The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 24, 1868, Image 4

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MININAN, REED et 00, Proprietors,
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TUESDAIr,.N9I7EMBE4 24,183116
Ths .Wvanwit Gen ens, SUUEd on Wed
**dap awl Raturfraya, is ad beet ande.heap
pt plait mninpaper in Benturylvania: It
Presents each teak forty-eight eat inin i of
SOW readhiP matter; It giaea. ihe Attest at.
bell aithe most re liable market marts °fang
paper in the State. Its files are used exelt;' -
: lively bythe Cioii Courte of AUegheng county
for reference in important isSUeS to determine
alit ruling prices in the markets at the time of
Me business transaction in disvute. Terms:
copy, one year, $1.59 ; in "clubs eitee,
$1,25, in dubs of fen, $l,l , and and free
to the getter up !the dub. •Wpeesiest ce ß i d s
- sent free to any address. , •
WE PRINT on► aminitido pages of thu
morning's GAZICTTE—Seantd page: Ephem
eris, 'Poetry, Washington Neu% Third
and Sista 'pages : Commack!, lirmancial,
. Mercantile and River News. Seventh page':
Apical/um/ News: .
GOLD Closed in New York yesterday a
OP otra new Judge, Hon. J. M. Lan
reTnicir, the Philadelphia, News, (Dem.
He is a gentleman cf,eonsiderable talent,
with a good judicial mind, and will make a
good Judge. • '
Tax reported denial, by the SecretarY of
State, of the accuracy of the that
England had conceded the American claim
to San Juan del Fuca, is itself contradicted
upon the express authority of the Depart
A RiancaL German journal, Die Tackel,
will be issued, in a few weeks, from the
office of the Mauch Chunk Gazetkr. 2t will
- edited by Captain Faso, ScnzuEaraecs,
an able'writer, whose efficient services as' a
speOker also, in the late canvass, were re:
cognized in many parts of the Common.
Wealth. '
MRs. Smallmax Pro Poses
tktough the cOltaana of the Gum= to:deal
• with the "soclid evil," and a plan for the
reformation of the unfortunate outcasts of
society. These articles will doubtless at
tract much attention. as few ladies in 'the.
cotmtry are better qualified to -handre social
questions than liirtl3.,who has seen much of
the world and hair a large stock or Masi pe
culiarly her own on most questions of deep
Tint *nu groat States of •the Union •gave
a total vote as follovrs: New York, 846,185;
Pennsylviuslit. 855,862; Ohiq 519,254;
nois, 449,486. The first gave 9,454 majori-*
ty to Swemoun.„ -and the other an aggregate
majority of 121,088 for, GnanT. • The in
creased vote -of the same State over
was, in New York, - 115,444; In Pennsylva
. nia, 82,455; in Ohio, 48 0 512, and in Illinois,
101..210. • ' • •
4 1331snios majority in Pennsylvania Will
quEsnou of prohibiting theii sale of
liquors 'again divides the local politics of
Maniachusetts. The prohibitory policy was
exchanged, last winter; for a stringent It
• cense law, and that, in turn, is eibont to be
repealed, the new Legislature being strongly
prohibitory. So few questions ornatiowil
interest remain for its discussion, that we
may eipect to see the ensuing year devoted
everywhere to the ventilation of scoAntless
number of sidoissties, the most of them
having purely a local interest. _ •
IT rs understood,. at Washington, that,
the 'hitch between Messrs. , M.cCur,Lecn
and Rotaixs, and the , appointment of Su
pervisorn of - the Revenue, was. practically
settled, like a good ,many other things, by
'the/result of the Presidential eleCtion. The
statement is that the Secretary "represent
ing the views of the President, has acknowl
edged the popular verdict, and has permitted
the aPpointment ,
of those who supported
GnsnT and . Cowan . in abnoilt every dis
trict." This, mint grano_salfB, is probably .
delphia has'incurred the diSpleasure of §ee
retary McCtaxocix, who threatens his re-
• moval. The - facts • may be 'briefly itated.
The Secretary ,desires,tlke subordinate force
in that Custom House to be reducer], and se
informs the Collector,. who assents thereto,
as his duty require& The Secretary then
proceeds to - designate the individuals to be
ilismlssed, and to this the. Collector naturally
and rightfully objects. ' Being responsible
for the . fidelity of his subordinates, he
claims, and, ought to baie, the entire con
trol of their appointtnent or removal, and
that_it is his right, and not the Secretary's,
:to specify the individuals.. One or two sini
ilarcP.Fax con trover s ies, under preceding adminis
trations, have been decided in favor of the
, Collector, and soehould this.' His rafurml,,
for such :in' -. .'insulioidinetion," scan only
i11,•41( 3 _ folgiumnent. bye the EBenstn
nider. the, TeP•gre'llf•Clace is,_
therefore, lb *be 'biped that the - Becr!Fy
will ' , xi& do' an 7 11141dVieW ) thinfit `the
;-premises. , -
TAN forthaiminkTreasuy , 'estimates; for
the fiscal " 1807 70telie bwittal
year - sse z tto
Cosiperia at the opening of session, are
to -propose greater"iiductiortln" the'
PUbilc ,eoe4-4littir!si' the . 11 ,. *l4 being
roundly silted- .at-fifty rnitlinns, and.even
now if til'e Indian war should be speedily
terminated. The StieretarY • fir also Opted:
autiOrity for the opinion that the ensu
ing Year will realize a very considerable
dhicbange of the pnblle debt: All this'
simply means that the much ebusedjtePuh
lican COngresibas ea- Perffete4 the Wteil
of taxation, and has so: lemma
down: all needless 'evendlttuea And Ute
muting gets more • money, gets it, easier,
spends less and cancel more the old
debt, eventhan we promi se d•to 4 litt People.
It means that economy .and retrenchMent
with equal and joist taxation were not, mere
electhmeering 'Web-Weal, :but, are- mild
realities .It 21101415i1id WO are% able to;Pay
the eipenae"of conqiiering tharebellito,and
that ; WO ' are aiiris ihalraY, Of doing IL
And tt intuntai inerecitter, Hat the -People ex
Peets feNiftg "Sartre to a policy Which is
thus proven t o be' sot* arid profitable
The statements made bypur correspondent
.14'' in the thite articlesN•ecently contrib.!
rated by him to this journal, on„ . the Lake
AtitlitlfOr Iron iitegton; and "mor e 'especially
the facts and estimates contained in the
third of the series, printed on Saturday
last; Should address themselves with especial
cogerip to the leading productive interests
'of our county. We have ; I liowhere met ,.
wtth a more concise and conclusive show
ing than "R" has .made 'upon the points
following: e.
Ist. The intrinsic value of the mineral
deposits on our Like , Superior coast
2nd. That natural and reasonable law of
the trade, by which the raw material seeks
the fuel for its conversion, and not the pon
Brd. The , speedy eihaustion of the fuel
'resources of .that iron region itself. ,
4th. The constantly increasing competi
tion of smelting 'works, which, ycar by
:year, find other , locations not liable to that
expense of land trarispoitation, for either
ore or fuel, which more and more embar
rasses the enterprise of manufacturers here;
sth. The entirely practicable method by
which the iron -masters of this region of
Pennsylvaniaxiay overcome that disadvan
tagenlmost wholly, 'by the 'obvious provls
ion of suitable fiicilitiei for a cheap and
capacious waieicarriage, in unbroken bulk,
froin'the ore-lands on the Lakes directly to
their mills.
The irbn-master who flatters himself-that
Pittiburgh will ever 'maintain her former
pre-eminence in that department of indus
try, will find it profitable to consider the
facts presented by our well-informed corre
apondent. When he shell comprehend the
fullbearing of these facts upon the , general
trade, he will find them stubbornly destruc
tive of ail his anticipations, and may then
see that his present confidence Is a delusion.
The local tfade of this section may always
tinge one, 'but' the vii-eminence of
. litteburgh interests, in that respect, in ihe
markets of-the great;West, must, in the na
ture of things, soon become a glory
gether of the Vast. . ' •
pealrablabres are discovered, month af.:
ter month, in other deposits less remote than .
those of Lake Superior, while the journals
as often chronicle this development ofi fuels
as valuable as our own, and so muchmearef
to thometal as practically to rthreaten us
with is Cal - Petition that ere 'long will dis
hui_ceps consplstelyi ~-- T he ore or. Laire.i3u
perior 'doubtless has qualities which com
mend it asseepesildlY valuable foi our smel
ters and refims; but even that ore will
no lonpr find a profitable.conversion in
Pitesburgh; after' the more convenient fuels
from the margins of the coal-field,, Both in
this Stoic • and Ohio, have fairly; entered up
-0111 the ecinspetition. - SO; itanti,y be dust- the
coke of this region hat! flualkqett Pequitioi./
fitting it for the supply of the smelters. of
Marquette; in that not far distant day when
their own filets beenite/xhausted. But, in
thermion of the twomineiale, on the banks
of either the River or the Lake,is to be met
that serious Obstacle—the expense of trans
'portation. ' -
The - question is simply this. Can the
smelter'of Ifarquette buy'our coke, or can
the Pitteburgh iron-muter bring hither the
Superior ore upon any basis of fair competi
tion with the rapidly increasing trade, at.
more favorable, points, at a cost-of transpor
tation' three times greatex than his rivals
pay from other points 1, How long can
we hold the business at that disadvantage
In other words,hhw long do we expect to be
able to retain - a traffic which, we may al
ready see, is certain tn;be lost under the
inevitable operation of the plainest rules of
trade ?
. If the iron-interests of Pittsburgh can se
cure the transportation of the requisite- raw
material, either way, at one third the prei
mit cost, and by an expenditure quite mod
erately: within Utak ability, it needs no ar
gunient from us to enforce that policy upon
a claw who are understood to be quint esPe
ble of discerning and protecting their
' *lid
interests at all times. We Shall w
space in argureent, to prove to them what
they ought to do. We.need only to supply
to them the needful data,and from the estab
lished facts they will not only take the: in
struction but will act upon it.
We know that an expenditure of two
millions of dollars will give Pittsburgh a
mater-way to the Lake; to admit the passage
of vessels of at.least three hundred, and fifty
t one *atm. That means that the cargo
taken on at the Marquette dock can come
to the wharf at Pittsburgh without breaking
bulk, and eke aria. • And that mea ns ,
moreover; -an "instantaneous extinction , of
the onl4, formidable and really, th reatening
'elemetst in the competition of the trade,
restoring to She mills and forges of the Ohio
V - alley,
at one stroke, all t h e i r old pre-emi
49*!= , ••••- • 4 ••-: ,
• Two millions are; a large eten Otilickriey•
Yet that is a mere' bagatelle in the - . ,opulent
interests,9lllol:4lly, concerned in this region.
Ort - EirO masters "could . 0 1 4
lose every dollisras ninvestment of ,stock,
and yet be richly'retnunerated in themagnil'
cent trade which would rest once more With
in *erfietiF l **OirttrY•
TWO minivan of dollars ! Any new
-I , Tsi3t3Jiwg •
•A!A , zmlt Ivp3l)AT, 24, 1868:
sclieiteitamings m oderate degree of merit,
... .. ..... ,
can command tha t sum in a few months. is there any less promise, or •lest sure,
of golden returns- from the proposed en
largsment of the Erie Canal? We 'accept
Mr RoWisqvii' estimatefor ttie cost of "tha t
work As i ad engineer 'of experience ,
reputation, ho merits; and has, the mei
dence,Of our community. .The Stets touch.'
4ili thetiadelin,Lake Superior min' erahl are
also given Ipcin • urdmpeached authority,
The Minato connectionbetween
,the min
e.rals and our own millS .needot be dwelt
upon. : i The ~dangers Which ten our
sw i ms
initeiial Interests as IL ilantif liring centre
are equally palpable. Is not the- situation
one worthy Of general andpntetioil comb'.
For the t time lathe histo f of Indian
affairs, our vernnient has a ed,
the past'few months, dclearly Wined 'and
absolutely racticable policy tuWard the
red men. G ded;by all past experience,
and after the most careful eoi4deratiOn of
the question in ail its bearings, both present
and future, the Commission to which this
,difficult question had peen referred, and
which was composed , of citizens the most
familiar with' the Indian . character as well
as the natural resources of all 'portions of
the,,Tast territory: now haunted by these
roving tribes, have adopted - the proposition
to set apart a considerable portion of. this
area, as a permanent reserration for their
homes, and to cause the settlement of the
Indians thereupon with the least - possible
- delay. Wherever persuasion fails to accom,
plish their quiet and submissive removal,
it -has been definitely ' decided • that,
the requisltitompulslon shall be made use' ,
of. With these tribes—not a few of them
having dwindled to mere skeletons of bands,
but some.of them still remaining formidable,
in numbers and in the possession of im
proved arms—once removed from their de
moralizing and destructive contact with the
whites, and isolated by wholeiome restraint,'
On both sides; from both the perils,, and the
teniptations . of ,the present association, they
are 'to be the exclusive occupants of a terri
tory. so large and varied as to support a
purely nomadic existence, and which shall
also' be capable of meeting those new con
ditions which must attend their gradual
transformation' into an agricultural and-do
mesticated people.
Whatever justice there may be in the
criticisms which have heretofore unipar.
ingly condemlied our Indian policy,_meas.
ruing its equity entirely by the results
which have attended it, that policy has
steadily, exhibited one most creditable fea
ture. Whenever a reservation of lends
luis been made for the benefit of these tribes,
it has invarkably been respected by this gov
ernment, and as far as possible protected
against white Invasion. "The advance of
civilization, in diskprogress of our Settle
ments, has frequently made fresh rem Ovals
necessary, butl. .all cases the, absolute
rights of the red,men have been otherwise
respected, and such . changes liaye. been
accomplished by , treaties efitiefactnu to both ,
parties. When, therefore, the reservation
policy, heretofore contbu4to isolated tribes,
liiithue been eitended; to embraoe the en
tire nice on ail the' Westera Plains, and la
adopted ire a scale in all parieularkcorn
mensurate to their numbers, to the variety
of their tribal 'orgii&itiOne; said the 'pecu
liar requirements growing out if.their tribal
antipathies and , hereditary fends,: we are
justified in expecting that,-
. as the settled
wife) , of the Nation; it will be adhered to
with a "national good faith, aria - that the j
designated reservations will becareflilly and
permanently guarded from encroachment.
To this , policy, the I nd ians themselves
have not yet given n their assent Nor was it
needful that' they should. The duty was
ours to make the wisest provisions for a race
which is not qualified to protect or preserve
itself, and ,to enforce those' provisions, re
gardless of their natural opposition. And
this is ~i4:daY the position of the Indian
questi?n. A considernble number, of the
most powerful tribes oppose our liolicy,,and
are in arms
.to resist it! The merits of the
policy itself and tie efforts, of our military
arm for its establishment have been very
clearly, stated by Gen. Batsman, in , his re
port already printed, It appairs that
general Indian war is already commenced,
and that the tribes will not.sufeender with
out a sharp struggle. It is also evident that,
unlike all precedinglndianwars,this, instead
of being suspended by the approach of win
ter, is to be vigorously pushed without regard
to the anion. Glen. Summer; is evidently
of the Opinion-and it is sustained by ex
perience—that the' winter and not the ,sum-
es is the season 'when hostilities w ill, be
most effective against that enemy.' A. win
ter camPaign Is attended with greater bardi
ships for our own troops, but to the Indians
a defeat at this season is almost equivalent
to destruction: i It costs _more to give them
an effective blow, hut that bloi is moricer
min to be crashing. Generals Eimramatit,
ZEN and others, with a strong force:of reg
ulars and some volunteers from_ Missouri.
and Kansas, are pursuing the hostile bands,,
protecting the railways, guarding the ex
posed frontim% and preparing for the
speedy submission and care of the tribes as
they shall come )n - apd surrender them
selves. There may be expected some hard
fighting, but the , ultiMate result licertlin to
be that of the complete subjection of the
surviving, tribes„, and. the final ,establish
meat, durixig Gat:NT's admiPlitratiOni of ,
the new Indian policy.
A coLonun iitaw in North Carolina writes
. to the TriOune that the - ContentiOn of ne.-
groes, proposed to be held at ,Washington
on the 8d of March, is not called to set forth
grievances. Its object is—
To return our thanks tp . Most High t
and his instruments ' here on earth, 'WhO
have labored for the results. edt by
o:until election, and to consult with bur
Northern colored Aten, dldrancbisea, and
agree if pinsible upon some concerted Plan'
for future operations, the object being to:
mate them citizens.
The ;writer , adds no 3 griev
1 11 Well. Grant is PresiAnt."
- "'—'
m e:, .3 ~ ~ i:;wt...
Destruction of; the Ohio Lunatic Asyltuns
The conflagration at the Asylum resulted
In :the destruction ,of both wings mid the
main building of the Limitation, with the
exception of the portion used for , a kitchen,
carpenter shoo
-and engine room. The hos
pital, greennonSe and stables, which were
separate buildings, were not harmed. The
origin of the fire has not been definitely 'as
certained, though fit Is generally believed
that it was owing to a defect in the heating
apparatus. The officers of the institution
are unable to give any definite information
on the subject. It is probable that nothing
positive will ever be known regarding it.
The fire was confined for some time to the
northern portion of the mist wing, audit is
a' matter of surprise to many that it should
have been allowed to spread, when such a
result could have been - prevented If', proper
Measures had been taken. The building
had no roof, and it was under it that the
flames made their way from the east to the
west wings. Had the roof been cut at the
proper time, and a stream of water applied
to, the devouring element, by far the greater
pa i r - or ,building might , have been
sa , It seems also that, in addition to
the other misfortunes, two of the steam fire
engines were notit good condition, and did
very little service. ' '
The loss to the state Is about $500,000.
The walls of the Asyltim appear to be in
good condition, and, may poidbly not be in
jured so much kut that they may be, used
for rebuilding.
The Journal gives this graphic description
of the /rescuing of the worst class of the in
mates t
The flames had cut off communication be
tweenlthe extreme end of the east wing and
the main building, so that the only hope of
rescuing the worst class of female inmates
from their perilous position was by break
ing through the heavily-barred windows, or
cutting a passage way through the tin-plated
roof. Ladders were thrown against the
Asylum's walls,' the strong iron grating
covering the windows,was torn away, and
the shrieking-lunatics were tenderly taken
in the arms of strong; brave men, and borne
down the long ladders to the gaand. Some
were led along the steep roof of the Ob
servatory and thence handed care
fully down to a place of safety others were
dragged through holes cut in the ceilings of
their cells, and passing out upon the high
root of the main building, moved through
the storm-like spectres walking in the air or
upon the sea. Many .of these unfortunate
women were almost *direly nude. Some
had nothing on but their night clothing,
some had sheets or blankets wrapped about
their , heads; others with their hair streaming
in the wind, looked like furies let loose.
The feet of almost all were without cover
ing, and not a,few were without covering
upon the upper portion of their bodies.'
'fhe Jourrtai mentions Messrs.. Louis
Sieherrt, Thomas Kelly, Mr. Hawkins and
one of the Asylum attendants as conspicu
ous for their daring deeds is resetting pa
tients from the fire. The Statesman men
tions Mr. Siebert, Mr: S. S. Rickly and Mr.
Albert S. Ford, and details the following
thrilling exploit:
In his last visit to the fatal east wing, Mr.
Siebert° narrowly escaped death. Against
remonstrance he dashed through a sea of
fire, followed by a noble attendant carrying
the keys or the hall, until they together
reached a room, the door of which was al
ready found to be a sheet off' Mime. Dash
ing through, Mr Siebert directed the light
'of a small lamp, which he held in his right
hand, to the only -bed in the room, but find
ing. it unoccupied, sprung but in the hall,
telling the attendant that the room was not
occupied by a patient. On being assured
that the room was occupied, "Mr. Siebert
again entered, andcasting the light from
his lamp around the room, discovered a fe
male crouching in a corner, ready Pispritig
at his throat. In her mad rush at him, he
fortunately caught • her right hand in his
left, and throwing away the lamp, trusted
in the fierce ensuing grapple in the darkness
to secure her other hand. He succeeded,
and although a powerful nun, found it ne
cessary to exert all his strength in bringing
the inmate to her knees; in which position
he dragged her through fire and suffocating
smoke to a place of safety. The great ex
ertion of the : wrestle, together with the long
exposure to the suffocating smoke and gas
of the room, overcame Mr. Siebert, and he
sank fainting to'the floor. Dra Peck and
Smith immediately administered restora
tives, and in a short Wilelin.was again on
lila feet, and away toward the west wing.
In a room in the front building he found a
sleeping man. Extreme difficulty was ex
perienced in inducing him to getup and
follow to a place of safety, but by little good
tact it. Was accomplished. •
When it - became evident that the whole of
the beautiful building must be burned, the
fire slowly, yet purely, traveling along the
front building in close- proximity to - the
west wing, where most of the male patients
had their rooms, the necessity of the re
moval of all the insane became a subject of
anxiety. , •
- The ; females, inhabiting the east wing,
and the , eastern portion of the south front,
were cared for, by being Conveyed to the
Deaf and Dumb Asylum in omnibuses and
'close carriages of every description that.
could be got together. Someof them, forced
from the building, were wildly violent,. but
under the firm care and kind treatment of
the attendants, who for months had kept
watch land ward over them, the patients
were removed without much difficulty.
One old lady, we noticed, seated in a car
riage, rwas wild with excitement. She
seemed determined to get out, and strug
gled hard for that purpose. She was anx
ious tolgo to her room, now, alits,%a sheet of
burning flame. At this moment we noticed
a young lady of , some twenty years, who
rushed'; up to the carriage, and as, e clasped
her arm around the old lady's neck, in, an
endearing tone said: ' "Aunty, I have
Come to take care of you." In an instant
the old lady was subdued, and, as she buried
her face the bosom of her Mend, for such
undoubtedly she was, she murmured, "Yes,
yes, my child," and was led to a different
carriage, where familiar fiices greeted her,
With the confiding faith of .a .child with its
mothei. The female patients,were all taken
to thenew asylum for the deaf arid dumb.
• The removal of the male patients was a
work of more difficultly. Every description
of vehicle that could be pressed into the
service was inn in requisition. About fifty
of the number--patients of the wildest in
sanity, with a suicidal tendency—were re-
Moved to the hospital of the institution,
where they were cared for as well, if not
better, than could reasonably'have been ex
peetedunder the distressing. circumstances.
Over two . hundred and fifty, male and fe
male, were cared for at the Deaf and Dumb
'Asylum, whichwas promptly thrown open
for their reception. The deaf mutes were
transferred* to other portions of the building
and remain content with one-half
thaaccoMmodations previously eninYed_, yet
not a sign of murmur escaped them. Each
oneseeMedto feel as if upon his or. her ex
onions to 'make comfortable the strange
guests thus suddenly forced upon them, de-'
pended the reputation. of the Asylum for
It Is much praise to say that, Wild as was
the , condition of the patients, when thus
trarisferted—raving as many , of' them were,
and all terribly excited—by three b'elobk in
the morning of yesterday, and before the
Lunatic Asylum was entirely in ' flames, all.
the pis tient, thtui transferred to the Asylum
for maws were either asleep or quiet.
One poor Creature, agiri of ,about eighteen
whose arms were condi:led bemuse of her,
• mischlevi ous propensld es; beitig - breinght
out, called 'plteoutdy for - bar mother, and
died with the prayer on her li ps Unit she
might be allowed to lay her head upon
her mother's breast; "it pains me so," She
Thespecter inmate was the theme of nth
, versa! conversation among the masses
within the area hr rear of main en
trance, during the progress of the fire,
but a careful search by humane men soon
transformed the reported spirit into a poor
frightened lady, who, escaping death from
the crumbling halls, bad evaded her watchers
and with'wonderfnl agility had climbed to,
the roof_of the conservatory in the rear,;
where, in white nightdress, she nimbly
walked the ledge singing the *ldle; In ap
parent ignorance of the terrible doings of
the Fire King around :her. She Was remov- -
ed in safety. ::
The Trustees of the Southern Asylum, at
Dayton, will accommodate as zany as p3s-
Bible of the patients who wareburned out of
the Central J'PaYlate. A number of rooms
will beffitted up for that , temporary use of
abont one hundred of these unfertturates.
An addition, the Northern Asylum; at
Newburgh receives one hundred end twen
ty of these unfortunate beings. -
The Journal places ,the actual loss to the
State at $200,000j the kftatstmanat $500,000,
and all agree that the loss *Quid not hare
occurred had Columbus had water works., .
After the Asylum cisterns were exhausted`,
the nearest city cistern was "fully three
thousand feet away." -
The Governor will recommend in his
message. to the General Assembly, which
meets on Monday next, the imme diate re
construction of the building on the fire
proof plan.
The , Prep!dent Elect
General Grant and lira. Gra were called
upon by a large number of la dies and gen
tlemen, at their parlors in the Continental
Hotel, yesterday morning and 'afternoon.
About noon the .President elect, visited-the
venerable patriot, Horace Binney, at his ref,-
idence, 241 South Fourth street. Kr.-Bin
ney is nOw in his eighty-eighth year, and
wonderfully observant of public drains.
His interest in General Grant's elettion was
marked, andhis influence, always potential,
was felt over a large circle. Wholly re
moved from mere partisan aspirations, he
had no interest in the last great struggle be
yondiove of his impeyilled countrY.—Pha
adelphia Preto.. • •
Tan dispatch from New 'York that Gen.
Grant desired, before accepting an invita
tion to Evart's dinner,. to know whether
Randall, M'Culloch and. Welles were to be
there, as he did not wish :to meet either of
those gentlemen, went through ::each one of
them as if the current which , earae over the
wires continued its - course till it struck the
personstamed with a. miniature lighting
bolt. The aversion of General Grant to
social intercourse with these men arises
frOm their certifying to Mr. Johnson that
General Grant bad lied in his statement
about turning the War Office to. Mr, Stan.
ton. The feeling is most bitter against
Messrs. . Randall, 2d,'Culloch and Welles
who confined themselves to firrnishing
the written aversions' Mx. Johnson's want
ed.' But Randall went further, and among
the swarm of lobby men and low politicians
with whom ha is accustomed to think at the
public bars, he.did not hesitate to apply , the
tern' liar to General Grant. The General
knOtis of this, and his feeling of aversion
will be shared by all who know the men.
Tire Richmond Piapatth, with bz , nelty,
remarks that the speaking of lir. ely,mour
was "a freak of despair, and had no more
Influence upon the result than does the beat
ing of a tom-tom _over the bed of a dying
ON the first of January the LaCrosse
Democrat Will cease to exist, and in its place
"Pomeroy's • Democrat," ssnell at New
York, will appear.
• Cure Disetses of 'the Kidneys.
Cure Diseases of the Xidneyt.
• . Cure DiSeases of the Kidneys,
Cure Diressei of the Kidneys.
Cure Diseases of tie Bladder
Cure Diseases of the Bladder
Cure Diseases of the Bladder,
, Care Diseases of the. Bladder
Cure Diseases of the Urinary Organs
Cure Diseases of the Urinary Organs
Ctire Diaeases of the Urinary Organs
Cure Diseases of the Urinary Organs
This eelebrate.l Diuretic medicine can be found at
may drugglet and dealer in medicine. Prepared and
sold by GEORGE A. KELLY. Wholesale bruggist,
corner Wood street and Second mime, Pittsburgh.
It took the morld'nearly two thousand years to dis
cover and remedy one of the most fatal errors that
mankind has ever believed in. From the time of
. Galen, to a comparatively very recent date, it was
supposed that, in order to cute a disease, It was ne
cessary to weaken the already , enfi.ebled patl•nt by
artificial means. Bleeding. blistering, violent pur
. cation and salivation were the main relishes of the
faculty, not more than fifty years ago. Restoratives
were only administered as supplMeatarf agents,
after the lancet, cantharidek, islitp and calomel had
done their depleting work. Modern science hu ef.: / '
tented a salutary reform in medical treatment.
place of the nauseous doses once adMin in
cues of indigestion,. billiousness. constipatto doh .
headache.. nervousness, intermittent revs , ie.,
en with : the utmost confidence and the yripleskre-
Ault*. • The reason , why this adMirab a botanical
preparation has superseded the debilitating nelsons
of the old materks mallets - are limit? : it combines
the properties of a wholesome tonic, with those of a
gentle cathartic, an anti.blUlotielitenr. a nervine,
and - a blood depurent. Tlina,/while - it keeps the
bowels ee, regula
sustains liver, end purifies the
current or life. It the pivotal,' atrenstb of
the invalid, and by this means the expulsion of dis
ease and she restorstlo i t / i Of nonstitutionalvigor ge
e it tog's. her. ' f
At this season when / ntermittent and remittent
levers, with other Go .. plaints arising Irons a damp,
mephitic atmosphe ~ are prevalent, a course of the
BITTERS is the be t means of protecting the system
from an attack. , . • ,
W e feel, in whatever we say in its behalf. that we
aro conferring a benefit upon thousands of piople
who would be benefited by its use. Take any lartie
audience or gathering of people, pay attention for a
moment, and see if one out of every ten is not at-
Meted with a tiollgh. There' is no tough without
some difileulty of the throat or longs—trilling It may .
be at the outset,but gradually grow Mg more and more
Pisani, until the constitution, at aut. is , made to
oscura; to Its ravages; and what would have yield
edln the beginning to a few doses of medklue has
become a fbarful lesion, involvinf life Itself. • No
one can be too careful at this season of,the yam% to
the &rat premoultors of pulmonary disease, and
when a remedy like the one we have named, is with
in the 1112011110 of all; the salutary attvle . c which we
have given should not be dieregarded, Bold it the
great Nedlclne Depot,'l4o Wood street.
DIL KEY9ZWI3 asamarr oirnoz for LITHO
girBEZT. PITTSBURGH. 1,41: !AGO "run inn
9 A. N. UNTIL' 4 T.
A coasics - posmurr of :the , New York
Timm, writing from Galt= on the night of
the election o reporta the-following remarks
of General Grant, which 6osseatt. both po
litical and historical v alve: • -
"The morning that Lee surrendered he
rode out between the lines and I went out
and met him, and we had a couple of hours'
talk. Lee said he , hoped I would offer as
magnanimona terms -to the .other Confed
erate armies as his had received. I told him
he should, if lid wished to serve his fkiendi,
go to other armies in rozzeon and prevail
upon them to surrender. He said he would
wish to see Hr. Davis first. I didn't encour
age a conference' With lir. Davis, so that
suggestion ended. But : what wanted'to
call your attention tb wits th is: Lee thought
the Southern people would be perfectly
satisfied to give up all thizir property, ad
all they expected of the Government was to
be secured in life and.S tight to go back and•
unmolested to try to live industriously, and
peaceably In this Government. But as for
ever having any voice again in the Gotern
mom, or ezereiting 'political rights, *why'
they neither thought of nor espected any such
Tin Commissioner of Indian Affairs has
nearly completed his'rePort. He estimates
our Indian poptdatiomyexclusive of Alaska,
at three hundred thousaMi. They are rap
idly decrestfing in number, ;while some are
yielding to the advances of civilization;.
To make any real progress with them can
only be a work of time, patiently and hope
fully.prosecuted; of liberality on the part of
the Government, and faithful and prompt
fulfillment of all its obligations and prom
ises. He says the Interest in the red man
by benevolent and Christian organizations
is being abandoned. Schools and religious
instructions are not equal to the demand.
Air liortoica— Lae , • Sato" , ••Lass,.
"Want., ”Y1m0u1,, ,, "Roan:Ulm" AE., net es.
ocean, 70 OR .1.111.88..aeh will be Ourerted tAomi
00/tanne OWAN for 2'WHRST-Fin! 08378 ; lac
eidditionea /foe IYS •CEN TS.
TurANTED- A few young-ladies
T to learn TELEGRAPHIne. Por terms and
particulars address 11.11. GA.ZETTZ'oIaft.
wANTED"-A first class Wonsan
as Cook at?-the TPLlSkiltkPil 11E8TAtra.
AR'''. No. 101 Third street. ,
G u s mentOmce No Bt M C akriSdrse olempioyy+
road. ' Persons 'wanting help of all kinds can be
supplied on short notice. •
NER—A. farmer's son, 19 year* of age. Does
eessed*ot a good- education wanta'a_place to learn
the - Tuning business. L. B. M.. ,90x 64, West
Andover. Ohio. _ _ • '
ANTED-;-Agents Male and Fe
• male,lbr ilLsr Book AMERICA BEFORE
AFTER, THE .LOOD. First numberAst Out.
Aanaip—A few active, crier
getio men for,agenes Ina well establisbed
Due nese. Apply soon to W. P. Hi.PUD, No. 89
Fllth avenue. - '
1020AIIDINA gentleman and
A.). wife. withoniebildren.. can be accommodated
with an unfurnished room and bo.rdatg btmaking
inquiry at No. 74 " MARTIN bTBILEC2, A l legheny
with boanifr.g In bones net oneas t an
ad by eallincat It o. ItOBMISON
Allegheny. • .. • • -
ant roMn, Witbboard, sonata/3 fot g_entlernan.
and wife, or Aso young trentbrman at 68 - 7011RTH
eTREF:r, Also, a few day or dinner boarders can
be accommodated.- Reference required.
eveIOST—.A. Nutt -,.:eute of. the
Pleasant Vallee Rallway Care on SA.TIMDAY,
mber lilac The nder will be rewarded by
leaving It at.No.,IIINORTHAITZNUE, Allegheny
,OST—On Wednesdefic the lith
inetant:n 111/1176 AND L YES VOLtuarD
D , Uolnterkbad DO LL. collar with . name of N.
WILLULste. Flys, A. 8.13 will be
given for his return told"- MeKIONNA; Brass
Founders, No. I.slBand LBO Third street..
ix LET—House in:Allegheny--
rooms and hall. rent 11.15 Der month.
re of JOHbSTON d JOHNBTON,-1f0.131...Dhr
mond street, Plttaburgh, .or • .110. 90 Manhattan
street. Allegheny. . • . '.. •
r)L10- LET--TIFV — 0 well: finished
beaten, witti eight , and ' eleven roads on
iHHTH STRiatT near Peen.: .11tatdre at lair
LET—Tlitro tiutiOhed roollous•
wuk or: h
without board. .ply at 3* HANEY,
, next door to Marble Work a.
O LET Part' of. &good HOMO.
~j l . pleasant location. within , Bs.+ minutes wall*
the Polionloe. RI a party Who will board a mutt&
wife for the rest Address N. W. Wasn't! office.
910 LET =Two uniturniehts
rooms. with board. to gentleman and wheat
single gentlemen. at 58 rzßum BTBZET.
. _
Teo LET—A - furnished Sleeping
• ROOM, suitable for oes or .twoireetlemert,
t house or a. private Ounily, 'NO. NIXO LACOCK
STREET. Allegueny city. r•
TO LET- T Tsvn story dwellin
home 6t Na .738 Int 13 EV CI
FT. Flr Ward," Allegheny. Inquire of
JOHN ROSS. County Treasurer's Mee.
O LET—ROOMS—With or 'with"!
out hoard, Ili a pleasant 'location, No. it
e oral street, Allegheny 0117, on second or third
floors. •
O LET--BOOMSwith Board=
ING.—Boveral, farauuted or ttafaruldied
R ID with first duo board in g; at No. 288 PENN
Q 'two—tt n s.e. roo.
!thin squareitot the Portoffice bBEIT .
• LD STREET. Address 'L. M.. 0423Trs wax!.
4110 LET—That beautiful. new
A. brick dwelling bongs, ifo. Salk. Oh i o Avenue,
near Baglers.Lane, tiontalns 8 roams, bath room,
finished tittlo,. good dry cellar, fitted -up witti_m i
-water and miser orierenienees. Apply at
osocztpr, 58 Palo .5.R0 street, Alb
.BBehr city. ' •
a. —s 4l l . l)er acre will
!qt. f
i l lail Ou e acres Ai z t o l l i ! S ty l e
P. Pt. W. a o, H lb acres cleared. 25 acres In'
timber, all underialdWith coal' good house or six
rooms and all necessary ontbuildlngs, orchard of
4410 trees. at. varieties of fruit, *ell-watered lir,'
springs and a running stream, warm sandy soil,
convenient to schools - churches within Smiles.
and 'a good neighborhood.; The owner humored
west, otherwise It could not be purchased' at the
above Price. Terms easy. Por further narticulua
call im or sddress °Rory& PHILLIPS, Heal Estate
Agents, 139Yourtit avenue.
OROUNDC—A desirable suburban residence
and four sores of ground. located four miles from
the city. adjoining the Borough of BELLVilltlfr. and
within three minutes walk of a SWIM cm the P.
Ft.-w. The house is a new doable frame.
built and dubbed in modern style: could's nine
rooms. large hall. kitchen and two rooms in finished
attic: pump of excellent water at kitchen doors. all
necessary out buildings- and an abundance of fruit.
The , grounds ate tastefully arranged in walks and
planted with a variety of shrubbery.. The kens°
stands' upon an' eminence. commanding an exten
sive View of the Ohio' liver and surrounding
'try, and is one of the most beautiful locations to be
'band. The prop..rty is also accessable by the New
Brighton read. For :further particulars ipplza
CROFT PHILLITti, Real Estate Agents, Nu. I
Fourth avenue. _ • :
PROPERTY—Thgdealiableipronerty onTBOS
ET. near BUTLER STREET Lawrensevllle,
now oemabled by the subseriber; lot 42 by 100 feet .
comfortable MOdin/I two story brick house of sik
rooms. good cellar, wish Roue. - Price low ant
terms any if sold soon, Apply on the prom:MISS
ED WARD'SEASEIL • • • - - '
Fut , SALE—FAR9I.-400 acres
of good. Land, situated In Penn pp.. if!sto•
moreland county. two miles from Irwin Station. on
the Penns. R. It. Improvements, hewed lug rotes°
In good remit. bash barn and otder outbuildings.
Terms Moderate. _Enquire of W. WILSON.
mer's Station. or R. A. HOPE. Penn Station.
IOH SALE—A . . Melodeon and
STOOL, that hay...been very Elttleased,_and
lk cost . a few raoaths ago 008._ TrreY erel be
sold very eheap. Address O. It. 0. GarXITZ offlee.
FUR- . EIALJE-A new noose Witt
seven rooms,' water 8.131161 and taws
co.' at the corner' P And:livo , " 4
4;4 W.:Mit, To alike DAM