111 Tilt SHE 13IIIM1011 now. T • wcritnroz TWO. C + Forzespondenea elite Iln/Ibl:esti Gazette.] Great Skala ktot required ins working the v • Ittlnes;indeed, strictly ?peaking, this is not inining at all; it :is ' simply guar - lying. Mining proper, by that4g. ‘`stePlnirt'' ''whim" and 4, kibble,"- is resorted to in but ; one of the mines,' the .Edwards. For the 'rest, the. mineral bi reached in the upheaval, or u the miners term these mineral ridges. I These'are generally masses of the iron rook, upheaved generally at an angle of 45 devrees, and some 100 to 200 feet • above the level of the surrounding cOuntry. The regularity of geological stratification Is not -perceptible to any, bat the scientist. ; The line of fracture is found at .all angles, and the pure mineral is contorted, twisted, overlaid,and, interlaid by tdicions strata, .in the most erratic irregularity. The scien tific eye professes to seeregularity, and to trace the geological lawiir throughout the horizon..' For taitaelves, we "could not _see We only saw iron in untold quanti ties, of wonderful purity; and • occurring in ' the most, irregidar.regularity—here a vast "Island" of rock, surrounded by pure min eral, then a- Vele of Ininiral,' twirling through walls of-rock, and men developing into an, immense "pocket"` - of'the same. , Here yOik find I :qcutitzose 'boulders, overly ing the, mineral,.' then 'gni:undone. The operation of mining „consists in blasting from a ledge oflore, large masses, whichare subsequently broken into fragments'.-by other blasts, by the sledge, or by means of fire. The holes are worked by , good steel drills, aahort one being at 'first used, and the" length increased as the drill pro greeses - from ten to eighteen feet in depth: One man holds the drill; while seated, while two stout strikers, on either aide, with heavy steel sledges. apply all the force. They do not often miss their mark, and "find' the fingers of the, leader ' although • such instances are. recorded in the history • of the mines,. Band blasts are, usually, first applied, to start, the fracture, " sometimes two or three such, before the inal blasting charge of from one to one and a half kegs ; of blasting-powder is applied. The effect of such &blast, in such material, is terrific; in March, 1864,. at the Jackson mine, a hole of eighteen feet deep and two inches in di ameter, was exploded; bringing down from a perpendicular face some four thoutand tons of ore .The ore is 'broken into -frag ments of convenient size for handling, loaded into carts of - one ton each, hauled to the dump, close by, and 'dumped into the four wheeled hopper cars, trains of which ,always stand-on the siding, ready to receive their load of eight to ten tons. These cars are furnished by the railroad, as well as the shifting engines to make up the trains. When loaded, an ordinary locomotive will take from fifty to seventy cars, to Marquette or Eticanabs; back them in upon the ore dock, and by a system_of shutes and aprons, rapidly deposit the entire cargo in the hold of the vessels moored alongside, for trans portation to 'Cleveland or Erie. The laborers at the mines usually eon. , act by the gross ton; the price vanes at - thelteveral mines, and at different locations in thessame mine; from fifty cents to one, dollar and a haf per gross ton, including stripping, tools, powder and 'delivering on , board the'cars, maybe taken as the range of prices paid for. . ' Very strictrules are adopted to prevent lean ores from being • included with what is intended for shipping. Commerchd usitge has made the average standard for shipping,ores at about sixty per cent., furnace yield. As the mineral is more or.less mixed, at all the Mines, that which, from adriaixture with sand rock, or ailicions shale, tionld run below this standard, is re jected, and - the miner who, permits a lump • of. mated ore te - get into his cart load, even as large as his flat, is tined one-fourth ton as apenalty. This, with the watchfulness of the mining "Captain." is, the guarantee of quality from the mine. . The average product of each laborer, in eluding all whose names are on the pay roll ;--miners, .drivers,-- trackman, repairers, stc., is about two tons per day, of eight hours, per man. The mines are turnallY'worked by the coup panics owning them,; we remember a single exception, the Edwards, where Pittsburgh parties have a lease for a term of years, at twenty-five cents per ton xoyalty, and con tract to take out at least , 10,000 tons per annum. This is a very good lease; we pre sume the owners could sell out at a very con siderable advance, as the ore is of excellent . quality. - I The railroad freight from Negaunee to Marquette; by the Marquette road is ninety ' one cents per ton, distance fourteen mires; by the Peminerula branch of C. & N. W- road, to Escanaba; sixty-five miles, the freight is $1,50 per ton. But, as thisport isat s point onthe lower lake, which is open some weeks earlihr in the spring, and later in the _ autumn, and some 160 miles nearer Erie or Cleveland, savingtime and tolls through, the Sault Ste Marie canal, the Lake freights .from Escanaba are from $l,OO to $1,60 per ton less than from Marquette. The shipping arrangements at both ports are of the best character. Extensive and well- arranged, 4locks, with the track laid out thereon, so 48 to convey the , ores direct from the cars to the vessel,. mithout handling: • Escanaba ftirnishes fourteen feet of water;and vessels '..-of 1,200 tons,are 'engaged in the ore trade from this port. We believe the water inthe - Sault canal is o y about - eight feet, and.yes aels entering Lae !Superior isre.accordinglr limited br size and tonage. When the Lakes are closed in winter, the Peninsula 'Company have arranged to store the ore in immense stock bins, erected by the Company at Escanaba, so as to, fur: - nigh winter occupation for their road. 'These bins have si , capadity of , some twenty thousand' tons, are constructed of strong limbers, some twenty feet high, hopper bot tomed,- and are several hundred feet in length. A train of hopper cars is run upon the bins, dumped in; and when, in the, 4Pringi.shipping begins, the train receives -too ore again from a lower siding, through shoots from these bins, the product of each mine having been kept separate, The Lake freight from Marquette to Cleve land is from $3 to $4 dollars per ton, from Tscansba $2 to $2,50, thence to Pittsburgh, $2OO. . The price of shipping ore at the mines will average $4; so , that the cost of these ores • in Pittsburgh may be set down at :"about $ll per ton, for ore yielding an aver age oPsixty pai'Pent of Iton. 1 Some idea of the profits of the mines may botatifereitifrom the above facts: -The total> investment .in an iron mine, outside . the real estate, as most of these Superior mines are 'situated, is very inconsiderable. • 'The rellinad _companies, competing for :freights, extend their. tracks to the mines and furnish:cars and motive power. Most .of the mines - - commence in. an upheaved 314 e of naked - minekal, so [that neither ~drainne - - Or -Sr:lisping Is . necessary .to .any extent. .. grom the :very commencement it may be said Chipping ores are obtained. The: chief outlay necessary would ' bo for ILottles foimitkete r tools, .. horses, carts, &a. But, thilnineria pay rent' for _ their - houses, and - payfor their tools and teams, contract ing at so - mtielt - •per 'ton::: Valli* 50c per ton as. a . fair royalty for. the , mineral, and thee outside costa" of m ining at $1.50 tier tou t would=, chOW • t h e . WWI - . cost or- ore On board threats at the mines sis 2 per ton. 'lt is to-daY worth' g4:-profit to the mining companies $2 per ton; 'The profits of the twelve mines now work*, for. the current yyear, cannot halibut 0f41,000100k The capital stock paid up ; may be pnt down at about $3,000,000:, So that the aver* . earnings of all the mines at least 88'per Cent of , their joint capital." Mt some of these mines are new, and the' production as yet limited; and -u we intidde the entire capital in the above estimate, it wil,Vbe seen that • the actual • profits of the productive mines Is much greater. We,have other_ matters of interest, relat ng_ to ,this )mbject, which: we will endeavor to prepare fora future article.. R. petiuleum The Fisher Brothers'of 011 City, have , struck a new one hundred barrel well at Tidioute. / The new well , on the Shaniburg Petro leum Company's proinrty, Upper Cherry Run, owned by Lockhart 6; Frew, John Bates, W. H. Abbott and others, is new producing eighty barrels per Jlay. It was struck recently. The President ictroleum Company, own ing lands near President on the Allegheny river, have leased , one thousand acres to Abraham James, wit° struck the Rannonial well, No. 1, at •Pleasantville. 'l'here are' two or three wells in the vicinity of Prosr ident which have bolt - prdeacing a few bar rels per day for a,year or two past, and from this it is certain,that oil can' be found in the vicinity, but the territory has not been sell, ciently tested to determirie whether it will be of any great value ornot. The Allegheney TraPsPortition Company will commence pumping from the Na tional wells and'vicinity by their new pipe line to Miller Farm or Pithole, in about a week. There are now sixty-four thousand barre . lief iron tankageiri courseef erection at the Miller arra. • -••• • THE,store or the Workingmen's Co-oper itive Society in Halifax, England,' is a handsome'stone littilding, - erected at a - cost of $lOO,OOO. The basement contains seven shops belonging to the society--a butcher's, a provisicin, a boot and shoe, a linen dra per's, a grocer's, a woolen draper's and a tailor p. On the second floor are coffee roomf for thp members of the society, male or female, reading-rooms, a dining-room, and a smoking-rbora. Various other con veniences 'are provided for the fortunate association, and the ,whole building, it is stated,l3 fitted up with an elegance and a liberality not surpassed by the best London clubs. The association has a farm,of sixty acres, situated about a mile from Halifax where grain is grown and sheep are ralsed The members and their families go out, to this spot and enjoy themselves at rural fes tivals. The association commenced opera tions in' 1849, and lived through a long ,period of diScouiagement. At present the .association numbers five thousand mem bers. Its yearly sales in - 1866 had reached $600,000; its profits $60,000, exclusive of a sum set apart for books, lectures anrews .papers. - • e. Twkirry-vows bills of Indictments have, been found in New York against persons concerned in the manufacture of fraudulent naturalization papers. These indictments are in addition to those returned last week. SPECIAL NOTICES. r4rPHAIANIS "Pa3PEEIAN LOTION FOR BEAUTIFYING THE SKIN AND COM PLEXION. Removes all' Eruptions, Freckles, Pimples, Moth Blotches. Tan. etc .. and renders tae Skin soft, fair and blooming.* For Ladles In the Nursery It le Invaluable. For Gentlemen. atter shaving, it has no equal. 6 *PAPIILIN LOTION , ' Is the cnly reliable remedy for diseases and blem ishes of tne skin. • ' PIZALOWS "PAM:UM SOAP" For the Toilet ' Nursery and Bath; will not chap the akin. Price, 15 centa per cake. "IPLOIZ DE NIATO," A new 'Perfume for the Handkerchief. Exquisite, delicate, lasting fragrance. - Bold by all Druggists. PHAILON & SON. New York. WHAT' CHELOWS HAIR This 'splendid Hair Dye ti the best in the world; the only true and perfect Dye.; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no .disappolutment; no ridiculous thuts; remediers the ill effects of bad dyer invlgo. ratty and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers; and pyroppeerlyy z ttesßs e lorl Wig Isimlo. s A, Tc.. ls MirGULDE TO RILIRRIAGE.--• Young Men , s Elntde to Happy Marriage and °takings' Felicity. 'The he/muse views of benev olent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, seat In sealed letter envelopes. free of chaise_ Address HOWARD AS. BMATION, Box P.. Philadelphia... Pa. .mylliniSST AUCTION SALE'S; BY H. B. SMITHSON & 00. EASTEIR . E BANKRUPT FURS, F,IIIRS, I FURS, AT AUCTION. WEDNESDAY AND, THURSDAY. Novembei 18th ana 19th, at 10 ♦. x. and SS and 7 r. N. at • itesorar HALL AUCTION ROOMS, 65 and tii% pIFxS jajr,NtrE, \ Capes, Vietorines, Berthas; Bagenlas, Malik and Cull's, MlnK, Fitch,Budson Bay, Stable, Siberian, Squirrel, Water, Mink; Ger,mau ike• being the entire stout of a New York Bankrupt Far The good, will he on examination 'and private sale MONDAY and TUXSD . H B.' SINITHSON'ar, CO, nob BY A. LEGGATB. TINPROVED COUNTRY ritoP- A. Itlf.TY IN BELEVIEW AVAUCTION.—Three wdl be soldontbe prem hies on FRIDAY, November Rilib at, two o'clock. that very desirable property , adjoining Messrs. smith and Straw's residences In liellevievr, on the New Brighton road; consisting of four and .11, iwreerweil improved grounds, plant- ed trite choice fruits, and good frame house of seven rooms.,The ..neighborbood, situation, roads and facilities' for travel -are excellent. This sale is worthy special attention by those f contemplating to i t . trchase suburban home: , Take tbe 1:110 r. B. alp fromAllegbeny. Free tickets and all 'Wendt'. ion by A. LEGGATE, Auctioneer. .nol7 159 Fedtral street, Allegheny city. - - EE_ OIL BARGES--'AWED ' —iV :313AT MOll.lllllO. Rovemberle lb, at. 11 o , cloek, will be Mad ulDWlNeene Way litiUdlngi Juin , above at. Cialestreet, kittaburgb, three 011 barges, suitable for coal or stone: is aolb - • A. AtOILIVAIWIL, Auctioneer. BY YAM; B , ar:M=m. • Psis & PHIMPS, Allol4o2llbarts And conswagicle- merchant s , OPERA HOUSE .AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street; Pittston'', ra: BOOTS, SHOES CARPETS , /Dry Goods and Notions, AT TBIVATI7D fiIALIL DAY Aii:DEVEIRNEF. oon•isnments tionetieo. ?roozot .4Pc.,46 PITT/PIU4GI.,,qI.AZEXT.II : .YTEDNSP4.T. .NP,,V,g103M3. 188t3. s Ittitse. .• • FOR SALE. • •A /AEU O!.30 ACRES, on the, tine ei.,the ,Connellsville Railroad. 27 Miles tom the der. in Elisabeth township,_ Allegueny. county. Pa. The itillareventeats are a nail twooterybrtekl. with len lame rooms and tall,- A large frame hank .with No. 1 stabling , and all other entbrdidings in' Geminate order. Onset the best of orchards, of all kinds of fruit. The soil la riah new bottom. This property adjoins the village of Buena Vista. and has the advantage of churches, schools, Am Mit, stores, , and will be sold at the low priest 106,090. The imprevemeats Moan. are worth all letuit all that is asked fbr the property, to say nett:, lag about the land, welch' la worth for garden par. poses at leaatlo4l9o, full wticulare sail at my 0111 CO, Or WILLIAM A. BEL L , Fag., en the premises. ALSO, A FARM OF 40 ACRES, situated to Ritz. abeth township, Allegheny county, Pa.. on tbe line of the Connelleville Railroad, stout . 18 miles from the city. 'The Improvements are a new stone dwell ing. with eight rooms: a good barn and other out buildings. This property is °tiered at a very low price. Call and secure yourself a good bargain. ALSO, A PARK OF 120 ACRES, situated In Elizabeth township, Allegheny county, Pa., 17}1, miles from the city, on the tionnensville Railroad, a p a s e t gt tl i ti r g. .44t,r,tpw,,t,,eizarla- are"aternamil: house containing four rooms and kitchen, with & good cellar underneath•. very good bare and other 01 01 )111141 nm A No. 1 orchard, containing about 200 fruit bearing trees, all In good condition. 90 acres drive lend, the residue iu good timber, un derlaidwith 23 acres of coal. ALSO, TwO-STORY -BRICE HOUSE adjoin ing the Borough of Elizabeth. Allegheny county, Pa., containing 4 roams and Kitchen. Lot 60 feet front byl26 back to an alley.' A good Stable. wash bake-oven and other outbuildi.gt. lam au thorized to sell it at the lbw price of $1,500, on good terms. Ari% In the Borough of Elizabeth, a good two- story BRICK HOUBE, containing 4 rooms: Lot ASP feet square. Will be sold at the exceedingly 107: pricker 4 2,600. on easy terms. ALSO. 7Farm, known by the name of "Willow Bank', eituatetton the Connelleville Railroad, 17 miles from the car, containing 79 ACRES, AUL n good condition. The Improvements a aNo 1 brick house, two stories high, newly ted, con taining siz rooms. two halls running length of the house. The house It situated - on beautiful knoll. Is trurrounded by fruit trees, shrubbery, vines and flowers, with a graded avenue running to the Fetish. River. Also, a large frame bank barn, smoke bowie, wash house, coal house, bake-oven and other ontbnildings, and a never-fidlnK well o water. Two large orchards, containing from six to seven hundred fruit trees, near , Alllß.godd bearing condition. This farm abounds 111 AMU fruits viz: Currants, raspberries. goosebeneeil, and a fine large strawberry patch, whitte in connexion With the richness of the sell and nearness to the city , Melee it very desitable for gardening purposes. Very con s ve nient to schools, churches , stores and blacksmith op. ALSO.. A FARM OF 158 ACRES, situated In Elisabeth township, Allegheny. county; Pa., 31 miles from the city of Pittabergb_._on the Cannella ville Railroad, at tinter station. The Improvements are a common log house, a good frame barn with stabling for ten horses; a corncrib and wagon'shed; good orchard of fruit rees; fencing very good. 120 acres cleared, the residue in heavy timber lend. This farm is valnable-lirst. tor , its excellent soil; secondly, its timber; mid thirdly, it contains more limestone than any other farm in Pennsylvania, all accessible. The lower vein of limestone Is 40 feet thick; several other veins ranging from 3ie to 6 ft. In thickness, lie under the whole farm. For partic ulars enquire of ELI SUTER, Esq., at Suter Sta tton, oa at my offlee. ALS ,o 174 ACRES, situated lunar Clair town ship. Westmoreland county, Pa.,_ the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, , at Honaton Station. The improvements are a two-story frame house, with six rooms and good cellar, a frame bank barn 40 by 60 feet, and other outbuildings. There is on the place a young apple and peach Orchard: one hun dred and twenty acrea cleared land. divided into nelds of convenient size, a large_ portion of which are well set In clover and timothel the residue of said tract coveted with goodelmber. It is well wa tered,' and underlaid with coal and limestone. and is convenient to churches, schools, stores, mills and blacksmith sh,ps. A re al bargain M offered in this excellent farm. ALso, A beautifully situated tract of 60 ACRES of valuable Land, under good fencing, situated in McCandless township, Allegheny county, Pa., ona township road. 7 measured - miles from the Menet Rouse, 1111egbenrOlty. i his tract le well adapted for a garden or dairy farm, being convenient and of easy access to either city, and near enough to th., line of the Mahoning Rantoul to make It very desi rable for country 'seats, for persons doing business in the city. Af.so, The beet strm In Young township, Indiana county, Ps.; 4 miles from Western Penna. It. R. at Livermore atatlon, containing 300 ACREB-225 xcras cleared and under No. r fencing, as well as line farming condition; the balance In • good white oak timber. The Improvements area two-story frame houses. nearly new, of eight rooms each and finished basements and attics; alarge bank barn 50 •by 80 feet, a two-story spring house and other ne cessary outbuilrings, all in good order; 6 acres of orchard of choice varieties of fruits; 4 feet vein of coal (now- open,) underlying the whole tract, and limestone in abundance, with plenty of sprints of never-falling water. Taken all together-houses, fencing; soil, nice lying surface; public highway, churches, schools, mills. dc.,-Fitnow of no more inviting and desirable tract of land In Western Pennsylvania. 11 ALsco.) YARN AND MILLS. A small tract of 6 ACRifil of very valuable land In Derry townshl Westmoreland county, Pa.t v ell fenced and In i.igh state of cultivation. with new frame dweilln and other outbuildings; a new grist and saw m complete, with two run of burrs, two bolting cloths, and all the needed fixtures, in good order, and a young orchard of choice fruits; lane Is all underlaid wills a six foot vein of coal, now opened and work ed, at the back of the mill, and limestone In abund ance; Call soon and secure a good bargain. I ALSO, FARM OP 180 ACRES, situated Immedi ately upon the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. at Blairsville Intersection, 54 miles east of the city. -The improvements are aiwo-storystone house of 8* rooms, a No. 1 barn, 46 by 65 fret, the best of stabling and other Outbuildings. -The land lies well. Is well - fenced. is in good farming order, wad will be sold very cheap If 'applied for soon. For further particulars enquire of H. Towts, Real Ilatide Agent, 164 FOURTH AVENUE. oar: FOR. SALE. a l. Acre at Woods Run. 4 Acres and House In East Liberty. .8 Acres, unimproved. on-Troy 11111. Acres Acres,, Greensburg:Pike. • Acres on Four Mile Run Bred, V( miles from P. C. R. R. 70 Acres near'''. Y. W. A C. B. R. 118 Acres near Pa. R. R., Westmoreland county. 90 Acres at Hill Side Station. Pa. R. 4 Farms in Preston comity, West Virginia 185 Acres in Armstrong county, underlaid with coal. 108 Acreliand good improvements, in Trumbull county. Ohio. 900 Acres of Timber land; with. Saw MIII and dwellings. .House and Lot on Center Avenue, near Kirk. patriot. • _ House and Lot on 'Fiero, street. House and(Lot In East Liberty. House and Lot in Mansfield. House and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lot on Braver avenue. 2 Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap. on Vine street. 2 Lots, very • cheap, on Vine street. Houses and Lot on Franklin street. .1 Howe of 9 Booms and 2 Lots on Roberts St. Farms In Illinois. Missouri and West Virginia. Coal Lands In Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fayette and Beaver counties in Penna. 2 Houses of 9 Rooms in the 17th ward; rent .300 3 de. 0f,3 do. do. 17th do. i do. 144 2 do. of - ,do. do. !12th do,: do. 156 9 do. of 6 do. do. Sth do: do. 360 1 do. of 6 do: do. Bth do. do. 800 1 do. of 9 do. do. 24 do. do. 600 1 do. of 3 do. do. 6th eo. do. 199 1 do. of 5 do:do'6th do. do. 240 1 do. of 4 do. ' do. 17th d 0... do. MIS 1 do. of 7 do. do. 2d • do. 1 do. of 6 • do. Grant street. The Houses that I' have for rent will be rented very low to good tenants for the balance of the run- D, PI LIATCIPS REAL ESTATE OFFICA. No. 911:drant Bt., Pittsburgh. not plB •gO.ll SALE--:Valuable Farm and MILL PROPERTY', situate la PENN TOWN- P. Allegheny count,, 8 milesiroM the city, and Alf int'esi from Belton Station on the A. V. R. it., contains 12/Secret, b 0 of which is excellent timber; the land Jr rich, cavity cultivated and *ell watered; connected therewith are a first class grlAt mill three and a half stories high, with three run of stones and I.telv Tut In first rate repair, torether with an. ex cellent saw ml.l, both mills , doing a good paying hushiesm's large stone mansion ant numeronsyther outbuildings with a full bearing apple and peach or chard. !the mill is situated in a village and thickly settled neighborhood. The - above presents a rare opportunity for any parties wishing to engage in a well established business to mate a fortune. Price low and terms to suit. Apply to • oclB B. MCLAIN & CO. AUCTIONEERS IVEII MEN. WISHING . TO Purchase , a comfortable • home are invited to DOR It lel seres of land, ' having a frontof 000 feet on the Obto river, above thousetown with a good dwelling house of 0 rooms, a new stable and berth well of soft Water. orchard, Sc. The soll ts rich &DO productive. Price $0,500. Terms easy. fitiarres of unimproved land adlohling tne above eon be had if desired ata low Spiro. For sale by , . tit, 011TH0RIZT .t. SONS. not?, Sfi Smithfield street. FOR SALE & TO LET...noillSell and Loo for sale in all_parts of the WI mad sn ubs.. Also, several TAXES In _good locations. Also a small WOOLEN -PAOTORYtogith acres Orland. and goad Lmprovements, j will sell cheap and. on reasonable - 14,nm Business' Holmes to let on good Meets.. Prftste Dwelling HOMO gm rent In both (Ales. /or Mrtber r a r li tletUars Inquire fan „111,0 Grint street. gonoalte atherfraL Vea[4:Mtkilftalife)t)a2W l l 13ERCEYAL 131ECKETT L ranortANzoim -Earantrimil, . e i n d'soitoitor or Patents. (Tile of F Y. Vt. &0. Railway.) Oface. No. 79 'FEDERAL STREET. itoont - No. X, Up stairs. P. O. Box 50, ALLEORENY CITY. MACHINERY; of all tiescriptiona c detirned. • BLAST Ir DUBAI= and BOLLING, MILL DRAW ENOS furnished ,i Particular attention paid to Cle• signing COLLIERY LOCOMUITVES.Patenta con nuientially selicite& Sr An . EVENING IRO CLAM for MotaittoCs MAY WEDNESDAY Y4.14/I-T. ' - ' - • APPLY AT . . HBO 00111161T - .BALE. N." BY jinx* a lin write if Anti nut by the Os. - lib,osue,Court.)int. the. I.oth _day !DEA) tabor, .1181, Soptentbee Tlint.leds; wi NM :Oa S l2 , iiingaiti. ratila. laic, oa• - , 11).7 of Ig•yealtber, 1888, ATIO O'CLOCK A, DI., OAS LOT, Str: lb; to the Tait or tots .114 d cot .be W. - Itobinsie. Tooroohip of Eft erre , 0117; **a twenty tee topt in front on Spn.nr . Garden she ettesiding the seine width and_ hedideed and tirenti , feee,beek to High street;, on which eild praxises is erected a ore-story frame house. Tznata—Ole-haiOnirebaae•monery eweh on con firmation of We, tie . balance' one year from date with Interest lecareli by bond tind mortgage'on the premises. • MARY HAVER, 'Adm , i of Michael Haney, deo•d. -TN- TUE COURT OF_ .COMMON J. FLEAS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. J. C. DONALDSON vs. ALEX. CHAD[. • BEEN, got. al. = - • No. 819 March Term 1 68 : No., 133 in Parti tion. Writ of Partition. ' ;. - ' • . To JOHN C. DONALDSO , ALEX. CHAMBERS, : i • J. C. BRYSON and NANCY, his wife, (with right of the said NANCY,) ELIZABETH ANN CHAM BERS, MATTHEW CHAMBERS and SUSAN , CHAMBERS: • You are hereby notified that an inquisition will be held. in pursuance of the above mentioned writ of partition. .on the ..premises. situate in • the 'Fifth Ward, Pittsbursh. being Lot No. AA in James Aiken's pion of the plan of the Northern Liberties. Cott_on of Allegheny and State•or Pennsylvania:on THURSDAY. December_ 3, 16158, ,at 10 o'clock A. 3c, to make partition of the premises described within the above mentioned writ. in such manner and in such proportions ad by the Laws of this Com-• monwealth is directed. to. . at which time and piece you may attend if you think proper. , - • • ' • • SAMUEL. B. CLULET. Sheriff. alnairrs Canna, Pittsburgh, Oct. 517,15814. ocZI:r.81:W • LLEGHENY E6= COUNTY Bth A' the Court of Court of Common Pleag in the voluntary assignment of CAMPBELL, PEAKE & Co., No. 651. December Term, 1567 And now to wit. November 7th, 1888, account of Leonard B. Johns. assignee, exhibited in open court, And peti tion,. of Assignee presented praying for his dis charge Rom his trust. Whereupon the Court order and decree that the Prothonotary glve'notice of the exhibition and filing of said account, and 'by the presentation of said petition, by publication for three weeks in the "Legal Journal" and "Daily Gazette," .and that such account will be allowed and such discharge granted, unless cause to the cOn- Arary tie shown on or before the 3d of DECEMBER next. (Prom the record. nolimillW JACOB H. WALTER. Prothonotary. O . BPHALNIP . COURT .SALE—The house and lot.— AVENT STBILET,\ I Fourth Ward, Allegheny, TIMM STORY BRICK HOME; lot 30 feet 8 inches front and 18 feet 4 inches deep, now owned by the heirs of Samuel Hough, deceased. The one-seventh interest in said lot and bulldinsis now owned by Mary Ana. Ella W. and Williant H. Stevens. minor children of Lee W. and Stevens, deceased, will be sold on SA.T -lIIIDAY, November 21st, 186 e; at 10 A. x.. on' the premises by order of tbiOrpharnii Court. The re villains six-sevenths of said lot owned by Deleon' of full age will be conveyed to the purchaser ltry Wirranty.Deed, No. 164, June Term, 1868. R. S. MORRISON. 103 PM Avenue . ' oer.:=9 Soliclior for Petitioners. WASHINGTON BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOLIATION, OF EAST BIRMINGHAM. Notice Is hereby given that , an • application has been made at 80. 3811, December Teri:4,lBBB, for a Charter for the "WASHINGTON BiTIL DINO AND LOAN ABBOCIATION OF EAST BIBMIIIGHAM` I and the same will be granted at the next term of Coot', uniesa exceptions are tiled.: JACOB H. WALTBII,. Prothonotary. ()ctn.:ll9w F. W. HESPENHEIDE, MICHAEL COLE. 7 5 Bcr. 186 June Term, 1888. And nowtowit, 88tbriept.1888: sheriff nes leave to pay Into o..urt the money x 21951 on this writ, after deducting costs. • And now to wit. 3d Octol:Wr, 1888, the Court app-- point W. B. RODGERS, Auditor,' - to distribute the rands pato into Court. Blom the Itecord. J. H. ;WALTER, - - All persons interested are noilliedthat I will enter upon the duties of my appointment on BA.TUB- Y, 7th November, 11368 -at SI .o`clock P. w., at my oUlce, No. 71 arant street, Pittsburgh, Pa., at which time &WI place they can attend. _ 0c7;y71.W . W. B. BuDGEB.S. Auditor: XN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS of Allegheny county, No. 704, Septem r Twat, 1807. In the matter of T. N. 11111er.Assfsnee of Bassett...Anderson' •ft Morrow. The undersigned appointed by. the court Auditor in the above case, to MSS upon the, exce;tioas flied to the account of the Assignee. to distribute the balance found in the hands of thelseconnumm. and to indicate she proper distill:lntim:iv. the remaining summits of the trust,hereby eideenotice, that he wlli stsend at his office, No. SO GRANT STREET, In the city of pittshunth. on she Alit DAY Of NO VEMBER, 18019, at 11.oselock P. N., for 'the bar• pose of pert:musing the ...titles of his appointment, at which time and place all parties interested are re quested to attend. , no7utill ' T. If. B. PATTERSON, Andltor. TN THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS of Aliegitexiy county,, No. —, terna t MB, In re•opening of Hatfield street, city of, Pittsburgh. The Commissioner appointed to take testimony In the above ease will meet ell Duties In terested et his other, No. 103 FIFTH AvENtilf, on WEDNESDAY, Irevember 51/Ith, at. I.ceeloek P.. X.. for 12110 purpose of taking toe testimony of wit neon'. . JOHN T. WILEY, noMmal • • - Commissioner. /UNREI7PT NOTICES. RESTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED ISTATIM:POR TBS. WISTKRS ttiTRICT Or AnsavNBY.LVASIA, IN BA.NK 11UPTCY. . _ In the matter of CONR ADZ. SMITH, Bankrupt. WESTERN DIaTRIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SS. . A wanitnt in Baultintitcy has been issued by said Court against the Estate of Conrad C. Smith, of the County of Allegheny , and State of Pennsylvania , in said District adiudged a Bankrupt upon petition of hi. creditors, and the pay ment of any debts and the ro delivery of any pperty longing to said Bankrupt, to him, or to his use, and the trausfer of any proper. ty bt him. are forbiddcn by law. A meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more Auignets otitis estate,•will be held at a Court of . B2Lnkreptey to be hoiden at Alle ebony city, in Bald District on tie 3d car of CEMBER. A. D. 1868. at JO o'clock a x. t at the office of . JOHN N. PURVIANCE, 110 Federal street, Allegheny city, Pa., one of the Registors in Bankruptcy of said District. . • THOMAS A. ROWLEY, oc3o 11. S. Marshal for said District. U. triIIiARSHAL'S OFFICE, W. D. of Pennsylvania. PITIBB"laill, November 14th,-1889, UIS IS: TO GIVE NOTICE' That On the 10th day of Y. oyemtter, A. D. 1868. a arrant i Bankruptcy was issued against the \ es tate of e DAL BAILEY, of .hew Brighton, Bea. ver coun ty. Pa.: and Wet. ti. M'CANDLYSS ofthe city of Pittsburgh, In the'COUtlie of Alleaheny, State of PenlisYlYanla, Palthers as 'Batley & MeCand less, who have been adjudged bankrupts, on their own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bank rupts to them or for their use, and the transferor any property by them are forbidden bylaw ;that amenng of the creditors of the said bankrupts, to prove t heir debts, andlto cheese one or more assignees of their es tate, will beheld at a Court of Bankruptcy, td be holden at No. 110 Federal street. Allegheny , City, Pit., before SOHN N. PURVIAN ter, on the ITth day, IBIC of December A. D. IS at 10 o'clock A. X. IAHOMAB A. ROWLEY, nottliski -,_ U.,u. MAMMAL'S OFFICE,', } , W. D. of Pennaylvania. -- - Prrrenunutr. , Nev. 1.• 1808. • grHIS I S TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 7th day of November. A. DI: 1813 Bs. • arrant in Bankruptcy was! issued agains the ESTATE OF: FREDERICK: FERULE& .., • 1 or:Afiegbeny city, in the county of - Allotheny,i and • btate of Pennsy , vsnia„ who' hat been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of-any property•belonging - to .such bankrupt to him .or for. hit ate; find the trans fer Of any property by bim'are. forbidden by law: thatameeting of the creditors of theasid tuinkrup‘. to prove their debts, and to chooseaoue or more Si *gamut of his estate s Will be held'. at a Court of - Bankruptcy, to' be hoiden at No: 116 Federal rit.. Allegheny - City, _Alleghenrcounty4 Penna.' before ' JOAN N. Pilli7lAbOt, Esq., - .Negistor,_ . on the • Atli day of December,: A. D. 18151i!,,' at *o'clock . • ...,- • HOMO AVROWTAF.F. , tion a t , D.: S. Marshal. sa *emu . er. WESTERN DISTRICT of rolls. SYLVANIA. 88. - ,•• At Pittsburgh. the 31 Say'of November. - A. D. 1888. The undersigned - hereby gives notice of his appointment -es Assignee ofOWNER AD OW. of bollth Pittsburgh. In the county o f A u egoeny and State of reMIIIIYIVO4III, witlun wad district, tat& not been ediudged abantrupt upon his own -peti tion by the ingirict Con t of district. , - • JOHN H. DAILEYf I ,Assignee, • noCepir ; 1 8V Wan% street. ME WNTERPRIBE'IMIIIRASCE CO., OF prrTosincia Po, ' . . °M • 9ae PUN 424 rMr a W SPres . 03•Xixtosu, Tattri,ECO..Eupplao.) .. DIEEICISIE3:. .2,...• ro Eobt. Disksoo, bt. Lidderle - * lv - . I. Iniesif, G. Media -- • O. VAS Basso,. • • I'. =ot,- E. H. Mere .. J . Aftnirwlsehs , .' I__Blebegg. L. J. luanahard, J.Weissete, ,r. esonudeilkoo. B. H. mats, Prosideui. --- ROST:.- J. DGICEBRIER: ON, Treginnee .Inm Proddent. . • ROBT se2Sarw, • J. J. ALBIETE. Becretarr• , ELFIIIOVILL. NATiosknxstrui!ircE co., OP THE urn OP ULMER. Office, No. 89 FEDERAL STREET, entrance on Stockton Avenue. , - FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. . W. W. IikETIN, FriaWent JAB. S. STEVENSON. Secretary: . . , D1XT.9.2 . OHS: : • A. H. Bogliali o.ll.P.WUllamilJno: Thompson jar,. A. 31yler, Jos; Lockhart, Jos. Myers. 'Jas. L. Graham, Robt, Lea, C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gent, 1 Jacob Kopp. BEN`FILARIIIMI INSURANCE COMPANY, • , OP ALLEOBLE4Y, PA. =ft in Franklin swings 7 1kink Bannipl/2 No. 43 Ohio St ? Allegheny.- A ROME COMPANY =net' ni, , .... 0 known to the communi t y , who - tens ad b r eet°ll.-. to merit a eve or yourstr o ,b 7 Dar deellng• . . muirtme =win!' " IMO* ZWALDDLEI President. Soorotaair. -• DISHOTOSS: • I Henn_ Irwin, D. L. Patterson, Henrreerwtm, G 450. B. RidCie, Jacob Frans, Gottletbrass, Simon Drum,. J. B. Smith, Jacob W. M. Stewart, Oh. P. Whlston, JosePh E Joe. Lantner, H. J. Zinkand, Jeremiah rra 800 eaiSl aphhost l AIPEHIAL FIRE INSURANCE Co., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED .1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED . IN6 V 3,000,000 IN GOLD. Insurance against lire effected on Howes and Buildings, Goods, Wares and Merchandise, Steam boats, se., Polieles fined payable in gold or cur rency: air United Statekßranch Cince, 40 PINE STREET,New: York. =' All lostesof the United States Branch wl/1 bead= Jtusted in New Toth. J. Y. 41.31 , A.UalitLibr, Aavipt, PITTSBURGH,. PA. 'olBee, 87 FOTJETH STREET. • \ MIL MeLAINIELIN alniAgent for iheititaimt tan Life Insurance Company. • seB:•72 TERN INSURANCE COM. PANT OP PITTSIDIGIL • MEANDER yranc B ic, President, Wid. P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORUIC NRELD. Oeneral Agent. Ofice, 9H Water street, Spang A Co.'s Ware. house, up stain, Pittsburgh. Will in—mre against all. Kinds of Fire and-Marine Risks. A bogie Institutkm, managed by Directors who are well known,to the community, and'who are determined by prouiptness and liberality to main. fain the charasMr which they have assumed, as of. feting the best protection to those who desire to be insured. • DIRICTORS: Alexander leimick, Joan St. McCune, - R. Miller, Jr., Chu. J. Clarke, James MeAule34 • , William B. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick. Andrew .A.cklen, Philllp_Reymer David M. Long, . Wm. Horrison; D. Dimse no= INDEMITII/ - AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE ' I - - , • . FRANKLIN INSURANCE Co. OF PHILADEL lA. ELEBTNVIST OFBION, 435 4437 C ~ N SID DIUCTOUS. - Charley Or. Danaher, Mordecai EL Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel grant. • ' Isaac Lea, Jacob B. Smith, . • _Edward C. Data, f ect e rmy ti . ER:lleitis, i LiroiMeatralst.l4. - EDW. C. DALE., Vice President. W. 0. DTBEL&_Secretail.proters., ' J. fIaDDNER COPPIN, Assaf! • North West corner Third and Wood Streets.. pEN,NSYLVANL* • • -; INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITITSBURON. • OFFICE, No. 1810‘ WOOD•STREST, BARR OP CONERECR. BUILDWG. , . • This Is s Home Company, and insures wind los by LEONARD veIy. WALTER. President. C. C. BOTLE,_Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGE NaELHENY. Secretary. Dißscrona: • Ge Geo ormWlison. id. O. Lappe, J. O. nelner, • John Vocgtioy, A. Ammon. Leonard Walter, O. Rosie, _. Robert Patriot, Jacobi K ... i nter, ollaKing Henry. Hopkins, Sproul, ' A LLEGMEIIIY INSURANCE PON. XL PANY 07 PZITSBI;32OH. , OFFICE, No: 37 BOTH STILIEBT, Bert BuOas Moires against all kinds otPlye und . ltarlip Blahs. JOHN LEWIN, in., Pxesldent. , JOHN D. Ide00111), Vice President. 1 0. G. DONNELL, Secretary. . i CAPT. WK. DE,AN. 0811eZil X./gent. r1,.,_ DLIZOTOna: oman Irwin, Jr., • C'ept. Wm.' John D. HeCosek B. L. Pahnes pe ar, 0, 0. Hussey, , -W. H. Everson:l Harvey_Ohllds. , Robert H. Davis, .T. J. HufklllSoll. , Franal Sellers. Ch ar l es Hays, neut. J.' T. Stockitale. IDIEOPLEEP INSURANCE COR• -11. VAN . r• min, N. Z. CONNIdE WOOD a nmt 8.113. Ili Hone Company, tatiagliza and Mssine Mitt DTMICTOna: Wm:. PLUM* - Capt. John L. Rhoads, John Watt, tismtml g. dheiver, John Z. Park i t uur Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James ;ye M. Bruin, ;. Jamesan Kirk. "WM d r. D. Verner . el WlL"HlLarti vice Prestdent. JOMN,WATT, PreallTent. AFT. °MILNER, litameatz . JAS. GORDON. GIII b"' .1 1 3 - ;:{zite}: re 311 DISSOLUTION OF. PAWNER.. SUIP.4.. The partnership heretotbre existing between GEORGE . STEWART and GifISTAVIIS LANGENHEIN has this day tieem dissolved by mu tual consent. Parilei knowing themseries indebted' to tne late:firto will please make immediate payment to eitlier ot the undersigned. 1 ' • ',GEORRE STEWAR'I', QRS. LAlitthNHElld. The business will be= carried on u heretofore by GEORGE ,S WART, - - at the old stand, No. 11 °nick sTREzt. ALLZ. GHENT CITY. • ' - nott:as DI 8 8 OL UT I ON-i-• The Co-Part. nership . optween - ' • • • JOHN. BUT AND G ROBINSON, under the dim of RiBINSON, Mass Mann. !natural., is this day disindred by limitation. Hr. JOHN BERT will settle thin business or. the 11t6 Arm JOH% BEST. 01 - OBLNB _ ON. Pittsburgh, iSeptember ist.ol.B R • C O .PAItTNEREIHIP—I have day mith•las GEORGE THOMP SON. JOHN. YAOLP4N alid THOMAS A. BEST, ander like ammo! - • , • • nEST, THOMPSON & CO., In thelninuthetnre of DOLIEWIETE FLINT IMAM Patented 10th January, 19813.' which wean u s ei,lPerler article to spy In the market-at the Urea Price: Orders Iron' pus automats of the late nest ttuudaully ,reeeleedi and filled with ae little delay Peselble. ; JOSH BEST - Lij Lia k N COALI .coaLU COALUI DiCKSON, STEWART & CO Bimini removed their ClEhle to NO, 567 LIBERTY Sa*E.lsT,' (Lately City Moue 111111)E1E9OND ELOOX Lei now Neogwil to furnish to ol YOUGHIOMFIF Ny I,lDeor. ?,am COAL, .04 131, A8,at ttre tower t moeket Drioe.• . . :ill order , /en their . °Moe. 0; Addressed to Thom through the mall i .wlll attestdoel to potoptly. • • • -' ila - NEW OPERA' HOVSE. • - Lessee ... gagagement for a limited period with the poprdar and vervain° s oniedliut F. E. CHANFRATJ. Who wilt peat WEDNESDAY OTENIND, NOT vember ISt h. to De Waidea , e *Menai Ave set Maim. tdv, eranted Spin § • -.... r. F . Chanban.. A. Played bytini upwards 100 eo-secutlee nights in New . York. tights lit Philadelphia, 80ght* In New Orleans. SO nights In Chicago,. and tor lengthy parlors in the principal cities' of the tiilon. Grand Matinee . on Saturday Afternoon. IMI igrPITTSBUItGiEt THEATER. GRAND RE-91 2 .ENINC. , ffiOl DAY m3m9, ziom=l New inanagenter.r, new scenery, new. costufnes. and g,geueral overhauling. Look out fir KATE FISHEB. and an entire first class New York ccon,- - nol6:a2V Or TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES THEATER. H. W. WILLIAMS Levee and Manager., GEO; B EDXSON Stag! , Manager. The great London Sensation MRAO: ANNIE 111-14 . 1:01E, I ; in her Wondesful Vocal Representations. A new dramatle absuidity, WOMEN'S RIGHTS, or One Flundred Years Hence. Pint - week of EllttatNE T. GORMAN. All the- Varieties troepe to anew bill. • . • non garRIERCANTILE LIBRARY • • , LECTURES. • - MARK TWAIN . • (SAMUEL s. CLEMENS) the well kr° wst AMERICAN HUMORIST, will tea tare &ta: • - A.C.A..113P.MT OP THURSDAY , ETERING, NOT.. . 19, - 1860. ON THE .- • “AREBIOAN v6etl4x. zantoitii.” Tickets •50 cents. geetired seats *5 cents extra ! , er er e i tti t ri r szileAv i t s b i e l hocakil s o f tar r n a . EVENING, 17th Lust., from 7% to isOlelock. 0016 ori4FATETTE HALL. :7" SIMISPERILN RELDI 508., CU MRS; ,FRANCES ANNE ,EEMBLIL TiNIGHTS ONTY. • HRS. HENBLE will read at .LAFAYETTir HALL, Pittsburgh, ,two or Shakepeare , e play, as follows • TIIIIRSDAT EVENING, NOV. 19. • . TULIUS CAESAR. • FRIDAY EVE/TING, 'NOV. 20. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. _ Tickets, ONE DOLLAR . Reserved :seats FIB CENT"' extra. The sale of tickets will commence on WEDNESDAY. at 9 o'clock, at the Music Store of 0. u. MELIA/R. 81 Wood street. • SPECIAL 901IC E.— the Readings wilt coin mence precisetv at 8 o'cloct. and it id respectfully requested, to avoid hiterruptinn, that the audience will be seated ten minutes before the' , readings be gin. • Doors open at 7 o'clock. - • nolfasta OrBUILNELLIS MUSEUM • AND 1111L ann PARLORNAGEIitIi The Great F 7 , llesorte.' FIFTH AVENIIP. bet a Smithfield and Wood streets. opposite Old Rh tine ' - ' r , Sir Open Day and, ET •ning; all the year round. Admission, AS cents:, . hlldren, 18 emits. terPILOF.SI LEONIIAST. MATE OP WESTERN UNIVERSITY, ) Offert his siervleini to the Public as tesciher GERDIAPI, MUSIC AND DISMITLISG. Also, ea S RANK. ATOR and INTERPRETER. Mice 114 BNITEPIELD STREET; third story, grpitor. CAIIPENTEIVII ,TASIIIDNABLE DANCING ACADIIMI' t Ho. 15 THIRD STREET, is now Open for the re► caption of pupils. ChM days and hours—For - dies, Masters and Misses,- Wednesday and Saturday, at OM o'clock r. K. For Gentlemen—Tuesday NIA Friday Eveulftlia, at o'clock. Private lessons given. Circulars can be had at the Music 'Stores and at the Academy. Classes out of the clty.t convenient, attended to. air- Hall to let to Select Parties seCtlit LIIBTBER. ruT PITT LUMBER COMPANY's CAPITAL - $125,000. Pnalumete—TEDWAßD DITHRIDG2. Biolrr.taT—T. A. WRIGHT. BlTlGUlrrZerrark-EDW.D.LV/BON., . Drazercrast Edwara Davison, L. F. unman. John Mellon, ' K. D. Dithrldies Ditarnige, 'it. L. Malone. - Fi. S Jobnaton. ' - simmtEura YARD—oorner of BUTLER AND LUMBER STRIn NINTH WARD. - e • • I ' . • : ACC e .. ingtoll ttreet. - • • • .f Ag2(lolr.: TT inti*Tit-LUMBER! _ „ AIDEANDBII PATTERSOPIF, • j 7 Dealer in all kinds of littiabeaN. ON HAND AND FDA /341 X 1,000,000 feet Dry Pine Boards:. 130.000 feet IR and 9 Inch (near Plank r 30,000 feet Dry 11f, Inch Common rbinkt 30,000 feet Dry 1 and Al lam Oak: • 95,000 feet Dry la, a% and a inch 4al 1 5,000 feet Dry SL, nih, 31n. Cherrya merdet 30,000 frit.tk t ./Xt Sand 3 Inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry r Velar Senntitun.; 950.000 feet Hemlock Joists and Scanting; 440,000 No.l 184 rich Shingles, 'awe*: , 440,000 No. 110-inch Shingles, sawed,- 40,000 No. 110-inch Shingles, tamed; 40.000 Fire Drink; 1,000 Fire Tile.- . . . 101.1 Tons Fire Clay ' • Minim—No. 50 puicaLi- STREET. -firmer Manchester ` and 151 REBECCA STREET. cope.— ilia the Oas Works, , Allegheny City.; . I mill ,;, STONE, iIwrEST'CORDION' Machine ''Stone'Tvol. ki r • Non/meat corner of West etaezeas. alleekale" Ti r IiSIIPK.ATVATBR £ CO._ . . . Have OA hand Of i p reparil on shore notloe - liana and Stet StOnetit - ' hit *kr SitlewalkS, Brew . Vaults. as.. Head sall'osubStOrialls °Mara Imunotav Gamuts. - prima Tino . 10E: CE t ICE ICE • WM. , KREBS Dealers . . , NO: Dunoarp' AILEY t PlitablUrels. • , ea Ord va r rom bstc pt h4r e r u. as ruzim ßrldge in rusio , tva, lough and AuedbeVe " ' Eil Haitaissos.- 3L.W. eursurs.