The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 23, 1868, Image 8

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inm..:ylliggpm. : ,,,
o.***ue,l4-** First, rage 4
. tp.
whenever have an oppo rtun ity
e North , to neople inttreaten in the
fa wel
e or.the n n-
r habits taiof the Southern sec.
tion ofour country,l will speak for the:poor t
white man and the peon white child, made
ignorant by assistirip, in the delition of
-the negro. Leavinr.: Corinth, XW , WPpi,
I came to-Raleigh, 'North Carolina.: On tbe•
day thati - -reactred that city, one of ithe
great citlesnf tbvi-South in,-
they Were holdir,g their first cenvinuort to
nominate :rielep a ates -to the ,ConstitutiOnal
Convention. - .A . poor white"niart Called
to the. chair. . Trait man wag -so 4gnorant
that ie was tu able to put A single: motion
Made by-the convention, and a son of the
present - GOWirnot of the State st.ood besid they
the Preside nt of they Coripention and an
nounced eV err motion,,saying, " I am re
-quested , t' , put!theinntion."..-I Vhiid the
honor to speak to that body, and I spoke of
the condition of the poor Whites, of their
condition. made by the effectsof
slavery, „alti, it-Amed exist . that State;
and as lea:rade myaddress; that molt Pre°
ident '; that - Convention, stood. and
eyed 1 -411.11K1Allitt MI Wept as ifs his
very ;heart would break. and when
-I itarished , ;my,- remarks, stepping for.
war l i-14)-gaVO.trie his hand arid said
'thank yon for'What : yea= have said for the
Poor Whiten- et North - Carolina." Every
word of it is true. I have had occasion to
assist si*Orintendent of the Priedmente
Sures - Mot - that State: I traveled from 11.4.
leigh• Pi - Eininiton and from there to Tar
Filiver; and after fhadrode along the road
'some f'dintanoe, I said -to the ailored man
dritin.n. the vehicle, `"How far is it now to
Greenville;' tie, ; '.:;When.; :
get to a certain post I. will 'tell you
how far. Said he: `from this ppst to -
Greenville' It is so - "many'"` ndles.' Said
I, "how do you knowl". 'Matt until
we get to the next post and: I will explain
it to ,you." We - drove On smother mile and
then -we saw ,14010E.WithAtotches cat in it.
said" he, . 4 441 r count. the notches." I
+counted the notches. Ea4h,, notch answers
for one mile. Ir Is. en many,Miles from
this post to Greenville. . I said to that
man, "Why have you not a - sign post here,
9reenli o-twenty-fiver!iniles.-", "Why,"
said h 4 ‘there are -a. good. many 'people
here „cannot read.". “Black • folks, I
suppose."' 'Mighty heap of White folks
here,that -pan% read " F And that is a fact.
In thepresence of that `woman in Corinth;
hiissiesippi, in the presence of that aged
white Man in Ealelitil, in! the pres
ence peet,..-I , ' said -: - 10 myself:
I am - an .4trierican. not a negro -now, but
an Altherican. - I - love 11:de country, it is
mine,,, &love every-interest thatpertains
to tills hind; I am interestedin every. Word.
Wherever Igo I will say tO, the people of
the Worth, toile people .of the South, to
good-Men and women evewhere, what
ever von tad dbirikipread:adifcationia the
South; do it that,t/ie, black man and the
white Mgt ttiere' may"hecome 'geed citi
seas of the country and goad! members of
the ohntelf::lt lithe 'duty of every White
man, of -every negna„.-of every - - naturalixed
Irishman and German, to put upon _the al
ter 'it'll% country the means Whichare ne
cestulry - to carry educatibn to the dark re
gions. -of our country, and if I ' had
the Som' would like. to tell you what I.
have seen, as 1-have traveled traveledittthet,coun
tu. :35row. my *lend - tells MS; 11) stop; that
1 muetetop. He is inrrAzonimandh3g , offt
- ear, but, my.friendi.go from thit meeting
to night withthe spliit. of liberty. and-the
purpose-thed in your hearts to make your
landechrhs, thin land; your:church* chits;
tian nlinrch, and see .that.the ignorant, are
educated, and educatelfall he thristian
Theemagregation then sang the ' long uie
tredoxelogy and were dismissed with the
beim:Batton by Rm. Dr. Noble:
NEW': tcrittk r i
pleasing and humorous actor, closed his
, ,
first . week's engagement on Saturday night,
playing in his great' - of Sam. He re--
wised, Splendid support:: fioniz the able
stock, 32 P32 2 Pa11n, „Which acY , graces
boarAv diseclass place (Attie drawsi
to,night, Mr. Chanfrau commences his
second week's engagement, appearing in
'his sensational play of :Toe, a companion
piece to Sam, although, in the estimation
of many, a much worthier production.
Mr. Chanfratt gives imitations of nearly all,
the leading
. actors of comedy- and tragedy : :'
on the stage - Intl:i e . various • characters he
=mines in the play,
Pirriastmut TimsTitz.—The , 'old';
Drury" lies , qbeen...therouglilyt renovated
and painted; and will re3oPen tonight with
new.scenery, new effects, and new proper
- ties, and with a full and carefully selected
—stoek company, brought hither frol4 New,
Nark. Mbs Kate Fisher the most graceful"
and linished. equestrienne actress, appears
in her t grmkrore of Maseppa, to-night.- ,
grand combs
nation troupe, recently strengthened by
the addition of several worl&known voml
ists and, terptilefiotrgan , performen, have
contributed t,o readeitliis pima of .amuse
meat more popular than ever, as is proven
in Um) Jame. tgtenclance, each , evening. :
Darin . .the present holiday week special
attra 4 4 32 lmMl l 4:z4rtmedialhAtheyleag;
ilaneing and
irildst that our
,p)ople della -fullq apisteelate the ' ' , mitt'
and attractions bt:our - .` home m 4 scum on..
Fifth avenue . y It abounds with ourioattla,
in anirtutrille,Pworks of art and ingenuity.
The intelligent 'arbileas„rady; the illbinp
twine,-the four legged child; the crocodiles,
shake%'birds, ato4 - Ikte attractlions, which
shoo td keep a :c4niut flow of.visitors
attendance at-the inusep.m.-:4
'A Great Unitary Reform.
Hon. William C. lifeCarthy hal-been do-,
voting much lota towards de.
vlaing some plan - cf - itating or doing away
connected with
the emptyingorceito-Pixftwhiok has been
• •
charged ao'Pften briholrgdical fratandty
vitas - 601dg iiroAtictiiikcif L ikdrilesir in the
community. That he nu fully succeeded
in his purposes has Just been demonstrated
'by the introductliki of ii aysterilwhtelf•nust
certainly work great reform. The plari is
` to remove the contents of vaults in Vacuum
Tanker 'eke'. taillesi are ,'-ore lotir=wheeled
wagons,' add , vhen . in'operation,.itre - con`
nected :with the vault' to be cleaned by a
line of pipe entirely air tight. In;this way
the work is done without infecting thdinr
rounding air in the least, and so cleanly
and unobtrindvely
,does it operate that a
bystiuidetb unaware of . the particular Oper
ation going befdre lila eyes until he' is
told wt it is. It can be worked on 'Fifth
avenue in broad daylight, and,, save by 'Ot t
novel - appearance,. wB.I attract no" attention.
The Board of Health has given.endoras
merit and recommendation to these new
cleariersiand probabl* the old - methods of
Perf(lMlng-the Work will lie abandoned
tirel Orders :for, the service of the mit
ehWWniay:be left at, the - Mee; No: ,52
Water Oviet,.. or- tit Abe 'Beard:of . Health .
COW, Fourth avenue, or sent through the
The Park Cammisden of Allegheny{ are
6, 3n sfdeklig,t,lwfoludbliity,of commission•
Ing the rmrdents in the violnitgoftbe Park
ms policemen„ ter' the purpose,of preventing
any ininrr theiff.muldiv-or trees
tru do rs The large -.extent of.territory
covered by theyark - tenders it iMpossible
for the:regular 'policemen - arrest ,
trespassers, and -the comtnission4ldnk t his
' plan would , Work better' than employing :
policetnewLmbleb.,,eonld only be ,
done at greet expense.
- ,
Bare Chance #u Pit :Heir Enhde.—On
Our Afih: Page•v l .ol,htfonnda r t acivertble,
- went of; .an ohiganC, , reyidenoe , for , sale.
This tan be - bought - very low. k'or
,particulars, nee advertisernent•
• _ ' • 24 '
WO'S.7l: ;l oo s :l4fc -- ta 'W•qPil,o4s*-311Vipp;14:4-0,kA.,,,t.V;i4z4z,4.11.44:fp1xiti, •
;,Sunday morning:, a lady from— Jetnesi-
Uwe,' Pet. 4211ddhaget:by'dsmeill:
search of defughtif,-Phoebe
*horn ibte:SaYS drai ‘ ifbduatia;or,llnduced
to leaveher tome. out the IliSt.of October .
last, since viten -she has been -unable to ,
hear anything ofhereabouts. :She'
, w
states that 'a Weinismcalliitg herself. •Mrs..
Paokard. and`representing that ahexesided
at No. 13 Penn street, haelbeen stoppirig in,
lignestown for some days PreVibusAo- the
departure of her dagghter, And that f tbEi
daughter was at the depot they difY
Packard left the town, an gqoot,on the train,
withher. Thereis a Mrs ~Packard resid
ing at No. 18 Penn street,-but she does not
prove to be the one whio Wu at Jamestown,
as she has not been .abroaCtrom-- the: city
during the summer,:oenseqUentlytheother
woman must havebeen travellOg under an
assumed name. r- , • - •
The girl Phoebe, listen` yearet of age and
said to bemery large, for that age, is light
compleeted, with light ; brown hair, and
large blue eyes:- Any period bating knowl
edge of her present whereabouts will confer
a Thvor on 'the mother by leaving • informs
tion at the Mayors office, and they will alas
he liberally 'rewarded:: _ • - - ,
Despicable illeat!nem
Of all the ` "tricks : tinde,"..the latest
and moat c ontemptible came to our notice
yesterday. ;1i Certain canvasser for "Sewing
Machines has been accu s t om ed- to call at
. every door, and generally .asking permis
sionm to look at the :machine belonging to
the lady of the house. If the article hap.
penod to be one, of the "W eed " patt ern,
(whose popularity , we believe, is mmemaled
in this city and elsewbere,) this so-called
agent would, an pretense of examining it,
dexterously, turn the needle around or
otherwirCe put it out of gear and then ask
the proprietor to show him "kow t went."
If the lady did not happen be suftlitiently
familiar with machines :toi discover the
fraud. bewcsild assare her that was "the
- fault of the;Machine; and• all others," ex
cept the kind hek had to sell, and would
then offer'to. exchange or sell ter his: But
he, like alt rogues, found his match at last.
- The lady of lhe house caughtkim dierrint,
ling-her ''"Weed" and turned - him. out of
doors-with somepartlng advisee that he will
be likely to remember. ' '
. . .
First week of Prof. Carlin, the original.
Boheircian'glasit . _Burnell's 24U-,
Positlvel,y the host' week of the.fur
Leg.ged Child at BornelVilauseuth.
Fair and Festival.
The ladies of the First Cumberland Pres
.bitxtrian Church, Sixth avenue, will .open
their promised fair and:Festival to. norrow
and continue it up till. Thanksgiving night:
The pleasant occasion's under the same
auspieea of past seams; are gratefully re
membered by many of our reisdiiii Who
were so lucky as to attend, and we :can
promise even greater ,enjoyment at' the
coming fair, as the ladies have made stren
uous -exertions te sedate the
_pleasure of
- all who will favor them with a visit. Din
nera and suppers, including:a ensnaptqous
Thanksgiving dinner t will be served, and
our restaurant diners-should direct, their
patronage on these .days to the Fair room;
wherethey will secure splendid meals and
be waited won by handsome ladiesi The
- proceeds are to be applied to the .paYMent,
lot a church debt.- . , . • , ,
• Prof tuna - itia Dloirex,
031:12MellOW all ensagazaent, at .Busnell'a
Mnsttim"Wdak: - . •
Positively the last week of the, Fottr
.Legged Child , at Burnell's Utrieum.
The., Lungs,.
Dr., Robert Baiter, hit,rletw York,' .tir;
zne4Y‘editoi . ort4q s Pectiailat al* JouP lB . l _
of Means xpe , chopt,'' &a, has arrive d.
in l'ittsbnigh; and lin reOeivo Valente at'
the Merchants' ifotel , tp-day(Monday) and
two days followhii. . .
Dr. Wwas the itdrodtulitr Of. the 'IOWA-
Lion treatment •of Pulmonary complaints
into the United litates,zand inventor of the .
Inhaling Instrument and Patarrh. Syringe
In general use, and has recently introduced
"hunter's New Patent 'Wotan° Inhaler,"
specially designed—lst. To - enable patients
who wish to test the efficacy of gm - yspor
„treatment to do so at smau expense: and
\without going through a - regular muse::
J2d, For use in families for.tho
,ra4loar Alt&
speedy - -cure of recent . Aitc:
And 3d. For physicians in,their office'prac.t
ticeePrice *lO, with dlteeticce::
Dr. H. will be happy to see any of his for
mer,patients who may call upon'hini,lia'
well= all now under:hia treatmetd.
Hours.lo A. if. to 8 P. M.- •
Positively the last week: 'of -the Rini
Legged Child at Bnimcdl'aliiiiseum.
1000 49.5b9as glitint4lkietit.'
The patrons of- theldamMoth Auction
Rtooms, Nose; 55 and 57 Fifth 'airenne, are
getting unexampled bargains:just noir in
he. way of boots; shoes, blankets, carpets
;And woolen goods: . - Messrs: Smithson and
00. are selling a fineitoek at the very lowest
pricsiu - They ;offer :: better goods tium may
be obttlined elsewhere in:the, city oat dower
prices, than rule elsewhere, thus lbflbring
every inducetiUmt to Purchasers. This' is
theltirkie -to visit the Auction , Rooms and
obtain valve tor yourmonsy. • Housekeep.
era especially should .not' omit to visit the
auction. - j
.• , •
Fancy glass blowing, in all its varieties
,by Prof. Carlin, at Iturnell's 111nsetun.
Pool ely the,- last - week or the Four
Leveed 'Mild litiruellis Museum. "
This season :game is qquite p en is;, a nd
hunters are opt in all ftectionspand the
sport is said be be Wit-line: L. Our friend'
Mr. Ramie proprietdrif--the popular and
Well conducted dailegriph DWnglictOms
and , RostaniantP No: 101 Third strait,
keeps= his tables' alwaYa supplied with' the
best .the markets afford, as well as. the.
largest oysters. tb&choicest meats, poultry,
vegetables, itc. No' better sx•nditited'saioon`
is there in the - city thaathoTelegrapli Rao
taurant, and any of our readers-wanting :a
clasp, enjoyable meal :at any hour ;of the
dav, at a very seasonable oriole, should • riot .
to'iati pay it a visit.- faraishes
sappers for parties, balls, private oy
banquets, at his ovulates - dininghalls, la
the but style and at the .lo • =alai - prices::
We commend him as a gentleman emi
nently worthy of public patronage.
PostOely the last weeh. of the Four
ipigged Child et Burnell's Mtuteum.
Museurhe manager, Dfajr B u n te n
desirous of keeping up the
v attractions and
novelties at thill,fdready. very, iniereeiing
place .of amusement: , has , effected qui on.
gaionitsit with Professor Carlin, the origin:
111 ;Bohemian plass Blower. livho will make
his. first appearance to-dsy4 All should
hearlemisd that this fit positively the last
week of that great woiderthe Four Legged
Chad.:'. Look out for another great :wonder
next week, ' •-; ---
Pouitloely the last , week. of the Four
Legged Chip at Burnell's Museuin.-
:It la .said 'that the copy of ShOkopeaie
which Xis.; Fannie_ Kemble used at hef
readirigs Ili our city, last week, is the same
whichher great aunt-Mrs. Sarah
the greatest 'tragic getress pogip4id" ever
knewihasdtlaring her ,
'• -
,Positively , the -lost , Week Orthe
'Leitged•Child at Ottirieli's Diluent.
tr 4 • 1 ,5 ." ' l 7-A t 7 ' c
14.4 1 4.14AM ,1 ' . :C 504 *
• - .
ml nos *fat ILtit. •
Court met at tep A yd oc kigai r ib4,
WS; 'mien Inewtte Saturday's business was
The Irr
2,10 Pall,tY'v3. -- liabarknar. — "
211 OR for mei vs. Geiger et. of
'214--orximffatiy-A.Co.PM.lialeare...-- =,
_2IS tiger va.Pattoon's ,
~•.229 Hun er vs:Oidbraltb. •
283 Hibles vs. The Pittsburgh and BP-
RooliVlrreid Obi .
284 Hill va. Howard.
288 Good ye. Hirsh &Bros.
239 Steele vs.. jaok,Mult et.ral• •
• 240 OWnersof the mt,mboat °matey,*
Owners of the Steamboat Parthena.
- 281 Weir va. Walpine.
Dlstriet Court Trull List.
•, , ,
Following is the , pistrict Court trial l ist
43. Itirileia Co. vs. Schulte &Danner.
,33.; Herron'cs:•Patterson, Nehan a Co.
138. McClurg vs. the . Connellsv.ille A. R. Co.,
40. Long va. the St. Paul's Evangelical
Church of East Binninghain:
43. McKeoun vs: Negle7.
44. Archumbault ve. Smith.
45. Ardosco 011 Co. ya..Eloluirdson et al.
48. Wilkins Oil Co. vs. King a Co.
•Paalttrelv the last 'week of Ike Four
Legged Child at Bur iell' ; s Mtiseum.
The Plttebargh Storied Works.
Elsewhere we publish the card of the Pitts
burgh Stencil Works, No. Il Market street,
Moa&s Smith ,: & Sutton, proprietors.
Thew gentlemen enjoys' high reputation in •
their business, and not only manufacture
the best quality ofburnieg brands for rev
•errue stamping, stencil stamps, - steel
stamps, seal resiei, cancelling s ta m ps,
brass and capper stencil dies, but also key
rings, tags, box' stamps, stencil past& ito: :
'Their prima are very reasonable and their
facilities wnsurpassed for the speedy exe.--
•cution of orders. They refer to many of
anr -leading houses, and are in every res=,
.pect worthy the confidence and patronage
of the business community. Read their.
Bargains in 13Amkets, Carpets , &e.
T'ne greatest bargains can be had in
Blankets, Carpets, Furs, Buffalo Robes,Lip
ltdbes, Horse Covers, &0., at H. C. Smith
son & Co.'s, 55 and 67 Fifth Avenue. A
great pile•of these good's were pnrehsed
reoently at a Bankrupt sale, and are being
disposed, Of at prices that should - induce a,
ail from every one in need of mky of them.
The Plitsbargb:refttda College is con
,ceded to be one of the very best places" t
America „for the thorough education and
mental training of girls and yotingladlea•
Pupils gtre in attenftnce trout every State
of the Union; and are Ought all 'the
branches known'. in the curriculum of the
forambsteelleges. - • e .
lecturer--Cherge Alfred Townsend, poet,
scholar and journalist; will lecture tamer
row; evening at the 'Academy of tinily.,
'under the aices of the Mercantile Li
brary Assoc iation, Qd4he "Penneylvania
Dutch," - as subjoin made humorous, en
tertaining and %instructive by the graceful
lecturer. There will be'no reserVed seats.
Positively tile Jost • week of the Pour
Legged Child at ldniettni. •
_ Deafness. Allindness, Catarrh !
And all tiftbetione of ',Throat, L ungs,
Heart, Stomach, Liver and-Nervous Eire;
M. treated at Dr. Aborn's
WWI and enritica:-InOitutes No. 134
SMUll,t l e l 4' B3o t., •
The artaleraleds, wttite and black twins,
the Lilipitian King, and four legged
all this week at Burnell'a Ifuseutn.
The Varest:ild etests Qpd LWer Ofl
In the 'TM/4; *antifactured. from ;Ylreah,
healthy livers, uptra the seashore; it IS per ,
.filetly pure ana sweet: Patients who have
once takeU - none Other. Ask
for "Hazard and Cas* , eirs Cod - Liver On?
manufactured by CsaWell,' Hazard: & Co.,
New--York Sold by all drafts:l4s. Is •1.
There Will be a pieetins held to-niglipat
the Wylie street African M E Church, at
which Gel . O O. Howard, J L. •Ltmg6'
ston, and other (listingtdshed gentlemen
will be prestmtio deliver giantism Acor‘
dial invitatiOnlxithe instate is extended; ' ' ;
Con9nnatiotc=xltt Ret. M. DOMelleCh the
zealous Catholle:.Biehe,p of r this% diocese.-
, yeaterdsy ocittinned, several htuared chit.
Aran In the felth.; Paloilpithoor,aL
The attencliece,trierteu larigiV,Od the - cer,
!,einoey_quiteltaweinge ,
Pritgressulg.-rThe"Montgotnety evenus
ewer, Allegheny, has been completed - be
sond Webster greet, and Vffl,•,donbtless,
be entirely finished before the season for
:work Is closed. _ , •
The number of church goers in our cora
munity must be' 'on.thif ithirease, judging
from the attendance at the different church
es yesterday. r..
• z
An important change of time' on the va
rious rallwaya - laaimoUnced td-day's pa
per by, advertisement.
The place to get White Urn% Calcined
Mater, . Hydraulic Cement. is , at. Eckerit
Caskey's, 187 First street. ,• -
on Thankagiv : lng, stand gala day at Bur
Ptinsenm , , •-; ,
Most of the streets in 'Allegheny need
some attention from the mud scrapers.
, •
'Pesltively ihe last • lieek. of the Four .
tegge4 Child at Burnell's Museum.
Trouble at Bfti Tliver CIO . Eiked.-'
The Mob Atlas:Veto Barn the City—They
are Reptkieed by the Citizens With MsarY
Loss—Troopa Gone- to the .Scene of pis
Sy Telegaah to the Plttaburith Gazette.]
Sr. LOMB, Nov. $ 1 1.4.:A. 'dispatch from
Meer River. Oity,.datel 9 P. X., says: The
mob, wholiad been driven from • thteity,
collected in themountains, neat., Bearßiver, and sent into town for a -phirakdan
to attend the wounded. They sen back
'word - bythe Plividelanjor the women and
,children to leave the town," as they inten
ded to.burn it The 'Mayor telegraphed to
Fort'Brifigeir ft:lt:Mops, which are expetted
toutorrdw.: ' ' •
ST.Lotris, - Noveralief22.—TheDemocrat's
Bear River City dispatch lays: „Part. of: the.
Mob made an effort to burn the city on Fri
-day night, hut were beaten . off by the citi
zens. irwci of the mob were killed and sev
eral wounded. •
Troops from Fort-Bridger arrive d on Sat
urday , morning anti the city iinewtran
quil..- ,
The oh Carrled - tWelVe of theirdes to
the mountains and left eleven bodies on the
No l wre trouble is oratatpated.
I nark A lger 1 14
The gm ve
A l 6, 1.
. H
r telegraph to, the Plltsbuesaet;e.3l
"NRUVASTLE. h N ovember
4y, in the jail4ard, ' Sayan Pereener eon
vi°ted °rPettS i offells• Were_ i , vied W - 4 Poet
and whipped. One was a man of teventy
ear P 4 riirt received twenty lashes on the
Dare l back . f ile cried bitterly. during the
6rdeal Two boys, of about twelve Years,
received twenty las - heis One Man was
"plabed in the.illory untilAotallybeiPlees
LiV cold, and then whiPped „with twenty
- ,
(1!7 Tel Dh fo t3q eitcpbarsanaseeter/_
8ui1Y441 , 0, Nov. 21.4-cali:J:. &aim,
fermerir Aemntander otthe irieh;Briatidei
bag been appoletedVi,evit Brigadier
eral by'rieeldentlitilmon. •
L - 4 1 , •
English Elections a—Aditiognal
fmb e r s,..C4kosei ink Riots
at Sligo, - 11 p er. and other
Places--phristone Nominated-
Chancellor ottheEniTelsity of
Edinburgh444ception of , the
Chinese Embassy Speeches' of
Minister' Missiiiignine, 'Queen
:Victoria and Lord,Statsley.
[By Telegrapti to the iltesbittgh eitzet;ed
LONDON November 21.4—The Times states
that the election to the House of Commons
shows thus far, Liberals,' 310; Comserva
tives; le& •
Thafollotving ' ere elected: Charles Brut
ten, Liberal, from Surrey east; W. John
son,,Conservative, for Belfast; Sir R. Bien
. ,
nerhasstift and Visconnt St. Lawrence, Lib
erals, from Galway borough: . LordJ. Min
neis, Conservative, for Leicestershire. The
following Liberals were defeated: • The Mar
quis of Harlin:rum, for Lancashire;, and
Right %%Meliorable C.. H. Sonsernan, s for
The Daily ,Newa gives the Liberid'majority
at 146. .
' Serious kiots'occnrred at various places
'At Sligo there was quite a forinidable out
break. Before it was quelled, the houses
' were sacked by a mob. There' was also
'a scene of violence •at the little town of
Ripley, in Derbyshire,' where-a sharp light
occurred, and many persons were injured
by clubs ,and stones. The mob , partially
demolished several - buildings, including
, the vidarage,
It is announded that Lord Stanley bas
acceded to a modification of the Alabama
settlement,Which permits the Commission
1 to sit in Washington.
.LolrnonToNov4l2l.---AttemPts have been
made to organizO anniversary obsequies in
commemoration of the hanging, of the
Manchester Fontana in this' city and Dab
lid to-morrow. -The proceedings will doubt-.
less prove abortive through the action of
tLe government'offithib3.
At the Lancashire nomination for Foe's
ment:-theßon. Wm. E. Gladstone was , de
clared to 'have a • majority on a show of
Eorrianno;Nov. 21.—Lord Justice Inglis
was to-day chosen, Chancellor of the. Uni
versity of Edinburg over Hon; IWm. E.
Gladstone. •
NEW Yong, November 22.,—A cable dis r
patch from .London yesterday morning
says: Mr. Burlingame, and his associate
Ministers of the Chinese Embassy, were
presented' to Queen Victoria at Windior
Castle by Lord. Stanley. Mr. Burling ame briefly addressed Her Majesty_ in the name
of the Emperor of Chiba. He expressed
the desire that the health and happiness of
the. Queen, and the&people over wh'om she
Presided, would belong and lasting. He
also- referred in appropriate and feeling
terms to Sir Frederick Bruce, and Spoke in
the very highest terms of the valuable co
operation rendered by the English Repro.
'tentative, In.the course of hie address • he
made a gracefttl allusion to the well known
friendship of Her Majesty for the United
States... Mi. Burlingame theit_presented_a
letter of credence from the Emperor . of
China, 'rather' an 'expend - VW' document,
beautifq enessed'in satin.
Her Majesty was evidently p leased, and
on receiving the document: addreeaed Mr.
Btirlinimine, saying: She was glad to web.'
come the first Chinese Embassy to' Great
`Britain- aboirto, lamed'• to Peet Mr.
,Brirlingaine and the mission, an express
ed the belief that its object '; wasp a step in
the right direction: • -
Mr. Bvtiliegaine then introduced his ea. - .
gociate Miniaters • and Secretaries to the
Queen. .The - interview throughout Wfili
marked by the utmost cordiality. A mag= i
nificentintich Was shortly after setved. and
while the company was seated; Lord Stan
iley took occasion to "express himself °ar.
•perfectly in accordance _with Mr. Burlin
game* sentiments relative to. China. It
,was true; he said, a certain degree of oppo
• &Son, originating itt ignorance cif - the real
-object of the Chineseirdasiort, coupled with
a desire to adherat&the old traditional co
ercive policy, Met Mr.'llurlinginnWort his
- arrival in England. But this hadali passed
away. Mr. Builirigaints• by his :• dignified
course, and feelimr, the. grandeur and int
•;portahce of the trust confided to him, had
:conducted himself in such a manner as to
4lisartn:okiniitiort, and create'not only.'
favorable impression for China, but for the
:United States; for, while acting as a repre
sentative of the ' E mperor of Rhine, his dig.-
• nified bearing and progressive ideafrexhib
`hod him as tree type - representative
American. Lord Stanley then concluded
by expresilitg the-belief that the cordial
principles which are fast influencing the
nations of the world have changed.
' / I
. ,
NAPLES, NOVll—mha--' I' 21:—%The eription of
Mount Vesuvius la increasing in violence.:
Many houses and farms hi the vicinity have
been utterly destroyed; The Market town
of BanGergo is 'in imminent danger. ,
I „ I4.ItItIVA.
•.. . , •
ArrrwEßP, November 21—The steamer
Cambria, from New York via Queenstown,
from ILiyaria, arrived to4ay.. . _
dIIEENSTOViiir, November ' 21.—The
steamer , City . of Cork, from New Torlr,
arrived, today. .• • • _ ,
- LivEnrOoL, Nov. 22.—The steamship
Cubs arrived via Queenstown yesterday.
noon from New York. ,
'FINANCIAL AND. comEnrici4.
- .Lorrt6N, November 21.—Evenin0Colf
"solo 94X. •. American securitiesquiet,rs-20's •
74%. Stocks quiet, Illinohi. 96. Erie
heavy, 29%.
LlvnaPoor., November 21 Cotton buoy
ant; sales of 20,000 bales of t middling up.,
lands at ' 10Xallii,, • Orleans 11X:illy:O.,.
Egvptian crop. itated at two stil.Won' can
ters. Breadstufth firm and rincliaaged.
Provjsions : beef flat 905., . lard 655., 6d.,
others unchanged. ' Produce: refitted pe
troleum advanced to Is., 6d.
LONDCiN, November 21—Petri:deans ls.; •
6d. Sugar, QU spot Bf3s., 6d,
Ravea, .November' 21.—CottOn - Market
'quiet 186 trans, on spot. ' ,
ANTWERP, Nov. 22. Petroleum closed
yesterday at 53 franca 50 . for
standard white; sellers asked 54 francs.
LormoN, Nov.. 22.-4-Refined mtrolenni
closed last night at la. 7d. per gallon.
rEANEFORT, Nov. 22.-5.20 s closed yea
terday at 793 @79%. -
•• PAars. Nov. 22.-13ourie steady; Rentes
70 franca 80 centimes. ,
HAVRE, Noy. i 2l—Cotton firmer at the:
()loan Tres Orninair on the spot 187 francs;
low to middlingarrive il otedat 122 Imes
1•: • , '
.SPAN , - 1 i
2 1 1
:protest Against the Obnoxious Tax...Arnte.;
kan. Consul Instructed I vy Resist i '1On•
Aorcetnenti' 1.1 -
coy. Telegraph' to the i' 'E'szette.3
NEW !TORE NOVEitiOer 21 —.l l )uutzna ipso
pare . of October 20th; are received -per
steamer Arizona
The:twee trader Qoireroso wad &Ili ox--1
peeled on its return froth quelling the
sorrection in Ohiriqua.'
'The obnoxious tax decree of Mend oza had
been protested agains4. by all fOreffro Con"
sub; end Meeting of the - merchants on
the subject had ' been Iteld, but the acting
President relmuid to rescind the degree.
tip to the' bun dates no efforts has, been
made to enforce It. It is believed the. ;
American .COLOetti has been instructed , to
resist the (.9fordenietit of the decrees:
Americans. 7
There is kiouth - „Kmetiout- news. 4:Re
Arizona bring . 1294000Vollern In treasure%
. _
' .
. , 4 : <1 -
.`"' '- - . ".' '' "" '''''' . -44 .'".,' -", ''.7 . -' l, :.*''''.' 4 X-` , " = l7 .. "'e , r -, ;":0.;: .- tr . ...... ,,,,, *e±1.5. -. ..trr.%t ,, , , tism. , 1z ,, ,..... , .. , • - •.- -,. .-... - r--• ~.,,,..«.
Tetellllo tO tile PittsDuna SWUM
NEW Yort,E, Nov. 21,-1868.
The coopers resolved last night to strike
on Monday . for the wagea'which were paid
them previous to l‘tWinterc unless, as tiey
expect, the employers concede to the,; ad
vanes. • .
An answer to the comp ' laint , of Lharles
mantes/4 in the Erie matter, was filed by
Mr. Belmont,: yesterday, illeiting the belief
that the total imnibei/tile sliares - Is
munch greater than stated by Mr. Mein
tosh; that he, Belmont, is not concerned in
any short sales, and has no interest in
pressing the value of the stock, but is, on
the contrary, interested to enhance the
t -
same: and has no pecuniary interest in any
litegation now pending or oositemplated,ex,
cept to secure the:faithful management of
said Company, and preserve its prosperity
from the depredations of the managers.
He adds, before the commencement of this
action his firm brought action against the
Erie Company and its. Directors for
the protection of ' the firm's interest
stook holders, tol the amount of 4,000
shares actually owned, and also to restrain
the further illegal issues of stock, and ob
tain the appointment of a receiver of the
funds of the company.. Ele denies that the
road Is managed for the' interests of the
stockholders, and charges that Gould and:
Make, and other Directors, are combinino
to use the funds and properties in their pri
vate speculations, with the object to defeat,
impede and obstruct the legal remedies of
the stockliolders; whereupon he prays that_
all orders - made 'in this action be set aside,
and the complaint be diSmissed with costs.
•• A writer in the Atlas says the promotion
of A. Oakey Hall will leave's ;vacancy in
the office of District Attorney, which is to
be filled:by Judge Samuel .B. Garvin of
the Superior Court. Th e transfer of G4vin
leaves a vacancy on the bench of the Supe.
riot. Court, which will be supplied byAbram
Russell, present city Judge. An these ju
dicial vacancies are filled the Govcrnor.
Col. Gibbons the alleged `leader of, the
Cuban, filibusters, desired to make , a con
tract; a few days grow; for over a million
dollars' worth of e , ar materi4 with a firm
in this city, bur his sureties were not, con
sidered reliable, and the operation
A young girl liras' arrested:at Jamaica,
Long bland, yesterday, suspect:odor having
caused many of the incendiary fires in that
place and • vicinity within at short time.
She-confesses to having set two barns on
I%U=AMIONABY 3i1160=.
Owing to thegreat increase of incendiary
fires in thie'city of late, the gnperintendent
of Police`han detailed' twin "to duty in dif
ferent' Outs of the, city, to discover
The cigar makera held. an indignation
meeting in City Sell; Park this Afternoon,
at which they•mail.ved'to start several • co
operative,cfgar stores in this:, city
• - . ,4
4 • - OFFICIAL yarn, • „ •
The official vote of Brooklyn was as fol
lows: Seymour. 39,838; -Grant,'27,7o7; Hoff.:
man, 41,416; atiswold, 26,149. • .7'
Emv4IN'IL, -L
interesting from` liavitnaloregreis of the
-fterolntionists4Greit Suffering Existing
—Cowry About Corriaer.ow atniet..43rops
Good and„Prosperityltheturnft—Lit Peel
lag Against-Anaarfeans.—T . he -Firemen
Voinnteler Etibrias .Granted.
EBY TeleirsDh:to thePlttistrarab Guette.r
HAVANA, NoVember' rumors '
are in eiroulation in-the , city in regard to
the ntimberavandposition of the revolution
!sta.' The insurrectionists claim that they
have from ten to twenty thousand , men,
and are in Possession_of the towar:of Pure
to Principe, Unt the 'reports 'are donbted.
It is stated . that 'a difigreenient' has taken
place among the leaders of the ,insurrec
tion in regard to the,,Prosidenoy. The
comPasuiding Generals and prinelpal, /Rad;
era of the revolutiontets are reported I to -be
Dominicans. ;
The report received hereirem SPain that
Generainimadiocates a Bourbon dynasty,
causes • ranch rejoicing among the !litre
Mallets. • I
battalion of 'volunteers, ":
veterans, are organizing for active - service..
The revolutionists still hold Beyranae and
other town's. : -
There is considerable excitement in this'
cityt and the surrounding tauntry. • -
The revolution is thoughtto be decreas
ing, and the opinion is that it Will be crash
ed out on the arrival of the troops expected
from Spain. -
The Republicans - claimhitt the
Revolutionists are daily receiving reArtibrce•
ments, but information received ,by .the
government, through private hitteis, is' to
the contrary.
It is- reported. that mat tudiering ei
ists in the revolntionarY 'districts; on Cc.;
count of thescarcity of provisions .- -
The report of the uprising in Vuetia
„Abates'proves to be a' hoax. '
All accounts are agreed that the main
portion of the - Revolutionists are hadly
The telegrams received by the govern
ment to-day statelhat Puerto Principe coh
tinnes in possession of the government
trooper, with Valmaseda cm:emending; who
ridicules the idea of his being attacked by
'the Revolutionists. bat on' thecontrary,.
says he has commenced operations ; against
Later advice* from CarraCCSIS represent
that the country was - generally quiet. A
few small bands of malcontents were roam-,
ing • the mountains: but the citizens
everywhere desired peace, and were' dis
posed to acquiesce in the, authority of the
existing government. • ,
Congress was to meet on the Ist of 'Tan
nery, when;the new president would be
The dispute about the barque Julia, still
remained unsettled. the Commissioners had
not yet returned ' to Carreras& , --
Reports revived from Porto Risib show
that the cr are in aourishing condi
tion and prosperity is a gai n returning to
theisland. - _
Political agitation has subsided, and the
whole population is tranquil,, ;
Later• dates from Port. an , prince are at
hand. The revolutionists are again
progress. , The excitement against Amer&
Cans has not abated,' but seems to b.:l'on the
increase.! ,
Captain General iLariundi today rimed'.
W: six thousand volunteers, LA the. whole
fire departthent of the city, the members
of which I have been armed and, drilled.
di r
They Male A Yon': Atte ! anise. This
force, tmled with the regul ar troops in and
around the l city, coast tute in- army of
twelve • thousand - disciplined men all of
whom can be placed at the tiosal i f the -
government - in an emargericy I ; ' ...
The Gazato ke-dity puldishes the mani
festo of the: provisional' government at
Madrid, Mak-Wg, liberal reforms in .the
government' of t he' 'slant.- It: his been
transmitteiL, by telegraph s - railroad'-and ,
other channels, to all the towns of the inte
rior. I -It is the belief that the circu
lation of thisdocument In — the disturbed
districts will prove it powerful auxiliary in
putting au end to the revolution.
Little _Girl Murderer Sentenced
Cusqetegraett lc the Pittibturitk Gette o
UTICA, NOtrembet 21 , =-Cit az rariell, convict
ed of the murder of ,the little gtrl,_ Abby
Benders,,tveAffentenced to be executed on
JanUary Stb,eext.
Iron Clads Bombarding the , Amp:Kura
Folessiono—Delay :the - Movements
of th zAmerlean Squadron—cen t Webb
• , Exonoritee Minister • Washburn.=Letter -
from !tear Admiral Davis;
(By Telearsob to ttuiPlettibureb Osictte.
NSW Yeux, November 21.—Later advices
from Paraguay state that , withthe
allied army and fleet, bad- arrived in front
of the - ParagrUtyart works near Viletta, but
was detained fromi assault' by the natural
deferiee of the position. On the first of Zito ,
vember, however, a reconnoitering party .
succeeded in capturin ert , cimportant e
doubt, while theiren wham bombarded
the Augustura fortifications. ,
The delay in the 'moving of the
squadron is said to havnbeen Caused by a - -
difficulty between Rear' dmiral Davis ancr
General Webb on a poi& of etiquette;
General Webb has published an order
exonerating Minister WaShburn from all
blame in the course he look in Paraguay,
and asserting that any 'other course would
have cost him his:life.
Commander Kirkland, of the 5 , _89_, bays
he received Minister WashbittneandraMi"
on, board his vessel on the 10th.,-' On'the
11th Commander. K. had an,int&view with
Lopez, who expressed unlimited friendship
for the United - States, but deplored what he
termed the unprincipled conduct - of Minis:
ter Washburne.The .Paxaguaruis treated' '
the Wasp, most hospitably, furnishing all .
needed supplies.
The' following from Rear -Admiral Davis
has been received at the War Departiniint ;
U... 8. Flagship Guerierre, Rio de Janeiro,
October 2fi.—Sta: I have - the honor to -in
form the Depaitment I have,invited Gen.
McMahon; the Minister 'to Paraignay, and
his family, to take_ passage in this ship or •
the La Platte. I have already" said in my
communication; 814 current series, I shall
accompany WM to Paraguay. -I shall con
fer freely with;Mr. Worthington, the Min,
ister to • the Argentine Rtiiinblio and Uru
guay, from whom I shall _ Obtain informa,
Lion whicwill serve to mpafy and, mature
my plan. I shall keep the Department
constantly nd fully Advaseclitir my actions.
• ' Very r spectfUlly, .t.c.,1 ,
C. IL Davis,
i Rear Admiral. Commanding.
Aiinisteri Washburne flea arrived at St.
Thome:4.lom Paraguay, on boarelthetr. S.
steamer. Shamokin. , - .. . '.'--._.., •'- ‘...-,,_
canal? . .
est.. ~4 : : ,-.„
cpy Telegraph to the rittehurr osteuf-,. . . 12:.
Cnicaoo,:Noveinber 2 1 .-I*ly?MMtueo 1
on the celebration Ofthe itnigHTersary of the I' :
Manchester martyrs, met lairt night; is dg.,:l
cided-on at the previOns €43: , - r The def=
, I
egation chosen to wait on Bishop Dug ga n_ .
nerfortn ni t i tj t e yr
and request friermh4en to
..-i,, - ,"; , ,, , • - e d ,
pm mass for , the rePeatt-4 — if' ~ , l i i eport-, - -
souls of Allen, O'Brien and - Ten'.
... : ••
ed that - the Bishop refused to co m p y wutt., , , ,
their request on the :grourid_th that
..ho. r ._,cl . ,_id.. j .
not wish to ' have the canna ti if , 1 r i k.a 1 7;,.7
connection with any political party, oe -
, iqu eili.
had always refused. to con . 4
_. Lamm
had a 'Fenian '; i
anistn; that the :tacto_lethlANAll, . n ,,•- , by either
tendency, though net 0 04 '`T n -Al resolution
branch of brotherhood
Was Paas r ed:daProoatla h 4 the 001 0 11 et_
Bishop Anggart,und inrettio re fus a l
to grant. grant permission to have the .. sn e rd i zersary uis.
requiem mass offered up ' for th
that we r feel l'
our martyred brotberni an d. ,_
_, i
as if our rights as Catholic *lnigarlen eca t4o,
outraged, and that no luiluence - ean:gs Ch.
the heaven-born
said of hhergi inh erent
itkour Tatou% laid Julio/ant** ertroY f e_ur_
Creator; ft .r smother_ the , arnlathY.. we •
; feel toward those who have - bud owntnetr_
lives for ~, ose ' Principles; whiellr are etk
tiroahtll3 ' ' tett /Ii Irish hearts, „ - '
IsonersTbe' nurifiren ai
llPArcy Mcgte.
C 4, Telegraph to•the rtasimMink eizettea
,OTTArcie November , The realm.
prisoners in jail here, under the haberss cor
pus suspension sot,, are, to be liberated nn
pafl at once., -. _
and•Rensella,• indicted
as accessories, to the murder 'ot , D'Arey•
hieGee,-willmotbe•liberate& •
, Whalen was removed.trom jail last night:
under a writ habeas emptui, to be present in
the Toronto Court at the argument on up—
nitration for a new trial. He will return to. whatever the decision may be.
. Three Persona Burned to the
{By Telemeh to the Ptttibureheatlette.l- •
Lamm.; Kass., November 21 14Three . ''
parsons suffered death. this Inoriiirtein the;
,tire at N 0.92; StertiMaele street .
names were; . raishata B. GiEffle,ki:'tif),org(i':-.
,Maury and Sybil'Sh6Okinid:
Stables and' Ilorsee
MT Telegra p h to the ;Au_ t,gtrBhßixf;te.l -, 1 • -
• •MErs - ringilgoTipmbst 22.-7-TheidtyAtables
on Washington 'street, :near Fourth, were ,
destroyed by fire this morning. A large ,
• number of horses and mules were - burned. :•
SI'4I.NED:::: , ILASSIi..... , c;; - . , :::!,.7 . :'
'''-& -'-DUFF''",''
No • S. Wood` Street,
..rmr.propuqui.r;: : :,,•,•,
STAINED. I Pitt:: .
.' - : • „:,..,.... . ..,. - . T -_:-.,,
...1 -, ..-i:: •.:.;. , • ; ~vv', vv' ,To'AnrHouse&ArEu ..,:. r op•(,a:-•::,,,.:4.-•:,
- -
festers, see -Irdilextel Ne••
ties, Peulfitlie/*bat 4 1 2 ‘ 9 of 6t Ws .
021 . 046 }lnk use. ,