The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 30, 1868, Image 8

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    . ,t,
11110 ,
Meeting. of Connefia.---The Pittsburgh
old etrOgular monthly 113• e.„, The
E ealfa —.__ ‘rAdrik ted ' - " :011 10 4 Y1 4 ,i /1 " 1 , orship ek 4ratt o u'ia m i s irgful t i t l i
lug. this Councils
afternOciri at tWif• o'clock ,at the „God=the:Dediedorl - PnY e . r t
usual place of meeting: - ' • rah*
the new
1 , Third •Presliterhys Church, 5ait. 13 : ,4143°4
awe ita4nidif dedicated . to. the worship 0 P
the iliniglity There Was preitent,,
, very lerteboneelindah• and the exe!cindi
Were of en wman. UnlitP34 / I `i kierest " :‘'
Character. 4.inang.the 'atilAingniihed •
nlergymen from abroad ecenpying the
form, we Observed Itiiv.l):ll.agddle, -
:oemsirtinsburg; West Virginia, the ?first
pastor of the congregation; who :held his
puce and nolPit ler twenty-four Yeirti;Briv.
H Sandell ,: who :tinnesediSiblizOieW Sec-.
retary of the Neiv-SahoolHoinelllssionary
committee; New 'York; Rev:Herrieklehn
son, who ' r e cently severed his connection
- With the na congregation, andßevi'Mr.,•Noblei
the ,VresentheloVed pastor. ' It was Pe'
Maly gratifying, and at the; same time an
incident of more thin ordina'l' intereat, to
see thus joinedtogether, till: OrAike. 'Piston'
that bad _ presided aver this comparatively
old comtegation. since its orgenlaation.
We need not say that the pioneer
membere of the church 'were - ppecially
delighted ,With the 'pleasurable 'reunion..
Among the other. guests , present "and par
ticit4tinglii the committee by invitation, we
observed-BO:Dr. Hitchcock, President -of
the Western Reserve - College, .Hudscin,
Ohio; Prof.Ctittef of thegemedisstitution;
W..Mears; D. 33., the •able and. so
nOmplished editor , of the •American Pres,
.teJterjan• H. Y.,Bev. P. S.Davie. Birming
ham,. Rev. J. S. Travilla, and Rey. Aaron
Wilttamy D ' D; The prayer, brief
and eloquent, was aferect to the Throne of
Graee by Rev. Dr. Hitchcock, which- was
followed by an intensely interesting Ids
torieal sermon, dwelling principally on a
recitalof the rise and prOgress of the con
gregation addressed, delivered by Rev.D.
H: itiddle, D. D. At the conclusion cif the
discourse, Rev. Henri;' Kendall; D. D., of- , ,
fared the fVowing beautiful prayer, for a
report" of which we are indebted to; t h e
kindness` of .George W. Dithridge, Esq;
Our Gracious and almighty Heavenly
Father:—Thoti great Anther of every good:
and every perfect gift, by whoin alone we
.can - have hope through Jesus Christ. we re
joice in Thee to-day, andwe rejoice in, the
wonderful nuudfcatatione Thou has monde of
Thy to` Us. We thank, Thee,',Great'
God, that Thou. did, not. leave, on:, world
in darkness, but didst give) Thy Santo die,
that,',whinkiever,believeth Him might
tuive everlastinifei—that though we were,
alienated froin Thee, and were, he children
Of Wrath and the:Evil ;Cite, ;Thou hast
Infinite mercy a way so that ive
can be brought back to Thee; and be Mee
cited to Thee throtigh Thy dear Son,.and
irombedng alienercan be adopted agai n;into
Thy family and become eons and daughters'
of the Lord God 'Almighty. •
When we Minket ow hopes to-day; when
We think of ourhistory; when we think of
theprivileges Thou bast bestowed tetanus, -
we rejoice exceedidgly;Oh God, and thank.
Thee , that,Thon- didst . have mercy on the,
_Worth" that . Thrth didst Rive .'nY eon;
that Thou didat . establish Thy Church
and did, bestow upon no such means of
grace, sanctifying them all by.the outpota
fug: of the Holy• Spirit Upon mato-day and
in the' sti• so that so many are setting in
-heavenrY places with Christ Janus, and
tinny trusting that their hearse have been
renewed to the Muntenia , of life everhuiti.'
We thank Thee Op-Lord, that Then bast
not left na in any !Orlon of the world
Thou - art sot known; where litYlvord has
never gone, and wheretheEkuipeilita never 1
been prehedihat we rejoloe, Our Father, 1
that Th ou twat given us such
• privileges;
surrounded with such restraints, spoken
to;Mi. with, such vetoes of Thy Providence
and bast called after vs in the voice
o f Thy
Word, tonehing our hearts that we should
see our sinfulness and thus bring us back
to Thee
.We rejelee, oh God 1 at the historY Thou
hest given this church, that through days
of darkness and periods of affliction, Thon
hest [been with and strengthened and.
blessed and guided it to this very hour.
We thank Thee for what our ears have
heard. for what our fathers have told us of I
Thy wonderful workie in the: days of old.
We thank Thee for the memory of past
'scenes that have been rehearsed to us to
day, and we thank Thee for these periode
of outpouring of the Spirit et God; those
great revivals of Thy work, when Thy
,phildren have rejoiced with 'Theoi that:
other Temple.:"And, Our Father in Heaven,-
we pray that Thou wouldite com and blesn
us in the future as Then hint in times that i
are past. Oh Lord! the Heaven of Eleaiena:i
Cannot contain Thee,muckleis ;thin houne,',
which Thy servante Audit; fcr Thee.f,
NeVertheless, - Then art , accustomed ;. tots
dwell in tabernacles among men, Thou. arP 1
accustomed to hallow the places where Thy ,
children= meet - :to nerve -Thee, with Thy '
specialresence. This : house, Oh G od! . has
been b uilt for the glory of Thy name, that
hence maybe shed abroad a knowledge of
Thy name to those who know Thee nOi
And, onr, Father, we now dedicate this
house te,Thee, and all that pertains to it as
a free-will offering unto God, witb:all the{
cost end all the care, every stench and
tint ,
ber (Wert 'part and every apPoltb.',
relent of.this building, we now , dedicate i
junto Thee, Oh, God! We pray that Thou
wilt use every part apd every portion of it.
for,' We - 'glory . of Thy' mime.. And we
beech Thee now,.. Oh Lord! to arise into
Thy, 'resting place Thou, and the .Ark of
Thy -strength. And let 'Thy. people rejoice
in IV goodness and shout • aloud for joy.
Cents and baptthe end imbue this tatildhig
with Thy presence, Oh Lord! Come and
ablde here with greater power and* make
here greater displays of, Thy ; presence and:
glory than Thou &did in that other house,
and let the glory of this latter house be
greater than the glory of the•lbrmer house.
Come, now,: Oh:lordil , fill ;this house; fill
the hearts of Tb,y saints and the hearts of ,
Thy ministering servants with Thy love.
' And we beseech :Thee. =MAW unto us
some greater work of Thy arid glory{
.in 'the
ipiritOa tpinlisdi anng& o
t T e
C h n ie v Sd rs om n
s inners grace_,
to Thyl3elf. Oh God ! may this
sacred deskalwaYeiLhedilled who
shall speak the Word of God-in sitoplicityl
and, 'fidelity, and , may it be accompimied '
with the dethonetration of , the Spirit in
power. May his vice- always be for the
poor and the outcast, and may tune alwavg
the poor be welcomed to hear, the Word. in
days of darkness, in days when 'Thou.did'st
visit the nation and the city' with 'affliction,
in days of war—if days of war shall some
,'again-in days ofpestilerice and sorrow, May
Thy people gather her) to acknowledge
Thee and humble themselves before Thee:
And de Thou come and meet them here,
and alway s -; meet -Thy people rhere, Oh
Lord! W many occasions will there bei,
when Thy children will come sorrowing
here—their hearts overwhelmed by
new arid sudden grief, •with some w at in a;. ,
Metier, they had not looked for. Oh Lord!
meet t b h e e : i n su : h ffi e c r i e e . n t L o t r
tthem!„l the
rd liy f
find intfie service and in therhouse of God
' these divjne consolations which can b e
found nowhere elk). - • Hera let Thy praises
-be sung. .Hers let Thy Jaw speak forth.
Here let the
• consolations of Thy. _grace be
tittered With great 'tenderness. Here let
Abe promises of the G
• ospel in all: their full.
ness be - rehearse& Sere .gather in the
wandering in great numbers, We 'thank
Thee, oh Lord! for the blessed resign:is we
have'tn kiloTt that Then halt ripened no
many iuthis Audience .for rest at Thy light
hand in glory. Many Thou: bast taken al
ready, but we,truat'they were furthered in
their spiritual,progrese by the 'fellowship
of Thy service.- .
And all •the young and strong mati hopet:
'fel tharhave been more recently gathered
into the • fold -of Christ hero - 4 clusteribt
around this congregation.' :Ok
•ilo *Thou .. - riPerr and 'deVelop their virtue.
- and graces, andinake thentMore
otoinitted.—Ntiohael , Weida , was co
Initted for trie t lr by' 4 4 0 .:Orpatpi1Itale17,,
Sati3VAW o n a c hai r arlardenn Prcsferred
again% him'bk lo -fa l -ter s Oolitiitiat• •
A Vo=te ofolorkwOnsre z trA'age , d_ twaih in
ing an adetion, to -qv ) t , 0 1 4 6 rik
Mary. ni r d sAiditkecon` be INia7R-ed
Tuartrardlit to Use aa a
cella, and- an
brary .. ...::The worm. ,SOLI - p rob A ti y be ann.
PletE r d-i4ts winPr•
Illearing-Aidermarx*Atier,en SatnrdaY,
committed Riley TstokarAtfot,.k Anil hear
ing onTedernheitthiiewrichame of feloni
ens aasaulteendt:"batticyleferred_aggnst
him Albert,. Copper , t paigcciri of
An iratetvEa/f.- 7 .Tenny •,Wiggir.s
ie.ges th at q`'ellti - Burna; aresidant of -711165.
VOW, tam atoned, to tear--the clothing on
oath that • she would
ewP/u/ n t'asO 'to atone her house until
it j vrailfsatttalr, ;demolished: ' Jenny fears
that thsAgyoze6lo s 4 ls ,may b e carriefiloto hence made. mforthation
ageing the tierss preatener for surety* of
the Plc ,, 'heft are Mderinan Arbituders, on ,
flatu•sday l limuk•A,.‘tp,,,arrested.lBlll4 own"
•Initt.eiTfor'tri al in default of "S5OO bail:
The .PaPk• gape 7if litallwaYtr-ibeiSt.eamben7
vibe fir#4 wow_ .ffThe, trouble on this
. road, of late • , though the, accident in
Von was s pr' .abably unavoidable, arises, ael
far es 'We •:e ennablei, ofjudging,, from the:
fact that tit
101 l
of the road is over
taxed, wig Loh he,3l - pected toi be .Obilitted.ii
Soon as th a double track, now building on
the east e nd of the road, is finished. In the
*ofonttrni •3, we luau, AYPid.O o .oaPitoetioles
and oleo i iree•difaitdek ir k, number 4
. 1141 nswi' fl be discontinued until
. thesec
• end trac can be brought into requisition,"
;sever - e nine o'clock &Mr
sY m online, a laborer named Nicholas
:Iy,, [ell,frqm ti.pkitform. erected ou,a
Inew h Juildhig 'llilberry ,
ceived: injuries which will , probably result
In his .death. It tsxmas dist While mount
..ll3ne platform with a hod of bricks he
_ •filtitialONCeraid'fell-lXickWard, alight
_c in: his hesd,,which was f 2 severely cut.
*line distance of the fall - was twelve feet.-
Dr. gowns attended the Injured man, but
tont(irtifte.fito lope ,of Ala recovery. The
ma . .stWed6 man hiigarried and the father
oft hreeohildren. " •
We ,
i igel Froudiiigatflokßegenand Jer--
17 . /ril bidgerg:E''OetrY I, 4*Otkibtok
Of '11.6a,.. in' the bliiinond. , :Pstrierlient'
to . .the - :tedenSta fe , rtiokinitigs• since andfim.
131 bed - freelri''Stai :lie" Wears - gut; Vitale.
" 1 r wilMth snag of ;the setatums. his
- . l) :__ romerJaiii - Aail , Adrit:4;:co:kapatatlittly
7% make* bens for.ths . sum. of two. hun
id_ ,red : and ten dollsro k lind' filet" lni else oh•L‘'
t shOni blifliete • for'analitlndred ' and ',lif
t son dollitii4 9 toticithetStidh 3 g • itli - tlay'rei-'
i ' sonattinoottf-Tatilek's"wife: Alderman'
Illldesters, at the thetance;:of retrielci fa.:
suede vouTast on Saturday for the arrest
lifJorry on a &emeriti - froud::, 1 - x-
Who fusaval of' Oaptadamee -. B.:l l simer,
- .*ho died from the effects of laudanum, on
..IFriday, . Me& place yesterday.; afternoon . I
fro Ws la te _ residence on' osa , • street. - - - I,t , '
vats tt*as the gecessed
r_ - [ 'MAI pagiulai . Mind
..Issetiiilngrte the. of that hia death- re ,
stoned' lisin: seeldeft end was not a ease; t,
• 4 surado- in' at'aVt the lestimonY;
knowledge of . Mit ter; theebsonoe of
anollveind'thela*; holies:
,long` been..
-suffering from a psinftir disease contracted.
__4 211 , ozo./Y;;WWO94stently, rout:ll%d
.I, etne,ltend' tolldrengthen. theL7halier
th the .Wand. death in en effort to obtain
7 141114.1r"'..7F4k0n0P21112' : . '.
:. ', ~; '•
. . ;
"Plelsafg Yejlerjs the eupherdous title
"41vetrteSieiikeilt Ofshantleaup a stinicinsi
Aiellow.--;4.71fai1.. -. -••---. - - . ..; . . ,
. . .
blassna: Massone : ' The gentleman? who
_ '_ - : - petufed the.,:eughonidne: artible ,Ozi "Pleas - .
sr-ant Vslley!!:In Saturday's Mail should re
. .-::/nembareneteot... ,-- I „,. .1 ... ri. ,
_,. - : .". : . _.
( WheeTe; carries a bad smell always with
`::itsiol will not - Pkti*MßAPT ne t h Ogl v k ierot
*ever he goes: - ' - f
Let:4o4... ! ...pacififSirlory Alien -at the right,
.:73 31 40-• ': - .. --,. ' '' . Gia
. „
our silkiiiiiiikeiihirmia . iii -sadly taittia.
, Aelf*b*'4 o EA4 l l 4lo ,OV.. P/ S s to lt YfilieY ,
li ,-- lio Alnif ate:: few Alpo' delightful , plaees
. ..: .sbint our eity,snd , thareEddOnces along -
' it
are as neat;intudsoMa and elegant as those
-;:-Ifotoldfn most ne i g hborhoods .. 2, —•-, -,
New 1 4 1 .4 0 1.V 9 0 1 P 1913,.
new tlitary ' '" l nPd t'he
r- 44 Freeltangers" has been organized by old:
• AB °ldlers andethers from North and South
-'Fayette:townships. ;Their headquarters
:.*re atOakdale, on the Panhandle Railroad.
The . aterreawyzenynbereelounralghty Mem-,
• berm, and-es t heir unWmm le - pretty and-id- -
- tractive, they make a very good display.
"The following are the officers of the corn
--.3surY: Captain, S. Woods Nesbit; First
lieutenant, W. B. MiEsien; Second Lieu
tenant, William S. Robb; Orderly, J. B.
:Zoller' ,de• Sergeants, J, C. Barclay, Charles
te r riturriti A... Morgan , Tl
Cotporairr,',Uxiblackson, Hug Campbell;
Americus Shafer. An excellent band knf
martial music has also been organized and
the mearliercing fife -- end spirit-stirring
.drum" are frequAmtly heard in the village
_Ace Oakdab3 and Noblestown.
''tilitlit 'ilkeit'd e- '
accident, /wilting In the
A distressi ng
''' 'little boy ' hat!.
Ideath of, OW a;ddlis, red a s a t ur o t y ,
n-rettrs of Alrtiv,* i v, on . TA b e iv. street, near
eleven - o'cloe
A freight train was pasti n g
street,_ ,farbilrY ' w hen the littl e boy, street w
p°lllte Isl4e of the 'confectionary'
-teen on the oP_ leneei - -at a
I:_his fathet's return ing, and when ,crossi ng' or. I
-was f'l , WIPP.' '.7 " switch'; ii. t he. 2211, ,
.:traelc t—
,l2todiur,, foot
. I:drn ur am,mufile„.
i ‘‘flr°/4'inisshims P assed crc .t e rsle manner and
-when t he i ti, , mos t bor..
ins were
- The. rep*
,P - jeg,.l 3 l* r bietently.:
__.___,- on minbury,
ailing him_
r- Cl awson
~ inquest.-
, tares
mnara t sr y to . g„rweit mita
all liv.. .1,-11.6tioii-"ffalettili---iaed l oth :his
!, filo, sr The deceasel, res . i fik t :Thi rr y
i 1101111 - •. et Thifdl **Ohne' -7,-1,
P ' ltr test. ~.. 31 , :',..'-'','‘,“." '"' -, f. :''' .- 7 41, ',.._
-- ' .., Isowl,iplutdim. rt... ,
7 '' • : ...._.. td ..,t ff I i NOpt!inie* - . .v:T ir.
ZtplarlAli or 149..1.";i;y Istrs, IL • Ine_ l 2.
' e d fora the Piano- -, Po nd i si-41;;,, „New .
- "putiliali(44:tedllti,xlteimies'A`..74irutifults'liao4Tiutisaollo3ll:
York.- I l i . . did install:nen ,
._._, _ tier
-lion, hr-iiri_et.thentss of itilLaue e - f ef s t s ity,
". Jrnalitil P ''''',l7f, . prof. ZEO . I Cl eU °: it, to
,be :Met
• 4a3„l„teArde l itPnothln it' l ' o7 ,,:t d nn 4t t e thi t ordinary
...--- in - its luterprow“--.,
t tge entireipieee.
vial- b t threagtien- tof eaTes"
1 rtner, u , ,
.., .
.., . ,
ich ,
'P et ' *a 9 diai'-ii'"On.)B3 Seq,l3 Manov, w •
P eri,- ; i tt 'tithes reaching 11 ', man ipulation tCr
Wont no extraordinarr. ..., Thistbroe
Te(tuirew-- Ikttthl.s.Pitited effern- all drawing:'
be reader*"
tainly prove popular
, w ialser.-
~ (
.„, song; wordff ,
roonlit• co ming I'm eemiL4 ' bv ,,p r Z l A Hen;
' `l,i'M Wii 'by'. William li '
by l e at a _.—/t,.t '.-lett i_ed Dedicated tphfiss
37 tiottappa• `New yors. •,, - •!.. -,1 - . , -
t co., drithra city sweet
ond i Joriestr. t r y , set to a
Hattie A- ' 00 Y 8 P °I
pridees efleliegiq
A:,Pti4.lYtitbleferOe' '' ' Vocalis ts ** ' Pr°
foralr.o 2l 4 a' • *44198 ledg'o ef th
formers, IcebbrotlighLknrirailleUrjal' 2in th isi e ti b tf u l :
men's On‘b l4 ,_= .lll ntortbi3r of mu
snail: vee eht i r g ee ' IdreadY-4`3. Argublels./f,,pie;
buttett ; Co-- i n ,_ to, oVeAlT.u.sf, songs, ,'ln w
sled offeretC6retterstr.,
_ aleneed 3 Brie far V " e i c qaellt. ,'
• taintogo.46l'..
~.. : y i d dey _ .
of Val 115
;~4 = mow.
• • IRia
- 'their da y an d ' See in
Abo•tiord. "We Pre;ffer tia OirSitheri
that have gone :nit from` - Chtirehtifid
-eenrcMiee sad who are adorning their ,
p e n tikumherelholding Alp thestenl ,
, ard of,tr it icion elanwhere.;. Moil lord d - PS
with Skini i*berevthey ineybk-and -all'
1 Mr, children of the Covenant—all the chil
i-t'Znltn of the,cong_regstion --41- theAPl ren l
:that hav n been ,gtiti An the liatibith ,
Schools -of thiitcortiregAion-amfiddit 4siers
libens. If; any o r them are straying
m TX°, i htms _mercy.: TtPLIU. -them and
bring them bat* to Thee: Tlititelinowest
Where they are, and Thou knowest who
• They ere: :Follow, them and sanctify the
lisfluences that liaVe been 'airing that& itt
their earlier periods (AIM, indbring theta ,
....wherever they are, if-they are now stung. ,
'ins to Thee—to a knowledge of the truth an
ltia id Christ Jones:- i-Andia the' haws of
the various officerstf _this church and Sab:
bath - sobohl, - andiall thsheads of famill
watch OVet , .them and bless them and-pros ,
Per tAimii and make this church a greater
pleasing thanever inthis city and int& the
land. Strengthen the liandts f 'thY4tii 4
,Ve ccept, Oh lAA t theft eelWilipfter. „,
lig the bring Theelikit day in giving this ,
house d allite power -for • good Into Thy
hands; i the glory of Why ,
iOreat Name.
And-oonse7, we eseech Theoandrfill this
and reign here in the hearts of
thy saints in loving kindness -with every
Christian 'virtue and every christiOn grace.'
And oh Lord : I gather greater niialtitud4
here that they may be saved •bY the min* trations of thy word end the labers of thy,
servants here. ' Bless,. our: ;Father,: all the
l s urches in our land, bless our land In all.
I wide extent, in ibrdeveloped .and inlie
iindeyelopedesonrces, and securelit all to
Thee. ' Oh Ocmil hasten the day when all
this land and when ,all other iands shall.,
• tknow Thee, from the least to the greatest,
'end Jeans shall reign Ring of nations. as
he now is ; Itlig of salutes, and the praise
and shall teunto Thee, - 'oh Lord, Paz ,
' ther, Son and holy forever and ever
. =masa Exstuass2. ''''''•
The exercises last eveningwere of a very
interesting and highly entertaining charso n ,
ter. At an early hour in the eve ning every
seat in` the church:was occupied, and ,a :
number of temporary seats . were arranged
in the aisles whichwere soon • tilled up.. •
The services' commenced it :half past
seven o'clock, when, liter a voluntary •by
the, choir, Rev . Dr. Mears; of Philadelphia,
'read the 'scriptural letsion; A:hymn - was
then sung by-the , choir, -after which Rev.
Dr. Juointsrnado the OpeninitteYeriwh l 9#
was; ollowed by a hymn by _ ' choir.
Rev. Dr. Johnsou,of Philadelphia,fortaer
,Pasixtr of the .congreotion, delivered an
hide and eloquent discourse, occupying
over au hour and a quarter: • (
Prof. Cutler of Western Reserve College,
Inadethe closing prayer. after which the
choir. tang "Beautiful River," wheri the
audience were dismissed with - the benedic
tion by Rev. Dr. Riddle. -- '
... • •
. .
.. . . .
. .
. ,---,--- --.----,------t-,-.------...i,--,..--,-,..-,----,..-. -.;•-.--,--,•"1.$,-77-...n.,,,,.=1,f1-.X.,..:g..=::::::•.`..-zr-7.,":g...i,Z,-:,....„.;:.:;.,..,r.,-.4.......„. , .--
,-,-,T.T.,"=.1 , -; - : - .a. - u.----- ---46;:4-..-.N.g...,...f.k.i... , :....; ; _g.,..,:.,,, - . w . .. , -...,...,,,, - .,, L ....,-,4,..., ,, ,....... , -- - ---4 ,- .. , .. , - :
~--,-..-....we.,.-...,1,..,...v.,...7..,i , . _ . ...1...... - ---- 4- .
. . ,
What the Pennsy'yards ItaWoad Company
• win As![-of commits ir*.day.
This afternoon there will be held a regd.
lar meeting of the City Coancils, at which,
in all probability, will come fbr discus
the question of vacating parts of Bev
eral thoroughfarestn order to afford depot
facilities and freight ammlnedatlone - 49
the Pennsylvania Centralltallroad coups
ny. It is not our purpose here to offer any
opinion on . the subject, neither do we pro
iose tiiiiet"forth thei.ir6hatdeadQentagestO ,
be derived " Pidemeges to *COW tiO*o l4o .
;movement, for' the present 100114 Jamie
coosiderationa with the members acting for
the 'People. It would be;however, :
for the Councilmen 10remember as &basis'
.of their action, that legislation ; shbuld not
be special but general; and that all the lm.,
portant asilways which enter 'our( city,
thereby , Thotrionting to its prosperity and
greatness, should stand upon equal footing,
and that `each should receive the same
measure of favor and consideration. We
do not see that the present scheme will in
jure any of the contemporary -companies
or in anywise conflict with their interest*
built is good to' look before we leap, and
the questien should be handled with all
the care, prudence and, caution that has
hitherto marked the 'deliberation of the
City Amiably.: Herewith we present
what the , Pennsylvania, Central will ask ,
and what it prcoposes to do providing its
titionii are favarablpteted upOn.. -
• ,v. , r • is , Et xT is 'Arran. - • I
The COmpany , has settled its eye on that
part of the Steend ward n 'hollow
between Rosa street and. B3yd's Rill and
intending born Diamond street to Third
street. • That: 'Seeded ot Ile city (anteing
no business houses of much importance:
nor `any •• particularly desirable places -of
residence. It 'may, if left elont develope
into a busineasttlace, but it is hardly prob
able as the hill which henialt , Idwill , iirea
vent the siresits running parallel with the
river from:Mat (attending any'farther. To
I obtain the site for buildings the .
Conitsny.:ashb - the vacation of one bun
dred 'and six ' feet of Fourth avenue on
the West , . side of 217 street; Ibr the ;va
cation of Try street from Third avenue to
Dianiond sheet; let the vacationof.Watson
street from Try' to Shingess street.' Own
ing already a large ttatt of , real estate and
designing to purchase that adjoining - one
line, the :: Company Pro Poses •td build: 'a ,
Iteight depot 460 ,feet _long by 140 wide,
running from Third avenue, on. the whit ; :
.aide -ef Try 'street, to Diamond street.,, .
At the,:sbuthwest cents =; of Try *Mat
and Third , - iiten4. , Ur- is: deaignedlo
erect a commodioua passenger depot,
for the accomaiedationartlintie who travel
by the 'Panhandle Railroad. In considers , .
iion oP the'iVacatlarli4: thei cedipany will ,
widen Fun street, making it fifty feet in
width„ designing it to . take - the pipe of . 1
Watson street: A. new street will be opened
Hthe intersecion Ohird avenue and
iltstreet, to S e cond 'sreet coming 'ma d
':at or near Gas street. Third a venue will be
bridged with a structure .of sttflicklnt di
mensions te-accommodate all the vehicle
and foot travel on that -thoroughfare, with
an eaeyorade. The brid ge will be' about
two licuidred and fi ft y . _feet in length, and
Will come Outlet Rill street. ' . .This avenue ;
will...form an outlet from the old city,which
Will avoid the crossing of rail way
high a y tracs !
andlt-alie'Willifforda tp I k
he up- :,
per or eastern section' of the city. The
Councilmen shotdd see, to it , that the Con
nelliwille iciad iidot litimnied in or cut off
by the proposed action from ' nudring con
nection; with other - llues. , Its, interests
shodld be' duly weighed before' anal.'die-
Poesl-is madeof the ordinance to be pre
` The Pennsylvania Central will also ask'
Councils td, vacate Grant street and Cherry ,
alley, from Seventh to Liberty stieets. It
proposes if ; this petition is granted, to bay
up all the property thus ndd odorect
a commodiotialpassenger de no te' aher
-buildings on the site. The Duquense depot
at -the - Paint Arill -be abandoned and the
track taken ~ I from , Liberty street. • The
Company further proposes to erect a bridge
from Washington street .across Liberty
street •to Exchange, alley. This structure ,
will be of solid irony and , ornamental, about
five hundred feet in length. = .
Thus itlaill be seen , what -the Company
asks and What it piarefeetedo. The vacs- ,
tion in the Try street quarter will probably
not meet with so much oppositon as that of .
Grant street, which is perhape destined tCI.
be a trade avenue second to Wood or Smi th
field streets:.. The giving Way , ',of a largi
section of it must draw considerable oppo
sition, especially as our city is languishing
forproper business thoroughfares. and a
-disposition is already manifested to make
,iew 7: elforthetraneti ? nofretali
ittpieH:iever,,eiayesbidlg faith in
ourcotaaaudhopeh : ordintnees.iili
sill forth earnest debate and cause close
*lamination to be made% in, the results
which bray arise-troite their= passage.
I' V j A.'
The llmadiebi Reliread` - ‘ iten-Cerci. I
-..- ', - "- - • - mats Inquest.
,I 4 1
,`- .- ..* . 2
.z.. The Coroner's Jury, : impanneed by Al-' e:On Donaldson, to biqiiirtiaftiewhat
„Manner, John.,.:Woodane-thik, - Aerigineei . on
it&Panhandle RiOrdidi silAf) Wes killed at
Mansfield onthe niortiltripe.lho 25th lust: ,
came to hie ,death,, 7.'ilefrit the Coronetle
. -..
office Saturde, i' , 19e.rititig.' keying veil
owdy published:Adetailed statement of the
ease. will rue seen, from the evi
dence we nPiantd. yeas eerr.. 6 e 4 il isluin ' wee
sail t6nutlie any fortbeF. , fitharki.Pol.
WWII% is the tesidnionii ,' ' * - i
' H. &lamp, sworn—AM a railroad _con.
du i ttor on the: Pittsburgh, "Colunibuis and
I St. Louis Railroad, Pantutralle'route; was
:fio ductor of mail train No. 6,: on which de
'teased, John Wikdall;-was clateer.',' The
aboldent occurred at 3:6B*.Cir, Wednesday,
the 25thz bat.: . Our reviler leaving time
from the Union DePot"bi 8 Tololock; we left
at 8;05, and Mist euritstad'ratelif speed,
gaining the live minutes by the time we
reached Mansfield, On approaching•Mens
fieldAhesigineer gari the eignal for antai
Lion. and almost immediately,. whistled
"down brakes " - thf brakes Were applied
bfar -fait dr,poesibly' be ' done—each .1
a_kemaii having ottii brake iiiplied; they
had bare time Va. apply elle - brake until,
she atria No. 26, extra freight train; Which'
.was standinf,at,the east end of the Mans-,
held !witch, on he main track: The 'Reel- -
* dent - omit - ari
d it a' eerie, atidtden't think • '
: the engineer could have tuilen the ••train'
median four 'firindred feet....-When the
engineer geve tbestatied Sigrid at Mans
fle r
4,141 were on our „regular ,lime;; 'our
,train is. due .at the station' at 3:38, and
•• the signal evert at B:37Mabenit a fou r th
of a Adis limn tho , station. After. the col.='
lision I got oft .the train ~ and and found
'Conductor Marven, who was in '"charge , of:
• train No.. 26; I asked him how it came' that ,
he Was thine on time and his train not pro
tected; he made no answer and turned
rounitto put the fire out In his caboo:se ear,
- which had caught froui. the 'stove; )j then
went to -see the extent ors demise to Any
train: and ascertain as to, who wastniureu;
1 found • the 'fireman,- . = Brown, , some
what injured, not, seriously :. , I asked him
where the „engineer, Woodall, was; he said
he had jumped' front the engine at the
same time 'he (,Bfown) did; I went back
along the track ashort distance, and found
fdr:'Woodall laying at theßide of tho track,
at - the switch - frame he.; was deed or about
dead when'l fonnd him; I sent for;a physir
clae;wlio carne in doetime and attended Mr.
Brown, the firemanieldr. 'Woodall Wall dead
'when he firrird4 I saw Marren about , one
or two,o'clock in the afternoon, et Cadiz
Junction, sixtv.eight • miles we st lof this
cacti' be got on, my train theoto go to Co.
lumbui; he , told ma begot orraireight train
and rode to eteubenville, 'which was ahead
of hit train at,Mansfield;; Trains are never
put on, the road .to interfere with regular
trains. 'The =fretght trains were not on
- the
regular time, and it was. the duty of the
conductors of those trains to protect thern
selves by
_,dgnaling other trains. Marvell
told me that be had, forgotten No. 6, which'
was my, train, altogether; he said that he
would Father it had been himself that was
killed than Woodall., I did not know that'
hhaVen was running.away when he 'get on
my .train; he told .ms -he was going to see
the parruister. There was some canes for
the delay of those freight trains, but I do
not -know what it ; wae;:l do not know any
thing-, about Marsing, can't RV Wttetlier he
wiaseoMpetent railroad man ortnot. -.
'B. if., Brown, sworn - - " Was fireman' on
train No. 11 et the time,elf the we
, left, Pittsburgh on tim; probably, perhaps.
about' - fiVeMinutes late, think. *a were on
= time; when - near Mansfield the' engineer
, whistled down brakes end reversed his ,en;
' gine; • Nooked mit ahead and saw-ireabdose
,standing on . the ,maln track; there were
two red Ueda on 'the roar end of the ca
boom. the eogineer„ did all in-his power:
lo stop our train before he jumped -from
• the engine; saw him attempting to get offt
as soon as he went for the gangway, I
went for the one on the opposite aide (the
left) of the engine and Jumped off; think
we were going at the rate of about twenty
miles per hour ;when we tirat saw the
caboose; the engine was working all the
steam: she had on,thei back motion; we
jumped off and:when I picked :myself up,
I went towards the engine, three passenger,
car lengths; the fir it 'man • I' saw 'Writs Mr.
SharaP. the ceeductor; think. I told him t•
6 0 Oaelt Mid look „for 'Mr...Woodall, the en.,
' gineer; then rivietaken back in the sleep
ing car,end the blood washed off me; if the
engineer had staid on the ezigine he would
probably have beep saved; only judge that
from what I saw,_afterwards . - there ' was a
railroad boy from: he Ft. Way ne , and Chi.
cago Railroad on tbe engine; he , did not
jump off and was not seriouslyinjuredf
-.there were no signals out on the train ex
cept the red lights; they are not considered
as sufficient protection; understood , that
the cause of the delay of the trains ahead'
of us was the first section taking. water At'
Mansfield; it was the duty of the conduc
i tor to hats the proper. signals iout when a
train stopped; did not see the conductor,
Marven, alter the accident; understood that
he walked, I, .Walker's ; Mills and too k a
train for Steubenville. I
Conductor Sclicnp,-recialledT-The Yard
Dispatcher . at YPittsburgh Makes ( tip the,
trains; tells the conductor when they are
ready; the accident:could have been avoid.
ed if conductor Dierven had sent &flagman
- ' The jury returned the, following verdict :
' 4 , , That:the deceased, John Woodall., cameto
his death at Mansfield. in Allegheny cotirt-•
4y, on the 25th day of November, -.1868e by:
',ljumpuig from a train while it was' In mo
tion° his iell4l:lV)iialf Klainst a-switch
frame; fad the:jury further lay th - al.brid
the conductor of.titdrillW 26 oberdthe in
structions, of„ the _company the accident
would not_have *hared."
•_. . •
Presentation to H. S. Humphreys, Esq.
Thirsdai afternoon of last week Miles I
S. Hiunplireys, Esq., one the Assembly.
men, elect, froMAllegheny courity,Wis pre: ,
seated - -by a mirn r of his associates,-
workmeirdf Dilworth, gorter
a splendid diver watch and gold chain, as.
6 token of their. esteem._ The opinPanY am;
sembled at the hotel of Mr. John . Eichelay,
on Delatttalk ' street; .Dirminghani, raid , or
,ganised by calling Mr.-William Sheargold
to preside; Mr. D. A. Jones officiating' as
Secretary. - ' - ••
The Chainnan , announced the object of
the meeting, and alluded to the estimation
in which Mr. Humphreys was 'held by his
lellow-workmen, • , remarking that , his
(Humphrey's) action on all questions, re+
lating to the Interests of the vrorkingtnen
bad been /marked with the prilleiPle of
justice to all partieS, and the speaker hoped'
-.the same principle would govern him in
the nelv,lell : upiii which, he was .alqout
enteit:Mr. William Henry, in behalf of his fel
low workmen, then made the presentation
speec Mr.'Huniphreyi replied in .hia own be
half, saying tliatmords werejnadequate to
express ,his 'feelings in reoeiVing Such a
token of respect. He did not know that he
bad done anything to merit was a
17 14 r g ki ae ng it th w arl as ' an bae d e an d tt .a po dy n ci r m th te e o P f ri La pc bo iPl r e " of
'justice and ;right, and wotild ever . be`.so
long as he could raise his feeble voice. lie
;referred' to the new relation he was about
to assume, and said his action In , the, past
was a gsfunntee of his notion in the future.
PrelaohnAbleiones, by- request; sang
:the grand Union 'Hediey,lifter which the
oompany",iwtook of refreshinents provided,
and the ••renirdhder of the ' aftennion ( was
spent most agreeably...
The retch presented to HumphreYs
was Isirebeeed of Weber et - Bros., Birming
ham, for one Irqnctred. and fifty
The choicest variety of trio:midge nct
tione, lacejoode, embroideries, dre., will be
mforrig d
d 3" n r4 ot h io e n adi llo V uße ß , u 4 i N ar oi re O t l ai ltii i thrknlei
At - Etaintimtarl
The Vastilons.
tte,fildtions for . winter havealready :
made their appearance on o ur stre ew j a k e
altogether may be regarded, as fhlly up
to the requirements of ctorrecttaste..
True there are,severel - innovations: in, the
wardrobe of the ladies,tfiat may be classed
in-the cat gory of flimsy, _nonsensical ap
parel, bat, as &general thing the styles of
this winter will more than favorably coin
pare with those 'which mar ked'the outgo.
ing ofthe fashionable season or 1867. The'
ladies, ar 'settli ngtn in their idea.s to the
standard of comfort, combkted with de
ganeN rio,hnets and beauty, anda reform
, ,-,
in their =dames has been miceeeefullY In
troduced. The visitors at the representa
tive emperiums of fashion on ..Market or.
Fifth streets are for c ibly strue,k with the
great change wrought In the patterns of
dress goods, the neatness ot cloaks, saarea
and watklngjactleets, and if they have been
observant, and can iri their mind's eye
contrast them with thoseln ;vogue _ several ,
years ago, they will perceiVet• the grand
revelation that has taken
' place. ; Then As.)
farther. prosecute 'their research intelte
mytterious changes that have bocurred,
let them visit the extensive , end represen
tative wholesale and retail trimming'
notion house, of Messrs: Josephiorne dr,'
Co.,Nos. 77 a n d? Market etreet, a
nda hey
will.there• discover, what. a radical c h an ge
has :.been made in the style of ely
every one of., the innumerable articles
which go to ;make up the stock of, such a
house. ,Handkerchiefa have changel, cel
lars, have , :.seamed new. -shapes, corsets,
hoop skirts; balm:mats, ties, and, every arti—
cle in this way has undergone marked vs
-1 riations.t Butthe most, observable transpce
Bitten: will be found in the bead . and bugle '
trimmings, the fringes; gimps, braids, but
'tons, embroideries, Millings, laces, bon
nets, hate,, flowers, plumes and rib
bons. In the. magnificent stock of goods
Just -received at this recognired head
, quarters of the trade, there is; endless 'de
r light in studYing. and contrasting the
changes which busy invention has made
within so short a time. However, the
greatest change wrought is that in the
wale of prices. This• house is now selling
both to retail ,patroas and wholesale cue ,
touters at „ prices :much, below' what .• the
same goods cost a comparatively short time :
ego. Ofvourse, the reMler is aware that
Messrs. Home it Co. have offered rare 'in
ducements hrthe Hof low prieeslo their
patrons, but they, never, could' so well .:lay:
claim to the reputation as at the present
time. Their etc)* is thoroughly complete
and to purchasent.eupPlyine themselves
with holiday stocks, or to retail buyers pre
paring for , the , gift season. or supplying
themselves with itrticlea of wear for the
winter, is exceedingly attractive. • - ,
. .
Ttie Great Ali".lean Gtaatess, this week
at 13arnell's Museum. '
. • Amusements.
Opzit Honss.—The engsgement of Mr.
CluuifiSu at the Opera House; which was a
L _
most' anooessfal one, closed on Saturday
night... To-night Edwin Adamo,Lthe smelt
lent tragedian t will appear in Hamlet.
PrrrailtriUTS TEUIATE3.--bels gate Fish-'
• „ •
er has been doing a fidr business at the Old
Theatre during, the Past week, and will
doubtless continue ,to do so through the
present. Week which terraintet i her :ll
riCt ent' r to..rdi , tre'3 Fast
ght. -•• °ll'
Titiatatz's niihrtle e . Varieties
did-an unusually large share of the amuae
men% business last week, Sid aild w ilnlltexa.
1 , -the new attractions announce have a
good run this week.':' The celebrated Wray
faniliy make their first appearance in this
city_ to-night and will hold forth at the Va
il „ . .
Musztus.: , ;• l llef Subtle rally appreciate
Maj.- Buinell's efforts to establish .a first
class . Muteum in our city, and are ex
tending to•the establishment a liheral pat
ronage.. is now the great resort for
..itcarnarr or Music. The Peak Family
will commence an engagement of four
,nights. only, at the Academy of Music,
Wednesday evening. This is .the largest
-and best troupe of Bell Ringers in the
:world, and their , reputation will • doubtlest
draw full houses during their stay hire.
I Seats, can: be secured at Miner's Book Store.
Sr. BallieEt F
a alat•=-If any et our read
ers wish to; et anything in the„ way of re
freshments or, fancy articles; spend a_pleas
ant hour or tWe,,and help on.a worthy ob
ject, they. can do so by taking the Wylie
street passenger cars, riclingdefaras °mai
street, Otting off , and entering St. Widget's. a
church,. where: itratelase being,
held under. the management of the ladies
for the benefit.of the church:
, .
:drew Gordon and his daughter, residents
'for, , ten • years in India; will ,give , a novel
and- interesting exhibition of the manners
curiosities, courtship, costumes , melodies,
do., dol; of the inhabitants of that oriental
„land, in. the, Second U. P. Church, corner
Sandusky street and Starkt,on avenue, Al
legheny,•this evening.'-commencing at 7%
o'clock. Tinketauf DA:Weston, twenty-five
cents ,
A Barraiotaar,Earauraisr..—The
lanthronio and benevolent citizens of - the
cities and vicinity should, not forget the
fair under the management of the Woman's
Christian Association,- for destitute Women,
• which opens in City Hall to-morrow even-
Ang. .Great preparations have been made
?far the fair, and it will doubtless be one of
the hest of the season; The worthy object
of the enterprise, howevbr, should and
doubtless • will be sufficient to attract a
large attendance. _
Prof. Barnum the Bohemian Gies:sElow,
er, inakeiSal _kinds of "glass ornaments at
Barna Museum.
• More /Novelty •
Major Burnell has another greet curiosi
ty which he presents to the public to-day at
his Museum in the shape of child which
is literally covered with long dark hair.
• -
It has a beautiful,pair of whiskers and a
mustache which does credit to many men,
• the hair b eingi from an inch to two inches
in lengtit.• It is truly an infant "Esau."
The great American Giantess will _also
make her first appearance, ln connection
with the Armless - Lady,- Bohemian Glass
Blower, White and Black Twins, Liliputian
King and all the other novelties of the Mu-
All ordinary, sized ladies-can stand un
der the arms~ of the Giantess at Barnell's
New Canned Good!.
Green Corn, Tomatoes, Lima Beane, As
paragon, Green Peas, Fresh 'Peaches, Cher
ries, Green Gage and Damson Plums, Pews.
Quinces, , Strawberries, Raspberries, and
Pine Apples. Orange, Strawberry,
berry and and Pine Apple Mari:naiad° in glass.
Spiced t3almon, two and four pound tans.
Picked.' Spiced and Fresh Cove Oysters.
Amerlean and English Pickles,' Celery
and Cranberry Sauces. Raisins, Currants,
Prunes, ,Citron, Figs, Dates, Prunellas„ Jel
lies, Preserves; &10., &0., at 112 Federal
street, Allegheny . City. George Beaven.
Infant Esau—The child literally covered
, with hair, at liturnell's litinsetun.
The Purest and sweetest Cod Liver 011
in the world; - vuumfact'ured- from .fiseb,
healthy livers, upon the sea shore; it is per
fectly pure and sweet. INdlents who
once taken it can take - none'other: Ask
for “Hazard end Caswell's Cod, liver Oil,"
manttfachired by Caswell, !Ward Co.,
New York _ Sold by all 4 druggists. sr
infant .F.san, -Infant Esau, Infant Esau,
Infant Esau, at Burnel.l's Museum. tt.
Irordesivearts. ' , •
• . - _
One of the curiositieS of the Norinweet ht-
the carts without a screw, or bolt, or rivet, ' •
or tire, or any other bit of iron. Hundreds ,
of thein travel hundreds, some even thou-. tt .
sands of miles in an eastern direction fto
. . . .
reach the western edge - of bur advancang •-; r
civilization. 'They cona. fon:i the Selkirk ,
Settlement and all parts of British Atnerica; ,
under theyule of the Hudson Bay,pompOy
—front ,the headquarters of fhe Sastid-
chewing. front the far shores of ,Lake Win..„
and are drawn hy ,Adjan ponies, by ,
digit; oxen working ;a shafts andlarnMS
made.. of raw:, hide. ',A - They;. - ar e A r i vaa b y i s
half-breedTntlianxand sometimes by full:: 1
blooded nativ,:drOf the • forest, and one man i i
often takes -charge of•several carts They t " ' •
come earams, attended. by
iden in
and °len t to talc* thS:p l ace of anti.-1
that may fall; With coma to: sqpply" inilk . ' •
and animals for slaughter. '. Tile bree:glie;,'..:
of the wheels of 'Bitty or ihunclied trithelte
vehicles in. motion, laid the„e thenting. a t t -
the drivers can he heard airtile . Race' s thei,., ,
tiriairies; and the airivat of tit,,tisin,hl a
niter town creates quit excltstnetty .
e length of their `: trips is, being cumin- ,{ , '
curtailed, and in ~_. w few _years 'theli.l . -
no more eicaut,„ ,1l lino into Uncle
'm's ,dominions, . ; for i. the y - crmot , ,
compete , with iron . roads - - and„. iron- _
horses.,The creaking Wooden cart alwaYe:t3
came laded with furs,` , hut )s)en, nsuat,:.:.
lie and moulder on its raa9Y .waYt• 'ARP
the shrieking locomotive. thunders past ant; •
its iron track. In those days„,s when .the ~,.,
forests will bd. cleared and: all the wilder. ;
*fleas blossom as' the rose, where are,seite,.l.-
get furs? Coats of skin must give place .o, ,
some manufactnred .febrie, and, mnf fsand . ...
tibbets tuna-t0.,-scaxce and dear, or, . parr „
haps, go altogether • out of fashion. ,When: •
one thinks of it, and ° how "cold and raw'
the:north windsblow beak in the morning -.
early,” one : feels 'some , desire to postpone
the good time a-conaing, ; onto lay ins sup T •
'ply of Hudson Bay and Mink,Sable against
fhture need. Thoss,who !eel Inclined to
the latter conrse will , find synipatby and
osiiperation by' calling on Wm. Fleming,.
:No. 139 Wood street, who has ,more furs,.. ,
-better furs, furs oftetter quality and great- ,
er variety, furl more neatly • nianufectured,
and alLsold at from 15 to. 25 per cent. less.' . ..
than any other' dealer in the Iron City. „A.t. -
this extensive and, popular, first class em
porium the wholesale dealer,- aa well as the.
retail. purchaser , inv)* equally , well snit -L.
ed,:ior. heSells wholesale and retail, by the
single article or • by, the dozen, and,intends. _ ,
to, keep on - sellini t alltef this, Winter, and ' ,
ever so many *in is which are; yet lurk-.
in g eoniewlefieln e Future, or in Alaska, ,
with the - via4to ... seals or. hears. ,We _ 2
slutll not go t tome his .firs, for we have!nt. ~
arrinioney„ . but peoPle who have .might
findthis a profitable;way to breed it.- , •,. •
. _ .
. • .
infant. Esali- t -The child three years old
that has a tlaa,patr of whiskers taut a slung
taehe, at Burnell's iiklUseula•
gip; 1/113141tess,Catarrit, . • ;
And Idt affections of the timat, Lni*th '•
Heart, Stomach; Liver and Nervous Sys
tent, treated • aacossidally at Dr: Abonl 9 a. , •••
Medical and Surgical ltuditnte, ' No. 124 '
Smithfield street. • - •t • tf. ' •
`. The place to get White Lime,. Calcined,
:Plaster; Hydraulic Cement: is at Ecker dt
Oialtera; 167 First strOet.•
• "Mho Leakithe arndeas lacly;lme beeome ;
a permanent fixture/at 13m.-nell'a Mamma:
, .
IfeELDAY-111cCA0IF8T-As Dieta r y, Ohio, on •
WedneadaY, asantath November: 1€0,4,
of Plttabergh,ie:less MGT; ..
CAG,ITZ, of Mexico. . • •
ASSOUTZ—ttltlikinlitiit4sikAtTabi n g. ,Weir e itt y
bes 4Etth, the faiddenee Vbitleldst,a parents,
Beatty; 814 e, TATO: ,
ODD Amit7z, Or aiigistkiirg; ,Pa•-. 144
EMMA L. only diaghteicof Dr. James On; of ,
-atty. • ,
jOHNBTON—Oa Satinday.lrfavember 880, ft
daaght,er of Jas.
2 . 1 ° l c ti rti 12 - at t
• SWEABINBBB—In Zinos 4 rllle; Ohio, on -thaw
del,Novomber {3WELEJN
=tier of Whee l l in g, .Weat Virginia. agod 78 Team:
and 8 months. , ,
- :- - A
• lto lee
- . TO TEETT, Dlttabarth. Pa.
vs IDS of all kinds; lI KATES,. siLOVED. *nd ev.
ery deo:Motion of Fraaeral Toralellba Goods fur • ‘
amiages Beams:open Asy, smd zdaDt.; Dearso•ard
!trashed: • - , • - - -
Katssumame-lier: Dseid Kerr. D D.,•ltet...
w. Jacobus; 11. ll.. Thomas Ewing. Esq. 4WD11... , ,
.mtaims sipmemilaire
AND LIVERY , STAB Mid , ,; - . 1
114DtriT2'3Williaillt81811)1T AND eIIItSCH _
Allegheey Clty. - where their 001 , 1136 . BOO MS sr; '
ecnitUin_lif auPPlied with real and Inittatkat Itoinw. ;
wood. stanouny and walnut CoMas. at
iirl t 3 From fl to 6100. •Bodles Prepared for luta- .
men . • HOLISee and Carriages itirrdeltedt also. all
s s of Idounialt ei . . , Aff, revared—osee %law,. '
.. . . . ... ~_
TAKER AND ElaidiallElt. 1kr....44 OHIO , z.
t . Allegheny, teepo constantly,on hand A
large straortment of readponade Collets or the f01..' -,
,L at ot
lowing kinds: Birgit, the celebrated funeriban
gait Be- '
3111 Cues, Metallic Belf-sealniAtr• S
and Caskets, and Rosewood . Wet Walnut
Imitation Conine. 'Walnut, Craft a front Ina.
wards., (Halewood Imitation coistur Atom np..•
wards, sad no pains will t* sgared.tofiqeentleg
satisfaction. Crape and Gloves ittrlllMAin ate' oz
Charge. ' Zest - Hearses and Cartiages Ittniillted on
shonnotee. carriages furnialod to, AMMO' mt..
GENUINE - - ,• '•
• ' pPECTACELESI ;•• • -
wAimirrm TO lien 171 TEE MOW
• ,
DUNSEATI4 - ik -144X1ILEST..
Corner orPennandBLClair
Has now in stock one of the largest and most vatiaB
mortments o f .
Fa./.1 and Winter Goods
. • •
ever brotucht to this city. His stock embraces at
the latest French and English manufactures of
Glothg, Cassinieres, Bal4lngs, OTertOlthiP•
Also a fall line of Gent's furnishing Geode.
. FOR A 5717.1511 NEST Of .ALL =APS. . r•
• -
Far all the latest stylea'ent elothes. roatlnor the sea
material. and by inst-elus workmen, and at priced'
su r goislngly low, go to the well known Auctuat,
NO. 50 13T. - .CLAIR STREET, now Ellsth.2'.:
11108. r. DAIS. If. D..... D. BUTTON. Ka P.
"lINDERSIGINEO RITE TIM_IATZD themselves together far the , - •. ;
VitAcmcz.bF MEDICINE . .,.
. .
Ogee, N 0.19 m
- IsToctigusr AVBIttIE. All
el • • OS. P. MALS,JII ~. i..t •
ne13:8171 B. IN BLITT92 I . Ja.