El! S lit** Gait*. GRAFT 13$511:01(161415 ritOrLE, Mama on the itlinuif; u d'ard aft Thy People's isnlglaest forroglft unsoufht:: 1 • :V. The gall of party halm 50 oit.seiy irronglit 'As to =ail thee__with Ite slanderous hotel Thou, only thou...dial wring frOlAehetlise fate The prise at which thy comrades vainly caught, Stood In the field, when all Ibe fight w as :ought, Not victory aline was In thy hand, Nor the al w healing bairn fcr wounds of strife. Nor equal freedom. nor supreme orife, w e Not only Victory thou eav'st the land, • • Pelee, liberty and-law, but very life l - • forget not, countrymen, the man,who came Before yt.dir thees when your hearts were low, When au who led had filledi nefore the foe. Weirs 110 seemed dying by the baud_olsitaase Al Bl.ger with bit brow aflame, Csito sad Willi, your anent prophet so linen* your tents, that 'limit with ate I Xl9ed/h2IWYOut hearts, had Weed TOM t enthin l iCrdi g t Warithrith'iirititade:aid s lai Tye Statioa. a rod at his scarce Wining feet, Wise so his aasslos be roadis somblete; !!' Aidcwhat he wan you in the-bloody : . sweat more sweet. Irlollm 4 "PPCT bilveTetAlid fostered day ny daY• • J -{2.IOEGUAILTBOII.ZR. • dV) • • • • -- . ••AM:131110-CAMPAIGN SONG: , i -i- iii tics t ieee Pitql - Plit. - • . "I) is beall goes whirligig,' , • .• ' tbeytOth Awl very .bad . . .., 1 vit lIP Pitia sc h glee ti on, U. ' ' ~. ,-. - lit them are in great pain. they) hraft the news from Maine, ;. Since they wan teli•whtit th,y Want ' -: • - thel Award from old 'Vermont. Bower theta are Copperheads,- ' ' ~ 1 Itettior amorare-Ilw.ternutsi-• ' j • -.eta such rowdy candidates, .•- ! , llarover rnyt this ponnirY, B o . „ VeftOdra. Copperhead i - vitternst, 1 --- :- .',4lollltrwailit;prnocritz. Copperhead, •. itittrAh I • for the General. , . Orant•andCctlfax, O. t- 117tA7rSbra,.4O0 Y, rnd l' eto n : . , eaten 1 fialandigbam, .' • , Inrebdem i d twined last exantly, U. Isla ad llearegarti ' err dloriStytartur very bard. ' ' • .. Vibe hardest thing - for them to bear . W.IM teillfalleir that 014 sardine Frank Blair mantra got to **allow him, ...LOW:atop %nerve:got to follow him; Ob. isn't it a jolly tbinb, Such spill to swallow, U. . , Fellow him'; ttillow-blm, swallow him Swallow Dinh swallow him, follow hlrtl, But they_ r( v 0 to swallow him If It Matta bur Bally.O. ' • , ....,..... .r ....., , . ..... . ._. -ERMUIiM3. --=A tine sorghim crop exists in Kentucky —Mra..lincoln it almost in Europe at —Ebgiand is trying to get up an Asso eiatedFreSS. ' =-Ifevilrork talks of having a public He• liiiit library. , _ ' —Thequeen of Spam' is now called a carpet bagger 1 --A wedding took place in the Mammoth letave last week. ' tea large crop of sugar is , promised this year in Texas- • The New York Herald has sign been suppressed in France. ----Fsee-booter Semmes • is to have his book published in Baltimore. . -- Lady Franklin, now eighty, has return ed fro* Asia to France. - . '.:._,W s so scarce in Dwell that milk lei gone . u p a cent a quart. The'New York skating rink is to be '350 feet:long and 170 wide. _ . • —A (.Jitage___.w'isper"—the man who puts the straw in the omnibus---. Punch. -43,000 was paid for the first choice , of pews in the Hebrew temple at St. Louis. ---Sir.John Bowring is usefully. engaged in translating a Chinese novel into English. —Canada, in emulation of other and older liatlolll3, has whisky frauds, debts andtaies. ' —Paris has a velocipede which carries two persona besides a footman to propel it. —A young girl was burned to death last Friday night in St. Louis by a lamp e.,10- . von. —ben. Sam Carey. the white-kiddedia - , Boling anomaly supports Seymour and Blair. is —Thousands uf_lnehela of wild rice have been gathered by the Indians in chinewaY ,__ .... country`. , i . 7 ' ,, , —A statue is to be erected in the nau ght* istaseltd, to Father Jahn, the apostle - amitraterbeft, Conn., hank watch , altith is st ° r ir r.,,# 2l 'lt NO a tatEini sin in \ ...;“ -x -Adam- Begin& -toorapapersi,,itate,mr: • \eleal:4lln Yin? # moior it ic t 11 ?/ **e irausC•figiiii; - :•.,: :•.,: - - 1 —TATdalpier4- , cif lithiplOill, has tens to kdk* wbir"11.0!1403419 put *a - li4la ii.. n=" o banr4ininide;-in-041ef. -1 r , - • ' =-41310.cdt has declined eating': any , more P- Ibil ° OP* Pr.,.fttim e : Ea _ !Ord is will ing, b u t %wen& is too tough. -=-Bostiiti' adventiete- tliongit the world , fakfolOnttoan end lot Tnnno. lB 4; Polar' biy became they lireta Boston: i -, , of el,'new ' Itiotiorpt of Alasehlkilikcninollko,'3inkrOiguit,l44;ie , \ neemeneothig thin Theodoruswoo ili, i roi:er t !'oukical writei*ykile has lisactiev4& to Foftisit of Bandit painted by, NogulLf'.... It 'Stu ii , fine state rd• diesst. n. .1 ' =--noll Itglaa are ',Winn ilSk. 4n4 .' n9n ! , in i 131414 but will: Probably rise again w hen ' the Politicidireiditionbeeonies Mote settled: The defter • stone of the Mulls: BMW Hoods& Gringo:ld -was laid +m111°114133! Ob"F?: and int e r t t °4 9 °o7,, 'North German Arctic':Espedition AraionitOdlO have been a , fallniOC,Vi nbal q froiOstri,',,dlitioniti of arctic -Wagon ,on , far I: 1;t1., i Otyr (6 - ~. tl: 7*. poni;iiiii sun iiiioNkivi)iiisf: iiiittlitieltati' .tioi to hit names lid tel anolejhaffEe v!antgt 6 , l , lo lf v f, l Pl n i k 0 24,W, 1 - ::"; ~ ta -: •I r•::' •(•' —The Pope and Queen , lirichnliv are dald' , 10 1 4 Ole only European 6 4°1-e ie 4R 3 *0 0 0 1 mitlitgola. , , ,rhey•are probably tha most mi. , 1 101101114010;sw - i , ~, 01,- ~, , - 1 , ~ fl 4 V.O. PJ _ :... P a il kk• inttir is W, P)0 , 0 0 4 1 0 4 . \ Watkat'isddsi m ohansbn., ,, At least he \ 301 i ° im l w ' ° *! nil as h 1 could ::t.P#; ,!, -/,. ,1 r t., Ite , , : -- i tg- .1 , : is r om 1 Anthony' saytradm bin net Ate . art *a do- ; : fi pi; t aw t, liro ammo abs must think it .-;+T i g igsfilS* .. Aliao l i tf l linffiae_ An ' so it, puma:. 3 , .own• are so, vosSinterfortbitiab eon' Wellnfrorkte be ..--thow.„..• • i i, , ,,i :;...Itl , 00.7Siriin, lia llisda•tißorusitaisescid 4 •• . i • -111**OVK '4001411_0: ' 4 ,1k ,14 "FP' ,4140,m. it Loom , * .. .lA' libe a kiOntl: 1 eii 0 ',:4l.ti , p ;'..i i r .i. . , , / • '144 'I U APR" , fl 0 1 Yr I_. • '- • I J P , ' liVelkelif 2.#4ollj!Thisl!l'ri o illi,ti i : dePf *iiieoweetiiti#o,444 ,o o l4 l "; ' . f 'MP; A. .A. hlfi , ittilf flaw kL , , ~.I pi f ~ (, :l'f+.o,ll- i ‘;11 :114,4 fw,.., ~.. ~,f. wit 0 a unanimously opposed the short lived fash- Dn. --Fillmore supports flceiyAur and Blair, He does this because tbrnitipOtilfki!rantge badtr,grtmcy xteglectel- C ome Ott!. as a candidate hiinself, this cappeign- - —Au indignant oraterat-aito.mtpolitifud meeting, in refuting an. opponent, thunder ed: * Chairman, I 'scorn the allega tion, and I defy the alligator." —g gentleman named Henderson diedin Baltimore on Tuesday morning from inhal ing gas which, escaped in his room at the hotel in which he was stopping. --War 111 now Mktg" betWeell Dahomey and Ashantee. This can have .no influence on the condition of Buiope, for , the dwell ers Ant tee are "noilieniar' Ls: —England has a large crop of; acorns this year, Which are bang fed tO:, the hOgs and cattle. • This : may: tx(oia . right, but might produce Monier in the - cattle'trade. Tiis f4Tenkilli the„ grandest torchlight procession ever helolin. , :ls.issaurt is to come off at Si: Lolls, All the Espnblican gawzataor4s of the chi are going to t u rn • out. • —New:Orleans has a widow who haunts one of the recorder's courts:daily, under the impression that some day: she will see , her 014 . Who** Orme tried there for ikur derQmggina .. : , • reports a 'istraw" vote, taken by him on his way to the plias the other evening. It resulted, Grant 1, Seymour 0 —showing that I3eymour's chances are no where. —A good motto: Do present duty. The present duty of Republicans is to work and to work with a Will for the October election. Let the November election take care of it self until after the lath inst. • —New forts ice-being erected all along the Rhine, and as , everybody says Peace is to be maintained; these forts are probably, put up purely • for picturesque reasons, so that when : the prese nt supply of old castles gives out these can, take their places. , The following document was sent to a citizen of Philadelphia last week; Grum) ORDER K. K. K. of P. Sir: The Grand, Order are track; you are watched, beware, hewarel The White Men's K. K. K. are in your midst. They will have your hlood if von vote the nigger ticket. Nutrom Nauatrun de fianico hicde farney. By order of the Grand Order of Ku-Klux- Klan at session in Philadelphia. [ Signed.] • S. H. F. G. —Yale students are being hotly pursued in all their tortuous courses by the New Haven police. Whenever one of them makes too much noise or hae gotten drunk, —we beg pardim, has in-yaled too much benzine,—the bobbies haul him up and fine him, and the consequence is funds are low, and'anionnsual number - of young men feel anxious to hear from home. —The Postmaster General has accepted the bid of Messrs. Leech, Piper & Co., of Kittanning, Pennsylvania, at $194,000, for carrying the mails from Fort Abercrombie to Fort Romein, 900 miles, three times a week, in four.horse post-coaches. This service opens up a vast space of our north western territory, connections being closely made with the railroad service at St. Paul, and thence by daily and triweekly service to Abercrombie. —A well-known merchant and gentleman who resides in North avenue in Allegheny, fearing the destruction of his.lawn and gar den by the vandal hosts congregated on the Common in front of the house last Monday, determined to deprive them of all exeuse far invading the privacy °ills property, by supplying them • with drinking water in th;eit of his gate. To Oilseeds tuhand two tin cops were ,placed on the sidewalk and supplied with fresh.`water, and those few Democnia_ who drink • water sllfisea4 o d the attention, but thaliikist goes to - work 'at thud tnddei ► t ind"j4llhig its ilstua system of aritAmetle; days e— were pinesd on the, sidewalk', thbefilled rob Oink' iris -.water number of ,tin cups from which many partook-I!, Thin le an es. 'cellent key to ,the Pars cawi n garithmeti i two is a,. vast- =ober, 40 by remem this, - alll Democratic sakrants of numbers hereafter., 'tans be. paged.' Five , probably Meaning a' nienslrouti • concourse and three thousandthe vastettiallitidal parade ever witnessed ,'Western Tennsilitsas. Of curse; in describing MePaiblican affairs, this &Tates must be revers 4 ntr. Emerson and the Ens* Farm com.. = The Springfield BeeuWean says: °There Will be Ono curiOsity to see how ti4Emenion, fable new COMA Of lectures, month, will handle the interesting sub. ject of. the Brook:Farm community. It in understood that one of the lecturee of the oo will be devoted topersonal recollect , tionoo.. f that singular socletywhose history has been touched On 'tr, BSWUltrille and a few alhere,tht has Airier been attempted nibs my ;'fullness bf datail. It , should be done, for it is one of the mast interesting episodes in Unit revivOniAmerionnthe n il ltt, aini•Eteraturikknown as the transcendental movement. I Among the- dwellers and= sap nom at Brook Farm were many of the per sons whnhave since= become illustrious in oar literary annals. and others who have distingtdebefk 'themseites in other "Weis. allitakr# 6 o 2l e ol l3 l 4l l PlEY, Chilies A. Da na, 'George "to r -Ourl, etc.; May be 'named by way of example, • bdt Everson, Aleott, VAnisret Tager, Theodore:Parker, W. H. Channing,V. P. Orsoih, and many more were interested, in the esperiment, which failed as an enterprise, but succeeded as is episode or*rehearealfor the future business = Ict• • dia 'h m i alen Fkainpa im. A lc i , • , , , ,•,) , ent, from Now York k for one of 4 eio.loterior, who seems, to be , pretty.well , posted, states that the way they.drink wlneinroFifth avenue, is a lop; son to,all;topork ~..liardly a grocer's cart! waling( bat yotf seethe:champagne basket , g prominent' -More iiii' the load ' After die . net *Wine' ' inertsronid freely and ..,19 ,1 53", , 1 11 111104 2 and is ' dolt' air' ijiiig' - 1 01l . O,W. for It is of goo, • .Y 2 , _11,14, ” . !If, : • ,:rbto ,00 1 1 =tin, ' I I ''t 019:1Wiq Conies around, Innitp t nivsk • inty D nio ,ptybottlea , : , Hal Itshecsiiem • wskitcvitheribWling •Itonsei , *lsis %arise dend in doe. lime they f igh :conelotritoitheßMlNisettille ". *With , heimdiga , . i i t ot t a lt irp . ~, .. r a f rlet . a°: . 4 ;.. ,Ti ti ../# 1 ' - # " ; 2 1 16 '9 ' ;" 'A' ? g ht2,,,..._', . . 1 .- ....7 „. ~ ~.., k . .., . , iigßothol h _'.. 1 04,...0„, :., . , .6.. hfrGfou.2,,b,. f4liwiy,,Owiry oattrtorn in tirwatto 3v ,- ; o'f , Po ,r•l: woq r. q• 1( . :y,•-,.i e I EL,' • I harnl , 4ll lnifu?: : it) ; r,;hr 9,1 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8; 1868. I , I ' .; : ..„. , , • . . ~ . rm. iLINEg -,•-•,.;.. ."., --tv... I l li rirlit - : —,-, ,_,DP . • -.: ~ • • ' '.,, .- virrigetrr,reirgi • - , A__ , SEASONAN & DESIRI 3 o auhatai luxe wails Amricum . 'GOO DS, TEETE ABE *DIMMED. .t. TULL EET TOD 4181 MI ' AT DIL SCOTT'S. •78 PENN BTBTXT, sn DOOR ABOVE ELAND. ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL y9:dAND E- Allll9r. IRMO:KENS OF orsturos VUIMA - ITE. - ' m GAS .FLICITTES WELDOR es, KELL!, Banufaeturers and Wholesale Dealers in laMps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP .COODS. Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS, 33MPIZINEs &O. 0.1.47 Wood Stieet. seend2 Between 6th avid 6th AVe1111436. OEIVOIENT, SOAP STONE, &c. nunuaruc C U , O.A.P STONE. MABIZER. iiple:o7o 119111110 CE LENT DRAIN PIPE, Meatiest and beet 'Pipe to the market. Also, 80-8101-DALL 8101-DALL BirDitAl Tha o CIDLIVIT,for 111. B. Itr 0.8. BROOM: TT a 00.; Office . and Stannteetory-040 BZIOSOCA ST., Allegheny. lir Orders by mall promptly attendant to. je22:1911 PIANOS. ORGANS, &O. BUY THE BEST AND CREAN . .. EST •PIANO AND ORGAN. Sehoinacker's Gold *Aid ran% AND ESTEY'S -COTTAGE ORGAN. The BCIIOIIAOSEE PIANO combiner all the latest valuable Improvements known in-tae con struction of a fret class luenument. and hem always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited._lts tour hi full. SOlllMUllislid sweet. Tee workman - shim for. durability ,damuty, surpass all others. Prim from g5O to(according to style and dntsh,) cheaper thin all other so-awed first lass ria3lo. ESTEY'S COTTAIIE OBOAN !hands et the bead of all reed Instruments. in pro clueing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any almilar instrument in the United /t is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S pATENT VOX IrOMANA TREMOLO" Is only to be found in this Organ. Price from $lOO to SSISO.$ SISO. All guaranteed for eve years- BABB, SNAKE & BVINMER, No. IS BT. CLAIR STREET. Tz NI ABE & CO.'S A.ji- AND HAINES ftROS. PIANOS. For; rale on monthly and qtarterly payments o+ • - 13Ltirall, stag GLASS, CHINA, CifiLERY. AGE, ZELLERS ofi RUFF, S 1.L:11 Wool, STREET, Manufacture .erery kind of AIN.AND ORNAMENTAL STAINED GLANS, CIDENA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, . E.: su.vzu PLAITED WAIS4 CI ad ei ta ... l'4.' PARIAN STATUETTES, c c l i ' A•• - - • 8 toiintus ta,Ass, • - r'..i i And asefirkyLjAr) i T 43104 . 5 100 WOOD lama. .' RICHARD IL:I3RICHD & --.-........ 7F.ALIATA IBLAVII4 • ACCORD & nywoon irrsairr, Arnim ready ;ilk AND MS= STOWS ef CIALWIS, AND FURS. Fars):f.l4lll4-iir:ol BTLIDGEL, • , 6 ' aakte*Outter with W., Hespenlieide. 31:1311Upft-5- 1 7 No. $3 steit2ltield Street, Pitteburgh. 11 4 1 1 E11 4 1 FALL Gpops.. A iplesdid sair stock of crxrrlis.PASlMEliatES• dto Jest teoerreil DY. 11111111101 •404: illerat i otTellor. Salthflol4 drat. RlB/11 , 7t W. 1101111AVII) - • CiilfietiaiTy and &fiery I Setwes"0014410:3111 Üb°ll74 sruumar oltrui 1114.0011 limbered , TaitZ i Cake. Baker A. Quer, Aso Imam 411 otarbric,rums lb POTS, af), igrtort4l4: AGM 04 TOTaknoo ND O1Q:dA8. ALUM • ,• ; 1a11,413 MASI; ENDS W. • "itittlniteoo AND ' No. I arra slroort tint 'at oosr. sweessuaing.): • graisl4; AVlS*f4.4lia X° X WOOKS• lEU , ' 07110144014001# lidaidicdiresi sad 1:401001 1 0. . • . TSRMI99Rt Putr•SAPol4l4poil law • 450)10010410111,.. ) • - :)ip;) ). )))) t „alisiirmo Apm renTionoth Orii.orarO•PAiridet • ' aitti 't qtqfpirval du. 111 - fr y", W).113 I,J Man= TOT& WATER YITEIL TAt, COLLIN% 96 Wood street. 43 Fifth street, agile Agent 100 WOOD ST 100 WOOD OTIIDIrT. HATS AND OAPS. • • ; ki I .-11: 2= OSEPH HORNE & CO'S. FIOSIERY, GLOVES, DOM' SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, LADIES , MERINO UNDERWEAR., MIsSEo , & BOYS' MERINO UNDERWEAR, GENT'S FU • ISHING DRESS. 0 AK * MANTILLA TRIMMING; CHANG LE MULLION FRINGES, NANCY. P AIN ONS; and SHADED VELVET • B BUTTONS. • evorruriety.. ' • E B LACES a • d LACE GOODS. GERMAN IWN WOOLEN GOODS. HAND-H IT.ZEPHEY GOODS. ENITTI , G YARNS. ZEPHYRS. and NOTION of all kinds. _ • , Also a complete ueortment of , I STRAM MILLINERI GOODS; • 'RIBBON: FLOWERS ' VELVE ORO DE NAPS. nrailli RB. PLUS, CRAPES, At. THE ARGEST ISTOCIC, the Lowest Prices, OF AN • HOUSE IN THE CITY, : OLIZALID AND RETAIL. 1 1 .= SOLICITED Now risnotiNGs, New Fringes, &wing Silk and Bullion. 1,200 Pair of Real French Corsets. White and Colored anllBo cents a Pail. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF. YARNS, IN ALL COLORS insi Now 'was "LA BELLE BALMORAL." Gent's Fall and Winter Underwear. HD GENT'S FUNIVAING GOODS. The Urged, supply and finest patterns of Ladies' & Misses' Balmoral Hosiery. WOOL HOODS AND SACQUES, Ho op Skirts, Hid an Silk Gloves. ar The VERY LOWEST RATES to Jobbets ffiIiCRIIN, CLYDE' & CO., YS aad SO Market Street. PRICES mmuLED DOWN! mACRU) & CARLISLE'S, No. 119 Filth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED ON AND ArTER AIX IST. HOOP SKIRTS. (Ladle 9'o for CORSETS, (Reg Breach,) LINEN HANDEZROEITZFB, 3 for SID GLOWS, (warranted') ?APSE COLLARS SOO Yds. SPOOL COTTON. Wood) PUCIZT zooms, wonh 60e. 8171111 MB I:MD=2=7f) MINI =AS DILAWIERB All Bandit ta at Half Mgt GREAT BARGAINS! pc ass. xxratis OF Gomm. o r eeta asidossi; 111""* et. 1111E 1 21I1 * ie MTH MEM MED cxmL wzmi. bosu cxisin coutuu DICKSON, STEWART &CO, Having remoood their 011ee to NO. an' xamsEaVint errsuirwr, moor City Floor MO)) SZOORD ZLOOB. Siritrr4 wormairzhnse,,,E.l. OT sddraised to Oxon *roue me ILL willto Weeded tor promptly. 4,IIIJOBTRONG .131101NRUNSON. us:44mm A lM=2trauarrt COAL 00... Mtn, AND DZALED omm ll Brne 16/MV LVNEI. of osporiorTo4ac y , gm AND FAMILY COAL. ' 00o• :and Yod—NO(Yr 01 TRY BTRZIrr, nest lb. OGG Works. Willi PITRNIVM!I - 118. 21 "P c * ' 118. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, wimmiAl4. i=f4 tilliNON rid.' iils: is.' f; f itss . Aly on botitt 0 Aint/Uo 7111141 T to trooortputtut In MINA Of an tea to Olt top_ • digr" 44 -1 1WIRiMW off ; AMC.OR`COTTON MIL{.B.: ' ANC HOR .. ~ _~~ Eff *ono toren of 21410 ittiirir onot'l,l,ET I Ail: 1 80W ;MID 1141010111 1 1; I " gam gs wti'BrerTiwa. 1 - ''!"ZiThOentivaass -11. . 4 , , ~ , , , vt'nNaerittit'f• ~... :..:.: claw CAI II 4 - , Igecammointi e1).9 - is q 1 . " mok ',. limellresoihouvatieg4y , e+ sr . .„•,.., _., - - int0.141441111)146011els ''' ~,, , . „ ~, .- _,, . *at( Feely. andaamedie , Dry Om* t:) ,, iim ib. tic _ ~ f ~, i :.,...... tirobv i . t' , ., , ••••• LIX P ° l ,•.‘ Van% la LlM ilki/ I tad 4001141* MOW liter ." : 0.;0„ ~40.1 fIVITAtti i 0 11 . -Ii; , ' 1 - , 1 f:I': la ' s --;:v *Trwalmatouh, LA: 0 bn.0, , ),1 hi, i;l:/ Kiiii.l. tr , IT : 4 •All I 1,:,.. •i:42 ~!.. ~..„ „I ; 1) ..:, ,q , , ~..L ..... =IS ''i- ~ - &I . I ve urrisiNniG Barred Plawiel, A 'VERY, LARGE STOCK, Ncyvcr CMerecl, IN GOOD STYLES. NEL.Oy DIG Irn ar.cx:mts, VOW OP NOW ) lu3 SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 82 Federal Street, ALUM NY CITT. • AT alle. DOUBLE FHFn 3 ALL WOOL PLAIDS AT 75e. FRENCH MERINOS. In choice colors. AT 1.133(c. BEST DALAINES. in new stiles. AT 1.23ie. CANTON FLANNELS • AT 90e.-WATEUPBOOP CLOTHS AT 624 c. PILLOW CABE LINEN, 5-4 WEDE —slightly wet. AT $l.OO LINEN 511EZTINO, 10-4 WIDE slightly wet. AT $1.50 WHITE HONEYCOMB QUILTS. AT 85.00 PAIR WRITE COUNTRY BLAN KETS. AT 20c. Der yard ORE CASE BARRED FLAN NELS. . SO i.. 1.00 . 10 Goods for Ladies' Walking &dB, 1131t1 ,1 PLAID torus's. Velour.. Repp Poplias. the vsticits doumests el the hoses iwell supplied with lire endeleetrsoleseeds. to which we would ress e etralll .th, anCEILIOU of our taro- ALT IllnliaLlE A.. . (15/IINTIIN BILRIVD WILANIIELS, ‘-1 AT L BURC 4' CO'S, No. 62 Si. Clair- Street. BLAME ik wiirrie AND OOLOBZD BABBAD TLAZNZLE. WHITS 00IIIITET TLANZZLB.. BID AND ULb O W iI.ANNEXA. v7rrre IPLANN/, biOt, makes. : BID AND OM& itemmaLs. BL.T.LCHZD CANTON 7LABNIEL I3 . TINBLZACKED • do. • BLANZZTS. DABSTUBBIS, , E.ZNTIXIZY JEAN& 44 R? Remember the pimps. • ' , . No. Bt. Clair, mu. libany St. eel? igorititairr. rarkittof PABL9B Ind ioniser with.* cam- ZunkitOre IA reduced • is our nue are WIWI/ • Uneo* ;ir volt. .11. ND lUTTMCF lc CO., =ME EXTRA HEAVY SON & CO. LESALE WH STREET. WOO HANDSOME COLORS AND QVILITIES animas. Begoeras CLOLIMOS, SAC. Wieleptde and Retail, 180 and 182 Fedual ALLISCIIENY CITY, il= • ' • . . a ; GAP • 4111;' ~.S - :.. . : - ga • . --4 - 1 •• i l l a w.- -1.--- a • ... . . .. e-• 403 F. g . ..1. 1. ~I „ ,.emi, ~,, 2, - - fr., la • a:.: • i . _ ...--',..,:-.-. . :t.,..,E..,;-,.....:.... '..,...if. ~,,...i , ,, ~ 41. ••: • al : 1 3:! 0 . „,.. t.„k:. 54• WOWS WOMB. CARPETS! No. 151 FIFT.U. •AVEN.T.JE. «as: , F ALL ,60101 IDS. " • , - ma AUN tEASON. A. TULL ASSORTNI2IT OP Velvet, • - lirussels, Tapestry, . Three 11. / 71, • lad Irsirabil C.,4L3Eti : qM'S , JVST OPENED AND OPT AT THE LOWEST axims. 01BER1I'CLINTOCK. & CO., Fa 28 Fifth Street V_ZkILX•4 IgnM:)4M,K NEWEST STYLES! TAPESTRY., AND BODY BRUSSELS, TWO arm, Tnitp:F Pi T • CARPETS,! /5/ ALL WOOL INGRAERS, in great variety. 4 COMMON CARPETS, AT VERY LOW PRICES. DRUGGETS, all Widths. MEDALLION DRIIGORTEI, • Oar stook is the largest ' sad. most *tearable wt have ever offered to the trade• BOYAR)), ROSE ac CO., mut, 21 FIFTH sumer. 71 - NEW CARPETS, ictEL or AL. 3 SS, WINDOW .SIIADES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TEE Bur GOODS ATLowler num& majutun is awn • • Next Bundle& to IL B. easiest Beare ft Pest Mee/ _VIS-1701ff • ;,- . THE GREAT - 41saltr*s . eon zurrotaou orgawase AND firMOSIMMENE. ITJus :„ =No ABBOIITI6Y VHS m.mmuTßs_voe Cibiam 'alma exAm• tit* If atm Peu_Revrazda. Owner =TS -41.muWArtxx•WM mer • IlichazdaoalloweirtBtom mw:wo _ _ AOrniumatal Imaga , Air*L'l,llllMool, Nall= wear iminawd,'lltta_WW l . ea moreasiesoflaillftit 7 ! . •6 1 . t a riatimiL42o. be 1 7". . 11 - • , 1 .3 7 3 7 7 : igii* lll 4o . ll 460: IbtatelalaVeYi t,, -,-10:4•11/1 NEW TALL ITENDOW SHAD. coimcni3 *km inumanr. TABLE AND PIANO COMO. Nos. 71 and 73 FM Stmt. HAIR AND.PIaFtadERY. .. El 11.76COrkillOrnii isascummsuissucesons. s Nes 4,111.0841, 80001:-InalimPii1.11mtdai -14101011.11,1* te-11410k41100.11WWUNIVOIll 01. 0o iIiaIMOMMIIIMM 4 SIMEIN IS .t•Fnn t,t • 5 _,11110 ;o', \ ' , liffl IMM , . tii.bl`t, tz IMESIZI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers