TN Ninandal Its%x York. • cow cooed Ai • DIY Tetegript ' C NEiv:l";ol4,lfPventhei D 3; 1868. 110.11F.FT 21 /94.0 -C4 61 /at: , 6 4 7 Per 'oenterilug ( Fad at 830g9 percent.. Gold innirregn- Pali and unsettled in thirmorning buts •11'!,:o tuid.'eloited in I the. aftethoon; 'opened 'at 'li3*, arid '.nlositl4l 'at 135 g. S'iverfli.,inadci kir the atonic emattiAtion., TligGbireitunent sold half a rangint to,dayi and will, - it- its reoOrtedt siarsnother attempt4b..coi:ner cash gold. aovzsrmiarls. ' • - Goverit'uneida are - 'eleady. 'ClotipOsos of 1881 1 1 81 1 @lB4‘r do. 7 e2, '109X(§11050 do. . 1 .84? , ..117;y 3 0107ge,'65, r iONOIUT3SI do.zeir, 1095‘0110%;•d0.' , 67; 110x@mg; do. !OA 140 X ®110M: 10408, BT.A.TB BONDS • ' , Quiet. -' New Termagants; 683i0159%;' North% Carolinas, 644365; •Virgtuitts, 64(4015Vf . - •Y- 1 : In the Stock marketinterest stiti,cenear 1 in Erie. There dittkitdt,y „getting Erie shares.„,ellverY -,-6)1."."4;on !: tracts maturing •th-daY4 l .)Tue. market 'for thisatodk has.been.Terr.actitre; with a' de.: ferencs high at-teriper cent: - bettreerilreg-' ular:aad seller in time indicating a: close.dorner, arhiciipay:eultuinagkloripor, row Other 14440 ball: ; , Market ;, closed stne‘ttled but Nary strong. , 5:397 - prices Esp ecamberlazi, l 3oii c; . 0; Weirs, 49; Fa & - rge Co. rent :2N; Can I©. American; 3 %;: 4301045Adanie;48k 47 49;. United States, 4734(i;4834; Iterdliants IT On,- : 2034®207,4; Quicksilver, :27y',€;30; :Mari& 60@ti9; preferred, , 20y,@;20%; Tai3ifiet 1; t , 115®-.117 4 4; -Western- , -:s Thilon,L ~ .., 3 8(§30334;. Ceston ',Hudson ; and Erie :.,97:W027.%;. New York non 1 2230;122M;073f(4 .- 57qaprereried 63; Erie,Reading 97%®98X; Ohkrand Mississi pi , 303'®3034; Terre _Halite, 39©39i;;AU., preferred, 6oy, tg 68; Wabash, 565(A56je do. - preferred, 70; St. ;Taul,, 'B3@iB4;letichiisin ••Central,l , Michigan Southern, 831",@84; Cow.. tral;:l4l@l43; Pittsbiirgh,ls@an; Toredcy, 99@99; Rock Island 4 l loßWlNorthweifern, • .9_4x@B43p; do. prefated -- 138©86 (;,' Fort Wayne, 108@108%; Chicago! and and Burling ton, 170; Chicago and Alton, ,13731.. t • ' ilistita sitar.* Mining Shares are .dtli.7 Smith & Parra aloe, 435; Quartz Hill; 30, „Our.pgat,siockti.. Copper shares at Roston : Franklin, `l2; Hatoock,” " ' SUB-T.1113.#1517RY FLECEIPTt3. The 'repeiptet* the ; Sizb-Vreasikt were • $761,668, ,payments; $818,806. Sal ance;' 1183,c,02*9.., Exports for 13,77,4,896. " . . • CENTRAL RAIWAD: - It is reported the Erie', combination . bought' 80,000 shares •of the New York Central and considerable, proxies • when Vanderbilt :found it' out and closed ,the' books, preventing their . obtaining control of the_Centrid, / - • - • ' N "York Produca Mar!tet. ~ . 1 isT Teiegrigai to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NAV YOrni;'NciterriVe-g78:..=-Cotteti;hrgli ' • :',.., • ,grades areicarcei and thin; tlc l tst io trades are ...'' ' about „ gc better ; 5800 bales. at 233(c • .. •' • 1 4 for low/meddling' and 243.1efur •midlingti ( 14 f I' de ... Flour receipts ,, 21,494 barrels ~o up au • . .._ _ , ,,' 'at saloc lOwer,and 800 at barrels as.utnio.acc. '' - • ''' • ''. ' 'tin trate western at:18 MktB.Boc. Eg • .• -•,, : , rtra state 48.25a7.300..Extra , western_ _ O. , a . !White wheat,H extra, $6.75a9 . • R. O. t ' ' • '• , • ” , s7 50,a9. Extra St. Louis, $10a12.500 ; 'for ' ' • :, :,- ;4. :I'iood. to choice: daimlaaing.--clniaL•lealfin *":" .- e... " 'go Sour, n0mina1, 16.76410.25c. Rye flour c o • • ' '''. ''''. .„.: : a n n fai firmer ;150 bdrrels at 10. 9 0ak "- ' •-• ' ' ‘Coni , meal ,qtdet, 100 barrels of fairfaxat , • • , 41,5 75- Whisky , quiet. - Recipts of. wheat . . - -- ' • • 4, ' . ' mint to• 70,379:. bushels s wheat dull. and ~. .' - ' ' "' ' -" • •••tfbr No. 2 spring; 12,20a2,50 fot white Nash . ilg -., Rye isquiettsales 2,90 hualswegleris in small lots at $1.3541.4a. , Barley is, dull • ' • " ' { end. - droopinw, sales 5,000 bush Soelch at •• ' nil, re • Corn - - • , , .;42.15.,:f B Barley ' Mal t lis d isabout . ' • lereipts amount to 5,2/10 bush ' ' '' ' '•• • I" • •jowdrils. hiss adtive;'saleS 48;000 busk at , .- • '' •'• '- 11,012.1,12 for unsound; 11,13a1,15 forsound ' - • - ' mixed western; 95c - for new white smitherm: $ . ,fot 'n est, yellosso southern. ". Oat*--ra-.. -I ' °7 a tto 109874 bush, and is a: -.. • . ..: CcelPfif am ount 'bus h r at 1 0 34071 a b ' •' , l ' ' !'shade better; sales 46 .0 00 ~ • • ' . for western. Coal, there is _but allig'lit . krip; • , -ply and is very firm. / Lest:ler—nem:4)oK, - ' ~.: • .cole is firm at previous prices. Wool CLuiet ••• ' • • ''' Nteady, with salettiB2,ooo pounds_at 49a5743 ' • ' •' , : 'got. domestic Mackie, 38a500 for pulled; and • . • ' 'lBassc for tubbed. Rice nominal at a -.3.1c for Carolina. Coffee dull. Sugar dull '•• - ' 'and easier, withealeell9ollllo at. ii, a 1235. * • • - rAiolasseB dull„ , :'llops.iptieVat2.lsa2l% for • '' ~ ~- -':'American, Petroleum arm at 14 / a _for rade ' an d 28 3 z0 for refined bonded. Lin- 3eed 01 . C3 ' 1 dull 2 ' ord.' , for r "wail, and: bar. . . .95 " - " ' '• • sels. Metals, Sheeting and Copper qniet at ' "'. '• ' • .330 for Ingot. Copper dull at 2 , 2;03- for De - .• ' ' ' roit and Tennessee; 22fia22340 for Italti • . „more. and 22a22,(,c for. Portage. Lake Piglron- uiet at 41a450 for Scotolq,and 341 ' 'l.l ' ' 4 l . I,delrsiitaliareastrid:' fitm• - . • • 43c for eat:. , at $90r95 for refined English and American. Sheeting in moderate request at 1134a13c ' • •-..,- • , ' orß m ussi on a, and 519V/Meibtainglis Dand T. .. co t ta Nail Rod quiet at 9y,,a1034c per ?ound. ,Nalls steady at 534 c for , cut;' 7p 'or and 27a80c '''Tor' - "lise - shoe. Minch, • - irregu la r ; sales-1,200 [ .. , ?ork dull and _lrFee r .- ,;44,313ina,-, at $29 bbls at $ 28 a2 9 • 5 0 1 4 in- '"''' do old; $27,25a ' ••• • • • Sash bids for round lots, tag . .*".J - .75 fer 1888-9 do, ..$21,75 . a2.3 ,_ ,50 pn ea m r e as , an d au trit. t BOOL meaV3 7 - , : *.- ' '''' '.' .•• 23a20511118e'ute • mess 116a20 .:. " -,. .. - , '• bls'it $ 0a1v,50 new .plain . f sew extra mess. Tierce beef steady; saies L4O lien:seat 127,50a30,0013r1me , -mess, s3oa ;•'' ~`- • 14,00 Inala mess. Beef hams quiet; sales "' • -: •' %10 bbls at $128,50a29.50. Cut meats quiet. houlders s .l24lBc. "Hama andmiddles quiet i • • mid steady: sales 7.00 'boxes Catribi3rland lie Lard arm and in 1 , i ct, January, st../1.-.., 670 15. -Le • Modeiste deMistigteales 4ter . ces at r 4, . 6,,c,stearn:lB l 4l:l7yo; alsoleiles 250 ... tier_ce_s_ . • team rendered,Pe Psi' i ll;); a ll , of 47407°14, I ,e • - ~ . eelto: tittter'ffi'm at 215aSec for 'Ohio, . ' ' efing.r $ tate Cheese firm nt 1 44/ . , 80 - Spirits ' ,' ' • '. '• *- ' O -,--- --* ut ' 1 ) - t , fi r m 'at 47a4'7*. - ~ i , ~, _ , farpentine ti eC n Imo - ' ' '' ' • Freights to Liverpool quiet and , ut t I terial cha l l i s.. L Material closed dull and Zane ', ~‘ • ; -,. ' : .. - k , wer on, medium and common Igradep. heatV. fat and lti :linyeri'ittiolaillyit L,30a1,32 for western. Oats firm 1 "- : ' ' Rich a a fair demand. at 51e for western ' '.1 . , • ': . ,N: • ' .............float.Rich„,4 o n todst i rliata .hvgittiAt4P,terta;l2 . : . • ".”' '°. . 1 ‘,. br unsound, and sl,l3al,_ 4 l4f t o h rtio nal u m nd mixed 0f254 . ' ,' -:• • \ eatern . Pork firomrp nt ;;. ibis mess at 129,50 - cash. ' Beef dull and Mcbanged. Cut meats and Bacon s Quiet . '' '' ..- ' • pd trachanged. - Llltijelak: - .4are. - ." : ,-- ' r fair - to' prinieitemm. zggr ste a dy at ;11y.Telograph to the littsbargh Gazette.) / i Ntt.e:YORE4 NovembeilB.=..ltusiness 're-: .". painit"quite lingnidi' but - neiertheleas t ' ;Aces rule, quite uniform for staple styles i ^, domestic cotton ' and woolen fabrics. trinting cloths quiskons. •Tb73.iggor..A3pim , pon to extra, 64 square. - Prints of the best hakes are in limited request at 1230, ex .•,bpt Godhead and Aterrhmicir MWhich are • ield at 12140. Mons de Lames - . comanand tc, butgri6iMaifin b - 4,14 19c.'ChneleciT14io "d • *tr.' ••', ke as low as 8230. ~13rewiqh ingti l , best ekes, at 15alft•theltitOsii 10, l belnlit'ati • ktreme; Augusta sellaitil4ci. tanclard'at ; , )c; Bedroll; 'll, if - :;.46: - ; -, 4441%:,* ogg . . eese colik,sttgei coppoilici „:: sc. , , , rautto,ll4 Oswaturg, it, glo4m4.,l l 4ViAtoe, oct, -- - - ;•atyl,BNe, r - Ripelliulti amMluallbtla "fixity* lit fall priests ps • 71 , - /ici v .. ;•Vi.• rt ,,, J ~. :Nisi N. p../ 1 bilasife Cituerwirket. •,.,• . 3• retiiirOa tattle i C titsifitiett 'Cesetee.VC i CHICAGO, NOVetaber 18.—Cattle more as !ve af58;7544,7510r -common to gi:xxl•cows,• t . 90118,82SrlbtildrUtlicilospitifitb18/100111.1 75a8 for lair vhippinuto strictly choice ...,_ ooth. • neevetkuonilnal,,at 80 • 78 a, Bess leak, with B'4/o"rmsard tenders3.o44l3lsft 'T7S-44'; c0Mu10N16"7,2,41.4kg pity topl.)-.. lu,anaft.,2rap.torpodtoextachoiod;; , „,...,„ e '42,..f i.. 1 Q... .. .:1 MI 'ire . vi - Yorict*; - akiepti air Teierisikh to tat rittttarst eirettio ' Cnitcrunc.4.2l, Ifoveiiitier ''18:- .: Flour un changed and diill;'"family - 37;50a7,75. Wheat in better denugrd tit - the close, with sales at 11,18.41,80' for 'No'."' I- red.' Corn Is Arrn;' , eiresBBs9c. I By. 'Atilt , id 111,28:1 .Oats ' Anil :mid-.drooping; NP .' 1. 560. , -Barley a shade ilriner; sales of Canadian at 42 # 25a 2,30. Cotton in fair demand for good grades; (sales of 500 bales, , at , 226 for ...nild dliiig; 'reeeirds. for - the week- 10,690 liales. 'Toba000; ' no change -in prict -sales of 143 Mids. , -Whisky firmer, 8 / 1 103 '._ at 97 e. ' tin" seed 011 &frier and In fair demand at 950.', OreenMeata firmer and hi better - demand: males of B,oo4pdanda, at 730734 c for &Mid denl:lBVii. I03(1, for - rides, and liy,o'for blunt -The weathel• it verr.lhvotablelbr leinrini.-' ?deal Pork-Asold*. et 423,40924,00. ard Es lower; Wes of prime kettleatlMc. Bulk Mato; there bf a goo4deMitlid; , sena 'of 200 hhds, at IWe itrr ' shorddert e . and 133 i 11140 for clear rib arid cleirculdea' *icketi and *boat twentydart in salt; thibmand Tis chiefly from Beltinuireand:PhilidelPhht; Butter firm, 'with a good deiiiiiid'at Waage,' ,Chimitillim at lealf,e. - • Ego firin tit 30c: ' tPotidoes dull: at 75a80e pet bush. sl-Airplett :ull,' id rat per bbl; the receipts continue ' Urge., "-:Seeda , dull;' Olcrnor held - at 1113; 4 m0thq12,33a2 1 30; Fla '82;00x2,10. ' 43 * t i caries unchanged and-'4lriletl ,, Hay , Mill at 113a14 on arrival. • Gold -1843ilitiying.. Ex-- Change_ dull, at 1-10 discount -haying and par selling,- , ,-,' • . .„..:: Chicago F ,,- 1 iti Xi y t ' . EBy Telegraph to the l'lttehopthesaltteolt.o : i • " CHICAGO November , ',lB,—Eastetn'" —Eastern'`: ex cbange steady and firm at Perzbuyingfand , 1.10 ,premium selling. ;:Flour. steady and `firm and leas active; .spring extras $5,60a8: I steady and unehanged; • sales fl,taal,lo, closing Brady, at; $1,08g1,08y,,; sales of No. .2; this afternotrq.-at -, 11,0834i' Corn—No. 1 in fair speculative- request and 1; .9aloe higher; sales at 89a95ei closing:at 90e; No. 2 quiet and, Ba 3 e higher;, sales at-78a 90o; rejected, 70e; w shelled - 2e higher; s- eale at 'Me in store a d6oe on titiali; . Wert: No. 1 since 'Chan at 87%e. Oats MIMI sales,' No.. 1 at *l4'* 4 •rejeeted.'4oa4le, eloautig - st 463ia47e for No. 1. Rye'diore ac tive and la2c higher; sales N0.;•144 411051 t 1,07, No, 2 21,04a1,015,• closing , at the Outs ide. t•Barley more active ' and unsettledi: SaleS No. 2 at sl,6oal,6s;fayeeted ak41,30i1,82,1 closing ,st $1,51 for No.; 2.: ' 'aightVinee , steady; • sales of Llee.. Xt 976., P.roviaions Mess more _. setivs.. • Pork $24. , Lard lsc. Short rib's 'lige. TreightSdUil land . un.- . changed Receiptsfor the ' , past - twenty; four hourd--4;t377 bbls Bonn 21,471 , bush Irheit, 30035 - bush, corn, 27,050. bush aits 1;854 busk rye, •2,000 bush- barrey,.:ls,2oB hogs. 'lBhlpmblats-L-8,921. 4 bb1if flour; .40,757' - bush;whixtti 66:822 bush 'corn, 81;60 bush oats: , 2 1 221 bush rye, 7 487 1 bush barley .. . . . , . . ME • , csr Teegrapkto , tniPlLyibtßlO 9wiette.3 ,CLEviulawn, November 18.—Flour dull and unchange d; tatioesll;' 1.1,60 for treble;: extra , white, :$9,W0,75 , for dOuble extra 'aMber,',6,25a8,50 •for 'double extra A mber red; 11,50a1,76 :for. ',double -extra . spring,l7a7,7s .for extra;,spring. Country made ranges at 18a8,75 for double eitrated 'and amber 67a8' , for double extra Spring, 0a10,76 fo r double extra whits. Wheat; sales of two earl Of No:1 red at $1,72, and -one car N0..2 do. at 21,40. and. DEW• car do. do.' at -111,61. Corn' held at ClQa93e.. Oats; , sales of two cars at 67e. Rya dull and nom dnal. Barley .nothing doing, and entirely nominal. Petioletim .steady and quiet at .23%a24e for refined in round lots, trade , lots 2a3c. higher. •' ' , • St. Leidif I ' Telbitiaph fo thb.P ttilbtre 6tgetie.l ST. Louis; Novatuber 18...Mainmast:rot*, with a brisk demand. Flour, nehanged;, 'superfino v , $414; extra,: ;5,75a6,50.. Wheat stiff; sl,soal,Bs'foi prime to choice fall; $1,95 a 2,10 far fancy spring: 11,15a1,18 for No. 23 and ;1,20 for No; 1; Corn higher, at 76a82e. Oats' la2a better, at. i_.12a52e. , boiSt ifualitienhigher; prints ratio rfroM 1103014 i 42,10 for spring. , Syelitglier f at 11410i1144: TorkirriigUlar; ;24,50524,60 for new' Baton dullind Tel littiel doing; 'Prides' nominal , at 15)io for - elionlderin 18olfor clear aides, stood - VW; choice nifernd "at •Whlskyi buyeke •dmittandldo. cline; small Wolin:Lida Wit • •Iti3beipts— '4,2oo bus corn; 1,400 bnd oats, 8,200 bus bar. Joy, • • '`' . .rofeato Market: " LEY 'reieletaPh to the PinfltrittiqUetll. l flor.Eno, November 1 Receipts of 4,- 950 bbls Flout; Wheat 8,950 , bush.; ' 5,950 bush; C0rn.9,841. bash.; Oats 6,000 bash. Rye 1,790 bush. Exporte, Flour 2,301 bbls; Wheat 22,891 bush.; Cord 6,350 bush.; Oats 7,900 bush 4 Rye 2,0001m5h.,, Flow, quiet. Wheat, amber -opened Zo'lewer,.and closed at 10 lower; ,white unchanged, -Sales No. 1 White Michigan'it :,/18,05t Amber, at 1,69a1,70; ;N0..2 Red 111,55. Corn le better; -1e5:.1.70. 1 and Michigan 90c. Oats with out material elisinge,,s3c forlio. 1; 52a52340 for Michigan. Rye shade loWer, No. 1 and Michigan at 11,09 Bailey dull._ Freights dull, 5o to Buffalo. , , • Phil:l6lol . a [By Plttstiurßh Oaxecte:j Pitit.spstsitis; November 41L—Fiour in fair demand for . home consu mption; sales of 1,500 barrels of lowa and Wisconsin and nriew3clla . : extra family IS PIMA choice $8,25 t ,Ohio, $10,50 for fancy.. ~The .receipts of wheat was light, prime scarce, r 0 11 4 2 4 01 amber :$ 2,12a2,18 , white $2, 2 552•48, 90., is steady at 41,48. The receipts of corn in creased; risW.2 9130'i rdd.t . :yellow , $1,1411,15, _mixed western $140a13, cats steady; sales of 5,000 bushels of . western st .17472 c, and 2,ooo,bUshels of. extra white at.,720. Oro caries biactive., Provisiores unchanged. By Telegesph to the Pitpburch eaaette.3 Bfix.Walnarr., and weak and prices-unchanged._ Wheat very ,inlet ',at . $1425a1,253t.10r No. ir .1,14a7415 for Na Chits -`cower, at: 4843 tfor..lsTa 2. ,Cum higher at. 850 for/N0.,. Rye dull; at $l. Barley. entirely. nominal. ',Receipts -2,ooobarrab, flour, 87,000 bush Wheat, 2,000 busit'oals; 1 1,000 . bush = corni . .4 bush . lye, .400 busk barley.' Shipments...2,ooo barrels'flour, 48,000- bush. wheat -200 huh oats. ' ~ ,L oldsville, t friarket. • . [By Telegriol6 the Pittsbdrall Gssette.i • , ------ - - - - -- .. iLordsiiitthi If o VoFihet- 181 9 3 . of 51 bids Tobadao at an ' , ;advance °O p:, on lugs and No on 'leaf.' Cotton 21o: 'Hogs '117,5ft 7,75 gross. ",,115aai Pork 01.50: , Lard ; llerceit 15 o . :Wheat ,! $1,78a1,79: , Corn ; - shelled 55a60 in Intik: • Oats , 5,3a54c. Rya-, s,l2 , Bo: isupeditiO Flour SUcia6,oo. •-) Plantation Mom lasses , 85ar: , Bacon . ; shoulders IWe; clear ?PASO- sides ge-,-:: Xllilinee 9 5 E 08 . ' ; .') . rYiP a I_ X R kliftet• • ) SEW Treirfayi lizat44•3 _ BAYMUONIF , P19Ve14 1 )04 A-700DX (Wilt. steady and ' nrichangt4, • T . l , ,kept ~tttns, advanced &till°. firm; white 9,1:09,5d; yellow 116 . 5a1,0ft.' 'Oats' dull at 706.. Bye nominal ni'; Clovenseed firm at' 17,259,7,75; fluor j 8,76. Tork.firm; mess $2O.- Bacon activA,rlA Wee 18MAYtch clear ; do 1#%4 18%c. filion4ets, Merket, =.ll e 1 3.7 Tolearepii to Abe ?Mauna ese4fer.l -13 LTZWIT NMAROp r riA B l7"ri l ler4T dint 094$ tipper, queuties, are petf ',Offered at , eoi;- cessiellei` tioirial. 119e2,60: Whoa lit demahillited , thevettopip lights ,No.l , Closed dull et sl,9Bpaittitro. widte 2170 , weo'4oelY.Pfferv4lt :Prc5ee. 41 ., 1 404k0 1 09 aher i ßrmxtt rates p. Cinetengtl , Cattbe>JlU llo, tia - CBT Tolesreee , wt , be Attstaireeteri irmxit l Jt t icrg do _ rg i ol / 4 11 7 P 8 lik &posed aPd)lhen"g at 7 4 5 0x7 „ 85,\. pad' aria. ol2pept4o,-hep'reeelPta of 2 , 000 .119 ii,Reitas*3 laZittnnazi TeleitrilPe (be . . 1 . 82:-Lowo,..Haverabot :quiet .and unohaupd. , Hogs Ann at 6Na70.; ISE priromwm,-9 4 ,ar T E . „,,,, Clitthdida l- 4irt• - Dl11®;ull~pe , Ali~~gt. rEn ~Fi •i..~. - - -.-- The river *as...rising olowly lastevenilur, with five feet sl.w inehes in r the __Elgusuel • •by the Monongahela. 'Marks. .. T4_ Weather yolsterdaywas ploudYand cold E and for the. c loudy and • . • present, the.rain m ay - be' coloridered. o*er. There has beehnoarrivalecir departures, since_ thodattof our bat report - M. . 2 4 Am*: !NEON contininei drill. ~..-, • : .- , ThtArmadillo,.Capt. D. H..filwiney; . Wilt take bet departure: . so-day ,: for -..lfew, Or leans: ',.• Aniong iotheriteMs -of • freight 'She r liasinarly Ibirr thinisand'Plows... • ' "• • ':. Suvunto OP- TEM iJ. .N. , lsloCimioilasc;—• We regret to learrrthat . the thief adde4rhael steamer J. N. MoCttlloughourir.• „on Tusaw ' div.night, near Madison, Ind! • one Itruil: drect mike; _below, . Cincinnati , She ;Casa- en route.frorp Loulaiille to Pit linigb,and collided With thatO,Wboatf.,Tigr oiviallef Inc iiixiVethe Idedbuin whafbort;; . , ' 4' - the in; ' juries she; receivial were . of 'em ' a cherite; ! , ter tintkink - 1h three irdnitteil i theriliftek in stventee - !bet :Or .- water.; ; ' Vhe .l ll6ool l ' lough n gh'. was Just ;about one . year old, 'teat • -Abont 160,000 was ~ owned by: 0.; ni3loo.' .X.ktoore,; hie.-- brother Dart) .d: AtidraW , 1 Ackley, . Bhe.was Values:l4RA: I t :andWas, inswed-for 585,000,allzia.PIttabitigh efficerhi InfolloWsliVestern, $4,000' ElSlegMitsbolsii, $5;00c4, "Citnens, fAooo43derchan At. mann, radolAre,- 115,000,.. PittsbUrgh, ( l2o9;...l!' . e 4 : ‘ ,. ples;smoo, and Allwheny,4s, . ...: -.. ;.; . -- As to whether oructehe Can • he raisea,; it IS diftlimlt at , thirrwriting tO'CoideetrnWr. Capto: , Neeldi. re: the .Doad i of Under.: writers, left tor .1 Cincinnati ,it :, - two o'clock: . , yesterday , afternoon` to look afterthe wreck. The. McCullough was of.the nodhests 1.. we hid, andwe regret_ 0X008 . 4111 y,to hear of theacoldent. . . In . answer to the interregatoLicadern li I ‘ ing. - .Captlin - John-- i3..liloWllin .iiiSatur; day's •Gair. , ris, tbe3'.Captain.'d esme- to • state that,' haYing recentlY'cOnn - lidb•prit-' seisiOn of a "little responsibiliqi I lit tontni; his spare moments are employed:titer& '. l •'• ..: A.calairt . boy on the , : IL. C. Gray; is . sup.: posed to have fallen overboard and drowned ' from , that .boat,. on. lg. - recent. ;; .up :trip, aome . thirty miles Abe*.ei)Meta...!Rs waseent, below - for a '.sent . 6,ol coal; "the' Scuttle was afterward foun d on: the guard, ;but the' boy was ' nowhere ' t o: be r stiert."'Ht. "!shipped 7 on the. bditat'Clitirinalt.gisfd'he Came !from Detroit,lilichigan,Wherelici lOW a brother' residing: ,: ' The , toy; lit !.appe . ario, - was in loW.spirits,•:being.out of, funds anct employment, prior to—abipping on the Grewroul,the Stewart,' Mr. Woods, thinks that he may liairet jumped overboard in.:. tentionally. "! .: . j •. . , r The Leonidas, Capt. Ed. Evatut,Wrill , pos: islielyiSave for SL.Louls on - Saturday, and .pasengens,, and.shippera should bear this in mind.-i; .. ~ s ..:. . : ..., '._ .• ' ~„:- --. i.. . The new. Aeamer -A rkansas,; -(Amt.-A. H. Shaw,-is filling rip steadily , for .. New Or .leant and will be ready.. to .latel . *lMb:ie. ,very abort time: • S. The Bayard, Capt. Ad S. Shepaxd, is the 'regultul packet , Yor - Parktraburg -to-day, :leaving promptly at noon. Thelinid, Duck -.and Barges,- are an= riourteedlo leave for St:Lei:de, tlda evening without fail, at ;least Capto Anawalt says so, and he 'ought to know. ; She , will receive freight for all interikediate poCrite, includ ti3gr L eincinnati, oviiailile,ißirditutville and The Tom Farrow-Bargen,. Capt. Mathews, will.commence after Ihtidepnrture of the Wild'Duck. ' , ' • - •• Capt. A. P.. Irwin, of the' Nick Long worth, and a-brother of John M. Irwin, of this city, died at his residence, in Cinc4ll nati, yesterday, of consumption. —The Glendale, arrived at St. LonliA on Mcnd•CY. • • ' —The Sallie • enronte from Si. Dottie , to Pittsburgh, p assed Evansvillet on Mohday. • —The •Bt. Charles, let Cincinnati • for Pittsburg,h on Monday, with tive hundred tons of freight, and s few passengers. —Captain Sate:Black has been appointed general passenger, agent of the Louisville , and New Orleans Paaket, Line, at; Louis.; .-Op, the a collislotii)oeurretl at Islas:. online between the Diamond Jo and Peru. bine,:the-ettern of the lattervwhile. awing -tog hut, -striking the bow .of the -.former , while coming in. • The atern• of the Pam., bina.was Somewhat damaged by. the aced -The.• Eit. Louis Democrat, of Monday, *wen! !We are inibrined that parties were on 'Change Saturday rewesenting 500 Wee of freight, for which they Wanted transom , - tion Arkanstaa - river: - .The Ida AOltina, Antelope, anct Ben; Johnson , were spoken' of, but we k elieve that no engagements were made.- • •- ; • • • • •-d =The Mimi; a side wheel steamer. it tle larger than a good sized .yawl, passed , down over the. fails.' at Louisville , on' Sus.; day.. No one seemed t o know frons whence she came or where she .was bound. ' The Captain not. think:it to;n emp ploy's - 1"41 pilot; preferring to * ake the risk to paying the necessary fee • • . 'lll4' Shark, arrived at New Orlesuisfmin St. Louis sin the.l2th; with. five barges, ten-. taining 19,468 - btils 04'205 half.bble 1269 bbls and•lo99 eacks..pOtatois. ‘4 oo bnin i pork.'6ol - bhla apphts, 147 bbls whisk*, .2478 sacks oats, 141.0‘eachs 1n5a, , 711 bales bag -76 tierce hams, 79 cks bacork,',97 Isgs 'and. 30 unroll lard, ad d 0 4 55 84 Pgileila + l 4 24,917 Pkgs... , , —The Vicksburg Herald _says: -Comp°, tition is rife among the lower trade packets to a great .extent..::".Pricea , ow:up :freights have been cut dawn to a low,ligure , whfie a dollar per bile is all asked on. , cot. ton from this pi3rt.. pCompetition.,", .said to be thalifaoftrada, but., him. tim frOg•lit-, the stable there sconsidemblesleathglsout.' it if it is fun for. he boys. —Weslip the fallowing from thweincin. nati Commercial:;, 2 ' The, Madison ! packet Lady Grace, while ; npward t bonnd. Sunday night, at 11 o'clock, when opposite =era burg, Indianaihnocked : ,out , the ,forward. head of her starboard cylinder. , ~was towed here by the „ChampionilsndwilllaY by for repairs. The; ,4lssnerlea meat down In her:, plane, 4131ng„ been .ottaTte, Capt. Troy. • , . _.., —The Dexter le ft Louis*Sille for New pr leans on the 12titi and • the rßichniend 'Oa • meat Haturday.-. , ,,Tli6,direbtors of s.thei:Mis.' sisal ppk Valley NitylgatienjOo. r , and ~Capt. Deflaven;bave 'arrived at X4°l'4Eolllo from New Orleans. Therfire 4 stoppitg"at the • National. Capt. , J.M.-Montgemery has re. ceivotthe presidency-of the•iximPaY. Dr. Watkins. of MeMphis,:. was,elected, in his place.,;, Copt: .-Montgomery 0, went out , in charge of:the Dexter. :- : • , 1 -=The Winon a--Dentociat, mathat the magic' Northern lino kind , ' the; White Collar line' , in trying to hrealoupeachotherjuhave rut= dertaken au , all•firetir.heitvy' contract, and either, we opine, will find , that his oppo. neat will,le, 4ard, and , posses a Areater number_of lit , ' 'than a .Mpiltbee , eat., But it will Flo no go4d for .outaide influence to : farY,'dinetr for th Orate hath t up M.the boll rail rolled and ere as 'AtIYO •• as a dongh• . 4 a u in,sa ' cl„aue,„4,aglit Lilo.* must, all we ,or , an _y ody,-6110 can ;do )lt te 4 .et'i thentl l ll4tr• T t PnitY will be:: #10 1 , 0 }141,L , whllo4,roi .40 At, a roo l ,4WYest for , ,shipper andArt. l 4 l )poi.,i ~,-, ,c, ~ 3, , 7,,, iv, i, , If t , ff• ' River ant *eloerl 'di) , Telegraph to the Pli ' iati ei4eit t i r • P" U:i f ; , l• ' n -I.4O6IISCIT:LE;ITOr el nibOr iBe l =Ull , l3r 4 04 with igYebt'ot *KO lit i llf+h4 6$ theltr yireithiii,`Otear ind e ecilo ' • • 1 - ~ . Sr;',l;dolo4 N"einbo l4l 3:::4 7Y9! l 4;t f c U s O / Y "rain f at [ rettiltt.. l #l -• ; 4 - ii q g - : ~•, i!,„ V , 4 1 ~...^ 4 f _ • • 3 riff• 1 tr'3,7l. 1 13.1! '...T1 . , i J I it ti y , . • I ...11. , - tiallir‘ant tt - iirnn it i r lity .tt , i toixtfrollernbarn i&giiltoaralirod 400 . iwai , Saila, dAttonfonde, AS , L 'Lion; 11l bi4a ap.: plps„fWasigoltder IS , Shottardt ilnibdlgloaper i c :69drei ff it t :4 43104 9:; maka•laideriQawmck, ftwi ;i2bbt&rapplea:Mtdgtilmailood a'. CO' einptr: barralkilli , D , ildorer4 ix* . -iron, Celeman,.. , ;Habra '.4lr' CO; 'lot dandrie4: - itzei, .W J Steel & Bror SO' „Abliridl7 , an tele W`ll Graff On liOakv spearndo,illno &Vol AO Obis lard oil4ido Dalaell.&130: icy 48 Asuldieslabsooo, linaitlif Johnston at=e 1. ,7-.. , ~ ,,-4t1).,,, L ! -4. ~ ...;*:•4 ...nYi 5.;.i. , .., :,4.-.)..:-11• {spEclrr I: 4l olrfmAgrt 491e418(18-4,.1--.,. , . _ a r i um g er; .t;fw' • bbls butter. Itetar; 1 •bdl - she 4 volt% 1.1 fitrimie; 1 box: suds% Phoning, Agnew. # .Co; 1 half.bbl mdse. Heed & Itetagar; 1 bx tobacco Car , ter, McGrew& Co; 7' bail 'Vinegar, See t . inverAiroaltaminilo do do,Watt it Wilson; 1 bbl.caisks,,Armatro,ng,„ Brce # Co; lot old both* Seward & Campbell. • PriliOnfacar, Pr. *PATTI" AND CITIOL6O EalowAr4 - :Noltember• 1&—.15 cart metal, & Co; 15 do do, Bryan t Caughey; 2 do do, Loomis & Collard; 1 car roillfeed,' Brown & Williams ; 100 bbls LindH M .•i• i t inum s d, EritPloyd & Co; Ido rye, 44 Jaileetc;:4 do Witt, rLang 4t. Co; 2do de; Babb Herron; Ido Iron:ore, iiiheenberger4 •Blatr; 1 do eithingles,,Dll.. woith,,B, &Co; 2do 'potatoes,. T Smith; 13 firkins H Bea Jr; 24 bxs cheeses, J Braden;,2o do . d6 r W H Trikpitilak CO; 1 ear ea it r corn, Bricker - Co; Ilkhd to=' becco, j Murtland & Co; 20 bbla'4l6nr Woodworth. & Thielson; 311"dez tubs,' 75 do pimus;',E Heatleton;l7' do do, LatighLini,& Co; 10, Lawb r Bailey 'Thateu•' I • As.lasettearr itatr#olb, No vember 16L1 ear. Metal, LymayßkOzl) & Co;_ a fear stook Harrleael Bro; 6>' bbleapplea, .11( Onbarip ,car Alto* It Burns; 8 ektflonr, YiT G. 00 c147. pkge ',better, P liihnsto.2 care; metal,...MeKnight, & Co;• •1 do de, Wcodsides;.3 do linnestone, Shoemberger* Blair; 4 bide", 14 slreeenelts, J lifliahamp 14 sks'flour "a&do 1 bats, B. Barney; 1 bbl eglts. H G,C;awforcl . .llB2 „bbls refined oil,. Waring, Hingotit $66 bbliernde 0S - thoms; 180 dodo, timer & Bro;"86' do do' - Fawcett; :Logan 4t Stotkdsde; 820 deo' del, -.1) Cochran: ,4 r ) • . - , 14r.ratettiiiry litATiorr, November la: bas bats; H VIVIteThiMNI; bbls apples, .1.1.00 n & Bro; Ipkg butter, I.36=•bblt apples, Kohen; 1 do 'eggs, 11 & A Carson; 0 bble apples, S Pyer; 52 pals hides, J Lnekcamptp cat'vrheat,,W.3leKee &Co; 33 bbls . yT W IkMsonfllekeoats, Bose 6c .Bwing; 1 car *stotte,,`Pkreste# & Megraw; 3 cars . Metal,Bpang Chalfant it Co; t do do, &me rior you- Co; 1 car ld staves; P Adams & Bro. - • • • - ' Pmrsnuitita,ortwOirriam AND ST. Lome , ItarraMAD,'NovernbcirlB.-1 ears staves, W .Hastings; 100 bbls flour, John 1 House & 'Brio; 1 oars potatoes, Kilos Naner. STEAREBOATS: TZSBIJUGH. AND' ST' d dr o b . PLOUIS BA.RGE CO. Per Ctileintiail, Cairo anti St. Lents. • The ataunch and Poliertnl tow-bolt. _ WILD - Dl7OB. AND BARGES. J. ONAWALT, Master, Willlenwe• for th 'aboiiports on'TBIIIIBpAY, No vember 19th at ‘,.?+.15... I . • 2 Turman receipts given to liamphia and New Or leans, • Also to all volItti;„011, purnbarland river at lowest rates. , ,• . liShipporCeszCdetierul on . their ioisils for warded with dispatch. Satisfaction guaranteed. • Yoe freight or passaguapply on board or to • • CHAX.LISS BAUM Agent: ITVIBURGH AAID, ST. ff; & 4l=li PTAMS BAILOR 'tor , Cairo said St: iLoula.- Thi staunch and Emwerfil tow•boat TOrit FAIMOW AND BADGES, Capt.-'CHAD. MATTHEWS ' Throantr reoelpts glean to Ilearktdi and lierw 6i nano..., Also to all volnti on Cumberland nior, at •,. • . Shippers' eau dopesid ea hs;visig Osir freight tor ',masa "srliii ,, ilon gasrantsed. • • ths.WILD CH.II,I;ES is l iAlars; \ Agint.': N.- .13',,; The TOM Y DMZ: noi6 prrrsausGH,l _ as stak : wnicsuice, • - Marlette and - Parkenincrg - Line. Leave *beef l ioaL loot biWood street. - , . PAIL=, r AT 1/4. Mo!n)ATs Asp TitrattillYs, BAINIRD Mute:. , . WADINZIIIIMTIO.I.IID aktlntbATlQ , WINS 8Ai1L81.....1<:...; C. L.:l3saxiuk,x, 7 1 '4U 1) 9 regatta it ,alt.h . Dulbi • rein t. y' , 2r.R.,,..0, A„ , ,D. , . IST,..4igir ei t LOWS-4'ho otOsizlor t - . 0A1DA11........ .... .....1.:. , .......CanS,33lo: - 11vosni.' Will lelvo iiii'abOvi, iti4lnierniedfaii ports on • I •• ' 9ts*PIMTIAY4 711Stilitti'; is 4 ii: ir. • ' -1 . , For frefiliVoi iiiis alb allnlyiiii bOir4 Ot so ...............,• : " V 1 1): P cittbBcitsPio. nol7 • ' z , ; "liinissisow.rit- EIABLETT.Anents. Etlt ,LAIII g DAT PACK= CINCIN - LOUSITILLB , 'AND rEVANSYLLIZ.—Tho BELLrvamecis. - ..:;.• 416. x.. Liuuli; Williely w atawc;ww• ,, , , • • ~1 .1 3 / 4 1 WBDAY-reliP. • .7