New York Produce Market. tEtt Telegraph to the ?menorah nuette.3 NEw YoBE ' Novemher 35.—Cotton is' active and is steady, sales were made at 25y 4 c for Middlings „Lrpland. The receipir of Flour amounted to 14,614 bbb3, and the market is a shade - . easier;' sales are reported 8,400 bbls at $5,40:45,80 for superfine State; western, $6,26a6,70; extra- State, 56,20a7,25; extra western; 57,70a9,75 ; . good and choice , white 'wheat . extra,- .$6,5059; round hoop 0hi0;:17,50a9; extra St.. Louis. $1.0310,26i' gooa choice do. elosing quiet;„ California is nominal. , -Rye Flour steady andtmchang et:l;. sales. were made at $2,50. : Cornmeal is Autet; 'sales were made of, 100 'ale western on priVate terms. ~Whisky is, quiet. The "reeelp t f Wheat amount 750,078 bush and is qu otedla2o lower; there Wass moder ate b efiisdoing for export and home use; sales Were; made of 78,000 1 hush At $1,46a 1,49 for 'No. 211 sprin g, Imo ion extra ehoice, do; ..$2,06 for 5ma11,144.0f amber: Michigan; white Michigan 3 sold- on • private tonna; .2,3235 for white California. :•Itye is firmer; sales 20,000 bush western at i1e40a1,43; _3,000 bush . choice,.do, $1,4734 delivered: Barley is steady, and -2;000 bush French sold at $2,20. ' Barley ' malt IS quiet and 1,000 bust:L . :Were - add: Rye malt-.=1,400 bush were Sold. ':Corn-recelpts' amounted to , 44,7000 bush; Lthe market is a Shade firmer; sales were made of. 64,000 -bush at $1,10a1,12 for unsound; $413a1,17 for, sound mixed western, The :receipts of ; Oats amount to 115,080 bui3h; • market is a shade • firmer; sales were made of 66,000 bush at 71a7111c for _western in store, and slioat chiefly at the inside price. Linseed Oil is dull at .941396 c. ' Rice is dull. Coffee is quiet. Sugar quiet; sales 200 hhde. Cuba at 133ic. • -Molasses dull; sales' 80 bbis New Orleans at 85a950. Hops.quiet at 10a2.5c for American. , - Petrolemii easier at 18c for crude, and 38c for refined bonded. Leather; • hemlock sole in moderate request and un ohanged. Wool very quiet; , sales 200,009 pounds at .45a51c for domestic fleece; 85a97c "for Scoured; 36a500 for pulled. Coal; foieign Mace; •dOntestie lower; sales at auction to -4114-of 70,000 tons Scrantoa at $5,35a5,60 for romp; $5,90a6,30 for steamboat; $5,95a6.1235 foe - grate; $6a6,35 for eggr $7,82a8,50 for • stove; 55,65a5,97 for chestnut, showing a de - 'arm of . about 61,25. per ton :from' last month's sale. Spirits Turpentifte quiet and firm _at 4814934 c. Metals-Sheathing Cop per. nchanged at 33c; .ingot Copper"onset- tied at,22,0;..Lake,22.ti0; Detroit and Eort ego Lake Fig Iron rather easier, at . $41,00a 44,50 far Scotch, and' $34a43 for American; Bar very dull at $90195"f0r refined English and American. • Sheet 'in fair requeat at 11%a130 for Russia; and 53ia7c ,for D , and T common; Nail Rod• - rm . and,, ; quiet :at . 9y,a934c ; Nails quiet:and steady, at ;514c for cut, 7c for clinch, and 27a30c - for hones 'shoe. , Pork I ' l dull and 10Wel;." sales' 900 'bble- at, $26,50a 27,50 for new mess; clasing at $27 far old do, 21a22 for prime, and $a.22,50 for prime mess. 'Beef qinetvisaleis -150 ebls at 1110 a 16,50 for new plain mess, and 416a20 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef quiet at $27a30 a •• for primmess, and $30a34 for India mess. Beef Hams steady; sales: bbls at $28a30. Cut Meats steady; sales 175 pkgs at12a1234c for shoulders, and 12a160 for hams. Mid -dies quietand'unchanged; sales 100 boxes at 13340 for Cumberland cut, 140 for long dear, and isefor,short ribbed. sLard heavy And lOwer; sales 460 tierces at 15.416%c for :"steam, and ,163ia17c for kettle rendered; • • a150.,1000 tierce's steam at 143.4 c. Butter • firm at 28a40c for Ohlo,'and 40a50c for State. Cheese firm at 14a18c. Freights to pool quieranil firm,- with engagements of 2,000 bush wheat per sail at 7d, and I,ooo' bbls flour per sail at 2s 6d. Ls.rsar—Flour lower and slightly in buy ere' : 1 ' fivor,With Modenite home trade and ,113nitsd export demand. - :: Wheat • quiet ,at .$1,46a1,49 for No. 2 spring. Rye Aim at f1,42-for western in stole. Oats firm at 710 "' for western: 'Coin:steady at '51,1141,15, in store, and $1.,15301,16% for mixed western afloat. - Pork nominal, at $27 for -mess. :iii Beef - A - without : change: - - Cut Meats nominal. Bacon steady at 'lsc for western E , ehort ribs. Lard beavy . at 15L31530 for fair to prime steam. Eggs firm at 36a39c. All business_ _suspended to-morrow— ' - Minado3giving day.' , • Chicago Market. / Poem bly &treat deal lostby bothi , We were in hopes that the Cannon-Leatt ers misunder, standing would be amicably adjusted, hut it seems such is not the caber , ''• ' ' '' '- • River atilt West • LatasviLix t NotreMbfs: 2: tug 8 feet;Water inoanai , ~ warm barometer fkliing • _ ~: p uissi,PERN,4IIIIII74BRY. D MEM . GLASS •AND 0 111:11ffAr i• , L • • , • QUEENiWA' E, aim us PLATED 7Aari PARIAN S'FATtciTTES, • BOHEMIAN GLUE, - • ,c.. And ether oTAK,E sIQD isNolt WOW, • great variety. . 100 WOOD MUM% RICHARD R:; IiRED.!s CO. wILL seNATILA , • -• P AI"N rt, . isg..44em, sIREET: liiterbeN4A Tbankfal for the ((Water nary itiari pi troassi stowed upon me, f assure my , friends and , 46101/blie 'III2 e 3TVOI : t al i t t ieti t irtlVOgt a lt 4lttlantset I ball . same, and , w be always at: l3ll ,llsh o P.frOM V to-9 a W. and from lso 3 x, - erilen. CITY CONTUOLLIIIVB 0,1104; Pittiburgb, Nov. , AUthi 1860. T/CE.."7IN , I,AcCORDANCE with the' provisions of B eetion43lith or 00 a of Assembly ap proved the 6th day of Yebelite".• A. D. 1868, entitled "An Act to authorise the City t wi t v i i n t a L til it re 1, that the aunt of Five •Plolaand Delude, (no ow r t ,,, brew pieced in the , flinklu . Funo Iseeef i danee w ah,the proxision,at Amnion mirth o said et•AO belippileer totha — psyment . o ,Iruch• B nag of eat Loan as may be ariuented OIL thelskdar of Destinv , rber , ,r7 • ' ' entrallee. 011 , 1611CiViVZIleGi 41 . 4jrzrairgirrrox i ll,..'1 ;' L itntratunoit.' Nivembei littdw 11161., n OTICE4,-Thoi.lastessment fok „awing, .raTtaii4apvti F ig, _CIABUOIa . • ZZT ' from Smiulmar area to Hatroid are mar Mallon examination; and' am ion aFitila' era; ealeetima , tqc -,2110110011, N. J. X . um. ci ty zusiuetr; , , A , 9"Ag u t..7112knr w .a. fi "..11, 1 71.11., , e 7,, sti t,g. i s n ra t flL.;L', r ~7,,,,ormitsgpioing,iitiarmt.tbnitTwarxrx , simwotrom , -TirtlLl: i o2l 4RevelAo,orAventy- tktb Street to ntvitresa for -taawastimi, anal G in L t *eel! 14 Olt binds Xth itaiD&T, , Dede,taber 44, A fla, il t =4 , w l „,abe,,,,i zeir g 4l5 0? UIP.UR Tra/1 1111 - - ; fee, o r cOsi ...IL. —1- • • • itai ' a, J. 11098,14 city xsipwr, RIVER NEWS. ~ .r- Riving eather*et, and / 00, WWD J3VMD'itTo "' 'PAINTERS • . . , . SMWMOATEI._, lIITTSBURGIT AND ...Ea glet ; ST., 'LOUIS PACKET LINE. ate leve every WEDNESDAY and AT RDAY, 'of each week, and on.enerif -throng of business re quires. The line Is to be under the direction and control of Captains John L. Rhodes m. Dean. Yanlnitt McClure and James Itees.. T h e object is to 'obtain' regularliyof time in depar tin!, together with a uniform tariff of rates on freight, hom L'lttaburgh to St. Louis end all Intermediate points: The fol lowing Captains and their boater' have agreed to ea. ter Into and compose said line Bleutner.Leonidu Capt. Edward Evans.. Steamer Silver Cloud Ito R . .... Capt. J. B. Conway. Steamer' ate Putnam • Capt. Geo. W. Reed. Steamer Witunita 4 Capt.:Thos. Shuman. Steamer Glendale ......... .„..Capt. John M. Hare. Steamer Lorena Caps, Samuel etiuman. Steamer Bellevernon ' " • Capt.:jot= 1. Darren., Steamer Maggie.. Capt. B. C. Martin. Smellier Armenia bript.. A. C. McCallum. Steamer Messenger ' Capt. Jesse Dan. It is understood that the day of , departure shall be strictly. obeyed ; on the part of said boats, and the bout not later than sundown. And that time of ar , rival at all or. landings between Plitsbargt 'and t. Leas shall be settled upon as will best serve the trous.oftheline, - -1.0 give dispatch to. business ' and galarity, which we 'think. will be of great ad van e tcrour.buldnenasaan and the general trivet 'oh ar rivers; besides save much 'expanse to our s, , while reading: under the- .regulatiens • In: Dir. days instead of_ six or eight, asunder the old yule ofloadliag, titre% or, four shoats at One Aftar., If our object should be properly, appreciated. we will -endeavor to, make • the Una work. to the advan tage of all concerned. 'shrough receipts will be given in ail.points where• connections climbs made with other good lines. We most earnestly itollot tke assistance of oter; bigness community. Ter, traliyours,_ JOH. L. RHODES, • WILTAM-DEAN EMMITT mcomiaz, JAMES REES, Managers. no7:B:ae • FOItiCAMO , •AND. LOHD3—Tbr 'tremor TE PUTNAM - OiOnan BUD, "faster. • ,Wild leave positively - 1n BATUDDAT; Seth Init., it 4r. at. For freight or 'peasegOipply on board or be JOHN LACK. ' no2 l B Or. J. D. COLLLNGWOOD, /touts. AEGULAII S'ATIIII." . DAS PACKET - FOB .CINCIN. ?IA TI, ,LOUISVILLE AND EVANSVIL.LE.rThe nue steamer. . ••• BELLEVERNON Capt. JPO. Will leave la above on SATURDAY--* P. at. Tor freight or passage apply on beard or to • . . FLACK & COLLINGWOCD, OURIEST & lIASLETT, ORAS. BARNES, 'Agents. • nom SHIPPERS AND CONSIGNMS 1011ITTSBIIIIGH AND `ST. : ' LOUIS BARGE CO.— For Cliietunati. Louisville, Evansville, Cairo stud Louis. Leaves SATTIDAY, November 28th. :The staunch and Oowcrhil Sow-boas ' 'TOM FARROW. AND BARGES, Capt. CHAS. MATTHEWS. Ttiroalth receipts eves to Warble and New Or• eons. Also to all •points oa.Cumberland river, at owest rates. Skippers Clll3, depend on having their freight for warded, with dispatch. Satisfaction guaranteed.- SPECIAL NOTICE TO OHIO BIYFR AND BT.' LOUIS DHIPPERS-111111* leave on SATURDAY.. POSITIVELY and wtllgothrough without deten. 'eon from Icsr, reports to that effect notwithstand. .enollemember the TON FARROW will take all Memphis and Row Orleans refight offering, !reship. ping at Cairo , on list crass steamers. . non CHARLES BARNES. Agent. ITTSUUROII ; >: . Marietta and Parkersinurg Line. Leave Coiapahre Wharf Boat, toot of Wood street, DAILY, AT 12 IL Idoitbirs AID Tatrusorre; A. B. silzruzao. BAYAILD: WIDNIALLATS AND SATOEDAM GREY EAGLE Freight will be received at all hot= by Belt . JAMES COLLINS. Agent. ITOR CAIRO, MEMPHISi a tiSe JIL: and NEW OBLEANS•The • SteSIMICT U. C. GRAY Capt. IsAAC Wurrrssz Will leave as announced above on SATURDAY, 2.lovember.97th. For freight or pseeagge iipotlon bOard or to' FL.AcE.,- or J. D. COLI.II.GWOOD. Agento. sal 1010 k ' d aii e (7.1 z) (e) alt 6et al :AO :Et ii 01 , , ESZ'AIt y IISH,ED BY A ! ar. T. WYE. M. n GOAKLY, • WEIOLEES.A.LEG-ROCE}I, No. 271 Li ber tybe Street, Wnsit-rt.T On. RIALX Ho7=4 PrITSI3IIBAGTI. PA. ea :vs J. L. DILL/NG1111.... ..... EITATINEION. !WIDER. S6..STEMSON: COMMISSION MERCHANTS NO. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 2..110E1VP. AND SILL AU Hinds of Country Produce ..• All orders for Merciandisa promptly 'lied, Lawlor market' rates. Particular attention gran .to the gabs of •ButterrEids -Cheese, Dried F ruits, Ake,' We feel confident tha t can Rive en tirelat. Istaction, , by main/ QUICK SALIM and 71101ILPT 1114. MINS. St Wort/sr simmer yilicits,'and therefore' resneettally.s.ollniS :Todr conslgnmenta.l AU corre spondenee answered ninniptly. Marking Plates furnished/rep. Grateiu store and to strive anBlft73 ' • . " - W#TIE, & CO,. '• i l!'nßiall4l.lDWX:aB zz greeti_ 140 14, _ _W4o ll 4's GirOns PrOalleos PRO" — .on1101:011,115. Chose,Carl 011. 01s.. Nos. 1151 and 114 WOOD. 13TBZET, soar Libertystreet. Plitablirob,Ta.nog aira Y. 6T221.11 • J. A. wriest. Ig .: STEELE & sow,. PLOVIV. RAIN, EM.121:1). No. NS ONIO I / 1 73N1, near East Common, ....... ..A..T. CANTIZLD. B. cANfiltin so'N, treiSere In Oos i" ' ' 11:1121 , Fuer a t imitu n r d ffir i l V. s t 131.1tter. , Le.Lit,,Psrec,Bacottf ; F,lonr, Flay Dried Trutt; Grata. Mir Lead, Pot, Pearl end Soda Wetn.Lltrue, ,Ldneeed4 Gaol and On. ton out . No. 141 Mrst street. Manure': - series - ' • us. 7. swamis. WELL & HICJEWri t - • ';' MERCHANTS, AND • ?LOVE, eiunT, slaps, ica.t. Flap, 849 11,144rt7 In" Plitabturgh, &VIC la' ii ti.. 4C1E114 J.ll.* ANJ2*. APPANE • . • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers fn. FLOUR, GRAIN lad PRODUCIE GEN" BRALLY. 11.4 - IPA/lea STIAZIAT,' above Plttabargh.' ' tea yriMlala & ARMSTRONG, POZWARDIN AND OOKIGEBIONNERCIRILIII, 'A r d?Si lg ere r in C lVOgurg n eVi l ;awiticwr hawk, ocojg pus. PAL. ;rah: ta22 'WIC KNOX • 1 ' KNOX. It' KNOX • & SONi: IDOBILMISSION iNICRCTHANTB and iCni inn2lPM. GNAW L JPEND rad PBOII CB , eicrisa&ubir, - No: • , ip ? opposite Aliestifay °sty Arootss LIBERTY' i MUT: Pltainiq , Comndedon Bier, oan and Wholesale De rin Country, Produce, ;prowess And Putaburob anuraetures. Cash ad ranged pr 4 .4 kFc , looe gen ? 'orally: • - - • • . an2l-, Asks saosssat..missw. , ll.olSSOLA..l73l.ll:llollllll., #lO, ',AMUSE t el . Il ui tt_oB n! Sue. cavort urgomi r. - n 9 - a vv.; .who l ewi meg. tiusiiu EliamlNslosi L L. MI, garner ,of 'Brialtanel4,ana Wider ennui, ttilazgh.' la. feAI Ji nt iritii.l vi vmnii , 1 " : 1,1016,11:70iteell•Oolattil ftibi , arlid7citiaiin, t r ititnattrAXlPlß alr()OttO. .-AllatilliaMlSlVlT%itteratter*lLY WWI( "4 :La **LIAM §ffirroaviiimilLiscr a ` T. WHOLD. 1110DII DX,ALRIII3, Qi e thh i grainttlantritto Vaal/ N THE COURT OF COMMON I . PLEAS OF"ALLEOHEIEY COUNTY. Libel in divorce, a einestio vantrisponii. No. 849, June Term, 1888. GEOREIE WELUENBERGER vs:IEIU WEISEITBERGER. And new to wit, October liith,lB6B, the tithrtena and atias-subpansa in the above. entitled case bar na been returned non eat inointnit. -. the above named respondent is hereby notified and required to appear in Court on the FIRST MONDAY or DE CEMBER, A. D. 1888, to answer the oonstgaint la this cake. SAMUEL B. emiLET,.skerit. 0c1e:2311.1P • - ALLEGHENY` COUNTY ;..SS.—ln the Orphans Court. In the matter of the Se tae of JOSEPH - CRA.WFORI.I, -decea. ed. 310.• tiA September Term, XsoB. Account sled showing bal-: Ince itrtrande of accouutan , a of $024906.15.. And now to wit. October V7th. 186(3, on motion of A. M. Brown. Attorney fo.• Lizale •A. Crawford. widow of decedent, theCoart appoint W. S. BUB , VIANCIC. Neg.. A.udltor to.make,dlitclbatien of the balance of fund in the hands of the accountant' and among the parties legally entitled to the same. From tke liimord • .Attest' . A. HILLNDS. Clerk. persona- interested and alUelainiants to thty shove fund will tote notice that I will attend to the duties of the above appointment at the office& of S. Av a W. S PUBVIANVE, No. 114 Fifth street, Ritta.. burgh.' Pa., commencing 'on UJESDAY , Deeembee' 8014 /888 at 2 o 'clock P. u. • - W. S. POBVLiiICE, Auditor.. n06.13-2).27:110 . - . WiTlCET—Whereas letters of adw ministration on the estate of Dr. IRA B. fle o Ell, late of ratton township, county of Alle gheny. deceased, have been granted to the subscri ber. All persons indebted to said • estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of the said dece4ent will make known the'same wtthout delay. to '- - • BARBARA PIPER, adm'n, • . • :earn Penn Township. AllegkenY county. ToTOTICE HEREBY . GIVEN that letters have beet granted to the under gned to administer upon the estateof WILLIAAL. AUTH. All persons having,elolma against said ea 'tote will present them for payment, and those in debted will make payment to tee undersigned. • • , BARIIIOI,OMEW AVM. Moreland, Moore & Herr, Attorneys for Admints trator. • - • • • nol3:a3P N TUE COURT Or QUARTER I SESSII,NS of Allegheny connty,llo...:—. Sept. term. 1613,-In re-opening oil-fettled street, city ot Tittsbnrgli. The - Communicator *appointed to take testimony in the above case will meet all parties in terettedat his Wane. N 0.1103 YTELAVENI7E, WEONESLAY, November 25th, at 1 o'clock Lt.. for elte•parpose of taking the teattinony of wit neefies.• • 40fIN T. WILNY, • nolaiall Comesalssloaer..•' ILN THE ( DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATF.S. FOR THE WEST - N - DISTRICT OF -.PENNSYLVANIA.. Wd.oIIINGTON BRITTON - , a bankrupt under the act of Congress of March Mil, 1867. having applied" f9r a diseharrofruin ali his.debts. and other elates provable under 'said Ist: by order of the Court, notice .is hereby given to , all creditors who have proved their debts. and other persons Interested, to appear on tho day of DECEMBER . : •7•8811, at.lO o'clock*, M. before JOHNIT. PCIIVLASCE, Register. at his oillee, !N0..116 Federal street. Allegheny city. Pa., to 'show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. • • ricdr.apris - : 8. C. McCA.NDLISS: Clerk. AN THE , -DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western DM ct of Pennsylvania. • WILLIAM L. lIAZLErt% a bankrupt under the Adt of Cengress of March Ad, 11361, having ap-• plied for a discharge' from all his debts, and other claim' provable Under said act, br order of the .Court notice is hereby to' all ..persons who have proved their debts, and other persons interest ed. to appear on. the .Ith day of December,lBBB, 2 o'clock P. Y.. before JOHN N. PtIEVIANCE. Esq., 'Register, at bLs office "No. 1187ederal street, - Allegheny City Pa. to show cause, if any they have bankrupt lichatire Shoul noticee granted to the said . And further is hereby given, that the Second and Third. M eetings of creditors or motions bnf s ku d p- A crte, q w uied b by h thd 27 fohre: a th2nath Register, at the same time and place 8. C. MCCANDLESS. Clerk. C. L. 81741C/RAlf, Muter. ]kN T_E N- THE DISTRICT ' COURT Or TEE lINID , BTATES E for the Weste r n Dis t el of Pennsylvania. • Jod. CABLINE,•st Bankrupt maderthe Acrof Congress of March 2d, 1867, having applied for a 'discharge from alibis debts,.and other claims prov. able under said Act. by-order of the Courtnotice Is. hereby given to all Demons who have proved their debts...and other persons interested, to appear on 24th DAYOF NOVEMBER, 1861 h. as 10 o'clock. A. sr., „before OA.MOJEL HAR P ER, An, Re gister, at his *Mee; No. 9a 'Diamond street.; Pitts. .burgs. Penna.,.to show cause, IS gay ,they have,. why discharge should not be granted to the , said -noel r• - :S. C. MccAtiDLEBB.- ` blerk. wuxuat A. STOM/8 PHTLADELI'HIA.. /Mice il3 soma FIFTH' WEREETe+belosi Chestnut.. nol2tals M. BEEPED, • iLtozeitex' ausTithr, 08 OFFIq FIFTE, AVENUE:, Special att Lion given to eel:lvey:meths 'Act col lections. Dee Bondy-and Mortgages• d - rawn and all legal nub:teas attended to pp?mptlyandite-,, 1 - 011. A. BpFLEIN : • poilaumentritin ,. ) cone;l3owltric mast sear Vialaniriat" " • 'z . :PrioTl3)3MH,' - DeeitliV tOrtgagelt -Acknowhertt Pooelt Owl,: Col ec and all other le theist 'W.l.theee executed • • • 1 - • • • LEGAL. BANKRUPT NOTICES. PROFWAIQNI4A. ILLS BESIIMELD• TEM PEACTICIC Or tAvr, S i' Ps-Officio Mistlee of 'ttie Pewit-and _Pollee Katie .trate. .02 _GRANT STEW, opposita the ILA. thedral, riwastricoH, PA.' - " - es. 4.crnowledguent& VP ) hoeitteni, n a d A ';l 2 l d i " . ttl i g ßusiiiellirerKeented with promptnemAinctdigreat! !g i eb.; • . . •• EVSTAGE MORAWW, • AXLIDERWy Kx-orricso ainmrs, or mit 'PIAOI AND PATON XADISTBA.TE. - OFFICE, N 0,73 PPM, AVENUELOITtSBURGH,Itk Deeds, Bonds; - 146etgstes, Aeltnowledsznent4 Depositions sad Lepl - Bualnesk exenn!esi wl .I'o:aptness mid rouriasw: • ' marß A Ammopi, trugAPl ofthe reamo CONVEYANCER,NEAL ESTATE& INSURANCE AGT ctiiisoiusmaler,qW3T unnaurcuum. , e ff o ll . ectiou of Bents OOil,od soiAlp remai n 14.4er . 111;01111.A. , 41:4 3 : 03 PEWAl i rs' ;DOTI*OP TEE /1/46C AND POLICE Atig IADISTILTZ . 31S'rDITH EMI ST, oppoite the ct,gathe. . itmit ILor peseiWledgmeitai Depoetmozoi tad , with oparonomme and direauft. , WILLUI I I. Ho 4 Wit 1E13; .!, •••...4 , „ , L.l r , JUSTICE OF THEPEACE,.CONYV(ANCER . f• - omoe; CARBON EITIIIVICT, %ear* crppoette tate?: : &Mini De s pot, SOUTH PITTSBUitt*H. Beetneu entrusted - told.. este , promptly attendit. ech tir FERGUSON, . : . ....• • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 87 Fifth Street, micora FLOOR, PII,OXT ROOM: ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. :0 iiimiiii4Streets .• Miiisii4iihe Coast Holm') )J-i! PITTIOII7IIBH, felistmi Hi - P. : • ''ATTeittitt ki b COONSELOR . AT• LAW, 14,i9.0P: ***et, 1 . .: ITZIKERIPAnt. PA. ARCHMAIM,' • >I , f"'..tifiel4il4.NEM"-Aith.;l4AW, trrawer. erral T J: BL`ANOSAAD, Wholesale and Beta emomy • op=sl. / ! ° t 3" P. qR '1511132.1 RJULROADS. _ mrstivitenua comnmunl= B. K. iwm°,. •On aid alter. TUASDAT, Noyember, 17th. 1663 trains will arrive at and depart &on toe Depot oo: - net of ,Grant and Water etreets. as follows: Mail to and from in:donna. 7:00 A. ar. 6:00 P. sas McKeesport Aceoadabdttn.ll:oo A. x. S:O3 P. Its Ex. to and from UntonVii. - 3:00 P. 8.10,10 X. West Newton Awomined , n 4:30 P. Y. 8:33 J. *0 Braddock.' Aecommodarn 6:15 p. x. 7:30 P. 1114. Night Ace. to kfeKeesport.lo:3o P. 11. 6:45 A. *0 Swnday Clan% Train to and from West Newton.. ...... 1:00 P. *..10x00 A. M Yortlekeu apply O J. E. MINN, Agent. W.B.' STOUT. Superintendent. . n 024 =GE ot TlME. aigiNt. GEITINT VALLET rtaiILEIMI On sad - after MONDAY "Nriretaber 9tb, 1S TWO TRAINS 'DAILY will leave.PlttebnezkrghSta. ilen,corner ofitleventl: and Pike streets for Um, 011 City, Beads, and All points in the 011 Be. glows. LBAVNTMTentradic. unit% iTrritsiraint. Myll T:18 am - • , B:4opnit .ExBreas.. . .• . . TAO trta 0:30 am - DradrslP&As 300. sin *cadre STdAciIW:SO atm Ist dodaWeekt _ _ t Soda Works • .i.Ateemodvn..lo:so a deemed:Va. - 8.110 a rit Sd Soda Works . StdBodsWorka ACCOMot_ 5010 1:11 Aebratrada , n. 3:40 r: Ow:A Ter" laavaiittaharlsh at1;10 r. x • rive at 'Pittsburgh at 80 .a.t.S. ..Pg4dengers.Aakl-M...ex_pren train have .but oal Alai° or eat* between ratstargh Bunk, and 01k it. ,....8.01-74virtgmigirer -LA= • .D p . THOMAS' 11: N1d 4 1 . 1. Aas , t.tinp.t. W. NOSTRIL HOPE, Yleget Asent.. not rITT El DKR GII, - ammil entonntATUANp ST; • PAN-MAXIM BOUTS. 'CHANGE OE-TEM3.I and-after SUNDAY. • -Nov. $3 3d,. 1E66, trains'willleave and MAYO at Me- Union Depot, as follost!si 71ttspozgh • • ' Depart. Aries MMlErpress, • 3:13 a.-m. LX - :13 a. mi. Fast Line - • • 10:13 a. m. 7:33 p. ta. .Hast "Express 41:53 p. m. Li1:113 a. In. Mixed Way • • 3:43 m: 6:43 p. m. McDonald's Acen No. 1,11:28 a. m 8:33 p.m. 16 a. 17. - 127... 0148 McDonald'a AmM, P. m. - 3:18 P. airs OW r. N. Upresswill leave deity: 10:13 r; arrive daily. . the 10:13 a. es. Train leaves dailyi.Siindeys ezw. cepted, and makes close connections at Newark for -Zanesville and points on Sandusky;; Mansfield Newark. it. B. __ S. F. SCUT.T. General Ticket Agent. [ W. W. CAN:), Sap't., Steubenville, Ohio. rEN N ST LVANIAIRMOM CENTRAL P.M:6IIOAD. and after NO. - Mad. • 1558; Trains Will ar rive at and depart from Um iltdon Depot, copier at Washington an foll d Liberty treats, ows: Arriisu '..Depars.• Mall Train.... 1:30 am Day'Express.. A :30 a tit • Past Line S:4O aln Wail , . No. 1.. .8:30 am Wake No 1.. 8:10 am Mall Train 43:18 am BrintenAce. , n. 7:50 a m 'CincinnatiNXl3l:3lBprn Wall's .No. 2.. 13:50 a m WalPs N 0.2.. 11:510 • 1.. Cineinnati Ex.19:40 atm Johnstown Ac. '3:55 pna Johnstown Ac.10:353 m BradilocksNol,4:go pm Baltimore* Ex. 1.45 pm Phila. - Exprest: 5:10 pin Phila. Express • 1:30p to Wail's 3..,,.5:30 put WalPsNo. SG. Szos pm Wail's rra. 15:15/pra Braddoblus No.). 5:50 pm Fast r 7:80p in Wall , . No. 4. 7:25 pm WWI, No. 5:: 11:00 p rn. Wity Ps.ssen!r.lo:2lo p m - ••:1: `;• The Church Train 'leaves WalPi Station every Sunday at 9:162. mm, reaching Pittsburgh at 10 :US • : a. m. Returning; leaves Pittsburgh at :50 p. m. And arrives at WslPl Station at11:00.1/. *Cincinnati Eznresa leaves dally. All other trail= daily exCept flundsy. • . . - . --For:lusher information apply to ! . BECKWITII, - .Agent. - The Pennsylvania Railroad Company Rillnot at.. some any risk for Naggagoi, - except for wearing sp. =L and limit their responsibility to One Hundred am in valne. 'All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner. teal taken by special contract: - EDW./UM:YE. WILLIAM!, General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. noU . , . . B 11 POET WAENE W. AND CLEVELAND a P/TTSBUIONIS. R. From Nov. 23d, 1868; trains will leave Otani and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, clip time as I0110Ws: Laqnxt. • Arrive, • Citicago Ex.— - 3:03 ain Chicago Ex... Ail 3 aEL Cleveland 3:03 am Cleveland Ex. 2:13 a m Erie & Ygn 7:28 cm Chicago Ex....'11:58 am CL .&Wlt7gliVl.l3:BB am Wheeling - Mt. .11:13 sin Chicago Mail— 8:58 a m St. Louis Ex.. 8:58 pus 111:tiltx.;...11.0:08 m CfdcagclEx..... 4:39 p Cl. & s!gEx. 2 : 31 p m Cl. iti•Whlg Ex - 7 -4:13 pm Chicago Ex.... 2:43p m Brie Tat•n-Er. -WM pm ,W,l4,7t.frie En. 9:63 P rt. CL & Whig Ex 0:58p ga frogs Atiegiutny: Arrive itte.,ll &coy. Ac. 858 am N. Bligt'n aM Leetsdale •1 10:519 sin N. Brigni • ' :28 a •• ",11:58 s ni9:53 a we .. Rochester "' 1:83 pm New Castle' ":10:33 a 39: 3:38 p m Leetsdale tii 9313 ata Leetsdale See.-'4:13 pm pre. Erigt'n 3 : 33 PM Nalrigt•g 2:43 pm. Prlgt'n " • 6:28 pin Leetsdale - • 4:158 put !, beetylale " ~10:44391a4:18 p Leetsdale Sun. Leetidile • Sim- _ day Church . .. 1:18 rim day e..hurch. 9:58 aEt M. 2:43 p.M..Chicsepy..„Expreal leaves da . ily . ii • air 11:58 ..M.:Chlcagd Expos -.WE° change of cars between Pittsburgh tunl "Chicago.. bleeping cars minion tithinge to ladlatap oils *ad Chicago, . - • • I, - Nr.IIIPCIIILLOI7iiH, • General gupequtendent. F. B. IMPS. Oeneril Ticket Aglow nip= TEEN PENN : MiIiMM W•-15131MitANIA.. BA; T •.- 3 On and after Nov. 22d, 1888. the Pas. senger TIMMS nit thrWestern Pennsybania ' ... road will arrive at and depart from the Federal. Street Der r h m Alleghettypity, as follows: - - gpringd'e Nol .15:90 . . 7:00 aII Freeport No, 1 8:20: air, Freeport No. I. • 9:15 at la Express, 10:46 /63n Bharplal No,111:20 a 20 trinarpb'Nt.:l - 1:25 'pin Express 51:45 pm. li teport No t / tippngd'e.Nek. 2:20 1 . 5:55 p m Freeport No.2 . s:2o p m . 'Orbiltd'AiNolt 13;45 m Elprine'e NO3 a- 7:10 it Aboye trains run daily except :ftnday. • m Tits uhnrsla Mau leaves Allegheny Amet. inery 6M4_lla, at'f:4o a. ta., reaching. Allegheny City at, 9:50 a.- M. lietarnblVtleamukt Allegheny City at 1010 p.. 51, and arrive at /Alerern,y Tutu% . • • -.. Ccocunrreriort Ticierra—lior sale in wham of Twenty:, -between Allegheny Clty,lCltsatnut Weer, ilerre, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and burl. follllded Only n t tithe trains atoppingti Stations ISIO• leaving Cif? V:00 make direct-connection at Freepor: with Walker's linear:Stages forßutler and Hazinahnowne 'olligh, .tic.ket+4)l%l* ,purchased at tha 02 3 Si . Clair stree 'near thellinspensbihßridge Pittsburgh and tt the spot. Allegheav • lioifortlierinformationalit; - • , !-lIAMES Ma% .Amut. eral Street Depot. ,The Western: renmlylvailla •Itallrood rill not ae. imme say risk for Baggage, except ibr wearing ap.. pare% andllmit their reepansibijity to One Ilundeed Dollars in 'value: All baggag. exceeding this Amount in valunwill be at the riok of the owner. una less takenby special contract. 0: wmyi _ • : KDWARXI , , .0= Gewral Stmerintendent s na. .QlllO K Y HILLIMMEIIII UNION PACK 16ULWAY4 • .;f4tatern.Divisickh: The SHORTEST AND MOST BITALSTLI from the Meet to all. palate IA Colorado, .Nevada, California; Vtab, Waiddsigto UISHI=.9 New Mexico, Idaho, • Oregon _, ' Two , Trate'!" leave State Line and Leaven wo lt• 4kulOkuda's excepts:l:m the anival of unix., . o Eallsosd from lA. ' °hie, and :eel aad .t. Jo : E from syi connect at Law since; Topeka and WsmeiM with s for an points .in:IC. somas. At 1 6 of- track west of Mills. 'worth With the trIfITED AMil IMPRESS 00X. VOIN&DAIRY_A.:II3A.,O . JUJU &NU li•L °2 !."At''' FOB E.N . VER. BALT .L.A.mazo And all Points in the Territories, .•• _ . • And:wit:li SANDXI3BOI‘ , B TIII-WBEELT LINE of .0/AMES tor Fort Unloit,Bent'i Bort, Pau, Aim. wierque, Bent Ye, and all ,pointa in Aritonli. and New maxim.; With, the recent !additions o f roiling St ock abd equipment, and the arrangements made with re ono:Whit Uveriand Transportation Linea front LW w•ttern terminus, this. road now offers unequalled facilities tor the trary9ll!*lon of heig ht to , the Fat WTlesgSti at all the principal offices in thli LniteaStateirand Canadiut l at a ltl a jv id AttlAlit c tr "a 0 THE *AV lAMBS Lb./ . ,111: IGIVIEBSTEII, lieneratirfastfaniTickstesels T6' 'LivaapeoL.Aparism QtrtgNS';', • is - 4 4 17 ussu 4 - TECH HMAN- - Ilallm *egg Nuxebeftw ied stssigai inote4bss , vtaeols , lam sae Wein% ig i Ale i( MO a r r P7 3,o3llk: ‘,.•' • ADITY iNriONDOIi BAXIIIIDAY, ten; IMR' 411. Non& Blver elf Tork..r. rarpusaltilorturtin f. " lllb. Um Apply so ' * Winn* BIN J. voornma maw. . -sway •prinua roil wee% ga"•"s.`' IM3 • U A. Annral.suar, EN:r.lllll(Matikeindamt