IN N El ptt .11i-kflIti.0:,:.11.11 :221231 Anither bairn cam' hame — Barrie tO ratther and me:— it WAS yes reen In the glom:lain% Whcn scarce was light:to see The wee bit bit face o' the Malin`, That iti greetin cry was beard, And our crowded neste made a place To hold artitherptrd: Six. little bonnie mouths., Ah Inc; tall' trinclile to fill. i i But to grudge the bit t• the se.voth For !either and me were ill! OM nestle no closer. dearie, Lie soft on the snowy .breast, W W here Wt. life's fountain floweth hen thy twa warm lins are prest. The rinh man counteth cares Br th,shle s htiau" gowd hand, By ' that sail o ut he sea, By harvests that Whiten the land. The man counteth hls blessings • Br the ring o' voices sweet.. Br tn , hope that glints to balrnies' cen, By : the sound o' balrules' feet. An' It's weleome flame, my darlln' : liame to mither and me: An' I , ' b never mars' find less oilove Th‘h the love ye f ought wl` e: mays' Cutt are the blast o' the wild wind. A rough the w rld may be; But switt's the bame o' the,wee one In the hearts o' wither and mel CLIPPINGS, II --... PHItIiRETE CHASLES, the French autlior, tries tb.prove mathematically that female emancipation won't do. "Man,`l l he says, "needs woman to multiply/himself. Man is one; add woman to it, you haVe ten, the mother arid her children; but yo f u must not try to place wo'man above man; or if instead of 10,;yon prefer 01, ytm havgnnly one tenth, gq. e. d." , , Tne.7r.e. were many instances in. Boston at the last election in which persons, who had feted the Democratic ticket for very rattnate'ars, cast their first Republican bal ., lot. -The most notable case was that of, an old gentleman nearly ninety years of age, who came up to the polls with the whole - Republicanaticket, saying that he had all his life 'voted with the Democratic party. Trit New York Tribune says : The Re publi aus of this State and - of the whole country will gladly learn that the move ment? to, detect and expose the gigantic frauds whereby the vote pf this City was so monstrously falsified is being prosecuted with - vigor - and resolution. They may rest assnied that it will be pushe,d - ba to the end. Particulars will be given in due season. ' ikayerua..i . E FOE DEATH.—The follow ing ',extraordinary Advertisement appeared in a,French paper: "A man much dis couraged,-and who wishes to end his life, is desirous of meeting with an English gen tleman who will promise to settle 10,000 francs upon Iris children. He will then place himself entirely at the disposal of the gentleman, to fight all his duels, mount the summit of aglacier, descend into the crater of Vesuvius, or precipitate,' himself from a , 1 • balloon. Address M. A. u., poste restante, I I Pails.' z • • li. wiTALTN - G settlement established three j and-a. half years ago at Exeter Sound, in. D4vis' Straits, North ) America, has proved unsuccessful. Thirty men with sample stores, implements and everything needed . for comfort, were taken out, but the experi- ,• mint las been attended only with loss. List season twenty-two walrasses were cap-1 tared, and ,seven more this year. A few i seals were also killed, but during the whole a . time the 'settlement has been-in existence " heta single whale has been. captured. The ' e•x'periment, which has cost 50,000 to $60,- 000, has been given up; and the men have :returned, to England. ) . al IT is very well known that in many parts of Louisiana the Republicans, white and lilack, dared not vote, and staid away from the polls, preferring to sacrifice the right of franchise -to preserve their lives. A rebel • paper of New Orleans publishes the returns Ktwenty-three parishes, which gave an ag egate Democratic majority of 32,032. In eight of these not a solitary Republican vote , was cast, and five, pftiers gave respectively one, nine, two, one and thirteen. Republi can votes. The freedom which existed may I* inferred from the fact that these parishes, fli?r the most part, have a very heavy colored , population. THE NEW OHLEANE3 Advocate says that tke Rev. Edwin Brooks, a, Methodist mire hter at Millican, Texas, was assassinated While on his way to Austin. The fiendish rebels first caught him , and demanded that ' 7 .:•he disk. Vow his Republican principles. He 'refused, 'and his assailants stripped the flesh from his body, but lie refused to recant; ~Z: , their broke his legs, but he declined to fore ', swear his honor and his alibi they then ~ '',--'-hung him by the neck till he died, a martyr . to his church and his country. After the horrid - murder, the Colored people were pre mitte4 to take the body of their pastor down, and give it a decent burl4l. • -Trim breaLts.—A gentleman of Cleve ' .' i land, Ohio, his issued -a circular asking aid 1 • toassist the Indians in making their own -blimkets. This gentleman has traveled among the Indians and has noticed their l love for bright colors, and their desire to be ' taught to weave on liarid.looms., He asserts \,- \ that when the Indian women adopt such employment the men will see the utility, of wool - growing, which will then become their occupation among the valleys and mountains of the far West. Through such industrial puriults the Indians, it is be '-). • lieved, can be indneed to supply the wool needed by the manufacturers. 1 I 'A • COMING CoNSTITIITIONAL AMEND; arram".—A private letter received at. Wash ington on the lth from a, well knotvn Re-' publican Senator, states that he has pre- Pared and will introduce into the Senate when.:rCongress, meets, , a constitutional amendment providing for. Imiversal man , hood suffrage in all of the' States. He says . that it can obtain the requisite two-thirds ' vote of each House, and can be submitted to the required three-fourths of the State Legislatures, which convene next winter. It will‘berecollected that two Senators favor ed such hn amendment to the Constitution of the United StAtes, in open debate in the -- ' Senate, last session. ' Tar. Araerican Consul at Larni an ca, t Cyprus, has made, by the aid of a peas, an im . ~merisely valuable discovery of Plnenician • and Greek antiquities, in an ancient Greek —, burial -place at. the village of -Dali, the site I of Inftalium, once the capital of the king dom. The surface of the burial-place is described as from seven to eight acres, the „ Greek graves being some three feet deep, I but having, six or seven feet below them. a stratum of Phaailcian tombs of stone, and oven -shaped. In these were found vases, :statuary, jewelry .of, gold and silver,- pre cious stories, coins, weapons and armor. 1 household andaab e utensils, ornaments of various kinds, &c. • llGSSlA.—Lettera published in the Vienna newspapers assert that Russiaon the banks is in a most k • melancholy condition. While of the Volga, and on the shores of the Azof tbe , the R heat harvest has been excelle n harvest i central and \ western, regions the ulation \ insufficient f r the wants of the pop ~ and ineendia y fire l and thefts are of con : scant occurre co, - n the Governme of ), •• r ' Vladimir $360,000 have been stolen out of ~, then' üblic chest, and Similar robberie.s have been discovered in Rillaan, where $44,800 \ ' are deticieet, and', at Moscow, where the loss-amounts to r3t,000. These thefts are . j generally ascribed to officials. and several I of them have been dismissed iu consequence. • i At Niini-Noverod forgeofLy-rouble notes have circulated in such quantities that seve ral merchants have sustained considerable losses. Tan Chic - ago Trances says : -"It is wor thy _of note, as a matter of fact, and as a mat-. ter of justice, that at the election on Tues day, for the first time, a large, body of the Irish-born citizens of Chicago abandoned the Democratic ticket to vote for the Re publican candidates. On Tuesday last the chains by which the Docratic party held em the Irish of this city were broken. -Two thousand of these men, either openly or si lently, went to the polls and voted for Grant and Peace, and to preserve the national red it. They declare themselves tired and, dis gusted with the rule which has kept them separate in all things from their American, German, Scandinavian, and other fellow-cit izens. 1 - COAL IN Rllssia.---The foreign scientific journals report that recently large and most important discoveries of coal have been made in- Russia. The mines of one district, alone are, according; to the St. Pe tersburgh journal Golos, capable of supply ing annually 300,000 tons !for one hundr d and fifty or two hundred years. Since 18 4 there have been surveyed in the valley Of the Den forty-four beds, the aggreg te quantity of which is estimated at m re than eighteen billions of tons. , . The 0 os' asserts that the minerabwealth of Ru la far exceeds that of England, and at the e ; rate of production, would last for two c n• biries after the English mines had been ex hausted. - - . A. NEW PROCESS of manufacturing steel is noticed in the English papers. The Bes semer or pneumatic plan requires _pig iron of the finest brand, and is unequal to !the conversion of metal of inferior quality charged with large quantities of sulphur and phosphorous. The ' new process, it is reported, is .chemical and not mechanical, thus securing great - economy of time and labor. Nitrate of soda is the ingredien;Mm ployed in the manufacture, and ill report of a committee upon the tensile an resist ing strength of steel made by this me hod, places it upon an equality with the finest kinds. Vast deposits of ore, hithertocon sidered useless, it is asserted, can ( nosy be manufactured into first class steel. t 1, ---- Tan female working classes in Pari4, ac cording to official statistics, number 106,310 persons, who are divided into three! sec tions. The first consists of 17,203 women,, who are paid from ten to twenty cents per day; the second - of 88,340, who earn rom ' thirty to eighty cents a day, and' the hird Of 767 only, earning from ninety cell s to two dollars a day: In the first section there are a great many girls under sixteen years of age, most of whom get beside their i wages lodging, food and washing I free. 1 The representatives Of the female workinr class in Paris are, therefore; the 86,340 wo men of the second section. Of these 9,4,810 ,earn forty cents a day, and 59,164 morel than that sum, and their average daily wages is forty-three cents,a day. ) 4_,--__ Tan Rutland county (Vt.) Journal says' "The_history of the growth of wool is very curious. Fifty Tears ago not a pound of fine wool was grown in the United States, in Great Britain, Or in any other country except Spain, In 1764 a small flock was I sent-to the Elector of Saxony as a preseujt from the King of Spain, whence the entire product of Saxony wool, now of such lei mense value. In 1809, during the invasio of Spain by the French, some of the valu able crown flock were sold -to raise moneY. , The American Consul, Jarvis, at Lisboa, purchased 1,400 heed and sent them to this country - i. A portion of this pure and un mixedtrine flock is still to be foiled in Vermont at this time. • Such was the origin of the immense .flock-of-fine wool sheep in the United States at the present time." A REPUBLICAN PROTECTIVE TARIFF.r- The Bepnblicans, true to the policy that has proved so briliant a success thus far, propOse to increase the tariff ratuer - than to reduce it, contending that what we should lose in cus tom receipts we should more than make Up in enhanced internal revenue, in consequence of the multiplication of industrial works, the improited condition of the mass of the people, the increase of capital and the, gin eral diffusion of prosperity. If protection I be beneficial to the great leading interests of the Republic, we cannot have too much ;of it. That is the tenet of ' the" Republican Party, and under that it has(not been. t,ct ing for eight years past, with a success so astonishing that nothing bu s t he stupid per- versity of partisanship could have induc ed the Democrats to' optamie 4 a Policy upon -- which the country has done `se Well.—Phil- adelphia Gazette. 1 / i Tan store of the Workin 'Men's o C- 1 1 operative Society, in Halifax, \ [ England, isl a handsome stone building, erected at a cost of $lOO,OOO. The basement contains seven shops belonging to the Societi—a butcher's, a provision, a boot and shoe, a linen dra per's, a grocer's, a woolen .'drapers and a tailor's. • On the secondfloor are coffee rooms for the members of tl e society, male and female, reading rooms, a dining room,' and a smoking room. Var ous other con veniences are provided for he fortunate as sociation, and the whole building, it is I I stated, is fitted up with an elegance and a liberality not surpassed by e best London Clubs. The association has a farm of sixty acres, situated about a mile from Halifax, where grain is grown and sheep are raised. The members and their -families go out to this spot and enjoy themselves at rural festi vals.. The association commenced opera ' tions in. 1849,and lived through a long period of discouragernent. At present the association numbers five thousand members. Its yearly sales in 1860 had reached $600,- 000; its profits $60,000, exclusive of a sum set apart for books, lectures and newspapers. TnzneYs or, Dick 'rurpin and Sixteen String -Jack are being revived in this coun try. The Little, Falls (N. Y.) Jonrnal states that Mi. John Snyder, a farmer living about three miles from Herkimer, when re turning from the village on Wednesday evening, was suddenly attacked by two men, pulled out of the wagon and dragged into the woods, where he was robbed and left for dead. The team going home:roused the people, and search was cemmenced 1711- , mediately, He was not found until the next afterhoon, wherk some one goin`g into fi e ld t o :, • a horse, found him near a hay 1 stack nii•' y dead. 'Hewes unable to speak and wr , aon a piece of paper the circum stances I f the affair. Ile had gone to ller kimer to deliver his. hops, and recg his pay for them ($1050), started for, , home about dark. It seems he took the precau tion to put $lOOO in his boots, and the re mainder in his pocket. As he was nearing home he met two men. As' soon as they passed lie said they jumped into the wagon and pulled him out on the ground, jumped on htm and broke his back. After pounding him and taking, P ' pocketbook, they drag ged him into the woods, 'covered him over with brush, and loft him for dead. As they were getting over the fence to go away, one said : "Let us go back and cut his throat"! "No," said the other, "he is dead enough now." He soon came to, aufficiently to crawl out of the woods into the open field, where he was found the nett day. Heas was unable to tell who the men were, as it was quite dark:AA he could not remember having seen them before, It was , undoubtedly done by some men who knew of his receiv ing the money, and wito lay- e wait for the purpose of robbing him. Fortunately they were foiled of obtaining the greatest share of the booty.; ih died on Saturday. NI PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 14,i T rxm. EXTRACTED WITELOI7I" NO CHARGE WADE WlCEN.Trincur& !BETH ARE ORDERED. A 1 , 13 LL err Yon $B. . AT DR. sayrrs. lITS tram( STREET, SD DOOR ABOVE HAND ALL WORK, WARRANTS 2 : CALL AND RI AMINE SPECIMENS 07 eils , . iny9:ditT N & KELLY, Nannfac!arers and WnoJessie Dealers In . Lamps, Lanterns, Chandelier AND LAMP GOODS. Also, cArißox AND LUBRICATING 04/0 - _ BENZINE. , & C• N 0.1.47 Wood Street: Se9:l3.= BetNveen sth and Gth Avenue's CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &C. 13.11:311AULIC CEDIENI AP STONE. I n.etrrio, CUDEffEY TOPS. WATER PIPER. 6:070 .p_k , HYDRAULIC CE LENT DOIN, PIPE, Ctietwest and nest Pipe in the market. Also, RO - ItYDRAIILIC CEMENT for sale. B. IL & C. A. Bsocarmr & Co. • (dice and Manufactory-240 _REBECCA ST., legheny. /tar Orders by mall promptly attend o. ed . je.V.:r93 kOowaisiloomaloial CIEORGE ,BEAIVEN, IwnrrAc zu or. • CREAM CANDIES--AND 'T2LFFIES And dealer in all kinds of FRUITS, IiIITS, PIC 14 LES,'SAUCES. JELLIES, Ac., Ao. • 11% FEDERAL ST., AlleithenTr HENRY W ! thntBACH, • • e.., Confectionery and Bakery No. 51014 SMITHFIELD STENEII Between Seventh and LS oral. ,LADIES' OTSTR I R SALOON attach,. • GEO. SCEME/S.L._ - Fancy Cake Baker & Conf tioner, AND DEALER IN rrOREIGN DOilEnT7.O FRUITS - 4k 'IITS, No. 40, comer Federal and Robinson streets, Alle gbeny. SlP‘Constwely on hand, ICE CREAM., of various ilavors. _ PIANOS , ORGANS, Sc B -_,. " — H TE BEST • AND CHEAP-. EST PIANO AND ORGAN. • Schomacker's Gold Medal Pismo, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. StandsTl ae dicing s c ti o et. oh. mostA eCa: latest valnible improvements known in the con-, struction of a brat class lastrument. and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full. sonorous and swe7t . The workmanship. for durability and beauty, surplus; all others. Prices from estk to 6150. faccordintto style and- nish.) c heaper than all other so-called' first class Piano. ---: i ESTEY'S COTTAgE ORGAN E r o f ilf e catllp PIAN O i r e pe e d' ansl c ombin es a nl y /3 tt n tO la n . e ili o nt f p th tl 1 l r C'e T similar instrument in the United tstate It is sim pie and compact in construction, and hot liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT ",'S'oll t, HUMANA TREMOLO" is only to be found in this' Osseo:6 Price ,from 6100 to 6550. All guaran teed for dye years, I I BLEB, SNAKE & BIaTI I ZER, No. 10 ST. CLAIR STREET. S NARE 81. CO. l B AND RAINES BROS. PIANOS, For sale on monthly and quarterly payments , • CHARLOTTE BLROSE, 43 Fifth street,:•Sole Agent D -- ISSOLUTION—TheCo-Part nership between W. JOHN BEST AND C. W. ROBINSON, under the firm of BEST & RIBINSON, Glass Mann facturersjs this day dissolved by limitation. Mr. JOHN BEST will settle the' business f the late firm: JOH Pt RE ST. C: W. ROBINSON. Pittsburgh, September lit. 1868.. I • -- , C , —.4 O-PARTNEItBHIP-1 have this day associated with me GEORGE THOMP SON. JOHN MACLEAN and THOBIABA. BEST, under the name of ! • DEIST, THOMPSON' , & CO., • ' In the manufacture of DOLEMETF FLINT GLASS, Patented 10th January, 1866, w ich we offet as a superior article to any in the market at the same price. ,Orders from the customers' of the late firm thankfully ; received, and filled with ai ,ittle delay as posslide JOHN BEST. oita •_ pIURE NATIVE MINES. ISABELLA. AND CATAWBA, Of our own growing. Also, the best brands of CHAMPALINE, CLARET, SHERRY and PORT WINES. "Vine Growdrs' Company" of BRAN. DY, pint flasks, 'Just the thing tot travelers. N. B.—Particular attention paid to Bunplyttig A. KAM AUX; jr28:167 No. 4 Virgin alley, Pittsbirgh. JrOSEil S. FINCH N. CO., • , Nos. 195,187, 189, 191, 198 and 195, f FIRST STREET, PITTSBURGH, FIXTURES `NT. HENRY S. COLLINS, ood street , BUSINESS CHANGES WINES. LIQUORS, &Cr MANILITACTIIIITAS or Copper Distilled Pure Bye Whiskey. Also, dealers ha FOREIGN WINES and LI4ITOES , HOPS, R. triSZR.uB3 RCgg~ITT TA.ILOR3 TIEGIEL, • (Late Cutter wittt,W. Ileepenbelde,) 151EitCEIAN T No. 53 Smithfield Street; Pittsburgh NEW TALL GOODS: A onlendtd new stook of cr,oaais, CAIgSEINMRES.MO VIENRY MEYER. Just received by se.l4: Meroi:mat Tailor. 73 firnttbfleld street NEW WALL PAPERS, For Irall3, Parlors andlehernberas NOW OPENING, AT 107 Market St., near Fifth Ave., 305."1t, HUGHES &-141 W 1:011 NUS AND NOTIONS. DRESS. CLOAK & ' MANTILLA. • mumps, A Great Tariety of Xll Styles, / AT I JOSEPH HORN &. CO'S . • _ -GtatintE LA E, Loops, Trimming Sirius, But o S. Drochot. Trim mings, for Velvets, Bugle Trl Ind. Velvet Bibbons. LADIES' AWD GENTS' DEawmAn, HOSIE Y, (- 1 The beet S 3 sortment In the ci r. GLOVE, All shades and sizes. WINTER GLOVES, of all styles. WOOLEN COODS. SHAWLS, HOODS AND NUBIAN. ZEPHYR AND KNITTING YARNS. WHITE. AND COLORED LINEN COLLA.RS. setts LACEWAND LACE. GOODS. -GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. lIOOP SIEIRTS, 'COSSETS, "THE'PERFECTION PANIER SKIRT," BOULEVARD AND BALMORAL SKIRTS, FANCY GOODS AND SMALL WARES, An nnsurpalsed line, st.*ASTERN PRICES• • Wholesale and Retail, 17 AND 79 MARKET STREET. nolo W T O - OLEN GOADS. WOOLEN COOPS. f ' Ladies' C7tildren'B and Infant's 'wool, noon's, CHILDREN'S WOOL SACQUES, LADIES' BREAKFAST SHAWLS. .INFANT'S FANCY CLOAKS A splendid assortment or BUGLE AND •SILII. GIMPS; Buitn§le Cor r trimming VELVET cpomFcs BALMORAL HOSIERY, A COMPLETE LINE Men's Country Knit Wool Half Hose. A FULL VARIETY OF LADIES BERLIN LISLE AND CLOTH GLOVES Beautifu\Stiles of • SILK AND VECVET BU TTONS,', I • HOOP Skirts , Gents' Dickens Collar, Ladles' Paper Collars and eons, Neck Ties all colors, Alexan , dres Kid Gloves. Paris "La Palle" Skirt, Ness lioules rad Skirt. Morrison's star Shirts. Men's Wool LTas derwear, Ladies' Wool Uuderwear. 6 gl C.ll Ll_ .11 ASI,IIGIIG EDGE AND INSERTING, • - • LACKS, of all kinds, CORSETS, 35101. c o r colored, fa An s.ortincut of lIA:NDEERCHIEFS. 0• ,Tobhers will Lind It to their advantage to call on to,fure purchasing chesthLre. MACRUM, GLYDE & CO., IS and SO Market Street. - tro Z F . 4 . a-. lea S:I .•#ll . ACRIUM CARLISLE, M No. 19 Fifth Avenue, ' / • Are Now Constantly Opening Elegant Liues of FA-I 4 L & WUTER-GOODS. SILK FRINGE'S. GIMPS, VELVET BUTTONB BUTTONS, BRAIDS. BINDINGS BO:Stir:T.:NEC/IC ANIL HAIR ItIBBOY6 EMBROIDERIES, ',ACM, RTIFFLINGS:I 400NNETS , BATS, FLOWERS, PLUMES' I.i . EW STYLES SKIRTS 'AND CORSETS. A full aiwasueut of UNDE.I3,GMISIENTS 4 FLEECED COTTON AND RIBBED HOSIERY The, best makes of MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS Sole Agelag for the sale of THE HARRIS SEA) LESS KID GLOVES. S." SIDS, 81.00 ALESAInYEE" SID. 0.:215 Thompson's ••Oloie Fitting" CORSISTO, all sizes ZEPHYR AND ENITTINCi YARNS, all ehades .EMBROIDERED narrims, aad IcSIT G 013119 DRUGS AND CHLIVIICALS. MANTIC SUMMER cotolib, An infaLle remedy for Summer Comlaint, ar. rha, llyantry, Vomiting, Sonc stomach a t io Cholera Morin:u • • DR. HARRIS' CRAW CURB, apccina forkolera. Cramps and Pain n Stomach, tore by FLAMM& EWING, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, Act ~rrTß FOR J. SCHOONYIXER & SON'S . PURE WHITE LEAD- NcCOVS -VERDITER GREEN, The Daly green pallit that will not deteriorate by eaLosure. It will look better, last longer and give -more phrfeci , satisfaction than anv paint, in the mar et WIEsn , PC O C OI-A• I _ / ALEX. S. MACRAE, BD,CLICIL AND AGINT YOB Chanties's, Drugs. Dyes.olls. 16rov Pitons oudirrodnee of every description. Businesncondnctedon ono.half the terms of othe ;louses. The American transactions n 'Liverpool Alone ex ceed. London an du. the ports of Europe nut - cr gcther. eekly Circa's" Commercial Adyices,Wahle W ktessages, n ,application. sellt:x37 _ WI 1102 E 9, BELL. CO., ANCNON COTTON. WLLS, Kann "..Meets of HEAVY MEDIUM and WIRT SH.B.E.IIIsiGS AND BATTING. 1c368. 54.. Barred Flannel, AND PIT'TS131:11“ 3 i 11 . ANCROB AND ItAGNOLIA =MIR i gITT~NN~TG, XTRA HEAVY A VERY LARGE STOOK, Da'corm/ red, 17tr GOOD STYLES. ArELROY, DICKSON (, WHOLESALE ro-EL-s- 4cm-c)o3yits, 0,46 OOD STREET. Ni W 0 NEW GOODS AT J. m. BURCHFIELD & CO'S, 52 ST. CLAIR,STREET, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, • WATERPROOF , Black, Brown and Gold Mixed, at very low pneeo. Vrelxretee 31.5, In Black and Brown. As handrome as silk, and one fourth the price. I COUNTRY FL ANN'ELS, COUNTRY BLANK- E iII T O , L H E EW RDS L K O I W SA,.ND WHITE FLANNtLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at No, 52 St. Clair, near Liberty St. nolo Q 7 MARKET STREET. g • • NEW Goons • WATERPRooF —all colors and qualities. CASSIMERES—for Mtn's and Boys , Wear. LADIES+ CLOAKINGS—Large assortment. FRENCH AND' ENGLISH MERINOS. IRISH POPLIN-41.8U per yard • VELOUR POPLINS. SILK POPLINS. PALEIOLA CLOTH—for Salts. BLACK iticiLlA.N. LUSTERS. BLACK AND COLORED EMPRESS CLOTHS— Large variety. VELVETEENS—for Snits. .ELECTRIC CLOTHS. • Large assortment of PLAI SD. 1' 'Full stock of DB.ESS GOODS, at Lowest Eastern Prices. THEODORE F. PHILLIPS' : 87 MAREIT STREET. • , NEW GOODS. ; NEW ALPACCAS. NEW 'MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SOUCY . , Ur No. 168 Wyllek Street. ji3 168. 16S. CLUB, DicCANDLESS CO., (Late Wilson, Carr & C 0.,) WHOLESALE DICALIMB U Pot Op and , Domestic Dry GOods, lio. 94 WOOD STREET. Third doci!x . above Diamoall alley, , PITTSBURGH. PL TOBACCO AND CIGARS.,, EXCELSIOR WORKS* Is. dryW. JEANI INSON . Manufacturers and Dealers TObaDei), Snuf, Cigars, Pipes, &e 'EDLPAL ax., ALLtEilign 'o 6; q11.14N1 EU ALL; WOOL, cArt,PETSI at Par below regular rates; A few nieces al about iwentr nye per neut. less than manufacture pres ent price. " PrFABLAND 81, COLLINS nor, 71. 'AND 73 FIFTH AVP 54. 1 • CARPETS -- . i 1 . 5 .1 TiiE BEST LINE OF 2 -- -, i PATTERNS I t over offered in this city, at the LOWEST rutOss. WFARLAND & COLLIN ~.., • . nob 71 and 73 FIFTH AVE trE. , DRUGGETS AND . - 1 i _CRTTAT.B CIAOTH ~, I .. In hand6oml patterns and bright colors nn at Tory low prices. - ' WI'FARLAND & COLLIS. Si i to 6 i 4 l 71 AND 73 FIFTH ACE' — * --____— _ - vvr INVITE A 5 , . i , VV' . s .'• COMPARISON OF OUR STOOK / AND PRICES with any house in Pjt6urgh , l'illadelphia or New lork. WFAILL.AND & COLLIAig., 71 and 73 Flithisiplitte. FALL GOODS. / FIRST ARRIVAL OF nu'. SEASON. Velvet, CO. OLIVER 1111LINTOCK,& y)O., SECOND ABBIVAL OF T.. NEW CARPE S, NEW DRUGGire. NEW FELTING, I -4 At e l e o = E . 4 r e. 4.1 ;4 Irm err gt g ;T;4.• (NEAR. STREI=C DRESS GOODS. , (Colts. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Brussels, Tapestry, Three Ply/ And !Ingrain C.14-13-IE9EIT" $9 JUST OPENED AND OFFEEED LT T?2LE LOWEST BATES. No. 23 Fifth Stree llt BRITIAAUT 00L92, 1 1-2 TATCDS TO 4 TAISDI 4 I BORDERED AND BY TUE rARO . .. 'ULLE BROTHERS -9 51 FIFTH AV NVE. oc17: I 1 STATEMENT OF TH E , REAL ESTATE S,VVIGS • . OCTOBER 31st,-IS 6B . _ ASSETS : i !. . . . ; Bonds and Mortgagas,* being rs 1 1$4- 1 33.50s 81 4• . Ilene on Real Estate •• 35,000 00 IL S. 1881 Bonds at par .... '45,000 00 U. 3. 10-46 Bonds, at par. ;4,720 47 Heal Eslate - 418 00 Ottlee'rurnltare '3O u 8 00 Cash g - .4526,065 88. I , ' Amount duo Depositors...:. ... ; . 1....0117,354 38 Amount due DCPC.itOrd, Mite est. _ * _ November lst. 1868 12,033 3 Total • Total.-- .... ..... Balance Continient Fund:...1:....51i4-2€343,4 7126 The above Is a true ttatement. _ Treasurer. . . , The undersigned Auditing Co =Rine, have ex amined the Boobs of the Bank:fain BOds, Mort gages and Securities, and counted - the Cub, and find the above Statement correct. NICIDOLAS VOEGTIT, .JR-• /Committee / NV M. H. SMITH.- ' 11. CHILDS. President—lSAAC JONES. 1 't Vice President—Wm• U. SKIT I. . Accountant—Bz C. PARSE. L - 4 solicitor—T. BRADFORD TOTID.• I I . TRUSTEES: ISAAC JONES, INICTIOLA.S i/OEGTLY Bon. J. K. MOORHEAD, , WM. H. SMITH. Hon. TH ..S M. HONE, iIiFLAYsxY CHILDS. JACOB PAINTER. C. G. lIITSSRY. D. W. C. IDWEI - .1: 4 INTEREST ALLOWED on Delicilts Ist this Inatt tntion, at SEE PER CENT. PElt AN N1.J31, payable to Depositors In May and Noveigiber. which, if not. drawn. will be added to prlnelpatatul colt MuNIMP. i ll cpen for Deposits from 9 ..,.. St to ar. m. daily also, on Saturday evening from to 9e. clock. OFFICE. 63. FOUII II AVENUE. iu12.:a30 . PITT'SBURGII. 100 WOOD STBSEE,T. GLASS • - - QUEENSiNhRE, snorEß , iriargir WARE, ! PARIAN STATtETTES, • • • BOHEILIA3riSA, And other STA:PLE siD GOODS, a great varlfAT. - . 100 WOODS REET, RICHARD E. B r EFS) & CO 100 WOOD STREET 4 1180 i PRACT CAI; . i 118 I ' FURNITURE MA UFAuTURERS I waoirsiaa A I RETAIL. LEMON -& I *Ow., _ , NO. 118 -k-ovltli. oorEmei2.. Constantly on hand every varlets of PARLOltanel CRABBER F13R1 , 113781Ei togethert with a aom. ylete assorpment of corm/a ifurklaare at reduced -Prices. . - Those tri want of anythin4 hi ontiUne are cordially Invited to call brierevarcitaabag. ! - Work guaranteed. • 1 / . t 1.A.3101 4 1 * unetalt. .--- . rrisr. GREAT . 1 .!'= CAN CONE-- A. BINATION. / ' • ' BUTTON-11%E OVEBSEANING AND i S.7EWDck NEACCEEINE , rr Nr&SO FA 1 11411% , . . . BEING ILBtizOLUTELi Tnt BEST TAMIL I.4.APHINE 11• I TH WORT,B - , - -AND IN \ • TIUNdICALLY-,THE CHEAPEsT. rlxenti.lantedtoru: :' e. ciks. q..m . .4. .sy 4 nt, Pennsytoauia. Corner lain! AND iiA.II3IBT BTBEETB, Qv \ litchaPlaait'*Jevre ll 7 4, Kre. i . ;" / E MI 028,085 88 ME