NEI 11 -61 -4 11e4' 0 • Gold Closed at lap , * [By , Teleigr•plitop? Gazette. 270 f Yoßt, October 7, 1868. MONEY AND GOLD. Money is easy at 7 per cent. Sterling in 4114,:iit7itifig414874; 6 - peinid fit - 146%, touched 140, and. dosed at 1a9%. Cash Gold Is scarce and X® l 4 per cent. was paid for its use a day. - _,;(3107,115,,M1L1FT5. GOVirIIIIISIIti strong with increasing de mand. Coupons 'Bl, 114 ®ll4q; do. '62, 113%@)113g; do. '64, 110,0110%; do. '65, nomouog - ; do. new, losy,@lo 9 ; do. '67, 108ge)109; do. '6B; 1e,55(§)104%; 10.405, 105 0/46.kimt ‘, „n_ ".0 A R . State bonds are i:dull; MJssonrie, 911,;(§1 91%; Old Tennessees, 664; New Tenneeseee, 435gig85%; New North - Carolinas, 66. ( saxt.way WerlllBB. Raihranflaffitet iurettt4 ,- during the day but cleigitstiortg. Pewit Mall active bat lower. Express shares tweak. 5:34) rams: Canton, 45%@4914; Cum berland, 82@35; Wells, Fargo Ir. Co v 4 p r egg, 300 American, 46%(§146%;• Adams, ft),Upitg4 littl3lli;al47.3.lgeo•-. • cha Uni on, 22 @we; Quicksilver 24),. 25r lftriposa. 8(§) , preferelid.leNls.o Pacific Mail, 12614€)126%; W Un ion, 36%0%; N. '. Central, 12850123 g; Erie, 42g049%; do. preferred, 70110 70%; Hudson, 135@135 Harlem, 123; l rad it hs (§l96t Ohig rr t*Miade.yl Prat.® .=1.5‘11 C• •' ilot v Preto 1" ,M 3 Sr .astral, 118 M; Michigan South ern, 5400; Illinois Central, 145; Pitts burgh, 57g1§88; Toledo mit Rock 103g®104; == Nort hwestern, Ng® 20; do. preferred, 89®89 ` • ; Fort 'Wayne, Il1g@)111g; Hartford and Erie 23q® 23%; Terre Haute, 4241444; do. preferred,62; St. Sosephrprefergedi 88%; o.v. & Ind 80; Ashtabula, 90q. mThimf3. Mining shares heavy. Smith 6r. Paxmelee, 505; Quartz Hill, 97.; Gregory,,42s; Moniana, .90 1 .T 3 E. Copper Stocks: Boston dull; Copper Falls, 17%; Franklin, 14; Plwable, 7; Hancock, 4; Minnesota, 2; Quincy, 20. -1114.1-TARAntrnsv: The receip at. ths Nuh ! Treasury to-gley . welt 11060422. 'PfOrrienta, 11,102,804. Nil ance'l449lWsq. ix tiny ro , EXI9RTST. 1,41..501.7.{, .f . b The ertportitor the week were 13,072,588. 'New York Produce Market. r.By Teleassa k to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEvilffiVir-emitlW7.7„ ~ call - and heavy inoVNalii baler, l — ifith --- iii Tea -- 1,200 bales at 203a26%c . for middling uplands. Flour rather more, steady and more active; receipts, 5,315 bbls; sales 17,900 Ibis at $6,50 a 7„ for superfine; State and western; -$7,59a 8,05 for extra State: $7,10a8,50 for extra western; $8,60a10,30 for _white wheat extra; $7,75a10 for R.IEL O.; s6alo for extra St. Louis; 1,10a13,30 for sood to choice do; dos - in g steady; , southern more. active , and a shads firmar; with .. seles"11,801 ! bids 58,70 a 9,28 Or - Otis; /9,5043,75 for good Itili choice ilif,California.florir a shade firmer, . with . sales 4390 sacks at $8.75a - 10.7 5 , 117egier• a shade firmer, with , s a les h4 l B t .300 at 4 06 8,10. torn Meal;. the'inarket islii wader ate: regitest._ with Ages of .700 barrels 45;3025,501 0 r western, and $6,45 for Brandy-, wine. Whiskey is quiet. Wheat; the re call:lle amounted to 23,500 bushels; the mar ket .is 2a30.: better -and more active, with sales of 544000 bushels - eV $1,62a1,65 for Nog -1 2 aliviag; ,g 1,61 for Wall-and 2' do. Mixed; 41,80 !fortio. 1 dcr,- $2,12. , for red ;Indiana; 12 , ,as- for white: State. , - and 52,56a2,77-for white Michigan:- Ryeis firmer and quiet with sales of 4,ooobushels western , at $1,55a 1,65= In • lots. Barley !waive anff - firm. Barley Malt is quiet, and seek Were made' of 3,000-bushels at private terms. including 1,001 hushebi ,nowcsaada. ---P0.40; sales were made of , free iit 11,76. - ' CMS; the re; oeipts amounted to 39,800 bushels; the Mar ket is 2.a3c better, and_pere is a good spec ulative and home trade demand, with sales of 114,000 bushels at $1,104,12 for unsound, 41124,14foininiked weste rn , $1,124.5 rot do. in store; 11,17 for western yellow. Oats— receiPtfs. 9 AP Int% Ple Ma 4 440.4 bet , ter; elm ' .1 21 Vila& at :72172%ir k fat . new western afloat. Bice nominal at B%a 9%c for Carolina. Coffee dull. Sugarfirm; sales of 400 hhilif Cuba at r-ira1.1%6. -t NOIR& Sea dull and qpiet at 15a250 for American. PetrOepinflp,ll.*l6o for Astride, and 30%c for rellied,, hooded, Lester -41.1. , t sole Madarately k , 446"sit 'prediOa', . .- • 034-2416M-Wd: . : and r': -eigd ict fiie iiiio t .', , de ''''',o6l.l, '. ~'• saltei t of uff;ool' .', . .di It', 48012t4 . ~f,ditt:' - sneak , fieec6*,frift47o.Kot poorp.torlvea.': I as; 72a31,13fet:Otilifoijiµ, „_4o4ett,,cdtdult tik..,,. ',WOO. ;;Eltpth* 43°P-at 4 ' u 4 0T ,,, .10C10 F . 3 .at , for " .• , 4, - *.Ppei', - -Tericuo#* detailit: ll 4 ' lifortroffirigi/al Lei ltr , ei' - . lot ~ThitOir,l4l.rig* mi De g, • . stisioica* iroi*., Ba g , ,liv- .. ~:-q.iiiet at".43a4475. rfl.k*an ,;,' , *:. . rPel, n erliti l F l . 4447,, anq ' " ',' - • 4id , oigiso l . o9 :WL: refill`- , ' .": i '-'',B6 can.•%5344117040,? qu- at . 14 - fo r Nail riiirc4oo. l 2 % Til l ver y - firfrk , at 53 , 143194F,_ 1 cut s 9. ; ,- it 6 un,* ,c1.141,1•An . zOilug 3 : for raeSboe,a-„Turpegune quiet. „at, 42% e. -- Alcobtil'esiiarce and nominal:it ;2,65 per gallon for 95 percent. Gum Copal; gown° best London scraped 3800 u; , Zanzi bar A coast Wanlid;sl,ok iteriguela, none of the best in the market. Pork quiet and steady; sales of 51,100 bbls at 528,564 8 , 87 for mesa,--cgoqing-atts2B,li2 me t Mol 28,70 for old do.; 824a24, 50 for pr $26,75 1 $27 for prime mess. B eef lower; sales of 1 1 125 bbls at $11,5111i19,E6 forw plahLmess; 19,50a25'f0r new extra mess. Tierce Beef nominal; prime mess $21a33; IndiaLS3oa36; Mem. Beef hams ,are. dull at Wane. Cut Meats are quiet; sales isq„pac)piWit 1 01 12.4 t, 1 2V41 3 for..,Efboliloifm4, 15W1Pi1A)60,40t,,b617,41 iniool4o are dull .; and , 14e€ 0 1YC1% ), ltpxo* shottAgar sold at 16%0. ,„leird lacißtetlind unchanged* salea 606 Verceit at -14164 9 fAt , for 'ideal= 191 2 9 0 10 X Icetttle,vrAntle reiv, DAP*, fp pba pigafic t tor Phi% Mailfitlfgfor State: theme estaadyol,4 B, l 7 o o, ,Freiglitit to Liverpool ar e' decideft lower; .003.14 Ph nientmsgst•eselOr of 80,000 bus wheat at, 7%d., and 2,500 bbls flour-at 2s. Bds2e, 4%ri, closing with 9d being , asked, for Wheat. LATEST—FIour &Wed -gelid rwith a mod erate business doing in low , grades for ex port and horn* use. ‘., - ViChelifr qnhit' and scarcely* so firm; import de nihnd checked by upward turn in ocean freights. Rye scarce .and: -ivory tarn _ at .61,50a1,61.' ,Gatat quiet at 72a721/0, afloat. Corn quiet and steady , at $41141,124 " for-. and $1,13%a1,14% for . sound mixeil western afloat. Pork `rather more ate y; sales of mess at . T 28,11624 regular. Beef drill: and . clrocipiztg; Cut Meats,quiefand firm, Bacon in Moderate - request and MiChanged. ;ard quiet' al 19%49% for kat _rtsl;i'pre4nc , it eam, .Eggs hi fair demand at 20a.z,t 1 1„_, - .., • , •. EMI I 11 111 - -tzl gni i d 1 BEM • :" ~~ Lind LBI Teter:44k tit the Plttsbargb - Oli zene ' l Sr. Louts, Oct. 7.—Vobacco dull an d the prices are unchanged, :With mall sales. Cotton nothing doing. sliemp dull an drooping_ and tbe .detrinnit,. limited. FlouX d dory dull and •utichange ;'BllPixfitie 55a6; extra 46,25; double extra 37a7,25; fancy n th - ily brAndslllols9o2,-50.:1 liVhsat• dull, wi a decline of fully 10c for spring; sales fail, strictly prime, 81,80a1,95: choice.l3; good to choice filo: 2'spring sold at 41,230,33; No. 1 41;850,40. Corit dull at 95a96a. 'Oats dull and- declining ato 50a56e for common to choice. Barley unchanged; extra lowa 82,031 choice 32,15. Rye steady and the prices a little higher at-$1,20a1, fOrinitne to eboice. Pork advanced ;sales at 83(0450. Bacon iw higher: fresh clear rib sides 16%; fresh do.' 17c;closing*ory firm; shoulders- 121,403 c; Plain canvassed hams 153ta1614e. Lard is quietst2oa2.ogc for keg. Receipts—flour 5,000 bbla, wheat 2,781 bu, corn 1,163 sks, sfatB 4,367 sks, barley 3,925 sks, rye 1,412 bu, ,r . .': : ti pp.! ,P 51;7111(.1' ASP 2" T i AKE: rff ?Tr 11 • If " PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. IHURSDAY . COCTOBBft'n r 1 : - Vlikratmaliaritet. .41, M. Telegraph to theßittailath Gazette.l .. C.WFAcip, WlEreral'ExchaugoAirro, 15 9. 99. 1 ',099 d . 9 a1a117L 9 89, Pa.r. ,, l olll° P , Flenr`mitre active a MaB Tor spring 'eitialkt Wheat higood'dentscidratid4s4alic higher; - No. 1 at 111,425t,481:N0.2ati1,36a1M; oiok; tug at. 51.39 for No•_2; sales of No.4_Blnce change at USK. OorA advanced 5a40'a91 . a 926 forINNl;,ll9a9OO for. No. 2, and 88c f rejected, closing *mg at 92 for -No. 1; and NO;1 tb*aftarnotmat 92340 • c'a ta active -and, lali4C bigher„closing.iirm at 51340 for in NO, 1 store. Rvelit good demand and 4p6c higher.plosing if Op for No. 1; $1,17. a1,191ft,N0.,2; and ii,l6 i for. rejected. , Bev 81 1 xcited and 5c 'higher closing strong at $ for No. 2in store; ' sales of No. 2at $1,74a1,81, and .lardedX9ll,s6al,9o. nigh - 1 PK: "'ki t es:ono , , ~ s i . ,atill;!, forftellh !. . 25; I yob e * /. 1it.,4404t;,1 , 04 up ..1" .- I) of 404 t;, 4 • . """ I .71,0 A... 4 .' -1 1.41. '' l44 '"' wheat 6,493; win iii o at 045 bush; I hogs 1,93. . f i.vl' , 1.• ~, i :-----"--;--- ...I ?: ,a t , ~N ek o _ ii k firw , . _. . ( , cVoilliliisll4o6.oo499claeatettealoirlivx + 1 _,- WX4.ootober 70- I fieosipti4 itoutiritin t 0111111WiteatoWillbuab;+Asirite16.6411g gidar w*•-5te10,950 Jattshw ryec. - 360J finial NOW; 1, i4,42(bush. Shipments; flour, 6,9 5041 bmti wheat. 21,100 bush; seta .. b, 1 745 bush; oats, ,48,145 bush; 419; 1 40 ibida,3lFlotir firmer. 3404agetwi-ad i ttett atleivoftNe.ll V? .1 Ilt ii = 2 l Na r il Irbil* cidgan at ; Jew I,Botl,9o;tltTro 1 red at 51,88; No. 2' do. _at 62; No. 3 do. at 1 1 0 65 1:g9ld No - . *0W1%111540 ',Cara Sct better; sales . , e.,„1 at AIN ) Ost9 400 liettat'Salee Oil , .14-1141.1,„' * ,Freig 9 litL dilVal,tett, : .... d 7 41130r,0 IClwr.- . • . , 5- "'" . "'' C4llll-7"nr."--Aiiui 4 l. , (:-:!, ;. , t, tlt Teleo l ;t!ttot to tbs. rtttiPoMatet• .. i.iiirlatAiiii,Ciet. 7.=•flour,-eity ~ made held;. 512 for..treble extra white; $10,25a 100*, double ext ra .striber,lB,ssa9,oo for doable, eitra-, rfa105849,25 fordonble extra 617& - i - 1T,7 5 0 1 for-extra aWngr country ma. en Taligas at sM9a£47s ft virouble extra et 441%5041AG for. double extra white. Ryo ,held, at, 51, 1,27.. ' Barieq--warket_ &id itud, higher; No. I, at 52a2,05 for Mite and Canada. Petroleum—market very firm and demand active; refined held at 274280; trade lots 29g300. --, , 1 ~ _ Phuidelota , llllllLet. ,a . C a:Telegraph to the Pittsharth Oteette.3 . 1 . : • -* PECILADELPMEAc'• Oetober'7,=-Terie•leum' i cre guhirVerirde`4s l gl l6 ;'gtrfinerf 3o o l X. , Flour drill; Spring Wheat and estra - ftmU is i stlPBisolo,2s.?,Winter $O,lO 50_ Is'itai ()blot dii2112,110‘11,60P-fenek IKS;b0eLl; • Wheat:ln. limited drsharid'endlow t W Ir 2. and prime red,M2,42. Bye in mana; astern 'WV - MA veg . !Atli; Yel low $1,25; milted western $1:, Oats 70s 73. Groceries and Provisionslindianged. Whisky *44 3 ; • • • • " 'sitilihraultes I clirirenianienfte the Pittibeish eud &A' • • - • , litinitAtitto, October T.-4,163# limier, and unchanged. =-Wheitt - higher at 81;45 for'i No. lin store - and . - 111 - ,35 for No. 2.. Oats! firm at 51 1 ,itifOrNo1 2 : - 'Odin firitinini high, er at 93c for-No.-2a ii!Receipts.;-3' ,000 • barrels' ~ Flonr; 13$,000; bushels . -Wheat; '4,000 bush :els .Qtfts; :500, intshels:Corn....:Shipments --; .3,oool4arrele Flour; 37,000..busheislirheat -300, bushels Oats; 100 bushels Corn. • • • Memphis Market. - Mr Telearalls. to the ratirtsash.• guests:l CoOtaber 7.-1-Cotton quiet, clue ing • at• 23a23)40; receipts, 1,067 bales;• ex ports, 308 bales.: Flour flat at f7al3. • Cara scarce and nominal at 11. Oats quiet at 660.. Ikon, market brae. Cans 45nal dull at 114,75,rorhscaroe. and firmer at 42.1,40. Lard scarce at 193021. c. • Bacon: market bare of clear aides, held sit 17,0 7 abouLders, 12340; 17a19c: ' .- • . IMPORTS BY ItAILRO AIL Prrrtennunr, Pr. Wager. ATM CirMAGO lts.u.somto, October 7...-5 cart - metal, t Nimick it Co; 2 do do, Bryan it Oalighey; car corn, ?Al bags malt, A Otickenbelmer; 1 car oats, kilkshell it it; 35 tare Cheese, 14 tubs butter, 35 bas cheese, 9 bbls apples, N J Braden; 1 -znowintr.wtaebtir,s3,, ,itgajard, ST Shrivel . - &Ca; 10 bblii tallow, 18 rolls leather. M_Delange; 13 sks rags, 1 bundle, .sacke;Titts Matt Co; 3' ArldusAititter ~2 bbls onliiiis,•vi r I-steel - it' Bro;: l2 l PAldon_i loopper pipe, 15 baby - Sheet lied. - Iv ".0 Smile; 11 bbls apples, Woodworth dr, Davit san; 100 hhht*lnne`tiAsatilllAbw irnidse, W W Morrlii3ausliniestmie„ IShoenberger Blair; 2do do. Wampum, LMO Co;. VP, • bilis 'iellcias;, l l'hitil Hai* & Br0;•1 0 ff; 10 4 ., our; e ft hitrivr At Voikaniti;so A; do, in ClendeMng; 1 car oats, 1 do corn, J W''' "' Psoh; k.44(11,01811134MH0c1in 18 0 oars, mixt iE" Gina; 1 car bran,lf ':'.. F . • • %book; Sean stivetyliCP•Adaus & •', , • ,1 &liked, Elliott* Elniitimil dal dool z •• • iii* 0o;4/ 1 docdo__Hitehoodej lie 4 LO i c eirY it 0o; Ido oats, Mitchell- , titer 70 oats, Dillinger & Stertnipipg,2 o ,lo lB At alas, H.atiiii•JJK-100bblli,-Befikilp at enard; 100 do do, 88. Floyd it •,.100 do 0 , mt6kitair I. car ctifiest;'D allatrif, :250 pigs lead, B L Fahnestock & Co. 'I . ClisingLarrifro. rratutnunto racial, e t 114. u?„„ 0 r r 7.771 . qir.,-9 01 1.4.• Aillehen "he _,., l thei '. A . ca1,,,x70*Z., 8 Fillon , •& -(30 : 40=1> itt p ut S4' ....0-"lstvritark:t;l (f . : 003;14. . 8 ' ''t * ig ' l ae Ci e ° l " leitilii, a t ir t# , irOn, tt • ~ pi , , , . 1 04, 1 h1n "'r. Tige,;_ifligW43ll{4_o,o. .h; flour; 11 ,3:gais DmoMs, .2'11m4r4 ' & 00;-340408hblittriii,-,3•641tdrebead.i . 12 1 :: eke barley, 56 do whoa, . ~ iy i t.mooly t oar g Iran i - WM. Elitiltb; .140 'filo:Graff, Byers, it Co,;•tridon'lron,Mllis: lot of fur-, niture, 2A bills , chalia, : Hammer dc : Co; $0 bblit whisky, Eillilpto4 d 4 ,Wallace; 9 cocoa hdlit, Plf LouriniM &•8ra1.4 do do, Whit more, Wolf .* Co; :4 kegs butter,. C A Boucher; 10Pturips„E Boprne•,& Oro; 4 do, 1 hz bard wares:Janis+ ~I:lalpiti ..4. Clb;. 42 bbls Bead dr., iltetzgar; ,, 10 Oils pat Per,„Bakew4l „t, l 6larttions; :9) aka r corn ags, `Christy 4 Benhami 2 bbla,apples,. l do (1. do - oanlnces; 8 crooksbutter, :Van,,Gtirder; It Shepard; i,Sibblir,oldartor t•Spitek. . 10 tow rhhoMf.,3o,B44ll;Prii4A , car `; oats, ~H eil & 'BOA* 40 xi, ease, -.170Vi -Mahood & 1 'Oa. firAibla our 4204. K. 44/0. - t rPlt•r 4l Ngi 4410M40:4*DEIT. Zero rh._; oars . .bail - ' ;Spear; ce &iiMcKiWl l oar oats, gs , . It' car st v*, l _,.,' tlf.:;at.citiooi.r.(lo,' e; W. A 24 ;414 ary;;lnoes.ariwom,dor 8 sheep pelts, 1 kg tallow, Jas M - ofilt; 26 bxs starch,' J K Smith; 80. slut & barley, Fragenheim. Miller & Co; 15(Vikabarley,GlImore , St raub & Cooo' dodo: le Shield; 13 - do wheat, qui morkStraub'it'Co; 11 do "whitat;,7 di. rye. Mollimry '&Hooll;,8vdo rye, Franenheirit, Miller /It CO; 'lCar 'barlOY;'flitencer,& ' bfq- Kay; 2 'cars itivis; Win Wrii Hastings; I oar 'shipstuff, J W Stinpsiin; 5 bbls oil; 5 do ja pan; G A Kelly; 2 do driiß' ES Mere & Co; ' 1 dojapaii, J P Scott; 10 doell,'lpkg laplui, 'Harris & EWlng;2' bbls ilo,'B •• A Fah's). stock, Son & Co; 96 'emPti'liotir_ hhle, ,4 do oil bbls, A.rbuckles ei co. _ Amßoargtrir SrAvois. October 7.-3 cars barley ~3 Blidihrsit:Co; 2 carst flaxseed, hi B SuydaM; .100 bbls flour, Stewart &ang L, sulielth;, 7 ;oars! limestone, Superior, Iron Co; .2,bbla . eggs,•l - Kobe& it Eton 1. oar wheat, alluaore,Straub &OM 300. pigs lead, Beyiner, ,Bauman •* Co;• .1 oar: + flaxseed, Ewer, HanillOn i& .Co;,.:900 . plus :.lead, Faluiestook, , Hazlett & Co;•11 car wheat, It T Kennedy, it Bro; 1 oar rya,Guokenheimer 'Jr, Bro; I car fron'ore,Spaug,4•Cofl7 dozen ohairs,ll•MinPle; rde mg- 20 bgs oats, /Wra it Riving; 23 bbls apples, F• Davidson • - ATAXGrizrir• *MEI. • dILBOAD.. 00- tober, 7.-47 bp, oats, 3'do flour, 0 patter; 26 bge oats, P NOKeivy;.B &go butter; 4 do eggs, 13 pelts, Rtx Crawford; 1 bbl eggs, 1 keg batter, Paul & Gibson; 2 bbis eggs, Voigt; Mahood' dr; Co;2 bbls, eggs, 2 kegs butter, J II Graham: - 1 car lime, James Redo; 15 sks oats: 0 do rve, Scott it Gisal; 3 cars lidio stone, Shocinberger t Blair; 2 ears metal, Graff, Bennett & Co; 1 car grain, Crawford, Livingston & Co; 2 cars metal, McKnight, Pater & Co. • . 0r... `IFANIeInd".9II4IIIO. t e 9; 1 I'; 111 1. In.llßh 61/I)Zette.i Et e /2)IITEVIILLEI etotober. 7...71541es of, 47 hhds toliamor ltigs to' h . & leaf, V 4501114,25; medl u wraPlPerettirN/N Flour —lnperilne, $6,25 a 6,50. Wheat, $1,95a2,05. Corn, in hulk, Oats, 50a55. Rye, $1,86 11 4 38 . neaS POrk, 130.50a81. Lard, 19%1120c. Bacon— atom:Lidera; 13allly e a: clear rib sides, 16a18Xc; gjear raw, free, 11,27. Cotton, '24a2.5c; ' - Baltimore Market: • , ißTTelt;trotO the Il&t:Triloh:ii, October 7.—Flour dull, and ilargelobroin be bought a little tindar quo ; tation. .Wheat dull;, -good: j oholc4 i 2,3 511, 2,55; tali $2,0 0 .; • Cora Arm and 'unchanged. Oatatint; Prltnelfiaft • 'Rye' firm at 41,40 81,50. Provisions firm and ‘" oirib E, 11131SWELIJSZWay. r .1!,!x The ,river . rotaries, „to i titqKei slowly,; idehilii4e6Titithieetiches in ehirtner ' the.' e e weather. . aneplitatani'; ikiiiliff4ideslred ) for'enit l dti ati :; t:out , 3ll ,The =tate, and,Grey Elegie r arrived ?gild . "ge,PolFarrew and barges ,fidaty yeiptg.qpowt ;.4; -114.3441M0 iil4.lollo4lkriAleTi Of, JOste- due, among others, the `Armenia, Armadillo, Tanneseee and G. W. Thornon. It is liteotoblti,bottiiVitrthittheyerUlbe delayed 1), LIcI BooriproTaliVinttf* 1,13t,ati14 ' • The new steamer ikatrittsl4to , `lritainsis' River, to dalatlShe taborfreighttfor 4U interme. vita," , being. ,of , very Ught„, citattht,"*M go'thrtlngh withant delay ll - The Capt.:A. 'Shepard, is le ' ielrilar..lo4eket,:-SOr, Parkersburg . to-day, leavintpromptly at . noon. • The Camelia,' in 'command of the Veteran Ca. Wm. is 'aounced Nash.' ville. She isDean, a- neat -nn and-light for draught steamer, andno detention nee antici psted on account of low water. --':-Thoinisliforilaind Alf Moors, are the pilots on the R..C.Gray; , • .1: The _LaWrenee and Miry - Davage left Si. Louie for Pittsburgh on Monday. eE. C. Gray was to have left Cin cineinnsti for Pittsburgh on Tuesday. —The Ida Rees No. 2 and Armadillo, en route for this, passed Ironton on Monday. i• .T.The :Messenger, ,en route from St. Louis to Pittsburgh, passed _Louisville on._ Monday. • • - • ''..,The'Werauiltii;eti'rentes Irvin: St. Lillis, Wali.rsporced badly egret:aid at; Hat Island 00 1 4, .4cil7R and / 811164 .40 - , , -rjohn A.. Tat tqlos clerk of the Lady Gay, tatternptiid'abielde t St. hnis- on Monday ' with's revillmir."l-:lle failed in the attempt end lies in a critical condition. _cot. James Maratta, of the Emma Nq. 3, orris on the train,' bound west, when the callialontebutted near New Market, on the Pittabitrgh - and ("Mambos- Railroad, Fri ' daylot. IrAti bruised, pretty severely,., bat'was able - We bri through. • 3 --The. St: Louis' Democrat, of Monday, reforridg , to the sinking of the George D. Palmer. says :. The Palmer has always been-lin-Unfortunate heat. having been sunk, burnt arid ''otlierarise injured a num .-beg:4f , times heretofore. • She was nsid ,ered a tolerably; 'good stern-wheel co boat; -,valiiedat'lllll,ootior '512,000, and insured as follows: d Minnesota Insurance Company, of pc, peal, 15,000; Home . Insurance Com pany, of New Seven, $3,000. An old up. per blissis:sippi river pilot gave it as his opinion yesterday, while discussing the cause of this accident, that it. is very has. ardens for any steamer to come through the piers of the Quincy bridge after night, and that if the wind happens to be unfavorable it is quite ,dangerous at any time. —We slip the following froin Cincinnati Cbmmeicrol: r Ttie G. A. Thompson goes to Arkatagia River, .on her, return from. Pitts. With; following the, Minnie to that stream of the Fleetwood, andigen. P. Blair Democratic, can didate for the Tice Presidency. were at the Speratei-Yetheiday.' We don't like to' tell how, Oeipt.ifolloway. was• taken for Gen. Blstr t for,.fear. it may.shook.• his modesty... .. Maratta, of the Emma No 3, a rrived: from Rochester, Pa..on Sunday ' : . . . igkat is rdmored that' the echool; heacatere an 9 1 2T1 1 ,9 1,0 ? )) rirM toWnsiF9 ,1 40 F4 apecat to, . reporters salting . t hem , ""kirbett 'balite hate's load'. of eetton,tiot oPeektiftbefiteight ealthe:lmOiryistaple.'!. is atactratorapfi,a. portion of their ' etilaf vectibtlaryo, please !ME .111.1:5 *acid ' • ~ Ur.olo " (1 - vairmaaeir- cr0t.9ber,.37:4-B,Pow, falltnit wi toot coed ; IfetqhgiT caotviy, and. • ift • . • • • ST. LOUIS, Octlxiber ?..--WeXthlirdoult* . $441 rainy at 4:45 L.A.- E. 10114 . 401*(43HP'3.3.3!3; 3 3,37.: t,t;31.-10W.0.1CW1461*.:. (ti Lin ietta end "Parketiebnig _•.r. , w urfi!,,.t, root of Ifpoull street, v , : .; • MONDAYS AND TEMISD.S.TB, • ritkildaDato arto 111,11311 1 KttS ,, I Gitrf .11t . . L. Miatraalt, Vaster. •' Irtsted. wtll be raceway. at ail boars siet4 01i. EVANSVILLE , AM), fICABBVILTA—The uteaater''' •.- C4El.4A'Capt. Tgoa. ?OZ. • QN tala t a SD'Ar ` /15114 : 1 MI At', 4 4)°l6ek LINO. FLA.Oit:pt` ; , J. D. CULL.IKR.WQOD. K Vr OR CISCIN ATI, LOU-'. .., ME HP BLS anyt WRAD-Ri,:—The otessovr -'" ICOONOMISC:•• • " ' ' WUrleavo for atorrozad insernardlotoilartain- • • ra t freii pisew oply on board or pr , 4 ( iitiVoolk ',lkresii• Wirlllsll6l6EßE,tla,ii., ,;(3 •,) : N o s. 221 - AND 223 i 6rner Libe r ty lol blvbi Streets, !ZEE ~~-~rpr _ i~'~~ _ _ _._Y...~.....xw RENE j:rngr. itr GROCER/1M Offer to thetrade et Low Figures • 150,pkrt. of NEW MACKEREL, In barreao, ~•'• • IbrirPll, qUilfteril and kite. 190 oboes chotoe YOUNG LIMN, JAPAN , • ' and IMPERIAL TEAS. 50 socks obolcollAND o QN RICE. ' Sll5 bblo. choice CAROLINA IDOL • .95 bblo.ILO N toL AND SYRUP. 50 bblo, Br Bur, cimgcs broads. . .100 bob: MOL ASSES. • DO .bblo. BERMUDA. 40LABSES. . • '9OO bbldi REFINED SUGAR. ySi MOW POR GA-EIi TORIOO. OCBA and DEMA.• w .11 agoR RI 2ARA Er••• O b corrsE. , • 1111 bags JAVA and EADUATRA COFFEES . ;' 1100 eases IMPORTED CLARET. qaSti'PADRE cur' MOEILA ,CRAMDON , S COAX -1 • ISOOTOM. /LW LONDON PORTER -eon ; stoutly osbeil___ld• :=-:.. .y — aE su — ce ---- NNEID-FRUITS. — Jus t receiving, of tbis season's crop ftesb.peubes, ears, Ulterr tit) aWberries,line apple. Toma toes, Green Corn and Pelt , for:sate at , towast inar ket rstes..brthe caSepp,stngte . . 14 . corner Liberty and Band streets. , OFFICE im/. 0 re in AND auuvsvon,.; , - 0 M rittsbUrgh, tict s . . Ist, 18011 r v . . , N OT.---.. -T -p verni-nt" on rdark.t str , 1 m reel udi can hei•k,ee, r n ° he n e a UZ, 408, ' the "Nicolebit. :, o „ t h A ve nue, is r i ow t r i s i e s y t IPS' lie - Asse sment for e this Milieu; emir riled to the Ol t i fforiexat.„....berntaytteot_l,torrimy, ~,c.o_ when it will be retu w f r collection. ____— ..,,,_ isiownr. °nice 0 U. j, litPUnii.• WV oCialb Treasurer's otr.,roptpagarors: EVA 1V482e111) BY &,T W. L. GoltilltY,- ( i. WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Dtancii. 7 t : , 0 BHILTN` NP..EiT AU: kings all orders 'for Xerebindia• p_roniptly , Illefl; St ; LOWEST Militit rates. - Yarticuiir attention give; to thenala of 4latter. 'itti4 etteebecPfiell 'WM. We feel ebnident Th at lie eau ,give entire sat. blfbetioli. by =skin"' Quicsisluga sad irprr vs- TIMM at lIIGLIZEIT INARLICT riticsa, an tnerefore respectfully solicit .yontoonatasibillta. t Allocate-. apondenee answered Finn:dry. marking :Aste4 tarnished free. .lirain - itordasui ,6 arr We daily, antlitni . , .. - , . __. „ir -----------7-------- ATT, LAN & CO., • ' -- L ” -- • ' 11$M0 XIIIALSRILIN ~ 1 • t `', , :•1. :: -, ~ • , ..... I •,,. ~,, .11, ,, f; , fireeerlist-Nlour. INrialko iah►itAaea idsionic Wish Choole, Carboolollo 4444. ID ~,, ,r ts- : • 111• tr --:: . 1 ...q..icr ~.. , Na. 11s ad WOOD II4 EITREICT, is Liberty ottoot..Ptdobargu. Ps. , - - 4-- r-•-) , L= ...!. ,1 .-bolooso J., As CIA 21111111110? ,1 ...,, 0 , 4., iA• To. CLIITiILD• ill" IL' CA..ilitilm 141;;130X; CON. LW:IWISNLON; •WEROELtiTt34 I Ind:- Wholesale eakerati egibell. FaCtOriz iiaMbUra_ and ,W...U. ChIMBISA Bitter:. Lard Pots, Bacon '; Irlour, Pith; Deed NM% Or Pie u l e .ead. Pot, Pearl and Bode Jtshes, White Lime, • ed, Lard, Coal sad Car hoa OUll.lic irss .; burnt , et. - Kt MIMS NE : STEELE & SON) . ' C07117114800/1 Mathison, - AND mamas IPLOVIV,, "SW). dte N 0.9 6 ,01U4) 81 U near East, Common. ALLEGIIINT CITY, PAL. JULIE E. XILLXOII JOS. akil2lll. IVrEANOR GRAIN AND 'PRODUCE COMBUSSOIPM BEFALCIFEADI r rig 329 LIBERTY STREET. PITTSBURGH. , Consignments sol1 lcited. Rimmituralii—J. G. Martin, Casibier mechanics' National Bank;!. S. Dilworth I Co., R. T. Ken. nedi &Bra. • 1a533124 JO. iiiiCilAri. Irina Trrag.s ,/kRICHART, - 4"LG074/1/,:45924 sitxxlcain Abrn. I LOUL SE:DifilinNAL La, L J. BI.ANCHARD. Wholesale sad Retail grocers, No. '396 PENN STREET. ALIBI. 11.1111411 MrcilANE & WEB, • • 011istISION • NEETICITANTS, Desieis in FDOIllt,, 'GRAIN and PRODIIOE GEN. 'ERALLY, No. 1141 WATER STREET. above Smithfield, Pittsburg% jos FETZER & TORWABDING AND OCIXIDUCIONIESIMANTS , Vor the side urinous, Grain, Bacon, Lard. • Butter. geed Dried Fruit, ind Produceigenerally, No. 15 XARKET STREET, corner of limit, Pittsburgh. fe72.:uB EOMEx= Astmsw KNOX. -iaKNOX & SON, COMMISSION er ri &CHAragrAnia f f a i l i l: 9 D1A11106,-opiPorte City Hall, AlleglieniCitj. • ja17:117 V*ITTLE, BAIRD is - -PATTONI Wholesale Grocers, Colingsladd Mani:WM ana eis in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon fend Lard 011, to Yarns and an Pittsberdh reanntsetu gen erally , MI and 114. Flttabergh.., . • c nto Grocet. winced .eralli: ij lei= 0 girt" - azia bikiiiiiiisbiliit 4 zoitzueld and tee JOAN IftPTO .. " L . - - 1.A1311. 111VT0114111WALLACEi 0110 LE. semmoczas mil) r Ropy (.1 piw l tss, ITTBEy.T. rittsbareseu JI-TantrlS CHANIC- NGI - - ,VIVERCET.,4I4.IIIIECIMMt,;•:,Ii •. .1‘ ViltbniniglK And 19011/016jrFiV r kilt ieSielk 11._of rafffrillvrac fityeßollicava iv.: Mae; ?To.' TV FWVNA&I. Irr Boo . rnWo. W ntreerTTTA,o ac i ir .ilett rutii9P, APLITIL.ItifV 3 i =Ft? Er ENTISNING DU I. . g‘INABO tbe voimIIIITTOT asrfIWIDININDIi spi:sas_ —.--- AMEBBII/WiTot •it: „ ijTII&TION.; `. • , 1, 1 • The UNION EZPUBIACAIiiiof Allegheny coun ty are regitested to rail upon either Of the Under signed, neittbers 0f tbe Union Republican Natural. Isstieb colurnitlee.ia reference to the assessment of.voters and the naturalistion of such parties. nliens, friendly to the Unto Repiblican cadge as may. be entitled to the same. when neoenumiT infor mation and maistance will be rendered.,lt le !Meted that the Vigilance bommittees et he miler.; ent election Metrical take.tbe. neessairy stens totnaare In theft respective distrhitsproner aSiells• nisei and naturalization of all virile/ friendly ti the Union liegraidlean cense, and the Uniorit mirth llcan voters throughout the county are .also invited to aid theViglianee Oommittee4 lit their work by : reporting names, 4.3.; deity persona friendly to the crilue, whit maybe entitled Wiwi, Put Ire not yet Pstur.slise, 4 or Waled.; t: • i The persona entitled in-natinralisation ander the tiroetittiktidietkatiti; are us 'folloWs: lat. AVIA'!" ithitealltsri arse twentY-nne years of ;Adel fban rPSidiA in, the, United States for 411aVears Ind in titan fdr one year, - and who 001 IrsimilatiMisitwOlesirepreceding his implies 'Win for seenud,pepersmadp the necessary deals. ration of intentidlis, a n d Miten out his drat papers, la entitled; loan afootgnat residence and decla ration Of inti.ntioni,to'hie Anal nitaralization pa. A Ed. Any free white al enwho arrived inthis coun try under years, and who has resided in it for live veers. (three of which shall next pre ced his revel lathe 'axe of twenty-one years,, is enti i tle to his Anal naturalisation papers. 3d. And pillillteniof •IthA Me years and upwards who have; resided within the United Stat'ea for one Yeir, and Who sha l l hire enlisted in and been honombly discharged t um the armies of the •United btatts, are entnied to final papers of naturalisation W. S. rtrtillii.llClC; it 4 fifth' Si., wl _ttsburgh. E. P. JONES, 84 °rant iitreet Pittsburgh. J. ERASTUn IdeIC.EL.V V, 91.0raat bt" rittsbl. IL.V.a'AULHASER. AlleghenY OltY. DAVID REEsE. Pittsburgh. iiIN, FLlNN4TPittstiurgh. . • - • • • MITT ENsWi, East Birmingtlan4. 34111 , • NUS%Eir. ltirtningham , • JOSIAU_ Firth Plttiburgh. HENRY NElSTEncierai, oirmingham. • • ,auSznit vil&F . - PITT HIJILGH, OgtOb:T.T 3, lota. This lit to eve node have , tidied the steam boat ,',',1144111.A. MAqtr SotetlPArlitth aR end sin. gular her ,tackle, apparel, boats and furniture , at the snit of Elmore; NV'elktns'et . al,. for'iiages: , All persons intereird iney' , ippetie Sit'i special 'widen of the United• tates court, - tat beholden at the room of the District COttrt of the United States. in the O i lty of Plasburgh, oh tite r :l3th day of Otto -01 S. at 11 o'clock A. al:, then and thtre to show ca4se, if any they have, why the said st,am boat' shdttld not bo condemned for the payment o the said wages. ocky.s6 TIIOB. ,A, HOWLEY, U. 5. Marshal. riEDIENT-50 barrels Louisville . uyarsuec Cement to store and for sale by 401124 B. OANILELD rsA. BUM gvinitres; riumprOlir - ' Kerniti or Sr Hernia or ItoptlTD eured• Herois or Rupturereured U l Hernia or Rupture eared. Herniae* , Rupture tweed. Hernia or Rapture eared: Ilernis Itaituie I . ' 'lleruza 'or 41,ttirture .11 =3 i6dlcat iAire Truss. Patesi Trims. Dr. Banning's Lace Sr Doily Brace, fat the cues of Prolapens Merl': Piles. Abdominal and Bpinal Weaknesses. - • . • 101323:1 J. B. ANTILTL. LIBERTY `semi Xer produce. 'lash ad ei tall. sail 11017 —' 1511. Sue*. Corner Monter ol ih, Ps. Ellll =um rroPrib'k: .1 .' Siap4l:4 or eiirOd• • itinglisitre iteilture or geniis eared. Mrpture orlfernla itn:pluse, lierrata cared. ;,. Flare qr Kenai cored. ::11111aptere er limas ciereiL . iteptiireeitterepo iiirett; =1 FM:Ws puppet:Orr Train. SulS.Adsustingt Tram• . , Dr. 13.13. 111.1eWsSfiver..P11.ftted.Supiocirter Pile Prop for the euppo rt and cure (1 PUee. zusttc stockings, for weak and. Taricose Elastic lE3see Caps, ,for weak knee Joints. Ankle Supported; for weak knee joints. \ Shlpensory Baadages. BELY-INJECTING SYRINGES SELF.I4..TERTING SYRINGES. SELF-INIEGTING EMEINGES: BELP-111:Ek jnri4Nolo Afro, every land of &Triages. Sold at Dr. KEYSF2,'S, 140 Wood St SUSPENSORY BANDAGE SIISITNSORY SANT:M.OE9,r SUSPENSORY BANDAGES. 81313PENSolt r ".1 : BA,iDi ' GES , A dozen dLtrermt kinds A dozen diffeietit kinds A'dozen different kinds At Dr. KEYSEa'S, 140 Wood Street. zr Drug Store, No. 140 WOOD STREET, stgn offthe Golden Mortar . . Persons writing for Trusses , should send the number of inches around the body, Immeastely aver the ruptoze W DR. KEYSER will give Ida personal atton tion to the application of Trusses In adults:and children, and he la garland that; with an esperltmie. tirenti ;he will De ena bled to giTe sattnttc• IBT ASED ; L~f here !Lao eon* whatever that ittlesietof OSP wiitite4er terriabitirehil 414 be, entitle( itt:e4neritly -,,:- • • • 6 eorep 'le t s Condition ed i liealth e stabli shed.te It the elaboratire reactions, Whieh t l,ie stomach is . irbISTYIII4. ulo? 4 , 133, 1 1 !°.5tA nt FPI3, aro,r OsO doPattion to do the_rePabriNt Iatt4I4,IILIAP PflitOkti n4,ers or sores, whetber duo* tkeranirs,theliver, ' - +)• .1( - , • 4 i the kidneys or the bowels, Or liponthe Legs, ee tiriKinently theousr.eart be ntadelpbeel? Pie t * B t4tura g 13;:he,itu >! Fe hwrq itinuour lag :thesp i rmats,gromiA , ? use 'or Dr, N.EYSEWEI Lll4ti:Ctatr. sa. pleasant and agreeable Mediate,' which , Wilt +ripen: 14 sad: carry' oat Of the antwai effete` and ilea up Masada:s " thst'he.1 bus kno*fl the most-distreasing and isi-feslngcokOia, whose ilbrnr tiOni would threaten to , shake the whole constitn• tion to pleeee l , removed in She course of *few der.. In Wag stand4ig . cases -!,;•t gosannaption, or of other.. IMMt==Mii inilantio, known as cottn42l; atonic bionchltln; tee h ttlitiiee "piaryntitta;lti li I .Wonsierfal eat tatrie turaier '10).4 a tare 'the I _. i. Is ter disease Via. sztisn' , trzi 8 eo 8 1 1. ixbiii.D sT VOID 07' 28E YOAT ` VYLbjBl .> CPLlNz~jkD ' B E BB ~ r IN . V; ' - • ILIORATICD EITLTEB 01 T,112 HUMAN 211,00 D - and whtlat It adds to Us pleeleut, It et the, game time sthat!hiteA, ge,!itly but Orectheitly, the Wri t ,tho kidtkeys, the liver Iliad the glitnalite .eittere to edi,/' cleat action. to enittlikthe at:4y to take on healthful action and eradicate the diaesie: The sick sad Ai" Meted sikteala bear Ibmbadthe urines of this great. medicine; and if these Mho are eutliciYitlialive to the fmniirtnice' of health, will resort to .. it in the beginning - ot a eitnisti.or , cold,. there Won* bp 1 .1? reult azo , docility! and rnel tioneicetiy i incuridde Ftd, !noel{ surel7 Ibtry ':•.; .•, '.1.; - • Bold DP the gross,.dosen of stogie bottles at keyser's Gyeat 'MAIN 140 'Wood Street., DR. REI - SEWS RESIDENT OFFICE for I. EXAMINATIONS AND THE TREATMENT OBSTINNIE!CLIRONT.O .DISESES, lad rEw STREET, PITTSBUILGU. PA. Office 'boort from 9 A. M. MAU 4 P. 111 r most 31st, 1805, ICOTTSB 47.901**1-.• ( On an 4. -after 7731TREDA.Y0 Xar0h,50.11.5150 trains wol arrive at end depart frolic tbe Dept,cot ner of Grant afid Water streetwas f 41011," • - • - Mail to and froisraiontn, : A. Y. 6:00 M. McKeesport AccommodVn.ll:oo A. Y. 51:05 r. Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 . F. 10:35 A. N. 00 A. West NewtodAccommod' : 11:30a . ... Y. 13 its Braddoelt,a Aecommodat‘n • .0:10 P. 7:50 P. No Nlght Are. to McNeesport.lo:3o f. , K. 5:40 A. N. Wes MOM, p? Ind from West Newton law ' 511 Irorti4ket 3-14101 y .t3 _ 3, , B. SING , AirelLll I W. B. STOUT, Supertnteadent. • - 111 . .;orrtcantati Allthu'n( - - • r" •^; . 4 .•,... I. ‘ ,l pa :IWillhuo -- - - 8011127 an it ti m, wmi l ' calAYSlMl4:34Zirease tad 114 iii. .. sot. MIN [ ' INlll4.6lllitil'A i iig .................. 141V. I ik; PretMe ................... r- swam a. 111. Ira D. raw r ad EVreill••• .. • .......... t•I)1SN• rd. UM 16 ill• ' '4ll4lkt ', 341 16 ' att eDonald AWN. . filarill.koreokmda.,-.08.3a., p,:33a, ea. die Arrriu No. 551 N th IC NMI a. ore ...,„1, • . 1 . , .:.. ,- /y...i: '( /0/-2:3$111.111. Nkpresi willJeare dal'''. 11:93 A. M. EXpreSlll, to e daily. ThellAddltdwA WAllNtireires dally;ldrurniyiKesx rePtell. add Malefi 019.1"PgY*CtI01:44 adie rot' Zane to and - poLOTA'Od INlndordy. , 4-A. Newark B. B. • • ” -1 l• -t , iiiii., ,__•, __• IC 11`,1 't4 Genes& WON: NAND Sol •• Motion . . 71P7 ' 1 ,11 . ~....................._ __ ..4010i4AriNIPArkerj ,LLlFfnalarr..; VAlstar i '„ tr t On and a WEDZUCSOAX, Taut tr. . - 1 16 . Orr , Mb, 1811 . TWQ TRAINB DAlrittlitagliosval Plttebt ra l . h lion_ ~ .oeSuer,Piksnarl Catalidtoete. • for F lne 11 OW:Angulo, a points istilma -011 Bgfona, , ~,, - , ., .., 1. ,:: ..1 - 44 •1! .--J rasva g*r simian. i'F - k IN rrrtfr,l 42l l. I Mail 8:05 ex. ggr.d...•. . • ...rit'd, , , , X l 2 '...• fl_xiragli;.s 'NIP trifdys liqii.lll/45: 2 slit nodaWarlor :1, - ~" lat sod&Wtirlogi,,,-, :,,.... ~. Aettntaid . n.. 11. - :00 :Cm Keemooden• W. 50 Ad Soda Works ,--. .ad dodo Works , Accomod42 .. s:2vp m --AccOg_ods'n. 2:50 pa Mixeil Wag Dn6:1110 a ra auxedwall".".9lls_ Pis tiniton Sown.. 6:90s m Halton Amen.. B:an a a. • - - ••-•' • ' -. • Krmsgrong A.e. 0:110 ma Chaseh Train leave 't , ittairoorgb,ut 1:10 P. si• rive In Pittsburgh at 9:50 16 al: Passengers taking. ezpresa train. . have but changer of ears between linsmith, Buffalo and OIL Begloas. Mall and Express 'nutns stop only at painelplalguoluts. - • Mixed .'Filay Wild 4eso , traineetork at all stations. ( ~ . • ,. _ ,THOMAS Y. NINO, *Set. snpM W. POST= MOPE: Tieket.Asent.! ), 'l' i-- :sae . . . . 'SYLVAN Ilr!BANIMINI1"1111 it . -- 0 13.111 a, after 5ept..13t14,11408.`..the Pas— tel/ger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Bail.. road .will arrive 'at sad depart Dm ti lt Al.,tierl Street pepAmAlleghenyelty,,,aa owl.- , ~,. I 1 il7ird':l6l ehisiiiiii4 -. I ' , nod slim! itllrre Freeport No. i S:510 a sha mrt . 147 3: 1 1 11: :Ili KA D:: I I. liitt n r i e g,p i4 J it,i s lll ..I..:Li Atilepiti raison Sch•g) • jr srir n ingd , e No 2 o:4lip m E1D4121:3 ,Ici.r! Aloye trains ran dim, etoe au.n.,•• The Church Train-WM/ - Y 4 1 tact. -1011 % Sunday at I:40 a. tn., lag :AllegAatif t rf ftlAt I. m. lietangalt.Eleaves..Allagatiny' at. , :21 p. m:aad grim? at, ,lit li r . .40LX1.31=ON Titaarta—Bor sale in Packlitc..4 ~ ....between" Al e City, Cheitlat mem". faiiq,ziennett, Pine ureet., Etna:and SinelndielM , and goal only on the Mind stopping at Statioto spe.. ( • eitlea on tickets. ---.--- ,-- ' The trains leaving. Allegheny City* Irdoo Li; lii• end 51,20,.. make direct con tall at retool% - with Walkerlfltneolltageo for But.l= it at the 11aaaaha town. Throogr tickets . ma, she -p Otlice, No. 3 34. Clair street; near the Saapenstoa. Bridge Tittsbargh, end al, the iteD9ti - OX!ga ss Y• No farther irmation apply -1.1, 8E8T15,--Aaent. '. , • ~ '. 5 -. •`,, . • : 1 -- J4ILEB. Fei ral Streei:Y34POU The Western Pennaylfardarillroad will: not,ai• tame and risk for Baggage, except for wring sat. ~ r o rel, in limit th.d. rApoglailitytgoneeding rig, amount in ya v liti n t e rill be at OBIT of the owner, tin ' less take'L by special contria2a3 s 'vrmueits , MOW , Hl' , sel6 • Geiend Superit too na • - . __. ,_, , _ _ _ tiff NN 8 YLVANLik . PT, ..Ti -- • ~ ortiTRAL- Tauxam •—•-- -- . ) and a ft er Bept,_l3th. 150 W. %Flom, pi. (Avg at and depart Tr=l.tre Union be Writer of 'Washington and Libeily.streets, as f omit,. Matt 745 in.... 115 a m Day Expresi. . 1455 *l4 Fast TAne 1:40 a m Walr s 10. i. rol3o as Wail's No. 1.. 5:210 .s. at Mail Train 8:10 ass Derry Ace; n.. 7:50 a m *Cincinnati Ex 11:40 alit Weirs 1402.. 5:50 ism Wall's 1i0,t..11:51.6 la Cincinnati EX, 9:10 ain Johnstown Az. 3:00 pa Johnstown Ae.10:3 1 1 a m Brad4ocics Not , 44110p0t 4: Baltimore-Ex. 1:50 p m Phila. Exprea, 4:50 VS Plitia.,Etprese I:s9pm Wallis No. IL. •.. 441.0 pos. i Wall's No. 11. .. 9:15 pm Wall's No.. 4.. 6:15 pa : Braddock:lEoEll:oopm Ent Lh5e.2••• 7430 OM' Wall's No. 4. I:15 pm Den"' Lent. 411,15_ pat.: BrotlVorlioili:15040410 Bredkla,l4o li Itlaris pia ' Wtgirassenger 5:30 in . • I •- • - -. Cinirsn'Efain - 'Witirli •usairontsMa": . 13 day_st 9:.15- a., ni.freneblautrittabursow -. ay ni4,, W.Lettirtiing,letress Pi t sO_lit. : ,11..' and writs' st Wall'aStationo OW p. la. - - *Cincinnati Exgress leers!' !Mb'. : 1.0,0,4t5r 414 2 , SI ,Vr. TX 0 1 10 1 4 111 1.:• 1 . ', ' • ~.. r.. , _ e.,1t..) 4,. t , r or er falbrma&o.nityrnowwwg,,, i,,, :, E i? ' L ae Pennsylvania Itidirc. CSOls34,7_wirla."-as— me anyyhorror Baggage, except tin wearlag sp. ) ei,p.....,,,,„.. „ . . mint inmait.L .hr e oii,be, at -thttlxg, aflhe 4014141 ' 1 takeltlYt.Y. EDWAIII" maxi tend r RN r 1 ,41 - 1 -`• -, , :is '' 1 '•• • • , 1 rpm., co , Diii;.,2 .‘ , ,,8 - - . . i 'VVSIIVAMEINt);'- ,7 1 ,:__2'...- Or e l . , a d weautretgrAttaitoWlaWr o( birin=4:;:„,..), - ciao altimjiuoa li ild ,FAINIT.; Ili:: srAcim 4 tie & Yica Mu 7:: _ ... ..:.. ir ItitMlX. l, 24lt: :t.' -.,.• -7 . /2 . ,cni,ys.iiwitimw . a. , ' M ' ig ". • WLll%,Btirrte j : 0 . 1. iliMig Viriim If) -44 . 4141434.; -41 914 r: ES:msti:i#. 5.38 ata•. B , n m t, om , , leiMiali, illara l r:. , 8 .)te , la' " 1:3 3 $1 1 • xstassi 'A 111 11=1 ,1 MrldlArO: 3:43 1. ••• ;1 411'2111 ' .4 ' ---- "'" : - T t AN 1 117 4 g. ggigm.k.,:frop • • Na.nftlstvi s t ti t • .n.. ... 6:2 P EI Tl F e .,=l' • altiollis 1 i - .- riti_p .i Chi , r - . StariftAliV=l“2"7ollllAt; 1 - 3 4 F. R.. UTE • erakTicket. • Atli , lll:i "lira ia ...... , ...... . , ii. 13.0131111: '•• "' ' ' ' ' . I flalliMil l "iCI 0 ON I'ACIM. ROM Y, , L. 1., ivision ~: -Bodoni D ,: ~,. IMO 14; =MMEII '1 'tie BHOOTICST . AND ItIin,,EXLIABLZ EOUt a Sam the Rant to all pinata In - tOtalitidei Nevada; ,*:-: Alizona -"- tah'tfaal-ngion*::"— New Bleadco, ilthibo, .r • knaves State 16W?,Attff al.. =_Wiiiin=eirrizreg„iiriisitatzratrtral of eff-TW Ballroad„from Quipafilc:aMins; at Jam. rehab arid Weems* ttli:letsilsff let's& Pants in Kansas, At end of.- west et worth with the lINITEp OF KIIYEKBBIQint: ANT'S DAILY Lll--qirzi./11,1a14" se AND.Z7LEREff4I, 9aa.c.D You • iXrE3.YV:R4t; SAX= rdiSraci •• d all Points in e Terri orfis,spf; endwtintimeeiltsol4l TRI-*/L i K f n air Lutz oc COACH for TO_TtOnifyit.Bent,s Fort; Paul, Alba. InanAtelra„re" au°llll with the recent 'additions .of rolliMg stock. end, ev ipment, mid , the arrangements made 'with re soonsible overland Tratisportatioll Ltd " te rn te rminus, this road now 'offers- tut quailed facilities for the transmission of-freight to the ter Ticket/ for sale at all the iriticlOat Ofikee to tltie TinttedStates and Cans4ls. • Be Mire and ask for tickets' e a wreiffliuss.a BOUT 1",&00/43 EASTERN D13.08.' • ..te! ) ,•e , '.P. e # 4ent• ; 11;e1110/4MX... Ginumairrelgtit an& atAgeni : STELELMSELIII3. .` E 11:1P 0 0 to VirDAMI .QUEENSTONV 24 .. i TEE INMAN VIAIL_-STilikEiliPS, itunbeting'sixteen ffrot-cWs the ctletrrat.ed CITY OF ?Ann,: ' CITY OF ANTYIEFT,_ CITY OF BOSTON - CITY OF BALTIALOBB , EVERPIZAFRIAII4rxi; North River, 'New York. For possitr or nollter Infante. lion apply to WILIIOI vo,rtrra STitlitEonbrrmlcle Timll4llng.) Nearly oppoilw P ost UlSethr awl MEE IN HE ENE A. :L.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers