El littsburo 4alrttt, • PIiBLZECOD Dialit BY ••• 1912ilana BEER 1 CO., Proprietora rirarkinUM. icosua T..F air.int. . id prop N rie .P Z . 23 49: 1 0- to 11ALITIE BUILDIII6, NOS. 84 ST and aniiir Antsbtu/ taburgh/t. tr.- • T erof;-pa ttiv. ocity. .itikto i lkasysano2.sol23l% - gli copy —.0.50 - Eitt mos.. 1.51 lecrilles, esp. 1.25 i‘ 'Three otos 75 10 • • 1.15 AY; moi.EABER mum < mai ;on the inside pages of thee, qes.ETTE: 81401Cipage: telfoonekr4ee. Thircrpride:' I:tin ?TO& ifaOkets,lptporie; Sixth'and *eta , retz*um 411:airf, &ven:h 5 • • weal Maseetkiny 5 .5. of Interesfing Maher, AinusententDireetoit.' used is New York, on Saturday ELEcTonat.MEETIN9• , 4EARY has issued procia. nnouncing thealection 6fG. Mot* THOiAa M jlitannzar,i Ind other citizens, o the, Reriublican , for duty as Presidential Electois, rying'thena to assemble at Ilart l is the FiistM'ethiesdav in Recein t , to cast thkip,lectoral vote of _the iealth, agreeably to the COnititu Idon-and Laws. :` izte.highly probable , that Gen. tlibtarr, himaidng hie appointments, will not PPM Immindful of the claims of worthy and 'pa- Ariotie. soldiers upon the nation's generosity remembrance. .; • =-Gov. Ton, of Ohio, fed just been chosen. line of the Presidential lectors Of that State. The Tammy in the . -College will be filled by the remaining elec. tors, inannanctto . the Federnistatote IIIIT 3s i liixaOt NCEDbriTne of those know ielkiws; a Washington•reneA)ondent; that the foreign appointments will all be made by Mr. Cows]; and that he will se lect literary gentlemen - for the positions. • Gov. Baxsitnateis wissatou to the Ten- L- - A.4sec Legislature sharply, deutrattces the ettfriacbisemen,' of rebels. It • "some may deserve rt early; but Others only after the ' national debt is' Paid `and the Ilan : erestored to the half miliie ofd Federal -soldiers whose bodies lie mouldering w the ds of "the . South:i' ' . 37 ' 113 Awarft' as that the Union and Central Pacific {iaway ides lu r :erne to a44tnuttiatagreement•thst /their , 'ye lines of road shall meet sad - unite ats point one hundred sniles west of the northern extremity of Balt3ithe.". One result of such an agreement will be the ees / intim pc the extraordinary exertions lately, rdade breaeh company ofextensioni and, .prohably,•a much earlier suspension of all weak fortite winter. The _Fourth of !July hest is now suggested as the day when the opening of sllte entire line be formally and' tlicin a magnificent scale. .otat Sa=wents connai3ed the an . , a nouneementi of Sheriff S. B. Omar; of : nnmber Of lots, pieces and parcels . lof land to lie disposed of at puhlie 'silo at the Court llouse•on the 7th prox.,t,O Satisfyjuents tutored against them. 4ruti Bet e mbraced several very : choice and desirable pieces of property which sheitdd 'command !lie atten tip; of cnpifalists or "those wishing to secure iontestesda. ln 41conection*ithoes• notice of the mil . ay not be oat ef Phizetwad4 - one Wor of tribute ito the pres Out ' lfietiro- C bent of .. efiheriee office, whose '44ml n l tratiiiii t of affairs heti melted iuovenug .agstaakai. -.lir. -faiiiii4ea Ai* officer, serving the people ~,I. fcil an e ffi cient om iwitysibility ift!ll,mps:irPatitx,'and 44411M41; • forldniself a public Ind; esteem` which he will wry With - him Into - Aar new position in. life he may assume ontle expl 7 nationof hieteam Of 'office., - .'' -.. •‘. :' . Mzssi Lprrviridim e , 13,smee - & l 'Of , , the world know York 1 Sai o j eralin AgenW:of 8 IL itverPoro4 ! Pct, pro . pose entering into n newspaper enterprise which will not, fiewiver, interfere' *ith regular business of thelfiruw They will iamb on or AkforeJ'artua4 m ; , lik ',186?„, the WW l } imam of $ firat-teel Stay , weekly' VW, to be ds-oted to all :that -portions *lra Dame. It will be partisan or butP, orery household: Detrain s Gi MITCH= 3riEvi willtriniitie'itzatorafitilet, inut will, be assisted by a • !all Afxrrpa .. ,of2adiumial agaciatiti; - picAsinio among witaiiiitt be *.k'auLIOST fki r 4ll% zsnrnal seitdelPV* l2os tii:bC# l 4 ONO: a[ AtgAit Via WthiS 4 1 41 /ahrt r 44 l 9 , 4* -, . I.e(efity3it kewded as I/1A . 0 11 00 1 4 OP' A 417, energy and catell i tifeetitt SP7' !pnecamiw: ; , If 1. Tml4.linsii-Bimasc &owl her gener al ehotlontwith the first week of November, And 9sl4Btßriptin.eatered nport & similar "ognicStAhe we*Mier. , Thearliamentery ,thopik-thumghout the- United commenced tinitilosed with 1:" "40 gen sPeedkli ka.rwil ,iffitielt i ike,peact the comppdtion oit the next ; ;11tiitWorCoinmoni, - mid i& tate alfildieff tlteznifity 41&-Gritamzers'aleal,' , have jowl,: samsfiloihit!t. 1194!;&4141t.i'a - 4e; cworuktitityAigiotA4iterili the itivi litisiiifbieto-tmkott4 _ 074 t Wry: , woPPLIMM), strengart. *if that many lonstitzten2ges wogitslooll4,Atei eiko444 00 'the YOutig Eigland' party. Un less a declidva majoTity, of,the liewl members DISRAELI will retain power, and linty in political expedients, will Strengthening 'a !Military see Med to be on . .The detail's of this rill come 1.0 - hand-UR QM QM by hi 4 fei succeed which the brink general. - el Week. - . - -A @toPl i tl. SEIRNICE. 1 \ The friends of the U. nin Pennsylva n ia" gratefulli recognize the 'd Value of that :service tothepuriti or Jus Cal and the iii part:al administration, of th [Lay.v, which was rendered by jistice Ritz, tef the Sti-' 1 17 , Preillee9 l 4.4s )n his hsid:l4o 4 .IY Ate, MulgitlefrOf the Prpvil4o4-pf. l `tii w, in. their bearing upon - the'Dianocreitic oo spir my tii difnslidlhe "leifplefof Vie. rnf o ti, - wealth sit,their. .recent: electiuni.. ~ We. li - ceive with pleastart that the rulings from ~ this Judge, at, the Gctober l'On ' hies term .In. Philadelphia * ;upon, the :very important issnestdrig otit of the exposure this con spiracy, and Which demanded iodide! con faideration, hait been accepted Isy fhe'great body. of his fellow citizens as mat. only', inst in a,lint as "largely riiiiictendiil in effect*the'deliverance of *ballot-boxes from an inuninent and' ftlasniiing danger. The influence- . 'for good,'of those rulings, ,cannot be -too highly estimated. It is not unlikely that the plot alluded to . was there-, hyldefeated,and inno Other...way. A vast. number of frsodulent ImPers -of natu raliiation ' are. known to have beell Pre pared, for the,express Partin% of swamping the honest votes of a majority of the •peo- . ple, but the holders of these papers; wheth er theoagineers Of.the infamous scheme, or their lastrunients; were thereby de terred from their use, while many more . voters, of the same Democratic party, dis gusted by the tunumwe ratio ,revelations,' either abstained from vot &gat all,ar quiet ly.,,niiiied theinseliei sidth „the Mends' of Gen. Giusti. This wee i s good deal better for our peoPle; than if Ire were now to''find ourselves dofterldod,.o-dionared and defeat ed, as are one friends in iirow York, by the success of a flagrant! villainy. Of ike live eitteagette, tee preet e ,nti own; and have no itellpitionlii aeknow' *Wig that mach is due, therefor, to , the active and thorough ditenrdnafion of our; Philadelphia friends, and to the prompt ar id .west mlnitorious in terposition of Justie ellassi, la defense of a violate law. • . I This• Commonwealth assds fudges: who she'll'. sadie crime, of whatever nature, fa root or i n branch, without gloves —sad lot* be the alzful that we are not en tirely without the m! ' T. E F'7 ' Ali uvrYKRAFT- The 7 ese -Won Bof 'the hour are bringing out an explaiia' don of the exalt:44lllft ,course of Mr. J Damon, the American Min. *ter to HaglenYd. There are mums for the belief thit the Minieter his Mowed rettliftgli"th.eiiiie marked out_ ibr Oin in the instruction a privately ; given him by the .sPresideui; In 'iesPect• of whieh secretary 1 • - gBWAIID was. neither. Unsuited nor, has belied any , r qiecua advice. In no, other way can the Department , explain -the eon ' cessions wale which the Minister has admit 2ted ttionualid.ity of •England'a-claita to the tabulate riglit of reciognizing the belageient eiliterfAlhe , rete', Confederacy. -'his point has been BUM** resisted in all Secre tary's preliridiary 'negotiations, and was therefore r egiuded as the main obstaile in Ilieway •tif atilt' adjustment of the entire =controversy. .If the Minister has now, con tededthe.t point, he his done so in the Awe of all , extating Instructions from the Sure tary,.who does not hesitate to convey to 'Any 'ef •;111s friends the impression'••that :the responsibility therefor rests' upon the iPresident hi 6 self. : . • - • • . .c- ' *• -. In.lahatever irregaler way this reversal , -of our diploma tic _: osition may have been .. _ 'l:tronaohtllbOut., It must not be forgotten that :the point in , question _does - not affect sub. .stantially the justice of our claims against: Xi:eland; 'growing out • of the depredations -of the "Alahema" class. The two govern , ments moire, nearly a Year ego; to the same 1 1 igiound;Muching the itbsointe responsibility sofa:WandMr damages resaltlng from her inoMexeetition.of , hex'own Neutrality LaUrs. at is believed p!.s, this agreement has, ...in .effect,,,, entirely covered the disput , ;,leavini I .00,44 Ote,:tichikai quest 1181 ti!. ociven4pa - idinnitiOn of , a foreign. powe r overber relations with other nations.- As . aong , se all' the facts and so much of the 2aw.ot the cue as abundantly meet all.the oida diiitFti:Aetlveen Nit-,tw both 9 Oitliiiief,' vere,thus concurred l in :by Pirti4 istki l riCathatiOnl rs:hari never able to P 6 !eihrit ) the • neFesiitil f 4 deliginit its, ArePt7iiiilttilOztr_tiilifiw4 B 4,Of 40 uPoll a pl'Utirca_lly iffnatterial - .ohm .- w6:#o nc 4 9.4 l are_ibrOiskeslinY hissie,to dencgiAcii 1 the President, when the event may prove that he tele • `rendered a distinguished public ;serviced:li iiiiiii inittinitite•OkAliin'itnet, of _red-taw diploinaex. : He Apar_ havA, cony, - .ceded to England only that sovereign right. which, 013 . 1 1ellikliqW Atta,e!krlY occasion to maintain for itself. Hey have thus, in effect, matured dthe 'eqUitia 'le adjustment, of• a - very grave internatio duiptate, -an d . ns la upon terms which' shall ' coi n lately iiithici, our cliskt . 34dienuiPpolley - of preterit 4 to preserve ` 4o ' 6111 :1 34 4 14 !$ regardless of its.; phOodira: ' Without the most irofentid iskt-, - F4e 2 ce in t 9#4°11i.:1 1 ha .4uakpFpileups and judic i ous treatment o f emergencies, 144 dlitleilitilieilete-thatheiti - ' OW** Ok-firkid fttkr‘:44 that idslitiO form e ltittillatteht -- ddrnettle imerdiceti f if* ,' /NI tz :ml4 by ft - Ajar ~ iitialp.Lor.; roillitielistki# I nd 4183 miDsve. ot.Arifilsetii . 6idaliethilitildkiagtan,: raoidoir, before iiitonderini the ttriniits.', iii' 110 e; -0 .4 4 *;:4 1 .01* 1 : Fi, ealipylllsfi. 4 tarluo!fspoz.:#l.‘Amittruse iblifeiloa ktlit ,, *(l l ",q4o- 1414:410thdt ter iiliiiiek whose ifbet 4 S* 74l iiiicitill publicimistinsile4 llll4l/14 " 41 ._. P wiltk' ' ' notoriousrebelf st**thtlatie.loolintfett every darbto* - 4440 , ',1 111 0*0.11.1# 1 0 1 0 . • results may officially attend bia_ missird,' Ws.Yr vil q i ,*Air 4lll6 4:l l' AN °,l 4 ' *A' ammo *[eve I rsies &aye .. , 1 .02114.#11# 1 140.41141400 lii,Ceitig ., tryinen. PITTSBURGit 4AM:dbI . MONDAY NOVEMBER 16. ii3BB. THE rdEPUBLICAN FUTURE. The frknds of the 'Union propose to run the *Aline of Federal government not Only : - Jr the next font years, but, Under the fave,ting COnfidentio of the people,for sev er,ral stycesaive terms or the same length. r ri'O•tio end, they haire, by large Ungeritier,.; seleeted the incumbents of two, of :the three, co•ordinite departments of thet,.gey.. ernment, , With express rearezioe rwitmily theft personal .titness for their .tietionsible duties, but to their entirely.. 141* . iijous acs cord with each other,• and 'With the princi iles and, policy„ which thetr constituents have apProved.: The, politlidansWho make a trade of public affairs, and drive that trade for iSertxmal, profit, are *WO to realize that their vocation: is . forever ; gone under the . new order of things.:‘' We invite thil class -to-reflect that, for sO, inch Cif virtue as-may , , , appear in their attachment to taus grind `plea, that virarreis to, be rte' own ataidant reward. Politielans, or thie, Bort. are nerer 1 stn 637 \ en, so long is:mats prove them to be in pable of a large iiika unselfish devo tion to be solid , intestate o 1 the Republic: But the +, e statesman also the, wise' and• prig ed . politician, b ating his own ea 4recity for use • . arse entirely upon such po litical principle as commend them selves to idseritical ju.. Y , ' :. t, and which Minim hi accomplish the grea , good for the greatest nuffiber of his eines , •.. en. Thui the party of the Union embodien _ , manlier& or dia tinguished then, whose • , ueacein national affaintis preciselly comm to with their' ' 1 I lea, constant =druidical fidelity the few aim - 1 • pie, but potential principles w nave : ust i won their completest triumphs. tie Republican Union party bee o nega tive elentents. IXis radically, agy vely positive, as far as awe= theakPrin les, aid it proposes to uphold them with a .." !tire andmarked support; which shall maul in engrafting them inseparably piton the National policy for all coining .time. l Does any.teme , man suppose that we enter 'uptin this great duty, expecting to «millet(' it without the aid of our friends, or by the assistance of those who lately opposed us ? Is it the radical 'Union party which' won the recent eleMiens," and now proposes to manage the Government machine by Its own strength, and under the broad title which bears the great seal Of the People, or are we to proieed, for four years to come, under suffer ance from our enemies; hiking counsel either from them, or riom that noisy class of poli ticians whose only claim lipon our gratefal attention comes from their inability to em barrass ris, with their doubtful aid when we were struggiinifor the right t, , ;Ii is not in thti latter way ' that 1 we unciMstand the present ' situation. This ' government is hereafter to be conducted ,liy statesmen who are not only politicians; but of that thoroughly uncompromising Radical- type which mused, the other daY, the approba tion at a. half million popular majority. They will execute their several trusts, at whichever end of Pennsylvania Avenge, with most scrupulous fidelity to those prin. ciplenvidch led to theirelection, and in harmony with each other. President GRAFT and the Union majority in Congress _will never fbrget their obligations either to each other or to, the nielority of the People. They will look, for their supports to the authority which ' created . 'them, and will find, ~in that direition, their Only line of ! policy. We . are; to have i Republican adtahlistrathmi i n Re publican halide; sustained •by .11epatw &an majorities, and always faithful to Radical and positive Republican 'princi ples. Every public trust will be committed. tt.; &Publican hands—live, earnest and effi cient_ hands—and will - ieserve the . public confidence accordingly. Both. Congress and the Executive, elected by itepubliMm votm, know that - Republican Notes must; he their only it:lance for 'inipport. They *ill not attempt.to .do Republican work with uncongenial or fidthlesi instruments: The majority„ who have wqn kupreinict, ataxict themselves 'to wield it. They who owned 'the vi4ory will On. the proper time and In due Mier,-theruselves take care, of ally rte` feast, with o ut : : *big ;Imais from tither their opponentet or from the , bocksteriag swarm wig a t e J.*. now ; 'so 4*On * at the doors ,of t h e. maiket-place. • And this,' it we are aot:ngregionexy . raietekeni is the deliberate exPectittion of the victorious 'par: Cy, faira the• high tat ..to the ,humblest. If any one , thinks otherwise, ho' lays tip ' for himself an ~toPliagant disaPijahliuesitn4,l at no , very distant day. Tizz'Ackson Oktrion, , a' leading Demo: • • eratic 4oninta of Mississippi, accoriatil for' the, freedom of: that from:States he. bloody : conflicts of race• which are seen elsewhere, and•for_the erai of good feeling,ezisting be-• tweed the white and black raced in Minis sippl, as follows : - • • • • ies.em- we the.white people of bfbedssippl, • pending Lbw-late: vanviuss, seeing that the neSTO had beCollialnindted with the tie.: tuendous , reicenallillitiet of suffrage; - did not blindly and stupidly_: eave-to iillens in • their,pildst the business of instruesinghim nport- the nature of these responsibilities Sh 9 Trafeq, U B 4 OB l inVahred.th bin re? ! m _oat propera perform gam. ".4aid'atere in Another, „reeson i • stronger, 4 1414 . : 11 440ecqu5f recolfirtrtotiOrs • was - not acoomP2 on a wrong basis.. so maw nant, a Partisan as _Owlet Sumner does not stagger ispontheprigt in his blind pur suit of the South, but be. stated It exactly , without dOsigning•to apply,,,lt in the dire°. OM *Woke' trio Ilroperly 14044 when he wiete, 'the other day, thit there.icalt be no ccinflOt 4 f, zfaclis, denial r ight s p ;. , , MlL'at/}/21. - 7t. riI*GBTON of Oblo t tudtes wi m th, a suctittne„tt.C4Urai:- I .of • NorthVoiCOM tvadlht4 4 4avoilon. toe -0010.4., people athe , cannUT. to beheld ; I at Washington on the Bd, of Mara? flew, IVequote from, their "pidl:" , •Tuthli;frcdOrditebple4liktCb Fellow-eltir,ens: The stipiv4llllFeln freedom and slavery mover. in has in- this Ve li ftMa u gnolt i ttl ig ea Wp are, men;and part of,the body pblitle" For cut re Orit tl Ai P lA P4Miegr,,,we . , PIOT „14t tiregnatinnin: huma KY: the contest to decide this question General Grant carried our, duel erdilkialt ho 4 n 4 det With *foot e ntgiVir e palthll*.• 'Pn dna? day of dler to read ofueld , ekir:°f Washington,. Nat.. It not NI ;IMO for the.9eupla . to. thank the oarixtbal irlivie the I . , thestibheega r.by. hxyrordelegatie 'temp - sIU , 'WO of 2 8 ooniftrilitto annyenblo 141:70yhtIptiort'Oe &I of Muck 1869?” • A DIV ISIoN l NEw The_ R4publicans of New York, outside of the mvcropolis, are of one mind that they her:: been long enough afflicted with the bkwlestmess . and partizan villainies' of that great dty. Tiei propose now to cut loose from Manhattan Island, by erecting , it into a separaM State. • A Rochester journal, sum ming up the long catalogue of metropolitan mutinies which the rural districts tie pow; _erica 'to prevent tor to punish, remarks, in support of the proposed s divigion W 9 haveenly to obtain the consent of the State and_of Congress, and we are then re lieved of .all further trouble. Let,the new State be called- Manhattan, or perhaosi if the New Yorkers like it better,!Tammany. We will not stand uponthe. name pre 4rided we can be rid of them. It would be entitled, as now, to nine Representatives in Congress, two Senators, and eleven votes in the Electoral °allege. We should then se eure, without fear of 'fraud and corm_ ption, twentp U two Representatives and two Unite d States Senators on the side of Freedom,' and twenty-tkor totes in the Electoral College. The populationof the new Statewould be ortatbird that of the , present State, equal with Massichusette,- equal with Michigan and New Jersey together, - with Conn - eo• tient, Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire altogether; equal with Indiana, and equal with Kentucky. It kvould stand sixth an population In the order of States. THE SENATORIAL QUESTION. Davin Gaiarru i The Presidential coateat over, the next • question of a po litical chatiuiter, that interests the people of Pennsyironia, is, who shall be United States . Senator in the place of. Mr. Buckalew P. Of course he will be a Republican; and ' he should be a staunch,"nncomprondsing Republican. The honorand dignity of the State, as well es her interests, demand the selection of a man whom we can trust and who will not falter in his advocacy and support of the progress k: • lye and innovating policy of the Republi can party. Pennsylvania does not want 'a laggard, bat a leader—not 1 one • who will "fall in" at the behest ofothers but one , . o will march in the van, and by his ex am .le, ind uce otheri to follow. • , , Su , a mania Thomas lid il lfarshall. Re lying at early age upon is own efforts, and mit - hiving any of those external asso ciatiorui and`inflUences that so frequently foist men into` prominence, he ' has felt the strokes of adversity and 1 ed the lessons ei l i taught by wor , and in Bpi "of all obstacles has bexuns one of the forepaw - It men of the State. Politic al] hehas 'pursued a con sistent and progre s sive co urse. never for one \ moment hovering in lits support of that pol icy which has culminated lin our nation's regeneration. Morally coura geous,\ his in quiry is not as to the expediency of any pro posed change, but is it r . iglii? Long accus tomed to the controversies 'of the forum, he has acquired that knowledge and undergone/ that discipline which ; eminently- fit him' or I the immediate discharge of ' - Senator. Generous am and bnsiness relations, .of ever y man who knovis Having bastUy reviews quallficationa for the pot let no look for a moment siderations that should L ourse in this matter. The W ! the State is entitled to the —.1 4 we, must have him; and if w e would havelim We must select an ltvallable man. That man is Mr. lidarshall. He's known all over the State, but particularly in the Western' part, And in my judgment, the vote of this end of ti7 r ptate will, be cast Almost unani. moutdy fo , Some one has written, however, that "Republics are ungrateful." I don't believe it. He has labored for the' party for twenty.dve years. `Ft_verybOy knows that he has labored unesaangly. He has never any reward, nor does he claim any, for he fought for the success of his party ,purely from a sense of duty. Shall such' steadfast devotion fail to elicit commendation ? I have .7.writteit more Unit I had intended, but I Wafitto- say one word more. •I have no axes to grind,• :want no office for myself or friends. I offer the above suggestions in no spirit of selfishness; betas a Republican —a working Republican—who wants the man chosen who will fill the position with credit to himself and the State, and who at the same time is characterized by those pro gressive', tendencies Which will assure his support of the great reforms , yet to'be bun. gu ted. 1..1 earnestly lope that. Thomas DL may be our next, Senator. B. (From of tee Press. the Indepedant Bepabllcall.l 1 At a meeting of the Republicans of Sus quehanne county; held at . Montrose, No vember fith, 1868,, the following preemble and resaution *ere unanimously. adopted: Wash s, 'The next Legislature -I will r f o have to= elect a Senator in place of on. Charles:ll.--Bucludew, whose term expires on the fourth of March; and whereas,Only a tried and true ` tatesman should bac o xen to that office-1.4 man whose politica rd' Is without a styli, and who' combines abili. ty and exalted chnecte .r - with Lee Live Tetperiende, therefore—: '- • , oed, ThidinHon. Wash& A. row Wehave such a min. For twelve, i . a Repreientative -In ,L'imgress, throng the most trying struggles that have ma. our history sea nation, believer, in a sing ein stance, faltered:or . deserted- 11W c all of freedom ; : aid h i the' days • Whertlo ' an anti-Olney man Web t' reProach, `. h e tood . firly .. fer the right; resisting, 'fbarles all the echtunes 'of the slavery preopaipm hr. As a l egis l at o r and publics peaker, .1i has devoted the best portion of his rife the advancement of the • principles of th Re pnbliclutpartr. - His long 'experience' es- a member of the House and Speaker of that' body, fits him in'an eminent degree for a seatin pie Senate of the Vatted States, and we.therefore earnestly recommend his elec. tiou as die alike , top! integrity of eharac ter,ldeability as a ,statesman , : hie piped- . epee 88 a legislator, and his.nswervins do sotion,through a long period of public ser, Tice, to liberty and l'equarights. - - --,.-terom the intheni-ionerleano' ' The ,Publio inuwepaperedverYithere are expressing their, pmfbreixpe lir J4r- GroAsr. There are other gentleatettgio doitbk 'Otiose claims will be. premed tyr the position of United State' Senator - 11.6w PennsylVania, but as yet them is Ape so generally spoken of as Mr. :Grow, who stands the pier ; In exCellithand - entrowniinti,'Ofatiy stiange, the State. ~ as: IL it tried and true MAN 0 man ~isti ten ixtackable integrity, and . 1 P4FIO-t _ enlarkedtieWe blqinttlie: PPut7; P°, ls essea, of vigor 4 11 4.,enerilf. to' *rant, air the artinonellad .iperplwns datierof-thw l 3enatorial-oillee.--- - -- - -!--- - - arrolititittiaotitiedkeiat Net the least'of thedtgeskthat, ottrile4t, Legislature will havetorfOrtia the eitic:..i lion of a snccessorto Mr. Buckalew. The names gf . qum e a aamber_of yrot•th,ygetSle men have laiiti-Inesitrotted Ili tide,cortnec tion. or whom we might name Hon. Thos. M. Martha% of AliegbaP.l.; 4 0 n• fi* 4; Griw, i 'lleh.' A. 'CI: OWdn, ,:and ot he r s: Either of thesegentlemen would fill the po. IlitIQN-Aenbtloun t srlthhonor end credit; put, we deem It the dnty l 'alga Republican party at this time to make 'the selection from that Claes of men whom`-heretofore have not taken pert in the contests fothat position, 'A.,.,young man, up to the requirements of the times', on all questions that are likely to come up for consideration during the ensu ing six years. Sick a man we believe is found in the person of Ifoti.4. W. Scofield, our newly elect Representativein Congress. Our opinion :of Mr. Scofield has been ex pressed often heretofore in these columnii, and we now but have it to add that in, no instance have we ever desired to take, back one sentence that we , have uttered in his favor bat would ' make it stronger, as his_ otlichil acts fully juitify us in doing: _We have in the West a man with all the qualifications necessary for the- position; a man that has stood up for -twenty-five yeas and labored with success for the, principles of Justice and Right. • A man that has neith er asked reward, nor allowed This Mends to reward him. A man that stood up and ad vocated the,principles of our party when the party was young and few in 'numbers. A man that advocated the doctrines bicaise he believed them right, and not because he expected to be remariled. , ;,Neecl we say that we refer to the Hon. ThornakM.. Marshall, of . Allegheny- county: He 'would be a bright and shining light-in the Sez4kte, and would be a useful as well as an • ornamental member. Let us give Marshall- a united delegation from the west, and the esit,WM; as in justice it Should, Concede his election.' . The new Legislature o.Eennsyl*ania will elect, United States Senator to take the seat now filled by Senator Buckelaw. A number of names - have been - mentioned in connection with- - the tposition.. ,, Our own choice is they Hon. Morrow B. Low,,, - of Erie. He has been the recognized leader, of of the State Senate for years and has had few equals as a sound legislatOr and skilled parlimentarian in that body. He would ably represent the interests of the Old Key stone in the United States,Senate. (From the Blair Cotinty Radical.) Elsewhere we publish a communication/ recommending. District 'Attorney Carnahan, of Pittsburgh, for United,States Senator, as we cheerfully will any other Communica tions in favor of any Republicatis for the position. In the selection• of a candidate for that important Post we hold it the duty of Republican jeunalisti to give'_publicity to the opinions and Wishes of /the 'People. Of course, in doing so, we/give bet the preferences of the correspondents. (From the Johnstowtviribuee.) - John Scott of Huntingdon.---He aman of the Schuyler Colfavtype—honest beyond cavil, earnest in everything, ideal by in stinct, with a mind/capacious of principles, pure in his asiociations, and a devoted lover of his country./ Ite is a very - Sc6t of Scotts as everybody / knows who kn6ws him, and the tuniza latidatia can fail upon to one who will ear it more beccnningly. • Jab ea among th'e EmPti Sleeves. D.,erroa, 0., November 10.—The Dias bleft Boys in Bine celebrate the recent vic tory of their old commander, Gen, Grant, At the Soldiers Home, to=night; They wilt have a grand collation,*and close with toasts and sentiments.' The ladles of the Hotheatso give a brilllant party in honor of the event, , , • ce I — Lord Monk• Sailed for Engiand—Wynd ham Sworn In—New Governor Generel \ Expected—Dominion` :Connell Left Tor . , . (Br Teleiraph to the Ptttepurgti Gasette.3 Quails; November. excellency Lord Monck and::farniAn • sailed by the steamship Nestorian this fOretiOcin. The - • usual compdiments were'paid•hlin. Charles Wyndham hoe -. been *Worn in as adminietrator of the OciernMent. It is• stated on good . auttiqiitg that the new Governor General aill'leave England sooner than was expected. It ia thought probable that he may arrive by the steamer Austrian due here in'a few days. • The Dominion fifes , . 'Connell left - for Ot toWa this morning. DR. SARGENT'S 11,ACKACEEPILg.S. DR. SARGENT'S.BACKACILE, PILLS,! DR. SARGENT'B BACKACHE PILLS. . . DR. SARGENT'S BACKACHE PILLS, All'lSLDifeturs,9f .the Kidney's flare Diseasesof the _Kidneys, Cue Dfseisses of the Kidney., eure Hiresses Or the Kidneys. DR, SARGENT'S BACKACHE PILLS, " • DR. SARGENT'S B ACKACRE PILLS, DR. SAKGENT'S BACKACHE PILLS, DR. SARGENT'S BACKACHE PILLS, , Cure Diseases of tl e Bladder. • Cure Diseases of tbe Bladder, • r, CurerDlseaes of the Bladde • ' Cure Disease s of the Bladder; DR. SARGENT'S BACKACHE PILLS. , DB. SARGENT'S BACKACHE PILLS, • DB. SARGENT'S BACKACHE PILLS, ' DR. SARGENT'S BACKACHE PILLS. Cure Diseasii Of the Hibiary Organs, • CerO-Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Cure Diseases of the Vriiiiry . Organs. • - Cure,Diseases ortbelErlnstry Organs. This celebrated Dsttreticimedbiliteesoi be found at any druggist and dealer in medicine: Prepared and sold try sirmiisn A. KELLY,. Wholesale Druggist, corner . Wood street audElecoird &ranee, Pittsburgh. ' • • , • • • • . _ nig- gnaw MED/CATI MISTAKE Of former days was as titter neglect: of sanitary precautions.' No efficient mein' was adopted for the prevention of donnas: Sewerage was unknown in Ales,: drainage :WWI rarely attempted , in the' country: .Illeaps oil offal were left to rot in the ptib lio streets, and demerit: eleanlineu, the great anti; dote to 'febrile diseaseso'was sadly' nesleetild. , ,It is not so now.-. Anse lairephilantbropinituditiftionk and a vigilant unitary ralice..hfle; to a g;reat moi tent. remedied the evil Nazis ibis all. PitsviN. TIM tillnie/MON heit . heaDed materially to lessen the rates of mortality , It is, not too . much to say that vans . OF iiitiosagini escape ;sickness in on. healthy sluo n s hioriwnio ince of haring IxivaottA ,TZD TIMIS 811327,1te1, He ADVA:It6t by a count of HOSTETTER'S . STOMACH -.'UTTERS'. ,This Pure and,powarlif vegetibie tonic and alterative comprises the extracts and essences of a variety of roots and berbc renowied fbr their strengthening.' seething„vhiditing sad pn• frying bropertiet. These medicinal-Monte are incoroormed with it "pint ab- . solotely ,free Item tlicarldipolson Which defllek - • rrr iris. all tholionors orcommerce, and their leict ageseg.tpthogh the, whole frame Writs act-• five, yes barmleas.straubuth.% The' result le such a condition of the syst.m as renders it ail but Sniper. Hour to the exterior eating of disease, seen as damp fog. sudden alternations of temperature, go. ore ag: li t and the Perfeet retrtaarltY of all the func tions of the body,' are the best eafe•guerde astalnet i r rt, atmospheric !eon an the effects of unwholesome water. sad II TNTTNS,S,,BIT'PItII4 are thethest strengthenio nd .regitletio_ ftteemeth e it p re iin t blown. Tor Yttletuna and . •billimulness they Arcot BP/Caine ABEIOYUT.C. , , .. 1 LET ANICONE Ter sor nms 'Or DR. WAVNE '8 ILUNG'CDRE AND Tr. *WILL Eftl'AlDLlNa t ITS MERITS BEYOND DONTRWRItNY., We Lee!. In W4tSTF - IP! 11 7, la Its Im that we are ekoalerlftlft. a. I tene4.l ' titioefeetifit Peqple litho would be benefited brit* nee.- *Take ally large audience or it a theitifielfiiiiiii*iia l l'Atenuoa On a momen t: Mad `seietteie Oat of 044 fen !Ina, 4: 41 0 1 *./T,lker: , i L Do . cough Without so . = Panda 01,ao th roat or 04 " . I, 7 tril king-il' ll 4l beatthrombiet)baigiaduanYirrawliemantaadiabte gelato; eattrthe**MMOintlea,'at lad, I made In eagcuab to ii. r ange, gad what would 41 . ° i. 4 144 ed gt. 11 41 DeSP9lllef itk #ew.itree. etitieltetlie become a lbarftil lama. Iniolvieg We' *Mt, to one can' be too ci*Aib,,,ftthrnan ke r w i le year, to the a nt Pr e zaßrllW.PL Pl l / 1 4 1 4 1 Y; dAle.th! , * and wbon a Eggert uke one I. with hLtl4l'/Ueaft at all, the scutart.stivise 10110 If • hare Oar *mild adoi l *illertlfied*tt i - idea the iireatilge ree Velfte,)poiMS 2 4 11 rd M .• 4- • * • DROUITIMIIVI*RESM ONTIOS Or LUNG 12410 V g AT/ 0411 +',2EOl TXX4MIIOO Olt OBOUOTATIO. MAIM.C. Piing/ass% 3 RUT% I Wein; Pmmutpuilk At: mkt* I 0 A.S. owrrt. • Nomikba ' ' (itegt gic Ventligo''Ciftse4.) ClTrom lffinch Munk ,inzette.3 CAIST.IO.PA. VAN FRANCISCO. Shlpmeat of I Gold—Sup - posed Lost Sehowitt 1 Heard From. . 181. Telegraph to the Pittshereh Gazette.) SAN FRANCISCO, November 14. The steimnikii.Golderi Age sailed to-day for Panama with $330,000; $20,000 for New York, raid $106,000 for England. The schooner S. D. /3ailey nailed for Via: toria, British Columbia, on May 15th, with a cargo of general merchandise, valued. at fifty thousand dollars. Not :having, been heard from for six months, the vess&il was .supposed to, have foundered at sea abed all r aboard perished. Under these tklrduni.- stances several, , :insnranoe .policies were • paid. It now appears•that the schooner arm rived safely in Port Nelsen; - New Zealand. The Captain disposed of the, cargo and pocketed the proceeds. The iriotirance com panies aialosers, the Volleles also pro.. vidad against barratry. • MEXICO. Treaties 'Pilot to •be Presented to - Congress, -"Mexcan Valley and Vera Cruz and Americari Railroad Companies. Lity Telegraph to the.Plttaburszb Gazette NEw Yons.,l 4 rovember .1.44'-,--The Herald's Mexican special says: ' The government deems it inexpedient to bring before Con grasktME recent treaties drawn up between . - retary Seward and Minister Romero. The concession to tke Mexican and Vera thin Railroatf • Oo'mpany has been finally agreed to. A bill in favor of the American Railroad and TelegraPh Company has 14tssed a sec and reading. , • .11• hite Frost'-. • ' Br Telegraph to the . Plttsbaggh dagette.„, SAI/A.NNAH; November 16.—A white !Yen fell here lest night. - • '• Asa- sortoßB—..ro •ilNirßak," “Leeto i'•Wanti," "Found, 9 . "Boarding." afer. , , 11{0g CIF (reeding FOO.ll LINBS each will he inserted in Owe columns own for rwsarr-avz mums; wok additfonat tine IFS ORM% WANTED--HELP. HELP =At meat Glace. No. ' St. Clair Street. SOY: G and MEN, for dl2erent kinds of emplo,y. merit. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. • • WANTED---,SITUATIONS. ANTEII)--By! a young Lady— situation In a Dry ooods or Trimming store, or to do writing or eopyina. RIM a good edinatiou, and understands the lie man Lauguggiti 4ddrea. 'Lock Box 317. Pittarargh P. 0. • - . WANTED---BOARDERS. ]F r t 4WIDING—A I gentleman aikd wife, without children, can be accommodated w th an unflarniehed room and bo.rddig by-making inquiry at . No. 74 MARTIN STREgI, Allegheny city. . . ' `• - • • - - • BOARDING—No. 825 - PENN ST. —.Pleasant furnished front and back Second and third story rooms, for gentlemen and wives and single gentlemen. Terms reasonabie, orym OA RD ING.-FRONT ROOMS, - with boardlag, In a house net onenkur . svg had by calling at No. SIIIIIROMITSON Allegheny. - • 1 • 19VANTED—HOADDEI113-- leas- T ant room, with board, suitable forgentleman and wile. or 'twoyonng gentleman at 68 - rottaTH peritEET, Also. .a few day or dinner boatdera mut• be accommodated. Reference required. WANTED-AGENT& , - --- yirANTED—FIBST CLASS :CAS. • `ASSESS In this city and every county In astern Pennsylranlavalso local agents 'tomb as clergymen snlitteschers are appealed to as etweort. era for. the .MSICKE.IO3OLLEIS MUTUAL:LIFS INSURANCE 011Mf!ANY of New • York. Assets. nearly 43.000,000. Monthly Income oyer_l2_so. 000. Ititts In ducements *Sired.] App l to Housio;• General Agents. AmeriOurDePartmens.. • No. S 0 Fourth Avenge, Pittsburgh.- , TO LET. LET -Two story- dwelling house of six rooms, No. 338 tor.szeek FT. Flrst Ward, Allegheny: Inquirt Of, JOHN 11.088, County Treasurer's °Hee. . klO IL,ISTROOMf.i4With or with oat board % Ilat• pleasant location. No. 269 foots e eral street. Allegheny City. on second or thief .FlllO LET-4101:111E--AL N ew house opposite Gee. lizergrs; SHADY SIDEf near Station. Eight rooms; in good order. - Posses sion Immediately. LEWIS k MeGLITILE -No. 34 Liberty street . - no7:STTH - MO LET—Room_ ~ w ith' Board - ING.--Bevaral rurnished or -a ofornbihed Nome, wfth first clam boarding, at No. 236 PENN STR.EET. O LET--Ilostse-,A small House -cf THREE , ROOldel et N0..193 BEDFORD A. be lei and rloss anion Wen et once. Enquire, at above lmber. IOL _ .. .. ET—Furnished no within two squares of the Postorlica on Ming. LLD ESTRIT.T. - - Address L. AL. °Amur= Moe: TO LET-A :furnished 'Slee:ping .A. BOON suitable for one or two gentlemen, tee bone o ? A prltate Dungy. No. 240 LACOCN, STREET. Allegheny city.. . • rl - 10' LET—That' autiful A. brick dwelling bouse,lio: be SlO4, Oblo Ave new nue,. near l3agley's Lane, contalns 8 rooms; bath room, diddled attic. good dry-cellar, lltted up-with AAA. water and other conveniences- Apply- at WARD'S .01100ERY: 88 Palo Alto street, AB& FOR SALE FOR SALEI-BESIDENCE - AND GROUNDS--A" desirable suburban reside and four sores of ground. located four millet itoto the city adjoining the Borough of TIELLViIr.W. and within three minutes walk of A station en the P. Ft. W. il."11.1t. The house is 'a new double frame, bails and finished in modern style. mantel • a nine rooms, large ball, kitchen and two rooms in gniahed. attic; pump of excellent water at kitchen doors, all neeessary out buildings widen abundance ol fruit. ' The grounds Are UstAllilly arranged In-walks and , pianted with . a variety of shrubbery, The house stands , upon an - eminence. etrsemeeding an Wen" sire view of the-Ohio river and surrouseing noun. try, and is one of the most beautiful I.:Mations to be ound. The propErty is also sccessable by the New Brighton road. Fa ferther particulars . apply to CROFT &PHILLIPB, BealEstateatgents,•.No.l39. • Fourth avenue. „ SALE--Destk, , • - Proitieris TT—The attention of those in want °rattan& eome and healthy lowlon for a country residence la directed to the property situated on the Western Pennsylvania Railroad, adjoining. Bluerpshure, nR miles from the city. flood water from neverMillin_ springs. Jor partlestArs inotitmofJ. C, fdcPHAR. W2i, - RO. 10 ST. CLAIR FOR SALE.--Second-Hand En- GlNE'sad BOILER. A Ninelneb CYL I NDER CONE; also, a BUTLER and FIRE FRONT, sea together, or separatelv. - Inqulrerat our re-leery In Tempergaiseville, or °MM. No. Bnila tng corzier.lrwln and tonneaus Way. 4#99.P. BaULANTINE & CO: • .• • • - FOR 1111LE--LAND.---4The ` Hun. DilEu AND TWENTY"ACEIS of the brat ad Ibr_ gardening or estuary verideneea, : , ettnate4 ' on the Waabington Pike EN miles Benin or Toicl• poem:evil/A. Will be aqid lota of ani size. S 5 suit pureMseni, Enquire it 650 Liberty P; 0. NEGLEY: on the preintaes., - . , rit IVALErAtiveiencevillel PROPlERTY — The.destrsbleaurouertyon rues. •neat ; IttITL.VB • erstszTl Lairreneeil4. now weeurded lsy the subscriber; lot 4i 10 , 1410 sen; • oontortable modern two storw brie* house of tlz I : rooms:00d cellar; wish house, de, Pries Sow sue Seseuriktylt:sold ems. Apply cm the ;'premises tiv. , EDWARD BIAGEB. - , rnt . 11:4114111,00 *--An .- interest • ' am; mat pay from **moo to sa, 000 In a goo& fv uMAISIN -AA 'atheism' preferne_ - SaII'ASKA t • Address P,L. GAMMA mama.' . . . VOR SALIE—A• .diellodion and STOOL. Mat klive , b4ffla Ver7_,llLL.beneed,_and iw eh cost a rev months airo Slog They Wm Dt gold very ches • . Address C. E. O GAZZITS once. ' 9ILLE=-41 law House with seven rooms. water asel'Eash and whO ms ta t takes. at , the earner. of Paws and LITBEZTr etre of W. WILTON.. at, the Houma. t. IGIOR 114LE-LIPAR3I6--200., acre. of good Lainr..' situated. In Pew Tp.t.Wfat' mortised coontvilwarallettroargrwal gum% cso toed Penns. B. Improvements, hewed iog)Hein ood man% tagait ant gatrokteualw. fil• Terms wamp,na., , . , moiger wf +An' mars Scatko!, or R. 41. ACTH* Penn Bsstiou. •VMM); rrrin.4 IPooket COW , Ituipkeuee of liortM Th e owner ent 21 3 0: jernwerattory ezepper immretur fer aotlee, MAO ia. ,rskar4ooa, Av /twin strset.