CHEAP GC =-------,-_____, NS . FOR T HE PEOPLE...a THe (MEAT WE S SMITHFIELD GUN WORKS have been removed to No. 17i STREET, where wilt alwaYPB , Pis to y,a lki the most complete assortment G . rimunition and Sport , . and Matos.r i a c a l:. ej a . t u C" in tee city. AU kinds °fauns ARMY RIFLES c - (kV repaired. Octoh paid for mut REVOLVERS. Send /damp for illustrated CV rf 5 4.117. .dgents wanted in mil/ town in the United .at s. Addre*R, J. H. JOHN STON. - 12?,.. 8 mi'. thhad Street. Pittsburgh. __ . --. . _ fgrJ o . ll Ni N. PURVIANCE, _ II Register in Bankruptcy for nd Ilistrict, Office, 1116 PEDERAL STREET, ALLEGVENY Air OM?. hortis-9 A. K. to 5 P. at nrVIRST CHRISTIAN - CHURCH. corner Beaver street and Nora gomery avenue. Allegheny. JOSEPH KING, Pastor. Preaching TO-MORI:OW (Lord's Day) at ! lAN . .11. 31. and Mt. P. M. . . , ..., IIIgriLTNIVERSALIST_ CHUR CH, ... CORNER O GRANT AND THIRD STS. ; — Pastor.llev. A. BOSSERMAN. Preaching EVERY . SUNDAY at 1U IS A. al. and 71, P. At. Seats frie and awelcome to all. - ,-- . . FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF PITTSBURGH. W. S. Gray, Pagtor, 7 '.AK7 . meets statedly In NEVILLE HALL, corner of. Lib , erty and Fettrth streets. Services every Lord's Day at 1O A, NI. and 7,1 i P. N. The public are cordially Invited. • THE' FIRST METHODIST CHURCH', (Railroad street, near Depot,) NEW BRIGHTON. Pa. n. F. CROWTHER. Pastor Preaching EVERY SABBATH, at A. 31. and 7 P. 31. Public cordial!) , Invited. Inauguial sermon• to-morrow morning. . ryr" TH E FIRST _METHODIST , CHURCH, FIFTH . AVENUE. between Smith field and tirant streets. AGE:X. (WARK, Pastor. Preaching EVERY SADDAM, at 10.30 A. )1. and 7.30 P. If. Free seats and welcome to all. Sunday bebop' at 9.. sr. and 1.45 P. sr. - TH E -FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, ALLEGHENY.—The Pastorate of thls Church Is tow tilled by the appointment of H. B. KNIGHT, fornierly of Cleveland: Ohio. Preaching E.Y.EitY SABUATit, at 10,k4 A. 3.t and 71i P. m. Lecture on Wednesday Even i ng, and Gem.ral Prayer Meeting on Friday Evening. DEDICATORY 'SERVICES.-- NORTH AVENUE 31. E. CHURCH, Alle gheny, (corner North avenue and Beaver streets, Allegheny city. I.wlll be opened for the worship of Almighty God. on ABBATH, tmtober llth.. The Pastor will be abastesl by Bishop Simpson, Dr. Morgan, and other clergymen. &rvices o'clock A. at.' and .3 and 7 Y. at. _rrTHE SIGNS OF THE TIMES, . As cOnnected with the ending of the pro phetlc periods: the proclamation or toe Jubilee ol Jublfees, and the coming of the Son of 51an In re- Semptlon to hle . peoule the present Year, Dlscour •md by W. L Sunday, at 103 , 4 It., 3 and '4•O'clock P. It, at quinCy Hall. Library Rooms, La cock sweet. west at Federal street. Allegheny City. ELljd GIOUS OTICE.—EBI MANUEL CHURCH, Manchester. Rev. WM. A. FULLER, Rector: ':. 4 ervices at Henry's Hall, Beaver Avenue, at /014 A. 3i. and 7 lie P. 31. Sunday morning. sermon on - "The True Theory of Christian Bap ism." In the evening, there will be an Introductory Lecture to a series of Lectures to be delivered Surma) , evenings, on the Apostolic rite of "The Laying on of Hands." • SUNDRIES. . • IL 49 sacks:Ground Sumac; - 87 Shelled Corn; ' 20 " Ear Corn; 7 " Feathers; - 3 bales Cotton; On steamer Havana, to arrive, for sale ode - ISAIAH DICKEY &CO --- OFFICE CITY. ENGINEER AND SIIEVEYOR„ Prrratundli, October 10. IS6B. .NoTicE TO CONTRACTORS.— Sell.ti Proposals for the Laying of NICOL g.OI37 PAVEMENT ON SIXTH tor st. ()lair street, from Liberty street to the Suspension Bridge. will be received at this Office until THURSDAY, Oct. 15th. 1665. The Committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. oc10:y90 H. J. MOORE, City Engineer. UCTION SALE OF BEAUTIFUL ! . . , ITRIJRBAN LOTS. at terminns of P. V. R. It. _on SATURDAY, October 24th, at 2p. ./t. 16 lots . l in e Cfton, the large.t and ost desirable on the of this road. Those looki ng rersheap sites for a home should look at these lots st one° or call on the undersigned, where a plot or the ground can be • seen and all desired Information given. W. P. PRICE, Rear Estate Agent. 33 Ohto street, Allegheny city. A. LEGGATE, Auctioneer. oclo EW AND DESIRABLE GOODS N - 1 , , AT - EATON'S, . No. 17 Fifth Avenue. railer iet. Goods. Hsm :Embroideries. EnelLnh ain Ribbons. AngOla and Saxony Yarns., Ladles' & Misses!, Zephyr Knit Skirts. Striped Collars and Cuffs. New - Styles Lace Veils dc Lace Collars. Also, full lines of Ladies' Underwear. ocio: ( t'i • 1.• 111 B LAB BOOKS, DOCKETS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH AND DAY BORES, • ; INVOICE AND LETTER FILERS, COPY BOOKS. LETTER PRESSES, COPYING BOOKS, • Of all 'descriptions, fdr sale by W. S. HAVV.N . & CO:, Corner Wood Street ana Third Avenue oe10: _ REMOVAL. NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., Or THE CITY OP ALLEGHENY. (Mee, No. 89 FEDERAL STREET, entrance on Stockton Avenue. FLIT INSURANCE ONLY. W: W. MARTIac, President •' JAS. E. STEVENSON. Secretary. DIRECTORS: A. H. English i0.11.P. Wll Gams J no. Thompson ..Trio. A. hlyier, Vas, Lockhart, ;JosT - Myers, Jas. L. Graham, ;Rola, Lea, . ?C. C. Bo y le, Jno..lllrown,:dr. iGeo. Gers., 'Jacob IioDD. HOSIERY! HOSIERY:, A Gent's, La - dies' & Children's Underwear, IN GREAT VARIETY, AT JAMES PHELAN'S • 4 0 Old Stand Stocking Store, No. 24 FIFTH STREET OEM _ . HUH, Practical Cook, "Respectfully announces to the public that he will, On Saturday and Monday Next, Open to the public the DELMONICO RESTAURANT. It will be his earnest endeavor to furnish his pa trons at all thn• s with the most patataine viands which the market or the veasou aff‘A.ds. Tte WINE:, or vari,,tis dates, ALE, itEEIL, eta will oe - iheir own reek• n a i.rn Orders fur line Cooking' for tt cddhtgs. and ether Festivals, will, as beryl. fore, he rn nfoptly and chesply slat tided to, reauee !lug patronage. VIC _ . 11411or:a: ' 4 OOl-131) _%., No. 131 Wood Street, . HAVE NO* ON T. D the LARGEST STOCK of 4 0ACE . leh - AND LADIES' FURS, oc9EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET J. E. SWINT ' J. M. MUTT SWINT, lI4ATT & ARDDITECT Ult AL AND -ORIVAIVIENTA L, CARVERS , No. 61; NanduAy Pa. A Iarp!SIFU.TLIV.E.II W fc f. l'z +T.4l:2ci ett.uoy LNU, Or Mil eztinii,ptSi nt* ttu;Ae. 've2:7.4 And STATIONERY, Itereetfully announces to his friends that be is floe offering ble stock, consisting of the FIVEST CIGARS, TOBACCO, &C prlcTs LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED IN TILS -MARKET. • No 162 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY FutNISIHNG GOODS, nsit, CLARK & FLAG G, E. A. 13W/PiT aux..;:u4.4 NEW ENGLISH AND arittrucarq soons. I I • Triton's Commentary. 3 roluine.s. Quarto. London.. ..... L i te, • 1,38.00 Jesus Christ. His Times and Work. By E Le Pre sense; D. D. Loudon • 3.50 The Milne Book of Pleasure andlustrnction. London 2.00 Moline Lee's Fairy Titles. London... ...... 2.30 The Psalms Chronologically arrAnged. By Four Friends. Lona .n Hann:lol's Pulilt Assistant. 4 vole. 16 London - The Poll teal Economy ot Art. London Balmy Thougnts. By F. C. Burnaud.. Han dy volume series. Loinion Harris' Treatise on Ini,wts !anthills to vege t ttion. Colored plates 10.00 Chimes. for children—a collection 'of tongs Little Lou for Little Ones 1.50 By Wom saenat. : or, CO Meg, -Ja lleth and Amy. i Ail t 1.50 Tnies of Algeria: or, Lite among the Arabs. By Alex. ..Dumas FOB SALE BY ociO , TT 93 WOOD STREET NEW LAW PUBLICATIONS. Mlle Brightly's Digest of Federo Decisions • A Digest of the' Detisions of the Federal Courts. cow prisi ng the reports of the Supreme, Circuit and District Court and Court of Claims, as reported In the regular series; and also Inc lilting the numerous Federal Cases contained In the State Itenorts and in the Legal Perlotia , Als. By Frederick C. Brightly. Price, **10.00.. / 'Wharton's American ^Criminal Law. A Treatise on the Criminal of the United States. By Francis Wharton, LL. D. Sixth and Revised Edition. In 2 Tols. Price, 122.50. Wasliburne on Beal Property. Entareed Edition. A Treatise on the Law of Real Property. By. Emory Washburn. Third edition, revised and greatly, enlarged. in three volumes. Price, $24.56. . , Angel; and Daniel on highways. „New Edlimy. A Treatise on the Law of High ways. 13v Josrpli Angell and Theedore Durfee. In one volume. ?flee, 0.50. Nev Bankruptey Book. The Law ant Practice of Bankruptcy, with notes ref - Loring' to el. Decisions under the act, report e d to Feptember. 1466. EAlted 17 Orlando IN - , - Bump. Price, #2.56, FOR SALE Itr KAY & COMPANY, *m .4 a 6WOOE STREET, (Lafayette Biffidlng.) t JUST OPENED. A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF Fall' and Winter Goods ! TOE NEW PARIS "LA BELLE BALMORAL. ,, The new "Boulevard Skirts," In all styles aid colors. A beautiful assortment of Silk Fritves and Gimpy, Fie French. Bead Gil?'" Silk ancl Velvet Buttons, In all the new styles and colors La4ies; Galt'men's d; Children'A ' Merino, Clo - th and Lisle I.;,loves. THE DICKENS PAPER COLLAR. A complete assortment 4)f _ - WOOLEN HOSIERY. Soiled Corsets at 40 Cents .pair, We sell is cheap as any house 'east or west. Job. hers will co well to give us a call. MACELITM, GLYDE & CO., IS and SO Market Street. oc10: F_AICAE, STOCK ! NEWEST STYLES ! TAPESTRY AND. BODY - BRUSSELS, 'TWO AND Trn - t - n.p. PLY CARPETS ! ,ALL WOOL DiGRAINS, In great variety. COMMON CARPETS, AT VERY LOW PRICES. DRUGGETS, all Widths. DRUGGETS, WINDOW SHADES , . Our sick is the largest 'and most desirable we have err offered to the trade. BOVA.RD, ROSE & ca, Fib 1 1 H STREET. sPlOti &iv}, INTOTLTAiT ANNOIUNCMENT. GREAT REDUCTION IN -PRICES Tosacco, Cigars & Whiskey. ISAAC STEP No. 162 Federal Street, aboie the Mark ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., And4he PUREPiT LIQUORS. ar Remember the place, PALL STYLES; NOW READY. 58 White St., N. Y. PIT'LSBURGI B. I GAZETTE : SATUDA Y, OCTOBER 10 i -4868 . . Nom., 5.00 5.00 05 BED EIEE ROBERT S. -DAVIS, Of an the leading styles. at the LOWEST PRICES OP l'lfE SEASON. Mullins, Calicoes, Flannels, Cassimeres, AT 12.'ic.-4;00D mtowx AND BLEACHED AT WILLL924 SEMPLE'S, ALLEG ENY CITY, or,ln MA vows orricE, rtit:titins, Information has siren received ty our fronia moet rellatite source, that certain perstias lare combining for the purpose of procuring weap ' tins to be used In attacklng.milltlcal processions and peblle tneetlags, and enitimittlow other unlawful acts, I de. in it my fluty, as (Thief Magistrate, to ts• 'sue tills, my Proclamation, en} titling on all good .eitlzt ns to keep the :midi,' pence and to refrain from all acts calculated lo endanger it, and In view of recent disturbances, I feel It Incumbent- on too to largely increase my, police force, and will; If n eeess nary, call to my aid the bheriffof the county In order that the barcty of the citizens May be securini, and I now hereby notify all violators of law anti order, without regard to persons or parties, that I will faithfully maltital u the laws, and will 119 . e my utmost, endeavors to suppress riot and bring Wenders to eondign plothinnent, and flu:et-by Invite all good. cl . lzen3 to aid me In the preiervation of the 'midi; peace . ,' and ttsplest the heads of all political proces.• !dons and meetings to c•:-operate with Me ill the suppresalUll of violence and disorder.• MI .• 4 /CTOltElt 7-10 ( t • Ct.o(lli I'. M. The above Pree'amatlon was written in full ex pectation that Ito public appearance this ino^ning would be timely to prevent any encounter or citi zens. Thu danger of the public peace has been an ticipated by this night's event.; and I now call upon each and every go ),1 citizen of this community, ir respective of all parades, to absist, me by their Indi vidual Inane n^e In the suppressloni of lhat which would he regretted by our entire community, and for the first time stain the f iir fame of Pittsburgh. As a means toward accomplishing this good and desirable end, I earnestly suggest to the Clubs of either Party a complete cessation of all parades, now that tie day of - election la so near at hand, when the public peace most be preserved, for the sake of the undisturbed sacred lila of the ballot. JAMES UL /- Soc:y74 RESIII FlBll.—The undersigned has 6ftlph.ted lils arrangements with ellic.ent Agents wfrueelvlng DAILY kIIPPLIEO PROM BEA AND LANE, Of fr.,116A1,:110N, 13.11,5, 1 . 1.:41 II 11.1111T1' 1... to, 1.0.311. to 'he Allt.gholiy ,•1 INEW DRESS GOODS -LI THE LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND .DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS! Ever offered in this Iffarketteornprlaing all the new aty_lem in ehanceable POPLINS, BASKET POPLINS; D;&( MAR CLOTHS; SitK EPANGALINES l ELOUIt POPLINS;LPACCA Tort]Ns, in all colors, a goo , : fnirain; 4irVool. PLAIDS: POPLIN 171..A1 DS. In all colors COBURGg, EI4GLISII MERINOS WATERPROOF CLOTH, in Blaiq:, Brown and Gold Mix; BARRED FLANNELS, BARRED COUNTRY FLANNELS WHITE AND GREY IILANEET::" RAL3IORAL SKIRTS BOULEVARD SKIRTS BREAKFAST SHAWLS, NILiSES' SHAWLS, LADIES' LONG & SQUARE SHAWLS, Sc GOOD BARGAINS, AT IrCONNELL & CO., 178 Federal St., Allegheny ocl9:S N EW DRESS GOODS. New Shawls and Cloakings, New Flame's and Woolens, New Mus'ins and Calicoes, New Trimmings, Gloves, &e., AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S ISO and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY LARGE ADDITIONS ARE NoW BEINC DAILY MADE to al; drpartments of tlic !Joule. A /.4.rgt: truck of BLACK, nnpVvN t GOLD MIN ED \VAT ERPROOIf CLOTH. DRESS COODS, FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OP AT 31c. DOUBLE WIDTH ALL WOOL PLAIDS AT 23 c. — EXTRA (;00D FLANNEL? AT 20c.—PLAID SII II:T/ NG FLANNELS AT 25.2.—LADIEi• GLoVHSt, damaced, AT lOc.--FAS'i COLORED ALICIOES. Wholesale and Retail, 180 and 182 Federal Street, OrToPER7 TIL 101 GS PROCLAMATION. JAMES BLAOiMORE, - Mayor. GRAINT UUSSARS OF THE ax•ril .1 - 4 1'.1). Allogheny. (late Manches ter) are requested to ineeet at Hestlattmers 'lbis Evening, at 7 O'clock. All the melnl7rs are , :trne4:ly rt , :neste.l to he tires• eat. ss huslnes of itnportahee wil• he transacted 11 riler of , _COM ANY A, _ - OR. NT HUSSARS, will nisst h: front , f hare's' Note!. at 7 o'clock sharp. MO \ D'l* r V ENINW. t part:le:pa e hrthe t Allegheny Tor tillght 'Proc ,, ss.or... _ .. 1:3 orchr at i. eel' I D. 1)1'\ BE tTII. Captai n. FII. D & FIFTH W.:iRDS, .IArT 51i1.7:16 H. THE GR . NT AND COLFAX CLUBS OF TE 3n AND 5Tr WARDS Will n.s‘ernblo • t tic corner of Sixth and SLlitht!eld streets, cat Nonday Evening, 12th inst., at 7 o'clock; To part leipate in the Torchlight Procession In Alle gheny City. All persons who cannot parane alit please return thelrequipmenis Immediately to J 1 111 N T. BROWN:. Sixth street.7n ar oclu .10111 NETLER, Captain. t MEETING OF THE tITTC ERS ALLEWIENY, held on the POI NI., at Pay Ran, at which 1...1uut. JAMES V. SANIIERSON presided, It was resolved that the Butchers of the Allegheny Market Join ,In the Re publican Procession to come oh on .MOSDAY. the 12th inst. The following officers were appointed: CA 14 7A!N—GEO. W. EVANS. LIEUTENANT. — ii. B. Murphy. J. T. Sanderson. H. 10:1mr.i son. St:nut:ANTS—R. B. Geyer, L. Eriely, T. R. Geyer, J. F. liellstine, Charles Welty. J. E. Strickler. Cmti•on.4 z..—Joseph 3 .1 , p0na1.1, J. W. }fanny. Croft. Acktcy, Fletcher, .1. Reed, D. Teri:. W. Ittolue:.. EssiGN—.l,.phn Reed. 1 1 cslileF ti.eniivere appclnled Special Committees on Fir:awe., on Arrangl Inc/As. Music, &c. Also to In, ltc :h., Butchers of Pittsburgh"' And vicinity to Join those of Allegheny. Tne BUtchers of Allegheny will meet In front of Second Ward School House, on Ninth Avenue, at o'clock on the evening of parade. oclo CEO. W. EVANS. Captain. 147"11EPUBLICAN MASS MEETING! ONE MORE CHARGE BEFORE Oct. 13thl t AT OIT . CITY, On SATURDAY, October 10th, 1868, THERE WILL BE 'A Grand 'lcnlublican Mass Meeting! G ILAN:T. AND TANNER CI, 1:133 are specially- 1 Inelt , d to be present with Banners. Turales and Transparencle.. • Excursion Tr: 0115'1,0W leave the Depot of the Alle gheny Valley H. H. at 8 o'clock Saturday morning ret LI rnlng-lhe iani't,lay. Excursion Tic lets at ONE HALFTHE! REG Ill,Alt FARE. THOS. M. MARSHALL. W. C. 3 EOI:ELAND, S. NEWTGN PETTIS, C. W, 611. FILLA N. W. .1. GALBREATH. Eigs.. and other distingult.hed, speakers will deliver addresses. oca CffrALLEGIIENTiCITY, Oct. 9th. GRIND TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION, • Att.: PATTEIV:ION, Cotunilndlng. 11. 1.. 1 -, fl'N, AsaLtant Adjutant General. M. G.• ra•Thlgg. Jam, 1:'.11ETI. A. Iturns, 11'm. B. Porter. K. P. Lange, D. C. '1 hompl9n, • I . +Atttitel roe, Thu-. , A. B. finale , lanies a itovrd. Dr. P. Perchment, H. H. McCreary, cartis Haven. M. Long: .James B. Palmer. 4- th The. 9( 'Th. hird Division will be compoto'd the Ist, 12th. 15th. 16th, 17th. 19th, of 11.0 th and 21st V. ds ..f Pittsburgh. the Oil Mrn and the Grant Hussars. Dtvlsion will form on I.lhcrty St., right resting on St.l ('la r, to the west. Alf Alt lega tions will be In lino t,e 734 o'clock. Dlvlsion Commanders whl wear whit • sash: Aids, red gash. Aids to Third Dicidon meet at C TA' HALL Pittsburgh. SATURDAY EVENIND, . t oele:y ALLEGTIENY (ITV, 4 .);..7. K. 1569. 6. GRAND TORCH Ll(= lIT PROCESSION. 'v%. P. HERBERT. Capt. AVM. M. DALGLEIriIf, A. A. (~ All/S. Major E. A., Maior A. M. Harper. Dr. Win. II; Daly, Calil- John C. Sample, Cpt. Sam. C. itzlioyer, Major F , ank E. Tyler, E. V. McCandiesS; James Mcltt ler, ..lolin B. Jackson., Calvin Haizan Win. It. Hays. Jr , Win. H. C•s,blar. Capt. Fred. L.:Rainbow, Copt. J. E. Schwartz, James J. Oliver, .W. I'. Price, Ere./ M. -Magee. Rob:. S. SinHh. The.. Second Division will 'be cornpufed of two Brigades. and will form at 7 o'clock, on Fifth Ave nue, rlaht; resting on t. Street, in the tollow ing order FIRST Rk IC ADE—Tirnder CommAndof Col. WM. It. CODK, tapt..ino. M. Wright. A. Thorn-. .as P. Houston. Col. Norman M. Smith, Capt. I. urtis Has en, i'apt. IL It, Morrison, A. IL C.' A Ile, gheuy Von uty Tanners I Seconil ward pioneer Second Want Artillery, Third and Fifth Marl Clubs. 'l' wen ty-Secund Ward '1 lut,, Twenta-Third Ward Club, - 'E('UNU BIM: A DE—Under Command of :Valor SAMUEL KA LiiiThE and Staff. t !event!' Ward Grant. Club, Sixth Ward inner, Chili, Seventh and Eighth Ward Marehing Phalanx, 'Thirteenth Ward I. Fie:rim:lit n Ward Clan, I fray men and Cart, nit Aids and Division t'ominand• rs will weir Mot Sash, With ited, White and Mini Itosette and Reg. • uistion f W3l. M. 11 . 1 I.M.EISII.A.1:1. (4. EPUELI CAN EETINGS trill be held :tt the 1.1111e.4 3111 places follow wl!1 :,‘.:oldr..s.zed • 14.1,:T1:RDAY, ' October 10th, 1961.1 PF.1:1:1.,V11.r..E. TA , . W. TIION,AS EWING MoNTooTIE. IM:Mt -7w; T0wN.: , .111 at 7r. m. C. W.1:01111 a,.,1 .1 AM W. 11 LIURA E. 1115. ( I..IItP:MONT STATION, ut 3p. 34. rapt. . 1 ,1%i'1. , .1011 N . s. LAM3IE. :1(3 S. Me- Esqs. 311.1NSPI EIM, at 7 m. Maj. J. P. SLAGLE and Una. It. POLLOcK. wE,T-1.11"r:•Itu1{(III, bytween King't. , rs and Pain ler's 11 1 11.-5. at 7 v. m: - llnu. 6EO. R ILtd.),N, Mr. HAD ERMEIt I. And JIM DA MONDAY, Otitober.l2th, ISGS MASS MEETING AT McKMESPOUT. nt 7'.1; r. m non. THUS. M. M A USN A I. 1„ F. lt. PENNI MAN anti A. M. BILOW \, Efa,s. WIC , VC AN. EAST LI LIERTY, at 7 P. m. Hon l'A 1.11, STEWIACII, (Gertuau.) MASS AfEE4INE AT WOODVII.I,E, at 11 A. M. Delegations from all the Townshln rotttit 01 the 71 err a are riiisporttat to Le pro sent. .1. It; r,wErrzEß, iron. p. PENNEY, A. M. ATSON trot TIIOS. EIYI Nth Etii. By or der of Comm:Moe nn Stniahors and Miniting;. E. A. MOS Tin:Tit, Chairman. F. LA:sr F., SevrotAry. E4 , ItT 1V...1" NI: CHI E.% 11.- \VA V I L f ate to r PITTS;;UI:.iI!, se m. 16 Pt. OttSi. TILE BOA It ID OF DI It ECT— ous (Nlw N Y have ,leelartat 11w Regular Quarterly Isiebleml (No. 19.) or Twi) AND l'Elt CENT., free of tioYurninent T ax . on the ...a pital St ,, ek fur the quarter emllntr September 30, nayanle on atm liner the 15th day of o,ioner, IStiti. at the °Mee of Winslow, I.,:tuler Co., No. 22 l'lne street. to those tegivered at. New } C OI k, and at 00 oilier of the Treasurer to those re glitered at littsburgh. The trau.sTer books eiole on tim 30th Inst., at 2r. ant re. open on the nth day of Onto!. r. 10. 10 „Cm, vent y&S F. DI'L UTCHINSON. Secretary. ariVOTICE. • , rirrsttuncn,, June 26th, 1808. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT M k YOR -THE BANK OF JPITTSBURGII will a pply to 'the 11 %egIslature of l'ennsylvanlt. at I t. next se3slon, P.r a renewal or Its Charter. with to present awn..rlzetl l'apltal of Twelve Hundred Thousand Dollars. JOHN ludwEr4 Pie'ssdczA. ittt:l; POLITICAL THE PUE.IDENT THIRD DIVISION ME Setond Division NOTICES MIMI -POL ICAL rALLEGUEEIifY CITY GRANT AND COLFAX TOECIILIGHT ROCESSION, Monday Eveidng, Oct. 12. HEAD , ,TARTEIt , 3 1 A1: ,, 1TA L, / :\:11.•.•:1x11\' City, Oat. 6, 1808. f , 13E•0m.31. 01:1,1:k N... 1. The undersigned having bee n appointed Chief Marshal of the GRANT AND COLFAX GRAND '1 ORUDLIG HT Pip WESSION, to be held In Alle gheny-City. 3tI,NDAy EVENING, October 12, 1868, publishes the following or der for the govern ment of all concerned : Capt. HISt: FLENIIN is hereby deslg- Hated as chief of Staff, and .Maj. VAL B. ILI ZLEP as Adjutant General. 2(1. The FIRST DI VISION, Con imandel by lion. L.IGRAII AM. to he composed of all Delegations from Soulh Pittsburgh, Monotigabe la. West Pitts beryl,. Mount Washington, Tempeiraneeville, Bir mingham, East Birmingham, and all other delera- Cons South of Monongahela river.. together with Capt. .s. Schooninater's . ComprOv of National Guards. will form on Market street, right resting at Fifth Avenue. aECOND DIVISION, Commanded by Cap'. W3I. P. HERBERT, to be composed of the Alit r,beny County Tanner's Club. 2d, 2.1, .ith, 6th, 7 th, nth. litb. lath, 14th, 22d and 23.1 wards, Pittsburgh. and all Mounted Men of Pittsburgh, except Grant Hussars, will form on Fifth Avenue, right rel. Hog at Market street. 4th. THIRD DIVISION, Commanded by ABE PATTERSON,. to be composed of theist, 4t h. 4th, 10th. 12th. 15th. 16111, 17th, 18th. 19th,- 20th and 21st • wards, Pittsburgh, delegations of Oil Men and Grant Hussars will form on Liberty street, right resting on St. Clair street. Ath. FOURTH DIVISION. Commanded by JOHN MEG RAW. to be composed of the titl, th, and Bth wards of Allegheny City , and all delegations coming ill east of Federal street, will form on Rob inson street. right resting at Federal street. 6th. The S 1 EE DIVISION, Commanded by Capt. JOHN SPEER, to be composed of the Ist, 2d, sth and oth wards of Allegheny t Ity, McClure town ship, and all delegations coming west of Federal street, also the Butchers. Draymen and all Mounted Men of Allegheny City, . will form on Robinson street west. right at Federal street. 7th. ProceSsionlvill move at 8 o'clock r. at. pre_ clash. A signal gun will be tired at the west end of the Suspension Bridge. CHARLES BARNES, Chief Marshal W3I. B. lIEZ LEP. Adjt. Gen. • • Chief Marshal—Gen. CHARLES IJAR.SES. ,Chief or Stufr-Cup', lit:611 S. FLEMING J Adjutant. General—Ur. Wit. g, itEZLEP. AJt, TO CHIEF' MARSHAL, Col. Jos. Browne.,i Capt. W. 31. Clancy, S. 1.. Kurtz, ! Ales. Patterson,' M. K. .. 4 allsbury, i A.. 1. Pentaeost, G. B. Mlteliell,, J. P. Kennedy, "S. B. Thompson, 1 C. B. Herron. IL W. 0 leer.. i Capt. A. W. Krebel, E. M. Byers, , Dennis Mullen, R. J. Baxter, . W. lt. Neal. John Serb-lens. Capt. W. H. Irwin, W. M. Hartzell, lt. A. Cameron, W. B. Nord, 1 N.: W. Bates, • A. Krebs. Wm. McClintock, Capt. Jr. 11. Lightner. l'eter Walters, Atex. Wilson.• i Dr. W. S. Huselton, Gen. A. L. Pearsonl T. F. Grubs, S. S. Walters, 1 N. P. Reed, J. C. McCombs. , Capt. Chas. A. Miller, ...atnuel li. Lone, ..: ! - Capt. A. H. lielsey. FIRST DIVISION. Tian. JAS. t. (IRA:HAM, Commar.der. W. S. PURVIANCE. Chief,ot AIDS. Capt..T. E. B. ,flalzell, :Capt. W. 0 . :NreCune. Capt. Wm. It. Howe, James MeGannagle, Charles L. Caldwell. (Itobm•-• , ti township.) Maj. Jacob F. Slagle, Walter C. Child& Samuel (*Tuley. Sergt. Tho, N n .p . Wm. H. Barker. Esq.. _R. Perry, Itlrminaam. • C01..1. W. Ballent Inc, A. Amman, Birmingham, S.:Erung..Jacob Wilbert, Lbut. Iblval A. Sane.s, Joel L. Bigham. Esq., : Murray, E.••••. 1., Col. Tho, M. Bayne. stenart McKee, • • I 'l'o be catnrm•ed.of all Clubs ant organ;:_ations j frox ,o11(11 aide Monongahela River. SECOND Cap t, WILLIAM P. wnnytmling. Cavil DALG(.EISII, A. A. (:. • Maj. F 2. A. Init'titi:ll.. Cant. John C.. Sample, Dr. Wei 11. Daft. ; .Ilaj. Frank E. Tyler. Capt. meant C. cichoyer. James Meßiter, E. V. MeCandlcs,, calvin Iligan. John P...fackson. ' Capt. F. L. Rainbow, Win. P. Days, Jr., Capt. J. E. iichwartz, Win. If. .tla~adap.\V. P. Price, Jan:, It. tlllver, Rota. T. Smith, Maj. A. %I. Harper, 'Fred. M. Mager. To he composcil of the - Allegheny County Tan ners, Secuild,:inu.r•erentb.Eigh'll. Eleventh. Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Twenty.second and 'I seenty-thlrtl ward,. and all mounted Melt t X cept Gran: Hussars. THLILD %JjE PATTERSON, Coninilnder, L. YOUNG, Asbbtant Adjutant “uneraL M. G. Clark, ' Joseph Hastings, .13111 e S I '0 Irt il . - , A. J. Cochrin, . T. W. Sheppard, :.• Jame"; Burns, Hon. M. Porter. , K. F. Lange, U. C. Thompson, A. McClintock, Thos. Bees. A B. Boats. James Bovard, ' Isr. P. Perclnent, H. 11 McCreary, Curtis G. Haven. , H. hi. 1.,11/f. Jame, B. Palmer, ,- Geo. N. lisslett, 1 Morris Miller, Theodore hiTier, t W. G. McClure- To be composed of the First, Fourth. Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, Fifteenth. Sixteenth, teventeenth. Nineteenth. Twentleth, and Twenty-first wards and Grant Hussars. FOURTH DIVISION. JOHN MEGHAW. Division Commlnder, c. PATTERSON, Chia. of ,cad. EMI - _ John P. Bailey. • ` Capt. Robert Humes, James Brown, I John J. McDermott. It- stutz, James Marshall, Jr., If. W. AufderheLle, ‘ Alexander Carson. C. W. Shafer, ' W. C. Murray, H. W. Rierhorst. F. L. Stevenson. William %Vettaeb, : Capt. J. E. McCord, W. N. Stout's, . licorge Moul, W. It. Rogers, • John D. Morrison, John Bourn,. . John B. Brown, J. F. Bellstein, . Jacob Keil!. John P. Dean, . Capt. Geo Purviance, T. C. Campbell, .Esq... compote., of all Clubs and Delegations east of Fettertl Erect. FIFTH DIVISION. Cmnznawlin, I.IENItY WAUSEn, A. A.l:. , I). 1,. l'a7 t,r,mi, il. 1 , .. its is. it. C. Cli - isty. i'lll..7llin 11,.1..i-i. , .]aloes E. cri.w. 15 in. F Trl7lllC., 1 .111 v a Itvans, .14.1,7111 ,0 1 1 1. J,i1,71 1.. Wi11,., Sallw] 1.. 1/47n. Comnis.,,eil tit' al! Chills and l7i.lsg.itlons we=t of Fe ii sires t. Chli c 'l ii-4131 ti , Is' ilr-s, Igivrt,i i s ni,. ....-i, h. Div', 4, llriniim.ittila•ts 1, - .N . ;•:tr Wiiiiii ~.'ii. ii. A id. to bit!,' NI:A', hal, Iced ti.isli 311.1 W 1717, 110.1et7e. Aid s to Division Coutalarithir... Iteil Sash. . To tic Kelroblicans of .111;zkeny fonnty. _ Tll,. 1 . ,, I. 'dies 4,1* the Clty or Alletzllf•nY will lir. :..nst. 3 l'i,EN MD Z` F EAt: to Ow Eliiiition, 1117171,7 i laying the 177.....7e5t irombeir i 7. vigers' la the nritinl Torch!, lit Priici,ili.7l, tin Monday' even log, lie ohec I%tth. IlifsS, • in nNlportlon to toe vote c ..t on 'rues-lay. ('ct. I,9th. for tie NIA e Ticket. I t is booed that every Ward, llori.tigli atorrown ship lo lit.' comity will compete fur this tmignitleent eiiiiiiiiiii ;if oar tliorlous t'oniitry. lion It USz 4 F.I.I, YALU ET I', i '01..1. rit. cilill'Elt and JAME - Is pAit,h, Jr., 17',..,7. .1,111 vomit :lie delegations anti award the Flag. 'llie Dryselitatliiil 'VIII ta!ze 7)l7icit at the City Dalt, A , I. eneny. on 31tS:1).1Y _EVE NlNii I ictobt-r w •al Ifttli.lier l' h e b ad. It will tif titii weittliiir I, fair. Siti ‘ oti:it Inc . ake place at the Skating Rink, Itohinsoi street .111eglieriti.Keystone •I 1 .k. SILEII, . . Chairman roimulttee,ofN V Arrangements. ROUT}:. • - • Along f.auwg ~., t rect to Matti, arOng Main to Clir,t not, a:,,,,, chestnut totilo, ztlonv 111 lo to w,r, 510,,t \Vest to North Avehm•,-,,,oiti, North A . 1.',111.• to Ey.leval ss ' , et. up Fr .Ivral to Stutp,..n. d.;,,0g 1 Satoi..n to Illyavvr.- down ihacer to Into; niotig 1 (1111 U to Atarlon Avo. •. along 3ltdott Avow . ... to Itl•fge srvevt along ~ .tv to Irs,io Alvitu...'ll j II WIII A ViZ , AIO to 1% rpl ,), Av. ,u,., Hlong W. 'tern 4 , 1 ----1 ';‘ , 11111. to ItIAW.III r.: 11, I, 1,1,414 E1 , .1 well 10 Ohio : Lh,, 11 . W , ~/,' II OLIO AVtilille to It •/.I',III As, IIII.•, I lo•Iller Avenue to 11 ~111n•..ttoll Avunue. down 1 1"a ,, I.Ingtot t A vvitut, to :lla lt.. et, 3lar-. kit to NI. atlntlt. 111, Wallillt to Ral.lN'er it Vlltille :using llttll er Avenue to It, - ln, ca :nrytlt, np I:, liorc.t In ' t 4, litol strvet, down School to llotthi 110, along Rob ' lnson to Crag, 'up , rale to %tar in, up Marina to .111:trlott Avenue, lip Marlon A‘letlllt• to obit) Stre e t . 'allt,: Ohio to Fetl.r.‘l, clown Federal to Susnent.lon ridge, twro:s StlSllelltloll Itrlitgi. to St. Clair street, tip St. Clair to Lltterly.,trret tool ~sudsy,. L. 'THE REPUBLICAN PRIMA- Pittsbur g h , E to nominate I. UTI“N, in Ward The SECOND W AHD, Offleerg, Will be held at the • • School House, on, Saturday , . October 10th, Between tile hours of 4 sod 6 o'clock P. tr. r• 4 i jN . 0. . J..Au, , DAVIS, , seG , . • , Ilty Comnattee. CANDIDATES. CITIZENS' TEMPERANCE i NTY CO- I „AA __C (27 .L.A. ;11,•nv I GR4.ND • D IREC TO -IS. 1 Jar Cooke. Philada. E. A.. Rollins. Wash'n. ii, H. Clark, Philada. Henry D. Cooke. Wash. F. Ratchford Starr, , Phila. Win. E. Chandler,Waslt. i Win. G. Moorhead. Phila. John D. De•rees. Wash. 1 Geo. F. Tyler. Phila. . Edward Dodge, N. York. J. Ilinckle.y Clark, Phila. 11. C. Fannestock, N. Y. ' I OFFICERS. i C. R. CLARK, Philadelphia. President. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington. Vice President. JAY COOKE, Chairman FlLance and Executive Committee. EMERsON W. PEET, Phila., Sec'v and Actuary. I E. e. TURNER, Washin, ton. Ass'i Secretary. ' FRANCIS G. SMPIII, i11.D.. Medical Director. J. E WING. Ma AILS, M. Is . A s , .'t Medical Director. MECAL ADVOY. BOARD. J. K. BAR DI NES. Surgeon Ge 4 nll.eralWaslVn. ; P. J. HORWI.TZ, (71def Medical Department U. S. I N., Wa-hington. t D. W. Br Is, M. D. Washington. SOLICITORS . AND ATTORNEYS. • WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C. aiEoRGE HARDING, Philadelphia, Pa. This Company, National in its character. offers. by reason of the Larg- Capital, Loa - Rates of Premium . and New Tables, the most desirable means XII).- . miring life set presented to the public, • • . - The rates of prenduin being largely reduced, are • made as favorable to the iniurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complica tions and uncertainties of Notes, Dividends . and the misunderstandings which the latter are so apt to cause the policy-Holders. Several new and attractive tables are now pre- • sen test which need only to be understood to prove ac- ceptable to the public. such as INC, IME-PRODUC IN el- POLICY an RETURN PEMUM seem: life In the former, the d policy-holder ß not l oulv sectires a • life insurance, payable at death, but will receive, if living, after a period of,a few years, an anroter 1 in colnt equg I in ten per cent. (1.1.13kr cent.) of the par of hia P' ,l, ett• The I GO the Company agrc es Cu re tureto the aßstired the td 4 alamotrat or ?none:" he has paid in. in addit ion to the ain oltnt of hi„c polfey. The their l s i t vieesn toiron uocrr paerlngn s thceo rthamnonunnat tione in in u u anc g they already have, Is calk-.1 to- the special advant ages offered by the National Life Insurance Com pany. circulars, Pamphlt ts and frll imrtleulars fricetton :it - min -anon to the Ilranch office of the CoMpany PlilladeThf A, or its I,eneral Agonts, AUt NTS Ala: Ns - ANTED In every City and Town; and application:, from competent parties fors - rich ageneics, with sui endorsement, addressed I' , " I'llE ("OM N 111.11- I , IIAL AtiELN"CS ONLY, in their respectivc dis tricts. S. D. Thoinognn, 'W. S. Ilarr;111, 11. 11. .inpne.ll, 111., , rze W. uhr.o.2. 11. \V. D. 1 1 01-, .11. A N'• , .. 111;::. Hunter David Sum cEsinutt. AcatS - rs: F.. V. CIL 1:K (10.. Phliaile For Pennsylvania t. rot South(Tit NCo J err : cy. (1106 Wakilini• ton. D. ('., For Marvlatol. Delaware. 11 Ktrint of 'olunabia and West Virginia. IRA ney.tY it co., for Allegheny, Beaver, 1311th. r, Mercer :.nd eounee s. For Furth( r partieular r : a , ltire-s. It. S. RIT6SELL, 31 an ager for General Agent, Ilarrlsberg, ra. • aw.:s:3Lw r BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., LEAD PIPE & PLUMBERS' ftIATERIUS. CELEBRATED STEAM PUMPS. =VIM fiVION '1'11.:171."111SLI 'WM. M. JOJRNSON. M.ixtfae'llrr or CI)IIIiTYG sTorEs, Arche,, Grat, 11 , 1 rs. Sa,ll A right- and all kinrli , of 114.110, \Var. Car Wlivel, A nd all kind, of Ala r 4'OE. WATSON 3. l'lTT6lllllCtill, CA. alt24:l27w:ZS GOOD NEWS. °REAP BREAD IN DEAR TIME. P.nqulre for WARDS rtroatt TI e largest and best. The Initials "11. W." on 'cert. loaf Take done else. fttli:TTS QWPET POTATOES.—A choice lot of Jersey Swee ts. In store a sal by the barrel or at retail, at the Family Grocery of JOHN -. ItE .7.18 H AW. i Corner Liberty and Hand streets. .T.IIIDLIFIVEI STEAM. CANDY.— AA, rt Invoice of bldley's celebrated VansDa, Cream and Broken ntlek Candy. Just reeelvegitpd for sale by 1 . jNo. A. RF.NSUA.W. oe9 . _ Corner Liberty and Hand streets. 1100E,t :IL A.Sll 50 casti s No. 1 in. 1,.., bt.t,re and t unclell (2.l\lll _ lm 1 s,,N. 1 ,1, Itro Zi ..n--F.CCO gOsas lic:st .1- by b::111c1S ,7 .1: .4.,,-;: :.11.! r-- • • - WANTED-HELP. • . . ANTED—StEEPING Ry a single geniknian. rent. an unlitr nliilled SivelMlig Hoorn. Addresk:, with price and location. U. S. G ., sp:24 ST. (/LAIR STREET. •• • W ANTED — :7SITUATIOIsIS . WANT ED-S !./` U ATI 0 N. -A young tnon want, a situation as CO:into-On, and to Ilia tet nt'rdliy a ctcl. Rest ”r ctty refe~rnce oven. Addfl,6s 4. T.. this office. WANTED---AGED; TS. WANTED—AGENTS—To repre— T ,ent a lint class New York Life 111st:tr.:we Company, in Pitt, burgh. Allegheny nod vlcinitv. Liberal terms offered._ Address P. O. BOX 490. PI tt:(11/ rgh. W A NTE D—AGENTS--For Na-.TIONAL CAMPAIGN GOODS. -Bxlo Steel Engravings of GBANT and COLFAX, with or with. otrt frames. -One agent took GO orders In one day. Also; National Campaign Biographies of both, 15 cents. Pins, Badges. Nledals and Photos for Dem ocrats and Repo .Ageuts make /00 per et. Wtmple packages sent post-nald Pont-raid. VI. Send at once and get the start. Address GOODSPEED &. CO.. 37I'ark ltow. N. Y.. or Chicago, 111. d&F FOR SALE . FOR SALE-R WEL LING. -A. well built two-story Brick House of 7 rooms,nnished attic. bath room. cellar and Wa.:-,11 room'. with range in kitchen; with 07() tots of one a nice garden; coal house on rear of lot: Inquire ott the premises. No. 3 °VEIL/I'LL STREET. near Centre Avenue. • Fon SALE—FARIti.-200 acres of good Land, situated In Penn Tp.. West moreland County, two mllei from Irwin !Ration, on the Penna. R. R. Improvements, hewed log l'ouse, in good repair, bunk barn and otder outbuildings. Terms moderate. Enquire of W. WILSON, Larl mer's Station, or R. A. HOPE, Penn Station. FOR SALE,-$5,000 win put chase one-half an established. and increasing tinniness, doing a good trade arld paying X good per eentage. Address, with real name, M. E. d., this 01liCE. • FOR SALE--BUGGL-A LIGHT OPEN BUGGY, nearly new, made by J. 8, Shaer, of thie city. can be bouzbt low. Apply at GAZETTE COUNTING-1:00.11. . . LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN—A Dark BAY Hort , 3E, about fifteen hands high, with a small white stripe on hl, nose. one white foot, and a mark of the harness saddle on las Twenty five Dollarsßeward will be paid for any information by which he ran be tee veered. R. 11. FIFE, Sherlff'a Office. THE NATIONAL, LIFE DURANCE CHINNI'. OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered by Special Act of Congress, Approved July 25, 1868. Cask Capital - - 1- $1,000,000." Branch Office : PHILADELPHIA, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Where the general business of the' CompanTis trans acted. and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. No. 167 Smitl6!ehl St., Pittsburgh, !tr.INVF Ali E NTS FOR T .C.NOWLFS' A2cD SIBLEY'S FOUNDRY, El