El a ~ . ....,I. l ittili*O. ., ..oao.ti,, SWEETEST OCTOBER BY M!J( LURKS Of round red moon. slip under the hill, Ann bide away and away, For eyes will be peering, And I.ns will be jnertne. • And Idle words wil they any. 1 bear nts wens In the thicket brown, •I feel hli breath In the air. Nor tips that are jeering, And ey a that are peering, Ah I why should .1 eti.re—.l care? O! some may rieg of the dear sweet'Jnne i • • And some may sing of the May, Bat dear October. When Illy and elcrser • irtrwltnered and hided gray. '• Ter law in thelenz,.• dimgroves. , - Pie whi.pers and murmurs tome, ' • And kisses are 'sweeter;• Than winds that ow fleeter, Up Irom the bl ming lee. • • - The West Is whi ling aplaintive stave. brown In the r de by the there; The triCket is cal lug. The gold leaf Is iliac, • The rlond glide over the star; The pheasant We from the stabbl• bare . Thai wild gooth nrlngs from the shore, 'And my Gear is ling, ' • "Come hither, y darling, And love me f rover more. " EPHMIFSIS. -4-Edwin Boothit i in Boston.' . --Treason is trou l ling the Turks. —There was snow \Portland on Noretlay, —Bilver mining hi going• on in the Oil re. Vona: —Lei- —Leipzig is abont)te! have a fine atritue afendelssoha. • , —Ten cents a buslle is the hightst price of corn in Texas. '..-.11,200 cannon forms the field. artillery • of the French army. , —Tompldni - the Troubadour in the latest zuccessful farce in London. —Henry Ward Beecher, ass boy, washed Ishes and hemmed towels. Montana paper says Genl. Meagher's 'body has never been .recovered. • ~ —Music of the futore—Wagner has iotr., - tracted to write two new operas. —Four miles of note oyster beds lave been found in -Long Island Bound, ---Three lege of mutton. ."fora shilling is •thelitarket quotation frozi:Ballarat. —Liszt has goike ba& to Weimatio spend 'the wTate'r.ixt•tNtt German Atheas. Mereandante the Neapolitan composer kaabeen ennobled I),y 'Victor Emanuel. —A Choctaw Indian is r atudying agricu titre and thq mechanic arts at Dartmouth. —Colorado is already neltsupporting. She - rabies enough breadstuffs to feed her people. — 7 41.1)url burlesque on llerace .Greeley's life ha 3 been published. It. is (g) reely absurd. -Grand Duke Illaffimar has given the ... skull of a mammoth to the 'Museum at Moscow. ' ' • —Delmar of arithmetical fame is said to be the original of. Joey 'Ladle in no Thor - •oughfarey —Charlestown Navy Yard has barely 1,000 men employed now, and no ships are being built. —Queen Isabella talks about coming over • , -- to rale in - Cubs, a fact which would diggnst Mr.' Seward. 4 1 1Ve dollars per barrel are, offered for Newton:pippins by apple speculators along tit= Hudson. A stained .glass memorial window to Sir '. T. Brunel! has been placed in. West, mi ster Abbey. - Dumas is going to write a novel tribute to enkeni e., he is going to make her ate oine of a.novel. actor seventy-five years old is now li ' in the „Detroit -poorhouse, 4 .!a, lean „ and ippered pantaloon." I Pat dots or attempts to riot with pat riota 4'odt:in:the Bull Bun-district, he will hive a second Bull Ran defeat. - 6- -tibielerice is very popular - in Paris;' We don't~believe it is any glassyer ice than:that wegenerally have at-the Rink. oardoia College is have an'obserya, • tory. Ale gentleman in Maine has headed the subscription list with 46,000. ' —7l3oinebody wants to know what ie to'be —done:With the ten thousand Chinamen whezi Ake Central Pacific Road is'finished. Motley, hisMonan," embassador, diploma tist,scholar and gentleman, is a premi „neat candidate for the Presidency of =lndian troubles are breaking out in a new place. They are reported on Lake Su perior between the Chineways and Cana tribe. - —Bishep Hennesy, of Dubuque, is ex ..ccanmunicating all Catholic children, and 'the parents of such children, who attend public Ithools. - --NyAirED—A treatise on English Gram mahr and English Composition, to in..; . Ilse of iv future proclamations to be issued from the Mayor's office. --&nuebody nannies himself in,MaMe by poisoning. horses. Four very valuable 4tmosbelonging to one man *ere poisoned in one night recently. , ,••• —There ore fifty-to - 11r hot springs in Ar. Amine. We certainly *mild prefer having them there, h; having hot springs in our anattresies or NA cnshlons —"ITO min in England thinks of' bidck „tug his own-toots," said an _Englishman to r(3llr. Lincoln. "Whose besets, dnes he 'blear lir. LincOln quietly.asked. •--Esuit India -journals object to the ap:' pointmenkof Lord :Alai, the Earl of to the governor generalship of that provinee.: They probably think kiln an ass asrnrell fan —One wan in Nashua, , New Hampshire, hue it Asir pond in which ho hap utne Ihoue scutsmall yesiling trout, and five hundred weighing from one-half to'two and o-half- POOM I O --When General Forrest goes to Earlotui; 10 00 Peeted AM' blihotOd to: the 1 14 /IProlont I IIM from vieltieg; the Black /mg* but shrugs carries the blade 'heed Of the rarest sith blol; UAW, s hive of three , lenebiumta, mil Dutch; ft hi 'sir Atiteki ar aif Ifet lo4 4otlO Dote olVt IMP? llPOrte'' to Mitch newspepen t th e .11144(6 igiegaragerht the only spoken. • —itteofeoft istett greeted- the request of einflebiergeente In the Imperial ink% who' 4404 that be leoeld dlietiotgetheliMiler; at ad' Mdiet shirt 4vro yaw In glens vice, and ,conferred the .cross of honor on each of the sons. -- :--r tho Approaching Peace Congress at 416 3 e, kikitierland, *Oinen will be admit:' ted on thesaike tennis as men, and will* invited to r Propose questions and take 'part U the discussion. -The heroine of a new novel is thus de scribed: "She leaned against the casement, 'one foot on the:low• sill, her brow pressing the; cold pane, her hands loosefy linked and hanging with careless grace at one side— she was supremely, happy:"- -To make a valuable speckled doghulleto. proof, Mark Twain says : "Take off his hide and line •it with sheet iron. Reseda iron is the beat, and is slicker and more shOwy than the common kind. Dogs pre pared in this way do not mind bullets:" —The following original epitaph contains a piece of advice which 'we do not wish our friends to take : She lived a life of virtue and died of Cholera mortnis, caused lby eating green trait, . in the full hope of a blessed itamortalllt7- At the early age of twenty-f Jur- Reader, go thou and do likewise. I—The pork crop of the approaching sea. son it is expected will be one of the largest ever raised. This will be partly owing to the general success of the corn crop. ! In consequence of this belief many of the Cin cinnati and Chicago packers= are enlarging their business facilities. —Francis, otherwise known as 'Bombe the Second, is very anxious for Napoleon to help him regain his old kingdom, and prom ises to do all sorts of ,things in return for . Napoleon, who, however, thinks a bird in the hand worth two in the bush, and holds on to what influence he already has in Italy, —A venerable plough ` - will be exhibited at - the State Fair in Portland, Me. It has a seven feet beam of white oak, a stout iron coulter, an.oak share sheathed with iron, and a pair of ash handles, like immense da vits, projecting four feet in the rear. The wood is seamed , and wrinkled, but tough and sinewy atilt. —ln one of his speeches at Philadelphia Gen. Killpatrick said : "If a Copperhead dares to insult you, boys in blue, smash him." On this principle we suppose the Copperhead party acted on Wylie street night before last. They ccnsidered them selves insulted by unilluminated window and Smashed them . —A young woman in Alexandria, Va., whose parents had refused her permission to attend the ball of a Friendship Fire Com, pally last week, as the front door of her house was locked, jumped from the second story 'window, and repairing to a neigh bor's, where she had , before sent her ball dress; attired herself, 'and participated in the forbidden festivities —At a recent tableaux party, the scene of Blnebeird's dead room was shown—six pretty heads all bloody, suspended along the wall, the bodies, of course, being behind the canvas. As the curtain descended, one of the heads was observed to smile. It was afterwards ascertained that some one had stolen behind the seenes and kissed the band of one of the wives. —ln the city of Marseilles a man lived on" bad terms with his wife. One day, while waiting for his dinner, ho remarked that the flies fell dead on touching his bowl of soap. Without saying a word he changed the bowls, giving his wife the one she had plaoed faiYhim. Before long the acute, suf ferings of his better half convinced him that heitiadniirrowly escaped being poisoned. , • —Yesterday we alluded in these columns to the fact that a gentleman had supplied tuba'of water and tin cups to the Demo cratic crowd on the Commons, 'in front of his residence on Monday. Exception hav ing taken to our version of the motives attributed to him, we now state that we blow' are responsible far the sentiments therein expressed, as vie do not profess to know those of the gentleman referred to. -We `have: accounts of an accident which almost happened to Napoleon, at Lanneme tan. His Charger, bitten by files, grew res tlie, and if his Majesty bad not resorted, like Jolla Gilpin, to the mane, he would haVe been' thrown. M. Baimbaux, whose humi's,Bose saved the Emperor of Russia from Berezowski's pistol, was at hand, seized the charger's head, and enabled the chief of the State to dismount' and call for anothei. hoise —A man was dying. Re had a friend— an author. The friend came to him. To comfort him I No; to read amannscript. He prOdnced a packet, and drew his chair to the bedside of the dying man. "Only a few chapters," he said, insinuatingly. "130, my dear friend," urged the faint voice ot•the departing one, "I've only an hour toAlive." What was the reply? "[Yea, yes,"l know all that, but this will only take you- twenty minutes." —An old definition of constitutional lazi ness comes from Ohio. Standing on the steps of ono of the single-team taverns of that ,State was an unwashed Buckeye, whostishabby exterior did not indicate an indniatrious man. A gentleman' on the . op posite side of the street remarked to his com 'pinion,' "There's old Tom again. Wonder how he got out this cold day. He is the lazimtlinnt in town by allodds." "Lazy," repll7l his friend, "he isn't lazy; he was horn tarea.". EDITORS:—We observed in the I~epftbl{c; of Wdnesday, that hundreds 'of &publicans joined , in the Democratic pro cession on Tuesday. This Is intended to convey the - Impression that the limpobji.. cans who belong to the Labor Reform party are in league with the Democrats. But for 'ciiedit'bttriy friends and co•workers.we beg leave to say that no declarations of this , iicht Should receive any credit,' even it ut tered by the most responsible parties. The 'Limber- Reform , Repuplicatis,, If we may so Dania them, will,never strike hands t with ise -, organisation ,that seeks to, climb into power by pretending to_patronize labor and is advocates. As true Republicans, we ozoirdetaire ' , affair share of legislation, and osmotic, obtain it by fair means. NV e were doing well 11E411 we fell /etc, the embrace of a drownlntgient, and our hopes are quietly sinking beyond reoovery in the arms of a desperate" monster who Swim, in a sea of American blood. . Who will, dare to, may. Seymour and hie softionde," will bring peso° and prosperity to , tnen alto are free, unconquered and who will not he governed either by!"railroaders" QrsC• Amines-W. ritl'AttlitGff GA2tTTS t. FJUDAy t OCTOPin 9, 1868. TEETS! EXTRACTED ' - WITHOUT PA3CM I NO cueliaz wan WHEN ARTIFICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED.' A FULL SET FOR VI, ATDR. SCOTT'S. - *TS PENN STREET, 3D DOOR .0309 E HAND ALL•WORE WARRANTED. CALL 'AHD .= AMINE SPECIMENS OF OT.NIIIHE • ITS. GAS FIXTURES WELDON & KELLY, Manufacturers and. Wholesale Bailees In Lanips, lanterns,' Chandeliers, AND LAMP COODS. ommoN AND LUBRICATING OILS, BENZINE, ate.. N 0.147 W9od. Street. sel3:n= Between sth and 6th Avenues. CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &O. YDRAIILIC CEMENT. • • OAP STONE. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPE, WATER PIPES. HENRY H. COLLINS, 25 Wood street. SD18:070 HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE. Cheapest and beet Plpe In the market. Also, BO BENDALE BYDRAULIC CEMENT for Bale. B. B. & C. A. BROCKEIT * CO. Office and Manufactory-240 REBECCA BT., Allegheny. air Orders by mall pronapuy attended to. r 93 PIANOS. ORGANS, &C. BUY THE BEST AND CHEAP.. IST PIANO AND - OPRAN.7 fiehomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCHMUCK= PIANO combine, all the latest valuable Improvements known in the con struction of a first tiara Instrument. and has always been alardod the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone Is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanehlo. for duraby and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from t 450 to 111110. (according to style and finialL) cheaper than all other so-called first Maas Plano. -- ESTEY"B COTTA(IE ORGAN Stands at the bead of all reed motruments. in pro during. the most perfectpipe quality of tone of any similar instrument in the Untied States. It Is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT "VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" is only to be found In this Organ. Price from $lOO to $550. All guaranterd for Pvt. yeirs. BAHR, ENAKIE & BIJETTLEB, No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. KNABE & co.n3 AND RAINES BROS. PIANOS. For sale on monthly and quarterly payments. amermovrz BLUME, mpg 43 Tlfth etreet, Sole Agent. GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. AGE, ZELLEICS DUFF, 8 Ar,,4) • STREET, ManufArture every kind 'LAIN of +ND ORNAMENTAL STAINED 100 - WOOD STREET. IOBINA, GLASS A VI) QUEENSWARE, SILVER PLATED WARE. PARIAN STATIJE77-4,5, 11011:12ILL?i GLASS, • And oil er STAPLE A.E D PAN t.. - T StIODS, a great 'variety. 100 WOOD STREET RICHARD E. BREED & CO mhv 100 WOOD STREET. MERCHANT BTIEGEL, B. Mate Cotter with W. Hespenbelde.) MERCHANT TAILOR. No. 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. ..nkrn NEW FALL GOODS. A splendid new stock of s CAEIS filrElt,ES,,elte just, reoelyed by HENRY MEYEIL htitrehant Tailor. '73 9int thtleld street. CONFEOTIORI. HENnie nonnAcn, Confectionery and Bakery No. SOO SMITH/MD STRINET, Between Sevratti and Liberty. Ri`LADI%• OYSTER SALOON attached. GEO. SOMME= Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner, AND DZALSA IN FOREIGN & DOMEOTIO /BUM & NUT% No. 40, corner Fedora! and Robinson stree t s Alle gheny, air. conettmo'y on hand, ICE CR EAM, of various flavors. TOBACCO. AND_ oi4-kkli reILIAN ALLEN, mush. im ALL Elm* or • CEO TOBACOO AND ROARS, ,„ aro- - Eirrn sTRzET. (National Bank Of Own none ) YITIVEVEGH, YA, Branch of 172 Water Street, N. Y. apkn77 • DANIEL P. DINAN. EXCELSIOR WORIIC R. dr. Vir: JMNIETfiffEIOI 4 4,, - Manufacturers and Dealers In Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pip3B, &0., No 6 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEOHR!iIfs ,via.lo6 SEWING MACHINES. TuaEgtls'.. 4 T, AMERICAN COM- BUTTON-X(OLE OVERSEiIIin AND SENVID'G IT ILIA NO TQVAL, - BI M° ALBSOLITTICLY 'THY BIM FAMILY MACHIN'S. •IN THVIORI.I), AND IN TRINSICALLY CHRAFERT. air Agents wanted to se this Machhas. CHAS. Q : • . • A fmt emani a p g= i. f ii, Cl Eardsmes Jew I Store. 7 ----a Qs WECIGHTS! . .AN'D MIWURIS. H Serne~ of Wehrikti ud Zeannes, No. i POMITH rEUT, Überliest7eriar meets. *ll Inummities AND parnoFs . . I FULL TANum SPAONABLE & DESIRIBLE GOOD JOSEPH HORNE & CO.'S no Du LA MI GE: , FIERY, GLOVES, 31 wSTIO SHIRTS AND DRAWEES, DIES' MERIN° UNDERW EA R. !MEW & ROTS' MERINO UNDERWEAR, T'S FURNISH' NH GO 'OS. : ' • CLOAE &MANTILLA TRIMMING; NONABLE BULLION YRINGES, OY. PLAIN and SHADED VET RIBBONS; 'NS, In every variety. BROIDERIES E MI LA HA RN N ES and LACE GOODS, MANTOWN WOGLIIN GOODS, ZEERIIT GOODS, TTING TARNS. ZEPHYRS, soul lONS, of all kinds. Also, a oemplete sasortment of GOODS. RI *BONS, FLOWERS VE VETS, ORO DENAPE, FE ThERS, FLUMES, CRAPES, ite. TH LARGEST STOCK, nd the Lowest Prices, OF Y HOUSE IN THE CITY, WHOLYBALE AND RETAIL. AA' A CALL SOLICITED. N EW , TRIMMINGS, New Fringes, &wing Silk and Btalion. ,200 Pair of Real French Corsets. White and Oolored only 50 cents a Pair. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF YARNS IN ALL OOLOL'I3 THE NEW PAWS LA BELLE I3ALMORAL." Geat'a Fall and Winter Underwear. LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOOD The larreet anpply and finest patterns of Ladies' & Hisses' Balmoral Hosiery WOOL HOODS AND SACQUES. Hoop Skirts, Kid and Bilk Gloves Jlir. The VERY LOWEST HATIIB to Jobbers CLYDE & CO., '7B and 80 Market street. 8e14: pRICEB MARKED DOWN! MACRUM & CARLISLE'S, No. 19 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED ON AND AFTER JULY IST. HOOF SKIRTS. (La. - Reis%) for CORSET:, (Ilea( French.) LINEN HANDKERCHIEF'S, 3 for l&U) GLOVES, (warrancedj. PAPER (X)LLARS AOO Yds. SPOOL COTTON, POCKET BOOKS, worth 50c. MEN'S BIIMItEIt UNDERSkiIiTS ItEN`B JEAN DRAWERS.. All kinds Bonnets and Hata at Half Cost GREAT BARGAINS! IN. Alai. KINDS OF GOODS. Special Mates-to Merchants dt Dealers. at4101317D1 & IM=M3, .171:51n COAL AND COKE GOALS DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed tbeLr °Mee to NO, 667 LIBERTY ErrktialETl Metall City Flour Mill) SZOOND FLOOR. Are now_ prepared to furnish good YOUGHIOGHE NY• LUMP, !JUT COAL OR :MACK, at the lowest raorket price. All orders left at their °Moe, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attended to promptly, my2S:MS A RMSTBONG & HUTCHINSON, JULADZLPULL AiiMusg l utuaurr Ow. 00., t SH IP PER S AND DWtYVYA AND RIVER, at og e • CAS - AND FAMILY COAL. Once and Yard—FOOT OF TRY STREET, neat the Gas Works. FURNITURE. . 0. PRACTICAL - n B. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LEMON & No: 116 you/Err,' STREET. Constantly on nand every variety of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE, together with a cont• pieta assortment of common Furniture at reduced prices. Those in want of anything In our line are cordially Invited to call before P ur e/Ming' - Work guaranteed. • inhnintlS LEMON A WEER. SHEIETINGB AND BATTING. HOES, HELL & ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, . errrEII3I:IIWEL ' Kum 'Annus of =ATI MIDTU and LIGHT ANCHOR AND XASINOLIA GREETINGS AND . BATTING. LITHOGRAPHERS. ARIIJAIOII t PittLlPl=ll. QINGERLY £ CLEM Mamemon kJ to 010. r. scutpou•A• • co.. • _ PIIIACTICAL LITUOMILLIPHIMIL Vie vows Lithograph% istaninnunens Went the Business thuds. Letter Beads. Benda, Show rts, Dlpi n cneas. pr oa t i sa : Pgr" i ret VP l Alragi Tell& Nat - • 123 QeS cd ir czz r. as .41 .M.MI 1. 4 g LI PI =z COM v tE; W. PI Er 1=1 " tx4 72 xt, 64 14 E., O 1-* e% . v'M W C.' a = CS ..00 Ca •—• 0.. mom. Cr aigt 6 F.T4 168. •...... ..... . ..... " . . . NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SeOIIT4CrY, Vir No. 168 Wylie Street JE3 16S. 168. IticCANDLESS b. 0 4-8111 (Lite Wilson, Carr Si C 0.,) CO. ,- WTIOIrssr.E. DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Good —50 c Third door above Diamond alley, -- LOO MARj. • CRACKERS !En ARE SUPERIOR TO An MESS OTTER= IN MR CITY. OYSTER, WATER, BUTTER. SVGAR. SODA, CREAM, SCOTCH im4l LEMON BIBOUTTB. For Sale by Every Grocer in the City. :r3ll Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. ee.s 19 PITTB STRAW.. MIMI 'MILL Flllll4 FLOM PEARL MILL Three Star Green Brand, equal to FRENCH FAMILY • ,FLOUR. his Flour will only be Mit out when especially ordered. PEARL MILL BLPE BRAND, Eqn .1 to best St. Louis. , PEARL MILL RED BRAND, Equal to best Ohio Flour. WHITE CORN FLOUR AND CORY MEAL. B. T. ERNIEDT & 880., Allegheny, Sept. 9. 18613. PEARL MILL • rash ground Old Whrat.Flonr. White Sta. Mills, for tinily lase. Riverside Mil, for Bakers. 10 one Mill, for Bakers. Ontario Mill. for Bakers. Monitor Mill. for Bakers. City Mill, Sorinfleld. 0„ Family Flour. Carey's XX - XX Family Plonr. Mad River Family flour. NEW EAT. Plainview Mills fancy Bt WH . Louis. Tea Rose Mills do Clarke's licst Baker's Flour. Keystone Mills do Coronett Mils do For sale by WATT, L4R9 .14490„ at= • 17 4 and 174 WOOS ST ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO., OF PITTSBURGH, PA, Office, No. 424 PENN ST., ', DIRECTORS : • I ROL Dickson, Ben. Liddell, W. J. ?Mier 0. m . medic, C. Van isuren, F. Kirsch, E. H. Blym, J. 14 answiaels„ Ohiia. Siebert, L. J. Hianthard, J. Weimer, -P. tkailldecker. MM4 STANDARD im adtatstd7 the beat MEW IIdrROVS. • Potatoes* : wow 1110),, sad Mail Mist, 1 IL, • JC•ritlatas relation to milord. ofiOe Oast muulty oad oweatuatto always oa hood. _Qsr NEW I :l7ZTit it, Patented May fitly orlosllsl.oo—s that 1111056116 ilinaulSiati Drktl maga SPOUSOltait. AddielO au II oxen It.l Mr. Tat CU7 DRY GOOD& 87., , MABILIET STVIZET. Is 7. NEAP: GA:DODS ! WATERPROOF—aII colors and qualities. CASSIMERES—for n's and Boys' Wear. LADIES' CL I AKINOS—Large assortment. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINO. IRISH POPLIN—MOO per yard. TELOUS POPLINS, SILK POPLINS. PALERMA CLOTH—fcr Suits. BLACK SICILIAN LIISTEES. BLACK AND COLORED EMPRESS CLOTHS— . " Large variety. • TEL Snits. ELECTRIC CLOTHS. Large assortment of PLAIDS. Felt stook of DRESS GOODS, at Lowest Hastens Prices. THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', 87 MARKET STREET. COUNTRY BARWD FLANNELS, J. IL BURCHFIELD & CO'S, No. 52 St. Clair Street. BLACK & Vitai'E AND COLORED RittERED FLANNELS. WRITE COUNTRY FLANNELS. RED AND YELLOW FLANNELS WHITE FLANNELS, beat makes BED AND GREY TWILLED' FLARRELti BLEACHED CANTON FLANNELS UNBLEACHED do. BLANKETS, a full-assortment CASSINIIMPZ, KENTUCKY JEANS sir Remember the piece. No. IS St. Clair, near Liberty St. eel 7: No. 94 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH. PA. CRACMIIR BAILERIB3 FLOUR ri a Err-rely-. INSURANCE. ON NATIONU. TROST CO. Buuanleo.) 'MEM President. . ' DICIEBON. YLe President. T. J. GRACE. Treasurer. ALBISTZ. rieeretarh BILLIARD T A: CAN BILLLIRD TABLES, MID 001111:111A12011 °tram:lois Pam.= OoLLEINDER. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS NTALLUM BROTHERS CARPETS va NEW p 4 r_tAA STYLES. No. 51 FIFTH AVENUE. 'NULL GOODS. FIRST ARRIVAL OF :DIE SEASON. A FULL ASSORTMENT O 1 Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, Three Ply, • ' And Ingrain CARPETS, JUST OPENED AND OFFERED AT TAE LOWEST RATES. . OLIVER AI'CLINTOCK & CO : No. 23 Filth Street. see. NEW CARPETS f AT POPULAR PRICES. M _ p s OFFER THE Newest and Best Patterns AT THE LOWEST PRICES. LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS AND CORNICES. IIicFARLAND' 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Next Building to U. S. CUstoza Bone & Poutaffloe. 3➢IO:YWP PROFESSIONAL. JOB. A. BUTLER,. . - ALDERMAN MID roma NAGIBTRAIEE. Office, 128 WYLIE STREET — . near Washington. PITTSBPEGH, PA. Bonds, Mortgages, Aeknowleleaentl. Del l :0 5' 7 (I' lat l it ems, Colleltions, and aD other le thatOts business executed promptly. :n9 SAMUEL McMASTEIN, Ex-OP:Leto Jnatlee of the Peace and Pollee Mants trate. °Mee. tilLkliT STREET, opposite the Ca thedra, PITTSBITRUH; PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages Aeknowledgments, Denositions, and all Legal I:liminess executed with promptness and auDatch. sobla E IISTACE S. MORROW, WX-0171C10 .7119TiCZ THZ PZACZ LAD • PULICE'MAGISTRATE. „ OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE; PITTSBURG% PA. 'Deeds. Bonds. Mortgages. Acknowledgments. Depositions and all LegalMtudneu exec:led with promptness aid dispavit mval A. Airi", . Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCES, REAL ESTATE INSURANCE A67'. CAESON EtTPIZT, EAST BEELVIRGBAY. s Oollecuon al:tents solicited An d promptly Woad. 7i od to. 1ay3760 wiry An' H. HARMER, . . JUSTICE OF TOE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C u Moe, CARSON STREET, nearly oppOslte tlbO Hallway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBUHAIH. Btudneas entrusted to his care promptly attend. 'Ed to. myl:p3l j e S. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , No. 87 Firth Street, Bzoozrm PLoon, Fmoirr ROOM. JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. omee, us ffiamend Street, (Oppoblte the Cant Houle') fels:t44 W a. A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 99 Diamond Street, zahs:uB C. ItUCHRELL, • ATTORNEY-AO COUNSELOR AT. LAW, No. 89 Cira4t Stznxst, zre%4ltt23 JOHN STRATI!, A.I.ADER,3I.Icisr, . P:1-0371010 JUSTICE OP TIEDE ,Pplojr, Jam POLICE hueisranpa. Oidolliti 'MPH taIIEZT, - cjipoitte;tiks Gast*. I:4 deal, rittabrgh. Pa. Deeds. soads,geo Acknowledgments. Depositions mut all sal- Ness executed with neosapttleas and dim . • ARCIEU44IOI , ArrICO RICEIt. 4 ..A.*-MA1L317 9 . . N.. as sum isirszET, ,-- Prrissirass. PA. •Dedala~3Y, CE!M plysissumplik2PAPEß BUM.* A. Jr a wiiirAltr, Itswiticuners of - •;" PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. Enos bina,,,,Tiummtaa4t4o. 'OT/IDN AND WANIMOINDS. " 1 0.92,Thiril Street, rittabargb, Pa, ompumm-tp.rr allacßeftl6, • BANIIEL. RIDDLE. ernizeitAr • rrt i liartle, John Amen, g. Dab An Paw Stock.....Alßcei & COLLINS, apt.-w 73 PITTSBURGH, PA. PITTSBURGH, prrrionmaa.