I SONG OF SUMMER NIGHT. IST .3EOUGZ M:DONALL, The west is broken Into bars Of orange. gold and gray: Gone to the Sun. cOzne are the ,tari. And ulgutinfolds the day. 2Hp boat glides down ibm g , itllne' stream Whose flitting, g.owing breast - Is4lailled with one fading gleam, he death -smile of , the west, The river flows; the sky is stilt; n has nO cosseless ones?: Sad hearts and eyes may flow and all To think of 611 C a rest. . • . The stream flow: on. The skies repose. All n ght the star-bniaus play. In clouds and ;flews the river flows, Tne sky Is clear alway. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE). Thetrial of Rev. J. P. Hubbard, of the • Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island, for a breach of the canon, "Of Persons not Min isters Officiating," re-opened on the 23d ult., and_has not been concluded. Great courtesy and pleasant, feelitig exist between the two parties in the proceeding. The counsel on the two sides, presented an agreed statement of the facts, admitting the exchange of pulpits. This left only the sr . gument on the law to be _presented. The points of the piesentors assume that the ! (=on had 'reference to dissenting Minis ters, and the duty of respecting the order, of the Bishop of the Diocese. The counsel insisted on strict obedience being due front a Presbyter to his. Diocesan, quoting fron4 Ignatius and Origen the dictum, '!Do noth ing without the Bishop."' The counsel for the ,respondent insisted that the canon in question, was intended to prevent impostors, and not the __clergy of other de nominations, from preaching, giving soy ' eral instances-in which such •ministers -have officiated in the English and Ameri ean Churches. It was also contended that the Bishop's letter was not an actual pro hibition; and, if it be so iegarded, that a Bishop has no right "to direct a presbyter in a question of doctrine, worship, or con science." Dr. J. C. Smith presented the argument on the doctrines of the Church supposed to be violated. These were; Ist, the exclusive validity of episcopal ordina tion; and 2d, the possession of peculiar sacerdotal pbwers by those who were thus ordained in the series of "an uninterrupted ' actual apostolic successor." These doe trineshe urged were not in the standard of `the Church, and Mr. Hubbi rd was under no obligation to believe . them. The Pittsburgh Synod of the Evangelical 4utheran Church met in Erie, Penna., on Wednesday. The. Synod was called to or ' -der in the absence of the President by Rev. H. W. Roth, English Secretary. After the usual Openino• devotional exercises, the - - ' President's report was then read, and touch ing reference was made to the absent Presi dent, who was lying at death's door calmly waiting his departure to another world. -His last words, in reference to the Synod - were very effectini The election of officers was then held and resulted .as foll2ws Rev. G. A. Wentzell, D.D., of Pittsburgh, Pa., President ; Rev. H. W. Roth, of Pitts burgh, English Secretary ; Rev. •C. F. Bochner, of Erie, Pa., German Secretary ; Rev. W. F. Ullery, of Greensburg,' Pa., - Missionary President. The Synodical ser mon Wei; preached by Rev. S. Laird, of Pittsburgh, the evening of the first day's session. Thursday evening the Missionary Anniversary took place. Addresses were delivered by Rev. D. M. Kemerer and .others. The Synod is still in session. The American Christian Commission is .organizine- fora series of State Conventions -similar to those which were held last Winter and Spring. Meetings are announced to be °held for,. Illinois at- Bloomington, on : the twentieth of this month, and for Min nesota at MinneaPolis, beginning Decezn• ber Ist. A considerable number of Presbyteries have recently taken action on the question -of the Plan of Union. The New School bodies are almost or quite unanimous in -accepting the plan, while the Old School bodies are quite i divided. It is not expected that the requisite three-fourths of the Pres byteries will accede to the exact terms of the Plan of Union. The Independent represents _ that those who object to it affirm their de 'sire for union on the platform of the simple standards. Rev. Mr. Rankin, of Charlestown, Massa=. chusetts, argues in favor of two sermons rather than one for Sabbath, and then, from statistics of, twq„hundied years, that !ongev ity of ministers has been promoted, and that in New England ministers who preach ed' two sermons on the Sabbath averaged sla ty years. • Rev. Dr. Whedon, the able editor of the Methodist Quarterly Rain?, has in course of-preparation a commentary on the book of Genesis. Its chief design is to harmon ize the Mosaic record and recent - scientific discoveries. , At a Methodist Camp -meeting held at C-reenport,' Long Island, Rev. S. H. Tyng Jr:, preached, and was followed with re marks by Rev. Mr. Duryea, Congregation alist, of Brooklyn. Mr. Tyng's sermon was characterized by simplicity, earnestness, telling anecdotes, and not a little of relig ious emotion. 'Bespoke extemporaneously, and with inency, for about fifty minutes, evoking. hearty "Amens" from all parts of the assembly. - During the - late session of the Kentucky. ( ) conference, (Southern Methodist Episcopal - Church) at Frankfort, the capitalof Ken twky, the followlag incident' shows. that. 4'41,14 tye,worm moves. - ' .'., The pulpit ofthe , African Methodist lifid African Baptist Churthes were filled by these Southern Et readt ers, ,whogave great satisfaction. , An , Old,negro woman went up to one Of the. „ officiating preachers and said, "When - I sits ha ppyrulwaysfiiutSin - y,eyei, and you talked.so:, Much like,a . nigger, I thought I -was listerungto,a Digger , preacher. Brews Ide Lord." The Congregatsonaltat states that the Con gregational Church at Albert Lea, Minnes ota, baiting - received an offer, of twenty five hundred dollars from Re+, Dr. Paxton's church of New York to help build a meet ing house on condition it would econie Oidlidwol-Prestoteria4l_ tuts Total tavac- Jay r. The WifICOIII3iII Lutheran Synod recently have formally and solemnly declared-in favor of= close communion and non-exchange of pulpits, as in accordance with the doc trine of that Church. - The Catholic Bishop of New Brunswick, Rev, Dr. Boyers, commends Christian fel lowship between Catholics and Protestants in Ids diocese.. He regards it as illustrating the true Christian spirit on the part of those who differ in their religious views, but are charitable and tolerant to all. MEI IThe American Christian Commission has issued a Call for a National Christian Con vention,_to meet in the Refornied Protestant Dutch church,lcorner of Fifth avenue and Twenty-ninth street, New York, on Tues ,day, Nevember 7th, at 10 o'clock. Topics of gerie l ral interest and pressing interest to the cause of Christianity in An - erica, and the evangelization of the teeming millions of her population, will be discussed. About forty years ago a positive old farmer, residing near Liberty, Montgomery county, Ohio, donated a lot to the Church in that place for a church buildingand grave yard, and determined to make the gift irre vocable and the purpose unchangable. He deeded the lot "To. God Almighty, His Heirs and Assigns forever!" The deed is on record in Montgomery county, Ohio. Bishop Simpson spent last Sabbath in this city, preaching in Christ M. E. Church in the morning, and in the afternoon he delivered an address on ,the - Allegheny. wharf, near the Suspension Bridge, for the Young Men's Christian Association. He was on his way to Kankakee, Illinois, where the Rock River Conference is holding its session, and had jusy come from Wash ington, D. C, where he 14hd celebrated the marriage of Captain Robert Lincoln, eldest son of President Lincoln, with Miss Mary Harlan, only daughter of Senator Harlan, of lowa, :F - PHALLONIi "PAPELI.N LOTION," FOR BEAUTIFYING THE SKIN AND COM PLEXION. Removes all Eruptions, Freckles, Pimples, Moth Elotchei. Tan. etc.. and renders toe Skin sott, nnd blow:atm. For , Ladles in the Nursery it Is Invaluable. For Gentlemen. atter Iharing, It bas no equal. "PAPHIAN LOTION" s the only reliable remedy for diseases and. Wein lams of the skin. PELRALOWS "PAPEUAN SOAP" • For the Toilet, Nursery and Bath; will not chap the skin. Price, 13.5 cents per cake. A new Perfume for the Handkerchief. Exclulstte, delicate, laating fragrance. Sold by all bruggibts. • . PIIALON d: SON, NOW York. le3:*-24-wp ta-BATCEIELOWS HAIR DYE. . This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no. disappoiiirrnent; no ridiculous tints; remedies the effects or bad dyem turigo. rafts and leases the Hale soft and beautiful. black or brawn. Sold by; ail Druggists and Perfumer,: and property a 3 Vltdn e tElteeior's Wig Fatto : "o,onlrexwiort. v_t rar'GUIDE •TO MARRIAGE.- Young Men's .Guide to .Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane views of benev olent Phyalelans, on the Errors and Abuses Incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD A. SOCIATION, Box P.. Pbtlwjeiphla. Pa. ' mvlB:O3T ------- A reIISERABLE LIFE Is that of the dyspeptic. Why suffer when Roback•s Blood Pliriller and Blood Pills will sorely cure you I! They can be obtained from any druggist. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. C °NV A T ASCENTS Should u:e Robaek's Stomach Bitters to strengthen the prostration which always folloth acute diseases; it will be found far superior as a stimulating tonic - to any of the nine and bark preparations of the present day. „ • • Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. • • EVERYBODY Should keep constantly within their reach these In valuable rerneuies to successfully combat-disease, Boback's 'Blood Pills, Robark•s Stomach Bitters, and Roback•s Blood Purifier; they are Infallible in the!diseases for which they are recommended. Sold by all Druggists Eterywhere.. ERysipr.T AC Often arises from morbid condltMit of the entire system. and no better remedies can- be found than Dr. Itobs.ek's Blood Purifier sad Blood Pills. &oldby all Draggiits Everywhere. . • AN OUNCE OF PREVENTIVE Is worth ,a.pound or cure. Fever and Ague can be prevented In all climates and in all cOnStt tuttons by the constant use of Roback 's stomach hitters, and oil times the very worst cases have been cured by their timely use. Persons living in walariou.s dis tricts should never Ixt without them. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. NEURALGIA • Can be effectually cured by taking Dr. Robacic'e Blood Purifier and . Blood Pills, and bathing the af fected• parts with Tincture of Aconite or Chloro form. Sold- by all Druggists Everywhere., NOBODY Can afford, to be without such valuablemedleliee as Boback's — Blood pulo. stomach Bittele and Blood Purifier. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. • CONVALESCENTS .• _Or persons recovering from Fevers or any of the mapgualit • forms of disease, find Roback , ig Stomach I.llVers Invaluable as a tonic and stimulant for removing alt the prostrating effects which follow *Seise; It supplies the greitt !tint so long felt to r a sate and reliable tonic . and 'apPetizer. Sold byall Ihrsigitists EverTwbere.- E • • o SltiEtS, THE N 7 • The Agents for the saie•of BOSTAA/C!S atAkinii PILLS.. STOMACH BITTERS and BLOOD PUltk FLEB, are all Druggist. everYwhere• I • U. S. PROPRIEURY. UDIGINE , RbiquETaits. crxerbriv.A.% - 4, o. sehiarwr-if T ItANSPAILE NT GREEN OIL cuyru, (or 'Window iiiltailem—superior fu q — uality and lower In prlee.than—the itaateru manu facture. Another large supply of the different widths jug& receiVVd from factory. Jei itimaps, • and *L. (F lair itreitt. SPECIAL NOTICES. "PLOII DE MAYO," PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : MONDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1888: 1 ,--,-,r.,-----,--ATlOnoNsautEs,,,, '''''• ' t .'''''' A SSIGNEE'S SALE.— . CLOTHS, OA,SSMERE,g, &C. - MONDAY 3 fORNING. October 12th - , 1868, at .10 o'clock. by order of John H. Bailey, EN., AS slanee In Bankruptcy of Samuel Hirsh, will la- sold at the tionuriercLll Sales Rooms, No. 106 smith field street, a large stock or Clothing . , Cloths, vas stmeres, Gen's Furnisidog Goods. do, comprising Cassimere Frock and Sack Coats, Cass.mere Pants. Overcoats. Vests, Jackets, Underbhirts, 0wn..., Collars, Glover, socks. Neck Ties. Handkerchiefs, 23 pieces casstmere, Buttons, . c. se: Mt 3 t ' A. 3 IeILWAINE, AucCr. STOCKS & BONDS—EXCIIANGE AND THUM NATIONAL.. TUESDAY EVENIAO, October 6th, 1808. at 7'i o'clock, will be'so d. on second Boor or common:lst Bales Booms. 106 t"tulthileld street: 30 shares ExChange National Bank Stock. 30 shares Third National Houk. *733 Borough of Lawreneevhle 4 shares Pittsburgh Nat. Coal & (Joke Co. 2 shares AlleahenY oc3 A. IiteII.WAINE, Auctioneer. DOWER INTEREST AT AEC zIoN.-TL iCBDAY EVENING, Ortoher O. at 73t, o'clock, will be sow, on second door of cum • morels! sales Rooms. 'IOG smithilelo street. the Dower Interest of - Mrs; Thomas Holmes in two houses and tots on Ross street, tlio rental being one thousand dollars per annum. A. lkicil.WAINE. Anctioneer. BY PALM/in4: PBII.LIpa PALMER & PHILLIPS, AIICTIONE.ERS And Commission. Merchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh; Fa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goode and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING Consignments Solicited. Prompt lie tarns. FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. TWO HOUSES AND LOT on Can oil street, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, as the party Is Stout leaving the city, and wishes to dispose of the property before removing. SAW MILL, TWO DIVELLING HOUSES, TWC BARNS, with good FARM, and about 800 acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cast 84,500—balance on time, to suit buyer. FARM OF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn: 50 acres of the land FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad very well loc substantial ising ,stock; improvements" are good and ; 100 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell a good brick house, Containing eve rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars. andwould rent for the amount In six years. X LARGE LOT OF GROUND, having a river front, and very convenient of scores.TAI4NERI, the ci, and having a well est ablished customconvenient or to local • tr ty ade connected therewith; a good dwelling said forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in Sharpsburg, near the railroad: would make a good coal yard. HOTEL FOR SALE.—That fine Hotel property, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and • fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. FOR RENT • One large Hottae, for Boarding Hease. One new Brick House, 8 rooms. One new Brick Home of 4 rooms. One new Brick House of 3 rooms. One House of 5 rooms and lot 55 by 140. One House cf 7 rooms awl lot 150 t , y 150. • Two new Brlck Housee, n coon each. One new Frame House, 4 l' o olll6. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. . One new Frame House In Wllklitsborg, having six rooms and tare lot, welt ,utted for garden. 7 acres that can he - divided Into acre iota. 5 Lots to Oakland. 11 ...... Power and a large Boom and' Yard for rent. In a trood location. Will b l 'muted for short or long, ime. FOR LEASE OK SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward, WANTED -3, 000 feet of pia/aging 3to 4 tnchca thick. . TO LOAN---$5O l OOO, 12: SUMS OF /15,090 AND UPWARd. ' APPLY AT IBEEM O. P. lIATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. 2,000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, Union Pacific Railroad Company, &ASTERN DIVISION', Lying along the Line of their road, st $l,OO TO ?,5,00 PER ACRE, Aid on a CI EDIT OF FIVE YEARS. For farther particulars, maps, ac., address JOHN - P. DEVEHEI7X. Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansa' Or CHAS. B. LABBOBB, SeePy, Ma ENN STREET DWELLING , • FOR SALE. That splendid three-eitorr BRICK BWELLINC No. 135 Penn Street, Adjoining the residence of Wm. Meßnicht, Esq. Is handsomely finlslie.l. t , as all Ih. , 00dern Improve ments. Also. a g.od Fire Prow Safe Lab e.• -table and carriage house In the rear. Lot Is 24 feet on Penn Istrert, aid extends back 160 beet to N. private alley. Location. Is one of the mo•t de•lrable in the city. For further particulars ennulre of ISAAC DI. PENNOCE, 'No. 191iwin street N r.: x 99 NORTH AVENU*; PROPERTY, (SECOND WARD, ALLEGHENY.) FOIL SALE, A. very desirable UM:MLR 2-STORY BRICK DWELLi N. ti•II-aUSE, nitrate. •u North Avenue. tieeond %Vara; A licklieny. containing twelve large rooms, with all the nee, Beau eoave,,ten ev s, li u it .ss hot amd cold water. gas ihroinzhout all aidslied In the most modern style. Lot 4aix i VI. To persons lu quest or nr-t clam, property the above is especial ly recommended. • For further Information apply to -W. P. PRICE, Real EstaTo and Insar.tnce Agent, • oca:y42_ No. 33 oirl,l , TitEET. Allegheny. _ ________________________ 5()0 'WILL PURCHASE A §5. NEAT COUNTRY SKAT. CUll• filing 9 Sores, all under fence and cultivation. The Improyemenlb ate A col txge Noose, with stable and other outbuildings; 200 bearing fruit trees, of best selectlon4 ; watered It) , two never-faillng springs. rituated 4 utiles from the city, near to licKee's notke and Chartlera Crrek. Prom this plane an ..txtenalve view can be had of Manchester, Allegheny City and the' rivers. Teems eesy. Apply to • . . H. MCLAIN a CO., mal - • Cor. Fourth and Smithfield streets. F OR 'SALE . & TO LET.-.Houses mid Lots for sale in all parts of She tilty and au oxba.• Also, several , FAlotn • in gum., locations. Also,.a small WOOLEN FACTORY. with 20 acres 'es' land, and good improvements, which 1 will sell :cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses n to let on good streets. Friss te Dwelling'Uouses for tOriviribop cities. For further partici:liars ingttire !.. , • •'; '• • • WILLIAM WARD, ' is= ILO (*rant street. unvosAe Cathedral. „ , , . .. . . TWO...STORY BRICK DWELL . /NG 00110: 'FOR' sALE—new, well built sof In goal • order/lye rooms, Mellen and cellar, well . fine fpump... hake wren and hydrant, grape 14ftfrpllnItlT17 & I.+ONS. ..rioes.,pae. /Liao thn allotting/ bailee or two Ntorlea, tone - inomil;PantrY Witt cellar , wfth lot sixty feet "front Otr Shelby street. (old .7th ward.) by 100 feet deep te AA &IVY."' A P 9l 64±' ;` ' ''. '' • - ' .bs Amltheeld etreet.. • LOTS FOR ..BALE by , 5.. 4 1. 7- I:Himorr a BONS. 'V3gU I3Aft '6 . &.;I,IOSERL, • • FRUIT HUMID A.SSODIA.TION BUILDINGS, Non. a, and 4 St.,Olair Strtcr..,Plttaloarga, Ea. Special stVnxtlon given to tlin dezto..hug and ball. Dry; of col= mitt„iii.. 4 3 Sad UStLIO Bina..DDro4, BY TIIE St. Tenie. lifaeonrl A NEltiit.ltlßllt THE LAKE HOUSE, St , oneboro, Pa., (On tile lino of Jamestown . & Franklin Railroad, one hour's ride from Franklin.) This house IS large. new and commodious, well furnished has billiard rooms, ten-pin alleys and covered prome nades. It Is on the banks of the 'most: charming Fairy Lake in America, abounding in fish, and ad mintble for sailing purposes, earrounded with Sul phur 'linage, romantic-scenery, &c. siterb egt summer,resort In the State. Address. • • 14. T. KEDIN/41111% Px•oxirletiar, eo-reeeeeeweere.r:f ...................... STANDARD ._• , . RICAN BIMi,IM TABLES, , 'lndisputably the best in nSe. NEW IMplito9s - Patented .Nor: 25th, 1867, lind April 214, 1868. Everything relating to blb lard s orate . Ouruality and lowest prices always on hand. NEW CUE Tlii/IftLEIL, Patentel May tith, mit. prise s2.so—a great success. Illnottaledprlettilats sent on appllcatlon. A ddiese 63, 6b, 67 mid OD 1)11Q3BY Se., 'ow Yost OltY .4y6:s6l:rwhi A 4 .0 ORPHANS' COI:1W Alx. • BY Virtue of an order of sale made by the Or-t Phan,' Court on the sth day of September, 1888. at No. 198 June Term, 1.888. the undersigned will self on the premises. at PUBLIC SALE, on FRIDAY, the 234 Day of October, IS6S, I AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., THOSE. TWO LOTS, No's. 29 and 30. in St. Clair Denny's plan. City of I AJleghenr. No. 29 has a front - of 20 feet on Re becea street, extending back 100 feet to t. Clair street. No. 30 has a front of 21 feet on Rebecca nreet, extending one hundred feet. more or less, to said street, where'lt It at feet wide. A two-storied dwelling thereon has a front on Borland's alley of IH4i fest running back across said lots 31 feet. Snblect t an annual grOund rent. of $75 00. All arrears tit to ! July ISt, 1868, to be paid out of pro ceeds of F ties • • Tgitms One-Milt* pure ermatlon f sale; the hal It h Interest theref mortgage ,hi the Dronert WM. OWENS, ,• Guardians or Minor Children M or William s Me ß ßrier, decea•ed, Ai,EX. M. WATSON, Attorney -at-Lam, No. 60 Grant street. • AI I MINISTRATOW S POSITIVE SALE. I will 4 H 1 at the COURT OUSE, In the City of rikotour en Tuesday, October 6, at 12 o'clock M., • The following tracts of land situated In Tyrone and Perry town hips, Yuyette county, Pa., viz ; One tract containing IWO 'scree, haying a front of near mtlea on the Conuelkyllie Railroad and Tough logberly river. near Miltenberger's station, baying from 'ID to tiD acrea tilled land, balance of land timbered alio suitable for grazing.; there is air° on this tract good building stohe, and stone suitable fur making lardraulic cement. Another trust, con taining 1 an. es and allowance: on thin tract Is a large brick and frame building. 60 by 140. rably ad.epted for a I, rere Tannery. will. engine a d boiler, and miney heretofore used In the man - facture of Ore cr ick ,but which can readily be made suitable I. grinding grinding cement or hark: there is air on Oils bench stone for glass house furnace , and the he t oi stone for making hydraulic cemen also, veins of coal and tire clay, a consul , raide quan tity of tineber;--and fit) to 60 acres tillable land, Miltenberger :Station, on the Conneitarrille Rail road, is located on tile tract, which has a front of over 'A miles on the said. railroad. Terms of Sale inade known on day of sale. Per sona desirous of visiting said land can get all Infor mation flozn the- undersigned. b. V. rN 130NNIU'ILST, Administtrator. de bolds ❑ . etc., of tiEO. TEN tiEtttiF...lt. deceased. sery'2B ,INO. 1). BAI ,P.IY BRO., Auct's. O_ TICE--Notice 'is hereby give that of A iratlon bethi granted by the Letters Register of dni le n gh -t env county,have trothe undersigned on thoestate o RE bAIfjEA late of Alleg heny eenu ty, el eased. All persona in debted to said e -Late are he eby untitled to pay the same, and all persons hay ug claims agairst lbs said estate, t 9 pr seat the same, proi.erly authenti cated, for settlement. • MA GDA LENA SALTER. AdminletratTlx of Fr , •derlek Sauer, deceaged. rttiOurgti, mem. 7, 1868 . ser)B:xS. FLOUR IT& MILL ICI, IL FLOUR. PEARL MILL - Three Star Green Brand, equal to FRENCH i FAMILY FLOUR. orde^his Flour will on: y be sent out when espeitially red. PEARL. BILL BLUE BRAND, Equ :I to best lit, Louis. PEARL MILL RED BRAND, 11 Equal t.O hest, Ohio ;lour. WHITE CORN FLOUR A NO COR\ MEAL. _ R. T. KENREDY it BRO., Allegheny, Sept. 9, INKS. l'i:Atu. Ili LL. tLOUR: FLOUR :: E'LOUR :I : re.di ground Old Wheat Flour, White SLIT 31111 e, fur t:autily use. Riverside Mid, for Bakers. Slone 31111,31111, t0r Rakers. i . Ontario Mill. for Baker;. Monitor Kill. for Bakers. City Mill, sprimield, 0..: Fatally Flour. Carev's X.XXX Family Flour. Mad River Family Flour. OF . NE.%! WHEAT. Plainview Mills 1 , ancy St. Louis. Tea Rose Mills do Clarke's B at Baker's Flour. Keystone Mills ... do Coronett Mills do Fur sale by WATT. LING it CO.. 172 and 174. WOOD 8:1'. 13E1 REAL ESTATE AGENTS:- FOURTH ST 115. • 115. JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO ., 0 STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AUCTION/1:EV.14, Are prepared to sell at Auction STOCKS, BONDS, and all kinds of SEOURITI REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, c.. either on the pr P e atnisiceue o a r aa t th e e n tßioona rd aoifd,T r aa heretofo re, to the eale of Real_Entate at private sale. Sales of Real Estate in the country attended. (Mee. No. 115 FOURTH STREET. 1T6:364 10.000 II) LOAN, ON BOND AND ISIOILTGAGE, GFEO. 111. PEPPY". taylS Real Estatr. Agent,6oSmithfield street F.RTILIZERS • TO WHEAT GROWERS. EUREKA AMMONIATED. BONE, • SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIRE, MANUFACTURED BY The Allegheny_ Fertilizer Co. SEWARD &'CAMPBELL, F'll.o It PORS. • Office, 356 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The hest Bertiliz g iv en, and reottgatzed y Fanners who havelt a trial, to be the stand ard for raising' large crops of Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, l'ota toes, sc. We have published fur gratu itous circulation a pamphlet eoutalning.lnteresting. anti valuable statements of this Fertilizer, copies of which will be sent free to anv sending ns their ad dress. HOTEL SURFIIOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Tills first class Hotel will open for sue season on 351 h June. Terms $3.50 per day; $2O per week. Address R. It. TIIOOPoON. Proprietor (Formerly of Congress Hall, Cape Island, and hie trqui s lyln_tintel, Washington, D. C.) - The music will be under the direction o Sir. CARL SENTZ. 'e2.1387 BILLIARD -T433Lris AND OONBINATIOX 01181110111. 'PIiELAti & COLLENDER. BEN FRANILLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PA. Office In Franklin Saying s Bank Buildings, No. 43 Ohio St.. .Allogthen.37. • • A HOME COMPANY, managed by Diret:tors wel: known to the community, who trust by fair dealins to merit a share of your Patronage. • TIERUY IRWIN .... . . President.GEO. D. . ..............Secretary., DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin, D. L. Patterson, Henry Gerwig, Geo. R. Riddle, 'Jacob Franz, !Gottleb Faas, Simon Drum, IJ. B. Smith, I Jacob Rush, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whlston, 'Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautner, IH. J. Zinkand, !Jeremiah Kohen. apie:o3.s use money cash, on con nee one yeur from date of out, secured by bond and WESTERN INSURANCE COM ANY OF PITTSBURGH. EXANDE.R REMICK, President. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Mace, 99 Water street, Spang & Co.'s. Ware. house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will in.mre against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Director! who are well known to the community, and who an determined by promptness and liberality to main. taro the character which they have assumed, as of tering the best protection to those who desire to I. insured. Alexanuer Xlmick l) , IRECTO j R o S n : n R. McCune R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke,' James McAuly, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick Andrew Acklem rhininerner, ' David M. Long.' Wm. Morrtaon, D. Hansen. pDERNITY FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE, 435 & 437 CHESTNUT ST., NPAR 5211 DIRECTORS. Charles ,V. Baneker, I Mordecai H. Louis Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacob 11. Smith, Edward C. Dale, Peorge W. Richards, George Fates. CIIARLBS G. BANCEER„ President. EDW. C. DALE, Vlee President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro tem. J. GARDNER COFFIN, Aanirr, North West corner Third and Wood Streets mhZ:wiS pENNSYLVANL4L • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, No. 1675 WOOD STREET, BA.NE. 01 COMIERCE BUILDING. This fa a Home Company, and insures against lon , y D Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, PresidenL C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. ' 1 HUGH MoELHENY. Secretary. ' i DLELECIORS: Leonard Walter, George Wlmon, I 1 C. C. Boyle. J . V . Evans, Robert Patrick, . J. C. Lip pe. - • • Jacob ratuter, J. C. Fietner, ' Josiah King. John Voegtley, r I k Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. , Henry Sproul , Pit - I\T4TIONAL INSURANCE Cg., 11 OF THE CITY OF ALLEGHENY. Office. In ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY BUILDING. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY W. W. MARTLN, President JAS. E. STEVENSON. Secretary. DIESCTORS: A. H. English 10.H.P.WilliamslJno. Thompson Jon. A. Myler, /Jae, Lockhart, IJos. Myers, Jas. L. Graham, nobs, Les., C. C. Boyle. Jno.mtr Brown, Jr. Goo. Gerst, Jacob EonD. .T,•n3.1 ALLEGMENII INSURANCE COM. PANT OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 EIFTII STREET, Bann BLOCS Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks JOHN IRWIN, JR., Preeident. JOHN D. IdcOORD, Vice President: C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent. DIRECTORS: Crpt. Wm. Dean, t B. L. Fahnestoct W. H. Everson,. Robert H. Davie, Francis Sellers, • Cant. J. T. Stock dale. John Irwin. Jr., John I). McCord, C. G. Hussey„ Harvey Childs, T. J. Hosklnson, Charles Hays. PEOPLES' LITSCIELANCE COM yr*N Y. .1_ OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD & FIFTH STS. ARome Company, taking Fire and Marine Risks ~ Jas. Phillips, PlitnerOnS: 1 Capt. John L. Rhoads, ohn Watt, Samuel P. hriver, John E. Parks, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller, Jared M. Brush, Win. Van Kirk, Wm. P. Lai rt James D. Verner Samuel Mce WM. PHILLIPS, President. JOHN WATT, Vice President. W. F. GARDNER., Secretary. CAPT. ,TAB. GoittasoN, General Arent ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO., Office, No. 424 PENN SIC., (IN NATIONAL Tnc.ST CO. BUILDING.) DIRECTORS: Robt. Dickson, 'Rein. Liddell, IW. J. Pedal', G. rietile, I C. Van Buren, P. Kirsch, E. H. Myers, J. Cianawisch, Chria. Siebert. L. J. Blanchard , J. Weisser, Y. Sehlidecker x. 11. aivEns, PreslAent. ROB r. DICK: YON, Vice President ROUT. J. GRIER, Treasurer. sel3:mwr .1. J. ALDIETZ. Secretary. plucEs OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER; HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, ARTHIIFt KIRK, Agent, Office, No. 289 Liberty Staid, CA-NISTER, POWDER* • Electric Nos. 1, 2,3 4 and 5 grain, la MUST. .081115t2411, 1 lb. ea .4 . American Sporting, In Oval Canisters of Ilb. chemoo, .. • ti. Deuaak ag, Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4 rain, In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each g Indian Rifle, In Oval Canisters of lb. each.... Kentnekv Rltle,. In Oval Canlaters of 110. each Kentuckylt /file, In Oval Canisters ot,gi lb. each (_2l one lb.*Oval Canisters In a ease. OD half lb. do. do. *, do,) Kentucky Riga, "rigra, TPG, and t wt t3ealhoot. lug... .In kegs. %lbs. .. . .... . • Kentucky Mlle, gyro, aro, and lag'. rajn kegs, ... Iterdsselty .ale, ?FPO, rro, Ind "Bea Shoot. ra. In kegs, 634 lbs .................... Deer 'Powder, In kegs, ZS lba .. ... ... ... Mining and Shipping Powder, 5, PT: and Fuse ra net cash, in kepi. vib e Safely for Blasting, of superior quality, in packages of to feet and over ...... Delivered free of expense on board of Boat or Railroad, in Pittsburgh or Allegheny. my7I:IIWIPAP !INBUk&NOE. IMPPIIAL FIRE INSURAN6 OF LONDON, ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND I NV B, E OO 0 00 IIF 4 IN D G S O LDC.EED- Insurance against Fire effected on Rouses and Buildings, Goods, Wares and Merchandise. Steam. boats, 4c. Polleles Issued payable in gold or cur rency. /ET United States Branch Office, 40 PINE STREET, New York. All losses of the United States Branch will be ad justed In New York. • X. /WeI...A.I7GIMIAN, Agent, PITTSBURGH, PA. Office, 137 FOURTH STREET. MR. MeLATTOBLIN is also Agent for theit.fanhat tan Life Insurance Company, 5e.3:1•72 AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. OF PITTSBURGH, PA, POWDER MANUFACTURED BY TUB FITTS/317RM', Pb. IKIEG 1301WDEat. CO., grNE* opEitz Lee,ee.. Maaager Wu. FIENDERSOW. . . ....... ... Nr.'eANNINTit Engagement. for six nights only, of the Ostia.. gulshed actortl__ 31R. 3 rAntr. SMITH, who has been pronounced by the press and the pub— lic, In the , characters which he assumes, without an. equal. MONDAY EVENING. October sth, will be jore••• , ented, bherldait's celebrated tire set comedy of the • '— SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. sir Peter Teazle ........ .. . ...... . —Mr, Hark Smith. bupported by the superior Compaq% Tuesday evening Sheridan's great Comedy of the _Rivals. Orcnd Matinee on Saturday. Ig"PROF. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE DANCE% ACADEMY, No. 75 TIMM bTItEET. Is now open for the re ception of pupils. Class days and open La dles, Masters and Misses, W. dnesday and Saturday, at 2S o'clock P. at. For Gentlemen — Tuesday and Friday Evenings, at 8 roc o'k. Private lessons given. Circulars can be had at the Music Stores and at the Academy. Classes out of the city, if convenient. attended to. Air Hall to let to Select Parties, PAGE. ZELLERS & DUFF, • MANUFACTURERS GROUND GLASS, PROFESSIONAL, JOS. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLICE MAGISTRLTM • Office, 126 WTLIE STREET, near Washington. PITTSBFRGH, l'A. • Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages , Acknowledgments. Depositions Collections, and an other legitimate bnsiness executed promptiv • zunz:ny SAMUEL McMASTERS, Ex-Ofilcin Justice of the Peace and47llce Magis trate. Orrice, GRANT STREET, opp lte the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. • Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments. Denosltlons, and alt Legal Business exeCtited with promptness promptness and donate]. mhl6 . lISTACE S. inpßnow, ALDERi XAN, E%-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and ' all LegaliJusiness executed with promptness and dispatch. • rant EMI A AMMON, Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT. CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend=_ ed to. WILLIAM IL BARS ER; ,$ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., Rai Office ay , Depot, SOUTH CARSON STREETP ITT . SB ne UßG arly H. opposite the lw Business entrusted to his care promptly attend. ed to. myl:y81 J . S. FERGUSON,' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SECOM) FLOOR. FRONT ROOM JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, U 6 Diamond Street, -• (Opposite the Court Hoase,) MEM II A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, No. 99 Dia.moncl. Street; rais:uB F r . C• MACHRELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, mr24:bM -- --- JOHN A. STRAIN, .A._T , I33ER,.'nAN - , EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE ?PACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Orllce.ll2 FIFTH STREET,pposite the Cathe dral, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legalßusi ness executed with promptness and dispatch. ARCIIMAMI BLAIiELEY, ATTORNEY-AT-T_s W, zco. ss FIFTH snimer, aps:nsc:dar DRUGS AND CHEMICALS LAIN ORNAMENTAL STAIN t?ED, EI4.AXIELED and GROUND GLASS. for ug rtores and Prescription Stands, with appro priate designs. PAGE, ZELLERS & S Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BLECTIC SEMI 11011,111111, An Infallible remedy for Summer Complaint, Dias rhea, Dysentery, Von:thing, Sour Stomach and Cholera Morbus. BR. 11111,111S' CRIMP CURE, A speclic for Cholera, Cramps and rain In the Stomach, for sale by HARRIS & ,EWING, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, AGENTS FOR J. SCHOONMER & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, mccovs vEnDrrEit GREEN,- The on ly 57 , .. - green paint that will not deteriorate by. exposure. It will look better, last longer and market give more perfect satiefactlon than any paint in th. MEDICAL MANHOOD: HOW.LOST !- HOW RESTORED! Juat pubtished instated caul. 41, Price, *ix cent*. - A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT. and Radical Cure or Spertnsitorrhtea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Mar.. Maga generally." _Nervousnetn., Consumption, re_ lepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, r e .. suiting from Self Abuse, de., by Robt: J. Culver- M. D., author of tbe "Greets Book. ' ac. "A. BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS," sent seal, in a plain envelope, to any addrss, past on receipt of six cants, ortwopota_ge stamps. C AS. J. C. KLINE & 127 EsowEtry; NEW YORK, POSTOFFICE BOX 4386. Also Di. Cniverwell'a "Mlirriake Guide." on 115 cents. mySink.urT 191 Ar A NHOODM—Another New in MEDICAL PAMPHLET, er om the Una Via. The Medias! Thus say_t of thlswork: Thls valuable treatise on the taut e. and cure or prematureshows how bold eh Is impaired through secret. abuses of youth end Manhood, and how eaally regained. It gives .a vicar ertoptio of the Impediments to marriage, the nano and effects of nervous debility, and there:Defiles therefor.'' A. Pocket edition' cents, above will be Ito warded - receipt of 95 ,by addressing Doctor CUR. TIP' No. 58 North Charles ntreet, Bantu:tore. jyll:ti A I !r VIC V? YOUNG AMN .!LBOUT Essays- for Youpir "Mon, . • . Tht the Errors, Abuses aad Dlseista ',tomc a t to, Yoh treatmentay MAnnond. trlth the bum tee view of and cu r e , seat hy mall In liPaled letter envelopes free of chance. Addre,t, HttwAHD ISCH;IATION, Nos Pblldelnhla, 5. , 22 x 94.1 itl" ZELLEIIB.& DUFF, GLAtt- MA NITPAOT II EMLA, -I:Mkt:NELL ENAMELED and UEODND DIASS ssdotv eraer , m.l mai ALDERMAN, my3:710 No. 87 Fifth Streets' ap4:N3 PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH. PA PITTSBURGH. PA, PITTSBURGH. PA. LIE Fil COMM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers