M NEW, ADI733RTISEITENTS. INNII Eir AN AIPPIEAL , •TO THE , (1117RCHES-"The Pittehvith Ansodatioa for th%Selief of the Poor;++ tespeetfolly iolleits the Poston; of the dl ferent.:Clitgeheis to tote up eollec lions in their reepeettre congregstions on the ap ' 'Prowl:elk TIXABISSEIIVTite., DAY., to aid the As : iodation proseenting its •Inork throtillt the com ' 11.11, winter. There can be no better wayof giving itha9ky to tke Alnitsttir !Myer of an good, than by eltiolimberhis and yelleilnialls poor. • , HAIIIfAI3 DENIS Y,Oresldent. Lyn WADE, 13teretary. nOl , ' 11 • lar FAIR AND, FESTIVAL-- • TheriviTilni a ...FAIR • and TESTIV.kL in the e, FIBS %.017MBERLAND PBESBYTItitiAIi cffurics on. METH A.IIIOIIJZ, between • Wood Sind imithdeld street, taday,to-morrow and . 2 'hursday. dWind • . ", . "- • ~. Dirtier franall to 8; Supper ti to 7 O'Clock r. M. Oyitersand roe .Cream s as desired; lanai iniftisetal .'• Articles tor eale. . • Thankiiivilig service at o'clock ..4.. nt., and titnner Ticketiiit Adiaissiontdalta2s,cents ; children 10 cents . • I notassi !, , EXCITING PACING RACE.-- . • , _ On THURSDAY, November Seth. Ma, at 'WEST VIEW PARK /or a puree of One Honored and &lily Dollars, tulle testa, three in eve to bar. g nese. , - D. C. Kelly enters sorrel mare Lady Jackson. - Doc Bates enters bar gelding slay Billy: • Major Monroe enters barsgeldhiltjhzuny Dolan. The same da a• running race trill take.olaci be • tween the cele brated mares IDA. MAY and ItAGLE for a purse of One Hundred Dollars, two.thlros of a tone heats, three In ave. The at O•O race ' will coma off at SI o'clock. notriamEd • JOHN CARSON, Pronrletor• • PICROV•CLERK OF COURTS 0 11 Of Allegheny County, Pa. • R. Si: Clark, tavel,n,,Bouta Fayette township. The License Board will sit on WEDNESDAY. the 115th Inst. at 9 o'clock, a. al., -tor hearing the above 'application: • . • JOHN G. BROWN. Clerk. If 'MARE, ROCKAWAY, TOP emberGGl *b.—WEDNESDAY MORNING. A 515th . , at 11 o'clock, will be sold at the Commercial dalearooms, 100 Smithfield strett, one bay mare, S - seers . ld. 'Norte in single or double harness, orunder saddle, perfectly sound and gen tie; also one Rockaway Style Buggy; two band some style Top Buggies.' not& A. MOI.I.,WAINE, Auctioneer. , . • , 2,500 BUSHELS,„ „ eilOllOE EIPAG IN AND FALT , In store and for Bale by INLEANCi r rt .& • EtAlti.kat,, n 02.4 ' 3519 LIBERTY STREET LOYEBBEED. • . , CHOICE ,14:37' JUST RECEIVED no24:Tras • - • OTPICII CITY YNGENXBE AND ntraVavon, • Eirremonall; November 114th. 1868. VOTICS—The'; assessmeta Grading, raving and Curein_g..CAßßOL IIEET, front ilmalLman street. to Refitted are now ready for examinattion, and can be seen at this office - until RRiDe.Y. December 4th, when they will be returned to the City Treaeu., eel; office for collection. • n024:a68 E. J. MOOSE, City Engineer. , ETERY STYLE AND COLOR. M PAGE, ZULKIIB tigiucx Or CITY EXOINIXe. Aitio til 7 rrilfo/1. t Pittsburgh. November .24th, 1868. s XOTICE--The assessment fox; • Grading, Paring and ,Curbing LIBERTY *.r.ttE . B.T. from Tart city-Fifth street to Twenty- Ninth street la now ready for examination, and can b. seen at this *eke nntiIPRIDAY, Deeember 4th. 4888, when it will be returned to the City Treasu rer's ogle° for collection. n 024 • . J. WORE, City Engineer. Ai la 1 a ZELLERS & Fit UTPION OP' COlrraotaxii OP A:Jam:wry co., • Prrresunan; November 23, 1868. :dot TO PRINTERS AND - jog stemoNtits. Sealed Proposabi will be received at this office un til 30th Inst., inclusive, tor tarnishing Allegheny .100017 with. • - Eighty-seven (87)0tece duplicates for tit.ses of '69. itlehty•seven MT) Treasurers do • do .Eighty-seven ( 37) School do , db Time of delivery to be 'Decided In the bids and in. cluded In the con , net, • sample booke can be'seen on• applicatien., di• mutton of ComitLgontadmioners. • • norMaSt gaNna , Liatszyrr, Coat:rater. FURS! FURS!! CHOICE in rusil, MORD & 00:81, 11024 PROPOSALS. The Building • CoMmittee of the WESTERN PRENSYLV.A..M.S.IIOSPITAL FOR, THE INBAR st Dismont; Pa.. will receive . proposals until the llOth DAY OF. DECEMBER, for the erection and closing in "the Euterb Extension of 'be Hospital," according _to the plans and specideations adopted, and approved by t hem. The plans and 'tit:ecilleations can be ersimined at` the Hospital until the time abole mentioned for re celving bias.:.. PrOVOBI.II must be marked as such and sent to R. MILLER, Jr.. Chairman of the Building Commit-; . tee, Plttsbtugh. Bids will be opened at the Hospital on the 15th of December. The Committee reserve the deemedheir Macre. tion to reject, any or all bids noto the inter eat of the institution or satisfactory to the commit , ! tee: By order of the Im2l 11.55 BUILDING COMMITTEE A AND ' ENAMELED 1 :41 . j • Li ; ' VtOOTS SHOES AND CARPETS . • FOE THZ MILLION. AT SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM,' 55' AND' 57 FIFTH AVENUE. Messrs, H. B. SMITHSON &CO...Proprietors of the well known 3Lainmoth Auction House are an te sapon crea nw gooxcwhmenarebeingsnidarelbierialvlaw, prices.. Good. of every, variety; the finest sewed rot., the most fashionable ball oral gaiters and anklet thou. slippers, • \to. blankets, flannels, cloths. castimeres, cul l s an d carpets.. Call and examine. J" o trouble to show , goods. Ladies% thlldren's furs at almost...your own prices. All ivartsated as remasented no:4 VA.LEAELE ' WYLIE STREET 13U8111t88: PROPERTY CORNER OP ORATRAIII STREET, . • • • • IigTIIIIDAYIaTTERNOON, Noiember '2Bth; at o'clock. will sold on the promiseathai valuable business property, the store and dwelling No. 79 • Wylie street,•corner of Chatham , being the tutu= '. tial and well built th.ae story. brick. with 6 roams , u p stairs, beside the spacious store- room, which is a • well established grocery stand. The bonse is in - :.good .goOai repairi with rad and water thrOnghont, and an excellent • dry. eellar„- The lot •18 AO feet flout on 4n w ree yli c e street, and 9,RX:l:et Le depth a ong Chatham The great business.value orWyllgstreet property And 11l tepid enhancement-every year on this great bnelnaar thoroughtareonakea the above a very de. dilyable OPOortaolty for Investment. There is no =ore favordble loc ty , forinvestment in the city. Terms—Oneilourth clap, payable in three annual , .piumeafa, • with ,rinterest, bola 'abject to two :yowl vote next April. • mr..21 . . A. • mcmiclustr, Aucticlieer. • ' i 71 I A w 2 ; 14 0 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCRINENT. GREAt REDUCTION IN PRIM. Tobacco, Cigars & ISAAC STERN , No. 161 Federal - Street, above the Market, ALLEGHENY. CITY, PA., Respectitilly announces to his friends that he is now offering hie stock., %misting at the FINEST CIGABO, . TOBACCO, &C., And the PVILEEIT uquona, I,lnricea. Lo SABiCY pkiIIAN NMI OPIPILBED IN grßemearbes the place, • No. 1651 FEDERAL tn., Azszerearr Cur, setnao.tus 131 WOOD STREET. KATES, - ' SKATES . SKATES. I bairn received my stock of Skates for the season . . of 4311 and 1 69, comprising; eierystyle known to the trade, 'at prices ranging FROM BO CENTS PER PAIR 171 1 TO $25.,...My.5t0ck embraces sclullUne of Ladles* and Gentlemen's' Skates. New; York Club, American Rink, Biondin , s Anclelhipporter, our La dles, and Gents' Clipper, Philadelphlannd Boston Club, Emiplie and Vulcan, togeiber wait, a large OS-. vorbient of medium pric ed , Ideates for Boys, which I offer at exceedingly IoW pikes. I invite all 1n want of Skates to call and be convinced that 136 WOOD STREET, is the piaci to, buy-Skates. For sale wholesile arid retail by JAMEB GOWN, NO. 1345 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. noW:ry g; AND ENALN!ELED it E - EPIII7I OK BEFOREDIIII W. P. DILutitsHALL Vl:111 reniare his stock of. WALL PAPERS, tram the old stand No. $7 WOOD STREET, to the newly Sited and elessat store house. NO. 191 LIBERTY 82WEET, a for'doors abase ST. CLAIR.' ' j uirrluccErtrto: . r , , Now Styles LADLES LINEN. COLLARS AND italloi RIBBONS lick:mu:mi . - 42 g, nom . Ait widths of SATIN AND SATIN PLAID RIBBONS. LADLES SIZE SCARPS. la all width.. I Also, tau tines of, laditiii and Gents 1 llndeurwear _ ~ • I . ~ AT:EAT'OI4'S i , No:. l'Y Fifth 'Aiventie, 1' . DT r• 014-1 Z No.•11: to ar , tall sad rot s noSis DICKILT 00. ME WJEL.44 01P15IN; BATES WILL OPEN THIS:II7.R. A New Stock CHOICE V ITTSBURGH STENCIL ,WORKS, it SUTTON NO. 11 MA.R.KET STREET. BERNIE° BRANDS AND STENCIL PLATES lingoirtant to Whisky Distillers and Cigar glanataeturers. . To turtles requiring, BURNING BRANDS. and STENCIL PLATES, we are prepared to 'fiirnish them at 515,p_er cent. 148 than any other establish ment in the united Intr. STENCIL PLATESse a d small. fancy and plain ma eon short notice. at micas, about one.half charged heretolbre In this city. All orders for BTRIS c Ar l y a ' NG BTArk . Ac 'promptly attended to and forniahed irith , despatch. We respectfully invite the public to eall on ue be. fore purchasing elsewhere, as we guarantee Satis faction In Pith:ES AND WORN. STRNCIL DIRB and steaks at wholesale. - ' R.BPERIDTCES y permission we refer to: A. Huchenheimer A Br a.. Jos. 8. Pinch A Co., Dilienger .1 Stevenson. —Mainers Ferd,E. Volz, Collector Internal 'Revenue, 22d District, Pa. Zen. VlNlTiggli!!tr Saw Manufac turers. \ - , , W. AD. Rinehart, IL Wormier, J am e s 'Binrphy —Tobacco Mannfacturers. • Bey ro mer, Boturian lb Co.—White Lead „Harinlo-, tore. • B. L. Pahneartoc 'Portliest & C 0... A. &D. H. Chambers, Lorenz t ightman,—Glass Manufac- W. H. Grafi& Co., VC ht, Mahuod,t,Co.—Com. Millllloll.lterchants. • . I tiih T n o ilelfl e rilT p r i e— L lfe era in Liquors and Nines. n 024 EVERY STYLE COLOR • • ZELLERS Jt zELiranns a, I'. :firriniThWifkr_CliZETTE:t TUESDAt--:140T:Eimn.':24,;,18601. BELL BATES GOOD. AT Nos. 180 and'lB2 Federal, Street, • e AT 19.1 4 c.—G00D DARK DELAINES. ;AT SM. — DOUBLE-WIDTH HEAVY POPLINS; AT 3730.LL00M3LE WIDTH CHANGEABLE ALPACA. AT 3 7.40.—D0U8LY WIDTH !ENE BLACK AL PACA. AT 31c.—DOUBLE WIDTH ,WOOL PLAIDS. AT 5 0c.—FIGURED FRENCH AtERINCS. AT 78c.-43400D FRENCH MERINOS.' • AT OLOO—DOUBLE WIDTH SILK POPLINS. AT 95c.—HEAvy PLAID:WOOL FLANNELS. AT ROo.—PLAID SHIRTLEG FLANNELS. AT .250.--HEAVY GREY TWILLED FLANNEL. AT 96c,-PLAIN GREY FLANNEL.' ' • AT 83{c.—FAST COLORED . CALICO. AT 10c.—GOOD DARK CALICO, WHITE COUNTRY BLANKETS, Plaid Country Flannels, CASSiMiIiES. AT VERY.tiIYiPRICES, cifirieialt &wan dims, GORED BArflifOßAL SKIRTS; WATERPROOF CLOTHE, all LADIES' AND OkULDEEN'S RATA Jia"Clilbleen*s Stockingi, Ladies , " Stockings, pit dl sad , Chlldren's Gloves, :Breakfast tinsirls, Salt cods. Lager sad. Children's Undezistar, Men's Band Drawars: Laces, rilidmings. ac. , • . . WHOLESALE AND HETAIL;at • WILLIA SEMPLE'S, Nos. 18Q and 18 Federal Street; , . n 024 .. M A . RVTN:' RACI(ERS AN L SUPERIOR fTO - ANY 70TEIRRI ornaraD DX TEM CITY. OYSTIIt WATICH,„ HICLTTS . BIIGA_H a BODA, CREAM :SCOTCH sad Acsmos acsouLss. For 'gale by' EveryGroeer fifth( City. nol2 Ba k er y, eN . o. 91 Lilberty St. RUH Piactical CoOk t Respeothilly innotutees to the public that he will ..ext thipnbty and 319ndatNext v _ Open to the pita* the • DELMONICO RESTAURANT, ,POB eirsnantaii max. It will be hie earnest endeavor to Amish hie Piv. trons All thnes with the most palatable viAnds which lite market or the season affords. Tre . Lictuoßs.lVlXEs of various dates, ALA BEIM, eta will be their own recommendation. • . Orders for tinit Cooking for Weddings. miff ether ffestivilis.' as heretofore, be promptly and cheaply attended to, rennet ling patrome. ottlioN , H. RI7H. Avr, AND ,'ENADIINE TlRE Clarge assortment of - FANCY COAL RODS AND VASES, FIRE ,IRONS i434prilErt9, ate. Also, KABITO..PATENT °RUTIN ATTACH XENT at the Hailware store of • now . . - WEI. HUGHES. LATE 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, In forma his Mends and patrons in Pittsburg h . Ito la now connected with ~,. EDWARD: P. KELLY;,.. Booth-east comer of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH STREETS, the PRINCIPAL MERCHANT TAILOR OF PHILADELPHIA., and can now furnish; them with clothes SUPERIOR in every respect to those he baii heretofore Rivezt_gkel?l,..ang-lii*ODERLTE PRIORS.' . . .4k.23:z35 X. SWINT J. X. BRAXT... ..... X. A. BUATT. swaT, DRAW. &MO., ABCHITECiTITBAL ADD ORNAMENTAL -CARVERS. . . No. 631andasky at., illegieny, Pa. A Imre usortment of NIMBI, POSTS_And BAL. LBTXBB constsntl7 on hand. TURlNuiti. of descriptions. dope. aU oeO:Tai 9H FISH fl eaiaaiiq< Pyi. TRESs still con.tinuea to al l all city and r 7 (allots for coma. FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH. SALMON AND BASS. saneu• - .3rfi.,', 45111AM8 ....ktuttlrr_Pitta uls•ft. brigs old wait knOtra ? wiz; OITX-bustr, ) eAminsylasst4, • s • 002: =1=!!!!!:M , FRS I, I FURS NEW STOCK ,0,,:*.,...::.,:.: . 0..i . ,0k. - s's - .. In BELL'S: 1521 WILLIAM SEMPLE'S ALLEGHENY CITY. French Plumes mid Flowers, WHIMDEI3 DR1)114 Orli TIMERAL ST.. ALLTORMISL' 4/14. , ::-: , ,:2...,:a4110giuT5p J .. -- -,..,41. BOYS' CLOTHING. .o**,.:': - : .4::::,-40ga:ii, NO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET, Have now in More then. fourth supply of WINTER GoODS..arbleli- bo found to be the largest and best snorted dtock of - Boys', AND end Children's Clothing I THE CITY. Gentletnen wtll tad the .pest assortment of OUnTOM MADE Dolls ssaisTEß ENGLISH JACKETS in the city of PLAIN AND PDS BEATERS. OHICHLL LAB, &c. 4We examine. our patetnis and the public to ball and CRAY:& LOCAL - 47 ST.' ;CLAIR .- STREET. 1 3 - The Coininissioners appointed by Hie Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the of locating and a 1. build- HOSPITAL FOE THE' INSANE. for the Northern D trict of Pennsylvania, having selected a site on the tinge lekanna river in the vicinity ofDanville: /deatour cotaty, Pennsylva nia, w il l re ceive proposals until' TUESDAY,. NOVRIIMR . 2 \ 1868. as noon, for the erection and construction ofa Hos- Vial with all its appurtenances upoilseid site In ac cordance with all the plans and specincations,of John McArthur, Junior. Architect. adopted by them and approved by the Governor. .. The plans and 'medications can be examined at the office of the Architect, No. 205 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, Philadelphia, every day, (except Sun day,. between the hours of 9A. M. and 62: to the time above mentioned for receiving bids:'• Parties making_Proposals, must flirnish ouretieti. whose - respentlielity to the amount of 4110,000 shall be airlifted to before a Justice of the Pew*, that they will, in case their bill isecceptedenterin to a ,00ntrac‘ • Within Ma day, the time of opening the bills with -sail/actor, security to the 'ainunnt, Of 11.9100 Ilea _the same will be telfilled in a completes satisfactory manner.- Proposals to be considered must be in accordance • with whic h printed obtaine d a from he r Commion ars, can be iof the Clue missioners, the Superintendent of the Hospital or at the office o r the Architect. , • All bidders desiring information of the site are re ferred to D. 8. S. rochaltx, Superintendent of the Hospital, at Danville. Proposals _mast' be marked as such and sent to Isaac X. Grier. Esq., Danville, Pennsylvania, in whose office the bide will be - opened In presence of such bidders as may be 'present on the evening of Tuesday, November 94,1868 - • The Commissioners reserve the right at their dis cretion tO reject Any or all blds not deemed to the interest of the Commonwealth or otherwise satisfac tory to them. JOSEPH TRAILL GREW, }Connhisloners: iicdalte • J9/IN OURWEN. -.• • , .I TO WHEAT GHOWEREL. I :4 ' AIMIWYLLTI§D ,8011,14 SUPER-PHOSFIUTE OF LINE, , ' , MAXV7AOtOE4DBy ?gheny, Fertilizer 00. ifiar :D 4111,11:PBEL.L , . PRO 11T01119,' o®o% : .Bs6;Pena Stmt. ) Plitdairgh, Pa The best Teralizer In use, an reeoir t e h d Banners who have given IS a trin e . to s ta nd and raising large crops of W he at , Bye. Corn, Pots toes , to Wet hole -- tor - Leach Burr` smut TM BE= InittaT CLZAKISRS IN UHL Portable /lour and Peed Mills, mmrtict aLoinis, • All ntunbese and best quality. or sale at 319 and 321tiberty St.,Plttsburgh, 1111 n . ROCK Tlir BABY: . EARNEST'S, PATENT CRIB. 'ONLY BY LEMON• & WEISE! Practical Frunitare:lttan'afacturers, 118 71 4 oirirru A.VmDrEno. mar :belbwid &nail iriortmeai afParior. Chamber spa HI When Furniture. nom KEYS ONE POTTERY.' No ALM & .1 lumnbionctrers of QMPTAIWABS.. saitirrow- waust arAu orders:worn •tty atteadedto. revitsetint• ara.—ito iiidetdiket that at the corner of LIBERTY dad HOW rip. It the place to procure genuine "Ne Plae. e Mined Kale, ,'Orellberrles, Malt ye' Oysters; tiresse' a miaakaellis §_toiker Pried porn. )reach Pee. and lltuthroone. evand Prints analrerclacißrultain kreat variety. at the lormat market prhimurhodelalirandletall., JOHN A. _RENSHAW. rota . earner Liberty atm Hand streets.: 50(1 BUSHELS • run ' farilnuouvaßD vitat To arrive owl hr taltbr "le maarnr. a Awn& YOB OUR CHILDREN'S D El PAXTXtEI X T, contains fail lines or the 6ARM3A.LDI. GRECIAN,BISMARcK. . , MK-FRANKLIN BLOM SUITS. MIMI IN OUR BOYS' DEPAR T !RENT will tw found tee Xetro• polltaa.• broaciway and Malley wilts; Also the new DOUBLE BREASTED BEEP IN 6 JA.CRET. .. • Yoxrras , • DE Pa RAISE N T Spleadld assortment of ENGLISH 'WALKING COATS, METROPOLITAN . Sacks .aid the D.B. ENGLISH JACK= OUR OVERCOAT ~ DETARTIVIDN'T ids coast= al es* in edl. um and fine goods, In great variety. W. WALLAVN. DESUWWI CITY XANSION, NO. 8O CLIFF :STREET, FOR SALE., That desirable city mansion at Ho. 30 CLINT STREET; consisting. of 4:TWO Shim; Blitiox DOUBLE HIJUSE,with air the modern improve ments, double parlori; dining room and kitchen on first floor, four large chambers, bath room and linen room on second floor,. and large welkfurnished base ment on ground door neat. with additional onside entrance; elegant marble mantles in Parlsii% gas throughout, hot and cold water in ~hath room , new. range aid water in kitchen.' "The . whole house sea fitted s nd papered one year ago; ornamental grounds front with limp ;refs itetVelegant .partico, swan.. ratindhig an otion and msoidgitetit vieWaliftits river, the rich!, cultivated slopes of distant hills; • car dge way from front, and fine bunt porch. ' • The lot hail front oa'Clldatreet of igifeet by 147; feet deep, with bearing fruit trees and shrubberY• A/10 lot across the street, itafront of house on north -side of, CLIP'S STREET of Ahlhet,:nzigrorming to ARCH STREET. DRS het. 'The location is innarpassed in this city, and is for 'all that tamers in Bs advintageief Pare sir and wag Likens views. Possessiongiveniormediately,Por tetanal, quire of Ac., In- EMI Excgr.itp . T, gCUItFIT. THE MST EXOYITCLAGE THIRTY YEAR,,SIX PELt CEA T tiollnws Central Pacific%Railroad Co E:=2 These Bonds are the duly authorized and accredi ted obligations of one of' the most resaonsible Corpo rations of the American Continent, and are secured by an absolute first lienugon the venablevrante. franchises. railroad - equipinerit, businesq, etC., of the boa portion of the Great. _ • .. G National Pacific Itailroall - : Line, extending eastwardiy Alryin the - navigable waters of the Pacific Coast to the lines now rapidly building from thorElisternlititeS:i TheY "beiii - Six per, cent. Intaieig .Pailannum in gold, AND MOTH PRINCIPAL, AND INTEREST ARE, EXPRESSLY MADE 'fPAYABII UNI- - r yTED STATES (101,730 COIN:" • The semi-annual Coupons are payable July let and Jahnsry Lk in New York CUT. The purchaser Is charged the accrue d interest from the date of the last paid Coupon; at -I the - CUR- , . RENCY RATE ONLY., This issue of Bonds constitutes one of. t e EST AND MOST POPULAR CORPORATE LOANS . ' of the coati*, and theretbre lOU 'bet eOgliinfitlY -dealt In. The greater portion of the loin is 'no* in the hands of steady Investors and It is probable that beforetuarfritiontita 'when tile . Itotui is•cemuleted and ;the Loan closed. THE,BONDS (FELL BE EAGERLY' . SOIIGHT FOR AT THE HIGHEST They are issued ONLY AS THE VOILE :rio- GRESSES, and to the same extent °Ulf is the H. S. Stibsldy - Benda granted by the Governinait td the Pacific Ridroad,Companies. Nearly,FlVE HUNDRED MILES of the road-are now built, and thegrading h well advanced on twe• 'encased and aro miles additional. 'The THROUGH 'LINE ACROSS , THE 'CONT/- iNENTwiII be eomnleted by the middle o 1 neat Year,.. 'when the Overland travel be very large. The heal business alone, upon the completed por tion, is so heavy, and so advantageona, tbat the lliisseairttingearenige "MORETHAVAQIIARTERI OF A 'MILLION IN. GOLD PER MONTH, 'cif whielr. ,38 per eau. coati ietrairaif for 'Opera ing ex:- The" net profit upon the Company's builness °it the completed' totirtlol2; Ls about double the amount ofaiutualinterestilaWiltica to be assumed thereup. oh, , and yield s'SURPLUS OF NEARLY. A MILLION IN orm after expenses and intarest are paid—even . At ' -the through cohneatical4her' e ;dot made The best hob s the richest mine,. together with the largest settle:dent • end nearest • rke along thtsportiett of lb• FUTURE DEVEL.OPM will biproportionably Prom thue conalderia CENTRAL. PACIFE 31300' lammed ;by Ftratliott, property are. am* the •ble eeeitrlttei ho*zffeiee made. A portion of the remain fazed to Inventors* „ . At x: 1 03 Per, Cent. and: 7 Acerned'lntereltiin'antren4i , . The Bondi are of ink, 000 Ascii... • sr The Company reserve , the right to 'advance the prige 11 4 f tnx4fn. b!is .S. l l. orders. .in tranritu at the time of any such idvance win be filled at presita price... At Ws Attile they pay more than ft per cent. upon tile Investment, and have, from National and State laws, guazanteeilpecullar to themselves. • ' We receive fi WVeinMent Bonds at their Sun market rates, in exchange for the Central Pacific Railroad Bonds, thus enatiling the holders to realise from 5 TO 10' Mir CENT.' PROFIT, and keep the principal of their investinent equally secure, . Orders and inquiries will receive proMpt attqn tion. Information, Descriptive Pamphlets, etc., giviiig a full accennt of the Organtititlonarogress,. Beefless and Primped. Of the enterPrirailliiiitieheiL • n application. Bonds 'sant by return' i.tpress at o•Kcost.r Subscription, received by :Danl.- and .Bankere,. Agent. \ for thaLoan, throughout thellaited States, Canada audEnrope, and by i/A.INES\. BRADY 4 CO.. Thillslattigly. ROBINSON BROS., '• . S. ReELEAIIIO47 7 • AO. I ! NATIONAL SAVINGS 'll3Vtgtopnkeidsi g . • descriptions of\GOVElbsuz,NT SECO'. lIITLECS‘BOIRIIII4IIOLD orRIX.C/LiNOEB et our °dice, and' tor Mall and Telegraph. '• at BASKET: BATES. \ AnysAccounts‘ol Ban lta„N BnidrOvi and other, re ceivid arid lavori ble'artatikemisita'itunie foe disira hie accounts. . • • - 7 FISK &::I-lATCIi BANKERS AND, DEAIERS. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, and FINANCIAL ASEN_Ttli ;\ • OF THE ,VENTRAT; reerric romp - '•ROAD EOIIFANY; • • • ' No. a Neopini atoipet,,Now-Tork: ~„ aOlO-Tv CITT COATROLIAR.B Orrieit. t, • Plttpurgb. NON, Math. 1860. s XUTICE: , —6. IN- ACCORDANCE with the provisions of Section. Sixth of, the tt of Assembly approved the Bth&c i f Febntary, A. D. 18513..entlited "An Act to an rise the Cillr of Pitteburgh to borrow money," and own lutthe '.`Water enslon Loan," none", is' hereby elven tnat the stun of Five Thousand Dollare, (oo,0041) bas bsen placed In the &titans Fund ln sCeximdanco With the providon a/lel:atom berth of asidliet, to be applied to tee payment of= such Bondi of Mlle Loan gamey be presented on the let day of Dean.. bar next. ' Tidyhi.AS STILEL, no'23 . : • ; • Controller., ECONOMIZE YOUR FEEL! •by awn ozarrarrawit aconnution„ the „awns and eaallr regulated Gov' once made; perfect in Moms:lona spa torhl.treltahha • 9 / a rse else GOV1317101 . 0&II be seen at the once of PlAsces. VAL BEOKETT I ,ltirschanical Vegishier an d , soma . for of Psupets. 00 19 redeye. skeet. Alleibeny acp, the onlyairent; fbr this ttovernorinthe west. r EtEss ',GREEN TURTLE,. put . u p na Nina !Sr Poops. Ault Stews veld) , Or tbe . e. kieceNed and tor ealejo the 'amity_ Gqiur.27 .11(011 ov .. JUHN A. KINSHIP. W non , . norms ;Abesty- and Hand swot . , EitEELY;.. NO. ST PIT= AVENITZ OP THE ocTourai-8484,,1565. • • ' Sleds and Mortgagee,' being Arai,._ Henn o Real 1i5tate:.....,—..........8433.898 SI 11, S. I 1 •80r1d5arpar...“»....:....» X 5,000 00 U. S. I Bonds, at par....» .. . ..... 95,000 00 Real, Es ate - ~.%.." ,X, no 97 CoMeerlr titre -• ........ ..... . . 418 BO Cash..». .... ' ».............. -.39,115 00 ,$) • ' i ..... ....- . . ... 8528.065 SS Amount due Depoiltdra»' : . '..t - »4417;354 38 Amount due. Deoositori;:lntereat , :' , Ntoremberlat: lUS:. ... .. .....»..,,,, .:12.05354 , T0ta1...., ......... t ..... .4189 407... 72 . 4 aganee Conting ent routil..-...... ~, 4dopti le . • - » ' sess,cies 88 The shovels a true statement. , surer. -A. A. CAUBIE E, Xrea , ... , . . . . . . --- , • Tee undersigned Auditing 'Committee, h avee ea amined•the - Hoots of the- Bask: the• Bonds, Mort iMirenand Securities, and coated the Cash, andilnd--• thoolore Statement correct!. • -- •,.. ?. NICHOLAS VOEGILY, JR.:I WK. H. SMITH . Corannatee .. ,••", i. , ' 11.131111.DJONES. _'. President—lSAA ' ' - ' • Vlce m rdent—Wm. H. SAUTE, . Ace tAn t—.l3 B. C. PARRBj - - , , nolici T. BRADFORD TODD. ••• ____z KIIIISTRES:. ISAAC JON - Es. • . NICH OLAS FORM IC. • Hon: J : K. MOORHEAIVDII, .711: libra m t ri. Hon. TH. 05. M. HO„: ARYZY C JACOB FAINTER., C. 0.. EiIISSIY. 1 1 3 111` _ D. W. C. 'DWELL IN •-- ' TEREST ALLOWED on.De Min thislnstS- • intion;.l9. MX PEBORNT., ANMIIM, payable. to Depositors in May and Nonember, whims, if not drawn, will be Added to principal and Camporman. I cps& for . Depomta :Irma,: 9M. at to 3 P. 'alsot on iSatur erening`rnom oto 9 o'clock: 07FWICE. k : 63 FOUR: A'rENUF.... non:aso • ElTTaninton... 07716010. CITY Vsatirsza Asti Brairzron; Pittsburgh, Nor. AB, 1868 s i , . I\7OlllD assessinertit ' few. , 4-1 the Nleolson par enigatozi SICOONII•AYEdiIjih,. from Wood to Smithfield street: Also for Grading, pa . ving end gurbing r.hia,4lle gbeaystreet, from Cangio - libiirtyatn yet, areiow - .. ready fir exiaidriation,. and Assitimjsee n at tlits of-. *ln until •'• rhea thel will be getatmeilich the City Tramways. olden for collection. . H. J. 1 aoi9esei' ' elkistlkineer„ , . OPPICI or Criribranimain AXD s CIEVITOI , I, ritteblargb• NOT. u f .X lekTiv i e' re ,--T iiivaisessinent;lter• Grading. pasisig and Carbine rJltr y-PIETH str Date St. Miry' a apennells nowseady for • examination, and' tan tierseen this once antic THURSDAY ros:Wier .218ta,. ISfi.A when it win. be man:me in to thitiOttr&reastuar , s °Dee for col lection. H . J MORE. f EP, Engineer. GOOD, , NEWS... OBL4 BIZAD;111.Dalli =ES: Enquire io r . i1itA.13.16 1 #3! 3iref . tds. Tt a Isrgest sadliest; .11. W. I , oa. isemlost Talientiasselse: awns PIigraiI 4 IIIALL&ANALINSP SDP/DUDE AKTIPI.3I or ~ DR49.IiN • PrPE, . . sises.ifroas one to twenty-tbur.lnehes sr WEL . DON & KELLY'S..agents rot inazAt*eftets, 1110. -Wood stree a, between,FUt& and Sire Meet.. CM . , , tall LEA'!'llEn (Page?spatent) , s —superior loony other maike. Wholosille:and u4l at maantacturers prices. , • • ' ,- - . -4 ' • • . atv. printaPit, . :7 Barid 1119 81Xtb street.: 1721 NDIA; MAIBEIL BELTING_, DOSE, STEAM PAUSING AND:BOP •• 'D AND Swaim )—A fiat supply - on• nand. zokt•to the trim on as'goodt terms as eas be had from themannteturer. & . p: LIPB. r,avElsgAL cLOTHEB weiNG , / ao, Waole.ale and Retail, akrada 'yr cet at 2 8 and SlTSlxttirtree.t, at atarers ' •• flora .: .. • 4. it S' PHILLIP& -i - ''\ fitoleiikpanta ra• this eoaarb ~. OAX TANNED LITEATIIEIC ,BELT I NC — Wastaateitoac app p e st„-sutt vt , Alalt !gamy always irk hand aArUka unrest ye " • _ ,__ -;._,--- • \•?.7. •& .H. SOart a - ma l isentitat.Albniarthr St " Mar" no o. r r ot r sal J U°l..- . e , c ; m= 3125 , :aarsore.Nls., ?EARL 'ASEE-110 caskk No.4Ais. nwi s n".,l 3l l, tot, pai_ Iby, B A w ns ' sos.: (IDA Asa—too tons ° choice b brandy Sal store and Mr sale by \ 11(42 _ aJ. B. oixtreip sox. I _A1ENT...,60, - Hydratil4c uesnaut atore sad far sale , u. 61 7 cAzirizia) 3 sos. ILEAD-30011PAgi Soft ,• • eila. sou dor, and Anal, by - F sAM7 cAsrmain 4 - gew, • z , - OrticS or;Sfo]cOS ;Sea OADar4A r tar, -p,tt.bargh; Nc - r . . arbilliPENOlrie":7Esident and' Dtreaors orilda ComPany Dave this day Aix erred • Dhldend es Two DOLLAR'S AND FIFTY CENT open each share of the Capital Stock.. out of thee , Dhaits of 'the last sin months. Dee of Griternment wax. •_almblis to Steoltbtdders on and atter Decemberl,_7-*W. bcd•mbe , JOHN If: MARRY:secretary. fag - rioNstrucvApria. RAILROAD COMPANY • , : I , - Tasmanians D2I 4 ARTICILVE.. ) • Plinameastas. Nem NI, lfSeS. f tf.OTICX YO StockHor.imss. - ' - The Boarded' Dtreetert haseTifill DAY declared a sead-wismal dlrdeadofilllflt PERDINY.-oa the Cal " al 1 "eil °l' ralt*OMPlin, itieltr Ot2hltitMll2 arid hState taxes. payable la ea.sh, ort- iusd-eatter Dorm er 0, tatts., , _. -..- :-... r: , l' - 3 ''' r ' '"" i v, BUMP WirerliCeitUnt XOT f ads iNlut be nr ityttAveuxt oft " ale 5..,. b e , , Ms °Glee will evened at-8 a. x. bed closed *- 4'1% at.. from- 2 forembevabsh• tb lbetefaber Stk ibr lbe Dement of Cr n ow o2 -- dlrideads, arla lt"' er that dale. to 31'w - 1 - vtlestan-T.-.iliOrreasarer. • rig,7 'WITS/MUGU ___'+ IfELLSVILLIC RArLßomni - D OO3IOVAII ,CON T—• ANNUAL KEETLNG.-;-Nottle hereby Wen that. UM Anal Ay Meeting ef the Btockholdete of the pistsbutgl - sad COlMelittini Ran 1.61 C Bercioany. for the purpose of electing a Board of.Dlrectere for the ensuing:ear. *lilts beld at their °Ulm ..orner of Grant an dd Water streets. Pittourgti, on the'Brat. MOND aY Seventh (7tat) day of Detember'next: at 10M o'aloct JNO. Jr.,• OPPietirPrrtg.- & CONN, B. Co.. bectetasy. • • Pittsburgh; •N0v.•13, ..11968. f*, , OFFICE Or TitrAlzgrifinzrf Tat tat nOAD. Plitsburgh,Bov. 6. ISIS,' Irr. STO EKROZDERV"SPECIAA • , MEETHVG,—A. cial saeeting oft Stock. ROAD of the di.LEG ail/ VALI, ROAD COMPANY, will be held st.the of Me: Company, No. 96 Pao stree4mi • THESDAY.De-• cember 1, 186E4 at 11 o'clock A. m..in .tr i to , consideration the propriety of eancellin e crease of ntockauthorised by the•Stoclhol era May Al 1661 K. and Tor the- trensattion of such • other* business as may 'be: presented. • .Iromq BALLANTSNE. Secretary. 'gr .0 0 M 511141 IA E._ DEPART— . MENT OF PITTSBUBOITHIGH SCHOOL. Client of Commerce Building, corner Sixth and... Wood streets. Equal to anyßusiness College hisin--.. the same studies andlectnres. , Sessions: Aftern:p g 23§ to 4,A4 , o'clock; evening. to 9. Free to residents of Pittsburgh un der 26 years of _. Receives students from other places at the lovoad mission fee of 00.- Students enter at any time ant ' receive' diploma on completing the mune. Par ' • further information *call at our rooms or send lb?* circular. 11e8.X7-TUF E. JOHNSTON,IPrincIoch WANTS. "Are•wonnee.r.row, INAry7.0^1,•••••••~4,•010,-. WANTED7-Tvroi or more - Gtooro-mtentrrpErre to clams for the sale of a Steui G REE oieraor.' . Apply , ' Rep??..,46/..afm.,...1,,g2212i1ecitt Engineer. aos3:z94 , . `4. ANTED—ON CONZIEL I E 'ORE IFUNDRE,o;_ - : TOY, - OF iNDUrijM,":2I; FOR. TH , Kat I I)AT The bighket market 'prieteiL:and gala tales iceareeteed:- litarklutelcages atuelnetly and send. voices by pall. : • • •-; • , • • ..H.,P. ItAILL*11111". ,Cek, Commission Iderebantly -33 Ni Whittington *tree New York. nolTmM • Q,,,TAITOIESI I OF THE • , . , . 1 lan DIVE SAM 13MK; CM B. &RAIL PINE skED*BEAT, • AT 349 LtiIIERTY ST. HITCHCOCK. MoOli EICRTA-Co. t . 41, 01 \ ,