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VOLUME LXXXIII. FIRST EDITION. ww.Exaina: ckaiocils M. TIIE CAPITAL. Mdir‘oa4-;anip,laints JPEteLlie • from Panamit-t;eneial orant's }lra Message-Seward and Rev erdy Johnson -Important Legal 91 1 4 11 10 11 F019.41 ) 1 1 *ellt -= Case of Collector Cake-Arrival of Admiral Farragut. LBv Telegraph tatlie pittsbnigh gazette.] Wasnoroxorr, November 24,1868. A,part of the Government subsidy to the -Pacifier Railroad •Company is witheld for • the present; until ttebommisafcmers make report upon that part of the road recently finished whicki it is claimed is not what has beenpromised. , . Our itterOlutiits ihranikaii:coMplain that . the commercial taxes in that country have , • been doubled, and Secretary t3eward has ordered an investigation of the Matter. _ • - General Stonetnati'srepon thikt he could • not fitid loyal men to till: the (Aces in Vir ginia is denounced here by prominent Vir ginians as entirely untrue. c General Grant Will favor is his. first mes sage the election_af President, directly by , the people, In future, for, the term of ten • years; and not to be eligible for re-election Congressmen-to be elected in all the States - -with the President.: • - •.• - - • ' Commissioner 'Rollin' has“,..tnnleted report: He opposes an - increase Of the .1 whisky tax. „ Mr. Seward,has , accepted Reverdy John -11. - son's plan for the settlement of the Aloha ' ma claims , , with afew -,niduiportant Modi fications. - • Attorney General P-varts has rendered. • an opinion to the Seeretary of the Treasu'- , that to convey from` the outlet of the wormthe product of distillation to or doubler,' through which:such/product has not passed before reaching ,the worn!/ is not a vfolaticin 'of the'itct, of -July IPr; 1863:' The interposition: of :slink as a re , ceptaciebetween the wortn'of theltrst dis tillery andthe double. or'the second worm, isnot a vkilation of _tlte"act. These conclu victim refer onlfto,proof spirits and not to the, rectifying of the sanie,'or the manu facture of other alcohello'compounds. The new - POstal Convention with Great Britain .watyto-daysigned by the President, ' and goes into- effect' January Ist. C. E. Creecy, appointing_ clerk in the Treastiry Department, was to-day appoint , ed/SuperYisor of Internal Revenue for . I.,Ottislana and'Arkansas.. • / It seems understood that nothing will at present be done with the case of, Collec / tor - Cake of Philadelphia. Neither is it . • likely that .the Secretary of the Treasury will recommend his suspension under the , Tennie-of-Office act.. • '-Admiral razr ag at Arrived to-night, and ',lathe guest of the SearotAry of the. Navy:, PEIUfU)tLPInA, , The Bill-Murder Case - 3315 ann-wirit. Col fax Attend a. Church Celebration - -The , Rathbone Oil Company-. City Debt—Meet., , ..s•L ing of the ffenlaapoirt,ClinoiC:. • Teniiraph to tie 14nm:wan aimett;.] Ilimi.ozraiits, November 24.-The , der of M. MIL sti ll causes, great excite • -- - merit. The station house in which Ur. and Mrs. Mitchell, the supposed murderers, are confined, has been surrounded all day, and 13011113 persons go so far as to threaten lYnch law. The-pigment were taken out - tie - back , way at noon, and were present at the-Coroner's inquest. It is; said that Mrs. , 111114as'iobbed after she was murdered, •blit - this not tine. The trial will commence 'at ,ance,Jt . is said, an will. lxvvery excit ing. Mr. Colfax attended a church celebration in Camden last night and made a neat - apeeob, in whiCh he tialdhe had been wel comed with,kindness, far above his deserts • all over the country by his fellow citizens. The • ladies pAnent,ed Mrs.. Colfax - with ji magnificent basket of flowers. The, Bathbone Oil-, Company 'have again been sued for false pretence, and this time willtutve to produce deeds and other papers to prain their ownership of the oil lands, on the strength of which they boasted of a , capital of half a million dollars at one time. The,total debt of this city, all of which is amounts to nearly thirty-eight millions. - Stafford dr Cci.'s woolen mills, at Mena 37121lcrnreieteitelly destroyed by fire yes --terdaY afternoon. The loss will amount to fifty thousand dollarspnot half insured. • • , • idle Coroner'sjury . In' the case of the murder or•Mio. Bill rendered a verdict that deceasiid came to her death at the bands of George l'witchell and his wife. They were committed for - trial. The evi ,;„ donee to-day completely destroyed the Abort of robbery and murder by out. alders. „ At.thQ_Fenian Convention to-day, only preliminary ' business such as the appoint ment of committees, dm , was transacted. Arrival of the StioßalpChlua—Later from China 'and' Japan. CBs Telearaan to the Pittsburgh Gusette.l SAN FRANCISCO. November, 22,—The :eteamship 'China arrived this morning with advises from Hong Kong to Cetober 15th, and Yokohonia to Cctober 28th. • She brings about tour hundred passengers for San' Francisco ' New York and Enrope. The United States steamer Oneida (the ram Stonewall), several English, French -.and Dutch ships of war were at Yokohoma October 28th. -:CHINA-=The Chinese gunboats tired upon a European steamer for the reason that she -would not : display her flag in passing. The . . matter•remains unsettled. , - ' . 4 111(i Cheeio-kold diggings are reported , doing _Well. „ , ', / Pa*u latices report that the rebel's were / „,•enti;Aly dispersed. • Tire passeagers and crew of the ship Ha -1 N!,•aliaa , a China packet, who were wrecked 4im '.{. ong_the -Phillipine - Islands; in August 1 - lot, arrived at Hong Kong. : ' - --':- ' 1 = 4sPatc.—The Mikado havlagyettehed his majority was crowned Emperor of, Japan -at ato A diffitentVecanrred between ihe Dutch , officers and the Japanese authorities. The 1 latter ftebld the transaction of any business , - .dit the ;Oglitom House for Dutch subjects. 1 "The matter ss aa finally amicably settled. • Yeddo still reuiains closed to foreigners, It is expected the opening of the city will i - not - b 6 postponed' beyond the first of No: veMber.",-• .The event depends upon the. re ` snit of the- conference now being held be ,. •tween the . Foreign Ministers and the Rep resentative Mikado. " - The Japaneo Government has effected a loan of over half :a million dollars from the .Oriental; Bank . corporation. The security la a Ilea on . thew Obtoll2, Sousa' receipts. MU 'NEW -4 STORir: CITY, y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l NEW YORK, November 24, 1838. .•' itnE rig Tin . 4rry EI:ULM:NOS. A fire this morning commenced in the roof, of Trinity build - riga, No. 111 Broad wey.. The building" which is it you large one, was-badly damaged,' the two upper , floors being nearly all burned' out, the roof destroyed and the remaining lower stories verybadly injured by water. Two or three fires en *ere slightly injured by the falling of a ceiling. THE ERJX.BAILBOAD AGAIN-THE PLOT .1 THICKENS. Henry Whelpley a Citizen of New , , Jersey, yesterday preferred a bill of com plaint before Jidge I:Ratchford, of the 11. S. Court, asking inquiry , Into" the validity of the ' issue of the 200,000 shares of the Erie stock in exchance for the convertible bonds under the resolution_Passed by the Board Of Directors on the Ith itif February last: anddf It Should be adjudged illegal, that the Conipany be compelled to make good to 111 liolders - the amount therefor; and that in the meanwhile an injunction be _placed on the Company preventing their parting with the property, and that a Re. °elver be appointed, and the Company be directed to'4oansfer enough property to him to meet thalelaims of the plaintiff' and others. On We complaint Judge Blackford issued the injunction and appointed Jay Gould, as 'Receiver of the road to the ex tent above - meutioned, with sureties in the sum of one.million dollars, and that eight millions in money and securities be placed in his hands, subject to the - further .orders . 0 1 - -4*.'COOrts.to Preteet the plaintiff. , - ( VIC gilts COMPANY I'LAYB TWO CARDS. Two new suits have been begun by the Erie Company( one against ; Belmont -and others, ands the Second against Richard Schell, Daniel Drew, and Frank Work. In the:first the Company claim one million dollars against the defendants, for hamper ing them by means of suits last spring, and those recently begun for the second damages -to extent of four hundred;; and ninety-five thousand dollars are ,olaimed for alleged corrupt practices of defendants while act ingtas directors 1 June last, said amount having been pal out of the funds of the Company by Ale rs. Eldridge, Drew and Thompson, to se tle the' Suit named suits, and out of whie said Work received one hundred and 11 thousand. dollars; and also bought fro the , friends of Ssbell, for the Company, five millions of its own stock. - for; : ' which• he paid one million more than the actual value. Gould also alleges that offers have hen made to agents of the Company so mettle the recent`Belmont suit if the c4)uipany would save them a large amount ;of mousy, Judge Barnard to-day issued an order vacating the orders. granted by Judge Sutherland yesterday. Subsequently Judge Suther land issued an order reqsuring the defend trots to iiiitnV cause why the order of judge Barnardahould not be vacated. which will be argue`ti to-morrow. Fisk and Gould are entrenched in the Erie Railroad Depot, at the foot Of Chambers street, and lie person is permitted to approach who cannot prove himself a friend MA brether, and Satin then there are More keys to turn and bolts to unbar:than st4ll,o3ongaile„ There arjesome dainty shoritetinside lbo'biiilding s .lukt. on what business they retiree to telit - ---, irumarna eIIAUGPS ;AGArits - r MINISTER WASIIIUMN." ' , Farther correspondence is published be .tween Minister Washburn and the Pers ica/van government. Benitr, the Paraguay an Minister for Foreign Affairs, charges Mr. ,Washbruliwith corresponding with Caxias,i forwarding important, information to him under the seal of the Portuguese con sul, and supports his charges by the affida vits of Dr. Carreras and Minister Berger. Another more serious charge:rte. that he carried drawings of the Paraguayan camp to Caalas, and, received from Benign() CoPez, one of the alleged conspirators, "018,- 000 - and afterwards $14,000 in currency, and a promise 0f.550,000 in consideration of this act, and also in amaideration of his bind ing himself to naiogrdze the success of the allies. SILL OF INDICTMENT. The grand jury of, the Circuit Court for the Western ju ry of New York, have found a bill of indictment of ulna, counts against • Commissioner Fullerton, Jacob Deny, Alfred A.Relknap, Daniel C. Brid .Edward J. Windust, - for conspiracy Aga nst the Revenue Collector,Thomas E. Smith, and of receiving from -him 510,000 under a-threat of informing upon him, as to tbeoffencea with"which he' is charged before United States Ommissioner Osborn. The parties appeared and gave - bail in the sum of 525,000. each to appear and answer to the charge,.. • , NO INDEPENDENT OiairDIDATZ At an - AO:limited 'meeting of the citizens at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, last night, at which Greeley' end Raymond are said to have been present, it was decided inexpe; dient to run an independent candidate for Mayor. - - , • DEATII FROM A LAMP EXPLOSION'. A woman named Agnes Gallagher, utult two children, residing on Dry Dock street; were fatally burned ~by the explosion of •is: kerosene lamp. ' ITEMS OF NEWS. Recruiting-for the Cuban filibustering expedition'is still going on. Fifty men ar rived, froim Baltimore today said to be bound for Cuba. - Mr. Marsh him disappeared with "a large amount of money of the,firm of Temple & Marsh.-. It is said he was short in Erie and In the name of the arm, and hence the es cape. - Mr. McCulloch has written' Mr. 'Van Dyke that he ihall nm sell any more bonds during his administration. Hotel Destroyedby Fire-Two Men Darned Death. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Besetle.) SOUTHAMPTON. Out., Nov. 24.—Elidn's Hotel; situated - a short distance from this place, was destroyed by lire this morning. Two men were burned to death, and prob ably three others so badly burned that they are not expected to recover. Operationa of a Confidence Nam CBI Telegraph to the Pittebtirith Gaaet.e.; HARTFORD, November 2.1..—A eolitiderice man named A,. Stanley,' alias MeDOnald, drew from the Hartford Trust Company 14.800 on Monday, having first deposited an altered•: eertilied akeek for', $6,700. His whereabouts Is unknown. : _ _ , Woman Mardeied by Burglars.. ca, Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. • ALBANY N. N.:, Novertiber 24.—The ,rest• donee of Elisha Fiero, West Davenport, Delaware county - is - N. was entered:. by butglars, last night, and Ids wife mita dered. The villains escapedi, without se curing any , booty. Burial AUve. _ . Env Telegraph to the Pittsburgh filazette.)' CLurrELAND, November 24.--The sewer on the dornerbf Crosi and Kinsman stied& caved in this afternoon, and •several work men were - buried in' the ruins, .9,112 ban already been ;ukezt out dead. PI - MW*GFI. I) - N ES OAS. NOVPREft SICHO 101110 X. int CPC1,41:1..A.. 'lnto , 1 g EUROPE Bisilarck ''li - lAber . l -.L Fenian DozniniittriatOii-4 - ' nieh ' siße publicans'Catlin "Ground -7 Eruption:ofli t etnivini Subsiding ] ladstopetiptblishes . a . ' - Pam.f p et--pewther OfeCtions---Ite ported Death of illaZzini—lns= l . :-, porituttSpanish' lleciee—Glad-, . . • stone -Dcfcated—Elections in 1 Spain -- Prosecutions of the Press in Priiiice- 2 1ePly to the Hungarian Red Book-Spanish Troops Sailed for Cuba—Liberal ovitY finf4o4lltil4iiiisev entein. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) GREAT BRITAI. N LONDON, Nov. ?..3,144r. ,pladst one, in a pamphlet eittitieiL4tiffipter. Of in Autobio- graphy," just published, defines and de fends his changes of opinion on the subject of church establishments. All the Liberal journals review the book- but Apparently , copies . were not furnia4ed the Conservative press, as. they are anent about:U. The Times regards 'the publication as a volun tary-and hazardous confession. • , ,LoNnou, November 2.3..--Evesing.—Elec- Row Were held to4lay - innineteet counties. The .Conservatives carried thelarger num ber of these elections, and have somewhat reduced the Liberal majority in the House. The totals now stand es folloWs: Liberals, 34.3; Conservatives, 212; the Liberal majoEity being 181, - - • . A rumor is in circulation that ,T,ose'ph *kiln!, the great Renublican leader, died on Friday last, at Lugano, in Switzerland: The Pall Matt Gazette urges the . Alabama Claim CoMmission -to sit alternately in London and Washington,for the conveni ence of both British and American claim ants. Mr. Gladstone, and his. colleague, . Mr. Grenfell, have been defeated in Southwest Lancashire. At the concluedon.of the poll, the vote stood: Crois, Conservative, 7,780; Turner, Conservative, 7,670; Gladstone, Liberal, 7,390; Grenfell, Liberal, 8,930. Among the candidates elected yesterday are Sir John Simeon, Liberal from the Isle of Wight, Sir Patrick O'Brien, Liberal, from Clogs county, and John Brady,' Lib eral, fa= Leitrim. Lowoon, November 24. - -The funeral of the rioter shot at Drokheda.was the occa sion of a Fenian display there-on Sunday. Great crowds were in the streets satictully 8,000 men in procession. The-Tannin de monstration at Dublin and in Hyde Park, Idicttt itifkstttne occaslon, were trilling Lowixiii, November 24-4idiiiah(:-7-The counties in which the elections were held today return a majority of Conservatives. Middlesex has been carried by. Lord G. Hamilton, Conservative, and Lord Enfield, Liberal; Cambridgeshire elects * , ,Cord G. Manness and Lord Royston, 'both Conser vative% Messrs. Broderick and Peck, Con servatives, are returned from Midsurrey. At this hour the total figures are : Liber als elected, 363; Conservatives elected, 248; Liberal majority 117. Drumm. November 24.—The corporate authorities of this city have petitioned the Government for the pardon of the Fenian convicts. SjoM N. MADRID, Novereber 23.—The Provisional • Government has promulgated a decree, re arranging the schedule of import duties, and making a redUction on many articles. The-changes are to go into effect on the Ist of January. The following are among the provisions of the new decree: All vessels are permitted to 'enter Spanish ports on paying tonnage dues from 60 to 130 reels per ton; reductions of the tariff made by the' decree of October are revoke4,arid the payment of the semi-annual interest on the public debt is provided'for. It is officially announced that the election for delegates to tae Constituent Cortes will take place on the 16th' of December, and the Cartes will meet on the 16th-of January, 1869. • 'Large public meetings have been held•in Barcelona by the Monarchist and Republi can parties. Processions, with bands of music paraded the streets, and other ;dem onstrations were made; but though politi cal feelings run high, all proceeding's have been peaceable and order is respected. The Monarchists are largely In the aseendant, tho Ugh the Republicans seem to be gaining. All parties in Madrid are preparing to make similar demonstrations, and there is every indication for a lively canvass before the coming election. A transport with a barge of war stores sailed from Cadiz, on the 20th inst., for Havana. The fleet of transports w ith. , troops for. Cuba will sail on the second of December. I PRUSSIA. BERLIN. November U.—Bismarck makes no seoret of his design to leave the federal partY and join the liberal, • . BERLIN, November 24.—The new Prue. sian _gazette, a semi-official organ of the Government, in reply to the Hungarian' Red Book, says: If war should ensue from the Schleswig dispute, the Germans of, the. North would show the same - enthuslitsm, and the Germans of the South the same patriotism, as was ahavvnin 1818. - SOUTH AMERICA:, LONDON, November , 24.—Letters from Buenos Ayers report that Sarmiento is de sirous of having the command of the army given to one of the United StateaVenerals, who aistlngnished themselves in the war of the rebellion. • SPAIN. ' - MADRID, November 28.—The advocates of Republican• institutions are gaining ground. The city of Barcelona favors a RepUblie. WALLACHIA. LONDON, November 24.—A1l the great powers agree in condemning the course of Wallachia as false to the obligations of treaties. ITALY. N A ,r,Lis, November 23.—The eruption of VOsuvlus is subsiding* and no fears are now entertained for the adjacent villages• - FRANCE. .'Lortmor,Noseem - ber 24.—The.FretiqkQqv ernment continues its protiemitions or the . . press with.unremitting, severity.. The ed. itors of Teem,: ATOttexid. Rif -Paris, Revile, anififaveriere have been sunimon , ed to appear before the Cite Tribunal On Friday nest, fo' answer 7 ohaFges made against thstu fOr:promPting ,subscriptions for thial3audin mov Tent. - • • • • " E rtstvs. Lrvaripoox,,November 22.—The, steamers Pennsylvania Nand Manhattan, from New York, arrived to-day: - - 1 ' ~ I t . GLasoow, November 121.—The„ steamed' riituda, from New York,rartlved to-day. QuEmovrowzg. November 23. - The attun e City of ?Aria frpmNOWX o 46.ol4iefito• SOl:rvirsarrro*; 'Nov. 22.--The : Wainer America, frOin NoW Tait? „ ekorPfld *4lO FINANCIAL AND 001/11113BCIAM: Lortnow; November •24.—Evesisg.—Coor sob. 94%i -5-20 area quiet and steady ,at latocksareprot; Blinder Central, 96; Erie, 29. ' r. PltaflClNial: November. 24.—Bosids are firm at 77%@7731.: _ • - .±PeAre, ;Novembe r'24.-BOurse the Anil:: R' elites, 70f. 65e. LIVERPOOL, 'November 24.—Cotton ip higher; sales yesterday were 20,000 bales: to-day they numbered 15,000 bales; Mid dling Uplands brought - 1110;0,1mm, 113 id: Breadstutb3--Flour sells at 26e. Wheat, white california,-119. 3d.; led western. 99.‘ 9d. Corn, 30s. 9d.'i Oats, ' Bs, 84. Barley, be.' Provisions—Pork, - 893. Lard *is quiet at 655. 6d.. Cheese t *l36s. :Pirodties—Naval Stores remain unohanged; Petroleum is firm; spirits; 9d;• retlned f ls:ld. " • Losuon, November 24.—Sugar is firmer but not higher at Ms. 6d. on spot. Tallow, 51s. sd. .Caleutta Linseed, 601. Hews; November 24.—Cotton—to arrive sells at 124% frands for low Middling. ANTWERP, NoVember' 24.—Petroleum, 55 francs. ---- MArionts'rEß, November , 24.--'Marketa ble Yarns and Fabrics higher. • RICHMOND. Editor of 14Sonthern Opinkm” cision In the Supreme COurt. By Telegraph pp , the elLtaburghfilaaette.l - „ - Iticracesu, Vai t November 24.—H. Rives Pollard, editor of the ;S'outheivt. Opinian lieuspriper; - ' WENS shot and ..klik3d itt- ten o'clock this morning, while:, passing near his ()face, by James Grant. , Th'e cause for shooting was a publication reflecting on the character of a member of Grant's family. Rteationn, November 24.—The following are the particcdars of the tragedy which took place this morning : On Saturday a report was , published in the Southern Opin ion relative to the elopement of the dangli= ter of Wm.l If. Grant, a wealthy tobacco nist 'orthis city. This morning, about ten o'clock, as - IL 'Elvea Pollard, editor of - the paper, paper, was near the office door, near the corner of Mein and Fourteenth streets; going in, a shot was tired from the tipper window of a , building - opposite. - Mr. Pullard immediately felldead eleven." buck shot having entered; his body. passing through, his, heart. police" searched . ,-the - an 4.! tonna Jim Grant, biher of the lady named, in room. surrendered smd was taken to the stat ion. A double barrel gun, with one barrel discharged, was found in the room. The affair 'Caused great molten:MO, and a larva erawd has been atuered around the., Opanion office eines the oceurrefias - ,... - -. s • 1n the U. S. Circuit Cotirt4o-day, Chief Justice Chase, preidding; in the casse of the. 'administrators of Mrs. Reppel, of Penti-' sylvan's, vs. the Petersbing Railroad Com pany, to require the Company to pay a divi dend in United States money on three hundred shares of stock sequeatered by the Confederate Government, the Chief Justice affirmed the decision of the , lower court in favor of the plaintiff. ' , ; MEDIPEUS. Exciting Rumor—Man" Lynched--A.nother with it Fence Ruil. (By Teleitriph to the Pltisburgh‘Gaiette.3 ltimarans, November 24.—0 n Sanday night the neighborhood of Hickory Holibw, near Holly Springs, was excited by the re port:that a. btuadlid'..men.:wara on the road . near there robbing all who passed. Next morning - a party of 'citizens went In search of thetn. Calling, at the house of one Rey •nolds,,lately driven. from the county for horse stealihe to ascertain - if he had re-. turned, they inquired of his wife , he was there. Receivinga negative answer; Benjamin Avert attempted La enter the , house, when he was fired upon by Reynolds with a. shot gird and Mortally wounded. Reynolds was then arrested and started for Bolivar Jail; but on the road a - party of masked horsemen inrprised 'the guard. and took Reynolds off. His body was found yesterday hung to ajrae. ,Avert watt a son of Dr. B. V. Avert, a well knowaphysiclan of this city. He had recently married. A fatal Affray occurred yesterday.. after. noon at hid:Melt restaurattort,' in the su burbs of the city, between twb laborers, named Xenney and Wm. Hueston, in which the former was struck with a fence rail and instantly killed." Hueston wait arrested and lodged in Adams street :station house). ST. LOUTIk; =I Destructive ritx.-COnventlon of the 'Yottug , Men's,Christlan (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh iiasette.l ST. Louis, November 24.—The Saxony flouring mlii of Leonhardt & t3chwicht;on Lombard street, was partially destroyed by fire this morning—loss, $17,000; insured for $15,000. • . • The General .Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association met to-night to the Second Baptist Church, oorner•of Sixth and • Locust streets. Delegates were prow ent from Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, Missouri, Kansas. Minnesota and lowa. Rev. H. Thane' Miller, , of Cincinnati,' was elected Prssident, and Rev.. George T. Shaw, of St. Louis, Secretitry. Mr. Miller made.a few ep,propriate remarks on taking the ,oltair, after which Rev. Mr. Burlingame, of St. Louis, delivered' the opening address, which was responded to by Rev. Mr. Gil lette, of Jacksonville, Illinois. Several Business Committees were then tippointed; and the Association adjourned until to morrow morning. Meeting of the south Carolina Legislature. [By Telegraph to the Pittabtfth Gazette.) COLUMBIA,S. C., Nov. 4 4.-`-The. South Carolina Lgislature met;to-day, The Souse 'organized and appointed a Commit.. tee to:wait on the Governor and receive any communication he had tS make.' ..But there being no quorum in the 'Senate. both Rouses adjourned. , , A Japanese Consul.. Telerraoh to the Pineesrie Asz e t te a SAN FIIANCIBOO, Nniember Japanese Consul to the Hamelin Govern ment arrived by steamer tcrlxolt after the interests of the subjects of Japan residing lug in the Sandwich islands, le believed to be the first'native Sent WA foreign oountry by the Japanese to 'minima. consular, func , tioua. tBeB'. =UM max...flat* The Revoteth* Near li3 paii2=Three'Daig Grace Aciorded the:lnsurgents: ' • [kr Telegraph touts Plitabttrah 9aiekte,3 • Hay Ana, ,Navenzber.:; 417 in Pu?nsi / 3 0 13 9 1 -1 3 .t4. si4d 9thig, pp.Tupus of, aho Priental Department, • states • that many young men,ho had_ joined the rev-. pititiOrdsta `are rettfinh4totheir hoMes. , The geisiraiitifo iniktiOn'. eiVid is to the effect that the revtantion-will soon be finished. and. many ott,he revolutionists are making overturek to the Oovernment., • In view Of the'prOpositkm of Eabraissien . by the rewdtitiordsts to Babnizada, he has allowed them three days glace before MLR- Pendag actiNP ,o l?OratiPn&_- The'firatiot nevrsugar Wierreived to day: , FLORIDA. The Gevereor Difficulty Again.-opinion or the supreme Coert; ,187Telegisphtoethe Pitt/buret Gasette.3 - TALLAHASSEE,, Fla., November '2€-At the. meeting of the Supreme Court, this Morning, Lieutenant Governor Gleason, toy , counsel, asked .forther shos ivhy the writ of quo: worranto was granted, and the Court adjourned. It is intimated that the adv.] satory opinion frOna the Supreme Court, requested byy Gov. Reed, is ready . , and will be' rendered soon, perhaps to-night. = - Lot&Jana llectiop Oflicial. • . _ My Telegraph to the Kittshare% Gazette.) NEW Onizaws, Navember 244-The offi- ;dal count , of the vote of the Etats gives i33rant 34,224 and Seymour 74,672. The ma jorities for the "Democratic COngreselonal cmdidates are from 6,000 to 10,060: - • New Jerny OfficlaL By Telegtapk to ike Pittsburgh Gizette.? nemiTori, ?T: J., Novembei24.—The offi alal vote of .lverr Jersey 1: Seymour, 82,725; Grant,,79,871: . In .theghird Congressional District Hill, Ropnbliemi; haft 56 majority. Convieted,o; Murder. By Telegraph to the Tlttebugh Braiette.:: , . Cuzvzuirria, Nov e m ber 24.—Lewis Davis' was this morning convicted of the murder of D. P. Skinner, at :Independence, -a few weeks since: All Right Again. City Telerraph to the Plttstinieh'Eteette.3 LowELL, Mass, November 24.--General Balm' has entirely recovered: from his late illness. New Orleans Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Nato OBLE . A.NBi November 24.—Cotton y‘(ol4c. higher: . Middling, 23%@24e; sales of 4,250 bales; receipts, 8,188 bales. Gold, 135. - Sterling, 1453.. Bank,' 146®146 1 4. Neir York Sight 5; per tent. discount. Su ; gar-better grades active, and lower grades depressed; fully iniz, 1234 v, clarified, 12% @M . o. Atolaineti tending, np; common, 50e, choice, 72c. FloUr dull; stiperflne; WM; treble • wqra , ,, .503,7587.4 . Corn unchanged; new, 90c,, Opts: declined yto 61c. 13arri. ;41 'Hay firmer, at 123500)2.6. pork'dull; new nominal, at' , s2B... Bacon Unsettled; - shotd. dQQr 13‘c5 - clearrib, 1811416%c; .•doaddet4 Ik., Lard doll, , erce 4 .l6o.l6S‘c; /.9%,0. Wir4031 4 31 western rMWO, 41,00' ® l , os .'Utlift4z,!;.ttle • R4i -16%e; fair, /4%c. = , • • , Albaey Cattle Market: By Telegripla to the itttshuigh Gezette.3 Annerrr, Moyember 24.—Beevei sold to ; Any .qe lower than yesterday, and a few, htindred head are still in first, hands; the total receipts for the week were 4,700 head. Seep .in fair ,request at 3 1 Z115303„' Lambs Eq-4~n63;; total receipts, 17,000 head, Re ceipts. of Hogs for the week, 10,000 head; 75p; for light inferior _State and Michigan, and Oyi for best extra heavy, Illinois; sales about 4,000 head. ' .; Icaantirldge cattle Mprket. 4'7 . i . e . iegreph to the Pitteba;!th butte.] ' `Cearitunok, Mass., NOvember 21—Beef Cattle; receipts, 553 head; sales of extra at $12a18;, first :quality $11a11,50; second qual ity .$10a10,50; third quality ?8,00a9,50; in light scipply and readily sold. Sheep and Lambs; receipts; 4,604 head, nearly - 12,000 less than last week. The yards are;nearly deaefted and prices unchanged. ,i• Chicago Market. EBY 'rearm* to the Pitt sbnyill easette.‘ CHICAGO, Nov. .?A.—E'vening.—Wheat night closed at V 1,12.3 f. Corn quiet at 85a 85 c. Nothing doing in oats and held at liashvilie Maiket.' Elty.Teletraoh to the Pitistatrah Gazette.l NasxrviLLE„/ Nov.! 24.—Cotton marke buoyant; low/wlddlings 214 c; good ° ordi nary 210. / A Talk With Grant We quote from a Galena`correspondent of a lieNy'Yoric Journal, some recent utteran. ces of the President elect lieferring to Andrew Johnson,, the 'Gen. eml said: "Yes, he'll always stotttly' attrib ute the Democratic defeat to their failure to 'nominate bird in New York" Whenever.he has occasion to refer to the Democracy at, all, he applies the term "Cop perhead,"'f'or he only recognizes two parties in the land, one with the rebels, and the other with the loyalty of the nation. - Magnanimity and generosity are largely 'developed in Grant's nature. ' He is punc- Aillionst about observing: theterms oft the .parole given the surrendering 80 l ong - as it 48 not broketi op ,them. hence his un trlding opposition to anyinterference with e by Andy Johnson while Lee, kept the plighted faith. But Gen. Grant feels keenly concerning the diabodcal course of the Ku- Klux-Klan, composed as it is almost wholly of paroled rebels, and countenanced and led by rebel officers, and he is not insensible to the :palpable fact that rebels in editorial places • can easily break the terms of the pat.' role adiocating incendiary doctrines and feinenting turbulence and bloodshed. The dui, following ' his election he said to me: "I'd like to see.the tone of the rebel papers now.- I imagine they will quiet down, as ,they did.after Lee's surrender." I' was conversing with him of the expan sion , of the Western settlenientss, of the railways to the Pacific and the grand results in that direction,while the impious and rebelliods South as pined and suffered. "I think," said Grant, "that Providence Must have had a hand in it, and prevented an earlier reconstruction of the South for two reasons: first, to keep =the tide of emigra tion and enterprise flowing intothe vast and productive West; arid secondly, to punish the. Southern people, through their own agency, for their unceasing errors." , • • qtutrterig: report of the listloml ,BangingllsamiWn shows .liabilittos- and resources to the =Quid of 41198812071060 t 2b2: CLIPPINGS. • Mn. . CLLY, our Minister to Petersburg. sa been allowed/to withdraw his resigna tion which had'already been accepted. • TAEB persimmon crop this fall is . (mor ning. ; Old - woodsmen say that " this is Rite sign of fat 'possums -and a hard wafter.. Chia. Scuarvau reports that West . Point kcadeinpeonhiins two hundred and t4fenty four cadets, but could asvrell accommodate ,four hundred;without . any , additional cost, and he'tlierefoie terns mends an increase to that number. Bis esOs for repairs ' and improvement', this year, sixty-live thou sand-doilarg. • • • Rsirs lffeataa:libeisson • has )ust fin ished a course of di Igntureson plulptTphi ad subjects Boston. 'They, are spoken of as characterized by a nobmt9 of abiditaant, richness of. thought, fertility of ifitistration and splendir of diction such :as no ether lecturer can anrawnik and It is salt:Wig in Boston they drew together an audiencelusth as' no `other lecturer emir& tempt ints•the 'lecture room.. ' ' A inmeatile disease has :reeezitry made its appearance in Encland„ and is said to-be caused by the swine feeding too largely on acorns and horse Chestnuts. Post mortar' examination'show thattlieblood is disorgan ized.. The symptomiare dullness, - ending in extreme prostration, loth of appetite, 'small and frequent evacuations, colorless urine; discolored and ulcerated membranes, and`a•weak but not rapid pulse. • THE official returns' of the vete of Bl ew• York Bite show seine very , curious - facts. Grant's vote, was- 517031, and Grittwold'S. 409,104 evidencing that. 9030' Democrats voted the Republican ticket for President, while preserving their partizan afilliationst in focal politics. Nothing could-better show' the unpopularity of peymoun •He has al ways run behind his'confreres, and the late contest has Droved no exception. •of Norridgewock 2 Maine, says the cause of the falling. off an school returns in that' State• daring the last two • years is not on account of carelessnesi or mistakes in the return of tile namber or children, but that the childrenare becoming _ leas in number yearly, except in. manufac turing towns or where there Wan infra* ,of 'foreign population. Forty years ago - ten children was a common number in a family;. now the average is but four, I TEE 'NEW BISHOP Or EASTON, M.D.—The Right Rev. Henry C. Lay has been elected. Bishop of the.new Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Easton, Md. The Convention. was held on Friday last, the 20th inst.; and the vote was as.follows: Clerical vote, 14 for', Bishop Lay, an 6 tor Dr. Pickney. Lay men's vote, SO f Bishop Lsy and 8 for Dr: pickney.. At th time of his election to this new Diocese, hoP Lay was iffissionary Bishop of the of Arkansas. ; THE eruption of Mount- Vetmvins will Probably reliev the countries' of Europe from the thre earthquakes. The mountain, as reported by Atlantic cable, is in a very vigorons condition—the. streams of lava filling and overflowing the long. deep crevices in the "tide. The dirsctiOn or the current is the same as durink,the erup tion of 1865. pa, the _night of Novel:oer -161h; tlienpper cone discharged columns of iihintirgOd byfhollicil or fire. Crowds of spectatorsere hurrying t 0... Naples to witness the grand sight. .TzLnerespnrc DISPATCHES from the Uni ted Andes to Great Britain, have heretofore been;communicated to. Brigfi.sh readers .on What is' called= a system of retardation or the least possible; news. at the last poftible moment .:_The returns of the residential election. of 'November. Bd, howeier,lttere furnished' in the Lcindon papers of NovemPer 4th',/ in the form of an intelligible annum. _and Englishmen are congratulating them selves that this; unanticipated prompti tude may be the , sign of, amore energetic style of managing the transmission of news. Tun following recipe is claimed to be an unfailing remedy; and has been tried with Success in two instances where soldiers were bitten by rattlesnakes on the plains: Rib ron's antidote to the poison of a rattlesnake —R.' lodide Potassii 4 grains; , Ilydrarg. • Chlor. Corns 2 grains (corrosive ""sub mate); Bromine 5 drachms, Ten'drope of this:mixture diluted with a tablespoonfeler two of brandy; or wine, or whisky, consti tute a dose, to be repeated if zuscessary. must be kept' in 'glass-stoppered Vials,• well Secured, as the 'air will affect it. This in an invaltiable•remedy.. A • TwAnickets account is given in a late -English paper of the escape of a convict from prison. The cell in which he was cps= fined had. an iron door, with a lock entirely on the outside. The only imidements the prisoner had were a spoon, some bib' of wire end a needle and thread. Out of. :the spoon be made a key; by means of the needle hepassed a thread over and under:he door; bits of wire were pushed through the ' in spection hole and fasted to this long thread extending outside from top to bottom. The key .was also pushed through, and being_ fastened to the thread, was rought oppo site the keyhole by dexterous manipulation. 'of the slender line, worke& gently in, then t turned by means of the wire, and the door was opened. This is certainly one of ,the greatest exhibitions of skill andpatience on record.' The World vit. the Cincinnati Faiquirer. The World in reply to the Cincinnati En- - quiror, -which pretends to read the World out ofAhe party, says the Tammany:Consti tution was entirely opposed to P endleton's plan of repudiation; \ that it repudiated bun and nominated Beyinour in consequence; that it never had= an idea of pushing Bey. molar off the ticket, though the editor oNhe Enquirer was anxious that Seymour and BlOr should withdraw after t h e October election.; It Concludes: • ' pretence of the Cincinnati.E4tsirer that Mr. Pendleton's .. greenback theory is still's live issue is 'sheer nonsense. It was argumentatively repudiated by Gov. fiey mour's able speech in June. It was foi all practical purposes killed, by the Convention`, in July in the successful strtiggle to defeat its author. The oe,tolm and November elections gave it the finishing stroke' by showing that it could not Command theinp port of Mr. Psmdleton's oivn StsUlo Hiving thus been repudiated.. after a stortilived popularity, by the Democratic National Convention, by Mr. Pendleton's own State; of Ohio, and by the country, the tiortil" - tion of his friends cannot galvanize It into life by senseless aspersions of its early op ponents. The bonds cannot be. Pall in greenbacks without an act of Gangresk for that purpose, and as the Senate is irrettrel-' big Republican for gte next font yous.-"no. Such act wi th in that time can be passed. ll