II NEW ADVERTIEiIIENII3. , °'iiie e .••• REAP :01:1Nli FOR TIFIX PEOPLN.••• Tie (MEAT WESTERN GUN WORKS ham been , =to N 0.119 mi THPIRLD srzes rooms , * gays be -found the most complete assortment &GUM,' Pistols, Ammunition Sant Sport. kinterisi, dm., in tee city. All letedS w qua* mid Pistols • pare/Wig rejtaired. Cash • yogi for Alum. RIFLES and REVOLVIARS. Send stamp for tiltietratect °teenier. Aosta wanted is rim/ towniinthe United Wats& Address, J. IL. JOUSI STON.479 Smitliteld Strut Pittsburgh. IarIOHN.I%.PIIII,VIANCE, itagistcr *Bankruptcy for lid District. 116 1 1 1lipEBAL BTRZET. ALLIGWYr 491,'Ogice luxtro—la £. x. to 5 r. taritilralCANTlLE, LIBRARY - LECTURES 111[A TNIVAIN 91 ' . (SAM I7EL . , the well krositi• AMERICAN MIIMOIMST, will 10c ter° attke - . •- • 1 ;• ai-CASOE3r72 •35LTEr c, • • 1 1 111111.81a1V_IIVER 1 3% . NOV. 10, 1 1868. • - ozi'unc ins szaaw trikliitt*Al3Ro6ll." • Tickets SO cents. secnieil s o t: '45 oats extri.. 2 .Be rE MI N CA ING Itrk , 2, 4 1ri to l 36°Olitleocktilg. barYtA• Ant...• , , • DIESER.AIItE : • • , CITY -MANSION' NO 80 CLIFF STREET,. rOR • • - *fiat desirable city mansion at . ItO. so curr tll STREET, consisting of a TWO STORY BRICK DOUBLE HOUSE, with ail' the modern Improve, meata,:double parlors, dining room and kitchen on. , *At tioar,,faur large chambers; bath room and linen * roman second door, and large well, furnished base mention, ebiandloOr fronkWith ariditiOnal outside entrance: elegant Marble mantles in parlors, gar_ throughout, hot and cold water in bath rode, heir range and water fir kitchen. The whole bottle re=. fitted and papered one year ago; ornamentargionads front with shade trees and elegant porticd, Cow- Minding jos open and magnificent view of the river, - the richly Cultivated slopes of distant bills; a ear risge,wir Irani front, and fine back poieh. The lot has a front on Cut street of 63 het by 147 feet deep, with bearing fruit trees Awl shrubbery. Also lot across the street in front of house on north side of owyr STREET of 83 fret, and mining to ARCH STRZE'I', 156 feet. . The location is unsurpassed in this city, and is for all time secure* its advantages ofpure air andmag atAcent r • • Possession given immediately. For terms, &e. - , in. quireef ~ - 3;; i;.a.. C.. B. SEEtY, NO. 87 FIFTH AVENUE lioUl TF. AB BN • 1 I3A. kRUPT SALE. v FURS, FURS, .A:trciacorr. WEDNESDAY , WEDNESDAY ; AND .TIII7FISDAY. November lEith*nu .19th,.at. 10 A . a. and ,a and"; P. M. at - ILLSOne HALL AUCTION 1100218, ei 41 : 111V1i ANIMITE, 1 -"Capes, Vieteriaes, Bugeninst Sinfs and Cuffs, NOR, Witch, iluklaon Bay, Stable, Siberian, Sgairrei,. Water ,ikunk, German , being,ths entire !stock of rte * York Bankrupt Far Hodge. Thil i star icio n . and priirate .ateß. sairrEisoN „os • • AGE, ZELLEUS & DVFF • Possess extraordinary facilities pirEn. irjnting, Straw g ßag, Glass, Carpet, - ROOFING, 111BDWARE AND MANILLAS. W ,Xanufiictured and sold by FRAZIER, MET,ZGER 82 TICOID AVEIN,WiI. liar - cAsli mu) FOR ROPE, RADSAND OLD APSES. ' oczirekart IMAGE, ZELLERS DUFf, 1" . . manuri.'4tuen_ WANTED—A. man • to take the SUPERINTENDENCE_ OF A 6LABB FACTORY. He must be theree6b l 7 artier leneeil in tbebnii nese, and be able to tape an interest of from 13;000' to , 06.000. To a ,competent man.s. liberal Inducement, will be 1 'oTered. Address, GEORGE BABINSON, Ravenna, NMI AGE 2 ZELLERS& 'Amp war . ?lug au their work. - V W ' BOND .140:. 11. ;Notice if hereby :'O ren that the nn ersigneehsve road* application for the RE-ISSUE of Or PAY MENT OP BIND NO. 11 YOE PLVE UUNDREM (POO) DOLLA.EB of the CITY OP PITISBUR9II LOAN • loomed under ordbloisee of JULY 12, 3840 C26.2r,LE8 F. .11,1411104 D., • , •-• • DR: WM. AIDTM AD, Exe tori W "MEAP EORGE - of Charie bby Ises. • Ash mead, d ea jta. - noLalls AGE, ZELLERS& DIME. Stained, Enameled and Giound (Eau mv*Tozestrm TT _ i Amy on cosinsTr'grocic or 1,r041610 4'400040, , CLOAKINCB, BHAY/1011,11C.- WHIZE• ..ORR it 00.0 25'.ani1 f itk1.110 . ;,..•..: . : •07, - ZELLERS & DUFF coma'. tdaeetsasistadata With Wise umkin . • LTIMIT rtfitY tsykig rain:m.l=m poLuirlarzo *Alley milsoas oisraistarcianriloWer' *; - ;ii*E74ll:fr - A4rw 1%,!1) 17iPA?.kill*BIUTCNABM1444111:161011- zr.• Als4 tan.ll 4 lo ! li*Ook SPOVC: 0"11111MINe ...; . AT-EATONPB o. ri Fifth43rinei. zeuuens&DElNcriatike Yikeiety Istalaed sad inareled NEW: ADVERT4SEKENTS. M ICI3 EE ' O R L IN BAR ov G em EOI4 W Lb, E aDt 1— T ock. will be.sold et Duquesne Way landing, Nat above at. Clitratreet, Pittsburg*, three OW:Surges, suitable for coal or atone. nolo ; A.AdcILWAINE, Auctioneer, t $92,000 . TO LOAN , • , • • 0/f OND'A/fD MORTGAGE. ow:COBB CUT FROPKIITY. Address. with de eeription of property. Lock Box 6*, Fittatrargh PgtotCae• abl6 a!3 - . Oinci ow OlTTENounuen . AND StriVirrois, S , • _ Pittsburgh, NOV. 16, 1888. r IDT, Ole IC isi C E—The assessment for - grading - . Pavingd-Ourhing FultTT-IPIPTH MEET, (late St. Miry's a venu.l is now ready for examination and can be seenat this office until TH.1.11i9D4 November Atith,lBB4,.when it will be referee -to the City 'Treasurer's office for col lection. ••• note ' H. J. MOOSE, City Engineer. ADDLINISIUATOIOINOTICD - S . etters of administration on the estate of ettiRGE CARNAHAN, late of the Borough of Temperanoeville, deceased. have been granted to the undersigned, slid- all•persons indebted to said estate are uested 10 make Immediate psyment, and those h aving claims against the same will pre sent them property without delay to no16:a.11„. RCM Clißtas, Chartiers township. . . WiEctrrows NOTlCE—Notice is _La hereby given that letters of Adialuistrattou nave been granted to the subscriber on the estate of ARCHIBALD hicALLISTRE,' docesited - late of Baldwin township, Allegheny county. • 'Al , l persons indebted to maid estate will make Immeolate pay, meat, and all persons having chime against the es tate will-presentthewxro_ party authenticated for settlement. • Josiuna }MUER, Executor. Snowden Township, November lotn. OMB. nole:s2o A ALLEGHENY NATIONAL Bank + NA6LZ COTTON KILLS, go.—TUESD NINO,, November Welook,will he •91d• on second door or Commercial Sales - Rooms, %Smithfield street. • 50 shares Alleghengs National Bank: . ••6 '• K. M. 'de do; 26 National Roguing t boring Co.; •50 " Eagle Cotton Mita Stock. • Don ; Ak,„ ,ItiaLWALetN, Auctioneer, sold 406 'II. 81ILLESEA1. 1 8 OFFICE, - I ... • W. D. of Pennsylvania. PrrreituBBn, orember.l4th, 1888. THIS IS' TO GIVE PiIOTIVE That -. kethe, 10th daytafillovetalter,T A; 188%* n arrant is Bankraptey_was issued against the es tate otrIAMUZIA BAILF.Yof Nevellrighton, yet county. Pp.. and Witi.:l3; MICANDLESBPf the city of Pittsburgh, In the County of Allegheny. State of Pennsylvania, partner's as Bailey McCand less, who have been gulludged bankrupts, on their own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery .of any propertypelouglng Wanda bank rupts tothem or for theiruwand.the traltsferotany property by them are forbidden by law ;th at t meeting of the. er. hors of .the said bankrupts, to prove their 'debte,andtto choose tree Inmate assignees of their es tate, will be held at St . Court - of Mankruptcy, to be holden at No. 318 .Federal street. Allegheny City, Pa., before 30E8 N..PURVIk Neg . , hag. Regis ter, on the 17th day of December A. D. 1888, 10 o'clock M. • at . . ROWLEY, nideta33. * 11. O. Marshal. as Messenger. Ativ, ,ZELLERS & • DUFF pos gm extraorciatt7 facilities.. TO 'NEWSPAPER MEN I • CHANCE. roller my C/REITHLRD INTEREST in the • READING DAILY `DISPATCH FOE SALE. The DISPATCH - la the only Republican dilly in Berits county. and has a circulation of 2.000 daily, with anadverUslnupati•onage second to no other inland daily In Pennsylvania. • For particulars address or call upon A. C. DUCRWALTEII, none _ Editor "Dispatch," Reading, Pa. AGE, ZELLEBS & DOFF Glass P Manuelictur,rs. O T I C E—The subscriber re spectfully Informs his , riends and tise nubile at be Is now prepared to receive them as usual at his new stand, . _ FURS, NO. 61 WOOD STREET, Latsyette Heil Building wbere.exr. be lied freak everrdisy, s ihtb and base assortment:of • l er44 .60411) JEMEAD, "' of all desotiWone,. _Epp& constantly on band the BArr,CO.4l - IX.MONICRY In the city. R,ET*.simmEcKER. / 111 P" e . eat iblididea will be sirptilladat the don- estammee, . . Down AGE, - ZELLERS i DIIFF war.; rant all their,wark. WMIIIIIGELEL . • LATE 608 C HESTN UT . STREET, PIIILADEI,PHIA,. istozzps his Meads and nations in Pittsburgh that he 311 DOW, eoanteted with, EDWARD P; KrE , LY Southt corner Of CiniSTEHT and SEVENTH • BTRBE the PRINCIPAL MERCHANT TAILOR OP PHILADELPHIA, and can nowfugal& them with clothes SUPERIOR in every reatrct Co those he ims heretofore Oren them, and IMMODERATE PRICES. - AnZioUlti .!.P4IPER. PAGE; ZELLERS " & DUFF, . ;! Stabled, Enameled ' Msa. and Ground a LADIES.' FURS! missray. rims! curuntraw ttrias, MENDS FURS I• .• • . . Splendid asSixtment \ aad the lowestprioes at M I COUD & CO.'S, • 1109 131• WOOD STREET. ICIAGE, ZELLERS its DUFF Coot bias Glass Ftalaing with Glass mating. !sive:orrice, a - • '''•OrrY or ii, C LUirA, 'No 1863 * . tiIEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE received at this officeantil 3 'o'clock P. 11. on LIESDetY,E9tb irmt.,Wor building a ' • TWO 8080933 WAGON • • •Pi the awe the ' \ FIBS DELIIITHENT Of ALLEGHENY CITY. eveenwim *lll tie finittheit by JA)I 3.1 OttO Esq.; Chief of the Fire De-. parincent. - .Aw order or wj Ecionclis. - • •-- • - • .• • notemie ' • - 'Oar Controller."' 11101AGE4EILLIEBS & DIIFF-Irt e' .A. Oren' variety Stained and Enameled Glair. F ALL _O • ) 1 1 , •G t - At No. 47 St. Clair Street. 1- ; A. LASE! .1120)13PLZBI Du) IiMIK. OP : . .. Bogey,' Youp&PB and Cha t h V*oB , • CLOTHING, , . ?OH TIM FALL szeson. . . •" ' ' GRAY ' . .ft 7,41)0AN, ' AAi m US 41 Sir. CLAIR IET... 4. AGEy ' ZELLERS & 111JFF sea extrsord linty funnies. • ' . 1V4044-4* ST4)/142 " 1111117MXD TILII PRACtiCir, *Die Vll4nt i llk .P . Chttgilc s ' 1 P,n:1 9 2V, A;blEi ZELLERS JAUNT; Glass 04K TANNIC° MATHIEU, PELT lNG.—Winanted alibb best tity.r. - A tbli supply alarm tA haul at the lowest, _re.% J. * ILL sort 4 915 etti7&illtziht3t.. itremerly ISt: -, CE,LE.WiIitER (rae' .—tioportor to soy Rtbor,mtko,, i wikoletalo tat 4 tott enteetitturerie ;mead. • • & 'l* Sad as atx fencer MEI • kw' ND 1 A '' ' 1111:10111110111 1 ' z IPETALINC/i` - -Hosti ~B TXAM PLOHING - • 'AND HOPS.' -Aalo - lii2 VAAL )!TA.• I tall oinpplr on nand. • ,to the; trade on aa soon ;Om as can be bad ilititasattllatarer.- '.I. 'it H PHILLIPS. • 11;pirransiuta CLOTEE' ES WRING* . *Kit—Whole , ale and Retail. ittattoputtarevi p r G A* at MI and 88 Bkitb • • a. lb , tt. PHILLIP% now _Ws Aosta Ire Stils,coutit/.' rlonly Amman-4;000 !na - nd' to Ibr 10 1 ._ • . nil. IgulAK DICKEY 000 PirtSBITRGIi , itIAZiTTRf" MONDAY; NOVEMBER, 16, 1869. j I a WANTEI,--ON COMMISSION, ..: ONE HUNDRED TO. OF POIETILTM,IL 7- , FOR. , THE , H0L1,DAY1.64. - The highest market prices and quick sal l es are guaranteed. Mark packages distinctly and send in voices by „ H. P. & CO. Commission Merchants, 33.4 , Wastington -istree New. York. . . no16:01 rf.LLL AND IgIAMINE THE IL/ 4irge assiortment, of , • FOCI COAL HODS AND TAKEt‘ 711t.11 IRONS' A 21D STANDS, ' ETEDTDE.itS. etc; AUo .BARNS' PATENT. crgunt ATTACH. WENT. at the Hardware 14.0T0 of • • . • • WHITESIDE3 idois ( t) IT9 FEDERAL EIT..ALTlcenz 14; f Funs 2 ruses! runs :2 LADES , AND GUMMI Fur Epporium and 31anufattoi7, NO. ISS WOOD STREET. • .• . . . PirriBT.IGGIL j i a The subscriber being the only regular Tar Hann on/Ter In the city< would call tee attention of Ladles and Gentlemen wanting Furs to his stOck, comprlslng every. variety known to th e trade, and niade In the most fashlonnble 'styles, and at prices teat cannot be excelled by any-1 except none. All I ass Is a lair trial and I will guarantee satlfaction. Furs altered. repaired and cleaned In the neatest and best manner. • , L. 401.118 MULLER. nol6 ale ' ' 138 WOOD iSTREF,T. pitratEali theirlE w L , L r ellWar. DUFF war STATEMENT OF THE REAL ESTATE SAYINGS BANK, OCTOBER Slaty 1868. Bonds and Bortgagas, being Arse Hens on -Real Estate , 1 1433 800 81 11, S. 1881 Bnndsat par 99,000 90 IL 8,10-40 Bonds, at par ' 23,000 00 Real Estate -2, 720 48 . OffleeTurnittre 418 90 Cash 30,118 00 Total Amount due Depositors $477,354 35 Amount due Deno''tors, -Interest Nocemberlst. 1888 is oskst 138,8471 A Total Bannon Contingent Fund $526,005 88 The shave Is a true statement. _ • A. A. CABBI E Treasurer. The undersigned .Audtting Committee, have ex amined.the Books of the Bank. the Bonds, Mort gages and Securities, and counted the Cash, and And the above Statement correct.: • • • NitHIOLASNOEGTLY, Wit. H. SMITH, . Committee H. CHILDS._ • President—DiAAC JONES. Vice President—Wm. H. SMITH. 'Accountant—B. C. PARKE. !Solicitor—T. BRADFORD TODD.; -TRUSTERS: ISAAC JONES, _ i NICHOLAS TOEHTLY Hon. J. E. MOORHEAD,: WM. H. SMITH, Hon. TH.S H. HOWE, 'HARVEY CHILDS, JACOB I,,LINTER Q. trn , C. G. HITSLIEV. - D. W. irm - INTEREST ALLOWED on Deposits In Me Twat- Union. at lON PER CENT. PER A, N UM, payable to Depot'Pore In May and November.. which, II not drawn. will be added r principal and COMPOIINVILD. Cpen Depo sits :from 9A.Mto3 P. m. daily , MED. on Saturday Cvenlng fiont Or 9 o'clock. 0 - OFFICE. 63 . - FOIJE.TII AytanuE. nt12:330 PITTSBURGH. 10PAGE, ZELLERS & DUFF, - btained, Enameled atidGrOund 3P11.00E 2 013.41: eonlmtaidoners - appotated.nt.tha. Senate and Matte of Representativ posehe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the pof locating and build ings . HOSPFrAT , FOR THE INSANE. for the Northerh District of Pennsylvanii, 'having selected a site on the einawiebanna river In the vicinity of Danville. Montour comity, rentiaTiva nla, will receive proposals nntll . - TUESDIY,:NOITIMIt 24thl si noon._Zorthe erection'and construction of ► Hot/ pital with all Its appurtenances upon said site In ac cordance with all the plans and specifications of John McArthur, Junior: Arottitefitt n 4 PPted by them and approved by the Govenior, , - - - Thu plans and specifications can be examined at the-office of the Arelaitect,-No. SIOSIIOIITELSIXTH STREET. Philadelphia, every day, (except -Sun day,. between the h-,urs of s. Si. and sr. tit the time above mentioned for receiving bids. Parties making Proposals, must furnish serettes, whose responsibility to the amount of slo,ootlo. shall be certified to before a Justice of the Pesee, that therwill, Incase ttetrbial is accepted enterin to a contract. -within ten days front the time., of opening the bids, with satisfactory security to the amount of 015,000 that the same will be fulfilled in a complete and satisfactory manner. Proposal/ to be considered raust.bo In accordance with the printed form adapted by the CommisSion ers, which - can be obtained from either of the Com- missioners, the Superintendent of,the Hospital or at the officeof the Architect. • .All bidders desiring information of the site are re ferred to Dr. 8. 8. Schultz, Superintendent of the Hospital, at Danville. Proposaig mast be marked as such - and sent tot Isaac E. Grier-Esq.. Danville, Pennsylvania, in whose office the bids will be opened in presence of • such bidders as .may be present on the evening of ITuesday,.November.9l4, ISM& , • . The Commissioners reserve the : right it their dis cretion to reject any or all bids not deemed to the interest of the Commonwealth or otherwise satisfac• tot? to them. JOSEPH A. REED, TR /SILL GREEN,Commissioners. • JOHN CUISWER. . n02:04 • ; PAGE t ZEILLEBS & MUFF corn .etnne these Staining with Was. making. - Ni . ...A8:...vTN---:,. Q:.I3AOKER.a. . ARE I ( fOTKB • or*ucto.th pith OYI3TER.„WATEE, 81137_111.c 1C17(115/Dia, CREAM, EUOTpli saidliEMON ENlr. • r • .. . For Sale..)l . Eveil:Articer. t he City AO: 911. Liberty St:' ; PAUE, ZELLERS* MOP make every earlety Reined and Enameled Glass. MOT':rl.lt!Bil.arr .4!gr 3 n• SWINTi,OII4. I O ,v AliCati'XOTl:qtAL - ?&l'ir4 , • ORNAMENTAL CARVERS,'. , Noiallandukr Bt,r illegkenyf . A lege assortment of NEWEL POETS and BAL. LBTX.iss constantly . 0,4 4n0i1,__21701.412i0, of ail desertptione. done. • - • oc9:116 KEY: ST9-/I P OTTERY... moueseturaint , griszmiwAßAvAusempx ' , fte. (Mee and Warehodie; 303 trbrary s titica. Wl.ll orders nromptUT.attended to. wad itiaLlroult . 11111104:117 on g ,eve CitlitTginklatt.GOVEMOß, - thonnl,trursatiesolly Toted glade; ppp~ u eeerhos In its oporalloris =A r e 001Muor carr i zf u pia• ban of PE • AEMILETT, r lad art.. tor of Monte. No. e¢ attes t, Met It DI ty Um Only agent Ibrow otigi Bti4t, iwattAlLNl:satliudb or Vrigireat.. 0w .0413., up tor surge ristorthi, ' ciALyzijkl,:- • -: se iatir w, IP.Vziz) i3fl .0628 06b SS LIABILITIES MS NEW ADvnEnsEraENTS. .11 - 1111OHNSTERS 'yL, FOR BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray :& Logan, NO. - ,- ** 47 ST. GLAIR STREET, ' Have now in store their fourth-supply or WIN .TER 0001/d. which will . ' De round to be the largest suit best assorted stock of Youths', and Children's • Clothing U THE / ' OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, contifer fall lines of the GA RABALDL GRECIAN,BISMARcK.• • BEN FRAN - gum A e BLOUSE SUITS. IN OUR :BOYS' DEPART MEN2' Lilt be found tne Metro • • poiltan. Broadway and klarney snits. DOUBLE . • Also the new D BREASTED BEEP 124 ti .fACEET. Gentletaen will And the best assortmdsit of VU TOM . DOUBLE BREASTED ENGLISH JACKETS lathe city of - PLAIN AND FUR BEATER% ,suffunnE,.. • LAB, Be. : DEPARTMENT Splendid. assortment of ENGLISH WALKING METROPOLITAN-fluke and the D. B. ENGLISH JAMET OUR OVERCOAT DEPARTMENT contains all sizes of medi um and line goods, in great variety. ATWe nar one patrons and the public to call and axanade.. >. CRAY & LOCAN: • 47 ST.. CLAIR STREET. LIFE INSERINCE COMPANY; ,0? TEE UNITED STATES OF ADERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. • • Chartered by. by Spitlea*Act. of Congress, Approved July AS, Is6S. Carib Capital - - - $1,000,000. Branch Moe: PHILADELPHIA. /FIEBEIT Ndir;ON/116 BANS 81711201NG Where the general business of the Company is trans acted. and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. DIRECTO VS. 'Jay Cooke.' PlillaCUs. E. A. Rollins. Wash'n. C, H. Clark, Ptilada. Henri , D. Cooke. Wash. F. Ratchford Starr, Phila. Wm. E. Chandler,Wasb. Wm. G. Moorhead. Biala. John D. Decrees. Wash. Geo. P.. Tyler. Phila. . Edward Dodge, N. York. J. Hinckley Clark, Phila. H. C. Faunestock, N. Y. • OFFICERS: C. H. 'CLARK, Phliadelphia. President. HENRY D. COOKlC,.Washington, Vice President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Fit ance and Executlye Committee._ EMERSON W. PEET, Phila., Reel and Actuary E. S. TURNER. Washington. Ass't Secretary. • FRANCIS 0. SMITH, Medical Director,. J. EWING. MisARS. d. D. , Asst Medical Director. MEDICAL ADVIAORY BOARD. J. K. HARNES.•Surgeon General U. S. A., Wash'n; P. J. HORWITZ, Chief Medical Department U. S. N. Warhington.:_ • , D. W. BLISS, M.D., Washington. • SOLICITORS:AND ATTORNEYS. . WIC E. CHANDLER, Washington, I). C. GEORGE HARDING. Philadelphia, Pa. This Company. National in Its character, offers. try reason of the Lam. Capital, Low Rates of Premium and New Tables. the most desirable means of in suring life 3 et preSented to the vublie. The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as invorable to the. insurers as tose of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all th e complica tions and uncertainties of Notes. Dividends and the mbiundenlYaldings , .which the latter are so apt to tattoo the Policy-Holders. • Several new and Attractive tables are now pre sented which need only to be understood to prove ac ceptable to the public.such as INCt /ME-PRODUC ING POLICY and RETURN PREMIUM POLICY. In the former, the policy-bolder not only secures a life Insurance payable at death, but will receive, If living, *Period of &few years. an anntutilts-: eorassguatin fen par ernat. , tlu per ant.) oftAslfal of Ma policy. The le tier the Company agrees to re turnee the assured the total a m otrltt of money lashes. , pad tn. in arlditiens to the amount. of ids . The sttentionof Demons ,rontr mplatlng insuring their lives or hicreadng -the amount of Insurance they already have, Is called to the special, advent-. ages offered by the National Life Insurance . Com:. • Clretilars, Pamphlets and tOilttarticalirs given an niltigiipriii,°olrtsittlinecl'al°2l2ictenls.the C ompanylll _ sirLowa, AGENTS . ARE WANTED in "every City an,4.-Tourat-a ntt4pPlicstitarn competent Instill it such agencies with suitable endorsement, shout '; t•_addressed TN - THE COMPANY'S GEN ' "'RA I ; IsairaTti ONLY. - . .their rospective, dis islet ti aLWZRAL 462NTS: - E. W. CLARK CO., Philadelphia, For Penn sylvania and Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKE A CO.. Wnshington,D. C. For Maryland Delaware,. District of - C olumbia and „West Virginia. • IBA B.'nevAir it co., Agents for Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Mercer and Washington counties. - • • - • For further particulars address' B. 13. UussELL,;: . Manager for General Agent, Harrisburg, Pa.: • HBurt Ara aten cCoo ls , "• • Bespfetrallp announce& to ,the public that be rill Ap o Saturday and Monday Neat, Open to tbe:Publle the = DELPSONICtIvRESTAURANT, pop, earrrallaN Itwillbe Maseru'', endeavor todah WS pi trout 14.1111 timed wlth`the 'twist palatable num' =stitch the market or the season affords. Tke LIQUORd, WINES of,Tarlons diten ALL' M. ete , inithe tbeirowit reemnnenaati on. Orders for fine Cookie& for W eddings, and other pestlrals,,wilk_as banterer% be promptly ~an d cheap MAXIMO. to, roluestlilg panonain == • inisoUsit v bar I 186 ..,411BIN14.64tmerf wolinigUroxy VOlrliag , TO , Cl* egfrthie' Propotelavvill.Be read, ogee lu au ifith butt; toe the eieettei r itil Wooden sten - clire at the Bridge over DIU trim"_Bilikarvillilo'Bikerstowiliiegigisns township:4oW eor areetign otar aex! w oode „. Btrovhi l tonal 431Z7fir. - oti tt Plttstiatei! and sheen Flak " 3 4 /41TellVetlerToinishlp._ fintie lion. • BLeirissuon oramte_tr Warm oitent. • nonahrr HENRY LABISZBT. Controller. AIMED , f'4I3OIiVEE = . -110 esip wiry choke whlte waited Rio Coffoo, the OIL in the inarintanal ronehtd And fir the peg or pound by JOHN A. RIMBRIA.WI-- nod I ovistildbOrty and Sand liner NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A T WILLIAM SENPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, AT .1.2Ne.--DESLAINES. recid style,. AT .3734 c.—CHANGEABL E. ALPACAS. doable Width. AT 25c.—DOUBLE WIDTEI AT 75c. —BA.LMORAL SKIRTS. AT Via.—HOOP SKLUTS, good AT' SSG.— HEAVY PLAID WOOL PLAYIN AT SSG.—GREY TWILLED FLARNEL, Mari. EN WHITE COUNTRY BLLNEETS. GREY BLANKETS. / BLUE BLANKETS. HEAVY BED COVERLETS. PLAID COUNTRY TLANWELS. WHITS COUNTRY'/PLANNZLS,' ac,“ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. at WILLIAM SEMpLE , S, Nos. 180/ and 182 Fetieral Street, r BLACK WATERPROOF CLOTH. BROWN WATERPROOF CLOTH. / GOLD MIKE D WATERPROOF CLOTH BLACK LYONS SILK MANTEL VELVETS. WILLIAM • SENIPLE'S, TOIITIIB 9 Nos. 180 and 182 Federal . Street, COATS', LADIES' HATS, CIIILDBBN , s HAS, TRENCH BLOWIER and PLUMES. TBIMMINfa, RIBBONS, tc., WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, :0 k 152 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGRENY DOLLAR 14.11.*D1G0 BANK. NO. 65 FOUBTE STBNET. ASSETS V_o'clock:'also'WED Open daily, from 9to ; on 'WED ____ - NESDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May let to Novemberlst, from 7 to 9 d'ebock, and from Nov.mber lat to May let, from 8 to 8 o'clock. Deposit s received of all sums pi notiess than ONE DOLLAR and a dividend of the, profits declared twice a your, In June and Deceigker. Interest has been deelared reml-annually in Rite and December since the Bank. was organised, at the rate of six per cent. a year. Interest, If not drawn out, is plaCed to the credit of the depositor at principal, and bears the same in terest hout the Ist days of June and December, compounding twice a year, without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present his pass boek. • At this rate money will double in 'earthen twelve years. 1 . Books containing the Charter, By-Laws,Rales and Rotulations. furnished gratis, on application at the °face. . • PRESIDENT —GEORGE ALBBEE. John G. Backofen, ' 'A. reflect, it. D.,' Benj. P. Pahnestor.k, Robert Robb. James Herdman, - • ' John H. Shoenberger, James McAuley, James Shldle, James B. D. Meade, Alexander S peer.. Ya Isaac M. Pennock, , Christian ger- Anderson, John C. Studley, George. Black, Hill ttnrgwin, Alonzo A. Carrier, Charles A. CoSep, John EVILPS, John J. Gillespie, William S. Haven,. Peter H. Hunker, • Richard Hays, James D. Belli, , Trzestritrit—i.;llnß SzdarrAsrJAMES 2,000,. "000 A CRES OF , • CHOICE LANDS FOR SATM, BY TES Union Paiifict Sadtroaa Onwpcsoy, smsrsaiN DIVISION, _ • Lying along the line of their road, ati - : . $l,OO TO $5 9 00 .PR. LUBA &rd..= ORE:DIP OP PIPE PRAM. ' Yoe farther partletairst maps; 8414 ad dress JOHN P. IHOP.NIiPX4 . , Land 04=1ser. ToPelia. Or MMUS. B. Waseam, sees, ands St. un4s. in!soun. WM. MILLEIt ! - (Late Miler . & Bleketioni)- .Nos. 221 AND . . _ Corner Li Irwin, Streets, - . war to Om trade IA 14bw AMMO: 150 pkgs. of NEW MACKEREL, In barrels, halves, quarters aryl 100 chests choice YOUNG SYRON, JAPAN and IMPERIAL TEAS. 60 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. 515 bbls. choice CAROLINA mom 75 bbls. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. • 50 bbls. SlRUR,_cholcq_b_randa: • 100 bbls. N. 0. MOLASSM. • " Bobble. BERMUDA MOLASIDCS. , WOO bbls. REFINED SUGAR. 75 Wade. PORTO RICO, CUBA attd DMILL TURA. SUGARS, WOO bags RIO COFFEE. _ _ 60 bags JAVA and LAM:TATRA 013Y1PEE5.' • 100 cases IMPOC CLARET. S5O cases MO I` & ORANDOIVEI CSAM PAGNE W . BC9TCH ALE and LOND.ON irttai73 col • tattllr on hand. . • FISENCH BUIIII - .IIIILL EITONEt ireso ART *Wit. LO l 0 0 1 1 1 TES Ban minim oramanta Fartfdda „Flour and keeti MUk • ' - 11 7. 7 -777.7 - '' • • BOLTING 1111unnibers and Ind qeality. Yes ula 319 and 321 Lthartir . . SClPlttabing' ty Pa. - W. 'IY WALLAittar. - , ons ~~eliTED—Two -or-amore S 01: 1 KOP Pitik`CP 2 I:NISTA tOisaisves for the oide of a Steam Governor. Appiy personall P. BECKETT, Mechanical Engineer, sla: Z 9 M9999.1* ISTBEJVT, Allegneni eitv. U® BVSHELS . • '` j Ylllll3l flOPTaral RED WWI To arr. LTS I Vka "1 . i t y - ffieBASZ -AIM EiLLEGHENT CITY, I=l ALLEOBENTOITtr „ WHOLZSA.LX A D ELTTAIL AT ALLEGHENY CITY. WHOLESALE 44D ..7LILTA/4. JS Mal /ZlAlrrirtleri - IN 18155. 99;161,120-19 Robert C. Linnes ' Henry J. Lynch, • Peter A. Madeira John Marshal, - Walter g; Marshall; John B. McFadden; Ormsby Phillips, • Hen:Z.l.'l4n gwall, Wm. E. Schmertz, Alexander Tindle, illiam Van Klrk.' Isaac W Wbatier, Wm.. P. Weym an. ES A. COLTON. , B. D. MEEDS. NOTICES JO — NOTICE — There Will be a meeting of the ateckbolders of the ' EWALT BRIDGE COMPANY, st the office of SILL & SHUTTEELY, in Lawrence ville, on TtTESDA. November IT, at 3r. Y., for the parpose ot completing the organhation.. • Stockholders are especially requested to attend is• an election for ordcers wilt be held.. IMEECE2 Orrica OP TEM ALLErinacir . VALLEY RAIL- / !LOAD, Pittsburgh, Nov. 0,1865. igr STOCKHOLDEREP EtrEcut-- IdEETIIIG.-A. Special meetiatrofthtlitoekw holders of the ALLEGHENY VALLEY.RAZZI ROAD COMPANY, will be held at the Ofllee of Liu • Company. 110. 516 Pike street, on TUESDAY.•De ',ember 1, 1808. at 11 o'clock A. lc, to take into ,00uslderatlos the propriety 'of cancelling the in crease of Stock authorized by the Stockholders May • Al 1867, and for the transaction of each other business as may be__presented. non-u • JOHN BALLANTINIE, Seeretarj. 0 „,, 3 norms. S ?ASSY:SI:MR RAILWAY CO., • IRTisslisait, November 4th, 1888. , I , IarTHERE WILL BE A NEES. ING of the PEOPLE'S PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY,' of thecity of Pittsburgh, at the MONONGAHELA ROUSE, on MONDAY, 'November 16th, igest, I.tf,o'clock P. If.. at whieh.tinte and , place a Roa.M of 'Directors will be electedfor the ensuing year, an d such other business transacted as msy come before the meeting. D. Ps CORWIN, becretary. noSust CI aur'B PASSIM GUI RAILWAY. CON - PANT, PITTSBURGH, November 4,, 1868. 10" THE TENTH ANNUAL Meet . ing of the Stockholders of the CITIZEN'S PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY of the city_ of Pittsburgh will be -held at 00110. NONGABELA HOUSE. ON MONDAY, November 16th. 1868. at 8 o'clock, P. M., It which time and place a Board of Directors will be elected for the ensuing year, and such other businees transacted as may come beibre She meeting s Secretary. OFFICX OP THZ PITTSBURGH AND BIBMINGHANt - PASSY—VGER KALLWAX COMPANY. far THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh'nd Blr e min ham Passenger Railway Company, will held BI at the ONtiNGAHRIA HOUSE t aionmef. 4, be 171GMBEK 16th, 1865. at 7 o'cloc. Y. w.. at w i time and place a Board of Direful s will be elected • for the ensuing year, and such other boldness as may come before the meeting. _ na4:r27 ' Wll. K. NENICK: Secretary. • EXOEtAlan. LemonAt, BANK 91 , PITTSBUoGH. November 3.,1869. Iar'THEBOARD OF • DIRECT 01t8 have declared a dividend of SIX PEir. CENT. (free of Government and bate tax) from the earninteOf the last six months, payable on or after tbe 9th instant. n04:z90" , - H. M. 1(0111114.Y. Cashier. PROFESSIONAL. OS. A. BIPFLEIIy , - J AMDDIIMI, AND Polacq*AgEnsexp. °Mee, 126,WYLIE STREET, near Waehingtaik • \ PITTSBFRGET, I.A. D . l l 6 . ee e d i s timM l. d oteetii t fntn igi 4 l7 4 llelAs'- bu..ese ex.cated promp, • , 7 ElOadp - Qin - Obit IIiciMiSTERS, 1.7 AZAMEt3EA.N, Ex-OZcio Jtuitice of the Peace and Police trate.' OtIeGRANT STREET, opposite the' thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. • - Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments. Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. - raid, EUSTACE S. MORROW, .11.14TIERTWT, ES-OFFICIO JI3BIiCE OF TUE ITACIE!,./dlll Pt/I.IOE 31.AGISTItATE.. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. - AVENUE; PITTSBURGH, OA.' Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, 'AcknoWledgments. Depositions and all Leitalßusiness executed , promptness and dispatch. ARCHIBALD herrronrirElt-Jer-XL&w, ao. es "Err/RA=O4M PITTSBURGH. rA. spil:nStcd&P PITTSBURGH lIPORTING BOUM EM:2 SCHMIDT_ 8c FRIDAY IMPORTZBIS OF FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 409 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, • Would direct the attention of the public to the fact that, po. Bening stipersor facilities through several large ,Wine an Liquor Houses in Europe. and making theitimportationa direct, they are enabled to offer the 'various grades of Choice WINES AND LIQUORS at prices less than Xastern rates. Ex , aminations of Qualities and comparison or prima respectfully solicited. ' _ A choice assortment' of pifie; QUI_EYE WHIM 'EY constantly om hand - - TO WHZAT GROWFMt. EUREKA AMON/OED ifONE. SUPERPHOSPHATE OF UHE, ALILITITIPACTIARD BY The . Alleglieq 'Fertilizer Co. saiwAiw& CAMPBELL.. PROPRIETORS, Offiee, 856 Penn Stree:l l Pittsburgh, Pa • The bettiertiliser 1n use, and reeognised l Farmers who have given is a • trial, to be the stand. and for raising large erops of Wheat, - Bye, Oats, Corn, Potatoes, Ro. Weliave yuddisted for grant. hogs elinulaticna a planuillet 'exuktalaing and valuable statements of this Fertiliser, copies which willhe sent fregto any sending WI their Id. OFFICE. OF CITY ENOIN SE. R. 2 __ ' • Allegheny C_AWAL,letalfi. Vms. NOT/CE IS HEREM GIVEN TO. . all property holders in the Middle Seweralin tries', which embraces that portion of the vita. . area within th followtog genoral boundaries. Mx t The ridge lin e of Seminary Hill ana the Alle ni river on the South;.th e - line or Hope and Middle streets on Use EWA: toe new city line and ridge line of Observatory HUI on the North. Writhe . line of Bidwell street-on the West; that the assess ment for the construction of. Federal street. Mont., sorcery Avelino and the ”CommorrSewers” is now completed and placed in the hands otthe City Treas urer for collection. All property heretofore assessed for sewerage purposes within the Mutts above de signated. except Federal street property; Is exempt from present as sessment . - • ocao:l77 • Cil sg. DANN& ettrienttneer. chi t lIEEN Or - ENGLAND SOAP. • .- QUNIth OF ENOLANASOAP; Qt.INEN OF ICNOLANWSOAr.. For doing a family washing in the best and clj i , 4 % eat =ruler. Guaranteadequal to any la th rew Hall all the strength of old rosin soap, with the call and lathering qualities of genuine qastlla Try this aplendid Soap.. Sold tribe ,11.1.1)88 . 0118.1110.114 womut, 48 North Fourth street, Philadelphia. e2:veMcwsklP , • . LTARAIN PIPE.-HALL ADABSW .1„/ IRITABIOR AST/CLII 'Or DRAIN" IPE, . An irugek_from one to twenty-tbar ladies st DON I NALLY , B, errata ftrazaufaetarert.• Wood street, botweesOrllth tad 81xth streets. ;-.I7IHOICRI corrzEsa. SO bagsChotet Whits Legosyra; SO bets 01.4 White Mot, • 10$ b ae l s e lflZr a g ent ichaAteired mei bruit by the Deg or angle pound at reduced rotes' pt. o SENSILIAT bell •metaii:titietaiiiit used dm& FOR walk* PJ2QZ fiNglkinnitire • "AT 30 IXBllarrir Err• urroucoca. IfeaRiVAT A 4* rO/AILEB, COlllll-4ast recelvb- sad for sale trr the bushel or quart as thoriu 0007 mit " Joan . A. ItICSMIA 1.4 ' • - cursor Liberty . sod Head meow I BT ORDWI. ffi 11 1830. =II