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' ,'"4:=1;-. :kcAv,-1, "'-' ft - ' - ' 4 -,1, ; i 1 ea 1 :4. - 1 , , 1 .-Ai4:44.%6Avg'7 El RHIM =2 = . z . : ,: i _ - ..• - • ' 4.-"." 40 ':- .. ii 4 ....... 4-..,... ''''' .. ..." . ....-‘• '`.“.... - have t to „nrut ura.) *7:i Dt.Pril---1-ML 4 I AT W . 14° ter 11. _ . ~( - - 3.1 "-- • gitidifia ec : P • k •-" , u.-.]:7 ~ _ l-...:AtIOQUAgene,II:I4IIBF pcs...i,-. 4 , .. , :, rl,- 5. ' . ' '•Ldr 4 --• + ' 4`,liiiiiiiiir...ctigiiicial m a ~,...- ii -, , , , ,- ‘ iritapa 'firciallair 'AZ! "' '. ," z:,% , -;•• -7 , '' , ' •I'.:' ----: - "..!:. , .L..', - ..-: :;1t.,%-,7.,-.1.4', ,-,,. /.1.. warm O J. - 2... 4..,.. , -_,.-- IMniMUdrtFl?l, 4 *-7"' — ' .5,-,...-A,--..---,....,,,-,,.,- „„•;,„„,...,,,,,,qp,.....,_,,, .7.'"e... , ..7a-..- ~"=;•,,,, ~ ,_;,-4,- • .14 ' ,frAt1 - '122; 45-X:i":f` ~.7,-• -,:::..z..,; .1 '-"- ~ ' l2 2: 1 4 `If ri< 5 .54 3 Vge r ,..q - 4,127 , 0'7 , 5 - tstioNc 4 1D -4- ',4V - .s‘iv' g. l. ,VIAIf.P.; THE BEST STOVES. BELALDLET ar.--ocp the Cook, Parlei. and. Heating Staves, TO BE "011.75 D IN THE sTATE. , ., SoIA Agents ibr the celebrated Base B Ort. *Mal Stoves and Furnaces for Gard Coal or ke. Best In the World for Parlor,ollice. Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all winter._ Do net -buy until yon see or send for Cironlar. No. 30, WOOD STREET' Oar Agents Carl- Orlentals—DE MMER BROS., - omlthileld St.: GEO. RVBLEY. Allegheny City. ORMMOUS .Sr o •U . I • MiArant. ariprr Traiitir or , ' ME -,;•::,-,"••••:• I - . •-• ; ; -- . f . .80820 V ; ..RAIVGA! PititY , FURNACE " 2PirliWomixtici Btruzirsos.- • . •-•- . .. Imp Sliorim .11.367-Dinsr cooHnirG 13T0171E, "REURLATONVI COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, "" 17 --- warAn k ti AN .). Inclonati Pattern)FORTABLE BARGE. CA I9 T - MANTLES." WELLMAN'S az -. RATER tree from dItI" and 4144 GRATE F NTS, FENDER:4 &c. : 4 1' r - ' - —see aiiiv2os Ltt,ertr . rrrrsßunes, I M? , ib 6 CET THE BEST. ',BISSELL ,dt C 0.15 froji B.rrurous COAL. Ifirmanted to Cook, Bake or Boast as Well is any other Shire in the Cahn. BISSELL It CO., NcL' 28 4 5 :Liberty Street. iiooaianasnatn; mai ; - re4!„Tonwro SELTIN eL - y.;; ; ORATE filo samilrosa. : I eiLS. STEEL WORKS. DPITIANIVCR-ei T IRON AND STEEL WORKS. COT lAN , PAM & CO. ILLTIIIIPA.CTITRZOIB OF tNana a *q Saba. Ca lade and wages Springs and Axles.. • Duquesne. ±L.;and Juniata Merchant Bar, Bound and Square Hoop , Sheet and Plate Iron,• Oval, Half °lowland HaltHonnd Iron; Cylinder and Wagon Boxixon; Drag and Dropper Bars; 'V .and Plat Ball for °cal ; Roads; Cut Nails and, Splices; I Plow, Spring mid AB Steel. Laminated Steel; Mt terßare, Vrow Bars, ite, 8/0- • °dice and Warehouse —77 WAVED. STREET, SHEFFIELDfiIyr„ . F I 4., wouss. 2m , &co 141/0. carets ".every dei cOption or • CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, i aAnwii Blair= AND PLATFORM SPEINEW AXLES, STEEL TIRE, ite., ke. waPlielreo 88 Water a 4,160 rim soh illE NUILLEI4 BARE it. PAJEUEIN. rAmmitss: MTCAtr, I REUBEN BILLRE,, GEO . W. BARB, CRAB. PARRIZI. Rescuu PAErmaa—e. If. RIBS. p4X9CF ; I9I' ST E EL WOWS.% AI TC al : l3 l 3lEt _ OTRie s N 9 339 • Liberty t.PITTSBUBGH* PA. Tititit. -DIAMOND Jur . ~• A !...t 'MODEM '&1 CO., . 7 k Veurre*—"iiiii Odlea and WareWat_il l .l,ll t. ! l l,, i. , accoND \ and 119 andlillza i ;4 " IX:l e nt :a -- EMAIMPAWT MUM , !SWUM ANINI RS ON'Ar' IF(KMBI' lialarian uccizefouvso ,ANDinsok, 4xocac,ii•tax.) ltanufecturers•iiinri ilesii , ' liMon of -'tea ia 5T401 . ; BESTIZEPINED TOOL fitTPIU, XiiivEn! . .ay, Circular, Elazig and Cross Cat UEIV== ftftg; BstltoadCut Old Gera= Plow and Blister Steel. . Shovel, floe, Pork, /take and Toe Calk Steel. Storing Steel andlitrog Points, Cut Steel 7_lnger Bus, sickle Steel, Spring Steel Pyre, Plow -Wings, eto t • Oil Drill Ottice and Works — Corner FLOVIST AND EOM STB., Pittsburgh, Ps. )M:0 Godetroy' Brancker & CO 2`;42 Examexp PLACE. HEW ioax, Aro Agents in the United }Hates torliintinblining andiron CO, of Duisbnes, lifeSiillts3l4 to contract or sell in quantities to salt parchssefs, , either Nei! York Or Flab -delphisMe cast:Mel 1 7; , :tviEtrim - SPIEGELEISEN eed so exisnslvelltkw themanolletauft of M ft STE EL . r drhospl4l3lsl • ,11ee i;ematallglar . " ° Th e !, -Thk.4f • , tio of Mal Riteorm~d - Paean - _zitmt.tortl) Sea • ISTEEL BIM 4 mwmp}. 13Z5 1201 a:'-Silt ' Bot. -Dealers =:- as. utt-1110 W e ' T. • 7.:‘ *TR f 1 . c ! '" • ••• ATLAS WORKS, • MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, 1 3, 7roirstratimL THOMAS N. MILLEIN, President. These Worts are among the largest and most ,eornplete establlstuneats In the West, sad are now prepared to fornteh - zugutes, of every weessampsaim l • Boilers, Oil Tasks. Sheet Iron Work. • Rollin /MU CollUnink BootiloVilieboss. • ?," ' ; Slositrial esstioirs. oar•ind &Memo. t - • noantle N", ATITY4 AND PIPE WORKS. esrimer omen ad simmusan mer•eta. 4bll2tTli WASIM r 1 r .PiTirenBrUMASIZE. Pas 81M1, Manufacturer of CAST ESON BOWL PIPE, VoN DAB AND WATN:ii WORE& - My Pipes are all east invariably 4i Pits, in dry. sand, and 1.91 net lengths . A l s o , rsli assor tm ent or fienend Casings tbr pasand Water Worts. z would also call the attention ;3113upe rtntendents of Goo Work , to ray inake cir iurromme. fele:tair • • L. O. LiliTifeaTON.w. U. BUBT.W. A. 11011/31502r, J7l. 4r!;c9 6 lt. .t. F01751 - 1)W1, _ , _ MAITO7IOTI3IIILBS OP ' ' FINE LI& I ST CASTIXms, • tn co teisaillo p %t e lMer z a t tl,WP e lltez Ma prompt4 Ogee and' Worki—WASHTAPTCOt .11„7"Plang, ear Oster Depot, Allegliety QV, Pa.. . MEE refrTs , l - ** , lkiltl4lo..„ w.&Bl4:6ldtosVironkts FOUNDERS ANDPACNIAISTS • PITTSBURGH, idinnflnturers of Boat and Stationary Steam Ea e past Knirin,lfill Machinery, T r ag arins, , Caatingso asf aiidlastritiona; sad andShaatlron Work. Moo, No. Lit_ i _esfloer Yirat and Smithfield Streets. Ageata for GLMSD'LI PATENT INJECTOR for MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler . I ' ilh - Verip Ntisth Ward, (Oppo6tte Tinton Iron 111114) • PITTSBURGH Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, ALLOXNuIf ADD: CMKIMB OIINKRALLY. Orders Cones promptly tge an d osrofelly am:rated. - reels:m. 0c16:123 rtzniumr FEllnalillY. 46. PRICE & SBA owes Awl Wareing*. 29 ( Weed Sired. 11saufsetere and keen eanstantll on hand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOX DS. DOG IBONB,' mesa scrnate,, aorzaw And Castings generally. ap2l:ye T 4( MINUS 'CAB IJEN ip col Fourth Word Foundry and Ratline Works, )smitcovOtEr fez. im.keum amt, tflacturors of 13tesai Enslook Oil Pdso f eit, ji fth re l a Fo s f i a r gir d SIT I W ig ft, , WHon. Boxes za t i sizes. •So sod Erm an klm 'gin" AIM =I : ....:470,101011111t, .11 ( AND ROLL WORKS''' . r 4:r i SE* Penn Street,' &al RoUBLIOn Bon.Lath • - • CTO N. ILIMILIZIM .WOBJILS: • • olkttory " ' 7412.- of WarirrEtirice. — an ' and of the most s red patterns foi r stationarr alms rare I A Iffitiltaraßt Payer ISOUNBIA which will sold st prints 111411"4 iii ty n th 1 below iitia*llilgMn*ltilaithilus, es blo Pittsburh, on the Ohio rifer _ SON WORM'. ..r , ..• JAR. V Fauna. Preen. . . ... ...W. P:Pogriks, Sart .pITTEIBIIII.GII FOIiGE '" ' ANDIRON Co., ' . ItirOTA:CrilllB Bar Isom - Pailiread Matti Stirs inai 11•164. Rattresd none** ' _aldircoadejr.:l44,4ol!unaerld. ---- . 1 • 100011101 1 , 0,7491141.11$ . ;Looonaetivellisi tae p i tapsil l • 1811111 Rode 4.1 at./ ••"••••.41;; ••• " t ,„ • , . ' .nikeausboat • . • ! Piston Zeds,' WIFIstaC " Pitman ;awe, Venal% gyp, <Nice§ Np. 177 t h .IN/fl STREET,. • PITTSBURGH. P • UWERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennoylvtunits Iron Works. Waretionse, Nag,l66jutd 1 S T 'MST STUMM. opposite Monotratiet& onset 101:0 PITTSBURGH. HARDWARE. Nmv HA"W"E ROVE. LIND8gY;80111111 ( Wan sit importers R.A#h•rtDWA-ELE, CUTLERY, ACC. 887 LIBERTY STREET, amnia or WAYNE, OPP Square Below Befog Depot. PITTBURGH. 401114 . 1 , for To AIR!ANSEP apps I woe Kogan. INGOTS%,I 3O naIEar to. „ . prifi.....4....-Aozk.,is ot", tor. Point Alley and Duquesne Bt,, (NEAR THZ Engine Builders, Founders &Machinists, Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. Weelal attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND TORTABLE BOILEN,-of 15-horse power. CASTINGS ,_of every 'kind. made to order at our Eottudry. on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS - for Oil Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, ou hand and made to order, at the 4 t INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Ihteiting on thejAlleg'heny Inver. near the Point" rrrrasuitaa. PA. air All:orlon promptly flied. Tar ue. Si' PM Ewa,' r" " '.' 'CARROLL SNYDER, mAiraLtonomii or MVP__ trLABI___OITHLISFPLUED'PHIIIMAR,SHU. CYkatirdra EITEAH BOHABIL um. miLLS AND OIL TANKS, TB; BREECHING AND ASH pkirs, PANS, SALT PAIN AND CON. DERBIEBB; HTEAMI: PIPES, OASOHNITES LND MON BRIDGES; PIUSONDOORS AND COAL EGIUTZS Oiliee - and - 1111)irellior kr corner lielsoud, Third, !iert and Liberty Street'', PITTSBURGH, Pa. . alp-Ordai gent: to the &Dove address be toonattly attended to. mh7:189 , • • & BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS , • NOS. 80, BA, 514 AND AS PENN ST. Having secured stair" yani and flirldshedit with the must approved machinery, - we are_livepared to manufacture every description of BOMBES In the best manner, and .warranted equal to any made In the tountry. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers , Condensers. Salt Tans. 0 SUBS, Agitators, Settling Pansv B • Sugar Pans, and sole ananv fietteeerlisf s Pident Boilers. Beimiringdone on the shortest notice: t ilypat. urns", , = 1f05.:511% and 66 Tater Street; t• PrrEABITAGH, . • ScArnmicTuxia Or IRON. OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIP& BOLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. JAR= Y. . 311137311 =mom D. mama. JABED NI. BRUSH & SON, , 111 "91 177 L7ruksius _ Steam Boilers, 011__Stills, r Tanks; SIEEMIT 280 W WORK, &0. 6.1 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OILS. WMUNG AND PING, Clompiaton Merchants and Brokers La Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, • PVITSBITROH, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WANING, KING& CO., • ...12plaralassit saw. TACK' nitennuts, I TACK' GMEMONII2I ..52,3matizzikeilt", 'PEktrObUilliiild4taPrO4 Mt& fi - GrA. el, • f 4. Tittabarghofilar-DALZZLL, BUILDING. Cos , mar of Duquesne Way and Irwin stinesa, " Tidladelphla Oidae—lST WALNUT BT. • spl:wn _ EL 51.,=.,0 r. .f 4 " POE WHITE BURNING Brand—"L TICIFER." ,Oiceo Na •PAtglell:7117141#0111.01. LUMBER. LEM.BEIR! LUMBER! LUMBER! • ALEXANDER rATTERSON, • •,• ' -4 = , P. Dealer" AEC Kinds 'Lumber; ON HAND AND FOR SALE 500,000 feet Dry Plne Boards; ; 30,000 feet Dry Oak,t 1 and 3 Inch; RO,OOO feet Dry Ash, a, ux, and 3 Lech; MOO,OOO fret Herniock• 1,000,000 No. I 18-Inch Shingles, sawed; 100,000 No. 1 16-Inch Shluales, sawed . 100,000 No. 1 16-Inch Shingles, sieve d; 31,000 Locust Posts, 7, 6 end ith feet: 300 Cedar Poste. - • „ Also, Fire Bildt, Tile- endlnereinistre 'maul! onantlUes. Yezhe -No. BB PREBLE STREET. formerly Manchester, and 157 REBECCA STREET, appo site the Gas Works, Allesh€ ny Jr29:03 FoarrniTI.VW.RINEE:4l.llflr .1125,000. Pizeumurr—EDWAßD DITEIBIDGZ. SwamAny—T. A WEIGHT. PurEiuminutT4zuw.aavutos..A',;' DiRSCTOIS: itarardipaawm, L. P. Dumas Jahn Mellon, E. D. pinwor , m, ft*. W . mond/re, ido L o mos% B.4ohaliton. ' ' LVMBER YARD...Corsad , cir d LIIM HER STREETS, Math Ward. OFFICE AT FORT PITT 6LABB W919F.8. Wash lagion Street. - • • 113Z:198 GAS AND STEAM FITTING. Joan N. mom JOB. min mum zurs. JOHN M. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Natiolactarers of PUMPS ANDBRASS WORN t s_ rattlear t rUr k r idt ifs GUS irrapuzs Corner of Pike Bind '"walnut Streets; PlTTS i btlltG}7. • • IRON- BROKERS.- s r JEL aLwitaiiilo6ll.A9l, IRON BROKER, 124 First Street., Pittsburgh, Pa. . . Agent for , the sale of Corn:wall, Doughatnare, Jo-. aephine, 'ashen', Duncannon, tltanhopo, Glendon, and other brandy of Anthracite, Youghiogheny Coke and G. E. Charcoal . . ~,, . •- PIO /11,07478. gout= EASTOCAVGIEFIET & CO. ! BANKERS AND BROKERS, cbrner Third and Wood Streets, iDirr•rsiwc7toli, 011194328808t1 To ILUOTA, EiART i C 0.,) DILLIMS Exchange, Coin, Coupons, AS particular attention paid to lie parehue and COVERSUMIENTABOPIDC Sight Drafts on Zacindon. Ootteewthe leads cm au the primeval plume of tie Ile lead=Mel sod Othadae. Steeki; 'kit& and - ether Securities ottr -• am 51ouince. . SOLD ON OONIONIMnio I{ t" . 1 4 4 atteattos pate to the ptithouet aad wee- Unite i Sfattes securities . WESTERN BAVDI , I' S BANS, 1.- No. 59 raft% Street. I' CHARTEItED 1866. xliterest Liam on'llimeXhiposita i ANT sum azoimo 'sox ONE DOLLAR . , UPWARD. P= l ` ring, To Trim . Intsom 1. ___,H9iffir .• rroffiest-MOIREION , t ries Pridiem.4,llL, ...., miffe. 1 loirMigr x r r % . 4 •!.,TATIF.; 1 a a . . sa,w el b l ain;;Mudre a4,io. ; M.; l " "P hDim tl s Lille I LAMm,Hem Lul:.gß7r 4.ttAarown. _ l e to t 4 .. ____ MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK, No./4. 113mit.bilold. Street. ( . ; rrrrssußoa, Pi. - INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. ANT SUM azoV/VBDYBOAI4IIE/POLLA's UPWARD. De posits received subject to check, without Interest. • ...... '' JAMES BLAOKMORE, President. 1 OEO. D. TINDLE. Secretary and Treasurer. JAMES H. HOPKINS, Solicitor. ~_2.._ ', t• '. TAMER.: . ' I d'i M e . B ITIOON ----- • • Junes H. Hopkins, , • Alex: Tin le, . • • • James Sown, - William Deana, • • ,w. W. BisidlithSW • A; 0. , Oubbass,- '. • , Robert Wray, • EL 4. ,LANCE, 110 lk sT. - GLAIR STUMM= And Pow 186 and 187 Third Street, xgruJea /Trir 81171011, iwcially scllclied. DIVI r t - 7 - oeießEßffit" ArnirearmAa,- IVN PEOPLES sAvnicis BANK, iirryrßan::man. CASH CAPITAL ... President.-HENRY LLOYD. Vies Presidento•WlLLlAN BEA. 110181746 Henry.Llord, !Hon. Thos. Mellon, •P. Jones. Wl Geo. W. Halloran. Wm. Bea, R. H. Hartley. {Edward Gregg; Hiram Stowe. Secretary.& Tre 'r --S. P. VON BONNIIORST. 81X AIR OUT INTEREST paid on there de posits. .Deposlta e on or before October Ist tear lateral horn bat date.. Intereet'etenpoted lit November and. LI Igar. • • • 10ff fil°l I KING COYPU , Nod 169 , W00d Street. . • : ; p • $200.000. r , - STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. GO „ 0:1 A D COLD. OWED ON ineisifi. Th latrai , oo itacouittile polsgt• is UM i • DEBZOTONE: ke n i t t e c:Wlty, itt. s. O R B K IAbs . it AIM iaLte ► X. Halle. L. MeOLVAILAII, 4 D. Cisliter, KEYSTONE BANK, No. 293 LIBERTY STREET, miszinsent, PA. . . CAPITAL, (authorised,) s s s i . sBoo,ooos DIRECTORS. H. J. lam% Wm. H. Hamilton. John Murdoch, Henry Bockstoce, Willlamjtayy, Oro. T. Van Doren. Samuel Buckley,. ey,.• • . 1 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS THANBAOTZD : Cbnielions nude on all seeessible notate In tit* United nate, and Canada. Pitreat Animal en Time Dealt& UntiIkSTATiB,BECURITIES BOUGHT AND ( SOLD H. J. LYNCH, Preisbteat. c ,, 61,110, W. YAN DOM. Cashier. • OLDEBB INDIVIDUALLY NATIONAL BANK OF COHERCI, G e er. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSOM President. JOS. S. HILL Cashier. CAPITAL, : : $500,000. DLEIRTOBB: A. Patterson. George W. CM. Wm. EIOWII, • JUllesMeCandles.; Ohm. Lockhart, Wm. Mamba, &lellX/rkPeUick. 1 Way. alma. W.l. Haven, _ DIACOVNTh mum If, A? itt A. a. stemes •e. =I t , EiskeitiStre4:: MEM DYER AND !SCOURER, DYER AND SCOURER. PH. ' l4 4l:laEtrrZe Corner of: Fifth. Streets. . . GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC R. L BONDS, _ _ GIRDVER KNO COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TEBBDP OBEDIT and DELFTS a &liable In en, part, of Europe. DEBOSITB - reeelved subject to check, or INTER BST ALLOWED ON TIME DE •a - • $lOO,OOO Bn BAD! .4 ye, S. JON= 4k M.) .` Corner Amid! and. .Wood Stn., • ;33 4. ittalec,..lo3a. gel . _ , P ATMs/LIM dict ALL . xiatin OP taovEnNmKtir! sEouRITM'' • fiouk iam AND .c4DrzoNs, ON *OO N4INIOABLETSRSS. 1117/A.powcid ON 41epOa1ta.. SalpliOney loaned on 'Goverment Bonds at low eat market rates. Ordere zee nted tiprshe Borehase sad Sale eI iirsOsiii, BONDS laid GOLD. Gayitt FINANCJp AND TRADE. 0.1/17141 op TEE PITTSBIIIIGH GezETTir i WEDNESDAY, October 6 1 1868. Gold is firm at about 140, on the rumor that Secretary Seward had'been negotla; ( brig for the the Island of Cuba. _ . . . Bonds. are very strong, andlarge lota can be bought at quotallotis. l • • • • ' Stocks are strong, under_ an easy money, market, and the entire Bit bas adlanced. 'Money is In good demand here, ave.. cially for long paper. Badness quiet' and attn. Closing quotations as - received 17M R. Mertes' Go IIMIG; Eighty-one's, "118 X; ;Five Twenties, IM, 113 do, 1864, 110%; do, 1885, 110%; do, 1865, ' nev, 108%; do, 1867, _lOB%. do 1868,..109X ; Tut Fades , 104 . 3 i; Railroade —Cleveland dr. Pittsburg - a, 87%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne rt Chicago, 111%; Chicago, & Rock Chicago de North. Western, 19%; 'do Preferred, 8831; Michigan Southern, $5; Reading, 96%;. Erie, 48%; -New:York (central; 128; "Ohle dt .Mississippi , Certificates,, 29%; Westerti Union Telegraph CO, 86%; Merchants Union Repress Co., 22%. Mining sbares—Quick sfle,o423. • . - —There was news today of more ember -ressment to the late "corner! xanbination. It seems that in consequence of over issue of grain recelpteiand bad fhitl on the part of some some who assumed to help them, the ring was obligedib pi►yp for - - ebout one million bushels of Corn, for oaf-fourth of which they-paid si.io to "Lis- which . re mined to beeold at 85 t0,.80c- We, /nevi" tO-day of no: eer than five 'Carves taken by one operator from 'the ring; at 92%c per bushel, and received 'on bowl ostensibly for shipment, then sent back b the • sieve tor and sold at 111.12. coesequsnce' of this I'dog bite deg" game; theprolate of the ring are dwindling: ;down; ..three - *gents - haver suspended ,to-day, and, two of the country principals (the -eche:me was engi neared by wtles several miles west of this city) have also hroken up, audit 3a rumor ed have departed .dor„ parts Itskneverm - - would seern - that ' the late cornet was'ioine thing like 'an:. old laehloned: pr.ze ", fight, hk 'ltvhieh theowiAnet • irseik , ; beatta • Ao; i dand :14 140 AtOzliWeit It.. W a a ata AM/UM ',4l ltagothel ,4 ltinti - .Ctirner" on' all Wheat only:rhgted/lAlllxithainA acconntif haer been settrea tint could bi be tplecipautt tberatarttiftwiditthink that t profit in the case ogorn_val prove.to a doteleilii _ iitilevottly`k be hoped iltnineVeelli.ll;ollBE fin . ; urns% jusL metioughlierkeep ll~rrPppm m diing - e4galc r ixtalsin 4 the fu him lure, but Attu. to fear 'that the greatest adepts in the art have Made their pile at the expense not only of the ostensible victims, but of some who wrere su ne,pposed 6 to be confederates.—Chicago ritruth. E;2l ••xi. tuk. T. -Closing . notations re ceived by James :•.• i . :, r*, Xia swpicA -fa ,t..4t • jrt i l l ai ~,, ~..._ :, .. 11 - 4 - ; i 775, I. ; 5-20's, January and .7 , '65, 108 X; 5-o's, January sad July, 109; 68, 10934; June 7-80's, par lees „w; Jaly 7-80's, do yi; August - 119; Sept., 119; Out. 118%; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. PrlcTstaracit 6,u6riti4i . . miriFDNlts DAT. ctobe r 7 r Hi& r The general markets continue quipt, in consequence of the great interest taken in FIEN the approaching_ State eleotions,,axlopr erchante lar4fer running- With low stocks until the result of the canvass is I known and - the ; future , C 911111 0 ,4 ;the • financial policy ferashadowed.-. - -Untii,then it is not likely that there Will be aily im iprovement in trade, but a good business during AWE fail: 04 tr-fdte'CA 3 Pittithefs it& 'tioipated. u tROGERIAtr_ 1 1 2 re t i7narkat g et,' bar stesay,:With jp"lume,jit brudriesis'iii` the Aggregste, w e mithOut duotable change. ' Sugars, . 11, 0700 and Maumee l barci hridergone no change Since the date of our last .report, and the zombis true uallarticles that come ruder this , , SiraSsb--Calsi, 12ge for good. grodery 12X le 13e for, .rime; and 140, _for choke; p or t ° Rico—. • rime; /3.4; choke, : 14k to 15o; ifleidpuba,l4 to 1435 e: fined--Stsndard Hard, 17c; A, • 16o; B, /6Xo; Extra 153 fo; Sugar House, 10x to 11. Cgvvira--Rio ranges all the way from 2135 to 26340 for common s to strictly prima. Java 37 to 380. synurs--X.overing's $1,10; Silver Drip. $1,10; White Drips, $1,20; medium bramb„ 75 to 85c; common, 60 to 650; Booth dc Ed gar Syrup , IL:. Rion—Rangoon, kood, 10 a prime to ch014e,.11 to lilte; Carolina, to - 12 Xe. MoLessne.-New Orleans, 95 to $1,05; Cu ba, 65 to- : 70e;. Porto Rico, 75 to 90e. SgroF.s—Cassia, 80" to 85o; Cloves 55c; Pepper, 38o; Allspice, 35c; Nutmegs, $1,50. STAROH—Pidadison, 8o; Silver Gloss, 1235; and Corn Starch, 13550. Fnurra—LaYer ...Rasins, /4,75 per box; Valentia, 20c per ib; PriMet3o2e; Currants, 12xo for new. • • LEA D--.12X0; Shot, /3,50 per bag. tiloArs--."Babbit's," • 12c; u oakely's," vs; Rosin, 5 to 7c; “Dobbin's," 150. CAN DLts—Mould, 16c; Star, 230. I CONCENTRATEID LYE.OO Br CARR SODA:---0,50 pe -48 r 1 per ease. 00 Fish—White Fish, $9,00. Loire Herring, $5,00; • Mackerel- No. 1, /22; No; 2. $ 18 ,00;, No. 3, $13.50; in half barrels. 500 wore. BUTTER—Ie in fair supply, but prices ;tl,' GIME= • remain unchanged; 88 toAoe On' *kW) and 42 io 43c for choice Roll. EGGS—Scarce 'and in steady demand at 25c for fresh packed. 1 / CHEESE—Is firm '.irlili regtihu• sales at 17 to 20e, according to finality. SAY—Sales at Allegheny Diamond Scales of 53 loads at 528 to 538 per ton. SEEDS—Flaxseed continues scarce and in demand at 52,50. Timothy Seed is in good supply and Mall at 53.50. Small sales of Cloverseed, in a retail way, at $9. POTATOES—SmaII sales of prime Nes shannocks and Peach Blows at 11 per bushel, and 53 to 13,25 per , bbl. Jersey Sweets firmer at.ls to ;5,25. Sales of Ohio at 54. APPLES=COming in freely, and while no L the market is dull , price - are unchanged. We continue to 41 - 1 1 1 At5f 2 *fit; . -49. 0 Pez blitael: = ."- ' - - • ',, ''' ,GRAII-Altfirele little on ado*, mi . -there are no , estahßshett Rricein the tendency, however, is downward ." 'Corn is litelldYlloll-110111M AMMO tellri at IL loftO SLOW , • Coate sales on try ht IS t 066, add in store at 68 to 70: BIG li t unshed at OL4o'to $1.45. lierley lannoitangettetll.6l! Itott.oo. '" 1 ' ____.," - " All. 13ALT—le dull and lambs/weal ' gheny River bnuideare e stilt quotedi4 #1,75, on tracki and 51.90 topliksenter - PROVIBIONIP-liadon, qiqiuggeoj . 720 for Shonlderi 1i34 - terse 17 to 18e for Clear 5i5k5,..111511..2Ct I,^l- '' BilgifFErtrWirtma. : ;.Wiliomo, In tunes, 'and 21 ink egs. MenefikAit, ;30.51) _to 1113 l. LARJ ) :OLL-;Flrttitintnnehanro ,t4FAI . P nirl 4 n- -2 : andll. l 3o l fcfeN4s:l2 - '-• - PEATBIMS--Qttotikr,at. 76t6 S o o on arri ital; and the usual advance for . email Jot! in LThialan-Pitifter, Wired be steady ; demand- at 1133% tnl24. • - ifillwi r =glrtusteßittiiin: WHISKY—Li' atm 'fait demand but unchanged. sales Rectified at 11,25 and L~Mifeafl,Ad.Ar LOUR -r dull • and 'ireak but uzi: changed. Spring Wheat brands may be quoted, at -18,50 . to 19,25.-The_milb cen tinuatictinote- Extra itratiiiti. at $lO,BO in bbls, and 410 in sacks; Double Extra at $lO,BO bbls, and ,;10,i+ sackca.Zßye Flour,' IMAM PITTSBURGH PETROLEI:I,I4 MARKET. OFFICE OP THE Pirrasunort Grazrazzw, WELDNESDAX. October 7, 1888. CRUDE. The market presents no , new characteris.. . ties Worthy - of 0644 nett* :The demand for this month, ,as vrell arqt,' is fair, and compared wititiresterdiy; have 'tut clergohe ao Change.' - ' Bale of 2000 tibia, on ql t " mount, • buyer's :opuon,„ at • 12,tc: The - demand , seems.ta. lestrinted . almost entirely 10 BuYP/9/?ig, the /Plineinate: , wants Of. con sume* there being but little, If 'atiy, in quiry,-ok epecalakVeleluiracfer,lheugh there ere some dealers who consider it a safe inveratment at present prices. The" Herald, Taeidey, says The feeling be the Creek among all classes-is “bullish,"-and the; same can be said of Mat of the °aside markets. • - , The' Refined market was also Very quiet to-dar isc The _sales in the aggregate were /very ht, while prices compared, • with yester ay, are a shade lowerf We are cogni zant of offers to sail the firsthalf of October at 34‘. to 3034, and thelast_halfar 81. Salo of I, o oGbble for last half at,Bl; and two lines of 500 'each for November and De cember at 30. ' , Thelsst thine quonthis may be quoted at 80offered and 3034 asked. Bracrarrne 'CRUDE OIL. -, Fisher dc Bro 9801 Lochhart 6r. F.... 722 li.lpehlorqt Co 820r/tows 64 linis 240 M 9, Total Erny, Jageman &t c0.,328 bblarefmed• to Waring,Titut & Co., Philadelphia.. Lootcttart Frew & 00., 388 do do to War dn, Frew & , ..Montzheimer, Roehicir & Co, 100 do do o Waring Ring & Co.; Philadelphia.' • Nat. Ref. C0.,'500 an do to F. b. Dilworth. &Co., Philadelphia. 7. ,• • • Bulitnn,•Rohow 'a:964lg do-g9I*W;P, Logan a 8r0., - Tbilidelaila: aivnett, Logan & Eitonkdal% 2.50-410401 a W. P. Logan & , B. W. Worgan & Co., 154 do do to War -49n, FAVY,tr il if 13 71 O. e.IIKIBOI - Philadelphia. ~, 80 dr Co.; - 10 ref. to W. P. Lo &Bro., Philadelp . _ " •ftenu.4 Ob 4 /36 1 1 , benWlek Warden Frew & Philadelphia. OIL SKITT•ED - Eim - yEm DtkluzairiD DEPOT 1 laobbic ... — t t t-IliatinerelTothzeoo Amig w CO., Philalda. P . ..."w+VdXl l AL 4 S 49:ktiKat_-1 ertj V i ari,9 do do tOYrarrigt.. Kip!! 4,00,4 btu al. ton Vi a : nil = do to King & C 0,7 Olga ' • Union Rat - Co:, I do do to W. P . Logan PhiladelptdaL`i • Cf ."' Total shipments 633 Lpo.coomitairwoot,guitiarc..., rumor pea PntatiwEGßGaiseerrE,-) The Wool mailtet is eatrteedingly quiet, 4 i with only occalel6Wafalitles bf lots, I.mfrcelY giffip4e4t eatabPsie Alttotatioria. .The rullnglatei are abOtii as follower: 17q.. washed, 25 td 276;Intlied, ; very crawl tub, 40 to 43c; fleece, common to oe-fourth bibod, 441 to 43c: one-fourth to nonehalf blbod, 42 to 45cr one=balt to thieli.ihruths blood, 45c, and three.fouras to full blood, 45!t0 50c. To realise - named figure will require something very nine and fine. r " • • . , -. • New Next Dry Goods Market. it Telugraith to the Pittsburgh Gazette : l ... sw. Oatober Gel:4S m ket stronger for moat deseriptiona of .tton and Woolen good; . in sympathy ti h•the advaneislii'fawitiate - rialir, bat the utther iihpit t iin iod ent Tn tu4 price tk o at m ty anu E: tp~edfabrimi XhrintjAq howev, er:allsixoePtionr - sales , `extra-brandli "at 73 :TO 64picks equare...rrints are • con- W3quilitly - with -. - more - firinnesa - at 123 , ‘,far. .. all , TAitandard,, makes, such- as American, 'Webs:tend; MA; 13e fbr Spraigtietr 13 34 0 for 4,1, eft and Aterilinai Di .166 for Merrimack W; 153 e tor Merrimack Wi . dotible pink` and ' %Standard Sheetings are firm at /154at6c fat_ Pableic extra, Atlantio`A, and other favorite, • brands. Montilla Dalai:tea of the best makes are steady at-20c, and Oinghama at igalBc for the Glasoowandiumeaster brands. claclahati Iron Market 'PrnrorksAir,'Cliitober 6.,-The demand is active toftbiith foundry * and A mill pig iron, and prime are firm. Malleable iron ie4n fair demand and steady. We quote: Pi -No. I- •charcoal foundry iron, ft4o; NO. 2 db, $37; ch!rooall'011t,iron;11.38 4t27; atone coal iron, 138 to 438;,Temnessee cold blast, $45; Missouri, $ 47; car wheel iron,sBo to $63; blooms f .100 to $lO5 per ton. . Chlawa)Catte, Market. CBI Te.egrtit; totNe Yiitab E g b (,asttte , ) CniossztO, Ock.l:--tatt e:—Latta atltive - ship -ping demand at $3,111,4450. flogs; good to choice moderatlraetlve.at 15a2,5e lower; light and eommou.dullll4soa lower; sales at $7,25a9. 6t. Louts Cattle Market. My Telegraph to the rittsbants thsette.l BT. Louts, Oat. 7.—Cattlo In large supply' and the prides fairor.the-buyer, ranging at $2,60a0 gross. Sheep dull at pa for VA to choice. =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers