111 8. I CITY AND SUBURBAN. Daily Prayer Meeting--From 12 M. to 12:30 o'clock at the Rooms of the Christian Association, No. 2.3 Fifth street. Route for Sale.—A route in the Seventh, Eighth and - Eleventh Wards on this paper. Can be bought Feasonable, Apply to-day at GAZETTE counting room. . There will be a meeting of the First Ward Grant and Colfax Club of Allegheny this evening at Washington Hall. A full at tandanee:is requested. ==l Fornication.—Ellen Logan made infor mation, yesterday, before Alderman Hum bert against Thomas Miller for fornication. The accused was arrested and gave bail fbr a hearing in the sum of $.300. Stiucg Ulm--Joseph Padosky alleges that Jacob Stewart struck him. Stewart was arrested on a warrant issued by Alder man McMasters, and gave bail for trial on a charge of assault and battery. • Look: Look: Lookt Look Out for a Cheap • Home.—Look outfor.G. H. Tower's adver tisement of Houses, Farms and Lots that will appear in the GAZNTTE in a few days. Remember to wigs this you will miss a chance. ---2- Salute to be Fired.—A piece of artillery has been procurod, and *a sainte will be fired on the river bank, this evening, by a squad of men under command of Captain John Floyd, previous to the grand demon stration. The Opera House.—A capital bill is offered to-night. .Strangers in the city attending the Fair should not fail to pay a visit to this temple of the drama, as no where else in the city can they put in a more pleasant even ing's enjoyment. The Third and Fifth Wards Grant and Colfax Clubs hold a meeting this evening at half past sevai o'clock, at the School Mccuse, for the purpose of transacting im portant business. All members are re quested to be present. • Crowded Out.—Owing to the press upon our columns yesterday, we were compelled to cut off important matter, which had already been placed in type. An extended report of the testimony in the recent loco motive exploSion investigation was pre pared, and crowded-out for the same reason. Robbery on a Train.—F. W. Little, while coming from Steubenville on Monday, by way of the Panhandle Railroad, was robbed on the train of his watch, a valuable stiver time-keeper, and twenty dollars in green backs. He has no clue to the thief, ind was not aware of his loss until he arrived in this city. Buttbers Attention.—The loyal Rupu b butchers of the South Side, will turn out this evening en masse, to participate in the Republican torchlight demonstration. .Every loyal butcher in the vicinity in sympathy with the cause, is invited to join with them in one more glorious rally before the final charge: Grand Republicen Rally.—A •grand mays meeting will be held at Woodville. South Fayette township, on Monday next. A -procession - will be formed,- in which dele gations from the neighborinn• ' townships and counties will part cipate. Able speak ers will be present, and visitors and dele gations are invited from the city. Southside Densionstratlun To-Night.—The Republican citizens of the Southskie are earnestly invited to turn out this evening in the procession. Torches for all will be furnished at the headquarters of the Bir mingham Grant and Colfax Club, on Den man street. Let every loyal Republican who desires the success of the cause show himself in the ranks in-night. Too Noisy.—A. party of four young mon, riding in a two-horse wagon along Ohil? street, Allegheny, about Wednesday midnight, amused iheinselves by startling .-the neighborhood with their unearthly yells and screeches. They were arrested by the police and lodged in the lockup until morning, when they paid a fine and were discharged. An empty whisky bottle , in bottom of the wagon explained I Matters. • Sent to 'Jan.—A colored boy named Samuel Stuetevant, said to be insane, was sent to jail by Mayor Blackmore yesterday morning, on the charge of surety of the peace,_ preferred by Mr. Jacob B. Feller. He went yesterday to the Eleventh ward school, armed with a knife, and pursued some of the children and threatened to s•ab the teacher. The managers of a charitable institution refused to take- s e:harp of him and hence' his commitment to jail. National Guards.—At the meeting held Thursday evening the Guards resolved to turn out in the torchlight procession in Allegheny City on Monday evening next. The Guards will - wear a four-inch wide Custer tie, bino blouse, bronze belt and cap, dark pants with yellOw stripe and white gloves. Each member is expected to fOrnish his own torch, with six-foot staff. Any member not prelent :it the meeting - wiating information will cat' on A. McCal lum, 51 Fifth avenue. The company will form at the corner of Pitt anti Liberty streets at 6:30 P. M. The expect to turn out over one hundred strong. Mincnester Branch Young 'Men's Chris tian Association.--At the last meeting of 'the Board of Directors of the Young Men's Christian Association a committee, consist= ing of Messrs. Oliver McClintock and Frank • Woods, was appointed to settle up the af fairs of the Manchester Branch. The de sign isto make this branch self sustaining by severing theworinection between it and the parent institution. This action is ren dered necessary by the extensive and daily extending field of Tabor which the Assucia -1 • Lion has in charge. The Committee have been instructed to attend to the matter i in mediatelY and repprt at the next monthly meeting of the Board. Dr. LightLilhs Institute. In another coluip will be found the card of Dr. Lighthill, a surgeon: and physician who has attained high national reputation, and an author of several prominent metli cal works and treatises. He does not come into our city a stranger, as his name is familiar to most of our people. He proposes establishing here in our midst, at No. 2O( 'Penn street, a permanent Medical Insti tute, for the relief and cure of all diseases of the eye, ear, throat and lungs. His office hours are from ten o'clock A. 31. to fear o'clock r. md. - , Hearing of the Rioters. A hearing of the parties charged with riot and malicious mischief, a reference to - which we made a few days since, was, had' before Mayor Muchmore yesterday. Tne -names of the offenders are : Bernard Gana ' gher, John Bradford, Thonia.s Grogan and John McCarthy. John C. McCarthy ap ' _peered for the accused, and T. B. Hamel ton, W. C. Moreland and W. S. Para'- , •ance, Esqs.,,for the proseeution. The so 1 7- • • oral charges were made by Dr. Joseph. Abel,:B. W. Jenkins, Briggs and. Hoyle, Louis Sussman, Adam Burke, and others. The counsel for the prosecution asked for a postponement, but his request was not coin - plied with; and the hearing proceeded. A large number of witnesses were examined, and from the testimony .elicited His Honor felt justified in diseharging John Bradford on the charge of riot. Grogan was held for a further hearing in the .sum of ;31,000. He was held to bail in the sum of $3,000 on the charge of maticious.mii,,chiet preferred by Dr. Abel. The charges preferred byMessrs. ',Brin ,, s and SUi3'niqr: ALLEGHENY CITY COUNCILS. Petltions—Resolutlons---Reports Ordinan. c Session—Election of Cl-rk to Committees and Park Commissioners. The Allegheny City Councils held their regular semi monthly meeting last evening. Select Councils. Members - present: Messrs. Black, Cal lary, English, Hall, Hartman, Johns, Krebs, Motheral, Afyler, Patterson J. C:, Patterson, A., Phillips, Riddle, Reiter, Smith, -A. P., Smith, Wm., Weise, Wet tarli, Pi esident. In the absence of Mr. - Mcßrier, the Coun cil was organized.by calling Mr. George Black to the chair.' • Mr. English presented the petition of John M. Horner, asking to be relieved from the payment of a fine for violating the ordinance in reference to wooden building's. Referred to the Police Commit tee. Mr. Hall Presented a communication from the City Engineer, asking the nego tiation of --a loan ofo,ooo to make the first payments duo sewer contractors. Referred to Finance Committee. Mr. Motheral presented petitions for gas lamps to be placed at the corner of North Canal and Federal streets, and also_ on the corner of Western avenue and Fulton street. Referred to Gas Committee. • CONTROLLER'S REPORT. Mr. Hall presented the monthly report of the Controller. The following is the report No. a. Engittes No. 5. Streets No. G. Wharves..... . N 0.19. Water works No.1:1, Gas Total Paid ?Meeker' for : eptemler Paid Firt'MeTl Patti City Officers Paid for tot f r Goo a Will Fire Company Notes in flank paid Paid Mrs. 'Mary Gleuger $l6: tat. Total for September PreTiously Total debt $2T3,116 In addition to the foregoing there has been approved by the NA ater Committee bills to Ihe amount of 0,825.73, which can not be paid until funds are placed to the credit,of Appropriation No. 11, it being ex hausted by the bills laid before you this evening. - Report accepted and the Controller au thorized to draw warrants for the amounts of the appropriations, and that portion re ferring to the deficiency in Appropriation No. 11 .be- referred to the Committee on Finance, with power to act. Mr. English presented the report of the Police committee, with an ordinance fur the regulation of .the business of night soiling., — .Also,.a resolution tor the purchase of a boat to be anchored in the river for the use of night soilers. • . Also, au ordinance prohibiting the run• ning of cattle at large in the streets. The ordinance relative to night soiling was adopted, as was also the resolution fur the purchase of a boat. The ordinance to prevent the running of cattle At large was taken, up and passed by a vote of yeas eleven, nays eight. C. C. non-concurred. 7 - Mr. English prpsented the report of the Park Connnissicin, showing the progress of the work. The report was accepted and filed. [The report is published in full elsewhere in this paper.] naPOILT OP STREET COMMITTEE. Mr. Myter, chairman of the Committee on Streets, presented the following report : GENTLEMEN: Your Committee on Streets duly considered the following conununica tions, an , i would report as follows in rela tion thereto: Petition for the grading of Jalappa street. We would recommend it he laid over. _ Petition from F. Brown for change in the grade of Jalappa street. We report ad versely. ItsinonStrance of 'V. Short and others against the opening of Rebecca street. %Vo would recommend that the opening of the stree. •be deferred f r the present. • The petition to grade Union aveoue. We report an ordinance granting the prayer of petitioners. Petition of James MoVicker asking to be released from the assessment for paving Allegheny avenue on two feet of ground on Cabinet street,extending along said avenue) • We would offer the following resolution, providing, for the payment of the arnoun_ i td by the city: .Resolved, That the Controller be-and' is hereby instructed to certify a warrant on the 'Treasurer in favor of Mclntyre, Mc- Naughterdt Co.,contractors for the paving of AllegheriyAvenue, for the sum of five hurt.. dred and thirty-three dollars, being an as sessment on the lot of James McVieker for the paving' f said avenue, the payment of which is hereby assumed, by the city. Remonstrance to the Widening of Well ster street. • Furt.l.er information being required, we would recommend that it be laid over for the present. Petition for the grading: of Gallaher street, Second ward. We. report an ordi nanCe granting prayer of petitioners: Though by: the terms of the ordinance under which the city assumed a propor tion of the cost of the canal sewer it is not at piesent required to assess the amount of same on property assessed for cost of Mont gomery avenue sewer, yet in order that no misunderstanding may exist. in the future in regard to this omission, we would offer. the folkiwing Resolved, That it is inexpedient at pres ent to assess on the Middle District the amount of money advanced by the City for the construction of the Canal Sewer. We submit herewith, and ask the adop tion of a profile of the grade of Gallagher street, and also a profile of the grade Of Buena Vista street. The report was accepted and the first res, elution referred back-to the Committee. The second resolution was amended by striking out the word "inexpedient," and the word "expedient" inserted; the resolu tion was adopted as-amended. The resolution in reference to Mr. Mc , Vicker's assessment was referred back to the Street Committee, after considerable discussion. In the matter of the assessment upon the Middle distriet, Mr. Hall moved to amend I by striking out the word "inexpedient;" and inserting ' , expedient," I which was agreed to and the resolution read three times and passed finally. I Profiles of grades of Gallagher and Buena Vista streets were presented by the Street Committee and adopted. , Mr. Myer presented a resolution in strueting the Sewer Conimission to employ a good practical mechanic to superintend the construction of the sewer now con rac ted for. AdOpted. Mr. Phillips presented a resolution re questing the Fort Wayne Railroad Com pany to place a flagman at the crossing at the foot of Marion avenue. Referred to Railway Committee. Mr. Calory presented a resolution changing the name of Bank Lane, in Eighth ward, to River Avenue. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. ,Reiter, a communication from the firm of Messrs. Harper, Gutman ei Co., relative to a wagon made for the use of the Fire Department. Referred to the Com mittee on Fire Engines. Mr. Hall presented a resolution author- Piing the Street Commissioner to repair sidewalks on both sides of Beaver street, in the Second ward, from Montgomery ave nue, and that the same:sidewalks be made fourteenth feet in width; and also for plac irig flag crossings - on Montgomery avenue .along both sides of Beaver street. Referred to the Street Committee, with power-to-act. • The Clerk Of Coinmon ConneHannonne ed that their branch wad Iready - to meet Select rout!!! in .Toint Session for , ' the purpose of tint til2 the Vilollll(llCß:oecasioned by the resignation of Robert 'Dilworth, 14.1n.i as Clerk to Comtuittsre t and, -Jainca PITTSBURGH' GAZETTE FRIDAY; OCTOBER 9, 1868: Park, Jr., as member of the Park Com- mission. On motion the Select Council adjourned for the purpose stated. The business of the Joint Session having been concluded, Select Council retired to its chamber, and adjourned. Common Council Council came to order at 7j4 o'clock, President Slagle in the chair. The clerk, Robert Dilworth, Esq., called the roll, when the following members an swered to their names: Messrs. Cutler, Comley, Clark, Eyster, Groetzinger,Hanna, HoChuly, Kennedy, Runkle, Lindsay, Ley, Megraw, McNeill, Reynolds, Reed, Richardson, Reinernan, Saints, Seidl°, Slack, Tate, Voegtly, White, Warner and - President Slagle. The minutes of the previous meeting wore read and approved. Mr. Warner presented a petition from residents in the Sixth ward, asking for the erection ,of gas lamps at the corner of Lochst and Chartiers streets, and at the corner of Chartieis and Franklin streets. Referred to the Committee on Gas. Mr. Warner offered a resolution instruct ing the Committee on Water to erect a tire plug at the corner of Washington avenue and Sedgwick street. Referred to the Com mittee on Water. • Mr. Slack, a petition from residents in the Second ward for the erection of a gas lamp on the corner of Veto street and. Geyer alley. Referred to the Committee on Gas. Mr. Cpmly, a peition from residents of the Fourth ward for a gas lamp at the corner • of River avenue and Grays alley. Refer red to the Committee on Gas. Mr. White, a resolution instructing the Street Commissioner to • have the crossing over the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad on Ohio avenue repaired immediately. Ad'opted In S. C. non-concurred and referred to the Committee on Streets. Mr. Hanna, ,Chairman of the Market Committee, presented the following report: To the Honordble the Select and Common Councils of the Z - lity of lAllegheny • GENTLEMEN: Your Committee on Mar kets baying been instructed by Councils to report the subject of the erection of a new market building, in proper shape for the action of Councils, would offer the fol lowing resolution for the procurement of Plans as a preliminary measure looking to the erection of the building: . . Resolved, That the Committee on Mar kets be and are hereby authorized to pro cure plans and specifications for a market -building, to be erected on the Third Ward Square of 'the Diamond, 'and submit the, same to Councils for their approyal. Your Committee duly considered the resolution, relating to the appointment of .a Meat Inspector, also'a petition for a change in the time of holding market from Friday to Thursday, and would report adversely to the lbrmor, and as regards the latter would submit an ordhianae changing the time of holding market, leaving it to Coun cils to fix the day. The following is the ordinance: Bo it ordained and enacted by the Select anti Common Councils of •the City of Alle gheny, and it is hereby enacted by.:the au thority of the -ame, That section 2d, chap ter 13,City Code, t;e and it is hert'rby amened after the words • "until troche o'clock noon on Tuesday" so as to read "and front twelvil o'clock noon - until twelve o'clock noon on . We submit the following statement of the receipts of the Welghmasters and Clerk of Markets for the ruonth of September, viz: Geo. B. McNulty, Diamond Scales.. 2S J. B. McAllister, Second ward 2141 41 Duncan Dallas, Markets 1,020 2,7) $ =.l 70 . I,fisS 70 . 71:40 1.,70•1 'l6 Inl 13 813,:7:;1 41 6 2 c 42 60 1, , 149 07 3.05,211 1,000 00 10,003 00 91 00 $ 31,51670 - 1.'219 6'2 Total Respectfully submitted On motion of Mr. Warner the report was accepted. Mr. Cutler moyed - the adoption of the re solution. Mr. Tate movpd to amend by adopting "providing that Ithe oxpen.e of pro,:uring the plans does.n[a exceed slon,. , Mr. Slack thought that amount was alto gether too stnall'to procure theproper speci. • tications. Mr. Mei.rraw thought the plans wore not needed as the plans prep tred for the pro posed building on the First ward square would answer the purpo , e. Mr. Hanna stated that these plans would not do now, as they had been prepared sev eral years Since, and would not meet the present wants of the people. After sonic further discussion, - the question was put and the amendment lost. The original motion was then taken up and adopted. Some further discussion ensued, when Mr. Slack moved to recon,ider. Carried. Mr. McNeill called for the yeas and nays on the passage of the -resolution; resulting in its adoption bY a vote of sixteen yeas and nine nays. I • The ordinance ) providing for a change in' market days was then taken up, and att ci considerable disCussion laid on the table., REPO= OF TILE COMMITTEE ON WILI.I;'ES AND LANDINON. Mr.W bite preSented the following report of the Committee on WharVes and Land ings: G - aNTLEMEx : Your Committee on Wharves and Landings would respectfully report that they have examined the street and wharf above the Mechanic Street Bridge, and find It necessary that the res phitions referred to them be carried out. and would recommend the adoption of said resolutions. , Your Committee have alio authorized the Wharfmaster of the Eighth ward to have as many check posts as is necessary to be placed along the bank. The report was accented and the follow ing resolution, referred to above, amend ed by striking out the world "clay," and adopted as amended: Resolved, That the Street Commissioner be instructed to till nut w , th clay or clink ers that portion of Bank Lane which is curbed with timber to protect it from freshets. _REPORT oi"rnr: COMMITTEE 015 FIRE RISME ES. Mr. Megraw, from the Committee on Fire Engines, presented the following report : (lent?men: Your Committee on Engines would respectfully report that they had un der consideration the bill of W. P. Mar shall & Co., and would report adversely to the payment of the same. There aro several bills in which members of Council are either directly or indirectly interested thatt a se remain or unpaid i owin to the ha clan section n the og rdi nance creating the office of City Controller makes it obligatory upon that Officer to re fuse to certify them to Councils. • • Feeling sati-iled that the bills are, just and correct and that their payment should not be refused on account of a formality in the law, and the Controller being willing to Pay the bills if so instructed we would oiler the following resolution instructing him accordingly: Resolved, That the Controller be and he is hereby instructed to certify a warrant on the Treasurer in favor of each of the follow ing named parties for the amounts oppo site their names, viz: J. K. Fleming, printing. ............... $lB 00 S. Drum, shovel • 1 6.5 T. T. Miller ez Co., blankets • 12 00 Henry Faulkner, horse ......... ......... 250 00 The report was accepted and the resolu tion adopted. • ' In S. C. non-curred in, and case referred back to Committee to report the costs in each. In all business not otherwise noted S; C. concurred. Adjourned. • . . JOINT SESffION. Councils met in , joint session to elect a Clerk of Committees and a mew b , :r of the Park Commission to take the place of Jon athan Gallagher, Esq., resigned. President Slagle explained the object of the joint session. On-motion of Mr. Warner, Councils pro to;an election of Clerk to tho Com mittees. ti 1,302 94 • r.?,ltturated J. R. Oxlop, On motion of Mr. Hanna, Mr. Oxley was elected unanimously. The election of a member oft-the Park Commission was then taken up. r. Philips nominated Archibald M. Marshall. ' On motion, Mr. Marshall was elected by acclamation. The business of the - joint session being over, Select Council retired to their Chatn ber. • - 'NY COUNTY FAIR. THIRD DAY. - The rain of •sterday, added to the cold north westerly wind which prevailed, pit a damper upo 1 the spirits of the nubile, ausing a ye y slim attendance at the grounds, Th's, together with the excite ment which i i remiled relative to the riot on Wednesd.y night, kept away people. But fewaddi dons ware made in any of the departments vorthy of notice, and though we are sorry ,o make the remark, the fair has proved a dead failure. To-day, being the last of th i exhibition, may, should the weather be fi vorable, proye,more :Success- Cul than the p evious days, but we still are of the opinion that the attendance will be Very slim. There was nothing to break the dreary monotony of the day, but a runaway at a late hour yesterday evening. A trotting horse became restive and jumped the track, I demolishing a buggy to which he was at tached, but tieing no other damage that we could learn. Another horse ran away, running over a man who attempted to sine him, injuring the man severely. This be ing just bdforo dark, we were unable to learn the name of the party, who was taken from the grounds to his residence. In noticing the display of Agricultural implements of yesterday, we inadvertently omitted to notice White _Brothers & Co., who had dii exhibition Burdick's National, and Hunt's Hoosier Fodder Cutters, which have been thoroughly tested and prove to be the most satisfactory cutters ever before introduced in this market. Besides these their general assortment of agricultural machines deserve great praise. At their I warehouse, on Penn, between Wayne street anti the Fort Wayne crossing, they I have a large assortment of agricultural im i plementa,for sale, especially the Hydraulic I Clothes Washer,- which has been tested by and has obtained recommendations from ' the first families of .this city, and the pub lic are respectfully requested to call and examine their stock. . We are indebted to Judge Parke and the Managers of the Fair for the uniform tour ' testes extended to us,and only regret that unfaYorable ei t cumanceS have _rendered this fair 'a failure. No pains have been I spared to rinder it a success, and we I trust that to-day, being the closing day, I the public will extend a liberal attendance to the County Fair. AM 1.:111 0 .VS BUTTON 1101. E. SEWING MACHINE Located at the left centre of Mechanics' Hall, at the Fair grounds, is one of the Int)st perfect cond,inatton Sewing Machines we have ever seen. We refer to the Amer ican Button note Oyerseauning Machin., exhibited bi.• Chas. C. Balsley, whose sal , s room is on ! the southwest corner of Fifth and Market streets, entrance No. 12 Fifth street. It s the cheapest and best com bined machine in the market, anti with it , splendid mechanism gives a guarantee of affmracy, strength anti durabilify.which must recommend it to the favorable notice of the community. The specimens of its work, which carne under our inspection, einl,racmg stitching, overseatning, em broidering, quilting, cordihg, braiding, gathering and sewing on, together with its beautiful hutton-hole and eyelet-hole Work, are the best we have seen-at any Fair, and we very cheerfully recommend this ma chine to families who need an- economical and perfect sewing machine, knowing that it will give full and perfect satisfaction. THE REASON. We, in common with other visitors at the County Fair, could not but regret the ab ence of the Messrs. Elliott Bros. & Bur gess from tunong the exhl itors. The firm is ono of the most widel2.l known of our 'Nurserymen and FL' md their failure to make a display could not but be re marked. We are informed by a Member of the firm that thee were prevented front making their usual display in consequence of extensive additions and improvements to their green houses in Allegheny. The tirin, it will be retnembered, made a beau tiful display at the State Fair last year, and have acquired a high reputation in their line. Their depot, is at r 116 Market street. AL DE ItN EY CATTLE: County the stock on exhibition at he Fair, were two fine specimens of 'Alderney Cattle, the young thorough bred :bull, "Tom," twenty-one months old, and the four year old cow, "Annie," exhibited by W. B McCrae, of Wilkins township. Mr. McCrae would especially call the atten tion of our farmers and stock raisers to this breed of cattle, which have long been cele brated among lovers of fine sto .k. The Alderney have no superiors for milch pur poses, and those who would wish to im move their stock would do well to call upon Mr. McCrae, who will be at the Fair Grounds to-day, end who will give them cheerfully any information . relative to this superior breed of stock. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. The fine collection of Ornathental Trees and Shrubs outside Power .Hall, Fair Grounds, are from the celebrated:Lebanon Nurseries 'of II: Bockstoce & Son., near Pittsburgh. This firm aro ready to supply orders for Fruit or Ornamental Trees, Grape Cuttings, Shrubs, Roses, Green House and Bedding Plants, which can he by ad dressing them at box 1325, Pittsburgh Post Office, or at their Nursery Grounds, four and a half miles froth the city . on the old Washing,on road. TUE DISPLAY Or MESSRS. BECKHAM A LONG. The display of Agricultural Implements at the Fair Grounds, contribu".ed by Messrs. Beckham tic Long, has been ono of the finest features of the County Fair. Their collection of Reapers, Mowers and Thresh ers, together with the fine assortment of Plows exhibited by them fiom the "Globe Works" of Messrs. Hall and Spear, have attracted universal attention. The reputa tion of these gentlemen, as dealers in Agri cultural Implements, and their thorough knowledge and experience, has given them a wide reputation, and we would advise all those wishing Agricultural Implements to call at the wareroom, No. 127, Liberty street. Today, being the closing day of the Fair, Mr. Ding will be on the ground, and will be happy to explain to all visitors the relative points of merit of each Imple ment he has on exhibition, and 'fake orders for the same. A. NEW vEAtu itt: AT THE FAIR. We would call the attention of merchants and business men of Pittsburgh to tho splendid exhibition of show cards at Ar tists Hall, on the fair grounds, designed and executed by Crane & Co., 89 Fifth street, opposite the GAZETTR office. Those wanting a beautiful and desirable card would do well to inspect these specimens, which ate the most beautiful and elaborate we have ever seen, especially the new do signof metal edge, which can he applied to any style wished. Messrs. Crane Co. will take orders for these cares at Artists' Hall, and will be happy to receive the 'M ita of the business public. TF Mass Colivehtlon nt Baterstown• - _.. ~.. The Republkans of Bakerstown, Ri.lli land township, held a grand Nlass'Conven tion on TuesdaSii. October sth. The preces sion on the occasion was one of the largest ever witnessed in the vicinity. The mass meeting organ•zed immediatel y actor the Procession. Addresses were mide by Ron. Russell Errett and Thomas "Toward, Esq., ofßittsburgh, and M. Barnes, Of likike toivn. The excitement was intense, but everything passed oif quietly. The Retool , - licansaxe jubilant at the tatir,ess:,ol: thr.4r, effort% Meettlr at City Hall The announenent that R. Stockett 1 Matthews, Esq.,.? Maryland, was to ad- I dress a meeting atlity Hall last night had the effect of fillinthe Hall to its utmost capacity. A largcaumber of ladies were .present, and the neting throughout was the most orderly ai at the Hanle time the most enthusiastic eer convened in this city. The mec_Lting was lied to order by Col. E. A. Montoofh, whread a dispatch front Mr. Blain, dated ;toona, October Sth, stating that he had Un detained by an ac cident on the railromand would not reach the city before nine clock. He then announce the following offi cers : _, ' President—Maj. NVnErew. - Vice Presidents—Tlinas Steele. Esq., Dr. W. H. Daly, J. N. tan. Esq., Dr. C. King, W. C. INiurraV,.bn Torrence, Wm. Swisshelm, J. MOD. Cssan, J. E. Brady, Jr., R. T. McGowan, 1:1 M.. Hersh, Capt. E M. IV. Beltzhi over, .eph S. Morrison, Esq., Alex. H. Miller, sq., David Sims, B. A. Sampson, Esq., li lt s s ta ik, Wm. Reams, Geo. R. Cochrateul. Joe Kaye. Secretaries—Members the Republican press. Maj. Frew on taking t Chair, thanked the meeting for the honcdone him by se lecting him to preside. e was proud to say that he was a mettibcof the great Re publian party; and wol "rather, be a door keeper in the partyf the Republic than o oocupy a high pot.on in the party of the rebellion." No pa- had ever ac comPlished so much in schort a time as the Republican party had,ne in the past twelve years. it •had rail the country: from insignificance 'to thProud position it now occupied. He eld that the financial policy of the Dencracy if carried out would distract and deny the bank ingvstein now working. successfully thro ghimt the country, id we would hav the same system melt prevailed and r Democratic rule, - at the country won tt be flooded with worWs currency, andi he result would be, th in tl-e crisis which would follow, every anufacturing establishment in this ,an other cities Would be coMpelled to ise. Ho de sired to state before closing it among the many influential men whixere leaving the ranks of the enemies of tlgovernment ho had the pleasure to annot,.e that Geo. B. Hamilton, Esq., a leadin member of 'the Pittsburgh bar, had ct.red his in -1 tention to vote for General Crt. He then introctuO , Od the Mechanic's lee Club of East Bbminglihm, who sanri excellent style "Keep the Ball a Rollin( R. Stockett Mathews, Ecq,Ballinaore, was then intreduced - and dressed the meeting. The speaker_is oaf the most elequant, logical and rhetoricpeakers of the many who have visited ouity during the present campaign. His dress was nearly two hours in length, areas listen ed to by the vast audience withe stria est attention: He held that thlemeerat ic party, for the past twenty ye, had been prostituted to the interests oftvery and treason, and that having en.vored to overthrow the government thwere fair ly defeated and now askethe peo ple to give them by the ballohat th e y had faded to acquire by the Lai:. In sup port of this position he revieweie regord of the Demoeratie party . from days of Calhoun to the present time, arield that is only aim has been to pertiate and make national the damnable itutioq of slavery. Ile then reviewed th..ords of the opposing candidates, do:: with a eulogy upon Gen. Grant, whiwas the mo-t powerful piece of eloquense have ever heard. At the conclusion of Mr. Miws' a.l dress the Glee Club sang aucr song, after which the meeting adjourn Stained Class. Among the remarkable iruprolents in 'American manufactures nothirs more noteworthy than the great str which, has been made within the last feears in the business of staining and meling glasq. tip to a recent. date the sumer has dr-Tended, in a large measureon the 'English manufacturer. As a ter of course, the carriage alone, leaviiut the dealers and manufacturer's pn, im posed a large tax en the consul] sunk (dent, indeed. to justify the estahmeut of the business in our own countiGlass staining, however, to be condueteoper ly, should be combined with glassking. The glass stainer depends upon glass manufacturer for hie material, is led in his operations, and necessarily fires more time to complete his w , rk. 'man ufacturer, on the otner hand, hasraor dinary facilities for staining and etiling unlimited quantitieS in a fpotiontime required by the glass stainer. Pagglers and Duff, No. 8 Wood street, may ?,rm', ed the pioneers of the new meant. They have demonstrated the faett an article in every way equal to Engliain ed glass can be made at rates • favCe to the consumer. They are now pre to fill orders for every style of plainite, chaste and elaborate . designed, staiand enameled glass, for public and Tate buildings, elegant transoms, sideats, transoms for business housescwith p or firm and number of street, itc.. • Seasonable Goods as. Great Barg Messrs. H. B. Smithson et Co., thm lar and extensive dealers and auctits, Nos. 55 and 57. Fifth avenue, haNst opened a very large and complete q_ meat of goods suitable for. winterr. The line of boots, shoes and gaiters. .14 and hosiery, is very full and offe it prices lower than original cost of p t! .. 'tion. These goods are of the very,t, quality and best manufac:ure. The mainly purchased at bankrupt sill. leading houses in tbe•East, and cut b( at wholesale or retail at very cheap tiq The firm are making a leading specim blankets of the very best quality, cot made and from leading factories, o they sell at prices so extremely low knock the bottom out of the trade by other houses in this particular lin oods. Call and See at stall-No. 45 Dian market, the various kinds of fresh from sea and hike, Bass, Salmon, W Fish, Pickerel, Perch, &., which the eran and popular fish merchant, Benja Pulpress; is constantly receiving thrr his agencies, and has for sato as abovt Pittsburgh and at his well known stain the Allegheny market, corner of nab, and Ohio street. Mr. Pulpress is prepa to fill orders from the neighboring tow and carefully forward the same to any dress. • Deafness, Blindness., Catarrh, • . And all affections of the Throat, Lure cuicimo, November eta, istis. Heart, Stomach, Liver and Nervous. S. DR. LIGUTIIILL—Divan Sin: I wish to expresa tent, treated successfully at Dr. Alum °you the appreciation of 1 .3.1 r ‘kill as a practt Medical and Surgical Institute, No. inner, particularly in the relief aft.rded many at Stilithdeld striket. , . t t i•crAss with Catarrh; 1, mvselt, having received Prints, Sheeting's, Ticks, Checks, rrinarient benefit from your treatment. eongrat lins at the lowest figures at the New Yo lai lug the shilicted In the West of an opportunity store, (opoosite Barker tt C 0.,) 66 Na 1 .1 43 avail themselves of your Invaluable servlces, and street. •lehing you much success, I am, yours Very truly, C. C. WAITE. A complete new stock of dry goads, of t kinds, Just opened at the New York .tor (opposite Barker & C 0.,) 66 Market strec lt le a luxury and a comfort to bath CAPT. SI_LAS..P. MILLER, shhvo, or have your hair cut or dressed the elegant Pstabli-•hrnent of H. B. Wil Ii au ' - • son, No. 190 Federal street, Allegh t inproprletor of the Burnett 11ou5e, Cincinnati. Try it. P i Nrw Slyleti of Dress Goods inn oprieki. "7 - PouLie the New York store, (opposite litvq - yr ittYFiutspa A.yn rat C 0.,) tit) Market St t eet. t affords nto great sattbtaetton to be able to testify Ins•sorees , of Dr. Llglitbllt in the irnatint•Eti or The place to gett`.White C4: l 3ilAfue-is, and exile eas , 5,11. e Cr ebllgatlon to Plaster, Myth :Dale t_'eul r.t, is Eeker M hearing had 4411)0.fred Sr a number C.b4hey't.t, Kreet.- kears, . at tiILWV 3 g4.1. - t` On **.'.l.lat as to embarrass - sbr;tbialr. Dr. 1 4 1gt.tb s ruder whox CAM. t rubleOtt, N ,11 ) 1t jos, Doyll""' Arl'i \ 'vigitit iar..telf, has ren , oftta dttnauity complete. els 8t lit Mar , ttf et.q, r. 11: r i mit t re,teretluet)w,raet.lit acing. y DR. LIGHTHIL FROM NEW YORK AND BOSTON, HAS OPENED AN ESTABLISHMENT AT No. 296 Penn Street, PITTSBURGH. For the Relief and Cure of the variona Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Lungs. HIS PRACTICE EMBRACEI. T-lIE TREAT3IENT OF s, DEAFNESS, CIyrARRH, Discharges from the Ear, Asthma, Bronchitis, Affections of the Voice, Consumption, and all Diseases, Defects and Deformities of 2 "E'IUM REQUIRING- IHEDICAL LIGHTHILLaims to establish In Pittsburgh,. a permanent 'MEDICAL worthy in' every respect of public. confidence. The establish men. ordains many origins, featur , s of the high est importan^e and id, provided r.lth every modern! therapeutic imprny, moat and scientific appliance which experience has dot.nd vamable in the treat ment of the Diseases to which his practice is con fined. DR. LIGHTHILL refers, with p'easure, to his published works on Deafir , ss, Catarrh, and Dis eases of the Respiratory Organs. and tif the success which attended his prietice In N..w York City for . Ih, past twelve years, as well as to the reputation ne established lu C nemnati, ht. LOlll5, Louisville and Chicago. Patients trewed at Ids establishment may feel assured of receiving every ben• fit ,tts.ran t,.ed by SCIEN , E. SKI ;.L and a • COMPE.E.LiEN SIVE EN PERIM NCE. 01Mee Hours from 10 A. M. till 4 P. I. AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER FROM GEORGE D. PRENTICE, En., Editor of the "Louisville Jourual LGVISVILLE, Nov. sch. 1866 DP.. LIGIITHILL — DEAR SIT:: I am very sorry tolearn that you eontemplat, leaving Louisville at the end of the present week • I earnestly wisn'tbat your engagenient elsewhere might permit you to re main here fui a longer time. Your sojourn among us, Dr. Lighthill, will , be long . remembered by me people. It has been a blessiog to many. You have treated me and a fe male member of my family with great success. You set= to me to understand. as by intuition, the char acter of a malady and Its best remedy. You have multitude of patients in this cl!y. and I have not seen or hearl of one te a whom you held out the prom Ise of rend' without reuder'ng It. Your entire practice rmong us has been a brilliant success, and 'T cheerfully recommend you to my friends and th'e • public at large as a phys!cian deserving the utmost confidence. H Ting that you may live long-0 be a blessing to additional thousands of the MD eted, I am, very truly, yours. GEORGE D. I'IIENTICE. TEtTLMONIAL FROM THE REV, JOIIN NO,TI', 1). D., Professor to Union Colle::e, Schenectady SCHEN ECTA January 17th, 1566 DU. I.I.6IITRILL—Sot: Having been cured by you of a discharge in an ear, which , :ms been very otTeusi,e of late, :,nd, fir back as 1 can remember, w tvs mote or less so, up , . h^.vi❑g been entirely stored to hearing sinee under :our care, 1 feel that I cannot withhulit this aCkLIIIIVit dgmoat train auy_. use it may be to others, ispcdulty us 1 have applied la vain to my family puysictan ;tel oth,r physicians of reputation. Yours truly, LETII Flio3l p. C. WAITE, Esq., Proprietor of the Sherman House, Chicago, LETTER. FROM BURNET!' HOUSE. Yebruari 91.11; 1887. JOHN NUTT.