4 11 Aida* l IP 4 idti, 4111111, GUM 'AND HOUSEHOLD. . MMVI OF Rummo ' At a recent diaditialtin it' the New Yor Farmers' Club - in reference to the • money Pre fittotflapnlng. it seemed to be generally in4tc:ededthat:the business failed to yield seven percent. - cin ,the capital -vested. We were -sbineWhat, thirprtsed that nona of the debaters thought of giiing the farm credit for the threettreat necessaries of life—housd rent, 'table supplies arielnel. Viewed in .thitriught, farming is the safest and-best hi:venni - eat tbarcan be made of cap ital: Take, for initance, $20,000; let it be judieionsly invested 'in i moderate =Omit of land, and' all the , stock and:niplements necessary to its 'auic6ssful dultitatiOn. The . proceeds from such an investment will sup.' Pert a family in a degree of Comfort, and even , luxury, that would cost six or,seven thousand; a year here - in New York; and where is the' safe, honorable' mercantile or mechanical pursuits - that Will yield six thou sanilit year on a twenty thimsand'dollar.in vestmentl- The. profits-of farming,--except in a rare instance, will be , found to diminish as we extend our operations beyond what is requisite for the • comfortable ,support of a family, and this may : be done - as well on a thousand acres of land, and this is a strong argument for Abe subdivision of the, great landed estates of the South,-Turf, Field and .Fbrm: AOADOIDII 11LPE011irM3MTEL Too often, as we'have traveled over the country this ' eamnier, have we witnessed a 'fine house, good' buildings, and fence line containing more or less rubbish, evidently the gatherings and pruning of the garden and lawn trees. Bometimes the street or roadwa7 *clear of this; but while the grass is clipped-inside' the. fence that outside is left to grow long and rank, :with more or less coarse weeds, presenting' just that ap 'manures to the man's grounds that the find ing 'of a heap ' of dirt under the' lounge would to the housewife, and giving him in our own vieW - no claim to a better name than would be applied to such a house Wife. . Oar horticultund readers should each and ill strife to make the outward appearance of their groundif'clein, aeat and tasteful ); first by keeping away all rubbisitfrom the street; nett by frequent mowing and des truction 'wee* . and lastly by Planting and caring for shade trees and, flowering shrubs, giiitigtliam/leWeihl'eiamre, and.at • tracting , notice:falai' every , pascer-by; and aglgn;:ati. - firi.eisnifilnite those Of their neigh bors, who not being readers or not having /earned to move 'Out of their original tracks,. , continue - to make " hinst-pilett, — keeps . hit pens, and grow thistles, mullein, -etc., in 'front of their houses.—The Horticulturist. 8111=01.1 . 0TATC!ICII. ' , • , . It is, perhaps, needless for us to, caution our readers against - leaving their potatoes exposed to light either outdoors coy in the cel lar. They - will;AV so, exposed soon turn green, become soggy, nd almost ' unfit for use. They should, if possible, be kept in a dark,• cool l ;_place, away from. all danger of frost in winter. We think' potatoes used to keep better in times gone by, in the old dark cellars,4ban now, in the modern cel larsi with their numerous windows. Some are in the habit of keeping their _potatoes in pits in the ground, dug deep enough to be safe from the frost. This may keep them well; but l it is a ,troublesome plan. We have known them to belrept in the very best condition in barrels and covered with sand. lIBEFUL. RZCZIPTIL Country Puddin:q.—Pit a Payer of stale bread crumbs is the bottom of your pud ding dish, then a layer of tart apples sliced. thin. Sprinkle a little sugar over the ap ples; add another layer of bread crumbs, and another of apples, until your dish is t full. Crumbs should form the top layer; custard (made the same, as for pies) over .ll:tw and bake one heur; - eat with sweet ened cream. Apple Basl4. 77 •Put twelve : good:' tart ap pies in cold water and set them over the fire; when soft, drain the water, strip • the t : skins off the apples; core"hem, and lay • them in a deep dish. Beat the . whites whites of twelve- eggs 'to' a stiff froth; -put half a • pound of finely powdered white sugar to the, t. apples; beat them to a stiff froth, and add the beateneggs. Beatlhe whole to a stiff snow; then turn it into a dessert dish. • /natation - Cora Starch Fudding.One quart of milk and a little salt; thicken one r third of the milk to a thick, smooth paste, 4 with flour; add the eggs,' well beaten; and \' stir in the remainder of the milk when it • boils. To ,be eaten cold.with cream and t' white sugar. This is a very nice and 1 - healthy pudding, and may be moulded if • one wishes" it.' .1:00 your moulds in cold water before putting the pudding in,as then 1 it will come out very nicely: Cofteettroia . Pgadings.—thiCpint ; qf - bread: , crumbs, one quart of sweet milk, four. eggs; a lump of butter , the size of to hickory nut.' I When the pudding is neatly: done, spread a layer of any kind of stewed fruit oVer the top of it, and on the top:. of-that : spread the t whites of three eggs, beaty.n ton froth, with , three tablespoonfuls of to "sugar - Eet it 1• , in the oven again to'stiffen the froth. ' ,Bat. t • with: cream 1114dItigal".' .6::; Good Hams.—After lams have been smoked, 'take 'them down arid' thoroughly. rub the flesh part with molasses, then difi_hfly _ai)ply - pontiff or poWdered pepper b y sprinkling as will stick to the • ssolasses, when they must be hung _Up again • to dry...:Hams treated'lts)thia•inannel will ke,ep perfectly sweet for , two , or three years.. VMS lOWA be_done hefore thellydepo' attains' 2 • egg; for after that time nothing will stop their ravages._ ' : •• • ' Duck Pa.—Bone a full-grown young Mick and afowl; washthem and seaixtu'With pep. and lsalt, a little allspice and mace, e pounded; Put the fowl, iWn thefinck, and - . `on-the former a calf's tongue pickled red, tl • boiled very. tender and peeled; press the 11 whale clofie; the akin of the lege should he drawn inward, that thebady ofthofoWlnuty be quite smooth; if 'approved, the space he tureen the sides of ,the meat may 'be filled 4 with a fine •forcemeat. Bake it in a elow Ti t oven, either in a dish or red: pie crust, • ornamented. I ', 44pple • P 114411)". —Pare and Stew %iv ti pints of apples; , mash them,- and add four I:1 eggs, a quarter, of a pound of butter, sugar ti and nutmeg or grated- lemon. Bake it on . short crust._ • Blade Goolies:—Three cups of sugar, one _rr, 2 of .tutter,l one _of milk, one teasPootv of of soda, two cream tartar, three eggs; flour • sufficient to knead soft, Cut in small cakes , ti and bake. ••1 1 49. 110 U or Banos Mussn'_s Itactrzs, 1.1 —Potatoes "soulteett,! , again—Pudding of t.; takes' orehtekens'liter.Some persons have not succeeded in fried potatoes. This IS not astonishing. Are they well denkip every fr:', restaurant? I remind you ' ‘, however, that d. thoY ought to be cut, half quarter of ,an 0 inch thick, the. length of • the potato. Fry them until three-fottrths done, over a very moderate lire, so, as not. to coctic them,-too Irigorously, and that on taking them* out the ;-1 exterior should not be hardened; drain them; ;,:t make the grease-vary. hot, return thepota rt toes itirringcontinualiy,..until the puff i ng, which soon : ac p ecirt l / 2 .. sugu be Com pleter, take them otf; arain, salt and serve, 14 quickly.... . • ' F' Pudding of Chkkon Liver—P ound or chop come....livers of : poultry; chop. or wash up a tuff pound of suet also. the game gran- tity of bacon. and "'some "inbabrikin* them with the wished liver; ihen stir into this foree-ineat two sliced onions; fried in batter. six yolks of eggs, a ilaslof brandy, salt, pepper and nutmeg,Nmd, lastly, the whites of six eggiipreviously beaten to a snow . Line the bottom and - aides of sance-pan with thin slices of ham and let it cook with a very slow fire above and below it, surrounding the saucepan with hot ashes. The pudding is eaten cold, and to keep its shapti•must be cooled in the saucepan, which should be of earthenware or enameled iron:: Take it - out, dip the saucepan a moment into ba l ling water and turn the, contents on a dish. • _ This' liver pudding, always ready, is an excellent stand-by.--//eiaing Bulletin. THINGS THAT I, I have seen a fanner build a house so large that the sheriff turned him out of doors. I have seen a young man sell a good farm, turn'merchant, and, die in the insane hospital. I. have seen a farmer travel abOnt so mach, that there was nothing,at home worth looking after. ; I have seen a young girl marry a young mart.ld dissolute habite, and repent of it as long as she lived. • ' I have seen the extravagance and folly of children bring their Parents to povery and want, and themselves into disgrace. • I have seen a prudent, industrious wife retrieve the fortunes of a family, 'when her husband pulled at the other end of the I 'have seen a young man who despised, the counsel of the wise and advice of the gond, end his career in poverty and wretchedness., „ • I have seen a man ',depart from the truth, when candor and veracity wouldhave served him a much better purpose. ' I have seen a man engage in .a lawsuit about a trifling affair t,hat cost him more in the end.than would have roofed all lire build ings on his farm. ' ' FAWn' as muck want to know when those fine cows, the Jerseys ~.errys, and Aldenteirs, are to be common enough to be cheap, as tio the • Jevis when they take pos session of Jerusalem. The good time hangs back wonderfully. A pnocass to open oysters 'is to enclose them in an air-tight box, when steam- is in trolinced, and the work is done. ,For one establishment on the Chesapeake Bay, 2,500 bushel* Sze 1 opened and canned per 1 day Hun= aNnta.s such as mules can work longer and harder with the same food and treatment than horses. Brit the pure bloods are more heroic and sympathetic, and in emergenc:es more trustworthy. EVERT MINER should have -a compost heap. Collect every kind of fertilizer, and-to prevent any from liberating the gases, keep the whole covered witkearth or straw. SerßaNnummEs should have a_ thin cov ering of coarse manure, to be raked off in the Sprint. This will Prevent - - Winter killing, and it more tlum doubles the crop. Ann now scientific men inform us that if birds gave milk we could raise neither fruit nor gr . aln; but, as it is, they want insects for their young, and we are saved. IT zsz now dab:l:led "that large orchards breed insects , and diseases, after the man net. of 'large cities; and that the remedy.is 'small farms and small orchards. Joies. The English comic' papers have these squibs : , TAKING THE. WIRD OUT OF. A SALE Auctioneers will sell early, in the ensuing month the following choice c.ollections ofob jects of art and vertul: A Spanish throne, uniqtie; bas been thor oughly cleaned and fumigated since the de parture of the late occupant; to be sold cheap. A rare specimen of the Banque law in Spanish; 'very clmate. 7 ' "- • • Pieces of the oath broken on the 3d of De cember, picked up in Paris; richly gilt A Parisian button-hole without the Le gion of Honor; extremely scarce. • A railway diTector's conscience; only specimen known. _ CHOPS. • 'lsabella, • With the gingham umbrella." • This must be a satire on Marfori; for the ex-Queen does not teem to put him down, though the reign is over. • An archbishopric is 'vacant. , How many humble shepherds aro praying the Lord of . Misrule to give them .° strength to brave the perils of the See ?' ~ Gush i s - generally a sign of youth. There is no harm in the froth which first comes off it. bottle of champagne, but sensi ble men allow it to escape before trying the SPECIAL NOTICES. arMANHOOD AND THE VIGOR OF YOUTH restored in four weeks. Hoc . cees_guaraliteed. DB. EICORMI ESSENCE OF LIFE restores manly powers, from whatever cause , arising ; :the effects of early pernitious habits, self abuse, impotency and climate give way at once to -this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly,accord ing to the directions, (which are very simple, and require .no restraint 'from busineits or ' pleasure.) .Failure is impossible: Sold in bottles at g 3,: or tour 'quantities Jo ene for $9. To be had only of the sole 'appointeclagent in:'America, IL. GEBITZEN, 90b Second. Avenue.• New York. • tail:l64-M IarPHILOSOPHY NAM! , WADE , a new Course of tecturee, as de-' livered. at the New' York Museum otAnatonry, em bracing the subjects: How to live and what to live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood gener ally reviewed; the cause of indigestion flatulence and nervous disease! acconnted for; M arriage phil osophically considered, 'lc. Pocket volume! con. taining these , lecture! will be forwarded to parties unable tgattend,- on receipt of four stamps, try ad dressing BECUETARY, New York Museum of Anat omy and Science; 61S .Broadway, , New York. 1e12:166-rrs Igr"BATCHELOWS HAIR DYE. •• . Thbi srplendid Hair Dye is the beet in the world; the only Mae and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneoub; no disappointment; .no sidiCulous tints; remedies the ill elects of bad dyes; lnylgo. rates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful.,e or ivotem liold.by all Druggists and Perfumers; and l i rEgl i gt l e i t i N s :wVo c r i e l g Wig atair lar - GUIDE' TO- MARRIAGE.- , Youn_g Men , s Guide to Happy , Marriage and Conjugal reltetty. The humane vlerrs of berter , . olent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses Incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent In sealed letter enveloms, free of durrge. Addresp 'HOWARD AS. SOCIATION. Box P.. Pbnadellthla. Pa. mrIBMMT AIIVMN SAFES. BT A. =WANE, VALUABLE • BANK STOCKS- MoNONGAHELA NAVIGATION 'BONDS, &a—TUESDAY EVENING, November 24tb, at 734' o'clock, will be sold on second Door of Commer cial Sales BOOME. 100 Smithfield street : 12 shares Bank ofPittsbnrsh Su shares Citizens National B a n k: 25 shares.Tradesmen'a National-Bank; 7 shares *Beebe:ly - National Bank; 54 shares Central TransportationCo.o. _ 5 shares Pennsykratala Insurance Co:. 151,500 Monongahela Navigation Co. Bonds. note . A. MCILWAINE, Anctfonoer. BY PALIBB . & n=M psurnOt ti 4 PHILLIPS, AUCTIO3MERS did Gensmisskon Merchants, OPERA . HOUSE AUCTION BOOMS Ircu 6 0E4 Street, Pif4 61 41 1 4 Pa• BOOTS, siliakty CARPETS Dry Goods and Notionsi AT MUTATE 13ALE-DAt AND immure. Conslgnmeuts 801/cited. Minpt Sa Ilw=MM=ltia=M . M=W: *B - mwr*C - OFFICE OP THE BELI,WARZ !SAL WM INSOLINCE CO. Philadelphia, Nov. 11 2 1888: pie fallowing Statement 'of the tiffsirs of the'Conil , puny la puliltalied inconformity with s provision of ftsClutrter: " • pa Nantrms Bacititrzp'ftom 1 It oiember 1, lag; to pcto ber On MI/lie and Inland Mats. pos,ncs 74 Ow Fire Itisks 145,206 OS ' . $943.711 SO Premium,' on Policies not . marked off Noy.'i, *rob n November 1. a . itleks. $745. 005517 7 14b, 72 ORME 40 107.499 82 PBEMIIIM• as earn user, t0..1 On Mario On Sire. interest 'during the same period—salvages,' ike MOSSES, EXPENSES, &a., dating the yearas above: idatine and Inland Navtgi- Sion Losees 604,002 74 • Bin Looses 73,44487 Ileturn Premiums - 10.141 lie-insnrances 36,106 Agency Charges, Advents-. • • lug, Printing . . .... G 0,52111 08 , waxee—United , States state, . Munielpear Taxes 43,685 89 lixpetutes Z.[lOB 64 ASSETS OP THE COMPANY. • • November 1. 1565. • 9291,20 rutted States Five Per Cent.' . • Loan. - 10-10's 9935,500 00 20,003 United States Six Per Cent.; ' - Loan. 1351 9 LK MO 00 50,011 United States Six Pe , Cent. Loan.(for Peale Railroad). 200,090 State of Pennsylvania Six Per . ' Cent. Loan 21.1.125 CO 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from - - 00 - , 93,000 State oi Nett/ Jersey Six Per Celt. Loam 51,61000 20,000 Penneylvania Railroad Pint • . Mortgage Six . Per Cent. Bond. 115.150 Pennsylvania Railroad Sec _ old mortgage Six Per Cent. ' . Bonds MAW Weatern. Pennsylvania Rail ,. • - road Mortgage Six Per Cent. 'bonds(Penn.Rit.guarantee) 30,000, State of Tennessee Plea Per . Cent. Loan 7,1919 State of Tennessee. Six Per Cent. Loan 1,011 26 15,030 Gen:dantown Gas Company, ineipal and interest_guar auteau•by the City of roils / delphla. 930 shares Stock.... IS,OOO CO 93,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Com - pany. o 33o shares Stock 11.X0 CO S,CH north Pennsylvania Railroad Company 100 shares' Stock. 9;500 00 114000 Philadelphia and Southern -Mall Steamship Co.tOsbares • -15,000 a) 307,90 Loans 6n Bonds, and Mon gage,ope first rnee 297 900 liens on CitY .* .Pr 00 $1,100,1100 Par. , Cost, $1 .083, 'Market Value si.l ,Brs 25 601 Real Estate--. .. •••••• ' 83.030 CO Bills - Receivetole ... Insur e, ante made Balance due at Agencies - Premiums on Maxine Poll , cies Accrued ' Interest, • and other debte due the Company 40,178 88 Btoolr. ami dcrip of sundry Corporations, $3.155: Es-. , tLtnated value 1,813 00 Cash in Bank $118,150 08 Cash in Drawer 418 65 •• • „ 118,583 73 PIIILADZLPHTA, Notember 11, VMS. • The Board of Directors have this day declared a CASH DIVIDEND OF TEN PER CENT. on the CAPITAL STOCK; and SIN PER CENT: Interest on the SCRIP of the Company, payable on and after the first of. December proximo, tree of National and . State Taxes.. They have also declared a SCRIP. DIVIDEND OF THIRTY PEE CENT. on the EARNED PREMI UMS for the year ending October 31, 1565, certifi cates at which will be Issued to thepartiel entitled to the same. on and after the firs; of December prox imo free of National and State Taxes. • • They have ordered, also. that , the SCRIP crE TIFIcATEvor PROFITS ofthe Comyany, for the : b e fflf s 4 4 in tie °' ,Vrtralte l ClA44, Zitned first ecember proximo, all interest thereon to cerise on that day.,Mr By a provision of the Char ter, all Certificates of Scrip not presented for re demption within Ave can afterpublic notice that they will be redeemed, be forfeited and can celled on the Books of-the Company' lETHo certificate of profits boned under $515. By the Act of Incorporation, "no certificate shall issue unless claimed within two years after the declara tion of ;he dividend, whereof it is evidence. DIRECTOR/I: ThomaelC. Hand, Edmund A. Bonder, John C:.•DATIS,' L • Bimuel E. Stokes, James C. Hand,. _. . Henry Sloan, Theophllus Paulding, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, . .' George C. Leiper, ' Hugh Craig, . Henry_ C . ; Hallett , Jr., John It. Penrose. • John Taylor, R Jacob . Jones , George W. BernadOn. Jatoes - Traquair. ' William G. Boulton, Edward Harlington, Jscob Hiegel. .H. Jones Brooke. Spencer Kollvaine, - James B. McFarland, • D:T.;•.liorgan, Pittsb'h. Edward Latourande, ' Jul , . B. Semple, :: Joshua P. Eyre, . 'A. B. Berger, ' THOILASC: 'HAIM,' President. 'JOHN C - .'13AV113,1 7 1ce Presideit. EMBRY LYLBUBH. Secretary, • _ , , ' HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary. . aoll:a40 pEffirNEITLYANLt INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH. OFFICE, N0.3673‘ WOOD BTIINICT. BANS OP COMMENCE BUILDING. ' • ' This ig a Home Company, and lhaurea aghast bras by Fire excluslvela; LEONARD WALTER, Fres:dent.. 0. , C. BOYLE,VIest President. ROBERT .r.VßßlCll.,.Treasurer. . HUGH Hai...HE:IIY. Becr s t : ary. Leonard Walter,. - sileorgeWilson, 0. 0. Boyle, Geo. W. Evans. Robert Patr ick,_ , •,. J. O. Lapp% Jacob Painter, , ' J. 0. Fielder... Joelab King, Jobh Voegtley, Hem Jas. H.Sprul Ho o pblua, A. Amixmh. ' : El Eginriv AGAIN ST LOSS . BY iFX11.3.. FRANKLIN INSURA CE;O, OF. PHIL ADELPHIA, wince, 435 a 437 cinesTifirr ' 5T., Ennli IKE 'alveos. OtArte , sßlantai: 'M lu ordecai H. Louth Tobias Wagner,a . Dalis Bro: 0 7! , Ettmnet ran. • . Isaac Le 4, Jacobli. datA t lk. . . ;EdwardO. Dote, Peorite,W. =wards, __ George Fates. • • OFtWELES @. BARGEES, Pteddent., EDly.ye e l i M.E, Vice President. W. 3_,._Becretarg.prorso. J. O.SEGNER COITLIC, AGEE? Nadi West corner 'Third and Wood Sired . mhtergrE. . • TISPEItiAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. om , xxirrroorr. ESTABLMOD 1803. OAHE CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEPID ING $8.000,000 IN GOLD. Insurance against Piro 'fleeted on Houses and Buildings, Goods, Wares and Merchandise s Steam boats, to, polities issued :payable In Rola or cur. renal. Ayr United States Branch Oflce, 40 PINS STREET, New Pork. All.loasts of the United-States Branch will be ad. jaded In New York. J. Y. 310i...a.voirtabrk Agent, pITTSBMI , OH, PA. • 87 rotruirs snizET. MB. MoLAITOBLIer also Agent for theManhat• tan Life Insurance Gatapany. sedrr7ll ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COIL. PANT OF PITTSBURGH. - • OFFICE, No. 31 zurra STREET. Berra Bat= . Insures *waxist all hinds ot Flie and Marine Blahs , JOHN IRWIN,. Jn.; President. • ' JOHN . D. IreOORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. CAPT. FPM. DEAN.. General Agent. . • Dricurrons: • • John I r vin.. Jr.. Crpt. Wm. Dean , John D. McCo rd , . B. L. Fahnestoeu FA. Hulsey. ' W. H. Everson,; ' off Childs. " Robert H. Dimli, e _ , _J. HoskiasoN Friends Herrera , Charles 'Ham , canc. J. T. stoildele. DEOPI 1 PAN r. comaCie. N. X. CORN= WOOD & MTN an.. A Rome Clemson tains Ylri mid marine Blik in, MiIIIIPIN Jan went, Toku X. Park A.. _ Capt. dame ! Mute r, wec. , Ven Air 4l \ • James D. V pH ere r div ..1 I wm. IL ri ice ,411 yr yffuTinilia, Cir 1 1 ."00e a 4 ~q.~, . :vow. a OLOCCottI _, : ew~.eai;a~ 50,000 0) 20,200 00 34. CO ," as 05 11,11C* CO XA4S6 Of $1:60.387 80 MANCE COn" INS DrisoToast • • .gspt..roa n L. Bhcaggi n.tarsi r. Bbriv_er. Charles Arbnciiie. win P. tholuel l 4ofickial likia&senl DER ~.~ , piwii!"*FFAkjig, THE - • ,7%; - . ;I`,, ' • . , Y um', LIFE . INSURANCE CO , • or NOW,' 146:100 BROADWAY. •• Asian uptinar • _,••• 4n.bicc6lii,,, tieo7,7;;;ii:ii of a Sacred Poed, whlotrls to provide for the Widow and the lather leas. with the least possible harden to the ferreted. All Approya roma( of kotaes ' , Melt of Premiums. heirt q ermi. ly The Entire leireuitab_ she premium, ivar, PER • • • , ' Liberal =Nei Dor , D , •PollelesHerNferfetttng Profits of the Id Insured. LAst Beturn of - OENT. . le as. Hon. John A. DM, : - E. V. Hai.phussout, Hon. James Harper, W I pin= Wlltins, ' John J. Crane, ~ .1 ins H. Pratt. William T. Hooker,' . William . W. Wright, Wm. M. Versallye. , Charles .1 .gtaxr, Chas.',G. Rockwood. William Allen, . HOn. Geo. Ondyke, , Oeo, W. 0 iryler, Minot O. Morgan , , Geo. fr.,Hope, . , 'Atoms. Rilrhelr. ~ • John H.-Sherwood. 0 B.nj. B. human, ,'. ' Edwird, li.' Wright, A 5..., Arnolo,> 1 -i , - : Gee. IV. Parke, Bleb! d ld.wEALesTru' B. plz w e vr o t ut 4 43or zei w i e d l en l. t. 1117.1 TRY,,, GAHAGA24,' setetary: . LUCIUS ilLeADAH,4lstaarY• J. BATS* i v ig11441413. , • °EWER " •AO*IirYOB,E/iN • MiefiA. , Room Ne., SI. Sash : Of COZIIIII tee ihludo thiVCCUPIeX at tiXth anikW°Od "re"gy rrirt433trTiceit,' • Sir grits wantoia. .APply as sbove.'. • , , .13,213tZ1-'rsll irmLmm ! NATIOivirAL INSITBANCE CO., ' or rns , car imaxonorr. Moe, !Co. 89 IPEDBBAL WISEJLT, entrocoe on Stockton : Avenue. = - 7.111.73.EY5T)71A.NVE. ONLY. . • w..w. aturrur. President JAB. 8.. wrzyzNsolr. Secretary: ,==nozal. , A. H.Enslish Thompaoo Jno. A. Myler, Lonknstt, Joe. Mien, Jas. L. Graham, to_Lffia, dna. Brown. Jr. et% Varga. ; • Jaaol2./10PD, 0c17:144 . . ' B EN EItAKILIAN INSURANCE COMPANY, ok -- 4U;611724i, PA. Mnce in FrankihiiiaTin-giaMinrs, No. 443 Ohio St.. -ALlockkozw. A )101113 0011P4132, 5 , , teenspia by Dlzeotors via known to th e comma o who trust by felt deans. to merit a share of your stronap. • • • MCJIIRY IRWIN Pr*,Mu& GEO. DONADDLEI lkorstarlr. 1 Henry_lrwin t ID. L. Patterson, Henry Serwtg, Geo. E. Saddle, Jacob Irene, Gettlelb Pass, Simon Drum, J:13.: Smith, Jacob Bush . W. H. Stewart, gh: P,Whistan, Joseph Ortigg zik Joe. Lantner, MiJ. maned. Jeremiah Ho aplo:onS , • I ' " "liiirosPIT.TSBIIIIGEL CE COM. EXANDAMMIMMIR,'Fiesideat. WM. P. HBRRZW. Secretary. CAPT. commix woad), uezeral'Asfat. Office, - 914 Water street, aping ; & Co. +a • Wid house; up stairs, Pittsburgh. - • • Will inzure against all Wadi of Fire and' Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by laireetors who are well known to the. community, i and Who are determined by promptness 'and liberalty to: mein. tain,the character which they have assumed, as of tering the best groteetion to Mime. who desliw to 1:!S lizascroid: Alexander Nimloki Joan B. McCene, B. Miller; Jr.., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, 3,, Wi ll ies' B. Es LioricHl w irjd3r u er, ' JAs i e l haf t4 C 3 irk David M. Long , W in. flotCf - r. 4 .- D. Ihmpen. ' nail/:) WINES. LIQUORS, Bco . IMPORTING,: HOUSIi . istenzannia nick • SCHMIDT, & FRIDAY umdtm/0 OF FORZION WINES AND LIQUORS, • :No. 409 I'entt'Stkeet, Pitcantrg Would direct the attention of the', public to the fad. that, Do. Beetling animism. thellitles through several • large Wine add Liquor Houses in Europe, and making.their importations direct, thesAte enabled to offer the various grades of choice-WINES AND LIQUORS at' prices less than Eastern' rates.' . -aminations of Atiallties and comparison- of prices respectfully solicited. • , • A choice assortment-of pure-OLD. ET ,/s w KEYcolistantlefon hand •- DUBE NATIVE WINES. • 2 , o a r own AND,' eviltain3A, of oar imiiToritis. ;tie ixisi braid, of -CHAMPAGNE, CLAHEM ...SHERRY , and PORT WINES. • Wine .Orowe 'COmpegyo , • of, BRAM- D, gut juki the g for travelers.. N. B P ar tsmutei.. ' 1 7 14 1, H29:447. .*. • • No. Pligteggey, pito ; . JOSEPH 84 FINCH ar. CO* , No& 1f i c4.187, 181419 j. ig3. Slid SLUT. iSTILILAT. PlTll33l:**. , Ceps 118 0 . 0, • - • •' - Copp; 11180120 e: ATe Mace , . in re %Rim= sill ',mum: HOPS. an.. ' t • - ogismulit LEGAL. WESTERN . .DISTRICT7 817.*ANIA. 841. Al Pittiburgb, county Al- legbetly. the leltb of 21 ovinOza; A. IN 1868. To whom It may concern: ' The nationsigned bere t,' gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Josgptt 8.. DICKEY, . of Pittabugh, to the county of.Allegbeny and fitMe P.enfisylvania, within said Dietilciortio has been adjudged a bankrupt , upon hie own retition by the District Coint of said pi:strict. n017:485T ,• , W. E. TUSTiN. AseiXneb.. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.--Letters testamentary on Om ESTATE Or ROBERT TON, late , of - Allegheny oltr. having been grantedlo the undersigned, all' persons Indebted to said estate are frequested to mate immediate pay ment, and those having claims azalea& the;eamewlll present them to the.uuderslgned, properly swam - Rated, for settlement. • • - 1 • . ALEXANDER 'GLENN: 0c21:z452" Executor, Allegheny city. Irn THE COURT OF QUARTER nf Allegheny county, - No, —,' Sept. term, 1808, in re.opening or Datdeld street, city hate Pittsburgh. - The Commissioner appointed to tate testimony Irvine above:ease will meet all parties in • terested at his once, N 0.103 FIPTI;LAVENUE, on WEDNESDAY, November 05th, 'at 1 - o'clock r. x.. for the purpose of taking fife testlinony 6f wit.. ncsses - . JOHN T. 'WILEY; , nolibau Conuaisetoner BANKRUPT, NOTICES: ESTERN DISTAICIC OF VEAL SYLVANIA, ss: • t Pittsburgh, the 16th' day of Nov.. A. D. 1888. The undersigned hereby gives notice of hls apEtiliaty burgh as Assignee of Hrhi. BRITTON; lateor Pitt& burgh. lathe County og Allegheny. Jitate of ..routi-, .sylyania,' within said District, who hag been ad= Ddge4 a 'Bankrupt twOn bb 91Vir Ay tbe istrict Court of snid nistrtct. JOHN 11., , 8A1L1T,T. jOudiruegin • n on;ssy-T - - Attorney at Law 4 89, Otani 11,41:get.a. • • wWEIGHTS . arm =LOOMS Ef • Saler' of Weights and Mesons. FOUBTA - PHEW, ' taetweextpbest, ea*Perry street* Ortetilitrainl)tar littoade4 to, ~~ C~~ .'FOR - SAX.4- - iIis•fastIOSTALTIE - UM - - A FARMWtar INO Ai:B. en Ede et the ConnelleYlll4l lidlreM 97 linos urea laleeftljn Ellisebeth.telteshlp.. , . 001 3 111 Y. ra. ase imurevemeate are a fee iwe.story brick lean, with tea large rooms and hall. A large frame bank ben, with:No. 1 welling. mid ill ether ontbisildiess Ia complete order. Osie *Me best of orchards, of all hinds of fruit. ::Tae :Lorick „sew bottom. This the t°1:41.1 7 WU.' glait u 'ia:, stor us- es, Ac. ,and will be geld rk the : low , price of 110,000:. T he Improvements alone are werth at least sl thMi asked far the PreFertY..today noth ing aboat the land,which le worse for garden pur pose!: at least $ ,101910. For MI partioelara Pill at tur Wane, WILLIAM,A. BELL, Egg., on the premises Algol A PARK OF 40 ACRES, attested In ECM abeth township, Allegheny county: Pa., =the line of the Connellyville•Railroad.`abaet /S miles from the city. The improvements area new stone dwell. vrith eight p rope rt y good barn and Other out buildings. Thi is offered at it ;very low price. Call and secure 'yourself* good bargain. ALSO. A FABLE OF 180 ACRID& ' attested In Ellsebeth township, Allegheny corm ?a 17}1 miles froin the sir/ t on the Connelliwtheltellroads opppos to rod a or the Station :. The Wit s wai t house containing four rooms and kitchen, with a good cellar underneath; very good barn and other outhuildintie.. - A No, / °retard. containing about 990 frill bearing trees, all Ingood condition. 90 acres cleared latid, the residue ln good Umber, um derlaid with 93 acres of coal. AL63, A TWO-STORY BRICK •MOINE adjoin ing the Borough of Elisabeth, Allegheny county, Pa., containing 4 roams and Kitchen. Lot 60 feet house,y 180 back to an alley. A good Stable. wadi bake-Oven and other outhelldings. lam au thorized to sell It at the low pried of SIAM, on g ALSO,. I , Inthe Borough of Elfrabeth. • good two. story BUICK. HOUSE, containing rooms. Lot 1510 feet square. Will be sold at the exceedingly low prier: of 49.600. on easy terms. ALSO, MI Farm, known by the name of **Willow Banks „ situated on the Oonnelleville Railroad, 17 miles from the city, oontaining 79 sem., alit n good :stindition. - The improvements are aNo I. brick house. two stories high, newly painted, con. tabling six rooms, two halls running fall length of she house. The house is situated oat a beantlltil knoll. is our:minded by fruit trees. shrubbery, Thies and flowers, with a graded avenue running to the Youth. River. Also, a large frame bank barn, smoke house, wash house, coal house, bake-oven outbuildings, and a neyee.faiiing neu o water. Two large orchards, containing from six to seven hundred fruit trees, near! y all Is good bearing condition. This farm abounds in small fruits, via: Currents. raspberries, gooseberries, and sane large strawberrypatch, welch, in connexion with the richness'of the soll and nearness to the city, makes it very desitable for gardening purposes. Very con venient to schools, churches, stores and hi:WM=lth shop. ALSO. A FARM OF 158 ACRES, situated in Elisabeth township. Allegheny county. Ps.. 31 • miles from the city of Pittsburgh. on the Commits- Tillie Railroad, at Suter etation. This Improvements are a common log house. a good frame barn, with stabling for ten horses; a corncrib and wagon, shed; good orchard of fruit gees ; fencing very gad. IMO acres cleared, the reiddite in heavy timberland. This farm is valuable—AM, for lts excelletit soil; secondly, its timber; and thirdly. It contains more limestone than any other farm In PennsliVatils, all accessible. The lower vein of limestone is 40 feet thick; several other veins ranging from to 6 ft. In thickness, lie under the whole fame. For partic ulars enquire of ELI SUTER, Esq•, at Suter Sta tion. ors et my °Mee. ALs_o, 173 ACRES, situated St. Clair town ship, Wesueorelead comity, Pa., near the line of the Penusylvanth Railroad at lloeston, The improvements are a t wo-litory frame noose, with six rooms Sad good cellar, a frame bank barn 40 be 40 feet. Ind other outbuildings, There Lon the place a youngapple and peach orchard: one hun dred and twenty acres , cleared land. divided into gelds of convenient else, a large portion of which are well set la clover and; timotli/i the resides of said tnwt cOveredwith soedlitaberi nig well wa tered. and underisid, with coal aryl limestone, and ts convenienttheharches, whools, stores, =Rs and olacksmith shops. Areal good bargain is offered in this excellent far= I __ ALgo, 4t beautifu ll y situated tract of WO ACRES of Wriusble land, under good fencing, situated In • McCandless township, Allegheny I county. Pa., car s. township road, 7 measured miles from the Market Range, Allegheny City. , his "tract is welt adapted for a garden or dairy Wm, being convenient and of easy access St:Other =lnd near enough to the line of the Itehosing 00 to make it very desi rable for country seats, for persons doing bathes! ALso, Thebeet firm InTonng township, Indiana county, Pa., it mites trot* syestern Fenha. IL IL at Livermore Station, •containing WO ACRES--9"85 acres cleared a= under No. I - fencing, as well es floe farming condition; the balance In good waits oak timber. The Improvements aid le - two-story frame houses. nearly new, of eight rooms each and finished basements and attics; elute bank bard 50 by SO feet, • two.story spring hones and other me. cessary outhalbl Inge. all good order; 6 heitES of orchard of choice varieties or fruits - : 4. feet 'rein of coal (now epen.} underlying the whole tract, sad limestone In abundance, elts plenty of springs et never.falling water. Taken all together-houses, fencing, soil, nice lying surface, public highway, churches, Schools, Mills, dc. ' —lllr.now of no mime inviting and desirable tract of- land la Western Pennsylvania. ALSO. - FARM AND MILLS. A small tract of 60 ACRES of very valuable land in Derry township Westmoreland county,• Psi.; well fenced and In . high state Of cultivation. with new frame dwelling, and other outbuildings ; a new grist and saw mlll complete, with two run of burrs, two bolting eloths, and all the needed ,11xtures, in good order, and ,a young orchardeftholai traits; la= Is all underlaid with a six foot vaimagenatonow rimed and work. ed, at the back of the mill. and limestone In Pang ance. Call goon and secure iagood bargiOn. ALSO, FARM OF 160 ACISEti situated llinneill. Adel, upon the =cot the Fenneylvanla at Blairsville Lute:section. 51 miles east of •the city. The improvementh are atwootory stone Mouse of B rooms, a No. 1 bass, 46 by 65 feet, the best of stabling and other outbelldings. The lend ; lies we ll . is well fenced. Is in good farming order, and will be sold very cheap if applied for soon. For hither particulars enquire of 6. R. TOWER, Real /MOP Agent, No. 164 FOURTH AVENVE. oc17: • VO)Et SALE. • 1,- I Aci•eat'Woods Run. • 4 Acres and House in Rut Liberty. 8 Acres, unimproved, on TroftiW. SI Acres on Greensburs•Pike. , • 5 Acres on Foer Mlle Bun Road, 12 xdles from P. O. , • 70 Acres near P. C. R. R. • • Ult Acres near Pa. E.R.- Westmoreland county. 90 Acres at Hill Side 805)4. 4 , Farms in Preston coun ty , West Virg inia. . • 185 Acres in Armstrong county, underiald•wlth coal. . 14_ 108 Acres and Food. itaprOreleentl, iu Trziaibull ' county. Ohio. - 900 Acres of •Timber 'land, with Baw =land House And.. Lot on Center ATenie, neer , :Kirk. HOUso andt..onNicroy street, , • .• • House,sed Lot In, Rast.Liberty.., , House and Lot in Mansfield. • • . Hottse , and , Lot on Carroll street, - Allegheny. • Honse,end Lot on , Beaver evenue. • . • - 2 HOUSCi and 4 Lots, ye cheap, on 7*( , ., street. it Lots; very cheap, on Yhte street. Housets•undLot on -"Franklin street. • . • • I.House,of 9; Moons and 2 •Lots on Roberts St. rams lb lilidors. Mt 1491111 and WettViritita• • Com Ltedsl4JUlegheny,'WeStmoreland, Payette " and 2047tr.'-'*"."' inPenna. ' • • • • isE i r • Houses oritatonms in:the 17th ward; rent 4300 ;3 • !do., qt 3 • • do.: der, •17th; -do. d0..144 , - •do. 'of r do. do. 12th do. _do. 158 ".•91 do. -of •• 'do: do. • Bth do. do. 300 1 • do. 0r.999 do. • .4;4 . Bth' do. , • _do. -300 • 1 .do.: of 2 do.. do.• • do.. do. 800 1. do. of ° i do. do. tith• • do. do. 192• 1 - :do.'of ; do. ; do.. ' 6th; do: • dO. 840 .1 •• 'do, •oE 4 do. •.do. i 17th . do. 105 1 ,do'. rof -do.. _ 2d do. 1 • o___." bf 0 • do.'- urunt street. • The .HOnses that I.bsve fbr • rent will be rested very low to 400 d tenants for the balance of the.ren tal rear.; . Di P, 'awls awls 111 L OFIIOI No. 91 Grant St, Pittsburgh. "k 4 lOll SALE & TO lEMT.-410uses . .kildZots for Isle • Otthe elt= bse AlsoilseVlTai In •_ood. Aim,*null ;WOOLEN I FAOTORTewithglo saes of land. and good lmorovenientai mita 'KU. ee cheap and on. ressomible • terms:. lineftlese Houser to let on good stmts. Dwelltni Houses tor rent in both elthte.. tore surtberaVlara Inquire DM 310 Great street, otexoelte tholes*. HOMES TH E ‘...) we. are authorized to offer two thousand acres or good land in Missouri at the lowpriee of seventy Ave cents !per; sere.. Will ' be divided into forty. eighty, prone bundredsnd sixtysore tracts to suit the purchaser. Title good and all taxes paid up. This offer to .remain open only one.week. For Toll particulars apply. to ; B. MeLAIN •& CO.. uOl3 . comer Fourth and Smithfield streets. . IT.4.IO6ABLIF;iIEttIETELD Prop v MITT FOR 13d,Lit. , -4. good, two story brick dwelling bons% Well built and conveniently ar ranged, ball, large parlor six roans Nod cellar; lot 140 feet fronton DithrlCte street by 1 - 30 deep . tit nate 34 mile from Oaklan d; easy of access by street care. :Forpirther information *poly to .•• - • • ,0, - 130FlittgaT It.SONS, - . - 85 bulitbtleld'street. . . . . VALUABLE .-PROPERTL , :FOR vtILLE with rood briettbrabisi,bsvints Juke (rout OA Liberty stree erry street at! send sum. gir. , •ptrie En't & sox% • now ;!, saemattpebt area; BEIIETINGS A,Np BATTIN.p: 111" 1 / 13 % n!!`" & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS Nano Were sat WOW minion Alm' SNXIMNOS AND BATTINcti, uus; airmyrAtir 131211117811 PIT=211StM:":;11. W OP ..r . " ing,mbrallistier.A Hader -lc Nr4 .uawit!s. • BOLIDAT_WEkir. A FESTIVAL OF yrs Positively tut week of the inimitable 00med1ssa • __t__ F. M.- 111.11LAMEMAZ.- . TIDI &MAY EVEN INC, November SS 4th. will be indicated Mr. Chanfran.s last New York success. a' new pia) , by the author of east. entitled ,•JOZ - Mr. Chanfran roor Onaraciefil• To eonelode with the sketch of the WIDOW 'S—VICTIM Jeremiah Clip Mr Chanfran. With Imitation. of Forest, Booth, 'Kean. Berner WlBlaree and others. brand Thanksgiving Matinee. on Thursday-Mr. . Chanfran will sip • ear. IWPITTSBURGH TIUMTM m Le an ss a a s e er - • H. j c y ns , - W e.. gi. mA imt e mst. i.x. . Treasurer ' . ti. G.' Hainan*. The management t.ke great plessare ID annotmc- Int tp the public of this city that It has effected as engagementwith the beaadfal and daring eqaestri- MISS KATE FISHER: „ • ttt her'great speciality . , MAZEPPA • t iegilt bun enure /sew York company • Dr C le -and Pa m :tette, 30c. lamlly-Clrele line. I Doors open it 7., Performance to commenee Egg , R L S , VARIETIES _ . N . . H. W. WitUANO Lessee and Manager, limo. B. Enaaox Stage Manager. THANKSGIVING FESTIVAL WEEK. - MISS MAUDE S'T. JAJIES. the great Vocalist. • ' . 31"11•119 Arirrire. .117:1‘11 0 14.13i - • New Milittaarryy Drama entftled TOE SHASYSHOO EES OP lI.NOLE SAM. Two Isl 6, formahces on Thanksgiving Day. Afternoon at 11,4 o'clock. fij37BVILNELVIS lODUSEITDI -- ,ANW. PARLOR MENAGERIE . : The Great Family litesortew' FIFTH .A.VENII.2. between Smithfield and WoOlf streets.' opposite Old Theatre. - Air Open Day and . Threning, all the year round: Admission; 25 cents; Children. 15 cents. IigriaIIEJECANTELE IJIMAIRY LECTURES. < • GEORGE ALFRED TO3VNSPIR Will delirer his Humorous Lecture on "THE RENNSYI,VANIA DUTCH," AT-THE • ACADEMY OP . axuegc. TUESDAY -Matilfil,NOT. 24, -,11368t,. , , Tickets 50 cents to alt parts Of the house.' 'Ho re. served tents. • • Doom open at T o'clock. - teat= g!tl.4t.. Igr'PROF.- rsoNumer. [LATH oryvzsTraN Wiliff.lll3.lTYo Offers his six - vices to the public asiescher of •,. , • - 1313112111 AN; MUSICAwn •DIZAWINCL , Also, u T.ItANSL &TOR intlitirTEßPßZTl4.4.' , . . °Mee 144 SKITHIPIELDATIMIET, thirdltok% non - • --.• lar inlo F ° 'CA I RI IIU MP /VS , • PMIRIZA BIS airiOte _Awn*, No. Th T .ISTREST, is„ now . Open ftm_the ception of Masi days and hours—For La-'. - dies4:Misders and Mates. Wednesday and Satardan• • $ o j eloct .For Gentleasen—Ttieelay and Friday Even-tem ern 0 , ,p10ei4" Private' lesson/ wen. Omura tie bad at the Mule 'Rom and Academy. Classes 'out of the eity.i convenient, atteruiedlo..._ • air HMI to ler to &lett Parties ' seirvlS • , , PROFES = X0N.i4.1 "A. !!MIALIC,II E4ll 31,a sv;y3D._ TICE PRACTICE OF' . LAW, nr AIDNLPITI&7 °lnce Ito. 213 sotrrz FIFTH STREET. below Ohestnut. nols ats - 1 4, 1. 3 •M1P/ER.; •••• AuntsmAN AND Kx-oM(310 J utsTICE 'OP, . • THE PEACE. i OFFICE, 89 F,IFTI-1n t AVENtr.x. . . Bimetal attention given saaveyanelngand COI. leettona Deeds Bonds and Mortgages drawn up. Eno an. legal easiness attended to promptlysuld ao- jes. A. 11171117.1, ' , • , . ... . . =BMX AID POLIOE NAGISZILICIL Mika, LSI iiirYLltErAtitXT,Fastr W,lshilleti". MTTE9.!PB,Cirr,' Berl A; Deeitft ',- troadih itertter,tenti Dow don , Cneetione,' g time ft exeoutett proMWT. : " ad MANOR. pIeMAIIIMS, •Aiaxinigraspr, Ex-0111r.. - 'o Justice of the Peace and. Mae taste. • 0410,011 ANT STREET, Opposite th ) ; l er. thedral, P ITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bond 4 Mortpses. Acknowledgments. DPnosidons, and AB Letal - BPslileab ""Ited with promptness and dasteste • Wan Tli/STACE S. BILOBBOWi A.T...I3IMMAN. • • . • 2:1•0771C10 xerwrimr- as THE PEACE elm • . PULICZ. HAIHSTRATZ. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. MENU' PIITSBURGH. Pk . Deeds. Bonds. Hortgagee, Ackeurorledgments, Depoeltlonssad all Le 4113tudzteee emaciated p mess end • • =NI A AN Justice of th e Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE Si INSURANCE Ad muster zeiVrittemrareitAx. to lllecuon of Bents solicit/11 andp rotriptli Attend ad WILLMI H. BAJUSPIIi • lUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER. lOC,. . • mace; OAIISON STEXILT.' nearly': oppbitter tli s , ilauxsiDepot, sotrra.prnesuwm. . ! Business entrusted to' Ids cue tiromptli attend.: 8. FERGUSON. -41470AligriAN-LAVirs • No. 87 Fifth Streets a. D 1 1 1;o0& Plients Room Joni. :nine , • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OSieek, Illibbasionil Street, ()pposne S 0 4 0 21 Roe") *UAW H C. 111.ACRILELL'i. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAWI 1Va.,89 Grant Ettrret, — lll. PA. my2i:b26 JOHN. A. STRAIN, A,I4.I)33IItIitALZW,. .1 I szarlicao,:insTxos ow THE PIEMIhr,..aND FOLIC' MAGIBTRiaIe. Me,11511 TOTH STARR% goody* the cute. drat. Pittabsigh, Ps. Deeds, , 1121 ff 'doksowledgment4 Delksidatons low Azeirated with upesmakess and dins ARCHIBALD BLAMILEr g AtankOnorgrpii•Air•laA.W. No. fie nrlit • PIimMITDOILINA• ati6.lgiimm3P' 14E/OELMC,S.Iat ENGI~I3 i. ERCETA I P TlNCia nni a dnd soueitor of Patents! s %magi°. 'lB smus A A ..- gr a rr cm; nwr Et a t . Box at • 0 'T n .& oll• exeratitzh tgukelpgraw,. BLAnIIIIIN E ty and r at do pad to do. MIS Mashed and !,4n LOCOMOTI vswnua. vy,.. ontoopyiltdialted. Au x m a x Ilia Cluom fOr meohiuiloo oTtFY. 131 MEiM !I EN Worn prrnsusett