gi its. ~t s CITY Win.gustrimmis: TbeVslibi Draryt l Is being renewated. The sausage business is beginning to re- Police =tiers were a little more lively yesterday than for several days'past. The neat approach of, Thanksgiving day has O. tendency to zuake the poultry mar ket• Ally the prettiest new styles of winter does; g03d2 1 , cloaks, jackets and shawls haVe been received at :the dry goods house of Bates £ Bell; No. 21 Fifth avenue: The Boatmen of thia city are actively en gaged in arranging for the complimentary testimonal -to be given Walter Brown, champion- oarsman, on Saturday night, P Personat—We regret to learn that Rev. Joseph.King'; the beloved pastor of the First Christian Church of. Allegheny, is lying ill with. the typhoid fever, at his residence. , Sewer Caved In.-=A portion of the Sec . - and Avputie'sewer, between Cherry alley and Grant street, caved in, Yesterday morning. It will be repaired imixiediately. . , Abandinment. Justice Abraham, .of Elizabeth ,township, yesterday. committed . Isaac Jones to jail for trial, on a charge of .abandonment, preferred against him by his Wife Rebecca. .- Hand Crnahed.--If r. John Long, an em ployee of the Penusylvania Railroad; had his hand - I'm:11y ernobed, Monday'after, noon, while engaged in coupling freight cars at the outer d.epot, Barratry.—B. Gray made information yes= lerdav before Aldennan Lindsay§ of. Alto theny, against C. H. Sirnmons for barratiy. the seen3ed was arrested,Und, in default of • bail was committed for trial. 'Bare Chance to • Buy Real Batate,—On am lifth page will lid fotind an-advertise ment, of an elegant residence for sale. This property can be bought very low. For lartitigge; seuadvertisenent. - • Rev. IN. A. Ruively, formerly of this city, but at 'present Rector of Christ Church, Cincinnati, conducted the funeral servicep pf,the James laes C. Ball, which ,we're held in . that, church last Sab bath afternoon. - , Largel3r' Ztended.—The funeral of Dr. Jas. A.:llerron; yesterday, was largely at tended. The deceased...had many warm friends in this community who will long cherish his memory aa. a friend - and citizen worthy . of their cOnfidence r and esteem. • • . . A. Y. - M.The Grand•Lo( r l i fe of Pennsyl vania will. meet al Maso o Hall at .12 o'clock to-day.. We understand there will be twd f sessions. one at noon and one in the eveninz. • A. session 'will also be held to morrow ,(Thursday) at ten o'clock .. Mi Stehle made inform tion before the Mayor. yesterday, charging Wrri.' Brown with the larceny of a night gown, valved at two dollars. The parties reaide at Water and Ferty streets. Brown wasar.sested and held for a A'. it. #upper.--11'his evening at Bic day, Hall, Denman street, Birmingham, Commander Eleheiry will• give a supper for the benefit of -Bost No. 151, G. A. It.f general inv.itation exten de d to all to be present...and •W 0 belie :the attendance will Assault and BatterY.--James.Barry. made information before the Mayor yesterday, charging ,John Patch with assault and bat tery; and, atithe same time and place, Pat Naughtmpreferredasimilar charge against Wm: Patch.. Warrants were issued for the arrestif the Patches. Charged withjanceny.--Thos. F. Mahan alleges that Geo: Bell stole a valuable set of harness from his stable a few days ago. Alderman-Donaldson leaned a warrant for the arrest of the accused, who is also charg ed withttealing a couple of bridles - from Trimble's stables, in the ,rear rof the hotel on Penn street. , • , • Assault and Batiery.—PhillipVilLs made information "yesterday before Alderman Mullen against Henry 'lliman for assault and battery. The prosecutor allekes• that • 'Titmalrstruck his son John on the head, knocked him dowi Ind kicked him. The accused^ was arrested and the case was iinafly compromised by the defendant:pay ing the eosts.of the suit. Alleged Child Whipper.--Alderman Tay lor-yesterday morning issued a warrant for the Arrest of Agnes Moran, ..Aharged on, oath' of Mrs. Priscilla Moore, with assault and battery. The deponent alleges that her 'little 'daughter Rluinah, aged eleven years, was the unfortunate victim of a , violent And unprovoked assault at the hands of the irate Agnes. The parties reside on C'analstreet. 4,4 ••••I • 1: Comadtted.—George M'Nais and Austin M'Clane. .;he two youths who were arrest ed for stealing a coat from Mr. George M. Dosch's cloth ing store, on Federal street, Montiayi evening, h ad •a, hearing before Mayor Drum yesterday. M'Clane had previously acknowledged the stealing of tiae coat to the Chief of Police. The at. owed were both committed to jail for trial in default of POO ball. • Compelled 'to Settle Frank Mills was inougbt before Alderman Taylor yes ' terday charged, on oath of Mrs. Jane Han cock. with false, pretence. Jane alleged that Frank was indebted to ,her 'for board ing, for the pactranit of which he left a trunk , with elating. Recently, she states,:he name to' the house -and mans:gild to spirit the trunk away without settling the bill. After a hearing Frank acknow ledged hie error, paid. the bill and cost of suit. and man diaeharged. • , Alleged, Larceny--Conrad B. stein, was arrested yesterday, on a charge of larceny, preferred. , by, Conrad .fitegall. before the MOW The prosecutor is employed 'on the steamer J S. Ne 4 and:he alleges that' the accused took twenty ,dolisrs from him. Steingave bail for a hearing. The - same prosecutor - air the same' time and place, made inforMation charging Btein with as sault and battery. A hearing will take place in both,cases to o- day, when it is probe the case.will bedismissed. • • Illasonic.--Tion. Richard Valli and other'! ;rand ()films of the Grand Leda) of Ma tons of Penusylimrda will make a'vlidtation 1 , , the Lodges in our ylohlity to-day and :o-morrow. This evenllti: meeting wilt , ' be,held in their Hall on. Fi fth avenue, and tomorrow a daylight meet g will convene fuliame Place- The new Hall of the t flai man Lodge, No. 321,:at east Liberty; will be dedicated with the , - usual Idisonio ceremonial on Thursday evening d gen. oral invitation has been extended 'to the members :4f the fraternity_to be present on the ocAlaston. - • _ . . larceny as Biiitee.l7. 11x. dAArp. yesterdap before'. %A i. ma OAy f - Strom against Henry, eltillan tor.lareilder.a2r V hidiee...The..tiroseeutor states i ir'A n i gu s aB 4 . igokhe,left Pittsburgh to ( take. a boat triPi Previol isl Y leaving in the MIME a number . defenciant's writ for:the pay of articles ap f arel as further at of weariu la beartling. ~ menb P h i! h - few clays ago - an- dt'hi l3 bl - 4 and 'demanded: , the art:- ot 'with, ales' whioh 'A w n s : ` !li tie he Aever Oceived lainttiena,,o feetad and held. , , = THE COVRTS. ,Sapnstra Court. - Tuannia, Nov. IL—court met at 'ten o'clock A. is, Pull benoh. • `POmmonwealth =rd. Alexander Lowry vs.' David Reed, Sheriff of Arms , zong corm. tY; hasps .corpus. Discharge' of the prim>. ner, Alexander Lowry, rdosed, and he is remanded to the custod of the Sheriff, the keeper of the jail of Armstrong (30tultY, and it is ordered that he pay the costs o, this proceeding. Opinion by Thompson, C. J. Kersey et al. vs. Bricker et al., Baler county. Argued by Itredbi for plaintiff in error and by McCandless, contra. r Miller vs. Miller, Greene county. Sub mitted by Purview* and Sayers for plain tiff in error and by McCandless, contra. • Brown vs. West Salem township, Mercer county. Submitted. Adam's appeal, Greene county. Judg ment of non pros. Baird vs. Baird'a executors,- Washington county. Argued , by Shiras for appellant and by McKenna', contra. . • J. M. •Word's appeal, Greene county. Submitted. - • * Distilet Court —Judge HamiTton. Court met at the wtnal,, bow, yesterday morning, Judge _Hampton presiding. The following baldness was disposed of: Wm. Witglier'et ux. vs. H. Mrschhanaer; action for damages. Verdict for plaintiff in the sum of 'SOO.' It the oalse of Page VI. Heath, motion for new trial and veasons ffled by defend ant's-counsel. Building and Loan Association, of Pitts bulb, vs. Jacobus et al., ejectment. :On tri TRIAL LIST. Following is the trial list for to-day: 28; "Alcheson vs. Waldein. 29. Wolf - vs. Marlon 011 Compiny. , b 31. Vols vs. Administrators of Jacd - Hickendorm • C 0.33: Herron vs. Patterson Neehous u 34. Graff vs. Spence. 35. McKee vs. Lltheridge. 37. Haffey et al.. vs. O'Brien et al. 3F. McClurg vs. Connells*ille Railroad . Company. . • Dtstrict Court—Judge 1119Candless. Court met itt the usual hour yesterday moining, when the following business was disposed of:' . In the case of the United States vs. John Frochlick, indicted for illicit distilling. Af ter a jury , had been empannelled, the ,Dis triet Attorney declined to press a convic tion. The jury found 'a verdict of not guilty. _ , , • The.'case of the United States vs. one boiler; et al* owned by Charles , Red, was next taken up. The District Attorney having, declined to press a conviction, the jury found a verdict , in favor of the claimant. - :• ' 4 number of cases were oontinifed until the January special term, after which court adjourned until this morning at ten o'clock:, Oyer and Teindner—Judge Sterrett. THE ETNA HOMICIPE. The' case of the Commonwealth vs. Ephraim; Rent, indicted -for the murder of Robdrt Calhoun, was taken up. Oar read- ere Wlll remember that Callionn was killed at lEtna on the evening of the Bth of Sep tember last, under, the following cironm- stances: Four young men from Allegheny were out riding in buck wagons, the deceased and Charlet Murphy occupying one of the wagons. They visited Noung's tavern In the borough and, afterwards drove to Mrs. Hannah's. Having failed to get in at the latter place Calhoun and Murphy ,drove back to Matter's tavern; when the latter jumped out and hitched the horse in front of the. house. Several •residents of 'Etna were standing in front of the house when the parties drove up, George Evans being among the number. -A quarrel arose be tween Evans and Murphy, and during the fight which ensued a shot was fired, which took effect in Calhoun's breast, causing in stant death.. Murphy was charged Iwith having fired the shot, and was arrested and committed to jail. SOme time after .and before the Coroner's investigation bad been concluded, information was received which.seemed to point to Kent as the per son who fired the shot. He was arrested and Murphy was released. • Thd.defendtuit was arraignedin the usual manner. and plead not guilty. District At torney Duff appeared on behalf of the pros filiation, and Gen. F. H. Collier and A. M. Brown, Esq.. on the part of 'the defendant. Tee following jurors were sworn in the case: John Mollwain, Robert Hall, James .McKain, Robert Clugston, Wm. Bainhill, James Henderson, John Duffey, John Zeh, W., D. Bob,: Henry Zessler, SVaahington Jarvis, Richard' Bowen. Before the jury was secured. eighteen were challenged by the defense, and two by the Commonwealth. District Attorney opened the ease for the prosecution, and indicated the facts which the prosecution expected to / establish. He then proceeded to call;witnesses, when the following testimonv was elicited David Reed, sworn.-Lived at Etna in September lainvwas there the night Robert :Calhoun was killed; helped to carry him in thcrbottse,, at about ten o'clock; when' I ' went into my hoarding house to go to bed. Kent- and two others were at the door; heard buggies' or, some vehicles come up; soon after a quarrel began; looked out and heard a man say he would shoot any son of a -b•-.h Who would lay hands upon him; Kent commanded the peace, some words followed, and Murphy struck Kent and thenitnocked a man named Evans down; after that a shot was fired; Kent was at the corner' of the house when the Shot was fired; he was asking admittance and pro tection; saw the shot fired, and it came from near"the gate of Ackerman's house; it was about fifteen feet from where Kent stood:, heard 'no other eliot fired; Calhoun was then on the roadway, and Murphy was beating Evans; found Calhoun lying on the street; and helped carry him in; Calhoun was shot in the left breast;, he was taken into Matter's house; Dr. McQuade was there before he was taken in. Cross-examined-Wont up to Etna on the 9:20 train, and when I arrived at my board ing house Matt Ors, Kent and others were there; the buck wagons had no; then arriv ed d anel]. was quiet; It, was about ten minutes After went 'in the hOuse when the buggies came up, the occupants were making a noise, singing, etc.; two, buck waggons_droYe by when I got ; up and look ed out; they then returned, and Murphy 'said he was a shooting little son •of a b—h from :Cleveland; when they came up this time they were wrangling about who treated liist; Kent demanded peace, saying he was an officer, and Murphy knocked Kent down and then took the buggy whip and went at Evans. ,Tdcob Matter,: sworn-Live at Etna, and this &Oak occurred near my house; a dis turbance was 'created at the door after I bad abut up the house; heard some one de manding peace in the name of the Com monweaithflieard a shot fired and after ward a demand for;:admittance was made by Kent; was • then r fold that a man rag , shot; went up stairs and looked ont of the window and saw. Calhoun; after examining. the body I went for , D:. McQuade, not knowing the mau was dead.. Mrs. Mrs. Ackerman, sworn-Live near Mat-, ter's; heard some noise on the street the •night the shooting was• done; heard At fight , and. some -person beating anOther, and af terwards heard a shot fired. , After the shot heard seine one ; say, 4!you lave shot my partner; also heard some one call for water. John' Ruasetl, sworn-I formerly resided 'in Etna; was in Young's tavern when Cal houn and Murphy came in; they bad tied up their buck wagon; don't know what oc curred at Matter's. c On cross-examination :.the witness stated that Murphy and' Calhoun were trying to raise a fight. but were not to do so. John Hilferbiddie,,sworn-Reside at Etna and 'remember the night 'of the 9th of Sep- ITIUMGAZETTIL: 4/gtiNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1868. PITTS' tember; misdealing near Natter's endow 'Murphy and Calboundrivapriskthey went down to Mrs. Hannah's. but did not go in; they then drove tLP and stopped in front of Matter's house; iftli t hy jumped out of the bark wagon and Mdd he was a ion of eb==• - froni Cleveland and cotild.whip any son of a b— in the- crowd; I oan i ghttold of, Mr. Post 4 who was with me, and started horde; while we were on the Freeport road heard & shot Bred, and about a minute afterwards saw a man running down the road... Did not see who Bred the shot. 2 Dr. A. G. McQuad,e, sworn—Was called to see deceased on the night he was Shot; found him lying in the road, near Matte'rs house; life was extinct when I reached him; made aloe mortars examination "next day. (The witness here stated the character of , the wound and the direction the ball bad taken.] The wound was sufficient to cause death. The person who fired the shot wart evidently above deceased when the' - shot was fired; suppose So from the nature of the wound, - - M.E.-Poet, sworn—l was at Etna the night Calhoun was shot; was standing in front bf the tavern with Geo. Kent and two others when twikbrick wagons drove up: Murphy jumped out of the wagon and said he-was a son of a I:4h from Cleveland, and could whip any soncd' a b-h in the crowd; 'Mr. aitterbiddle and I then started away, and ha gone but ashort distanoe pp the road e 4• li e d n t l he he s e h r o d u a shii , t k fir \ e , d and ; _ i saw a man r ning Own the road; do not know who Morrie Ackerman sworn—Live in. Etna, near Matter's; was in the - house when heard the fats; when I beard the noise went outside; Matter told nia to come in and shut the doorf did not gq in; heard some one say he could whip ariyAne in the crowd; just then I heard a lick struck and saw some one beating Evans; theheard the shot fired; saw the flash of the pistol; the shot was fired from the corner of , our . fence; while the fuss was going on I saves man with a white hat on b.ting Mr: Evans with a wagon whip, and, he asked Evaps if be would give in. After- the shot was fired I saw two men running away; twolmen ran past me, Mr. Helterbiddle and Mr. Pod. , , Jacob Matter, recalled—There is a path along the side of the street in front of aly house; it it about two feet" above.the level of the road; Calhoun was lying with his heels next to the brick wagon which was standing by my sign post, and his head was toward the middle of the road; his head was-lower than, his heels. ' • Charles Murphy, sworn—l knew ,Rqbert Calhoun; I was with him on the Btlfof Sep tember last; we were together in 'a buck wagon; we started from Allegheny about eight o'clock in the evening. We drape up, to Etna and I jumped out of the Wation. and ran across the street; when I - came back 'I found` three or four men beating Calhoun; I interfereCand got the men off lam„and when we had got near to the buck wagon I heard a shot fired, and Calhoun said he was shot. He then fell back and died in about two minutes. I did not see Kent that night to the best of my, knowl— edge; did not see the shot fired; do not know who fired it; did not have a pistol with me that night.. 1 MI/Jam Ctatcson, sworn—l api coroner of this county; I visited Mr. Kent, at his houie; I had some conversation with him in regard to the shooting. He said he did, not mean to:shootiany minion, but pulleff.his pfidol and shot among them ,to alarm the neighbors. I told Kent that I would want him as a witness. ' • • Crow )Examined.—He told me that there was considerable excitement at the time, and that he had beed knocked down. Seth Wilmot, sworn—l saw. Kent after he was atrested;, I had some conversation with him about the shooting of Calhoun; he said he was an officer and had come down to Stewartatown or officer, and in on business, on the night that it occurred; while he was there talking Wl' shoemaker some parties' drove up in two buck wagons and raised a fuss; he told them, he said, that he was an officer, and that they must not fight there; one of the parties, he said, put his hand in his brea"t pocket and he told him. not to shoot, and the man then Struck him and knocked him down; he (Kent) then pulled out his pistol and shot it down toward the ground for the pfirpcse of alarming the citizens; be then started home; he slid he did not think he had shotanybody, at least he did not intend_to do so. The testimony on the part of the. Com monwealth here closed, and the case was opened. for the detente by Major A. M. 'Brown. • , ' A number of witnesses were then' called totestify to the previods good character of the defendant.. . The hour of adjournment having arriied, and as it was the desire of all concerned in the case to conclude it, the Court order ' ed a recess of half 'an hour. , Court met again at four 1". at., when the 1 testimony . for defense was resumed. (Joseph Elmo sworn—The fellow with the Panama hat knocked me down; did not bear any shot fired; was attacked near s Nichol's house, opposite Matter's hbase; the place was near s A. Merman's corner; was knocked down on the side-walk. Oti cross examination witness stated that it was Charles Murphy that struck hum he had on a light felt hat; he struck witness with a buggy , whip; did not know what Kent and Calhoun were doing. Mr. Hilderbiddle was called and testified that no person struck Calhoun up to the time of the attack on Evans. , Mr. Reed, relaUed—Murphy and-the other man drove up, and' Murphy was the first man to jump oat, and he struck the first blow. Dr. McQuade recalled—Examined the man • who was shot; the direction of the bail was dbwnward; it entered - below the neck and lodged in the right lung; it pass ed directly through the fifth rib; the wound must have been given by a weapon held above the-point at which the ball entered. Several other witnesses were called to establish the fact that the fatal shot was fired from a point higher lif th in that which it was shown the de endant oc.- cu pied.' - ''" • At the close of the testimony,' counsel agreed to submit the case without argu ment, when Judge Sterrett proceeded to charge the jury. ' , • , The jury , retired at half.past four ' o'clock and in about ten minutes they came into Court with a verdict of not guiV,y:,. The prisoner was atones disc urged, and was warmly congratulated by his friends. quarter Sessions, Judges Sterrett and Stowe Court opened yesterday morning at ten o'clock, Judges Sterrett and" Stowe on the bench. ' " NOT GUILTY. The jury in the Eighth Ward election cue reported on trial yesterday; after hear ing the charge of the court, yesterday morn ing returned a verdict of not guilty, and directed the prosecutor to pay the coats. TRIAL LIST FOR TIIIIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 19. Following is the trial list nt` the Court o Quarter Serisions kir today: Corn. vs.. Ann Nolan. Corn. vs John Suitor. Cora. vs. Charles D. Allen. • Corn. vs. Wm. Arnold. Com. vs. Daniel Curtin. r Corn. vs. Ruth Ann Murray., Com. vs. Joseph Lofinic,jr. Corn. vs. Ellen Cleary. Corn. ys. lirilget Cleary. Com. vs. WM. Morgan. 2 - Com. ; vti„ Frank Ryrne. , TRIAL LIST ion FRIDAY, woramnzu 20. Corn. vs. Ernest Debgler. Corn. vs. George Forsythe. Com. vs. Charles Seeley. Com. vs. Mary Evans. Com. vs. L. T. Renchler. Curn.'vs. Wm, Dfoore, et al. Com. vs. John O'Neil. Com. vs. Wm. Clark. 'Coin. vs. H. L. O. Kerr. • Court of Common Pleas—Judge Stove. In , the case of Louie Wilkey vs: J. M. Cooper & Co., plaintiff takes a notpeult. Charles Moser, for 1181) of the Building and Loan Associatldu•of Allegheny City, „ vs. john, Harding. Verdict for plaintiff in • WO. .1 Barite Gears vs. Francis Lee, owner, and -Wattghttly 'contractors. On Following is the trial list for to-day: 177. Welsencrof vs. Goldstein. .179. Vorsel dF Co. vs. Dualism. - 182, Scott vs. Graff & Noble. 183. Slippereevs. Rellerloe et aL 187. Hilkey vs. Cooper ,t Co. ! 163. Frbschkorn vs. Dunning. 194. Fromm vs. JOhnson et al. ' • ' 195. Davis, foluse, vs. Cuthbert. 198. Ittenold vs. Cuthbert. 202. Bauer vs. hicOlarren: 203. Apple vs. Haigh. 204. Vanmos vs. Bauer. Fatal Acildent—C.aronerfalnqueat. The child that was injured inßirmingham, on Saturday, an account of which has been previously published, died of its injuries, as stated'yesterday, Monday morning. The abeident occurred on Carson street, in "Smoky Hollow," Birmingham, in front of the residence of Mr. Davis, father 9f the child. It appears that a number of chil dren were playing on the street.and among them was 13enj. Davis, a little tween two and hree years old, and as car 'No.2 was app •hing the house, on the re turn trip from the city, the little follow attempted to MSS the street in front of the horses, when he was knocked down and the front wheel of the 'car ran upon his leg,' severely lacerating it, and exposing a purr tion of the articulating surface of the knee joint, which so shocked the nervous sys tem 'of the child es to produce lock-jaw, _which resulted in death, about ten o'clock," , .Monday morning. Dre,...; A . V. Chesrown 'and J. P. McCord, were• summoned, and did all in their. power to relieve thellttle sufferer. Coroner Clawson held an ingttest \yesterday morning, when the 'jury return ed the folkwing verdict , "The said Benjamin. Davis came to his death \ in Birmingham, on the 16th day of November, 1868, from injuries received on the Pittsburgh and Birmingham Passenger Railway, by being knocked down by, one of the horses attached to car No. 2, and the wheel of said\ear running upon his left leg, on the 14th day of November, 1868, and the jet) , further ffeci‘that George Brawdy was driving said car, . ` o. 2; at the time said injuries were in fl icted." The driver, George 'Brawdy, waa arrested by order of the Coroner`and brought to the city, and the matter was, brought before the court.hen he was.admitted to bail in 5 1 the sum 0 f5500. Col. J. D Boor Stbre. - • in no more pleasing or profitable man ner can the long weary wintry evenings be spent than in company with an entertaining :and interest nrovokina book. Most people \ realize this fact, and henCe there will be an extra demand made for soine'tinie to come, on our book dealers for all classes of literary works, to snit all manners of taste among readers. Some will only find cheer and corn pany in heavy, prosy, metaphysical works; or in the time honored classical authors, whilst others discarding these lines of lit erature will look for lighter reading matter, such as may entertain and carry the sym pathies with the hero or heroine, and serve for amusement if not solid instruction. It will bend very difficult matter fbr the reader .to determine what school of literature best snits his tastes, but to afford him the neces sary information as to where he can obtain the choicest selection and variety of books , and general reading matter, we would re 1' fer to the popular and well conducted Uter i ary bazaar of Col, J. D. Egan; N 0 .41. Sixth street. Here the reader will finds magnifi cent assortment of the works of all the standard authors, together with the current riblications of the day. The prices are very reasdnable and the selection line. so that Col. Egan's house commends itself in fiery strong terms to the purchaser. ' Sneeessfal BFrglary. On Monday night, sometime between ten and twelve o'clock, the drug . store of Messrs. Mercerr , and Seitz, on Ohio avenue, Fifth ward, Allegheny,' was entered by burglars, and robbed of ninety dollars In greenbacks, and some papers. The thieves removed 'the transom over a door in the rear of the establishment, and by this means effected an entrance. The plunder which they secured was found in a small tin box which had been left in one-of the counter drawers. None of the geodaln the store, were taken, the thieves evidently wanting nothing but cash. After seeuring the money . ' the operators departed through the back door, leaving it open after they had passed out. The robbery was evident ly', committed by some persprre familiar witirthe premises, as the bolt fastenings of the transoms had premusly been pushed back from the inside, rendering their en trance from tha outside a comparatively easy matter. The perpetrators left no clue which would lead to f their detection. Kept the Books; Andrew Sleicker. has a passion for the science of book-keeping, which, although perfectly . - laudable when kept within bounds,solnettmes extends too far, as it did the van:A i da' y. The story is that Henry was employed as book-keeper by the firm of Beckett Wonderlain, which lately die solyed. Henry, of course, as chief ac countant, was required to settle up and de liver over the books, but when called upon to de his duty in this respect( it is alleged that he refused to do so, but true to his in stincts as a book-keeper, he kept all the as counts, ete.,in His possession. Mr.Beckert finally mule information before Alderman Mullen, charging him with larceny as bailee. After a hearing before the official,' the matter was finally adjusted, Henry giving up the books and the KO being withdrawn,. • In Justice tb him, it should be added that the books warp all straight and kept in a faultleffs manner. Held for Court. William Shenck; - ,,. 7s t s arrested on a charge of assault and battery yesterday, on oath of Wm. Johns, prOprietor of the Key stone Hotel, and after a hearing before the Mayor was held to ball for his apßeamnce at Court. It appears that the accused was 'boarding at the Keystone, and being in ar rears for one week's board was unable to par the same ,when requested to. do so, whereupon the landlord took charge of his baggage and locked it up. Shenek remon strated with him, telling him he could pay the bill on Saturday, but Johns concluded to make himself secure and refased to give up the baggage or any part Of it. Words passed between the parties, when, it is al leged. Johns caught the defendant by the throat and attempted to above him out of the house, whereupon Shen& atruokhim and knocked; hint down. Death from Heart IDfsease.. Ootjoner Clawson held an inquest yester day afternoon on , the body of a man nauai,d Media, "rho 'died suddenly at his residence on Forbes street, about six o'clock, Monday evening: It seems that the deceased Was sitting at the supper _table, when he *qui observed suddenly to fall back in his chair 'and gasp. The family # becoming alarmed, summoned medical aid, and in - a few min utes two physicians 4rrived, who immedi ately pronounces' the-Unfortunate manln a dying condition, and in a Short time after- wards' he expired. Tha l deceased seemed In perfect health previous to' the attack which resulted in hls death. The jury re turne&a verdict of death from bead &- sem. He was a middle aged man, and level a wife and fatuU,y. The Delaware Mutual linituranee - Compare. We bespeak at the hinds of our readen careful Inspection of the annual state . Mentor thief , old institution, published in another column of 'this paper. - :.'trader the Presidency of the late Water , tin, (who was one of the most intelligent un derwritera we ererknew,) an agency of the "Delaware Mutuall Safety Insurance Com pany" was established in this city in 1844. After the memorable fire of 1845, the busi ness of the Pittsburgh agency exceeded for' a year or two that - of any other office. Sob. sequerttly load offices, and agendas of foreign offices were multiplied, and the Mistiness beeame more diffused, but under the carefhl and judicious management .of , Mr. P. ,A. Madeira, who - has held the agency for near - I.Y twenty years this Company has been among the most I successful -of all the competing Companies doinz business in the city, no one of which adjusted losses • more promptly. Its record in these respects could not be better, and the business com.: inunity have in the high character of Mr.. Madeira for promptitude, integrity, and probably every assurance that, during his incumbency at least, the Company will de-• serve, and continue to enjoy Ithe confi dence and pationige hitherto so liberally extended to it. 2 i Some idea of the extent of the business of the Company mey be deduced from a few items gleaned from the annual statement' before, referred to: The , whole r amount of Pre- • miums .received during the year ending Oat., 81,138„wa5...11,355,557.51 Amount of losses and oxpen-. ses paid In same time 710,837.10 Aggregate Market value of as sets, including gash on hand, $118,663.78. • 1,647,367.50 Deducting,the losses -and ex= pense from the premiums re ceived, the balance i 5..... . ...... 614,720.47 Take from this the amount ..of premium on unexpired risks 406,485.71 Leaves. a balance of earned profits of 238,234.70 This lastitem reveales the secret of the great prosperity of the Delaware Mutual Bafetylnsnrarice Company, nearly Eigti rier, of a million dollars of premiums earned In °se year, are distributed among the stock holders and cnistomers of the company. We see in the statement that a ten percent. cash dividend is declared on the stock, also six per cent. Interest on all outstanding scrip, and a thirty per cent. dividend on interest bearimispwrip, and besides all this. an order is made for the payment in cash of all scrip of more than four years standing. It will be seen at once that every person insuring in . this Company shares in the profits of its business without any liabnitY for losses, and that the profitetimedistrib isted are -very larger. It is noteworthy that under the peculiar blending of the joint \atock and mutual system adopted by this. Company, it hart grown: under , wise man agement to be one of the strongest and safest. Underwriting, institutions - in the Comesonwealth.l New Dry\ Goods, Specially Low, it Gard - Dees West Corner Market Street and Fonrib. Aietie, No. 69. - $2, all Wool Single Shawls, large size. $5, all Wool Heavy Long Shawls, large size. These oods \ are a special bargain. $2,50 to $lO.- The cheapest stock of Blankets we have shown this season. 75e. to $lO, new stock of Plaid Woolen .Shawls, cheapest in the city. 25 to 310., choke styles in Fblid Shirting. Flannels, red,. white and ye:now—cheap. 1.83;c., heavy Plush Canton Fbinnel. 3734 c., Larnash Linens, a bargain, Country Flannels and Blanket Flannel, cheap. 51,90, choice styles in &Amorels. • 85e. to $1,09 another lot of those prime. Bid Gloves. i • sl',oo, French Cbrsets, real whalebone. Gents' Undershirts and Drawers, 50e. and upwards. 1 1234 c. entire new stock of Prints., good Prints for Comforts. Chtnchillaßloakings, new stock,. all cell ors, from 52,50 and)upwards. Paisley Single and Long Shawls, the cheapest goods for the money in the city. Look at them. Ladies' and Genta' Fur Top Gloves, low prices Furs—Are now opening our amend large stook in Sable, Mint, Fitch, Squirrel and Hudson Bay * all' in new styles, which we - will sell at lower prima than any house in the trade. All new goods. at a saving or full thirty per cent. to the buYer. • s 25c., changeable Alpacas, Poplins. genteel. goods, real value 37140. 310., Plain, corded . and Dice POPIiMIS,- heaVy goods, very desirable, real value,44c. 3734 c., Mixed l'onlin Bpinglees, very dressy and stylish, adapted to the present season, real value 6234 f / 25c., Plaid Mohair,i,gabd material, real value 37%c. t • 37340., Heavy pl aid shmere Cloths, good. for cnildrena' wearir value 640. 50c. sad 62%c. several , choice styles in Plaid and Plai n Drew Goods, real value 750. and $l. 75c.,.G01d Mixed and Silver Mixed Heavy Book fold Epinglee Poplins, genteel and stylish, elegant goods, real and actual value $1,25. 3734 e. to 75c. At theseices open the finest Black , Silk Mohair Queen's Cloths, .heavy weight and high lustre, ever shown by any house in the trade. New goods and extra. low _prices on the corner of Market street and Fourth avenue. No. 0. E. R. GARDNER. Progress and Time havethrough count lessages marched band in hand—the one building up and the other destroying% Thep seem to create little commotion kith's busy world, as Efoltsheimer's Continental Dining Rooms are - always thronged with customers. We presume, however, that this may be attributed to the fact that, the tablets at-the Continental are always sup plied with the, best the market and season affords, served up in the highest style of the culnary art. If you want something good to eat, as most people do in their pro- gress through life, notwithstanding the ravages of old time► call at the Continental, one door below the IVitaliee, on Fifth ave nue. Chapped ilautitt, face anti all roughness of the akin, certainly cured by using the Juniper Tar Sooop t _made and do Co., New York. It surpasses all other remedies as it will preveat roughness of the skin ir used during cold'Weather. It is easily applied, avoiding all the trouble , ecangreasy compounds now in use. It e ,used by ladles with the most tender skin, without irritation or pain, making it soft and clear. Sold by the druggists gen erally. - wT Country Residence at Auction,--wo vita scial attention to Mr. A. Leggate's auctlon pe advertisement of the sale on Tri day next of a house and form acme of land in Bellevue, on the • New Brighton -read Good road,' good neighborhood, good water, schools, churches, and , light taxes, are some of the featztres of the good , borough of Bellevue: Deatness..MuOless, Cat Mil, And all affections of.the,Tbroat, Lungs, Heart, Stoical:lh r Liver. and Nervous Bya. tali, treated successfully at Dr. Atom's Medical and Surgical Ltailtute, No. 134 Sznithtleld street. • ti. Stock Baler, Tneaday evenittsr, Novem ber 17th, op 'second floor of Commercial Soles Room, 1011 Smithfield atreet; by- A. !doll wal ne. auctioneer: - /alighting Nationals• Bank - 00 fleoond National Bank 94 00 Boatmen's loannina) Company 23 00 - - The place to get White Lime, Calcined Plaatel,laydniullo Cement,* at Eckel 41 Caelig'es 161 lint atreeF, MEM MEI Fors at Illeming's. • We take great pima:tire in calling the at tention of our thousands of lady readers to the fact that the very best place in the city at which to purchase Furs of superior qual ity, and at from 20 to 25 per cent. lower than at "any house in-the West, is at the popular emporium of William Fleming, --" • No. 139 Wood street. It is eminently a =- place worthy of a very largepettege, end for more reasons than one : Mr. F.'s long expbrienee in this particular branch, his honestyen in the selection of goods,,his and urbanity of manner, all corn-. binSto,make him one of - the most popular business men in the city. That Fleming's mammoth'emporium Carrige. at all times the largest and most varied assortment of Hats, Caps, Ladies' Furs, &c., is conceded on all hand% and the verdict is also equally . ;. unanimous that a great deal can be saved , by purchasing there. It -will well repay the reader to visit this great house, even . if not disposed to buy, as tha salesmen are all clever and disposed to pay every attention to those who may favor them with It call. The prevailing styles of Furs are most beau:. tiful, consisting of Eugenics, Boas, Berthas; Patent muffs, all made of, the very best Hudson Bay Sable, 13iberian Sqpirrel, Ger- man Fitch, Water Mink, fkc. &o.' in An*, all varieties imaginable. Ju s t .ift‘ brand - see for yourselves if yon tv'otfid exatnine • - the greatest variety ever °petted inthe City.: In addition to the very len -.line'ox ladies' , furs,_Mr. Fleming lunp.decidedly, the great- • est assortment of misses' „end children's furs ever shown a Western public. "In or- • der to test the superior edvantages of this house over all others, it would be well for, the purchasers to visit similar houses, in quire prices, style of goods. and then go to " = No. 139 Wood.street, and' ascertain the dif ference. Ifni:4 then satisfied, consider -us : no judges. . The senlamond” Front. The Diamond Front Groceri Store, No. 164 Federal 'street, Allegheny, still con tinues to supply housekeepers with first class groceries at those low rates which ' have given the house such a wide-spread popularity. In these times of high prices,. especially in the necessaries of. life, It is a perple3diag matter to tell where to get the best goods without paying exorbitant rates. If economical housekeepers take our ad- , vice and call at Mr. George's establish ment, they ,will seep solution of this . diffi- ' cult, problem. Remember the place, 164 . Federal street, Allegheny. Bankrupt Sale of Fur n morning at • ten o'clock precisely. At Masonic( 14 11 • Auction Rooms, 55 and 57 Fifth*street, wi l be sold withoilt reearve, the entire stock of a New York Bankrupt Fur House. Em- •• bracing capes collars,,ouffs, muffs, eugei nits, peterfns, cke. Sale continued at , . • two o'clock in the afternoon. • • H. B. SMITHSON & Co. Agents. The rarest novelties in embroideries, - laces, handkerchiefs and ladies' ftunishing goods, are to be found in the new stook • just opened at W. W. Moorhead's fashion- able retail trimming and notion house, No. El Market street., Band Knit woolen and zephyr goods, hosery,- shawls, &c., a$ very reasonable prices at the popular retail trimming and notiot bone of W. W. Moorhead, No. 81 Market street. • Gents' furnishing goods of latest styles and most fashionable designs at W. W.- Moorhead's nopnlar and fashionable retail trimming and notion honse,,lp. 81 Market , street. Ladles will had at W. W. Moorhead's,. No. 81 Market street, a very tine assortment of new novelties and•notionsin trimmings, • lace goods, notions and embroideries. Blankets, quilts and coverlets at Bates, dc Bell's, No. 21 Filth avenue,, at most teal sonable prices. CARB—On Tuesday's:tonal:lg at A ii , eIock,CLALBA. ELLA. infant and oniv daughter of James M. and. Sarah A. Carr, aged I.year and 1A days. , The friends of the !Unity are Invited tei attend.. the frineril irons the 'reiidenea of her parenth, 1211. Beaver street. Alleghesp, Tarettlrecusesiy) ATMS* Icoarr, at 3 oic.lock. UNDERTME:MtS. LEX. AIKEN, _UNDERTAKEII., 40. 166 FOURTIISMEET, Pittsburgh, Pa. INS of all kinds, CRAPES, GLOVES, and ev• ery description of Funeral 'Furnishing Goods far. niched. Rooms open day and night. Hearse and • Carriages furnished. • ' itansuitzwits—Bev. David Kerr. D D., Bev. M. W. Jacobus, D. D.. Thomas Ewing, Zsg.aseob EL Miller, Esc.' gIEIABLES•i&PEEBLESU NDEBe - TAKERS AND LIVERY STABLER, corner of DUSKY STREET' AND ORTIECH AVENUE, AUeetteny City. wheals their %Hain ROOM ara constantly supplied witls real. and imitation Rosa wood, Msbnorty and Weltuat Collins pri ryinn from fleS 0)4100. Bodies :red prep for inter.. merit. Hearses and Carriages furnished: also, all duds of Mourning Good% if required. 0120 e 9Pe at aU and nicht. • . Ig rx l , lll3ll,T RODNEIt, UNDER TAKER A tIID - allitALlKElt, - No. bn4B OEIO- T, Allegheny, 'neaps eanstently, hand a, Large assortment of ready-made Coffins of tbe lowing kinds: First, lbw celebrated American Mal Cases, Metallic Belf.sealing Air -tight Cases and Caskets, andMosewood, Walnut and Breewood Imitation Collins. Walnut. Coßns from 88 8 uP- wards. Rosewood. Imitation Cotlitut from g6' l lP. wards, and= pains will be spared to give entire satisfaction. Crape and. 6kb:wee furnished free of - charge. IBeet 'Hearses and. Carriages furnished on short notice. Carriareefurnistied to funerals $4. • GENUINE SCOTCH PEBBLE SPECTACLES, weinzmo' To Rums Tes &GB FOE SALE BY DUNSEATH & HASLETT. de 'FIFTH STREET. HENRI G. HALE, 31E11011AM ,TAILOR,. : Corner offal awl St.Cloir Strata; B. new In stack One of the largsst and moss narts44 assortments of . . . • • Fall and WintSr Goods • ever broagat to tab ell,. the stook embraces ah the latest Preneband !Malls& tamsalloteutis of Glotih Cutlmeres, ItalUngq 'lntimating% Also. a fall llne of lileat , alfdtslabtait Goads. NEAP TOR lITYLUdt OVER AT. FOR A. STYLltert DRUM YOU A STYLISH BUBO' CdAT Beit A STYLISH WAL &NU c_OAT, YOR A STYLISH Pala ,PAN'T_hk_ • POE A BTYLUII:1 1 7123 T r , ALL X1ND13,., • For all the lat•st stylei yet eta ut, ludo at zegi material, eed by nist•class war meta tad prices Teringly law, go tutee y I , knews, Meze.44% • ' W. -Tip r iemuctio. v -1 'MEW GOODS. nos; P. DMA, eurrolci M. M. • I HE 11INVERSIG BATE 4S. • TSOCIATED themselves tootoftelor- the - ; PRACTICE. Or M II EDICIHE. t, 1- °Zee, No. 19 MORTON AVENUE, Alle_sbeny eitv. • TWIS. Mktikki. D., holaken #1,8U;Z1)4.. 1;!‘ • 1111 I=',.ziovr Mith;