The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 18, 1868, Image 4

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ettintrgt Gagfit.
irABIBIAN,- REED & 00., itopriders.
P. itourroN. N. P. HEED.
.f • , IfUtonintar"Wetms•
' ' corms:
-11AILVE autting, NOS, 84 AND SS FIFTH ST.
Or Pitsuting AlLleeway and allegmay
Irspose"Datty. Semi-Weeny., ' . Weekly.. i ‘ .
',.. Oka Int.: L -0400 Oneyear.s2.6oll3lnglecoPl—z• .t
lel z :1011 5 / 1 . 7,5 Biz 10011.. 1.501 b 005105, elf• 1" • ",.
the week 1' Three mos -Ts io ' ••••"
cazrier.) —and one toAgent.
*Ma= GAZICTTIfi &stud on Wed—
sisdays and Saturdays, is the b eat and cheap.:
fanisly newspaper in Pennsecania.
rewrite each week forty-eight colt/Inns of
solid reading matter. It gives the' fullest as
veil as the most reliablemarket repeOts of any
paper in the State, Its Au are used eice2u
wisely by the Civil;Courts of Allegheny county
for; refensnes in important issues to determine
the rating prices in the merrkete at the time of
She business transaction in dispute. Terms:
Zgni4l copy, one year.V. so ; in clubs of five,
111125; in clubs of ten, $1,15,, and one free
to the getter up of the club. Speeimen copies
wit free to any address. ,
WE nuENT on ,llus fluids pages of—this
istorning'i GAZETTE : Second page: Poetry,
.11pharteris. Third and Sixth payee : Com
, cm:4a, Rnanciai and. Mercantile News,
JtariFets, River Intilli,qence, Imports, .Raaz
2'i1116 Tables.,Seventh page: "The
Lako Super& Iron Regions," Miscellaneous
Amuiement Directory.
• GoLr• plosed ituNew York yesterday at
liamixe: gives Cinsisrr a majority of about
9,000,. the official returns ' now including all
ihe comities but four. •
AN IMENT, which has been more than
once h4retofore erroneously announced, is
really to occur to-day, in the marriage of
Cormarc, Vice President elect, at An
dover, Ohio„ The bridal party will proceed
immediately to Washington:
VALLANDIGELLI4 having accomplish
ea his . self.appointed mission, of, levelling
down his party to his. own personal status,
his retired from the editorial charge of his
I , journal at Dayton, Ohio, and proposes to
enjoy peace under' President GWiT.
Tam Doylestown • Democratwants to
know qwhy bon dS did not go ne after the
election of'Gun. 45na1rr„,'' That was not
`• an expected consequence; battled Barucrtra
been elected, bonds with the Na:
tonal credit' might': gone up' with a.
ChM Cinssm's view of the Southern situ
, stion hi revealed by , his late order' that all
recruits for the army. now at Northern de
pots, shall be forwirded at 'once to Texis.
It is evident thai . he regards the condition
of affairs in that State to be such as impera
lively demands a prompt euforcement of the
Federal authonty.
THE Oecadence of the brosikgange sys-
• tem of railway lines; in popular estimation,
la illustrated in the current statement that
_the Brie Company : has finally decided to
. lay another rail upon it strac k, in order to
give to the West another unbroken line
of narrow-gauge to. New York. This . - was '
preferred to the other alternative of extenti.
lag, also by a third rail, the wide-gauge / to
TB:a friends of 'At.. white man's govern
mere came to grief in one; f the Ohio
Counties, at the late election. Disieerding
the statute of the State, they headed their
ballot witlithe phrase above unoted—,their
favorite shibboleth. Result, the entire Dem
ocraticvote,of the strong Democratic county
of Monroe, thiown out entirely by the State
' (1131riaSer& The local Committee, of Intel
, lout "white" men, propose 'to repress
IV 'Somewhat their partisan fervor, for the fa-
Trion Dinnocratic jonracll3 :now crying
out against any increase of the President's
'salary, and charging that Gen. Gierve de:
sires the advance so as'to enable him to live
in a kingly style, ,are : sorely , mistaken in
'he . character of the hero : National econo
my Will mark his tuhniniStraticrr, and he
.101141 the l lrery hug person to increase the
Governme,texpetises one dollar. GRANT
has already given out that he is for retrench.
ment 'nail departMents, and our Democrat
ic friends shptdd wait and see, before they
present mph unfounded charges against him.
MEBt3PS. T. W. Wureavr and THOMAS
TZLIPORD will commence in this city, a few
days. hence,'' the publication of a weekly
journal devoted exclusively to literature.
Thee* gentlemen have the experier.ce and
enterprise to warrant the success of their un
dertaking.,The journal will be no second
clais affair:but managed tufdably con
, ducted, and such as to reflect credit to the
- • city it_will represtint.7, It will be known as
tbs./fifer, and some of , our ablest writers
.24ve 'been secured se anyibtdors. Mrs.
Eivresitimm, always terse and
vigorous writer, and an inveterate worker,
bas been announced as associate editor.
We wish thirentexprise all the success it is
:deserving, and trust a generous 'and Intel.
Public will' elioie in affording
proper encouragement and support to r the
ptibllshert t. • ,n r=
uhtime Pa
te 3
guilty of
, • Qsic. B ibuthuttllt
ma' crime an,
• t his tile
goit i es!.
the odium
iwhat is ,
Much °!ilive sicase"
w on* l'enco, ata is due'
13CITURt public
•whieh imotißep- ins th e
Wader ""rieel
Ai the/T TitivisT
the, tio--;•
inid ul"sium
.41,,ificigiihe,„„1- ends hai r ° °
sOM •
1 /
colt to repel this accusation; since the
Lordsville , leiter above quoted is not the
first instance inwhich be has made similar
avowals. We ttball, neverthelks, do the
Generate justice to believe, that he does
pot, in the expression, entirely mean what
he says and that, in his admliatiOn for a
vigorous antithesis of phrase, he has cor
ta4ly adopted a stereotyped , mot which
was French m its origin, \ and decidedly nu-
American in its latitude of morality.
„ •
At the , resent election, Pennsylvania
polled 650,000 votes, Ohio J 515,000 and El
nose over '450,000:\ It is 'probable, there
fore, that the -next census will cause some
change in their relative , Congressional
strength- if opr :own S tate retains Its
twenty-fen; ,members , phie, , ,win also have
nineteen members as now,while the Illinois
- delegation of fourteen will at leguit be sixteen.
- Presuming that .the Rouse will , number
the same as now—say two hundred and
forty;three Members—the lecent large in
creaseln the voting,basis in the formerly .
slave ! holding states(' must distribute among
those States an addition of at least ten and
perhaps thirtenn or fourteen - members. The
vigorously exp anding States of the Weit,
like Illinois, Indiana, Miesouri, Michigan,
lowa, Wisconsin, fk.c., will also come in for
a largely ineresed proporfion in the total
nuMber of R presentatives. It follows,
'therefore, that the Eastern -and Middle
States must lo members, unless they can
showan equal it grease of population—which
is not in consonance:with the prevalent be,
I .
lief. - , ,
Whateier Adtion 'otir']!dlnister to
England may have effected of the queition
of the claims,, and however iper
sistently our too -much-dined-and-wined
plenipotentiary may semi-officially shock
the national sentiment of his countrj
men , ,*by his efforts to persuade Mr.
Bui4' that everything Is equally lovely,
&moue! 'rebel sympathizers abroad or
rebel Kti:latix assastdns at home; lilt us
give him the small credit of having achieved
a final adjustment of the last lingering trace
of that old Oregon controversy which first
-commenced more than a quarter of a centu
ry since, between this Republic and Great
Britain. The treaty of 1846 substantially
untied the ,main 'point in dispute, leaving
only a minor one, and that growing out of
the obs Cure terms of the treaty itself. Mr.
Pots's. administration subsided from the
electioneering demand for "54.40 or tight"
to diplomatic realifY of the '49th partdiel as the
agreed Northwestern boundary of the Re
public; and the people of each nation ex
pressed their complete satisfaction with that.
adfustnient. Bn aiobscurity appeared in
the terms expressing the settlement. By
the treaty a '46, the "channel" through
the Straits of Fade and thi Gulf of Georgia
was made a part of th 'boundary line.
'Very soon 'after it was . found that this
"channel" was itself a subject tbr dispute.
Our Goiernment defined that the term
meant the westernmost channel, then almost
exclusively used for shipping,. while Eng
land held what was called the Renzi° chan
nel, upon quite a different line, to be the
true boundary.- Not over 120,000 acres of
land, in addition to the water area, were
covered by this dispute; but it, neverthe
leas, really involved the entire command of
the Straits and, in some degree, of the
Georgian Gulf- - 44 matter of : vast importance
to our naval and maritime interests, as is
each day becoming more clearly apparent.
Already the whaling and fishing interests
of our people in theadjacent waters of thiPe
cube and the not verk remote Behring's Sea,
luive : wumed a very valuable prothinence,
with a reationable prospect for an early
and large increase. Moreover, the posses
sion of the island of Ban J•nan and the mas
tery of one of the most capacious and
safestharbors in the North Pacific was also
dependent on a solution of the controversy.
From that day until now, England, having
alrealy possession of San Juan del Frma,
has held it, continuing. to claim 'and exer
cise her sovereignty over all the disputed
territory. We are now informed that the
controversy is closed, Englend accepting
thq,Anierictuf interpretation of the treaty of
'46, and suriendering to us as the rightful
owners the islands and waters, which are
each year becoming essentially more
veltiable to our interests. The no longer
debeteble ereals now a part of Washington
Territory; and its absorption therein closei,
we hope forever, the last of our boundary'
dlifutes with the English Crown. - '
In days like these, after the consumma
tion of suchfittipendoui events as the Great
Rebellion and its Coiispiences, there . is
hardly a thoughtfill man; Who does not ask
himself the question : What
future is in store ?or ust an then, with
strained vision, he seeks to penetrate the veil
which a kind fate has suspended \ lat c u .: ;een
the'eyes of 'mortals and the things to me.,
Not even the edge can we lift to caielf
glance. But, though de are forbidden \ to'
look ahead, thert is nothing to prevent we\
from . scanning the times gone by, and, by
pondering on the past, to • cathh, as it were,
by reflection, a glimpse of "the future. The
axiom "there is nothing new under the
t. sue flndi its -application especially in the
history of nations, and on the strength of
this truth we-shall, endeavor to paint whit
we believe tike in store for us as a people.
A nation le a Wit of ihdividwds, end the
average chaPPAX tor the indAvidual is also'
the . ) average - character of the nation. , By
dissecting, then, the former, we !half get a
pretty true idea of, . the iatter, atal , the apes.
tion arises" +u the true
America* 7, w,e 1 4 1 Vie9dlF- solving thia
query according to trtith, we shall find no
diftieulti in obtaining idahozoscope._
The American hai, like other humeri be:
ings, ids vyttuititialdi OW whose char=
acter corretpendis 3 With his own. They are
bOth ggpaally 001 positive character, and
the utter often in excess of the former. ,
Tgerels very little of , the placid; contenv
pplative elempntin 1 4imitPt 5 ;"4 t h e ge4 7 , "
stirring, go-shead dispeiltienif our peo p le
7 •.:-. 7 : .;;V . r • ..7- , ....t . ,•,.-1.7 T-I
~. .
. ,
AZ ..,
* .*t
shown itself eakly in life. Education is of
tea carried on is a "desirable speculation,
more with the spirit of a peratm that awn biuliiiess - with, than
that of a scholir who loves knowlqdge Tor
knowledge's sake, andreieli in the realm
of new thoughts and discoveries. The boy
playa his marbles,with the view of gaining,
and invests his pennies with that of interest.
dale grois, his energy grows with him,
and, before he knows it, he , has embarked ,
on the current of life, d holits sail after
sail on his craft to be e first to arrive at
thn.goal. And what is, this goal? 4n
ninety-nine eases ninety-uine eases ont f the 'hundred. the
acquisition of, the almighty : i 4pliar, and the
advantages .derived from its poitiesOon.
For this purpose he eats and drinks in a
hurry, sleepS with a troubled spirit, is blind
to the beauties anii? liiigiiiif nature, l and
to all the plesanres it scatters on his road.
side; is - indifferent to real genial inter
course with kindredepirits and the delights
fof'sodal gatherings, and begrudges to his'
friends and family alithe,hours he is com
pelled to spend in that way. While in Our;
(suit of his object, he is blind to all interests
!excepting his own. He opens his purse to
get i d - ofthe beggar, s and . thus, save pre
cious minutes, and gives his vote ., at the
polls without using' his influence in the (
of the proper candidates, or car
ing who fills`s\ the places, on the duties of
which the welfare of the nation so much
This indliference s to anything and , every-,
thing excepting business and its putinits, is
the great besetting sin of the American, and
in it we see the cloud that bangs on the hori-
zon of his country, and may sooner or later,
swell tothe gigantic proportions of a gigan
tie storm, destined to sweep this land and .
leave destriction in its wake. The. snow,
descending , gently on the fields, thrum a
warm cover against the icy hand of winter,
but coming like the avalanche, is equally dci
structive to life and property. The rain.:
falling in a drizzling shower, conveys fer-:
tility in every drop, while the tearing, foam
ing floods sweep everything before them in
their terrific onset I Of what benefit are
the Ameri&m's generous disposition, his
public splrit,,,his lovepf liberty and of his
country, his other numerous pui.iic and
private interests, if be allows them all to
become neutralized by hie besetting weak
ness ? The uninterrupted endless pursuit
of business, the 'monotonous, - unceasing
heaping of 'dollar upon dollar hive the ten
dency of enlargening the brain at . the ex
pense of. the heart, and we rarely=find the
millionaire to retain that freshness , of affec
tion for his family and friends, that benei-o
lent disposition towards mankind, which
marked hie youthfhl days.
The American lives/ea, for his desire to
accomplish the greatest amount of lahor in
the shortest time, i induces him to make the
most of the latter. This disposition has the
tendency plunge him often into dissipa
tion and: start hini on the road to ruin:
lie does nothing by the half. When he
spends and lap:Landers, he does 'it with a
royal air; when he gambles, he stakes for
tunes on a card; when he embezzles, he
aims at hundreds of thousands, and shows
in every way and manner that he is the same
earnest, eager, pushing, energetic being, in
vice as in virtue.
,We thus find no difficulty in pointing out
the dangers which await ourpeople in their
career as a nation. What has ruined 'Re
publics before this t Greece ( and Acme be
came a prey to their foes when-their spirit
began to slacker, when they preferred the
gratification of their senses to the fcdffilment
of those high duties which their preroga
tives, as sovereign peoples, as Republicans,
imposed upon them; when the enjoyment
of every luxury tad banished that original
simpliciti of their manners and effeminated
the nerve s and sinews of their bodies. We
suffer from a different evil; for thorigh we
share with them the love of and indulgence
in luxuries of every deseription, we are not,
like them, in danger of losing our - national
existence by an over.indtdgence in effemi
nate pleainres. In fact, our,datiger lies the
other way; Tor while these glorious repub
lics of antiquity died the deaffipf gluttons,
whose extravagance had destroyed the or
gans of the body, we rush with the neglect
of necessary recreation into a turmoil of
business, the feverish heat of which is apt
to '
.consume our Strength and qMFben our
decease by corrosion.
We should like to see our people act on
the.principle that .Veut and fairly goes far."
We would not want to step them" from the
pursuita of gain; but we Would want
them to '.use it while they make. it and not
postpone its enjoyment to a dme_when they
are incapable of-enjoying anything. Let
our. .people study the meaning of the Ger
man word "Gimuathitohkeit," and apply the
Meaning to their social habits; and they
will gain that element of stateliness, grace
and stability which is totally incompatible
with their hurried morentents.' ,
We have not half enough holidays; such
as we want, to throw off, for the - while, the
care and 'wear and toll and trouble of our
daily routine, in, order togroivyoung again
an d take with us for to-moirowis labor a
sriovaied mind and body; to Übe ns by the
eh shoulders, ,aid shake' us ;heartily, and
airelen;us - to, the;cOnsclousicas of the fact
that inuth is transitory, life is short and the
pursuit of boy and 'happiness`.ln- part the
destination of our race.
but catisena shbuld also: Winn more . ac
tive OA in,the, surveillance of public oill-
Cers, and 'lnstead of Curling those that are
dishon ot t, assiat in.Oecting merely such, as
are n And nobody will dinikthat
rav ine-Immediate and, caose attention. ,' A
(whosefficer corrupt, will' s are ll' soon nation o
be a, POO offer
• With' thaw needful reforms a glorious
figure' may be In Blare for us.. Evenifneg
';.hrjai *ay, prosper for. a while, for so
great lathe Inheritance that haltilled' to the
bare tiii; . ildidien Of this land; that It
ca=silyte. squandered. But at last,
as as night follows the,day, the exist
t.4l9o4this 100111$1.11:109400304 and its
ruin will be heraldedilf we do it*, as a peo.
Pie; relax our "diu,s7 chase alter l ure,etas-
Ply our Vitaiii4anee Mode; of living ,
° "~~~:3 ~
abandon the pursuit. of `• artificial - pleasures
for groin of nature's offering, a n d with
, 112-,
swerving j ;fidefity and earnestness, 'w ch
the ship of state; sons to allow none to hold,
but 'such as will steer lus with prridence,
honesty and steadiness, on the Co. L of
time's ocean. ` '
( The reader can forma very correct
of the class of people whom "Radical 1
potions" still exclude from all the privi
of ,eitizenship, in the rebel States, if h•
members that the atrocious scoundrel, '
DIM, who is gibbeted in the statement
to annexed, is one of them. We quote
an acoorint of Arulersonville, written
surgeon in the rebel army:
To complete his protit' ntions for the safe
king of his charge, or to lineal an die-
.p eep tion to revolt, he had placed,thr ough
Gen. Winder's orders, a batteryof six feces
of artillery, which commanded the hole
interior of the prison, end which = w kept
charged with grape and canister, y for
re l y,
instant service. The orders to the o cer in
command were to "sweep thestockte" if
there w 0 igly appearance of mut Y, or
any, unusual crowding together of ita In
1 - = ,
The artillerists were on duty at night' as
Well as in 'the day, and were relleVed at
their guns as regularly as were the cuitoma-
Ory sentinels on guard. The positio of the
battery upo a hill and overlooki g . the
i ii
prison; whil it commanded its whol inte
rior, was su ch 'that, if the order - ever
been given fire, its hurtling grapewould
have borne th and desolation to many
When general Kilpatrick, of the Union
army, was expected to advance in his raid
as far as Andereonville, the following order
was issued: - 2
• ORDERS NO.. 18
Hiumq,usivricits CONFEDERATE STA TER
Hrtxreiav 'Plasm
ANDEmitoxvrimt, Jmly 27, 1884.
The officer on duty and in charge of the
battery of "Florida Aitille4", at the time
will, upon receiving notice that the nemy
have approached within seven miles f this
Pest, open tire upon the stocked with
'grapeshot, rapeshot, without reference to the bi tion
beyond these li nes -Of defence. - ,
It is better that the last Federal be Wet.
minated than be permitted to burn A pli-.
lege the property of loyal citizens, ti 3 they
will do if allowed to make their escape from -
the prison:.
By order`of John H. Winder, Br &culler
General. s_. W. S. WENDER, .
Assistant Adjutant General.
Upom the promulgation of this san guinary
and Witarous order,
IS citizen of Shmpter
countiand an arch 'secessionist, who hap
pened to be with the militia force called out
by the Governor of Georgia for the defence
of Andepsonville, remonstrated with Gen
eral Winder against its inhumanity. The
reply was : "Sir, I will kill the laat d—d
Yankee in that stockade before Sherman
or Kilpatrick shall release them ! Gcd d—n
my soul if I would not rather see, those
twenty] thousand scoundrels blown to, hell
than go to Heaven myself I" `,
By fidatthew Hale Smith.% Hartford: J. M.
Burr Co. °
The author„ Mr. Smith, is . the well
known newspaper correspondent, BUT-
Wet, andl from the
.; varied and
rather Bohemian life he has 'led, is
, ,
peculiarly fitted for writing just such a
book as the one before us, "From grave
to gay, from lively to severe; ; fr om John
• !
Jacob Astor to Fernando . Wood, from Fifth
Avenue and Brown to thit"Old ' , Bowery'
so the Five Points,'' this volume' carries
! I
us. It introduces us to the secrets of the
great York enterprises, to the Adams'
Express Company, andllarper's Publithintt
House, to the prominent divines,' and the
loathsome outcasts of the great American
Babylon, We wander, dazzled by the
ounding facts of the great city from the
masked ball at the Academy to. the dance
hotuks in the "slums." Right and day we
rash along with ( the tide of Mrmalty, ap.
pallei at the sights and yet trusting in our
guide t • whose thorough knowledge of and
Pkyrilliarity with most of the subjects is al-'
ways evident. Vice, in 1 her most naked,
as well as In her most enticing forms, is
tore depicted; sensual Pleasures, and their
speedy and horrible results are shown to us,
,and, although wickedness and crime, de
bauchery end misery are freely commented
upon, we ..when we complete the in
specdon, that this panorama of actual life
has been sho us for our advantage, and
we are forced, to acknowledge that the
moral is ..infod and unavoidable.
But .• .. e and glitter are not by any
means all that we•see in this mirror of the
passing times. We see in this glass Stew
art, A.stor Belmont, Greeley, , I Beecher,
Vanderbilt and Dix; we get glimpses of the
interiors:of those busy hives, the New York
newspapec houses; we delight in the good
work of the Christian .Association, and en
joy the quiet Sunday in the great Metro
pent= churches. In, short, we! , see. New .
York as it is, without the trouble and ex
pense of searching for the sights Ourselves.
The book is one which will well repay pe
rusal. mid the agent, Mr. E;Clark, will see
that all in this neighborhood shall have an
opportunity of possessing it if they wish.
Tim. appointment of Judge
. . .
'LIMOS thus referred to by the
t Guard: ' , •
“He is', a lawyer 'of admitted qualifies.
tio ,n and a popular and influential citizen
of Pittaburga, and will donbtl*, so db".
charge his ditties as to indicate t a wisdom
of the selection made In hbs (Is e by Gov.
Geary." e i • '
The Funeral of Ex-ooverticr Tea. .;
The fttneral ceremonies Were held 'at
;Brier Hill, the . ' (*Mime and beautiful real
,dence of the Ex-Governer—a low-storied,
tree-embowered cottage, situate
'two mika north of Youngstowg, on the
Motioning Railroad, and upop the summit
of the valley elope, comniandingle magnifi
cent view of the blue hilleof ;the Mahoning.
Within a few rods of this spotlGovernor
Tod was born,on the fist day of IFebruary,
1805, and here, in the well-coved home
where he hadspent the him* hours of do
mestic life, he died, as he had hoped to die,
at home. Here his`remains were laid, and
here those who honbred his lite, and .
' mourned Ms death, gathered:; to m :b e s funeral
ehsecluilet ; From Sharon and Newcastig
came 'pedal train,.fu ll y 'as 1 as that
Dolt Cleveland, whilAs the pepulation of all.
.Idaherdng county and; half or-Trumbull
came ice carri ages hurot* wagon!' and the
'COCra o f vehicles •to 'the sad center at
Brier ELT TM cottage wail fillet with the
mourning rela vesofthe dead Bovereq•
while the lewes Around Were thrOned.wilri
the attending taultittubs, _.
From eight to ten thousand people 4 wo
present at the ceremonies. 'The body was
laid in one-of the -parlors of the cottage-
Upon the coffin was the simple inscription.:
Born Ft.:brim:7 SI, 1805,
' Died Noyemberl2.lB ,
The 1 1 .031011 sertfiiii• eoli acted by
Rev. Samuel Native% -of Youngstown. " Pacific sa ilwa7 Prl d ecta * .•
All the churches suspended services in order Lottis telegram'says : The railroad
to'allow their congregations to be present. combinations, as affecting our State and the
After the burial services had been read, National Legislature, are attracting consid
brief addresses were made by Governor erable attention i here, owing to a coalition.
Hayes, Hon. Sam, Galloway, and General between the A. &.P. and the U. P. E. D.
James A. Garfield:- Governor 'Hayes spoke roads to obtain an indorsement of the Staff!,
briefly and effectively. He said that the Legislature to their application for Congres
assembled multitude had come together , to sional 'subsidies. Last winter these tie
attend the funeral ceremony of the man companies opposed each /other, the latter
whom the people of Ohio most loved. - On trying to obtain a subsidy to build a road to
such an occasion, there were only three the Pacific via Albuquerque, the route of the
ways of expression—in solemn song, in former, instead of connectms with the Oen
prayer and in silenEe. Fur himself.- he trel Pacific via Denver. The 'present fir
chose the latter. ' 1 -0 -• rangement is salt:lto be a yirtnal consolida=
Mr. Gellowar paid a Most earnest and tion of the two companies, whereby a =in
eloquent tribute_to the personal worth and moth land grant is to be obtained, the U. P,
inttgrity ofthe,demu referring especial- E. D. to build , a. road both to Arizona aid
ly tei the hatred of .oppression, whether of Denver, and the &P. to pin theirs
the individual or of the ebb, which alvripi through to the Pacific on the original route,,
characterized and which made him, a both connecting at Albuquerque. The co-
Democrat in the timed sense of the *ord. &Mimi is a very strong one, the A. &IP.
General Garfield spoke with singular' road having Boston; and the other Philadel
(circa and beaty. He said that in this event phis, capital as :its backers a' strength
-two eternities touch each other—the eter- which, eined with memorials Crow' Kansas
nity of life ,s,nd the, eternity of death. He and Missouri, is expected to sweep - away
spoke with much feeling and effect of the New York and Chicago oppositionw
services of 'Governor Tod to the country, • • - • I '
and of his virtues as a private citizen. He
very feelingly alluded to the frequently en
pressed wish of the - Governor that he might
be allowed to die at • 13riee BM, and tnits
realization now.
After these ceremonies the remains were
removed to a finely draped, catafalque upon
the lawn, and the people allowed to pass by
and take [libretti/ell of their friend and leader
—Cleve/and Leador.
• nu
! from .
I by .
Opinions of the Press.
(Fret, the Upper Dauphin Register.)
The North - and West having the right to
claim the candidate, and Mr. Schofield be
ing undoubtedly the best and most avail
able man for that office, we ',have a strung
belief thathe will become the successor of
the Copperhead Buckalew, and a faithful
representative of the interests and, senti
ments of the Keystone State.
(From the Upper Dauphin Beester)
The Republican party cannot afford to be
deprived of Gov. e .ry' al their candidate
for re-election next year.. He isia good can
vaiser, a popular Governpr and can easily
be re-elect; his administration being ap
proved by people of , ell -parties who are
willing to bestow impartial judgment upon
an able, faithful and conscientious Exec-
CFrom the (Pottsvnle) Hiner'( Journal.]
The honored Chief 'Executive of this State
is named for re-nomination. His distinguish
ed service in the Union armies will ever con
tinue a bright page in the history of the Re
public. And it is a source of great gratifi
cation to the people of this State that his
services as tiovernor have been in a great
measure as valuable. His course on all.
Matters affecting the welibre and prosperity
of the State, and the happiness of Its citi
zens, has been actuated by conscientious
motives, and while he has firmly opposed
evils he has mad the moral courage to be in
dependent. We believe that the brave sol
dier and incorruptible Magistrate can be re
elected by a - larger Majority than that which
he received in 18136.
Errata the Carlisle Herald.)
When Andrew Johnson apostatized and
our prospect was injured by reason of the
desertion of an of our oldest and most
trusted leaders n 1866, John W. Geary
seized our Wu:ids:din tide State and carried
it \ through one of the bitterest and hottest
campaigns known in our history to - a grand
and - glorious victory. In the Gubernatorial
chair heists proven a most efficient and faith
-021 officer, and we believe there will be no se
rious opposition tkg= his renomination. Of
his ability to y carry our standard again to
victory / there= be no doubt, and, surely,
his molt excellent administration entitles
him to be tbe chOice of every fair-minded
patriot in the State,' \
[From the Berke and Behnylkill Journal.
As things look now Governor Geary will
have little or no opposition for re-nemirta
tion. He has made an excellent Chief Mag
istrate and deserves to be re-e ected.
• ' Cure Diseases of the Kidneys.
Cure Diseases of the'Eldneys,
Cure Disei Up Kidneys,
les of Kidneys,
Cure Dinsases of the Kidneys.
Cure Misname of tin Bladder.
Cure Diseases of the Bladder,
Cure Diseases of the Bladder.
. ; • Cure blsdases of Ow Bladder,
Care Diseases of the Urinary Organs,
Cole Diseases of flee Urinary Organs,
Cure Diseases of-lho Urinary Crone.
Cure Diseases of the Urinary Organs.
This celebrate 3 Diuretic medicine can be found at
any druggist and dealer to 'medicine. Prepared and
sold by GEORSE A. 'BELLY, Wholesale Priagglst.
-cutter WOod street and Beriltrd *venue. Pittsburgh.
Thousands toss - on sick-beds to=day-who might
have been well aid hearty, had they taken due pre
, .
eatables for the preservation of that most precious
of earthly blessings, a sound mind isa snout body.
Sickness, to a greater extent than most people sup-
is aeoldabis. When itte body is languid, the
spirits depressed. cud the cervong astern utinut
wall, sensitive, it should batlike* ins granted that
mischief is brewing. These hints :and warnings.
vouchsafed as such by i kind Providence, ought not
to be disregarded. It they are slighted, as is too
generally the case, tbe next thing may be a lever,
a severe bUuona attack,.tr some other form of acute
disease. They indicate as clearly is if the
Sion were gives is articulate language, that the ant%
,mal functions me disordered, and the system debit'.
tated. Under these eitennostances, the ONLY =WM
toss is 11 ()STETTER% STOMACH BITTEltit. In
ibis war. billions remittent
most certainly be averted. They are usually Prem .
ded by the symptoms described, and surely it ii
wisdom to forestall them by resorting to an antidote
at once harmless, agreeable and invigersting..liost
assuredly. It will soon dissipate the unpleasant heel.
buts reterred So: ;which. of course. Is desirable,
even if they were not likey to lead to something
worse. Tb Close of the Fall is usually &Moine.
sled by unhealthy fogs and violent atmospheric
. changes, and it le the - rant a season 'when In vigota
hot' ti particularly needed.
• AT
we ibel, in whatever we in its behalf that we
are conferring a benefit upon thousands iotpeop!e
who would be benentted by its use. ,fiske any large
andlence or •
aldbarialf of PosaVa. pay tendon for a
moment. and see if one out of every ten is not af
• ,
dialed with a aaegit. There is no cough without
dila laity of thethroat or it, may'
some e
be at the outset.brit gradualiTitrariatPoresail
tiortia, cionsiditition, at last: bind* to
nomad) to its raisgesi sad.what would bare Veld.%
ed in the beginning to few dose' of siedsoloi bar
.become a fearful lesion. Involving life itself No.
one c a n be too easeful at this Masai of the year. to
the Ant premonitors of pulmonary disease. and
when a remedy like the one we have named, is With'
In the means`of 'the sidutary advice which we
AhOTA.4 sot : • be, dinegetded, gold at the
gieit ifediMu• Ido ,Wood illred•
DB. Torrogive..ssassin (Amcor. on_ LONG
STTBST, VlTTBStritOlg, PA. Mika bowl neap
sa..,is.'UNT)IL •
:'lrofelabes t 11 1 051
", .` • -- -
THE avowed purpose of large numbers of
armed men in the country tojoin the insur
gents in Cuba, will probably be broughtbe
fore the President; who, in pursuance of his
oath of office may find it necessary to issue
his proclamalion, commanding them to de
islet from their unlawful intentions
RT POTIOB13—"To Let, 11 ' , Per fia Gs, "Leet s i
Waide.” “105i541. ,1 "Boitriline„ ,, doe.. ne t ew.
esallieu Plan ZIRBB seta will be iswertedis ileum
eolumwe'oisew for, TW8,77-77111 OF 11113;
addition/a Use TVS 0112M.5. ' •
WANTED—A Girl to- ilai-Guok
log. None but one who can come *ill recom
mended need vat. Apply. corner and Wood
streets, In Basement, .
meat Ocoee; No, St. Clair Street, .13C al a
G and MEN, ctAllierentl kinds of employ.
=nut. Persons wanting help of al!kinds, eon be
supplied on short notice. j
NXR—A farmer's son, 19 yearn of age.: pot.
sensed of a good education wants a place to learn
the Tinning , business. L". B. M., Box' 64, west
Andover. Ohio.
virANT'ED--By a young Lally—
A situation - ins Dry GaAs or Tnmming store,
or to do writing or eopytng. Has a good education,
and understands the tie-man Language. Address
Lock Box 317. Pittsburgh P. 0.. ,
Yew ANTED -A few active, f ener. 1
getle men for agenee In s weUeetabiisb ed
tnierness. Apply soon to W. Y. HOOD. No, 810
Fifth avenue. -'
itD11144.--A,gentleman and
wife', without cbildren. can be aceommodated
w an anfarnlahed room and howdahs by making
Inquiry at lila 74 MARTIN b7ltElka. Allegheny
B ""ING—No( 325 PENN4 c 6II%.
—Pleasant furnished front and back nd
and third story rooms, for gentlemen and wives and
single gentlemen. Terms reasonatne. writ
with boardli.g, in a bongo jast.ooealng,__eati
cad by caning at No. 51118 ROBINSON !IT
Atleahaay. ,
1 e.
ant room, wit! board,stiludne forAwntlemaa
and wit*, or two Tons centime= at 85 NOURTH
WrititSr. Also. a few day. or dinner boarders
be accomimdated. Reference required. ,
"t A -- WO • unfainishefr
rooms. with board. to - gentleman and Wire or
le gentlemen. at ISO PXN/11 etTItEET:
LElrr-rarO story dwelling
!mute of six room, No. 339 Ran Kew
VT. Plat . Ward. all.Theni. Inquire 91
JOHN ROSS. County Steunrer's mace:
O LET—BOOMS—With or With
out board, In s pleasant location. No. 569
oral Meet. Alleghony, City, on second or third
floors. • I
MO LET—HOUSE—A New hew°.
A. opposite Gen. - IiESLEDS, SHADY SEDE. !
near Station. Elea rooms; In good otder. Posses- ,
Mon Immedialely. LEWD' & IdeCLlSkr. No. asei
Liberty street . - not:stts
LLB 1 — with Board-;
ING.- 4 8enreral runushed <or n nftienished
t with Ant elan hoarding. at No. MG PEER
O LET—Furnished rooms,
within two squares orthe Postodlee on :Dan t:
LD MUM. Address L. Gamer= Ole%
T 0 LET -A' furnished Sleeping
BOOM, suitable for one or two pentleinea, fn
e boom of a private ftmily, No. 220 /..SUOCE.
8111711 LT Allegeeny eity.
LET—That beautiful. !new
TO dwelling house. No. 204, Ohio Avenue,
near Bagley's Lane, contains 9 rooms, .bath room.
animated att.le,_ good dry cellar, lined np
water and other conveniences. Apply at
WARD'S OBOOBBY, 68 Pale Alto street. -Alto- :
city. -
FOR SALE 4 45 per acre 'will
unv i r: far k il . , 4%.lll,l4.7ll l :igittliort
T. Ft. W . O. B As.; 76 acres cleared. 95 acres in
timber, all underadd with coal, good house of six
rooms and all necessary outbuildings, orchard oft
41)0 trees, all varieties of fruit, well watered byl
springs and a raining stream, warm , sandy soli, l
convenient to schools 7 churches within 3 miles, i
and a good neighborhood. The owner.ase moved
west, otherwise it could not be .purchaiod at th
above price. • Terms easy. For further particular
tall on or address 01109 T 9 PHilaa Eli, . sell E BLit
Agents, 139 Fourth avenue. I
- - --- --
01/0IIND:1 -, /l desirable suburban residence
and four acres ttf ground. located flue miles fro
the city edict ningthe Borough of BELLVLEW. andi
within three minutes walk of station en the P.. 1
Ft. W. fa. R.E. The house is a new double frame.
bailt and. finished in modern style. contal - s nine
rooms, large hall. kitchen and two rooms in finished'.
attic; pump of excellent water at kitchen-doors. all!
necessary out buildings and an abundance or fruit.]
The grounds are tasteful y arranged in walks and.
planted. with aTorbay, or shrubbery ! The house;
stands upon an' eminence, ertenei
sire view of the Ohlo river and surroun ding coun
try, and IS one of the most beautiful locations to be
found. The property Is also accessible by the New
Brighton road. , For further particulars I apply to
CROFT &Palmier, *al Estate Agents,' N 0.139
rou aaver—nostrame. proper -1
19f—The attention of thowin want ors hand
mite and healthy location roe a country residence
directed to the iproperty situated on the iWeste
Pennsylvania Railroad, adj , dningSbarosburg, lee
tulles from the CM. Good water trom.never
gpringe. Yoe partico ars Inquire dtJ. C.; liicP •
so. 10 ST. CLAW. STREET..
"VOIR BALE•.-FARfar-200 ac
JL! et good Land; situated in Penn'. Tv.. W
inoreland oenaM two miles trout Irwin Station. •
the Fauna. R. R. Improvements; hewed log n QUIN
to good renair,.basik barn and btder outbuildings.
Tering =nannies'. Enquire of W. WILSON; Lail
RieraStation. or R. A. ROPE. Penn Station.
FR .SALLE.---Second.liand
4: , I NE and BIIILEIt. •A. Nine Inch CYLINDE :
GINE; also, a BUILItRand nits EltuNT.
sell together, or soar/1.. Inquire at our rent' ,
in Temperancesilla , or o nce, Ito. 5 Dalsell , s Bull , '
_ramie Irwin and Duquevio • Way. ! maw :
ra .111OLLE--LAND.--Ont,
MEV taco TWENTY Aeltda ortba be
d fbrerdentng Or country realdeseee, of
on the Wesblngton Plke, hales eduth of Ten
petaneeellte. tet sold In lots at ay idea
t` ti M ureha ttlterla. O l ti n z u g,2 44sll"ra °re"'
KOI T )11 SALE— Lawrencevill
PROWVI7—Tbe destrabituroberty on 1'
near: ' DOM.= BT KEIT ,Lewreneerrill
nor bretudedbythe subscriber; lot 42 by gul)
oomibrtable modern two st,ory briog bowie of •
rooms. good teller. wash boasts: *a • Pries low •
terms sumplUsold soos. -.6llpp!y on lbs premises
=Willa =AGES.
.illALLE—A.lelooleob as
11 1111 W =WU TOOLetbitainro twen vem.uttar
001%. & art Tay WI
'sold Verb. Aildreas AL Z. O. wawa osi
re' SALE --All new 1110 u...
,eves Axon. wiser had new ._
st. the contet_et_Elt -
MIST. xtquireot
Osincoi or Vap_Au.sourarr Vents* T anr 1
zomx—putbbantb. Nev. O. VMS. .
stolaw,Xl9l2l.-Vori meetingolltitiNSVp
Lot .1 s_i. T. NY VALLEY AW . ,...
R ° Ai CoMPAN . wilt be keei r eiik lee "ill i ' e 4.
Ceegleee• AO: £0 Pike stow* oa-MNINIDAT. I36
camber 1. 11.6. as 11 o'clogX A. X.. iota" 4214
amoideridlos sue propriety' of camellias. \ the la,
Grease of Mock atithnrfted ir the Stockbolairo...,_ M si
JUL 1587.. aig for tie trsasoOtips at 511111 •,•••••
bulimia SS May be prim _load.
ao.ll-47 JOUR 11aiah0.24171 1 / 11 4 tlioretorb