The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 01, 1868, Image 3

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Pm6BUBGB,= 4 kwiEyB,
Vinnamorricg Prrnannuat GAzErne,
MONDAY, Norintber 30, 1868.
-,'.There is no imprcrrement • to note in the
tone of the general Markets, though, as a
Matter Of course, hopes are still entertained
. .
• that better tibias are near it hand. Ashes
been the rasa. for, some time past, the de:
.everything is restricted
, .
entirely. to "irtmplying immediate wants,'
and while money matters 'continue tight,
it is not likele thar4iiiything like a spoon.
tatit* feeling Will 'S'et 'in. regariiM .
*arter "there are no:4oopin" % worthy of
opecial notice. ' •
' - APPLE a
shade better, - . srhile prices are -Michel:lo4-
U7O to 7b in kegs, 39. 85 Ili : croc .
- • AP LYS The: demand is steadily
creadug; , and with :a - firmer market, prices
are teinglipwardy though as yet ; there
brao quotable change s4z per
BUTTER—Is in good siipplYttud a little
dull brit anclumged; we continue to quote
- at 35 ta4Oc r for fair to
BUCKWHEAT YLQUIt-4des at 4%13... •
13EANSi--In better supply and - duff but
unchfrmsed; w.elnow_quote at- 13,50 to
per bushel. • •
...,CRANBERRIES ,48ales 10 libbt.Eastern
Cultivated at $23 per bbl.
CHEESE- 7 -Isquiet and, unchanged et 17
Tor burg, CWO . t . yeheriatlfio,ruidlrevr .
' ork do at
ClDEll l :=Dall,and unchanged. .
• Merril) FRUIT and. unchanged;
reacheir atl2 - forAuartera,, and 14 to Ibfor
!tidies and'Appler at 9.t0, 10c. • - ,
EGtel3=-Diill and lower; Cannot be qiuited
above 30 to 310.
HOMINY-Sales -at 18,50 to the trade,
and $7 in a retail way. - -
ONlONS—Continua very dull; small
sales at 11112.4 to 11,60 .per bushel, -as to
HA -Baled continues very dull, and
witk, supply largely in excess of the de
, Mend; We continue to quote - 4119 to $241;
as to quality. •
GRAlN—Wheat is., quiet and unchanged
at $1,75 to $1,86 for prime Red Winter.
_ Oats •Jdult but ; unchanged at 62 to 030, on
- track .and elevator,and 64 to 650, in
store. Rye ialmsteady demand,. and we
can report a *sale of 1500 bushels, at 11,40.
New Corn Ja i still . quoted at .70 .
_to 750. and
old do' at 1,1.t0 sl,osthe latter figure for
prime Yellow.' Barley JO „firmer; and:but
little here except what is , in the hands';of
consumers. We continue to quirt° No.. I
Spring at $1,95 to $2. ,
- -POTATORS4DuII and Unchanged, We.
Continue to -quota at 70.t0 75 by the oar load
in bulk, 'and 80 to .85, sacked. _
LARD,scarce and in. steady de
- mend with regtdar sales of No. I= Winter
strained et.sloto . •
TALLOW .—Rendered, 1i
LARD—AIso iseearce buTunchatiged,„ at
17c for me - kettle - rendered.
PORE—Now - quoted at $27 per
. .
FEATHERSr-Salea to .the .trade at 75 for:
iive,gmse, and 80 to 85 in a retail way:
FLOUR—Di .:quiet and unchanged:
Western Flours are 'Still quoted "at 57,00
$B,OO for . Spring,- and ' ' $9,00 to
$9,50 for Winter. hoice Minnesota
brands, $8,50" to $8,75.- The 'Pearl • Mill
quote, their • brands, nude of ' the best
Wheat. as follows: Extra, Family, Flour
in barrels, at 19,50, and, in sacks, OM per
barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels,
$10,20, and, in sacks, $9,80 per barrel;
- Spring Wheat Flour, in barrels. $B.OO, and, .
in woke, $7,70 per barrel, The City Mills
quote prices as follows: :Extra Family,
(Winter) in .barrels, 59,50, and, in sacks,
4 9 .20 per barrel; Double -Extra ; Family, in
barrels, $lO,OO, "and. in sacks, $9,70 per
barrel. and --Spring, 18,00, in .barrels, and
$`7.70, in Backe,' per barrel. - ,
New York Producel - Alarket;
I.By Telegraph to the Folttabzwirik Gazette.)
Nsw: yonx, November: 30.—Cotton
better add decidedly. more active, with,
Wes of 6,200 bales at -2,53(. for middling'up:
lands. - Manx dull and scarcely so firm,
with sales`of 7,400 bbls at 15,50a5,85 for su-,
PeT4no state and
_Weeterali...llB,so4l6,B6' for.
common - to choice extra State, ;6,307,40 for
do. extra western, - $8,00a9,75 for . good to
choice white wheat extra,-46,05a0,00 , for
R:11; 04 :17,50a9,00 St: Monis, and
1.10,00a11,25 far good to choice do.; :closing
quiet; California dull, with:sales of .250 eke
tit $6,75410 and #11,75a12,25
via the Isthmua, Flour •stead;, With
ealeir of 250 bbls at s6aB, Cora. lin
moderate request, with sales of 590 bbls at
$5,50 for western and 105.,90 for iltrlpAveirte
Whisky r noznirial. '" Vbeat.-483xdpte, 388,459
bus; heavy and la2e lower; saleltof 59,000
bus at #1,4821,51 for No. 2spring,ll,s2 for
choice do_ese free Mt storage, •.eteiE.;l,sB: - Ibr
common - No.ld°, and for white Cali
fornia. Rye scarce and MMer,witit sales'
5,000 bush at 11,45131,47 for, •westere, and,
44,50 for Canada. _ Barley-dulP and droop.
in 'Barley Malt dull; with sales 1,500 bus
at 12,50, and 600 htish like Malt at 11,50.
Corn—recalpte,.22,o(l9 bus lx . market quiet
and Soared,* so'flrm;.,with sales 48,000 bush
at $1,12a1,14 for unsound, and 11,15a1,183i .
for sound mixed vestern; $111;12 for new
white...Southern._ Oatsrecelpts,- -249,146,
hash; market firm and, less active ' with
sales 7,500 bush at 74c for western. . Stack
of • grain_ in warehouse;-2,968,853 bnak,
wheat 2,2:80,745-bush'cony - 2,189,10W :bush
oats, 250, 6 25 Milli rye; 367;881 bush ;barley, .
70,701. bush . .malt, - .73,490 .bush peas. Rye
dull.' Coffee quiet; firm. - S'ugat dulL
Moles* nominal. • ,Hopar quiet And steady.
Petroleum nominal-at 17345180 for , crude,,
and' 33c for refined bonded. 'Linseed,
Cif dull, at 90a95 -in sales of and
large lots.. Pork 'is :heavy 'with salezt
1,050 barrels at 124a26 fora mess' city . and
'western ; 125a25,50 for old, do ; ;24,50421,25
. ft prim and. 5221124,50,! for 'prime Mesa;
Beef steady, with , sales of 125‘lbarrels at
;1 3 o 1 0•50 for wevrilgola mess; 816a20 for.,
new extra meas. Tierce beef is dull at 29a
30c for prime mews andl3oaB4 •taidba mese;
Beef and hams quiet ; barrel's at 126a30.
'Cut meats, the market is 'quiet ;185 pack;
ages, prices unchanged:: Middles are dull
and heavy, ;150 boxes at 133ic for Cumber;
band cut,'and 14 .143 far short ribbed.. Lard
is heavy; 625 tierees at 1410 for, steam
and 185016* for kettle 'rendered ; also,
250 tierces steam at 16%a 16 1ie for kettle
rendered; also '259' tierces steam, ealler
February, at 14%c. Mutter firm ,at 28a300
and Ohio 40a500 Pk State': Cheese' 'firm at
14194%Turpentine is dull' and drooping
at 4713,480. Freights to Liverpool quiet and
laTEsi.-:Pleureldeed dull and slightly
in buyer'efavor for: medium land common
grades. Wheat dull_ and heavy, at 51,48 a
1,50 for No t 2 spring,. and ;112,00;for amber
Michigan. :Rya steady at 11,45 for western, •
Oats dull •at .74a743407f0r western.: Corn
heavy and dci1111,15111,16 in store, and
41,1741,18. afloat for.mixed mestern. • Pork
nominal:at $25,50a26. Mess bee f quiet' and
decidedwithOut - "Change ' Cat - meatequiet.
Bacon dull and heavy,: - Lard heavy at 15%
ale() for fair to print° steam. Eggs steady
at 87.1380... • . • - - •
'' CiliCiilllflil Mailtit.
1 '07.,..jr__,'P50i0,11,4, the Tittelkih esiette., ' • :
VIDIC.I2iNTI, November ' i 30 Flour •in
A fair demand at,17,51348,00 for family. -Wheat
• lege - active; :No.l was offered;t 11,75. Corn
Quiet; , neyr•ear in - fair , demand - at -63a64ci
Ave is held'at sl,so.,bufne bbyers, at, over,'
sf,2B. Oats:firm at Mane, and No.l at 800.
Barley . ..Anil and prioes_nnohangSdi Irrrlng.
'..1 is • held-st• ,$2,10a2.,80, for Tot 11 ;. State :and
i °wadi; at ,
Pork g,niet,;.itt -1122,76a23,00. 1
1.1 BUM Meats firmer owing U. the
_advance in '
.112 kiegs,,andis held' at. 9340 for Shoulders,
o for clear rib, and 18go for clear sides.
°teen meats Inlgood demand; and market
closed higher; Shoulders 730173i0, Sides
105irah134.3v :Mid-Zama. '11.3;a11%o. Lard
_ante but firm at .1.40 for new. twain and
•y -- t •k 1 • t quiet at BC '
1 • 45,t0 for ett e. ter
.'!‘ I prisse, to choice. ' gs 880.. Cheese , active,
st 143,ia18.2., - Lar d' 11 14,110a1,35iy , thuielid :
i., OM giiii.V at 950. ": ' Whisky :11im at 080. '1
f t Gb11113 5 hittylisr. -.Wzolinge-1410 per - oeti t .!
t' discourithuyfeWeand Fa selling* Weather.
Fi olo4/.1 .t1.7.-:.2, ..,.. . ~. .....„. ..., ..., • ../ . . :,,,,....
, / /
Financial lbOters' in New York.
Gold Closed at 1345%®1315%'.
Teierraok rittatilinto 6aietto.l
2 . 6 wanbe4,1% Ism
. •
• Meneirmore active' at. 60j7 per cent. on
call. -,:Elterllng weak :10. , 8@)93; - per cent;
Gold opened at i 85%, fell to 195, andeloseg
at it-sig@ittsy
- uovnwricurcrs. •
Goveriunonfoi Itcrosic t but closed strong.
toupons 611881, 1143‘@1153i; do. o
11135; do. '64, -107%®10754: do. '85,.107%
@107%; do:now,110X@)110%;11031
1103 5 , do. '6B, 1103‘©1.16%;10:40s,10046)
- STATB BONDS . 1 -, •
Firm; MlaBouril , 88%®89; , North
Carolina!, 831a#64; Nelr Virginias, 58060;
New Tenneasees, 883 i.
_ • .
Stocks were depressed today by a rumor
that the lie;ofticials had deem:amid. to
Canacia.With eight millions of. dollars, but
its denial restored ceafidence and the mar
ket closed firm. ' , I • ,
6:3oFalcatm—ciiinberinad, 89K; Vaiit6n
50k; ' Wells Express; 234, Aniericaa, 47%
Adama, 8034;13nited Stag; 4734; Merchants
Urdon,' 1931,114,tileksilver; - MadpOse,
preferred,.2l9,l;;` , Pticille Mail.'ll7N; (West
ern Union Telegraph, 36),;_liew:Frork-Ceti
tral, .1219;. Erie 38 ; do. preferred, 80; Hudenn
130 Boston, Hartford & Erie, 27; Beading,
99 M; Terre Haute 89; preferred, 80; , Wa
bash,sB, do:preferred,' 70 1 0 St. Paul, 70;
preferred ' ', WA; :Port Wayne, 111; Ohio dt
MiWarappi, - .81X; Michigan , Central,llB;
tdleblipui Southern, 89; Illinois Central, 142;
Pittsyrgh, 8 8 g 1,Tolo0,100%;Boak Island,
109 x 169A r Sorthwestern,. : 8 , 1X; do. pre
feir , 'B7*-Alton, 180.
The receipts at the Sub-Treasiry, tf.miav
were ;1,918,504. Payments, 84,988,451. Bal
ance! Is88;077,868. .
. _
• :ChleaPNarket
(By Tliligrath to the Pittaboxp Gazetts.l
Cmosno, NoVember 30.—Eastern Ex
change firm at per ,buying, and' 1-10 pre
mium selling. Flour tame and weak; sales
spring extras - at $5,75117,75. Wheat more
active and easier; sales, of No. '1 at 51,12 a
1,25. and No. 2,,at $ 1 . 12 a 1 1. 12 Moi_olos 1 01:5 at
$1,11301,120 for No, 2; sales No. 2 MIMS
'Change at 11,13/c. COM' old No. 1 sold
in'car load lots at $1;08; No. 2 declined 2c;
males at 78c; - new shelled 2218 c hewer; sales
at 59c; kiln dried quiet and steady at 75e for
No. 2, and 65a880 for 'rejected, closing dull
at 56d for new shelled, and - nominal , at 11.113
for old NO. 1; - no change since noon_Board:
Oats opened steady st Saturday's closing
figures; subsequently weakened and de
alined , 1et340; Sales. at 45341480 for No.-2,
4330450 for-rejected, 'clesing at 463046,0
for No. 2. Rye quiet and a shade Miner;
sales` No. 1 at "414a1,143ii , and No: Tat
$1,12. Barley opened firmetr and 8c higher,'
stidoloaed easier at the :Winona); last sales
made at, $1,57a1.50 for- No. 2, and 61,40' for
rejected, closing at 11,57a1,573 4 c for No. 2.
Highwines quiet and steady at 96c for free.
Provisions more active. Mess Pork; sales
at $22a22,50 cash, and 520,50 seller January
and Febrtiary; extra prime, $l6. lAA
moderately .active at 13%a14 c. Sweet
Pickled R' , n,11,5ic; green hams, 1034 e;
short -rib• middles, 11al1j c; loose green
shoulders, 743. Dressed is a shade firm
er, at 17,50a8.0.' ReceiPte for past 48 hinme
floui, 86,209 bus wheat, 37,978
bas corn, 16,020 bus oats, 3,196 bus rye, 2,600
bus barley,, 8,821 hogs. Shiments-8792
Ibis flour,/0.302_ bus whea t , 25,929 • Dna
corn,'4,2fbus 0at5,2,22 9 bus!ye, 13,1051m5
barley, 2,829 hogs.
St: Liais,litarket.
(By TeiegraPb tgo '4l, Pittsburglifiasette.i
'ST. Lotris,'Hovember 3Q.-Tobacco, more,
buyers, than sellers, : and the prices are un t
changed for common. Flour, lower gradei
moiebuoyant, and 10a1543 higher; superfine
58145,6254. extra $6,75a8,25, treble extra rta
8. Wheat firm but slow 4 1 $1,45a1,60 for
prime to: Ware' red and fall:• Corn dull
and:declining at :70a72340. =Oats in better
demand and - higher at 834550. , Barley Un,..
changed, prime . to, choice 'Tows. - ring at
sl;Boa2,99,,prtaisto fancy,falt iff,6052,85.
Rye slow at:51,1234a1,13. Plaistow, there
pt. some' demand, but - buyers are looking.
for prices, which the cost of togs will not
admit of, and there is, oonsequee ,tly but
doipg, orders for _ dry salt shou lders
and clear sides were filled at 9a183i0,:
Hams lime. Old Bacon, blear aid es 173.0.
and old canvassed sugar cured hams at
-1634c. Lard, small sales of tierce at 13%c:.
Whisky unsettled at 953,980. receipts:
for the past twenty-four amounted to 4,200,'.
barrels of flour, 10,498 bushels. of, wheat,"-
13,800 bushels of corn, 21,700 bushelaof
Z9OO bushels of barley, 700 bushels of rye
and 400 head of hogs. •
' - Cleveland Market.
[By Telegraph 011ie Pittsburgh Gazette.]
_ 4IIVELMIrD, NOvernber 80 -Flour firm:
ercity made and fancyconntirmadebave,
an , npliard tendency, 'city made 11,25 a
11,50 for triple extra white $9,50a0,75 for.
double extra amber ,$8,25a8,50 for double_
extra red, :$7,50a7:75 , for, double- extra :
sp rime d i 7 a7,25 for extra, spring; coun-1
y58a8,75 for double extra red.and
amber, Valor double extra' spring, and
$10a10,25 for double extra white. - Wheat;
No 1 red heldwit $1,80; No 2do $1,85. Corn;
old held 011,04 pew 80e: ..08.111; eldelione
car at 69c, and three cars at 80c. Rye firm
er and not much `doing; No 1 held $1,28a
1,30. Barley quiet and steady at '82a2,05 •
for No 1 Canada; No 2 State nominal. Pe
troleunt closed bnt - nnehangedi
fined held at 27a280; round lots and trade
iota at 20a300. \s• -
.By Telegraph Witte Pittsburgh Ouiette.,
_Torsix4 Navember 30.-Flour is quiet'.
Wheat; No. 1 is 2c better,:and amber la
lower, with saleS of No. 'white Michigan at'
52,05; white Miehigan4l,l3oal,Bl; amber do.
at 11,75; do. Seller far the month at 51.74;
No. white atitl;33; No. 2 amber at 11,60,
and No. 3 spring' at 11,05. Corn is a shade
firmer, with sales of Michigan at 93a; new'
at 80c; kiln dried'iit 92c; and new„rejected,.
at 72%c. - Oats iirmar and 2c, better for No.
1, with salmi being made at , 55a56c.
litiCheligiidiiind sales were made of Michi
gan at 11,25. Clover seed; sales are being
made at 17a7,50.' Dressed flogs are Veld at
rtiy Telegraph to the Plate/rich Gitette.l
Mit.wAurtirs,. November 39.—Flour ia
dull and prices reniain unchanged., Wheat ,
is unsettled ind,lower; sales were. made of
.Nos. 1 and 2. Cats are steady at 480 for No.
2. Corn is quiet at 88c for - No l" 2: -Aye is
unchanged./Buley is nominal; sales were
made of No. 2at $1,50. The receipts . were
as' `follows 1,000 tags ilnurf 39,000 bush
wheat; 8,000- bush oats; 2,000' bush corn;
100 bush . rye; 100, bush barley. , Shipments
—B,OOO bbls flour; 80,000' bush wheat; 300
bash -
Louisville Market.
[By Telegraph to the Plttabargh Elazetta.l • , ,
Loursw.taar, November SO.—Tobacco;
sales of light at full rates; lugs to. medium
leaf /7513,2 . 5; 'Missouri manufacturing
.00tton , 22a221c.f , Hop 71416790,.
gross. - Mess. ' Pork 3. Lard < kifialbc.
Bulk Meats; shoulders 9c; clear rib sides
13c; clear sides Itlyt, Flour; superfine
;5,500,00. Wheat..1 8 ,65at,130.- . oatif/SBassci.`
Corn 50855 c- Rye 11,80a1 4 85.. Whisky;,
PhlkdalislOa :Mar*
(By WelegraPb to ttos ztesssegh giasetto.i •
PMLADEIMBIA.- November, 80.—Flour
firmer; ; north-weistern extra family - 17,75 a
8,80; QWo, Va 10,76. ..Wheat .in good de
mand; red 02E4,16, choice Kentucky white
1f2,45 dye eteistly. ~.Corn in gOod - demand;
old' yellow 11424 new $1,0411,1,1)., pate
steady ; !eater's • 67a7 1 e: , ProvUlons 'un
changed'. Petrolenin liesninigt; crude 220,
relined 810. Whisky sutohtiags4t, • .
I ti.~Y. ;rJ;hwray. a...r',u,~-r s~'-Y - '~...0.. --r r..~:.:.~..5,~..^.rii~ Yv:~::s-o;
•: -*sf) - Ay 7 ..:;-p - smlll.g.t , ;•-.L -, _ : .: . .ii0e.' . .... -
Baltimore Market.
tip Telegraph to tbillttelough gasette.3
30.*-21our is quiet and
steady at %boa for superfine western; 18a
9.60 for extra, and $10,25a10,70 for
Wheat dull at 12,20a2,40 for loir grades of
prime to choice. Corzi firm at 90ca51,03 for
new white,andll,o3al,oB for yellow.., Oats
at 70a78e. Mesa Pork dull at $2B. 'Bacon
quid. lord dull it 17ia17Me. •
. -
Rstraokto,l , Tovember 80.=6 cars pigiron,
Nhnick•4 Co; '1 'do do,l3rown it Co;
do, Bryan & Canghey; 5 camiron ore, Sho,
enberner & Blairp 8! do barley, J lkt Carson
&.x;;400 tl.blis, 400 -Ar alto .tiour,-T, 0 Jen.
kilos; 1 car rye,DMh2ger & Stevenson; 400
iir eke 11.5iir, Watt, teng:& Co; 1 car *heat;
Dan Wallace; 2do do, 'AB; Liggett & Co; 1
ear Ifinestnne, , Wemptun lime 'Co; 5 bhbe
tallow, G N Tioffstott; I Waking stove.
Graff, Ingtui & Co; 168 bb'leiiipples, I, J
Pettitr 50 dte•do. F Bectert, & 0o;•10 dO'cl
der, W Hashige &C 0; 20 7inks , v6IN Christy
*BaOhatn; ' /45 ;aka. bat lm Wl.l Meek; 205
aka .oate, Marshall ~ *,.Mißer;s7•bble, scrap
tron e i fiNng,,Ctuelfant pov 8 do, cider,
Richards ft Deitrich; 5 b ot-
bli ,011, B L PilmO,
stock &t Co; '7' hble,.2 hf MAO butter; Graft&
mi t o
R. 310 , X ht br , tobanee, tPortellield &No;
2 tote laseivait,- A &13 A- , Chambers; 2
cisme babiel'AtVell, Loe-da Co; 8 bbls lip-
P/eNt Rear ; 25 , d0 _ do , -DJ Blanchard; 8
sks ffee,t Hope ;Spice. Mills; 8 caddies;• 1
hz tobacco,-J, Murphy; 2;800 sheep pelte, l M
Delange; 5 bbls cider, lii ktoiwiggen; 1 box
dry, goods, j Robinson , ,25 dozen brooms,
/read & Metzgar ; 1 colfrope, Fulton, &AA-
Man& Co; 1 car corn, Q .H.,Allertsn; 9 3 Hui
oats, 70 do.coru, 8 do 'Sour, 100 bbls tionr,
Ottlp & Shepard r 5,75.5ka oats,.. mitgb am' &
lisin• .
AtaxcturiVr VALLysr R. IL, NoieintertiO.
=466 bbls Crtide oil, Jas Wilkins; 1 car pig
iron; 8 Woodsides; 1 do do,-Everson, Pres
ton & Co; 2 -do do; Me'Knight, Porter & Co;
Ido do; Lowis, Oliver & Phillips; Ido do,
W Smith; •2 do do, Zug & Co; .50 scarboys
acid, orals realdumm,Lookhart,-Frewl
Co; 31 carboys acid, Mackeown & Bro; ;87
eke oats, Scott & Gisal; 6 bdis sheep pelts,
G Kahn; 103 oil barrels, . Citizens Oil Co; 5
cars limestbne, Shoenbergerßlair; 1 car
stone, Henderson, Alexander 'it Co, •• 6 sks
oats, 8 do onions, 5 do butikwheat flour.
7- do flaxseed, J Schwalm; 1; car clay, Kily,
Glover * Co; 1 do lime, D L Reynolds; 2
bxs nide% McElroy,' Dickson & Co; 4 bbls
dry apples, W H Kirkpatrick & Ce; 2 skis
beans, 'l. kg:butter, .Voigt, Mahood & Co; 15
ski wheat, J S Liggett & Co;, 10 pkgti bur.;
keting, ht o nonga o Q l 6 Holm; 2 cars do,
Various owners. , ; •
Gramma= L ,AND. ,Prnsinntaa RLIL
ROAD, 30.-2 cars pig iron,
Graff, Bennet iti"Cci; 2 cars rye, T Moore &
Son; 3 do;i1o, .7:it'W . 'Patriot; 6 • cars iron
ore; Shoenberger & Blair 2do do, L'S Elm
it ;144° car metal, Bryan Caughey; 1
car grind stones, Hubbar#4 l ;Bro . &.Co; 1 car
scrap ir9n, T.-Maloney; 1 car atone, L
Knox; I car'grind stOnes; Erown, Son & Go;
lot furniture, Mader dy Dmfierfli choirs, A
Milliken & Co; 4 bellowti, Lindsay, Sterrett
& Co; 1 bbt coppthc G Hassey & Co; 50
bdls handles, Myers •& Armour; 10 bbla
peas, 2 do oatmeal, W Haslage it Co; 1 fan
mill, J W Park; Ido do,L Smith;
bbls oil, J Speer; 6 pas ca s tings , Union Iron
Mills; 5 bills 'trap iron, McCandless & Co; 4,
do do, F Kirsch; 5 bbla flour, 1 coil ropei
J Pettit; 1 Car headings, J J Bender; I car
bones, Robb & Herron. 1
1 car oitts, Id Steel & Son; 1 car shorts, It
Knox & Son; 3 cars wheikt; R T Kennedy '&
Bro; 117 bdls paper, Frazier "& Ifetzgar; 8
bales hops, Smith & Co; 12 bga flour, Jos
Oraig; 6 do do, , fil'ltnight & Smith; 85 bhhi
do, W Brown; 1 car wheat, W> ISl'Kekn
100 bbls flour, Glop Stewart; 1 car staves,lJ
H Lindsay; 42,bbls apples, Kohen it Bro;.
262 green hides, , A Holsteins; 1 Car flax
seed, Ewer, Hamilton & Co; 1 oar stone,
Forrester dr Megraw.
' The river continues to recede steadily`at ,
this point, with eight feet thiee inches In channel, by the, Monongahela. marks
laat evening. The weather yesterday was
unsettled and wintery-like with' an occa
sional. spitting of snow.. . ' -
• .
Baldness was dull *birch was owing par
tially at least to the inclement condition
of the weather. - , - , , 1
The Glendale , from St. Louis, and Julia
N 0.2, fromZanesillie are the only arrivals
we haye to report., Tie latter ; boat broke
one of her cylinders` when neai,Wellaville,
on Sunday, and wilt obitect to' come fro th,
there here on one en ne. She will ha,
obliged . to
rel ose one trip oiderto haven
E ed
e.Bayard, for • Parkersburg, and New
State for Wheeling departed as Tamil. ' ',
The Kenton, from Portsmouth. was due
last night and wrpturn mein to-day. ~
"The Kate Puttnen, Capt. G. W. Beid s i
Will positiVely leave for St. • Loins to-d a y, ;
and passengers anti' shippers ; should bear'
this in Mind; ' The lrate is of the bes t',
boats in the trade. ' - -,' • ' ,
The R. C,', Grayapt. lsaac' Virltittaliei,%
is announced to l eave for New Oileans, this'
evening.. lifr.....Eita, Young i•still retains
charge of the office. `, . ',' '• •
The Glas,gow ,from
'' _Cincinnati, arrived
yesterday, \
The' Tom. • W . and Barges, dig.
Chas. Mathews, announced to leave r
St. Louis to-da without fall.* • Gen., Chita.
is her agent. • ,\ . .- !
Barn es, 'The Mary/Davao and ;En es, are an
nounced for New Oileans. . , ,
The Rate Putnam will leave 71tivelV
this morning at 10 o'clock
—The Missouri is frozen over , a Sion;
./..The Boaz, which left for New Orleans
last, week, took one of /tows .the , largest of
-.. that ever left this port with 250 000
bushels. ', - • " • 1\ '
The riall trade at. Wheeling is perfec ly
demoralized. Bargee are taking nails from.
there for Cincinnati atl7p per lteg, andfoi,
New Orleans at 40e. • , , '. •
-The Lorena arrived et Cincinnati from
St. Louis on Pride* night, with a fnit
for this city. The boat is loaded to`six
feet, and her:barges; laden with'ore;tofonr
--Capt. Gm D. Moore, of ' the'stitakeia.
N. , McCullough, arrived in Cincinnati on
Friday. The Madison Marine Railway Com
pany are bard at the wreck with the hives
of raising her beforethe recent Pittsburgh
rise gets down to where she lies. • •
is said that Samuel L. Clemens took
his,notn de fume, Mark,Twain, from en Old
Kier, lioet*an on the,.. Mississippi river
whb, when navigatingon,shoal water, used
to cast the lead';' and when the depth indi -,
bated two fathoms, called out to the officer
in coinutatid ' , mirk '
The cOntrietar for removing the ob-
Structions in the Tennessee 'river at the
~S uck," thirteen miles from Chattanooga,
is in Chattanooga with his 'machine's emd
workmen. He will immediately proceed
to the, i•execution of; the - work. - About
fifteen thousand feet of roek•and _earth are
to be removed, and it is expected that the
n;utoithies will remove four hundred feet
eack.worklng day. The contractor is poed
true „that ,the obstructions. 'BO long the,
sourceOf 'atirloYances, will be entirebt- re ,
moved by the first Of the year. •
St Loulti dispatch, under - data
Betnrdity save' The steamer Great Re ,
publiewis pntirP at Marshall's sate 'yes-'
totter Capt. mem,. Simms bid , 1120,000.
Mars O.IIP Wort' • remarked that this bid
Was itoOlow, andle would not entertain it;
Simms, Acting for himself.- and Celt:John
R.,Rolinger, then bid 530,00 e. ge gen then •
aman ita with Attorney: Rankin, and de-
Elared the bid was refused also and pro.
flounced, the .ale postponed. Thi s morn .
In Shrunstirade 6 tender of the 'nreneY,
which-war refirsed. : ' Be tharrinstitured
legal ProossOfiiiiCelaim#lll thatheris an
titled to' the ownership or the' boat; being
the-tights& and best . bidder. According
110ITTSBEritdilr AND ST. - i ll :10i
Far Cincinnati. lAmisville. EtlinaviPeo
Phippers can denend on having their freight for
wanted with dispatch. Satisfaction guannteed. .
LOU/8 tsHIPPERS--Wlll leave on SATURDAY.
POSITIVELY, god w 11l go through without deten
tion tem_ lee, report* to that effect notwithatand
' .Remember the TOM rAs OW will take all
Memphis and New Orleans.! relight offering, zeahlt.
Ong at Cairo on teat e aila steamers. .i
nom'CHARLES BARNES. A era.' .'
Marietta and: Parkerebarg
Leave Company's Wharf Nati, foot of Wood street,
DAILY. AT II ' • ;
• Ifotraar ' a isa
YARD A. S StairßA. MEDD. gaite r .
OBEY NAGLE C. L, Bass2rAs, Master.•
•- . .
Frelzht,eHil be recelt4S at all bowl , 87 • • •
$114._ . JAILSB COLLINS. Avast.
-Lioa NEW CAlROiMignirminnitildßa.
11. 8te544 0.1111AT.....' 0 Wineskin.
Will leave u announced aboU on
. _ THIS DA.T. December-Ist:..
Porfrelglit or passage apply on I:mayday to I
JNO. FLA,PE. or ;
IigrPHALONIII.-- • ' ' , .
. • .
rob 131tAITZIPYIN' THE REIN Arm. colt ? ,
pLrstoir.e "tomato Eruptions,— Freckles.
Pimples Moth Blotches . Tan. etc.. and render. toe
Skin *Oh l lab' and blooming. Tor Ladles in the
Nursery is invaluable. Yoz_ieentlemen,... at t he :
sharing,: It has no equal. s •PAPHLaN LOTION'"
le the cnly reliable remedy tor. diseases and blew
tithes of the skin. . • • • • • - -1
," P11E4.011111 ."P/UPDILLIPIP BOAS*"
For the Toilet" Nursed and Bath ; will not chap the
skin. Price, XD cents per Cake.
sleoB DE DiATO,R • •
• ,
A new Perfume . for the 'Handkerchief. "Exquisite,
delicate, lasting fragrance. 80Id by all„Druggists.
rioTicitettials. DYE'.
,This splendid Bair. Dye t the task in' the world;
Meanly true and perfect-Dye. harmless, ~reliable,
\ Lt1411151/1110001V110 42501111105155105 V.
no ridiculous
Unas; remedies the ill entail; of bad dreninviipr•
rabies and leaves the Hair. son an 4 beautift4. block
or'krourn. Bold WWI Druggbiti arid Perfumers; and
properly applied at .Batelfelorls Wig Paciory, No.
10 Bond sUroet. New. York. , . a028:p29
IareIIME .. TO -- -1114,11,111L&GE
Toun4 Kea!' 'Guide to .11apg? Marriage
Conjugal TWIG'S?. The burnaneviews of baiter
olept Pitisielaret, on the Error" and Abuses incident
to xouth and Esrly Manhood, seat in sealed letter
envelers, free of cher? Aadres" HOWARD AS
1 3 001 A # os pi 4 inyigmarr
memoolk HOW LOST I How
REBTOBED e l n iltpabitsiled Gs sealed eisesA
I...iPrics. rill • A. LECTURE , ON TM ,
° lttrulLkt, TREAT T.' and Radical Ours at
Spermatorrhonyor Saniliud-Wealtness, Involuntary
Emissions, Beztad_Dabillty and;mpedintents to Nap
due . getwallyt_Neryousnest, Consuinption. Epi
lepsy and Yids; /dental and Pbypicial Incapacity, re
ultinaDom Self Abuse,. & c. , V ItAint. J. Otavor.
well. D. author bribpreen Book, 9 de. "A'
under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post
patdon receipt of six cents., or two posta_ge sta_m_m,
W° DAS. J. KLINE .d. Co„ 147 , BOWERY,
Oulverweirs • mantage Guide," taloa !global&
IV ANII 00 D."—Anot h er New
Dn. Ulan. The ifedfeat. Times es,9 • Otitis work:
"This valuable treatise on the cane e and crare'of
premature decline. elbows how.llealeh Unpaired
throng% secret abueee of youth' and manhood, and
bow easily regained. It gives a Blear synopsis of
the impedimenta to.marriage. the 0011141 and effects
of Demme debility. and the remedies therefor.
Pailtat editibn onht above:will. be, fce warded n
receipt of N o r th
Chuffarenhe Tioetor 011
TIS - No. a Charles !Street, - Baltimore, DM.
ABMS t its
.wouNp pIIMr,'MKIUT
lieckin j •
On-the Error ' Abases and Dlissmed Ineldent to.
Youth and Early Manhood, with the humane Mew
of treatment and cue, sent by mall in sealed letter
envelopes tree of chards.— itildase,MOWAßD A.
swamp. fox Mdelt#l* setratrao.dir
A nomi l wup .iiirmAutu tzir;
n rirrit imam -
speasuar , rzniumazosa.
~,; ~ y .
r-c0._~.5~.a..~~c,~.zt_ Fwd '-- ~' - :dai - :r~ r ~ -- ~ ' 'a~;;¢ - a ,Ts.~n.~ ~'a.::n+~!~.-
to a decision in a . case, rendered
here WI year; he will probably : succeed in
making Ids claim - good.
—The river steamer in Europe is a small
afildr compared with the floating palaces of
our American waters.' But it is built after
the fashion on and but very" little larger
than, a Chicago tng: The. cabins—the first
astern, and the second in front—being sel
dom more than twenty-five feet' long, and
the entire boat often less than a hundred.
The cabins are under deck;nnd are always
IoW, and arranged with little regard to the
comfert of passengers. A row of sesta
around : the sides and a plain table. in. the
Centre, constitute, with the stove, the'entire
furniture.' Add to. this the: fact' that 'they
are always close and : oppressive, and the
uncomfortableness can' I e appreciated.
Ample 'means of ventilation is, indeed,
furnished in• the ports,nf which. there are
tenor twelve to• each cabin, but- these are
never allowed to serve the 'purpose for
Which they were intended, being always
kept ea UghtlyClosed ,as if Mader fast in
their places. 1 , • . ' • -
I. River Ind Weithir.
~,...„„fthe' ttibirtitazie s:1
Loulan . ia, , Rl° etabk3o.—ThrtN
ea .
t_ • h
is elondj`'th lndications of snow.' The
river is este ,
wit kvrven,' feet of rater lin
the canal by - mar . .
. . .
Formsßuston IA
oats leave every WEDNESDAY andal.aT
of eackireeki and oftener if .thtang of holiness ,re
quires. The :line Is to be under theAlrectlen and
control of Captains Is.
L. Rhod e Wm. Dean.
limmitt McClure and. James hem 'The object is to
obtain regular:l:rot time in deputing, together with
a uniform tariff of rates on height, from pittabuigh
to St.•LOnla and all interniedlite points: The fol
lowing Oapteint and their beats, have agreed to en.
ter into - atid compose , said 4ite : • .
Steamer' LgonideS. .. Capt. Edward Evans.
Steamer Silver Clou d No • J. B. Conway.
Stearder Rate Putnam Capt. Geo. W. Beed.
Steamer Wannita • Capt " Thos. Shuman.
Steamer Glendale Capt. John M. Hire.
Steamer Lorena • ' Capt. Samuel Shuman.
Steamier R ., ellevernon • Capt. thumb.
Steamer Maggie Dart
Steamer ...... A. C. McCallum.
Steamer Messenger Cain. Jesse Dean.
It is understood that the day Of departure 'shall be
strictly obeyed on the part of said boats, and the
hour not later than sundown. And that time of ar •
rival at all points or. landings between Pittsburgh
and St. Louis shall be settled upon as will best serve
the patrons of the line, to give dispat ch to business
and regularity, •whicit we think w be of great ad..
vantage to our business men and t he general travel
on our rivers; besides save much expense to our
boats, while loading xmder the line regulations , ln
the. e days Instead of six or eight, as under the old
;rule of 'biding linen, or four (boats at one Um , :
It our object be propy appreciated. we
endeavoreo. make the liner s work to the advan
tage of till *lnterned. - •
!through receipts will be given to all points where
connections oau be Made with other goon lines.
We anon earnestly solleit.the assistance of our
basinets community. Yen trulyy
Emuirr mccLuar.,. •
OB - CAlltlrAtirb": ST. jar m e
LOUDI.-The steamer
JATE PUTNAM 400119/1 BUD, Master,
Will leave positive,' 011 • -
THIS DAY; Ist ItAt:,' At 4 It; x.
'or freight'or priseutaverztboard or to :1 , . - .;! '
1117 ii .: Or : A COLLJNOWOOD AAr ' iltil. "
Cairo •nd St. LOUIS.
Leaves THIS DAY, December Ist.
Tbe 'staunch and tiowertal tow-boat
Tom rmuloar AND BARGES,
Through receipts given to Memphis and New Or
eans. Alm to all points on Cumberland river, at
E s:rABLISHED . BY A. a T.
: • W. EMMY'
No. 0 - 1
91:!i7iFinir opp. Disks Ho? L) • , '
prx-±a . fi4S, Pd.
No. 87 Second Street,-Pittsburgh, Pa.
of Country : Produce.
-au Ibraers Ler Iterehandiae paMptlYt-fillet"
LOWlter market rates. Particular attention Yen
to=elUilebf Batter. Eggs, cheese -Dried,-Fruits;:
KC, We feel ecuilident that we can give entire sat -
ndadidn. trimming QUICK &AL= and raOKIT
Tlitung. at HIGUE&T Kamm/ zniCXl4,alld therefore
renmetfallyaolleit your conaignmenta.' - corre
spondence simmered promptly.. litarking,Plateli
&rubbed erne.' Grain store and to arrive daily.
urATT, "LANG b. co.,
Oroesiles, near; Orals. Predate * !so.
Vieloin, rialto theists, .
Nom. 174 and 174 WOOD STED4T, auzlAberti
areet• ?titan/rib. noaraals
K. sntraa' A. Etranzia.
.•• STELWS & 8011 i
ocminissionMeicolkantsi • • •
• •
makoirit„"- cartsiav;••mmEn;
#0.,95 4)810 STEM" East,Oonaiosp.
O. - 11. ' CANFIELD &:SONi. COM.°
• MISSION NIEROHA.NTS, —sad , Wholesale
In Goshen, Factory. Hamburs_and W. B.
Cheese Batter, Lard, P4:nk., :Bacoile , =our, FUN
Dried Fruit, Grain, Pia' Lead, Pot, Fear/ and Buda
Ashes White LiniN Linseedv Lard,oo4 and Car
bon Oils. No. 14 , 1 First street. Pittsburgh.
.1 a •
Pritß ism r. zuczusr.
jp& . „.,
- Arr Drasaces
iLotaz. GRAIN, 51farD8,',MILL VIED,
849 Libert7 St.trittitbaril/4 •
AL1=&....... ft B. .4.1%1NR:
& ANiEfit.
r • P - •
Diodori rLomz. GRAIN' and BODIIOL GEN ~
=ALLY. No. lea WATNE EMMET, above
ezatildield,Tittaborso. • • - 181
J tie side ofilour; Chsln. Lard, Butter
=AV Prial.azirn=tice VperalaWitip
Wholesale and Beta °recent
aIISESICHANT9 and dealers In PLO_ll - 11, GRAIN
19 DIAMOND, opwaltat City Hall, Alleakany C 97.
• STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission Mer
e t and .Wbolessde Dealer In , Country:Produery.
Orocortes and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash *4*.
yawed on Consignments, and gold for Produce Bede.
JOHN I. ROUSH. —.HON. H0U81.....11X. H. HOVON.
rj'olllll I. HOUSE ;& 11110114 , 8 uh - JOHN I. HOlTar, & CO., ;wholesale,
oeers Ind eonimlsalon NorchaNtS.. Corner' of
Haakeebt iluid.Watar Hines. Plitabartki Pa. • -
Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and
ra' It Prod ace; Ylottri , Bal3oll. Cheese, .11sh,
_Carbon and Dud .OU, Iron films, Cotton.
Yarns and all Pltitrargh litannfscftr‘s generally;
arid •.I. I AI dMCOIID Pittahntith: ".
0. 6 SIXTH STHICET. Pl6strurgh. 1a.12:r61
BAD :21117NICD Tzef, :
IN PIIItiIiELPHIA. ,Pace 118 801371/'
FIPTHSTREET;•beIow onestuat. aolrais
4DERMAN 41.1% 1 1521110 . 10 J11131:1Crg Olt_
.amtai.stteitlati. Wen to mOnyeruiclng and
lettions Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages drawn ap,
and.all legal Dnaineas attended to vrosently and sc:o.
=irately, . • •
. .
Aimiauulumni pains imnswra, -
:meg; Liiii WYLLIE RCEICZT, alit Wsallinglel
...__, . '-- •!' P/M4 1 . 7 / 1 "*..:P4.•''.- . ...:, • : ,
I, tlm
i „,..,, 1 . b0r liecrit i m ,, em , vv ....,,
bus eu excuse ed promptly. Moms
. .. . ..
RAattin. ,genuvilms,
""...: ,
__ - A.T.,...imitr•vor, -. ,:- -, .
EmOldelo Justice of the Teams and Niles Mauls.
taste. °film_ GRANT STREET, opposite, U) Ca!,
thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. ; •
Deeds, . Bonds, Mortgages. Aeknowledgmente,
Depositions, and alt al, Badness executed- vials!
promptness end &Moat • , • uthla,
A_TaxwircaLszir, , ':
Z,X4)11,1(710 arsnoz or 'TB*
Deeda, 13onds, liorlaiiat a, Acknowledgments.'
Depositions and all Leaalßasineas ageoatait walk
promptness and dls • stet.
AA AMNION, 23. -i 1
• IT ofihe - Peisce; • •
_ .
Collieuod of IteOtOolleited Mididiordpey otterid.;:
ed to. , m :760•
Ex-mnricao 'Attvricnr. lquan
min! auoisTaix.o
0/11c0_,11.9 31111711 SPIURXT. C3Palte tals ' .° lloB:
drat, Pittsburgh;- Pa; 'lkeda; • moods, ' Mortgages'
Aeknowledgments, DeposltdOne and all Legal - Biet.'
emu 'moonset with twomntaesa and•disnaw
H. HARKEn,• -
OAlea,' CABSON BTBRET_,_' newly op . * nk the
Railway Depot, t301 7 / 4 1PITTSBUR011.
emanated •to his nee 'promptly Ennui
Eiff .161.tak.street,
, simida
ilicOara !Moon. ?sort Room.
O T ELI 4 , r
MIN . • •
• ATTORNEY -AT-LA •••• •
uAtiaiead asave4 . . .
Coat Immo,
11101 - :-
JUL. ' • \ . -Y`7 - ,` .; -'' ' ' ' l - -! . :efq.
tiro AND - COUNI10:01 AT , LAW; , 1 ,
, -
Np. larantStrocit,,, - :- ,',
ailltia • ' 71111130,ze5, PA, '-'
I.#:l,iiirzi•gt I 1 fr. : •
On and after Tinl3ll/11cIrofenber. nth. ism
tralas will arrilre at aad depart ma Depo cep.
ner at Skald sad Water streetsp:.
a w rt innows: -
a[atl De
tO **dawn Unicinv .
a. ,
BeßeesportAccomaiodyn.u:oo A. At . " 3 :00 1 , .14e
Zz. to and from Uniontta. 3:00 P. 114.10: N•
West Newton, Aecomtood!is 4:30 r. B. 8:38 A.:**
Braddock'S ACcolaimOditt'u 16:18 P. B. 7:80 P.
Night Ace. to NaKeespcdt.lo:3o r. N. 6:45'1.. K.
ilanday Church Train to and;
from West Newt0n.. ....: 11:00 P. X10:00 A. X'
For tickets ipply tO ,
W. B. STOUT, linarinteadent. • • • INSP.'
atNGElof TI3IIE.
GHENT vALLE___ . ,_ v wazazos . ~
On and after IdONDLY. Naresiber 9th . .' .
TWO TRAINS DAILY' . sill leave Pittsburgh Sta.
Bon. ..corner of Eleventh and Pike streets fbr Prank.
lin, 01101 W. Buffalo, and all points In Ike Oil Bag ,
_ L
_LILTS Plarprouni. IN przraftitas.
mos Tlft_sal 46140p1ia
Elwell ' 7110 Din mires.. .....' SUM ais
seadrs IPd le 11:09 p radys 841.1.010410 aSt
Ist soda Works \ - Ist .Soda Works- • -,
goetimod's .40:110 a Aceottuiden. 11.510 sSe
fid thala.Works -• ‘ , Soda Works , • -
deetimod_ . 9 n . ' 5:lXlp to • geoomodeti. 3:40 pni
.Cbasch•Trals terms Xissbargit at guip,p...*„ .. 4 3 „
rive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 i. M. • - -
passengers Wang azjiess! . t
.raln_liorel but eat
ch*n _
a " G.f Wil bl iintd eell ; . Bll/ . .. nl fs t b s i . rgt& eprafftlelo and
rinukriaic,ints .mtzetuWa) 4 and A a . .. i ccesL o am m
Mini - - fill SW •• , • _ .
i l t°P " 11l "L if'Xil t lat Ass , t. 6up 't.
, _
_._• • 03 1 / 1 . . . up
'• W.rBUSTER HOPBeTinket Agent. . , aaa,
tbtrth erma
-CHANGE OP' TE611.-05 in& after iretwar.-
Nov.22d, 1868, tratna will leave and arrive !ilia*
Uultut LtsPah as 6610wd, PilaiOnsall time; - 7
Yiil Itrprois -3: 13 a. m..16:13
Fast Line 1 10:13a. sc. , 4:33 p. uto
Fast Express 31:58 p. m..131:13 a. 1110
Mixed Way ' •' • 6:43 a: 6:43 p.'Ea..•
McDonAld'oatec'3l. No. 1.. 11:38 a. no t 11:3311.100-
Steubenville .A.ceommod , n. 3:38 9141116 rn
MoDonald'a . D. -Lec'n, No. S.. 6:00 P Wino
L., ..
Nr51:58 p. x. Express will lone MCI.
Oise 10 : 13 a. sn 2 1 r t irle a rvtrdr,",.sianday..„..
copied, and makes close connections it Newark OW
Zanerrllle and points on Sandusky ? mardqiei c t
-lieWlrkl4l k. F SCIIt.L. Gener a l Ticket .tient: •
W. W. ttaßD,:Suptt.'.-Stenbenyilln, Ohio. • • ,
and after Nov, 92.1. 1562, Trans , wlll.
rite at and depart from the Union Depot:- corner 014
Washington and Liberty streets. as follows:
• Argios. • -Degar,t. am
Mail Train..., 1:30 Lay Express.-. MAO
Past Line 9:4-01a m No. 1.. 13:30 la
Wail's No. 1.. 8:20a m Mall Train Silit am
BrintonAmen. 7:50 s m ."CinainnatiEs 19:35 p
Wall's No. 2.. • 13:50 a m Wall's No. 2,. 11:20 nit
Cincinnati Ex.' 9:40 a, m Johnstown Ac. - • 3:26 pa
joinutown Ac.lo:3s,atn BraddockeNol 4:210 pat.
Baltimoie Ex: 1.46 p td Phila.' Expiate 5:10p ix
.Express - , 1:30 pia Wall , ' No. 11;- 5410 pat
Wall's No. 21:05 pm Wail's No. 4.. 6:015
Braddock' 5:50 p Fast Line f 2:50 pat
Wall'. No. 4. ' 7:25 pm 5.. 4100 pna
Way Passen'r.lo:2o p , • • • :
The Church Train - leaves Wallis Station evert
Sunday at 9:10 a. m., xesching-Pittsbur•rtatiOMl
a. in., .Returning, leaves Pittibuigh at 1.9:59 p.
and =iv es at WitlPs Station at 21:00_ p. m.• • -
'Cincinnati Express iesatio daily, All other trim
that, except Sundal. ••• •
per fairer information apply to
- - • W. H. BECIMITYt," Agent.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not Ma
mime any risk for Baggage, except 'tor wearing irw
parel. and limit their reeponsibility to One Hundred
Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding th at
amount in value will bent thirsts - 1r of the coiner. en I
less, taken by /recta contract* •••
• • • - • • - RowAßDlL•miit„Ltax&
General Superinthadent. Altoona...l'a. •
i t " iil ....."
* . * . * . **
0 4 . at
W. AND CLEVELAND & I: .A a. n.
• Pram Nov. 23d, 1868, trains will lease from
and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, city
time, at fellows: • -
Chicago Ex.... 3:03 a m Chicago Ex... 2:13 an
Cleveland/Ex.. 3:03 am Cleveland Ex. 9:13 ase
Erie & Yrs 11 , 1 7:211 am Chicago Ex.. . 11:55 a Ita
Cl. & Wh7gll•l 6:25 it m Wheeling Ei; 11:13 age
Chicago Mall.. (6:513a m Bt. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pis
Chicago Ex....10:08 a m Chicago
CI. it i'lrE:c. 2:23p m Cl. &.>Wh•g EX 4:13 pia
Chicago Ex,— 243 p m Erie *Yen Ex '6:13 pm
Wh. &Erie Ex. 4:03 pa CL &WA's Ex 0:58 pa
Depart frost Allegheny.',define is 4.1445%.
N. Brigra AA. B:sllkam N. Brigt•zi Ao. ma a*
Leetsdale •1 10:284 mN. Briart•si " 13:25 am,
•• - " 11:511 am Wellsville ••• 4:53 aat
Rochester ", 1:33 pm New Castle'
"10:33 a SI
Wellsv•e Ace.. 3:3Bpm Leetsdale " 0:13; ea
Leetsdale Ape. 4:13 pm • . " -1.118 pla
N. Brfist , n • . 5:33pm N. lirigt•n - " 11:43pat
N. l et iat•zi " . VS:2B pm Leet sd ale-" - 4:53 pa
e " .10:23 pm •• ' ' " 7:15 egi
Ltetsdl 4 ) 3 _ B P . _ ... - Leetsdale f.'l ll l._ __
as rhnrch 1:13 p nil' Oitirch;..
11:411_g. in. Chicago Express leavesitsitr. •
• 11:58 Chlesgr Express arrives daily.
Ars°. etreinge otears:,between Pittsburgh an
Chicago. Sleeping cars wlthon c bulge to ,Didishap...
41111:11 Chicago;— J
• :
General flaperbiteadrass •
P. B. IMMO, Chasers' Ticket Awn._ a 023
t3YLVANIA, •sts-2....r0w-nuncmcsame-- •
=er . '—i.)n T " ls sn zi d
. afte 2tt r iici tv esteril ov. 212 p.reitw d, 186 611 8. the er4 Pas•
Street Depot Alleghenj City, na follows:.:
agd , e,Nol!,ll:4o • • .4100 MB
Freeport No. 8:80 a m Freeport No, I tnlit ain
Express:, - 1Q: am Sharpbtg No. 111.110 are
Ettlarpb , g No.l 2.015 pm 5........ 2:415 pm
port No. 274:00 pin , eNol. • 3:111013 .
I 5:52 m port No. 2 MAO p
Blicingd% No 2 0c2,5 BarthOte No • 2:10 oca
Abort trains run daily except Sunday.
The Church Train leaves Allegheny 'Tuner: every
&tufty, 5t.4:40 a. m., reaching. Allegheny lc, :at.
9:50 a. m.. Returning, leaves, Alletheny City s e. - '
/lISQ 26 . andaz Or• !'; i li ng!trY - '
00xXcarAriON- Thalt=',4or sale to Macke/lee of
Twenty ,-- between Allegheny City; its Chostn treet.
Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etas andlaharpshurg e
and good only on the trains stopping a Stations spa •
deed on tickets.- - • •,• .. -• • - 1
, The = A/reAhnni City fat44oo
make connection FrtePan with W p . h ... h alker l 2
Rae ofStagesibrßutler and liannabrbswn.
tickets mat
.1; :e purchased I,l* 011m,21T - Ci:Fet:
Clair stree near the BuspeindOt Bridge -Pittsburgh,
and at the pat. Alle guess- -; • 1.•
Eor Orrther innirmation appJ, C_ . • .
• , ThATEREEM,24C it, FederaI Street -
The Western Feunrylvsida Railroad will not aav
same any ;ilk for Benue, except for wearing sp.
wet. and limit their responathuity to One Hundred
118 value. . All baggage exceeding. MA
amount In value-will be at the risk erne owner, tlit•'
less taken by Nnsoalenntract. --• • ; •• • •
Oeircal Bunertatendent.. Altoona: YA. , •
n 023
M 0 IL YlLLMargimmi
),,.7 , , ismolamco-sii
nom the Nast to all points In ,
Colorists, - - Fermis, ' •
• Oregon. - • ,• •••
Two - TAlnt leave state Line and r.eiro-I
`Olen, (Sundays excepted, thitarrital of u.,r
Moans Railroad from St. mils, and B alba PAL
Sts Jo Railroad ..from ay, co c. at I,Bm.
Vince, Topeka and Promos° with stsi b se for an .
points in ihute. At and , of L track ,‘ west of
Alld all Points' In the
COACHES for Port Unlou,ißents Fart, Pus, Alba.
i re l / 2 ; 1 9 33 / / 2 - - ; .-4 1 20 31 4 • .114
• With tht.recent (additions =of of sq ilea aM
equipment, and arrangements made with re
'Monett:lle Overland Tranaportation Lines from
western terminus; this road now often unequalled.
kellities !Cr the tratansisoon of todisht ULM* Far
west. . •
Tickets for sale at all`the principal - aloes krt
United States and Canadas - •
Be rare and salt for tickets via THE axon
ML ROUT 4 612111)U, 24.9TR10 -ISAJT,W-19r
' • ' • - A*lll3inili "
Tp,, LATE.
lIPO Olt thi „.
. ,Ic '' ; ' ''
-k: 'Qtri EENSTPW: suarrea .l- ''' --
Tiii EXMAN'tganrl 7 . , •• ,'
iricaiNteiiii iteteta
tasited -,ai i r i wish
ar segebrm o p piato ir ., v , .
IWY OP BOA 64 _ • -1. , - , Lim,
' - MATIIEDAT• inat i at tr w liras.
lib TNew.Yoti k Torrisl , Tl` • • ' :''
tleasilsillik 'lOOllA3l, iii•
rennym iThiariimMurbearSisir
• - Num Wog. en
Eaatera DivjMon.
Arizona, Wiudthigto
Nfsw Mexico, Idaho
z*mv=4 emxiw
Sung' Prillett - sadliske, /Jest'
S f ;
' "