e"* 4 . 'CITY_AM:I .BIIJIIIRBAN i Dan , ./Pra11.2'..1411g-to,nl 12_ •Pg• to' o'clock at the Rooms of the C hristian , Association, No. 23 Flfth'street. ' ,)Eti acoute for Sale.—A route in the Seventh, Elghth and Reventh Wards on this paper. Can be-bought reasonable, Apply, to-day Gezwrim counting room. - -Meet To-Nlght.—The Allegheny. Conn eilsmeet to-night, in their Chambers, City Building, at half past seven o'clock. Strairs.A .1 vrardhoundr V a o in te P w en n ta yv n n i n R t a h i e lro a a s d t , - ,yesterday afternoon, with the'following re- Per Grant, 91; for'Seymoar, 49. e ~„, 4f . . , - . - ' lo VitbdiiivOng7on. John .COvode yekier day withdrew the charge of conspiracy 31 ladCfagainst E. - .r. Keen* Esq.,ovring i• , Gilt 'or tini alleged Oolonization dirDemo ; I+r 10 i , in Vi l edtmoreland county... • R& 11 *-Trtteltr--Worktnen were en gaged- -yesterday In relaying a portion of etEa Of. the Rittaburgb, nut' WU/ 4 r 83/40 idealgo . lialbrity at- the Union; toopfit4 Meat Shop Robbed.—Fred. Geekert's meat Sur itt . .Boho, was entered on Tuesday g ['and rilieved of a quantity of mutton, beef and other edibles in the meat line. No clue to the thieves has been obtained. . Lookt Leekt .Loott Out far Cheap llitarie..j-Look out for G. H. Tavier's_adver tisement of Houses, Farms and Lots thit Will appear In .the Gazarrn in , a few days: Remember to miss this yod will miss a" chance. Attoiked,.. el& eviuma.G.,Carsbn alleges that Mr. McGrew attacked him with an oil can, and struck him a violent blow Antra lead. AldermaurMoMasters issued a warrant for the arrest of the accused on a cluirge of tit . isau . l; and bAtt_ery. False Alarm--Last evening about five , o'elockan alarm of , fire was sounded from box 160 f the fire alarm; located at the cor ner 'of.Dlamond alley and Wood street. TM) fire department turned out promptly P. 10 .'00 4 10= proved to be :false. . itssessment Notice.--The stoekholders of the Whitestown Cog Company are hereby notified that the assessment of three dollars Der ishire on the above Stock is now due, payable at the office of the company, No. .128 Fourth Avelino (up stairs.) - - - - - JOHN eftoirr, Secretary. egad Lareeny.:—Janses L. McFateer appeared_bcfprelklayor 131aokmore, yester day morning and made informatlonagainst Thomas Johnson for larceny. The prose cutor ehargi- alba defendant with sten ing a nilvetwateh valned at seventy4ive dollars. Johnson was arrested and held for a hear ing! .arety.—A domestic difficulty has cc irirrej) In the) family of Nm. McCullough. William resides in Birmingham. Bridget, lila Wife, made information- against him yesterday, before Jwstice Ammon, for sure-, ty of the peitee.- He was arrested, and af "ter a bearing in defaalt of $3OO bail com-i spitted to jail. • • The Republican City Executive Commit tliti held a meeting yesterday at 3 o'clock P. uoieph Butler,_ Esq., in the chair. The most important business transacted by . the. Committee was the rescinding of a resolution previously passed agreeing to printull the ward' tickets. Each ward will itonsequence have to provide for its own tickete. B uddert'Deatif.:—' 4 Nir. John - Grip, a well linoUni and influential German citizen, died 4ncldeuly",:at his residence on Pride street, on' Titesdal, afternoon. The deceased par ticipafed. irt the Democratic procession on liffindtty, and wasin his usual health a few ritinmes before he died. Re was widoly known and mach esteemed among the Ger man:population. 1- - - 'Valise Stolen.—Mr. Aleander White ar 'i - rived in Pittsburgh from Washington, Pa., yesterday morning at the Union Depot. He engaged a hOy to oirry his valiki to a hotel. The boy took a valise and the fee, - and has not been, heard from since., Later lathe day Mr. White made information before the' Idayprsagainst the boy, whose name la liliknovinifotlareeny, and a warrant was, - IftterlDrare - etnrettr'und`frettlirat= The ladYtioupserp Vt . ry.bava,,aumeded so well in making Masonic Hall attractive on Tuesday and WednesdaL , Aveplun-hayc decided to continue the Ftur -this evening , when they hope to have the Hal Crowded with visittift4 tcndlo sell at titiatiPc. any of ,the hwy . - *arta& • unsold. While they are , teful for past favors thence bar stiAilarerPOPolig4. tilds'evenibg. - Preparations;--The oil men 'are making afft , onidlitkpreparations to turn out on the occasion of the torchlight precession in Al legheny next M onday evening- The great er nart of then sdil, be mounted' and carry but in addition / are intwo wagons, decorated and:tilled with representatives; bearing appropriate banners and transpa rendes', will join in, From present indica tions the delegation will' be very large and make a brilliant display: 1 I Dhorderly.—Robert itunis has been act ing diserderlf,'—',Tititediribbining Winifred Thotnal; residinglat the Point, made information before May or Blackmer° against him' Ibedisottfiriyconduct. She all Ages that 'llobert enter ed her residence, and - without .provoutioxteseused her bm s . band in a shameful manner. The accused wits'arrested,Sid a ilne,and was discharged upon premising to be more orderlyin the' Aggnivating..—ltaiolpti Heistner alleges • that consolidated physical ability of the Delo family, two males and two females was required to whip him. He was whip ped, however, and Consequently his eyes, and likewise his' body, feel' rather sore. •Tosterday he acquainted Alderman Strain with 11.. e circumstances, wl irh caused the They were held tor a bearing*. =swop, ,tharge :aggravated: somata and battery. I • 'Stereos° PticeiriEntertsihurient.—A stero; seoptiexitt entertainment' , or exhibition I of dissolving - viewei' will' be held thin evening in the lecture room of the North :.Avenne X.R.' Church, Allegheny. The programme , oonsiste Of scriptural, pacrintic and hunter ( one scene , lintereperried' with ?amide, and aecompaMed by an explanatory lecture. this kind prOvinvailY, / 1414 dt : have beet:l'l , oY interesting, and ,can seethe an who may attend a pleasant and profitable evening. ; ' Taken. Over Cramer, chari -ed with assault and' battety and attempt aged ' oprinitit a rape oti Annie M. Cochran, aged lonrteenyeare,wae:convictedibtheV is nal( Dona , igshrY- tads jenteneg to serve-ti term oil tee'llesrs I the W te = Ppnitenthis34 , ,Bn was taken-over yester day afternoon. .I"rank Williams and•Leo poi& likuilfghtner; both convi4ed Urthe sante, Cnart g land Sentenced; ihe • forme/ for three years , .and latterl for .one; y ear . -weft, illito'fhlteneverat the sable time. • 13" , 1844171i ' 1 r4h031xt1 wactsrAl 2Y 7 4 "lnt ! fore Maycfpmat Yesterditri anaVgit t i th diti oit i ofor l *tirgitret SonthwAtcli'dr Belling ttgao to minors. Tlz i rowentor; Aides that s few einenirliceshioc bogie about twelve yearecr ' Wig 4otnpanlatt cf same ag e, en4lWed .quart of lite her wdOnnllte defendant, AWlLdraokltkvenshrg them , tot becomgkin. - - tordeated. The defendant was wasted end, orgrouithiClit'llni'edaq,PAO,;,444o%* - -, • ~ _ l _, , j _ ~, ~. ~.... , . . .. . , .... .., ~ , ~. 4 ..„ , ,r,„ „, ~, _„„ .., ... : .., _. t„....1 . _ ... Si +. 41 '•_! c 1 ,I. 1" % ~ . • P .' ! l -:. p, (1 - 4 11.)."7' . `,4*) . I -- 7 1t... rr .9 q . .ITr . TT 'f' 1"7-1 V ~,, z e ? , - k , ...-11 ,., '. ,=•,f, . qm-7,, ‘ Tz.-..-mv wparma. , ('-xvr-volmmsx' 6l -44' l lif i rilM,,,,,,Hi_OClTODßlt m itmiBett IMMEN•mmir k..OE'EM9F-.: 1 40T,..:7:::!;',.7-; , - The Grant and Tanner Clubs Attacked In the Bull - Rub mistlut r willby Defend Themselves and Rout the Disturbers. Ever since the opening of the .camptagn— the various Grant Clubs of these two cities bave been attacked with stones, jeered and insulted beyond all reason, by the rowdy eleinent of the oppo;iticin. Regarding - a street fight or rioton6 conduct of any de scription during a political,procession as highly disgraceful to iii2sn'paiticipating in' it, unless having good,cause for so doirg, we have uniformly advised our friends to pay no heed to feel's - and taunts, bid so far as possible avoid conflict, This course. the. Republicans have the belligerent, -- portion, ,of the minority, taking adVanyikt of the mag nanimity of thefr - opponenttyciiiiiied mat ters so far as to make vigorous and hearty resistance to theieetieFoachnients necessa ry. •Last night' the point reached where endurance ceased to be a virtue, and our city, usually quiet. and staid, :was visited with a small• speck of a riot which, for a while at least, threatened , to assume' huge proportiOna and involve the lives of many citizens. , We; ,of course, sincerely regret occurrence,' but feel that the turbulent 'Demottrats invited the, affair, •and gut a portion of-their . • desOts for so doing. In :giving the 'following - particulars of the occurrence, we state the plalA unvarnished truth. In pursuance' rot a • request issued' by the, County ExecattimConsmittee, the. Seventh and Eighth.WarT”Marchlng lanx" marched doirn Wylie street, from their headluarterti,:tbrthe'lltonongtela House, to escort Senator Wilson to 14 o's Hotel, where he was announced i.e. speak. ' Besides being Jibed and hooted at by men, women and children, on' their mitred 'through-the "old l'flilid , ward,"-tieverel of Itheir* tnemberrewere' - struck with stones and sticks. They offered no resistance, but quietly passed on to the meeting. At Hare's Hotel were gathered a full Company of the Allegheny County Tanners'. Club, the Second Ward Allegheny Cltib, fifty men, the Twelfth Ward Grant' Club seventy , men, 'the Fourth ward. Club, s i xty, en, the First ward Allegheny City 01nb, sixty 'men, the Fourth ward . Allegheny Minute 180 men. Owing •le ',the, very large attendance at Abeineeting these Clubs failed to meet the.'Seventh' and Eighth • whrd Marchidg Bhalanl, and, through a misunderstandlni, started after then', to act as'an' escort tether. Club, widch'they thought had started home. This was deemed prudent after the attack made on that Club on coming down. The Clubs started.(leaving theelub they,thought they were following at the meeting,) and 'on passing between . Tunnel and. Federal streets, on Wylie, an attack was made from the sidewalk, either by the throwing of stones or the discharge of fire arms. We , inquired diligently of residents in the vi soonafter the occurrence, but were unable to ascertain the fact. Simultane ous with the attack some thirty shots. were fired, stones thrown, lamps used over the heads of• the assailants by men in the ranks, and for a few moments, in the language of a bystander, "thingslooked fearful." Captain A.F..Callow, in command of the Fourth Ward (Allegheny) Minute Men, fell early in the engagement, after using all endeavors torestram his menthav ing been struck with a boulder on the back of thehead. He was immediately at. end ed to, and his assailant also, in a very dif ferent manner, however, The disturbance was of short'duration, the determined ac tion of the Fourth Ward (Allegheny) Club overawing the attacking force. For some half hour the scene on Wylie .street was decidedly exciting. The Clubs in the advance, hearing of the disterbance• in the rear, as a matter of course :tin to the, rescue, and there was a 'commingling of equipped members of Clubs and c deem. Men, women and children ran for their wbehad assembled to wit ness the procession, advised of its coming, 'cf. sed their windows and doors and ran to the rear of their premises for their lives. The riet (for such it was) lasted but a short time.' The police, a number of whoixt were present, had better been elsewhere, as far as efficiency was concerned. Half a dozen dee, mined men of the force would have prevented all that occurred. • Soon after.order had been restored, wild rumors prevailed as to the casualties. As :far as our reporter learned only b ps person was seriously inutea—Patrick• Quipn. 'of Websterlitreet, 'Main the right leg. ' Dr. ,McCc' mk, extracted tho ball. ; • Mr. and; Mrs. .htri'Matutli, ‘preprietots of ;the , sltiver , Shanneir.Rouse " corner of Turinel and Webstetstreets, s uffered from conttitsedNwinnils in the.regiou 01 the eye ;brews, tic;th having been very demonstra tive on the side walk about,the-Aimpthe.,at. ;tack commenced. In their hOlfilt feclrebPl lle a u gamage4 • e Ataxt van, said te , the -p arson itho'airiridlett Capt. Callow, was :knocked • , down in the street, arid very badlY, beaten. 'Jerry 'Fbley; 4 inother 'Third *writer; it !was reported wit* badly shot. We saw him ;during the evening and be. vigoranaly•de nied the fact, but his pityalogom ' y indicated !that he had been roughly used. • Ed MoCapm was severely britised, and also Patrick Hai:night, a boarder. !at the "River Shannon House," but both will survive. , ' -• - Captain Cello*, after receiving" proper attention at ,a. private house_ in ,tim.neigh, borhooti, - , was assisted to - his bbmeln. gheny, and .we : 4te glade tp, state-that his !injury is not of a seiloas chardeter. Alderman Strain-was present' soon ,after ,the commencement of the riot, and the tea timony was universal that he used his; itt "mott endeavors to prevent what occurred. Our reporter saw him while the confusion , yet existed, and joins in'awarding him due 'raise for efforts' to preserve the peace. Other prominent Democratb endeastort d to: prevent the diaturbance and their efforts in this direction should win for them the heartiest approval of all peace-loring ,and law-abiding;citizena. Mayor Blackmon:, has butted -a • procla, =glen -which - will be found- elsewhere. The first part or it will be heartily endotsed as just and proper by all geod.citizens, but the addenda would have be• , n 4 better un written. Parades and prooessinut are law ful in their character, and if the authorities cannot protect those who participate in them, why-let the processions bob Old anyhow,. , • The roughs of the opposition were bent on wlightlast ight , They attacked the VoUrth :Ward Club AP the Pomtand War d repulsed. They attacked the - Twelfth 'Mob on': Penn street with stones, doing more - dam." ago to tbowindoWs in the vicinity than to those' in the end W hope this is the culmination' and of.politfcaPrioting. fWe Pledge on behalf, of our Republican riends that no.violence will be offered, to Orocesalotie of the • ;Demooracy, and if. the apposition pn-sue SIM same COUrtie.airtroll - teat an end:: - • . EMI —We have full proof of the, origin of the difficulty, and•thwe the entire rapensibill ty upon, the . meleepreteo, , Tbe procession war entirely. pest. tlepeoene-or the,tlistur bane° when\the rearitutidex command of Capt. J. DJ Walker, was "atialked with back to stones, and protect their p 'the fortv#l4fe dbn , o o l Ppanles ,catne .- The South SI illia—r-:=4`aneTerch ‘, , At , plight,Procindow.l '') ;• . -., The.committen haying in charge the ar. ranOmemil - Vi',o* - -;Misiv Ige9_ting and torpli*ht,prkiaa*s '.. to be ' held 'on the. ,ifouti.tiliihi toi-inOrroi=' !an' 411:Ai,ald a ine7eflirYur eWiang-And a do pted a Pre: gramme, which will lbOrtind elsewhere. in Ourldvertraing colninfifirgThe cointnitleg: Would reepectfully reqdair Republicane ii ong the,rato.orogomipinat e their &re li t - bird an 41 fifty u 44.1ittiaticabin, AirAfik Amu statitnelaatio dp rit manifested at ttm meeting, w e andel. Ilateeliinfalit diaPliMgratAl4 Valuie;' Ind:4/4 4101 0ir Intrin Me . : jleati 'INK. Beet great credit upon those engaged In It. , • , luslioun “HarrE!pst:', ;:o IFIZCOIfri DAY. ' The various departments presented but si' , meagre appearance yesterday, and the Fair as'Yet -is not a success, although we hope' / for a better, attendance to day, and should the weather be propitious, no doubt but that i I thdre will be quite an improvament. , There were no new entries of stock yes terday, and we can only note a pair of Work ing oxen and a Durham cow and calf ex hibited by James Kelly; of Wilkins town ship. The exhibition of horses was very creditable; sternum were exhibited. by -John Store' of Baldwin township; H. LoYei Allegheny city. Alex. Hamilton, WPM . 0 1,- , township; Albert Beckert of Baldwin; Gee. • 'Ewart of Bakerstown ; McCracken ot Law- Tence county ; John Carlin k Co., of Union 'township and Frank Ardary of Pittsburgh, also James 31cRelry of. Wilkins township. Mules—Sam'! Nixon, of Scott township, and Robert Boyd, of Mount Lebanon, two year old mule colts. . Mares Jonas Jobsen. Wilkins township, Wm. Silk, Scott township, H. E. Morton, Mifflin township, and others, a very fair display. There were a number of fine trot-' ters and roadsters, and E. M. Power s of Al. leghenrCity. a beautiful pair of fnatche ‘ d] carriage horses. In the Sheep pens we noticed some flifei' Merinos and Long-wooled Saxony-from the stoc ofJohn Matthews, of Noble4toWn„ and som e Cotpswolds exhibited _by John i Young o f Robinson township. John Ilridg i son, of Charters township, some Sqnth Downs also a pen of Cashmere, Goats and Ewes. There were no hogs , oriexhibiticm;, yester ay,, and only two , pens of fowls, Ws , part .o ~ ,.the stock display being ac„,tatg-. failure ' ' - ! ' GRIFIIIZURAI. IIIrLEMEiiTS. ; ; • This,l 'eplay iwas quitk large. • Beckham • ,1 Irk Loh of this pity, ;have; the largest and , most varied assortment,, embracing Reap ers, Separators; Corn Cutters, Marna, -Cider Mills, Horse Rakes, Harrows, Dirt Shevels," Washing Machines, . and other inapierifehta/ Their exhibit of Plows is • very large'aticly tine. A fancy Sod Plow, silver mounted, which took the premium at the Paris Expo- sition of 1867, is a feature in this collection . ; which attracts much attention. .Tohn Rail .de C0., - Spratt, Jones it Co.', the. Pittsburgh ' Plow Works, and Walter iA. WOO4lB, ; of I Wheeling, West Virginia,-are also repre sented in this departmen* besides many other partiei, which time and space forbids Mention. 1 POWER SALLY, Up to five o'clock last evening the englne in Power Hall had not been started, but IL is ihought It will be in full blast this morn ing. There is nothing as yet in this depart ment worthy of notice. • OART2TAGEfI ANDVAGONE Are on exhibition on the outside of Power Hall, opitaite the horse , sheds. Harper,' Gutman & Co., of Allegheny City, have on exhibition an elegant wagon made bythern forthe Allegheny Fire Department. Stoner & Marlatt and J. S. Shliffer exhibit fine carriages and buggies, ana Phelps, Parko & Co., and E. Deckenbech wagons' and carts. MECHANIC HALL is filling up very slowly. At the entrance W. I H. Brill , & Co. have a case of Brill's Pain Eradicator, Prescott's, Magic Range and Furnace occupies a position near the centre of the west end. Fairbanks, Morse & Co: occupy a place near the centre of the main building, and have for exhibition one of their Large Dormant Warehouse Scales i which is bemg tested by the c, owd every few moments. The various sewing ma chines ocoupy prominent places, and are as usual objects of attraction, especially to tho fair sex. Rich & Co. exhibit a pyramid of, llomewood Lakelet Ice; Logan, Gregg &- Co. an assortment - of flag forks; Phillips Mittenzwi; of East Birmingham, shingles; Joseph Clifton. of New Castle, models of garden cultivators; the Sheffield Cutlery: Company, a fine case of cutlery, and Ed•' mundson/ & Co., of Wood street, beds and mattresses. DONLESTIO HA I.L. The tacit:443Am exhibition in this depart inent were ale very few, although at niFlic, they oammenced slowly to till up. A few quilts, specimens of upholstery, barred . linen goods, one Or two blankets, and two cone work picture frames werei about all of this class worth Mentioning:- There were no dry g: ods, hat., caps or other mer chandise observable. The, , display of con diments, however, was the - Pr/n(ost fee -, tare, Mrs.-Randall Morton' exhibiting fine display of preserved fruits, jellies and apple and quince butter. We saw but one loaf of bread In this' de' 'theist C. G. Pease, of Erie county, exhibited a fine col lection of randy wooden-ware. I • 444.4 . The tistia - 1 diaphiy of tuarnixtolh pump kins, Pquashes, cabbage and other garden vegetables were on exhibithm- Twenty .varieties- of tipples, by S. - Nixon, 'Of Scott township, and fourteen varieties by Thos. Logan, of Logansport station, were all of this fruit worih mentioning.' The grate diaplaY was small and poor, the only speci mens being eleven varieties from the vine yard of Robert Douglas, of Chartlerstown ship. The best collection of g,arden veg etables by Frank Coleman, of East Liberty. A bushel of the Prolific/ _Norway Oats attracted much attention among farmers.. Kennedy, of Allegheny City, exhibited: specimens ,of - flour :and wheat from the' Pearl Mill, and Wm. Haudage .several vari eties of native Catawba wine, in wood and glass, the wines being from his own vine.'! yard. PARMAND GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. ' Scarcely any display in this department yesterday. All we totioed were two soli. tary Bee Hives and an unopened box, conl tents unknown. At onc i side of this. build ing was a canoe thirty-two feet in length, hollowed out of a Pine log by John nu mere% a Corn Planter Indian from Stew artstown. Thit canoe, which was beauti fully finished in_ the form of Cluklioat. Ninth / °era complete, bore the name of “Mingo Chief." eTern ART MALL. The elite :object of !splay war the Floral collection of the Messrs. Murdochs of this city, who exhibited Plants, out Fitment, also Shrubbery and,Trecs The °WY- 0 4 , , lection of Photographs was from lie hiterd de. There were three or , four Drawings, but we noticed no Paintings of any kind. There was a fine oolleotioS Dea and Drawings.bv Percival Beckett, of Alle gheny city. This op to last, 'nigbt, fdrined the entire twileetiqn in Pine Art Hall. MISCELLANEOUS. The music furnished -by_ the Germania Turner EWA yesterday was excellent, and : tended much to 'allay the - Menotony'of tint day. An exhibition;: of stallions.. draft ' horses and trotters took place in the Ting about four o'cloOk in the a ft ernoon, which was very creditable, and maresights of this kind can be s.-.en,to-da side shows beer saloons are doing ie. scanty bust. nem. The 4 .bee man 4 ' stood -complaoontls‘ leaning against a treborluminating upon the prospects of success, which- looked somewhat slim, but he•had mounted his cap when we left the ground and:was look ing for a stump . to .spare for a- honied oPePek 844:05110410 12434,0 MAy. for a larger atiewhnktte„ than yesterday, though the fair no means a success. To4tay and tO•MOMSY I Win, tellt tl}e zrummr , Ta FAIRBANKS!BO,ALE4 • ' • Visitant to, the, Vain Hroutal, thaw Interested in?1,13 - exeelientr 'normit should not fail to,.obeerve the Artie--PfT's 4nantillsge arnirbankisd.forasid ()ed i tion on exhibition at "Mechanics Hall. Mer chants andkrisfinfiletuferit'arelitkindsted Calligt.4exaggekitml tirgifigeny,7o,4l, o in+DaitiesiVnitiW itiefarld-kritht *Potation 'kr - th e` 41 1131 / 6 PARra l er these 11)120=4) tarldrett OKI% *Wei, man& bel our' „xliteveoletsta and Fel; or: ftriiitrthel'itigvev:obteteeir emigrate r4ematetnutylvania.'Statef, ey r 4 awarded the erg 4 Premium gb r • . et Cenenca t and at - thEriris tion in ; 1887, they were avrardedlwetrand medals designated "thoffrateaci highertztopsm",. They have been xbibited in almost eyed!. i li commercial con try in the world. They have become th atandarA_ all the world over, and there are none other mannfac -1 turd] which ;will compete - with them in durability, correctness and strength. Messrs. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. have at theirwarehouse, corner of Wood street and Second avenue, every style and pat tern, from the most delicately constructed Apothecaries' Scale to the heavy Furnace Chaining Scale—in fact, Scales of every de scription, light and heavy; also trucks, weights and measures in great trofusion.l Every article of - th. it mannfacture is war ranted to give full and perfect satisfaction. : -- - INEGGIANIC L DRAWINGS. JWe call the atten nof our piacteat me chanics and nuumfa ,urers.to the collection of plans and meoha iol deliiirris on exhibi tion in the Fine ;Department of the County Fair executed - by "Ptirctival Beck ert, mechanical engitieer,. , _of No. 79 Fede ral street; Allegheny City. 'lave tors and others should not. fail to call . n Jr. Beekert, who can be found dal at the rah 4 ,prounds, and whO, as a pr tical: en gineer and draftsman, will atten Mall or tderaentruated tol in a care; Manner, Narrahtfrig perfect satisfaction, Mier in engineertng orin a Plications for patents. VIER SEW Department is not fully represented, but thi,se present mak a' very Creditable dis play. The famous "Weed" has sprung up, by itself in a very handsoniely tarnished', building of ;:their Is , skillfully' manipulated and - pahle of doing' all that is claimed forit.ome excellent and won -Idt:wittily Ingenious"samples 'of -work are e on. a "Grecian Mend"" modestly playa it Pretty pair of gaiters and an el gent skirt and waist, tucked and hem- _ tched; on the "Family Favorite." The la ge manufacturing ma elthitrof the Wee Company , T just 'only jtv also exhibited. It" running reminds us of the regular tickin of u large olook,'so as&irately and quie ly does it perform its marled functions. Everybody should see It:walk through the piles of boards, lead and leather before it wittet he most gracefal ease imaginable. . PATERT SLAT SURFACE. WO. Heineman, No 113 Wood street his on exhibition at Mechanics Ell, Fair Ground, the Eureka Slate Suede ~ Which can be applied to blackboards for schools. fl also exhibits the Pierce Slate : urface. Sehtiol' Superintendents and Tea era are - requested to call and examine the m. He alsolixhibts Tablet, Book and Poe . et Slate and 'will take orders for the as • eat the Ball.. This inventimi should be ad. pted.by etery school in the land. ' • HARNESS AND SADDLERY. the right centre of Meehan' : Hall, a beautiful sett of gold lined oarrl ge and NUM"' harness is on exhibi ion. This is fredirthe establishment of Messrs. i ackson aL iFrew, No. 102 Wood street, w o have also in this department of the Fair fine as sertment of Saddles, Bridles, Whip Robes, Afghans and oth4-r horsefurniture— a mere sample of the largo and tine stock which they have for sale at their establishment on Wood street, where purchasers would do well to call and select from. SUFFER NC, MORE. Those suffering, from the various pains , and aches which "the flesh is heir to" are invited to call and test Brill's Pain Eradi- I cater, at the entrance of Mechanic gall, 1 where a large case of this valuable Pain Cure is on exhibition. The most flattering testimonials aro given by leading people of the two. cities, besides from' the Medical. Faculty. Mr. Brill will be present, and will be happy torelieve the sufferi tig,gratil while at the grounds. Every family sho ild be ,1 provided with a bottle of .he !Eradicator. - which can be obtained at W H. Brill dc 1 Co.'s, 77, Federal street, Allegheny City. ' A, IVRW FEATURE: AT THE FAIR. We would call the attention of merchants and business men of Pittsburg„ to the - I splendid exhibition of show cards at Ar tists Hall, on tho fair grounds, designed and executed by crane & Co.. e 9! Fifth street, opposite the Gazurr t u office. Those ! wanting a beautiful and desirable card would 410 well to inspect these specimens, which aro the most beautiful and elaborate we have ever seen, especially the new de sign of metal edge, which can be applied to I any style- wished. Messrs. Crane ,41t Co. will take orders for these oarau:at - ',Artista' Hall, and will be hapyy to receive the vis its of the business public. TF . TKE OittaiTlrayi4yrskt-rioN 42r ; _7 1 plin • lain,. ialivelittle girls sewing on * the Crentline Improved Howe Sewing Machines with per 7 feet vase and composure, that would do credit to older persons. It certainly must be a very easy machine to learn to sew on, and requite,lmtaittle 'strength: Saran its. B. LaWyer is the agent, 17 Ninth street, form erly Hand. ~ New Goods. 10. Wattley et Co., lu•ogering a very choice stock of fresh gocxis„ - in their line, such as Hottiery,'Gicries,•Woot ideilio and Siik Un der.garments tor Ladles, Mines and Gents. Ladies' and Gents 'furnishing goods, fine imported Corsets, Hoop - Skirts, Enitirold e ries and Laws, in Valencia, English thread, Guipure and Point; Satins, Satin and Silk Bonnet, and Trimming Ribbons, in choice and beautiful, colors. In Dress and Cloak Trimmings'their stock Is complete, as also iu Buttons. A new article with them are iina,French Flowers, which, as all the ladlea are award of, - have been scarce in Allegheny, as milliners do not care about selling them except made up. The stock of satchels, and valises is large and Made tip especially for them. Any • one about to travel should not overlook this... The new and desirable goods which are daily making their appear awe are ion numerous to mention, and all that we , say yin conclusion is to go and see for yourselves. Their prices are right. illepublican)d”ungslo Minyale Borough. . , Republican. ThelfUlvale Borough„ Gruit and Colfax ( a . .- Club held m eeting,t at their headquarters. on Tuesday, evening. , Thom MaElro.y, _Mg.:preded. 'A,thiressseis — were made by Prof. W. J. Pope and 3. ti. Brown. Haag which were enthusiastically received. The Meaty* was favored 'With stime very excel-' lent songs by Prof. Pope, aided by the Mill- Vide' Glee CI ear, and at a late hour the meet ing 'adjourned with , time tinusellveo Air. Grant and Colbsx..:l , 0 , 4 It Xerfkljteetiag . jadillaz,ball,rewnsbler—i t . One - er,gre. largest lOweebfp meetings - . iir the campaign was held at Warren's -Hotel . : , Marstnill rownshlp. - 'Delegations from all' the surrounding townships and from• But lor county with bands marched in - proces skin to r the J ideating. Bathe Ave hundred persons were present. , • -.... ~. h , Rev , ...D.: N Ot4hrio. ipriutided v , end ,elo--,, e4faifd s Kino *ache? were Made by Ttiottilsq.,..&ano,tar..James L Fie G ni Vii '...??PIi. Er —SP 7 TO. c icd ••44 ll • l of. 'Kb° MP a t i ng'/F l l O a mid { the greatwit etppithrli. A Lerma ilf(eratatt illeetUwaralk addffirM last , nlght at Cteritli.inlite Third ward, Aillgheay.,by a propineet ; geraleg geakr er; Paul Strbbacir, nlnalitu‘ of the Legis lature of the Stateief lab ma, and now a resident of , Mehl & fail r-go‘ addressed an,. assemblage .e f , about fifteen hundred Geilttlairettleene oti the pebullar _condition ottha: Southern States,. especially on the Opegatione of the Freedmen's . Bureau and , thdlinanolar question. and. it s relation to. the label' , nYttertig , .nsoYAlMenti"; 7 11 4,..setl_tet sibeakei dellveran address at-ilayards , g town,. corn - 607'Eu* attditnn etr*e , tex niht 31 •- 7 - 7 3*7 For Cotiglik'CONtelutifilltithitititebrders, galtrittWk.Thlocie 8," having - sir e by a tat of many yearto-norhol Jim* hlgtilt 4txxon: , r i t o e .I=4lce j itap i rlailf_ AFt haratommt . eit f rgirtiMed ettttrie lit l ti-n se they give prompt relict * ,-- - I Na MACHINE The system of large sled and sniallprofits introduced and so sum:o2lly maintained at the great first-class lit, Cap and Ladies' Fur. Heuse or Willian Fleming, No. 139 Wood street, is not a tlng of ephemeral existence or an experimut, but a perma nent institution, well mown to almost every man and woman hall this section of country. From the largamount of ladies' furs whieh are, at this esly season,- being sold at this. extensive ad popular estab lishment, it would seem tat the ladies are determinpci to improve he opportunity presented forebtaluleg gig bargains, and choice selections.' Reaers will hear in mind that at this house ley will find by far the largest and fines stock of ladies' furs in the city, being sold from fifteen to twenty-five per cont. less tha at any other house. All those who wart to get anything in the ladies' fur line, aninvited to call and examine the stock andest the truth of this loaf. , • A Pittsburgh magazine i indeed a nov elty. A suocessful quo ht as yet never existed here. Leisure Burs, however, comes with much louder imands for pa tronage than any which 13 hitherto ap peared. Its cover has quite metropolitan look, and although as yet thinterior is not quite so elegant looking, weloubt not that it will be in a short time, s anon as the newness Wears off the tyvand press. For a first number it is reall3very credit able., Ono feature whieh vil render it very popular with all is thatof giving in each number the biography ad portrait of some prominent Pittahnrgher. An entirely new dodge in advertising is also been adopted id the last pages - of le magazine and one which i we should thik might be come very popular. Altogeter Leisure Hours exhibits a great deal cenergy and originality, and - we wish it un) unded sue _ ---- Fine ,. .Favnittire • Piano, Xt Caritas. Sherry Wine , &e. at Aaetion-Thiii day, ThiarsdanCitibeiB, at lifasentllalt Ata;t-; tion Rooms, bb;and 67 Fifth aveue, will be sold a largwa.ssortment of- fArtnre, VOM, prising 'ataibit `direly: .inessaiy In I the famishment of a , tionse. At eleven •• 'crook 'A. If4tWerity;fivireaseisEerryu Comforts, 1p:44-Plano, ; •liirge-Ointer, six teen feet long. Also, at two 1..4. a . lame rusiortmetAstif Nelpißhirimw .4. - pird, co t husUo:. see sdYelVsemest cif P'."*ftithScsi* , . “Gratid, o=ll~9 Oklri—Bai4 geniis; For, choke Co untryßlanliftatates . Ladles' Merino' iinderwear, Sits and Drawers, new stock y at Sala 8 Bra, • When the 'ltnhatrierion Brr Tie were first made known to the - Amerleal People some *oven years ago, it was sappod they were an entirely new thing, and la never before bean used. ' So far as their eneFal use_in the:United States is ooncerni, thi s may be - troe. It is also trite that tt same Bitters were made:mid sold int thbabizid of St. Thomas, over forty, years ago,a old planter, merahant or sea ciaptairdoing business in the Wert Aches will: to yap., It is'iliatitorly within'my resollectie on ibe return or-briyfather (who ran a, sea captain , and doing an extensive:now in thetrophay rtur - would - Invariablyhttse the Bitters a ngtiiothipia-atorespat our family sideboard was never withoutkegy For any'sdckncas, it matters nothorit were or trifling, the decanter of these Eilttei a different name, was always reeortacia 5 a sovereign remedy: • ; 11 Segi4ol4llclV "lEipteforipti ig , I n Ts at - #414 O The W: , ErniirOlered..ithirt ,Pranta :at, ,Bati.4k, itelt's." ilk/pular :prices, »sandard , maw and complete asasx:iment at Bates it Bee. ,llfmt,,Weel,Shawlsiat;l3ateadt.)3oll!& , Black fillks.—The largest and most ea- Ple;" tatzlettAfgaS44otittelo3. Prints. ,Sbeetiogo,,Wielco, Chodte s . lino atilitilaiat fignits'it' NOW T4g store, (opposite Barker & C 0.,) 66 Marif alMtti` orl l4 Ve 1? ft.l '414 ' t A complete new stZ - of dry go ods, pit" Inds, jtistycipened id, ,tbelleirarktito, (opposite Barker & Co g ) 66 Market etre. Boskvaidlda at Bates &:Bell'El. Wbita Asittiedla Clog at Sateds at'Bell% CobN w Styleeffirl)resstspene New Yore itore,i(oppo • site 'Harker ed ~) 6 6 *10* !Itreatk • s, TableXtaiem, Napkins, Dayliesand2bi Obi 1+1'66 Kafka street, opposite Bark* Coir . li med FASI tigigt-4306.41011% zeshoge and 1111iNst i. N Vamktrwear,ft *Baik., . , ; L o et, Willt o rnditleirittlitanUP*434****. Lyearv•Vtlytipli*c itamalek al altar Bell% THE IUXINT LoamenvzUslolll. EEC= Coroner's itivgation—Exaatioation of Witoesseo—Opion of Practical Engl neera—Verdict of the Jury. An adjourned meeting of the Coroner's jury, in the ; case of the recent explosion of a locomotive : on the Connellsville Railroad, which resulted in the fatal injury of the fireman, named William Gilmore, was held at the olli6 of the Coroner, at two o'clock yesterday aftarnoon. The following testi mony was elidted ' Wm. Achcsor, sworn—Am bralzesman on the train dram by',engine No. 1 2,•which explodbd on Tieeday morning, September 29th. WhildediagedatArmstrong'sauding the 'locomotive 8110Ped the track; tweeted in, getting her riihted. Heard # sharp crack and . then libard explosion. Had only, beeit''on'ditty taw-quarters of an hour when the talk place; know noth ing alxrut•the ease of the ' P. Af'Keever , morn—Am'enitioyed as telegraph opei morn—Am' by-the' Connellsville toad. Was ix the vicinityhf the - acci dent *, when it octurred.; kilo* - nothinf abet:tit - le-engine nrther than' that 4 it was considered one of the best engines on the road, and perfectly safe. After.hearing tie. above testimony the jury.l retired for milberations. returning shortly with.the folowing verdict: ;"That the deceased came n his death by the ex plosion of the .boilel of engine No. HI on the Pittsburgh & (o:linen:wale Railroad, Sixth ward; Pitisbugh,on the 29th clay of Septetnber, 'at" sever o'Clobk A. u.; cause of explosion unknowtl4 the jury, the jury exonerating' the 'entineer, rand. other Am ployes of the 'road. Large Meeting.--Cte of the largest Re publican meetings hid, this campaign in thd bld 'Finn ward, aSembled list night'at , at the Corner of Penn and O'Hara streets. There were fully titten• hundred persons present," and several Grant and Colfax' clubs frbni the outer yards. An able • and spirited speech was nide by Hon. Johti M. Kirkpatrick; which. elcited the heartiest applause. •The meettg adjourned in a b .dy to attend the bass Convention at Hare's Hotel. ' • • • Quite a StLr. Lasture White Rapp. Mohair at I3atett Belra. Cloaking Cloths at Bates & , , Adviee_lttat ShOuldAiireasti, - .. We desire to call the attention of the af flicted to the merits of Roback's Blood Pills, a purely -34tetable':eathartic,, free, from mercury andall mineral poisons, and ~, undoubtedly the nest remedy extant for the radical cure of nervots and sick headache, bilious disorders and all affections of the Liver, and Blood. They are, as their -name indicates, a /Hood PM: they search the blood for disease and strike at the very root, there by effecting not tetnpo:ary but permanent: cures. As a purgative, they are all that can be desired, being mild and safe in their operation and lir queqionably one .of our most satisfactory Cathartic Pills, and 1:tould be kept in every household, and, when ta ken in conjunction wlth4lioback's Blood " Purifier, are unequalled ikte curing Scsoftaa, Skin Disease, Old Sores, -Salt Blieuni„Dys- pepsia, Eryhipelas, Tuinors; Ertuitione, and all diseases arisimg from' a 4 :Reordered-State of the blood or . a disorganized state) of the. system. Try these medicines and ymt wilt never, regret-it. Ask those who have . used., them,' and they will, tell,yout they are :the bgatqf medicines.. Sold,..by.`all •drgggisio -' everywhere. .. . ~:, 7: , , :,, z • T TS T . ig ,-._ • ---- attawlei;' Plaid Wool *twig, the nOrisolityl*-Batettj ft WI., • • _ • 1 • ): f• • ..-7 I the P /111 , e81 4 .... . C PIEOht Mad.all affections. or the Thrimit. Lund, Ileart,.Stoma4i, Liver and NervrolnlSYsrt tern, treated anoeesatbily , at 1:ir.,44,1,0rn 9 a Medical' and Surgical Sniithfield Wert. • • - Hata dr 8e11'5..21-161fth4iiiue:;-11V.iclii Thibet Shawls, at='Bistl34 Whitcomb's Asthma Remedy "is, a scien. title preparation, recommended by eminent dhysicians. • , The place to get White Litoe,. Caldine4 Plaster, Hydranße Cerrierit; Witt Eckelt - &" Caskey's,'l67 Phut atieet. McRIRbY, , -EAs - - TRN.—Outober' h; by Re - Ir. Wm: G.-Waddle, assfoted byliey' t John T. Pre9ely, D. D., Mr. JOHN i ldc RlRDraad Miss LIABLE E., daughter •of Rev. John Easten; a.M., both of Allegheny Ulla' Pa.- - t • . HAZ GETX — MeMILI.F.R. , rAt.'..the residence ,01., Mrs. Blaektuorei in Allegheny City, -Pa.,,on Tete-- dayeyinlng, October. 6th, 1868. by Rey...l°4 Me-• Mullen, Mr. R.OBERT sitkian MARX: J. IdeMILI,EN, both or Aileghee ti COEBETT—On Tuesday *vent R,~ aE half-part. seven welock,..ldre. ELIZABETH OURBATT, aged 75 gears. . The funeral aerviCes will, be held at her late real • dence, No. 21 Reed street, at. 7,K o'clock 'raid (Trurraday,) MORNING, and•arlil start tilita the We'st Pennsylvania Itailroad Depot on thd 9.05; a. it. • train, to proceed to the Proariect Cemetery Ts renturn, P.: The friend., of he Mail, are respect- , fully Invited La attend. GRIP e.—On T“eaday, Ootober Oth, at 7 o'clocE P. M., JACOB 0111 PP. F1211e1"31 THIS At 1 4 .88.170011., Bth Inat., at 2 o'clock, from his la esidenoe. 247 Pennsylvania avenue_ All;fiends are respectfully I/molted t)'attend. Alpe r the members of the A. DERTA./MRS. ALEX UNDERTAKE -14' No. 168 FOURTH STRXET4 , Pittsburgh, 'Pa. INS of all kinds, CRAPES, GLOVES , and ev. scription of Funeral 'Parnishing Goods fur.' Willed. Rooms open day and night. Hearse anW. Carriages furnished. • • REIMIIIMCBS—Rey. David ken, D. D.,' Her. )f Vii.,Jaoobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing, /f4st....Jacob Miller, Esp. 41LIARLE S.&-PEEEB LE A S B ,U S N , DEeRr 0.- S DUSKYSAREDLVNDCRTIIL AVENUE,, Allegheny City. where their (101.1eIN ROOMS. aro= coaslantly supplied with real and imitation .Rose woof.; Mahogany and Walnut 000715, at prices Va." rying from $4 to alOO. Bodies - prepared for inter ment. Hearses and Carriages furnished . 4 18 04 • an. Lind., of Mourning ti oodS,lf reef red. Office. open at all bons . day &adult:lM • ;, • <,• . ROBERT V. RODNEY, TAMIDEIRia.. TAKER AND rkIILALIdEN,`No.; '4lk OHIO if,ENT, Allegheny, r seeps. constantly . on hand fa. large assortment of runly-msde V 0111.1311. of the toeing kinds: First, the celebrated-AtuerfcasAka,,_ rias Cases, Metallic 9cif-sealing:Alr4lglf4,-CatCe. and Caskets, and Rosewood , \Walnut and Hosewocal, Ikatation dot Ons. Walnut Coffins from 35 upL , w.s, de. Rcuewoodl tadoe C.Mna -from 45, ttP wards, and no Dalai wid be spared to give entire satisfaction. Crape - and=Waves ihrnialsed rz of charge. Beat Hearses and •catriames. famished on short notice. Carriages Iles lobed to funerals 4. GENME =MB SCOZ'CI3, PEBBLE Sottor i NTASWITED TO • 11tElO4 ateart. t 11: • 70111 Eitiaz:Blr I '5,• 7 A ti DUNSEATH HABLETTIi 66 n E2 '. f . Entir , - 'MERCHANT:',T4o,T4.: : . i :; '.e, _ (brine of Penn and St. Clair Strada" • Roe now 1A stock .o9e.itif ta,Le /Faiset iiKeit 142164 wad 177'h/ bay crux broasixt to - tide elt7.- Ella atOok latniliaaes I taa ,. lattal . Franca a , :llliengilatt zaal4lranies, o 4i t. Moths, Caisimeres - "Railhigt; titig eVertoos.'' Alio. a tall Ilse of.Getat's • • • '''" R EED'S f MAGNETIC OIL. ..11xIs woederfhl LINIMENT and raPi - miILkER hns , now been ler Over Tiofear ireionlieesere. th4e4nb4.e. welch User • 424344 ousiszkifciaTian: l iz an= Voiti toss Tinickki;" • rrnistinuiD ;7.!Y4 cPii*?,?o**W-tl4.Y app ga~ naircuazD UAW: ' /1•41 : 547 . ii Pi.X 0 P4 - .ANSIM: t -• • • • .r :r i OtaB ettE34) MOE* iitC4llll)ViXte 411'114 4 .411.411 4 1 • 11 0 111 4$ 21 45 7 #14 i erfiD Titan all Pain Kiliercurt ed netts4lll cents combined: old The price Das •" Atter Deez onsl' t .•• b by • • - -• vi • • SIMON • JOHNSTON, ') • L i ' ' •`• •,tt.; {:9rrier Siz4t4gleld apdf Fourteta.,-,; ara • >f• :I,4ks MERcHANT TAILOR, o.:oost. mar area, Pittebetivh s seegnsilrat4 $*034 60 26 Ikea ettil ,sa the lea o uhopeak• k ageaeePlg tO, A e %Ire Zees lak et raahlete -sag a = er . :411 ° 4 f ra a a l t , sintais omrsL • '• A - - I I A,* EirtMo,26 A JD.* 1,1 .1 01 I, Offifie s 'itigls7 ibt6gie'd4` = MIIAIZRIED DIED: =MEM • • . =ES MEM r EMI , 1 , =EH EMI= 1M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers