NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FRESH: ' ASPARAGUS - VERY PROLCE•. put up In cans hermetically sealed, and will be' foundnqual to that fresh from the gar den. for sale by JOHN A. RENSHAW. • cie2 - corner Liberty and Hand streets: GLASS i SHADES-P. Z. &D. "PATE ;DE FOIL GRAS. OF 1 fresh ititporiation, nut up In fancy wits, just received and for sale at the Family_ Grocery store of .OHN A. HES* etAW. del I corner Liberty and Hand streets. W ASS. SHADES-4.. Z. .k D. TIT , EW SUGAR CURED HAMS- Just 'received a small lot of Sugar Cared ims; just oat of smoke. For sale at the Fatal ly (Jrocery Store of JOHN A. NENeHAW. del ;r corner Liberty and Hand streets. STAINy r .D GLASS—P. Z. dr..D. $5 REWARD—Lost on Wednesw " day'. November Ilith. at the BAPTIST CHURCH FAllt in Btrtnibgham Town Hall. a SQUIRREL FUR CAPE. Tue under will receive the above .eward and thanks of the owner briesv- Ink It at WEEER BROS.. Jewelry store, corner of Carson and OrnubLltreet, Birmingham. - I_ • s STAINED GLASS—P. Z. & D. ,1/FFICE OF CITY ENGINEER, ' e 1 , Allegheny City,Dec. 11, 18613: i . PTerOTICE.—The • assessment for Gradl- g and r*ving TURNER ALLEY. from ry street to old city line, In the Third ward, la now ready for examination, and can be seen at tots office until WEDNESDAY. December 9th, when It will be returned to tu e Street Commissioner for col lection. CHARLES DAVIS, de2:a62. I F Civil Engineer. CMYSTAL CLEAR Glass Shades. ‘-) • POLICE OVERCOATS.. • The materials for the overcoats of the Police having been received at the; • MAYOR'S OFFICE, bide will be received at said Mayor's office until 8 o'clock, THIS (Wednesday) EVENING for making and trimming ONE HUNDRED OVERCOATS, as per sample now on exhibition at Mayor's office. del JAMES ELACEMORE, Mayor. GLASS SHADES FOR FLOWERS AND WAX riurr, ' I Oval, Square or Hound CO-1411.TNERSIIIPI have this day' associated wltn ma In business ALFRED H. JON'S, and wilt :Continue the rale of PE TROLEUM and Its products, and NEW PATENT- VoirDe. as heretofore, under the name ;And style of WEAVER & JONES, JACOB WZATZE, Jll WEAVER, & :TONES, WIIOLESAI;IC MALE= IN J ' . . PETROLEUM AND ITS .PRODUCTiii, 4.-.. and PATENTED GOODS generally,' 'Refined and Lubricating Olos of superior qualities always for -- sale. Barrels of an descripti , n bought sue sold. Office, Ivo. 3 DUQUEnt.E c w AY, Pittsburgh. • 11.-2:2,82 I 'II. .51ABSIIAIL'S OFFICE, • W. D. of Pennsylvania. Prnssuicas, December Ist, 1868. rilnis IS TO GIVE NOTICE that _JIL on the let day of June, A. D. 1868, a War rant In Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF ISAAC N. COUSIN, Of Pittsburgh. in the county of Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvania , who has been adjudged a bankrupt on hia own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him or for his use, and the trans fer of any ptoperty , by him are forbidden. by law; that a meeting of the c, editors of the said bank rupt, to prove their debts And to choose one or more assignees of his estate. will be :held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be hol sh e et , odioe of the Regis ter. N 0.19 3, Diamond ,_ _du the City of Pitts burgh. Perms.. before SAMUEL HARPER, Esau, Regtster.on the 211,t day of December, A. D, 1566, at 10 o'clock A: g. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, 11. S. Marshal, as Messenger. • R SPECIAL SALE . de2;aBL JOSEPH HORNS & CO.'S, Te be continued until JANUARY list; 1869. THE PRICES HAVE,BEEif REDUCED ON TIIE ENTIRE STOCK, 3"gidiaan'y articles below the The STOCK was never Po complete or BETTER ASSORTED THAN NOW OUR SALE LAST YEAR. WAS A GRAND SITCOMS; And-ire intend to make . Ws one surpass any for mer one in LUNY i'RICF , DESIRABLE GOODS, We cannot enumerate ARTICLES OR PRICES HERE Zrery person h Counter tites and Sur - r rounding should come seal SEE :FOR THEMSELVES WAIL extra force of t3altstaen WILL BE ON HAND, .AND NO EFFORT WILL BE SPARED TO HAVE EVERY. A.TFENTION SHOWN TO ALL WHO COME. WE BEGIN TO-DAY WITH THE '- NEW LIST OF PRICES jOSENI:TORNETk_CO. , i 17 and 79 IL4LBALET STBEET. NEW .11.DIna.TISM=TS. DECEMBER 1868. FOR 30 DAYS ONLY, ALT PUEIT.49-11-5 LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. We offer FOR 'A FEW WEEKS ONLY our goods at a large reduction from regular rates. Our stock is full and complete in all departments, and we shall sell the best Qual ities and styles of Carpets at prices at which we cannot re place them, giving our cus tomers an opportunity of ob taining Bargains that may never be offered again. This special sale will continue only until the time of taking our annual inventory of stock at the end of this month. ITARLAD & COLLINS, .aLrumn U. JONI* HOLIDAY PRESENTS, • AND - WHERE TO GET THEN. J. 11.. BURCHFIELD Sfr . CO. , 52 ST. CLAIII STREET, Have last opened a a beautiftil assortniikut of ' DRESS GOODS, 1 Suitable fov useful prises ts. Which they are selling at lower prices than can be found in the city. POPLINS, • DELA [Nis, ALPACAS, MERINOS, SILKS, CLOAKING CLGTHS, - PAISLEY SA A.WLS, • YLAIG BHA WLS, Table Linens, Napkins. Towels, Linen and Cam bric Handkerchiefs for Ladietana Gents. Every description of DRY GOODS at lowest east ern prices. • No. St. Clair, near Liberty St. del GLASS SHADES FOR FLOWEBB AND WAX FRUIT, Oval, Square or Round pITTEIBURGH LEAD PIPE AloD SHEET LEADWORKS. BAILEY; FARREL/ & CO., MANUFACTURER/ OF „ . LEAD PIPE, / • SHEET LEAD, BLOCH TIN PIPE, TIN. LINED LEAD PIPE, BAIL LEAD,AND LEAD WIRE, ,/ Also, PIG LEAD, PIG TIN and PLUMBERS SOLDEf. No. 167 puittdield St., Pittsburgh, • nosmws , COSIT: GLASS 'SHADES FOR FLOWERS AND WAX FRUIT, Oval. Square or Bound FURS! FURS ! offincg :AND FRESH, AT • ' 111'0010 nol4 , : 131 'WOOD STREET. G LASS SHADES FOR '"""" FLOWERS AND WAX FRUIT, Oval. Square or Round. OLOVERSEED. JUST RECEIVED SEFICL&L PATTERNE3-P. Z. & BESEI FISH.--BenJam Pub , F. rltEtli still continues to Ail all city and coun try orders for • FRESH WHITE LAKE.FISH, SAI,NON AND BASS. Bend to No. 46 DIAMOND MARKET. Pltti bursa, or his old well known.TIVIN CITY STAND, a tufihewy market . CARPETS - 71 AND 78 FIFTH AVENUE. D imugs FOR IEN69. ONE DAY TO EACH PAGE. D IARIES' FOR 1869,' TWO DAYS TO PAGE D1.11111"E9 FOR 1869. THREE DAYS TO EACH PAGE. DIARIES FOR 1869. PLAIN BINDING. whOo• to DIARIES FOB 1869. FINK SKY Mg GI. BINDING to {3,50. DIARIES FOR 1869. 32 zoo., 364 mo., 12 mo., 8 TO. and • COLTNTINWROUSE. D IARIES FOR 1869. TUCKS, GUM BANDS AND SELF CLOSINti. F OR SALE BY ROBERT S. DAVIS, 93 wonn STREXT A CHOICE LOT J. KNOX, lin Liberty Street. no26:Tnte PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : WEDNES DA Y , DECEMBER 2, 1868., NEW ADVERTISKINQMTS. 17. 11ElligIRTERS 17. BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray & Logan, NO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET, Have now in store their fourth supply of WINTER RUODB, which will be found to be the largest and best assorted stock of Boys', Youths', and 2 . Children' Clothing ' IN Tua CITY. Gentlemen will End the • zest assortment of CUnTOM MADE • _ DOUBLE BREASTED ENGLISH JACKETS In the city of PLAIN AND FUR f BEAVERS. CHICHIL . LAS, Sze. . YOUTHS' ark'oar patrons and the , public and examine. CRAY - & LOCAN. ' 47 ST. CLAIR STREET. AN ORDINANCE Relative to Wharfage oa Barges Car- , . tat enacted by (he Select and COMMQ7I Councils of the City of Pittsburgh, and .it is hereby enacted by the „authority of the same, That after the passage of this Ordinance all Karges engaged tegniarly - in carrying Freight shall be charged thu lame wharlaae per ton as steamboats. / Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils, this 30th clay of November, A. D. 1103t5. , •• - JAMES McAULILY, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monnow, Clerk of Select Council. • W. - A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: H. Cleft. of Common Council. ' de: AN .ORDINANCE For the Constroctlon of a Boardwalk on Fifth Avenue from the ?Who Toll lions° to Murphy Street. • SEC. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. in. Stied and Common Councils assem bled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That-the City Engineer be and he Is hereby authorized to advertise proposals for a Boardwalk on the south side of Fifth &relate, from the Soho Toll House to Murphy street, and to let-the same In accordance with Acts of Assembly and City (11.dt:1:Laces providing therefor. Sac. IL: That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a lawl in Councils, this ,30th clay of November, A. D. 1865. JAMES McAULEY, President of Select Council. Attest: H. s. MOILHOW, Clerk of Select Connell W. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common Council: Attest: H. Hellmann. Cleru of t;ommon Council, del • AN ORDINANCE For the Erection of an j"'lron•Clad" Szeriox 1. Be ft ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Seket or d a ine d Councils as sembled, and it is herebye and enacted by the authority of the same, That Jithn Roney be and Jim is hereby authorised and permitted to erect an "Iron Clad" nnliding on his property on Twentieth street, Twelfth ward. SRO. 2, That any ordinance or part of ordinante conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present-time. be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils, this 30th day of November, A. D. DIOS. - JAMES Me A.IJLEY, President of belect Connell: Attest: T. S. MOnnow, - Clerk of Select Connell. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: - H.. MehLksris, Clerk of Common Connell. del AN ORDINANCE • Changing the Grade , on Tweaty.flinth atreet. from Penn to Liberty. szcriltne Be it ordained and enacted by' the City of PitteburA 6 Select and Common Councite aseemb and it it hereby ardedned and enacted by authority of the same, That the grade of Twenty.blinth • street, br so chang. das to have an elevation of tkirtten 13-100 met (13,43) instead of fourteen 77-100 i 14.77/ at the inicksectlon of Spring alley. Sze. 2. That so much at au y ordinance as may conflict with or be auppliA by the foregoing. be and the swell: hereby repealed. . Ordained and enacted into a law ki Councils, this 30th day of 'November, A. D. 113611. • JAMES hic ATTLEE, President of Select Council. Attest: Z. 8. Monnow. • Clerk of Select Connell. W. A. TOMLI2tSON, President of Common Council. Attest: H. MCMASITLit, _ Cleric of Common Council. del AN ORDINANCE For the Erection of an ...Iron Clad" Building. • • Szerrow 1. Sett ordained and enacted by the Cl op of PM/burgh. iFb . Select and Common Doan die assembled, and it is hereby or etuined and enaeeei by the authority of the same, That Henry Both be and h • Is hbreby author ized and-permitted to erect an "Iron Clad" Build ing on Liberty street, between the buildings of Messrs. Bee.. ✓t Jokuson ant Lewis, Warwick a Co. Skc. 2. That any ordinance or ,part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the .present time, be and tke same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. - Ordaiaed-and enacted into a law In Councils, this 30th day of November, A. D. ISSN. JAMES Me MILEY, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Kowtow. Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President.or Common Council. Attest: H. MOMASTS% Clerk of Common Connell, MI ROM THE BABY IN ; • EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. • I SOLD ONLY BY • ' LEMON & WEISE. practical Furniture Nanufaeturers, 118 FOURTH AVENUE./ Where may be found atoll assortment et Parlor. Chamber eau Kitchen Furniture. nom RAIILEY. 2,500 DIIIIIIIIL2 CHOICE SPRING AND FALL, • In store and for sale by Id :MANOR ac EtAnpmat, 3A9 LIBERTY STREAM. FOB OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, contnine thll lines of the GAR ABALDL GRECIAN, - BISMARCK. BEN FRANKLIN k - BLOUSE' SUITS. • IN oyR BOYS' DEPARTMENT will be found the Metro- ' polltun. Itroadway and Ramey sults. Also the new DOITBDEN BREASTED BEEP I t+ JACKET. DEPARTMENT. Splendid assortment of EDIGLISII_ WALKING COATS, METROPOLITAN Sacks and the D. B. ENGLISH JACKET 011 - 41 OVERCOAT DEP&RTMENT contains all sizes of medi um and tine goods, In great variety. • Ell=ll=l NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A BA • CURING . THE AT I.43O.—DARK DELAINES. good quality and styles. AT 'I.2S—GOLD MIXED WATERPROOF CLOTH. • • AT 51,00—HEAT SILK. POPLINg, double width. AT 75c.—FRENCH MERINOS, line goods: 'ATIOc.—SMALL SIZE WOOLEN SHAWLS. AT• 37Se.—LADIES VELVET HATS. • VERT LOW PRICES IN . ALPACA POPLINS, , • MOHAIR LIISTRICS, PL AID POPLINS,"'• ['MERINOS, =PPS,' &e. • WHOLESALE WILLIAM Nos. 180 and 182 Federal del 1..,k,",.,..iJ.0,); t f ; 'tl ! , ,N•8,%,' ...,.....: ~ :. ... ...t • ..„, ) . 7 4 ...• ".. , A• 1 q,.. ' .,y . ‘,' S ..,...„r,0,-;‘, ~c t ,.,. ~.„, .„. .., ' i . . '.': tt.,44,i4 , ' 3 '4 li' 4 1 ~, Z :, ; ~i •1- 1 1 -"? sig , 4 > Q 1: u'...41;:i . ,ti . 1: P.A4'..• 0,y1 , 4 $ . 4 ;.. 3 , N 4714 .. ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTEM OFFERED IN THIS CITY. OYSTER, WATER, BUTTER SUGAR. SODA. CREAM, SCOTCH and LEMON BISCUITS. For Sale by Every Grocer in the City. Bakery, No. 91. Liberty St. nOl2 . n BUB, Practical Cook, ei3p:ottully announced , to the nubile that he will On Saturday and Monday Next, . Open to the public the DELNIONICO RESTAURANT, FOR GENTLEICEN ONLY It will be hie earnest endeavor to furnish his pa trons at all Mars with the most palatable viands which the market or the season affords: The LIQUORS, - WINES of various dates, ALE, BEER, etc , will be their own recommendation. • Orders for tine Cooking for Weddings, and other Festivals, will, as heretofore, be promptly and cheaply attended to, requesting patronage. pc9:p6B • H. RUH. JUST RECEIVED. • New Styles LADIES LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. , FANG] RIBBONS COCKADB4 AND BOWS. •• All widths •of SATIN AND SATIN PLAID RIBBONS. LADIES SILK SCARPS, Mall widths; Also, fall lines of Ladles' and Gents Enderwoar AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Avenue. AMINE THE OtErg i e j asso A rr nt of FANCY COAL HODS AND USES, FIRE IRONS 411 D SWARDS, FENDERS, aze. Also, IfAitNIP, PATENT CHURN ATTACH MEN T at the Hardware store of WRITESIDE3 & DRUM, TO FEDERAL 13T...ALLEGHEN E. non RELIMIII-L'Xi OR BEFORE W. P. MA.RSIIILILLIfi I = Will remove his stock of WALL PAPERS. from the old stand 2io. ST WOOD STREET. to the newly fitted and elegant store house, .N . V. 191 LIBERTY STREET, • few doors above ST. CLAIR. eol7 HUGHES. . . LATE 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Informs his friends and patrons in Pittsburgh that ho ill now connected with • EDWARD P. KELLY, South-east corner of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH STREETS, the PRINOIPALMERCHANT TAILOR OF PHILADELPHIA, and can now furnish them with clothes SUPERIOR in every respect to those he - has heretofore elven them, and at MODERATE PRICES. '0c23:a115 OR SALE. F A 6100 D BRICK STORE•BOWS, with dwelling on game lot, for sale on good term?, Also, a small lot of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &c. The location is first rate for a business of $lO,OOO to $14,000.a year; good Wheat country surround ing the village; good Souring mtilin the village. 'The above property is on•the line of the Cincin nati, Sandusky andeleveland'.rallroad. For further information address NEWMAN & C 0.,. New Rich land. Logan cotinty. Ohio, • no3o:a7e d&F J. Z. SWINT J. id. BRATS Z. A. BRATT. SWINT, BRAT'''. & CO., ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL. CARVERS,' No. Gi Sandusky St., illigheny, Pa. A large assortment of NEWEL POSTE; and BAL- L STEER' constantly on hand. TURNING, of all descriptions, done. oe9:11311 KEYSTONE POTTERY. QM. KIER & CO., Li• manufacturers of QUEENSWARE, BRISTOL WARE &e. Mice and Warehouse. 363 LIBERTY tiTREJLT. air All orders promptly attended to. UNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY, WW. M. JoitigisoN. • Manufacturer of COOKING STOVES Arches., Gratea, Fenders,. Sash IV eights,_ and ali kinds of Hollow Ware, Car Wheels and nil kinds of Ma. chlnerT Castings, COR. WATSON A SHINGISS BTh.. PITTSBURGH. I'A. au2edv27wka del CONOMIZE Toys. FUEL, by j - using the .• • ' • SKIVE OENTRIEITGAE GOVERNOR; the only tree and easily regulated Governor made; perfect Mite operation, and truly reliable. A large size Governor can be seen at the once ofTEROII - BECKETT,lfeehanlcal Engineer and Solici tor of Patents, No. ' , 79 rederad street, Allegheny. city, the only agent for this Governor In the West. DRAIN PEPE.-HALLA MOANS, 511PESIOR ARTICLE OP DRAIN PIPE , All slzes,_trom one to twenty-Atur !Wise at Wltri D 3 0 8 1: 1 KELLY'S, !gents for menureeturere, 1.6' Wood street, betweenYlfth and lilinth streets. I'ACKSON STREET-NOTICE IS EN hereby given that the VIEWERS It&PILET on widening JACEPON STREET, Second*Wsrd. Alle gheny'. Is Olen at No 18 January Term; 1889, Dis trict Cavil, for continuation. JOHN C. McCOMBP, City Solicitor, ao20:01 NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. Ass PRESENT WEEK', COUNTRY BLANKETS. HEAVY COUNTRY FLANNELS* SHIRTING FLANNEL'S, CHINCHILLAS; CLOAKING SILK VELVETS, PAISLEY SHAWLS, WOOLEN SHAWLS, HATS AND TRIMMINGS, STOCKINGS AND GLOVES. COLLARS AND HANDKE'RCHIEYS, UNDERRWEAR. &e. AND RETAIL, SEMPLE'S. St., Allegheny City, Pa. BLERNIA OR REPTURR, Hernia or Euptaro cured. Hernia or Rupture eared. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture eared, Hernia or Rapture curial: Hernia or Rupture eared. Heroin or Rupture cured. Rupture or Hernie cured. Rupture or Hernia eured.4 Rapture or Hernia eared. Rupture or Honda eared. . Rapture or Hernia eared. Ituptnre or Hernia eared. Rupture or Hernia tared. Rupture or Hernia cured. Marsh's Radical Cure Truss. ItUteri' Patent Truss. Fiteles Supporter Truss. Self-Adeuettug Truss. Dr. Bannlug , s Lace or Body Brace, 11:1 be cure of Prolama Uteri.. Piles, Abdominal and Spinal Weaknesses. Dr. S. S. Fit ch's Silver-Plated Supporter, Pile Props. for the support and cure of . Plies. Elastic Stockings, for weak sad 'varicose reins. Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee joints. Ankle Supporters, for weak knee Joints. Suspensory Bandages. SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES. / 1 SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES. SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES SICLIT-RPECTING SYHDIGES Also,eresy kind of !Syringes. Sold at Dr. MIMES, 140 Wood St. -SUSPENSORY BANDAGE SITSPENSORY BANDAGE'S„ . SUSPENSORY-BANDAGES, BIISPENSOEY BANDAGES, A dozen different kinds. A dozen different kinds A dozen different kind:, At Dr. KUSER'S, 140 Wood Street. girl/rug Store, No. 140 - WOOD STILNET, sign 0 , the Golden Mortar. Persons writing for 'Smiles should send the number of inches around the body, Lumedtately over the rupture. e• DR. KEYSER will give has personal atten tion to the application of Trusses in adults and children, and he is estiened that, with an experience of twenty years; he will be enabled to give satiable FMTMF I- 141 " I= MRS. SWISSHELM'S long talked of Work. It Is a tale of WOMA?I W.AGEB, d • and abounds in the bocce \ truths for which the ei ther is noted. and which ar e s here interwoven with a dramatic interest. and that la unflagging to the end. An accomplished.eritle;who read it. sa7s "There is . not a dull page In it." \ It gives startling revelations ol the inside workings of private benev olent institutions, and must be deaply interesting to all who would like to know what \sometimes is done with the money paid to charitable societies. It will be commenced as a serial \ NOVEMBER 26th, 1868, and run eight months in the ST. CLOUD JOURNAL, \ the successor to Mrs. Swlsshelmrs. "St. Cloud (Min• . nesota Visitor," which is now the largest paper; and has double the circular louse any 015 ts in North• ern Idlunesota, and contains Minute Int trmatlon of that most intereir l portion of our unknown coun tries. "The Subsc ription:es Terms of 551,00 per annum in ad ♦anee. Address ; • • . WILLIAM B. MITCHELL, ocsomas - St. Cloud, Minnesota. GOOD NEWS. OWEAP BREAD Or DUB, T1K613. Enquire for WARD'S Bread. . . _ Ile largest and but. The initials "IL W." on evem loaf. Take none else. an4elra TND IA RUBBER BELTING, a. Ross, STltallf PACKING AND BOPL, MIIND AND SQUADS. )—A. fall supply on uand. I to the trade on Ls good terms as can be had from the manufacturer. J. A IL PHILLIPS. ino to ns choice ; --60-DA ASH-- - - - brandsn More isle a 802._ set 7 cos" ENT-50tiariels Hydraulic 1 4 ,,, (lemon% In store m i d . B for o sal a e N tA zim a sox. isol7 DIG LEAD--400 Pip Soft galena store and for sale by • soll a J. H. CANTIZI.D t BON. NOTICES. OF VICE OF MONONGAHEL A . 1 NSCEANCE CO, Pittsburgh, Noy. 113, ISGS. • f MI — DIVIDEND.—The President and Directors of this Company have this day dsclared.a Dividend of TWO DOLLARS AN la FIFTY CENT* , upon each share of the Capital • Stock. out of the earnings of the last six months, free of Government Tax, payable to Stockholders On and after December 1, 18613. nolt:as9 JOHN H. OLANEY, secretary. ra"'PENNSYLTANIA RAILROAD COMPANY TILEASLMEIt'S DILI'AILSYSIRS. PILILADZLPRIA. NOY• AI, 1868. J NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. , The Board of irectors havi THIS DAY declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes. payable La each,-on and alter Hoyeat ber in 30, 1805. ; Blank powers of attorney foreolleatinjittividendo Can he had at tho °flee of the Coati:ty, 3315 &MTH THIRD STB.ZET. Tae omce Will be opened at 8 d. x. and closed at 4.y. x., from. November 30th to December Bits for the payment of dividends, and after that date from 9A. x. to 3 Jr. x. . noZha4a FIRTH Treasurer,- sir No 27ORS—"So Let," • •11pr Said," "Lost,' • "Wantti" "fon?4," "Boarding," So., lot u. eiredini FOUR LINES sad&foUt bipsseited to Mul cottons* ow* for TWENTY4IVB 173/575; dad; &Minolta/ /ins IYB CBPIS. . • WANTED--HELP. TIPrANTEIRBOY—An active, in . touseut Boy. own Ls so 15 'fears old, can learn of a situation by applying at the 2•ZETTIL Composing Booms, third story. after 2 o'clock r. Y. One with slime expurione In a printing office preferred. z • IWANTED'—HELP -4t Employ- Offire,No.Street, BOY: ti GIIES and MEN, for different kinds of employ ment. Persona wanting help of all kinds can bi aunplied on short notice. WANTED--SITUATIONS AppUrANTED—Situation as Assist v v ant Book-keener or Shlpplitg Clerk.: Ad dress, stating where sn Interview may be had, care Boa 306, Plasturgh rostotrlde. WANTED-BOARDERS. roOARDING,-Good Boarding at No., 16 ANN STREET, Allegheny city, ? fox' 50 per week. BOA.RDING-A gentleman and. wife, withobt cbildren, can be accommodated with an-unfurnished room and bo.rdihg by making inquiry at No. 71 3IAItTIN bTREfra. Allegheny city. pOARDI NG.-FRONT ROOMS, with boarditig. la a bousejuqt ODeillAg. _can ad by calling. at No. 218 20E11780N A ileahenv. • . • WANTED— BOARDER S--Pleas ant room, witk board,sultalne for gentleman and wile, or two young gentleman at OS FOURTH bTREET, Also. a few day or, dinner boarders can be'accommodated., Reference required. LOST. puvesT—A Muff, in one of - the Pleasant Valley Railway Cars on SATURDAY, inber 21st. The tinder will be rewarded by leaving it at No. 171 NORTH AVENUE, Allegheny city. TO LET. 0 LEV—House in Allegheny— Elx rooms and hall, rent 415 per month. In qu re of JOHNSTON ts JOHNSTON, No SI Dia mond street, Pittsburgh, or No.' 90 Manhattan. street. Allegheny: - IO LET—Two well = finished houses, with eight and eleven rooms on FITH Silts= near Penn. Enuuire at ,5677 PENN lint: ET.. , • LET—Two furnished rooms BILI° wlth or .without board. M,ply at 3 4 HALSIII EET, next door to Marble Works. rjCO LET—Part of a good House.: j Pleasant location. within Bv. minutes walks t e Post office. to n party who wilt board a mans s s Wife for the rent. Address N. W. fiezerre. office. MO LET-TwO unfurnishe rooms. with hoard. to tlemon and wifeat single gentlemen; at 58 PENN STREET. • 0 LET—A furnished Sleeping ROOM, satiable for one or - two geetlemen. In house of a private amity, No. 220 LACOCK STREET, Allegheny city. TOTO LET—ROOMS—With orwith ont board, In a pleasant location,' No. 269 eral street, Allegheny City, on second or third 0 LET—BOOMS, w ith s ING.--SeTeral furnished of. nnibrntshed nut, with first class boarding, st No. 256 PEWS! STREET. , 10 LET. Furnished rooms, winks, two siputres of the Foam:llea on SMITH LD STREET. Address L. M. GAZZTTE office. oc2l. • • O LET-'--That beautiful new 1 brick dwelling house, No. SO4; Ohio Avenue, finishedey Lane, 'contains 9 rooms, bath roam, attic, good dry cellar, fitted up with ga l a water and other conveniences. Apply at JAM WARD'S GROCERY, 'Palo Alto street, laic-. gtieny city. • • FOR SALE FOR - SALE---BRUG STORE—A first clas s retail drag store in a verb desirable location. Terms easy. 764, burgh. • Volt •• 5A4.044.: thor i2 .otl . o bred IifTISTANG FONT. welt broken under the saddle, and perfectly safe for either !..dies' or children. - call :tit MEVICY a FJ)i}• Liberty.litreet, .45 IRWIN piTREET. you BALE — S 46 • Y.B. per. acre - will 1.0 purchase a farm of u acres in BRAN ouNT , Nuns.. Xof a mile from Salon Station. P. Xt. C. B IL.; 76 acres cleared. 535'scres in timber, all underlaid with coal, good house of six rooms and 'all necessary outbuildings, orchard of 400 trees.' all' vedettes of fruit, well watered lv springs and a running stream, warm sandy soli,. convenient to schools T churches within 3 miles. and a good neighborhood. The owner has moved west, otherwise it mould not be- purchased at the above price.--" Terms easy. For further particulars call on or address CROFT .1 PHILLIk'S, Beal &Mae Agents; 139 Fourth avenue. jt, O R. -.SALE—Lawrenceville - PROPERTY—The destrablepoperty on PROS CT, near BUTLER ETRE, Lawrenceville, now Oecupled by the subscriber' a 42 by 100 feet* comfortable modem two stor y . brick house of ell roams. good cellar, wash home, &e. P rice tow ani EDWARD terms Avail!' sold soon, Apply on the premiseste SEAGER. , FOR. SALE-FARM.-200 , acres of good Lan'd, situated in Penn Tn West moreland county, two miles from Irwin Station, on the Penna. B. IL Improvements, hewed log house in good repair, bank barn and otder outbuildings. Terms moderate. Enquire of W. WILSON, Lail. =nee Station, orb. A. HOPE, Penn Station. Ma FOR SAL - 16-A new House win . seven rooms, water and gas, and ranee tt aelten. - at - the corner ' of 'PRIDE and FOH= STREET. Znottire of W. WILTON. at the Honse IOR SALR-L.-A Melodeon and STOOL,. ttur: hive.been very little used. and ob cost a few months ago $lOB. They will be sold very Cheap. Address 0. B. G. GAZZTTE office. WANTS. Wo iETED—Two or more GOOD ar.scrizrzierrs to canvas for the :ale of s T Steani Gcriernor. Apply personally. P. BECKETT. Mechanical Engineer, No. 79 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny Om. nonnini • WANTED ---ON COMMISSION; ONE. HUNDRED TONS OP .( Pcour_lrrty-, \ FOR THE - HOLIDAYS- The highest market prices and quick sales guaranteed. Mark packages distinctly and send' roicee nY mail. 41. P. BALLARD • & CO. Commission Merchante, 3133: Wa . shington 'tree New York:\ nothaalF (AIREEN „OIL CLOTH FOR WIN ILA DOW SHALES-We ay. now umnrifsentrinir tbs uncle °Us quality superior In finish. and lib prices lower than ean be bad of say East( ra mans saaturers. Patters brill dud le totheir Interest to examine our goods tnpre put °Msing eliwkwhere. , A. no'e 9 l l and , AR Fit xth thrrnfoiv hi. ems. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS—We, have in stock a large assortment testy)... and Ta r widths of thoroogniy seasoned Floor OIL Clothe, which wean offering to too whOil sale and retail trade at Prices lower. taking quilitY inte"a sideration, than can be lad is Ohs cite. J. & N. PHILLIPS, 116 and 7111 ilixtn street. zto3o G REEN APPLES-125 barrels nov in nme and rur I t V. CANFIELD k SON.. ea* s• No. 1 in ~Nr~ and for uls . 11033 J. 35.. CAMILLO # SON.. 2