El . ... , 6.- .. . . .... . . O. 0 .,, P. • , , Resolutions of Respect, Bc. (Coerespond.hee of the Pittsburgh Garet a.) Navr Binotrros, Pe., Nov. 23, 1868, _ ...., . The following preamble and resolutions . , were ; unan i mo uslys adopted by the Robert son Lodge, No. 460 I. O. of 0. F., at a reg ular Meeting held Nov:23, 1868: , * r. * Wrta . pEss, milder:om dispensation - op the Divine f tan !Master; our :Worthy, , • and much beloved sister, Hannah Reeves, wife of our highly esteemed' brother P. G. and' P. C. P., Wm. Reeves, a faithful laborer in the vineyard of Christ, and also in the cause I of our beloved der, has h,er , summoned r from the labor this life, - we hope, and belleve, , to the lestial lodge above, there fore, %sties 94 Yeilows.ldeairer to'-record" oar testimony ' lief worth a Christian lady; aid worth daughter of Rebecca of this Lodge. Sister Reeves was born, in England is 1800, and depa d this life on the 13th day of Novernor, 18 8. ' She suffered much dur ing her last illn s , but bore it all Patiently. A few hours be re her departure she be came very happ and praised the Lord, as she had' often before. Seeing - the end was' near, - She tOldlier aftliefeithusluuld, fall is Well,"- bade him and othersPreSentfarewell, and quietly passed away like one going to . Resolved, That in jhe death of our be loved sister,Hannah Reeves, we, the mem _ hers of ,It Robertson .. ,Lodge, mourn _ the ` loss of I: a "tried' and 'faithful " daughter ._. , , , of `Relleecti; - Who, , 'in • her daily walk in life, I faithfully exemplified the sacred principles of Odd—Fellowship, and hon ored them, and to her husband in this, :-- his -hour fof-tsial and bereavement. would we respectfelly tender the assurance of our sympathY and heartfelt prayers, that his trials may, be lightened by the remembrance that another, life is entered , upon by her • whose earthly career has been illustrated by anunfaltering trust in. the sacred promises of the . Divine Master in faith and hope, whicli'carnicit l fail Of fell fruition:- Resoisid,' That though we can addnothing , to the future happiness of the dead, can give no additional lustre to her imitating yet by fol. lowtng - her'precepti " and ' ' ter ei ample, we shall,advance our own tuaefulness And happiness, and by recording her name. upon our hearts we - will show tothe World that we , can appniciatethos4 noble qualities whia k,eve. , dignity".,and honor to an Odd Fellows life, and p eace And consolation to, ti - thristian death! . "'7 Bea:deed, 4 . That t we ,* recommend to the daughters lof Rebecca of this Lodge that they Wear some Suitable biOge of mourning in token of 'respect for Our`deeeasect sister for thirty days, and that this,Hallhe, draped, in mourning for thoiame length of time. • Resolved That the': Secretary shall enter these:resolutions onon:the .journal of this { Lodge and, that a copy, he, sent to' our be reaved'briither, and that a copy be sent ..to the Pittsbu.rght Gsztrrrfor pablicstion. €g / , . . :C. G. Ewan, / - Coin. , • i 'Salim ) ,Itiatieutir, j , /8.. F. Cmimumui. See'y:. , • ,; •- ~ ALLEGIIENY, COUNCILS, 11111 1 HIE t , ‘ enticing- a Item° tices—.Renort of d " ' r iiti-gi' ' Street Co ntuntee....Ordluances and nese.' liitions!NcMuorum - in Common emai -1 . ~... A regular - semi-annual meeting of the Allegheny Oluncila was held on Thursday -evening, Nciveinber 26th, 1868, in their Chambers, City . Buildings. Select Connell . Connell Was called :to eider at half past -seyen - u'clock, by Pietddent Mader and the -clerk; D. lktaerron, Esq.,, called the roll when the following members - answered to - theirnames :, - • Messrs: Brown, Caller% English,' Gang, Gwinner, Hail, Rrebs,:Mothersd, Myler, J. , ' C. Patterson, A. Patterson, Phillips, Reiter, President Mcßrier. - • • . On motion, , thereading of the minutes =of the, preceding meeting - wee dispensed with - 1 - - - -__ - • Mr. Myler presented two remonstrancesfrom eititen,e of the Third ward against changing the grade of Fairment street. The remonstrances allege,thcd the grade as now fixed is as high as can be used, and any change to ilise it wottld make'the street of ' . no Ilse._ Both papers were referred to the Street Committee.' . 4:s s • . • - liff. , zldylerc,from ; the: -Committeeon, ‘.:StreetE4 presented their report, as follows:' I - ' Ginsrtsantis—Tottr Committee oh Streets' t , '-, respectfully ; report that they tutv_e given the, !i " following matters referred to them their' i , ' -careful attifintiOn; and recommend the fol. r .. lowingectiont. ...,, , , Pirar--Tn reference to thci grading of ' Bios: • ' som-- allenThird ward, it Is recommended that the prayer of the petitioners be grant !' - ed and the accompanying ordinance thereto _ -,% Is reported ftwilivarable action. ••• , -, , _ . _.flecond,..lt APPearingthat iheinnds of the street appropriation are nearly exhan '- stud --' ' and will - ptove inadequate to defray the ex pewes already contracted for by th e 4: POO- ! ' taittee; .:cour- Committee ' therefore noon'. mend thefollowing , preamble and resoba -don : - Wikettlitsi' A. - icenaidertible ' amount of - money has been ,taken ftom the street ep-, propriation; fopayealaries in the Engineer's office:- and' inieretts'your 'Committee - is of, .. - the- opinion; I t i atc - saikappropriation is int' fairly, chargeable with such expense; there-, Resolved, That the, ,Finance Committee . be instructed to have placed 82;822 64 to the • credit of , Street , Appropriation,.' said amount being taken,from .said . appropria- , tiotO pay the salaries of employees in the Engineer's-office:l' . ~T hird-Thepetitisn of the First Ward • ' , school Board, for flag atone crossings ls laid over for the , p resent. i .Fourth --Your Committee recommend the - . pumas* of *he lollowing resolution dn the , case of Messrs. Mercer and Robinson. • Resolved,' That Meitishildereer an d Rob ,-,inson,be excepteifreat the-present:basis of assessment for the Federal street sewer and placed on a similar footing with prop -erty ticdders , qp.thsppposite side. of the , street. - - / i: • The report WaMeccepted and the resolu tions contained therein, and the accompany ing ordinance, providing for the grading of • Blossom alley, adopted. - Mr. Myler presented a paper numerously :signed by the residents on the hill and up per part of the city; remonstrating against the mode of making the sewerage assess ,: ailing. - :Belemild" !V:t tilelikmerage; Comic:tit . , Mr. Myler also o ff ered a resolution, in ,structing the City Engineer whenever any assessments for the expense . o f_gradilig - andiptiVing ingiktior stuitl 'be' completed, 1 to glve public notice in the official papers of the city at least one week previous, that each easessments have been made, and will rectialitrieia: file -foi,liiirpieti g n er !re:Vision until-the expiration tinge, time designated, when they will lie ttithed Over tnthe Street Commute•for collection. Adopted. Mr. Riddle presented a petition from residents of the Second Ward against .ehafiging the present . grade of Gallagher, street: - Beferred.tOtbmniittett Oh' 'streets. -Mr. Brown offered a resolutionanting, Messrs. W. and H. Walker, permsion to . piit in a private sewer on Third atireetjfroin; Middle to-Westisireets, to , tionnect, -- with the - .Montgomery Avenue sewer. • Referred to sewerage Commission. .i•%4 . Mr:Phillips, a resolution ins tructing the 'Onnafttot on eztlo make !lig** of MO" '~' ~ .. t - - lair 10, . ..,,,,- rinpp)y o thiiiiigiiii.VOlAV Dif.'lll a relsointitelimtitiating the ;Sewerage C oll ualslibtinot 26:assess on the middle :district the Amount advanced by. the . City,. for, the ebtistnictipp- or Uri) - Canal setter, and'to desinct the same iritifeady 1 8880E46d. °Mr.-Phillips, moved. that the action: :of C. C. at their last meeting in relation to the purctume - or a lot adjoining the hopte of the Columbia Rose Com pa ny be concurred in. Considerable discussion ensued on:the ma. ' than. some of; the,;members taking . ,the , Found that the price asked for the lot, kitsoo.,.was exorbitant." .Others thought it s, i _o_TMlP , ,ttriOngb; while same , were riot' clis- Yuct To. Set le the matter until. officially .: no bv"..c.::p,'9t,its action. The w :metion ate.trnall:y. lost. ' ' - - ldr; J. ,C. Patterson Presented a petilipn from citizens 'of. the 'Fourth ward for 'the erection of a gris,itiMP atthticeraer :of La cock street' and Bell , alley. .-.R eferred to - Committee on Gas,_ ~- ' 14r. Meyer:read azi arifele` et ., 'agreement bethton, certain' 'property 'holders "on Poimtain street and the ~Street - Committee, hefting to,fii the grade 9f that.pOrtion. of thelstreet in front of'thtk property of, seta Property holders; located' between Melting street arid the To - nch'propetty; at a:width aftweritY,feet,"_ the; latter . parties to 'the agreement agreeing to pa,y a preportionate, assessment to 'that paid . tsY the remaining property holders_onthe street.for the grad ing of the• street the full - width- „7 The paper was accepted and the Street Committee authorized- to: enter - 'into.the agreement as set fOrth.- ''' - , ' On motion, adjourned. • - COMMOII Council., . , . At 736 o'clock, in th e absence of Presi dent Siagle-:on Zl2otlollof3ll*.*Hastirws Mr. Hanna waa called:to the - chair., . The Clerk, Robert DllWottli,.tsq,, called the roll,f tri hen thirteetrinerebett answered to'their es. bsvpideeribeing necessary to conati nteit quornut for the:transaction of 4 9a 11 ,! ; ess, Conrad'theil.adjourned. , BPEOIAL NOTICES: - . itarlim A t oN.ts . - - • • 6!..OAPEE[AIir LOTION , " / roR/BIiiiiTIFY ING THE .§)TIN AND 'CO.: FLEXION. Removes an Emotions: FreckluX, Plinples, Moth Blotches: . Tan. ete.. and renders toe Skin soft, fair and blooming. For Ladles in the /Nursery it is invaluable. For Gentlemen ,' atter shaving, it haslio equal. "PAPHLtIf LOTION -i ishea of s the crUJ reliable remedy for diseases and 1 48317," 141 ' 1 3 1:114;ON'S "PAPELIAICSO,AIm F or the Toile t i Nursery and Ilath i will not chap the n. /15 cents per cake, "PLO ' !3t DE DLIT0 1 ". A new Ferrule, for the liandkereblef. ICxqUislte, delicate, luting frrigranee. : Sold by all Druggista. ~eir ' - 11 0 HILLON .10 SOX; New York. larßATlOntys 1-71-171 C Abe only This splendid Hair Dye is the' beat . in •tha world; tree and perfect Dye; beranteas, ratkbie. ' lustentaneOus; no dlsippoinment: . no, ridiculous tints; remedies the .111 effects of- bad Ayes; rates and leaves the. Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Sold by, all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Batchelor , . W . ist 'Factory, No.. Bond street. New York. , • • • stall2P2B, far'I4 I IIIIIE---zTO Young Men'al Guide 40 Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The,humane vlevrs of banes. olent Physicians, on the - Errors arid Abtuies Incident to Youth, and Early Manhood, sent In sealed letter envalOes, free of "charge, Address HOWARD AR soci4:Tpay. Bai t ?of pgwebb4a,,,,l , my18:051, 49 . 17 0T1014;a4.L.E5. El A. Auw.m2rE, . • VALEARLE: WYLIE STREET BUSINESS PROPERTY, • CORNER OF ORATRASI STREET. 8.11'11729.V7 Arnrincinozr. zroyeil' ibei 213th, at 2 o'clock., will be aced on the pretni•es that Valuable business 'property; the store and 'dwelling, No. 79 Wylie speet, corner otChathant. belngahe•substan List anciwell bunt, thine story brick. wititli rooms up staira, - besidelhe spacioue store . room,.which is a well established' grocers , stand. ,, ,The house I. in :good repair. with a s and. ater thrOughout. and an excellent dry ee l The lot is Su feet flora on Wylie street, an nillifeet in - depth song Chatham The great business value or Wylie street property and its I apla enhancement every year on this great business thoroughfare, makes the above a very , de. , .opuortnuity ,ror Inyeatlient. There is no more favorable locality for hive Latent in tbe city. Termit-ilne..fourth cash, payable in three annual paymenta,. with , • interest. ' dole subject. to two yearns next April. •r_ _ .•. ._noTi • .A.:AreLLWAINE, Anc'ioneer. • FirXTENSIVE TRUSTEE SALE Or - MAGNIFICENT TURN ITURIL . CARPETS, •nit. ltit - .PLATE, CHINA, GARD v,N AND FARM ING-UTE.NSILB.7ARDSDAY MORNING, Novem ber Girth,' at 10-"edelock, will be ;sold .by order of Trustees, the entire,.household Ihrtdshmentof the large mansion .of. Oliver IL flush). E at head .o f Caroline' street, in Essrßirmlngham fosq.. ot of the 11, comprising, the greatest and moat varied sup ply of furniture,. carliets, household ornament°, i ictures. silver plate. china, Ac.. which for years has beeh brought to public sale. The articles are all of superior, quality.. and in, equal condi:lento new. embracing the rich pa and -complete ferniabment .of rlors, reception room, library. dumber., halls, Among the magnificent articles are (molar& will latit Unite: Marble tops and _mirror 'bane rose *emerald walnut Reception eh:61111,TO Upholstered rosewood Arm Crusire,snarlde l 'Stands and - FlOWer Vase Stonds. Ve.vet Carpets. elegant Lace Curtains and Window 'Cornices, ilnerVenttlan 'Blinds. orna mental Breads, -11" - ad-inlaid. Work- Box., elegent - deeorWd ases, shell Cent r e ' d other ornaments; marble e o n rosewood Table, marble ton Tier - Stand; 'walnut What-Not 'mad ornament!. large Plate Glass Book (Man.-Arm Chairs.,:bpring Lounges, Ch ai r s,..-11.sok Case and eecretarr. Brtuisel Garnett". Preach Bedsteads end enclosed Walritit' Wash Stand,. marble ,top and elabO rateii eared welnut.dldeboard. manegony Retch aloe 20. menogony Sideboard . Cane neat Dining BooM tirs..Waillut Desert-Tables: _lngrain r'ar bet. Mg Home.' China the Sliv er Pilled Ware, ;Boorman, miaam.Chins Vaies,Dll Tainting., Fine; -Chternos, • • elegantly .. framed Engrevings_, New Mattes Cloth" and Brussels - Carpet. Gill Oil Melia; Walnut Nat Rack,' - Ladles Marble-to t ilts.. Melee Walnut ;Writing. Desk, • Mahogony ard robearliedsteads and Dressler Bureaus, arble toplllosewoOd Dressing Bureau and Enclosed Wash' -StendsvEpringfleds. •Gusk; Cotton: and lisle Iletc passes,. oak, amber Set, includipg marble-topr Dressing , littreetiand 'enclosed Waal Stead Red emed:, V e ne ti and. Brnstel: Carpet., , . Fancy :Mantle ()leek Blind', Preach °fibre. Be. aerated Chamber and Slop Jerpg.Fender., Fire' Irons and Stands , tidal Breelvere, Ac. .Alsmthe elegant Gas Fixtures throughout, em bracing.-.Chande,iers; Stained. ilivi Lamps. dc.;Also,large Clotoing thuds. Wire Kitchen Safes..: 'Marble top Pa•try Table, Irontnir • Table,' Cooking Stove and fixtures: 'extensive Babe's and Weft House Utensils and Fillillture- *• ' ' ''' '_' 2. - Alln)., Iron, Figures, and ,Urns for ornamental ground... Iron Muir% Rustic and Gothic Chairs, /Wee ?traipse Muddling and Fartning Utensils. liming Wason,'Ac. , , - " This very - large and pot Itive sale of everyv ar iety of elegant Household Furnfahment will _b =found Particularly attractive to every housekeeper. ' tionS ~ ~, . A..M.ClLWAlNZ,;Anctioneece ~. ,-------. ----,...........______ . , .. .. . I , ..• , . - f , BY. E. .B. 8111211BON 4 CIO. 1301:11 4 6; StIOES AIM . CARPETS . ......._ . ,-., - . E'O..g.THIA. MILLION. - • . , , SMITHSON'S EMPORIU M , . ON AND 07 FIRTH AVENUE. • . Mesas. EL Ni EfiIiTHEION A Co4proprietors of the well known Mammoth, Auction Houma are cru eleg an excitement .consequent, upon the arrival of -n7;new goods which are 'being soul al remarkable low : tioods of every: variety, the finest sewed the -nuium-r ailhionable , hatimoral. gaiters and anklet -shoes. 'slippers. de . blaakets, flannels. cloths; Cassimerns.r cutlery and 'carpets. , Call and examine. •i bo troublelo show :good'. _Ladles'. misses' ' Allnd - children , s furs al almost Your own prices. goods wartanted as represented n 0.4 ' BY Wan & MUM pAillEn &Piaui% AUCTIPNEiaII And conanatiliffni'-irerihants. OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS No. GO Pith Street, flttebergh, Fa. BOOTS SHOES, CARPETS Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE PALE DAY AND EVENING. Co:tIMIGMUGIIta 8 0/10110de reOLIVES IMII 4 BURGibt GAZE'TTE : S M IDAS. NOVEMBER 2E, 1868: MMIIE psinite TOIL* ILIFE"-AN THE littrAuxpr o tur- 310117.114,1aFk zzistramom CO., OF NE IF YORK. •• No., 104BROADWAy.. - - AsiETB RAPIDLY INCHEAspie, OYES • = $1;1100,4000. ThieCoanpairf is HO; finardian of a Sacred Praid - , which is to provide for,the Widow and the Father less.. with.the leaat wasible burden to the Unwed. . ..- • . All -- ARpro;tett Porms . of ' Policies Issued. Liberal modes for, the payment of Preintiniul. Ncm-torfeiting try their terms. The Entire Profits of the Company divided equitab,yamong the Insured. Last Bottum of Priiminm. FurTY PER Dix, Z. V. Efagairnt, Von. James Harper. William Wilkins, John 4.• Crane, •- Julius El. Pratt, William T. Hooker, William W. Wright, Wm. m. verinnye, Charles J. Starr. ' Chas. Q. Rockwood, William Alien, . • .Hon. Geo; Opdyke, Geo. W. cuyier4 Th - • /ammo. Morgan, .Geo. T. Hope, Pn) omas Rigney. John H. Sherwood, .B. Sh-erman, Edward H. Wright, °ed. Foyle% Ria,h'd H. Holm% m. Coggsweil. - , WALTON H. PECK H.A.M. Pre:Well HENRY V. GAHAGAN; Secretary. .L cif /LUDAS!, Actnary. • .r. 'aorta saw , . , . Elleanr,RAL AGZNT- FOR vntsmair ElRCtith., Room No. 51..13ank of Commerce Bond. Lugs corner of dizth aid. Wood streets, , • • i'ITTSIitritGIH; eibAs *3l•Agenta wanted. Apply as above. • 1721:t23-rzs pENrisIuArANKA i • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURON. OFFICE, No. 1073 f WOOD anon'. BANE OP COMMERCE 811/LDING.- , ' Me is e Home ColuDany, and 'insures valuation by ?ire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER., President. •C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. • !WHEAT PATRICK, Treasurer. DINE Idol ELHENY. Secretary. • • D. .. - O 89: Leonard. Walter . •Georre Wilson, C. C. Boyle, • Geo. W. Evans, . Robb Patrick,* J C. taupe, . acob Pinter, 'J. O. Flelner, Josiah Kng. 1 John Voegtley, lits..H. Hopins, • , A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, putatarrry - - . . ~ • AGAI NST LOSS 'BY FIRE ; . , • .., -. 'FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF,PRILADELPINA. OFF/C2, 438 & 4 BIONEBTNIIT BT., 1f 1129 j • DIBIZOTORII. • Ohattes .4'. Danaher, i. , Mordecai IL Loots Tobias Wagner, David B. Brown, , Samuel Brant , - Issac Lea. Jacob B: Einiaim Edward-O. Dale, I, P e IifA N IV.Es O. Ili I.ll3l,4lresPgirei 1 . BOW. O. DAMS '3l72cwrflealdent. W • I '' .• ' ' .O. STIEBI._ ~_lt tarr.o —r • " , J. GARDNER comrix Atm? North West corner Third and Wood Stree •- ___lnh.N:wls _ • • . .... TEluiti.'. .a. . . . .. ~,FIRE INSURANCE C 0.,. , ,OF LONDO N • ESTABLISHED , 1803. CASH. CAPITAL • PAID . ' 1 Ur AND.INVESTED RUNDE, EXCEED , , . . ING 118,001".11,000 IN GOLD... , .. • Insursnee &gains sire •eSeeted. on :Spines and Buildings, Goods, Wesel' and Merchandise, Steam boats, ac. Pollelea issued' payable In gold or cur. reney. ir/SPUnited States Branch Dike, 40 PINE •STEEETi New York. , • • • • All losses of the . Wilted States ,Brineti will be ad justed in New York. J. 71".' 341p0i..A.1:7Gp1cA24-, itkirent, ' '• • . PITTSBURGH,' PA.' Mace., 07 FOURTH STREET. , , MIL IteLAUGHLIS . .t, also Agent for the Manbat...l tan Life Insnrince rdinpany. . - se6:v73 i 'A Lumolvtiy 111 uRANcE coal. PANT' OF FITTHBIHIGH. OFFICE, No. 37 EIFTH STEFLT, Barns BLOC" Dienres against airkinds of Fire and Marton Blatt JOHN LBWIN, Ms., President. - • 1 JOHN D. McCORD, Vice Frealdent. , ' • • 0.• 13. DONNZLL. Secretary.. • CAPT. W. DEAN. General Agent. Disscroae: ~ John Irwin, Jr., L . Wm. Dean. • • • John D. McCord. - B. L. FahnestorA •0..0. Hussey, - vr. H. Everson,. Harvey•Chfids,, , Robert H. Darts, T. J. Hosiduson. Francis Seller, chari es Ham Cant. J. T. Stock dale. wares. Luttrons. 'aco PITTSBURGH - 11 PORTING HOUSL, ESTAIWEstass 2830. SCIiMIDT & FRIDAY LUPORTFAS OF FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS , Ara. ,408 Penn s Street, , Pittaburgk Would direct the attention of the Iniblie to the fact that, po , seluing supTr l sor facilities through several -Lar a iL MAr a i n gt. , %teili. a dlgg:itita.... Eu aLnettabre:l to offer the 'rations grades of gpoice WINES - min Liguojts BA vices lux than Alketerit rates. Itx =mandril or:Aces_ and comparison, at prim respeetfttily soneited. *,-- - ZE A el e v l ce ta r t ninizt d af pure pup max, wank PER' "----- . . . MIRE ,-NATFVE ‘'-, • EiiI ENX/A:AND:OATAIMIL, OWIC A T M II .I I IO,,AIIII biAt 'brand, tat ILIMPAtiza, .o.uaug,T, isRERBY and - PORT WINES.; "Vino Growers. Oconpanyiv of "BRAN• DY, plot dasicklaartlykda g for travelers. N. - B.—Eurtenw-- at Ron _paid to sot:Ting fandlres. • MAMA feTote ; No. 4 - Vilreisilley, Plftintriak. - - I °SEPO / 4 00/11* Co. , Nos. Id; 117 • id% lin s /Di and 196 t • '; • -snarl wrifisrr,- prneßusaa. 'iustrrtorozans or Capper ' Distilled Pare eye Whiskey. E OM Mao, dukirsin ?oozest t92las raQUORSP Ff.& mb78.a51 Fawronlruffig inuk'sTozgas. hUteil Bnrr thrUit /MIaMMI Tint BEST 1 9 11 rai OLLUnCliki Portable P!slfr. and Feed •.MWe, poprosa oidmrs, All numbers;and best sittallty. Per sale at 319 and 321, Libertylit.,1 2 1ttabuigh. Pa. W. W. WAILLAUX. ILEUM ,4. STogts lIAd 21117XM)-11:1Z '• • PRACTICE OP . LAIN • . . , . IN PHILAtIELMIt.' ' iMElei No. iza entrila !I FM tiVeSET. below Chestnut. nollt:als WM; B• NEEPER , ALDIMMAIt 'AND EMOVPIOIO JUBTICIC ~ 9P , TEW.Piiti.Olll. . ..,_ OFFICE, 89. FIFTH A ITZNUR. . Spetlid atkintlion given to Frey:luting and col. letting. 'Deeds- Hoods a nd makes drawn up. and all legal ,bpLittess attende, t.opTomptly aztd ac!, j z I B4OA;BEITLER, 4 PRZNIP An "LIR LIGMTRATB , ance,l2o WILLEMaim. near wa,lngt,ol PITTEIMPEGN, PA.- • lillvtattoirlftectratutit 'Arkudrriledlreligi' ALIIIOI4 oZonite4proMo47. ' , Agmas 4 _ - I• VA - $1,109,900 Par. • • ,Market Value $1.130426 Z • Cost, *L033,00121 ' Estati. • - 21,1:00 OD Bills Itteelvabie tor. Insur. • &nee male x`2,49694 Cash In B. Cash In The 110: CAdlI Di CAPITAL on the ,601 the first of State Tax,— , 1 hey have also ed SCRIP DIVIDEND OF THWTY PER OEN . on the EARNED PREMI UM for, the year emitter October 31, 1918, certifi cates of *bleu will be issued to the parties entitled to the same. on and after the lest of isecember pro Lino free 'of ,National and State Taxes. They have ordered, also, that the SCRIP OEN TIF/OATEri OF PitliFlTe of the Comyauy. for the year Priding October 31. 1884, be redeemed In tiara at the office Drake Cotnpany, on and after drat December prelim°, all interest thereon to cease. oa that day. 1113• By a provision or the Char ter. all Certificates of Scrip not presented for re demption' within five years &nonpublic notice that they will be telleentelt, *ball be forfeited and can celled en the )301,14 or the Company. • . AWN° certificate or ;moat...wino ooderims. B r he Act or Incorporation, `Mo certificate shall issue unless .olsimed.withla two years after the declare thin et the dividend, whereof It is evident*. DIRECTORS: Than:isle. Hand, Zdmund A. Bonder, John O. Davis, Benie' Z. Stokes. James C. Hand. Henry Blolut, Joseph If. Bea Tbeophilds Pal, ulding, •‘• G. i.ndwig, ‘.oeorge.C. Lelper, Huge' tiralg. • - Henry C,Dallett, Jr:, John It. Penroae," John D,Taylor, Jacob P. Jones; :George W.:lternadon, James Traqualr. Willi am U. Doultu Edward Darlington, : Jrob . n. H. Jones Brooke. ncer-Mbllralae. James B. McFarland, • : 0.1, Morgan, Pitt sb'h. Pni,srard fAsionreade, . , Jno. 13 ..Seturne. JoattusP. Este. A:B.-Berger. , THOMAS 41••• HAND. President. - • • JOHN O. DAVDl.:VleuPresident HENRY LELBUR.N. Seeretary.. - - HENRY BA.L.L. Assistant Seeret..- REMOV.AL. NAn9N4I., INSUJEf ANCE CO O rTEE f ac T T.OP 4 11E1 4= 1 % Ofite% Zio. 80 REDZBAL BTEERT, curium on Stockton Avenue. ' .rxsCrlzAkile ONLY. • .. K ' ' NV; ilr. IL oa9 IBZ3r; p'ztableist 'AL. BRIMNBON. teetotal% • -- A. B.'Sn_6llll jO.H.P,Wllilaisdno. ThomaPsore Jno. A. Byter las, LbrAhart.' Jos. Mier's, let. I.:Grabs:a, Bola, Lei,: -, -,*, C. C. Bonet Jno,z Brown...lt Veo. Amt. . '.',, JeoOtt, lioni. ' . BEN rallati INSURANCE COMPANY, . • Moth iraikun sali n e iiturklmago, No. 43 Ohio fElt.. AneghenV• A Ran OMPANt, Managed by !renters well known to the community, who trust bran , down/ to merit a atutre of your patronage.. 111131111 r IRWIIf Pruldent, WED. D. DIDDLE .2. • Ilectetary. DIRECTORS: , ~ ... • .., I Henn irwlti, D. L. Patteraon He Germs. Geo. P.. Rlddle, Jacob Prams, . Gottleib Paas, Simon Drum, J. B. erett.ti , Jeeou RUM, . W.III. Eltewaxt, p11.b..y. Vi'hlstoa, Joseph Or Jos.:Lautuel. n• J. F4,1441111!4/ !1',141311, eni 1LINICTI: . Iy I CSTEII.III_INSII7 o f f rfa-numIKIR: ' ' tight. P.,HEBBE I BMTIO Secretary..' CAPT. 0E0E94 iieneral_Ageit hon . ' • °Mee. 911 Water atre Span! A M.'s Wart. ip atarsh.Pittsburffil. , • ' 7 - WMe% t Ware against all leinde of rire and 31[1.2i11t Blake. A home Institution;' managed by , Direetore who are well gaol/nil/I the eammimity, and who are determined by promptness , liberality to maize tale the chi/seeder WAICA- they have asetned, aq ot. hring the beat protelction to. those who &Ili.* to be EMI Drawrons: Alexander Matta, ' .., ;Joan B. McCune, : , ,IL Miller, Jr., Chas, J. Clarke, 'June' ifeAulen -' 1 .Wllllr B..4Crai „at A . Alexan e.rApeer, . ~ • ,Joß n M uer. tudrew ea . - P arid M. Lone. • nUlinetir • pEOPLESP DitIVIMAAICE . ' , CODi• 01171011, N. E. oontfinginm a mint gm A ROOM °anyway Milani I/Me lad limine Mad .• ...„L` -•- DHMOSOMN: r , ' q • I__." ' - Wm. s-mums. 1 7144.401 t L. iillumdl, .Jo IVig, •-, , ~. . Samuel P. liger. John Z. park& __ . Charles e,, Joh n James mina% . slaw MJ.Brns . Win. Van MM. .. - 4 . . -: • -WM •Pc:441111N,_., --: Janie' D. 'Verner 191=41 NovNekart I iv.at. pktu,r, , ffireidde4m- ~ . JOHN WATT,- ice Pre:4MM. W. P. GARON A, a sefaigr • t . OAPZ 'JAB. GOR Duw - W E ST COMMON Machine ,i9i.ofte -work s , voithwest wrier ofWest Common, Allegheny. FR AVVATER av • ' Este on!hken depravers on 'ehon notice Hearth- ' and step Monogr fax sidewalk., proyytsP. vaults. Bead in ozgDl3lclpes. Le. Oxiletepronlyar encela;e4 =tee ressegeb/C2 Fl • 4 :r%. • - • • .I'. DELIVIE MUTUAL MTV I I NSURINCIi CO, PhUadelphla l ov. 11 1 1868. • e Allowing Statement of thrs of the COM . rtasralifirrb.llslied inconformity witha provbsloa of • Plactdru3r3 RECEIVED from • November 1, iSfZ, Oa o- • be_rjl. 18 81 On Marine and Inland Risks. Rite, sas - On Risks 145t/k OS • 89 , 11371.1 80 Preminms : Polioles not--- , marked off .Nov. 1, istr • . • Vt. n ts* MITIMR. MARKED OFF AS earned Dora November I. MR. to Ontober al. 1868: On Marine and Inland Ripka. S TK 60 5 77 On Fire Risks 148.317 P.! $804,523 49 107,498 MI rest daring the same period—aalvages, &a 1 LOB LOS ES, EXPENSES, &e., • ' 41 lng the year as above: - M Ine and Inland , Naylga-' - t n Losses - srA,oss 74 Losses 73,446 W Bet rn Prerelater........ . . ... 59.144 02 Re- nsuranoes • , *PE 51 Ag ey Charges. Advertls- Mg, Printing. &a • 4.769 &I Taxes—Uolted States State. • .- Ellw:delve-Taxes 43.885 M xpenses..—. ..... .. .... .: ... , . ' 'Z1303 314 -------. 11710,887 &I .. g 231.665 CO . - ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. ' November 1. 1868. - $2OOOOO United States Five Per Cent. • Loan. 10-404 120.000 Uniteil States 81x Per Cent. Loan:1881 • "B ' s° fin ° • '30,000 United States six Pe , Cent. 136 ' 9°° Loan. (ror,Paeltie Railroad). • 50.' 210,000 State of Penn sylvanta SIX Per " °°°oo • • - Cent. Loan ' 112,000 City of Philadelphia Six - Per 21 ' 1'1 C° f tzt. Loan (exempt from 50,000 State of New Jersey Six Per °) _ Ceat. Loan 20.000 Penn.ylvanisk Rant al First 814°00 Mortgage N Per. - Cent. - ,0M Penn n sylvania Railroad See , • mod mortgage nix Per Ctnt. __ Bonds • 25.000 Welitent Pennsylvania Hail toottlitifiretitaquerler Cent.. 30,000 State A 4 Tennessee! *621- 00 • Cent. Loan • 21,11141 00 T.OOO State. of Tennessee Six - Per Cent. Loan 15,003 Germantown Gas,COMp3OY, • ptinolpal and interest_gear anteed by the City of Phil*- delphla, 300 shares Stock.... 15,000 00 10,000 Pennsvrania Railroad coin , 6,C00 irggth , r , g,l7...r e ß k allroad - 11,000 0 3 • , CoMttany. shares Stock. 3,500 00 20„01) Ph i ladelptaa •• and. Southern Mail Steamship CO.BO sharer toy 900 Loans On, Bonds and' &age, first liens on. City . , • rroPerties 207.000 00 oF, =ago" lit: cE2= t3WN'ID =IMO - ........ n . - . - „,.. - .Fog A FARM OF 30 Abill3.• ott - ttieitaa :Crd the Connellayllie Railroad, 27- mites Vora the dry. in Elizabeth townshipo..Alleetnelif eminty, Fa. The improvemente are a Sae Iwo-story brick - house, with t.n lugs Milne and hall.' ,A largatraine balk barn, witlabo, 1 _stabling, and all ether outbuildings in 4 r - replete order; Vireo! thrbest of °retards, of ell kinds of trult....The soil Is, Mak newbottom. Tkas propeity - *Moine thevalllsge ef Baena Vista: and ; ,bas the . advantage:of , oberolues,:• schools', taw. atores t Ac.,_ and wi ll be sold at the low price of 40 - 7 ,6011: The Iniprotemenee !Mons are Werth at least all that 14 asked for the ,propertY. to gay noth ing about eke landivralcif is wenn for garden per- Poses at team 810„000. • For follkeyilclibire toil al my "office, or WILLIAM A, 8a,..„ sag.; an . the • I ALB°, A'IP.A..= : Ott4o ACM7I), Mhated theEs abeth township, Allegheny oonn , y; iti.: on llia of the 4Conneitivilie ItallroadoVeallt 7 8 Isi te a ltwm the city. The Improvements are • newstone dwell /nil w ith eigh t l Nero; a: good barn. pad other out be dings. • Is property is offered •at Aterf low prize, Oall a ndteoureyoureelf a :rood bargain- AlsO-A FAltlit 0F .. . /AO AClllg„' slineted.in” Eliztibeth 'township, Anertimi) , ' co ty; I.' ,a. /en miles 'from the eity on the sionnellevute =maw oppositeElrod's Sisition. , wn 41101Milatet'•wail of the Station. The . I proyements are. n'.frame house containing lour robins and kitchenrwlth a ' good cellar underneath . , very good. tarnand.oter outbuildings. A bio .1 . orchard. containing about 800 huh bearing tre ' esoill' in good condition. 00 acres cleared land, the. residue In vood timber, an. derlaid with •A 3 of. coal. , ,__• .., ~__L J . ALSO, A, T WO-STORY, BRloff '1191003 ,i,dJoin-1 lug the Borough of Elizabeth: 'Allegheny county, I Ps.. containing 4 roams Miffsitchen. , L0t.60 feet front 17130 hack to an alley. A good titable..wash hem, oake-oveli and other ohibuildings; • I am an `United to "ell itat the IoW , price. of SLIM) on • . Ateri, in the itiimih of Ellaabitli. a giMif two RICE 110-05 *, containing' 4 roams.' Lot - . LIP feet souare.„ , Will be sold at the exceedingly , low price of 76;500, on emir Aeries. . ALBO. MyYaltu, known by the name of "Wllow Bants, t , Situated on the Oonnellsville Railroad, 17 miles amine city; containing 79 ,twills, ain a good condition..: %he Improvements are a _Alio e brick house.; twe stories high, newly painted con . talalig Mx rooms. two halls - running.fali length oe the house. The house Is situated on a :beautiful -knoltis surrounded by frnif.trees. shrebbery, vines and flowers, with a' graded Avenue repaint to the YOWL River: Also, a large, triune bank barn, smoke -house , wash house, coal holm. bake-riven and other out buildings; and a never-faring well o. vrater. • Two large Ontario, couling from six to seven hindrederndt ;rens, near! smallgood bearing condition.. This farm abounds n fruits, vitt Clarions,' raspberries , gooseberries:and a fine large strawberry patch' +which, in. coon Won. with the rlehrtealfOr the ar ilAnd nearness to the OM makes . It very dealtoble for gardening purposea. Very con venient to s chools , chill:Mee; etoterand bleekemith ALSO. "A :FARM or 158 .ecu satiated in Elizabeth toWnship, 'Allegheny county, Pa.;• 31 miles from the city of Pittibergh,- on the Camelia- Tine It allx end, at Suter ?gallon.. The improvements are a common log house, a .good frame barn, wish stabling torten horses; a corn crib and wagon shed; geod orchard- of. fruit trees: fencing very god. 330 acres deareti, the residiieln heavy timber land. This farm tt valuable-11ra tor its eXcelleht soil; 'secondly, its timber; and thirdly'. It contrib. more ' limestone than any other farm in Pennsylvania, all accessible., The lower.vein of limestone Is 40 feet thick; several other veins ranging fromlg to 0 ft. In thickness, lie underlie whole farm. For partic i Male enquire of EL/431.1TER, ifsq., ittentehts ilea, As at my office. ' ALSO; 17n ACRES, situated' in St. 'Clair town ship, Westmoreland o ceuney; Pa., neat, the lint, of the Pennsylvania- Raltroall; at Houston- Station. With •Ille Improvements are a two-story ,friune tura" six romiabd good' cellar , a rrsine • bank barn 40 by 60 feet, and other ontbeildlega.. „ There is on the place a young apple Ind peach orchard: tone hun dred and twenty acres cleared land.. divided into beldslif conienJent size; a large_ :pardon of which are well set in clover and Miami: the residue of said tract coveted with good timber. It is -well wa tered. and underlaid with teal -and , Limestone, and is convenient to churches, schools, stores, mills and -olacksmith shoN s A real good bargain is o ff ered in this excellent „. , • • ALSO. -- A , beantlfully situated train of 60 ACRES of valuable land, under good Ihneing, situated In McCeettleas township, Allegheny_ county', Pa._ _,,on a township roe IL ' 7 measured -, miles from the Market Meese, Allegheny City. L.'. his tract Ls well adapted. for is garden or, dairy farm, being.convenient and of Deasy access to either OW, and near enough to the iet the Mahoialeg Bialovad to Make it very lest In the for country ,ssats, foe persena:dolggitsMess count? TIM beit tom In Trnief toWnetilpi Indiana rdS3l37. Pa.,•4 miles from Wes ern.Panna. IL R. at Livermore rnation, tiontalnleig 300 A.CRES-225 zeros elearetand angler No. 1. fencrog,,as well as - fine farming condition; the balance In- good White 'oak timber. , , The improvements are SI? two-emery flame houses,. nearly new, of eight Vs each &Tin finished basements and attics :- a rge nk barn 50' by 80 feet, Is two-story spring house and other no-: cessary ontbtal , lnge, all 14.100 t-order; 5 acres of orchard of choice varieties of frelts; 4. feet vein of coal (now open.) underlying tbe -who ole' tract, and limestone in :abundance, with plant- of springs of never-falling_ water. Taken all to ...ther7housea, fencing, soil, nice lying surface Oliblie highway, churrhen, schools,' nails. 'ite.,-I , know of no more inviting and desirable tract of land in 'Western Pennsylvania. Aiso. FARM AND MILLS. A smell tract of 60 Apt ail of very valeable 7 - land in , Derre township estnioreland connt , Y. Pa.,' well tercet! and in a II , state of cultivation. with new frame dwelllng. and er outbuildings: . a- new grist , an'4l -saw mill comple with two run of Mum, two boltingctoths, 'and alit 'eneedea fixtures, In good order, and a young orch of choice fniltar late is all nederlaut with a six foot in of coal, now' opened and work ed. at the back o he mill, andlimestone ilintmnd ance. ALSO, soon an secure a maid bargain'. • ALSO, FARM OA 1119 AcIREs, situated ilinedi• tidy upon toe Una of thePennarviala?Ballro. at Blairsville Intersection,, iIPI matte mud of t ad he• city. The improvements area twb-ideryetoile home of 8 rooms, a'No. !barn; . 1 . 567 - 65 fret: tile best of. sublime oddther outbuildings. • The land lies well: - is well fenc. Is in good farming order, mid will be sold yety cheap if app li ed for soon. • - 1 For Amber particulars enquire eff 1 355.557 51 $14024423 at M1,2:0 00 !loco co Me/ 25 15, 000 00 '7 80 8.-If TOWER, Real Estate Agent, inl7: No. 184 . 701711 TH AVEnni. VOR SALE. • ' .. , . - ' , • Acre at Woods Run. , - • 4 Acre, anu House In Haat Liberty, . '-8 Acres, unimproved. on Troy Hill, 9 Acres on tereensburg Pike. - 13 Acres on Four 11111 e Bun Road, 1.1.1 .Miles from P. C. R. IL ... 70 Acres near P. F. W. & C. 11- R. 118 Acres near Pa, R. R., Westmoreland bounty. 90 Acres a; Mill Slde Station. Pa.. R. R. 4 Farms In Preston county, West Virginia • 183 Acres In'Amnstrong coeusty, - underlaid with • IUB Acres and good Improvements, ,In Trumbull county. Ohio. • 900 :Acres of Thiber Lind, With 'Saw Mill and dwellings. _. . 7 . . , - • • • ~ . • • House and Lot un Center, Avenue, ‘ iiear Rark• patrlck. - • ; ~ • . House and Lot ori Vieroy Street , .- ! '' ' • . ''-- • House and'Lot in East. Liberty.. : . , - . • _House and Lot In , Mametleid.,. . , • 0. .. - House and Lot on Carroll street; Alleghent - House and Lot on Beaver arenne. ',. . - • . • 2 Houses and *Lots. very cheap. on Vine street. 9 Lots, very cheap, on Vine -street; 2 Houses and Lot on Franklin street. - - • •I.Honse of 9 Rooms and -9 Lots on Roberts 81,' Faratiln Illinois. attmouri and_West Virginia. 'Coal Lauds In Allegheny, , Westmore9nd, Fayette end Beaver counties in Penh*. •• - • i - - • • , • -' , = ''" Tokri.E.T.' St Ifonsezi of. Roma In - tbrilliii ward; raid PPP. 3 , de. .of 3, - , - do. (),-, go. , 47th., do. do, , 14, do: of 3,' 'do._ ' cr. 18 t h' do '' do, '' 156 2 do.' 'of 6 ' 'do.r• - do. ' Alth Co.; . do. ' 380 1 do. of 6 do. do. Bth , do.: , 110..7 3 00 1 . do. .of 9 • do. •.. d 0..., 2d .40. , do. 600 1 do. of 3 do: ' do:" Gilt do." 'do. 192' 1 ' do. of IS - 00. '. do. 6th .: do. !do. ' 240 1 , do. or ,, , do, , do, 17th. do.-- doh,: ,ipac do. or 1 do. do. rild do. , • • 1 do; of 6 do. Grant'street. • '1- -••- ' ‘: ' The Houses,that rhave !be rent will be rented very low to goodtenanta ibr the balance of the ten- ] tal year. , I. _ • . . n016:540 .• • -; 4 1 1!;.X , 012., . - D. P. 11T010:1114STATE OFFICii . . No. 911]pritikt .n07:678: - F .. _ OUR buici:lot . iES AND LOT, ORPHANS! COUR T SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans'? Conn of AZ legheny County. Z will expoee at 'public Isle on the , premises. on , YirlDiti.&B9Ar,. ~, =bet ' lBth. 4888. at likki 0'01043k, '4. ',114' that •,COURT thr /POUR . BitiCE, HOUI4IZo, --. al (nate ';',lgr.iiiVLLE IffitkET. a few doors above &lin street. ientranter ‘0 Court from Wylie ktreet._Lotliii by 7.w feet ex tending. back 'to an 'eller,' ttiefriiperty• or the late William liontoont, deceased., no at day of sale. [ . , . TROMotit B. of lakt_Oitard,au. /for narticulara entrain' of IL 'C. - ninCERZLE. ram, 'Attorney at Latt..B9 Grad; latest. or VAL." 38.K8 (c..PI I II AL/PA - AnOtbiePtir. t IR 1 , 341.. k 4r eAuei LOU ilk TO L1M...4101MS 4,nd Lots e al h e*alUartis.ot the Olt); and Ex urbs. Alto, ,peve Ad - soot iodations. Also, 4 mall -wOOL . 11 ACtralirarltla eleaorta . , ot lana feud good. Inigrov,emeatel. Lir s eu cheap a'aa, wee:mono - Me tame'. Barpi.g. oozes to let on good etteetei 'Private &dell Houma nu rent ln both calla. Foe luirtkot pargo " i'iereet WlL T LAM V atetinl.' s tan Elln nut s t nor/ n 11:, ----------------- ' ----- T1 -- ' -------- EgE wT. HONES /11 al et., Na We are author i sed to offer tivtithonsind amm o, good lend In Missouri at the loWprlee of seventy gye cents 'per acre Wlll be tit/lard Into:Marty, eighty. or one hundred-and duty acre Mots tomtit the purchaser. Title good 'and all taxes mild up. Tide offer to renialitopen. only , • one week. For full particulars apply to- . - F. , ftfof.kftf *A- 00.. . t sole;_ , . corner Fourth and Buittkneld streets. . . OndIaiLTLERO firIiZETVIROPER. TY VOR goodbye get? brisk dwelt ling boa Be °Mall, el:vomits end cedar, *A blot lie tees Trost -by 100-deep,. neer Ohio seenne. Pricer 1 13.000!, APO!, / 0 1: ,- , 13 ;PITTFIBERT 16, P , 0P5. noZS ' . _B3 Elatilttdreldeseeet.• 4(;)N FEDERAL, STREET; ALLE., CLIENT'. CITY. a neat,"well bent two 'story' 'b di house otwiae btu, ettwoms inQkiteben, 90st !eat front by 97 deep to MI &Uey, tßspod iota. 1011,,Aear North common.. For sole by a eg t Vr, 94 et. ‘l , I n 025 . nipFicz OF tcrtiiicOxvOußTl otAllegbeny L i R. M. O thr kitavOlDilSuth Ps et' The License• Board wily sit on WSibinilltiliAlr?ltia. alSth InaLkAt 0'c10 . 44, Ai, V., 01:r hTyip , g tpiA spplie4oll p , .:13.41 NUOWN 4 Criork is t, I . • • fftl." 7 "t ... . . . . .. .94T trEtDAY. A,FTEBNOON; ay.a.s.o iv/x.407,114x For tke performance the ereapiar of .. , eMackele With Ihe eiorietta fired of , • •-•• ,• • JONES , BABY. exrtraDir Y lniltbLEG. will be `preiientea Akita. a New OLAI ork FMir e BoyEEW.YORIE. After which qukafbraa. - Jeremiah 0144 4:31 .:. , :•.Mr. Cho iffran. Cif:mbploiriVa°;weldaZiArjAlLlfe Aar. To conclude adrift he drontia o • . JACE SHEPPARD . LeDI ssee. ... . Ita''PITTSBURGH -TREATER., MLey , Pe ... •.... • ...... . .... . . ......... a„ W. Vitta.rsite. Tat alter .. . ...... .. .........'. ...... :Jams G. Mentz.. reasurer ............ ... .-. .. ... ..... 0. -G. HICIINLIf G. . ' ..4:11 immense mll. etATDIIDAY• EVENING. No - Temper 29. 1 1, 88. _ 1111818 KATE FIISHJER in tro 'Nem, FRILNeFr OPY sud4IUDE DII.; VA. . - To conclude with ROBURT HADA DIE. -_ - • . Satur•ay Matinee CATARACT 08 THE GANGES Dress Circle and Parenette, :tido; Family Circleat 515r 8. . Doors'open at 7: •Perfornmace.o commence lar-TTasIaLEP El .1 VAIIIEVIES irnmmws iessee ilia %ra' Ulm. R. EDZSOM S nger. tage Alatikagr. TRANKSiIIVING FESTIVAL W/LEE. - __• MISS -111A171DE 4.41111E5. the vest Vocalist . . = - • ' . . 3113. ANINIEE AXNIIIT.A.E, ... .. . . New' 7111Iltarir tlnuos 'entitled. TEC VEDI.A.T4g SHABroHOOTERS Or TINOLIC BAAL. ,Two per— formahces on TbsakesiTlow poy. . After:Own 4,R.,Ji , o'clock. . - . Iar'BFEINELL2B - NIVSEINII • niazion iffENAGEnn3- , The Great Patiitly• sort°. FIFTH AVEbTI7 3, between and Wood atreets.'oppoolte Old Theatre. air Open Day and all the yearitntad. Admlttlon, 23 cents; Cblldren. 15 cents. My" . ACADEMY OF 11117 SIG • L FOUR NIGHTS ,ONLY. ommEriclNG' WEDNESDAY EVENING, -Dam EB Grand Matinee,.Saturday; Dec. .sth, at n o'clock THE ORIGINAL PEAK-FAMILY; . an d . . Voealists, Harpists awl' Rell'ilingere: esalited by the celebrated - BERG/Crt FAILIitY: . Vocalists, Harpists cod Violinists.: Also, Mr. Sol, Smith, Rus sel. the talented tacial.delineator. The whole term- Ins the larg. est troupe of Pell Hinrers in the world. . AB is new.; brilliaht and ettractire. - air.ce their; last visit to Pittsburgh. , i ....,,,, CARDS OF .ADlllaroslON=Paronette .,, and Dress' Circle. 50 cents. berured Seats. 75 its. ,Faxrd ly Circle; 35 cents. , Oalleryi,:ittivents.- . All school children to matinee:4s etat5.: 7 , ..6:,;- .f ; t - : : ,y, . , Seemed seatii obtained at Miner's:Bookstore only. Doors open at , 7: Concert torneiences at B.;'; no 03 - 872' - , . .'' LIE. BAHRl B .linstriess Agent. -._._______ __..______ . IarrPROF. MUD. • pe(1111All. cLATB•or Inamacar trzipriertsrrr, Offers his services to the public as teacher of. , GMutart. *Vino AND DIZAXI7ft. . . Also. all 21 tAlft3LATOR. sod :12,TTERPRETPX. (Mee 144 smrnuritip sputp, ildpi s sr ! orr. non ...,........g. mo _ . . ~ . „,_ PROF. CARPELITEIVS - I FASHIONABLE DANCING ; ACADEMY,No. 78 THIRD STRILICTi te lurir *pea for the' ino. cepticor`oi paoils,_ C4all dap. aod boure-For La... dies; Blasters arid Misses. Werthesday and Baltutay, at 2..% o'clock r. Y. For Gentleaserr 6 -Taesday• sail Friday Evenlngsi -- sicsg-o'clock. • Private lessona IPYrni eirdmi ni-bt___•had4lattke_ldlssitt Stoma arid at lba'Ac amasses on ; . 16 ' 4,0 0 A l frit eonvenieng atterid . 16: , ' ,', I v4a . .Hall. to let to &Wel .Paridea. : ..., il - • .Sedrrfil FLOUR PEARL MILL FINDS ROIL PEARL..ZdILIi Three star (Irwin Itrand,..emia to FRENCH FAMILY 'FLOUR . cu 4rb erea ts !lota. will only seat out when een eciatlt Mir: BLit liquallo best -Lo PEARL MILL BED na.A.lO), Equal to boa ui WHITE CORN:PLoUIt -AND COBli t ° -11Z14,„ ° 8 L xxiammilno' Allegheny. Sept. rOITira•FLOURti-- FLOUR 1 resit grousid-oktwi.at -Flour. • ' • White Star for • Rivetstdis3llll, for,BasFs. Stows NIB, for Bakers. "• .1 •_ • Ontario .1118. for Bakers.• : Monitor-104 for:Bakers._ City Mill IS di:aisle:l3o. L e =Ur IP/PILr• Carer" Familyrlour. • Mad =vets OF 2T& onz . • mms rano' St. Tea Bose kills • • do • - Olarke , s Best Bakeep Moos., • HeYstona Mills do - Osronett AMA - • do WAIT; LANG & 174 and 274 WOOOBT, CO ; P4rER, _ . , lourrimirtxtGit 3 pAitictuirtectil- , :JL /A 9421. c9AßittliMitazuz*tprgroe ? Ri NT I NG.ANIYmnAPpitis..PAPiRS. CILTNTOIT 1131D-tingrimENiirx.r. -011i0; ..-,BBIEtintat•MILL—ErW Z.14 , 101121:014 : ' .- . , 191.itiOrci** Z.E 1. , • Ne. 82 "third Street, Pittalitik* Pa. sC~• vjuls ,iptin 61131 1 0, Tressurer...... ifitTijkl7raq- 'IA. Rar do zat. • , • Gut palit thr.PaCier • . jamas, SEUBET/NCISAND RATTING.- rrOLBLES,MELL & Co., ANCHOR ,CoTTOlti rl'img3x ' ,•Z Zang tlarallotaxavi,mmuni wifrter Asciont'ANDltteatoti.,t',=. = SHijitTINGS . AND • - - rdECILIMOAL Etrail_._ EL ..... —...„,„,,,.,„_........... Ev AlvnchETT,, ,. Du3giumlisoat mitaittaik i • , And - Satottot! - 1 1 or :paten t .. ; offlor. of WIN W.; &O. Itailwir.) ''',` Xo. 9-IMDZlLtryiknotz.... X :9fflth r tikii4_,tizardivrt/P • ' BLAST a warAlLlZXandswod.uret Xatw. Tarim krudivait eor.attertalcoled to co. ..I re° , X1)%23.. telly oolo it rousair voU , i Mt Mille Druatt 140 VELMA tor, Broil OXXXNUDAT. One,Uri) Mtsv 'II7 I , 3[ CEILUORIVOinuc: mr_%ionspourt, sON •„,. 1 &t,':„11111rl e 1 Dealers'. , •~' o bpoog,•Snuff, - Peak' • .i..11N0 0,1114140 r .Bal44lliiilW 9 TILE4=-Wherelry -giveir,that . appllexitfotilo the .iiitrirnin , tor the Vulki of IzitZttkerowr iated4tdirgenat the tan. ,bet Terms, No. 1433 audit .1 1 10/, Asuraen _peed Janus!'" a 2860 to tines yr. s 1415tesuitt,..real., . veattary;li now Detztt igade.lle L., rfl . • ~.. 1... u,,, , lkaiii}oll , . ~,., `. i c , 7 0-1;g14,24i •)/!*,4:l;_rjkark I f \•- ' 1 0 UZI El - - •_