6 STOVES, CASTINGS, "&c. ' BEST STOVES., A. BRADLEY & CO., • •• manntactaters of the'greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, - TO BE POUND IN THE STATE. Bole Agents for the celebrated - Base Burning Ori ental Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best to the World for Parlor.trflice. Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all winter. Do net buy until you see or send for Circular.. No. 38 WOOD STREET Our Agents for Orientals—DEbildLEE BRAS., 11:n1a:field St.: GEO. NOBLE Y. Alle heny City. GRAFF ` H GAS CO - - B 9 . . , KAMlTAortrszatS OP warm IrlitiirT Or Einkt:›l7 - 11919111 BOSTON ; COOKING RANGE, `THE FIERY FURNACE,"I' , • 708 (WARNING BIIILDINGB. TEE NEW — 2,lTri:litruer coosnro STOVE, • • •BEGULATOIL" COLOIMA COOK STOE"g, MEl4CfnerliitiEst ri myrußTAl l 3 l , l N , RtN i s nEMOR, ORATES, free from dirt and dust; 41B.LTE FRONTS, YENDEBO, *C. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, iers4l7 , PITTSBURGH, PA. COOK STOVES. - CET THE BEST. BISSENAL CO :S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. • Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast an Well aaany other Stove in the Union. (BISSELL & CO., Nii..285 Liberty Street. Alssiaa lad s nd for sale, ren.Len erovEs EI:MATING Ir7,, N , rs \ 43A cooicnui a.: STEEL WORKS. DvtrtrEsNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. COIJOLANI RAHN & CO., IaAN4ACTUILIMOP iron, li v ir cei lial ,Steel, d Carrf e r and Duquesne, X.L. and Juniata Merchant Bar, Bound and •S rare Ironatand, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Oval, Half Oval and Halt Round Trop; Cylinder and Wagon Box Iron; Drag and Dropper Bars;."P and 'Plat Hall forr - Coal Roads; Cut Nails and Spikes; Plow,. Spring and AD Steel; :Laminated Steel; Oa tes* Bars, Crow Bars, lid, ,te. Mice and' Warehouse—Vl. WATER STREET, Pittsburgh. • • SHEFFIELD IfTEM WORHIC BMA Iglllloll CO., PITTSIMiGen P. NalllllEttrerli of ,every descripti of. CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, Rmr ier il l: A :Lam"C. lagiga.A.nro sPant Gs, 4111,&13, 13TEEL TWA £C., a 43 Warehouse,' Sti Water aad 100 First Sts wmni; 'smut & rmun)lr. MINXILLL•PAIITMS: =. wm. aurreemp, REUBEN' XILLICII. exo. W. BABE.' • I CHAR. PARKIN. 13rAczAl. PARTNME—EL X. FMB. CtELESCENT STEEL liiirorcix.s, DECLIZAVat, 15AIM &PARKIN. Office, No. 339 Liberty it, Irrnsistataa, re. fel4:d49 BLACIL DIAMOND STEEL 'WORK& PARK, BROTHER & CO.. Yanitinctitrirs of all descriptions of lEV I r I 33M3LIia, Ottlob and 9istiliottsiA 'lsi 2.319, L 94 1390039 D and 119 and 1 .91 BIBBT 8T5,11,9'19, . prrnownsin STEEL 'WORK& , mamma= ri 2.845.3 ND MO3l - &c WOODS, 17CCIM)B8 TO ANDERSON. COOK a co. MAntdicterers of every desert itian of • • STEEL.A, • BEST BEFINED TOOL STEEL. . - Mill, Malay, Circular Hang and (iron Cat - 19A.W ' - • Bpring, Cast,and German Plow and Blister Steel. ilborel, Hoe, Fork. Rake and Toe CallcSteel. Railroad Spftng Steel and Frog PointsCastilteel !lager Dam Sickle Steel, S2ring Stet Mrs* Plow Wings etc.. Oil Drill Steel; Oalce and litorkr-OoraerlDlST AND BOSS BBL Pittsburgh. ' , ~418:419 IRON wow's.. swizz, Fre en. W. F. POrnat. Burt. pirrneraGu FORGE AND IRON CO., 2mr.u7vadmi or Bar Ironi P.^tiroati, Fish Bars sad Bola; Railroad Car Imies Boiled; itailroad Car Axle. Hammered; Lotomotive Mrailieit; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Soda: • t • • ,Yokes, Straps; Platen "leads; Stpanibea r t Shafts; tilhambeat Cranks; ighton Beds; Wrists; - 'Pittman' Jaws, Cone's, OMoer No. 17 . 7 PENN. STREET, PITTSBURGH; E. EYEUS N PFESTON & CO., Pennevlyaniar: Iron Works. 11arebouse, 1ica.4130 and 101 MA' STXTZT, opposite Konessasels House, ap24:d6 1911411581111.0111. COPPREL Luck siumnion 001011 DILL AND 81(111112116 WODIB PIT909.131:711 1 3 113 . PARK,; MCCURDY at CO., Alsztaseturers of Sheathing. /Ifraiderst and Belt copper, Presled Copper 'Bottoms, Raised Still Bot toms, Ecolter. Bolder. Also,,loopotte•rs and Deafen to Noted, Tin Piato,, Bhelig/s_ran, ;Con. iftantly on band Miners , aoameatz.d ools. grageboase. No. 14.0,1 f T URN and ILSIO, ND fITB=T, 'Pittsburgh. Special of Copper, out to any de t sired_ pit. myleBCdwT FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TW.I..FTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA, BIN - Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Retorts, and Castings generally. NATIONAI4 FOLUIDRY - • - AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carrell awl Innellnista Streets, OfINTH.WSZID,) • iirr'rentrudit. Ps» WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of CAST. IRON BOWL PIPE, POR GAS AND WATER WORKS. - My Pines area cut Invariably In Pita, In dry sand, and L9I feet lengths. Also, fan assortment of General Castlngs for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. Anise WORKS, , • MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, PITr6BURGH. THOMAS N. rdILLE.II. President. These. Works are among the largest and most oompleta astabllshments In the West, and ara now prepared to tarnish • • Engines, of every deseriPtion. Boilers, 00 Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling Mill Castings. Engine Castings. Ntaehine Castings. General Castings. no:ites ORDEBSSOLICTIXD L. O..LIVINGHTOI4.W. H. romr.w. 1.130M11411, .711. LIV INGSTON & CO., • IRON FOUNDERS , MANUFACTOMM OP FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All deserlptlona, foi Pltunbers and Etas Platers; Ag. rletatnral ehin lmplements, Cotton and Woolen 11L11111Gi- All e 7cibtark promptly attended W. Office and Werke—WASHINGTON AVENETZ. near Outer Depot. Allegheny City. Pa. ROBINSON, BEA & CO., . • BUOCCISOrt to ROBINSON, MINIS & MILLISS, WASHINGTON WORKS, .FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, itanaracturers. of Boat and Stationery Steam En gines Blast Engines Mill Machinery, _Rearing, Drifting, Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. LI, _corner First and thnithfieldStreeta. Agents fo r OLIFFARD'EI PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. JalinS2 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butter Street, Ninth Ward, • (Opposite Unto& Iron 1111114) - PITTSBURGH. Bolling Dllll and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, XACTEUNERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carehdly exesuted. Charges reasonable. , • • EBBEET k 3AA oeibd2ll THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Fondly aid Machine Worki, BA2iDITBET ST., &LLEGHENY CITY, Pa., bfanutsetnrers of Steam Engines, 011 Presses, leys, Shafting, Grist and haw Mill Work Bolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, Se. Buffd to order and have on band, Engines of all sizes. mvl4:o CENTRAL FOUNDRY ..AND; ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. 'BOLIMAN, BOYD & BAG LEY. ChM Ilene, *ill thistles', 801 l Lathed', ie. otrotzir.suctintr. woaks. . . ZSTABLIBMID IR 1836. nfactory of STEAM lENGENES, of all irises *and of the most approved patterns, for stationary_ PurPosoo i STIOAT B and 6TEAId ]EERY BOATS. A variety of 10, LS and 16 horee , power 310111128, which will be sold at very reduced pates. P. F. GEISSE. Welleviale. 0. Piny idles below Pittabargh, on the Ohio river, and line of O. & P. B. • noe:h2 IRON BROKERS. 8 11111 EL WICSEIRSHADIL, IRON BROILER, 5 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Arent ;t r i ra iI i . n g a r rel seh,iibel l ls gangn taTv,lld and other brands or Anthriclte, ao_ghlogbe ny Coke and C. B. Charcoal PIO IRONS. cOnitri, nertftilly solteltria. LlLlw:i ‘;1 •S:l_q!lij , ;s 41 COAL! COAL!! COALiti - DICKSON, STEWART & CO - Having removed their Ocoee to NO, 667 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City flour SECOND ICLOOB. ' • Are nwrepitied to furnish goal YOCUM(' NY LUMP. NUT COAL OR SLAOIC, at the lowest xsorket price. ,All orders left at their office, or addressed to them through the mall. will he attended to wromittly. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. E[ , B. LION, !Jester of Weights and Nei:sorely )11)1111T11 ißitiiitit Liberty and Peri/ street* Prdeto promptly attended tOI PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1Re8: ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. HUGE BOLE & CO,, Cer. Point they and bonne St., anus Tait Poem) • Engine Builders Founders &Machinists Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. Special attention Minted to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-home power. „ CASTINGS of every kind, made to order at our . FoundiT, on THIRD :STREET, below Market. RIGS for Olt Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS., HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and 180.17 TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and Made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Frosting on the Allegheny River; near the Point, PITTSBURGH, PA.. • WAU orders .Tom 41 tiled. TRY • FORT 17T/' BOILEI4 STILL AND TANK *OILK.S. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-11%138D TIIIVULAB, YIBZ- BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. I OIL STILLS AND OIL 'mum J CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON . BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES (Mee and Warehouse corner Second, .1 Third, Short and Liberty Street's, ear Orders sent to the above itddress will . be promptly attended to. mh7:l88 WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. AO, 22, 24 AND 36 rEitri ST.. Having secured a large ysird and furnished It with the meat approved machinery, we arc _prepared to manufactere every description of BOILERS In the beet manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills Agitators, 'Settling Pans, Boiler Iron Bridges. I . ugar Pans, and sole tnanu- Leciurers of Barnhill's atent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. la15:clil JAMES M. BITER, Nee. 65 and 56 Water Street, PITTISIIIIRGLII, PA.. icureamannum IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS. COPPER. STEAM FIFE. BOLLING MILL STACKS, dad SHEET IRON Woks. For Steamboats. JAILED M. DRIIBB • EDYHDD D. BRUM. J ARED M. BRUSH & SON, • mAiturAcruslas OP Steam Boilers, Oit \Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORK, &CIL • 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OILS. WADING AND KING, Cozad".lon Marehoutu and Broken In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTABITIME4 PA. PHILAMILI7III ADDIIII3B, lATARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut St:eat.. TACK BROTKIEUS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS , AND DEALLas IN Petroleuni and its Products. Pittsburgh 011oe—DALZELL` BUILDING, ca ner et Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelynis Offloe-12T WALNUT ST. spl:wite RE.toNG & N.ANUTACITIIBMIII3 of PURE " ' BURNING orb, Brand--4.r, UCEEPEE/P Mee, No. S Duquesne Way, Pideburgh., NEW HARDWARE HOWSE., LINDSEY, STERRIT. & . Manufacturers and Iniportara • 113 W Et , CUTLERY, &C. 1337 LIBERTY STREET, 0011N13 OF WAYNE, One Square Below Tinton Depot, PITTSBURGH. Arcata for FAIRBANKS' Math& NOVELTY WORKS. NOVELTY WORKS. ADAMS, ItrICEE '' &. CO. Keystone Standard. Patent Platform and Counter SCALES. Janne Faced Patent Door Locke and LateheL PAINT A79D 0 'FRB MILLS, UALLEABLIC IRON, £c. Corner of Grant and First Streets, sa6:tBl .TITTB3IIII,IIII. GAS AND STEAM FITTING. JOHN Y. 000PI8 JOB. LANA HINET MM. JOHN M. COOPER & CO, BRAS, rouNDEzus, GAS AND STEAM . FITTERS, Man&amen of PUKE'S AND BRABB_WSH .11E,A risig MIN , couti. dealers . I.n GAS swims= Corner Of Pike and Walnut Streets, 1113 KANOTACTUNKBB Cfr PITTSBURGH, Pa. HARDWARE!. MA.MT/104:TAXE 07 PITTSBURGI:Y. FINANCIAL. PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK, OF P. ITTEIErETROII._ Cd 1 3 ,11 CAPITAL PreaLdent—HENßY LLOYD. Vise Presidentr,WLLlJAN BALL SIICTEITEJS: Henry Lloyd, Vlon. Thos. Mellon, rE. P. Jones, Th. Wlghtman',Geo. W. Hallman, IWm. Bea, B. H. Hartley, ladwrzd Gregg, 'Hiram Stowe sieretary k Trtai'r---S. F. TON BONNHORST. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on time de posits. .Deposits made on or before October let will bear Interest from that date. Interest computed on Ist November and Ist May. ival:t7l FORT PITT BANKING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL,: :/ : 1200,000. ST_CISKBADERS I NDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, I DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. INTERST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points in the Vatted States and Canadas. • ;DIRECTORS: D. Hostetter, i Jno. C Bieber, - James Gordon,l Ront. H. Bing, a, D. Wallnee, Andrew 31111er, i . ' , E. Fawcett, James H. Batley. CLUREAN, Pres't. SAWL. Mc D. LEET NATIONAL BANK OF COIIIIERCE, Cer. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON President JOS. H. HILL ..... ...... .......Cashier CAPITAL, : : $500,000. DPRCTORS: George W. Case, James McCandless, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed.• A. Patterson, , n Wm. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Kirkpatrick. W. B. Haven, T, AT n A. N. 5p9:022 DISCOUNTS DAIL HART, CAIIGHEIr & CO., - BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, P1PT5131111.45111, PA.,_ (BIICCEBSORti TO ELiNNA. HART & C 0..) =ALLIS IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to he purchase and sale ot GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. minas N 4 IfOLMES & EONS, 57 Market Street, x.rx-ra-smiii.citEr, Collection■ made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadair: Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT *till BOLD ON OONXISSION. k eye ar o raar attention Dal 4 t 4) the teurohlse and , 'United States Securities.. ja80:al WESTERN SAVINGS RANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid on.'rinie Deposit& ANY 8U BJCCIXIVED PROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. .. DEPOSITEIBIIHJE I CT, TO 41 .. HZ0K. WITHOUT Discount r e tally at L 4 o'clock'. Prestdent—THOXPSON BELL. Wee President-4. 14 NiIIiTtATX4, DULECTOES: THOMPSON BELL, I A.' M. MARSHALL; JOB. DIL'WOBTEL JOS.. ALMA& J. J. GILLESPIE, Stockholders to whom we Wm. .Forsythe, Win. Caldwell, Willis DalseU, E. 11'..Patren T o WHEAT. GROWERS. EDEMA AMMONIATED BONE, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF MANUFACITIEFRED BY The Allegheny Pertain — er Co. HE wA,ED CAMPBELL, . , pitoprumrrolts, Ocoee, 856 Penn Street ) Pittsburgh ' , PA The best Bertiliser in non, and reengased g ,Parmere who have given it a trial, to - be the stand and for raising large crops of Wheat, Bye, Oatig Corn, Pont : tom - leo. We - have published for grate. hone circulation a pamphlet containing interestins and valuable statements of this 'Fertiliser, copies 01 which will be sent free . to any sending us their ad dross. 2,000,000 I'3" CHOICE LANDS FOR SALL BY THE Union Pacific Beatty/ad Ckm:ivniVi ILABTEBS Drvlsiox. Lying along the Una of the.* rad, at 1 1 00 TO $6,00 PER ACRE, And on a OltarDlT OP iTra or further particulars, maim, &a., Mersa§ 3011111 P. DEVESEME. Laud Ctorarabusioeer, Topeka, Sanwa. Or EMAIL B. .LABIPOOI, 9•01179 EMI THE BAN RING HOUSE OF Pll. JEL. 31:D1 • rrz, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. « ..4100,000 DRAWS BILLS or =CHANGE ON LONDON,: , BERLIN, • 'UNION BANE." Poss,N, DUBLIN, LEIPZIG, LIVERPOOL. BREMEN. . _ GL ar•GOW, BAMBURGH, Bs LEAET,, - . FRAN. FORT of M., PARIS, • IL_ WEIRZBURGR, sTßA.ssßOutra . DARMSTADT, • . MAINZ. . CAI:WEL, KAISERS LANTERN', la/LOON - E. LAND WAN, TRIER, HEILBROM. BASEL, STUTTGART, BERN. \ STOLITHOLIkt, BAN FRANCISCO, and about 200 more smaller places. Honey is also sent to any village from central points direct to the residence of parties free of charg, In from fifteen to seventeen days. Collections made by power of attorney all over Eur. pe. Goods and parcels attenaed to. . . _ PH. R. MERTZ. Jas 1 1 1 : BRADY & Co., (Bneeessors to E. JONES £ BO—) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., .a. INT 7112 E-M 3R. , BUY AND BELL ALL HINDS OP GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, KLUB . AND COUPONS, . . ON 3101E2 PAPONABLE TIMMS. elntereit Allowed oh Deposits. Moriey loaned on Government Bonds at low est market rates. Orders eseented for the Purchase and Sale or STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. LEON. Cashier, tin labint* amrttt The money market is tightening, and call loans range from .6 to 7 per cent. for prime collaterals or, governments. The effect of this is already felt in the bond market, and all government issues have declined about one to one and a quorter per _cent., except 18625, which declined three per cent. The market for bonds is rather weak all over Europe, and at pres ent low rates of exchange and gold it would be unprofitable to ship bonds. Gold opened weak at 134 i, and remained all day at that; the tendency is decidedly downward, but the stock cliques have managed to keep it up, and also keep the money market well supplied in order to be enabled to sell out their high priced stock. The scarcity of money, which is not arti ficial, will compel holders of long gold to sell, and the government daily sales will keep the market well supplied, that from now till January, no interfence from lock ing up of gold is apprehended; on the con trary, the government - may anticipate coupons towards the end of the months, as foreign holders of bonds are but little ben efitted by that. Bonds are decidedly weak to-day, and a farther heavy decline is expeCted, from the large amount of bonds coming froni banks and other institutions. So far as our ex perience goes, whenever the New York papers, and 'especially the Tribune, report large purchases of bonds for investment by savings banks, it is generally high time to sell out; it is the last resort of the Nassau street firm to get rid of their high priced bonds. E:2 The stock market, in sympathy with the decline in 'gold and bonds and the higher rate of interest, declined to-day through the entire list. Port Wayne sel ling at 110 g; North Western, Cleveland, Ohio & Mississippi; the-Express shares and every speculative stock felt the effect of the condition of the money market, bet more than this, fears are entertained that money will be locked up in order to force the Ene clique to sacrifice their stock, and' therefore, turn i t ug it a heavy loss on them instead of a handsome again, as was ex pected. 'rhe clique has all the solid wealth of Wall street against them. Some sales of Allegheny Valley bonds have taken place, it is said, as high as 82. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: 'Gold; 135; Silver, 130; Eighty-one's, 114%; FiVe Twenties, 1862, 110%; do 1864, 107%; do 1865, 1073; do 1865, Consols, 110%; do 1867, 110%; do 1868, 110%; Ten Forties, 1063; New York Central, 28%; Erie, 38. Reading; 98%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne 5: Chicago Rsdlroad, 110%; Ohlp it, Missis sippi, 30%; - Michigan Southern, 88%; Cleveland do Pittsburgh, 87%; Chicago_ tt Rock lidand, 107; Chicago 5: North West ern, °843; 410 Preferred, 88%; Western Union ' , Telegraph Company, 36%; Pacific Mail, 117; Adams Esyress, 48%; bier chsnts, 17. discussing theAnestion of specie re sumption, the Cincinnati Otnamercied pre_ sects the practical diftleultien in the way of resumption in this light; ' "The question is not,can the banks , of the government resume, but can the debt: ors to banks do so? And this question in volves the other issue: Can these debtors pay one hundred cents for seventy bor rowed? A resumption does not change the value of gold,lout it does that of the current paper money, and it carries all se curities and paper payable in it., We have every day, as specie premium falls, a par tial resumption, and we may tell its effects by marking the results of the late fall Of 15 per cent. It made lame ducks, of all who hold goods subject to a rise and fall with the gold market, flour, cotton. oil' speculators, speculators, cto. Their paper in banks was to be carried, their capacity to pay green backs grew smaller each day, as their goods represented each day fewer green backs. "Another effect was, greenbacks, and all paper standing on- a greenback basis, be came daily more valuable. in September, when geld was only 160, the respective value of a Cincinnati bond to 'United States 6 per cent. was as 85 to 100; in No vember, gold at 123 • and oar city bonds -were worth 90 and the United' States bonds but 105. If we resumed, the re spective proportional difference in value would be less yet. "A 16 per cent. fall in the geld premium changes the proportional relation of at least 11300,000,000 of wealth, and it is this relative change which is the real crisis in the money market. The distribution of wealthis changed, not tts absolute quality. This valuation rests on the basis that the relative value of 52,000,000,000 ofgoods are changed; they pay In greentaokst when =alto reference: Joseph Dilworth, Bev. David Herr, Henry Lambert, A. h. Brown, Thomas Swine. Ilbwoun, FINANCE AND TRADE OFFICE OF THE P/TTSBURGIC OA.Ez 11, TUESDAY, December 1, 1868: S gold is 135, 8300,000,000 less of an indebt ness than when gold is 150. "A,specie resumption raises therefore, simply the ,inquiry, whether the debtor class can stand a change of wealth equal to 6600,000,000. "We hold it to a mischievious error, to take only . so-called money or currency into account in determining on a specie re sumption. The capacity of our debtors to stand the loss involved in changed moneyed relations is the only question. Let• the holders of flour, cotton, etc., answer this question." PITTSBURGH 111,AIIKETS. OFFICE CF THE PITTSEVEGH GAZETTE • TuEspAY,TDecember 1, 1868. There is really but little that is new or important to be said about the markets in a general way. Some Of our grain dealers , are trying to persuader themselves that the grain market is showing indications of an improvement, but thus far, we do not see much to warrant any such conclusion. . The demand for almost everything is re stricted entirely to supplying immediate wants, and there is no indication of any thing like a speculative movement, nor is it likely that there will be until money be comes considerably easier. APPLE BUTTER--Demand is rather • better, Mit prices are unchanged at 70 to 75 . in kegs, and 80 to 85 in crocks. • APPLES—There is a , continned good de mand and with diminished receipts, the market is firm and prices are well main tained, ranging from $3 to $4 per bbl. \CIDER—Is dull and neglected but an ehanged, ranging from $6 to $8 per. bbL CHEESE—Dull_but unchanged at 17 for: • Hamburg; 18 :.or Ohio Goshen, and 20 for New York do. CRANBERRIES--Sales of Eastern Cul tivated at $22 to $23 per bbl. DRIED FRUIT—Is quiet and un changed; Peaches at 12 for quarters,and 14 to 15c_for halves, and apples at 9to oc. EGGS—In good supply and dull, and cannot fairly be quoted above 30c. HAY—Under - the influence of continued liberal arrivals, - baled continues dull, and prices are barely maintained; we quote at $lB to $23 for fair to prime Timothy. GRAlN—There is but little Wheat offer ing, and the demand is light; we Continue to quote prime Winter -Red at $1,75 to $l,BO. Oats quiet and unchanged—some dealers report a slightly improved, local. demand; sales on track and whaif at 62 to , 63c, and in store-at 64 to 65c. New Corn is in rather better demand, and the market is rather firmer, while old is dull and ne glected. We continue to quote the former at 70 to 75c. Rye is in better demand, and we . can report round lot sales at $1,40. Barley is firmer, but buyers are very shy about taking bold at an advanee4 We can report a small sale of prime Ohio Spring at $2, which is considered the very top of the market. BEANS—In good supply and unchanged at $3,50 to $3,75 per bushel. POTATOES—Quiet and unchagged; 70 to 75c, in balk, by the ear load, and 80 to 85c sacked. - ONIONS—There is no improvement to note 'in the demand, and prices areiun changed; 51,25 to $1,50 per bushel, as to • quali. _ BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Regular dales at '4 1 ,4c. SEEDS—Flaxseed cannot be quoted above $2, as it is alleged that it can be brought from Cincinnati and other points ' at that figure. .LeLOUß—Theinarket is quiet and devoid - of any new or..important characteristics worthy of special notice. Western Flours are still quoted at 17,50 to 58,00 for Spring, and $9,00 to $9,50 for Winter. Rye Flour, $7,75 to $B,OO. The Pearl Mill quote their best brands, made of the best Wheat, as follows: Extra Family , Flour, in barrels, at $9,50, and, in sacks, $.9,20 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, 810,20, and, in sacks, $9,80 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour,,in barrels, $B,OO, and; in sacks, $7,70 per barrel. The City Mlle quote prices as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, $9,50, and, in sacks, $9,20 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $lO,OO, and, in sacks, $9,70 per bar rel, and Spring, $B,OO, in barrels, and $7,70, in sacks, - per barrel. , ' - PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET, OFFICE OF TEM PITTSBIIRGIT. GAZETTS, TUESDAY. December 1 , 1868. The market was again very quiet to-day, and•devoid of any new or really important features. Refined has still , further de clined, particularly for early deliveries, while Crude' appears to be holding its own. Private telegrams from the east re ported that there were no buyers in either Philadelphia or New York for liecember, and, but little inquiry 'for futures. It iwould appear that those large New York buyerl, who, by their sudden and unex -pected dash, kept the market in such a wonderful state of commotion for the past week or two, have retired for the present, and we have reason to believe that if they are satisfied with the result, dealers here have no reason to be dissatisfied. They run the price up from 28 to 8234 r, between which figures over two hundreds, \ possibly, two hundred and fifty thousand\barreis \ were `sold by, refiners andidealers here. !, I . 9RIIDE. tarket was fairly active to -.. The Crud /eau.. day, and while the sales were - not as. 'large as those of yesterday, prices have under gone but little, if any, change. Sales 1,000 bbls for January seller's option, at 12; 6,000, 1,000 each January to June, sellers option, at 1234; 3,000 Febnary to July, eel lsr's option, (40 to 45 gravity) at 12; and 1,000 bbls spot (40 to 46) at oil City telegrams report the market quiet at ;4,25 to $4,30 offered, and $4,40 to ;4,50, asked. The market, as already intimated, was , exceedingly genet to-day, and compared with yesterday, prices have still further declined, especially for early deliveries. It was reported that 29 was the beat offer that could be obtained -for December, against 31y, to 31% yesterday. Sale of a line from January to March reported at 29, so that 29 may be regarded as the standard price for almost any delivery within the next four months. OIL SHIPPED BP BT BY A. V. R. Standard Oil Co., 551 bbls refined to Warden, Frew ez Co., Philadelphia. B. W. Morg•an & Co., 150 do do to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner, 300 do do to Waring, King it Co., Philadelphia, Lockhart. Frew & Co.. 642 dodo to War: den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale, 150 do - do to. .W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. - , lstat. , Ref. Co., 107 do do to F. A. Dilworth & Co., Philadelphia. Forsyth, Bro.,it Co., 392 do do to Warden, Frew dr, Co., Philadelphia. Livingston & Bros., - 100 'do do to War. den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined • • 2392 New York Dry Goedo. Market.. lltyTeleirsoh to the Plttaboril4 6ezette.l Naw YORE, December I.—The weather is cold, and there is a better inquiry for dry goods, although the market is still dull enough. In prices, however, there is but little change`to notice, except in Pepperell unbleached Muslins, which were half a cent lower. We quote Pepperell E, at 13a 1334 e; do. R., 12 1 4 c; do. 0., 11340, and do. N. 1030. Heavy Brown Sheeting. ruleateady at 15a16c. Brown Drills are held at 17c. Prints are held at 120 for Amoskeag, ISMe Tor. Spragues, and 131gc for Cashew and Merrimack, and Printing Cloths are held at No for common do. extra,