• Ovvron or Tan Prpronnvoit Gissirrzi ldoorna7r,, November 23;1888. • , 1 , • There is a, firmer--; feeling in. Flour and Grain in corW.o9Peoo of.. the improved Character of, the advice*" from. abroad, but thus far there has been no increase in the volume of .I)i:winos, and ,no perceptible .. . ''• change inpzicelLA - • APPLERIPITEid" es at 70 to 75 in, kegs, and 80to-135 incrooks. " APPLES-In good deniand and market is ateady:with.Tegular sales at #2 to $4 per . BITTTEIit-flevilettotut steady. th Mu - • lar sales ofpriine to oh* Roll 38 to 40.: ItßisS-,lo.,lietter i pply, - ;" - ' of prime , ill saill • small'Whithat 1375 t s 4.per.)) el. • . [ BIICKWEIRA.TF ' flit= he is, tetter'and.btit :little-- dilllonit.y_le exPer i . cnced in isellin at 434•Cta: -..., • '- - - CRANBER took in' this' market almost: , exbatiated.% - Quotations t. may be; .; • fairlyn at 120 to 25iita to quality; : . • CH ES S .- la quiet and unchanged at 17 for Hamlint „inid 19 44) Wafer iikashen.. • CID ; Sweet _Cider" in good de. wand at,lB to IR per obi of 40 gallons. • Com-, mon is notWanted.'• ' , A - c • , DRIED ITtLr'r,,:The/.demand is :tether better but prices are . oPohaoged. Peaches. ' 1210 r quarters , an d Ilifof , halves, A;pples„, -, • Ei3GBl.:•Jtncliiwged at 984). , - ' .." • • POTATOES-4kaadYWith sales of Peach Blows; by the, carload,- at 750 in bulk; •and • .so to 85a sacked. , -: Jersey Sweets 16,50 to V . . per bbl and scams..; •- ' 1 . •, • , • . ELaY-lieled.., don - Um/es very dull, and with, atipplylargely in , excess of the de, .. mend; we continue , to 'quote at $lB to 125; ..- as to quality: .. .- - • . ONIONS--Continte very dull; • may be, `quoted at 11,45 to $1,50 per bushel, as to' uality. " ' „ " Q - HOBEINY--Sals' " at' $6,50 to the trade, __and $7 in a retail way. ' • • GRALM-Tbere is a stronger feeling in the Grain market, but flits far, there is no perceptible improvement in the demand, and no important change in, prices: ' Wheat has advaneed materially in the west within a day or two,. but here . there is little or nothing doing, and. p rices are nominally _ unchanged .--: Oats . . Oats steady; may be quoted at Bee, in first hands, and 62 t0.63c, on wharf anditi devator: ;Rye ia nonlinal at $1,37 • to $1,40.: New C orn is-dull and unchalig.ed at 65 to 75e; ailo quality_ and condition.". .4 , , Barley la firmer, - taidthere -IS rather More inqntry• to-day; -,prime'-Penna. 'and :Ohio Spring may now be quoted at $l,BO to 11,85, . :• and Fall at 11,95 t01W.... , TALLOW-4as' shade s lower end • prima 11 rendered , ciiritait.• fairly,- he quoted ' above , i •• • THEIIBI-13a lorto -the trade at-75 fol. Live Geese . Feathers, , 1 /..q 41 ' 1 0) t ,4 : 0 '.: 85 f° l ' =hail lOta - in fitere; ..- , .- • PEANuTS-4-Dtdl,tlie market being Over. - stocked; oifera to sell at $2 per bushel. -. large supply; wa ' • ' • nOte small' sales at $4,00 per barrel. - " ' - • . - • . --FLOUR-7a considerably firmer; andthe :demand ifs :,•hOter, though,- ne__' - yet, - prices' are without - Otiotablei eharig'e. We-continue to: .quote:. Spring Wheat brands atr to 18, for .faii to choice, and Winter Wheat tit $9 to ir9,50: Rye Flour 18,25; ThePesui 'Yk lliprices are for Extra, Filndly in bbli, 19,90 and in. . ... sacks so.6oper libiflldubliinstra FECOY in barrels 110,40.' and in sacks 110;10 . per t' bar: ' - nil; City • Mills quote priCes as follows: -Ratia , ...Family, , ,tu-barrela r -419,80, , and in ea -$9,50; Deuble _Extralamily, in bar.. re16:116,30,,1ind in eacks;slo piii.bbl. - ~, I'aILSKY - ..-.la ; Aniet ;Aunt unchanged at. 41.20 'forldtbHigfiwuies and Rectified. : • .LARD.-,16 scarce and lir good demandi. with rekular aal'eti all7c. - ' ' • , _ LARD-0,1L 7 _,N0. 1, Winter, strained is 46,11.1.qiioted at $1,60;. • - - ' '•" -, • '.IS PORK-Dull and lower; 'sales` of new at $27 per bbl' --•••' , . N . ew Tart Produce Market. . . • ter Tetesrept to tho Pitteholgh Mutate. 3, NEW: YO.rarg NOVember 23,--Cotton. Srm , or, with trfair businessr - sales, 3,200 bales at . . - 24ixa25.3 for middling uplands.. Flour—re- - celpts, 27,160 bbls; market heavy, and fa --7,,Ortiig bUyerse,hiles,', l 43oo ,liales . at• s44oa , 1480 for superitnkStatennd western; $8,25 - 118 1 70 • for` extra 'State; $8.20a7,25 for extra western; 57,90a9,75 for white wheat extra;' , ;6155g91 forat.llLo447for extra St. . - Louis; $10011,50 tor to choice dot.olos -" ing dull; California our dull et 56, 75a10. roo tOalto 4 , Bye flour Arm, with isles 260 bbls at 16a8. Corn Meal quiet. -Whisky . encherigedmith —sales 100- bbls - vrestern; IraNat'SlM ll ; oB . Wheat—recelpti, 30,427.bu5h; sales are in favor of buyers, with a very .moderate •ex ten Xnd speculative 'denitutd; -stiles 70,000 ', ash at $1,484,50 for No.aspring( $1,62 for --.- Be.':l do; : $2,15 for. No; 2 white Milligan, and about $1,70 for winter red Canada, in , bowl.: IV! without, decided - cd sales ' 000 bush wesiernit 111,38o1;40. , Barley imorenctive, with;sales , 31 000 bush at $2 for State; s 2 , os ,Canadeßestive,2o,9anada West. ~ Marley Malt it tittlet, -and Baled tire resorted ' • of 1,700 bush'at $2,208245. ',Cern — mg re ceipts amounted;to 8,507 bush and the mar= kit' is Without any decided • things: dales 'were 'Made of 53,000 basit'at $1,014‘1„10 for unaound; $1,11a1,15 for sound mixed west ern; 4,405 for new, mbite--Southern; 51,21 for western yellow delivered. Oata..,re ceipts were 16,171 bush; there is a moderate .- 'speculative detest* salsa were . made of - 78,000 bash at 70a710 for western. ThErfol losingisthe amount ofgridn in warehouse: Wheat, 2,858,273 bush; rn;2,433,50i bash;, 1 4)ats',' -2,268,417 bushilt if 100,850 ) bush; - Barley,- M 438 bush, at, '32,523: bush; Pea 5,72,021 bush. Bice is dull at Ba9c for .;Carolina.; ;Coffee-400 is lii good i demand :and Steady; 4600 bags sold on p.private terms. other kinds dull. 'Sugar s Bitle more ac tive and steady; sales of sao Nide Cuba at, • - 1121440,and - 525' has Havana job private ternis. )golasses dull. and. ,h6avy. Hope quiet fit 15a2.5d tor. American. Potroletuo; , cruditnoininal at 13 1 4819 c; refitted Aonded excited ead" higher, with sales of 500 bbls at 38c. 'Linseed Oil quiet at,9511970.t • Spirite Tupentine firm at 4734a48%c.P0rk Very . :dull; sales of 460 bblaats27,7sa23 for mess; -doling with Wraith asked; $28,25828,51if0r old do.; $27,25a27‘75 for 1868-'9 4104 1.21,59 a X 2,50 for prime; 522,00a25 for prime mesa.: Beef heavyr sales 'of 110 bbls at 11ft.16,50 ....for new-plaix44l6a.2o.for,,new.oxtra Mess. Tierce Beef dull atl37aBo 'for prime,mess; 430a34 for India mess.: Beef Hams quiet; ,:Aisles of 7,0 bbls at ; $29a2900. Cut .Fdeats firm; , eeileie of 140 pkgs at 12a12l i c for shoul - 41ers, 12abk: for hams; middles, 41211 and • unchanged., Lard heavy;'sales 'Of 550 tea at 15a163443 for. Wain,. and ,1631i1750 for kettle -zenderedr also, ,1,000 tea steam , at - 14,16, seller, January, and:at . seller, • Februarys Butter. steady at -27a40e for Ohio, audAoasoc•falState. Cheeae OW at 14a18c. . Freights to Liverpool more Motive; • with engagements for 8,500 bus wheat, per ,steamer,. at 7 Xd. • • , A • LATzsz,Flour Closed dull and &slower • on medium and common .grades. - Wheat Quiet and inbuyerii 7 favor. at $44fia1,50 for '.No 2 spring. R ye firm andldoderately ac. tive, at $1,40 for western. ,Oats steady, at 70a70Mc in, store for western. gun .quiet, - , at 11,12[1,141x for sound-mixed- western in store and afloat; 'Pork''Aulet,''st: W. for mess. Beef end , :heavy. Meats quiet , without r decide& change.: 'Bacon • „nominal., Laid cloied heady; l6 3ols3.4'4o for.fair to `prime, riteariCy - r , quiet !Ind i: Steady: • ,-"- • . • „..,.:.:- , ;: , :::• - • - ,:i,',I1Dlliiii9kiwaliiiketig.-: , ''.4 - -03'.7A0-1-rki'si:o;ooo:4o.****3...,.:, , BlmwsanrawNhvember 23.—Flour quiet and stead pikes' unchanged. Wheat unsettled .• 111it_,26for . ,No; l e zand 11,17 for No 2. Oato steady at 48e. ter No 2; 4 : Cora ,tßye /. Barley nominals , -BeMpte-2,000 • bblallour; 55,000 littalt';,!whiat; bush .oats,"4,ooo,bush corn, 4;000' busk rye..-800 bush barley.; Shippients,-18,000 bbletlour. 13;000 bush buph tits,. 2,000 , et. _ Louie Cattlo Market- , • Sr rittelturiafflA • sr.' Loral% 'av—tioga active and Wad* 114_1(7c._:;Cattladeady, at:s)4l Co for"fair to ohoiceit lilbOtEVl2asPetlielth - - • V.. rsPehif Ne'l%':,lo/4c .. . .' • i_. Gold Closed at-134%... , CB; Teistesph to he Pittabaras (*ulna?? . ; ..I§Tior Yomrilievember.23, 186& _ , , . Jaws! . AND GOLD . . • • Money . OpeiVed eas) , :at '4@6 per cent. .on at ealt. 'Prinitii discounts • - 749. Sterling' . _ .. Armat 93i@gt)g. Gold apaned at 1.343‘,,m4 closed stropg at' lug. \ - , , . Governments are active • andyhigher. Conpons of ,1881 1 1 /4%®114il dei'o2,// 2 Fl./4i;. d0.,! 6 f,'1073f0.1}771i:- do. 'O4 .. 1 0 3 Li 081 ,1 -. now , do., .1103‘1011.0%:,, do, , '6 7,. 10fi li e .;do..itc:;loxol.l.l.i m t.44:61, itgy,r4 i - -1 • - si.vra Boirne: ' . '\' .stsit.4 6716 'oxin; Iktitiscktris, 13034; Old' Tennestkis,7o; neis%'do.;'6B,2o3Bx; old Vir: , :, W ee, 6034: new d0.,57@593i; 'old ;North' BTOOB.B. Stocks opened dull end lower,but the de cline soon reebvered,"and advance - established, New York - Central reaching 12fn 'Hudson, 12738; Erie, 42X; •andl'acific Merket_closed steady end. dull. The joint Committee of Stock ,Boarde on Erie settled on no, definite report and ad jporned till Wednesday. , • • 4:40 PittoAi:-.4stunivrOlici• 403 @4 03 binton, 601550%; ' Wells Express, r 2Ty.(9 27x; Atherioan,` 440345; Adams', 493; ® 4 '%: United States, 4655(gi47r Merohints 'Union, 2042;i2034; Quicksilver, 2.15‘@24%; - Marlton, 5447; preferred, 21K4g24 Pacific Mail, 118@)117; W. U. Telegraph,•B6l4© SOO ; Hartford , nri,d, Erie, 2834; New - York centriili- 124 ii@1 24 5; 425(.@42x; do. • preferred,- 62; JilaagOnr; 1 2 7 X@IWW, Terre - Halite, 893(®41; do. preferred,, 6Ch, Reading; 9 9 9938 0. & 30'g®Sl; Wabash. 58®683„ do. preferred 0 ; , St. 'Paul, 637%; do. preferred, 84X®83,1; Michigan Central, 118; Micthigan Southern :•:(088,f,; Illinois Central, 1424143; ' Pita , 6•7.‘@87516 Toledo, ,100%®100%; Roolslandi 106X®107;-Northwestern 84X @as; • do. preferred, 875‘@87%; , Altom ,1463 do. preferred, 146%; Burlington and Quin-, cy, 16934; Lake Shore, 983 i; St. Joseph pre..., ferred,'9o. MINING AS!'D COP P ER STOCKS Mining shares M •Boston: 'Calumet, 50; Copper Falls 12; Ilmcock, 83i; 7, TREASEMI - 71FLECA114 . 8. Receipts, $2,587,770;' payment 5,11,651,1434. balance, x,506;830.. Chicago Market. C„fly Telegraph to tha Pittebtulth Gaiette.3 -cmcAno, — Brov. .- .Eas tern exchange fiimiliatisteadY at par buying , 1-10 selling. 'Flout in goody equest and firm; spring ex tras $5,75a7,75t 1 Wheat active and low er; sabmi No. I:at $1,80a133;"No. 2 111,18%a 1,15 X, 'clotting ,at_•111,1311S1,14: sales No. 2 this 'afternoon at 4 1 1 141 11•1434- •Cornr-old xrumiertatAr active and lOwersfet-No. 2; sales No ,1. at c; No. .2 85c; new shelled 56a "5830; kiln dried 720 for,' NO. 2, arid 70c for ndected, closinr nominal at 850 for No. and 58a58)93 for new shelled; 'sales No. 1" sine the change at 84c. Oats active and firm; -sides N0..2 at 47a4734c: Rye-scarce, firm and 2a3c higher; sales at 11,1281,14if0r , N4l4l.`and $1;10 for. No.' 2, closing at the ,outside far Na, 2. Barley excited and - No. 2 °Pepe& at $1,60, advanced to 81.70 . ancitill back and closed at *IA for regular _aridll,67 for fresh _ receipts. gighwinet3 quiet' at 03e ',Provisions( firmer and More active; Mess pork at p23,50;' mess or dinary:Mfrump'pork $23:.a icit of 50 bbls, Sellers for Jimmy, sold at 120,25. Sweet Volried- hams quiet at llqall e;1 green :isms 10101030;- 'shoulders 7cn dry salted shoulders BtoB3ict; short rib middles 1134 c ;, rough sides 10340 •• Freights very quiet at 8c on corn per sail, and 12c wheat per steam Buffalo. • Receipts for the , past forty eight, hours-4,781 bbla flour, 50,012 bu `wheat, 6 2 , 285 bu corn, 24;604 bo oats; 885 bu rye , 'B,OBO bu barley. .7,293 hogs. isnip theme-4678 bbls flour, 17;875 bu wheat, 713,868'brieorn, 4,025 bu' bats, B,6ll*bn - rye, 25,848 ha barley,-6,862 hogs. • St. 'Louis Market, CB• TeleAzapb to theßlttiburgltkipette.l Sr. Loins, November 23. . Tobacco actiie but unchanged. Cotton sold at 220` for middling. Flour quiet-and unchanged, at 0,00a5,60 for AuPernnetio,oooB.76 for extra; 17,75a8,00 for double extra, and 19,50 for treble eitra. 'Wheat - 'declined saloe 'on high grades; And - 10a15c on medinm: and low - qualities; • fair to.. strictly prime red sold at' $1,35a1,65; choice to fancy , do 11,70a1,90; prime to fancy white $1,70a 3,95; *lnk scare& and' wanted; at $1,25i 1,27 for choice.' ,Corn scarce and higher, at 83a83 4c - for . new ',mixed and old, and, 900 for old yellow and' white. Oats firmer at 52a55c; ftncy 57c. Barley steady, at 11,130a' 2,15 for:prime' to choice 'lowa ' and Minus). sotti spring. Rye steady at 111,15a1,18. Pork dull; and very lzttle doing, at123,25a. 24,00." 'Balk' Meats; , shoulders 10c; clear sides 14e. ..Bacon; demand; the market is nomlital t at 12aL2)ic for shoulders; 17Na 18c for clear sides, and 16%a11e ,for 'sugar . cured barnscanvaseed. ,Lard ; dull and' heayy, 14a14193 - for Prime to chines tierce. 'Whisky; buyers stood off for lower prices;' small.' sales at. 9034 c. Receipts— Flour, 4,000 bbbs; wheat, 26,400 bush; corn 4,300 bush, oats, '7600 bush; barley, 4,606 bush; rye 2,300 busht hogs, 8,825:: ChiehuAttiMalin• [By Telegraph so the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CuterswAit,' November. 33.-Flour and grain quiet and :unchanged. Whisky .stcau.ly, at 97c. :Zotton° firm at. 22y,cc for, middling . ;Green , meats dull at .75tal0c bulk'. ' , bleats VaMo lower, and slew de mend; shoulders 9js'o, and ,clear rib and clear sides 1831354 c. ;•Larcl in moderate de- :wand at 14V,a1.50 for. Prune steam and ket tle rendered: Old sugar= cured hams Very dull:at 15a150, no old baoon in the Inarket v and the prices are nominal.: Sugar , firm Rod-in • fair 'demand 12y 4 a15c for raw., 06ffeesteady at 21a2fc; sales of • 800 bags. Apples in fain:-demand at 53a5 per barrel:, Potatoes firmer; they are selling from store at , BBa9oCg per bushel. Flax , Seed dull at, .112,00: Nothing doing in grass seed: Butter :firm at 135a88c,i end' the supply a , :better. Eggs at 82c. Linseed 011 dull at 9k.`Lard 011tirmitt41,25a1,80. Gold 13434, buying. Exchange 'dull' at per cent.; discount,. • buying. ; Hogs steady; and inlaid 'demand • at 57er,50groes, 18,75425,th° latter an 4;x trothe rate for extra large. 2 The - receipts Since Saturday have amounted "MOO head. • 'Cleveland =Market.",* - • (Br:Telegraph to the Plitsb• rich Eputetted CLiimlAND,"Novetober 23:—Flour steadY and unchanged; city:made $11,25a11,60 for treble extra white, $9,50a9,75 -- for double extra amber. $8,26a8,50 for , double extra red, $7,50a7,75_ for ' double extra BPrinft; 'country =aide mien . 48a8,75 - Or double 'extra red tuld - amber 87a8 for double;axtra spring, an dn sloalo,7s`for doable extra irhite.. Wheat;' sales of one car No. 1 red at /1,80, .and one car No. L spring at /1,80. • Cern - sales of 2,000 bus at 95e... Oats held , at b7a 58e. Rye nominal. -Barley—no sales and market entirely nominal. - Petroleum— market 'firm and abtive; 'reflied, in round' .lots held at 28427 e- in small lots at 27a290.' `Undlle Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., • LoursVlLii,'" November 23.--Tobseco scarce and firrd at 634a25 for lugs' to *else tions. 't Cotton 2130.- Superfine. flour 15;25 136 . 00, ' Wheat 41,65111.90 t f: .Corn 50a55e. Oats Maas. Aty511.430a1,82. ,1•0 0, 15 5 1 0 X. Mess Pork W,50a24. Bacon shonlders 1234 e- - clear rib" sides 17e, bulk shoulders coYalOcy olear;rib - sides • li3Mal3Ke, clear sides 14414 1 4 e. Whisky, raw, free; 07e. - Hogs 57,5 7 ,oogrOsa, and 59,50 not. DetiNdt iliarket. • my Telegraph as the Pittsburgh Gazette.] k 'DArriton, 'November' larger eldest 'grades at '11,7685,54X 'Oholee, *trader' dull: Wheat gowei, 1: 'white,' 111.88; No. .2 white;.sl,73 ; No. amber, I 11 65 . Dressed hogs , gulet, 18,00a8,75. msparitairciAttnt:i wdstflit. - 1144' Via tittle Dhabi: tßrleteasaitito•tbelPutiliitrimtisaette.i Niw Your, Novenibit 23. The tnarket , , for bee cattle - ndes Moderately tictliebnd firm: O n the day follawing ' sir' last , re port, and \on ,Wednesday at ; the'NatiOnal, tirdie s ,Yai4s, -whore o ff erings aggrePted .900- head, it we; XaSic higher at theopen, log, but dull and heavy ,st the close; though • higher, thaii .the date of'the last report; prices ranged at, thitiog, the latter ' for- Choice: On Thursday the arriVals were' - 'cant and prices Were`nominally unchanged during ' -the balance \ or the week,;, With moderate arrivals and fair • demtuid the ,'market was Mille "steadY\ athe aboVe que-; tbins to-day, with moderate. Offerings; there Hbeing about 2,600. head and a fair , demand;" ' market, wasateady at 4.00.634, the, ulk Ist.lo4l}gc. .The , following are thtquotei , ticMs : ; :ex - tra,lll,4f. prime, 'lbial63‘; fair . to ‘10 01 11.141.fa1q4,t didiParY L L'l2l‘4l.3,,W Info rior, llall%c;7receirrts, s,32stesid;. - Sheep 'and Lembe'du s tlng thelbrepart ofthe'Week .were' fairly active sand veryl9l'M tbriOxi stoOlt, , but 'dell and ' heavy kr common. Sheep 434stfix and lambs 43118. On Wednes daY, end,, during the balance Of the week,. arrivals were luite,liberal and only , a mod- Srate_f_dememi... Prices, were lower; ;ludo; ularly for cOmmon ;stock, .syhich pos4 . the bulk of.; the,, offerings, ' closing one Saturday , at about 8,4a63‘ for commcnito extra sheep, and 634a734c for To-dtty the market welt m.ciderate- I active and ',prici3s steady,' with 'a tair saL upply; sheep sold at 4y(1163ic and 1amb5 630.7344. Receipts ! for the week-41682 head swine; immechatalysubsequent Lathe last report the market declined we under , free reesipts and a light demand; the sales being from 8 to 8lic; these prices were • re alized up to Saturda,y,' when the arrivals Main about 2.700' head and the demand slow, prices receded about Mc, closing at 7y,aB3.ic per pound for all \ grades. ' To-day, the market was active and full, prices ob tained, sales beingat BaBy,e; the Offerings were 3,200 head at Portieth street , and 6,807 head. at Comrcnnipsw. Receipts for the week-36,322 head. Philadelphia ,Market t ‘, By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh eazette.) PHILADELPHIA, • NoV. 23.—Clovirseed, $6.60a7,25; receipts small. Flaxseed, $2,60i 2.00.. Flour inaCtidh; holders firm; lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota extra family, '57;50a8,25; Ohio, ' $9,50a10,15. Wheat in' no • demand • excep t ~for for prime; sales of 4,000 bush fair and prime red at $1,90a2,10; - am= ber -St 42,15. • Itye,adyanced to $1,6281,55. Corn scarce and in good demand at an ad vance: sales of 5,000 bush. old yellow at $1414. mixed westprnat $1,24; new at RM. O 67a71c. Groceries ,unchanged. Pe troleum feverish:" refined, 20%a30c. Pro. vgsions and whiskey unchanged. ' \ • -TOlpcto Market. CrjilolitaTib to the Nigh Garotte.] Tonerno,'sNovernber 23.—Rece4)ts —1;742 barrels flour, - .14,826 bushels wheat, 2,864 corn, 11,800 1 •bnehels oats. Shipments— . 3,636 barrels - flour,' 15,818 bushels wheat. 11,149 bushels corn, 7,300 bw3hels oats. Flour quiet. "Wheat without material change; tales of, white Michigan at $1,90; amber a 151,754,76 No. 1 red at $1,73; La porte spring, $l,lB. Corn' /c better; No 1 at 93a9534c, new, 75c. Oats lc bettertNo 1 at; 54c; - .No 2 at 52c. Rye bettor; 'No lat 11,16a1,20. Barley dull. yreights nomi nal; be to Buffalo. , o • • ; ' lialtiniore Inartet ? • Ity'releselph to the Pltttberell oasette.y .. , B.Lurietoks, November 23.—Flour quiet and steady, but not quotably higher. Corn .firm; sales:of new at 95calli c yellow south ern 01,05%1,10. Oats dull at 70a76e. Rye nominal. Mesa Pork.quiet at 128, 0 0. Bacon firm. ShOulders 1434a130; rib tildes /9 1 411 18gc; clear sides 183ic- Hams 19a20c. Lard dull at 1734ta28c. Clts*etraph to the Pittsburgh Goiret t'Mmais, Nov. 21—Cotton is in fair de mand and firm 'at 24%a22yc for uplands; , receipts 2,232, exports-3,518 bales. • -Flour• at 15450. Corn at .70a75e. Oats at 60a62c. Eby at.flest22.- 13ran at- 22aM0.. Pork at 325. Lana Ifia 18c.- Etacon.dull ago ,fqr shoulderpAnd laitl.BM for plear aides. - PITTSEIMELi WAYNZ AND Oatmeo RAmuoass. NoVember 23.-7 cars metal, • Nimick • it -:Co; :ldo. do, J Moorhead; 700 bbls flour, 1 oar middlings. J it•W Fair/ey; 200 /Slots flour, Shomaker it Langenbeim; 5 cars rje, IS Finch a. 00; 2 oars wheat, T Moore it:Son; 175 bbls flour, Watt, Lang it . Co; Scars corn:o H 4s,4ertan; 100 bblis flour, & Shipb3n Wallace; 1 car oats, '1 do corn, P Duff it • Son; 2 do 'wheat, D Wallace; 10 bales broom• oorn, E ' B Mathews; 1 case saws, Hubbard it. , Brcri 10 tea lard, J H Parker; 1 roll:leather, A •.Holstein; 1 box, 11 bbls mdoe, 2 his selasawere, Wallace, Cavitt at Co; 2 do do, Fahnestock, Fortune it Co; A bbls japan, 2 bxs drugs, 3 eke • lead, B L Fahneatock r it Co; 1 car wheat; J Liggett &Co; 106 skit, 75 bbls flour, Keil it Itirclut; 1 car middlings, Bricker & Co; 4 bbleiserappOnes it Laughlin; 2 cars attires,. M P Adams it Erci: 2 bbls eggs,. 2 do elder, 2 do chestnuts, 2 bf• bbla butter; H Rea Jr; 8 bbls scrap iron, •Mallins ' it- Maloney; 12 aka rags, Beymer, Bauman & Co; 17 kegs apple batter; Graft' &Better; 1 bbl Cider, 1 Elk-cornmeal ) G N Hoffstott; la eke J W Thbrsby; 2 blobs:butter, 1 do. eggs, S B Floyd it Co; 1 bbl tallow, M Delange; 2do cider, II 111.018wiggen; 25- bxo cheese. J Mc- Devitt; ll:car roofining slate,' W H 101 W; 1 car hay, s'; bbls Potatoes, 4 ,bxsi cheese ' Woodworth it Davidson; 87' 'dodo, N J . Braden, 2 dodo, HaWorth, Dehorit & Co; 1 bbl scrap. iron, Singer,. Nimiek it Co; 107 don handles, Myers it Armour; 88 she raga, Frasier & Metzger; 3 ears limestone, Wens pßM,Lime Co; 290 SUB oats, Marshall it , Crrnmazip AND Prrreirstmou • Ran- ROAD, .November , 23.-1 , car blooms, S Reis; 1 do do, R Reed; 8 dO do,,Nlmick it Co; 1 Mr lumber, J McMistera; 50 bag starch, S P Shriver it Co; 30 dei.do, Means it. Coffin; 20 do do, Eirkparlokr Herron & Co; 10 do do, .7 I Hones itßro; 25 bxe 2 crates do do, 10 bbla beans. W Franee & 'Son; 25 •bxs starch,; Smith,' Johniton & 'Colvin; 4 ban Iron, Graff, Bennett it Co; half bbl 011, W Woodwell it Son; .6 bbl- wine, H. Young; 6 bbla scrap steel, Anderson'. it Woods; 23 half bbls &h. W.Haslage : & Co; 6. ,:pieces Marble, D 0 Shtitz,l9ar spi m es, VOlgt. Ma liticsil; Co; 2 cars , piglnn, Smith;; 45 eke barley, Wa.s*ght; - cooks :eider, M Seibert it Co; 25 bdis bows, Thos - Rare &Bre; 123•bilbs chain, 22 do rockere;Bed ford Chair Co; 'lo' bbls 'apples, 'Carr. Mc- Candless it Co;-4 skef'sflOur. 'Hagan' .t Mc- Carty; 8 bdls sheep pelta,lll„Delange; 4 bbl tallow, 1 bdls sheep pelts, W Plaints dt Son; 1 bbl wine, F Lanth; 1 car, carbon oil, D KY 4 Co; 20 oko rv,e,'Mcpane & Anjer; 62 oil. bbls, T Musgrave. - • . • . , A.LLEGICENT STATION, November 23. 2 cars wheat, Kennedy & 10 bbls oil, H M • Henderson; 16 .cars metal, Lewis, Bailey,dt Dalzell; 4 do do, Superior Iron & Co; 4 bgs meal, ,O'Hanlon; T car wheat,. A Dickson; 100 bbls- C MoMasters; 100410 d0,.8 Knot &Sons 50 do cider,Duck it Blttner; 266' Backs - bsektvheardlour,Y,W Sodden; 1 car hay, A Hey1;100 sks, 25 bbls & 1 car middlings ; Voeghtly& Eopp; /4- 1:,40 do, B Knox Bon; ear lumber, J 'wham. I,,bbl#, *late, lead, - Reed-. it. Brog P6,billishidea, A Sol steinef. 9Tdo do, AA - Gnetainger; 1 'ear" 'ltaneware,',E , bbls apPlese Oaks onionKtar . POtato*S Dyer ; blittbs 1 obese; B Jenny; 1 ear limberi , T A Price; d 0410,00 Lalrms.ll , t . . E.LLIGHENT VALLET BOdn ., No vember 23.--360 jobb' on; Fisher '& Bich 160 ;do do, D t EdgbOon; ; 240 do doe= "myth, Bro ;& leer iron, Everson, Preston & 40; 87 eke Ssitatgoott & Glitsl;,7s.carbOVe -TitroUvßrailli at; Pailaar; .1; saolkchestnuts, Volgt, Ma1t00d,445, 2 Para /41;e, Rey nolds; 1 car horse', Anktopp;,B Vps. Ibbl rags. W bormleP , po tatoes}, 9 aka . '2974' 4) Better ; 11 Pke marketin g , hic''- titingshebi HOILIV EMI Memplibi 'Market. IDIPORTS BY. ItAILROAD. RIMER ta Prim& • a " ' ' --..•••-: . j' ' " ' '-. . - The river continues ,to recede - slimly_ with flve and half feet in the' channel, by . the Monongahela marks last evening. The weather yesterday was pleasant arialsvor ,abie for out docr'busitiess. : • ~ • The Julia No 2, front Zsziesviile, is the only arrival we have to report. She re turns again to-day; as usual, at 4 P, R. • Thereiware no departures aside from the the regular packets..• , . . • Cot- D. S. H. Gilmore, went,out• en the. Arktuticuif,` his object being to 'isee holy she .11111 perform. • Her will - ad as - far as Pomeroy. , ___ _ . 1 • The hull ' or Cant. G. W. Ebbert* new boat hari arrived; and it•will not be kinehow : until she will be ready for business.: Capt.. Ebpert proposes to make hiefirlit.with the the new Vont te New Orleans. " 1 __,'" The Silver Cloud Nev. 2, Capt. John ß ~ Conway, is fillingcurateadily for St. Louisi: and - will, takeizen depertute en: Wednesday evening. `Passengers and shippers can re ly on the Cloud leaYing l piomptlyturabove ,rtnnounced. . i -•_ ... • • - The R . C. Gray, Capt, Isaac Whittaker , isloading for Memphird and New Orleans. The , Ainerlawarrived at St. Louie on Rat •urday. and the Lorena ,left there ihe same day ter, Fittsitrirgh.' • • 1 • the Met/singer left , "Cincinati Intl St. Louis on _Saturday' fill of , freight" ; l and people , T S Aim:Wind ints . seventY-fiVe tons New ',Orleans freight engaged at, Cincin nati. \ . • • • • • ,1 Tite Tom Farrew and barges , Capt. Chas. Mathews,\ are ' announced to 'depart fo. St. •Louleon Wednesday. ' r • --Mhen fait heard from, the following steamers were above Omaha, viz.: Miner ,- 1 Benton, Ida Stookdale, Urilda, .Nile an N' o rth Afitharna\ - - . =The following \boats are laid up at S oux City: Deer• Lodge, Bertha and: Finny. Baiker. The North Alabama will also lay up at the same point. 1 —lt- is rumored that Capt. ' George L. Reppert, the aocompliSh into -clerk ofthe steamer St. Charles, is about to enter co-partnership for life with one of Mother Eve's-fair daughttins=4ltinie and style of firm to, be Geo. L. Itsppprt & 'Wife: ---We clip the following from \ the Quoin mai Commercial, of. Saturday:. The . Mes senger ran through snow' all Thtirsday night, and shoveled snow 4 incheardeep off her roof- yesterday morning. She re shipped S 7 people for Naihville on the Havana. The Messenger 'departs for St. ‘—TheVickliburg Timee.eays: oThe New Albany Commercial is a little premature in its assertion' that Captain'McGill has insti` toted suit against Capt. Leathers fOr viola tion of ths,pharter.of the Belle Lee, No. such suit has been brought; and from pres ent appearances, "will not''be;• all probability; Capt. Leathers' will be on the Belle Lee nett week, and in the Vicksburg and New Orleans trade." --The 4adlson Couiler has the folloWing in' reference to the sinking cif ttie McCullough: From what we can gather At was a clear, case of mistaken Signals. Some four or five boats meeting at the; sane - time and place, the numerous signal!' 'caused !icon; fusion among the pilots, froM ,which they , could not extricate ' themselves'in; time to avoid the catastrophe," The Tiger lost sev eral barges of coal from her tow, at the same place, and damected herself slightly. The • McCullough' Will raistid without difilattlty.lbut her freight will• be damaged to a considerable extent by.water. • flyer' aid iYeattuer. B► Telegraph to the Platatairgtitiaaette.l Loursvius ) . November 24.—River fall jig, with five feet ten inchce in the canal; Weather clear and cold. I FLOUR. PEARLIIIII-11111LI FLOUR. rirtllL KILL Three, Star lireen Bread, equal to ,FRENCH( FAMILY, FLOUR. ordered Mite wtrt onliDe ont whet especially . ' PEARL 11114.1AILVX • Equal tobeittitta•ocds. . P,XLML MILL 2811 BRAND. •• • • ' Equal to belt Dhlo row. worm COEX awns Asa cos& MEAL. •2% WIPT &BIN Allegheny, Sept. 9, 1968. , Zuzzairru„ Ltriou . ... At! '.7.,Fp.:;.:r •I 17R I!/ ah ground Old Wheat Flour. - _ Center Mills, fo_eftmllytuie. , • . Riverside 11111,, for Rata. stone MCI for Bakers. ' tti li t r itrr t i lt ig ird 'Le Bakers. ' ' City Milhils_inli_eld t c.iyarnsy iftenr. • i • c a n crvje,ritimAiryalla 11 .''''' : , __, oF -NE M00r .,.. ' Plainvievrissillulantry St..Lonis: Tea Rose Mills • do ClarkeeTtest Baker's !loci. ! - Keystone ICUs, do 'Coronets lints ~ -do • ' - ' , ' For sale by • 'WAIT "LANG & CO, /V ll O4 4 1 * -- WO BT. ECM WADI: PAPERS; EW. WALL PAPERS, Porlitatta, Parlors ars* Ch atisbeka t Now OPENING. AT 107 Bialeket St., User rim Ave., $.. ' AtiCrikir!S &./g lO . ! MI 8, , • (lab) =la & Ricketsoni) Nos. 221 , AND 228, Corner Inerti and Inrin Streets, QUer to the trade at Loy - Fignren, . 150 pkgs. •of .NILW MACKEREL,E In barrels, naives,quarters and kite. 100 obestg entdee TOUNG.MYBON, JAPAN and LMTERIAL TEAS. 50 sacksaelee RANW../ON EWE. 25 bbls. choice CAROL I NA NrcE. . bbls. LON 21131. AND ISTRUTo • 50bbls. fikEljy,_ebcdes brands. • 100 Was. N.' O . •mOLASSES. 50 bble. BERMUDA MOLASSES. 500 bbls: REFINED EIDUAR. • 7lihhds. UORTO RI9O, , ,OUALS , ,,a4d:NACNA' • RARA. - SUGAIIS: ' - 510 u bal2:4110 COFFEE. .‘ 50 bags - JAVA: and LAGUATRA uorizza. 100 CMOS IMPORTED CLARET. . 550 'eases •M 0116,1 OHANDOSI3 UEAM 130:YTCH ALE and LONDON 1 1 05TRE Con stoutly onitand. • 0 , 90) , QQ0 A : V : RiEB . OF =1 70I0E,LANIMFOR - . itaiirvadfkimipcust ' iiBTtatt 61 1 71 along the thie oithdr sit Ana 0/ 00 TO 0090 0 2 04+01* on 'S qutprr - oir 1114, 1 11018.::'. Yoz bra= Putlo t aiiri;., 3 4i, .4.2 Tate J oll l , l o .llllrllll=nux, tsn4 6 4 iiiuilisilspe4 Topeka, Xagsai. Os MAILX. Willow, swig", • sty fen% =II CM 0•,.:. . . , . . Z•;,17-,.‘,; ; ;1 . .- 7 -i - -. 7 .-7. , r-" , =.7' 9 ~ ,,: , , , ' ,., . .•-•,, , .!.L., - - .7 - 7 '-7. , ::n . . .../. 7 , -. 1. , - .. 7,,2::••••,:'::::'..,7-7 ,? , ' :•- • 1 . ,77•7..- . 77•F'f,."'il‘ -:--,-;—: '.''."--'----------,-, ---,---,-...............:„...,.....- , . -,,, L. 400 . ,,,, • - • ,, ...:.. - ", i , ,,..;..4::4, ,-, L. ,,,,,,..- : ,,,,,,- .., - . 4 , ;... , ..; z4i, , ,,,,:i.z. - ,•,..;z:.;;;! - ,.. ,, '„. - 4,,A - 1., , ,L.:*.:,i=a, , ..oftcz - t,..V. ,- 44?, - -,'','-', - ';'•4 ,---- 7'`.1 - ' ,4 :'='!' = C'.'''.••.‘..7, , C.;-,.. , .'f , '. --1 2 ,- ; Z - -,.`..ii'.•- ..,-,---;-.±:•', .-. ..,... ~ .., , ~ ~ , .. ~ . , -77,,,,.4....,. , 4 , l‘''' - ? - ..: , ,ff,'•,,,,,i4.V.,;....,; - '1;.:. -- 1 .- - -'«-4 , -i.V.:36`4.-,k. ,, ,..-.l'-& - •, ,, ,'',,,,J,W.i.•n".;:,:.. - -.:••• , -3•••.. -,, ' . . . " . •'‘i.,, , ••• ,,,- .7. , -,, -0-.•,,,c , ...r. ,, ,,„..,- , .. . • .. . _ . 24 1 Rea sTEAtizaaass. - astuatoaum. pirrOminOilt - . 4 N N ltA d dr o k T. 1:11$ meta? LI . ats IesueeteryWICOMEISDATatitLeaITURDAY, of each week, and oilearr If throng of businessre- The, line is to tut under the.direetion• and control of Captain' ,John Lm: DC4III. -Einntitt McClure 'mid Jamie& • Tele ottteut ii to obtain regularity of time Westattisitt, tontner with a anitbrns tariff uf rates onTrelghtarona elttabitigh t°Et. . L u nts- sod an. tudrMedlote.Piate „ The tot - lowing Contains aed their coats have agreed to ea. . ter into andeompose said lisuld '' • thatunerl.ermildas - "'Cad. Edward Evans. dtedunerilltver Cloud .Eii—capti 1 1 4 , ,ouvraZ• Stratner Este Putnam 'Cant: gee: Steamer —.CLAPS+ Ikbek hu an. Steamer " Capt. °hit M. Esrey Blattner Loretta., - }.Capt. JitiolgeLliikellnkb• Siemer Sellevenion Capt. John! kaarrah. .liteamer Maggie Hays. Steamer Armenia Capt. C. McCallum. Steamer neasenger-:-. * • Capt.' Jetta Dean. It is understood that the day of deponent shall be Atrfetly roheyeit ton the - part of -4414.:ta:iate.' an the hour not later than sundown: And that time of ar %tivalittall points or leadingi between Plltsburih _and Bt.-Low shall _he aettled upoi:iaa will beat n the patron* of the ee' I.olllwill ateh badmen , and regularity . which , think w l l-hootirest at!' "vantage to our badness itientind the general travel ,cm: our Worst ; besides, 14/41. eh, mien te Put' •boste; wti4e loading miler the line regalltiOns in • thr , ,e days Inateed of six or eight, asunder the Old rule of 'loading - three. or ;four 'bassist' one time. It oar' °Wet, should be tortuterlyildrpreelit=e will endeavor' to, make the line wort to the tap ot envoi:merited. , . ; . through receipts will be given to all Where connections tombs made- with ether good lines. • We; most earnestly solle t the itasistanee of our badness aosimanity.' Vert truly' yours,' .1011 X -L. RHODES, EMBITTMD• " • • mccipol. - .7Alusitrzs;. Mansion. aoseakfi . • . . . 'F°R CAIRO, AND ST.A d dir m a :LOVIS—The Steamer - ' EilrrilireLOUD No. .. . Capt. will laws sa above on , • • ' WEDNESDAY, 25th inst.. at 4 P i It. Stillirierii lad pissingers the Silver Cloaca departlnf positively. as advertised, freight or no freight . • Tor freight or passage iipply On board erg* • . • • JOHN FLACK. now '.lJr. J. It; COLuINGWOOD. Agents. AAIgtiIUZAR:II,AVITII.: .• DAY PACKET POE . CINCIN I, LOIIIKYLLLE A/D EVANKITTLLE:--The BELL KVEDNON ' ' 4..:10Apt; diO4IABAH. WEI leave 1111 above on • , ~ • • - ~‘ , BATUI3DAT-6 r": at. For fsilgbi oz passage apply on board or ti FLACK. t COLLINGWOCD; - . GEI8IEST:"11 HASLICTT, nob . CEA& BARNES Agents. TTSBURGH AND ST. ..m a it=h PLOUIS BARGE CO.- For Cinsinnail Louisville, Evansville, Cniro and id. Louis. This staunch and poweita sow-boat iron r it!tnolAT AND I:!ikaGnB, 9 4 14. OSA& XATTWAMB Learn WiDNESDAT, Novamber Thro' %eh reselpts gliea to Ramat& and New Or leaits.• to all points ea Oailberlatidrtier, et lotrest rates. Ehippers can degiand _on batiag their freight warded villa 'lisp, tok, Batlaciletioll guaranteed. . N. B. The TON YARROW will follow the•WILD DIICK. , \ • CELAILLICS Be411111:15. non • ' • - •••;-• Agent. privrausniGH, wurzinre, Marietta and Parkersburg tine. Leave Ceayaay , s *hart Boat, foot of WOOli street, Demt, Th MONDAVI; AND TztvhsbArs, BAYARD.. • L B. NIINVINCED, Muter. WEDAIISPATS AD*ILATITADATI4 GREY C.T..BahrritAx, Muter. Freight wilt te received at ell hears by sel4l JAMBS COLLINS.. Agent. VOR CAIRO, MEMPHIS and NSW ORLIZANE-The die It. C. DRAY Capt. lea.s.e*D'irxes. Will leaYe u annozzieed aboyeon &A.TIMDAY. November illth.\ Tor frelgit or paeuga apply tin tioarit or to • J2lO. 1r LACE, or _ . _ J. D. COLLItsGWOOD. Agents. , 1DAL ,. 0‘ ,1 4:3:)( 1 )+,10 ,, t31a0): - EST.II 6 3LISiimp .BY A. & GORILY WHOLESALE qßoiaurc; No. , 27lllberty , Street, alumovr Bitun tforu.,i rim-reamßiau. Pa. 7. MU:Knox. BILLINDEIt &STEQIOI2ION 9, •.;' COIKKOSION rhill1101A31111; • - • • Np. 87 Second %refit, Pittsburgt • -- PJACLEIVI AND .131.1.1 All ;Kinds .91 -,Country. 'Produce. ell orders for'lferiliairdiall iirotiptly filed4'• at Lorain. market, rates. Particular rattention_nyesi tolhe dale of Batter. Slim Cheese ; Dried Prefte. V, We feel confident tuat we can Aire entire sat. lefactiou, by making quick BALM and gnOfelog En- MINN _it HIGHSS? Knusi , Pinata, and therefore reetiewelly solicit 'your consignments. All tom.. lhrNdked free. 'Grain n i agrifi ' d i lo a tn i lte Vint WATT, - . , LANG: ik• CO., • V . , • - wactuusua Dusan tiroteriei, Protium, 1V•o• idsions,Plab;Chsese, Car' lbotiOlL ikes;• • _ • • 1711'atid '174 WOOD 13T1tEXT, tear Liberty street. glitibumbiys. , r ,STEELE , of„ 651, , • , Ckonsmission Merchants, AXD DIALIIIII IN ErIECE.I3\ No. 95 OHIO WEREEI, near East Common, • , 1 1- ALLEGHENY orrr *A& J. B. o.trrtt lELD , IIION 3 L_VOII. C ea ei.aa heese A ligt,trj. Lori r t i2t , Dried -iron, ends. P lUirt,Tl / eitrrit r id Ashes,. White Ltme_, ed. Lard, Cool and Oar trOn on .. No. 141 Miry meat: rittahurih.- prnsi JAL P. itioamill KM 411 1 4 1 1 0 X 1 44 7 9 • • 'COICILLSSION - MICRCHANTS, . ; ; -.v.earo mix= IN rifO,Ul4 ( fRATS•.O I P4, 2111• L ac., &c.. • 349' Liberty ' Pltliabiutht. Igolitt4T • `• ' : • L. J. BILANCILLIW.." k Maim& 'and Retail Omer% !FIUiEZ=2 4.1.p.x. 11 / ANEvaunt ' J. B. ..IXJII3. 46 ANJER, . ~; . OMMT.SSXON-.IKERCHANT , Pl r i mairt lODl7o7,o t EN To -: amlthtleld;Pittabilirin• • • • ' 1 " ME FETZJIBR • ", Aulunsulingti, • innuxiim Par ticliale of Maar, Grain. Bator: Lard. Nutter, ael i da izT Dried Pruitt sad Produce dcrerrWlio..l l 6 aszsr • oStunet. ociast. Plitsouro4. MEI ROM KNOX. £NDIIW ZAO36 . re_ ANON & SON, COMMISSION sad deniers In 117.A1l 91M-GUATIIi DL ND . oicc ZEE 5139 Pl l 0 liioDllo2 GIIiN . IEIERALLLT, No. AMlaegbiniaty. jolt off WM L 11 ( ;Allip i t&SZNlVardatir = siSTRICET4. rs.;:Conottslionlifer o on 3 Wholes/4- _ r, in* +Downy' ,Prodnos, Groceries snit -Tittiostrin tiftotures."Cash =lced 9 31 .9znikrizaelk40 4 0 rad:Or-P;94uctigel• erallY• - .acors I. HOLYSIL ....NM,. 1100111.4.01111,11. HOVEL' keenWlN L MOVIE •-84 •IBROS. 140 anion so-JOHN , I: liOrt a co., wAolesils =Awl eolanilisbn •• thAeld and Wiwi' Iltretia, ArtalMs4l4"lgist . - - 'lO • : t 11421 OONNELIEVILLE R. R. On and after TUBSDAY. Noyember, 17th. 11343 trains WO Anitrat And depart trom zne .uepoz. on, ner of Grant and Water streets, ss foGows: Man oas front t7ntoat'a 400 A. N. 0:00 P. ty McKeesport Attoommodt , n.ll:oo A. M. GAttl Non Sq_an frenrl7nlont'n, West ft Ancoaunod'n_ :20P. fil:3s A. N. B PAOPenariodat'll -- :1 P. '7:50 P. Night Ace. to MalreerPon.lo:4lo Y. N. 6:45 Sunday Church Trztbsso and from West Newton.. P. K. . 1:00 P K 10.00 A. 11 . for tickets apply to • N. MbIG ent. W:ti•Grotfr . ! tiniSarliteident. .-""nOla 017iE 4i TIE. GMINT .inuazat. _ On and -Otter 11 0 1 rDiS t "NovOiiiirlat - ri TWO Tit/.133 11111/V will leave PittsburghBta. Itionosomer entlereatb. and Pike streets ter -Iln, OA .citY, /paste, _, and all Ktata ut the Oil Ba— ttens • . 4 2. . ...• LaVra rarrOarsatat. • maIN rrrwoniites. ouoi • •,.... 715 an ......'11:411 pat Bspress ' ' T:10 to le re ntal:.. . '..• .: 0:30 a m 33ra4ri Aid az 3:00 p m Bradye Wilde int+W as let tlodaworks . t Soda Works AooomoPa.. 10:50 ala Soeotoodo , n. 8.30 are Ad Beds Week* , , •• Ad Soda.Worke .._. Aommoillit:: s:ooir Aeecenodant. a:4O pla , .., 13WPOparalo.bro 4noborial at 1110 P.M. rive - at ebnil .at :Doh.. M. - -,l4 . osoengers wuog expross train have' batons change or ears Mimeo Pittsburgh, BUM() and Olt - -Heztons. , Noll . .akitz R 1 Press .TrEe.. i stop only petndpil points • Mired Way and A , 1"4111,141 ' 1111 TH it 0 141 1LAB milh It: iCTN — G,'Aisyt. An , t. , W. puma BorixsTlekei Ascot. . ; _:::. . . Wee T TSB UR 61-111Minumm insmincerf4vp . sm mn RAILWATi , ' ' PAICILINDI'S BOIVE; ' oselrint - Whir 131716 • p, Sept, lath, 1568 trains will leave and arrive a t Union'Delootcus tollowit; Pittsburgh Mut: • • Express • ' • 'BattLtne • „Fiat E.t - tress .... .. Mixed Way ' •,MoDottuld , i Ace.n'Ne. Steubenville Aeoonixe od , 11. McDonald's Ace'n. tie. 2... sir 2:39 P. M. Express will leave dee,. Ai—Express will arrive daily. The 9:43 a. M. Train leaves daily. Sundays ex. cepted, and makes close connections at Newark tae Zanesville and polite on Sandusky,- Maasfleld Newark B. H. L . _B. F. SCTULL, Eieneral Ticket Agent. OnPii.. Steubenville. • • VuENNS LVAINIASiffIim CENTRAL. RAILROAD. • and after Nor, - 221 d. 1668, 'Trains Will arr rive at and depart from the.llAlon-Deot, earner at Washington and Liberty Streeta,nribliOWi: Matl-Train.... 1:30 • m Day Express., 9:30 ant PastlAne. • 940m' Wall's N 0.1.: 6:30 • m Walls No. 1.. 6:90 am Mall Train 11:10 am BrintonAcc'n. rn nncirmati.Ex.l9:3s pom WalPs No. 2.. -- 9:soanr WalPs No. 2.. 11:90 ais Cincinnati Ex. 9.40 a m Johnstown Ac. .3;96 pm Jonnatown Ack:lo:3s-im Braddocka.No 4120 pni Baltimore sx. 1.45 p m ptdis„ Express zip p lhtia 1:30 pm Walre "ISeilti pm Wall's No. 8... 9:05 pm Wall's No. 4.. •el P Braddocks Noll 5:50 p m Past Line '7:5 pin Walps No, 4., T:215 p m WalPsNo. 5.; 4;00 p Wity Passen , r.lo:2llp m. • ate. Church Train. leaves WalPs Station creel Sunday at 9:115 a. sn., reaching Pittsbuink st 1004 m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at D4:50 p. and arrives at.Waille Station at 2:00 p. m. TincEnnati Express lestvea daily, All other train& deity excent r Ekindsy.. - Ear. fo*o. information *par • The. Pennsylvania Railroad 'Company will not ass. same any risk - for - Baggage n eneept for wearing sp. t a rlbirren il tituT. etr A si lif s r itY e to e On e! But ing= amount In valuenrill beat the risk of tha 'avatar; en less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WIL General SnDerintendent„ Altoona, n= 1 1 :1111 • 1154,5 :Is • e,: pm= W. AND EVELAND t Irwin Nov.- 43d.;,1 3 38. u and arrive at the mon fauna:: • • Leen& • Arrive. Eprnfki:: ta l "; 1 2 e & ifga M". T:SIS a m Chlcago Ex....11:5a ara Wh , g7.1 1 1 6;38 m 'Wheeling Ex. 1113 a m Chicago Rail.. 6:58 am .t. Leeds 3:53 pm C'hicars_ 10:08 a m Chlcago Br .4:33 p Cl. &Wallas. 2:33 p Ba. 413 pm Chicago Kr...-2:43 pm Bale & Yen Ex 6:13 pm 4:03 Pm PS-4:118 pug Allegheny. Arrive f Ailenheutt. 2.47 " •4 "-ko - 8 : 118 In N. Brigt'n Ao. 4103 ain Lee . t!dale •"110:413 a m N. Brlgt`n 8:33 ant , 11:58 am Wellsville , " 9:03 a tn. EMehester " I:33pm New Castle " 1U:33 am Wellsv'e Asc.. • 3:38 p m Leetsdale 4 ! • • - geza aat Leetsdille Age.' 4:l3pm " 1:013 N.Brigt.l. .5: pm N. Brien 'a:43pin N. Brigt'n " . 6:9Bpm Leetsdale " 4:53 m Lgetsa 40:43pm ,", 2 WAND p la Leetsdale nun. , Leetsdale Pure day, fibureh..:. 1:13 p m der church.- a tit p. m. ChleatO Express leaves 11:581. m. Chicle* Express arrives g. atirNo change of cars between Pittsburgh an& Chicago. 'Sleeping cars withon changeto ludisnap ono and Cnk - a5 O . a. N. 111 1 ...,,,L017Ga. General tuperititendrnt. P. B. XTBII3, General Ticket Agent. non = ' AYH& CHICAGO PITTOGURGH B. B. _treble will leave - trout Depot, north side, eihr- SYLVANIA NAAININIMIN ..-OR' lll4 5 1%er • 1 %01'4 2•54. /SOIL as, Pas. ' mar, -.mains on lite Western pennsylvanl* road will' arrive at and -4epstrt front the : Zsd Street Depot, Allegheny City, **fellows: Psfrcirr• . ttegd•e No 1 f1:40 a mAttall _ T:00 _ rooPort 40; i 1 5 , 190 ttni r_reeport No. :1: at rent 10:40 "a m Bbarptol No. 11:20 alo ' Shan Np,Arlts9s pm Express.. RAM p Sport No. . 4:00 p m Springtile Nol. 3:510 p • - 4:55p m Freeport, No. 2 511112 p m gri , e.No 2 s:4li y m Surirge No 2 ,7:10 m e. buret: Train leaves. A legheny , Sunet. *very , ditadayat T:110 a. reaching 'Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m.I IlLeMrnlug, leaves Allegheny, Clip at 1:90 p. ma. :tad antra, at Allegheny Janet. • 00.11110TA.116*- gild Ili Wham of Twenty between between Allegheny Citsvettetstuetstreeti . Herr's; Bennett, Pine Creek. Etna andl3llarpseurg. aed e rodonly on the trains. pping at Stations spe. -The leaving Allegheny City la* T: a. in. make' direct connection at Breepro- withtrilc t ers -line ottitagesihr Butler and Rannaltitown.' ugh tickets, arsdr• ,be 'purchased ;at the Oarte,_NO. Si. Malt etre etLtielf the Stuiperlld.ol( EriSgs Pittsburgh and- at ,the!Deprd. 4110 petally "2; sot. Ameba. tntennation a to \ • , • • z ; tIAMS:11: TS. . , . Federal Street MCPUr. Tag Wallet •Peanenrenis liallroadwill not AS. air= sk tor/ 11 '60ga, exeept for wearing ap. • •• limit their responsibuityrb One Handsed liars in • value.. AU baggage exceeding this amount in value will bb at - the risk•Of the owner, wa• less ` taken by special contract. -• • • • • =WARP H. n 023 • Own' Su • %%dent. -ettootis. ••S 4 - 4 XMitinit , R9ltria. , - , • - -•-• 11 lIMON l'AMostetis Division. ZoLICIET*EITAUTD OII: so ius pilots CO/onU/Ot ' Nevada.' California, Utah, - Alison% • Wadaingrons New Mexico, Mak% TW_. .. -- - • .0reg0n.....' _ ~ . O Trams -leave Mato LMe and Leavenwo lir vet t daily,- Mundsys'excepted; MI thearrlval of Math; of Puha° Railroad from 13t. ollis. and off and EIL do Railroad from oy, connects'. at Law. rimesi . Tokekw and -- =Dego with ' stakoe for all Taints dit-Nanras... :At en t r f jraek weal of Ells. worth with the UNITED AIME EXPREEEM: I'ANEAS DATLEi___F , OVERLAND AND REPREIRA C O AC H ER roil, - . - . • : • DEST,Vra..II4 SALM 'lsak.X.r...V4. And all liointilln 146 TerTitorits, O m wi mits for fort Mir :1P tie Y LINE rr drt, rue , .01 New7[ezi to Yei " Alb*. : • •• With t h e , reeen• raddttions of 'tolling 'stork mad ee faipment, and the arrangements =de With 211. sPonsible overland Transportation Lines frOin ita western terminus, this road now offers unequalled . faculties Aar tlie triuminission of pewi t s t o t h e, rag • Tleketslar Latest all the pthaelpal Wanes ln AU • Milted states and Canada's &ease set „for Alckets -7112 MOPS . rrat i lVsi PATIP/0 ItAILWAT A. AlIDER11021; cknAlrilaspetbaentunit• • • .I:**riannigr,' 6143 . 11117 Ft4tit and Ticket Admit Eli I'rEAZamPS, ire sur - e'o L AND . a il& i iirt r Et l Pl r o3r, ' MAW STammurs, Numbealag einem Irstoelau vane% 1314 64 thellP th =PT OP P e ()stigmata!! - - AlltE: off! OP OITZ OP MOM; or crirctrupox, • Mb:pi:4MA Cwt .. [teat' „: , MIROIAN i lll AS l MMUlPraelnievidik - Sandalisr3 marl/ owed% Fen Was. PlUstarglik. 113 =WI Depart - Arrfie. 2:18 a. m. 9:43 it. m. 7:18 p. Me 8:38 p. m.7,11:984. m. 0:13 a: m. 5:391 m. ;*i .m. 3:88 p. m. 3:98 p. m. , 84931. as. Mae