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',.' ria•T ;,:74:.' 1 !:: , ...' \• . 4 .•:-...„ .-„.. • —,..„ - _—_t— --at--_,,-..: , -... ...., ..:----- ----------: - • - 7:. - -.,-- ----._,.._—,----- 1 s. _. . . • 1.) . • ,• . • :.. , ..• ' . . ,\ ~.,... . . YULE''LXXXIII. . • . .. ~ . . . . . ' PITTF l't .:ES 1)A v . - . , . IMO t 1 :5 FIRS ' T‘s,l32:Liom i - - 1 ...TirtriTAL.. ceik or -Coke to De•,,,lßetnOyel -1 .., i • • Estinialed Expetteeiiiiiletke Yea ,„ zioL . . _ ~.oV ____.- •Edaltriei 1870i7,01bieCtiOsiof . , . t . _ the.: , Riligr-Nseffi tDa F • !Wilt- Not be 1114 ed 'r : Pe l ter• .64 : ila . 4 tke:::itrAlititT• COnsoli Geiseral-- I rOatti *O r t 4l , ll P.Fefilltliqept '.' .. '4sll P er T i f# l.S . , Yet t 0 1.1114.4110.0!Eit,* '---•-;•., ;i ".1. - , .!_. -, • ' •---; ; ,), ,--- •,,t .• 1 • ii - .ed, Aim — . - . i, 1 atitaiiraiili*thiiittionOii iiisetti "ii A /.,__ WAIIFFE; atc!f..!Tor#Fiper 54 x 4914, 4 _ Secieteiy . 'MetuuerTh. :has decided to re , 'e move tr*. fi t ilkVOllliectiir:;bf.- cluTstunie at ! •. i'illidetid 'tfaillorinoteitzlerk • . , . 'he secretary of the , , .hae corn..• i Ple4id 'lie ' - eitiniate lor Wipe ' ' `dating , the year „;ending ; -Jane, 1870. -..• ,They,, are fifty minicab less thahlhiestiMateii'fa the I Present fiscal. iiiiv and will :beitat further I reiii ol4. l o44xinl!!i'l 7,1• JE 1 4Pu14 te'coP'' •• 1 eluded in a short , time T he mrpimies of' • i the Navy . . Department Will be about ' t• milliditsA next year , against thirty-nine ;,, 1 millimmthialyear.. ; Mr. _McCulloch thinks, . ? a very considerable portion of : the public debt can be ca n c elled during the coining 3 Yearr , ' , ''l • *.. - '7.' - --:. -• ... . .. ,• ,• . : . i ..- Oesnet : itrifiteward thinks It Will be necei:- 4 eery for the President to issue a Droolama tion tbrbiddikqr the fftting•Out tiffillibuster ing expeditions to capture Cuba in our large vices: . 1 ; • Hon. Schuyler -Colfax' and - hicii lets fo r , the North today. . • . 1: • -.• The, whiskey. .ring hive determined to trittlmsusstolinetealw-.the tax: to: , ,tatt • I- .. It is, believed that._ no: attempt P ' will be "'made to bring Jeff: Davis to trial. ' A letter tre . from 'Syria October 12th-- states that. our Consti General will doubtless ..be . " , 1 sueotesful in his effOrt-tcl obtain the ri3litaul • : ••.,,, of two AMlllianB who ate held as prison , :- 3 ere of war at Damascus on atninicion 'Of be 0. mg concerned in theploto, overthrow the , ..., 1 Turkish government.- miey *ere engaged .; ;: •-.., . with some Englishman ..irk tbe survey eta' new raliroad'roitte; and their possession or •••••• ••••• .._ • aqua mamaken at proof of a treasonable, Wm . •,. ~ , r 1 :rue B..of.pirectoreof the Gettysb 4 urg,: ./•••! :.•, -Oetneteryrillvicieer iii - Vi r rishington•oli De . ;.::. camber eth. • ' • ' • '.' . '.• ! 'fi The - friends of womenrerighteare - about - ~ •.••i 1.. .: . teimniwure the icitg; ; for u rea to a pal ' ' a , Lion • to Co tot ' e suffrag in th e .. „; ~.1,„ .. nurress, e e ': •'T .1' Thr ie cit of •valtuobta. • ' 1:..- ' -. . 1 , :..:.::: ' - extimtite.4hd municipal 2 IteilirfP. ' '..t•• `,. maniewill.lxraloeed onThenkegiVing day. • Judge Fullerton is_.e.xpected here • with . . c i 'additional evidelide iiithiii.re'Yente fraud 4 . :.-.:.,..:1 cat% iitur thetili FreiddentWill give him 4heiFt :• . ' 4 1 .: *• '* 4 -!• 'ine4 l . l W, ,mi.i. -L.. :j. f'' ,- •, ~ ~ ..,-.: '• - :.,. ;....--•;•'-e,seurtuapi_11: •euthorities . of Winning-. , ; •,-;: ••• , I lonig:-'o4ltvesiPplied:lo-theSeciretar7-44 ' •• • .. i the Treasury' for the lease of the Marine' 'A.,:•'• ' •.,..fi .lElospitaliherelVzonirpmes.- Samuel oin - _ ; - was, teoley •s . ' . 7 . ' ;- f • peinted G anger of e Fourteenth Distri ct of Ohio._ ;,. .... .. J , ~,.. .., „. . T ; .. Elva distrldereitailitleTeimbintment • • ', ''.- 4 of Internal 'Revenee Supervisors yet-re -•‘''', • • ''. 3 main ttnprovided for ,.. yis: First New York, ;•;,..;', '..' : T i. Second B outheen4Obiloi.i:Third, Wiseensin .f,:.: , :•.'1i lowa and ,Minnesota, Fc wth , - iptaslana, • 1 and Fifth Nebraska; ' .' ~ 1 The SoldierltOttat:Selloile Union of the city, ; at a meeting - to-night, appointed a • ~' ;; • 1 Compittekto ejd the organim, ti o ne of „mi . • :„; diera,thictaajteht ihat'intenif*ruelpaiMg ,:f in the inanguaral ceremonies of General 1 • .. , Grant as , •Presidenti„ln -: securing: quarters .1 .,.., , i and accommalations: ' .. AIEd El r ~ t ~ ~~~ ME 4 - 1 tßy nleezatat to the Pittsburith Guette.l Defeat of SolnavePs Troops Confirmed— '. •e. i Britiip;lo44 elitv.to :be ' Preteeteri4A ::. ..1 New - Covernment:-President Solnave .. . I , Returns to Port and ca.-Great Sur ihe :: " rfetlie' fle=Gerieral ' Si .r get ' Racks tliettie iistc, lireteronit,'Noveinber 21— ter advisee , ••• • from Hayti confirm the_..,• .- porethat Solna - ve. i had been defeated at Jeremie, and a vessel ': • With large guns had arrived at St. Marie for . . I the Claws C aPe, The IlaYemas are being_ vigsorotibl,y_attacked-bithe Inatusents..,l _The commander of th e British war vessel Niobe, had orders to prevent the bombard ment of any town where British residents :•. :. were engaged in trade.- - 1 - - A regulargovernment had been establish .:. . ed under the Presidency of Niesage' Saget, at St.. *irie in , the north, and , General' nalteldbis"own as President in ' 1 the so ..7. Pow Au PRIN. oa, Nov. 18, via. Havana; Nov. 2 L--President -Solnave returned to '.' this port yesterday from Cape Hayti with • '''' bbs two 112011-otWar. the Alexandre Petern and &kayo. Ise plain on theme,' at Gon laves. •Bdth'placas'are provistoffiess, and the people thelicabinite aresulfering much. nume GeneralNissege Sept 'fil3oneentrating rous foram wand Gordaves and ex. 1 .*. wall 81301110 attack s the Solnaviste there. :' , NEW RLEANS Re.4ppearance of the "‘Tribune,” Organs!! the Colored Dien— Five Tfilenres Arrested. IMF Telegraph to the Pittitrorgh Gazette. I O utliAmiaqoyornbeiga..;—n 2.lfm Orlelula _Tribune , the organ of the colored Republicans in ;Louisiana, owned, .edited , and publish ed , by Alored, men, reappeared yesterday after a suspension of six months. are. Chicago and St. Louis thieves, part of. the gang lately depredating on the New Orleans and Jackson railroad, were arrest ediWO-onSaturdayrdght; , . _ • qualm:P/oft Abatlttiv; T • rßYT,Pleirlitili touts Plttibarstielagetlet • - 23. The financlai•panic has somewhat stated, and public confidence is slightly improired. A e.legnu4 the r . Po ll lent; Pf: tatk St stephens, :holds out en codrag.tuilent s ob -the hope that the bank mar soon reed its bt new, an the-, *ails: : paper bee in creased =rn krti to fifteen:per cen are t: • The notes of the'. Conitubiclal "Bank: ng a t thirty per cent: discount. - Business {gm araily is almost 'suspended,: H • Extensive Land Slid tnf Taiesrsen.so t e ilississias ease • e poultAND. me. igoyembe r f; patch from Westbiooke states that a land slide took place about five: o'clock rester: day summing, just helow the Cumberland -1 paper inillsi•-whioh comprised about forty soresin area, And completely filled, the I channel etthe A i resiiiruloott river :ea that the 4 water ia:baokOclip within thr ee feet of the-top of the and thelower story el, mill 4 1 5.4094 6 4 r, ~° JiiflTlOlL ;Br Toierrobb to the Pittsburgh Gazette., NEW Yonx; November 23, 1868. ' ' , TALL STREET THE SINE OF INDIDITT E THE . , 7 . HOT -BED OF count:P.l7o's, AND MAGNET 'Be v ' Henry Ward fteeoher preached a serer un,.the °oils of .stock gainbling. , , , , . • s A i r ofyimidedlnyalto. grasplnding .r to ih th es e phreyvalanlimngpadnes f • fair or Ibul, the reverend gentleman fend bl y dilated . - upon the present system of gambling on Wall street, passing severe strictures on the speculators, and contend lag that if the course of rash speculation was not put down the most terrible cense pitences would ensue. ' He'dt r eiv a-touching cture of the thousands= of brave .. men, who, tempted by expectation Of gol d and overswollen wi th _.'' hope,.• now - wanered about helpless beggars through the great pandemonitim of swindling and ruin. Wall' street was the yery oink, Of, iniquit • , the', hot 7 bed of eirstml o lint andf the - ~,. . .et of ruin. He engin:tented, the nninye • con sequence of averiel stnetetbersimneldeo madness, ,and the :jail: 'Wealth was not necessarily Injurious, but men should not be over hasty in accumulating it. Wealth was a divine power, but very dangerous ; and heeded ail the more to be controlled. The reverend gentleman concluded with an eloquent firmest to Ovoid stock gaMbling or -idle epecttlatiori, for their consequences were as sure •as they were disastrous. LATEST maim Op...rnit 'ERIE ReaLROAD • ~ - , ~. • - , WAIL-, .k. . The Traittne gives todky a statement, in addition to the petition of August Belmont, beforellndgeflutherland;of Which iht fblz" loWiiii is the - inaterlaf portion:" That by' closing the books of the Companym sixty daYs , before the eletionangtead of thirty , .. ~ , days, as usual, and byexaluding any stook- , holders from voting by proxy, and by other 1 fraudnlent..-devjew, Gould.. Flake d: Lane succeeded - at thudt•egaler annual elec tion; on October 13th, 1888, In ;continuing in and perfecting their contra:Of b e Coe. !pany. and are now wasting end misappro:; Priallng,its rands, expefpg the Company to a forfeit corns chatter. Said Gould, Fiske, ot Lanedsrior to the election V il la, issued.; unlawfay, tutee million de of addi tional Stock, and since then have is:, 'sued ttienty-three million dollars more. , Thecommon stocker the now e 4, &ads sixty million:dolling, and its value haii-Talban from eighty 'dollars per ;where,- doWn to-thirty-five .dollats per ;mare: 'Said , it:nease:of stock basalt beent randulently haspedonad ...the precede thereof are now, 00n4.i . oiled by Gould and-Fiske, gunoutding. to about OE4EOI MilliOilE ofliellans, all of: which, instead of - being- depesited . - te the.: credit or' the:-. companwtor steeling in itir name, Win the indiv,idnal . names and pol . P' session ef said Elskigendtlould:! Thit Wit • Gelid and Fiske are usi%. all the re:genres df laid peirMany in dangerous and fraudu lent speculations in - stocks, and, in franduO. leritly baying on behalf of thCsaid cons-- piny various properties, And% are - -now contracting for leases.: and ;otter - par ': chaees,: - Nm all of which guild Gould .- Fiske & Lane have -receyed private'. bonuses; in fraud of.lhe , : ,amount, ingto 14600,000, .to their own--_ at sine the election of said 1' .1 9 Fis ke th' 'fie-4tbecoher..4ls64, the - ode:ft of said, 'Company have increas es' to 1103.236.910, in addition jeo e twentr milliefflollars of stock named r the Odra.. ftelb • . her election of 188i1,;, - and ensive of - tht acceptance issued for the:Beton. Hartfold and Erie stock, and various% lingsle- sell other matters. That the' Sedge of - the ,Company_.during tut, past year exceed s3B,' - z • 000.000,'IWIterPfere thgPlalendis:PtaY.that the Directors big , removed, and a receiver tiPpointedt , kbit:deferniarits.: be restrained I I from increasing the stock,•or from remov ing the books, papers - anti funds, or im peding „thelr . examination,, or -allowing them to remainlibiond the ntiadictirin of the ' Court. Tha COLtiplairn-Ast :verified by A ugnst•Balreontkandlotlotved hy affidavits corroborating . its stedatents • etleitt rind fact by Augustus't'ffrewn,Daniel,Prety, Frank Work and C. S. Sloan: — On these Justice Sutherland grants the, injunction and orders tat alio* cause prayed for above deseibed. - - ' ".- 4 /," ' • 'The case of Mclntosh 've..the Erie Corn panycamel/p totday before Judge- Sather.. land. and alter eonsiderable argument a decision way giVen by the 'Jtlge, yin the orders issued by Judge Barnard wh ic h / appointed*Jay Gould, as Receiver, and per-, Mined him to ell two, hundred thousand shares of stek,.etc= • - The Belmont case was then called up on an - order to" .show' canse , •whytt; Receiver shotdd not be appointed. Arguments' thereon proceeded, in whichJadge Pierre pont, Messrs: Burn' and' -Raposilcr-particl:- pated; - granted an order M the snit of B: i ti= , mont against the Erie • Railroad Compan appal vng Judge Devisee RecelYer.:Alf - shar Roberta and J. F. D'Lanitt went seen'. Ity for Judge Davies in the sum of one mil lion dollars.: It is rumored that Messrs. k and . Gould haye betaken themselves to Jersey City' JUDGE HAENARD AFTER, THE zoiswpAitnts. , a Judge Barnard in charge to the grand jury in the Court of Oyer, and-Terminer to; . , day, called attention to the alleged „ _frauds . .. , an. and corruptions of the Judiciary here, d to the action of certain newspapers in. New York, in perpetrating , daily and - hourly libels. in to - day's Tribune and Mien- In the New Jersey papers,.and elsewhere,: LW said, are charges of, the most atrocious char, actor against corruption in interfering with the duties of electors, and - charging him, Barnard, with. 'being 'nye combination in. Weltered. lie had never boughtotold or= i owned a share of stook s,in his life; be not, separate from his wite,‘ 11141100 dollar's Werth of property, and was too- depend ent,npon his salary of Judge, a e char ity of wife. 'He, therefore, desired and craved the jury to examine into , the ma, ter, and say whether a combination of thieves, senndrels and , rak'oils who have infested Wail street and Bread street for years, and- are' now' , qttarteling among :themselves, shall be . permitted : ,, to turn around and endeavor- to bide their own tracks, by abuse and ~yillifications ef the =E4I THE atrmORaNIT . EMT YAl!ttran. The umors o f • heavy failures 'hi *all . street resulve themselvea Into the fact that Mr. Marsh, of _the late tlriti of Temple it mareb,a Alas . .absconded after purchasing five-twenty bonds from Henry /11ser dE Sons, giving in payment a check far $16,,600' signed in the firm nume..' On presenting it for discount ' 'on Friday thollemrs. Meer learnedthat the firm bad Succumbed to the pressure in Erie, and the check -was Ya 1110•-• legs; arid it is allegecrtha t several other brokers had rejected the cheek Previously. DECLINATION OY OANDIDATica. Mr. John. Kelly, Rho was 'nominated-as a candidate s for Mayor hythejletuticiratio City-Union party, and 'lt, T. Lawrence, their- candidate for Corporatien Counsel, have both desilined. The Executive Com, mittee of that party have decided to tender. the Mayoralty to Judge Daly. ..uniligas OF THE CsIOA.B, IitaNITYA, Ha. The Cigar Idaunfacturers'Assmilation ilued,tux - uddres, the" trado lhionthout, ~x~~a''t.Jic' ? 'l:aiFu~~" Y3i.:`..c ...rry.... I +wny..i XGp +as'.'te ~ + ku~ , ~~yq,.ifrXE~3 - Z T 7 ._ YORK orrti' the United. States and Canada, stathig_the facts relative tg their Wine' with the' Cig Makers' ttn kW. and appeal Mg o the manu ar facturers- not to increase their 'workmen at Present; but join in organlzing.au Oppditi tion to any unjust ,demand of the cigar Maker,' Union nowbr hereafter: ITEMS OF INTEREST. The case of Baker. the delimiting teller of the Tradesmen's bank, the United States being Prosecutor' was comnieticed to.dhy in t e U. S. Court ' before Judge Blatchbrd. The Bourbon.. whisky ,ease, and several o hers of a similar nature, Airere."at the k anee of District !Attorney . Courtney, e own ; for 'December 7th. Separate tria H ls t II ere asked-Jor, In two eases; and the ino.: tons will be argued in a few days. talusl At a Me ma (* meting of the managers the Eir..' ComPanies tooday, there was no har -1 4ony of action, and the results were Tx atisfactory to all , parties interested.' ' °!; ' • 1 One of the laborers on the North Side Railroad, of,Long ' Island, has absuod' with six thousand dollars, intended, fo re payment of the hands', cat/Ring mnc-, tement erelong them. They have btiqn aloe paid. •t , • - :L Wm. Harrison; the Celebrated tenor, , died in England en,the 11th instant. TAMBIANT NOMINATIONS. New,-Yonr, November 28.—At the Tani many NoMinating,Chnvention fotelt6r4 ficesi held ,this evening, Judge Charlels..r.t. Daly 'presided. Delegations were present from the German General Democratic Con ! vention. The following:.gentlemen were nominated unanimously; Mayor—A. Oakey Hall, _present District, Attorney;Ccrpora. tion Qatihoil4Ridliard - 01Gormarit Bah gehtleinen milde`spheches df acceptaifee; REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. - - The Republican norWflitting convention 'met at the headquarters,. Broadway, on 23d street; and nominate d: Cob Fredlte A. Conkling for Mayor anti Chas. P. Stia*Yor Corporation Counsel. - . ' • ' - ' PEUIBAUMLPthiL • ealthy OhELady Brtitalliy litenlened Her Son-iii -Law and 'Daughter-dal:Li* Charged Witb;theltorrible Crime.-They are Antstedz - -1116tive'forl the atirrible Deed- T ype : is Girl to. Death, Fenian Cenveritlea, thy Telagr apb Pnmenamptiie, Noveniber23.—The city .wasithciaked last night by the clitaiveiy of a horrible ,niurder at . I`enth and Pine streets. About tea o'clock the pollee en tered the residence of Mrs. Dorothy Hill, a _ , Wealthy °ld lad and: ibutid blood stains upon the hirniture and window lintels. Proceeding to.theyarditheyibscoyfired.the body of tam Hill, horribly 'mutilated, her , brains having been beaten out with an iron poker, evidently while lying, asleep on a _sofa. It wail' Oviderirthat the 'murderer_ had thrown the body into the commission of the crime... The poker 'was •fonzid, soon after, covered 'with' the; blood; brains and hat of the unfortunate lady. There wore no - signs of robbery.and the detectives con cluded that the murderer was a near *el* tive er friend. Accordingly, George H. Tivitchall. ,e, son•itolaw- of.the, deceiusel.' was takeh • into custody , and orlon' itiest.at Blood'stains were, found upon his 'clothing, and before the Coroner's jury t , _ other Oire rin iiiiinees came' to ligh; tilith ?) seem to. tlx the guilt upon Mitchell.. It is en that he iniagined that at the 41"1"Im would oOMe intskhis possenele n; as r = 'nearest of klirand was a particular itivittitn of the deceased; .' •- ' ' • Thereto much excitement here in rola-. tion to the murder of Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Mitchell is in custody.ort suspicion of par ticipating in um ,mnrder, The deceased: was wealthy; haviriglnherited it 'from 'her' last . husband.. Mrs. Twitchell is a dangip. ter. by her former husband. Negotiations had been going on for the purcse of a house on , the corner, of. Tenth and Pine streets. It is said the matter had been en trusted to Mr. Mitchell', and he had, the deed made,out in the name of his wife in stead of Mrs. nin. There had been some difficulty about the matter; and`Mrs. Hill had been advised to commence a prosecti tion against Twiteliell for misappropriation of her funds. =lt is supposed the object of the deed was to ,possess himself of, the property, and get out of the, way the eti deuce as to how he became in possession of it. Deceased had only a life interest in the propertyieft by her last husband. On .Saturday evening., while Margaret Ludwig', aged si x teen w as 'sitting asleep near a furnace, herolothes took tire and be- fore ehfl (*tad be reamed her body was. burned kia2ailsp. - ' , - -I"Pinutiiind.ritA, November 23.—A Fenian Convention meets here ki.morlow. It will probably be the largest meeting orrepre• imintative Irishmen ever held. Great pre paratiotus are being made for s' parade on Thanksgiving day. OEio. • • • . Message of Governor Haya, Telemph to tho.Pittaburgh (4aaette.l • Co',oxeye. Onto, November 23.—The - Governor'a message 'was read before the' General Assembly to-day. Ire airy Ansi glal affairs are in a satisfactory condition. The report of the Commissioners ibr re vising the laws relating to the financial system was litid,before you at the la* ses sion. Their report was accompanied by eight separate bills consolidating the pres ent laws, These bills ..have already been considered in' both"' branches. recom rnendan early consideration, and adoption -with such amendments as your judgment and the pultiuslnterests requires. willetaon of the lunatic asylum by fire require investigation and prompt action-in rebuilding „the asylum, A:fire proof buil ding is suggested. Prudence and tnimanity, also .suggests the: propriety of examining ;other institutions of the State in order tcypresent a similar disaster. Abuse of , the elective franchise requires the attention'of the• 'General Aesenibliat this- session. I submit the propriety of amendments to,the-election ,Jaws for the representation 'of 'rnittorities - in boards of judges and Werke of elections, and the reg istration of lawful voters in each township, ward and precinct prior *to the election: The 'Were/thief common schools will be promoted by an early adoptiqn of the wan ysuperintendency b r anvideln the bill now pending in oneh of the Assem bly,. I earnestliredonnend-the consider! ation.and passage of the bill. • , Last summer a proclamation was issued to prevent the spreading of the',Teattle `ills ease. liitspectrally recommend that au tboritY be given to appoint five Commis eldpertitO attend the meeting of Commis.: sioners of other States to be held at Spring= field, 1111401% ork. the Ist of peeember next, and report the'reattits In tlineTor the action of the presentAmembly..- • I'subinit the importanco of providing for a thorough geological survey or the kfiate. _ °Mehl Note. Or Nisi' *64; 1 ' - • illy Telegraph to the Pitt burgh tlesette:3 ' ALBANY, govalxiber" State QuiViteroararolosed the 21. l, c,• , at . El eetaril'ileket'tt‘4lght.:thel v m o f rat h ioualbritl„lB c,atf-peigte vole 429,857e ;4311 1 0423240419,1K,1 SBITR,GR. • • SPAIN. Spain.;Nov.; inlloll4ronce from us to the'eftect that - Gen. Prim la charged with delaying the elections and reorganizing the army with the design of a coup, de doe and the establishment of an empire. It is also/midtliat, hand bills are freely circulated hirrelevation to the throne, and that they eminate from his Im- Tediatefriendai • PRUSSIA. Lennon', November etch from Berlin states that there is much surprise at the omission to ooninit the Ring ..on the subject of his arbitration of the Alabluna claims. Count Blunaick luta recovered from his illness. and resumes Ids poet this week.: . 'GERMANY. • ROTA, November 22.—1 n thepreface:6f 'the official red 'book which has jest made its appeamace here, the MlLtatalualion of friendship With . Prussia and all Northern and Scuthern. States of. Germany is advo difficulty cated,'an is urged.d the settlement of the Schleswig _ . • • lI'VAGARY. • VrENNA, November. 22.--The.liungarian official Red Rook denoundeslhe disloyalty prevalent in the Danubian principalities to the Sultans government, and Boys they have forfeited their chdin to the protection of the Great Powers. - - --G. . TURKEY. :;ti Consteitriziopiat, November 22.—non: E. Joy Morris, American Minister, ms pre sented to' Mr. ?Porte an energetic protest, against the imprisonment of the two A.rner loan citizens at Damascus. r incendiary Fire. (14 'Telegraph to the Pittebarenfiesette.3 JANEseimat, Win.;;lforreinber 23.—LA fire 'this morning destroyed five, frame , hand bags on the south of Main street, owned bj . Benneboker, & ,Coopers, Loss $0,000; insurance amen. —The aggregate losses of the occupants, 100300; insur ance, 114,000. Ihe fire was the worker an laces- ! ladle° Chase ht • -Ohle , . . . . (07 Televplat to the MlStibllnk-6 RioulstOND. November.% ' ' Chase arrived here this:'y.tr ,' lie on the bench to.zonnow. . - - Gen: (By Telegraph - 011ie Plititturith 6 Lownsay, , .Noy*)zaber , r o . danserouily 131. INN 7irintitt - $:;' : ::24..r . :A88 'NECRINIMI L'OtT,s.,Qr~~~~ FAON t 'Etra,lir Funeral 'of illost- 6 e ' Ectilessils llssed--Neyr , Span sir Loan—nr. Bitrlingante —Anotise!! _lraillaelxo,aitniuuifer: Johnsbil—pieiteei , • Morris— iberal;:gmajority ; Least 0 e Hundred and•Filly= Foralik Cause. ay Telegratltt the Pittigiargi fitsette.l FRANCE: • PAWS. NOlre -the colehrnj tion of requititun maser and last offices of dead at the Madeline,. ',yesterday, the re. mains of•Roiltil Werinztlten to the cemetery ol l'ereagkettidee.r.Vaheilt/ was..rather ot a prinize.and dom aharncter. 1 4 11 e ihneralWas ibils,igettin*wait the display. nnusulCinit„lizuutuukthrauga.,,llned tha streets throtithmbloVul 'otatpploped. .who testilled" sped' Yet the great 43") e es fiDr9 f 9 P 44 :! in kg i Onr4rit aft lanc. At; •••,. •• • Novetubtit ' 22 . 1 - l Advices from Fiats state that thereto a griminir "discon 'tent in rranoe optislittneilt'orc ~the press stn Promote! are urged hy Gov ernment with nns ittuishry., . Pants, Ifoi7ent ' 22 . l . 4 lhe'Prinee of Wales *ACC4O I II4II/0"4•' r.:OItEAVIt AIL , Lorrnorr, Notinatiern ,22,-7-.VveltivrThe election returns noon ifficitv'thafthe Lib erals have at.least Offehturdred'and majority in a fall House. It licestbnated they will have one" hendied"aher' twentr majority on the itsbettfiliberit 'winch will be proPollfst-.te'SVWFoiritamentary address in reply to ihestern,a speech. Some people.are4 to think such. strength of nerd. re will be dangerous to the Liberals, liaringit will Ttend to pro duce discorct IlltutteirlY• ,Thia arPrehen" sion Is perhaPs inluz`as - near v all the Liberals '-who have' ,been eleotckl,havis .pledged theiriztelVes to their constituents to sustain Mr. Gladstone, and the ,fate of .the Adullamites, whet have all,come to grief. is a warning to bolters. Two fortunate re ults are considered to have been secured( viz": the" displacement of the Conservatives aDd the acquisition of power sufficient to exert a decialvepressure on the House of Lorde.fov pushing through' the measures far the misestablishment of the Irish . Church: „ • The aristocr atic" section of Whig party la charged _with. Intriguing to. have Earl 'Granville hivited by. , the Queen to f orma new Ministry,,and . the Radicals are indig nant at the u nderhanded course. It is'an= tioipated that the new ROUSE) of Ckutuncaus will be on the whole remarkably practical andbrildhe r as-lik in character. The ex olual . • 0 born: Mr Roebuck -and o 0 +h i ; ob. Or;iff , •the, lose - Ort .6" , Mutative' laWyers; , ,. eluding the „Atlorney General " anti solicitor General, much' 'larriented•-• Re men- filt that ef' the working 's candidates who .11died for want of money • and organintion, will, be In the' House to represent that new *lenient in the Government. . The electien in the counties have not•all been finished yet, but they will be completed: before the ebd ,ef this week. • . I A banquet was -given to Hon. Reverdy Johnson by the authorities of Brighton On Ratardoy. 2, George Peabody and George W. Childfhipt the - Phibuielphlit'larager , were also guests,. of the' corporation and ' many I distinguished Engl.'s n and locateeleb reties were- present, , Johnlion's re marks *ere isimllar tothos e 'of* former oc casions. The Mayor of righton also made a speech in•whieti -be ' a oquently- extolled peaceOtie,Afficriesii Minister and Mr. Pea. _ loormon, November 22--E'veniMr. Burlingme and_,his -miatdo n . inur gained ground daily. Hie relations with LOrd Stanley are intimate and eatrafactory. , !.. .a CIW Teleerspd ltliel to tie7PiAsitistiangttourzb G e ne . tte•J ' , MONTREAL, Novembei 28.—The overn ment or New Brunswick has rec3ived an advance of binds- from the 'Dominican Government, to obviate the embarrass ment growing ont of the ; rece nt bank laiktrea,t • Death of Gen. Waddy Thompson. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • Ter,LartAass,..loV. 28 :—General Waddy lhompson, who,lin Calhoun 's time was it. - memberof Congress from South Carolina+ and afterwards lliinister to Mexico, died here-thie afternoon aged about seventy • i • • • tt ) 1 tsvoreleavipti to itai i12"4-thz24; Poirrutirn; November 'hands are thrown out , of , ernploylitent• by the subniersion of the 'Cumberland , Paper Mills at Wilitthrook:' , The lots by the land slide is stated at I .losooo. • : - , New Orleans Market. TraegtorOt to thi•Pittsbtula tiesette' .i ZIXW Qg :November middlings advanced to 233ia28Xe; sales -3,600 bales; receipts since Saturday-7,774baleai exports-4,225 bales. Gold at IMX. Eiterling—CommerciatlMA(olsN; Rank, 14630146 X; New York Sight, 5X diseount. Sugar—lowr 'grades are depressed; hilly fair.at 12Xo; pritnent INc, and Clearfield at 13gc. • Moldases higher. with • common at 55a60c; prime 67470 e, and choice at 72c, .Flour dull and lower, with superfine atss,so; double extra at $6,62; treble extra at F. Pork dull and unsettled, with new , western at $26; old is held et 128. • Bacon dull end unsettled, with sales shoulders at 18a18Nc; clear rib sides at 1 63017 e, and clear sides at 183ia18,io.' Lard dhll, with saleatlerce at 11330, and keg at 17 . aic: Qom, in better supply, with 'en easier - "market; • gales new at 90c. - Oats -firm at 68e. Bran scarce and higher,' with sales at 51,20. Bay. 'scarce and higher, with sales western at 5 2 3a26. WhiSkY depressed, with sales of western rectified at $/,02301,(15., coffee dull; Rio in; fair detnand at 14)0, and prime at 163ia16Xe. • ' Buffalo Market. Cgy Toiesnma to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) BrIPPA.Lo, Nov. 28.—Flour firm with an upward tendency; sales at 57.75 for western bakers; $8,60 for Illinois amber afloat; 57,25 and $6.25 for No.l and2cityground ring Wheat 'inactive sp . and unchanged. Corn quiet. Oats firm and held at 600. Ity— sales 5,000 bu western at 41 e ,25. Barley nominal_. Pork lower;at . 0 for heav meat. Lard lower _ and quiet at 16a163i0. y Grain in storo•L-827,600 bu wheat, 89,000 bu c0rn,220,000, Pm oats. 120,000 barley, 119,0 bu rye. ill Albany Cnttle 'Market. fr . illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiaseite-i•, AuiAny, biov.. 23.--There la•n• good de rnand fo r nettle to-day, and .the prim are about per pound higher than last week; sales 1500 bead at 41ii70 ibr Texas and Mich igan; 7.ia8.g0 fbr State, % Canada Indian and Illinois, and BXaBNo for choice eillinoia and lEentnekettrait.' Sheep In good de mand at 34a4,75. Lambs f6a8,60. Hogs held firmly at 1 11 ,24511,75 but the sales are light. • , • =I Chicago Market. cnic (By To!seraph tct Ulu Pittsburgh Glisette.) seo, November 23—Evenusx—There were no transactions in NVheat tanighi; buyers and-sellers/4111,15, Corn litaiet, and nominal. at 84a85c. Oataltdet at 47a4N0. NaslT tk k , r o i l 4 market ea rn % to the in h - 4sa _ ttabarah Gazette.l tve . l l . _Lu9veniber 23. Cotton ac . at - . 2(1.4 40. 47,ia _.T Iddlin g 2 3 3(, good ordln' ' . A , , . ORTIG Ir UIPTO VOIIWZY will organize a Teachers' Institute on ti grand scsle,; to open on the 21st Docember'next, 'at :Easton; and continue fourdays Brof. Wickersham, the faculties` -of Lehigh' 17 niversity, Lafayette Cellege,the Moravian schools at Bethlehem, and other;distinguished edricational leaders are expected to be present and participate. • lehmond.,--,:- • Mite.). • let Justice Ana, A stentunn man in Constantinople had "a difficulty with five of his wives; which h e settled by, , tying them up in sacks and'throw ing them iptcrthe Boaphonm- •thirty eight other wives have given ldnvno trouble since that Idtvfitouse-cibtullag-catue et t e,3 , -Rte.Batiei is `~`'4tazs' ~s.':.tC .y...f :r..:.. .~ ;.vu.;:sJ. ':i:tiSrt~A+z ~.:.zu..r:. UpWCO. Gen. Mejta, Minister of, War,' Will ices lgn --Candidates fbrthe Vactutcy—Unforttided Huslor.-pennind of iGen. Canto Refused— Heavy Inundations—Town oetarctyedtby . Irire—,Eacobedo Defeated and His TrooPs dein the R ebels.. • • - (By Telegrap ' to the Pittsburgh Gazette. ) HAVANA.; o vernber.23, 7 -An arrival from Vera. Cruz - brings : the following into gence: , gence: Theresa ation of Gen. Mejia, Minister of War, Ws:lnt to be tried for the unaitthor ized expenditures of public monies, is con aidered , cerWn. Generals Dias, Alatorre and Perritizabal iris .. ken of as prominent l y 'candidates foi the o.i ce. • • - The repore;that aninsurzection had been :organizedinAlerra Puebla, by Mendez and Negrete, proves' unforinded. - • Heavyinuttdations In many portiotat of the country. !causing great loss of property, are reported,l, ' - `--- The &mend of Gen.'Canto to be tried by a militaty court, for the alleged assassins , lion of Geni ?stogi e has been refused. , • A fire yetti3rday at Batabano destroyed a large portion ; f the town. ' ' • NEw- °ninths, Nov. 23.—The nines cop. /es from the Brownsville Bancheko extra, dated the 12th inst., letters front Monterey, receiVed the previous night. • They state that Escobedo, having gone from Tam to Victoria for the purpose of commencing the Tamitulapisicampaign jointly with the -troops front nicamoraa, was surprised by the entire fortle, l of Vargos at the Hacienda .de Alamitos. El:imbed° was defeated, bare ly escaping With a few of his_Staff to Monte= :rey. Escobedgls(forces fought badly, and be fore the light was over.hurrahod for.Vargcs - and' Canales, and finally declared in favor rebels. Escabedo attempted to collect hie :force , 1 4...1/gontero3o •but failed. His soldiers refusing to march without being paid.-and afterwards openly refused' toff eht against their Tamaniapie l brethren. P.s -i oohed° seeing this complicated state of af fairs sent in his resignation, declaring him 'self incapable tot potting down the revolu tions The:-forces at Victoria,, under Lopez and Montensios, becoming, demoralized is Wind e dthomsellies, a large portion join g Verges. It 3 ; iii‘ believed -by this time ,Tautpico has pronounced as well as , other ilowns in the [ State, and. soon the entire . State will be in thq hands of Vargm Heavy-Reward offbred.-. (By Te.leg,raph to, th elPittsburgh Gazette.), 4 • WORCESTER, NNovembert reward of five thousand' dollars has been offered for the arrest of three men who ES. `saulted and robbed Aaron Bliss in his house at 'Manson, 'en Frldiy iffernlng. Yester day a man named, Stulzen was arrested on suspicion, and identAtied by-Bliss as the man Who stauck. him. , „ U. S. District Court. ...`' --- v ' :-- In the hankruptcY branch of the Court. at chambers, a petition, was filed by T. Y. ?biker dr. Co„ Scranton, Jetierson. county, asking that Patrick Cialla,glian,of thesame Place, be declared, bankrupt. The peti lioning creditors allege that the respondent is indebted to them in • the stun of $800.78. That being insolvent le has committed acts of bankruptcy by confessing judgment to M. J. Pkelbins, for the tram of 41,180, to M. M. Kearney for $1,175, and to J. M. Jar xett for $l9O, *withlhe intention of gliing the parties named preference over other .) creditors, contrary t the picvisions of the bankrupt act. • A voluntary petitiol for adjudication,. in bankruptcy was tiled by:John IL Moore, of Blair county. . i , • • District Court--indges H a mpton and Ma patrick. Court met at ten &clock yeaterdaymern lug. Judges HamPtott and Kfrpatrick On the bench. The following business . was, transacted: In the case of D. C. RlpleY ft Co., vs. Seultz .it Danner, after a jury had been cm pannelled the',defendants cen / fetised Inept in favor of the plain tiffs In the sum of 0/,0-10,37. [ ...The next cake taken np was that of Wm. A. McClurg vs. The Pittsburgh and 'Don- nellsvilla Railroad Company. This was au, action to reCover dam - a:ges for injuries sus tained byplaintiff, while a passenger on a . 1 train on the , defezulants' road, eaused,las was alleged, by carelessness of the com pany's agent. - In - the cases of Acheron Waldier , and- Wolf vs. Marine 011 Company, motions for -, new trial and reasons flled. • In the flue of Mellon Bras: ins. neon dr, Anderson, on motion of plaintiff's attor nay,' William Blakely % Bag.; was appointed, auditor, to . make - distribtibou af the fttnd -in Court, and ordered ton:take report of the - The dime of HerrrOn ys. Patterson, one -tit Plum was then taken up and was on ' trial when Court adjearrned.' • TILLS*: Following is the trial List for to-day : „ 40. Sorg vs. First German Ev. St. Paul's - congregation or East .Birtningbant' McKown • • - Archanbault mt. Smith. Ardesco Oil Company vs.,RlChaidsori - (t Tack.' - - Williams ft Co. vs. King At Co. „: ,Cochran vs. Auld. - Mclftroy Dickson di CO. Vs. Knap. Brownve. Hattie. • , Ell . -Common Pleas= -Judge Stowe. Court met at the usual hour - yesterday morning, Judge Stowe on the bench. , • The first case disposed of was that of Wm;. Duvall vs. Richard L.' Miller. The defend- ant was a clergyman; and had married a _ son of plaintiff, who was alleged to have • been under age.; The action was brought L. Th tliecci rr v a er y i l h i e4 h nalti fixed ' by th e e it a t ir of ns .of the plaintiff ere to the effect that:, ;his • eon was born Se n btber 4th, 11119,1andlhat he had bean' et!' some time daring the month of September, 1887. In. cone. boration of these allegations the family, was offered in evidence, the father hiving .. ,IJAat he had entered the rel4litt kalArefanuk ACtfl4lolo.• le,fr i ,that lb Oa the ash. ot 'olptamtittr L L UM The title page of the Bible had Seilito torn( out; bat fttr"..4"- & , - W.-.P. White ' , iicatraiel for the defendant, discovered that on, the- title page, of the New Testament it appear- „ ed by the imprint that the book was not published until the year-1855—four-,years after the record,. was alleged to have been entered. Thejury found a verdict for the defendant. • The next case taken up was that of lifen deline Ott, for, use of A. Hoffman the surviving partners of the Mien Coal Com- • ;any. This was an action on a promissory note. The my y found for plaintiff In the - sum of est. 1 1 / 4 .14., the amount of the note, with inter —•— • The case of C. G. Hunter:s. C. Gallisath was next taken up. -This was an action on a book account. • The Jury found for plain tiff- in the sumaf 124. ' The amount of the claim was 184.74. • . R. H. Bibles' vs. the . Pittsburgh and 31C-` Reesport Car Company was the next case taken up:, This was an action to recover the amount of salary alleged to be due to plaintiff.. He was employed at a salary of 12,500 per year, but was - discharged ' the expiration pf, that time. The a before ction* _- therefore, brought to recover (the balance due. in: the ease'ot Wolsencraft vs. Goldstein, berog on action for malicious .proseantio ,n , reporten last week, a motion for anew trial was - made* by Josiah Cohen, E sq., coun sel for-defendent. The following is the trial list for to-day: 219. Haardnicer vs: Harty Executor,. 210. f' . olv vs. Hibernian & Co. • 238: Good vs. Eirsifit _ 241. Wier vs. MeAlpin:- ; ' .• 243. Spithers vs. !lupe. 244. Donnellt vs." Wells et tlx. 245: ROtartaoll vs: IV A. dr. M.P. Co. 248.. An.ks vsatchtsinuns. •., • • 248. Paisley vs. Vogt dt McPheison. ' • Co.• 311111er vs. SprbigGarden %nor o • • =I nhtiap Stetena. • ' We regret hi' learn that tlie injuries re ceived by. Bishop Stevens, at Bethlehem, on last Satunisy night, -while not acts alarming, are more serjons than reporta The Bishop walked over a perpendicular bank,in the dark, falling a distance of se'_ en feet. RIB right >arm is broken an' near the shoulder as to „Make it impossible to set , IC in the regular manner, and the surgeons have been.compelled to depend upon band aging; hoping that the use of his ism may be restored by • the ligame,ntons adhesions..' There There 4 also a very serious , injury to the knee joint, the full extent of which' has not yet been determined; In the Bishop's en feebled' condition - of health, the reaction, of the shock to his system has been slow, °;` and hinrecovery will be necessarialy quite tedious. He is at - the house of theltev. Mt. Potter, tie son of the late Bishop, /Potter s and is, of coarse, receiving evm.y , possible. attentiomand the adiantrureoftlio best med- Gant Powntz CLATTon, Governo''r. Axlcansas, wan originally a Pennsylvanian , then a Vatted States, soldier, and is nctw a citizen and Chief Magietraie of. Arkansas. His admidistration deaf credit not only to that State, but to the Commonwealth which gave him birth and the army whose, colors - • h • . - AT SE . VITELM voting places in Louisiana, the Whites attended with their guns, from whence they sallied out in bands, surrounded..) the colored men and actually drove them_to the• polls, and at , the Muzzle of their fire- aims compelled them to vote the Democratic StIEZ TII.E COITATS. El MEE ME