IV T. .1••1 ET tv)Anr::.: THE FALL FASHIONS. A New York , letter says : The stores are full of beautiful 'goods, and only require a purse full 'of money`to enable any woman 1. to dress and look as pretty as inexorable nature will permit. For fill wear, plaid goods are always first in the field, but this year,they seem to, possess unusual claims to • consideration, and for some reason or other are -thought unusually stylish. Tartan cloth for fall wrap, Tartan poplin for fall dretstts in the strictest of well known glean . patterns,- ate likely to be the rage. .. Pieiding;the honors, however; are the plain Irish: oplins in- splendid shades or col striped satins, used as petticoats.to Wear with blactleor colored Pompadours, immense variety 'otrich shot or changeable silks, and:the eMbreidered silks and pop: line Which rarely do justice in their make -1/13. W their, CO4 or the Tabor. expended on them. 1. Thede(4o4 novelties are as - 3retnot numerous. 'There are fine qualities of wa terproof cloth in newt lore and combina tion for :Selfs;lmperial ' km& and Scotch wine r. suits also; and lastly, clothe of rich thadeitorcolor, , garnet mulerry and ol i ve gree&; , , ,, kith &surface like satin,which are rimtiorted expressly for. ladies', Winter suits; and made cOmplete with appropriate mountings,, would : proverthe ideal of a win tee,.cciatimie: 'But at present these heavy fabrics are Only *Ought of by enterprising , merchants and fluddon-writers. Ordinary suits_for ordinary wear are-.made of .black alpi4 or gip , serge. More. elegant- suits • are-Of 'litre Irish poplins and the fancy cos- worn by dressy young girls , or those , who isSuld'be considered young,. or Stripes or plain alike or satins, with the black ' "Pantpadours" or short.,over-dress before mentioned. These over-dresses are a varia tion from those which have heretofore been worn, and; are considered a bright, econo mical and isefulidea. Last year :the under-dresses were made high, the over-dress in the - form of a low gored , tunic r• this' season the onderdress forms merely a' petcipolt, low or short, and the *OW lhirt of the costume, a short,' high dress, , O.niered at the back, And having the characteriatics of_both, tunic' and pelisse. This upper dress bearithe name of -Tom padour.„" ‘. When it is Made, as it nearly al ways is, in black-silk, fully 'trimmed with ruffles, or; ringe,. or lace, it can be adapted for ivesivirliteseveril'dresses.lFor instance, it can be worn , applete a black snit for the streetf4 With's short colored silk under ' akirtin the street, and with a trimmed skirt of striped silk or satin for a dinner dress at home ; over a trained skirt of blabk silk, - green -or 'garnet satin; it would also com pose, a handsome visiting toilette. Black "PompaZotirs!" are therefore all the rage. VHS NSW BONNETS. thought,People d isho the minimum had been reached. in bonnets are surprised to find that theists illnier possibility still, and that we have got to:face it during the corn -ing winter. The "openings," which now no longer take place upon one day, but stretch all the way along the fall, reveal the fact to the dismay of those who have to look oaf for new chigttons in consequence of it. There is no shone to speak of, no anything to speak of, ••simply nothing but the smallest of Fanchons with the oval brim necessarily small surmounting the front. It forms a very prett3r little head dress however; it is no longer flat, it:is high, often composed of asingle puff of velvet or satin, with the sur mounting brim, and a tuft o f short curled ostrich placed standing , at the side. High` colors are admissible in these little bonnets, and they are often composed - of glvet or satin of the same Instead the rich allant tint of the dress.. Of a dark' bonnet and gay trimmings we have bonnets' , ' of gold color, crimson, scarlet, "Sultan" red and bright garnet subdued with black lace and band, or clusters of the costliestand glossiest of black feathers. The form of the necklace descending low upon the . breast,. which has lately been worn instead of stringy, has somewhat changed. Strings are again/revived, the latest style of import ed bonnets displaying them tied under the chin, while Ogees of lace or vel vet ornamented and united at the ends by two or more bows-of ribbon_placed at equal distance &park-the nunther-never exceeding three. The ends themselves are trimmed with lace. or fringed -out, if composed -er e silk or satin: Therfisithionible - trimanogi for bats and bonnets are feathers of tho moat varied and brilliant dyes that can be imagined. The European ladies were re " cenev scolded by a member of some Royalizifishy sir othes:4 deapidl ing the tropics of birds to get their gay plumage, but I hardly , Wink_ American la dies' need fear thatench ai imputation will be cast upon them. Certainly there are plumes moat wonderful for-beauty •and ,. . Ira; riety of tint, but the majority of those theta fill the wisuiowa and fi nd their way ; .to ,- Peata of honor ' up o n ladies' heads are taken from our own honest barn-yard fowls, and simply pat through is tropic:al process of Coloring and dying. The genuine ostrich plumes are, however; in great demand for the,high Ctiettliiiii hats of 'black straw ' just new so. fashionable; and' there are long willow plumes very- slender and bright, in- green and gold,` Which descend nearly to the waist after passing around one side of the hat, that ithilthibtedly - deserve the distinction of urea'," and are in - llict very rare as well the:most A:meted:of feather. treasures. Non-Episcopal Methodism In Rasterb Penn sylvania. DALEviLLE, LUZERNE Co., PA..r. October 3,1868. Werreneledaeb bf the f i ltteibigh saietts.'i The annual session of the pennsylvmda MathoiliSt.',o4iteitatif ConferenCe, =mood in Daleville; Pa., On 'the 30th i tde l • the churches: of that name:bras eihitdfri Dart of the;ll4sto,beingilulykrepresented by ministers art4„-W delelPtte,s•. Thin body 4sts, up to its present session, declined to Iden tity itself With the iteentlyaitinlliSdlifith °diet Chttrott7-a-denoudoszion ..cOotposed of all the other 'Methodist Protestant "Confer ences in the toheldtNorthtaeirnlrvti&owWe,CaMterttiimllrtarltSeMs - , Ep g copalf A odistixet Th 9 Pennsyl vanla Oonterentegalif bolding astisptinded re Methodist . (*ler ended' U - 1.66 - Sonthein filtates; luta tbus far stood .uncconseted: with•Ausycotheribody. On, the 2d bud., after a long end spirited, ditientapiVettite'giteitlcra of Unto:4lolSC retail:cid ' by ' a vote of seventeen to tweltrep (several not yotlng,) that the Peuveylva nis Confeitiateekst = no* and haricefintlilden titled with the Methodist : Church. 'Under . the JneW , Diiklipline , thus adopted,"Rov. Homan was elected President, and Rev. B. R. Smith Semejary.ritronhvettat lw gap-, greasing with its business, andlood rePons are beiNOlMill 'Wpm 14110:-43tptches. Rev. T.v. geld is pr esent as 'fraternal del egitisP4mtmiist Nov '4ermet:Xxstreitta*, Rev. Dr. Flood, from the Oblo Conference; an +.rliavJ~dohis fireAmi ffofd: fir it ,i,r,3•4oePr, I Pl* . • . weikTati — d — the ---- I = - 10fiturban . oe Mayor,Thamoic ' . reciting, the riot /au ofligtof i r e lbe ear ____ present at, 1 Maks. . mined to enforce the law walont regard to . per mono pAltitoois reVoo ) xationallm or o*% * ir, A.. I F.. 1. . - 1•• .. ~. et ( "$"-~--•r •'''W ~.~:.,~;~~.~.w._.u.3y.:%~5r:..~r- ~ ~^ ' L•%':a~:~-~ . v u... wy,.t.,:..~ - ~.... w.:.~~.5y~.a.,.=-.~..,.z.z 121=E1 • ' Demberits dithe Ewald Stuesachn setts district have nominated Edward Av ery, of •Braintreei-for Canoes& --Gen. Meade'reviewed the garrison of Atlanta, - yesterday, coniprising elm . en com panies of Thfantry, several of cavalry and two of artillery." OM —Gen. Gordon Granger arrivOd at Mem phis Monday night. He will satablish the headquarters of the Department of the Cumberland there. —The corner stone of th. 3 new State House at Springfield, Illinois was laid on Monday by the Masonic fraternity with im posing ceremonies. • —Alexander Creed, of Parkersburg, West Viriinia, while asleep in the parlor of the Planters' House, in :St Louis, yeater dity, vas robbed of . POO in treenbaeks amd $4,700 in note*, ' • • -L the . 'arma • destined f(' Arkansis;li consequence ofthe refusal if the 11 ;eaniT. era it'lleMphie, Mean.; to ake them, hive been - stored In that city to await orders from Little Rock. • —A privaWdispatch fran John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts,- announces that he will visit and address tie people of South Carolina. He.ls expected there about the end of this week. • , • —The Savannah .(Ga)'Republican was sold by the adtninistrsor yesterday, arid goes into tho hands o(bl. R. Snead, its old editor and proprle toi. Retakes posses aion immediately. , , —The lwentieth usual Convention of the Free Will Baptists of North America met yesterday at Bn9lo, N. Y. Rem Dr. Caldy, of Harrisburg Pa., preached the opening sermon. Thse to four hundred delegates ihre' preSent from diireretit, sec , tions of the country. , • • —The Dep2ocrata ofthe 011 Regions beki a grand :Mass meettg at Titusville last night. Upwards of ate thousand torches were ID the .procesion, with numerous transparencies suitabe to theomagdon. „An immense concourse of . people were ad dressed by Messrs. dymer, Corregan and . Brick Pomeroy. - —From Mexico w(have advises Ito Sep tember 23d. Prealdnt Juarez sent a mes sage to congratulatohe nation on the fail ure of all the react rebellions except in the still unsettled Satoot Tamaulipas. He hopes that Congrear,vill paas laws to favor commerce, and tliceby, improve the revs. nties. He present the picture of Mexico at present as brilliot and cheerful.. • ' —ln the-Reno-Andersen case at Toron to, yesterday,- :te. Chief. , Justice de livered a .very engthy. judgment, Ale (siding in favor . 3f the Crown and the prosecution upon all the points raised and formally sot:omitting •the prisoners to jail to await the tyrant •of the Governor General for their stradition: The express thieves,_Morton ad Thompson, were re-. arrested. • • • • —Mr. George ). Prentice publishes a card in.the Locdville .Tournal, wherein he saysihat his newpaper'friond.s have fallen into serious errcrregarding him, and also doing others gret injustice'on his account. Ile says he is la Door and broken (down; that hia Persona relations with _every one of his associateare perfectly kind. Every issue of the ..Totincg for the past two weeks has 'contained tatter of his; and it is his purpose,, God wiing, to live and work eut the rest of the antury. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE fgr BIARROD VIGOR tg, L .07? YOUH restored In four weeks. Suc cess aranteed. L Dß. RICORD'S EfiSENCE OF LIF restores mil) powers, from whatever cause arising; the effeo of early pendclous habits, self abuse, impotenelnd climate give way at once to this wonderful nil/eine, If tabu' e arly accord ing to the &mous, (which are sple. and require no restint from - business or glesuure.) Fittre Is Imposple. Sold In bottles at $3 or four quantities in ontor $9. To be had only of sole appointed agenin America, H. OEBITZEN, 5105 Second Avenue.lew York. 1e13:164-TTS • farPHIiOSOPIET -OF BUR.. RUG: a new Coarse of Lectures, as de livered at the bw York Museum of Anatomy, em bracing the Anita': How to live' and what to live for; youth, Marity and Old Manhood gener ally reviewed; to cause of in eation, latulence and nervous &alms acoountedr; Marriage phil osophically coldered, ste. rocket volumes con taining these btures will be torwarded 1.0 parties unable to atter, en receipt of four stamps, by ad dressing SEC trreay New York Museum of duet -151E7 and 801 e 0 4 616 r9a<hra.T. New York. "e•-: , :I>tirt : :if I: This stolsadliair Dye la the best to the world; the ottly - trne ad perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, Instantaneous no dhogr o ttosent; no rldg firc Hdoes tints; remodeller 111 of bad dyes; VW and lea, the II soft and beautiful. black or So by all Drutettis erfiliners;gul plemiz i ttl s at, iittchelora Wit Tadoirogker Itar9VDE ,. . ITO 'lllAiwuktin..::: . Ments' Guide tmliiVrisrMantige olent ols; olk *moo eat S to Jena ajt A ß.sletansis NOWARD Ma. 1m v` 4141 " ,u44. "' A. 2 40X:1 AT/0 • Ai.- POLO . INIIMLunk, — SO . Wourtb A.vitit t ian Poilgshaas.tanille osol tool r Blew had ye, conducted by JAMES M. MACRE and MARY F. MACKIN, A Lim ter, with 8 particulanr, , :reterences, ie. sent on inqilicatici aushing,the getttleinealoirdieseeter mice nay Made are the following: Bev. Dr. Alli son, wm.sgsley, Esq., in It. Brum, Esq., Belr. Rt, Diction Ree.. Dr. Douglas, :Ron. Russell - ire% W . H. Everion,Esq., John Harper. Esq.. Rev. Dr. limbos, Rev, Dr, l[err, W. McClintoek, Zsq. JO B. McFadden„ ILK Sidney F. Von ""NmlorEsq.:.Hon. oelihnikl ACHE CITY ACALEiEktir, AID 001MEEMAL COLLEGE,. . No -4 01 . 11 = 1184 .14 Varer gulags okay Behmulle. from a% .1. x. to I. par. Oommetal: X to 44 P. X. dession: Salentine intrOommeretil, Tto . .b M. PltytiE t • . A ‘ 4lE6l RENY ACADEillif•v diQath Imlay ai se, sa on win oSain4 nee on TUMMY, ku'ZX nem., Yederdsgreet;to44oePai TAUllitK Priacligettietlm; baplli the al4, ondar, ;: IL, ,1: r 1u1i141147 MACK= _BAICEItuis.:-: • A RV" • 7.. R A E r. at.), 1 CE9A 800TC7H and LIMON BISCUITS. P t Sale by Evetygroceriallre Cfty. .1404 i :ETCH BUBB/. !KILL STOIITIts.' : 1,, .;-:.-m., 4":11 ' . r. _:.;'i•fx-!/-,73'.;12 1 ,v.7- litencili - Barr • Smatllickincsii t !•• • • ' • - r,, • - VI- f :'I , '', .7 : t -, r .. 4. ..' h') ''', qg '.S.;:i '!•., ..; . ` tiraT NEXATP9 .CA_lp;,?/0 P r ,. 1 ; 7 ! °1 * • ' 1 . _ _.:„... .. r.• and •Pinni•Mitie, ' c 1 , •; 4 1,i1W 1 1 1 , 111 , 11 ; 1 Y 1 WIIIMPOrikY . v.. , :',-...- . . AU Embers and beet stiiiiiiii: . 'iiiiiiiitiii t - • *luta 321LibeirtylkiPittibiPiAi :4.0;11 :,..!:,;•7: - !!) t .i.., - ;• 148 il.•411.1 • ) ;aka I - % . , W. w. lIVAILLAMi ;( lihiSHIMISTIPTIAVZHIM.ri 3 1 a... . Pa e l i ntliewitiZlAM .44 1, • ASHINGYTOM A.VMDFUE. stkiW~ltzAf WOW thithsillisa Ics wan .11Pr wenAer Term MA " Mika :A MLR pakCIONSKINISktien-; PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1888: ;:f f-0 ST B Olt CO FINE nritivirvas . . AT AUCTION, On Thuroday,, October Stb, 1868, At Masonic Hall Atintion Rooms, 53 an 57 Fifth Avenue. at 10 A. And 2P. M. will be sold, with out reserve, a lame assortment of tine Furniture, comprising new and s•cond-hand Kitchen. Wood, Cane and MAU Seat Chairs; Kitchen, Breakfast. Dining, Centre and Extenclon Tables, 0, 8 and 18 feet; Wood, Cane and Holaßeat Rockers; Plain and Kncesed Waah Stands; Hat Racks; Plain, Walnut Ind Ma ble Top Bureaus; Lounges., nofss, Tete-a tete+, Wardrobes, Bookcases; tp.w Husk, Cotton and Hair Mattresses; Sewing Machines, rarlor and Kitchen Btoves, and a large assortment of „House hold Goods. At 11 r. x., preelselt_vrlll be sold, *large line of new Hag, Hewn. wool 4 B-Pit and Ipgrain Car pets. Also a at 3P. U. Irina Plano, at a bargalnk . It. B . abiITIISON 3'004 AueUrs. , slt ASSIGNEWS SALE. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES &o. *SMOKY 'NORNIN.S. October ISltb, 18811 10 'clock. br larder of John O. gsq., sines tn Bankruptcy' ol Manna Hirsh, win be (aid at the Commercial Bailee Rooms. No. 106 bmlth• 0110 street, a taste stook yr (nothing. Cloths, Vas enTneres, (ilen , s,Runnabint Gonda. so, posting Cautmere Peden and Sank ConAs, Oassintere ants. Overcoats, Vesta, Jankeb Undershirts, nt , s %Oars; knovea. n o e s. Tim Handkernhietn,- *ferg"Cia.ll•l"!°. ht l ianiNE, Army?. ' BP PALE* 4 Ap PULLIPIL p4a4txra. iiiiurt,, '`' AUCTIONEERB And ; Clipmns#teriois 111.3rehafits„ 1 0: ERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 PIM Street, Plttelnirgly Pa. 00T11 1 sHcigs, CARPETS ; Pry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE BALE DAY AND EVENING. tutus. Csustituatesta GoLtetted. Preempt XS. F0 . ....814.141..RELAL ESTATEL FOB SALE. • TWO HOBBES AND LOT on Canal street Allegheny. This property will be sold low, as the party is about leaving the city. and wishes to dispose of theroerty betbre removing. SAW RILL, TWO DWELLER@ HOME% TWC BARNS. with good FARM, and about WOO acres timberland. This property will be sold low. Cast SSl,soo—balance on Mae to snit buyer. FARM OF Aso ACRES, will be sold tor twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good bars; 50 mires of the land clear. FARM Or UN) 10/1123, near ralsin_g impr the line Doff railroad; very well located tor ; are good and substantial; 010 stock acres of the land in ov meadow and grain. CITY PEOSERTY.—WiIIseII a aeod brick house. containing five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, autwould rent tbr the amount In six yeas. LARGE LOT OF OROUND, having a river front, and very oonvenient otaccees. TANNER], convenient to the city, end haring a well established custom or local trade connected therewith,. good dwelling and Party acres ot land. would make a FOUR LOW i od n Stia coalard. rpsburg, near the railroad; go _ HOTEL POE SALE.—That fine Hotel. property, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings , with three acres ofgarden and fruit trees. This .well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. FOR RENT. One large House, for Bisardlng House. One new Brick House, 8 rooms.' ' One new Brick House of *roams. One new Brick House or 3 rooms. One House of 6 rooms and Vot 55 by 140. One House of I rooms ono lot 150 by 150. Two new Brink Hawes, II rooms each. One new Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. One new Frame House in Wilkinaburg, hating six rooms and large lot, well suited for garden. acres that can be divided Into acre lots. Lots la Oakland. Poorer and a large Room and Yard for rent, In good location. Will be rented for short or long time. FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, Math Ward, thick WANTED-3,000 feet of Maim it 3to ladies To LOAN—SSO,OOO, • IN 13(1103 or vs,opo AND trrwesp. • APPLY AT HANTS REAL ESTATE 01 No. 91 Grsukt St., Pittsburgh. teo:Dis 2 . oo(yomi "-' ACREB Or —7 1 `•" - OROIOE LANDS FORRALE, sr TEM /Asia' Pacgie Altsiiroad Conspawy s IABTZI/21 DriTOLION, Mimi Lost las use other goad s T 0 . 1 5 , 09 PER ACRE, Mid or stOREDIT OrPIVIE TIMM Fs= fog kelloticalos, ec., lladrus JOHN P. DirrIEROO7, 4 " 1 4E 01 Cognalli 41 01 1 e; Tortarh i Janos Or CHUM IS. WISOOII, , suns 9t . Lon% 3ftseimirl. NORTH , AVENUE PRO, (884,02iD WARD, ALLBOIRE 151)/it SALE, . , A desirable DOITBLE 2.41`0111f BRICK 3 lWYLLItiti-BOUBB,' pagate cra or 'Avenue. Second Warn, Alias hen,. Mmtaininmtweive .lerge rooms, with ail the necessary coureniences, guest as hot and cold water.'gu throultho u t. all' finished la' Use moat modern styli. , Lot *61170; .To persons in quest of Ant clue nroperty the above is especial ly recommended. Per further information apply to • ' • W.•IIPRICA. Beal Rotate and Insurance Agent, OC2 Asi. as . tirdo . 430 ......., , ,P17111311A5E A , A.l l ' . . NEAT COVNTET- 1 13EAT. 'eon, ,__ifl at urea, all nailer tones and ealtlyatioa. allalallearetsenta sees; °maim bows. with stable sad othezonteultdtazat ZOO bearing trait trees_ . of. b-M .selaetloos : le - stared by '' two netepealano Sti o aes- -.Masted 4 miles-from th e elte.'; 'leo to GRea'A -Nooks and 10110-rtlera _Omet...l -, Froza thu Ito emanates stews= be bed,of Slaticiseter,. :eahlya n o on, sad the viv ant. Tema sy C —• - f Coe. Tombs ß. O N al e thield & te lt s. ' El ... . E. 11. VALE ill.' Toluvr.... othia tad Leo ha istbA r zts Of the 4add ga l ., - la Low , am • 4 fowl IV . k AOnkoTve ii, Owed di and ems, It ft wffl KO 'sat ca. to toms. Btu ' ROOMS il aon good streatd, PATat & XtproUtft Hindu ON Wit I 0 too, 43 . 8 1 4 0: ro!'• h anigo tathara ulialuquP* jai 110 Grant stroof.•ottdoote '' ' rfiIEAP 1110/4014 . 01: I :TOR A;; BAI4, by Iarr#BMITOONIII.' 11.111 AL ESTATE A t 3ilftS 'FOURTH ST.' ~-„ , 100141.1 D. BAILEY * 014 C STOCK AWD REAL EStitit-BROKEitt r.• • ,„..,,, :.jorru • • _ nizrift N ROW I ' . ix= r oa r p Of. WSW: •• mazatri= at • wat 111;i' k i:S to Welgr al Utir _MEI% Ilac000;11*, 11.11 V , I f: 4. , • • • • 4 4 1 14 11 PR1V 1 MN 1 1 1 M 14 ,04.1d34.1. . tf . C•' tr-77,t7.:77 te.A ,r 1 1031 • • • fiaall IWO Agate' SO lialithilsidftresse - r A • -1. 1 ,01 .! 1 4 1 ?"1"tonsoix, lea - • :1% OO '0.0( i F . - , . 1 ' 12111411011.14iTiJ 3 1...* , 1 1 REIM == EU ME MEM ~rt:~~. ......._,. osPiliAsdf otiiiiiittaks. By virtue of an order, af sale made by the Or phans, Court on the Sth day of September, 1868. at No. -196 June Term. 1888. the undersigned will sell on the premises, at PUBLIC SALE, on 1111 DAY, the 23d Day of Oetober, 1868, Al' 10 O'CLOCK A. 1!., THOSE TWO LOTS, Nos. 29 and 30, in Sa l . Clair Denny's plan, City of Allegheny. No. 29 has a front of 20 feet on Re becca street, extending back 100 feet to at. Clair street. No. 30 has a front of 21 feet on Rebecca street. extending one hundred feet, more or less, to .1, sald street, whet it is 37 feet wide. A two-storied / dwelling thereon as a ' front on Borland , s ALAI , of 'UN feet, num' g back across laid lots 31 feet. Subject to an Ann al ground 'rent of $75 00. All arrears up to Jul Ist, 1888, to be paid out of pro+ ceede of gale. Timige—One•ha firmatton of sale; sale, with tuteresi if purobase money eaab, on cora -1 ate balance one year from date of therefrom, secured by bond and .roperty. mortgage on the WM. OWENS, JAMES MoBRIER, or Children of William Moßrier Gnafdlan■ of MI deoessod. ALEX - . ff. W Grant street. TSON, Attorae•st-Law, No . . GO eels (yiPtirmr i l COURT SALE OP House and P, It In 12th (old 9th) Ward. order of the Orphans , Court of Al -1 will expose at public sale on October/14.* 18811, at 10 ' , clock hies, all that certain lot of ground y of Henry Drummond, decdased, ) 0 in plan laid ciut by Executors of in'whit was called o , llaralville, Pittsburgh ' ) and 'being house lot' ieet, hating a front of 94 feet on extending back In depth 100 feet MI which is erected one two-story atoll's ilghtrocuss, cellar and atle is made known at sale. . B t virtue of a ' legbeny eonnti, WHORPSDAY, A. a., oh the pie Oafe tbe nrOpt Wog lot No:a Janie' O'Hara, noir lath Ward l'ilnAld3 Penn Penn street, an to Mulberry alit btlerbansei coal Included. - Teruo Pot farther DRIIIIIOND. Att.', at Law, W particulars Inquire of THOMAS 'tee. or H. C. MACMHELL. Grant et. 1 5ex2:12:001.3-yi XTOTICE--Notice is hereby giverr ,1,11 • that Letters of A dminPtration have been granted by the Register of Allegheny county, to tho undersigned, on the estate ofFREDERICK SAUER, late of Allegheny county, deceased. Allpersons In debted to said estate are hereby notified - to pay the s a ai me e santd al p p r e r en n t h hav am g , pr a o im p ' er ea au e he nhie cated, -for settlement. I IAGDALENh,SAUER. - Administratrix of Frederick Hauer, deceased. Pittsburgh, dept. 7, 1888. sepl:xl. XO'rlCE.—Whereas, Letters of Administration to the estate of Capt. DAVID NNis NAN, late of the Itorough of South Pitts burgh, Allegheny county. deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to the paid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of the sail decedent will make the same known without delay to W. C. AIIGNINBAU_NE. Administrator, No. 87 Diamond street. Pittsburgh. anZlre33-rii ::• s • • T.N THE DISTRICT COURT OF .I. THE UNITED SPATES, for the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania. ICLIJAH F. PARKER, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March Pd. 1567, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act. by order of the Court no. Mee is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons Interested, to appear on the 18TH day i,f October 18613 at It) o'clock A. M.. before JOHN N. PU JIV IAI 4 ' CE, Esq., Re gister, at his office, No. 116 Federal street, Alle- gheny City, Pa., to skew cause. if any they 'bid e, why a discharge should nut be granted to the ' bankrispt. And farther notice i.e hereby given that the Second and Third Meetings or ,reditors 01 the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 2Sih see- tions of said act„ will be held before the said Regis ter, at the same time and place. .7.4 _ ;yttl Tn S. C. McCANDLS.SS.tierk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western Dis t et of Pennsylvania. SILAS JAY MeGINNIS, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2a, 1867, having ap plied for a discharge from al, his debts and other claims provable under said act, by order of ,be Court notice is hereby giv, n to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons Interest ed. to appear on the 13th day of October. 18611, at 10 o'clock A. m., before JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Esq.. Register, at his office No. 116 Federal street, Allegheny City Pa., to show cause, If an" they have, wi y a dacha' ge should not be granted to the said battknipt. And farther notice is hereby given. that the Second and Third Meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 25th sections of said Act, will be held before the said . Register, at the same time and place ocity3e.TH S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk. WINES. LIQUORS, &o 11 I ll'f, 1830. §CHMIDT & (FRIDAY INIPORTZON OP POUZIONI WINES AND 'swop, No. 409 Penn Streets rittsbeirght Would.direga i le attention of Um nubile to the fad that, per sea sober sor faellltlea through several large Wlne an • Liquor Houses In Europe. and math, tnelr importations direct, thearo enabled to over the various grader; et Oolee WI N.= AND LIQUORS at prices teas than Marten' rates. Ex amrnatloaa of - quallUes sad comparison of prim respectfully solicited. _4...b01ce assortment of rare OLD RYE MOB tenstaativ an band • pram NATIVE WINE& ISABELLA AND CATAWBA, Of our awmgrowing. Also, the best brands of 0131.11PAteNr.„ OLABICT, itHaRBY and . PORT WINRS. _“,triae Growers' Company , t- of BRAN. fDT; glut asSks, Just tali thing for travelers. N. 8.-Particular attentionjadd AYL to A "untying - A BIUX &MAC , .No. • Virgin alley. Pittsburgh. JOBEPII 8. FINCII & co Mos. iSti. 187. 189. 191. Ifiand 7/88T STREET, lITTSBIMBIL, suzurAorusizas or - Clipper Disitiled Pure lie Whiskey. deaknin lONIUGN . 1 1 ,31n2 sad LIQUORS, HOPE,faNoma= FLOUR. r;inkgifibpAgliFLott. , • PE.A.III.IIiI LL Three Stir Green Brand. equal to FRENCH —FAMILY 2 FLCLR. Maur will only be serf{ ontliteriene' BELL RUM BRAND, PEARL /NELL ZED a u' lLlt il " ND 151. WHITE °ogle 14 to best OW* FLOUR AND CORN MEAL. . T. tatirEDT & 8110, .. Allitheit: tripi i . 9; 1868.:: PrAisr, Rua. _ _ .L0F101:17;4081!, FLOUR ; ! • ground Old Wheat Moor.• • to e , ~_ for gaiters. Ontario NW, for Bakers. , Monitor MW. forllalcers., • lioity E t 2afield; o,g o rtly Flour. 1711 Uvei.:YI NSI2 ( 4 IIr i*AT. l'lalrivtereliflle tram et. Tea Bole Mills • - '`. do Clarke , ' Beat Baker's Float, . tolisitiVEß 4p 7 For We b] WANT. LANNG & 1711, w¢ 114 WOOLI, ST. =I PAM rritorsetrainiCP'Ailini -2„ FACTUZING OWLlPArnMillaifiaturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPOIS - PAPERS' t 911 V N Z 4 ;l ktit 'S4 * AU 4 itiV s .l l4 :' ,11,11 P t 'itletilT, ' t !tt.Mrfcit ANDWAuipms:l4 i ,„ • rf It - 'l%BO-00 akle‘Ritial*Mhpiri; cippi:tritni-41014T,,„ . • ' • rrewa y m i • , • 5.4.11=17. DIX alleritliti • TAOmb ‘Crytaltitliaper /Ohl! . 44 / 1 44 a • • 1414 .2 ,:11 112"; =Mg preunE '10;1171EU LIFE IN THE GUARDIAN - MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE No. 102 BROADWAY. ASSETS RAPIDLY INCREASEVO, OVER This Company Is the Guardian oi a Sacred Fond, which is to provide for the Widow and the Father. less. with the least possible burden to the Insured. All Approved Forms of Policies Issued. Liberal modes for the payment of Premium/. Policies Non-forfeiting by their terms. Tbe Entire Profits of the Company divided eoultabily amens the imnired. Last *Return of Premium, FIFTY PEA CENT. • . . DIEZCTOIIS: Eon: John t.'"Glx, E. p, Eatf.hawout, Hon. James Harper, William Wilkins, John J. c_rane, Julius 11. Pratt,' f William T. Hooker, Willhun W. Wright, Wm. M. Vermllye, Charles J. Starr, Chas. G,Rookwood, Willy Allen, Nen. Geo. Opd7ke, Geo. „Ouyier, RinOt C. Morgan, Geo. . Hope, Thomas /Emmy, • John H. Sherwood, Benj. B. Sherman, , Edward E.. Wright, Aaron Arnold, Geo. W. Venice, Rich'd H. Bowti ,e • Wm...L. Coggswell. WALTON H. PEORHAIL, President. HENRY (MEAGAN, Beoretax7. LIIC/lIS EcADAIf, Actuary. L BATES NIIIIELLIE, GENERAL -AGENT FOR, WESTERN PEN NA Homo No. IS, Bulk of Commerce Build lag, corner of Sixth end Wood streets, 2 ) ,1TT5.113 . 11:711313 s PA. irAgente waited Appty ai above. 7y21:122-rre IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INV ESTED FUNDS RECICED ING $ ,000,000 IN GOLD. . Insurance against lire affected on Houses and Bat'dingo, Goods, Wares and Merchandise, Steam boats, ae. Polities issued payable in gold or cur rency. it United States Branch Office, 40 PINE STREET, New York. All losses of the United States Branch will be ad justed in New York: 2 1 SeLA117GIZET_ACN, Agent, • PITTSBURGH, PA. Ocoee, 67 FOVRTH MiItEET. MB. MeLAUGHLIN is also Agent for the Manhat tan Life Intnnume Company. se5:Tl2 BEN FRANKLIN , INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEfiliny, PA. Office in Franklin Savings liank Buildings, 1%74).4143 Ohio St, Allegheny A HOIEZ COMPANY. =armed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by fair death's tome/it a share of your patronace. GE LY NE IRWIM GEO. D. *UDELL • DIRECTORS: Henryltwin _Patteraon,lHenry Gering, Geo. B. Riddle, Jacob Franz, Gottlelb Tau, Simon Orton, J. B. Smith, Jacob 1t ,,...1 _1:8112 AL W. Stewart, Ch. P. Whbrkrn. Joseph Jos. Laataer, H. J. Zlnkaad, JereralarMen. 5p10:035 VTESTE RN P imsimA NcE com- ILPXNNDER NM B KP H ident. ; • WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Ottice, 9511 Water street, Spans & Co.'s "Ware house, up stairs, Pittaburgb Wll . in.:ure against all kinds of Fire and Maxine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directon who are well known to the omumunlty, and who are determined by promptness and liberality to main. Lain the clumnatex which they have assumed, as of teringured the best protection to those who desire to be Alexander Nlinick, D Joan B. MeCnne, R. Miller, dr., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, William 8. ET Alexander Speer, Joseph R.lr Andrew Acklen, Phillip Berner, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Ihmaen. / rice INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, 01 1 710 Z, 438 4t 11!3Itauxr.r.r4 UT BT., NILA 5111 ITE _g . DIZZCTORS. R. L a (Auto w. &meter,' '• Mordecai a. Laois Tobias Wagner, David 8. Brews, B. Samu c nat. Jacob B. thnitif. Isaac-- Zdward C.. Dale, f ec aatile 1 117terldwat. SIM C. DALE, Via Piwaident. . W. C. BTICC .1,.._ N om „ mL J. GARD dant% North West writer an Wcrod 'Brevet& , . pr., 2. INSURANSE COMPANY OF PIITISBURGH: L v6r4 woipi BiniT H 4Airk Os bolimez suumnra. - Thlals agnate cas. by Fire exelnalvray. -ay • LSONAILDWALTHRYaYLa , fleens tary. Zollumnsas ' Leonard Walser, Heorr i vir M W . C. C. &Me, Geo. _. Enna, Robert Patrick, J., C. La Jacob Palater. , J., 0. Josiah King, John Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Amnon. Henry Boreal. ATOTtAx,' iNgintoarcr. co., Opp ttr *Es a= OP ALtEepIOTP. - =inn 1)0/EPA2WIVI . • • , • FIBS' 14 VeRANVE 027 Lr, . . W. W.IILAIITTN. President Jas. E. lITIMNSON. Beeretary. ~1•Y Wili S ents J Those t ic f . L. A. ltna tol.ll44bart. 14).arnmpsen Ju. L. Grabill:4 iota Lek 437goyie, Jun. Brows, Jr. Oust, . JaeobXonto. mattudit A LLEGMENIF TREIVRANCE CON. L PANT?! PITTEHIBR43I3.. • OFFIGE. No. 87 NINTH BTEEET.- Bann Buda lardsea itgalaat all kinds orPire and Marine NUM JOHN•IEWIN. .Dt.. President. • • • JOHN D. MoOORD, Vice President. .0. G. DONNELL. Secretary. CAPT. NM. MAN. General Agent. ioha Inv* Dnlzetvolu" ohn D. 1100ora, -rlltneatont Harm W. H. Nversona erf,Wao i&rt H. Da** Ogles: Hata. 1: • 1 / 1 • • oantl. B e. Koseeidalei • toli i iiip • . 001101.440 E . tOnte MICA N.E. CORNER WOOD AtlMPlip WM ' A: Roulto44 6 1 4:.takthlrielzi IMA Martaa 'Rio& ',;,,,: ~..? •;; , un c ., o ,i s: .-. :•' I win, plattp k i i; , 0 , 1 ; gag& jahwri: SAWA ' itin a V l‘ PaticA' T :'' -' ``. "aum iraigatar i kprmile; ' r. Jamas mmar,* ' + - oared X. Breath m. V_am Hirt, yfm. P. 1 ....pkgg,. . • • Axlia dames D. V mar . ~,....., mi t e . l . mova .am.a. .. V 4., ‘ " - * 1 . .047 data. • : 0 • „" mr'„, :: i : f; '`.,l9= Axed PAINTER& WILL: 8: TAtitAm, No. 451:11111h Thaakita for the Anita*** lri iPatitoieire too stowed von ow I ottollg a itittadoltigh CLIP l igypt " pg_to e na oser2 ibi k_oolt_tiooM ,l pi onotoota r d wiu so amigo We SW? thin tOe • Jo. warm= Maar , . ore (0 1, maltons • TOEI ITA I MONAWDedigke:'i 1.. id alAimpiti %WIT; 7 r,w t 77 - 1 ..'7 7 ..;',174: 7 0 - _,,ru p f , liidexAttenztillidar r iz a i gavv: "fir'ffn, 7l F l ZßATi L. bn i ABLo moat uotiu -"-- =II OF NEW YORK. $1,000,000. President. Secretary. olci . i r.r is 711 Igr'NEW OPERA 1 10117SE.' Manager ..... Riumsasolr. - M. W. o.tzeryam Last night but two of the brilliant engageMent f t ohe popular actor. ' MR. MARK. SMITII. THURSDAY EVENING, October Bth, will be presented, Dance's celebrated comedrof FINE OLD ENGLISH GENTLEMAN. Squire k .••.... ....... Mr. Mark Smith.' To conclude with Tom Taylor's Comedy of NINE POINTS OF.THE LAW. ..leveph Ironsides .................. Mr. Mark Smith. Friday evening, benefit of Mr: Mark Smith. • Grand Matinee every Saturday. • PROF. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY', No. TS THIRD STREET. is now open tbr •- ception 01 pupils. Clap days and hours—F or the reLa dies, Masters and Misses. " Wednesday and Saturday at .. s)i O'clock P. Fors3entlensen—Tvesdirs, Friday Evenings, st o'clock.-- Private kim and ono glyen. Circular, can be had at the Music "Stores and at the Auden'''. Chose/ out of the .eitY, convenient, attended to. - it sir Hall to let to Select Parties. seem DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BIRTH NMI CORDIAL, An inblllble ieznedy for Summer Cnkplatat, Due. rhea, ysentery, li v omlttag, , !Sour Moment' ant Cholera Jdorbus. • DR. lIIIIBIS' CRIMP CHB, apeelfle for Cholera. Cramps and Pain >la aba Stomach. for sale by _ - mums ar. rime, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, AGENT'S FOR. J. SOHOONMAKIMI & SON'S : PURE WHITE LEAD, AND McCOYIS VERDIT.I2I/ GREEIII The only green paint that will not deteigorate by exooeure. It will look better, last longer and gine more perfect eathAegmluum an► mholn tho market "JELPC)OI3OL. ALEX. S. MACRAE, BROKER AND AGENT FOR Chemicals, Drugs, Dyes,olls. Prot legions and Produce of every description. Business conducted on one-half the terms of other houses. The American transactions in Livenaool sjone ex ceed London and all the ports of'Europe nut to gether. ]Weekly Circulars, Commercial AdriceA.ligabkt. messages, ac.., - on application. sel2:xM MEDICAL, I'M A NlloolW—Anotitei New XBDICIAL PAMPHLET:fro:I= the Dettof DIVaRTIS. The Medical Times say s of Millwork: "Thls valuable treatise en the cans e and cure of premature decline, shows how heal* is im - through secret abuses of youth and manhooawl how easily regained. It gives a Clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage. the cease and effects of nervous debility, sod the remedies therefor." A. pocket edition of the above will be la warded on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing' Doctor CUB TO. No. PS North Charles street, Baltimore, Md. MANHOOD: HOW LOST ! (HOW RESTORED! Ault published thseated tweet ooyvee Win , :iv Cent*. A LECTTJRE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT. and Radical Cure of Mrzatorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary ons, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Mar- Maga generally ...Nervousness; cionimmpuon, le s) and Bits • Mental and Physical Incapadvs - re sultlng from Self Abuse, Re:, - by Robt. J. , C D.. author of the "Green Book, 'Ate. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS, n• sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, post on receipt of six cents, or twO porta_er stamps, yard, on J. C. KLINE A Co. 187 BOWER'!" NEW YORK I POSTOPP/CE sok *ass. Also Dr.' Culverwell's 'Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. mytenEwT A DVICE to YOUNG AIEN ABOUT X&R,RY. - - MSBEWS ro*ltoung Men; .. • • On the Zrrors, Abases and Diseases lecident to Youth and• Early Manhood, with the humane view of treatment and cure, seta by mail in 'sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Address, HOWARD , AIt. BOCIATION, Box-Phildalphis, Pa. sate:6o4AT , trovELTT: WORKS. P n3 PEGH NOVELTY WORKS.' ADAMS, "ffi'SEE & co'4 IuxV)JCiOSEa or Keystone Standard. Patent Platfortn" Janus heed Patent Door Locks and.Latehes. PAINT AND C iFEE atelaxAßLe ac. Corner of Grant i. and Fixst 'Streets, Aus:tai Prrriafraosu." - . • PROPOSALS. . . Pat/PM/LW FOR FURNISHING the material - and erecting the -*R.* ciATZWAIi altd . 07- 71019 atthe entrance to the 'Allegheny Cemetery,( will be received at the Odiceof the Company, Meal 11.11111711 DAY, the 17th of October. Plane and spechiestioni can be seen at the office of the Company. on the grounds. ago: wwLETT. se2R:r4 Orricifa or ooirtrUßGH. OctOtreouss. OF B:, / I NOTICE PTO CONTRA CTORS.Bd. 1064i.NT co ' • . i Sealed Proposals will be received at this office Until 14th inst., inclusive, for BUILDING A. NEW BIBINIZ•OVBE SEWICKLEY 9141114, where the, . Perrysville and Rochester three degree .road cro ssed said crees,„ in Franklin township., - . -- ' I . - Also, ibr billding a NEW BRIDGNOVRE•ROB...--- : INSON`B RON, at Oakdale Station, on, the pen.. . handle Railroad, on the line between North and , Routh Fayette townships. • : - i !" k i s also, ,ier the . ereetith /94 a ; NEW : w ! iira c ~ STRUOTURE over Leech's Ban, on the re !lead- . stu ff tg fir= Elisabeth , Boteugh to, Wages City ", Elizabeth townshlP. , ,s , , , , Plans and speepicatlen lion. teln be seen on applies, By direetiou of the emeriti couurdaillonere, .. . 003:151447: ', ,HENRY ! LAABERT Condo 2.:__ ~ , OsincotlOVlT rrarOzarca arra boxorroo, • PiTTSIMIROH. October L /UM 1 NtrrAcie, To CvNillitcl4. )17., __.. Sealed , ositls for thAimesonstracitoa gt Uri • Ir dlines_aaßOWlD itt .. ,. - - i,:,, ~,,i, ,;, via ea FMK Akreace, tlsotWti .it . e.) trout . a„ street to Wilt's)! avenue. , , On e s **Jae Orteasberir Tortardke4 l C ado:) , uoie olthorkWfkriftl9Conife Arcane. , One on V i llle,. ree,t, nopt.igtb, Avrlnil! i clii. soittl ipeTui Al• 0, Are umft:WA priding of Motion Street, cents* TBll4B Mklipheetreeitnix. • • W /1 - fi V We" 11114WOlate-Vatill ....wsooriltb.olllllW-Irkomons ,•b ~,1011 • l'elp4br t tritt 0 laA i g, 4. la zo ~ 1 , 0 dii :1 • 0 1 124/11k.01%1 ' , ll ' .f..l o l , itti (Vi DI ,t F j k riareoll63WW P14t4X11;1P•;94 tlFrl, a •f a . • t J t A,iO 3 l e 3 i t g orle3flo,.tklV O M 3333 3 V33fttlltli .• tedele • ' - • . ill aMI I= SurisamiLvmwr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers