I 6: oAbffftif74. Tasek - BEST STOVES. ,/ A.: Nimaiketirers of tbs test yszletyof Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, - - TO BZ FOUND lien= BT.A.iBle ; Bole Agerits for the selebrited Base B row ataves and Persson for Hard Coal o Coto. EAgatha , WOrl.ol,WiCillettißtortOr Steeds so real= rue aawleter.. , Opect salp r ito see or soa -tor Olealerc, • • No. ao W.OODISTEZZT ; Oar /Wme for OrlAcUla—DßlrilLl3l I goe; soutosoosur . vat*. car:* - MAlrura t criesulfile*lo2ll ' PIPPI4;:)! V 33311411". BOSTON .Ctititatret'4 t,IIIE-FiliBlr : =114104 1------- . • rfra'ir TEXlSMlT , 'Altertnirev - ±ltobittiki ". ••RROPLATORO I ~ ,O OLUMBIA., COOK: ISTOva,', XAMII (01adnasil Patters) FORTABLX,RANG S . IRON MANTLZR, WJELLMAN,I3 BR. PLTAZZOL_P,e_RATRI&,tveis ditt,Aamisliessl, GRA:rwnsuriATß;4l.3lD2,l3s. N. t s,f 206, and .2 . 00 •ifibextySt,Fe, 4 9.s RerkyrtPrrra.stattis , COOK wrovies. • . , CET fNE BEST. WESSELL - fit CO.'S TRIII3SWEI, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. • 4 Warraited to Cook, Bake or Roast as welt e liVany otier . t3tOrete' the Vision." • .!. , RTSRPT,T- & NO. 286 Liberty str.t.?9t r his) handsndforeat., PA* ll3 .1 6 1 . TING s . To • 31" . -, 000 3r- KIN ° O. gazzeira.rich /: ": DisittEsNE ARON AND STEEL WORKS. coithAit,Tiking Fsiis aid •liteet, Carria ge Wespou Spripogs mut Axles. - Duquesne XL. and Juniata Meithant Bar. Itoind, and Hie iron; B and. Hoop. Sheet and Plate Iron, Oval. alt Oval and Half Banatilroa;.Cylhiderand Walialßox. Iron; Drag and Dropper Hara; 'l' awl • Piss for tioal illoada; Cut and Bplkeat row, Spring and B Steed Laminated Steel; Cat-. tee Bat`., Crow Bars, &v., ' • Ofawnatil • • - PITT/3111117L01L _ ii':.i . 'i - • ' IRON BROKERS s AmvEL- lincisktisiumt, zags J r.. itizopat, , - .24 a Jr el. 124 First Sti*et; 'Pittanittell; Pa. Agent for Os erOo of Oorileldb i LTl p l e OK; _Jon NPktoe. /Boholl ttotioonoone mow, on, _ WI other brahes Of Antbriatte. 9111100 0 11 1 1 4 1 1 . 1 t Oohs mid Ora.-Charcooks • Nize ' MEI . .x . , 0 7 An l irDREI .........43ii,e4.4.4‘4 , rie:e; 4 . 44 "...,f;;;;,4 4 1 4.. WILL'S, TAIFLOR,i - .. • ' tt*p:,A, 1 wirmligir .. - Ale. 4/11111141r61111,1610; insgateey ~ Twiall'illir rtbroan *ark tr ie 1. 4 stow*" 13 li I t rrs Joy nt i and 6 reraUT 4 AI- • , dell'Ork PPM al"11*-1%Wit—'... ' Miligt Wig s V. 111 WW ag W : #A5.111116.21t6,391•10.!&'.., _ • • 111....... • • Dionuraotnier of ` i3-resUsGIL IRON-WQRICS. AND lIRON, (1. I IKALAZITAIMMIIMAI 01 -PTISSBURGEL )1111 78„ e -424PME: g DAT. .NOTEXPER: 19, tla6o. • 1111 fi a" • • gor. Pointing)! and. Ihiquegno (Naas TB. TTpn.) t`'• Engle/Wets Ryden &Maeltinista, Nenufairtnre STEAMBOAT INGER= and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. - - A lig r eeitl i ttinttrt inzitg ai tt BOIL of l ishoree pewen —, Oesalini_of errerhAleid i to order Emindry."OnTHlED T,_be ow ?dirket. BIOS for o ff WelLs. SHA FTING. PUL HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCBZWIZA IRON., TOBAJZOO PILEMBH6 - san load and saadelo - " Order, at the INDUSTRIAL INORKi Fronting on the Alleglieziy River, near the Palm . • . PITTSBURGH, PA. mr All orders promptly_flUed: TIM ES: - FORT PITT 80,1,11,141T111 MI TANK WOUILS., CARRCiLL & SNYDER, Ttanmut. riouimac-in.trxD TUBULAR, ram- Box ANDOYLINDER STEAM BOILBRIL OIL 61111,s'AItp• dtr., TAM% CBIMNETS, SEASONING AND ASH PANS, ' SETTLING' PANS, SALT PANS AND CON VENORS; STEAM . PIPES, GASOKEVERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOOMS AND COAL 0/M2S , OtSee and Warehouse, earner. Seeond, Third, Short and LlbertX Streets, PITTSBURGH. Pa. Nip Orders sent. to •the above address wN 6t' 'aptly attended to. - • - . mh7tha WrIL BARNHILL & co.; 'y • 'BOILER , MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS; Nop.'so, As • s* AND stis PENN BT. Having secured a large yard and furnished it with the melt approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture ,Overy description of BOMBES 111. the best manner, and warranted' equal to any made tn the country. Chimneys, Breeching Fire Beds, Steam Pipes Loc o motive Boilers , Condensers, Bal i MIN Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, Battling Pans, Boiler .Iron c _BritWs, BUgs h r Piing, and sole maim facturers ofßanikloPs Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. ' lasurti. JAMS MAffnrillk Nos. SS 04 36 Wfster Strlt, ; . .PITTISIBIIRGIC, IRON OIL TANIK, W rmite PAN 9. comma irizAii NOLLINO 3LILL.OTACI9, - • AIadBBNET IKON WORE, ' Poi Steamboats:- JAB= M. BBIIIIIC SMINIVICD D.. 11117112. JARED 1L BRUSH . &`6olx, itAartnmoTirions Stan' B o i l erll / 2 O il - SUP!, franks. sass's'no vitnar: 61 Perri Street; Pittsburgh, Pa. WAR/NG AND lane, ' , - Commlulon Xerdanta and /imbues Li. • Petroleum and its Products, DALIKL'III BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, prrrissviont, PHILADIEZELIA. ADD 1023% INTARING, KING & CO., CS BRIMEIESO,"., COMMISSION MXRCIUNTS, .... AND DEALERS IN . Petroleum and its Products. ratanugh CRIToeDAL2INLL , BUILDING. wr iter of Duquesne Way and Iriria itzatin. • Philadelphia OfillearlAY WiaJnirT BT. apl:wao • • H X. LONG CO" • liAtithrACTlMlZEtil OF - PM WRITE BIT410:NO OIL, Brand—"Tuatif.g*ii! office, Na S Daqueme Was, Pfttaborghe NEW HARDWARE HOES& - LueszY, MR a Emma, minivact,.....gbasocatins• AanD W.AA E CUTLERY, &C.' , 887 LIBERTY STREET, . cows of w.imsni. ozwligiake• tellovi Vision Depot, PITTSBURGH.':' AZ•II4 for I'AXPILYM , Ebti.Lits. NOVELTY WORKS, pprivs Inman . • NoViairry , '" WORKS. I : ADAMS, '.l" 31'1E2E/ Paieipt :p1144,1, 'ancl - Vpanter: .• 9rd ktil; laimitical. - .titelii-Deor.loikilint pilaf& t.," 4 , 237 • cori4r 0f,aratt,!fiii4".4.."444.; , ' GAS AND STBASICIFITTING. ram wmuk4.;;;S:4ll NEW, .jo.liar.wwwirmiaa, . f .!;'••••; .7i!!“ ) !!• ' •,••'!:f,;!1 . •• •. BRABir,POIMMUIk , An;6ll{Alti ' •!,•;!;!;,!4!! • i, , , "!!!`!!,‘ OranoWar, la MK ktaase --- , • .. f: • • ..!,:r.W.h:fri `: •••.;' *ter 41 1 Pikt Andlttlaiit, 4 417781Mium "!••;,1; 4431111116 ui 1101Atm-e:a .04}1: e.;•L'..?: ; !•; • ME xiirerAcroesas or OILS. 327 Walnut Nest. HARDWARE. FEOPLEa,SAYBJUSB OF X'=ThitiTitOEL. CAZEL CAPITAL . Presidosi...KlNEY LLOYD. Therresident—WlWAll WEAL. TIVITIZEC Heary,Lloyd. • Illen.nos. Mellon, lE. P. Jones, Th._,WlgliMan Geo. W.llailman, Wm. Rea, , ~E. R. Hartley, Edward Gregg, Hiram. Stowe. lecretair k Treaer--11. T. TO! BONNIORIT. ~ 1 5 -.PIE CENT. DiTEREST paid on time- de posl .; Deposita ntadwoli orbeibre Oeteber Ist rill bear aterest from that date. Interest computed an Ist, oeember and Lt Mar. • . ' ivilttE MI OEI .PITI. BN G COMP AY r,.... ..,,, 50.16,9 Woo& Street' . ... ' ~...• . ~.,..,. CA.PITAL: : : : : $20 0,000. , . • sTocigotonsiNgivmutur bisii, 1 . r .. GO SEMMITIES, 1 AND - 'COLD. ' INTEREST ALLOWED VI TIIE DEPOSITS. • tiolleetions made on all aosemilde points la the UnlSed Insane and Oilliadas? • • DtIMOTOBS:• Jno. 0 Bieber Bold; H. Mar: Andrew Miller, James M. BMW. D. Hostetter, James Gordon. D. Wallace, S. Fawcett, MON, Cashier, V 3 UPII• 4 4!i D. LEET KEYSTOVE - Alai, ...No, 293 pIF;AIt,SITITLE, Primainicat; PA. Dorm s (atitikiThed,)l i 2 : nom®. DERECTOIIB. Wm. H. Hamilton, Henry_Hockatoce, • Wick T. Yin Doren: H. J. Idneh, John Murdoch, . T., WAllam Banana) Buckley, , A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TBANBACrrED , ••• ' A Oetleettotta.saage at alf tepotsande pouits in' trio Vatted States and Canada. interest .11lowei on . Deposit& UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. piesiese4t.l.. aaEo:T. itAiR DO ZN, caamsr. airSTOCKHOI;DEBS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. NATIONAL' BANK-Of COlilInCE, - . Cor. of Wood and Sixth St a. --- - A. PATTERN/PI JON. H. • , • . = 1 " CAP.Treao — : $500;000. • DIRECTtIitB: A. Patterson. • George W. Ous, ' •= 2 .• Wm. H. Brown, James McCandless. Chas. Lockhart, W . Dooilina= t Allen Kirkpatrick. Wm. need." W. 8. Haven. • nuivotsrrs DAILY, AT 11.. t sr: : ardholS HART, CAIIGELET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, rrx-reimmxirr, OHNNTIESOBB TO HANNA. RPM a C 0..) ftchange; 'Coin; CouPons; And vintager attention paid to Its Padua tand covaßtimEriT. slautrpiartal on. London ;a7us i e NBoum*: soars, • 1 , 4 57 Market Street, E; Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and 4:1 1 1,31&d 111 6 t' Stooks, Bondi, Auld . othez Securities witrezr AND SOLD ON COOMON. woo artiosJar attenti o n paid to 'the porahaos aad f -,- • • . trriffi Stiitee seCnititiel3; .110:11 =MI virEsTwo 5,M 9 V49 8 BANK' Rb. 69, JburUe street.' 111 - .II ADI /860. inierW4epaid Deposita OIVEP9 IIIO AR irWARD• Dinah Wag& ,oti,:liirrtiotr i DuocniriatiarssNiTir c Preddent.4lßlMPSONailii Wee Presldent—t,lllA nre*iroses _.; • y Yisom isp l BELL, 1 • A.. ItimARSHALL. ,Dcm D ofiTH. Jetli ALBS.' J. J. e ngy BtoOktuidoirs to ottom.wo riiiiktiretkvi ir a 1 na. Yorigthe, . Joseph:DU d Beer ' MU C lrstsV al e, '' '. ' . : fil v aEgmbert, * . N..o.,DidsreS ;. , A. h a . Brows ° . is. Volum. - . . - Thomas Itortojr... .. . , _ . IVEEtiti.llllCS' SAVINGS.HANK., -. •ic0.14. Sinithllol4 - Stveet . • • firrsnumg; , I:llmudeirr . PAW ON moans. ~, ue .. / 1 NIIKINIVED ISOM 07. _1V1=j3044.4414 *, ' lll,3l4tarece ). ,;7l4!'ikl Tt; vF• 7 ' 7 '1 'ilmie , git n t JAMAS H.' HOP lit'tal"ttlkiiiiatizro , ikal) , - • . - ~,:. - 4:4 '. . . ...?., ''•i - , , Tarprpra . : .-' ;.,, '', • -., , i ,. , L :Muses Mitelnico9 . ...:':, ;_tiihu4Nl i tiVW,-,-, , , , ~ .iltex; "Masi n il eatirmil‘ : '. /4 ' 2 :i - 7 16 N:1; 4 .a;:t• : ..‘ ~ 1 ." ZEIOGEGOXICAri ENG Kt. ------------- . . Eacw.at-pice ~..„,..........„.„,..„.... ~• : , MUKIWIRCLIMAINKMOISINo:-0 .. , .s.nir.€l4;alo/tOrl or lifieteiril*.r:,!: 0 ,1 4 040 ; 7P 0Kih 0 : i/iniiity,l ,, :g4 ~ l i s--Moe, NOk . IFOYBIDIUULZ - EITEICICT. __.ltoovii X. aigF it k I 11) stair& 'r• Wilor AIitaZGHIONT 01M. ~' .-. lijkosuisaY s of all eacriDeloaa, deAmad. i. 8U1187717 4 1 111•11191 P .A* :are° r . st ...,. ..•: : 1 ° . 4 4 : , , ‘.,,,AoLAittor_X3ithillfs* Ma '1.....::. 1$• ILT • -, • . - 1 , , - , 1 ' HE BlNS[llf6 HOUSE . r; Pll. R. IMEEIRTZ, Corner of Wood and Fifth'Streets. DB.AWS BILLS Of =CHANGE ON LONDON._ BERLIN. • lINiON BANN, " :vostar DIIISLIN. , _. • LEIPZiG LIVASPOOI,„ Trgßzsivii GL ANGOW, NAIEBUBOII, BaLFAST:i FBARPORT orbf, PARIS WEIEZBURGII; S MA TRA. 2 IIIIBOUI/es • - DAInd SEL eIf , ADE, Z. CAn_ KA I SERS r•ANTEBN, uOLOG.NE, LANDWAN, HEILBBOM- BASEL, • STUTTGART, - BEi t y. STOGICHOLid.FRANCSCO. _ and annut.2oo mare snare/ places.. , Maxey is also - seat to any village from central points direct to the residence of palace free of Cr! , litfrom fifteen le seventeen days. - • - • - • Collections made by power of attorney all over Ent. pe. Goods and parcels attended to: JAID3I3 To $$ Y& C o. , 03...eiw.,t0 S. JOBB* Corner Fourth; and • • • $$ IV MG "1M XL. EIS BUT AND KELL ALL UNDB OP • _ SECURITIES 9OLD, BOER AND cot9eOrs,, • • ON MISST FAVORABLE • tip' Interest Allowqd on Deposits., • sieSiy ichit,•o al Gonnunen,7l!fonds stikijr.' eat markis rites. - • Orders exeeuted for the Purchase and pale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRAPY & CO. ,_, ,__ _r lit6Orgir ertkits, FINANOB AN D ji.rdt 01 , Tics cor iTalTisiinitan Giazirirn, Z W.Enwrania, November 18,1868. c, • -The fluctuations in the g old market were conaideyablertO-day; the opening 134 g, declined to 134, advanced to 135, and stood at that firm at 330 p. m. The inten tion of the bull opetators, is evidently, to carry the market far aboire present 'gna. tions,' and if =riot sacceisful the at tempt will be made again, and the ar rangements will warrant a• large profit to the operatora - The programme is' to force specie'payments is Europeto cover draft on time, and if tlda can be effected, a rise of some magnitude is expected on the gold Premium.. _ Government bonds opened at nalight de cline, but, soon became firm, and closed at an advanee of about 34 per dent: The' de; mend , for bonds is still increasing, but only in ihnifed . amounts ; by Investors .. Pacific; RidlrOad 'bonds are more inquired for on account of the accumulated gold interest which/hi payable in .TkintuFy, and for *hich investors pay only ciarrencir.- 7 -iitie early completionof the road and the limit to the issue of the bonds Will ` make them as de sirable, if not more so, thzin'governinent 'securities. The stock market was a little lower to day, but with the continued ease'l. iu the money at Biz to . seven per cent., the market rallied and advanced rapidly from -fotir to six per cent. The entire market is only pieparhig for one of those bull movements 'which may occur about once in every ten yea.* and whosoevaehas courage enough to hold out, may make as much at one time as he- could *skein two or three years at the stock exchange. Money is very stringent , here, antl.-.-14gh *tides are offered, anitdentanded. Business seem# to improve,but th;re is a general complaint in the retail line,even of the necessities of life on account of the want of money to pay for. . re 2 Closing quotations awreceived by Ph. R. Mertes IGlold, 135; United States 1881 s, 1145;; Five Twenties, '62, 109%;;• ltici , '64, 107; do '658, 16754; do new, 109%; do; •'67s, 110; do '6as, 110%; Ten-Porties,.lo4%; ailyer. 08: ,Ohio & Missisiippi Certificates, 30%; Western Union `Telegrapii, 36; New York Central, 120%; Erie, 49%; -Reading, 973„ Michigan Southern 83%; 83 3 / 4 ; Cleveland & Pittsburgh,' 84%; Chicago & - Rock Island, 105%; Northern Western 84. do, Pre-, ferred• 8 5 ; rort; •Wityne . 4% - -Chleign, 108; Merchanti Union Express, 20%; Adams;.. 48; Pacific Ati11.:11434. , 1~ .' , . —The failure of a prominent bOot and shoe dealer. in Alleghenyeity; is rbportedc Liabilities:are large; reaching shout 492,000; assets reportedat'something over $50,000; The creditors. we understand, are mainly eastern:parties, _Tlia failure ; created con-,.. siderable commotion; as the party, hereto fore, has stood well in business circles. r :f--The Chicago AdvanCe,l in,. discussing the qu estion of "more 'currency," Bays: "It is , always.- one • of .:.the:apparent • ano 'rnalles of an inflated currency, that the More-inflated it Ktt la maresutsaing seems. , ... to be the need for still more. • Whoever' will take the trouble to study the history of the financial revulsions that Have swept over this country wily find that they all ':originated, directly Or indirectly, in min t ateit currency,, ,Ilt is the bane of such a currency that it fosters' extravagance and speculation'till-...ilifl*,:tteeto, drops Onfind lets the bUsiness world suddenly down-on to hard pan ,by MINIXIII_ Of ,psqlic. We are now doing bueineis on a currency so in 7 fated that itis worth,opy 7So l conbs to-the . , , 4 1 :4 1111 '.'! ' • =The New Orleans'ares‘t says that the sugar c ro p ; siugarerop, on the various plantations in that State promises'a large yield. It was : ippreheiiiiedeiii - alio iinie,'friint ';'; — reitih s rted damage ? . caused by : , 41 storm, that a de-, auction on she estplatO, pf t the cartons: 'PirbibilOidbliPitelk*dis,rolen'itii dek:,,, would - be about correct; buyei?w at . plant., eta have . commenced to gilni;:ltlis' well alKertahl*Plititi!* YlO/ i dgit44,a-rAto, O JI , iiianid gives " 1 1 1066 tieh; a4d . witli I 'eo. Middlea of faio4l;l4;*o9iiiht_tile. crop Or dila year will exceed..loo,ooo,4f.Af o i gar, and hiali•Aitbit l l3olloo, I tiblidilittila. -1 :—(7loelnt: quotationf received by James T. Brady • it; :Mx I .t. Gold, %134 j(; United. StatM' filbres, ,`, 1881%j114V/ , 6411N0 MA /093‘;','&2031ni '- 1 •1.864; ' 197; ' , I - -• ma; 011%;:• , 10•401;•1043X1' 5.20'5,. Jan I , ?a • 11-22 1, July, 41§007%; 5-20 ' s, January an ALIA ill1111;, 1 5144011(tJuogf Watir il le4o jnly 749% dip; WitZattr 119; lift; • Oat. 118 KL 1 7' 9 . 1 W 11", 1 1,114. ix4r:..., ME! !I 'l' PMIniIIRCH OFIPIOE Cr T3ll PITTSBVELGH GIiETTB, WEDNESDAY, November 18,1868. . The Markets, in a general way, present • , no new characteristics worthy of special. notice. There is no imProvement to note . , in any of the leading articles, either as re.. gards demand or prices, and the feeling of distrust and uncertainty which has pre 'vaned for some tame, still continues. - • Money matters are reported somewhat easier, but the banks continue ,to discrimi nate closely, and and any one ' 'suspected suspected of oySrtrading. has but little show of.beinkao • commodated. APPLES—Continue to arrive freely, and while the, roark'et is „dull, prices are cm- '", , changed," ranging from, $4.3 to s4:gerbbl, - as • to quality. _ • APPLE VER—Uncinanged 14,70 to 751 n kegs, and 80 to 85 in,. croo/Es. BUTTER—Is in good supply and a'little s dull but unchanged; sales of good to prime Roll at 35 to 37c, and choice at 39 to 400. ' BUCKWHEAT FLOUR=Is dull brt ym= changed, at 4x to the , trade, and 5 eta in a retail way. • • • - • BEANS—SaIes of prime small White at $3,75 to $4 per bushel. ' CHEESE--Dull; sales' of Hamburg at 'l7c, and Goshen at 19 to 20c. CHESTNUrTS--Quiet and uncha li ged; small sales at 116,50 per bushel. , CIDER=Is qnitt Auld 'unchanged at $6 to $9 ner bbl r aio to iitialltyand site of barrel Y , DRIED FRUIT—DuII; we continue to quote Peaches at - 12.f0r quarters. and 44 for i halves,, and apples at 9 to 10c. EOGS—Unchanged at 3 3 0. HOMlNY—laquoted. at $8,50 to $7 per HAY—Baled is in good supply and dull, but uncluing.ed'at $lB to $24, as to quality'. POTATOKST BO -Qiiio and unchanged; at-75 in bulk, and ' Per 85 naked. • Jersey Sweets $4;50 - to ss' Per bbl, se to quality. PROVISIONS—ShouIders 1334, andtingar Cured Hams 18 to 19; no•Siclea in this mar. . ket. Lard 17 t 047%, and M.ess Pork (new) 42,8,00. ' LARD OIL—Is in steady demand and we contintis to quote No. 1 Winter strained at ' • oNIONSLOOntinun very d 4; small sales at $1,50 per' basbel. • - GRAIN-There is no improvement to note in the Grain Inarket, - with the exp3p. e - lion, perhaps, that there is ,a little stronger 1, feeling. Wheat is dull and /mining at ) s e, $1,75 to $l,BO for prime Winter, and - 31,34 , to 1,85 for No. 1 Spring. Oats. quiet and unchanged at 63 to 65 on wharf . and -track,' and theusual advance for small lots in store. ' Corn is dull and 'prices are entirely nominal; we continue to quote old at 51 to 41,05, and new at 70 to 75. Sale of 5,000 ' bushels Rye at $1,39. Barley is irregular and unsettled and cannot be quoted tier- rectly.• •-• • - s , • . ~• ts FEATHERS—SaIes to the trade at 75 for Live Geese Feathers, and -80 to 85 for small lots in store. - - SEEDS—Flassead none in market; small sales of Timothy Seed at $3 to 113,25: ' SALT—Is in steady demand, and we can report - rest - tau sales lit $1,75 on trabk,- and $1,90.t0 $2, in store. " . TALLOW—Prime rendered isle steady , demand at 12c. - - FLOUR—Is devoid of any new features worthy of special notice. Spring Wheat brands at 17 .to /8; for fair to Choice. Rye Fkiir, 48,25. The - Tearr Mill --prices are for Extra Family in bbls, 19,90 and in sacks 19,60 per bbl; Doable 'Extra Familyin _barrels $10,40. and in sacks 510,10 -per -bar rel. City - Mills - quote -pfrices as follows: Elam Familyy, . In barrels, ;9,80, „awl in sacks, 19,50; Deuble bar ; - tele, 510,80. and in sacks, 510 bb]. WHISKY—Is quiet and - unchanged 11,20 for both Highwmes and Rectified: GROCERIES—The advance in gold' has caused a little firmer feeling ic _Sugars and Coffees, but there itcrirEprovement the demand, and sat yet, jprlces., are with out quotable change. We continue to quote as follows: . SlTGAB&—etlbeg foC good-grocery 123; to 130' l ri co— arime; tind 14c for choice; Porto Ri 'Mg 1 :prime 13%; choice,: - • 14% to 15qC 14 to 14%c. Re fined—Standard Hard, 17c;_ A, 16c; B r _ 15%c;. axtra '0 l i%c; Sugar _House, l loW - to 11. Comm—Rio ranges all' the way from 2135 to 26%c for common M strictly prime. :lava 37-to Mc. Synups—Loverin,g's 1140; Silver Drips, 11,10; White Drips, $1,20; medium brands, 75 to 85c; ~common, 60 to 650; Booth ct Ed , Rios—Rangoon, good, 10 - 34 c; prime to choice, 11 to 11%c; Carolimh 12 to 1.2%c. „- • I.lofassizs=-New Orleans, 9$ to $1,05; Cu ba, 85 to 70c; Porto Rico, 75 to 90c. to 85 . 5,.. Cloves .55.5 Pepper,. 38e, STAncE.—Madison, 8c; Silver Gloss, 123ie, and Corn Stall:311;1334o. Frturrs 7 Lay,er Reales, 14,75, per box; , Valentie,'Po per lb; prime, 17e; giypints, 12}i A efbr new. ' ' • FAR LEAn—.l23‘m Stto% 13,50 per bag. Sosps---“Babbitis," 12m 44 0akely's," U3ie; Rosin, sto 7e; , Dobbin's," 15. e. „, CA-rteirts—lSlOnld, 16cf•Star,280: , . ' • ~CONCENTRATED Lyn-18,00 rer Case.. BI CABS SODA-18.50 per 100. F.ten—Wbite - Fish, 110,1:Nk Lake, fferring r 55,00; Itickeiel '221140; 2. 1 1 18 .00; No. 5.513,50: it; bait barrels: 50a ;pre. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OPincri ownrs Prrnstracar. Gemming, WEDrti-Ma.y: Noltembeit 17; IMS. C . /UV/Z.<. t' < serhe market was again very quiet to-day, tfibugh fully as'strong as it'wan Ye sterday,, ..• bit the fact that Crude b; relatively higher than Refined, tendito'reta - d'inisiness, and prevents fresh contracts., It is claimed 'that, at present prices, Refine d cannot be laid drowirtfiVhiladelAtbe below 27 - to'2'44;'• while at the same the market price of the latter, is only 26 to 26q. belng the' case refiners, generally; do not seem' in- • clineed to buy fox tltereaent t , and they • hope that by holding oW,`thev wilt - be ena bled to force a redaction., „Ten „captain still regarded as the stand:ind lir - 160'1er spot oil, And the same figure, will• apply- -to nlmost any delivery within the next six months, sellers option., •- .. • . • • REFINED e Refitted Market wasial 11ftle air& to. day, •particularly for, this month, which compared With yester day is from a quarter to a half -Jolter,;lratttre; deliveries, .hbur.: ever, are steady with fully as many buyers as there are senors, and PricesAM reit 7 sustained. - 107e - citil 'report 500"lible a_ m M po at 26; and ,1,000 bbla for the /ast-halt N o -i , veber at X. The - first 'of '11569; is L quoted itt,2834 to 29; laid half' at '32i to SS; and March ',te, July,, inclusive; at , Therefore, as the ' s the only, differ- ence between ma rket - of . to-day, and that of yesterday, is, that ,'November - is'a shade lower. OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY•lui 1 14.11. B. R. W. Burke 108 hue ref. to Warden, Frew &lade/Wel r - ; Citizenti - Bef.."Ce:V 488 6- do to "T . ack'. Bro., Philadelpb.lao 3.5. 4 , Nat. Ref. Co :;' V2B:divda.t.otH.LlA...-Dilirartli #:Co." Philadelphia. _brord3sheinter, /Cobbler 4'034117.de do to Waring, King& Co.; Philadelphia. ' B__Mou /5 dor dpi den, 1 0 - rilw'&llB. l f Plilladetpflui,„•• , `••• I Fawcett, Lin & Btoekdale r loo do do to' W. P. Logan & Bro.. PhiladelPhla Y. 44 (•,.! "'B. W. Morgandkr.%kilo.p. do toWar den, Freib&ll6.rnlibuoilsma. B. l iF.,l4olDPlrt4 2 #4i li} 8 , 4 •10 4r3 0 atittla3c • & Clark, New York . - Totaltehipmentk Milled • • - '• , 4436 • • " 'Tar 4 .:011••••;;L 108 • oft. reitimithilVa Fivologymbniete tarcrr. W - biler; bhla-refioed so - Warfal. ring &On:, Pbrladelphts. is 3 40104 - ttlilf ° 't 4.ostivt "Logan ; Made p a.' - Welenna &RMFIs. 18 ,do do toP. Flo A. ,pft:lplat s id i str , • tt TO4I - 21x. MEI