheat is firm to-night; sales at $1,13qa1,133s for No. 2. There is nothing doing in Corn, and it is held at 540 for new. Oats are quiet at 470. St. Louts Market. EBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Glazette.l ST. Louis, December 2.—Tobacco is un changed. Cotton; there is very little in the market, and middlings are quoted at 22c. Flour; low grades are in demand but medium and high grades are dull, and there is but little doing; fall superfine was sold at 55a5,75; extra at $5,80a6,50; double extra at $6,75a8; treble extra at 58,50a9,40, and fancy at 510a11,50. Wheat is firm and choice fall is better, with sales of fair to prime red at $140a1,65; choice to fancy do. at $1,75a1,90; prime to choice white, $1,70a2, and spring is steady and firm at $1,30 for No. 1. Corn is firmer and sales were made at 68a75c. Oats is lower at 53a56c. Barley is unchanged, and sales were made at $1,75. a 2,02 for prime to choice lowa. Rye is bet ter at $l,lB. Whisky is unchanged, with sales at 95a96c. Pork is held firmly at 523 for city. Bulk meats are firmer. Dry Salted Shoulders are held at 9a930, clear rib • sides at 123(o, and clear sides at 13a 13,c. Bacon; small a nd were filled at 110 for shoulders, and 17y(o for clear sides: Lard is inactive, and sales were made at __.lsc for keg. The receipts for the past twen ty-four hours amounted to 1,700 barrels flour, 7,006 bushels wheat, 3,600 bushels corn, 5,000 bushels oats, 1,200 bushels bar ley, 800 bushels rye, and 7,3oohead of hogs. Cleyeland Market. ply Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CLEVELAND, December 2.—Flonr market steady and unchanged, with city made at ,$11,25a11,50; treble extra white at P,soa 9,75; double extra amber at P,25a8,50; do. red at $7,50a7,75; do. spring at $7a7,25; No. 1 spring, country made, ranges from Pa 8,75; double extra red and amber at s7aB; doubleextra spring and do. white at flOa 10,75. Wheat held at $l,BO for No. 1 red winter. Corn—sales 1 car of old it $l,Ol, and 2 cars do. at $1; also, 1 car new, la ear, on track at 75e. Oats—sales 2 cars at 80c.• Rye scarce and market better, with sales No. lat $1,40, and No. 2. at $1,35. Barley quiet and steady at $2a2,05 for No. 1 Cana da; No. 2 State nominal. • Milwaukee Market. City Telegraph to the Plttabargh Gazette. 1 MILWAUKEE, DeceMber 2.—The Flour market is dull; choice Wisconsin and lowa I gold at $6460; newdo. $5,50a5,76. Wheat is quiet and irregular sales at $1,21% for No. $l,ll for No. 2. Oats are- dull and lower; ,safes were made at 47e fbr No. 2.• Corn is- I nominal at 133 c for No. 2. Rye is steady at $l,OB for No, 1. Barley remains unchang ed; sales are reported at $1,60 for No. 2. The receipts were as follows: 1,000 bbla flour 32,000 bush wheat; 3,000 'bush oats; 4000 ' bush • corn; 500 bush barley. Ship mints-3,000, bbls flour; 2,peo bush wheat: 1,000 bush oats; 1,000 bilah rye. Toledo Market. [By Telegr&ph to the Pittsburgh essette.] Tonimo, December 2.—Flour quiet. Wheat at la2o better ; miles No. 2 white Wabash 52,00 ; white Michigan 51,82,; am ber 51,75 to $1,773 ; No. 1 red - #1,75 ; No. 2 51,65 ; No. 2 spring SLBO. Corn inactive and low ;Am* 880 ; - kiln dried 92c. Oats a shade better ; No. 1 57c. Rye 2o better ; No. 1 51,30. Barley quiet. Clover seed $B,lO. Flax seed 52,15. Hogs a shade bet ter at *Map. LOULffille Marta. El3y Telegraph to the Tltteboigh Gazette.) Loutsvitra, December 2.—Tobacco; sales of 50 hdds; trashy 435a6340; In 7a9c; me dium leaf 13c; cutting 17 1 / 4 c. Hogs 7XsBc gross. Cotton • Flour 115,25*6400. Wheat 51,65a1,80. Corn 50a55c. Oats 56a 58c: Rye 41,30. Mess Pork $23. Lard 1435a150. Bulk shoulders 934 c; clear rib sides 13c; clear sides 1334 c. Green Meats; hams 11,gc; shoulders 8W,o; aides 11c. Whisky; raw, free, 98c. Philadelphia Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette's PHILADELPHIA, December 2. Clover Seed $6,50a7,50. Flax 5eed52,550.,00. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat firm; red 412,00a2,12, and amber $2,15. Bye advanced to $1,60 - for western. Corn advanced bc; old yellow 1)1,110, and new /1,00a1,10. Oats unchanged; sales 4,000 has western at 70a 720. Provisions unchanged, ;Whisky firm at 11,05a1,07. Chicago, Cattle nitrite*. (By Telegraph to the Plttaburgh Gasecee".] CHICAGO, December 2.—Cattle more ac tive on shipping account; sales good to choice shipping beeves at n50a7,00, and 14,30a5,75 for fair to good steers; common grades neglected. Hogs active and 10a15c higher; sales at $6,75a7,00 for common to medium, and 67,25a7,50 for good to choice. receipts 23,215 head; shipments 2,600. Baltimore Market.- My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] BALTIMORE, December 2.—Flour active, firm and unchanged. Wheat dull; prime to choice, $2,30a2,40; fair to good, $ 2a3,25.C0rn dull; new white, 98caS 1. Oats firm; western, 73a75c. Rye nominal at $1,40a 1,45. Pork dull at V 27. Bacon quiet; rib sides, 18c; clear do, 18;50; shoulders, 1414 e; haus, 18c. 14ard dullest 17c. 'l' St. Louie Cattle Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (Insetted ST Louis, December 2.—Flogs are active and higher, and sales were made at 67.35 a 7,02%, gross.' The number of hogs killed to date amounts to about 70,000. The re c‘ipts of Cattle are moderate, and the de mand is local at $33,50a5 gross, for fair to choice. Sheep are held at s4aeper head for prime to choice. Memphis Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) MEMPHIS, December 2.—Cotton dull and nominal; receipts 1,122 bales;.exports 2,046 hales: Flour dull and unchanged. Corn 70c. Oats Mc. Hay 1122. Brari $22,50. Corn Meal 14,50. Pork; old VC new e 2 3,; 50. Lard 16%c. &Bacon Inlet. Shoulders nominal.. Clear Sides 181018 Ne. Myers and Weather. CBr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ilasette.l LOVIEIVILLB, December I.—River rising!, with seven feet eight Inches of water in the canal by mark. Weather clear and moder= stay cold. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: THURSDAY; DECEMBER 3, - 1868. RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily at this point with scant six and a hall° feet is the channel by the - konongandla marks last evening.' The weather yesterday was clear and col 'and very favorable for out door business. No arrivals to report aside from the reg ular packets. The St. Charles from Cin cinnati, and Camelia from Nashville are among the first boats due. The R. C. Gray departed for Nashville last evening with a pretty good trip, her guards being almost down to the water. - The Bayard, Capt. A. S. Shepard, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving promptly at noon. The Bellevernon, Capt. J. J. Darragh Jr., will positively leave for. New Orleans to day, and passengers and shippers should bear this in mind. She has three hundred and at Wheeling. fifty tone of through freight engaged . The Tom. Farrow, if she did not, get off for St. Louis last night, will leave this morning. , The/ Mary. Davage and -Barges, are an. flounced for New Orleans forthwith. A decision in regard to the Great Repub lic, difficulty, was to . have been made at St. Louis yesterday. It is looked for with considerable interest. Marietta telegram to a Cincinnati par, under date of Tuesday, says: Capt. p ik Geo. L, Reppart, clerk of the steamer St. Charles, was married, this morning, to, 3 Grace /Fell, dauthter of Charles G. Fell of Maristta, and left on the 11 o'clock tra l l for Cincinnati, thence to Pittsburgh to meet- the St. Charles. The Lord has given him Grace this day. May it always be with him. STEAMBOATIIEN WILL . QUARREL. Capt.Sinnott, of the Gov. Allen, wrote as follows to Leathers, of the Belle Lee: Sin: In your card in the Herald, of this morning, you make an insulting allusion to the steamer Gov. Allen and her officers,. by saying that von come in competition only with "respectable boats." As com mander of the Gov. Allen, I demand a re traction of the •insult • immediately in writ ing, as in the minds of the public, your card admits of but one, construction—a slur upon my boat and crew. Respectfully, R. Sturrorr. To this card Captain Leathers replies that no -insult wad intended, and so the matter rests. —The Wild Duck arrived at'St. Louis on Monday, and the Leonidas was at Cairo the same day. . —The St. Charles left Cincinnati for' Pittsburgh on Monday, and the New York was advertised to follow . on , Tuesday: —The Ruth's freight and passenger re ceipts from New Orleans, last trip, amount ed t 0,520,000. --It is thought at St. Louis that the bid deir of 1;$30,000 on the Great Republic will gett he boat. —The'restaarant style of living is to be adopted on the Memphis and White river packets. The Mayflower is now being changed for the new order of things, and the Commercial and Liberty will soon do likewise. —A St. Louis telegram„ under date of Monday, says: The case or the Great Re pubho was before the United States Court again to-day. It , seems that the highest bid at the recent attempted sale was $25,- 000. Capt. Henry Synimes, the bidder, insists that the,ateamer shall be turned over to.him, which s the United States-Mar ahal refused to do, and the Court sustained him. The document was present (tom a responsible party offering 135,000 to start for the- next, sale. The lien creditors re present $33,000. Rates to New Orleans took another downward course today, and figures now aro merely nominal. —Captain Howard, and others, are ne gotiating for the Mollie Norton, to tike the place of the Spray in the Maysville trade. The owners of the Norton ask 17,000 for her. —An Evansville telegram to the Cincin nati Commercial, says: The Argosy, Capt. Vandergrift, has been almost rebuilt and is as good as new and very pretty. She received 60 new floor timbers, new aide timbers and knuckles, complete .knuckle kelson, and ort-riggers and guards, new wheel, new beds and rigging and new pan try, and left Tuesday for • Memphis, with Capt. Billy Lowth in the omee. —A Cairo telegram under date of Mon- day says: The tow-boat Hero has been bought for .1,200, by Capt. Symmes, of st. Louis, who puts the machinery into a mountain boat, now being built at Metro polis, Illinois. —The Bermuda waa sold at Louisville the other day to Capt. Vinson of Memphis, for $9,000. She will load at Cincinnati for -Arkansas. • • —A Cincinnati exchange of Tuesday says: There is no accumulation of nails at Wheeling. They are usually a big item in the cargo of t our Wheeling packets, for here and reshipment to points South and West. The Hudson yesterday brought but three hundred kegs. The barges, it is said, carried nails from Wheeling to St. Louis as low as fifteen cents, and to New Orleans at a proportionate rate. IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE it CHICAGO RAILROAD, ' December 2.-1 car-' metal, Loomas & Collard; Ido do. Brown it Co; 204 Nils paper, McElroy & Harrison; 2 cars limestone, Wampum Lime Go; 19 kegs ap ple butter, aßea Jr; 15 do brooms, Head Metzgar; 10 bgs buckwheat flour, T C Jenkins; 30 bbls pearls, Bryce, Walker & Co; 1 car lumber, ,McQuewan it Douglas; 200 bbls flour, Stewart & Langenheim; 50 bbls glue, F W Gerdis;•so tos lard, 50 bbls ofi; F•Sellers & Co; lot carriage hardware, Hare & Bro; 4 bdls pelts, 3 bbls tallow, 0 Walters; 600 bbla flour, McClure & McKee; 2 cars bulk meat. .J P Hanna it Co; 1 car middlingsiS B Floyd dt Co; 1 car oats, Scott & Waal; 3 cars wheat, T Moore & Son; 1300 bbls flour, owner; 500 do do, Dan Wal lace; 2 pkgs tobacco, Carter, McGrew & Co;' 3 bbls alcohol, J Adler to 17 bbls eggs, Voigt, Mahood it Co; 10 bbls grease, Jas Dalzell & Son, 5 bbls highwinea, Beymer, Bauman it Co; 10 kegs tobacco, S P Shri ver & Co; 2 cars wheat, D Wallace; 100 bbls flour, Watt, Lang it Co; 2 cars rye, 100 bbla flour, Culp & Shepard; 60 bbls bulk hams, J H Parker; 100 bbls flour, S B Floyd it Co; 250 pigs lead, Bey'mer, Bauman it Co; 100 bbls flour, Thomas & Brb. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH R ROAD, December 2.-1 car pig iron, Lloyd & Black; 1 car iron ore, Bryan & Caughey; 6 do do, Shoonberger & Blair; 9 kgs, 4 bbls apple butter, Vangorder & 'Shepard; 2 bbls tobacco, EMagraw & Co; 3 bxs glasswape, Bakewell, Pears & Co;" 60 boxes hair oil, R E Sellers & Co; 10 bbls beer, John Kessler; 2 bdls steel, 1 bx files, American Steel Co; 8 bxs scales. Fairbanks, Morse & Co; 22 pcs stone, T S Wright; 6 bbla oatmeal, Munhall & McGraw; 15 kegs palri barley, Seghinyer & Voskamp; 4 sks co , rumeal. Hagen & McCarty; 1 cask wire, J H Succop; 7 kegs apple butter, 18 crocks do, Voigt, Mahood &Co. 10 bbla dry apples,S Dilworth itCo; 4 dressed hogs, P Hanna & Co; 1. car hay, Bradley & Mangan; 4 coils old rope, Godfrey A Clark; ..tubs,l bx butter, g bxs, 2 sks apples, 0' Thirnet; 2 hf bblif butter, 1 keg lard, 2do dry peaches, H Rea Jr; 2 bbls walpute ' 1 do - beans, 1 keg•butter, F G Craighead, 60 empty oil bbls, Thos Musgrave. / Pirrsmptuit AND CorisiaLLeVILLS Barr.- men, December 2.-75 bbls cement, Ged Albree; 12 do do, Geo Barrett - it Sou; 8 bbls dry apples, 2 do onions, 2 do beaus, Watt & Wilson;•2-kegs butter, $T Shriver & Co; 1 car metal, John Moorhead; 242 bdls paper, W A McClurg; 25 bbls salt, 0 Ihmaeu ALLEORENT STATION, vet:ember, 2.- 1 car flamed, M B Suydam; 21 bbla cider, P Harper; 1 car oats, Geo Stewart; 5 bbls oil, LI P Schwartz; 10 do brooms George Meyer; 22 , bbls alder, Becit;" 20 - bga buckwheat Sours Joe Urals; /.,car millfeed i , Stewart .& Mitchell; 100 bills flour, Jame s Stowurt; 1 car staYes,C C Lamb; 54 bolls paper, Frazier dr. Metzger; 1 car - lumber 'Jas Mcßriar; 100 bbls flour, Lewis, Warren dr. Co; 304 bgs corn, Rose & Ewing; 6 bgs dried apples, Green & D; 11 pkgs pearl bar ley, Chris Reiss; 10 bbls cheese, J Baldinger; 4 pkgs, Chris Konlg. Arj.zorimry V Arsarr R.R.,Dedember 2.- 1 car stone, Henderson, Alexander 44 Co; 1 car bark, Wm'Flaccus & Son; 1 car metal, Zug & Co; ,2 do do, McKnight, Porter do Co; 1 pkg poultry, Paul Gibson; 117 sits oats. Scott & At Gisal; 123 do do, Blaney dr. Moore; 21 bags flour,W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 16 hides. 10 brillpelts, Wm - Flaccus & Son; 12 pkgs potatoes, Jos Spencer; 15 sits oats, E H Meyers de Co; 1 car metal, .H . Wood sides: 60 bbls salt, Keil & Ritchart; 60 do do, Watt, Lang Co; 12 aka oats, 2 bxs eggs, Bear .& Hines; ..1 bbb Whisky, Captain E Gordon. - S i EA.NESOATS. SHIPPERS AND CONSIGNEE'S LINE. B ITTSBOR# AND ' ST. i i PLOUIS ARO CO.—, For Cincinnati. 'Louisville. Evansville, Cairo and ilt. Laois, . Leaves THIS-DAY. December 2d. • , The staunch and powcrfal tow-boat . TOM .'FARROW AND' BARGES. • oirc 'HAS. MATTHEWS. Through Also to Oven to Memphis and New Or leans: Also to all pulute oa Cumberland river, at lowest rate s. ? Skippers eau de rid Si havingthefrlreight for warded will dispa it. Sattaractlen guaranteed. SPECIAL NOTICE TO OHIO RIVER AND ST. te - LOUIS uHIPPERS-t-Will leave on SATURDAY. POSITIVELY,. and l s. ill go through without deten tion 'from Ice, reports to that effect notwithstand lag. dab Remember the TOM FARROW will take an Memphis had New Orleans • refight ofering, reship ping at Cairo on first c ass steamers. n 025 CHARLES BARNES. Agent. • pITTSEII7.IIGII, jaggie WHEELING, Marietta . and Parkersbnrg Line. Leave Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, AT 12 hf. MONDAYS .A3l) TarneDATE. IIAYAED A. S. t)naritalln, Master. WEDNESDAYS AND tiATCRIDAYS t GREY EAGLE C. L. BEENNAN, Master. Freight will be received at all hears by eel& _ JAMES COLLINS. Agent tOR CAIRO, MEM PHIS, vicKsuunG AND NEW ORLEANr3The nest mass passenger steamer BELEEVERNON Capt. Jiro. Desna.% Will leave as above on THURSDAY, December 3-4 P. m. Tows and Barges go through. , For freight or passage apply on board or to FLACK h COLLINDWoCD, WIRIEST HASLETT, • POR MEMPHIS AND s i gEt NEW ORLEANS , —The power ful tow-boal MARY DAVAGE and Barges will leave for above ports on SATURDAY. sth Inst.. at 4 r. of. For freight or passage apply on BARNES. or del CHARLES Agent . BARNn FOR CAIRO, MEMPHIS zar i t and NEW ORLEANS—The tine steamer R. C. GRAY Capt. ISAAC Wiurricaz. Will leave as announced above on THIS DAY. December 2d. For fretglst or passage apply on board or to JWO. FLACK,. or J. D. COMA Mi WOOD. Agents MEI GROCERIES Wlti. IttILLEII, (Late Miller & Rleketson,) Nos. 221 AND 228, Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets, Offer to the trade'at Low Figures 150 pkgs. of NILW MACEAREL, in barrels, • balers, quarters and kits. 100 chests choice YOUNG HYSON, JAPAN' and IMPERIAL TEAS. 80 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. MS bbls. choice CAROLINA RICE. - 78 bbls. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. 50 bbls. SYRUP, choice brands. • 100 bbl s. N. 0. MOLASSES.. 50 bbla. BERMUDA MOLASSES. ROO bbls. REFINED SUGAR. 75 hitch'. I'ORTO RICO, CUBA and DEMA RABA SUGARS. • ROO bags RIO COFFEE. 50 bags JAVA:and LAGUAYRA. corrsits, 100 cases IMPOC CLARET. MO eases MO If d CHANDON'S CRAM. PAGNE W SCOTCH ALE and LONDON PORTER don. •.. 'tautly on hand. PAPER. ITTSBURGR PAPER IIIANII• P FACTURING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPPNG PAPERS. CLINTON MILL-43TEUBENTILLIC. Omto. BRIGHTON MILL-NEW BRIGHTON, PA. • 07F/OR AND WARLDZKIBM. 'i0.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa OPPICIMB—AUGUBT HATITJE, President. JNO. B. LIVINGSTON, Treasurer. SAMUEL RIDDLE. Secretary. DMICCTOBB—Angret Banjo, JoNn. Atwell, B. B Hartman, John B. Lt rington. Oaah paid ror Panel. Stock. i5.79:088. FRENCH BURR t LL STONES. French Burr Smut Machines, THE BEST WHEAT CLEANERS IN USE. Portable Flour and Feed hu=lls, BOLTING CLOTHS, All nambers sad beet quality. For sale at 319 and 321 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa. w. w. WlLLAttar. sats PROPOSALS. The Building Committee of the WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPIT AL FOR THE INSAN ft at Dixtriont. Pa.. will receive Prop:maim mall the 10th DAY OF DECEMBER, for the erection and closing In "the Eastern Extension of Hospital," according to the plans and specifications adopted and approved by them. The plans and 'specifications can be examined' at the Hospital until the time above meatioued for re caving blue. Proposals must be marked as such end.ient to R. MILLER t Jr., Chairman of the Building Commit tee, Pittsburgh. Bids will be opened at the Hospital on the 13th nt December. Tito Committee reserve the right at the li'dlscre tion to reject any or all bids not deemed to the Inter est of the institution or satisfactory to the commit tee. By or& rof the. n024-rds BITILDINOMMITTEE. OPPICE AND bIIII.VETON, PlrrealfiltOlt, Norouber 2.4 th. IPIIB. s 11OTICE-7The assessment for 1 4 - Grading; Paying and Curving Cd. GROG DEBT, front Sinalintan str.,t to .Itallroad are now ready rae examinattion. and emu be sera at this office until trit.DAV. Deetanber 4th. when they will be returaed to the City's office for collection. • - n0,14:a6l • J. 11007:11'.. City Entrimer • UTIDDE OP OITY ENGINE.= AND DENTUTOR. / , Pittsburgh, - November 24th, 1808. NOTICW—The assessment for Grading, Paving and Climbing LISIC/LTY EET. from Twtnty-Flftly street to Twenty- Ninth street ie now ready for emunination, and can be seen et this Milos mita FRIDAY, Deeemben4tk, 181311, 'when it will be returned to the City Treasu rer's °Sloe for selleetion. • • 110 2,1 . 1..1d001212. City Illauhteer. ' --- OritCr. OP CITY lilIG Islam IND Sotto Pittsburgh, lborember 96th.,1601i. i XOTICE—The assessment..,. for Clra Mug FOR biliS bTit - EXT,, from lianition ; to canratty street, is office eady fur examination,' and be seen at thisup tRIVIONDAN. December '7th, 1868. ,whan It will be returned to the City . Treasurer's office for collection; , a0.26.08. 11 ..T. moonz. City Anglueor. FOU SALE, • FINE SEED iIitEAT, AT 340 LIBICATT ST. sail ZUTOMCQQ; MICLIMT & C9l COMM.SSION .I.9:ERCRANTS. ri STA BLISHIE.D MC A. & T. 6011KL7, 181% W. N. (1011111IY, WHOLESALE GROCER, (Duismor, Orr. seats R 0710.,) Z. L. .......... fiTCYII3IBON. - : DILLINGER sTrunsoN, COMILLSgION lEB,CILLNTS No. 87 Second Street,„Pittaburgh, Pa. mown ham Butz. • Aq Hinds , of Counhv Produce. All eiders for Merekandise promptly" Cued, at LOWNBT market rates. Particular attention given to the - sale sof Butter. Eggs Cheese Dried Fruits, &c, We feel confident lhaewe can oleo eatire sat isfaction, by making QUICE sAtas and irsourr )1,1- TURNS. at UIGIL3ST /tARKitT PD:ceira, and therefore restiettitillp solicit your consignments. All corre spondence answered promptly. Marking Planes tarnished lee. Grain In store sad to arrive daily. au3111.78 WATT, LANG & CO., Groceries, Flour. Grain, Produce, Pro. visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbonell. dz., Wm 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, Rear Liberty street, Platabargh, Pa. n08:Z55 M. STABLY J. A. EltitlLY M STEELE &. SON, • - - •• AND DNLLI3B IN " FrI,OITJEL, 61-11An'f, VF-JELTI, &o No. 03 OHIO STEM% near East, Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, . ._- - . J. B. CANFIELD ' A. T. CANFIELD. B. CANFIELD & SON, COM ,. MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale eaters in Goshen, Factory. Hamburg and W. R. Cheese, Butter, Lard Polk, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain , Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes, W bite Lime, Linseed, Lard, COni and Car bon Oils. NO. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. PETER KEIL J. 4.8. P. picaAat. NEIL & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A.ND DIIALKItS IN FLUDM, faILAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED. ac., iten 349 Liberty St, Pittsburgh, ziy24:bar ALEX. M`BAXE J. B. Amnia: McIIAIVE & ANJER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN• &RALLY, No. 14.1. WATIsk, STREET. slime Smithfield, Pittsbargn. • les Agents FETZER & ARMSTRONG, Capt. -. FORWARDING AND OOKKIBRION MBROILANTI3, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fralt, and Produce generally, No. 16 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe=:,uB L • J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Sla9:xeil BUIS. KNOX", . ANDREW KNOX. 1h:1; NINON. Is SON, COMMISSION ./zERCE.A.NTSi,nd dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, Mn. 79 DIAMOND, opposite Oily Hall, 'Allegheny City. Jain rlf7 - RIDDLE, No. 183 LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission Mer chant Wholesale Denier in Country Produce, llirocertes and Pittsburgh lliztuuractures. Cash ad erally vance ced on Consignments, and paldfor Produ gen u2l. • a JOHN I. 1101181.....1DW. HOVEIN WY. H. 11431183. sjOHN I. HOUSE & Sue ' senors to JOHN 1. HOUSE & CO., wholesale rocers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. Pa. - ITTLE, BAIRD &. pAirroN, Wholesale Grocer,, Commission Merchants and T in Produce, Four, Bacon,Cheese, FLsh, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, HMIs Glass, .Cotton Yarns and all .1P• &cabaret Manufactures generally, 1.12 and 11111.ECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. JOILIT BRUTON _...A WALL/Lei, IPTON &WALLACE, WHOLE. SALE 0 ROCERS AND - PRODUCE - DEALER.% Na.o 8 SIXTH STREET., Pittebnrith. 1a12:r58 VIM. B. NEEPEB, ALDERMAN AND ES•OPPICIO =STICH OP THE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE. Special attention given to eonveyanMag and col lections Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages drawn ap, and all legal business attended to promptly and ac curately, 10S. A. BIIMEJEIt, -1 ALDERMAN AND POLIOE NAGD3TNATE, • 9taco, 138 NM= STB.II3IT, near Waskingtoi PITTSBYEGH, PA. Deeds 'Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment Depositions, Collections, sad all other lekitimal business executed promptly. sitmuhL aIcILiSTERS, 41,1.13ERMAN, inettce of the Peace and Pollee Minis trate. OMee, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral; P ITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, .ilelntowledgraents, Deposillons, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. inble 'l - 18TACE S. MORROW, A.141)E11.111.4.N, . . Ex-orricio Jtivriaz OP ma • maxi AND • ' ' POLICE MAGIBI`BATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA, AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA , 1 Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal - Business. executed will promptness and dispatch. • sowin A ANIBION, Jturtke of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE A6T CARSON STREET. EAST TaitIdINGRA.M. ed to. /". Collection of Bents solicited and promptly attend. JOHN A. STRAIN, ATADVAI,ALAN, EX-01/71010 JIIBTIOE OP VIZ PEACE AND _ Office,llsl.FlTTH STREET, opposite the Cathe dral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legerßust nes..ixecuted with nromntriess and disnatch. ILLJAM H. BARK ER) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER ,&C., Office, CARSON STRRET, nearly opposlt? the Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH. Business entrusted to Ida care promptly attend ed to. myl • , S. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LADY, Bacom) non. Raysv tow!' XXIX W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW: Offike, 116 Diamond Ntreet. • (Uppoelte the Court Hease.) fe115:414 .11 0 C. ItLLCKRIBLL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. SO Grant Street; mr142t25 ABCHIBALD BLAKELEY, ILTPORNErg-A.'r-141L*. Ka 99 !)TRYST. itkoweidisz irrsurtrzeisstA, No. 271 14berty Street, PITTIEUITURGII. PA. WHOLBBALZ DZALISS Commission Mm.,c•htmts, No. 396 PENN StREEr. PROFESSIONAL. POLICS•MAOf9TBATZ No. 87 Fifth Street, PIPLIBURSH, PA. RAILROADS. 11.`1's Zi gu tirri On and after .TOESI3A7. Noyember, 19th. 1136* trains will arrive at and depart from L 4 Depot OCIv" ner of Grant and Water streets, ID follows; - -X Depart 3 „tipsily. Kanto aid from trulonVn. 7:00 tit. 6:00 P. Kai' McKeesport Aecommodt'n.ll:oo a. x. 2:05 P. X. , Ex. LO and from Unlont'n. 3:00 P. x: 10:10 A. n.. West Newton Aceotnntod'n 4:30 P. at. S:3B a. It. Braddock's Accommodat'n 6:15 P. at. 7:50 P. liaght Ace. to lifeKeesport.lo:3o P. at. 6:40a. 1t.... Sunday Church Train to and from West Newt0n.... .... 1:00 P. x. 10:00 A. If For tickets apply to J. B. KIN(}, Agent. W. B. STOUT. Superintenden t. no" CIIIALNGE of TIBIEZIEmit ALEIGMINT VALLEIY RAILROJLII On and aliir 1 101tDa.y Etrrember 9th, .1.112 TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Stu. thin, corner ofElerecith and Pike streets ibr Frau*. He, Oil City, BMW*, and all Wins to the 011E6. gions. Linn! Plirrenuntin. R 19117 IN Plrren Ma 11...—. Z:l5 aall 5:10 :n1 =. - Express... 1:10 D m :press-- —.. 6:30 aas Brady'. Ird Ae 3:90p Bradye B'dAe.lo:o ana Ist /oda Works_ Seen Worts Aceenicion.. 10:30 a Accoraoden. 1.20 aat 2d Soda Works - • Soda Works Accomodit .. 3:09 p m Aceomeda'n. 3:60p in Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. re• • rive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. N. Pas/wagers taking express. train have bat dui change of cars ands Pittstanh,'BOlTalo and Ott Regions. Mall -and Express Train, step onlg at psinclp"al points. Mixed Wa c i_ i nid Accommodation tutus stop at all stations. • • THOM K. N 43, .6:341'2. Satin, W. POSTER HOPE Ti cke Agent.. . gi.TTS Still Gig' gitiglim CINCINNATI AND ST. in-RAILWAY. j PAlf - HANDLEIwurk CrftANGE UP TINE. and after ECIDIDAT Nov.B2ld, 1808, •ritins leave-and arrlte at Me Unkra Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Depart. A r Mas. Nall Erman-- ....... 3:13 W. m. 12:13 a. a. Fast Line 10:13 a. m. 7:23 p. M. Fast Eay xpress 1 1:58 p. ra.'l2:lB a. at. Nixed W 15:43 a re elsa p. McDonald's Acen, cu 1.. 11:148 - a, , as.. p 8:33 .m. Steubenville AccommxPn. 3:38 p: m. 9:49 a. ra. McDonald's Acc'n, 5:98 p. m. 2:18 D. M. li' 2:58 P. ar. Express will leave daily. • 22:13 P. at. Mall arri d a il y, ay. The 10:13 a. m. Traln leavesSundays_ em• cepted, and makes close connections al Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark N. B. __ _S. F. SCULL. Eieneral Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Snp•t.. Stenbenville r Ohlo, nom. V_ENNSYLVANIAggiumi CENTRAL RAILROAD. n and after Nov, 28th, 1868, Trains will Ow . rive at and depart from the Union i)epot, corner el Washington and Liberty streets, as - follows: - Arrive. I• Depart... Mail Train.... 1:30 a nil Day Express.. 71:39 aat Fast Line .2:40 a m No. 1.. 6:30 aat Wall's No. 1.. 8:20 a m Mail Train B:16 a m • Brintonkec'n. 7:50 a ut'.CinclunatLEx 11:221p in • . Cincinnati. 2.. 850 a m Wall's No. 2.11:20a ra Ex. - 9:4-0 m Jolmstown Ae. l a par Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m BraddocksNol 4:20 pm, • - Baltimore Ex. .1.45 p ris Phila. Express 5:10 pas Fhlls. Express 1:30 p ra t Wall's No. 8.. 5:20 pm Wall's No, 3... 2:05 pm, Wall , ' No. 4_ 6:li4pra , Braddocka Not]. 5:50 pm' Fast Line 7:50 pa 3 Wall's No. 4: 7:25 pin Wall's No. 5:. p Int Way Passen"r.lo:2o p m The Chureb Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. as., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:0IS . a. m. Returnktg, leaves Pittsburgh atl2l5OV. m. and anis sat all's Station at.2:00 p. m.' . *Cincinti Express leaves daily. All other trans daily exceed Sunday. For fanner information apply to W: H. BECICWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not. asp.. same any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap. parel, and - limit their reeponsibillir to One Hundred. • Dollars in value. Alt Baggage exceeding that, • amoeSt in value will be at the risk oflarowner.ll6. less taken by special contract. EDWARD .11. WlLL lA MS. u i General Superintendent, Altoen. n 023 aH FORT W. ARD:OLRFELAND - AYNE CHICAGO Be PITTSBURGH E. B. trains will leave';frais Depot, north side, city From Nov. SU, 1868 and arrive at the Union time, as follows: Arrive. Chicago SI:13 a igi Cleveland Ex. It:11ta 4 1hloago Ex.... 11:38 a at Wheeliog Ex. 11:134 se Louis- Ex.. 3:53 pa . Chicago Ex.—. 4:33 , p m Cl...ltrtirkeg Ex. 4:13 pm , Erie .1 Yg* nEx 6:13 pm CI. dsWh'ig (1:158 - pa Arrive Allealunw. N. Brigt"u Ao. 7:03.3a N. Brigt'n " 8:28 Lai Wellsville 9:53 a aa New Castle " 10:33 aa • Leetsdale . • " 9:111a ••" 1:08 p m N. Evigt'nsl:43 pa Leetsdale " 4:53 p Leetsdale Ptl.ll- . day t.bareh... 9:sB'a•vs Express leaves daily. Express arrive:l4oly. bmween llittshurgh thou change to .1.114011114). Ctdcago Ex_. ... 3:03 a m Clevel and Ex.: 3:03 s m Rile & Ygn Mg. 7:28 a m Cl. Wh!ght'l 6;881 a m Chicago Mall.. 6:58 a m Chleargr±R:x....lo:oB a 111 •CL. ra:. 21:23 p claw g ° 11:4.3p m Wh. 4 - Erleßit- 4:1 , 3 Pm Bspart from atleghen. F. Brlgt'n An. 8:58 a.m . Leetsdale "410:28a •• 11:58 a In, Rochester " ' 1:33 pm Wellev'e Ace... 3:38 p m Leetsdale Acc. 4:13,pm N. BrigVn " N. Brlgt'n " 6:518pm Leetsdale' " • 10 : 43 P8 1 Leetsdale 8:11:-. - - day (thatch... X:l3 p ra air 2:43 p. n. Chlca. • B' lit:s4 Chi . iTNo change of care Chicago. • Sleeping cars w oils and Chicago. N. N'OULLOUGH. General Ruperir4andrnt. cket Aron. :;8011. P. E. MYER 9. • Genera WMTERN Pi ' SILVA-MA. 11____ 815.41).-4)n and after A ov. 51 2 / 1 ,1858, the Pao. . senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail. road will arrive at and depart from the Federld Street Depot, City, as follows:, „ ~ , Depart. glpringire Nol 6:40 a m Mail 7:00 aEt roeport:No..l :8:90 a m Freeport No.l 9:15 ala Express 10:40 am Sharpb`g No.111:90 ant Sharptog No.l 1:215 pm Express'' - 11:40 pm 1 Freeport No, 2 4:00 pm Bp gd 9 e No 1 3:00 pm. Anil.-- ._..-. . 1 5:55 p m Freeport No. 2 5:00 pin Bpringd , iNo 2 &VI Dm Spring:Pe No 2 7:10D no. Alwyn trains ran dally except J anet . The Church Train leaves Allegheny eim. Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny Olt" at 9:50 a. m. - Returning, leaves Allegheny CiV at 2:110 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny loner. at 3t415. D• AL COMMUTATION TICIOLTO—For sale in paclur re nt ' Twenty between Allegheny City, Chestnut s Herrlllennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpaburg. andonly on the trains stopping at Stations spa. • aided on.tickete.• The trains leaving Allegheny City tat 7:00 a. al. make direct connection at. Freeport with Walker's line ofStages for Butler and Hannah. town. Throngin tickets may be purchated at the Mee,. No. 3 Bt. Clair atreet,,nearthe Buspensios „Bridge Pittsburgh and at the Depot. Allegner. , - Far farther inter Jation appts_to i libe AMES EFFERTS t. F Btree vat ' The Western Pennsylvaniaederal Railmad n . ot a... same any risk for Baggage,. except for wearingw. par t limit their responsibility to One Htuidniedi Dollars in value. -All baggage exceeding 015 amount in value wilt be at the risk of the owner. lin- • lets taken by, special contract. - ' • EDWARD H. - ben..-m1 Buneriatendent. x : ~ .not MOAT' , -HILL( aumm UNION PACIFIC RAILWAYi Eastern Division; The SHORTEST AND HOST RELIAIM!,I from the East to all points in Colorado, Nevada. California, Utah, Washingn, Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon. • . • Two Trains leave State Line arrival avenwo (Sundaya exeepted,lan the of trains -• Buffoßailroad from ;at. owls, and Hannibal sad St. Jo itallroad from lan cy, conneetlaw at Law. Maace, Topeka and CV antego with stsi b ca for all points in Kansas. Ater% of track west of KU,- worth with the UNITED A 'EES EXPRESS, 00311. PANT'S DAILY LINE lr OVERLAND MAIL A. 111) EXPRESS COACHES FOR DENVER; BALI Jr.'&llT-w4 And all Points M the Territories, And with SANDERSON'S TRI-WEENLY LINE 01 COACHES for Fort Union, Rent's Fort, Pass, Alba.. qUerque, Santa Fe, and- all points in. Arizona and New Mexico. With. the recen' Padditlons of rolling stock and equipment, and the arrangements made with re ap on slbl e Overland Transportation Lines from Its western terminus, this road now offers •unequalled facilities for the ras:mm.l2llot of freight to the Far West. Tickets for' !ale at all the Principal oitioes in the United States and Canadaa • Be-anse and ask for tickets via TAE ILth nowr.t. UNION PACIFIC WAY •BASTBN DIVISION. A. ANDERSON, GeLeral Bnpertatenctenl J. H. wassm, fitnaril "Mita agt4 Tt .144 k 1 EMaM=i TO LIVER OL MIDAS QT.TgENSTOWN. TEE INDIAN MAIL STMAIOIMPS. Numbering rixtoia lirst-olass "wadi, aeons.theiZlP Ike •olebrated CITY OF FARM arrr OF .6 Mr OP DOSIUN OSTY OK NIL iota Moir 46, Ifortlt Favor, New York. For pasooge or Wilk? laibroso. tlan apply So WILLIAM BEIMULDIt ‘l3==itiVreedra= WI