elid *lifters in New York. Coil Closed at 13495. • Filial ty Teduersul to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l Nsty Yonic,Nov,ember 17, 1868. morntr AND GOLD. MOllO3 , is guy at 6@7 per cent. on call. Sterling nominal at 83( 3 @9X. Gold lower, opening at 136%, falling to 134 m and clog. big at 134K.' . . ' Quiet without material change. Coupons of 1881 114041143 p do. , 82, - ; .109®101r; I • I do. '64, 105);@)107; do. 415, 107%®107q; 43: . i new, 109%®109%; do. '67,109%0100g; do. '66, 110®110V, 1040 s, 10450)105. • 'RAILWAY shrugs- _ • , ' Th e transactions in Railway. shares con,. tinue , large,. . although there is lees excite ment ;ban yesterday. ..Tha market opened firm, . with sales of Erie at 64; New:YOrk Central, 12:N; Reading, '99X; Northwest ; ern, 85. ' ,At the first open board' prices yreake , and since then- they have grad ;tally eakened and settled, until the sec. and re at board, when Erie:touched 47; New - ork Central, 1183`;' Reacdng, 97 1 X, and Northwestern 8231.. Subsequently the market became excited and.ariable, Erie reaching 60, and New York Central 120 g. The market again reacted - before the close; however, andldeied dull and unsettled. At 5:30 renewals of the Erie war had muehieffect on thi, market.. It alio created an "uneasy .feeling feeling in mOnetary circles. Cumberland, 86,Pg46 1 )41 Wells, Fargo &Co.! Express, 27%q28;•• .American, • 43(345%; Adams, 4834 ®4otUnitedt3tatee, 4E447; Mer chants Union , , 2034@)21; Quicksilver, 21% ®23;lCanton, 46®4634; Pacific . Mail, 114® 114%; Western Union, 36@)36y 4 ,; Milsouri sixes, 90; old-Terinessees, 70; new .Tenne& sees, 68%1569%; North Carolinas, 64)65; Virginias, - 5611059; Hartferd and Erie, 2734 %; Mariposa, "'preferred, 20%@21; N_ ®27 ew York Central, 11934®119%; - Erie; 49y, @4934; do preferred, 63; Hudson ' IM MO 123E' Reading , •97 ®973 4 ; Terre Haute, • 67 88@41; do preferred., 63; Wabash, WM@ @69; do preferred,: 69@)71; St. :P'exa; 6,N ; do prefbrred,•B2@B2% , Fort "Wayne, '107K@107%; Ohio and • Mississippi, 223{,@, 30; Molds= Central, 116; Michigan Bouth ern, 83q@811%; Illinois - Central, - 141®143;` Pittsburgh, 8434 ®B4X;' 98%®99; Rock Island. 104K@10130 Northwestern, rp'@d 3 nede. l Preferred, 84e%®843,f; Chloe and Alton, 186; Lake Shore, 96V..; Cin cinnati, Columbus, Cleveland and.lndian ' spoils, 76; St. Joseph preferred, 86. MCCETERG SHARE& ' Mining Shares are dull. Smith & Parm alee, 435; Gregory, 500. • • - - COPPER STOCKS. Copper shares at , Boston aftt,urickatiged. BATR-TRXASITRY RECEIPTS. The receipts' at the Sub-Treasury to-day were $2,720,555; payments, $2,665,274. Bal . ance, $83,658,706. • - Chicago Market, _ tily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CHlcaoo, November 17.—Eastern Ex change is easier, buying at par, and selling - at 1-10 per cent. premium.' Flour is less - active and easier, with sales of spring ex tras at 85,25a5,75. Wheat is in good specu lative demand, and prices are unsettled; No. 2 closed Ba 3 go lower, with 'sales of No. lat $1,17a1g3; No. 2at 51,08a1, 12, the mar - ket closing weak at 111,08, and sales were Made of No. 2 since ?Change at 8148. Corn • is a shade firmer, with of No: 1 at 80a 81c, No. 2 at 76a77c; new, shelled, is hell at 57c in store, and 58a60c on track. Oats is less active and easier, with sales of No. 1 at 45a46c, and rejected at 40a51c, closing at 45 _ a4flo for No. 1. Rye is firmer and more so ' tive and Basokighei, with sales:of No. 1 at $1,04a1,06, and No. 2at i1a1,03, closing, at -31,05a1,06 for No; 1. Barley is in, good speculative deniand and 9aloo higher, with sales of No. kat f1,50a1.58, rejected at 51,50, and the .market closed at 81,56 for No. 1. Itighwines are firmer and steady. at 97c for free. . .Provisions are weaker ,_.but quiet. Rtimp Pork is held at 1117 Mess Pork is • held at514a24,50. Beef Rams are held at $26a25,80. Lard is held at 15c." - Short rib Middles are held; at 1/c, and roughuides at 10Ko. Freights are steady and quiet at 7o lbr corn by sail tryßuffalo. The receipts for the past twenty-four hours amounted to 9,298' barrels flour,' 80,109 bushels wheat, 49,410 bushels corn.' 41,816 bushels oats, 2,552 •bushels rye, 3,s9o,bushele, bailey, and' 2,608 head of hogs.- Th e _ shipments for the • same flute were 18,442 barrels flour, 132,400 bushels wheat. 99,544 bushels corn, 25,277 ; bushels oats; 4698 bushels rye, 10,617 bush els rye. 10,674 bushels barley, and 2,085 head of hogs. - St, Lout Market. . . MT TelearsolVto the Plttetrathtt Gazette:3 ST. Lotus, November 17.—Tobticco is In 'better demand, but the offerings are small • and-of a _poor quality. Cotton; low midj, Wing sold at 1930; 'H'emp dull; undressed sold at SiMal,lB. 'Flour unchanged, at 84,50450 for imperfine; 15,75a6,50 for extra; /7,0037,50 f 4 _double extra; 19,25a11,00 for treble extra to fancy. Wheat stiff under the light receipts, but prices, are not quota bly changed, the rates being 31,40a1,60 for _--- fair to prime rod, and $1,70a2,05 for strictly - 16 prime to fancy; spring unchanged, at $1,15a .1,18 for No. 2 and 31,20 for No. 1.. Corn; the i t s , supply, small and the market firmer; old mixed bin d yellow sold at 7.5a77c; choice whites ld at &lc, and new sold at 70a72c. -Oats steedy and, unchanged at 48a520. Barley quiet, at $1,85 for .good Illinois spring; $1,99it2,00 for Iowa; ,82,10a2,15 for fancy Minnesota. Rye firmer at $1,08a1,10. Pink •lovfer for`old at 327,50a28,00; new sel lers at nsa.A' the 'latter for guaranteed. Bulk -Meet* , ahoulders • 103ic; clear sides • 1 41fc. Bacon; very little doing; shoulders held at 1834a18 3 / 4 13, with retail sales at the outside price; 180 for clear sides; 17340 for choice sugar cared hams. -Lard nominally lower at 1435 c. Whisky unchanged at $l. Iteceipte—Fl9ar„ 8,400 bbls; wheat, .:¢,BOO bush; , corn 1 8.400' tusk; oats; 5,600 Wish; barley, 5,300 bush; rye, "1,000 bush' bogs, 2,938 head. , Cincinnati Market. • [BT' esnia to the mosssrits essette.3 • - 0/Namur; Ncivember 17.—Flonr and Wheat unchanged and quiet. ' Coin is firm and new sells at 58a60c. Oats unchanged., Rye ilmk at $1,30 for No.. 1. Cotton is dull; 'middling bring 220. Whisky has declin ed to 95a98c and irregular. IHoge in- good demand at .s7a7 but holders are asking better prices at theulase; receipts . amount ed to 8,900 head goveiznents, and sales were dull at 7m.a7;ic for shoulders ; 9;ialfl3 for, sides and axe for hams. Lir d is dull and in light 'demand, prime steam seals at 14%c and - kettle rendered brings 15Xa1530. Bulk Meats are dull and:sales 'were made af 90 hhd, at 9%e shoulders;:lB3ic So; clear rib: Ho for clear aides; all - seventeen to twenty days in salt and Packed. Butter , is in light supply and the., market is firmer at 85a88o for freali; • Eggs are-.firm, at 80e. Clover seed is dull at $lB. Timoth,y seed' has declined to r2,reejo. Flax is dowri to 2a2,10 and is dull. Linseed 011 is unset tled and small sales - were made at 98a950. Gold, 184; : f buying. Exchtme is dull and dr o OPialt at 50P discount bl9lPgr and Pars fildladelplda 11liarkat tB? Telegragh . to thillitabirith Gazette. 3 ..l'inzahtraLMULti Notiyember 17.,.niere Is adoing in Illoug' but it -Mamba steady; ss -were made or 1(000`bbla' ka,47,50a8,25, far' Wliaouslii mitt 21.thdeitittilaadlyt 110,75 810,9540rOhiofamily ; $ ll9lB for tangy., = Wilecat` prime Ia heldifirrelyt ;led, s2a2aos; amber, $2,1082;18. ;al* e el*d.t at $1,4.8. Cora Is quiet #nd • mixed , western kale St , $1,011;13 Oats, 07a700 for "restefn: Vida, /AY loget- 1:t8 1 ; Kai' Pork ,/s. dull at ' . 70 0 105 ‘ - Lard sells slowly ~at 11130176. I==ll9 _ I< Petioltlissirkic cot Toletrotdi to the rittionpoi - Gazette.) DittilOrrt November 17••=-010ttr dull and nominally - unchanged. Wheat s offering zed, and tudea Uffordici. criterion of value on large luta; closing rates-112,002.08.. for extra iahlte; $1,98 for No. 1 , 10.; and 11,68 for,licril amber,: „ , • f~ New York pry Goods Morita: • (Br Telegraidt Ito the l'ittzbarglt Gazette.) N.sw 'Yonx, November 17.—Market gen erally inactive, yet Steady for most staple goods. We quote Heavy Brown Sheeting' —15340 , for Appleton A; 1530 i \kor Pocaaset Canoe; 15c tor Stark A: -150 for,St. Law rence 0; 14c far Pequoit B; 18303 fo ci.-War ren FF; 200 for :Cottassett; 1534 c for C tA; 14mo for Augusta; 140 for . Dwight. W; K i c for Stark 1d; 123ie for Swift River; 1.13gc fo Columbia Duck; . 300 for Masi. D Brown; 170 for do. G do.; 143ic for Silver Lake H; 10 30 for' Lewiston. A. Ticks; 8234 c ' for Boston A A do.; 22350 for Pearl River; 800 for . Amoskeag A do.; 28c for do. D do.; 19e for do. Blue; . Donnie, 29e5 Hay maker;lBc; Star. No. 90, Checks, 28%c; Park, NO. 80, do.. 24; Lanark fancy do, 12; Amoskeag Striper, 22a23; Mt. Vernon do, 18; Pittsfield, 11; Somerset, 14. Sprague's Prints at 123 C for fancy' Amoskeag do. at 12. New, York hUllaßleaohed Muslin' at 25; Lopes:Lido at 17, and Amoalreag Z at 113 g.. inw Cleveland Market. (By Telejtapk to Gm: Pittsburgh Gazitte.3 .- Clari , ±46lel); Nevenhber 17.Flear dull and unchanged; elty, $11,25a11,50 for treble extra white; $9,50a9,75 for double extra am - ber; 16,25a8,50 for do red; $7a7,75 for double spring;.: $7a7;75; for extra. spring; country ranges - 1848,75 for double •extra rqd and amber; 47 4 8 . for &Able extra spring; f 10010,75 for :double extra white. .Wheat—No. 1 _red,. 11,72; No,-2 de, $1 55. Corn held 0f 90a920: Oats, 'A - RyeGull and`nominal; - held' at 41,16a1,20 fbr No. 1. State and western.' Barley—nothing doing and the market nominal. Petroleum mar ket dull and a shade firmer; refined held at 24c for reundlots; 25a270 for trade lots. _ Toledo Market. EBY TelerTh9k to, th e gittsbargh Gasett".l Tovano,' November 17.—Receipts-4,727 bbls flour, 8,740 bush- wheat, ; . ,3,020 bush cont, 2,500 bush barley. 13hipments-8,400 Pigs flew, 10,880 bush wheat, 40,768 bush corn. Flour quiet. Wheat- advanced one cent, but c 10544 with th'e advance lost; sales White Michigan at 11;82; amber 11,71a1,72; Illinois amber #1,78; No 2 amber' 1.55; No 2 spring $1,15. Corn one cent better; sales No /at -890930, closing at- 89c; rejected 870. Oats a shade lower; sales Michigan at 52e; Nix 2, 51%c. Rye one cent' better; No 1 81,10; Michigansl,oo. Barley dull. Freights dull and'nominal. Milwaukee Market. [By Telegieph to the Pittaborith tiosetto.] MlLWOulritr, November 17.—FloTir dull and unchanged. Wheat dull and lower at $1,25 for. No. 1, and 11,18 for No. 2. Oats steady at 49a for No. 2. Corn- Irregular at 800 for No. 2. Rye , vast atilt for No.l. Rub* , nominal; Tratelpts-200013b1s flour, 49,000 bus wheat, 4,000 lens oats, i 1,000 bus corn; 1,000 bus rye, 406 bus barley. Ship ments-8,000 bbls Soar, 45,000 bus wheat, Baltimore Market. [By 'Telegraph to** Pittsburet 9asette.3 Rturriconz, November 17.—Flonr in fair demand and 1m: hawed. Wheat firmer; sales of prime „to ,choice red at 12.2082,33; 'ordinary to fair 61;760,90. Corn firm; new white 93c; yellow 61,00a1,05. Oats dull at 68a70c. Rye nominal. Baoon active: rib aides 18c; clear do. 18;0183ic, shoul ders 14c; hams 19a20c. Lard is dull at 173ial8c. LoalarLUe Market. Mr Telegraph to the Plttaburgli thaette.l Louravrtax, November. 17.—Tobaceo— sales '4l Wads ; lugs to fair. leaf 7a16y0. Superfine flour $5.50a6.25e. Nyheat,llsoalk Cern, new, 50a55e in bulk. Oats, 53a540. Rye, 21.20. Gotten, 21e. Hens, 7Xaxo. Gimwtotal receipts, *OOO. Mess pork, 250. TArd,lo34al7 for tierce. &men is nominal, 130, 18a1834e. Highwines. 95941.00 fres. . . Memphis Market. tayTebarraati th the Pittsbati Chisette.l _t liovember 7.1— . C0t firm at '22c. Recelpta-1,584 bales ; • lia--214 bides. Floor dull at #4,25a11,00. horn 76c. Oats 158160 c. Bay 240. Brati 24c. Pork, old 412 9 ,90; new 127.001 Lard 19c; Bacon scarce; Shoulders 143(a143iw, :Clear:' Sides 18y.a19c. • IMPoRTII BY RAILROAD. ,Prrrastraciu, WATNII thatumo Itonatoan. November 17.=10 'bbls eggs, Volgt,ldahood cticlo; 55 .bole /sizing, sizing, A B Mil* 5 bblit spirits, John O'Connor; 6 do alcohol, I Adler & Co;'s B A Fahne stock &r 4; 400'bbls flour Seghinver & Voskamp; 6 cars Wheat,-Dail Wallace; 2do do, 'Watson &Son; 10' bbls flour, Thomas & Bro; 400 6o do, T Ca' Jenkins; 1 car mid dlings, Bricker it Co; 100 bbis flour, John McDevitt; 214 hides, 0 N Hoffstott; 10 tcs lard, SR Politer; 440 aks flour, Shomaker. dr Xangentrauo: 850 bbls do, Watt, Lang Co; 1 car rye, W J Meek; 17 cars rye, Culp & Shepard; 100 bbla flour, S Lindsay, Jr & Co; 277 do do, Dan Wallace; 100 do do, Mc- Glom & McKee; 250 pigs lead, Dithridge & Son; 4 istms rye, Moore & Son; 100 bbri flour, S B Floyd & Co; 19 bbls lard, Jas Dalzell & Son; -19 bble lord oil, F Sellers & Co; 50 built flour, W Ilwilage: 271 bins apples, A Wintorhalter; 8 bbls.cider,' H Bea; 15 do do 15 bble apples, H Res; 14013171 s apMes, Graff & • Hefter 1- car corn, H Allen; 12 cars iron : o re; Hefter; & Blair; 79 eiks rags. Christy & Benham; 50 his cheese, W Gormly; 29 elm rags, Godfrey & Clark; - 20 doz brooms, S Zwart & 0o; 13 pkgs tobacco, E Megraw; 78 bits cheese, NJ Braden; 10 bble b uc kwhea t flour, D J &;M J Hartzell; 12 do do, J A Renshaw; 13 do do, T 0 Jenk ins; 30 locs extract coffea, Fetzer & Arm strong; 4 kegs butter.W H Graff & Co.' • Prrassuacat, Omar:nom Asa ST. LOUIS Botutoon. November 17.-1 car corn, Scott it Glut; 3 cars staves, W Hastings; 2 cars lumber, J D O'Dell; 1 car millfeed, J & W Farley; 1 car staves, J Helm; 1 car ear corn, . Brown& Williams; 8 , cars wheat, Watt, Lang & Ce,‘ 200 bble flour, J I House & Bro; ' lithd lard, B HMyers& Co; 10 bbls apples, - HeadA - Metziptr; 10 do do, Volgt, Mahood &Cm 1 do'eluer. Meanor &Harper; 18 elm wool, ';.W Barker Jr; • 10 cases wine, 'JA Weber & Co; 10 Imo candles, , Munball & Megraw; 5 bbls: whisky. 3 , Friendenburg; 38 bales - hides, G N Hoffistott; 10' bbls oil, Fahnestock Jet3on; 3 bdls aheep pelts, Kahn& Brim • 42-:aka oats, - F Schield; 22 sks flour, John Sehleleine; 8 pga butter, W II Goff& Co, "200 bge 27e, ,W J - Meek; 1 car tßples.lifollee & MeOlure,• 100 bble flour, D Wallace; cam staves; H Meyer;. 1-car Mu, Babb & Herron), 1 ear oats and , wheat. Brown & Willlauns;-\lOO -bbl f10ur.,43 B Leech; I ear staves, M B Adams & Bro; 1 aar *heat, Volgt,f.Ortman & Co; 25 bbls whisky, Jas Bryan 10 kegs lard. W B Hari idc Son; 25 like flaxseed, J Thttraby; 6. bale. cotton, A H Childs & Co; 5 bbls oil, S, Itllirker; 102 hid6s, Cheisnut & Co; 19 bbbi pitch,Armstrong & Co,• 24 bales cotton, Holmes, Bell & Wo; 10 • bbls Jas' pencott. ; • ' ' - . Prrrosuzits Roam. November cars iron ore, Sho enber& Blair; 1 do do,McKnight, Porter & CO; do do, Lloyd & Black; 2do dm Brown &Co 1 do sand, Dithridgo &Son; 1 do 00 P* Per) It llowe;12 do' lumber, Ilimiltmt, Aes Co; Ido clay-, It mion , l , do do, R Palmer Co; •1 do-do, JL L Knox; loafs C o ; bbla ppples, VOIA l!egahood Co; 2 midi jvtatoea,_ Vangorder & Shepartir - 6 nee tharble, A El•MoCarg.# 11 bbls; 0 o ks: Wine, N Young; 1 bbl box 'glass, Westeriv Union Volegraoh Co: .BO able sand,- A 11" Wiley/2,0o; d casks, 2 tible wire, J Dunlap;; 2 cases Joinelleo , Llodlity:eterrett dc , l4lot Sundries, S 64 8 Ova. H Col- lino; 1 , bbl chestnuts, 1 do eggs, Carter, McGrew it Co, fiame, 2 tics outings, A. :Fulton, Son it Co;_180 bay hairs, 49. rockers, Bed fo rd Chali op; 2t; bite cheese, 'Knox &brr; 6 bbli 'l4lples, Clinbinghlun*. Moore; 68 vemptyvil barrels, B MOorei: lot kegs,' Bender it (kg, oars, iron ors „Colonial: Rahm it Co, . lot lumber, J _ Seibert: n. bales hops, H Rbildy; bra chi, Gras&Reiter. Aiaatoatny Nod vetnber 17.-4 bdbil u tt lest& wool, Salle & 'Ertl 5 are ' iron, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati &St. Lo Railroad Con:gimpy* 17 eke buckwheat *our T Jelikh34 b a s- PITTSBURGH O.647ETTA:_:WEWSDAY, ,NOTENE chestnuts, 1 box E . Heazlettont A' ear atone, Henderson, A &. Co; 1 bx eggs, 1 (kap chickens, 1 bag beans, Nebaumt 7 eke onions, 3do potatoes, 2 bags ns, 1 COOP chickens, W H Carnahsuir 7 b bla apples, 1 1 bx do,Smith, Johnston '& Colvin;_23 sks oats, Rd &Ritchart; 41 ski potatoes, E H Myers & Co; 2 bxs leather, 7 Nils do, W McLaughlin; 6 bra buckwheat flour, 1 bbl flaxseed, S Ewart & Co; 2 cars stone; Hen derson, Alexander & Co; 4 cars limestone. Elmenberger <& Blair; 1 car /ime, W H Conan; 3 cars stone, Henderson & .Co; I do do4tßurns; 2 do metal, Brown & Co; Ido do, Colkman, Rehm & Co; 28 bga flour. 2 kegs bitter, Voiat, Mahood & Co; 1 car lime. LBoynoTds; 20_pkgs butter, 12 do eggs; 10 slus wool owner. • 23x5morr, November 17.- 400 bbla Boar, A Marlin; I car flab ifl o c i gi , i & Heckert; 34 bales cotton, A C Co; 63 do do, Rennissly; Childs & Co; 25 mks oats, Rose & Ewing ;. cars cars wheat, W Mc.. Hee & Co; 10 bbls cheannts, GMy,ers; 28 ski flaxseed, Ewer, Hamilton Co;kcar ap ples, B Henry( 1 car bbl headings.J M Hemphill; 1 ear wheat, 'Dickson; 1 pkgehides, W Flacons & Son; 1 - hhd lob. R& W Jenktnson; 60 bbbs cider, A C Gard ich; 10 do do, A Danner ; 1 car staves, M P Adams& Sonrl ear bran, R Knox Son; 100 bbleflour, Geo Sta Wart;, 780 pigs lead. Palieslock ; Hazlett & - Co; 2 .cars stone, Forrestei & Megraw ; I car hay, A Moyle. PITTSBURGH AND POirMitLIBVILLii Banc, moan, November 16.-47 pkga honeyy, W H Richards; 11 kgs nails, Demob & Weise; 19 bbls, chestnuts, Baker, Vail dc• Co; 70 bbls salt, Heszleton; 8 cars metal, J Moor head; Ido do, W Smith; 833 bxs window glass, Michaels, R & Co. - - • RIVER NEWS. The river was-about stationary last even . ing with five 'feet four inches in the (than nel by the Monongahela marks. A steady rain set in early yesterday morning; and continued almost mahout. - cessation throughout the entire day, and' there was every appearance last night of another rise. .Indeed, we should not be surprised to iee our rivers rising to-day. • Business was very dull at the landing lesterday„which was owing in part, at east, to the inclement condition of the weather. Freights, however, have been scarce for Several days past. The New Yorkand It.-0. Gray, both sr.' rived from Cincinnati, and they both had good tripe. The Julia No. 2, for Zanesville; ingomar for Parkersburg;; and Kenton for Ports mouth, were the departures. The Armadillo, Capt. D. H. Swaney, is announced to take her, departure this eve ntng for'New Orleans, positlyely. , The Leonidas, Capt. Ed. Evans, is-filling up steadily for St. Louis, and the Glasgow, CaPt. Ludy Robinson, is announced for Cin cinnati andlkulaville. • - The new steamer Arkansas, Capt. A. H. Shaw, it is expected, will be ready to take her. departure for New Orleans to-morrow. Braman No . nex—The -Wild Duck and Barges, Capt AliaWalt r did not get off for St. Louislyesterday, aa expected, in come. quence of the inclement condition of the weather, ,"hut she will leave to-morrow (Thursday) without fail. She will take freight for all intermediate ints, includ ing Cincinnati. ) Louisville, Evansville , Cairo and St. Louis. The Tom Farrow . Barges, will coma:lenge receiving immediately after the departure of the Wild Duck.: The J. N. McCullough arrived at Cincin nati on Sunday. Quite a number of towboats have arrived Within the past few days, and we should not be - surprised if there was water enoughly to-morrow or next 'day, to let them ont again. —lt is stated that Henry Ames will go into the New Orleans and Memphis trade, , . . "•—The Camelia, after re ceiving ' twenty , tons of freight, left Cincinnati on Saturday for Nashville. ' _ . 1 -The Ida Rees, en route from Pitts btugh to New Orleans,arrived it ; Cincin t! mi Sunday. ba —On the morning of the 10th inst._ the steamer Irene sunk in Red river, twenti , miles below Shreveport. -The Armenia, en - route ' from Pitts burgh to St. Louis, passed by Cincinnati on Sunday drawing nearly seven feet. —The ,St. Charles was to have lett Cin cinnati for Pittsburgh on Monday. Among other items, she has 160 tuns of hay. —The anagb3at ! Deßtuney will be , ten days repairing at Mound City, after which she.i.pes toenag-pulling between Napoleon and Vicksburg. She has a! New Albany CUM. —The wharfboats at/Cairo are filled to overflowing with Southern freights. The whartheat proprietors refuse to pay the reguLtr rates, and - are trying , to force the boats to cut rates. —The railway bildge ,over the Missis sippi river, at Quincy, Illinois, is finished. The first train of oars pasted over it on Fri day last. The structure is pronounciul to be very satislactory in all respects. —ln the ease of S. A. Hubbell vs. West ' - err Union Railroad Company, for injuries received by the explosion at the steamboat landing, which has been on trial at Chieago for several days, a verdict in favor of the pliddtiff for 112,000 him been rendered' by t hej ray. • " ,-Captain John Cannon and Capt. Tom. Leathers, we are informed, indulged in a knock down at New Orleans on klaturday. The difficulty arose out'or the charter of the Belle Lee iby Leathers and his subs., quent 'violation of the charter. • Captain Cannon had the beat of the tight, our infor mation states. - —ln the Superior Court at Cincinnati. on Saturday,ln the case of the Nashville Packet Company vs. Thomas : Murdock, an action to recover $Bl5, unpaid assessments upon stook of said company, for which the de fendant had subscribed, judgment was gitren in rotor :of the plontip _for the amount' named. , 1 —Tile 'Dubuque Ilinter, of Nriday, says: Those who travel up and down the river hereafter during the rest of the running season, will have to pay double rates. Th - Whits, Collitr. Line have advanced their' ranseiler 'tariff to $lB from here to ,St. Paul, and $lB to St. Louis. Rates;on freight have advanced to We per 100 pounds, both to St. Paul and St. Louie. The Northern Line claims to be carrying at' the old rates. —The Lchtirville • and Portland Canal is now in course of, enlargement ` under the supervision of Gen, Godfrey , Weitzel. The plan of the _work provides •fot/the construc tion of a strong crib' work and dam Morose the crest' of the rocks at the head of the falls of di& Ohio, opposite - LbulaYille, and another' rib dam further down the river, below the foot'of the falls: - Both 'dams are to be provided with siuiceways formed by the• return; wings. , /The lower slaiceway will be naxt , the Indiana shore, and will be 200 feet :wideas 1,200 feet long. The two .damawill,redu the falls of the ,Ohio, in in entree low *es, to 25 feet, thus dimin. - 11 . 1 # 1 411t0 into the locke by one". foot. It is nuipated,that the upper dam '' Will cost about 178,000: end the loWeremenbout $175.-- 800; '' Thii i ipper dam saves 8 feet ; of solid rocketsVW , on along the whole line of the 'at_ _ nald'Jf is item. in therexkustion of the , Lottisoille and Portland, Canal; amounts to 11270000 i 4 The: loWer,daut, saves, in the same W9lig It all - the channel rock ' snows lion below, e locks, amounting', to 11 1 900 000. t.Thult, eductihrthe coil 6f these two ' 'dams *Montt they. damthere is w 1 eleir, - gaili , of 1 210 ,100,11rthe amount re-, led diftl#i_tadargeinetiLl Theinaterials, this extennre Work are to be 'Collected during the winter; lib that the contracts can b e given out early in the spring: , 4 ' . .') i ,! h.."te."...."....—: .• - ' I 77..1 - • Rover a 8 , ; • r • • . tßi Tdorowti ari,thentottria casette.) • - .LotaaltrALl:NoVemlX)r 17.—River rletng 8 feet in tke-435T41- tIY, mark. Weathe r;: oloudi and *old. [ ~ ::~~ 3 TEI ISnUSEB° ITTEIBIIIIGII AND ST.. i agga i t LOUIS BARGE CO. - . . Per Qur'an/An, LeaGsvilie. Enna vine; • ' Cairo and St. Lelittlg.' • -' _ The staunch and pewertal tow-hostt antizravint AND BADGE J. W. AN/MALT. Master, Will leave for the above ports on TB MEM , 'ember nth at ds. x. • Thro receipts rived to Memphis and ew Or leans, Also to gik points on. Cumberlandriver at lowest rates. • Mini pees can depend on laying their a for est with dispatch. liatisfaetivn swam d. !for height or pumice appiv on board or to • nom . - oRABLn BABNYB. Agent. PITTSBURGH AND LOUO{ BARGE CO.- afar aneinnatt.'Louissine. wrens Cadre awdl it. Loafs. The Match and powortil tow-boat .TOIL. INULIitOW. 4WD DAUM ' ' ! capi. i‘Beis. lunnswia. , Thrwoh receipts glees to MollW ies and N J , lea's. Also to all points on Cumberland fl lavas% rates. • Shippers east ht. warded with dispateLliailetik. ar. B. The TOM Tal&llirWill follow the WILD DIJON. / cizt?l,Las BARNES, '''l • hole , stmt. priTsaunc*, witimuOre, - Marietta- and 'Parkersburg Lin I Leave Clompaara White Boat. foot of Wood Mee % DAILY. AT 1.9 EXDAIIAD TEuuDAyØ BATAUD A. 13. anzrzrzzo, muter WIDNISDAYS AND SATURDAYS,, GEILT WAILS! C. L. BaRIMAR, Master !night will be received at mil l hour. *7 l self • JAMES, COLLINS. A at. Kos CAIRO" AND = k m oit=h LOUIS—The steamer - idimmona. 011/DAS • • coPt.,"Ap• Willtem for above and Intennedlate portil on ' THIS DAT, 18th Inst., at 4P.X. 1 For freight or passage j inly s mAnard o o r r to j • J. D. COLLIDIGWOOD. nol7 GaziEST & Agent.S. _ AA-EGULAR Tiltill••• DAY PACIEZT YOE CINCUT• 1,, LOUP3VILIdit AND ipirA.Nsvn..LE:-.xue fineisteadoar I I • BELLSVBSNON - Capt. Jiro. DAtta.air . WM leave as above on SATURDAY... 4 P. X. . For freight or passage apply bn board or to ILACK d COLLINGIVueD, 4314RIEST HAS caati. BARNES. Meat. I a oil rOR MEIEORDIEI, - VICRAI BUM AND NE t RELICANS." e new and Batman steamer. - ARKANSAS ' A. 13. !UAW, Mesta. WSJ leave for above and Intenitedfate ports ' n , TWA DAY, liovsnitOr 18 th . Tor freight or pasasie sum on board or • • • D. C O LA bi CK WOOD COLLINS. Agents. VOll CAIRO i A fPIIIEt i kar n a L ..i: . sad NNW 0 Ma 2 steamer, 1 i OS ARMADILLO 4 4 ' Cap . D. SWZANY. WHI leave as shove on 1 ' i. • . ' THIS DAY, .117th Inst. - rz freight or r i cEe s tm li i iiks 62 bo LeTT A . 13" ‘ to itg e tig. WINES. LIQUCIRS, .&0 PITISBUIIGH MFORPRIG 110 lISTJUMIMED tlB3O. SCHMIDT & .FRID zmNmmilis or roimear WINES AND LIQIIORS' • No. 409 Pen» Street, 11 " A" Would direct tlui attention of the limb*, to th &at that, %seising 'Owns' facilities throush se 3=Wi n ne and Liquor Hones in Europe., and ac their importations direct, she are ens led to Offer the runt's grades of Ono, WINEB AND LIQUORS it prices less than Eastern ; rates= animations of _qualities and comparison of respectfally solicited. I , A chokes assortment of pare OLD urz 715. ZZY constantly am hand p OBE NATIVE WINES. • 1 AND OATAIM - 1, I Of our own growing. gl , so. the best hriiali of 011.A.MPAONN. OLAIUPP, OHNIINT and PORT WINES. "The Growers+ Company+ , of BlitilN. DV, pint lasts, Pot the thing for travelers. N. B.—Particular , ' attention paid to einiplling families. 1 A. DIAMAIIIg irrade: No. 4 Virgin 1110. Plttsbn . JOSEPH S. FINCH SE, CO., / um. 17,189„ 191, lea and i l9s, JIRST PITTSBI73OiII. montricrumoui or Copper Distilled Pare 'Also. dealers mincer HOPS. *a PEROI43IIIIILYIIO AAsa,.... Star Gram - Brand, equal to FRENC ; MILT FLOUR. ii k it _ ?Lb 710 iil/4 OCII kat% put when e order ed. l it =s RELLABE.VIE DIEM,* - ik suut ual to best et. Lou: L omit M b DEAD, Equal to beat 0140 no, OEN IT.Ottit 'AND CI:EIN MEAL. It. T.MIPT is 8204 flapt.o. MIL' • - - it.aat. Mai. Alleithen LOITItt.FLCIVRI I FLU ra& Kt-mind Oldißtieat Pint. While Star Midi. nse. Riverside MCI, .for moors. 6tone Rill. for Bakers. Ontario M 111; for Bakers. Monitor Mlil, for /liken. City Mill I,3jorindeld, Maar. Family l 'e ativerriramlty Flour. I _OP NEWBt WHEAT. nview Rine Pena. Louis. Tea am Mills. is do Clarke's Rest Baker's Fionr. ' ReystOne NM do CoronettdO ' Poriale tr'r , I 'yiherr, rAira amo pits and VTR WI BILLIARD TABLEI3.I r r rIigaTAXDAIIIII 1, ~ ' c 'r , I' Pa ' , : _, AMERICAN BILLIARD ITABLES; 4111 00113LEA7101 001E1711, 1 . ... &tra t e/it tt et Nov. ia . OW'''. 111 " - ana _2l . :... 4; zversibinitraur -to bUtiarduyi ow best quit It 7 and loweilia _mi ways On haaaL Out YEW COE TsuuLCK :Pallogmot Mir lithi• Agent, Price OS. great suome. - 1 --- IllgiUstadrirtol so-Benton spidloisioN 'Maui - . . 'ir cow ,;,i.z• inu4 . 61? ii and 69 oioitiiB44 York - GIL an .. sir York City ... jtesainewat - .1. , , lil ~,,-. f,,._ A.. 1 " llu ttiD 11141 ""Ir. • 011,niira OrilliZr e ' 1 • ' - ' weidetellir PA. tErAINRED Ank.-toriPEE;-‘-*lto tap won abaft, white Rid ad Rio Calm the thetairsdi,. seada*Al and ate iv int tog or poised I*V • 2'JMN L 11 1 411BHAW.:,' • IM4 .- *Sr Wien, and/Mind Mak iliM=l3== ene !esti cia Wong theft frelghi for• ton pars:dead. siVILINII ni • trR. !!! , . 4 ,T, 0 °/? I= 18 1868 a¶: s) iai Estill A 8 2 111 MR BY A. aT. W. M. OORMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty' Street, CDraiony Orr. Esau' soyaz,/ prx-rigircruciu. J. L. DELLING2B....• A. I. lITZTANIkag. DILLINGER $k STEVENSON, conissiow ANTS, N 0 . 187 Second Street; Pittsburgh, Pa. mows. AND BILL - • " AU Hinds' of , Cointerv_ , PricitSce. , All artier' Nereltandlie promptly filled, at LOW2s2l2arket rates. • Paellealar attention Wen' to the sale of Butter, Ili u m Cheese, Dried Fruits, te,"'-We feel confident we can Ain entire -1 W by making gluten &ass and pitotirr vus. at RIGSLI/32 MlAlucuT YEICIZIN and thersPore resnec y yoar eonsleaments. All corre spondence asswered pronip e nd Yarning Plates furnished tree. Grain In store a° arrive daily.. aum:l7B , - • =1 11311 Oi. `rei, it IrYTATT, LANG & coy Vy unoLaczza DIALlas SR , . Groceries, Flour,,Grain, Produce, Pro. 4 vhdosia;Fhib, Cheese, Carbon 011. &e., Noc. lea and. 114 WOOD tyrazitT. near Liberty l itreet. Pittsburgh. Pe. - neaten I • - •• " ; mina. J • • 1 I • 47 . otivinissiori'-.llterchants, AND nsasais V 1.0174, GIKAIN# No. 93, oill2 379.321, Deg Zan CoxamoN, N imaamrafir CITY. Jimas n. Watson: '.'4. MEA/ien is:HARpER, . lILDUB, 014DRANDIODINDI apmakasexoN.llXEOßciZA.2Wthil ,_ _ 3511k i LIDERVir wrnrez • FITTBIII7EGH. ' Conilgrunente solicited: , • . 1 . 3,321 ‘, Bxntanwona-,T. G. Martin, Cashier It es! National Bank; J. B. Dilworth it - Co., B. T. Kent nedy. a Bro. , - -, , , jan:l2l,, J. B. VAN7121.D.. ....A. T. CANFIZAD. ewers H. CANFIELD & SON, COlll • • AtISSION : YERCHARTt3, and Wholesale ewers in Goshen Factory. Hambnrg and W. R. Cheeae. Boater. L ard, ' Pork. 'Biel , . inour, FUN Dried Fruit, Grain, PIK Lead. Pot, earl and &oda Althea. White Lime Linseed,: Lar Coal and Car bon 011 a. No. 144 First street. PIM arch. MIME KILL , P. szczuser KEIL & RICHARTi ( COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ~~.v~: AND Diguariff ILOITE, EFRAIN, 939D3, : h11LL 73:3D, c.,94., .3491433447 , Mt., 493=199. T I BILANCHAIT, Wholesale and Retail Omen, No. 396 PIiN3IBTB3ET. 1698:1111 1e11.133' 3. 4.2mcs. McIIANE :AJMER. 1 , • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' Dagen In 7LOUR., GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN. ZRALLY. No. 14/. WATRIt EITRICZT. olxmo Pittaburgb. ioS FETZWI. & MMMtONG, POSWAILDIie AID cu a 1 ZEMILUMI3 I Per the sale of Emu. Grata. Bloom. IV.' Bitter Ifeed Dried Trait. and Produce genet . No. le STRUT, coraor alma, ruta y lurth.. - te22:uB ~~ C.T.E KNOX AZDIUM KNOX & SON,. COMMISSION e reac w mp lo n tur YLO R ffirr o ir ‘ D ODA oprmits city .11 21 4 k Shen/ City. bITTILEV • BAIRD . 11i • ..pwrrorg Wbolsoal• Grocer_s, Commligati Merchaata sad +der, In Produce Flour, Dams, Cheese, MIN Yamsbon an Lars eil l. . s l Ti roxy rßa . r. Nalls, Ws" Cattail'. and at' Pittsbn manntsetaas nanan4l7, 115 and ISt inSOOND T. Pittsburgh. -- a s; IS *STREIT, Pitts • h. Pa.,Cortnission • • and Wholesale er In coantaT Produce. Groceries and ttsburah.Nannflatures. Cash ad sassed on eats. and paid for Produce gen JOHN I. HOIISIL ....SOW. WY. 11. 8017137. 4.0111 0 1 I. MOVIE &-11110116_ Suc essors so JOHN L. 119VISIC * CO., racers arid Cossaleclmi Werehas • ()crass Bralthdeld sad WstarStrseta. PI • • Pa. JOHN SIIMPTON A WALLACE. G§HIPTON&WALLIACEINHOLE. SALE GROCERS AND PROMOS DEALERS, . . 6 SIXTH STREET. Plttabursh. "PRQFE,II3BIcIN6L. wwu,t i lt A. MMUOJ HAD BI train Tsai , PRACTICE OF LAW, IN PHILADILPHIA. (Mee No. 113 BOUTS FIFTH STREET. below Chestnut. noitals jos. A.Aini.rat, [ , ILDERMAX MID POLIOR XLCUIDMILTS Moe, UM WILIT, IPTEXITOiser Waddsiglice., . . .P.ITTBBNIGH, P, A 4, , . .._ . . Deeds, Boa_ds, lifetimes, - Athnowlert Depoduoas, voueelions, And s.ll o th er le tlmit aurae,. executed p • .. 011. rall spawn ! BIrcELASTEMS, I ' l siamitakteatir lic•011elo Jutted ot_thri_Pence and. Pollee trate. OM RANT' Elg.=, °malt* thl a t ti a: tbedril; =GEL P..ti.• • . Deeds, Ponds, Mortgages, :.,,,LeLpo*lellipterig, DsposDiens, BM all Legal Business *located Pith Promptness and dispatch. _ . nada EtISTACE.S. *OAIHOIRIN AX41:915, imomozo mans or me rs►os AND .• FOLIOS NA6IETRAT7t. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA, AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA, Deeds,. Monde, Nottesoe, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all' Legal Business molted with unaptness and dlspatc mon A • ARINION, . * JCL tretettce of the Peace, . CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE ART siimozr imam, PAST zthadniemut. Collo:sum - or Bents latelied and promiltly attettd- V I Bo RAMIE% JUSTICE OPINE PEACE, CONVEYANCER ,ac.; meet, °Amosl4llleirie__, ne arly oPPoalto we Hallway Depot, - SOUTH rirrasuaes. BMW/ • entrustom to bloc:are promptly attend. Gives, ' .4trO, ITHT-AT-,LAvr. No er Fifth bitroott six.= rum, ndirr ' * POWS , 5*7044*Y-4 Dionoold ' - (Ommo. the coot cra PAe Ailllstit • v;licidaltail . . looms AND COUNSELOR AT ' LAW S . ; lro. 80,01 , 040ireei, admits .-,2-zirreaitraon..PA. • TORN AaITILAIN f - .4XelniustaxArir."'' • EF.carnoto strintit crktincerint AND voracirausumuza. gineterye l = .fi w esiu• - -iers lomml arl s . plassiaitco!v. RAILROADS. P; • GB d , • • Oa aad after THITBSDAY. March sth4 ISIS tidal Will ILITiTe at aad depart from tee Depot. COI aim of Grant aad Water streets.. as follows: 1 - Dw. 6 d 0 0 Kanto aadframUnloat'a. 7:004 4 K. 6:00 P.llO XaKeesportAccomatodVa.ll:oo 4. if. 11:85 mie ax. to arid from ralcmt'a. 3:00 r. m. 10:00 41.111ki West Newton Acemamod'a 4:301r. X. 8:354. as. Braddock's Acoossmodat'a 615 P. m. 9 f50 r. Ms Night dos. to McKaespart.lo:3ol". at. :6:40 A. NW Sunday Clkarch Train 'maid from West roe tkikets apply ti Newton M 1:00 r. .10:00 4.10 . 0 .7.11. KM% Age 4 W. B. STOUT. ihrssairdandellt. GE of TIME. iF7.• r aztairir vaitsair RAILRO - - On and after MONDAY November. Gib. TWO TRAINS DAILY yin leave Pittshnrga Ste. Goa, corner ofEleureittk and Pike streets for 6.n. 01l City. Buffalo. and ail points la the Oil tie. gionia MUFF PIIMMOT. at' llilinunouS: Hall. pie an 4 •••••:. EL-40p Ea Itlifene. 'MO Da Xxpreas..., t.... 6:30 a in gradrsit`d go 3:00p na Brad's IPd.b.elo:3o an , lst Soda Works Ist Soda Worts 1 I.Ateconod`n.. 10:80 aso deemnoda'n. 6.110 a II Id Soda Works Id Soda Works Aneolied'n ..- 5:00p .fieecenodien. 3:601116 • Church Train' leave Pittsburgh at 1;10 In: x. La. Pauol44 of 9 : 5 0 A. 31. 1 ri ngers ing express train have' but MI change or ears between Pittsbniwit. Baguio and 013 Begkins. Wail mill _Mores* l'ratzts atop Only eg Mt s els9l points , M i xed Way and Aneumniodatitat stop at all stations. . THOILLS M. XING. asakt. Sart W. POEITI3I Born. Tiekiil6itent• • nat . , r i cur T erniN Tsm in. l7.ll. A2m G s7. ,M aggimil I= B6.II•WAY• PAR HANDLE ROUTE. -. ; i CHANGE OP TIMII.—On and altar IGINDATJ Sept. Leth, 1361.-tralas will leave end arrival% is e Unica Dot, as follows., Pittsburgh time: • 1 .Dspart. • Arran. Nall Zagrswe 51:18 a. ri. 1903 si,A Past Llne 943 a. m. 7:114ii Fast XL - Dress Lag p.m . 31:113 a. alak McDonald*,W 6:13 a. m. 6i39 p.iria Aite , n, No. 1.. 11:43 a. Ist..ase3p.r.• Steubenville Aecommod , n. 3:58 p. au m. , 9;33 a; MO NeDeuald , s dealt, N 0.2.. . 8;9 p. 9 .• ' 9:33 a. 714' R r. 2:38 r. sr. "Express willleaye distr. 1 11:513 a. w. Express will anise daily The 9:43 a. in. Train leaves daily, etundays es: eepharl, and makes close emitter:omm at Newark The Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield • .2; -Newark It. B. • - t.. t S. Y. soma., General Ticket Agent. W. W. CAbin, gutot., S teubenville. • .•-1- i Fri , , • - SYLVANIA • • - I .—on and after Sept. 18th,. iSOB. the Pas. tienger Trains or. the Western Penni:Sewlederei Street De city, aa follows: , 8...... e No 05:1lli a .rt No.l SAO ase !Freeport No. 1 9:05 INI Expreas. ... 10:10 a, miSharpb , g No.111:90 age IWob'gNo.l 1:95 pmilrapress.. .. . . 990 psi m Nc%:lo pm 1 3prIngd , e'No 1 330 r . 5:55 pm rreeport N 0.2 5:90 Spriiiidle No 2 •4_32, m !brined , e No 2 lan a i A.boye trains run - Sa ll y except Sunday. The Church Tral2 leaves Allegheny June& euk genday atl:4o a. m., reaching Allepheny Cl tyi 9:50 IL m.' Ref:au/DM lames Alle eny City low p. fn. and arrive it A ll egheny. =Ct. • If . la. CONNOTATIO2f 21011225—P0r sale In Paehaid . Twee.. v., between Allegheny Clty, Chestnut s . Herr's:Bennett, Mae meek, Etna and Sharpsburg. and good only on the trains stopplag at Stations spew ciffea on tickets. • The trains leaving Allegheny City lat1:00 s. go: make direct connect.ion at, Freepor, with WalkeVe ofillages ferßutler and Ximanahltown. - Through tickets m a purchased at the 061-ft, - No. anOd alair t the spot , / near the Wee ea, Illusgenalot Bridge Dittsburglt NOr Author Information appV to • - I JAXIO3 LiFFEETS, ge Fe deral Stree i Depot, The W Peramylvanlaliallros4 will not ago same any risk Baggage, except for wearing ago Parel, and limit theL respanaltality to One Handsel Dollars In value. All baggage exceeding this amount In nine will bait the risk of the Omer. tar telig by ipecial contract. NDWAR.D H. sell Gen.'s" Sunerintendent.na. hp itE a p r, l li - LVANLiagmE 0 24.11180 AD. after &pi, Lig. 11165, Trains will se. street and depart...o=Am Union lisiplot, trtnar 111 Washington and Liberty streets , 114ozs. 1 X& Train.... 1:15a ro Day Bap_ress.. 31:115 nll I V Past Line - 40 am Wa11 , 54i0.L.5 6:30 as St r e a r iq No. 1.. . 6 00. azn Train ..... 5:10 WU Men.: • no aso *Cincinnati Ex 11:40 an Wall L.No. 1.. . 00 a m Walls lie. L.:ll:slms Cincinnau Ex. :10 aln dotorstorni-Ae. , 3:05 pm Johnstown An. 1 :35 a m Braddock* No 1. 4:00 pea Baltimore -Ex. pus Phila. Expreark 4:50 pug Phila. Express .50 p m Walls ; N0..3... 5:10 pm Wall's No. 5.., :15 pin WalPirNo. 4:: 6:15 pm Braddock. Nol in Past Line. .... 7:30 pm Well's No.- 4. pin Derry Jkao . 'n.. 5:50 pug Bradiks No X 40 ato kiradk'S - Bo X /0:60 iSit NDy_Passeo ure ir 5 .30pm r-- - • ; -- - - _ The Ch Wahl mares Wall , r - Station Biontay at *UHL In., reaebbg 'MINIM' at 4 = a. m. Betnerdim 1 Pittsburgh at 131:50 p:111. • mad arrives at -WilPalitation nt 4000_ p. in. *Cincinnati Express tears mtail-. _,elf other tram &WY except Bilimay..- - , . i'• ,'' . , ' For farther buhrmarian apply to ' ' - • .--- _.., W.IL BAOSWITHE Agee& The Penniman.% Railroad Company will not and sumo any risk tai Baggage, except- tor, sp. Waand =it their.remonsibility A° Ono linne4, rs in value. Ail - .Baggage- • exceeding Qat amount blvaktitwillAmi at the risk of the owner. w:5 , . less taken by special contract: . . i - .• • EDWARD. H. WIL sou Gentili iinPorinteadent, 4.3= 5 L . . i ttiPl9ll PORT WAYN analpill z.itliffomeoza W. AND C & PITTSBURGH E. IL From dept. 13% trains will • leave awn and arrive at the 11a100 4pO s t, north *44 Sy r time, as follows: - • Clileago .... 2:03 a 2:03a in Cleveland _ 2:03 am I El=id liz- 5 5 .3:011 ant Zrie & Ynt 728 a mielnietao3w &II Cl. Wh.cll l l 613 a m INVheellng az. 11:09 ant Chicago Mali.. 6:59a m Bt. Louts Ex.. 8:83 pig C1.9::13 a m Cl. it Whle Ex 4103 pas & & ( Tura 41411 Pit nhlt YEi f: 5 3 1 111 Deg i r gs t frost allgteatv. Arrive sn'Atteeleu_st. N. in M . a m Brigt'a Ao. r T:O3 it Leetsdale 10: Sam N. Brlavn 8:2E1 sat 711 Welia,ine 8:33 a na Rochester " 1:33 pm New Castle " 10:13 ale Welissle Aeo..-3:411pm Lee . ttdale ill! :3 all Leetadale Ace. 4: I3 pm pm " 108 pax N. Deist's " • 3:33 pm N. Brien! " 2:43pin Briat'a " 6:2Bpm ',casaba " 4:53 pm Leetse " • 10:43pm " 9:281/111 .A:93p. in. Chicago Express /eaves dallA air 11:A3 a. al. Chl , Express mitres se l 4 P. B. • General Thiligt Area MOH If HILL angimi s ROUTE. , "MN PACIPIC*IIBILWIT4 Ettsteni Div-Won. The ISOILTIET AzrD MOST RELLUTI2 oat 1 , tun the Ewe te all points Colorado, Nevada, • Califonda,, Utah, j . , Arleen% , Washingten t 1 i • is • - New Marilee. -Idaho, _s Testae . . Oregon,. __ , . Two leave State Line and Leave:R.3 i V I .ohindsys exeepted. on the arrival entrain 4 P Railroad nem St., w ri t. slid' %What et.- do Railroad Irma or, eonneerin , at La rime. Tomb% mind W go with -deice for points In Kansas .. , At. 4 .41 nue .west ar worth with the UNITED ATER ETPRER3 PANT'S DAILY LIN E P OVERLAND AND D.XPIONII CtIACHLS FOB : Dm* w?ati isAkzm And an Points * the 111111111111111 l And with ILIBMORIKINII Bent t Y LINZ sr _COMM= for rQrt Nnlondlent.s tortaass. ju p ot. w e m i l eo 3ars ffe, and, ati.padols Arizona and With- the rooent Manias :of "roll& stook sad tborws: ait theis= ri r l uo t I r Lin z i r wi r tti a se• ra teleetatte, this road now offers .nneolsala 'acuities tor the Mundt slot& of fraight! to . tin NW ckets fbr•saie at *Nike intielpsi *Zees in Is traited States ond Canada/I . a• Be • ette AM ask for•tit kets TrmiX__9llZ • rAgini3 - RAILWASZ' fifffal i gthage . ' =ZM= s*A4 , I I , I MMEng , i Tema! ipmettlad AP I * ' Te LIVICRPOOLANDAII Fran =mit mum imiktofts,, mom IU- Tirp - . • , ow& PI • op Y - A * Ire - Mr 4 ISL • AT:trOlalle 0 6 411 1 Nrali Ntive oracle L o 'lll3ll 1 1031 0/1 1 P410, inatuat— g " I = %re \ U ES .SDNIRSOII 2 . MN