II ..EtflittzbittE(tt • LTIY COUNCILS. , A. . . 'i. regular meeting of City Councils was •* held yesterday (Monday : ); at half-past two 'o'clock p. m. F 1 Select Council. • Members present : Messrs. Brown W. R., Itriotim' 'A. -M.,' Cochrane, Coffin, Coyle. Dickson, Gallaher, Gross, Herdirtan, /ones, tarthruin, - Morrow, McClelland, ;McClin tock, MoEwen McKibben, Phillips, Ref. ierty, Ship ton. Wainwright, ,Wbite r and President_McAuley. • • - ? The minutes of the preceding meeting 'were read and approved. Mr. W. R. Brown presented a petition for a.gas lamp on Hand street at Perry's court. [ Referred to Gas Committee. • • CONTROLLER'S REPORT. Mt. Phillips, from the Finance Committee submitted the following report from that 4 Committee , • . . s Gentlemen: In respict to the petition for • the assessment for the grading and paving fr of Smith -street, referred . to the Finance • Committee, they recommend thatthe 7,• prayer of the petitioners be complied . ith, andthat in the case of the suit :of William .Pinch against the'eltY for grading and pay lug and setting :,with. curb of said Smith etreet, they recommend thifprovision be 7 , Made. for the payment Cent. and Accrued Interest, in Ouffency, •- . The Bonds are of 01,000 each. ' • The r eon:may reserve the right to adrance the price at any time: blft all 'Orders aetttally in &anent it the` time of any Mich advance' will be ailed at present price. • At this lime they pay more thamill per cent. hpon the' briestment, and hare, from - National and State laws, guarantees peculiar to themselves:" " ,"' - • We receive ail classes of Government' Bonds at their lull market 'sites, in exchange for the Central Pacific Railroad Bonds; thus enabling the holders to realize from 6 TO il.O PER OENT:TROPIT. Ind keep the principal. of !their investment :equally Orders and inquiries 'will receive prompt atten tion.. Information, Descriptive Pamphlets,: etc., giving a full account of the Organization; Progress, Baldness and Prospects:of the enterprise furnished on application. Bonds 'lent by return Bxpress at oar cost. ' SubscripUotus xeceived by 'Banks and !Bankers, Agents for the Loan, Algoughout the United States, ,Cansda an d by , • JAMES T." BRADT ift 00,, Pittsburgh, . • ROBINSON BROS. _ 8. aIcaLLAN do. NATIONAL NAV - Limos BANE, Wheel's. deserlptlnna of GOVERNMENT SECU RITIES BOUGHT, SGLDor EXCHANGED *t our office, and by MAO and Telegraph, &CHAIM:ET , Accounts of Banks, Bankers and others re. celved and &monads szrangements ntadefor 4ealra- - FISK & BANKERS AND DEALERS IN. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, and FINANCIAL AGENTS OF•TEE CENTRAL PACIFIC FLAIL . • -; • • ROAD COMPANY,: . . .18.200 .. 1.541) 2,190 1.800 No. 1521fisesoli Street; New Yor1;• soia-Ttr• UMBER 1•LIINICIBEit I LtlliDEll. .ALENADDZIA PATTllitSCifir.. • • Dealer ini all Hinds of Luitiber. ON RAND AND FONSA.T.N-. 1 000.000 feet Dry Pine Boards 150,500 feet 13f and 2.inch Clear 30,000 feet Dry 136 a n ti Comkkorr FlanAi'' . • . 30,000 feet Da7 , l add 2 Olen Oak: , ;fib,ooOfeetDrry.% AM and 3 Inch Auk. 5,000 feet Dryll, 31n. Cherry ft klaple. 30,000 tett Dry I_o4 Si anti a inch p o pl ar; .115,00 feet _Dry rower Hcantlingi ' • A6O 000 feet HemlenAJolate and scantiest 150;000 No. 1 19 -inch - agared ; g 50.000 No:110,1:mb tkinelea, sawed: "- 40.000 No. 1 16- Inntinktniiies, adayedt. 50,000 Fire Bridk; . . 1,000 Fire Tlie ..$l5OO ; 4 ,000 =Si 8 6,500 • 1 200 2,700 3.000 42,000 800: — Um YABDI3-24p. SO piaßhz ibraleg' • atanebeiter. and 167 REBID:10A leritzET ego elle the Gag Works, Allegheny City. no tlistoz:Orrr ama= AND annYwron, PITTSBURG/1.-Dovelnber'll4lb:‘ll(B9.: NOTI6IW- The assemnelo for Gradlnev •Pilrlet end -!Durblrig . °ARUM XBT, ;from ameilmen- street:la, Dallreed are now ready for examlnattion, and can be *genet lids-- office until FIDDA.Y. December 4th. when they will be returned to the- ell:zeta:0 , 1e once tor . ;mimetic:du ,n o stmee AM. • • min , MY 2131 • tnrrt CITY Examotn, arm anviron. t . I - ✓ --- rittstrib f illoyembe_ r 114th: ISOB f * XOTICE Otortantetit • for Grading, .Pining init:Clurblnt • LISSY:LT niET, from -Twenty-Filth - street to ,Tirentf- Ninth street Is new reacirtentzazeinstlon, ander: br een at this office tintItYKIDAY, Ilegember t when 1; 'wlifbe reamed total, ettyStsaint- Ter's *Mee for n011eet1en......L. , ) 1 9:1 4 , ` C ' ' Wu " V11732/14.14 iffniCELLANEOU'S. OF THE INSOE pstram r wpips . -,x4Fp THE audtuwilw MUTUAL 11.11 0 E EirSITEAS(1 1 CO OF NEW ,YOBIL No. .102 . BROAI3WAIr. . . , • RAnDLY - . INCREM3I3I4 Onli 1n,000,000. /ma r s _. I . ' 'l'lOOOBlllW 'l4 the Guardian of a 'leered rand, which is to provide for the Widow and the Father less. with the least poulble burden to the insured. AlltProved Forms of Policies Issued. , Libe modes for the payment - of Premiums. Policies Non-ferfritirag by 'Mils terms. The Entire Profits of the Company dlvld_ed eqtdtahjy_among the insured. Last Beta= of PreMinm, !Uri PEE 0.6. NT. ._ ... Hon. John A Drazaroaa: . Dix, E. V. Haanhawoit, Hon.tlames Harper, 'William Willits/4 - John;J. Crane, Julius H. Pratt. William T. Hooker, William W. Wright,. Wm. ki. Vermilye, Chance J. Bums, , Chas 'G. Rockwood , W il liam'Allen, Hon Geo. ()Wyk°, . Geo. W. Onyler,` • Mine C. Woman, _ Oeo. T. Hope, Tito Eisner, John H. Sherwo od L it•ski. B. 1135erman; -' ` Edward H. Wrigh t,t Aa„ ..."1 Arnold, Gao. W. Parlee, Bleh'd H. Bowne, Wm. .L, Cogicsw.ol. HENRYALTONS. PECKHAIS PreNdent LUCIUS V M.eADAM,..A GAHAGANetaa, Beers. -tarY „ ryt • • -Z. RATES NPIIIIILIIN . • GENZRAL'/MINT POS. VIMICEN PINNA. Room No. N. Bank- of Vaaantoreo. Mg, comers! Six.th sad Wood *Mel+, , . prrrsxmaton,. re., /01•Agenta wanted.. Apply". ailyve• . NATIONALLOSIMIANCE OF TRIOMF' 1:111ILLEGUIT: • Moe, No. 89 ITZDKBAL BTBZ2T, eottriims Oa Stockton Avenue. • • . • • EIRE nriarßoLlCC. w a4ar... urn vmmooN. Beinetari. •-! • • • A. H. Xotash. 10.H.P.WIlliamilino. 'Thompson f t t b s Laseldualf tot Jas. L. Orshion, _Les, O . Jao: Browo, Jr. earn, ; .Lioxtb pp. 00 . 17 r8 1418 B nwrimin . • . . INBUTI/kNCE.OOIIIIOANY, OF,Lt Wl* In Franklin StHngs kink Bed Mpg az Ohio Elt.:JMeMiguiV• A. H031:11 COMPANY. manlyed bY phonon well known to the Community, who Mast by it &alias to merit a sham ar youstwaroraga. , , nElniv zu._wts . -Pirbstailat. 6111“1. _ Secretary.. r . ' DID.WPODS: ...' I t.h Homy Irwta, . D. L, Dip.Attersoa, sleazy Derwlg, Deo. E. Biddle, Jacoarrass, Dettlelb Taxa, Simon Drawl, J. 11. tha_th, Jacob Bush, W. X. Stewart, . P. - Walston, Joseph Chaim Jos. Lautser,. .J. Zlnkaad. . gJeremlah Selma. aple:ora - EMIITITY AGAINST .LOSS Bt FRANKLIN 'INSURANCE CO. OF ettiLADEinilA. umcz, 43 a 431 mom= BT., Nziasai . • Chutes .V. Boucher. *Metal R. Lathi Tobias Wagner, - • David B. Brown, s • flannel °rant, • - Istad Jacob R. M, Edward C. Dale, . Perga t i o . °W 6Eitk t e. I Eieom Mits. BS.° B EE ,, !reagent. EDW. _°_,___DALE, Vice President. .. : W. C. .-,,- I.7_,_Heeretan,pro ten. .1. 0/..RDISEB CORBTR, Amer% North Westoonter Third statt.Wooil htroota. tobtihwit . - . pIPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., x.corizocirs. ItaTABLIBIUM IEIO3. CiASTI "CA_PITAL PAID, UP AND INVESTED FUNDS smaZIED • , /NG 48.900k000 6OLD, Interface Saba •Plre 'effeeted s 4ll Bonzes and I C.Balldbi Goods, Wares and ,kleirehandlse, Steam. boats, Policies issued payable In g old or enr reneT,:iir United States Branch 01nce, 40 PENS STREET, New York. _ _ All louts of the Unitad States Brandi will be ad. Jested In New York. - - J. Y. *or..AVGITCE.Trir. Agent. PrrTeStritGir, 87 TOVICTIE 'ftscezr. - • lis. MoLAUGHLIN ts also Arient for the Manbat• tan Life insuranee (ampan.y. sti:TTI . . ALLEIVIIENT INSUIELANCE CON PART OP PITHIRIHIGH. - ' • 037/0/3, No. 3T 1137171WITGSZT. Reiss BLoali • Insures against all Muds of Pine and Marine Risks JOHN IRWIN. in., President. JOHN D. NoCOßl),'.Vlce President. C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. . ~.. . CAPT. WH. DEAN. General gent. , DintorOns: . pati , i John Irwin, Jr.. B. W. Dean. ohm D. McCord.- i B. L. seta& . (*. Hussey, , .W. H. Everson.' Childs, - ' Robert H. Davis, T. I. • oskinsot,, - - Prancis eh:glens, • • - ', Charles mays; • • cant. J. T. !Rockdale. ' ENTERrusE oistuatitco DOy OF rirrsocraoilv'ibe, 0111003. No. 42 PENN.: ems (IN KessONAl TA Co. PS? C BinLvirid.) • DIRECTORS: - • Bobs. robt. - Trida7. G. birdie. C. Van Berea, . Kirsch, H. Myers. J. flangwilek, - Siebert', L. J. nielllglard. . lichildecker. A. H. ITT 411, PresHeal.' ' ORR PSVEK: .1 9 .14„Vd" en new ALBLITz. Secretary.. pignitnifieVAX/A - INSORAIIeE COMPANY' OF PITTTOBUR6H, _ OPPIGE; No. 167 k WOOD EMMERT. BANK 07 VOIDEIgE(EII • •: • • • Thb is a Rama ocnapuy, and insures anainet lost by Eire exclusivel LEOKARD WAL T E Provident. , O. C. BOYLE_,_ Vice President. • • RuBIART PATRICK, Treasurer., HUG IfeIELILENY. Secretary. LeonarliWalter, OtalI lion. O. O. Boyle, - Geo. ms, Robert Patrick, • .7 o• C . PPel _ Jacob Painter; J. O. /Weer. ioaish RIR& John Voestler. Jii. H. ilopents, A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, • • I V D EITERN , INIIITILARCE,•CONI• 'ANT OP PTTTSMTE r Uk imen APT. I. P. HERBERT. Beerelan. - - - B. GEORGE HEELD; ufteral Agreat. Moe,. 92 Watsr arras & Co.'s house, up stairs. rittsb _ =rareaging allsot Tire and mine Balk/ A hom adV e institution, managed by D tors who ;semen known to the etionnull_ ty„ . and who are determined by prompSnem and libera lity • to - main. Min the cheroots? winch they have assamed, as of. hung the best protection to those who desire to be Alenincer Armtek, - Jona B. Mean& JaR. Hiller, MCAir.. . C . J. Clarke, " Mea ' • • /WASII B. ' , Alexander Sp tlien eer, , r mene t gigkpa i . - • /Winn.. pimp ggerproig, . • Eavidlt. Lamm Wge, Igarguoe. , • prAPLFJP 4.lVdtllielLNCE :,COBIL• . ~. ____.• MUM, N. Z. INIMCB.woop A mint in% , , A BomitOcapsny, Whin/ Tfre And Marine Maul' - i t rsn. PtdrUps, , - ~- , 0apt..10L..113w144. Ariz raPirk kui ,-, • ' 8 t a jl e et r Al l = -• : , molyia Amen Ar; ~ . ff. Brusly i : 4 ;: rtt7ll!= ~..- 4ill,V4iii - ' WM. PALL 1 24 0..... ... •--f,7, , ~ • • - „ JOHN wATT ns... IN OLIO) Yin JAB • tabtetitiiiiiiiisibr4l. Fffli TOBACCO, ANDVIGARS. EXCEMOR rOgyia{: • no a' re, - A tia paw n Tobtii , ocif snutt• Ofitim; &o n 1 144 41 . 7 xDssuilal.•al*RINT' WWI MEMSMEI:I7:I== S43E .W!. l *!ltl!all ESTATE • FOB BMX.: A PARK OP PO ANIICIL" ea the tae of the ICoaxellsville Railroad.Rx miles from Me eitfLia Elisabeth. township, Allegleny county. Pa. The Improvements ere a dee two-beery b r i c k b ox will ben la_rge rooms sad ha ll . ;A Woo f rom , tai r aara 'with NO. 1 stabling. and all when ontanlmln g. Ia complete order. One Of Use bets of orokords, k:bids of frail. The sell is rich ,pew bottom. This Efre th rty the o iri a lm e g a Bnee l t Timm, tai stories, itc.,_and will 'be sold at the low 615,900. The improvements alone ors 4 or ir, t least all that is asked for the protei, t o soy meth. I fag aboutthe land. which Is worth taz garden pur- Poses at least 810000. For Ri_llitteutars ca ll at my office, or AM A. Req., ea the ,proxiees; • . ' - ALSo, A FARM OF 40 ACRES, situated In Elk. , I abeth township, Allegheny scanty. Pa., en tbe line 'of the Connellsvilie Railroad, shoat 111 miles from the city. The - improvement' are anew stone dwe ll . lug. with eight rooms; a good barn and ether eut huildings. This property Is offered at a very low ;trice. 'Call and secure yourself a rout bargain. ALSO. A FARM OF 190 ACRES,: situated in Elisabeth township; Allegheny county, Fa. 11% Miles frontally! city, on the OonnellsviLle 'opposite Elrod's' istition. within' 20 minutes , walk of the Station. The • improvements are a flame 00Ute containing. ur rooms, and kitchen; with a good cellar underneath; very good barn and other outbnlldlimes. - A No. L 1 orchard, containing about SOO fruit healing trees, all In good condition.. 00 lures cleared land, the residue In good timber, ,un derlaid with /I_3 acres oLocal. AL6O,- A:TWO-13TORY BRICE HUME adjoin. Ing the Borough ef Elisabeth. Allegheny. county, Pa., containing :1k roams and Kitchen. Lot 60 feet front by 120 back to an alley. A good Stable, wash noose; babe:wen:and other outbuildings. lam an thorized :sell it at, the low, prim of 81,800, on good terms. ALSO, In the Borou of Elizabeth, a geed twee. story BRICE • HOUS E." containing ramie. .-Lot 120 feet square. , . W be, sold et the ex... 1111 111Y low price of*2, SOO: on easy terms. Ate% •My Fartu,.luiown by the name of "Willow Banks, situated on the Connellsnlle Railroad. 11 miles from LULA:it - r t. :containing 19 ACRES, a l it n„ rood condition. - Tne Improvements 'are a No t ; -Torickhouse,' twifiltories high, newly Welted, coni , .. •iaiuiiig'elz rooms, two halle runtuorrult length at the house.. The house le situated on St beentifhil - knoll, Is surronnded by froittreet. shrubbery, vines find flowers, with a -graded avenue running to the Also; a ,laege' frame :bank barn, smoke house; 'Wash house, 'coal 'ltom_e, bake.oven and other out buildings; and ak never-ilielng well o water.-:Two.leLi r t a e l orcbards, containing from elx. to seven hundred ones. ; nearly ell in_ good bearing condition; Th - farm abounds in email fruiteg Currents,aspberries, gooseberries, and a fine' • -ettewhi natcht, Wrdeb, :in manexton. wittr t e richness o tne imu and nearliele tO thereat,' make; it eery desitable for gardetingpurposes. , :Fery con venient to schools. churches, stores and blacksmith . Aix°. • A Vila! •Oi 149 ACRIES,' situated in Elizabeth township, Allegheny: county, Pa.,-.31 miles from, the city of Pittsburgh. on the Contains. Railined, at Suter illation. The" improveniente Ire a common log house, a good frame barb,' with -etablifirfor ten horses; e airn crib ind wagcrashpl; good orchard of fruit null fencing very good. 120 acres cleared, the residue in heayy,theber land. This farellirvaluable-4trat." for its excellent soil; secondly; itetimberV and thirdly it coribsins more limestone than any other firm in' Pennsylvania, all accessible, The lower vein of limestone la4o feet Mick; several other Talus ranging from:33l to 8 ft . in thicknege, lie under the whole Mrm. For pestle. . ulars enquire of ELISITTRIt, FN.; et ffuter Sts. lion, oa at all' °Mee. ;: • : AL50,.1741 ACRES., situated itt.2L. ClOir . wn ship. Westmoreland, Pa.,near, the Ilse of the Peinsylvanta Rallr. at Houston Station. The improvements are a twoArtory: frame -noose, with ni x rooms mid good sailer, frame bank, ball 40 by 00 feet, and oilier outbuildings There is on the place a young apple end peach oretlrd; one bun - dred. and twenty. acres *leered, land,: dlyidedinto' delds of :convenient else. ;large_ potion of which are well satin clover and - thitotimi.;'the resides of said tract Coveted withtoed timber; tared. and underlaid with coal and. limestene, and is convenient to churches, schools, stores, mills and , olacktnith sho= . A rMil good bargain it Ofhltinit fn ALSO, beaututilly An/At : ed. tract Of id Atliim Of valuable land, undee:greid; fencing," Situated In -McCandless township, Auegbasy cotinty,ift. :on township Med. measer miles from. Stiedarket House, Allegheny City. this tract is well. apted for a garden or dairy farm, being convenlerit and of easy access to either city, and- near: enough to the line of the Motioning Nadlroad to Make it very deaf fable for conntrymatii,for persons doing built:tees .41.80, The best firm in Young township,' Indiana carnal'. Pa. 4 utiles from Western renjf.....R. at Livermore citation. containing - 800 ..11=-=...-225 acres cleared and under No. - 1 - Anteing, at well as flue farming condition; the balance In good to • oak timber. The improvements are 0 two-sto frame houses, nearly new . of eight rooms each an ' finished basements - Udall= &large bank barn 50 by 80 feet, a two-story spring house and_otheane oessary outbuildings, all - in good order; 5 acres of orchard of choice varieties of fruits: 4. feet vein of coal (now open.) underlying the whole tract, and limestone in abundant*. with pleat of spring, of never-filling water . . Taken' all to til e r—houses, fencing, wu,.nice 'Ting:surface, public highway.' churches, schools, mills, te..—l know of no more 'livable and desirable tract of , land in Western . Penasylvanie. . Axso. YARN AND MILLS. A amen teict i otoo ACHIM of very valuable land In Derry township. Westmoreland county. Pa. t well fenced and in high state of cultivation. with new frame dWelling and other outbuildings; new grist 'and sawmil l complete, with two run of burrs...two boltinteletlet, and all the needed fixtures la good order. and young orchard of choice fruits; lane Is all underlaid with a six fbot vein ofcoal, now opened and work ed. at the back of the mlii, and limestone inebund ance. Cali soon and secure .a go_od ALSO, TARN OP 150 AllItall; 'situated IMmedi alely upon the line of the . Pentisylvtude RaLlined. at Blairsville Intersection, AA relies east or the city. The Improvements arc etwo4torystone house of 8 rooms, allo. 1 barn 45 by 55' fliet:thobesl of Isanti I nnothertbulldings. ,Whe land lieswell. Is well fenced. Is good fanning order, and will sold very cheap If applied for soon. • Pot Duthie particulars enquired' cri. Tommy niaFetatelgent; iAm vomits ALviizara: • -,' oe17: Veit SALE. - • ' • N dire at.Woodii Run. • • 4 Acres and House in East Llberq. , al AMU!, unimproved. on Troyliw. • - •A Acres6n6reetuburgPae. • ' - . - IS Acres on Four s i l B an R0ad..4(. 16 /1” tram E. C. It, R. . , - TO Acres near P.' I. W. C. B. B• • 1111 dares near Pa. R. R., Westmoreland . minty. 90 Acres at Bill Bide Eitatlonj'e. IL . • 4 Farms Ereston county, West ' 186 resin Armstrong county, onde.rialct with 108 Acres and gOod laidoveMenti 'Entedatil county. Ohio. • 000 Acres of Timber - land, with Saw Mill and dwellings. L . • • House -and Lot on Center Annus, near Kirk. House and Lot on Vicroystreet. House and Ltd id East - L iberty. • - • • ,Honseimd Lotto Matudleld. -. • House and Lot on Carroll street, 'Aueliner7. 1 ... . - House and Loton Beaver avenue. • ,•• • • ••••‘ Rouses and 4 Lots, very cheap. on Vine street. • A Lots, , Very cheap, on Vine street. • • Hours o f Iratdrlbs stß o b ert s• 1 Hours of 9 ROoms and 9 Lots on Rbs Bt. Farms In Illinois, Miasmal and West V 11112,26 Coal-Lands in Allegbent.'WeStinorelandeßnsaye and Beaver counties in Eenna,c, . • : 9. Rouses of/I - Rooms in She lAtli ward; tont t 320 3 d e e.. 0f.3 do. i :do. .17th. do. , do.. 144 9 - do, of-3 do.' ' do.; •Mitti - do. do.. 156 B "do. of 6 • • do: f. Bth 1 :do. : do. ;•' 360 1 • ;do. 0f,6 do:VIA°, Bth . do. • do., : 300 do. ", of 9 do: do. do. ' 600 ' do.' of.M , - db. ,"' do: • eth• - do. -( 1951 1 do. - -of ~ do. • do. • -6th ,•flo. = do. -tome , do. of 4 do. • d0.,17tb.. do. • do. 10$ 1 do. ' •of •,•.; do. do:Ad.. do: • •' 1 of 0 •_ ,- do. •Grantitreet: -• • Theu Rouses that I have (or teat will be rented very low to good tenants for the balance of the ran- "" APPLY AT D. P, INMATE OFFICE, No. 9/ orspit FOURBHICS DOITSES AND LOT. ORPHANS! 'COURT -.SALE. Br virtue of an order of the'Orphans , Court of Al legheny Countyl expose at public tale on the premises, on 'W/LDNESDA.Y, December 6 1131 b, 111814 at 10,4 o'clock that' DOUBT Cl. • YOUR BRION. HOLIdEd, .. situate 02wyLTE STREET. a few'dodre tboTe street.'fentrance • to Court from Wyliestreetv,,Lot Ail by 7111 e e ex tending, back to an fillet the_propertY Or the late Willialnidontootholt u Ted. Terms at day of eale. • , • TECOSIdId 13TEWAIrizeuartliam ' Per particulate enq 'or it. c. aCKBEWC. Eva., Attorney at Law, 89 'Grant- 'Met; or BAL. AtitOtmeerth GO Fifth Avenue. FOR • SALE • Ai i TOALEW.OIIOO.IBII and Lots tbr sale In nll Of tlie tiny and: Int orbs,. AlsN le , veral B . IA:good. ioaaticana Also, a small WOOLEN PAOTOIty irlth 110Aaes Orland,' and i good imsemente,: , I W/31 eh at, Ant s on, Muni . tudnesa Houses Ao mos on good streets. veteDwelling mesas tbr Trutt both allies. Pox further . Datmenlare twiny" : ~ ~,,- .:WlLA4.g.nlike tw.. .1,20 Want street. oonottte FE! CSIEAP HOMES IN TEIXIIVEST ‘,) We are anthorised to offer.twothonsildd dads ot good land in • Missend at the lowtitles of seventy Svefeett bar Aare. Will ; be divided _into ; forty. 'eighty, orone hendred and sixty ardeltaote tomtit the purchaser. Title good dna ' 411 " lea Paid anp This oral' -retooln mat only one week., For full Pargiettlarsappiy to • 8, iIfeLATEIGO., actrEwSOlurth driddmWideldidredts . ? . , . HOLMES, WILL & CO., cNo COTTON : MILLS e=TviluAnmix.' MID Umtata laran ) 1 1 1 Drcni uct mew easciton AND 311(.11,61N41)4jA SHZWITAGS AXD BA,Truge, = AMMO= 3 h , IarNEW. OPERA HOUSE. Lessee .; ... ........ Aro. Manager Y . W. CAMIIIIMS.' 'Second appearance of the favorite y is g actor . • . • ISDWISS AIDALIFIL. - • - TUESDAY EVIVoIIiG.' December I st. will be presented O'Seefo's 'delightful Coated/ of A -WILD OTS. - Boyer .L • "Edwin /dame.' Td conclude with the glorlotuifarlce of the I •LOTTXBY Ticluvr. - 1 Adams Matinee on Saturday.' farrnITSBIARGR 1117ATER".... , Lessee ; - H. W. ' WlLaulat.- Manager - JODI.' G. ILter.a. Treasurer G. 0. Llxissana. SereVead iv'Ar.rEtYlalfirfrii?teerea,L,ber.V4iZedk actress Pr. ;. • -..,., -.‘ r MEE RATE FIER= , a l la W. Brat] 211 great sea sational drama mit.ltled. ' wriDEJS FAST MEN; I- • , Introdt g the greatinhistrel Beene. wiles, d a ßeal; 1.- Drell Circle and Pirouette. I,oc. Family Orate l at e. nc. Doors open at 7. Performaaoel to conimense Iar THINI BLE Y SAtIi:MEC/1 TREATZIL -- • Vr. .. ..... . . .Lessee In Yanagel. Hem R. Unser...". .. . .Bmge - Maaail ef.. An mw , iao e of attrictlen. apcearance Plltabargh of Mrs LOIIINL PAYNE; WEAT, Mee ADA WEAY, LA PET CELESTE._ 1. The wet negro comedimm BOIrmAN, HARRIS, LARRY TOOLEY, ge. The local drama of tea • THE NEWSBOYS. SIIPPEILL OrraRNEWS MUSEi t um • AND PAR NIENAGEMILEI The Great Faintly ilesorte: BOTH AVENUE, baineea Smithfield and Woad etieeti. onposlte Old Theatre: * : 'AI Open Day end Ityaning 4 ill - the year round: ' Aduaselect,24 - eints; Children., 15 cants. ACADEMY orltrusic. FOUR NIGHTS bNLY. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, Grand • Matinee, , Saturday, Dec: 6th, at 2i, o'clock; THE ORIGINAL PEAK :FAMILY Vow'lists, Harpists and zsgisted by the celebrated Birafaxit FAlititt •-Harpista and Violinists. Also; Mr:o.Soi f ilasith Rat. sel, the talented facial delineates,' . The whole term ing the largest trouper ot hell Ringers, in the world. All is new, brilliaat Anisttractive, sixes their last !Alit tOrittsbnzgh,„ • - CARDS' O . _ ;_ r P .indil;ls4l6 -Orel% 50 tentib . 'Secared Beiste;'ls: ants. - .lraml- Cirele,'3s oents.._ Gialleryi:2s.eenti, A ll school c tentatbsec,-.lskeentso • - , Sechkedeeataotoinea•iikuneVaßqptstge only. . . c -Hooniopea at 1 1' ,, , , Monec4.caillrelliotes48.. I. M. BA.llBll3.llMbiest- t ,-,... )_ - VII - rj,CANTIII -° , 1 4 Bp ,11 1 'L ?‘ - 7. • L ..:,. GENERAL ...SIKILPA-illitlCK trillieetara at UPATZTiIE NAiLi4FLIMIDAT ItVZNING, Detteattoat 34, 1668.- - - ' "•• - jui lea. - " Bll 7a 3 alk*.iittEgti THZ BED." . • - Ttekets 5 0 0. Fasarre4taatallso. az - tra. Doan open at .7. Lecture ,taaat aegis at •r - • Betieviil anise/41w secured.ii:t o ,,,pgrato Ban ;Tauday'eviiitzw, December tar 6 RIAICI);MOUDOOt..EXIMII. liN/110410.4,0011D0N-. and .daughter, residents for 10 leas:l2ll46a q will Rise their splendid exhibition 'ol' wanner* durtositles.. courtship, costumes;-melodies, *c.; :in MSC. OND U. P. 0111 1 1 1014•Allleghenrteilw, earner &indents and. Stockton _ avennes..on ,NONDAY 'EVENIN II . - Nosember'3o:h:nitlitivelock: Deers. open. at T. ,Tickets of 2%40501314m DO cents. " - BIiIIi,GEVEU • EMI NUL,XIELI I ZLE VZI'ITH•WAR% NaW Take .W7Maltreat Cue to Green street.' Cers yin Gritty fifteen minutes. note WINE WALX3FI. . , . • for the benefit of BT. JOHRT, •s • mat the - 119IIBE Hasa', EarA FAIntrADERAPIAIt -., AGSM - ENT of tbe - WOBIENIUCHRIa ASSOCIATION !be: Destitute .Women *lll be Geld CITY HALL, openIngonnTESDAXVITENINQ,. December La. 71th-ner . eery 4.4117 . from 12 tar PROF! 40!: AI E° 4EART• ELATE OP WEISTREN Wars Ids sent= to 1.4 e pitl#l9,ai teaolier 4111101.01, AND DR W111t,4: Also. at I*AltBisl Binji`iiiiEitpawnsat. • 'Mee 1441310.T.1MEM? STEP,XV ttiird or' pgoz, -IFAHHIONABLE DANCIIIO ICADZILTit 2T0..121 THUD STBEITi; Is tow c/taalbrtna se. ati m Olk , Pt PUPUS_Cailia days' snit bows—Tor La.. Masters and' kussed.:Wednesday and B ataTda7l .at 2 'o'clock P. Pot 2entlexaeil--Tnesday Iftidar tvenlngsi.' at S Welts*. ilandvate lessons .glven. Circulars can t be ba4 at the Moab Storm and' at . the Aeademy: ' Classes out- of the eity,t - onisentent,ettended to. - ; •-•.• t Mr lila to let to deteet Matta WESTERN'_ DISTRICT IPENN. SYLVANIA. &IL. M Pittsbutsl4 count"' 13111*,NOVNBIBNE. A. D..1861.‘ To whom It mstr contorn:- Tho undatalaned. herr' 34 Oat notice of hlq sioolotinent as ost,, , et; at : • , of *toe Allegheny iuoStOto of re4nonTsPlat 1 0 0 4 1 .4 1 4 Pisttlety who *been adjudged n"hißowx,Pag**b7 # lO Distrtot Cann o isOl nikl7:aatek' • • •• *. E. Tlli3YilL4sidouti. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.-Letters testamentary on the ESTATE 01' ROBERT t c ToN,.. law of Aileghany, city, halting granted to the Undersigned, all persons Laden to " , said estate are requested • to mate Immediate"' - --- : ment. and those having claims against the same. - - present them to the naderslipthd,•prope st r i ly "atheist kated, for settleinerst.• • • - , -- - • • -1,• . .• - '• :...A.LIVXANDICILi 'Elf.q 1 oeiffligii '.-., ' ;• - L.: ;:*athithsif, quieshapy any - . . BANKRUPT - NOT/OE$ Ii f if ESTi A iII WAXICT9F;PgaThr - SYLY sit ' t Pittsburgh: the. Milian, of Noir:: A - ,c1); 1948. Thelandersigned here_ov_glves notice of his itymtht 'anent seAssignee or - WM . BRILYTON,'-hAo of rine- Inugh.. the Coutty ot - Allegheny - State SAf' enh syloanle, salft!illstMt; eho ad t i Vt Bankr un rok / 314 ' . 0 1/.ln)Gthnklal4l:. is st Court of sa d lsinet`" . - : JORN U. ".BA 3 G/tr. - ikulaw'''' ••••• 49P:aa 7 rT 4G9ftleild Liv., 09 0 street. ; r.o olAli r Akirrqnra 4 AN scoung DYER D • -,,,; • ,7_•/ 4 , g o rticiaw 114). a laz. czOxfs- Md No 'lB5 and /87 = - • I COMMENCING IMO BM LEGAL, I nThistrmaz rA. - ILI BRBEI CE ti low jEnanNe rainowo El