0 . • ern<± AND SIMITRBAN. Daily Prayer Meeting—From 12 M. to 12:30 o'clock at the Rooms of the Christian Association., No. 23 Fifth street. To Paper Manufacturers•—We call your „attention to an advertisement in to•day's ; paper inviting proposals for paper. Work on the Federal street sewer, Alle gheny, was slightly Interrupted by the heavy rain storm on Friday evening. .Gave Ball.—Harry . Price, tried and con victed a few days since of assault and bat tea, gave bail on Saturday for sentence. Will Meet. —The Second Ward Pioneer Grant Club will meet tonight at Wilkins Important buajuess will be trans acted. The Jackson tivards, Democratic, have adopted glass lamps with ribbon streamers instead 'of the old style for torchlight pro cessions. Collided.-3 couple of wagons collided at the corner of Penn and Canal streets on Stitnrday afternoon. No damage done and nobody hurt. Negotlatlons.—The Phcenix Fire Compa ny of the Eighth ward, Allegheny, are n'e gotiating with parties in the East for a new hose carriage. Fatal Accident.—A. man named George F. Myers, a stranger from some unknown parts, fell through the railroad bridge at Titusville on Friday last and was instantly 'ew Drain.—Workmen are engaged in laying a twelve inch drain pipe on the north side of the Union depot, for the purpose of d#ining the waste water from about that building. Larceny.—John Bonhers made informa tion on Saturday before Justice Salisbury, ofßirmingham, against Joseph Morris, for larceny. The accused was arrested and committed for trial. The Seventh and . Eighth Wards Night Schools will commence on Monday (this evening) at the Franklin street School House under charge of Mr. D. C. Holmes and bliss Miza J. Getty. The Norlaechi Ballet Troupe which has been delighting.. our citizens, who like legend personation, for several nights past at the Opera House, left for Indianapolis on the Pan Handle road on the 2:25 r. train yesterday. . lilareq.—Catharine Kald made informa tion on Sitimrday, before Alderman Nichol son, against Charles Drich, for surety of the peace. Drich was arrested and com naitted for trial in default of three hun dred dollars bail. The Temperance men of Allegheny coun ty are using all their efforts to elect Mr. Isaac Charles Commissioner. In our opin ion, without personal disrespect to the men engaged in the movement, they will reap little from their labor. The Committees from the different Grant Clubs in Allegheny City, appointed for the purpose of getting up a mammoth torch light procession in that city, will meet this •evening, at the Club Room of the Fourth ward, Sandusky street. Funeral.—The funeral. of Lorren Hurd; the engineer who was killed by the loco motive explosion'at Covert's station, on the Lawrence railroad, Thursday last, took place on Saturday afternoon from his late residence on. Sedgwick street, Allegheny. The meeting for suggesting names for the various city and ward offices of- the Fourth ward, held on Saturday evening, did not complete the business for which it was convened, and Wednesday evening next was designated for the next meeting, The Regular Weekly Meeting of the Seventh and Eighth Wards Grant and Col fax Club will be held this evening, and it is desirable that every member should be present, as business of importance will be brought up for the consideration of the Club. • Pleasantßecognitiono.-Mayor Blackmore was the recipient from the Mayor of Mil waukee, on behalf of this city, of a nicely bound copy of a book containing the city documents, Mayor's messages and Con troller's report for 1868, of the city of Mil waukee. Foot Race.—A foot -race took place in :Union Park, Saturday afternoon, between 'Wm. Smith and Wm. Kendrick., The dis- Rance was seventy Yarda, the stakes 1200, the time made six and one-half seconds, ending in a draw, according to the referee's decision. \ Tanner Clubs.—The officers of all equip ' ped Tanner Clubs will hold an adjourned meeting this evening, in City Hall, at eight o'clock. , /k. full attendance of all the officers of each Club is earnestly requested, as business of importance will be brought before the meeting. Meets To-Night—The committees ap pointed by the. various Grant Ml6's, with reference tgthe proposed torchlight proces- Mon in Allegheny, will meet this evening at headquarters of the Fourth Ward Club, corner Sandusky and Leacock streets, at half-past seven o'clock. Home.—The Second" Ward Pioneer Grant - Club, the . Central Tanners Club and many of the Boys In Blue who participated in the recent demonstration in Philadelphia have got home. They universally express them selves as highly pleased with their trip, and the reception received in Philadelphia. A New Cross—There is same talk of erecting a cross on the top of the new spire \of the Cathedral, and arranging around its outer edge gas jets which can be/lighted up at night with an electrical apparatus. The idea is a novel one, and would doubtless t prove an attractive one in church architec ture, Going it-Bllnd.—A blind horse attached to a coal wagon ran off down Fifth avenue,, on Saturday afternoon. Just in front of the Chronfete °Mee the runaway came. in con tact, with a two horse carriage, in which was seated two young ladies. The carriage was badly broken, - and the ladies frightened considerably, but beyond this no damage Was done. —..th*rgetvrtown lealr.--The above Fair eo o ff on. Tuesday and Wednesday nex t, e October mag fth and 7th, and promises to b one th ' held at that place. A match of . e m best o'7o bane 4 m will be w oo d in the af ternoon.game'''' of the ljrist day (Tuesday) betwefo the lierehants Club of Pittsburgh and th e. I The Panhandle Railroad 1laule" a Pal L. mon tickets at all : IvaVe agtls6d to imti6elceur b to Steuben — the Statloniirorn Pittsburg . , . ville. - ..w d .Zit'te.--ne , dashing General Klima,. " tame,arrived in this env, rieki fulfil- 1 T ede m a morning . d ft ' Mtad r ig 'Depot i Hotel, and l eft ;) Itt y for th° :Won the westward train. th e-M potted ir°l have done. groat service 114118. g re li p ° cowlings Of the grand WA . delis- s e t" ention Philadel diet" m akin g no lees than fi ve Ohm leE Mo has the ring of Speenhat4r one tra6 dots , _Aloof a. Ravh—ithe .I:oernuiyl of the old Thlrd ward, now the Fifth, met at Imffyitt,_ or the .flattery, If you please, on Saturday Svoning, for the porposo of suggesting rult ', Al& persona to 1015010011 t, them In the feria tesOmlng elections, but the starlike ltroolivt. tiro of a nts rttber of thotre prtrlertt prevented a fair 02tpretell_on of opinion. Iris other words, the truintlng Was totted breaking up lit a row by the timely adjournment of the conoittVo titre titoewg wilt- struck,. The Young Apostle. of Greenbacks for Bonds, Hon. ileorge H. Pendleton, of Ohio, arriVed . in the city 'late' Saturday night. He was escorted to the , St. Cliarles Hotel by the Democratic Jackson Association. •The Procession To.day.—The Democrats hold their Mass Convention to-day, and will parade the streets. We trust that there will be no Republicans found guilty of interfering with the opposition or offer ing any indignity whatever. • ----- Corner Stone Laid.--The corner stone of St- Joseph's Catholic Church, Monastry Hill, Birmingham, was laid yesterday after noon wish appropriate ceremonies. Right Rev. Rev. Bishop Dorneneo officiated and preached an able and eloquent sermon, Several Catholic societies were in attend ance from the city; accompanied by a brass band and marshaled by our esteemed fel low citizen Dr. Geo. H. Keyser. I=l On Monday Next.—R. Stockett Matthews is announced to speak in the. City Hall on Monday evening, Octobcr 12th? This intel ligence will be appreciated, inasmuch as considerable disappointment was experi enced because of the failure of that gentle man to fulfill an engagement at the Dia mond in Allegheny, on Saturday- evening last, owing to the illness of his wife. There is no doubt of his, being present, and we can safely predict a large meeting of citi zens present to greet him. Remains Found. —The remains of Alex ander Mars, late Captain of the steamer Baltic, notice of whose death from acci dental drowning has already been pub fished,: were fished up on Friday last in the Ohio river. a short distance 'below Cincin nati. They were in such a' decomposed con dition as to defy all efforts' at identification, the pants alone serving to effect that object. His friends brought them to his late resi dence in Baden, Beaver county, where they were buried on Saturday last. Probable Fatal Accident.--A man, whose name we were unable to learn, while in an intoxicated condition, on Sabbath after noon, fell over the bridge crossing Char tiers Creek, about two miles from the city, receiving injuries which will doubtless prove fatal. He was conveyed to/Mercy Hospital. He complains of his hack and 'wk. The physician. in attendance pro nounces him in a very critical condition, and expresses the opinion that he will not survive many hours. A bottle containing whisky was found near where he fell. Opera House.—The attractions at this place of amusement for the week are of a more solid character thari - those of the week just closed. The services of Mr. Mark Smith, the distinguished comedian, have been secured, and that gentleman appears this evening as Sir Peter in the "School for Scandal." Mi. Smith has a national repu tation as a first-class actor, and we hdve no doubt the rendition of the part he as sumes will be highly acceptable. The Stock Company is excellent, and the play all through will be produced in good style. Detective Commitment.—George Bishop, committed a feed days ago by Alderman Irwin, of the Twelfth (old Ninth) ward, on a charge of larceny by bailee. was re leased on the ground of a very trifling de fect in the commitment, viz: the constable is charged to deliver the body of George Bishop to the keeper of the Indiana county jail, instead of the warden of the jail of this county. The very trifling omis sion of the name of the prosecutor adds to the defective character of the commitment. The attorney for Bishop presented the commitment to Court on Saturday last, and-asked the release of his client, which was ordered by Judge Sterrett. In FridaVe paper we published an ac count of a confidence game practiced cm Mr. Samuel Sawyer. Our reporter made more of the circumstance than he would have done had he known the high position and standing of Rev. Samuel Sawyer, w was made to figure so largely in it. The gentleman's confidence was in large meas ure abused by the man who borrowed the money from him, but he made the loan lin charity and does not feel that be was guilty of any great lack of discretion in even helping a bad man in distress. We are very sorry that the article found its way into our columns, believing that it fur nished the particulars of an affair which should have been private. In a Paneful Spirit Jerry Driscoll, who keeps a tavern at 21 Webster street, had his door forced open, several panes in the clOor sash and also in the window sash broken, early on Sunday morning, by John M'Carthy. John NMI re fused admission and resorted to villence to, accomplish that which he failed to effect by gentle coaxing and persuasion. Dris coll preferred a charge of malicious mis chief against M'Carthy before Mayor Blackmore, who issued a warrant for the boisterous John. He has not yet been ar rested. , Death of an Old River Pilot: Mr. Tames H. Jones, a well-known citi zen and pilot on these rivere, died very suddenly at his residence in Birmingham, on Friday, from apoplexy. While on duty at his post in the pilot house, on Thursday, he was overcome by a peculiar sensation, and almost unconsciously he pulled the bell rope, stopping the engine. The par ties below not knowing the cause of deten tion, hurried up and fouud the unfortunate man partially unconscious, ono side of his body