al CITY MID' Mtglatt;ll:,_ Attention, Heath Zonaves.:—There WM be *meeting of this Company this (Saturday) everting at the Soldiers' League IWoins, 127 tacock streeWillegheny. at 7% o'clock. A Inn attendance is expected. By order of . Cries. A. MILLER, Capt. Corn. on 'advertisement Car h Page' The Sigma ettl Fraternity will meet in .nvention at Louisville on Dec: 51at,11368. G. A. It.—Post No. 3, G. A. R, meets this vening at 7% o'clock, at their hall,, corner f Wood and Sixth streets. QAteensware of all. styles, the best in the "market,, most inducing prices at the warerooms of Abe Keystone Pottery. S. M. Kier 6c Co.' 303 Lllkirty street. I .The elves Publiel3chools are to have p ut one - - , _;on a day: This plan is pur sued in Ger ny with good results. Why iiot test it our public/ schools? itemert 0b ny queensware and Bristol , 'ire to ion halm are reminded that they can purchase to best adiamtage' at the Key- . *tone Pottery of B. M. , Kier dr Co.; No.loB ' ' Beall ' e Control.-A regular ' monthly meeting otthe•Alligheny Board of-Control will:be held on Tueaday_etrenink next, at o'alook, in the Common Connell Chun ber, City Building, -•Y, M. C. A.—The regain_ monthly meet ing of the Young Men's Christian Maeda tion witl be held,-in thele.rooms, No. 23 Fifth avenue, this (Saturday)_ evening .at balf-past seven o'clock. Adultery.—Caroline Anderson - made"in- formation-yesterday before Alderman Tay lor against Michael noffman for adultery. The parties residalin the Niuthward. After a hearing, the suit was withdrawn. Bridge Burnett:—A bridge_on the Pan- RailioidOi few mil enet of. Sten WaS larrined - Thursday night, in , consequence of which the trains were de layed yesterday,.and the Steinbenville Ao commodati6n train was suspended for one *rip. Diathissed:.--The. Charges of disorderly .eoliduct and misdemeanor, preferred 44gainst Lewis... Zing, before Alderman rSumbert,'by the conductor and driver of AL,:of the Pittabtugh & Birming hamPassenw :Railway, were. dismissed. 'Therpartletdars were published in our last edition. distresslog accident tal Ake e - • occurred at Lawrenceville on Tues day morningoresulting in the deat . th of James and seven months. 131 436g re ttle a t ml i fp wra ' E arli ligleg fron t are t of a th ud e strate,', when tnes caught . 'ban :lo4 l4Am SehadV , that death ensu!o! at to o'clock a few hours after the accident occurred. Oblteary.--On Thursday the -fteemaaprash - - ed 'andi beloved -wife of Gen. C. P. Markle Aliediaither-readdenoe at Milikarove. Her Itmetal4lll take place to=morrow lamming. Mrs. Markle was. a lady of many flnegual- Mies othead and heart' a generous nature add s ithaultable dlSposition, sad,her .loss ‘111: be deeply mourned by a large circle of Mends. 4 'll . .iyan want 11 Ann - Cigar, an excellent quality of smoking tobacco. prime vinuff. :'or atetbint in the line,' favor Mr. 'John 54-Hand street, with a visit: His aloft is ,slWaytOnp to the - satment re, .Ip:dreamt and his prices are . very reason ba, who. buy to sell again, as wellaa retail • patrons , will dind that they -dan4o4lmorthdr6 else to better advantage. Cllvatim a calf. `Horses, Pois o ned. 'Two . valuable horses, oersted by one ofour citizens, were poisoned yesterday by eating a portion of salt which land teen given them. - 'The 4reom cannot account for the -presence of any poisonous srabstance in the salt, as it was taken from ' , the box in which ,:the food for the heroes ballet* .kept:. The animals were valued at two. hundred dollars, but were prized ebove their real:value by the owner on ac - Aeraust of being a : match pair. Caught.—We noticed a - few days mince thatganies Reedy had been charged with stealing , some clothing and other things from Vim. , Kelly, a fellow boasder. The casawaajust the -.reverse, needy being the prosecutor and Kelly the defendant. Kelly was catight on board of-a boat at Wheelirigand delivered up the articles to Mr:Reedy, who, overcome by the , fellown earnest pleadings to be let off, after some • deliberation concluded to let him.go., Asianlt and Battery.---A.OstlY made information before the Mayor 'yesterday, charging H. Gauche* , with assault and bat., tery. .11 appears, that Gancbay is the pro- Priekiir of a .tobiamo atcre,-.and Thursday evening Etauy entered the store about the time dm prdpritstor wag closing it. He re \ qunsted , Dany to go out, brit -be maimed to do so, and Ma refusal resulted in a fight; in which +Deny was somewhat 'bruised. The tweaseld was arrested and held for a ' fbeitz,34lre . Ac fB Arai Pan Randle BilitrOltd.... ...A.n.weident ramified on the IPan Handle inallroa4 .3resterday morning J_ about-eight '93etween Stentienville and Bar• s gettstowg; by wide a brakeman, whose same Wewwre ;unable to legion. was ae '4ionsly Itttred. - 'L ' , mixed' train going • Wostiwbea near Baailettstown was thrown - Irom the traokby a-broken railowreoking 4he loannotive awhhaggage car. : We were f,• amble to`obtain anContate in cregard.• to _ Barge Sienlietween two and these yetterdi,iyafternixrn &coal boat, eoct *den Sweaty thousand busheb of coal, levas•inudc at the. Monongahela Snapension '23rillge. The boat was owned by Jacob INIEWMer and wain tow :try the the tow boat, iimpaising under thebridge tgis +beat arm*, the third from thesouth E sad and Went down imtnediately. ' The loss wdil be about 0,400. A peat pastime! the I N* win webably be saved, as the water is WM/0W where4te boat sunk. aseg...4 LIMA C . D. Owens, Pittsburgh MaritetiCotistable, - "made information yes. tort ity-before Alderman Humbert, against Aaethe.ifteelanct*Anstin Gang, hucksters, tor 0.7 0( . .. 4. tizur, a nuisance by throwing into thefts, Igarbage‘ron their stands, and for ot. *Meting the markets by crowding baskeca and barrels upon. other stands, to the greittiincon*enience of.the proper oc= =pants::: 'The asicused were-arrested, and it Was: tluPfirst offence, they were die - charged Apo! payment of — costs. • • Weciding.—Mr. Stephen O. Waiker,' - midlingd'etikof the'GAzirrra, was married, Thanktigiving night to Miss Anna reley In St. Pani7a Cathedral-Q. The church was brilllantly:lighted on the occasion, and the Marriage a eremony was perfornied by Rev. - ' rattier sear. _ • There are few gentlemen in the city' rno:refworthy the. bears and hand of a Rood an a l pretty lady than Mr. Valk , e ';aild we ®lad that he has acted with 41311 keOwledi To of-.the facts 'Selected: one-ln,eypiy wAv worthy Act be his bride. :.The young puple have - our heartiest wishes for thei r happiness and prosperity. mate. $: nest i Elul., Solicitor fbr the western patinsyrrania Railroad Company, gavezo ti o s ja Mayor Drum and the city ,' authorities ,of A.ll•3ghenyt yfeter_day. t hat, he wouldapply in the thane; Cour t , this : morning, fore i rrellisdnary injuacuen to from Interferins . with r 4 " //1- the 438.1 from In: ', the lay employds of the... ing of the railroad trsch m o l :i i t u ee ride of ther , i ' l ';- I 'irack. in the vicinity of lierth canal street. Tilde Will probably settle the matter, as the '''.:4Compttiiy, Il prove some title to -Are ground in diellute• . - , Daub of a Prominent MgreDant Erni the Effect of. Laudanum t Adminstered by Ills OtvnElands. ' • , • , Capt. James B. Palmer, one of the lead ing young business men of the city, senior member' f the auction house of Palmer & Phillipt, died yesterday afternoon at his of- flee on Fifth avenue, from the effects of laudanum administered, some holuspre. vlow3, by his own hinds, for the purpose, it is fair to presume, of destroying life. The deceased, on Thanksgiving, purchased a small phial of laudanum at a' Maiket street drug house, the contents of which he swallowed - at his'ollice sme time during Thanksgiving night. At 'a little after six o'clock, - yesterday_ morning, an employee opened the rooms , and on entering the office at the rear of the- store, discovered Mr. Palmer lying on a lounge in an insensible condition. He gave an immediate alarm ' and medical aid was at once summoned. Dr jr.ll Coffeyand Ring were soon in attend ance upon Mr. Palmer, and a brief exam! -nation of the symptoms served to show that he was, laboring undei the influence of a strong dose of laudanum. The moat active measures once taken to counteract the effects of the poison, and restore the unfortunate man to consciousness. The ordinary antidotes entirely, failed, so com plete wait' the mastery which the drug had obtained over the system. - The use of pow erful galvanic batteries was resorted to and their application was continued actively throughout the forenoon, but entirely with out avail, and he died in the afternoon as stated. Cal ft. Palmer was a native of this city, and enjoyed high reputation as a gentle man of worth, capacity, integrity and honor. He was in the army daring the entire war, entering as anon-commissioned officer in the Friend Rifles and gradually advancing. till he became Captair. He was conspicuous in -that bravest of all brave companies for gallantry and daring, and carries with him to the grave the heart felt sorrow of all his companions. - He was but thirty-five years of ag e and leaves a wife and several small ch ildren. It is hard to account for Mr. Palmer's death except on the hypothesis that he intended to destroy himself, and why he should have desired -to accomplish that end is' a' deep mysterYZto all his friends: The most satis factory theory is that the mind of the de oeased was so weakened by the press of business care . and responsibility resting upon him, and a chronic sickness contract ed in the army, alb to encourage the rash deed; The following evidence was adduced at the inquest held yesterday afternoon by Coroner Clawson Michael Yeager, porter of the thitablish ment, testified that he went into the store about seven o'clock in the morning. Upon entering the office he discover the de ceased - lying Upon a lounge, breathing heavily, and insensible. He notiffed.a po liceman, Who came into the store, and af t et* war d s procured medical assistance. . fuels. G. Moorhead, policeman, sworn— Was standing at the . corner of Fifth and Efralthfield streets, at about seven o'clock this morning, when the porter of the store came to me and said that Mr. Palmer was very gait. i came down and found him lying on a lounge in the office, covered with a blanket. - I went for Dr. King,and Dr. Coffey. Mr. Palmer looked as ,if he was in a dying condition when I found him. N. J. McCiarren, druggist on/ Market street, sworn—Am aequainted with the de newd; he was at my store at/about three o'clock yesterday afternoonv he pirchased an ounce of laudanum and two ounces of sweet oil, In' separete vials; ha said they were for family use. 111 fr appeared very cheerfnl, and converted upon the topics of the day, as visual; he was perfectly sober, and evidently. had not been drinking. He talked about business matters in a perfectly rational manner. By a juror—lt was a little. after three o'clookwhen he hailed me irom across the Street. He said, "By the way, seeing you reminds me that I want some laudanum and,sweet oil to take.home." - Dr. H. B. illoffey, sworn—Was called to see Mr. Palmer this morning about eight r/Olclock; found him insensible and appar ently dying; his breathing was heavy and irregular. He had the symptoms pro dueed by an overdose of opium. We first used the galvanic battery, and afterwards pied the stomach pump; the contents of the stomach smelled strongly of laudanum. Ills death was caused by an overdose of tincture of opitim, commonly called lauda num. The probability is that he took the laudanum in the early part of the night— between ten and twelve o'clock. Philip Wagner, Jr., swim—Was an in timate friend of the deceased: was in the store with Mr. Palmer and Mr. Phillips until nine o'clock Thursday night, at which time witness said he would go home, (in Manehester,) and started, Mr. Palmer went with him as far as the corner of Penn andilt. Clair streets, where they separated Mr. Palmer was talking, while In the store, about business matters. He said he had a letter to write to a firm in New York, and he did not like to do it. Albert_ Rater, sworn—Went into the store about ten- o'clock P. and found Messrs. Palmer and Phillips both there; sat down and the three talked together until abodeleven, when we all started home, walking together as far as the foot of Wylie 'street,, -where we separated, the witness and 3lr Phillim proceeding up Wylie. towards 'their home. The deceased resides at No. 480 Rossotreet, and was on his way home.' Whe parties bade each other "good night". when they separated. Mr. Palmer was all -right; "he Appeared to be in better spirits -than usual. - The jurY returned a verdict "that the de I bare known Mr. `Jam es - Sommerville, fro)* , . BruhVille, Jefferson county, Ibr many years, an* can teStlfy to his statement u one of truth and rr /raciti• Wholesale Liquor Dealer on Sand street, DR.' LIGHTHILL Ca 6 bedaljeopinatedst his °Mee $40._ : ::,...-:-.: - ;?,.BNx._ .. ;:T:si4;ET.;. On Deitnese, chLtarrbs Bm:4oloEo2am Breath. Ditelarges from the Ker,`Altitett one of the Throat; and VOthe, mid 'Fir 4- Mein* Derceteen4 Defer. snide' of the ZYIII requtilig MI epee hours flow / tillvan 0 A. 4 lf% trom flat. ace - ~«. 7 OF A. aoßacz S. sTrowDEN, Ihnsic LZOPOLD BEL,,BRONPfft, ME