I I _ 44191,9 iewn Own afiraiirotaie for 2',WRlftr-Plra onfriir &la OM APTS. MjiNUla)....ffEtp ; 7WANTIRiI;4II.Ir;EIPIING Room:— Med irgitt g itAV I Td a d l A t° nut' an unfur . loesttou. , ll , ki, e.:,No. 94.8 T . CiatPsfral..nd Employ.. •teitut meg, No. 3 st.". Clair Street, BOYS. REA and.:MEN, tor different kinds of employ- Inent... ) .re.roons wanting help 'Of -Undo can-be supplied on choir. noUcer . . 2. &11:-ST4XIED -GLASS. .7?? , g4TEDG=Ir3. WALlittp:46lolllll*.er r 6ent lits dll arralsWini= B ise _ v etw itAddrerip P. O. it()X.Z. VIBE4IO 4 *AGENTIS.-aregiT Orals' , • ON.PSAEPA/Mt 61001115. 4 -43.00 hied :PastrZnialtAlrojUironatet -3% 4)lhtli essapt i mmottit Wes or , botig It* cents; , as , as, advs. as as Photos *twits.; ocrhtsicsits, 5 .4044 k 12 te per et. Dimple Ir 'sett row la r nat El as .., IT ii.;:•,94.04041,40.gv,ArD•.,...4itrw- liat.**4*.• Z. - '-' • • • ajR li. t'zz ir*ff i rld 11 1-7„'"r i --- 5 - 1 1 1(.4 --'"' 10449 wato rouni i ttio gran,- I Ben of• fly 8 1 0.314. k..1.4.401M1 0 4.44. 4.e.tbbl 0140 :.1t pAingainroutsWeTENTlONPatil new dedgig: PA EtAVILZWS44)%IO7I4 - 'VOR. ItHillititiPE. --' llCCOMV — eigif3l4 Bonn. ors roomut and ftabilietaitici.i.op. Clark sweet. MatOM {ke rrmoatS Twang" athlobt AVINIXIL LIZIP-41.001114. frlid Worn. iraitablettfgeAttem:va,; {Katie .si , FNO:atitAtil". 13TE.T.Ez . . , , frO , LEI I = I -oNtitoot) Dispatch buildi n g: for an office. "Reati, 8200 I . ( Green, al___ne4,oonte,Pwnle,. Yellow Glass. rinGir,; - ",41 . i,E49 - DI.),YR,A,Woost street. FOR .SALE ' - '' ' VOA - dALE - 711117,13 . . 4 , 7 - 0 .wcieisitiblfsbekt, • will - ipperited; =, .11g errean tbeitifictiuing_bustbeseln !Raced% : be' tiered - wan little "eicpeelle. Frem . ige , ,,oop tok gxo,ooo require4.-z,Adelrelbr.Cona,jlay IT. 8., tietWriz thr,rjcz. Clty.,9tr• 0- .. 44: 4514M - ... , tbrober-weet, L. ' e " • •••-' .- ~- • " Amin :Oro. start alrfok , Uonee•ofq rooms; Iln edAttie. bath room.: conr. and wash, room., with ranee In Idtabolgr*ltnAlro tots of *tound.'one ,s Woe norden; cool botkorear. Inman OA, .. - therptendipei 4 ' No: IF iwzmi: ILL t3TENNT.' near Centre-4mm.. . 1 - .EOIIcBILE , E.HIIGOTr=Ik LIGHT BllGGL.steatly merr,,-made 8,,. er_ i _as this Eqr,tatg‘ tits-1)014as /0 It. 413A:4y at GAZia - ralt COILDMING-1100*. • 1211;1101E;•• ZELLERS ir; Illttile v Ni. ; 4 , : womatist. nt atae 41/3=TISME3PTWL WOK _ CRIXAP:e DNS TnalpEepx*.... 2714.1=84 X! WASlR t y ,, Garr WORKS awn bai . i reesseed4 Pci.lZl9 EM )n STAMM. .ialiere spat isiilaya_44t•Mosit moat compute 0.810M111411t of elallt .... : 4 : . r*rtso Aintruinatioak slid 9 • 41teiz tiOatetty. 4.44i501e .(Isse lIW rardr ." eartfigi y' re d Ma Said f ABSTUILFZIES 4 R 1 1 ,04141111 , :Biwa *tag; for4 l4ll nrated n iatiotar&,'Acreitte. mamas ft. =- Folm (fitful V N44e, • adarfait. J. 11. 'MOIL 1198nettAileta alma...mows*. - &OW illasimptey fat' Std Dfitriet. /4. - t701t4 6our6-9 A. V. to 5 P. tG -a-frActie, goring iro_ • lE. Allegheny - 156illay; Parma .: 13 a4loo Crow Pittawrok. es north oest Oikdalrotztloo.'Alt milt' wink; of ig r obikatioro. oo , Pialandier ootte , OrPittikomrittr. Columbus & Qlnclnaattß. 11.• contatainsabout &DIMS of brat - 411_4114. lastart.- ot Ar&lob la any derlolewlthooth 11000. Malt; Sri. a comfortable house. bora. an& ae.MO•S Of choice , trta s h ie r s 7 partintogoosli ilizitteesabaospe.r, L oollks: • dradertiti Olm.OVßoblestolon. % En • ocilgoilf 4i=t-t;1071117311.i.P. PENCE tOttlitAitCOUTt • rm. Enna work a iri re — 1/14000100Rd iv stiwistoit {sort 'e • • torr its j gb e . & c l i me CP PAU XV ZI PLI tr7/71 111 t4leet WICTLL PUVES Or 1 'the GEATtn4Fri ..A: aff . - "JOSEPH" KID tiLOVI4. tEr *icy= Aim 011131 k, coitna . • . ri 'Ark ootrayszczwe ELEANIZESS'tI- /*: Ia NI --1 a 0 00nstsmant.of POINT* LACE sad POl2lT LIQUg,GOODS. wit reeelvee ant tor sideist ry . man, • • A. a/tiroNye • N0.'17 Fifth' Avenue. . . BOOK, , SILK -.SAMUEL. ; taie Athos, •• • • . . Slimmer S4awls, • FOE .1 3 / 1 2.14.. AT LOW PlllO/036 ,117 ORR ~ {.1• 444,144, ' P 2 • MAID. !•, : , t • - • • •'•'/. , c CONOthe rilatA , : 10i* ,141/01;;• SEMI CIZINTWITAIAL 001Misinros, the oily true and ell Ily: regulated Goiernor rude; perfect in its operations sod trillr.rel A large Size Governor can be reel:kat , the; office of,PEltvg , VAL , BEuEETT,Sfechentesl Engineer and Bona tor of Patents, Nor iredetral street,Allegheny 'City, the oklyagentfor Gile:parepor in the Wert; EiWI opratiortki. . -• • . • . OPEN TNNBEIDAY; .00rOBER-Brit.' . A luindeome aniortmene of Bonsets,Hais,l!reigis Gpes, ite.; At her StnneiNo ,46 ilinit.NAL. BT., Allegheny. "L" OIL BENT. • HALL —Large rooru'of No. 58 Market Street, . suitable fors Club or Society Hoorn. I 888EXCE2 V-ribe.' 27 udd 78 ,21181 Arezilse, - - expressly - lifted up fors large reagaurata, as. iit.s:zattair. Attorney-st;Lim. 98 araut St velB:xh7 INRIIGGISTS , GLASSWARE, A o r - Flushed Ruby. Blue and Oreen mow ZELLetlia a DUFF, 8 Wood street ItIEALTEN, • 31ASIVP'AC'IfitEn or CitEADI CANDIES ;AND TAFFIES, Aid dealer in all kinds'Of FRUITS. 111:1Td, PICK- L, samozs. JELLIES, an, ac. a 4 /1451 FEDERAL. 01 . , 1 Allestieny. N_ cooTopp- creLovitr. Y. Thetabove Proi:amatiOn vas written in hill ex :Pectatlon that its public appearance this morning ts w 9 6 4 - tail. oreivatA iN t eptinger. of 11W :zests.g...Ther &ate/ naa Acipated by this night's crests; and I now call upon leach and ev,rygood eitlseso,thttseolnaknitn4„ tovier Ludt vldttal ingurnft In the stmoression of that which ;would be regretted by our entire cominpol,l7, and !for the Arita/lie grafi. huiteitiltisburgh. As a means toward accomplishing this good and desirable eAd,A eartiestiAllinicatoo)PM, either Pgrty - it Cessititni of all parades, now that the day of elemioo ' 4.1 Aim At :bane, when the public pew' unit beprowvetkforthe 'sake of the undisturbed stored right of the ballot. MEI 81,.. 11 ARKET: -,..-'1 7 w1 1 1.: 87; NEW GOODS ! WATERPROOF—aII colors and CASSIMERICS—for .1111iViCand Boys' Wear. LADIES' OL9AICINON 4 -Large isiortnient.' FRENCH AND ENcLisil MERINOS. 1,14813 ronth —ai.ec! per yard. *- ITZLQIIS WALINfL • • Einar: POPLIXEL • PALEBNA. CLDTN-kiir Stilts. BLACK karGLAir unlnuss. t 7 • • BLACK AND C0L02.110. NAIINBILStrOLIYI .VZOBTESKS=i`or 6ulti 1i !ELECTRIC;CLOTENt '" " Large assortmeht of tLAIDS. ' ' `Fullstoek.of .109DS, at Lowest Baste= '• • • .111E1111111L1 PHILLIPS' , 87,mAkimir STREET. ard:_ D IRUGGI M TSI GLASS. • MAE. ZELLERS &DUFF 0RP11.414111 9 'COURT- SALE. By ',lrene of an order of tie Orphans' Court, I - 1011 sell at PUBLIC SAME, on Thursday, f Noiember bth, 1868, All tbat'tott of Land situate In West Peer TM M#legl eny Oft; Bodsledhnd dewrEbed.a ,M ew • • inning at &post; thenee_rt,'236 altll,lll. 187 perches to a P4st: tbenue 8- SIX de& 89:perches to noon. near a large whlbtoalt; thence Ef.-2 ‘S dee. W. 101 .pertbee to a poatt and thence N. 1974 € 4; r 1eg. E. 119 Pere) es. to place beidnutel..oontal 59 Wes .and perc! es. ark*, measure, twist the sou h mat -one-roOrth part of tract No. UK ta - Cutinlegham'S Dlstridt oraSspredation Lands, and being the same ;which Henry lox an ...L. w/ by deed dated February Meth, 119645. 5119. Dn I a D. conveyed to bean Carbide.. on'ebbn ais erected two-story leR end ling..houte. bent and Must soesseary oo Ostia ngs witu good spring nouse end, spring. good orchard end well fenced. . -waror finuelibur.thlrd enda'One-thlrd of the amount of gale. , after laysneet et the debts. es nuts, WI., to be secured on. the hind by hoed ineraortgeeei wth' Interest Abettors from %barley of aide. mobs pelt soliaresett Carlisle widow, en me Or; dudes het natural ffSa, ead.„IIMP4II..I I M . : on her death. to Wes. Wilma and emompyr their bets., exeraF u Nsdadaistretots or ssairets ; Toe balance of tto am money Co be paid hflinee and ,yeerni cloyed sale, to be by hoed 8 04 0 1 =4"1., • 021 • ij 1 idl:0114 ll .s i n=3:: Eajb. • s:.. ;~, ',.!,....,....:: :: ....,.. r .„,:.....,...,, _ n . . p lining - . :.. : 7 , - :.:„ ~ . . ..•. 7 ' .. .. . ' . i . , DEPARTMENT - 01P STATE. Eiziwca t laz.a.,Seinasalter”, Z. 5 NOTICE IS BORE= GIVEN, la sicardiane with law, thee until li-o'clock won. on fir There willbe reeelve4 it the °See of the . Secretary' of 13tate.:4e4tell Proposals. tor. foratiVag, for the• use of theOtste of 1111401 e... 2,000 Ileamsinf Printing Paper ••- • • i B x2B inches, we!oNia:l4,,zeoot all lb.. to the quite) rOten::#7; efkl 1 :4 1 .0; 1511 0. ' 'iilnskitretny 10altni Paper: heretofore used torahs 'PubilePtinting of this State. 'Each of lb, slid Pre - ; - pours:rind' ..Priiposals i fer Printing l i aPSrir and aldrasied to the Secreivy State,, Springfield,. Dilute, and must be a ',.companted with samplie(sunieleut to insure duplicates of each gnat: 'tt7 anS . prlcicifered) . distinctly parked with' num . ber, volghtaid priCe. Tee proposals Will Deepened on the lame day, at 3 oieloek r. N. All O'the da , (l Paper to be dellvered to the, Beare.' tary State, at the State Tfouse, in Springfield, !Dinah; 500 reams to be delivered on or befog e the first diy of December next, 500 reams on or before the first day of January next, and 1,000 reams on or betere the first day of Pebruarf The person or pereens to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to . give bond, to the penaltum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that h or they will faithfully - reinstall and deliver all the saki taper, in kind, quality and qiiantity, at the time and place and upon the terms to be named in the cattract, in pursuance of law and the said con also that he or, Die); will furnish, ibr the use of the State of Illinois, any additional quantiti of ogler of like size, weight and queasy; and upon the stole terms and contract, whenever requested by the decretary or State. oc6 757 til ---- AUNED GLASS durabSle. rAtiE, ZE. . _IA r.;88 & LUPO`, 8 Wuvd id -- —_ ____ 50 9 ° IBUSHELS RIME SOUTHERN RED WHEAT, To arrive and for tide py ee~i - fdcß&Nif ANJEIi. mAxot.immeir, nrrtattathEo6ziablia rra, ises PROCLAMATION. Witaneall, Worn:taliOff lias been Matted 'by me from a most reelable source, that Certain' persona are combining for the purpose of . pree,urMg we4P one to' int titled atticklng Poiltionkpritomoilons and public' meetings, and committing other uhlawful acts, I deem it my duty, as Chief+ Yegistrate, to a. Boothia, my, Proclamation, enjoining on all good Citizens to keep the public peace and to refrain from, all acts calculated to endanger it, and in view of recent disturbances, I feel it "incuMbent on me to largely increase my Police force, Led will, if necea eirvi Call to my aid the itherlitof the County in order tb4+il!ie NOV of Ihekeldielsk moy,lpt seeiretl • •azia" :iitow hereby notify ill violators of law and order; ithout regard to Persons or parties, that I will Wt bfullytmeipteipeheiawsoend will eariny utmost endeavors to suppress riot and bring o ff enders Co , todigni punishment, and I hereby Invite all stood thefPrfsert s V: - .o4o . lsublie pitted; And request the heads of all political proces. 1 lona and meetings to co-operate with me In the isuppreeslojtofviVauce als . l4lPtiviel ft —1- 4F'✓ • -17AithrftilialeORE, =ion ' • :TOMWiliaOkilitillii;- ' LEGANT TRALTSONfIg-P. Z.& D Am woLocac d. M., ON. TUE XiltiFniariiiim#4, iihalit of tlekse CuUlsb,. - IMIE 30t1 Day of October, 1868, SUARON TYNDALE, E=2 i'ITUBITRGH GAZETTE c j THURSDAY,, OCTOBER, 13,4.„X*3 Egf:T.`):l OUARTERLY REPORT EXORANCrE NATIONAL BANK Notes and Bills' Disco unted $1,892,337 53 11. S. Bonds deposited, to se- cure circatition , •, /MOW ' ' • . U. 3, Bonds deposited to se- • core Deposits 1 , 31,010-1,090,000 00 Specie and other lawful money 208,020 00 National Currency . 4, 3 &• 00 Cash Items ...; ... 22,60; 76-- 27 292 76 Due by Banks • "• ' , " 31d,815 58 Reel Eettite' , " 56.500 00 Taxes and Expenses 19,875 2 . . : ' i. :. . i' .- - r • , -!----""-- Capital, Stoak.— , —.. . ... :.. .. $1.70 0 ,000 00 Nationd r015t10n..;.;........ca., . :.000 . 00000 StiteCwtlea....b4 . ' , t :- y sa,ossAindivtdudDpoilts......os.o2lLw'm '' United std ; poedt.... , 615,841 IS „;,. .„_ • ~_, 61 ,_ ; 111 . 2 ... iksty_epag , i ~ 41 , , paip 53 4 7 plro, g , tr,, 4 6 . ...... t..., '...:. ... 4-- i .1194. VS I : . 94. ‘t ' \ {9, 700,933 • ...-, ~ .., ... • - •:.7•-• r .' , , _ _, . I certifirt tbili WWI% Id; I trito +• Imola of-the statemede Yale thetictinottoller at Currency. . d&T , - • H. M. muusAr. i. , .r. -- ... !atr'illerititialif MTATIENIEWI - ~ . Pl , ll 81 1 _ . ti1110t1 ,4140_, !; : ; .-11 :trit IN 040 pke z:i.: P : I .5 T111 t14 . B iii lll l G . H, , ! - . yLoans a Disealll4—: • ...... -f .. 417 izia etteßord t p ßo4-.:-. 1 • ''' ;his 13,915 YAr'Due from Banks and nkero p 4,44, vi s i t r i t i rl l r i c i e "ei el: ander - N(4 " ': ' : 19:sav 9 ,, ,Coolh Items and Remittances....l.... 11.375 37 ,Beat Estate [ .... 37.000 09 .F. 3fpease - i _ 18;890 94 . Pitla WAWA . • • Asoo,ooo oo Due Individual Devo9ltors L0t13,017 13 Due Bstilts.and.Bankers .. . .. .A 06.933 88 Due 'Tivasurer of V. 58,6111% 61 Circulation ' • •.. • -UO,OOO 00 Contingent Ptinit Ind Profits . - '5188.569 38' $4507. 496 'OO I herebf certif3:•that the foregoing is a true ab stract from the Quarterly Report : to the, Compteoller of the Currency . • - • - • STATEDIEN'T UNION NATIONAL BAN* OF PITTSBNIIL Loans and Discounts II: S. Bonds Real Estate Revenue Stamps and Ermittancea. Expenses. dc.......... Due britankt.". Legal - Tender, Coin, ac Capital I 250,000 00 Circulation .... 218,000"00 Contingent Vaud and'Earnit;ii 105,500 65 IHrldenda. Unpaid C , 525 00 Due Depositbra ' . 6 ........ . 851.218 19 I certify that the above statement Is coireet: UARTERLY .BTATEMEIIiT TELDIMIPS NATIONALS BARH. , Loans and Discounts . . ~. .. ..... '.. —8 634,933 94, 11. 8. Bonds to' wore Circulation_ 400.00000 11. 8. Bonds on hand 11.900 00 Furniture and Fixtures 4.500 00 Xxpens s . 1,130 41 Legal Tender,. Bank .Notes. :awl .... • - . : , Ikms. gte 118,244 34 ' Bpocir 13,4411 05 .Me from Banks and Bankers— —.4. 109.454 67 Capital Stock Circulation issued ' Duo Depositors 131arplus Paha and Irairntngo , ; : , ; • ;, ' • 111.3 1 11/11 Tfie sbove w statetnent is correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CYkUS CLARKE, Jr., Cashier. Q UA ATIOIMr lagignal - ; • ALLEGRENT,.IUI t TjOIin : U94, '7:7-1111CM7,- 7 - ^''' -eA e--•,- ; ; ,t...•.:. '.= „„; .... -- , ..?...,144.,t-, V- . .4-.... , ' -: - .",`,.: 'i }See and Shia Discounted S 584.898 15 ads and Mort/sees 00.358 00 Kited States bloods deposited to : secure Cirrittos.'..... - ....... . . ... .' 5 . 4*090 00 „Specie and o the r lawful moue, 15is 538 11 (Ash Items. Manna~ lime Checks 131,1098 88 Circulating Notes of ottier-N BankLanks.' °Q°° p ß caig iates of other - BViie . 903 00 Due I=ksi anaDarikers... 4 . ..... Ail, Ilan Bear 'Taxes and Expense 1,9.1 03 1 = $1.674,710 46 ,•„, - ~, LLA,BILLTI4S , ~ imr;,, , :-.) ,‘ : ;,*, Capita! BWek $ 500 000 00 Mafioso! Circulatboa... ......... ...,... „ ,11,311, MIL 00 State Circalaikla ' ', • ' • - 0:.:: .15.1151 r 00 *lffillvldool Deposits 547.534 44 ,Diridenda Unpaid - 1 11.133 60 Borfas o Wand aa4 Mornings - -.160,070 47 • Due to Baas and !soaker* 10,454 06 =III sterro.yto • The sieve to e tree abstract trop RePut made to the Comptroller of the Currency., 4 H. W. mmnritr. Cutler. ABSTRACT FROM THE QUARTERLY REPORT OP THE _ ?NIBS NATIONAL BAIL OF. ,FITTBBURGH r To the Cointrolierof the entreaty. on the morning of the rimer stONDAT 01P WY/VII/CF, 1860. Zooms and Itliec4th .0 LISS4III 49 B. ts. binds ' ' 0000' 00 Best Estate and Statures ' ........, 4%146 Bic/lenses end Taim 10,60* ao Cash Item& On Due from Bank Ches.ait .4. • , 111010^ill ' Revenue mamim i : - 1.4 1 .0 NaTender noun Booth.. di - National Bank Notes agir kete. P,r 1143 "n 21 ,94: 0 4. 10 / 4.612 73 Ft/kali ag l• 61.181;114 04 1 LlABlLirits Danit 4 Stock . . ~ * &0 006 Circulation z.. . . Cobcingent Iliad ... '-- l3 4 4ti 76 Dividends Unpaid 7Dti m elU g Deswi s stunk,. ..... $7.4e,70i 41 ' ' 'il. ` 4ol4ll4 64 Due to United Illtacari • .159,498 vil .. 800.101342 JOHN 8. - LIVINGSTON. Cashier nUARTERLN STATEMENT O! THE .1% lifechanics National Back of Pittsburgh. • Loans and Disoonnta 6 591,615 Al U. 9. Bonds to secure Circulation.... 500,000 00 U. B. Bonds on, band 155 000 00 Due by Banks Ind,• Bankers. .... . ... 4ABIB BO Caen Items. and National Curre ncy. .15,835 451 U. a_per cent. Ocrtldrates 88.000 00 LeBal,Tender Notes and boccie.— 107,809 00 Capital Stock Contingent Fund Earnings Due Depositors National Circa uttipja State Circulation . . .Due Banks acid Bankers Dividends unpaid of State true abstract from tfie report wade to the Eotnetrolter of the Currency. J 2 ,10.9, MAIITLN, Oaahler. Prrreßrruca,October 3, 1638 TAAMLITIRs. "' 307 ./ 911 00 J. D. SCULLY, Cashier OF THE CONDITION_ OF THE i! MONDAY MOILNING,' OCtOtper 6, 1888 1 ASSETS 0 189.090 48 1186,581:10. 00. .:./Z444 , 88 , 0,512 18 4,87103 1111.58 t 08 214,184,19 87. 408;003 78 LIABILITIES $1.428,003 76 M=IMM OF THE Prrrsntutoii. October 5, 1565: M7z'OURCVS 11:308.2ii 41 I.IABIL4TIES 350,004 00,000 000 00 532.393 57 33,915 44 I i HE M Fll9 Yrrrestrsort, October 5, 18611: 11,781,11.4 at 9G7mma5,1809 ASSETS 04 4 21,997 52 LIABILITIES • • 000,o(x) 00 •••• 967.000 00 •••• • i 1,7621 89 •••• 101.678 87 •••• 448,807 00 •••• / 6 •R34 oo 3,333 99. -• • 4.661 00 $1,4531,9X7 Eli tittorrittni sTATEiriENT - Nrk qrritr. ‘ anteitithinfaitariir Natiefia Capital Stock 'Jr. &M. Bunk State Cirhi. . d hr. Nationa4 Bank One IleimAl tors Rue other lianka ividouds Unpaid Profits and 13arn1ng.;... $3.700,933 3 Notes and MIL; Dbicou Bank's''Rouse,. Sim:defied LeiraiTend Notes • :Nations/ Currency.... Due by other Banta.. 'U. 8. Governmensflee Taxes and Expenses. 4 7,AutTEELL , Pittsburgh Natio 5 , . y.. i.-:~ lEEE Loans and Discounts $ • 959 ono 96 Sonde to secure utst , n 000,000 00 V. S. - Bonds On bind. ' 644200 00 Due from National. : ' oa,uso so Beat Estate 51141 Banking House.... • 09.077 SO Current !expenses' 2,061 GO Poi:alums - 1.720 SO Cash Items 25,271 80 National and irractional.Curreaci. 8,782 90 Specie. Legal Tender, 3 per cent. Certificates and clearing House ..... 130,999 25 • Capital Stock • - S 500,000 00 Surplus Funa and Profits - 43.9 43 49 Circulation ( 449,617 00 Individual Deposits 5349.759 32 Banks and Bankers 89,33161 439.014 96 ... I certify the above to be a correct sbetract from My report ' to the Comptroller of the Currency. , • JOSEPH H. HILL. Cashier. . • --- Q UARTERLY REPORT OF THE TURNS NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH Pyrrenunatt, October 3. 1363; 6882 78. , NotertnElßlllelnsconnted 314120,770 20 iEnttediltateefileenfles 054,47111/0. - Specie Legal leader and uninpeund Inter. eat Notes. 3 per cent. Certtleatee and Clearing Hansa Cpecits 857:262 42 •'Nationsl Batik Notes 11,800 00 'Fractional Currency and Cents 7.041'WA Remittances and other cash Items...._ 36,328 07 Due from National Banks ' • 106,009 49 Due, from other Ranks and Haulers 8,576 01 Taxes and Expenses 14.444. 03 Real Estate • 32,781 61 $9,305,710 50 LIABILITIES. Ca ! a! Stock , -- $ 800 000 00 N tOnat.Ctrent.tttn . - • 449;500 00 Sta Circulation 15,500 00 Depositors 430.528 59 Due Nattonal.Banks 23,335 34 Dne other Banks and Bankers.— 13.0;14 80 Earnings 173.813 84 eertlfy that the above Ises tre abstract from the Quarterly Report made to th Comptroller of the Currency. ' J. E. READY. Jr.. Cashier. (QUARTERLY STATEMENT • • 'IQ • IRON CITY NATIONAL RANI OP PITTABURGII Leans and Discolints U. S. SCCIZTIMS Banking House and Lot Due from Banks and Bankers Exuensei and U. 8. Tazes.:.. Legal Tenders and. Coin Cash Items Capital Stock State Circulation I.ational Circulation ue Depositors Due to'Banks and Bankers Surplus Funds and Fronts.. ALILROAD & D PALL DRY' GOODS - 13A.Prims1 - Faikmeir (*TER Ttpl MOST COMPLETE STOCK • op GREG DRY. OPORS ! No.' 01 AVENUE: sairrratT OFFICE JAllay—F. Z. 4 D. slew Gloom, NEW AI.PACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. MACH slum HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SOLICIT, mr - Ne. 188 Wylie Eared. Ai 16g. 168. FALL OPENING, At No. 47 St. Olair,Street, A LARGE AND. SPLENDID STOOK OF Youtkla and . Chi/dren's CT.COTEUNG, FOR THE FALL szaßos. calEtAlt Loo.AN, sem 47 ST. CLAIR STREET. P . Z. & D.—STEANIDOAT GLASS. SEED, A PRIME AitTICIaM• u store at LOWEST MARIczT PRICE. • J. /KNOX, 187 Liberty Street. Pr-r9struor, October 6th, 1868 L4BILITIES. S 3 2 00.000 0 00 ulatlon 3.005 0 Ircalanon. 630.032 00 490.677.2 R 59.929 15 3.984 50 •221,511 58 $2l • 236 199 81 =I 848.702 87 . . .... .. : 515.538 45 453.1= 501 __,438,807 50 1.13,309 09 800,000 00 1,043 00 = '12,538,199 51 OHN SCOTT. JR., Ca Abler, ST49IEMENT • ; of commerce Bgsa _Ottolier ci,-1888 4k432,575 47 'LIABILITIES. 44,434,575 47 $0.305,710 50 OF THE Ptrraucaca, October 6. 1889. •..t 473, 07 000 004 0 2.. 0 1 1 0 210,00iD00 93 " .• 3 .41 3 ... 221.1011 77 ••• 108,023 73 81,784.7519 43 LIABILITIES •.,413,007 00 .. , 00 .. 337.836 00 .. 696.5150 98 ... 14,990 83 .. WA 094 81 41.744,7510 43 itmaorruf, Caader. UIRLICANS Ce-Alitkifirltiri, skirl TheH IrOIIETH t_WARDi PITTIi- HllHGEL_primary Meeting ror the purpose of nominating Weed officers will be lurid at the SCIHWHA DOUSE between the hours of four and six o'cloticroulltATOßDAY. 10th inst. The voting by ballot. There will, also be a special meeting of tFe FOURTH WARD CLUB. atthe Headquarters, St. Clair street, THIS EVENING, at 61* o'clock. A full a tendance is desired, a. 9 business of tumor tancewill be attended to: - ocS:v80 rjrTHE REPUBLICAN PRIMA RY ELIMTIuN, in roe SECOND WARD, Pltt.burgh, to nominate Ward Officers, will be held at the School House, on. Saturday, October 10th, Between the hours of 4 and 0 o'clock P. M. T. -W . DANTB. . JNO. PAUL, see. City Committee. , arDlEETlNG.—Thercwill Ite a meeting of the - , . , - N'Ariorre.x.; crue.xembS, At NoC AL LIIM BUM watabaustyliro: MTH AVID. UK, on • Thursday Evening, at 7 Welsch:. Busineos of Immortanee in relation to the tarn out on next Monday evenlnswal btrup fairconshlera ton. J. B.: teIIOuNMAXEB, oc7:yell -- • igrA itFrimucea MASEV Y MZETING WILL BE HELD AT CITY, HALL, ,Pittsburgth On Thursdiy; . ootobei 86,1868, _ • ?yso;cLocji P. M, Hon. J. G. BLAME ) ofilfidae, Will &pees* the meeting. 008:7711 CON. ON MISTINGB AND BPYANATIZS• 'REPUBLICAN • MASS 'MEETING! ONE MORE CRAM R7ORE Oct. 18th ! • . - AT AIL CITY, On SATURDAY, October. 10th, 1868, THERE WILL BE A Grand Republican Mass Meeting! All GRANT AND TANNER CLUBS are specially. invit.d to be present with. Banners. Torches and Transparencies. Excursion Trains will 'nee tbe Depot of the Alla /bent Valley 8.-14 sb si`tdoeie Saturday morning. returning the same day. Excuraion Tickets at ONE HALF. THE REGULAR YARN. THOS. IL MARSLIALI.LIP. c. ironzi; AND. 9. NEWTON rETTB3..C. W, W. J. .GALBSZATff,• Egos.; an) other dhittagultlea speakers will deliver addresses. - oct artIOIITIIBIIDM REPUBLICANS: • GRANT AND COLFAX. ONE YORE CHARGE BEFORE our. 18th. UNDISMAYED ENCOURAGED ;. In MARKET SQUARE, Birmingham, On Friday, Everting, Oct. 9th, , • WILL BE HELD A GRAND MASS MEETING, Peeeedlng which there wl l be a TORCHLIGHT 'PROCUSION ! All GRANT AND TANNSit CLUBS of the city and vicinity are specially Invited to attend. with Banners. Torches and ,Teanspareicie : _ Distingu Ished Speakers will be In attendance. TWo Stands will be created in the Market soave. ocd: Ora E PIIBL I CAN REIETEIGS wall be held ai the times and places follow ing, and will be addressed as Indicated: ' . _ TIIIIRSDAL October tith, 1116.51. MONROEVILLE. at 73 r.\ Y. I THOMAS HOW Esq.. and Hon. GEORGE WILSON. CLINTON, MASS MEETING'S at LB x. and ;FM r. x. Bon. 4NO. 'ICIBKPATILICK, C. ROBB, Eaq.. and Het 7. H. COLLIER. DIAMOND, Allegheny City, 7% P. x. Hon. J. H. MOOBEIMAD and Col. D. L. BATON. of Wash tngton, D. O. MT.' WASHINGTON; at V z. RAIN= Vag.. and Capt. J. W.; =REM • • - VERSAILLES TOWNSHIP , at Schaal Haase. at r. K. H. H. MeOOIIIIIOK 8.-ruavr.' ANC% Es.ll. •• •• 1.•- crrY HALL, at *A P. lir. fm. JAIL O. BLAINS, of l(ataa r ' W1011%1111,143? USER rt as 7 r. 4. Hr. A., . R: GRIME and den. J. Jr:FARNSWORTH. Corner of Jan Street and Greensburg Pike.' J. N. OSKU. Esq.; of Illtasining. Cri UNIX, LAND, Pee.. PARKINSON, Esq., and go!. - SLAM/LEY: ' . - 117110.11.1 r, Oeteber.lllo4ll4B. ( • FAWN '.7OSMHIP, at Millandowa,. at 7 r. ft. Cap,: .f It. POLLOCE iad . . . TAYLOR, Esq. I BRADDOCK'S FIELD, at 7 r. W. A. M. WAT SON, J : P. DRAVO and C. :KOBE, latia:"''' TEMPERANCEVItLE; it 7 . M. EL C. MACK BELL and 4041411 COHEN Esq.. BIBMARrE HOTEL, Aktb w Ailegbaar. W. 0. MORELAND. Esq.. sad El n. J. L. GRAHAM. LAWRENCEVILLE, at 7r. Haw , a, R. BEL , FORD, of I adlaai.- MITIPLIN " OWNS 1111". at David Calhoun' s House. THOS. EWING Zsq., Bon. GEO. WILSON and IL H. 11000ANICIE, Esq. ELIZABETH. BOROUGH. at 2r. N. Eau. d. P. PENNEY and 4..M.,KIEEPAYEICE. Faq• ALLEGHENY, - aiiiner or }Mani Avenue and Lo cust street, et TP. X. W. V.: HAIFOSSind W. H. - WeGUNE, Mktg , ' • e .._-,,. ^ . DIAMOND. BIRMINGHAM. at 7.r. M Gen: =B. SWIELTZEB O. B. M. BMATI4 TRW: Ham _ AND. A. K. BROWN aad T. , P.lntkryliA "SiQl4' MILLVALE Bole ol7o ll.lll.llAri YS-..JOSM g. LAMBIE sail Gen. P. XL? COLLIER; .: By of der of Committee Notpetal t r tam i venun its . E. A. MONTOGTE. Obalnion. JNO. 8. LANZlEZ.Elotrotary. . CUT( GLASS. PAO 114 ZPLLERS & DUNT CALL AND SEE THE CELEBRATED • XONITOR WASHING MACHINE AND OItOTHES WRINGER. Also, -the lam stock of ENAMELLED WARE, GOAL RODS MID BUILDERS' IWIDWARE. At WILLITSIDES & DRUM'S, maw: '79 FEDERAL ST.. ALEGHENY D' Issourrios OF PARTNER 811,P.—The partnership heretofore existing under the name andvie of 17rIt t EiiiOrrs Was dissolved On the MST DAY OF OOTOBER, 18-8, by mut •al consent. The business will be ear ned on at the old stand by JAMES KENNEDY, who is authorised to settle all claims. JAMES KEsiNEDY. - , KENNEDY. , p s Z. S 4 D.-CIIIIRCH GLASS. 0c2:y45 RAIN PIPE.--HALL &ADAM" utrPllllloll, ARTICLE Or DRAIN PIPE, Alt sties from one to twenty-four Inches at WEL DON & KELLY'S, agents for manufacturers, 147 Wood Street, bet - weenalfth and Blith streets. - jels =ME7;V WI! I GRA GRAND TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION., Monday Evening, Oct. 12. Chief Marshal-Gen. CHARLES BARNES. Chief of stair-(yap , . HUGS S. FLEMING. Adititiblt Veneral-Dr. WM. H. mums, FIRST DIVISIGN - Catentanded by BIIIL 4: L. GRAHAM-To be composed of all Clubs and lirgan" tuitions fromaonsissideMenongahearlitim. _ SECOMDAHVIV ni ON - Cosnlindetray . WM. , P. HERBERT-To be comosed of the Imgite County Tanners. Oetend, Third. irifiltaliM a ' e l m,' moth,' Eleven t h, Thirteenth, roe Tweety•oecond sad Twentt -third -wita . fikimil all mountedlatbaXtept Want litissats.; • . • THIRD DIVISION-Coramanded by AIIII PAT- TitlibON--Tct be compelled of the Flat SeCend. Fourth, Ninth, Tenth Twelfth, Fifteenth, Six teenth. beventeenth , Nineteenth. Twentieth. mad Twenty-first wards and Grant Hussars. • . , . FOUR= DlVlSlON—Comaaanded by JQIIII 3L - GBAW—Composed of all Clatakaial Delegatbfal east of 'Federal street. i _MTH DlVlBlON—Coaraanded by Capt. JOHN bnCER -- Com,.. at _ Pal m ed, , fit 4 111 E0taa*:Thge ates raeral eet:: Chief Marshal to be dealsnated by Bled Jima: Divis.on Commanders to wearlif One d&th. Aida tO elder Mortbal. Reddest:l and Wlitnt*Meeietili:. Aldo • to Division Commanders. Red Baal: Aida to Cbter Marshal and Division tiommanders will beannounced -163UVE...! Along Laeock street to Main, along Main toCheat nnt, along Chestnut to Ohio, along Ohio' to West, along West to North Avenue, along North Avenue to Federal street, up Federal-to Sampson, sling Sampson to Beaver, down Beaver toOhio, along Ohio to Marion Avenue, along Marion Avenue to Ridge street. along Ridge to Irwin Avenue. down Irwin Avenue to Western Avenue, - along Wester* Avenue to Bidwell street, along Bidwell to Ohio. Avenue, Avenue, doe a Ohio Avenue to Beaver Avenue, along Beaver Avenue to Washington Avenue, down , Washington Avenueto Madge• street, along Mar ket to Walnut , up Walnut to Beaver AvenuCalong Beaver Avenue to Rebecca street, up Rebecca to Corry, up Corry to Martin, up Blarun to Marion Avenue,up Marlon Avenue to Ohio street, along Ohio to Federal, down' Federal 'to Suspension brldgc_, across Suspension Bridge to St. Clair street , up St. Chile to Liberty street and dismiss. • W. S. PURVIANCE, set Chairman. arSOETH SIDE DEMONSTRATION ! GRANT AND COLFAX.!! Friday Evening, Oct. 9th. fORCHLICHT PRO6EBBIOIII.. • GranSitar-hal—Col..S. FOLEY. Chief or Ilisittrui. A. BOA, JI• AAR: General=oEo. 8. WOOD: Col. J. W. Ballentine, Wm. H. Barker, • D. Mdetards. • - Jas. W, , Kerr. R. Perry.. j John Nasser. J. T. Bighorn, Wm. Weber, Wm- Waketeld, M. Shaffer. A. Trautman. P. Albright, Will M. Hartzell, ' John Mobley, D. A. Jones, Wm. Coleman, - R. L. Jones, (Ito. Bh,ifer, James Brown. D. C. Ripley, Grand Marshal will wear an Orange Sash. His Aids wiU wear White. Division Connhanders will wear Red Bash, and their Aids will wear Blue. SOUTH SIDE DIIITISIO . Major J. H. ROBERTA, Chief Marshal. . . • chief : of, Staff, DAVID DAVIS, JR. 11 . Adjutant General, JuEt. L. HAULM AIDS. John Park., ' P. lift:Cord, Lieut. E. R. Jones, J. N. McKinney, James Noble. John Arms.. Lewellyn Bahrem, Capt.-Herman Lepel, John Burford, Peril Thos. BALM Edward Rolfe. William Hawn. Henry Meisterfelt, WUllam bbaffer. Robert Have. • Chief Marshal for Allegheny City—Hajoi:A. P. Callow.. Chief Marshal for Pittsburgh—Col. Jos. Brown._ Alt to marten Wood street. right on-Water. *ad cross Stontenslon Bridge. there to join °the South Side delegations at 7X, o'clock. 5H.1.1.i.P. Route of Procession. " • The Pittsburgh and delegations from North ofMe nongsbela River will proceed over Monongahela Bridge and up Canon street, the delegation from eolith Side with right r sting on soutriend of the bridge, will fall In the rear of Pittsburgh delega tions. Thoproeession will then proceed along Car son street to McKee. along McKee to Bingham. along _ - Bingham to Mrosvenor, • alone_ Gros venor -to , Canon, along Mari on_ to Mmsdow to Barak up Sarah to Joseph,- Jo seph to Jo 'ephine„ along Josephine .to , Railroad. along Railroad to Carson. up °arson to the Borough or Orznsby. Countermarch to Joseph street, down Joseph to Sidney, woo, /Sidney to Itr u z ioe ito 'Harmony to Carson. down Canon to ai Prankiln to Washington, down Washregtoote mien. down Denman to the Dlstatand,;. Republican ei , lzens along the mate are ale *Mated to ilhonlaate adz dwellings. A trA§ftt MEETING WILL 3Z p ataitzET squmul, zinagaraumg, t Which dlatinvdslust-Ipeakers will be "meat. CANDIDATIik3, far CJITIZEMP TEMPERAINCE CANDIDATE. - tow cotntry cox insexcarks, - ' - owl& Wlt , d, 41.11egbiint Inini=l - Convention. August MM. eels & NOTICES.. Iar'QUARTERLY illiST NATIONAL BANS; (Late Pittsburgh I rust Conioany.)-' . The Directors of this Bank have this day declared • DividencLof THREE Reit ChN IN on the Block. out of the pronts of ths last laves nientbs t payable forthwith, free of State and Goverasseitt T o 0e6:761 J. D. iiCIILLY. Cuhlir STONE. WINITCOMINION • Maclaine Stone Works, Norttnrest corner of West Coalmen, Alleihe MlLWfrif. ATWATER & 00.; Have on hand orp_repare on abort nothm Hearth and Stepp Stones. 71sym for Sidewalks. Brener, Vaults. IC. Head and Tomb Stones, ha. Orders nromothr executed. Tribes reasonable WALL PAPERS, For Halls, Parlors atuis, NOW OPENING, AT 101 Market St., near Fifth At*, JOS. R. HUGHES & ERC4, FOB SALE, • , FINE SEED 'WHEAT, AT 349 LIBERTY ST. ;! HITCHCOCK. HeCREERT CO. ENAMELED GLA.SS. , --P. Z. &;p.. JOS. A. Hyrum, . . ALDERMAN AND POLICE ILAGIETRATE, ()ice, 1218 WYLIE STREET, near Waatinsirtad. PITTSBFBGE, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, AnknOwledradta. Depositions, Collections. an an other leg Limit*. busesa executed promptly. m W.4/111 SAMUEL McMASTEBS, ALDERMAN, ExAMticto Justice of Peace and Police Kula- z trate. Um e ()RANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, P.ISBI.I.RGH, PA. . Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, 'Accnowledgments. Denotations, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. inhl6 • L EADfOO pigs Beat bra Inyd s Soft Oaten& Lend JOHNBCIaCrB e LU SON. 5. EMS
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