IA STOinin;:CASTINGS, &c• THE BEST STOVES. = - . A. -BRADLEY & CO., Itaxrafaettirers of the gresteet 'variety of , took, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE TOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Ori ental Stoles and Furnaces for Hard Coal 'or Coke. Best in the World for Parlor.uftice. store or Church: Fire needs no rekindling—burns all winter. Do net buy until you see or send for Circular. • No. 30 WOOD STREET Onr Agents for! Orientals—DE NILER BROS Stalthfiehl St.; GEO. HUB LE Y. Allegheny City. KUGUS & CO, XAERVACTRIIERS Or EVERY VARIETY RP ta l l a CO"VM 1I le; BOSTON - COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY FURNACE," FOE WiiiIING Buiunras. THE' NEW. ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, `'REGULATOR,” COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, VAN'S (o lnc)anatilattern) PORTABLE RANGE, CAST IRON' MANTLES. WELLMAN'S RE FLECTOR, GRATES„ , free from dial and duet; *IRATE FRONTS, FENDERs, Ac. 2064 ind 20S Liberty Street, aeZzyl7,• PITTSBURGH, PA. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL Elk CO.'S t, TRIUMPH, FOE BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Stove In the Union. BISSELL & CO . , . No. 235 Liberty Street. • Also on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES, RELATING STOVES -• • • efic.,l,sofßotratairEtn. STEEL WORKS. DIIQPESNE f IRON AND STEEL WORKS. COLEMAN, RABM & CO., • ELLIIVFACII:OI=¢ OF Iron, Nails and Steel. Carriage and Wagon Springs and Axles. Duquesne. X&. and Juniata Merchant - Bar, Bound and Square Iron; Band, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Oval. Ball Oval and Halt Bound Iron; Cylinder and Wagon Box Iron; Drag and Dropper Bars; and Flat Bail for, Coal Roads; Cut 2.a11y and Spikes; Plow, Spring and dB Steel;„Larainated Steel; Cut ter Bars, Crow Bars, &c., &c. Orden and Warehouse -77- . WATEB BTREET, -Pittsburgh. 811EFFIELD STEEL WOREES4; , 'SINGER, NINICK ck CO.,' prpr-sarramg,..l44.,. Manixfaaturero of every deicriptlon of • • CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, 11A/LWA.T SPRINGS, PLLIPTIC PLATPO Riff SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, &c., &o. Waiehottse, 83 Water. and 100, First Sta. WLLM., BARR & PARRri. • GENERAL PARTNERS: Wit. METCALF,I REUBEN =LER, O. W. BARR, CHAS. PARTON, SPECIAL PAR ER - 9.''M. KIER. CRESCENT ` STEEL WORKS, ,BURR■ PARJELIINTi °Moe, No. 339 Liberty St, "" prrnsunGir, BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. . PARK,BROTHER' & CO' CO., XanuAatireri,of all descrlptiolup of iseirwrnir °Tice and Warehouse,_l2o, 122,124 SECOND and 119 and 121 yuesr STREETS, PITTSBURGH STEEL° WOR CESTABLISBED 1845.3 ANDERSON & WOODS lIOCESSORS TO ANOERSi)ti, COOK 1 CO , Manufacturers of even) description of • .STEEL. BESTLEIEFINED' TOOL STEEL'. M111,./dulay, Circular, Gang and,Cross Cut SA3v • Spring, Cast awl German Plow and Blister Steel. Shovel, Hoe, Fork, stake and Toe Palk Steel. Baßroad Spring Steel and Frog Points. Cast Steel ringer liars, Sickle Steel. spring Steel Tyre, Plow Wings, etc,: Oil Drill steel. I t 'wee and Works—t;orner FIRST AND ROSS rittsburgn, Pa jt2.3:(19 Godeffroy Trancker & Co.; 42 EXCHANGE PLACE. NEW lOEX, Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the United States for the Prussian *thing and Iron Co., of Duistirg, Westphalia, 'to contract or sell in quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered in either New York or Phila:r delphia) the eelebratel Y. - H. SPIEGELEISEN; oed BO extensivelTfor the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron le free from Sulphur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy percentage of Manganese. The bovenre ale° ready to contract for, or sell o arrive, STEEL RAILS Mantlfactured by 16. Alumni. A: CO., Dortmund, for which latter firm they alto have the Sole Agency in the United States Jnll particalars. samples, prices or chemical in slyale will be promptly forwarded on application. sul9:W2o COPPER. LAKE SUIPIIIIOII ceppiis BUIL ANDEIMELTING WORIO, Orrrrf333XT/ICiiii. PARK, McCURDY & CO., Manntacturere of detaining, Braziers' and • Bolt Copper, ['reeled Copper Bottotn.s, liaised Still Bot tome, Spei ter - Solder. Also, Impo, re and Dealers In Metal. Tin i'latm, dlavet Iron, Wire. -he. Con - adantly o)01 hand Tlttuers' 31a,clilitt•13 a. d Wareieele., Yu. 149 FIRST STRE al' and I$U BEct vro; 1 -er;o VET, Pittsburgh. Special ilr:lf•rli at Copper. cat to any Aieslred ATLAS WORKS, „ MORTON:I 4 , Ninth Ware!) Pl' `gßußGu. THOMAS N t \ MMIEB, 'rreaident: These. Works are - among the laraest and Most COMplete establishments in_tbe Wen, wad are now prepared to tarnish - ' General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED no9•n6D NATIONAL • FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner, Carroll and Slnallman Streets, _ (NINTH WARD,) .PITTS33ITII4;II3, 1"-EL. WM. 811TH, Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL 'PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. sauPatirfeeZTlecfgthian.vamzlizzzrlio dry General Castings for Gas and Water Works. I wonldslso call the of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. L. 0. LIVINGETON.W. H. BURT.W. A. ROBINSON, JB. LIVINGSTON & CO., IRON FO UNDERS; MANUFAUTUREES. OF FINE LIGHT CASTINGS ) All descriptions, for Plumbers and Wooleners Ag. ricultural Implements, Cotton and K aeildlT74l,7l:•rk Work' attended to. Officean_d Works-WASHWGT * CN AVENUE, near Onier Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. . OBINSON, ILEA is C 0.,. • Snecessois to ItonnigON, KUM & / 11 /LIXEB, , WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNMENS'AND 'MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manolheturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Clearing, Shafting, Castings of all (Inscriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheetlron Work. Office, No. 12, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for tIIFFARD'S rATEJ:ITTNJECTOR for feeding Boilers. ja.11:r52 MONT BLANC FOIIIIIDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, Rolling-Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS ,GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERT & lILICKLED. 0c15:123 BEELL'It FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS. Office pad Warehouse, S 9 Wood Street. thimble, Skein and-ripe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, And Cast!dans generally THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, XartufaCturers Of Steam Buglnes,.oll-Presses, Pul leys, Shafting', Grist and Saw Mill Work, Rolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bus. Wel&lds, LWagon Bores, Ste. Build to order and' have on Engtoes of all sixes: - mYl4:q5 CENTRAL FOUNDRY • AND ROLL WORKS SISO Perin Street. BOCTMAN, BOYD & BACIA.LEL ChlU Balla, Mill Caitiligs, Roll Lakes, &c. ' ELTON MACHINE *OHM. F ESTABLISHED IN 1836. anufactorg of STEAM. ENGINES, of all sizes and of the most approved patterns L for stationary purposes; STRAXBOATS and- STEAM FEHAT BOATS. A variety of 10, 12 and 116 horse power ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced prices. P. F. GEISSE. Wellsville • 0 • Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio river, and line of C. & P. - no5:112 PrITSBIIIIGH: JAB. V .ERNEII., Zrea't W. P. POIITKR, Sup't , ITTSITER'GR FORGE Ear F.:tread Fish Bars aud; t its; Railroad Car *isles Hell • Railroad Car iLkies HAM areal Locomotive Frames; Locomotive FramelThap ts;. Side Hods! Yoke's, Straps; _ - Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; • Steamboat Cranks; • Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, • • Office, No. 177 PENN 1 PITTSBURGH. P... E VERSON, PRESTON • CO., Pennsylvania. Iron Works. Warehouse, Nos. 1641 and 167 FIRST STREET, vposlte Moongahela House. an24:(16 PITTSBURGH. NE LINDSEY, STERRIT & ETTER, El A_ W AL. It JE 837 LIBERTY STREET, One Sqnnre Atelow rnton Depot, Azirnie fur 4XIALIC3, • • .:. . . . - Nl)* OCI- OBER . 186 a. FOUNDERS, MAC7I,74STS. Engines, of every delnillpition. Boilers, Oil Tanks, • Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling MT Castings. Engine Castings. Machine Castings., (Opposite 'Union Iron Kills, ) Manufacture and keep constantly on hand SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, IRON WORKS. AND IRON CO„, =1 HARDWARE. LIMIDWARE %HOUSE. 313.nnfieturers and Importers o CUTLERY, &C. CORNER OF WAYNE, PITTSBURGH. ENGINIS, BOILERS, &c. HUGH N. BOLE & CO Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (NEAR THE POLET,) Engneßuilders,Founders &Machinist. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and ST - - TIONARY ➢NGINES, of all sizes. Special attention invited to our new. STATIO. - ARY OIL WELL ENGINE, AND--PORTABLE BoILER, of 15-horse power. CASTINGS. of every kind.. made to order at oqr Foundry. on THIRD STREET. below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells. SHAFTING, PRELET§, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS End IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the - INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, near the Point; air All orders promptly filled. MY ye. VORT PITT • • , a: I BOILER STILL TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, BOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE- BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, . - 8.1 :) LING: PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; 5 AM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRTGES; .1. . DOORS AND COAL SHIITES 0 oe and Warehouse corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, Jar Orders "sent to the above address will be prmotly attended to. mh7:189 Win. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON( WORKERS,, NOS. %0, AA, 24 AND 26 PENN ST Having secured ^largeyard and furnished it with the most approved ary, 'We are _prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted vital to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole , mann flicturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the Bluntest notice. ` .lat:c2l JAMES, M. RITER, ' Noa. 55 and 66 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., MANUFACTrpLA Or • IRON - - OIL • TANKS, • • SETTLING. Pews, 'COPPER STEAM PIPE, • -- ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. PITTSBURGH ,JARDD BRUSH EDMUND D. BRUM JARED M. BRUSH & SON, ILL-NI7FACITHERS OF Steam Boilers, Oil. Stills, Tanks. SHEET. IRON *OR! , &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • OLLS. - WARING AND KING, Commission Merchants and Brokers in _ Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUII DING, ,DLIQU,ES . NE- WAY, PITTSBURGH, t A. .PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, I WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. - -7_ - TACK BROTHERS; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its.Productsi Pittsburgh Ottlee—DAL BELL' BUILDING, cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia Office-127 WALNUT ST. &pi rivtO ap%rst mi..Lo k fu & CO., 3iANUFACTURERB OF PURE. WRITE BURNDia Brand--"L iTCIFEB." Office, No. .2 Duquesne Way, Eittsbargh. LUMBER! LUMBER LUMBER: _ _ IILEXLINDER PATTERSON,' • Dealer in all Kinds of Lu mber. ON. HAND AND von SALE ' 501 .000 feet Dry Pine. Boards; 30.000 fret Dry Usk, 1 and 2 Inch: ." 20,0110 f. et, Dry Ash, 2,2."; i and 3 inch; '200.000 je•a Hemlock ; 1,000,000 No. f IS-inch Shingles, sawed; 100,000 No"..1116 100.000 No, 1 11i-loch Shingles. s iaved; 2.000 Locust Posts, 7. 8 and 12 feet: 300 Cedar Posts. -Alen. Fire Brick, Tile and Clay, in large or small quantities. " Pahuri No. HG puErti.E STREET. formerly 31noche:ter, and '157 It EBECtI sTREET: oppo site the Iliad Works, Allegh. ny.9ly.. FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY Capital,. - - - $125,000. PnEsrnkrr—EDWAßD DITIIRIDOE. SECRETARY-T. A. Sun= srx.st.ss r--,,EDW. DAVISON. DIRECT 0118: Edward Davison, IL. F. Duncan, John Mellon,' E. D. DI/bridge, Geo. W. Dlthrldge, M. L. Malone, S. It. Johnston.. ESMI LITHBER : YARD—Corner of BUTLER and LIM BEI: STREETS, Ninth -Ward. OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, Wash Ington Street. ' 11130098 GAS AND STEAM FITTING OHN M. o oar:. Y BUM BRASS FOUNDERS ; GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Manufacturers of PUMPS.A.ND BRASS WOR.4,_n sitE Ass i a.loT f i t i rt h !rl B. l.n OAS .11.XTUJAES Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGET. myls:z3o IRON BROKERS. lIEL M. WICKF.RSHAM, IRON BRO KE R, 124 First t Pittsburgh, Pa: Agent forth . ale of Colvjr ll all, Doughainore, Jo sephine.,' lea 111 Duneann ,5L:1.'111,43e viee t ion and other Wards of Anthntelle. liou;;Lioghen; Coke and C. B. Charcoal. PIG llt(sN:3. Cora: PITTSBURGH, PA MANUFACTORIES OP PITTSBURGH, Pa. LUMBER irectisaUy nailstted. FINANCL L. ••,a1V,1./INJWVV. ~, /46,44.' PEOPLES SAYJNas BABK OF PITTS)3I7ItGII. CASH CAPITAL President-rHENEY LLOYD. Vice President—WlLLlAN REA. TRUSTEEft Henry' Lloyd, :Hon: Thos. Mellon, lE. P. Jones, Th. WightmaniGeo. W. Hallman, !Wm. Rea,_ B. H. Hartley, !Edward Gregg, !Hiram Stowe. Secretary & Treas'r---S. F. TON BONNROBST. • SIX PER CENT. INTEREST paid on time de posits. Deposits made on or before October Ist will bear interest from that date. Interest computed on Ist November and st May. 1v31:t76 FORT PITT BANKING COMPANY, N0.16' Wood Street. CAPITAL, • • : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES; AND COLD. ti INTEREST AL WED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections mae on all accessible points In the United States an Cannel's. . , .. . DIRECTORS: Jno. C RbibeX. Robt. H. King. Andrew Miter, -Jimmy M. pane* • D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallace, E. Fawcett, BAWL. Ito D. LEET 113EYSIVNE BANK, No. 293 LIBERTY STREET, PITTOCHGH, PA. ; CAPITAL, (authorized,) : : : : $200,000. DIRECTORS. John I l ig e il h o'cb, sr.; Il V e i nifijCVOCZ' • ". Van Doren.' . Samuel Barckley, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Collections made on all accessible points ' ln the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on . Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. VAN DOREN, Cashier. /Ur - STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. A. PATTERSON President. JOS. H. HILL OasWier. CAPITAL, $500,000. DIRECTORS: A. Patterson, : George W. Cass, Wm. H. Brown,l James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart, 1 Wm. Douglas, Allen Rlrkpatrlek, t Wm. Reed. W. S. Raven, ' , , DISCOITATEI DAILY, AT 11 A. M. 3.1)9:0= HART, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, V . 1.T",3''5131171!.Ci1.1, (SUCCESSOR TO HANNA, HART A C 0.,) DEALERS IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to he purchase and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Etiarts oii Lond4ion in " yiu; N. HOLMES tic SONS, Ia.A.MEE-Ml=l.gif 67 Market Street, PZTTTSBUR.GH, PA. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadal. Stocks, Bonds and other Seetuitles BOUGHT AND SOLD ON (~OMMISSION :Particular attention , paid - to the , purchase and sale of United States Securities. Jam:at TATES'rEIIN SAVINGS BANK, yy. No. 59 Fourth Street. CEIARTErtED 1866. Interest paid on "rtnic Deposits ANY SUM'ItECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITEiOUT INTEREST. Discounts Daily at 12 o'clock. President--THOMPSON BELL. Vice President—A. M. MARSH ALT,. DIIIXCTORS: THOMPSON BELL. I A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. JOS. ALBREE. J. J. GILLESPIE. Btockholdere to whom we make reference: " Win. Forsythe, Joseph Dilworth, Win. Caldwell, Rev. David Kerr, Willis Dalull, Heury Lambert, D. W. C. Bidwell A. 1:. Brown, E. M. Fulton. Thnm.t Ewing. MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK, No. I.t Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. INTEREST PAID UN DEPOSITS. ANY SUM RECEIVED FRoim oNE DOLLAR UPWARD. De posits received subject Co cheek, without interest. JAMES ULM:KM/ALE, J'resident. GEO. I). TINGLE, Secretary and Treasurer. JAMES FL HOPKINS. /Solicitor. TRUSTEES James Black - more, Alex. Tindle, _William Deane, A. Q. Cabbage, John :hones H. Hopkins, James flown, W. W. Bradshaw. - Robert Wray. ;vv., CORN MEAL, RYE FLOUR, dco WASHINGTON HILLS, WASHINGTON STREET, Near Plttstrurgh Grain Elevator W. W. ANDIMSON, • Manufacturer of CORN MEAL trirtt FLOUR and OHOPPF.I) MERIL Ord; ra delivered in eat:exalt, free of o.m.rde. o rain ni al! kindv. cliopprd. and Pnrn - DAGE, ZCLILE, 1u1: , t) VAC CUE El. XIIA..IIALED C 3 ~ t)urr, s NTAINk.I,. 2il) OROLIND tiLAAM. 8100,000 , CLITEHAN, Preset. 1.84114 Cashier, Gold fluctu day, opening L. advanoing to 14L • 139%, and closing - s. decided upward tende, large volume of loanable 1, low rates after the bank stab completed. The depression in week was not so much on account o, litical causes as for the high rates of carr ing gold. The market was well manipu lated by the holders of long gold; they first' made gold scarce so it could not be sold Short without paying an enormous interest of borrowing it, and when the squeeze was over and currency became scarce, they had not the means to buy it. Governments are decidedly ou the rise, and w4should not be surprised to see an advance of 2 per cent. established during to-day and to-rriorlOw, since everybody is convinced that a big rise must take place. Stocks are strong and reflect on the easy condition of the money market. • Business dull. ' Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 140%; Eighty-0ne'5,11334; Five Twenties, 1862 , 113; 4 ;, do, 18110%; do, 1E65, 112; do, 1865, new. 108%; do, 1867, 108%; do, 1868, 109; Ten Forties, 104%. Railroads Cleveland t Pittsburg i •6; Pitts bu ; gh, Fort Wayne Lt Chicago, 109; Chicago Lt Rock Island, 103%; Chicago Lit North Western, 88%; do Preferred, 88%; Michigan Southern, 83%; Reading, 9414; Erie, 48; New York Central, , 128 7 :4; Ohio & Mississippi Certificates, 2 5%; Western Union Telegraph Co; 34!4; Merchants Union Express Co., Miningshares—Quick silver. 23. —The "cerner" on corn has expired by "the statute of limitations." It did not end with the month of September. and was, in that respect, an exception to the rule governing corners: The whole affair was managed with consummate skill. The ope aators were able'to control the movement &Corn along the canal, making it excep tionably light i and so' .np their agencies among the brekers that no one could suspect any comierted! action. It was only when the revelation 'was made , on Wednesday morning last that a consulta tion had been held on . the that even ing, that the full plan was understobd, and the victims saw how they bad been-en snared. The operatlons have beans° well man aged that it is difficult to Oscertain, even now the magnitude of the transactions. including the 450,000biliheli called on buy er's option on Thursday the combination were probably creditors on differences aveighteon cents per bushel on 1,100,000 bushels, or about $200,000, to effect which they were obliged to keep dontrol of 275,- 000 bushels of receipts at a net loss of $40,- 000, and to expend another $lO,OOO in com missions a?,d for interest. The not profit would, therefore, have been about $150,000 if all the diffinences had ' been paid.—Chi. °ago Tribune. Id. —The Chicago Tribune. of. Friday, says: The culmination of the "corner" in corn today. as was intimated yesterday, has suite i in several small faildres among tho 4 "short sellers." The atlitit, bow, er, is not (Untie hands of thoso Who originated it. They hold a large adiount of corn which they must necessarily ship or sell betbre long. Though this is by some announced asue cessful - corner," there is reason to believe that, as far as profit to the operator is con cerned, itwill not only prove a failure, but will finally result in a serious loss to those who brought it about. The demoralizing effect of this grain gambling on all legiti mate trade has been often discussed, and is wall known. The banks—who are always the most uncompromising in its denuncia tionare, perhaps, as much to blame for aiding it, knoWing that the capital loaned tato be used in that way, as aro the opera tors themselves. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady tt, Co.: Gold, 140;g"; United States Sixes, 1881's, 113%'; 1862, 112; 5-20's 1864, 110 1 4:; 5-20's, 1865, 1I0*1; 104%; January - and July, '65, 108 1 4; 6-20'5, January and July, '67 1084; '6B, 1081.1; June 7-39's, par less !,,; July 7-10•54. do August 119; Sept.. 11914; Oct. 118 , ,i; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SAT UEDA Y, October 3, 18435. The market for Petroleum has again been considerably excited during the week which has closed, though the volume of business has been comparatively light. During the early part of the week, the mar ket,.ivas rather weak . and prices, particu larly for spot (Refined) ruled lower; how ever, act. onger feeling has develop -d itself and prices have rkovered. Considerable anxiety was Manifested. about .delivery day (the first of the month) as it was thought some of th shorts would lit be able to come up to the scratch: so far us we could earn. hlwever. all the "calls" were promptly met. and right on the heels of thisspot oil fell elr fit iy hair a cent, hut :is has already heed intimated; the in:.rket soon reacted. The recr!i pt.% of Crude . ring the week were 2 1 ,530 bide against id, E 93. Corner 01 GOVEB]IM GOLD Bought on th TEES OF CR part of Enrop DEPOSITS EST ALLOW JANES (buc Corner ME AL BUY GOVERN UOLD, ON MC lar Were `Aar - Money est market rate Orders oar Sale of ST& P~~EII FINAZ OFFICE OF T REVIEW FOR THE WEEK :, and since J: ) exports of Itg awgregating ' last week; to to date, 524,71 in yards at 1 g was 65,875 .00 bbls, wit port—this i . Id. This iF for New Yc NM Wares, Total sli. PITTS- OFFICE CF Tat. Pt J. sn'uncin GAZETTE, SATURDAY, October, 3, 1868. In this market there has been nothing of unusual importance transpired during the past week, and while there has been a fair volume of business in the aggregate, the transactions as a general thing, were main ly of a jobbing character, the demand be ing confined almost entirely to supplying the immediate wants of the home trade. In prices, there have been some'few changes, but none of sufficient importance_ to de serve special mention. APPLES—In good supply but, with a • steady demand priees are maintained, 53,00 to $4 per barrel. POTATOES—Peach Blows dull and un changed at 90 on track, and $1 in store. The market was completely glutted with Sweets, and prices dropped another half dollar per bbl, being offered freely at $5. .• SEEDS—Flaxseed is in demand, and firm at $2,50. Timothy Seed is in good supply and dull being (Armed freely at $3,50. Cloter Seed nominal: - BUTTERt-Under the influence of in creased receipts the ;market is somewhat -easier, and while as yet .prices prices are not quotably lower the tendency is downward.' We continuo to quote at 38 to 40c for choice packed, and 42 to 43e for choice roll. EGGS—Scarce and in steady demand at 25c for fresh' packed. • PROVISIONSBacen lain. fair demand with sales reported at 13;5 to 13% for Shoulders; 15% to 153.1 c for Ribbed, and' 17% to 18e for Clear Sides, and 20;5 for Sugar 61red Hams. Prime kettle ren dered Lard is scarce'and - flrm at 21c. Was Pork, $30,50 tos3l. "- LARD OlL—Firmbut unchanged at $1,20 for No. 2, and $1;50 for No. 1. CHEESE-Is steady but unchanged, at 17 to 20c, as to quality. ONlONS—Firmer, arid - prices have -ad vanced within a week to $4 to $5 per bbl, as to quality; HAY—Prime to choice baled Hay is sell ing on arrival at $3O to $32. Wagon Hay is still quoted at $3O to $3B, as to quality. GRAlN—Wheat ts quiet an i unchanged; No. .1 Spring, $1,75 to 81,So, and No. 1 Win ter, 32.05,t0 $2,10;.we heard of a sale of prime Winter at $2,05. Oats steady but un changed at 65 to 66c, on track and in eleva tor, and 6S to 70e, in store: Rye is still intoted at 81,40 buyinz, and $1,45 to $1,50 selling—the ;atter is an outside figure. Corn is steady but unchanged; sales in lots of sonic 600 bushels, on wharf, at $1,15 to $l,lB. Barley is firm, with sales of prime Spring at 82. MILL FEED—DuII and unchanged at 51,10 thr Bran; $1.15 for Shiirts; $1,30 for Ship:tuffs, and $ll for Middlings. FLOUR—The market is quiet and unchanged. Choice 'Spring WE eat brands Jiro sef , ing :it s9,ou to $9,25. The mills continue' to quote at $10,50 for - Extra Family in bbls, and $10,20 in sacks; Douhle Extra at 511 in bLds, and $10,70 in sacks. Rye Flour, $8.75. New York Dry Goods Market. Ety Telegragh to the Pittsburgh Gazette NEW Yonx, Oct. 3.—Dry goods market qui. t but steady. The probability is that Heavy Sheetings will advance before long, as goods are n .w selling below costi viz: 15a151 , 7 for best Eastern, such as Pacific ex ra, Stark A, Appleton A and Atlantic A. Fine Brown Sheetings an , i Shirtings also depressed, but the stock is becoming much reduced. Great Fa Is S and Booth are sell ing at 1214, which is the lowest. Atlantic Shirtings are also selling at the low price of 12..01214. The Slatervllle,33 inch, Bleached Muslin are selling own to 12. Smithville job at 1314 by the piece and 124 by the case, and the Birtl tt job at 14 1 4 by the package, and 153 e. by the case. Prints steady at 7 1 /,, for ti 4 square. Mouse De laines of r‘sgular makes steady at 20. Spragues-10, but some outside lots - of Low ell and other makes have been bought from second hands and selling by the case at 18. The styles, however, are not fresh. The Manchester Company have introduced Borne new printed, styles, which are selling at 22. Chicago _Cattle Mallet. ray Telegraph to the Pitt/month ti &tette.] ChricAcio, October 3.—Cattle market dull, with li..;fit deman t by packers and city butchers; sales at 3a40 for Texas steers and fair cows• 6c for good smooth shipping steers. Hogs dull, a d the demand is con fined ex , lusively at to better grades; sales at if 5,85a7,50 for st ek pigs; V8,60a9,10 for fair to medium hogs, and V0,23:19,50 for gaod to choice smooth. Cincinnati 4' attic lilarlict [Ri Te'..gr.t...11 to tiu- hazt,e.: N NATI, ri . — ;•tt'i Cattle tili.-Itttn7eti ut t r : - :16t... ilogS .$7, 003 9,75 by' the gross.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers