El littoititt• Sayti. ()For the Pittsburgh Gaaette AN OUTCAST'S, WAIL . Hungry, and sick...and cold, - Outcast and lorlorn; omit was my smand great Is the world's scorn. Fain would I leave my sin ) With my h w e h art broken.) Btu, too rnere I will. Oh man! No door is open. Cast Jae not back again, Back to those horror,' Leave me not hungering i To brood o'er my sorrows? ) Is thOre no work for ;beget Poor wan, breastngers? Is there no in which Pity still lingers? Alas, I can oily see ) TSln or Starvation: • was not for such . Chrlit brought salvation. For all these Christian folk Scorn and abhor me, And if tioave my sin Death is before me. INDUSTRIAL. —A .Cotton mill is to be built at once in Padua!), Ky. broom be _factory has- been built on Nantucket Island. —Camp's Sugar Refinery at Bristol, R. 1., employs 200 hands. —Cairo is to have a new grain elevator, which will eontain 216 bins .9 feet square. —The Williams Silk Manufacturing Com . ,pany of Bridgeport,.Conn., wants to sell its works. =d large starch 'factory and griet?mill Combined is 'being built at Brownington, Vermont. —A citizen of New Orleaks has invented a new way of propelling street cars by com pressed air. Carpetbaggers have built three soap, two chair and one broom factory at Nash ville, Term. —Two thousand kegs of nails per week are being tarried out by the nail works at Terre Haute. —A Mr. Bean, of Chicago, is about to build a large steam flouring mill at Pentwa ter, Michigan. > , —Another large cotton mill; for the man nfactnre of fine goods, is to be built at. Woonsocket, R. L —The National Rubber Company's works at Providence, R. L, employ 500 hands, and run night and day. —The American Steel Company, of Cht cago, is a new concern which employsforty live hands and does a large business. —Philadelphity Brooklyn and Danbnry and Bethel in Connecticut are the great -., hat manufacturing centres of this country. . —ln New Albany, Indiana, a company basj ust been started to - manufacture wrought . Iron car axles, steamboat shafts, and other heavy work. —lmMense amounts of water proof goods are being made at Lewiston; Me. Two mills are producing nearly five thousand yards per week. —The woolen mill at Lippitt,'R. L, em ploys 250 hands. and in one year consumes 700,000 pounds of wool, and makes 500,000 yards of cloths. —There is a sash factory at Marquette; Illichigan, with a capital of $25,000, which gives employment to fifty hands and con sumes about one million feet of lumber yearly. —At Depere, Wis., a large manufactory costing nearly $200,000 has been erected, and will begin in January to make crash , towelling_ at the rate of two thousand yards Per day. —The Salt Works at pyracuse, N. Y., are miry busy. Thus far, this season, they have turned out 80,000,000 bushels of salt, an ex cess 0f1,225,000 bushels over last season's product. . Already 3,600 to 5,000 men have gone to the Michigan pineries to get out logs for the coming lumber season. This number is said to be unprecedented for this season Of the year: —The lumber business of Burlington, Vt., is immense, four firms employing nearly six hundred hands.* It takesitearly $8,000,- 000 capital annually to transact the business in that line. —The receipts of wheat at Detroitsin the quarter ending October 31st, • this year, were 1,558,817 bushels, against 967,890 bushels in the same period of 1867—an increase of .595,927 bitshels; —A coal mine has been opened at Chß - liat, Alaska, from which about sixty tons of coal have been taken - . A silver mine is also reported as having been recently discovered on Wrangel Island. —The celebrated Androscoggin Mills in Lewiston, Me., employ 1,800 hands, and each year consume 9,000 bales of cotton, .and make two millions of grain bags and six millions of yards of shirtiugs and sheetings. '--The American File , Company's - works : at Pawtucket, R. L, are to be. transformed into a cotton mill with 16,000 spindles.. The Cotton Mill Company has a capital of $BOO,OOO, and the Pile Company will build new works, —ln St. Louis the pattern shop of Ken dall, Page &Co. Was destroyed by fire on the 20th ult., involving -•a nominal loss of $54,000, which was covered by insurance, but everybody knows that no amount of insurance ad' replace -so large a stock of pattern& -In 1867, the, metals produced from the ores raised from the various, mines of Great Britain and Ireland, were as follows-:-Tin, 13,700 tons ; copper, 10,238 tons ; lead, 68,- - 837 tons ; zinc, $,750 tons ; iron, 4,783,881 tons.; gold; 1,520 ounces, and silver, 804, 024 ounces: —Business men of Minneapolis have in augnrated a'Movement, the object of Nyilich is to build a - railroad from that town to con lied with the Superior 'Railroad at White Bear Lake, and also another road to con nectwith the Mlnnesola Valley Railroad at Shakopee. —A method of manufacturing first.class steel from inferior iron, by means of nitrate of soda,has been patented in England by Mr. Reatcin. The steel is said to be equal in .quality to Lo : w Moor steel, and the saving in *cost of prmittedon amounts to several _poonds a ton., —The largest safe in the world has just been constructed for the Safe Deposit Com • of ;Philadelphia. It is twenty-seven long, twenty-one feet broad, eight feet find is lined with the new "metal flair -. /iron which is five times as hard as. • tared steel. "ly th. 6 middle of December there will :: Marathon county, Wis., one hundred . ig camps, averaging ten men each, in operation. It is estimated that cash ' • will'average 1,1500,000 feet of lumber, .g in the whole - one hundred and fifty ,•• n feet as the lumber prodiact of one he obstructions in the South West , It the month of the Mississippi river, , maging the commerce of New Orleans; and_ should be removed, regardless of ex pense. Not long - ago 52 vessels were de tained for six weeks by these ,obstructions, and the Chamber of Commerce estimated the loss caused by this detention at five millions of dollars. EIEI —A Macon, Georgia, paper predicts that in a few years Georgia cotton fields will pro duce five bales per acre. This prediction is by no means groundless.} Heretofore plant ers have had miles' of land and e eap lobe nowlabor will be the principal tem in e cost of cotton raising, and the policy of large crops on little land must be pursued. Note few Georgia planters have raised three hales per acre this year. —32. Noble, the famous manufacturer of nitroglycerine, has just invented a new explosive, claimed to be perfectly tale, which he his named dynamite, Thia con sists of a very porous kind of silicia satur ated wirh nitro-glycerine," with which it forms a pasty solid. It possessess great power with freedom from danger from most of the causes which produce explosion in the case of nitro-glycerine. —A. mechaidcal exhibition is to be held in Leipsig, in May next. It is to include all kinds of motors and machines which are used in mills, such as steam engines, turbine water wheels ofJeomplete construction, or drawings, and in fact all appliances used in mills. Some very trifling charges are made I for apace. All applications are to be ad dressed to Mi. C. Bisenrisch, at Leipsic, be fore the 31st of December next. —ln the Ponaganset Valley,Rhode Island, there are cotton mills containing 25,074 spindles, consuming 1,005,800 pounds of cotton annually _ and turning ant about 6,748,400 yards of goods yearly. Besides these thete is one mill which makes 75,000 pounds of spool thread every year, one mill which consumes 104,000 pounds of wool yearly, four rains which annually manu facture 450,000 bobbins, and nine saw mills which turn out 1,200,000 feet Of lumber every year. Something like a valley, that is. —Philadelphia ships about half of the pe troleum sent abroad from , the United Statest Pittsburgh is the principal market 'for the article west of the Alleghenies. Prom Jan uary Ist to Nove i rnber 13th of the present year, Philadelph a exported 33,665,224 gal lons of petroleum. In the' same period the exports from Briston amounted to 2,267,517, and from Portland 580,400 gallons. During the same period in 186 f, the exports from Philadelphia to foreign porta were 25,621,- 005 gallons, showing an increase thisyear of upwards of 8,000,000. —ln 1859 the territory between the Miss issippi river and the Pacific produced 25,- 000,000 bushels of wheat; in 1868 its crop was 65,000,000. -The yield in the Stater; eastward of the Mississippi has not increas ed. It is remarkable that a _regiEin which` nine years ago produoed only one -seventh of the wheat in/the country, now supplies iistly - one-third of it.' A similar progress in anotherdecade will carry the centre of wheat production beyond the Mississippi, and were it possible for the Pacific coast to again quadruple its yield, thit distant wheat field will give a larger product thin the ag greBso. gate production of the United States in 1 Reorms In the Public Service. Oar present civil service is an utterly dis organizing maze, which needs nothing so much as the mind of a military organizer to reduce it to order. remove you," geld Grant to General Warren, after Five Forks, "beau* you do not organize ; you have no faith :in your Division Generale. I 1 give you' an order which one of them should execute, and you execute it your -self. While you, in,command of one divi sion, are thus getting whipped for want of reinforcement!, your other divisions are lying idle .for want of corps commander." - Just the same lack of organization is at work in the Treasury Department. While Sec: retary McCulloch is investigating a seizure case in New York city, which be can trust neither the Collector of the Port to settle, the District-Attorney to try, nor the United States courts to • decide, the harpies are eveuwhere robbing the, revenues, and so making confusion worse confoanded that the mutest moralist could:not distinguish the honest servant of the Government from the thief. To prevent the forty-one thousand officeholders of the Government from acting upon a tacit agreement with the President that they will extend his term if he will continue theirs, and to 'prevent-the entire patronage of the President's office from being used as a corruption , and to se cure his re-election, by removing all who oppoul his policy, and appointing sycophsuats and toadies in their stead, we need not only the limitation of the President •to one term, but we need such a Civil Service Bill as shall !.render the Civil Service. an honorable pro fession. "I hold," said a genial and clever officer of the - Government, a few days ago, "that our only claim to the respect of worthy peoples lies in their knowledge that when we accept an office - with a paltry salary of three thousand dollars, we do not hold our services at that base figure, but that we intend to make fifteen thousand dol lars a year out of it." As he had entered upon a like salary, insolvent a few years - ago, has lived up to thrice his salary ever lin ce and now owner' thirty thousand dollar man lion, and is highly , respected especially by the Treasui7 Department, his view of the matter Is doubtless -correct. But General Grant, backed by the ona-term principle and the Civil Service Bill, will change all that. —Spirit of the Times. P. SIDNZY POST 'United States Consul 'at Vienna, has forwa rded here a valuable re port, showing how the manufacture of beet. root sugar had prospered in Austria, where the last annual yield is estimated to have been worth nearly fifteen millions of dol lars. This success. Kr: Post attributes to a new process, invented by an Austrian named Julius Robert, which is ..very differ ent from the old method of obtaining the juicain the cane;or beet—root by grinding or maccration.—ff. P, Tribune. PITTSMTAGIT GAZETTE a WEDNESDAY.FIDECEMIIE 1568. TENTH NZ TILACT "....-1.4. 7 wmaormi NO onezei. BEADS waft. Arrrrxeux. TRINZH AR& ORDRERD. „A FULL SET 708 118 . AT DR. SCOTTIL . wys 17051 N /I) DOOR ABOVE HAND. Ala. WORK WARR • CALI, AND 71S AXINZ SPRCIX&ND OY aftTN- IMES virfiLD9N & REMIT, austActuise s and Wtiolesale Dealers tc ‘ i ' Lamps,- Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS. . Also, CARBON AND LIIBRICATING - OILS, smarm:NE, &o. N 0.147 Woo, Street.i se9:n= r Between bibnd 6th Avenues. cormEonomsanss. E—The subscriber re speetfttlly informs his , riends and the public Nhe is now prepared to receive them as canal at his new stand, NO. 61 WOOD STREET, Lafayette Hill Building', where eau be bad freett every dayoi flee and /arse assortmeaf of - VAICEIi3 AND BREAD; of an doseriptlons.._Ketit constantly on hand the VBRY BEST CODLYZCZIONERY In the city. PETER SRILDECHER 'Orders for parties Witt be supplied at the short est notice. no3:011 GEORGE BEAVER, CREAM waybills AND . TAPITEIS, And dealer In all klnds of FRUITS,NUTS PICK LES, SAUCES. nria.ncs, A. ' . set 115 r irIIDEIRAL ST., Allegheny. H MII/ W. 1104,11A1 : Confeetionery and No. 5100 as-Leinms , OTBME, SALOON PIANOS. ORGANS, &O. BITT THE BEST AND MRCP. MST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomaclier's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCHOIittACEER PIANO combines all the latest valuable Improvements known in the . con struction of a Bret class Insirnment, and has always been awarded the highest premium irherever ex hibited. It* tone is full, Sonorous and sweet.. The workmaruihic. for durability and beluty, surpass all others. Prices from $BO to 8150. 4:oording to style and linish,) cheaper than all other so-called first class Plano. ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN Stands at the head of all, reed instruments, In pro ducing the most perfect Pipe quality of tone of any 'Willer Instrument in the tuned States. It is elm. ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT 170 X IfITKARA TREMOLO , ' is only to be found In this Organ. Price from $lOO to $550. Au guaranteed forilve Tears. BAER, NNAHE & BIDEITUR, No. L 9 ST. CLAIE STREET. KNABE do COOB AND HAINES EEO& PIANOS, For sale otmonthly and quarterly paymenta. e •CEEEARLOTTEI BLbME, 143 Fifth street. Bole Agent. CO GLASS, CHINA, CUTLER Y. - ----- 4 100 WOOD STBESCT. CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, E ; Brix= PLATED !Wiz, PARIAN STATURTTICS, BOXERIAN RUA k it And other STAPLE AND FANCY 3 (loom a great varlets% 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD Z. BREAD & CO. 100 WOOD BTEZET. MERCHANT TAILORS. B TLEGELI _ _ (Late ()utter with W. Heopeniteldr.) =Ern J eJELA.NT TAIX.01:011, No. 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. 5e.13:y21 11W FALL GOODS: , A splendid nesistock of ACITEtelp CAIgarIIICERE -11ZNIIIT EtEy Just received by Merchant Tailor. 73 Snatitleld SEWING MACHINES. TR B tfg fti lr i AT AMERICAN COM• BUTTON•NOLE OMIEARINGI AA. fiEWING 00 . • IT lIAN NO EQUAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE HEST FAMILY MACHINE IN. THE WORLD, AND IN TRINSICALLY THE CHE APEST' sirAgente wanted to cell MU Kaaba. 47/I.A.S. 13ALILISII.MY • ' Corner MTH AND H Age nt tor 'W AM estern Perinnyirazdt. LET STREETS * Riebardson,a Jewelry/Rare. I over en WILLLPA.pERS, NEM WALL PAPERS , For Halls, l'arloro antiChamberBl NOW OPBNING, AT 107 Market St., near Fifth JOS. R. HUGHES & B ron MECHANICAL ENGINEER: .. EIICEVAL BECKETT, Breonemaiii, ENGINEIEII3 I 11-nd Solicitor of Patents. °face. STREET Room No. * ° Wet ". P. 1: li tnardet z . t,F elggq, 45.1 ° 17. • nret i fgrftial: A gW r NlgnnscOL lAiti LOCOMOTIVEs. Pjoita r l fo e:NiumtirucTed• arAu EVE NI NG e e WJa"t ipiau DIOTTISTIty r_ ~ ,4y MA. DIFACZIMPIC OP I: EITIIpIBic, Between Seventh and Merry rs,dco • 88. street. DM . _ MIIMELMTOS AND NOT:`_-;` MACIII7III, GLYDE & CO. WILL OPEN TO THE WHOLESALE TEA _l7 on or about TUESDAY, Detember Ist, a RETAIL . TEAT: on THURSDAY, December 3d, one of U BRaT DELECTED STOCKS OP HOLIDAY GOOD ever brought to this city, *oust:Wag of N , FAXOrY WORE BOXTB, N LADIk 8 NIICRMASIES. wAToirsrums. [ __ „ JEWELRY BOXES; GLOVE BOXES. , PERFUME STANDS, A fine lot of WAX and CHINA DOLLS, FANCY SETTS,- PINS AND EAR-RINGS, CIGAR STANDS. Also, 'O.ItIAR CASES. LSE STANDS, WRITING :DESKS, DRESSING ceBEs, FANCY PORTMONAIES, etc. ',iirßemember the place GLTDE & CO., • and SO Market Street.. no3o URN NO. 19 FIFTH AVEITE, THE NEW SKIRT, "LE PANIER PERFECTION." , •THEI FAVORITE, " "THE POPULAR, " "THE RECEPTION."' , THOMPSON'S TWIN SPRING, "WINGED ZEPHYR," I "GLOVE FITTING," CORSETS AND PAT ENT '•PANIERS." THE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE HELENE," richly , embroidered; an elegant street or Skating Skirt. FUCK. RIBB ONS . FOR BOWS. - SCARFS AND SASHES. BOMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. idATIRS,aII shades and widths.. FLOWERS. PLUMES, HATS AND BONNETS. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER WE The AR richest and latest novelties In GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTONS.. We especially direct attention to the great excel lence of the HARRIS SEAMLESS (Bouillon) KID GLOVES" over all others. and for which we are the Sole Agents. • A complete line of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS GLOVES, HALF HOSE, UNDERSHIRTS FO RWER& SELLING AGENTLOCK WOOD'S PAPER GOODS, and all other popular makes. ECM & CHILISLE, N 0.19 FIFTH AVENUE. ttoZ DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, BIAECTIC SUMBA CORDLIL, An infillfble remedy for Bummer Comydelnt, Diaz. It e eterei g a t tfl' Toralting, klelar llcanach and 111. 1111RIS' eill? C if 1, A 'Decide torteoleri, Cramps and P n Otemten, ter by HARMS & ''so G, Corner of Liberty• " ayne Streets, \ an AGENTS FOR J. SCHOONMER a SON'S PURE WHITE' LEAD exn McCOVS vmunTER GREEN, Pe"l7Brrthtl:llitdeteroiea t, .nAtttehriongianr mores astiefetion thin anylntinr:a FLOUR. PHIL MILL MET FLUB. PURL MILL Three Star Green 'Brand, 'equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. 71la Flour will only be sent out when entreelally ordered. PEARL BILL BLUE BRAND, -- Rouel to best St. Loofa. PEARL MILL BED BRAND, Zonal t. best Ohio /lour. WHITE CORN FLOUR AND CORN MEAL. R. T. LEMIEDY & BRO.; ,Allegheny, Sept. 9.1888. Pram. Nils. FLOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!!! reek gionsd Old Wheat Flour. Indio Star Mills, for amity use. Riverside Mill, for Bakers, . Stone Kill for Bakers. '• Ontario Mill. for Bakers. Monitor Kill, for Bakers. city Mlll 8 Fam il yFamtly Flonr. Carey!. Flour. Mad River Family Flour. - OF NEW 'WHEAT. Plainview Mills Fancy Bt. Louis, Tea Rose Mills do • Clarke's Best Baker's Flour. Keystone Mills do • Ooronett Mills do For sale by - WArrd LANG & Ce 6 17 and 174 WOOD ST. suss PAPER. PITTSBURGH PAPER PLUM FAOTOBINEI COMPANY, Maatitacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, • CLINTON M ILL --B TNIIRENYILLE. Onro. aBIONTOB•MILL—NNW BRIGHTON, PA. OPTION AND WARTIMISM. f 10.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Oirriarats—AllGlTST MARTIN Preatdent. SAMUEL IVINGsTON, Treasurer; RIDDLN, Secretary'. Diascroas—Aiamt Hartle, John Atwell, 8. El Barman, John B.q.tslagton. oash paid for Paoar Stock.- jannon OEMENNT, SOAP STONE, &O. lIYDBAIIIIC . CIUNT DRAIN ?FL Ohesnest and best Plpe In the inotket. Also, 80- BINDAI.I4 it7DItAIILIO OEICENT tbr sale. .< R. B. C. A. B.SOCILITT tik CO. Odloe lad If sinfeetory-51410 ERBECOA. BT. Alleilles9. MEP Orders by map promPOT attend to. Je2hrie alLi(*) :oai ;I:i ILINJA.Xtif erhealhLY — Pau..ll. CLII& QUVGERZY 81. ()LEIS,: Successors k y to Oto. P. 13 ammatrair a Co.. , • PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHER& The orgy Steam Lithographic Establishment West of the mountairuo. Bonne's dards, Letter Made, Bonds. Labels, Circulars. Show Clara, Diplomas. orUelts t Views. certificates of Defoe! invite inviter gi lkO s a st arekw; Noe. !A And Tain ;Exam WIESE DRY GOODS. 54. ............__ KITTANNING. EXTRA .HEAVY Barred Flannel, A VERY LARGE STOCK, No 01Xeereci, Tir GOOD STYLES. FELROY, DICKSON WHOLESALE C14703:113, ff)digh WOOD STREET. . 4A g 5 si A oqv ia s m g sto4 0 ,-.1 w ..., i 0 F. :•4 : 1 4 ; ‘7 .,.1. Ifl i i 0 ... g 0. % ... E , ..t, m E wa -0 4 t id 0 ..... . A lIIK r hi l illi AC w ,1 O lit id g) si 5 1 i • Pi 0 SF ) IS 40, z 2 r' 1112 : 9 4 0 4 f:1 or' K z 87. MARILET STREET. g r. STEW (3-400.33405 WATERPROOP-an colors and qualities. • ' OARDLImnsp-4or Mews s.nd Boys' Wear. LADIES , CLOAKINGS--Large assortment. TRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS. • DIME POPLIN -SLOO per yard. VILOUS POPLINS. SILK POPLINS.. - PALZIGLa CLOTH-for Salta. BLACK SICILIAN LIISTR.Pa. BLACK AND COLORED 1l MPBESb CLOTHS- Large variety. VELYSTEXNS-for Suits. SLEW= CLOTHS. , ' • • - Large assortment of PLAIDS. Pull stock of DIGIEH GOODS; at Lowest Baste= Prices. MDOIIII F. PRIMPS', 87 'MARKET 8.27,Mim 168: NEW GOODS. • NEW AILPACCA.I3. NEW MOHAIR. • BLACK SILK& HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SIDUCrY; Eir No. 168 Wylie met.lBB. • 168. McCANDLINIS & V (Late Wilson. Our & ( a.) WHOLSBAXX DR A,1912 Fozetn and Domes* Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STRIZT. Third door &bore Diamond Om PITTSBURGH. PA. GROCERIES IMWL, (Lateller k likketainh) Nos. 221 AND 223, Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets, Offer to the trade at Law !Wei 180 pkgs. of NEW MACKEREL. In barrels, naives alearterl and kits. 100 - chests choice YOUNG HYBON, JAPAN and LDPERIAL TRAIL 50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. 95 bbls.Tholce CAROLINA RICE. 78 this. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. • 50 bbls. SYRUP. choice brands. 100 bbls. 0. BfOLASSES. 80 bbls. BERMUDA MOLASSES.- 800 bills. REFINED SUGAR. - 78 birds. PORTO RICO, CUBA and D 1311.• RARA SUGARS. • 900 bags RIO COFFEE. 50 bags JAVA sad LAGUAYRA cOrnialm. 100 oases IMPORTED CLARET. 950 eases MO it CRANDON'S CRAM. PAGNE W HES. SCOTCH ALE and LONDON FORM:3 con. 'tautly on hand. . • TOBACCO :;AND CIGARS. VXIDELIROR 'WORK& snEllbaUNlElOrlr. ' Manufacturers and Dealers Tobaocso,'Snulis Cigara, 0 0 , MinaAz BT...aLLEOICEINYJ - 54. • OLITER & CO., FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY, CAPITAL - $125,0* Edward Davison,. 'I L. P. Dutonto. John Motion, E. D. Ditbsidge, Dea. W. Dittuldse, 31... .. Ntoknot. I be D. Johnston. • aarrantezi TAIU?-ooraer of BUTLER L I ED LUMBER STREER lIINT . R WARD. OFFICE AT POET PITT GLABEt WOBSH . Waltol birton Street. .1 • iaTitpie • nil LIMIBEii I LIMBER: LUIRDEEti ALEXANDER. Paz - ra2201 0 1. - - Dealer in all . Wails of Lumber. ON HAND AND FOR SALE • 1.000,000 feet Dry Pine Boards • . 150,000 feet 1X and loth Clear Plank; 30,000,feet Dry.l3s inch Common Plank;.. 30,000 feet Dry 1 and 9 inch Oak: 95,000 feet Dry A, SISi and 3 inch Ash, • - • 5,000 feet Dry 9, 93 5 , 3 in. Cherry & Hap,' 30,000 feet Dr /,_lJt, 9 and inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry rower , SeantithE; 950.000 feet Hemlock Joists and manilas: 750,000 No.ll 18-inch t3hinglea, sawed: 230,000 No:1 15-ineh Shingles, sawed• • 40,000 No. 110 - inch seemed; '• • 40,000 Wire Brick; • - 1,000 Fire ' • 100 'Tons Fire Olay . • YARDS—No. 85 PR2BLN 'STREET, firmed*, Manchester and 151 REBECCA STREET, eppp site the Gaa Works, Aides:hear Cit 7. 11014 STMMARD • CAN I MIMED AMIla ITTAlVr o dably the best In use. NEW IMPROVE. ME Patente4 Nov. Mb. 1887. and A.. Alm, 1 8. Everything relating to billiards o • best quality and lowest_ prices always onftand. Our NEW COEITRIMME% Pstellte3Es7 B th, 1888, price sB.so—s great success. ; ... IllnsMtedprice Ustssentonspplication. Ad • -:...4 P/ECLAIt & 'COWIIMM • - 1 83. 83, 87 and 8910ROSBY ST., New Tort C 37 WEST COMMON . . ..Araehin ' e fitOnei Tr°rAst‘' ]northwest corner of West.Ckdosnon,,Allecterl! PRECWICIVITA.IIIIt In CO. Hare on hand otniej sr for shoe notice s, and Stepp Stones , • Vaults, n *c. uter eZezated. Prices roan:mink* BAS & mqszn, MIT Houtz AssOciATION ntittamiefi, Ray I awl Bt. Ciairdnkeet. Pitteinrrat, Ps. 'Sm, attention given to the designing GMTRT ITOIMM salt PTIBLIO ttillta `as FRESH GREEN -------t- VVRTLE, pi" 1 up In eaus Itlioups and Stews ready for We, .received and or sale at the faullty Gineeryt store or JOHN A. lIHNSa& L ,W sell gerlHßLlbelly - and Rend itTanur 1 --. i • • : - , • ' CARPETS Arm OIL CLOTB9 TAKING STOOL PRICES. OF CARPETS GREATLY REDUCED Our Stock is naw unu:sually /amp and well (warted in every line. We offer great indueetnente 441 Lug note. ECALLII,IIIBROTHEK • , 51 FIFTH AVENUE. nor FALL SrECICIK NEWEST . STYILiS! TAPESTRY ANa 001/Y !MUSSES, TWO AND unairmir, PLY CARPETS ! ALL WOOL IIirGRAINS, In gnat variety. COMMON CARPETS, AT VERY LOW PRICE& DRIIGGETS, all 'iVidatis. MEDALLION pRZIGOETE, Otir neck Is the largest and moat des able 'vne Lave ever offered to the trade. BOYAR]) ROSE & C 0.,. - . 21 211111 STREET. t4lo:d&wF FALL GOODS. „.. , FIRST ARRIVAL OF THE SEASON, A FHLL ABSO . RTMIC24F OF 'Velvet, Brussels, TalbistrYt Three 11191 And Ingrain C.A.ItI:"TS, JUST.OPENED AND OFFERED AT T 8! 11017iT . EIST. BATES: No. 23 Filth Street. LUMBER. • TusaminT—RDWARD DITHIUDGE. _EIZOIDTARY—T. A. WRIGHT. DurumurnunalarT—XGW.DAVD3o.N. BILLIARD TABLES. AND COMBINATION OUBBIOEB. STONE. ARCHITECTS. 13221 wiNtrow =1 ME