ill 6". 4 a2olit „- ---.04-• ",,-, 1 ,„ - . • --Bonner islifter e Inet 4111108._,, , , —The European beehiradels ‘ da : —Gaiety U epiaemie in New OrL”ns. —Kentudiry turkeys•are eaten in%sten. - =- Poer.,:ikkel L: PAß4t - zhaa - a - cold - I t lei& • - • - - - 4? - _ - :hl —Exit Indlin Sufensfr:- teripiug ace d -srinter;'"-71'172‘r'''' "r''',.rfiv -46441 ,.. r! !I P-/ro4re -ititebi 8 ite i n Florenue: ; - :- - '- ' , --- , ' -- 7 Victor Mkgco,B, eon i s .... .v as ..,' -•• b es he kie fig*, ..,err -4Ohn Ei , Owens ' ; aid iiii! -`' ginchinatiz , , , . , . P atte are i j i, • — i r ik , e 19**/ Ohio 14griiiii1 4 i i i B i as .' loeon'eskulL--- ' -. ll —bilibighLti„,,,,,” ~,„,', 1 - bArinnLIAZ47-7 1u " 1 ? t Year :rent of her" n '''. ' ..' 1 ..-1 ' - .. • --Thecensortdilpef the diSnia 16213141.13iiibi ke, , .. haa been ; IN, stthtianis leer n Yr seYeteea,u4sieue) Wang about El . ail'sgriare toed boo P is are be fashion a ble.- . again' de *need " - ' ' are 60 tainting :offices 'and 800 410 D 1 04*01 11 TAIP 2 Ig. , =One New groggery m . itself a , York , a t beverage compoundary. walking . -slak . ' Was re *mill' sold in Peril for-sox --***4o3 , a ne*featari , is Sunday services in the Boaton theatree. —Skating on Tluutlotglving day is one of the hOpes:Of the Anti this year. - • --liminsys to prevent ships . being lost at sea see that they are well than& — gairntatn!alld:Mair niadats now' 8 9 11 in Illadelplda at 18 cents per , pound. • — A 13 t; Linda ladY *dug to' Petition Gen. Oritit for the poeudifeele. that gitk— --Tithuee Venns at Florence is cracking lo pie**nd breaking from:the Onvnise. ft kiny exchange soya there is a peat deal Of f ,hnth'orts - in Olive 'Logan7e play;of --g9rse stealing is a capital offence in Is‘c Irnili 'inidn man was ‘recently iangett -brit: 0 , ;- ,:' •:-. -- .- , . - . ---ZinSlClias this. anting lll * When does ti,hin Ilie*.ei 1 ' When 8 1161 unt nifttle braid. —the Veinier Clubs of Clileek'nhore re solved themselves into a permanent political organization:: --,ldel#o ll na no general and senora. rev" elatiett just now. ; There -. are several loCal -ernes, hbw a ver i. grocer was recently, ; married, presented each , of his gnestaswith a bot:9ti o aki i i : —Reai-• Ad6ral aadiora ie 4n -nst'el'spceiliM,Wthe command of the Mir opitati,toSdroti; ‘ —The %CAM:daze ilirgimti, the daughter of IgneenOt.P.lo4l l ; ,ra:atdd', lo bl --Frtmk Leslie has;another weeldy paws-, paper Tide itsitafauridsbfg; is he gets` a new ono eiv ‘ ary year. - —A. lady pracher in Chicago has been kindenoosh to '_proclaim her. disbelief in 31alettOW:defirliTity. • 44, intdo# sv! , Tionle fell Jade ti pan of Aticliera - 'o* refinerh• and theta met bianweet death. = - • 4 0 18 56 / 1 1 7:gra initteloi, and'utes' geld sad :141teri ,Chateliteni wh!=re *e *OK hsviffg a higher elvtlizationorao —Theron:none: huistre4 and ariventpoix irreoinei st Yale and 'they are to form the hilitesi. l igati*tir !O.' al that college. - ' — Pia! Phteh hat thtigSett full3eXee of any :3(iiirtatei :terhi:'; •The,l‘l4 ,04 3 4 gt bine an lamina of nearly eighty Wotan& franca s Yettr., —BoStouJla out ;. for the : esrth" quake, which haaing gotten' Its band in by shaving, the w orld, M!itioVv perhaps be able to,shake Beaton. - - -One *ennui in' 1 :1404 bought eighteen pairaof 8•451,0zrs Of a tia4id big -grinder and bi ( ?Ms'i,Ae ;sa id he was-an exiled count- • , • ' Italy has e an Income of two Millions and a haltilaililoo PIO iiirenbfient iot terieoisand Saxony has 00,0%1 a Year from a 04nptir source. . • - 46 MOking le not permitted ,on the streets of ibaisu We wish that peoplawho ob. ieet to smoking and talk disagreeably ' about Its IrOt4go tO//0 1 Ati;,. —The Troy Ames. wants George W. Cu;tis tas boltn i ! hit e, f l ' England . Amore poilihed genial and gentleman could ; Not be chtmen fbr the posiiion. _Xtutfto 3ll lts itiit Ch a f ef g r f dien all she a [antsto los: a 47est elt,y. Sn the way of sensations she can already rank with moft-Of 410 1 sliei, 046 of she country, =The shepherds In, somni, pints of• Boit /3'2st Itls announced, bat e leagued together" to destroy ihe grenso'4ga they finds In maga for the - thipadtion•of a heavy - taxOt.t h e i t i T9/C -‘.-L:Ort:WednesdillsetAlai lathe iAst River roae , two feet °PlinarY, /evel l amilli4rtled the ne, 1 0 0 944$ SPOstio#ho_ thought of tidal waves and "all . that sort of Y bu - ) 13/ow • ", - , Rotat swab is ooileliered staoyn6l;t!` in Germany; a few•htmdred years sgo It ) ,.was sa P0P04411 dish among #k" . , ye-releases;:of doitiltiental society as roast beset Is`in America,' • 'lrg*- .Bt O cko Maitheiwo is t*lecioreJn Germantown next week, In- aid of the Sol- Beantell i aliontmles tAssoelation- Ther,ol4oo ottinkleatote Is "7 418 ) 1411 W 4kr Pielieetvrittr,", •":41:#i'llt, young tiftfrlllo4/04 to know fAithiel,s'litailage give mithe, kiffesf liii . 4 , ,kest; l ! the Petersburg , /1104**14fieilskk a g ' • ii i ii # 40,r( tR4 eotittitnitdi at ter el -The Des 4 01 0 11- N tsieFlo f s 4 00 01 ' hoppers 7 0 0*ffip 0 6 ; :3 0.1 .4 30 - ; an C1" 4 0'7 tobetto fora man zottrthatpliWi auttloo4i the`loollol*444 01(f45164'4!f.#1 sat on owliqultOtanocojidee , s i bb ii,, : 11 0ettg t& bathe of Wfls4-.! - t • 443 -VW "Ir rlk"f• 4 , atoned officer in the Premiin, army. His name was Frau, but he laran c *kted in Spain by the 'Prim flustil,y, ficOli•he Carl 2 nn, 9titi l4 44; M 0..; at trOd of iiiddsist igyostc:,itosaid , *ioiik th e taciii 'Gist de linfileii f -about the 'yeatiOS which rathez disposes of Columbus ass gi. gentle plagiarist. _ • st PM* . Btlikalh - in - noticin the eipected arrival of -the Hinutzek opera IrOup% says : "it is 1p be hoped that the arlo r initive that the POPlarltaste has been* permanently vitiated.' • A French - rumor says , the Viceroy. of Egypt deslinui of agairi seeing Ps (roach Thio4oasi that he tuts set 7,ooo'arle T menat building *theatiOin / Cairo, and Me offered later Heider ,100,000' franca to come and give lum three performances. ' —Wife. Hill** haWbeen , •doing great things in the /du of a wandering Minstrel{ She sang at Baden-Eadcn one day, at Vile*. Intderithe 'itent',and in 'Paris on the third day. Baderi:Baden the', Queen., of grip -14 Presented her with a golden coronet. .--#Oetetiinno bave at last ' found - out , that ,in spite able general eiciellence.of Boston, the streets are a little too narrow, even for BOiston; and consequently some of them are to be widened. This process will necemd tate cutting aftlice off of the State House. —The Yale pollege„Library contains 50;- 000 volumes and large ntimbers of pamph , iota. The libraries of the two open sod. etlea of that college contain;26,soo volumes and the Professional Schools have a collec tion of 5,650 books, making in all 81,500 • —A Wife in Bt. Louis threw her youngest and at her husband and kit, him and he has gone to law abourit. It is a clear cue of assault and battery, but it might be dbil cult to decide between tke; ' f ather , and child. lie to which was he - instrument of the - ea gOlt end liAcil,the •„ • Berlin matrimonial, broker testiffea in court -the other day that he* made 97 - matches, ; ; Of which *nod out happily, but the groom in the 97th disap. bis Wife, that he not only re fusedth fay. the broker feenf $lOO bit - alsO knocked Out twonf•hia front teeth. LOgistk is In terrible rage be. cause, her Boston'andiente recently was hot "intelliernal." She writes a sharp egotist'. cal letter, ,whititleads the reader to suppose that she have the whole literarl elique of Cambridge in the iront seats of the Lail aPplatipinghersth . Sie'very 'echo. She says the audience was • "not intellectual," and as proof -of ,tide, says' they "tinkled their meek viva, frantically"• and ' dragged them out of her presente shortly after she began to speak. lIBN , --tElit. , Tarri the new Archbishops of Can- Aerbuiy, is succeeded in the -BishOprth:uf . London - by Dr. :Jackson, who, has been - Bishop of Lincoln , since ISM."' This. Eng lish delight to be ruled in their episcolul ' doceses by,schoolmisters. LongicY, th lt late. Archbi shop iiftanteitury, hatingbfth for someßrite head - master of Hirrow,while Dr. Tait, successor, ( was head master of Rugby, and the new. Bishop of London of the Proprietary. Grammar School at Isling ton. Archdeacon Wordsworth, who suc ceeds Dr. Jackson tithe Bee of Lincoln, is a nephew of the poet and • writer; but; like - the others, a schoolmaster, having beerijitetid master of Harrow. Dr. Wohhait - jrtli was iPrielited'autial of West minster by _ebraiiipr,Peer long after the diainkohthed statesman lad veered around to more gewous 'viewe respecting the • claims of:lrish Catholics ,to emancipation, Ind Dr. Jackson owed hie preferment to the Pad of Abeedeen.:, z• • I • . • Tim Witalawo of . the &Karen& States are far from' being uniform - This conflict of iegalolone; It bruesated, products great cenfasio a / a nd renders • ineSol- et the att tempt to - enforce the statute ' aget game out of senior.' Foritmey be in& .•W' ,that the bird was shot. In .s neighboring trict - wbere the•PhirouJt gulls and 0 01 - =llB l a 41101ved. - tUustrotioit of the _ discrepancy between the ' rules on tble jab iecli knells - are protected in Massachusetts from:Jame:7 1-to September 1; in Connec ticut from Vebrataryl to October.l; in New ,York from Jauamy Ito October 20; inNew Sersey front Arany 10 to Notembetl l;and 131 Pennsylvania; from January 1 to - October 1. Hence, sportsmen sze, agitating the gaol; tioxv of a fitnind 'National Convention to The BAvrrc =h3the"'neighborhood` of CroZ44o, according to the joutintlkof that port, recently Pteseapd • the llugular pht; nomenon of an- estraordinuy subsiding or the water, ; The surface commenced to fall isbc•ut evening, the. wind being fresh and blowing from the southwest; the sinking. notwitiustandinea „change. of - the wind to northeast, continued Until two o'clock of the , next..afternoc' • When the deptession ;reached three feet,tWo The water then begin tettltbraPidlY, and a#thig the night exeetideallie ordinary ltmel by a foot; breailYJ all thg • plying-.; between. Ettatik*,i Cro#B4wit and reierOurglVOTOeirottnd. The cause of this phenogieno2ll taunts be 'accounted for; the usual ,explanatiort of the foree or the wind being inadmissable. , , . Op Imp recent English elections, the New York Tribune says: The excitement attend : , lug the election contest is said to be intense, and it is plain' that 'the- people , appreciate the imPortance ,of the political 'trintafOrrea. , Lion through which the, kingdom Is passing: lnstances are rare'ht Iditory of a revelution so *tad and Yet to piecered; The Supra num, of the aristocracy :is pitting away with astonishing rapididy;, and although the Power will completely , transferred to the'people tin this election nor yet perhaps in the next, the day is Inidtmtly close at , hand When the Commons 'of England will be renlik.eind lOrOußillY. represented id the House4o.lthich;'hY a constitutional fiction, they hiYq long erflo,thOr#holes, TES SVAMBE;AWMO EXVIWITIcgi v BO carding to arietter-receivedly the President of the Royal Geographical Society, of gw e ; derwhad,reached the end of August, 81 , degrees.;' • 9 'seconds 1- 111iltodei • when the 'steamer was 1064 Ted by the fields of !Ca.: A. week Pater the ifeajteMile clerk; and the ex: atelliteftlaft fildtiglta . &pkt.'of +PO,: etWeAtagf*Pit thk 4pirth.zro.o..: The *Oisol'iptdch.toalc ott.the„ coal haeptprne4 0040;. billigthtlive>4 the exploring :Firth and '-rielreonectlitut , otgeologioait dological and botanical ItiAld that ; Gen. Goetze a-Thomas' cast his Tote :en. the. BA-mt.:Noyeenber. 0f ,course the glorious Old herocteted for Grant; iPatie4jteedorft and Nationality' lie toted great deal 'better that a greet' natithdtetutiewlig,litiieheen:vbsting all their liveg; PIII6IIURGIT tIAZENC MONDAY. .140 Y. IBER 28. 11368. *7 17 4 4 ;tir ! - : Win"' 4 _ it.lililoOTTPEL: ' - --A - XICKERLABOTKU#II%... -A2341861ittkaF,,,„,4 WigLl" 41•ILELL'C 1 luhihetarefl itioutaie-Dedus Lainiss; Lanterns, Oharde llers, AND LAMP GOODS.' Abb. WNW! AND LIIIMICATING imarzirm. i40.3.47i Wood StrOet Between 6th and atit,&,,esines. !!!!1 CEMENT, SOAP. STO &O TN* lEDILMULIO CEBIENT. •: "bo.a.v ardzat. mamma, mammy TWO. weilre rams. splilolo HYDRAULIC CEMENT. DD IN, PIPE . CitteeDeet and best Pipe fa the aliriet. ALIO, 2iIfDRAULIO CZbaNT tax sale. B. z.'aa. A.BUOCKerria'co. • Omca and afinufactorTra 4o REBILCi7A. Err., eghe*y.. Awarders by null promptly atlemdea to. . Jezurn . • NOTIC E-he Et speetfully taronna bin irhinda and tha publld tbat he le now prepared to melte them as usual at his new stand, • _ • . . •, • , • Lafaietta Ball 13nIlding; Tribal* eat' be bad 'fresh every day, a tine and large ateortmenf of . , CAILES itiVEOl93, • -, of. all deeerlptdone. • 'Kept 'ennitatitly on hand the VERY BEST CONFECTIONERY In the elty. ANlrOrttera for pante:inlet be scOplted at, the short en notice. - • no21:01 (4•MI - iNFIE BEATEN,• . - •. KarrriCroiloz or ABS* CANDIES- AND .TAFFIES, And dealer la all kinds of FRUITS, ;RUTS, , P/031.- LEE, SAUCE& JELLIES, OW, Isc. _ WNMLI W. !ripUCH I Canfectionerr.and &Iwo,' EITIMET, Betin?tai Seventh sad Llbert,". ariaanza , =ma aukoriattschec No. AOO ESSE B%ruziEronElteill, °HE A P' . flehonneker's Gold 310dal Plano, AND WPM DOitAGE ORGAN. - , . . _ . , The SCHONACHER` PIANO eoattdnes tba latest valuable Ireinviveznentie known in;the(eon. stsnetlon of a and class increment. and hat always, been awarded the What amnion. wherever ex hibited. Its tone Is bill, sonorous and sweet. Tim iroriananitdw lintablUty• and ,beanty. 11114,1411 al:tethers. Prices trcuntso to. SUM taeocadlng to style sad Walt.)eattiaier than all elites so-callee first class Plana - itsTzTT. oorrinz OBBAN Athae' Woad crf all Seed instrments. of pro. nost parties pipe osallty at tone any arrinstrument In the' Jutted lidates. It Is slut. td °caveat In eonattnatitni.. sad rat tirade A . cat out ot erase: „cA.Bpzwrzanc. P.M= "liQl HUMANA W.=OLO. , is only _to ,be Amid In ad Maras. Price from to 05541. , guarastaad tor tee • RUIZ 113Alki & 1031WIMIts asses& 01)08 AND as as 11110 S. PIANOB b .For male on monthly and quarterly pimento. 0/ *slim; c oeit 411Plith Ekale Arne. GLASS, CHINA: , O,UMERY: - - 100 WOOMOTRMIT. _ No. iii/SmitiMeld-Stree% NiltUbnigh. :IVA* FALL GOODS. • A splendid new stook of - CIA M ED3O C A SSM EI FFIES -0 " , Just ieelive4 b 7 nmy, aurnat. gimis 'l4,,,iojuvram;.isiiiubslo4suisi; HAIR AM:).PW'MEMY. ILlmu PEOlg i ,ifitniiiiiiiiial Hail rittu 7wo7 4ND E P;: 11111 :at It ' ru osSa n. .ri iit t" ner e i sn as esoo "ta rtan D ent el; eel . Airood: ' 00 WU Ibe strew r Leda' and Oentleneue. WO gettleir *mei • the.ilastel4nkinner-- 4 • . , . , - rlitiratuovailiAtikv4towstrimmes, wo o . _Sind& Bt. Meet, rittablerSkt ,I% -8011011 Meat= lrirnt $0 tb, idealfirsai:=4.l4ll. l lAß, of ,9 (1 7 1 4e BMW!: *PI! KYRT4C:RXIMMA I9O, • 2 1 01m.000,01C1Ma.7 - acniusimawowif.B; • *.,xszamweicoig, . - isaufammrs In g peelers . _ • Tob*coi Snuff,,Cigars, PlPegh &on • viNct: - • imullatAXo,B7,i.Aswam. - :=MMV3 . ICONS? IL COLLINS, CONYBOTIOMPME. rio. 61 woon 5T11207, PETER • iiIREDECRER. 11.9 rianizAL BT.. Altssaani. PIANOS. ORGANS. &O. No. 1.911 T. CL&1B BTmT. CaliN44 1 2 1 6 048'44 1 1). ' I QUEENB WARE, • ! suss rr.►rsv was. l PARIAN.ATTIWiTI.4.-': 8 iiOlinilit•ol4ll6.• , , • . : • -• . 1 And etberliTtLeta AISTI.IIAN 4300 pp, a peal ararl!riy 100 WOOD . fiXtitt&ati•••lt.#itipcp, &•Cp. AOO WOCKII., Opii3lCT. `-MERCHANT TAUAREL :.--wko.mPi;Pn•;-..,';.:,,i El tigiInitOICAND;NOTSIO. - • 1/14.cm11101040.* kiNiNio-,7::N2. ....::::,-;';'':''.-"'•:.• ':-•:---,. .7 ~..•-_--:.;:,:- ;:.oMgril,l.lF,:r.',lpna:o* BW - =';':-W=- '','--1001)8,:-.',: LADEN. miirsromzsii i s AHD DB wiaircs. . =` IR?SrAND DRAWERS = dcaprgss HOODS" AND CLOAKS. FULL LINE OP ; • WOOLEN HOSIERY. LADIW BiLIIGHALS, whits and dark; calm. • , bOOll. wAto, and dark. THE GRAND: DUCHESS Also as noplxviiitti. is ill; la. 400 P SHIRTS we )Lave tke new Id - Lie 3L p i51. 0 .113.101 . , both la WalElnir and Becebtion If 61o~e a will have it In BIICK. 81111 Er% cALS. CLOTH and O. Sr Paper Collars for Ladles and Gents. A Dill 43 r f• Yarn arn. g e ta n ertr i s e . e Easte rs it au bi. h. g i c e li k n a ta Lace Col Wads iars,-Embroldaries =a Tatting. , Buttons of all . . • . • mi - cgma, CLYDE ' & CO., 70 and SO Market Striiiit. .tou G -4 REAVREDUCTION IN HATS AND BONNETS • AT • :JOSEPH HORNE -4% CO'S. . . MILLINERY 000DS, BONNET VELVETS._ :BONNET SATINS. BONNET AND Basil RIBBONS: FLUMES AND FEATHERS. Also. offer a large and ftesb assortment ar WOOLEN _ 'GOODS, SHIBTS I DRAWERS MID HOSIERY 19:711,N.51T.1NG- GOODS.- ' BOULEVARD SKIRTS, DRESS DRESS AI'iDGLO&K TRIMMINGS, and a DIU One of notions and small wares at !sweat Eastern itrioes• - Wholesale • 77 AND 79 .31A.8.K.ET STREET. . . . . • .MACRIISS & CARLISLE, Jiro. 19 IVA Avenue, • _ leo low Colonially Opting, Elegant Mei of FALL & WINTER GOODS. NILE TRINOVA, GIMPS, 1712.TET BUTTONS: Suwon, BU Duiros; BONNET, Na /ANY HAIR RDIRONBI IUI BB OUMOUZI4 L , L 032 4 RIPMJNMI; 1103=4M3.1U18, !/OMP PLII[ZL mewerriammummAambeumm EMnM uNixll4>mmismi MU" C II MON ANOZEBB/D HORMEL The Des; Sen‘set MEN'S 1331:01012illUtTB AND 11451 s Agents for the site of TIM RAE= 13Z1.1KEi313 /CID GLOW& "ti: 8 I , IVA MOO. "ALIELASREI , I,ID, MSS. 21samgson.e **lnes ntIariCOBIONTIk antes. ZILPOIrit AND TAWS. W. alma% EMBROIDEBED MIME% 'Alul WAIT GOODIL DRUGS AND CHEMICAL& ILEETIC.:011111111-CEIDLIL, h An AdUlnlb e l a reenmo d • z Y f og b/,a •diit. Ai Otudeytaca Dia n Cholera .DL - ":11111111S'-.0111111? -•CUPtS A giallo tbr eholers.- Oratipe add Pas Iftddiaol u for b 7 ( • • • • , , • , lim 4.Mvirro Corner of Liberty and Wayne Wee% .111.03ONTS .1P4613, J.,iimaioNtuarit &BON'S WHITE LEAD - , larccoTTMlDlTEitstitler4v; s l t e xrti!rit! il lt w ! n weigkNilitisr, IlltionserAnd te g g aborli a rdb4A , datidectlon than ' any; valid in the 3CA'V - 4EIMPEIC,OI... = sump AND mom 'On , , _ eboniesls, three". nyee.oiiiiPovhies, and! Predate of every desuiptles6 Endues@ conducted on oneihalf the tentui of othe The erten trinnustlorui .n Ltivirooof alone et ' teed Lendowitte4 the ports of Europe Doc 'a :Weekit" biro:tam lloinnerobi Adelina. ethic, olive *O4 n appmatton, " sel2:zrf G'MoiXMIEL f rao GREAT ;lEIRO*N - MN BINAT/ONie ••. • ' „ BUTOII.BOLE QIIR4 IT switiNGAIAL T MONO' ABSCV7i4 er) •,- 410,1'44:11/1144eutor,41' teelto ADIZAIRL_Ct 33.11IALTATCM Ailtgletbr Westbni 'Penrinlinnis." Wardi o nrr 'ARV, MAIWIT EITILUTeI - civer , alirrOlanorki Arn I ,'.. ...:...,_:1.1:1; : • • 111;'. lUintel; A MT 'WU% STOCK, maw tpreared, . . 1 w ?MEL WO . M c r. 06 , 0 .4 fll z Ei g 'ZI E 4 A m 2 1 w;, q m gici g w i',., oti ‘Ca Jr 00 1 4 1 tO '4 : 01 4 1 - 4 0 . 0 E l 0 • Pig l'al 0 10 14 10 r i 4 D RY GOO • S 2 ST. STRIPED .POPLUVII; iew-aadtl(toutltal. Barred Omni% WI t a d mebi, try )11144111 Fliunzets; f la -.7 limah watterianneis. Grey Twilled ilitasebk 'worminto" vt Bel% AND_ ?. Ts CASSIMIGUre. i nziarkirre rStri: PAUL= &LIM PLAID -,- • . • CANTON IPLAinkilff4B. VMS. anisbred. _ . . A fun assortment of new goodalsetppiaked, Tas cheapestis the atty. . • .''lion ,11 - 11L.Clair;)itair "Liberti, Bt. soil 8T Dummy STREET. 87 NV:yr, GICOODS WATHRPIIOOIII Wogs and quillttes. CASSINEBICH—Eor Yenta an 4 Bass'Weas. . . LADDES*.CLOAKINGS.T.Large assortment, • ?=Os AND 'ENGLISH 111111 NOS: IRISH POPLIN 11.0! per rut. VELOTIB POPLI NS. BILS; POPLINS. • • • zualluca courrn4ilmi. . BLACK SICILIAN Ltrwrionl.- • BLACK AND (know) matzos ctonts— vEzvirrimrs--ror - - ssatlvuo CLOTHS. Lane 1111111Connteitt of PLAIDS. ?au stook of DILESSIGOODS, 'lowest Zseleis. UMW L THIMPS!, 87 MARKET 1,22i81CZ NEW GOODS. .NEIirWACCAS., "• • NEW MOHAIR: ThE4es, snap. HOSIERY and GLOVES. • .X . 7i l scoV,C 73 T, jerk. ins TPjlta Stieet;Aff 188._ . Aga, ri/Unti 805CA5114A01.84.C9.1 • Mod Vim grso it 3A L~ • wrALYuirlis - and laughs Dry Goods, • 'No. 04 Igor) wrai; j7 i' Tblzd door ye Dimond - • • \ • mrssinjoir IN -. ' . : - : . ),'.U'l.`llo4W.rk:r!!s. l ki.'': - .::.:: . .'.'.':r'. 2/017.03EUt'artrialliWIEL..«.;;..:. ' ;.i.41111.0 (WM impisEm e y, ,a,. VILEII4 _finacesson -oto GaIkjb_SCIWORKAN 4 Co. i r • "MAIM/OA& OT/11061)1AP11231k, Tke ooly Stem LlthOiropbloEnabLtalnoetit" WOO. of the Nmotalni. - • Snilness yams; , Letter- illswiW Loft ars ' Lobo% alfr e r shoo W i ttiOintse auw_ ta t Ittows *tea Qt. Amur • as ' 91Vil, M, Ork 711 &WI *tio 1. •••••••• 54. A gra EXTRA HEDY OOD STYLES. 13,_ I I p o y CgSON & Co., OLESALE e lit a D STREET.. LAIR 87Rmr, rinskE! LnTrw OMER% West side END WHITE AIM' ELMO -?SON? . 0 118AP 2 A1 +. Ctlkat"l— biirr -*pa arirstaq i Alr Abima siroltrejaPoPialikse likeßsOokes 36 ooms• = - BFPO" 4 a 1 ) & COW. vrEAND 43 Firrt AVM* ME EnATIPTS n - , ?E(g Ban mi , ,ERNS li / ATT err owl sit*efty. pit the LOWINT PIit'AiEULAND Sc COLLINS, nod Viand ir3 MYTH AViaTDa. DRll€l6lOO AND CRUMB- ar_splq-is, 72k bandproa Patterns and Igbt ootonlaad W rue APIPARLiND 04 COLU" ass 71 AWD,I3 inns APB INTVIT3E. COMPARISON STOCK AND PRldtt Wffil ANT INOINIE llr Pittshargb, Thaulelphla at New "Yolk, I'FARLAND 71 LND 7tl_ FIFTH AMU& PA,3LAIL smln= saws TAPESTRY AND-.101)1f BRUSSELSt Two Java TJEEtI=I..T.Aw CAF PET S ALL great a, DROWN S ' OM an, pWotPiON CARP • n AT. iTar,LOWIILL9I3,' , .. . . tTS; Alt t x DRElki'' Widths.' ]® OH DBV,GfPre4:' Our e t:lr - Is the Isruest . sat steer dsdrabie. iiso bare carat to.the trade. . : , . BO: AiMi s ROSE: & CO. - _ 21 .11.1*rit 13TPXET FALL; GOOD. FIRST AR R IVAL or rag sw(i)i. k7BLL Almostlaw OB: • • Velvet, -•- • - . , -• , • -.: • . - .; . , • '•-• • - • sear bimiWAND O 1-2_..1 =I Lbw' RATE& 0111 leCLINT001&107 _ --Broe26:111111-1Streit: szcoairik,-AlkureAL zi ppy mot,p* ,, Tik NEW DRuGGETs, NEW PELTING, ; nr — BF44.thifooriots, _ 114 'MUDS TO 4 Taxis vim; BOBDRRRD AND BY raiirAnD. ECALLUMBROTHERS 51 FIFTH AVENUE. • WALL F.,APKW3, y WALL PAPAS " . For Hans, Parton) anatimmaie rf 4, 10'! itarket Ht; near -yitui Ave* Joie, at. - , t:SA,t IiumerwciaAND , 'EATTINEL;.:., ,-: ~, . , .. ...'i .':. . -- ; .- - - ... •:- : '.:- ; ';''E 3, .. :. : , . 'f 1, .i - - ,:. : ',... - :*211,::;-4-sisO.i*Ita.ity1-.11jainntilid-Licair. 4 7 ,"".. 1 9"):IcAitkiizt =iumNGS atTriffe, _ Iliffl CAE OF OUR REM P49M)4MET Z3l ESES BE