an ' 0 N A !il-;.*.w, - tj.:.:::! . . l , rolimainap wax, 7pr PlianinliN, atm *ea; 1' ropribtora , • pissintisi.. amaii . 3 rage, P. ROMMON. , N. P. stax,D. ; SiltS#6 sad Proprieutri. ° OTHIOE: 11ASETTE :BUILDING: ROL 434 MID 46 FIFTH ST. • OFFICIAX. PAPER Or Pit ssinirgia • AuisitulP7 PR!' ai l le g hs " = _ IW , ' 5e—.94,9e. u B SO-Weekl.. _ tree6t4. 4 8,71 4 9 4640 9ea.52.81981ng1ec0py....41...10 m nth, 76 m05..,1.40 ientes, cac° Ft?. the TlMee nee Ti l ts - n•- - .3 • —slid one to Agent. NW& , Pain sts fiss inside piles of thee -'-'4:46l7l4lp'ekitlmErrit—lifecondPar:, 1400173- ..." 41441 f'eetrv. _Third page: Home Afar •••lkete; Ananoicii-Itetters in New roi*, P . . Pork, Market; by Telegraph, Aber •Zeus, Operation,' in Petroleumn iSzth Pages • • Fi nance and Trage; Ventral Zia' StOok Swath page: likto Pu" blieatiorss, .:A4uuntent Directory, -3-6. Ckkvo closed in New Yoik yeetcidity •at '• ' • THE "nriDSRAL 131-Baxo Jvalt tit •have found true blls of indictment ,:kiagainatAhe Probate Mikes of ifindasky, -.Ottaiva arel*okneicptraties, in that 'State, r iancl some half (Icier' active Democratic p6l - iticians, for complicity' , in the natnialimtion :glands. • HON. lezat-ilyz, *sus of the Georgia 743mmters,was , deeted as a friend of Veneml llia'tolleagoe, }fr. - 711murta, who 7waa clalme4 As a Democrat, also declares -*that heshali mot oppoei the new Ilration, bet will BUStallt "safer ail hisilitty taut ,Thivd CongressiOnal district of I'amsylvanht, Mr .z EWA' 4 VETII, 4 P: Noyeathai Els " • - - - THE report of Gen. George H. Thonias, regarding affairs in the Department of the Cumberland, gives a valuable official his tory of the Ku-Klux Klan. The report draws a gloomypicture of the present eon_; did on of affairs in Tennessee and KentuckY„ "It is mortifying to acknowledge," says Gen. Thomas, "that the State and local laws, and the more powerful force of public opinion, do not protect citizens`-of the De partment from violence. Indeed, crime gs committed because public opinion favors it." I. This is the language of a dispassion: ate official report, from one of our most hon.. ored 'Generals. • , A PAnis resnxox minim describes: St k . evening Costume, without a train, intended for a bride of the second chateau series: It is all white as orange blossoms, and made of thick Gros grain, trimmed round with white, chenille fringe, tinder orouleaus of satin. The bodice is high; over it is worm a Spanish figure, , With chenille epaulettes, and satin buttons down the tight sleeves frola the wrist to the shoulder; round the waist is rolled a white crepe de chine scarf, with white ends behind tringed like the •skirt; white snowballs'of chenille hang like belle over the chignon. The only.ornaments to be worn with this are amethysts. , . aa- NOT10.88—"To lort,” "pot saws I Wantr, "ibirtut,” ”Boarcitsg, bo.. not ow. erecting FOUR ZIREI3 sac) 'minas column/ ones for TWENTY-prvik wa r ts; sack additioncti Mee /FE CENTS. WANTED---MP. WANTED -"-A -Girl to do Cook ing. None but one who can Sixthell recom mended need call. Apply cornerand W*od streets, in Basement, weirrEto--itELP -AtEmpioy-. meat Offiee, No. tit. Clair Street, BOY S. . GIRLS and MEN, for different kinds' o 1 employ. meat. Persons wanting bap of all kinds. cist;be supplied on short notice. , WANTED -SITUATIONS: N WANTED - SITUATION —7- TIN. NET. A. farmers eon; 19 years at no. you Seised of a good education wants a placp:to learn. the Tinniog business. L. H. M., BoA 64, West Andover. Ohio. • NATANTED—By a young,Ladpi ivy A situation in aDry Goods or truniniog store. or to do writing or copying. Has a good educariOn‘. and understands the tie -man Language: Address Lock Box 317. Pit:skunk r. Q. WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED—A. few active, ener getic morfor agency's In a well estabiLsbekt buelness.• Apply soon to W. F. H9OD, No, 800 WJARW]:).-110.4UMEIRS. BOAHDING--A gentleman and wLfe, without cblldrazt. cut be accommodated with an n land shed room and Oo.rdthg, by making Inquiry It No. 74 MARTIN BTRER.L, 411egbenY BOARDING—No, 825 PENN T. Pleasantthrnished front and back second and third story rooms. for gentlemen and wives and single gentlemen. _Terms reasonable. wrx . phOARDING,FRONT BOOMS, , with bbarditg, ill' a house just onexdo_g., can ad by Wilzig at No. 218 ROBINSON ST,BT, Allegheny.. . . • I- TANtED=ABOARDERS---Pleas ant roomi•witit board,sultatne for gentleman. and wile or tiro young gentleman at 08 FOURTH aTREET. , Also. a few day or dinner boarders can be accommodated. Reference required. LOST. LoBT—On Wednesday, the 11th , la4aat. a WRITE A.M./ LIFE11.1,1)14/ItZD 11.; ti (Votater). had coals collar with name of N. WILLIA.V.r. JIVE DOLLARS REWARir will be alverl for his 'return to hf &4. IteIfENNA, Erma Founders, No. 100 ind 130 Third street,. _TO LET. TO LEV—Twoitiricished rooms,. wttlior irlthbut 1 oir I. A oply at 34 HAND KT. - tutxtdoor to Marble Wor►a. O LET-:-Pait of a good Montle. Diemitut loestion. within sir. minutes walks t e Po.lotlice to a,party who will board a mania wire ter the ten. Address N. W. °Azar= office.. • f )L I ' 0 . LET Two unfurnishe rooms. with how. to _gentleman end witeal a ogle gentlemen, at 58 PENN STREET. riLET—A furnished Sleeping ROOM, suitable for one or .two gentlemen. In t e house of a private hmlly, No. ASO LACOOK. STREET, Allegheny city. • - . -- 110 • LET--rtgro • story dsvefin herttle of six rooms.' No. 338 laceisea EFT. First Ward, Allegheny. 'squire of JOHN ROSS, , County Treasurer's Office. AO LET - 800M9—With or with out board, In- a- pleasant: locatlorr. ' No. 269 eral street.. Allegheny City, on Second or third doors. • • TO LET—HOUSE—AL New house. opposite Gen. NEEILEVS, SADY SIDE, neer Station. Eight rooms; In_good order. Posses sion Immediately. - LEWIS goo No. 346 Liberty street > -• no,:erni-- • • O LET-Ituo3l_ *ith • Board.. /56.—Several ititnished orl unfurnished mg with first cuss boarding, Yt O. 256 rzauf STREET.: • I - . . O LET--FOrnishedr koon withfo two squares of th e Poitodfce on WITH. LL STBZET. • Address L. M.. ChurnsM °ee. oc2i TO LET—That beautiful 'new brick dwelling house, No. 804, Ohio Avenue, near Baglc Lane, contains Al rooms, bith toom, finished at good dry cellar, titled up with ga i t i water and otheronventences. Apply at JAM WARD'S 8800E8Y, 88 Palo Alto street, Alio- FOR SALE • • BE—s4s per acre win. FOB a farm of 100 acres in BEAVAR MITv, P. nna. ;1.1 f a mile from flenn Btatinn. P. Ft. W. , C. it 75 acres cleared: 25 acres is timber, all underiald with coal, itOOd nouse of six rooms and all necessary outbuildings,: orchard of 4uo trees. an varieties of fruit, well watered by springs . and a running stream, warm sandy Foil, convenient to schools 7 churches within Smiles.' and a good neighborhood . The owner has moved' west. otherwise .0 could not be purebas. d at the above .price. Terms easy.. 'For further particulars call on or address CROFT PHILLI Real Estate Agents, 139 Fourth avenue. . R. SALE—RESIDENCE •AAD four acres f ground. lccated fhur miles from. the city adi of ning the Borough of BELLVINW. and within three minutes walk of a station on the P. Ft. W. it. R.B. The house is a new double frame. b. ill and finished In modern style. jeontal-s nine rooms, large ball, kitchen and two rooms In finished attic; pump of excellent water-at kitchen doors. all, necessary out buildings and an abundance of fruit. The grounds are tastefully arranged iniwalks and. Planted with a vailety - of shrubbery, The house stands upon an eminence. commanding an exten sive view of lbe,Ohlortiver and' surrouun lag coml. try, and is one °rake most beautiful locations to be found. The prop, sty it also aceessable by the New Brighton road. . Fur further particulars Eippl.___T to. CROFT PHlLLlPd r asal Estate Agents, No.l:Sir Fourth avenue. . ' • - R PRi \ Y tli k e L attentlon of thosebilne-wantro?ranr d. some and healthy locivion for a country residence Is directed tn.the property situated on.the.Western Pennsvlsauis Railroad. adjoining Sharpsberg, live miles from thselty. Good water from never Willing' Springs. For liartleu,srs inquireofJ. C. PdcPllnt.. Biel', 1 o. 10 ST: \ CIA.IR STREET. VOA FIAL67FARM.-200 . acres of good Land. situated In Penn Tp West • moreland county. two Miles from Irwin Stat .. ion, ola the Penns. R. It. Improvements, hewed log house In good repair. bank baru s ond otder Outbuildings. Terms moderate. Enquire Of W. WILSON. Lad. leer's Station. or n../t. HOPE. Pena Station. FOR LE--LANDO' ne I DRILY:. AND TWENTY A.Oltati of the best and fir gardening or .country residences, situated on the Washington -Mae, 1 ,;( miles south of Tem. Wand:utile. Will be sold in .lots of any she, to suit purchasers. - Enquire at 650 Liberty street, or P. C. NEGLEY, on the premises. L 0 II BALE Lawrenceville PROPERTT—The. desirable prooerty on PROS , near BUTI,CR STARE? Lawretweirith e ,. now o^ctioled by the arabeeriber; lot 4s l by 100 feet' -comfortable modern two stor y brick bonne of els rooms, goes cellar , wash bowie, Re. Prlee low ant tenna easy If cold MM. APPI7 on the pm:dea th EDWARD SEAGES. . - . • PAZ Id BMA& A N l l i ntlneeo l l i rtNßlN7 GINA; alto, i WILMS nod FIRE FRONT, 'win sell together:Or sepantray. Inquire as our.rennen. lu g` empeoein r or sere, b O. W a y ella ,:earnar Irwin and - Dtiqnesise .; BROOKS; BALLANTINS A CO. • ' 'FOR NALLE—A - - Melodeon wad 81 , 00;.; that hive been very tittle nsed , and h cold a ilsw mouths ageslol3 • Rbey_wl.ll be sold very ebeap. AddreniC. - E. G. (},Zel l Mace. rR BAL E -411 new Rouse With - seven-roamik: water 'and ine, and. - , c.hen. at the corner of PRIDE and, Yu ETREZT, Rage Dent W. WiIITONi at the Rens.